Journal of Formalized Mathematics
Volume 1, 1989
University of Bialystok
Copyright (c) 1989 Association of Mizar Users

The abstract of the Mizar article:

Vectors in Real Linear Space

Wojciech A. Trybulec

Received July 24, 1989

MML identifier: RLVECT_1
[ Mizar article, MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary BINOP_1, FUNCT_1, ARYTM_1, RELAT_1, FINSEQ_1, BOOLE, RLVECT_1,
      FINSEQ_1, NAT_1, STRUCT_0;
 constructors DOMAIN_1, BINOP_1, REAL_1, FINSEQ_1, NAT_1, STRUCT_0, XREAL_0,


 struct (ZeroStr) LoopStr (# carrier -> set,
                    add -> BinOp of the carrier,
                    Zero -> Element of the carrier #);

 struct (LoopStr) RLSStruct (# carrier -> set,
              Zero -> Element of the carrier,
              add -> BinOp of the carrier,
              Mult -> Function of [:REAL, the carrier:], the carrier

 cluster non empty RLSStruct;

reserve V for non empty RLSStruct;
reserve x,y,y1,y2 for set;

definition let V be RLSStruct;
  mode VECTOR of V is Element of V;

definition let V be 1-sorted; let x;
 pred x in V means
:: RLVECT_1:def 1
   x in the carrier of V;

canceled 2;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:3
   for V being non empty 1-sorted, v being Element of V
  holds v in V;

::   Definitons of functions on the Elements of the carrier of
::   Real Linear Space structure, i.e. zero element, addition of two
::   elements, and multiplication of the element by a real number.

 definition let V be ZeroStr;
  func 0.V -> Element of V equals
:: RLVECT_1:def 2
    the Zero of V;

reserve v for VECTOR of V;
reserve a,b for Real;

 cluster strict non empty LoopStr;

 definition let V be non empty LoopStr, v,w be Element of V;
  func v + w -> Element of V equals
:: RLVECT_1:def 3
    (the add of V).[v,w];

 definition let V; let v; let a;
  func a * v -> Element of V equals
:: RLVECT_1:def 4
    (the Mult of V).[a,v];

::   Definitional theorems of zero element, addition, multiplication.


theorem :: RLVECT_1:5
   for V being non empty LoopStr, v,w being Element of V
   holds v + w = (the add of V).(v,w);

definition let ZS be non empty set, O be Element of ZS,
      F be BinOp of ZS, G be Function of [:REAL,ZS:],ZS;
 cluster RLSStruct (# ZS,O,F,G #) -> non empty;

definition let IT be non empty LoopStr;
  attr IT is Abelian means
:: RLVECT_1:def 5
 for v,w being Element of IT holds v + w = w + v;
  attr IT is add-associative means
:: RLVECT_1:def 6
 for u,v,w being Element of IT
         holds (u + v) + w = u + (v + w);
  attr IT is right_zeroed means
:: RLVECT_1:def 7
 for v being Element of IT holds v + 0.IT = v;
  attr IT is right_complementable means
:: RLVECT_1:def 8
 for v being Element of IT
         ex w being Element of IT st v + w = 0.IT;

definition let IT be non empty RLSStruct;
  attr IT is RealLinearSpace-like means
:: RLVECT_1:def 9
  (for a for v,w being VECTOR of IT holds a * (v + w) = a * v + a * w) &
  (for a,b for v being VECTOR of IT holds (a + b) * v = a * v + b * v) &
  (for a,b for v being VECTOR of IT holds (a * b) * v = a * (b * v)) &
  (for v being VECTOR of IT holds 1 * v = v);

 cluster strict Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                (non empty LoopStr);

 cluster non empty strict Abelian add-associative right_zeroed
     right_complementable RealLinearSpace-like (non empty RLSStruct);

  mode RealLinearSpace is Abelian add-associative right_zeroed
    right_complementable RealLinearSpace-like (non empty RLSStruct);

