Journal of Formalized Mathematics
Volume 7, 1995
University of Bialystok
Copyright (c) 1995 Association of Mizar Users

The abstract of the Mizar article:

Vertex Sequences Induced by Chains

Yatsuka Nakamura, and
Piotr Rudnicki

Received May 13, 1995

MML identifier: GRAPH_2
[ Mizar article, MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary FINSEQ_1, FINSET_1, FUNCT_1, ARYTM_1, RELAT_1, INT_1, CARD_1,
 clusters INT_1, FUNCT_1, FINSEQ_1, FINSET_1, CARD_1, GRAPH_1, RELSET_1, NAT_1,

begin :: Preliminaries

reserve p, q for FinSequence,
        X, Y, x, y for set,
        D for non empty set,
        i, j, k, l, m, k1, k2, n, r for Nat;

scheme FinSegRng{m, n() -> Nat, F(set)->set, P[Nat]}:
  {F(i): m()<=i & i<=n() & P[i]} is finite;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:1
m+1<=k & k<=n iff ex i being Nat st m<=i & i<n & k=i+1;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:2
q = p|Seg n implies
 len q<=len p & for i st 1<=i & i<=len q
      holds p.i = q.i;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:3
 X c= Seg k & Y c= dom Sgm X
  implies (Sgm X)*(Sgm Y) = Sgm rng ((Sgm X)|Y);

theorem :: GRAPH_2:4
for m, n being Nat holds Card {k: m<=k & k<=m+n} = n+1;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:5
for l st 1<=l & l<=n holds
   Sgm {kk where kk is Nat: m+1<=kk & kk<=m+n}.l = m+l;

begin :: The cut operation

definition let p be FinSequence, m, n be Nat;
 func (m, n)-cut p -> FinSequence means
:: GRAPH_2:def 1

  len it +m = n+1 & for i being Nat st i<len it holds it.(i+1)=p.(m+i)
     if 1<=m & m<=n+1 & n<=len p
  otherwise it ={};

theorem :: GRAPH_2:6
  1<=m & m<=len p implies (m,m)-cut p = <*p.m*>;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:7
(1, len p)-cut p = p;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:8
m<=n & n<=r & r<=len p implies
        (m+1, n)-cut p ^ (n+1, r)-cut p = (m+1, r)-cut p;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:9
    m<=len p implies (1, m)-cut p ^ (m+1, len p)-cut p = p;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:10
    m<=n & n<=len p implies
        (1, m)-cut p ^ (m+1, n)-cut p ^ (n+1, len p)-cut p = p;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:11
rng ((m,n)-cut p) c= rng p;

definition let D be set, p be FinSequence of D, m, n be Nat;
 redefine func (m, n)-cut p -> FinSequence of D;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:12
1<=m & m<=n & n<=len p implies
      ((m,n)-cut p).1 = p.m & ((m,n)-cut p).len ((m,n)-cut p)=p.n;

begin  :: The glueing catenation

definition let p, q be FinSequence;
 func p ^' q -> FinSequence equals
:: GRAPH_2:def 2
  p^(2, len q)-cut q;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:13
q<>{} implies len (p^'q) +1 = len p + len q;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:14
  1<=k & k<=len p implies (p^'q).k=p.k;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:15
  1<=k & k<len q implies (p^'q).(len p +k) = q.(k+1);

theorem :: GRAPH_2:16
  1<len q implies (p^'q).len (p^'q) = q.len q;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:17
rng (p^'q) c= rng p \/ rng q;

definition let D be set, p, q be FinSequence of D;
 redefine func p^'q -> FinSequence of D;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:18
      p<>{} & q<>{} & p.len p = q.1 implies rng (p^'q) = rng p \/ rng q;

begin :: Two valued alternating finsequences

definition let f be FinSequence;
  attr f is TwoValued means
:: GRAPH_2:def 3
 card rng f = 2;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:19
p is TwoValued iff len p >1 & ex x,y being set st x<>y & rng p ={x, y};

definition let f be FinSequence;
 attr f is Alternating means
:: GRAPH_2:def 4

  for i being Nat st 1<=i & (i+1)<=len f holds f.i <> f.(i+1);

