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:: Basic Petri Net Concepts. Place/Transition Net Structure, Deadlocks, Traps, Dual Nets
:: by Pauline N. Kawamoto, Yasushi Fuwa and Yatsuka Nakamura
:: Received November 27, 1992
:: Copyright (c) 1992-2021 Association of Mizar Users

:: Redefinition of Element for Non-empty Relation
let A, B be non empty set ;
let r be non empty Relation of A,B;
:: original: Element
redefine mode Element of r -> Element of [:A,B:];
for b1 being Element of r holds b1 is Element of [:A,B:]
proof end;

:: Place/Transition Net Structure
attr c1 is strict ;
struct PT_net_Str -> 2-sorted ;
aggr PT_net_Str(# carrier, carrier', S-T_Arcs, T-S_Arcs #) -> PT_net_Str ;
sel S-T_Arcs c1 -> Relation of the carrier of c1, the carrier' of c1;
sel T-S_Arcs c1 -> Relation of the carrier' of c1, the carrier of c1;

let N be PT_net_Str ;
attr N is with_S-T_arc means :Def1: :: PETRI:def 1
not the S-T_Arcs of N is empty ;
attr N is with_T-S_arc means :Def2: :: PETRI:def 2
not the T-S_Arcs of N is empty ;

:: deftheorem Def1 defines with_S-T_arc PETRI:def 1 :
for N being PT_net_Str holds
( N is with_S-T_arc iff not the S-T_Arcs of N is empty );

:: deftheorem Def2 defines with_T-S_arc PETRI:def 2 :
for N being PT_net_Str holds
( N is with_T-S_arc iff not the T-S_Arcs of N is empty );

func TrivialPetriNet -> PT_net_Str equals :: PETRI:def 3
PT_net_Str(# {{}},{{}},([#] ({{}},{{}})),([#] ({{}},{{}})) #);
PT_net_Str(# {{}},{{}},([#] ({{}},{{}})),([#] ({{}},{{}})) #) is PT_net_Str

:: deftheorem defines TrivialPetriNet PETRI:def 3 :
TrivialPetriNet = PT_net_Str(# {{}},{{}},([#] ({{}},{{}})),([#] ({{}},{{}})) #);

cluster TrivialPetriNet -> non empty non void strict with_S-T_arc with_T-S_arc ;
( TrivialPetriNet is with_S-T_arc & TrivialPetriNet is with_T-S_arc & TrivialPetriNet is strict & not TrivialPetriNet is empty & not TrivialPetriNet is void )

cluster non empty non void strict with_S-T_arc with_T-S_arc for PT_net_Str ;
ex b1 being PT_net_Str st
( not b1 is empty & not b1 is void & b1 is with_S-T_arc & b1 is with_T-S_arc & b1 is strict )
proof end;

let N be with_S-T_arc PT_net_Str ;
cluster the S-T_Arcs of N -> non empty ;
not the S-T_Arcs of N is empty
by Def1;

let N be with_T-S_arc PT_net_Str ;
cluster the T-S_Arcs of N -> non empty ;
not the T-S_Arcs of N is empty
by Def2;

mode Petri_net is non empty non void with_S-T_arc with_T-S_arc PT_net_Str ;

:: Place, Transition, and Arc s->t, t->s Elements
let PTN be Petri_net;
mode place of PTN is Element of the carrier of PTN;
mode places of PTN is Element of the carrier of PTN;
mode transition of PTN is Element of the carrier' of PTN;
mode transitions of PTN is Element of the carrier' of PTN;
mode S-T_arc of PTN is Element of the S-T_Arcs of PTN;
mode T-S_arc of PTN is Element of the T-S_Arcs of PTN;

:: Redefinition of Relation for s->t Arcs
let PTN be Petri_net;
let x be S-T_arc of PTN;
:: original: `1
redefine func x `1 -> place of PTN;
x `1 is place of PTN
proof end;
:: original: `2
redefine func x `2 -> transition of PTN;
x `2 is transition of PTN
proof end;

