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for X being RealLinearSpace
for v being Element of the carrier of X holds RAT_Sums {v} is countable
for X being RealLinearSpace holds RAT_Sums ({} X) is countable
for X being RealLinearSpace
for A being finite Subset of X holds RAT_Sums A is countable
for X being RealLinearSpace
for x being sequence of X holds RAT_Sums (rng x) is countable
for X being RealNormSpace
for x being sequence of X
for D being Subset of the carrier of (NLin (rng x)) st D = RAT_Sums (rng x) holds
D is dense
for X being RealNormSpace
for x being sequence of X
for D being Subset of the carrier of (ClNLin (rng x)) st D = RAT_Sums (rng x) holds
D is dense
for X, Y being RealNormSpace
for A being Subset of X
for B being Subset of Y
for L being Lipschitzian LinearOperator of X,Y st L is isomorphism & B = L .: A & A is dense holds
B is dense