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:: Order Sorted Quotient Algebra
:: by Josef Urban
:: Received September 19, 2002
:: Copyright (c) 2002-2021 Association of Mizar Users

let R be non empty Poset;
cluster Relation-like the carrier of R -defined non empty Function-like total Relation-yielding order-sorted for set ;
ex b1 being OrderSortedSet of R st b1 is Relation-yielding
proof end;

:: this is a stronger condition for relation than just being order-sorted
let R be non empty Poset;
let A, B be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R;
let IT be ManySortedRelation of A,B;
attr IT is os-compatible means :: OSALG_4:def 1
for s1, s2 being Element of R st s1 <= s2 holds
for x, y being set st x in A . s1 & y in B . s1 holds
( [x,y] in IT . s1 iff [x,y] in IT . s2 );

:: deftheorem defines os-compatible OSALG_4:def 1 :
for R being non empty Poset
for A, B being ManySortedSet of the carrier of R
for IT being ManySortedRelation of A,B holds
( IT is os-compatible iff for s1, s2 being Element of R st s1 <= s2 holds
for x, y being set st x in A . s1 & y in B . s1 holds
( [x,y] in IT . s1 iff [x,y] in IT . s2 ) );

let R be non empty Poset;
let A, B be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R;
cluster Relation-like the carrier of R -defined non empty Function-like total Relation-yielding os-compatible for ManySortedRelation of A,B;
ex b1 being ManySortedRelation of A,B st b1 is os-compatible
proof end;

let R be non empty Poset;
let A, B be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R;
mode OrderSortedRelation of A,B is os-compatible ManySortedRelation of A,B;

theorem Th1: :: OSALG_4:1
for R being non empty Poset
for A, B being ManySortedSet of the carrier of R
for OR being ManySortedRelation of A,B st OR is os-compatible holds
OR is OrderSortedSet of R
proof end;

let R be non empty Poset;
let A, B be ManySortedSet of R;
cluster os-compatible -> order-sorted for ManySortedRelation of A,B;
for b1 being ManySortedRelation of A,B st b1 is os-compatible holds
b1 is order-sorted
by Th1;

let R be non empty Poset;
let A be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R;
mode OrderSortedRelation of A is OrderSortedRelation of A,A;

let S be OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be OSAlgebra of S;
mode OrderSortedRelation of U1 -> ManySortedRelation of U1 means :Def2: :: OSALG_4:def 2
it is os-compatible ;
ex b1 being ManySortedRelation of U1 st b1 is os-compatible
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def2 defines OrderSortedRelation OSALG_4:def 2 :
for S being OrderSortedSign
for U1 being OSAlgebra of S
for b3 being ManySortedRelation of U1 holds
( b3 is OrderSortedRelation of U1 iff b3 is os-compatible );

:: REVISE: the definition of ManySorted diagonal from MSUALG_6
:: should be moved to MSUALG_4; the "compatible" attr from MSUALG_6
:: should replace the MSCongruence-like
let S be OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be OSAlgebra of S;
cluster Relation-like the carrier of S -defined non empty Function-like total Relation-yielding MSEquivalence-like for OrderSortedRelation of U1;
ex b1 being OrderSortedRelation of U1 st b1 is MSEquivalence-like
proof end;

:: REVISE: we need the fact that id has the type,
:: the original prf can be simplified
let S be OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
cluster Relation-like the carrier of S -defined non empty Function-like total Relation-yielding MSEquivalence-like MSCongruence-like for OrderSortedRelation of U1;
ex b1 being MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1 st b1 is MSCongruence-like
proof end;

let S be OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
mode OSCongruence of U1 is MSEquivalence-like MSCongruence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1;