 cluster TwoValued Alternating FinSequence;

reserve a, a1, a2 for TwoValued Alternating FinSequence;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:20
len a1 = len a2 & rng a1 = rng a2 & a1.1 = a2.1 implies a1 = a2;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:21
a1<>a2 & len a1 = len a2 & rng a1 = rng a2
          implies for i st 1<=i & i<=len a1 holds a1.i<>a2.i;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:22
a1<>a2 & len a1 = len a2 & rng a1 = rng a2
           implies for a st len a=len a1 & rng a=rng a1 holds a=a1 or a=a2;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:23
X <> Y & n > 1 implies ex a1 st rng a1 = {X, Y} & len a1 = n & a1.1 = X;

begin    :: Finite subsequences of finite sequences

definition let X; let fs be FinSequence of X;
 mode FinSubsequence of fs -> FinSubsequence means
:: GRAPH_2:def 5
 it c= fs;

reserve ss for FinSubsequence;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:24
ss is FinSequence implies Seq ss = ss;


theorem :: GRAPH_2:26
  for f being FinSubsequence, g, h, fg, fh, fgh being FinSequence
   st rng g c= dom f & rng h c= dom f & fg=f*g & fh=f*h & fgh=f*(g^h)
   holds fgh = fg^fh;

reserve fs, fs1, fs2 for FinSequence of X,
        fss, fss2 for FinSubsequence of fs;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:27
dom fss c= dom fs & rng fss c= rng fs;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:28
fs is FinSubsequence of fs;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:29
fss|Y is FinSubsequence of fs;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:30
for fss1 being FinSubsequence of fs1
 st Seq fss = fs1 & Seq fss1 = fs2 & fss2 = fss|rng((Sgm dom fss)|dom fss1)
  holds Seq fss2 = fs2;

begin   :: Vertex sequences induced by chains

reserve G for Graph;

definition let G;
 cluster the Vertices of G -> non empty;

reserve v, v1, v2, v3, v4 for Element of the Vertices of G,
        e for set;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:31
e joins v1,v2 implies e joins v2,v1;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:32
e joins v1,v2 & e joins v3,v4 implies v1=v3 & v2=v4 or v1=v4 & v2=v3;

reserve vs, vs1, vs2 for FinSequence of the Vertices of G,
        c, c1, c2 for Chain of G;

definition let G;
 cluster empty Chain of G;

definition let G, X;
 func G-VSet X -> set equals
:: GRAPH_2:def 6
  { v: ex e being Element of the Edges of G st e in X &
                (v = (the Source of G).e or v = (the Target of G).e) };

definition let G, vs; let c be FinSequence;
 pred vs is_vertex_seq_of c means
:: GRAPH_2:def 7

      len vs = len c + 1 &
      for n st 1<=n & n<=len c holds c.n joins vs/.n, vs/.(n+1);


theorem :: GRAPH_2:34
 c <>{} & vs is_vertex_seq_of c implies G-VSet rng c = rng vs;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:35
<*v*> is_vertex_seq_of {};

theorem :: GRAPH_2:36
ex vs st vs is_vertex_seq_of c;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:37
c <>{} & vs1 is_vertex_seq_of c & vs2 is_vertex_seq_of c & vs1 <> vs2
vs1.1<>vs2.1 & for vs st vs is_vertex_seq_of c holds vs = vs1 or vs = vs2;

definition let G; let c be FinSequence;
  pred c alternates_vertices_in G means
:: GRAPH_2:def 8
 len c>=1 & Card (G-VSet rng c) = 2 &
  for n st n in dom c holds (the Source of G).(c.n) <> (the Target of G).(c.n);

theorem :: GRAPH_2:38
c alternates_vertices_in G & vs is_vertex_seq_of c
        implies for k st k in dom c holds vs.k <> vs.(k+1);

theorem :: GRAPH_2:39
c alternates_vertices_in G & vs is_vertex_seq_of c
    implies rng vs = {(the Source of G).(c.1), (the Target of G).(c.1)};

