environ vocabulary ARYTM_1, ARYTM, SQUARE_1, ARYTM_3, FINSEQ_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, RLVECT_1, BOOLE, FINSEQ_2, FINSEQ_4, HAHNBAN1, COMPLEX1, BINOP_1, VECTSP_1, NORMSP_1, COMPLFLD, GROUP_1, REALSET1, POWER, POLYNOM1, INT_1, INT_2, NAT_1, RAT_1, TARSKI, CARD_1, CARD_3, ALGSEQ_1, POLYNOM3, POLYNOM2, FUNCT_4, VECTSP_2, COMPTRIG, ABSVALUE, POLYNOM5, UNIROOTS, COMPLSP1, SIN_COS, PREPOWER, FINSET_1, SGRAPH1, MOD_2, GRAPH_2, ANPROJ_1, GROUP_2, UPROOTS; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, SUBSET_1, STRUCT_0, NUMBERS, ARYTM_0, XCMPLX_0, XREAL_0, ZFMISC_1, REAL_1, SQUARE_1, INT_1, INT_2, NAT_1, ABSVALUE, POWER, RLVECT_1, VECTSP_1, VECTSP_2, BINOP_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FINSEQ_1, RAT_1, FINSEQ_2, FINSEQ_4, FINSOP_1, PARTFUN1, TOPREAL1, COMPLEX1, NORMSP_1, BINARITH, RVSUM_1, ALGSEQ_1, COMPLFLD, HAHNBAN1, POLYNOM3, POLYNOM4, POLYNOM5, COMPTRIG, CARD_1, COMPLSP1, GROUP_2, SIN_COS, PREPOWER, FINSET_1, GROUP_1, MOD_2, ENUMSET1, GRAPH_2, ORDINAL1, RLVECT_2, POLYNOM1, FVSUM_1, UPROOTS; constructors ARYTM_0, REAL_1, FINSOP_1, POWER, WELLORD2, INT_2, TOPREAL1, COMPLSP1, BINARITH, HAHNBAN1, POLYNOM4, COMPTRIG, COMPLEX1, FVSUM_1, SIN_COS, POLYNOM5, PREPOWER, SETWOP_2, WELLFND1, PRE_CIRC, FINSEQOP, ALGSTR_1, MOD_2, GRAPH_2, RLVECT_2, CQC_LANG, GROUP_6, UPROOTS, ARYTM_3; clusters XREAL_0, STRUCT_0, RELSET_1, SEQ_1, BINARITH, VECTSP_2, GROUP_1, FINSEQ_2, COMPLFLD, POLYNOM1, POLYNOM3, MONOID_0, NAT_1, INT_1, COMPLEX1, POLYNOM5, FINSEQ_1, FINSET_1, CARD_1, FSM_1, MEMBERED, ORDINAL2, ARYTM_3, ORDINAL1, WSIERP_1, RFINSEQ, PRALG_1; requirements NUMERALS, BOOLE, SUBSET, ARITHM, REAL; begin :: Preliminaries theorem :: UNIROOTS:1 ::Nat012: for n being Nat holds n = 0 or n = 1 or n >= 2; scheme Comp_Ind_NE { P[non empty Nat] } : for k being non empty Nat holds P[k] provided for k being non empty Nat st for n being non empty Nat st n < k holds P[n] holds P[k]; theorem :: UNIROOTS:2 ::FS1: for f being FinSequence st 1 <= len f holds f | Seg 1 = <*f.1*>; theorem :: UNIROOTS:3 :: Prmod: for f being FinSequence of F_Complex, g being FinSequence of REAL st len f = len g & for i being Nat st i in dom f holds |. f/.i .| = g.i holds |. Product f .| = Product g; theorem :: UNIROOTS:4 for s being non empty finite Subset of F_Complex, x being Element of F_Complex, r being FinSequence of REAL st len r = card s & for i being Nat, c being Element of F_Complex st i in dom r & c = (canFS(s)).i holds r.i = |.x-c.| holds |.eval(poly_with_roots((s,1)-bag),x).| = Product(r); theorem :: UNIROOTS:5 ::FSSum: for f being FinSequence of F_Complex st for i being Nat st i in dom f holds f.i is integer holds Sum f is integer; theorem :: UNIROOTS:6 :: WEDDWITT ::RC: :: WEDDWITT for r being Real holds ex z being Element of COMPLEX st z = r & z = [*r,0*]; theorem :: UNIROOTS:7 ::Help2a: for x, y being Element of F_Complex, r1, r2 being Real st r1=x & r2=y holds r1*r2 = x*y & r1+r2=x+y; theorem :: UNIROOTS:8 ::Helper1: for q being Real st q is Integer & q > 0 for r being Element of F_Complex st |.r.