:: TODO: a smooth transition between Relations and Graphs would
:: be useful here, the FinSequence approach seemed to me faster than
:: transitive closure of R \/ R" .. maybe not, can be later a theorem
:: all could be done generally for reflexive or with small :: modification even non reflexive Relations
:: I found ex post that attributes disconnected and connected defined
:: in ORDERS_3 have st. in common here, but the theory there is not developed
:: suggested improvements: f connects x,y; x is_connected_with y;
:: connected iff for x,y holds x is_connected_with y
:: finally I found this is the EqCl from MSUALG_5 - should be merged
let R be non empty Poset;
func Path_Rel R -> Equivalence_Relation of the carrier of R means :Def3: :: OSALG_4:def 3
for x, y being object holds
( [x,y] in it iff ( x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R & ex p being FinSequence of the carrier of R st
( 1 < len p & p . 1 = x & p . (len p) = y & ( for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p & not [(p . n),(p . (n - 1))] in the InternalRel of R holds
[(p . (n - 1)),(p . n)] in the InternalRel of R ) ) ) );
ex b1 being Equivalence_Relation of the carrier of R st
for x, y being object holds
( [x,y] in b1 iff ( x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R & ex p being FinSequence of the carrier of R st
( 1 < len p & p . 1 = x & p . (len p) = y & ( for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p & not [(p . n),(p . (n - 1))] in the InternalRel of R holds
[(p . (n - 1)),(p . n)] in the InternalRel of R ) ) ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Equivalence_Relation of the carrier of R st ( for x, y being object holds
( [x,y] in b1 iff ( x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R & ex p being FinSequence of the carrier of R st
( 1 < len p & p . 1 = x & p . (len p) = y & ( for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p & not [(p . n),(p . (n - 1))] in the InternalRel of R holds
[(p . (n - 1)),(p . n)] in the InternalRel of R ) ) ) ) ) & ( for x, y being object holds
( [x,y] in b2 iff ( x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R & ex p being FinSequence of the carrier of R st
( 1 < len p & p . 1 = x & p . (len p) = y & ( for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p & not [(p . n),(p . (n - 1))] in the InternalRel of R holds
[(p . (n - 1)),(p . n)] in the InternalRel of R ) ) ) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def3 defines Path_Rel OSALG_4:def 3 :
for R being non empty Poset
for b2 being Equivalence_Relation of the carrier of R holds
( b2 = Path_Rel R iff for x, y being object holds
( [x,y] in b2 iff ( x in the carrier of R & y in the carrier of R & ex p being FinSequence of the carrier of R st
( 1 < len p & p . 1 = x & p . (len p) = y & ( for n being Nat st 2 <= n & n <= len p & not [(p . n),(p . (n - 1))] in the InternalRel of R holds
[(p . (n - 1)),(p . n)] in the InternalRel of R ) ) ) ) );

theorem Th2: :: OSALG_4:2
for R being non empty Poset
for s1, s2 being Element of R st s1 <= s2 holds
[s1,s2] in Path_Rel R
proof end;

:: again, should be defined for Relations probably
let R be non empty Poset;
let s1, s2 be Element of R;
pred s1 ~= s2 means :: OSALG_4:def 4
[s1,s2] in Path_Rel R;
for s1 being Element of R holds [s1,s1] in Path_Rel R
proof end;
for s1, s2 being Element of R st [s1,s2] in Path_Rel R holds
[s2,s1] in Path_Rel R
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines ~= OSALG_4:def 4 :
for R being non empty Poset
for s1, s2 being Element of R holds
( s1 ~= s2 iff [s1,s2] in Path_Rel R );

theorem :: OSALG_4:3
for R being non empty Poset
for s1, s2, s3 being Element of R st s1 ~= s2 & s2 ~= s3 holds
s1 ~= s3
proof end;

:: do for Relations
let R be non empty Poset;
func Components R -> non empty Subset-Family of R equals :: OSALG_4:def 5
Class (Path_Rel R);
Class (Path_Rel R) is non empty Subset-Family of R

:: deftheorem defines Components OSALG_4:def 5 :
for R being non empty Poset holds Components R = Class (Path_Rel R);

let R be non empty Poset;
cluster -> non empty for Element of Components R;
for b1 being Element of Components R holds not b1 is empty
proof end;

let R be non empty Poset;
mode Component of R is Element of Components R;

let R be non empty Poset;
let s1 be Element of R;
func CComp s1 -> Component of R equals :: OSALG_4:def 6
Class ((Path_Rel R),s1);
Class ((Path_Rel R),s1) is Component of R
by EQREL_1:def 3;

