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for I being non trivial set ex i, j being Element of I st i <> j
theorem SYLM3:
CPNT2 being
Colored-PT-net for
O12 being
Function of
(Outbds CPNT1), the
carrier of
CPNT2 for
q12 being
Function st
dom q12 = Outbds CPNT1 & ( for
t01 being
transition of
CPNT1 st
t01 is
outbound holds
q12 . t01 is
Function of
(thin_cylinders ( the ColoredSet of CPNT1,(*' {t01}))),
(thin_cylinders ( the ColoredSet of CPNT1,(Im (O12,t01)))) ) holds
q12 in Funcs (
(Outbds CPNT1),
(union { (Funcs ((thin_cylinders ( the ColoredSet of CPNT1,(*' {t01}))),(thin_cylinders ( the ColoredSet of CPNT1,(Im (O12,t01)))))) where t01 is transition of CPNT1 : t01 is outbound } ))
for I being non trivial finite set
for CPNT being Colored-PT-net-Family of I st CPNT is disjoint_valued holds
for O being connecting-mapping of CPNT
for q being connecting-firing-rule of O st ( for i, j1, j2 being Element of I st i <> j1 & i <> j2 & ex x, y1, y2 being object st
( [x,y1] in q . [i,j1] & [x,y2] in q . [i,j2] ) holds
j1 = j2 ) holds
( union (rng q) is Function & ( for z being object st z in union (rng q) holds
ex i, j being Element of I ex q12 being Function ex O12 being Function of (Outbds (CPNT . i)), the carrier of (CPNT . j) st
( i <> j & ( for t01 being transition of (CPNT . i) st t01 is outbound holds
q12 . t01 is Function of (thin_cylinders ( the ColoredSet of (CPNT . i),(*' {t01}))),(thin_cylinders ( the ColoredSet of (CPNT . i),(Im (O12,t01)))) ) & q12 in Funcs ((Outbds (CPNT . i)),(union { (Funcs ((thin_cylinders ( the ColoredSet of (CPNT . i),(*' {t01}))),(thin_cylinders ( the ColoredSet of (CPNT . i),(Im (O12,t01)))))) where t01 is transition of (CPNT . i) : t01 is outbound } )) & q12 = q . [i,j] & O12 = O . [i,j] & z in q12 ) ) )
for I being non trivial finite set
for CPNT being Colored-PT-net-Family of I
for O being connecting-mapping of CPNT
for q being connecting-firing-rule of O
for F being Function st F = union (rng q) holds
for g being Function
for x being object
for i, j being Element of I st i <> j & g = q . [i,j] & x in dom g holds
F . x = g . x
let I be non
trivial finite set ;
let CPNT be
Colored-PT-net-Family of
let O be
connecting-mapping of
let q be
connecting-firing-rule of
assume AS:
disjoint_valued & ( for
j2 being
Element of
I st
i <> j1 &
i <> j2 & ex
y2 being
object st
[x,y1] in q . [i,j1] &
[x,y2] in q . [i,j2] ) holds
j1 = j2 ) )
ex b1 being strict Colored-PT-net ex P, T, ST, TS, CS, F being ManySortedSet of I ex UF, UQ being Function st
( ( for i being Element of I holds
( P . i = the carrier of (CPNT . i) & T . i = the carrier' of (CPNT . i) & ST . i = the S-T_Arcs of (CPNT . i) & TS . i = the T-S_Arcs of (CPNT . i) & CS . i = the ColoredSet of (CPNT . i) & F . i = the firing-rule of (CPNT . i) ) ) & UF = union (rng F) & UQ = union (rng q) & the carrier of b1 = union (rng P) & the carrier' of b1 = union (rng T) & the S-T_Arcs of b1 = union (rng ST) & the T-S_Arcs of b1 = (union (rng TS)) \/ (union (rng O)) & the ColoredSet of b1 = union (rng CS) & the firing-rule of b1 = UF +* UQ )
for b1, b2 being strict Colored-PT-net st ex P, T, ST, TS, CS, F being ManySortedSet of I ex UF, UQ being Function st
( ( for i being Element of I holds
( P . i = the carrier of (CPNT . i) & T . i = the carrier' of (CPNT . i) & ST . i = the S-T_Arcs of (CPNT . i) & TS . i = the T-S_Arcs of (CPNT . i) & CS . i = the ColoredSet of (CPNT . i) & F . i = the firing-rule of (CPNT . i) ) ) & UF = union (rng F) & UQ = union (rng q) & the carrier of b1 = union (rng P) & the carrier' of b1 = union (rng T) & the S-T_Arcs of b1 = union (rng ST) & the T-S_Arcs of b1 = (union (rng TS)) \/ (union (rng O)) & the ColoredSet of b1 = union (rng CS) & the firing-rule of b1 = UF +* UQ ) & ex P, T, ST, TS, CS, F being ManySortedSet of I ex UF, UQ being Function st