definition let V be Abelian (non empty LoopStr),
                   v,w be Element of V;
 redefine func v + w;


theorem :: RLVECT_1:7
   (for v,w being VECTOR of V holds v + w = w + v) &
 (for u,v,w being VECTOR of V holds (u + v) + w = u + (v + w)) &
 (for v being VECTOR of V holds v + 0.V = v) &
 (for v being VECTOR of V
   ex w being VECTOR of V st v + w = 0.V) &
 (for a for v,w being VECTOR of V holds a * (v + w) = a * v + a * w) &
 (for a,b for v being VECTOR of V holds (a + b) * v = a * v + b * v) &
 (for a,b for v being VECTOR of V holds (a * b) * v = a * (b * v)) &
 (for v being VECTOR of V holds 1 * v = v)
  implies V is RealLinearSpace;

::  Axioms of real linear space.

reserve V for RealLinearSpace;
reserve v,w for VECTOR of V;

canceled 2;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:10
 for V being add-associative
      right_zeroed right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v being Element of V
   holds v + 0.V = v & 0.V + v = v;

::  Definitions of reverse element to the vector and of
::  subtraction of vectors.

 definition let V be non empty LoopStr;
   let v be Element of V;
  assume  V is add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable;
  func - v -> Element of V means
:: RLVECT_1:def 10
    v + it = 0.V;

definition let V be non empty LoopStr;
   let v,w be Element of V;
  func v - w -> Element of V equals
:: RLVECT_1:def 11
    v + (- w);

::  Definitional theorems of reverse element and substraction.

canceled 5;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:16
 for V being add-associative right_zeroed
             right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v being Element of V
  holds v + -v = 0.V & -v + v = 0.V;

canceled 2;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:19
 for V being add-associative right_zeroed
                   right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,w being Element of V
   holds v + w = 0.V implies v = - w;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:20
   for V being add-associative right_zeroed
          right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u being Element of V
 ex w being Element of V st v + w = u;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:21
 for V being add-associative right_zeroed
         right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     w,u,v1,v2 being Element of V
   st w + v1 = w + v2 or v1 + w = v2 + w holds v1 = v2;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:22
   for V being add-associative right_zeroed
                    right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,w being Element of V
   holds v + w = v or w + v = v implies w = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:23
 a = 0 or v = 0.V implies a * v = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:24
 a * v = 0.V implies a = 0 or v = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:25
  for V being add-associative
         right_zeroed right_complementable (non empty LoopStr)
    holds - 0.V = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:26
   for V being add-associative right_zeroed
      right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v being Element of V
   holds v - 0.V = v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:27
 for V being add-associative right_zeroed
       right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v being Element of V
   holds 0.V - v = - v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:28
 for V being add-associative right_zeroed
      right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v being Element of V
   holds v - v = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:29
 - v = (- 1) * v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:30
 for V being add-associative right_zeroed
     right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v being Element of V
   holds - (- v) = v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:31
 for V being add-associative right_zeroed
    right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,w being Element of V
   holds - v = - w implies v = w;


theorem :: RLVECT_1:33
 v = - v implies v = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:34
   v + v = 0.V implies v = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:35
 for V being add-associative right_zeroed
     right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,w being Element of V
   holds v - w = 0.V implies v = w;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:36
   for V being add-associative right_zeroed
     right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     u,v being Element of V
   ex w being Element of V st v - w = u;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:37
   for V being add-associative right_zeroed
     right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     w,v1,v2 being Element of V
    st w - v1 = w - v2 holds v1 = v2;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:38
 a * (- v) = (- a) * v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:39
 a * (- v) = - (a * v);

theorem :: RLVECT_1:40
   (- a) * (- v) = a * v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:41
 for V being add-associative right_zeroed
      right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u,w being Element of V
   holds v - (u + w) = (v - w) - u;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:42
   for V being add-associative (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u,w being Element of V
   holds (v + u) - w = v + (u - w);