| = 1 & r <> [**1,0**] holds |.[**q, 0**] - r.| > q - 1; theorem :: UNIROOTS:9 ::FinProduct: for ps being non empty FinSequence of REAL, x being Real st x >= 1 & for i being Nat st i in dom ps holds ps.i > x holds Product(ps) > x; theorem :: UNIROOTS:10 ::Th0: for n being Nat holds 1_(F_Complex) = (power F_Complex).(1_(F_Complex),n); theorem :: UNIROOTS:11 ::sincos1: for n being non empty Nat for i being Nat holds cos((2*PI*i)/n) = cos((2*PI*(i mod n))/n) & sin((2*PI*i)/n) = sin((2*PI*(i mod n))/n); theorem :: UNIROOTS:12 ::Th4: for n being non empty Nat for i being Nat holds [** cos((2*PI*i)/n), sin((2*PI*i)/n)**] = [** cos((2*PI*(i mod n))/n), sin((2*PI*(i mod n))/n) **]; theorem :: UNIROOTS:13 ::Th5: for n being non empty Nat, i, j being Nat holds [** cos((2*PI*i)/n),sin((2*PI*i)/n) **]*[** cos((2*PI*j)/n),sin((2*PI*j)/n) **] = [** cos((2*PI*((i+j) mod n))/n), sin((2*PI*((i+j)mod n))/n)**]; theorem :: UNIROOTS:14 ::Power1: for L being unital associative (non empty HGrStr), x being Element of L, n,m being Nat holds (power L).(x,n*m) = (power L).((power L).(x,n),m); theorem :: UNIROOTS:15 ::Help2b: for n being Nat, x being Element of F_Complex st x is Integer holds (power F_Complex).(x,n) is Integer; theorem :: UNIROOTS:16 ::Help2c: for F being FinSequence of F_Complex st for i being Nat st i in dom F holds F.i is Integer holds Sum F is Integer; theorem :: UNIROOTS:17 ::G_Th5H2: for a being Real st 0 <= a & a < 2*PI & cos(a) = 1 holds a = 0; definition cluster finite Field; cluster finite Skew-Field; end; begin :: Multiplicative group of a skew field definition let R be Skew-Field; func MultGroup R -> strict Group means :: UNIROOTS:def 1 the carrier of it = (the carrier of R) \ {0.R} & the mult of it = (the mult of R)|[:the carrier of it, the carrier of it:]; end; theorem :: UNIROOTS:18 :: MultG00: :: WEDDWITT for R being Skew-Field holds the carrier of R = (the carrier of MultGroup R) \/ {0.R}; theorem :: UNIROOTS:19 ::MGmult: for R being Skew-Field, a, b being Element of R, c, d being Element of MultGroup R st a = c & b = d holds c*d = a*b; theorem :: UNIROOTS:20 ::MultG01: for R being Skew-Field holds 1_ R = 1.(MultGroup R); definition let R be finite Skew-Field; cluster MultGroup R -> finite; end; theorem :: UNIROOTS:21 :: MultG1 WEDDWITT for R being finite Skew-Field holds ord MultGroup R = card (the carrier of R) - 1; theorem :: UNIROOTS:22 ::MultG2: for R being Skew-Field, s being set st s in the carrier of MultGroup R holds s in the carrier of R; theorem :: UNIROOTS:23 ::MultG3: for R being Skew-Field holds the carrier of MultGroup R c= the carrier of R; begin :: Roots of 1 definition let n be non empty Nat; func n-roots_of_1 -> Subset of F_Complex equals :: UNIROOTS:def 2 { x where x is Element of F_Complex : x is CRoot of n,1_(F_Complex) }; end; theorem :: UNIROOTS:24 ::Th1: for n being non empty Nat, x being Element of F_Complex holds x in n-roots_of_1 iff x is CRoot of n,1_(F_Complex); theorem :: UNIROOTS:25 ::Th2: for n being non empty Nat holds 1_(F_Complex) in n-roots_of_1; theorem :: UNIROOTS:26 ::Th3a: for n being non empty Nat, x being Element of F_Complex st x in n-roots_of_1 holds |.x.