Journal of Formalized Mathematics
Volume 1, 1989
University of Bialystok
Copyright (c) 1989 Association of Mizar Users

The abstract of the Mizar article:

Kuratowski - Zorn Lemma

Wojciech A. Trybulec, and
Grzegorz Bancerek

Received September 19, 1989

MML identifier: ORDERS_2
[ Mizar article, MML identifier index ]


 requirements BOOLE, SUBSET;


 reserve R,P for Relation,
         X,X1,X2,Y,Z,x,y,z,u for set,
         g,h for Function,
         O for Order of X,
         D for non empty set,
         d,d1,d2 for Element of D,
         A for non empty Poset,
         C for Chain of A,
         S for Subset of A,
         a,a1,a2,a3,a4,b,c1,c2 for Element of A,
         A1,A2,B for Ordinal,
         L,L1,L2 for T-Sequence;

::  Orders.

theorem :: ORDERS_2:1
 dom O = X & rng O = X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:2
 field O = X;

definition let R;
 attr R is being_quasi-order means
:: ORDERS_2:def 1
     R is reflexive transitive;
  synonym R is_quasi-order;
 attr R is being_partial-order means
:: ORDERS_2:def 2
   R is reflexive transitive antisymmetric;
  synonym R is_partial-order;
 attr R is being_linear-order means
:: ORDERS_2:def 3
   R is reflexive transitive antisymmetric connected;
  synonym R is_linear-order;

canceled 3;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:6
    R is_quasi-order implies R~ is_quasi-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:7
    R is_partial-order implies R~ is_partial-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:8
  R is_linear-order implies R~ is_linear-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:9
    R is well-ordering implies
    R is_quasi-order & R is_partial-order & R is_linear-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:10
    R is_linear-order implies R is_quasi-order & R is_partial-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:11
  R is_partial-order implies R is_quasi-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:12
 O is_partial-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:13
   O is_quasi-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:14
   O is connected implies O is_linear-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:15
    R is_quasi-order implies R|_2 X is_quasi-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:16
  R is_partial-order implies R|_2 X is_partial-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:17
    R is_linear-order implies R|_2 X is_linear-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:18
 field((the InternalRel of A) |_2 S) = S;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:19
   (the InternalRel of A) |_2 S is_linear-order implies
  S is Chain of A;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:20
   (the InternalRel of A) |_2 C is_linear-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:21
  {} is_quasi-order &
   {} is_partial-order &
    {} is_linear-order &
     {} is well-ordering;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:22
  id X is_quasi-order &
   id X is_partial-order;

definition let R,X;
 pred R quasi_orders X means
:: ORDERS_2:def 4
   R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X;
 pred R partially_orders X means
:: ORDERS_2:def 5
   R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X & R is_antisymmetric_in X;
 pred R linearly_orders X means
:: ORDERS_2:def 6
   R is_reflexive_in X & R is_transitive_in X & R is_antisymmetric_in X &
        R is_connected_in X;

canceled 3;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:26
    R well_orders X implies
    R quasi_orders X & R partially_orders X & R linearly_orders X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:27
    R linearly_orders X implies R quasi_orders X & R partially_orders X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:28
    R partially_orders X implies R quasi_orders X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:29
  R is_quasi-order implies R quasi_orders field R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:30
    R quasi_orders Y & X c= Y implies R quasi_orders X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:31
   R quasi_orders X implies R|_2 X is_quasi-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:32
  R is_partial-order implies R partially_orders field R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:33
    R partially_orders Y & X c= Y implies R partially_orders X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:34
   R partially_orders X implies R|_2 X is_partial-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:35
   R is_linear-order implies R linearly_orders field R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:36
    R linearly_orders Y & X c= Y implies R linearly_orders X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:37
   R linearly_orders X implies R|_2 X is_linear-order;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:38
   R quasi_orders X implies R~ quasi_orders X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:39
 R partially_orders X implies R~ partially_orders X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:40
   R linearly_orders X implies R~ linearly_orders X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:41
   O quasi_orders X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:42
   O partially_orders X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:43
   R partially_orders X implies R |_2 X is Order of X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:44
   R linearly_orders X implies R |_2 X is Order of X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:45
   R well_orders X implies R |_2 X is Order of X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:46
   the InternalRel of A linearly_orders S implies
  S is Chain of A;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:47
   the InternalRel of A linearly_orders C;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:48
    id X quasi_orders X &
   id X partially_orders X;

definition let R,X;
 pred X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R means
:: ORDERS_2:def 7
   for Y st Y c= X & R|_2 Y is_linear-order
        ex x st x in X & for y st y in Y holds [y,x] in R;
 pred X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R means
:: ORDERS_2:def 8
     for Y st Y c= X & R|_2 Y is_linear-order
        ex x st x in X & for y st y in Y holds [x,y] in R;

canceled 2;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:51
  X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R implies X <> {};

theorem :: ORDERS_2:52
    X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R implies X <> {};

theorem :: ORDERS_2:53
  X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R iff X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R~;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:54
   X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R~ iff X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R;

definition let R,x;
 pred x is_maximal_in R means
:: ORDERS_2:def 9
  x in field R & not ex y st y in field R & y <> x & [x,y] in R;
 pred x is_minimal_in R means
:: ORDERS_2:def 10
  x in field R & not ex y st y in field R & y <> x & [y,x] in R;
 pred x is_superior_of R means
:: ORDERS_2:def 11
  x in field R & for y st y in field R & y <> x holds [y,x] in R;
 pred x is_inferior_of R means
:: ORDERS_2:def 12
  x in field R & for y st y in field R & y <> x holds [x,y] in R;