:: deftheorem defines CComp OSALG_4:def 6 :
for R being non empty Poset
for s1 being Element of R holds CComp s1 = Class ((Path_Rel R),s1);

theorem Th4: :: OSALG_4:4
for R being non empty Poset
for s1, s2 being Element of R st s1 <= s2 holds
CComp s1 = CComp s2
proof end;

let R be non empty Poset;
let A be ManySortedSet of the carrier of R;
let C be Component of R;
func A -carrier_of C -> set equals :: OSALG_4:def 7
union { (A . s) where s is Element of R : s in C } ;
union { (A . s) where s is Element of R : s in C } is set

:: deftheorem defines -carrier_of OSALG_4:def 7 :
for R being non empty Poset
for A being ManySortedSet of the carrier of R
for C being Component of R holds A -carrier_of C = union { (A . s) where s is Element of R : s in C } ;

theorem Th5: :: OSALG_4:5
for R being non empty Poset
for A being ManySortedSet of the carrier of R
for s being Element of R
for x being set st x in A . s holds
x in A -carrier_of (CComp s)
proof end;

let R be non empty Poset;
attr R is locally_directed means :Def8: :: OSALG_4:def 8
for C being Component of R holds C is directed ;

:: deftheorem Def8 defines locally_directed OSALG_4:def 8 :
for R being non empty Poset holds
( R is locally_directed iff for C being Component of R holds C is directed );

theorem Th6: :: OSALG_4:6
for R being non empty discrete Poset
for x, y being Element of R st [x,y] in Path_Rel R holds
x = y
proof end;

theorem Th7: :: OSALG_4:7
for R being non empty discrete Poset
for C being Component of R ex x being Element of R st C = {x}
proof end;

theorem Th8: :: OSALG_4:8
for R being non empty discrete Poset holds R is locally_directed
proof end;

:: the system could generate this one from the following
cluster non empty reflexive transitive antisymmetric locally_directed for RelStr ;
ex b1 being non empty Poset st b1 is locally_directed
proof end;

cluster non empty non void V80() reflexive transitive antisymmetric order-sorted discernable locally_directed for OverloadedRSSign ;
ex b1 being OrderSortedSign st b1 is locally_directed
proof end;

cluster non empty reflexive transitive antisymmetric discrete -> non empty locally_directed for RelStr ;
for b1 being non empty Poset st b1 is discrete holds
b1 is locally_directed
by Th8;

let S be non empty locally_directed Poset;
cluster -> directed for Element of Components S;
for b1 being Component of S holds b1 is directed
by Def8;

theorem Th9: :: OSALG_4:9
{} is Equivalence_Relation of {} by RELSET_1:12;

:: Much of what follows can be done generally for OrderSortedRelations
:: of OrderSortedSets and not just OrderSortedRelations of OSAlgebras,
:: unfortunately, multiple inheritence would be needed to widen the
:: latter to the former
:: Classes on connected components
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let A be OSAlgebra of S;
let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A;
let C be Component of S;
func CompClass (E,C) -> Equivalence_Relation of ( the Sorts of A -carrier_of C) means :Def9: :: OSALG_4:def 9
for x, y being object holds
( [x,y] in it iff ex s1 being Element of S st
( s1 in C & [x,y] in E . s1 ) );
ex b1 being Equivalence_Relation of ( the Sorts of A -carrier_of C) st
for x, y being object holds
( [x,y] in b1 iff ex s1 being Element of S st
( s1 in C & [x,y] in E . s1 ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Equivalence_Relation of ( the Sorts of A -carrier_of C) st ( for x, y being object holds
( [x,y] in b1 iff ex s1 being Element of S st
( s1 in C & [x,y] in E . s1 ) ) ) & ( for x, y being object holds
( [x,y] in b2 iff ex s1 being Element of S st
( s1 in C & [x,y] in E . s1 ) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def9 defines CompClass OSALG_4:def 9 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for A being OSAlgebra of S
for E being MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A
for C being Component of S
for b5 being Equivalence_Relation of ( the Sorts of A -carrier_of C) holds
( b5 = CompClass (E,C) iff for x, y being object holds
( [x,y] in b5 iff ex s1 being Element of S st
( s1 in C & [x,y] in E . s1 ) ) );