| = 1; theorem :: UNIROOTS:27 ::Th3: for n being non empty Nat for x being Element of F_Complex holds x in n-roots_of_1 iff ex k being Nat st x = [** cos((2*PI*k)/n), sin((2*PI*k)/n) **]; theorem :: UNIROOTS:28 :: Th7 for n being non empty Nat for x,y being Element of COMPLEX st x in n-roots_of_1 & y in n-roots_of_1 holds x*y in n-roots_of_1; theorem :: UNIROOTS:29 ::CRU0a: for n being non empty Nat holds n-roots_of_1 = {[**cos((2*PI*k)/n),sin((2*PI*k)/n)**] where k is Nat: k < n }; theorem :: UNIROOTS:30 ::CRU0: for n being non empty Nat holds Card (n-roots_of_1) = n; definition let n be non empty Nat; cluster n-roots_of_1 -> non empty; cluster n-roots_of_1 -> finite; end; theorem :: UNIROOTS:31 ::Th8: for n, ni being non empty Nat st ni divides n holds ni-roots_of_1 c= n-roots_of_1; theorem :: UNIROOTS:32 ::G_Th5H_MGFC: for R being Skew-Field, x being Element of MultGroup R, y being Element of R st y = x for k being Nat holds (power (MultGroup R)).(x,k) = (power R).(y,k); theorem :: UNIROOTS:33 ::G_Th5_0: for n being non empty Nat, x being Element of MultGroup F_Complex st x in n-roots_of_1 holds x is_not_of_order_0; theorem :: UNIROOTS:34 ::G_Th5_MGCF: for n being non empty Nat, k being Nat, x being Element of MultGroup F_Complex st x = [** cos((2*PI*k)/n), sin((2*PI*k)/n) **] holds ord x = n div (k gcd n); theorem :: UNIROOTS:35 ::ORDCF0: for n being non empty Nat holds n-roots_of_1 c= the carrier of MultGroup F_Complex; theorem :: UNIROOTS:36 ::G_Th4b: for n being non empty Nat holds ex x being Element of MultGroup F_Complex st ord x = n; theorem :: UNIROOTS:37 ::G_Th4c: for n being non empty Nat, x being Element of MultGroup F_Complex holds ord x divides n iff x in n-roots_of_1; theorem :: UNIROOTS:38 ::ORDCF1: for n being non empty Nat holds n-roots_of_1 = { x where x is Element of MultGroup F_Complex : ord x divides n} ; theorem :: UNIROOTS:39 ::ORDCF2: for n being non empty Nat, x being set holds x in n-roots_of_1 iff ex y being Element of MultGroup F_Complex st x = y & ord y divides n; definition let n be non empty Nat; func n-th_roots_of_1 -> strict Group means :: UNIROOTS:def 3 the carrier of it = n-roots_of_1 & the mult of it = (the mult of F_Complex) | [: n-roots_of_1, n-roots_of_1 :]; end; theorem :: UNIROOTS:40 for n being non empty Nat holds n-th_roots_of_1 is Subgroup of MultGroup F_Complex; begin :: The unital polynomial x^n -1 definition let n be non empty Nat, L be left_unital (non empty doubleLoopStr); func unital_poly(L,n) -> Polynomial of L equals :: UNIROOTS:def 4 0_.