Journal of Formalized Mathematics
Axiomatics, 1989
University of Bialystok
Copyright (c) 1989 Association of Mizar Users

The abstract of the Mizar article:

Tarski Grothendieck Set Theory

Andrzej Trybulec

Received January 1, 1989

MML identifier: TARSKI
[ Mizar article, MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary TARSKI;


 reserve x,y,z,u,N,M,X,Y,Z for set;

:: theorem  TARSKI:1       ---- everything is a set
canceled; :: as obvious

::      ---- extensionality

theorem :: TARSKI:2
 (for x holds x in X iff x in Y) implies X = Y;

:: singletons & unordered pairs

 definition let y; func { y } means
:: TARSKI:def 1
  x in it iff x = y;
  let z; func { y, z } means
:: TARSKI:def 2
   x in it iff x = y or x = z;

canceled 2;

 definition let X,Y;
  pred X c= Y means
:: TARSKI:def 3
   x in X implies x in Y;

 definition let X;
   func union X means
:: TARSKI:def 4
    x in it iff ex Y st x in Y & Y in X;

canceled 2;

::        ---- regularity

theorem :: TARSKI:7
 x in X implies ex Y st Y in X & not ex x st x in X & x in Y;

 scheme Fraenkel { A()-> set, P[set, set] }:
  ex X st for x holds x in X iff ex y st y in A() & P[y,x]
  provided for x,y,z st P[x,y] & P[x,z] holds y = z;

:: ordered pairs

 definition let x,y;
  func [x,y] equals
:: TARSKI:def 5 
   { { x,y }, { x } };


 definition let X,Y;
  pred X,Y are_equipotent means
:: TARSKI:def 6
    ex Z st
       (for x st x in X ex y st y in Y & [x,y] in Z) &
       (for y st y in Y ex x st x in X & [x,y] in Z) &
        for x,y,z,u st [x,y] in Z & [z,u] in Z holds x = z iff y = u;

:: Alfred Tarski
:: Ueber unerreichbare Kardinalzahlen,
:: Fundamenta Mathematicae, vol.30 (1938), pp.68-69

:: Axiom A. (Axiom der unerreichbaren Mengen). Zu jeder Menge N gibt es
:: eine Menge M mit folgenden Eigenschaften :
:: A1. N in M;
:: A2. ist X in M und Y c= X, so ist Y in M;
:: A3. ist X in M und ist Z die Menge, die alle Mengen Y c= X und keine
::     andere Dinge als Element enthaelt, so, ist z in M;
:: A4. ist X c= M und sind dabei die Menge X und M nicht gleichmaechtig,
::     so ist X in M.

:: also

:: Alfred Tarski
:: On Well-ordered Subsets of any Set,
:: Fundamenta Mathematicae, vol.32 (1939), pp.176-183

:: A. For every set N there exists a system M of sets which satisfies
::    the following conditions :
:: (i)    N in M
:: (ii)   if X in M and Y c= X, then Y in M
:: (iii)  if X in M and Z is the system of all subsets of X, then Z in M
:: (iv)   if X c= M and X and M do not have the same potency, then X in M.

theorem :: TARSKI:9
   ex M st N in M &
     (for X,Y holds X in M & Y c= X implies Y in M) &
     (for X st X in M ex Z st Z in M & for Y st Y c= X holds Y in Z) &
     (for X holds X c= M implies X,M are_equipotent or X in M);

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