( ( for i being Element of I holds
( P . i = the carrier of (CPNT . i) & T . i = the carrier' of (CPNT . i) & ST . i = the S-T_Arcs of (CPNT . i) & TS . i = the T-S_Arcs of (CPNT . i) & CS . i = the ColoredSet of (CPNT . i) & F . i = the firing-rule of (CPNT . i) ) ) & UF = union (rng F) & UQ = union (rng q) & the carrier of b2 = union (rng P) & the carrier' of b2 = union (rng T) & the S-T_Arcs of b2 = union (rng ST) & the T-S_Arcs of b2 = (union (rng TS)) \/ (union (rng O)) & the ColoredSet of b2 = union (rng CS) & the firing-rule of b2 = UF +* UQ ) holds
b1 = b2
deftheorem defines
synthesis PETRI_3:def 6 :
for I being non trivial finite set
for CPNT being Colored-PT-net-Family of I
for O being connecting-mapping of CPNT
for q being connecting-firing-rule of O st CPNT is disjoint_valued & ( for i, j1, j2 being Element of I st i <> j1 & i <> j2 & ex x, y1, y2 being object st
( [x,y1] in q . [i,j1] & [x,y2] in q . [i,j2] ) holds
j1 = j2 ) holds
for b5 being strict Colored-PT-net holds
( b5 = synthesis q iff ex P, T, ST, TS, CS, F being ManySortedSet of I ex UF, UQ being Function st
( ( for i being Element of I holds
( P . i = the carrier of (CPNT . i) & T . i = the carrier' of (CPNT . i) & ST . i = the S-T_Arcs of (CPNT . i) & TS . i = the T-S_Arcs of (CPNT . i) & CS . i = the ColoredSet of (CPNT . i) & F . i = the firing-rule of (CPNT . i) ) ) & UF = union (rng F) & UQ = union (rng q) & the carrier of b5 = union (rng P) & the carrier' of b5 = union (rng T) & the S-T_Arcs of b5 = union (rng ST) & the T-S_Arcs of b5 = (union (rng TS)) \/ (union (rng O)) & the ColoredSet of b5 = union (rng CS) & the firing-rule of b5 = UF +* UQ ) );
let CPN be
with-nontrivial-ColoredSet Colored-PT-net;
let m be
colored-state of
let t be
Element of the
carrier' of
let D be
thin_cylinder of the
ColoredSet of
*' {t};
let E be
thin_cylinder of the
ColoredSet of
{t} *' ;
let ColD be
color-threshold of
let ColE be
color-threshold of
let p be
Element of
func firing_result (
-> Function of the
ColoredSet of
NAT equals :
Ptr_Sub (
if (
t is_firable_on m,
ColD &
p in (loc D) \ (loc E) )
Ptr_Add (
if (
t is_firable_on m,
ColD &
p in (loc E) \ (loc D) )
otherwise m . p;
( ( t is_firable_on m,ColD & p in (loc D) \ (loc E) implies Ptr_Sub (ColD,m,p) is Function of the ColoredSet of CPN,NAT ) & ( t is_firable_on m,ColD & p in (loc E) \ (loc D) implies Ptr_Add (ColE,m,p) is Function of the ColoredSet of CPN,NAT ) & ( ( not t is_firable_on m,ColD or not p in (loc D) \ (loc E) ) & ( not t is_firable_on m,ColD or not p in (loc E) \ (loc D) ) implies m . p is Function of the ColoredSet of CPN,NAT ) )
for b1 being Function of the ColoredSet of CPN,NAT st t is_firable_on m,ColD & p in (loc D) \ (loc E) & t is_firable_on m,ColD & p in (loc E) \ (loc D) holds
( b1 = Ptr_Sub (ColD,m,p) iff b1 = Ptr_Add (ColE,m,p) )
deftheorem Def16 defines
firing_result PETRI_3:def 15 :
for CPN being with-nontrivial-ColoredSet Colored-PT-net
for m being colored-state of CPN
for t being Element of the carrier' of CPN
for D being thin_cylinder of the ColoredSet of CPN, *' {t}
for E being thin_cylinder of the ColoredSet of CPN,{t} *'
for ColD being color-threshold of D
for ColE being color-threshold of E
for p being Element of CPN holds
( ( t is_firable_on m,ColD & p in (loc D) \ (loc E) implies firing_result (ColD,ColE,m,p) = Ptr_Sub (ColD,m,p) ) & ( t is_firable_on m,ColD & p in (loc E) \ (loc D) implies firing_result (ColD,ColE,m,p) = Ptr_Add (ColE,m,p) ) & ( ( not t is_firable_on m,ColD or not p in (loc D) \ (loc E) ) & ( not t is_firable_on m,ColD or not p in (loc E) \ (loc D) ) implies firing_result (ColD,ColE,m,p) = m . p ) );