:: we could give a name to Class CompClassE,C
:: restriction of Class CompClassE,C to A.s1
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let A be OSAlgebra of S;
let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A;
let s1 be Element of S;
func OSClass (E,s1) -> Subset of (Class (CompClass (E,(CComp s1)))) means :Def10: :: OSALG_4:def 10
for z being set holds
( z in it iff ex x being set st
( x in the Sorts of A . s1 & z = Class ((CompClass (E,(CComp s1))),x) ) );
ex b1 being Subset of (Class (CompClass (E,(CComp s1)))) st
for z being set holds
( z in b1 iff ex x being set st
( x in the Sorts of A . s1 & z = Class ((CompClass (E,(CComp s1))),x) ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of (Class (CompClass (E,(CComp s1)))) st ( for z being set holds
( z in b1 iff ex x being set st
( x in the Sorts of A . s1 & z = Class ((CompClass (E,(CComp s1))),x) ) ) ) & ( for z being set holds
( z in b2 iff ex x being set st
( x in the Sorts of A . s1 & z = Class ((CompClass (E,(CComp s1))),x) ) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def10 defines OSClass OSALG_4:def 10 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for A being OSAlgebra of S
for E being MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A
for s1 being Element of S
for b5 being Subset of (Class (CompClass (E,(CComp s1)))) holds
( b5 = OSClass (E,s1) iff for z being set holds
( z in b5 iff ex x being set st
( x in the Sorts of A . s1 & z = Class ((CompClass (E,(CComp s1))),x) ) ) );

let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A;
let s1 be Element of S;
cluster OSClass (E,s1) -> non empty ;
not OSClass (E,s1) is empty
proof end;

theorem Th10: :: OSALG_4:10
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for A being OSAlgebra of S
for E being MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A
for s1, s2 being Element of S st s1 <= s2 holds
OSClass (E,s1) c= OSClass (E,s2)
proof end;

:: finally, this is analogy of the Many-Sorted Class E for order-sorted E
:: this definition should work for order-sorted MSCongruence too
:: if non-empty not needed, prove the following cluster
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let A be OSAlgebra of S;
let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A;
func OSClass E -> OrderSortedSet of S means :Def11: :: OSALG_4:def 11
for s1 being Element of S holds it . s1 = OSClass (E,s1);
ex b1 being OrderSortedSet of S st
for s1 being Element of S holds b1 . s1 = OSClass (E,s1)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being OrderSortedSet of S st ( for s1 being Element of S holds b1 . s1 = OSClass (E,s1) ) & ( for s1 being Element of S holds b2 . s1 = OSClass (E,s1) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def11 defines OSClass OSALG_4:def 11 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for A being OSAlgebra of S
for E being MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A
for b4 being OrderSortedSet of S holds
( b4 = OSClass E iff for s1 being Element of S holds b4 . s1 = OSClass (E,s1) );

let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of A;
cluster OSClass E -> V2() ;
OSClass E is non-empty
proof end;

:: order-sorted equiv of ClassR,x
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let E be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1;
let s be Element of S;
let x be Element of the Sorts of U1 . s;
func OSClass (E,x) -> Element of OSClass (E,s) equals :: OSALG_4:def 12
Class ((CompClass (E,(CComp s))),x);
Class ((CompClass (E,(CComp s))),x) is Element of OSClass (E,s)
by Def10;