:: Redefinition of Relation for t->s Arcs
let PTN be Petri_net;
let x be T-S_arc of PTN;
:: original: `1
redefine func x `1 -> transition of PTN;
x `1 is transition of PTN
proof end;
:: original: `2
redefine func x `2 -> place of PTN;
x `2 is place of PTN
proof end;

let PTN be Petri_net;
let S0 be Subset of the carrier of PTN;
func *' S0 -> Subset of the carrier' of PTN equals :: PETRI:def 4
{ t where t is transition of PTN : ex f being T-S_arc of PTN ex s being place of PTN st
( s in S0 & f = [t,s] )
{ t where t is transition of PTN : ex f being T-S_arc of PTN ex s being place of PTN st
( s in S0 & f = [t,s] )
is Subset of the carrier' of PTN
proof end;
func S0 *' -> Subset of the carrier' of PTN equals :: PETRI:def 5
{ t where t is transition of PTN : ex f being S-T_arc of PTN ex s being place of PTN st
( s in S0 & f = [s,t] )
{ t where t is transition of PTN : ex f being S-T_arc of PTN ex s being place of PTN st
( s in S0 & f = [s,t] )
is Subset of the carrier' of PTN
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines *' PETRI:def 4 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for S0 being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds *' S0 = { t where t is transition of PTN : ex f being T-S_arc of PTN ex s being place of PTN st
( s in S0 & f = [t,s] )

:: deftheorem defines *' PETRI:def 5 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for S0 being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds S0 *' = { t where t is transition of PTN : ex f being S-T_arc of PTN ex s being place of PTN st
( s in S0 & f = [s,t] )

theorem :: PETRI:1
for PTN being Petri_net
for S0 being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds *' S0 = { (f `1) where f is T-S_arc of PTN : f `2 in S0 }
proof end;

theorem Th2: :: PETRI:2
for PTN being Petri_net
for S0 being Subset of the carrier of PTN
for x being object holds
( x in *' S0 iff ex f being T-S_arc of PTN ex s being place of PTN st
( s in S0 & f = [x,s] ) )
proof end;

theorem :: PETRI:3
for PTN being Petri_net
for S0 being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds S0 *' = { (f `2) where f is S-T_arc of PTN : f `1 in S0 }
proof end;

theorem Th4: :: PETRI:4
for PTN being Petri_net
for S0 being Subset of the carrier of PTN
for x being object holds
( x in S0 *' iff ex f being S-T_arc of PTN ex s being place of PTN st
( s in S0 & f = [s,x] ) )
proof end;

let PTN be Petri_net;
let T0 be Subset of the carrier' of PTN;
func *' T0 -> Subset of the carrier of PTN equals :: PETRI:def 6
{ s where s is place of PTN : ex f being S-T_arc of PTN ex t being transition of PTN st
( t in T0 & f = [s,t] )
{ s where s is place of PTN : ex f being S-T_arc of PTN ex t being transition of PTN st
( t in T0 & f = [s,t] )
is Subset of the carrier of PTN
proof end;
func T0 *' -> Subset of the carrier of PTN equals :: PETRI:def 7
{ s where s is place of PTN : ex f being T-S_arc of PTN ex t being transition of PTN st
( t in T0 & f = [t,s] )
{ s where s is place of PTN : ex f being T-S_arc of PTN ex t being transition of PTN st
( t in T0 & f = [t,s] )
is Subset of the carrier of PTN
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines *' PETRI:def 6 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for T0 being Subset of the carrier' of PTN holds *' T0 = { s where s is place of PTN : ex f being S-T_arc of PTN ex t being transition of PTN st
( t in T0 & f = [s,t] )