theorem :: GRAPH_2:40
c alternates_vertices_in G & vs is_vertex_seq_of c
   implies vs is TwoValued Alternating FinSequence;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:41
c alternates_vertices_in G implies
ex vs1,vs2 st vs1<>vs2 & vs1 is_vertex_seq_of c & vs2 is_vertex_seq_of c &
     for vs st vs is_vertex_seq_of c holds vs=vs1 or vs=vs2;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:42
 vs is_vertex_seq_of c implies
     (Card the Vertices of G = 1 or c <>{} & not c alternates_vertices_in G
 iff for vs1 st vs1 is_vertex_seq_of c holds vs1 = vs);

definition let G, c; assume
 Card the Vertices of G = 1 or c <>{} & not c alternates_vertices_in G;
 func vertex-seq c -> FinSequence of the Vertices of G means
:: GRAPH_2:def 9
   it is_vertex_seq_of c;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:43
vs is_vertex_seq_of c & c1 = c|Seg n & vs1= vs|Seg (n+1)
    implies vs1 is_vertex_seq_of c1;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:44
1<=m & m<=n & n<=len c & q = (m,n)-cut c implies q is Chain of G;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:45
  1<=m & m<=n & n<=len c & c1 = (m,n)-cut c &
vs is_vertex_seq_of c & vs1 = (m,n+1)-cut vs
    implies vs1 is_vertex_seq_of c1;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:46
vs1 is_vertex_seq_of c1 & vs2 is_vertex_seq_of c2 & vs1.len vs1 = vs2.1
    implies c1^c2 is Chain of G;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:47
vs1 is_vertex_seq_of c1 & vs2 is_vertex_seq_of c2 & vs1.len vs1 = vs2.1 &
c = c1^c2 & vs = vs1^'vs2
   implies vs is_vertex_seq_of c;


definition let G;
  let IT be Chain of G;
   attr IT is simple means
:: GRAPH_2:def 10
 ex vs st vs is_vertex_seq_of IT &
     (for n,m st 1<=n & n<m & m<=len vs & vs.n=vs.m holds n=1 & m=len vs);

definition let G;
   cluster simple Chain of G;

reserve sc for simple Chain of G;


theorem :: GRAPH_2:49
sc|(Seg n) is simple Chain of G;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:50
  2<len sc & vs1 is_vertex_seq_of sc & vs2 is_vertex_seq_of sc
     implies vs1=vs2;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:51
vs is_vertex_seq_of sc implies
    for n, m st 1<=n & n<m & m<=len vs & vs.n = vs.m holds n=1 & m=len vs;

:: A chain may have more than one simple chain spanning its endpoints.
:: The following chain:
::             .--->.
::             ^    |
::             |    v
::        .--->.<---.--->.
::             |    ^
::             v    |
::             .--->.
:: is a case in point:

theorem :: GRAPH_2:52
not c is simple Chain of G & vs is_vertex_seq_of c implies
  ex fc being FinSubsequence of c, fvs being FinSubsequence of vs, c1, vs1
   st len c1 < len c & vs1 is_vertex_seq_of c1 & len vs1 < len vs &
      vs.1 = vs1.1 & vs.len vs = vs1.len vs1 & Seq fc = c1 & Seq fvs = vs1;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:53
vs is_vertex_seq_of c implies
 ex fc being FinSubsequence of c, fvs being FinSubsequence of vs, sc, vs1
  st Seq fc = sc & Seq fvs = vs1 & vs1 is_vertex_seq_of sc &
     vs.1 = vs1.1 & vs.len vs = vs1.len vs1;

definition let G;
 cluster empty -> one-to-one Chain of G;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:54
p is Path of G implies p|Seg(n) is Path of G;

definition let G;
 cluster simple Path of G;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:55
    2<len sc implies sc is Path of G;

theorem :: GRAPH_2:56
sc is Path of G iff len sc = 0 or len sc = 1 or sc.1<>sc.2;

definition let G;
 cluster empty -> oriented Chain of G;

definition let G; let oc be oriented Chain of G; assume
 oc <> {};
 func vertex-seq oc -> FinSequence of the Vertices of G means
:: GRAPH_2:def 11
   it is_vertex_seq_of oc & it.1 = (the Source of G).(oc.1);

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