:: deftheorem defines OSClass OSALG_4:def 12 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for E being MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1
for s being Element of S
for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds OSClass (E,x) = Class ((CompClass (E,(CComp s))),x);

theorem :: OSALG_4:11
for R being non empty locally_directed Poset
for x, y being Element of R st ex z being Element of R st
( z <= x & z <= y ) holds
ex u being Element of R st
( x <= u & y <= u )
proof end;

theorem Th12: :: OSALG_4:12
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for E being MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1
for s being Element of S
for x, y being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds
( OSClass (E,x) = OSClass (E,y) iff [x,y] in E . s )
proof end;

theorem :: OSALG_4:13
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for E being MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1
for s1, s2 being Element of S
for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s1 st s1 <= s2 holds
for y being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s2 st y = x holds
OSClass (E,x) = OSClass (E,y) by Th4;

:: multiclasses
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let o be Element of the carrier' of S;
let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let R be OSCongruence of A;
let x be Element of Args (o,A);
func R #_os x -> Element of product ((OSClass R) * (the_arity_of o)) means :Def13: :: OSALG_4:def 13
for n being Nat st n in dom (the_arity_of o) holds
ex y being Element of the Sorts of A . ((the_arity_of o) /. n) st
( y = x . n & it . n = OSClass (R,y) );
ex b1 being Element of product ((OSClass R) * (the_arity_of o)) st
for n being Nat st n in dom (the_arity_of o) holds
ex y being Element of the Sorts of A . ((the_arity_of o) /. n) st
( y = x . n & b1 . n = OSClass (R,y) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Element of product ((OSClass R) * (the_arity_of o)) st ( for n being Nat st n in dom (the_arity_of o) holds
ex y being Element of the Sorts of A . ((the_arity_of o) /. n) st
( y = x . n & b1 . n = OSClass (R,y) ) ) & ( for n being Nat st n in dom (the_arity_of o) holds
ex y being Element of the Sorts of A . ((the_arity_of o) /. n) st
( y = x . n & b2 . n = OSClass (R,y) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def13 defines #_os OSALG_4:def 13 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for o being Element of the carrier' of S
for A being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of A
for x being Element of Args (o,A)
for b6 being Element of product ((OSClass R) * (the_arity_of o)) holds
( b6 = R #_os x iff for n being Nat st n in dom (the_arity_of o) holds
ex y being Element of the Sorts of A . ((the_arity_of o) /. n) st
( y = x . n & b6 . n = OSClass (R,y) ) );

:: the quotient will be different for order-sorted;
:: this def seems ok for order-sorted
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let o be Element of the carrier' of S;
let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let R be OSCongruence of A;
func OSQuotRes (R,o) -> Function of (( the Sorts of A * the ResultSort of S) . o),(((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) . o) means :Def14: :: OSALG_4:def 14
for x being Element of the Sorts of A . (the_result_sort_of o) holds it . x = OSClass (R,x);
ex b1 being Function of (( the Sorts of A * the ResultSort of S) . o),(((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) . o) st
for x being Element of the Sorts of A . (the_result_sort_of o) holds b1 . x = OSClass (R,x)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Function of (( the Sorts of A * the ResultSort of S) . o),(((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) . o) st ( for x being Element of the Sorts of A . (the_result_sort_of o) holds b1 . x = OSClass (R,x) ) & ( for x being Element of the Sorts of A . (the_result_sort_of o) holds b2 . x = OSClass (R,x) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;
func OSQuotArgs (R,o) -> Function of ((( the Sorts of A #) * the Arity of S) . o),((((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o) means :: OSALG_4:def 15
for x being Element of Args (o,A) holds it . x = R #_os x;
ex b1 being Function of ((( the Sorts of A #) * the Arity of S) . o),((((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o) st
for x being Element of Args (o,A) holds b1 . x = R #_os x
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Function of ((( the Sorts of A #) * the Arity of S) . o),((((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o) st ( for x being Element of Args (o,A) holds b1 . x = R #_os x ) & ( for x being Element of Args (o,A) holds b2 . x = R #_os x ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def14 defines OSQuotRes OSALG_4:def 14 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for o being Element of the carrier' of S
for A being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of A
for b5 being Function of (( the Sorts of A * the ResultSort of S) . o),(((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) . o) holds
( b5 = OSQuotRes (R,o) iff for x being Element of the Sorts of A . (the_result_sort_of o) holds b5 . x = OSClass (R,x) );