:: deftheorem defines *' PETRI:def 7 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for T0 being Subset of the carrier' of PTN holds T0 *' = { s where s is place of PTN : ex f being T-S_arc of PTN ex t being transition of PTN st
( t in T0 & f = [t,s] )

theorem :: PETRI:5
for PTN being Petri_net
for T0 being Subset of the carrier' of PTN holds *' T0 = { (f `1) where f is S-T_arc of PTN : f `2 in T0 }
proof end;

theorem Th6: :: PETRI:6
for PTN being Petri_net
for T0 being Subset of the carrier' of PTN
for x being set holds
( x in *' T0 iff ex f being S-T_arc of PTN ex t being transition of PTN st
( t in T0 & f = [x,t] ) )
proof end;

theorem :: PETRI:7
for PTN being Petri_net
for T0 being Subset of the carrier' of PTN holds T0 *' = { (f `2) where f is T-S_arc of PTN : f `1 in T0 }
proof end;

theorem Th8: :: PETRI:8
for PTN being Petri_net
for T0 being Subset of the carrier' of PTN
for x being set holds
( x in T0 *' iff ex f being T-S_arc of PTN ex t being transition of PTN st
( t in T0 & f = [t,x] ) )
proof end;

theorem :: PETRI:9
for PTN being Petri_net holds *' ({} the carrier of PTN) = {}
proof end;

theorem :: PETRI:10
for PTN being Petri_net holds ({} the carrier of PTN) *' = {}
proof end;

theorem :: PETRI:11
for PTN being Petri_net holds *' ({} the carrier' of PTN) = {}
proof end;

theorem :: PETRI:12
for PTN being Petri_net holds ({} the carrier' of PTN) *' = {}
proof end;

:: Deadlock-like Attribute for Place Sets
let PTN be Petri_net;
let IT be Subset of the carrier of PTN;
attr IT is Deadlock-like means :: PETRI:def 8
*' IT is Subset of (IT *');

:: deftheorem defines Deadlock-like PETRI:def 8 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for IT being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds
( IT is Deadlock-like iff *' IT is Subset of (IT *') );

:: With_Deadlocks Mode for Place\Transition Nets
let IT be Petri_net;
attr IT is With_Deadlocks means :: PETRI:def 9
ex S being Subset of the carrier of IT st S is Deadlock-like ;

:: deftheorem defines With_Deadlocks PETRI:def 9 :
for IT being Petri_net holds
( IT is With_Deadlocks iff ex S being Subset of the carrier of IT st S is Deadlock-like );

cluster non empty non void V52() with_S-T_arc with_T-S_arc With_Deadlocks for PT_net_Str ;
ex b1 being Petri_net st b1 is With_Deadlocks
proof end;

:: Trap-like Attribute for Place Sets
let PTN be Petri_net;
let IT be Subset of the carrier of PTN;
attr IT is Trap-like means :: PETRI:def 10
IT *' is Subset of (*' IT);

:: deftheorem defines Trap-like PETRI:def 10 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for IT being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds
( IT is Trap-like iff IT *' is Subset of (*' IT) );

:: With_Traps Mode for Place\Transition Nets
let IT be Petri_net;
attr IT is With_Traps means :: PETRI:def 11
ex S being Subset of the carrier of IT st S is Trap-like ;

:: deftheorem defines With_Traps PETRI:def 11 :
for IT being Petri_net holds
( IT is With_Traps iff ex S being Subset of the carrier of IT st S is Trap-like );

cluster non empty non void V52() with_S-T_arc with_T-S_arc With_Traps for PT_net_Str ;
ex b1 being Petri_net st b1 is With_Traps
proof end;

let A, B be non empty set ;
let r be non empty Relation of A,B;
:: original: ~
redefine func r ~ -> non empty Relation of B,A;
r ~ is non empty Relation of B,A
proof end;

:: Duality Definitions and Theorems for Place/Transition Nets
let PTN be PT_net_Str ;
func PTN .: -> strict PT_net_Str equals :: PETRI:def 12
PT_net_Str(# the carrier of PTN, the carrier' of PTN,( the T-S_Arcs of PTN ~),( the S-T_Arcs of PTN ~) #);
PT_net_Str(# the carrier of PTN, the carrier' of PTN,( the T-S_Arcs of PTN ~),( the S-T_Arcs of PTN ~) #) is strict PT_net_Str