theorem :: RLVECT_1:43
   for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed
     right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u,w being Element of V
   holds v - (u - w) = (v -u) + w;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:44
 for V being add-associative right_zeroed
         right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,w being Element of V
   holds - (v + w) = (- w) - v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:45
  for V being add-associative right_zeroed
        right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,w being Element of V
   holds - (v + w) = -w + -v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:46
   for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed
       right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,w being Element of V
   holds (- v) - w = (- w) - v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:47
   for V being add-associative right_zeroed
       right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,w being Element of V
   holds - (v - w) = w + (- v);

theorem :: RLVECT_1:48
 a * (v - w) = a * v - a * w;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:49
 (a - b) * v = a * v - b * v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:50
   a <> 0 & a * v = a * w implies v = w;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:51
   v <> 0.V & a * v = b * v implies a = b;

::  Definition of the sum of the finite sequence of vectors.

definition let V be non empty 1-sorted; let v,u be Element of V;
 redefine func <* v,u *> -> FinSequence of the carrier of V;

definition let V be non empty 1-sorted;
 let v,u,w be Element of V;
 redefine func <* v,u,w *> -> FinSequence of the carrier of V;

reserve V for non empty LoopStr;
reserve F,G,H for FinSequence of the carrier of V;
reserve f,f',g for Function of NAT, the carrier of V;
reserve v,u for Element of V;
reserve j,k,n for Nat;

definition let V; let F;
 func Sum(F) -> Element of V means
:: RLVECT_1:def 12
   ex f st it = f.(len F) &
           f.0 = 0.V &
            for j,v st j < len F & v = F.(j + 1) holds f.(j + 1) = f.j + v;

canceled 2;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:54
 k in Seg n & len F = n implies F.k is Element of V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:55
 len F = len G + 1 & G = F | (dom G) & v = F.(len F) implies
  Sum(F) = Sum(G) + v;

reserve V for RealLinearSpace;
reserve v for VECTOR of V;
reserve F,G,H,I for FinSequence of the carrier of V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:56
   len F = len G &
  (for k,v st k in dom F & v = G.k holds F.k = a * v) implies
   Sum(F) = a * Sum(G);

theorem :: RLVECT_1:57
   for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
      (non empty LoopStr),
     F,G being FinSequence of the carrier of V st
   len F = len G &
  (for k for v being Element of V
     st k in dom F & v = G.k holds F.k = - v)
  holds Sum(F) = - Sum(G);

theorem :: RLVECT_1:58
for V being add-associative right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr),
    F,G being FinSequence of the carrier of V
holds Sum(F ^ G) = Sum(F) + Sum(G);

 reserve V for add-associative right_zeroed
             right_complementable (non empty LoopStr);
 reserve F for FinSequence of the carrier of V;
 reserve v,v1,v2,u,w for Element of V;
 reserve i,j,k,n for Nat;
 reserve p,q for FinSequence;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:59
   for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr),
     F,G being FinSequence of the carrier of V st
   rng F = rng G & F is one-to-one & G is one-to-one
  holds Sum(F) = Sum(G);

theorem :: RLVECT_1:60
    for V being non empty LoopStr holds
    Sum(<*>(the carrier of V)) = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:61
  for V being add-associative right_zeroed
       right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
    v being Element of V
holds Sum<* v *> = v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:62
for V being add-associative right_zeroed
       right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
    v,u being Element of V
holds Sum<* v,u *> = v + u;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:63
for V being add-associative right_zeroed
       right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
    v,u,w being Element of V
holds Sum<* v,u,w *> = v + u + w;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:64
   for V being RealLinearSpace, a being Real
 holds a * Sum(<*>(the carrier of V)) = 0.V;