:: deftheorem defines OSQuotArgs OSALG_4:def 15 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for o being Element of the carrier' of S
for A being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of A
for b5 being Function of ((( the Sorts of A #) * the Arity of S) . o),((((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o) holds
( b5 = OSQuotArgs (R,o) iff for x being Element of Args (o,A) holds b5 . x = R #_os x );

let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let R be OSCongruence of A;
func OSQuotRes R -> ManySortedFunction of the Sorts of A * the ResultSort of S,(OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S means :: OSALG_4:def 16
for o being OperSymbol of S holds it . o = OSQuotRes (R,o);
ex b1 being ManySortedFunction of the Sorts of A * the ResultSort of S,(OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S st
for o being OperSymbol of S holds b1 . o = OSQuotRes (R,o)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being ManySortedFunction of the Sorts of A * the ResultSort of S,(OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S st ( for o being OperSymbol of S holds b1 . o = OSQuotRes (R,o) ) & ( for o being OperSymbol of S holds b2 . o = OSQuotRes (R,o) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;
func OSQuotArgs R -> ManySortedFunction of ( the Sorts of A #) * the Arity of S,((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S means :: OSALG_4:def 17
for o being OperSymbol of S holds it . o = OSQuotArgs (R,o);
ex b1 being ManySortedFunction of ( the Sorts of A #) * the Arity of S,((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S st
for o being OperSymbol of S holds b1 . o = OSQuotArgs (R,o)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being ManySortedFunction of ( the Sorts of A #) * the Arity of S,((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S st ( for o being OperSymbol of S holds b1 . o = OSQuotArgs (R,o) ) & ( for o being OperSymbol of S holds b2 . o = OSQuotArgs (R,o) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines OSQuotRes OSALG_4:def 16 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for A being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of A
for b4 being ManySortedFunction of the Sorts of A * the ResultSort of S,(OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S holds
( b4 = OSQuotRes R iff for o being OperSymbol of S holds b4 . o = OSQuotRes (R,o) );

:: deftheorem defines OSQuotArgs OSALG_4:def 17 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for A being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of A
for b4 being ManySortedFunction of ( the Sorts of A #) * the Arity of S,((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S holds
( b4 = OSQuotArgs R iff for o being OperSymbol of S holds b4 . o = OSQuotArgs (R,o) );

theorem Th14: :: OSALG_4:14
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for o being Element of the carrier' of S
for A being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of A
for x being set st x in (((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o holds
ex a being Element of Args (o,A) st x = R #_os a
proof end;

let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let o be Element of the carrier' of S;
let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let R be OSCongruence of A;
func OSQuotCharact (R,o) -> Function of ((((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o),(((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) . o) means :Def18: :: OSALG_4:def 18
for a being Element of Args (o,A) st R #_os a in (((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o holds
it . (R #_os a) = ((OSQuotRes (R,o)) * (Den (o,A))) . a;
ex b1 being Function of ((((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o),(((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) . o) st
for a being Element of Args (o,A) st R #_os a in (((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o holds
b1 . (R #_os a) = ((OSQuotRes (R,o)) * (Den (o,A))) . a
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Function of ((((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o),(((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) . o) st ( for a being Element of Args (o,A) st R #_os a in (((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o holds
b1 . (R #_os a) = ((OSQuotRes (R,o)) * (Den (o,A))) . a ) & ( for a being Element of Args (o,A) st R #_os a in (((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o holds
b2 . (R #_os a) = ((OSQuotRes (R,o)) * (Den (o,A))) . a ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def18 defines OSQuotCharact OSALG_4:def 18 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for o being Element of the carrier' of S
for A being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of A
for b5 being Function of ((((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o),(((OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S) . o) holds
( b5 = OSQuotCharact (R,o) iff for a being Element of Args (o,A) st R #_os a in (((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S) . o holds
b5 . (R #_os a) = ((OSQuotRes (R,o)) * (Den (o,A))) . a );