canceled 4;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:59
   x is_inferior_of R & R is antisymmetric implies x is_minimal_in R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:60
   x is_superior_of R & R is antisymmetric implies x is_maximal_in R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:61
   x is_minimal_in R & R is connected implies x is_inferior_of R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:62
   x is_maximal_in R & R is connected implies x is_superior_of R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:63
    x in X & x is_superior_of R & X c= field R & R is reflexive implies
   X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:64
    x in X & x is_inferior_of R & X c= field R & R is reflexive implies
   X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:65
  x is_minimal_in R iff x is_maximal_in R~;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:66
    x is_minimal_in R~ iff x is_maximal_in R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:67
    x is_inferior_of R iff x is_superior_of R~;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:68
    x is_inferior_of R~ iff x is_superior_of R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:69
   a is_minimal_in the InternalRel of A iff
  for b holds not b < a;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:70
   a is_maximal_in the InternalRel of A iff
  for b holds not a < b;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:71
   a is_superior_of the InternalRel of A iff
  for b st a <> b holds b < a;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:72
   a is_inferior_of the InternalRel of A iff
  for b st a <> b holds a < b;

::  Kuratowski - Zorn Lemma.

theorem :: ORDERS_2:73
 (for C ex a st for b st b in C holds b <= a) implies
   ex a st for b holds not a < b;

definition let A be non empty set, O be Order of A;
 cluster RelStr(#A,O#) -> non empty;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:74
 (for C ex a st for b st b in C holds a <= b) implies
   ex a st for b holds not b < a;

 reserve A,C for Ordinal;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:75
  for R,X st R partially_orders X & field R = X &
   X has_upper_Zorn_property_wrt R ex x st x is_maximal_in R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:76
    for R,X st R partially_orders X & field R = X &
   X has_lower_Zorn_property_wrt R ex x st x is_minimal_in R;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:77
  for X st X <> {} &
   for Z st Z c= X & Z is c=-linear
     ex Y st Y in X & for X1 st X1 in Z holds X1 c= Y
   ex Y st Y in X & for Z st Z in X & Z <> Y holds not Y c= Z;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:78
  for X st X <> {} &
   for Z st Z c= X & Z is c=-linear
     ex Y st Y in X & for X1 st X1 in Z holds Y c= X1
   ex Y st Y in X & for Z st Z in X & Z <> Y holds not Z c= Y;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:79
  for X st X <> {} &
   for Z st Z <> {} & Z c= X & Z is c=-linear holds
    union Z in X
   ex Y st Y in X & for Z st Z in X & Z <> Y holds not Y c= Z;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:80
    for X st X <> {} &
   for Z st Z <> {} & Z c= X & Z is c=-linear
     holds meet Z in X
   ex Y st Y in X & for Z st Z in X & Z <> Y holds not Z c= Y;

scheme Zorn_Max{A() -> non empty set, P[set,set]}:
 ex x being Element of A() st
  for y being Element of A() st x <> y holds not P[x,y]
  for x being Element of A() holds P[x,x] and
  for x,y being Element of A() st P[x,y] & P[y,x] holds x = y and
  for x,y,z being Element of A() st P[x,y] & P[y,z] holds P[x,z] and
  for X st X c= A() &
     (for x,y being Element of A() st x in X & y in X
       holds P[x,y] or P[y,x]) holds
     ex y being Element of A() st
      for x being Element of A() st x in X holds P[x,y];

scheme Zorn_Min{A() -> non empty set, P[set,set]}:
 ex x being Element of A() st
  for y being Element of A() st x <> y holds not P[y,x]
  for x being Element of A() holds P[x,x] and
  for x,y being Element of A() st P[x,y] & P[y,x] holds x = y and
  for x,y,z being Element of A() st P[x,y] & P[y,z] holds P[x,z] and
  for X st X c= A() &
     (for x,y being Element of A() st x in X & y in X
       holds P[x,y] or P[y,x]) holds
     ex y being Element of A() st
      for x being Element of A() st x in X holds P[y,x];

::  Orders - continuation.

theorem :: ORDERS_2:81
    R partially_orders X & field R = X implies
   ex P st R c= P & P linearly_orders X & field P = X;

::  Auxiliary theorems.

theorem :: ORDERS_2:82
   R c= [:field R,field R:];

theorem :: ORDERS_2:83
   R is reflexive & X c= field R implies field(R|_2 X) = X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:84
   R is_reflexive_in X implies R|_2 X is reflexive;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:85
   R is_transitive_in X implies R|_2 X is transitive;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:86
   R is_antisymmetric_in X implies R|_2 X is antisymmetric;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:87
   R is_connected_in X implies R|_2 X is connected;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:88
   R is_connected_in X & Y c= X implies R is_connected_in Y;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:89
   R well_orders X & Y c= X implies R well_orders Y;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:90
   R is connected implies R~ is connected;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:91
   R is_reflexive_in X implies R~ is_reflexive_in X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:92
   R is_transitive_in X implies R~ is_transitive_in X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:93
   R is_antisymmetric_in X implies R~ is_antisymmetric_in X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:94
   R is_connected_in X implies R~ is_connected_in X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:95
   (R|_2 X)~ = R~|_2 X;

theorem :: ORDERS_2:96
   R|_2 {} = {};

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