theorem :: RLVECT_1:66
   for V being RealLinearSpace, a being Real,
  v,u being VECTOR of V
 holds a * Sum<* v,u *> = a * v + a * u;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:67
   for V being RealLinearSpace, a being Real,
  v,u,w being VECTOR of V
 holds a * Sum<* v,u,w *> = a * v + a * u + a * w;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:68
   - Sum(<*>(the carrier of V)) = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:69
   - Sum<* v *> = - v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:70
   for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed
  right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u being Element of V
 holds - Sum<* v,u *> = (- v) - u;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:71
   for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
               (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u,w being Element of V
 holds - Sum<* v,u,w *> = ((- v) - u) - w;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:72
   for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
               (non empty LoopStr),
     v,w being Element of V
 holds Sum<* v,w *> = Sum<* w,v *>;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:73
   Sum<* v,w *> = Sum<* v *> + Sum<* w *>;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:74
   Sum<* 0.V,0.V *> = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:75
   Sum<* 0.V,v *> = v & Sum<* v,0.V *> = v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:76
   Sum<* v,- v *> = 0.V & Sum<* - v,v *> = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:77
   Sum<* v,- w *> = v - w;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:78
 Sum<* - v,- w *> = - (w + v);

theorem :: RLVECT_1:79
 for V being RealLinearSpace, v being VECTOR of V
 holds Sum<* v,v *> = 2 * v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:80
   for V being RealLinearSpace, v being VECTOR of V
 holds Sum<* - v,- v *> = (- 2) * v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:81
   Sum<* u,v,w *> = Sum<* u *> + Sum<* v *> + Sum<* w *>;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:82
   Sum<* u,v,w *> = Sum<* u,v *> + w;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:83
   for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                 (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u,w being Element of V
 holds Sum<* u,v,w *> = Sum<* v,w *> + u;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:84
 for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u,w being Element of V
 holds Sum<* u,v,w *> = Sum<* u,w *> + v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:85
 for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                  (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u,w being Element of V
 holds Sum<* u,v,w *> = Sum<* u,w,v *>;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:86
 for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u,w being Element of V
 holds Sum<* u,v,w *> = Sum<* v,u,w *>;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:87
 for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u,w being Element of V
 holds Sum<* u,v,w *> = Sum<* v,w,u *>;


theorem :: RLVECT_1:89
   for V being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
                (non empty LoopStr),
     v,u,w being Element of V
 holds Sum<* u,v,w *> = Sum<* w,v,u *>;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:90
   Sum<* 0.V,0.V,0.V *> = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:91
   Sum<* 0.V,0.V,v *> = v & Sum<* 0.V,v,0.V *> = v & Sum<* v,0.V,0.V *> = v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:92
   Sum<* 0.V,u,v *> = u + v & Sum<* u,v,0.V *> = u + v & Sum<* u,0.V,v *> = u +

theorem :: RLVECT_1:93
   for V being RealLinearSpace, v being VECTOR of V
 holds Sum<* v,v,v *> = 3 * v;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:94
   len F = 0 implies Sum(F) = 0.V;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:95
   len F = 1 implies Sum(F) = F.1;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:96
   len F = 2 & v1 = F.1 & v2 = F.2 implies Sum(F) = v1 + v2;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:97
   len F = 3 & v1 = F.1 & v2 = F.2 & v = F.3 implies Sum(F) = v1 + v2 + v;

::  Auxiliary theorems.

  let R be non empty ZeroStr,
      a be Element of R;
  attr a is non-zero means
:: RLVECT_1:def 13
     a <> 0.R;

 reserve j, k, n for natural number;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:98
   j < 1 implies j = 0;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:99
   1 <= k iff k <> 0;

canceled 2;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:102
   k <> 0 implies n < n + k;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:103
   k < k + n iff 1 <= n;

theorem :: RLVECT_1:104
   Seg k = Seg(k + 1) \ {k + 1};

theorem :: RLVECT_1:105
   p = (p ^ q) | (dom p);

theorem :: RLVECT_1:106
   rng p = rng q & p is one-to-one & q is one-to-one implies
  len p = len q;

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