let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let A be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let R be OSCongruence of A;
func OSQuotCharact R -> ManySortedFunction of ((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S,(OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S means :Def19: :: OSALG_4:def 19
for o being OperSymbol of S holds it . o = OSQuotCharact (R,o);
ex b1 being ManySortedFunction of ((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S,(OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S st
for o being OperSymbol of S holds b1 . o = OSQuotCharact (R,o)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being ManySortedFunction of ((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S,(OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S st ( for o being OperSymbol of S holds b1 . o = OSQuotCharact (R,o) ) & ( for o being OperSymbol of S holds b2 . o = OSQuotCharact (R,o) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def19 defines OSQuotCharact OSALG_4:def 19 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for A being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of A
for b4 being ManySortedFunction of ((OSClass R) #) * the Arity of S,(OSClass R) * the ResultSort of S holds
( b4 = OSQuotCharact R iff for o being OperSymbol of S holds b4 . o = OSQuotCharact (R,o) );

let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let R be OSCongruence of U1;
func QuotOSAlg (U1,R) -> OSAlgebra of S equals :: OSALG_4:def 20
MSAlgebra(# (OSClass R),(OSQuotCharact R) #);
MSAlgebra(# (OSClass R),(OSQuotCharact R) #) is OSAlgebra of S
by OSALG_1:17;

:: deftheorem defines QuotOSAlg OSALG_4:def 20 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of U1 holds QuotOSAlg (U1,R) = MSAlgebra(# (OSClass R),(OSQuotCharact R) #);

:: we could note that for discrete the QuotOSAlg and QuotMsAlg are equal
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let R be OSCongruence of U1;
cluster QuotOSAlg (U1,R) -> strict non-empty ;
( QuotOSAlg (U1,R) is strict & QuotOSAlg (U1,R) is non-empty )
by MSUALG_1:def 3;

let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let R be OSCongruence of U1;
let s be Element of S;
func OSNat_Hom (U1,R,s) -> Function of ( the Sorts of U1 . s),(OSClass (R,s)) means :Def21: :: OSALG_4:def 21
for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds it . x = OSClass (R,x);
ex b1 being Function of ( the Sorts of U1 . s),(OSClass (R,s)) st
for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b1 . x = OSClass (R,x)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Function of ( the Sorts of U1 . s),(OSClass (R,s)) st ( for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b1 . x = OSClass (R,x) ) & ( for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b2 . x = OSClass (R,x) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def21 defines OSNat_Hom OSALG_4:def 21 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of U1
for s being Element of S
for b5 being Function of ( the Sorts of U1 . s),(OSClass (R,s)) holds
( b5 = OSNat_Hom (U1,R,s) iff for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b5 . x = OSClass (R,x) );

let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let R be OSCongruence of U1;
func OSNat_Hom (U1,R) -> ManySortedFunction of U1,(QuotOSAlg (U1,R)) means :Def22: :: OSALG_4:def 22
for s being Element of S holds it . s = OSNat_Hom (U1,R,s);
ex b1 being ManySortedFunction of U1,(QuotOSAlg (U1,R)) st
for s being Element of S holds b1 . s = OSNat_Hom (U1,R,s)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being ManySortedFunction of U1,(QuotOSAlg (U1,R)) st ( for s being Element of S holds b1 . s = OSNat_Hom (U1,R,s) ) & ( for s being Element of S holds b2 . s = OSNat_Hom (U1,R,s) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def22 defines OSNat_Hom OSALG_4:def 22 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of U1
for b4 being ManySortedFunction of U1,(QuotOSAlg (U1,R)) holds
( b4 = OSNat_Hom (U1,R) iff for s being Element of S holds b4 . s = OSNat_Hom (U1,R,s) );

theorem :: OSALG_4:15
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of U1 holds
( OSNat_Hom (U1,R) is_epimorphism U1, QuotOSAlg (U1,R) & OSNat_Hom (U1,R) is order-sorted )
proof end;

theorem Th16: :: OSALG_4:16
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1, U2 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 st F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
MSCng F is OSCongruence of U1
proof end;

