environ vocabulary ORDINAL2, ARYTM, PRE_TOPC, EUCLID, TOPREAL1, BOOLE, TOPREAL2, INCPROJ, ARYTM_1, MCART_1, FUNCT_5, RELAT_1, JORDAN1A, JORDAN2C, JORDAN3, TOPS_2, RELAT_2, SUBSET_1, SEQ_2, FUNCT_1, JORDAN6, COMPTS_1, LATTICES, METRIC_1, PCOMPS_1, ABSVALUE, SQUARE_1, JORDAN18, SPPOL_1; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, SUBSET_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, ORDINAL1, NUMBERS, XCMPLX_0, XREAL_0, REAL_1, SQUARE_1, ABSVALUE, SEQ_4, STRUCT_0, INCPROJ, PRE_TOPC, TOPS_2, CONNSP_1, RCOMP_1, COMPTS_1, METRIC_1, SPPOL_1, PCOMPS_1, EUCLID, TOPREAL1, PSCOMP_1, TOPREAL2, JORDAN5C, JORDAN2C, GOBRD14, JORDAN1A, JORDAN6; constructors REAL_1, TOPREAL1, TOPREAL2, INCPROJ, SPPOL_1, JORDAN1A, PSCOMP_1, JORDAN5C, TOPS_2, JORDAN2C, JORDAN6, CONNSP_1, JORDAN1, BORSUK_2, RCOMP_1, ABSVALUE, GOBRD14, SQUARE_1, MEMBERED; clusters XREAL_0, EUCLID, STRUCT_0, JORDAN1A, SUBSET_1, RELSET_1, BORSUK_2, SPRECT_4, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1; requirements NUMERALS, REAL, BOOLE, SUBSET, ARITHM; begin :: Preliminaries reserve n for Element of NAT, V for Subset of TOP-REAL n, s,s1,s2,t,t1,t2 for Point of TOP-REAL n, C for Simple_closed_curve, P for Subset of TOP-REAL 2, a,p,p1,p2,q,q1,q2 for Point of TOP-REAL 2; theorem :: JORDAN18:1 for a,b being real number holds (a-b)^2 = (b-a)^2; theorem :: JORDAN18:2 for S,T being non empty TopSpace, f being map of S,T, A being Subset of T st f is_homeomorphism & A is connected holds f"A is connected; theorem :: JORDAN18:3 for S,T being non empty TopStruct, f being map of S,T, A being Subset of T st f is_homeomorphism & A is compact holds f"A is compact; theorem :: JORDAN18:4 proj2.:(north_halfline a) is bounded_below; theorem :: JORDAN18:5 proj2.:(south_halfline a) is bounded_above; theorem :: JORDAN18:6 proj1.:(west_halfline a) is bounded_above; theorem :: JORDAN18:7 proj1.:(east_halfline a) is bounded_below; definition let a; cluster proj2.:(north_halfline a) -> non empty; cluster proj2.:(south_halfline a) -> non empty; cluster proj1.:(west_halfline a) -> non empty; cluster proj1.:(east_halfline a) -> non empty; end; theorem :: JORDAN18:8 inf(proj2.:(north_halfline a)) = a`2; theorem :: JORDAN18:9 sup(proj2.:(south_halfline a)) = a`2; theorem :: JORDAN18:10 sup(proj1.:(west_halfline a)) = a`1; theorem :: JORDAN18:11 inf(proj1.:(east_halfline a)) = a`1; definition let a; cluster north_halfline a -> closed; cluster south_halfline a -> closed; cluster east_halfline a -> closed; cluster west_halfline a -> closed; end; theorem :: JORDAN18:12 a in BDD P implies not north_halfline a c= UBD P; theorem :: JORDAN18:13 a in BDD P implies not south_halfline a c= UBD P; theorem :: JORDAN18:14 a in BDD P implies not east_halfline a c= UBD P; theorem :: JORDAN18:15 a in BDD P implies not west_halfline a c= UBD P; theorem :: JORDAN18:16 for P being Subset of TOP-REAL 2, p1,p2,q being Point of TOP-REAL 2 st P is_an_arc_of p1,p2 & q <> p2 holds not p2 in L_Segment(P,p1,p2,q); theorem :: JORDAN18:17 for P being Subset of TOP-REAL 2, p1,p2,q being Point of TOP-REAL 2 st P is_an_arc_of p1,p2 & q <> p1 holds not p1 in R_Segment(P,p1,p2,q); theorem :: JORDAN18:18 for C being Simple_closed_curve, P being Subset of TOP-REAL 2, p1,p2 being Point of TOP-REAL 2 st P is_an_arc_of p1,p2 & P c= C ex R being non empty Subset of TOP-REAL 2 st