In years: 2023-2024, expanding publishing software and development of web interface provided to authors
and editors under agreement RCN/SP/0479/2021/1 with the funds from the Polish Minister of Education and Science
for the development of scientific journals.
In years: 2016-2017, the English version of Formalized Mathematics was financed under agreement 548/P-DUN/2016
with the funds from the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education for the dissemination of science.

Papers accepted for publication

The most recently submitted article is listed last.

Formalized Mathematics, 2024 - Open Volume 32, Issue 1

     (to be continued)

  1. *E_TRANS1,            {F}ormal Proof of Transcendence of the Number $e$. {P}art {I}, Yasushige Watase.
  2. *E_TRANS2,            {F}ormal Proof of Transcendence of the Number $e$. {P}art {II}, Yasushige Watase.
  3. DUALSP06,            {F}ormalization of Orthogonal Complements of Normed Spaces, Hiroyuki Okazaki.
  4. ASCOLI2,               {A}scoli-{A}rzela's Theorem (Metric Space Version), Keiichi Miyajima and Hiroshi Yamazaki.
  5. MEASUR14,            {U}niversality of Measure Space, Noboru Endou and Yasunari Shidama.
  6. NDIFF12,                {D}ifferentiability Properties of Lipschitzian Bilinear Operators in Real Normed Spaces, Kazuhisa Nakasho and Yasunari Shidama.
  7. GLPACY00,             {A}bout Path and Cycle Graphs, Sebastian Koch.
  8. PDLAX,                  {C}lassical Isoperimetric Theorem, Kazuhisa Nakasho and Yasunari Shidama.
  9. CURVE,                  {O}n the Properties of Curves and Parametrization-Independent Isoperimetric Inequality, Kazuhisa Nakasho and Yasunari Shidama.
  10. NUMBER16,          {E}lementary Number Theory Problems. {P}art {XVI}, Karol P{\ka}k.

* - final version