:: deftheorem defines .: PETRI:def 12 :
for PTN being PT_net_Str holds PTN .: = PT_net_Str(# the carrier of PTN, the carrier' of PTN,( the T-S_Arcs of PTN ~),( the S-T_Arcs of PTN ~) #);

let PTN be Petri_net;
cluster PTN .: -> non empty non void strict with_S-T_arc with_T-S_arc ;
( PTN .: is with_S-T_arc & PTN .: is with_T-S_arc & not PTN .: is empty & not PTN .: is void )
proof end;

theorem :: PETRI:13
for PTN being Petri_net holds (PTN .:) .: = PT_net_Str(# the carrier of PTN, the carrier' of PTN, the S-T_Arcs of PTN, the T-S_Arcs of PTN #) ;

theorem :: PETRI:14
for PTN being Petri_net holds
( the carrier of PTN = the carrier of (PTN .:) & the carrier' of PTN = the carrier' of (PTN .:) & the S-T_Arcs of PTN ~ = the T-S_Arcs of (PTN .:) & the T-S_Arcs of PTN ~ = the S-T_Arcs of (PTN .:) ) ;

let PTN be Petri_net;
let S0 be Subset of the carrier of PTN;
func S0 .: -> Subset of the carrier of (PTN .:) equals :: PETRI:def 13
S0 is Subset of the carrier of (PTN .:)

:: deftheorem defines .: PETRI:def 13 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for S0 being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds S0 .: = S0;

let PTN be Petri_net;
let s be place of PTN;
func s .: -> place of (PTN .:) equals :: PETRI:def 14
s is place of (PTN .:)

:: deftheorem defines .: PETRI:def 14 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for s being place of PTN holds s .: = s;

let PTN be Petri_net;
let S0 be Subset of the carrier of (PTN .:);
func .: S0 -> Subset of the carrier of PTN equals :: PETRI:def 15
S0 is Subset of the carrier of PTN

:: deftheorem defines .: PETRI:def 15 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for S0 being Subset of the carrier of (PTN .:) holds .: S0 = S0;

let PTN be Petri_net;
let s be place of (PTN .:);
func .: s -> place of PTN equals :: PETRI:def 16
s is place of PTN

:: deftheorem defines .: PETRI:def 16 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for s being place of (PTN .:) holds .: s = s;

let PTN be Petri_net;
let T0 be Subset of the carrier' of PTN;
func T0 .: -> Subset of the carrier' of (PTN .:) equals :: PETRI:def 17
T0 is Subset of the carrier' of (PTN .:)

:: deftheorem defines .: PETRI:def 17 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for T0 being Subset of the carrier' of PTN holds T0 .: = T0;

let PTN be Petri_net;
let t be transition of PTN;
func t .: -> transition of (PTN .:) equals :: PETRI:def 18
t is transition of (PTN .:)

:: deftheorem defines .: PETRI:def 18 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for t being transition of PTN holds t .: = t;

let PTN be Petri_net;
let T0 be Subset of the carrier' of (PTN .:);
func .: T0 -> Subset of the carrier' of PTN equals :: PETRI:def 19
T0 is Subset of the carrier' of PTN

:: deftheorem defines .: PETRI:def 19 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for T0 being Subset of the carrier' of (PTN .:) holds .: T0 = T0;

let PTN be Petri_net;
let t be transition of (PTN .:);
func .: t -> transition of PTN equals :: PETRI:def 20
t is transition of PTN

:: deftheorem defines .: PETRI:def 20 :
for PTN being Petri_net
for t being transition of (PTN .:) holds .: t = t;

theorem Th15: :: PETRI:15
for PTN being Petri_net
for S being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds (S .:) *' = *' S
proof end;

theorem Th16: :: PETRI:16
for PTN being Petri_net
for S being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds *' (S .:) = S *'
proof end;

theorem :: PETRI:17
for PTN being Petri_net
for S being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds
( S is Deadlock-like iff S .: is Trap-like )
proof end;

theorem :: PETRI:18
for PTN being Petri_net
for S being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds
( S is Trap-like iff S .: is Deadlock-like )
proof end;

theorem :: PETRI:19
for PTN being Petri_net
for t being transition of PTN
for S0 being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds
( t in S0 *' iff *' {t} meets S0 )
proof end;

theorem :: PETRI:20
for PTN being Petri_net
for t being transition of PTN
for S0 being Subset of the carrier of PTN holds
( t in *' S0 iff {t} *' meets S0 )
proof end;