(L)+*(0,-(1_(L)))+*(n,1_(L)); end; theorem :: UNIROOTS:41 unital_poly(F_Complex,1) = <%-1_ F_Complex, 1_ F_Complex %>; theorem :: UNIROOTS:42 ::Unit0: for L being left_unital (non empty doubleLoopStr) for n being non empty Nat holds unital_poly(L,n).0 = -1_(L) & unital_poly(L,n).n = 1_(L); theorem :: UNIROOTS:43 ::Unit1: for L being left_unital (non empty doubleLoopStr) for n being non empty Nat, i being Nat st i <> 0 & i <> n holds unital_poly(L,n).i = 0.L; theorem :: UNIROOTS:44 :: Unit2: for L being non degenerated left_unital (non empty doubleLoopStr), n being non empty Nat holds len unital_poly(L,n) = n+1; definition let L be non degenerated left_unital (non empty doubleLoopStr), n be non empty Nat; cluster unital_poly(L,n) -> non-zero; end; theorem :: UNIROOTS:45 ::Unit3: for n being non empty Nat for x being Element of F_Complex holds eval(unital_poly(F_Complex,n), x) = (power F_Complex).(x,n) - 1; theorem :: UNIROOTS:46 ::Unit3a: for n being non empty Nat holds Roots unital_poly(F_Complex, n) = n-roots_of_1; theorem :: UNIROOTS:47 ::Unit4H: for n being Nat, z being Element of F_Complex st z is Real ex x being Real st x = z & (power F_Complex).(z,n) = x |^ n; theorem :: UNIROOTS:48 ::Unit4: for n being non empty Nat for x being Real ex y being Element of F_Complex st y = x & eval(unital_poly(F_Complex,n),y) = (x |^ n) - 1; theorem :: UNIROOTS:49 ::Unit5a: for n being non empty Nat holds BRoots unital_poly(F_Complex, n) = (n-roots_of_1, 1)-bag; theorem :: UNIROOTS:50 ::Unit5: for n being non empty Nat holds unital_poly(F_Complex, n) = poly_with_roots((n-roots_of_1, 1)-bag); definition let i be Integer,n be Nat; redefine func i |^ n -> Integer; end; theorem :: UNIROOTS:51 ::Unit6: for n being non empty Nat, i being Element of F_Complex st i is Integer holds eval(unital_poly(F_Complex, n), i) is Integer; begin :: Cyclotomic Polynomials definition let d be non empty Nat; func cyclotomic_poly d -> Polynomial of F_Complex means :: UNIROOTS:def 5 ex s being non empty finite Subset of F_Complex st s = { y where y is Element of MultGroup F_Complex : ord y = d } & it = poly_with_roots((s,1)-bag); end; theorem :: UNIROOTS:52 ::Cyclo01: cyclotomic_poly(1) = <%-1_ F_Complex, 1_ F_Complex %>; theorem :: UNIROOTS:53 ::Cyclo5: for n being non empty Nat, f being FinSequence of (the carrier of Polynom-Ring F_Complex) st len f = n & for i being non empty Nat st i in dom f holds (not i divides n implies f.i = <%1_(F_Complex)%>) & (i divides n implies f.i = cyclotomic_poly(i)) holds unital_poly(F_Complex,n) = Product(f); theorem :: UNIROOTS:54 ::Cyclo7aa: for n being non empty Nat ex f being FinSequence of (the carrier of Polynom-Ring F_Complex), p being Polynomial of F_Complex st p = Product(f) & dom f = Seg n & (for i being non empty Nat st i in Seg n holds (not i divides n or i = n implies f.i = <%1_(F_Complex)%>) & (i divides n & i <> n implies f.i = cyclotomic_poly(i))) & unital_poly(F_Complex,n) = (cyclotomic_poly n)*'p; theorem :: UNIROOTS:55 ::Cyclo1: for d being non empty Nat, i being Nat holds ((cyclotomic_poly d).0 = 1 or (cyclotomic_poly d).0 = -1) & (cyclotomic_poly d).i is integer; theorem :: UNIROOTS:56 :: WEDDWITT ::Cyclo2: :: WEDDWITT for d being non empty Nat, z being Element of F_Complex st z is Integer holds eval(cyclotomic_poly(d),z) is Integer; theorem :: UNIROOTS:57 ::Cyclo6: for n, ni being non empty Nat, f being FinSequence of (the carrier of Polynom-Ring F_Complex), s being finite Subset of F_Complex st s = {y where y is Element of MultGroup F_Complex : ord y divides n & not ord y divides ni & ord y <> n} & dom f = Seg n & for i being non empty Nat st i in dom f holds (not i divides n or i divides ni or i = n implies f.i = <%1_(F_Complex)%>) & (i divides n & not i divides ni & i <> n implies f.i = cyclotomic_poly(i)) holds Product(f) = poly_with_roots((s,1)-bag); theorem :: UNIROOTS:58 ::Cyclo7: for n, ni being non empty Nat st ni < n & ni divides n ex f being FinSequence of (the carrier of Polynom-Ring F_Complex), p being Polynomial of F_Complex st p = Product(f) & dom f = Seg n & (for i being non empty Nat st i in Seg n holds (not i divides n or i divides ni or i = n implies f.i = <%1_(F_Complex)%>) & (i divides n & not i divides ni & i <> n implies f.i = cyclotomic_poly(i))) & unital_poly(F_Complex,n) = unital_poly(F_Complex,ni)*'(cyclotomic_poly n)*'p ; theorem :: UNIROOTS:59 ::Cyclo7a: for i being Integer, c being Element of F_Complex, f being FinSequence of (the carrier of Polynom-Ring F_Complex), p being Polynomial of F_Complex st p = Product(f) & c = i & for i being non empty Nat st i in dom f holds f.i = <%1_(F_Complex)%> or f.i = cyclotomic_poly(i) holds eval(p,c) is integer; theorem :: UNIROOTS:60 ::Cyclo8a: for n being non empty Nat, j, k, q being Integer, qc being Element of F_Complex st qc = q & j = eval(cyclotomic_poly(n),qc) & k = eval(unital_poly(F_Complex, n),qc) holds j divides k; theorem :: UNIROOTS:61 ::Cyclo8: for n,ni being non empty Nat, q being Integer st ni < n & ni divides n for qc being Element of cFC st qc = q for j,k,l being Integer st j = eval(cyclotomic_poly(n),qc) & k = eval(unital_poly(F_Complex, n),qc) & l = eval(unital_poly(F_Complex, ni),qc) holds j divides (k div l); theorem :: UNIROOTS:62 :: WEDDWITT ECD1 :::: WEDDWITT ECD1 for n,q being non empty Nat, qc being Element of F_Complex st qc = q for j being Integer st j = eval(cyclotomic_poly(n),qc) holds j divides (q |^ n - 1); theorem :: UNIROOTS:63 :: WEDDWITT ECD2 :::: WEDDWITT ECD2 for n,ni,q being non empty Nat st ni < n & ni divides n for qc being Element of F_Complex st qc = q for j being Integer st j = eval(cyclotomic_poly(n),qc) holds j divides ((q |^ n - 1) div (q |^ ni - 1)); theorem :: UNIROOTS:64 ::WEDDWITT ECD3 ::::WEDDWITT ECD3 for n being non empty Nat st 1 < n for q being Nat st 1 < q for qc being Element of F_Complex st qc = q for i being Integer st i = eval(cyclotomic_poly(n),qc) holds abs(i) > q - 1;