R is_an_arc_of p1,p2 & P \/ R = C & P /\ R = {p1,p2}; theorem :: JORDAN18:19 for P being Subset of TOP-REAL 2, p1,p2,q1,q2 being Point of TOP-REAL 2 st P is_an_arc_of p1,p2 & q1 in P & q2 in P & q1 <> p1 & q1 <> p2 & q2 <> p1 & q2 <> p2 & q1 <> q2 ex Q being non empty Subset of TOP-REAL 2 st Q is_an_arc_of q1,q2 & Q c= P & Q misses {p1,p2}; begin :: Two Special Points on a Simple Closed Curve definition let p,P; func North-Bound(p,P) -> Point of TOP-REAL 2 equals :: JORDAN18:def 1 |[p`1,inf(proj2.:(P /\ north_halfline p))]|; func South-Bound(p,P) -> Point of TOP-REAL 2 equals :: JORDAN18:def 2 |[p`1,sup(proj2.:(P /\ south_halfline p))]|; end; theorem :: JORDAN18:20 North-Bound(p,P)`1 = p`1 & South-Bound(p,P)`1 = p`1; theorem :: JORDAN18:21 North-Bound(p,P)`2 = inf(proj2.:(P /\ north_halfline p)) & South-Bound(p,P)`2 = sup(proj2.:(P /\ south_halfline p)); theorem :: JORDAN18:22 for C being compact Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds p in BDD C implies North-Bound(p,C) in C & North-Bound(p,C) in north_halfline p & South-Bound(p,C) in C & South-Bound(p,C) in south_halfline p; theorem :: JORDAN18:23 for C being compact Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds p in BDD C implies South-Bound(p,C)`2 < p`2 & p`2 < North-Bound(p,C)`2; theorem :: JORDAN18:24 for C being compact Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds p in BDD C implies inf(proj2.:(C /\ north_halfline p)) > sup(proj2.:(C /\ south_halfline p)); theorem :: JORDAN18:25 for C being compact Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds p in BDD C implies South-Bound(p,C) <> North-Bound(p,C); theorem :: JORDAN18:26 for C being Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds LSeg(North-Bound(p,C),South-Bound(p,C)) is vertical; theorem :: JORDAN18:27 for C being compact Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds p in BDD C implies LSeg(North-Bound(p,C),South-Bound(p,C)) /\ C = { North-Bound(p,C), South-Bound(p,C) }; theorem :: JORDAN18:28 for C being compact Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds p in BDD C & q in BDD C & p`1 <> q`1 implies North-Bound(p,C), South-Bound(q,C), North-Bound(q,C), South-Bound(p,C) are_mutually_different; begin :: An Order of Points on a Simple Closed Curve definition let n,V,s1,s2,t1,t2; pred s1,s2, V-separate t1,t2 means :: JORDAN18:def 3 for A being Subset of TOP-REAL n st A is_an_arc_of s1,s2 & A c= V holds A meets {t1,t2}; antonym s1,s2 are_neighbours_wrt t1,t2, V; end; theorem :: JORDAN18:29 t,t, V-separate s1,s2; theorem :: JORDAN18:30 s1,s2, V-separate t1,t2 implies s2,s1, V-separate t1,t2; theorem :: JORDAN18:31 s1,s2, V-separate t1,t2 implies s1,s2, V-separate t2,t1; theorem :: JORDAN18:32 s,t1, V-separate s,t2; theorem :: JORDAN18:33 t1,s, V-separate t2,s; theorem :: JORDAN18:34 t1,s, V-separate s,t2; theorem :: JORDAN18:35 s,t1, V-separate t2,s; theorem :: JORDAN18:36 for p1,p2,q being Point of TOP-REAL 2 st q in C & p1 in C & p2 in C & p1 <> p2 & p1 <> q & p2 <> q holds p1,p2 are_neighbours_wrt q,q, C; theorem :: JORDAN18:37 p1 <> p2 & p1 in C & p2 in C implies (p1,p2, C-separate q1,q2 implies q1,q2, C-separate p1,p2); theorem :: JORDAN18:38 p1 in C & p2 in C & q1 in C & p1 <> p2 & q1 <> p1 & q1 <> p2 & q2 <> p1 & q2 <> p2 implies p1,p2 are_neighbours_wrt q1,q2, C or p1,q1 are_neighbours_wrt p2,q2, C;