:: just a casting func, currently no other way how to employ the type system
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let U1, U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
assume A1: ( F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted ) ;
func OSCng F -> OSCongruence of U1 equals :Def23: :: OSALG_4:def 23
MSCng F;
MSCng F is OSCongruence of U1
by A1, Th16;

:: deftheorem Def23 defines OSCng OSALG_4:def 23 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1, U2 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 st F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
OSCng F = MSCng F;

let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let U1, U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
let s be Element of S;
assume that
A1: F is_homomorphism U1,U2 and
A2: F is order-sorted ;
func OSHomQuot (F,s) -> Function of ( the Sorts of (QuotOSAlg (U1,(OSCng F))) . s),( the Sorts of U2 . s) means :Def24: :: OSALG_4:def 24
for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds it . (OSClass ((OSCng F),x)) = (F . s) . x;
ex b1 being Function of ( the Sorts of (QuotOSAlg (U1,(OSCng F))) . s),( the Sorts of U2 . s) st
for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b1 . (OSClass ((OSCng F),x)) = (F . s) . x
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Function of ( the Sorts of (QuotOSAlg (U1,(OSCng F))) . s),( the Sorts of U2 . s) st ( for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b1 . (OSClass ((OSCng F),x)) = (F . s) . x ) & ( for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b2 . (OSClass ((OSCng F),x)) = (F . s) . x ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def24 defines OSHomQuot OSALG_4:def 24 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1, U2 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2
for s being Element of S st F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
for b6 being Function of ( the Sorts of (QuotOSAlg (U1,(OSCng F))) . s),( the Sorts of U2 . s) holds
( b6 = OSHomQuot (F,s) iff for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b6 . (OSClass ((OSCng F),x)) = (F . s) . x );

:: this seems a bit too permissive, but same as the original
:: we should assume F order-sorted probably
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let U1, U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
func OSHomQuot F -> ManySortedFunction of (QuotOSAlg (U1,(OSCng F))),U2 means :Def25: :: OSALG_4:def 25
for s being Element of S holds it . s = OSHomQuot (F,s);
ex b1 being ManySortedFunction of (QuotOSAlg (U1,(OSCng F))),U2 st
for s being Element of S holds b1 . s = OSHomQuot (F,s)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being ManySortedFunction of (QuotOSAlg (U1,(OSCng F))),U2 st ( for s being Element of S holds b1 . s = OSHomQuot (F,s) ) & ( for s being Element of S holds b2 . s = OSHomQuot (F,s) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def25 defines OSHomQuot OSALG_4:def 25 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1, U2 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2
for b5 being ManySortedFunction of (QuotOSAlg (U1,(OSCng F))),U2 holds
( b5 = OSHomQuot F iff for s being Element of S holds b5 . s = OSHomQuot (F,s) );

theorem Th17: :: OSALG_4:17
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1, U2 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 st F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
( OSHomQuot F is_monomorphism QuotOSAlg (U1,(OSCng F)),U2 & OSHomQuot F is order-sorted )
proof end;

theorem Th18: :: OSALG_4:18
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1, U2 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 st F is_epimorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
OSHomQuot F is_isomorphism QuotOSAlg (U1,(OSCng F)),U2
proof end;

theorem :: OSALG_4:19
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1, U2 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 st F is_epimorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
QuotOSAlg (U1,(OSCng F)),U2 are_isomorphic
proof end;

:: monotone OSCongruence ... monotonicity is properly stronger
:: than MSCongruence, so we define it more broadly and prove the
:: ccluster then, however if used for other things than OSCongruences
:: the name of the attribute should be changed
:: this condition is nontrivial only for nonmonotone osas see further,
:: where Deno1,U1.x1 can differ from Deno2,U2.x1
:: is OK for constants ... their Args is always {{}}, so o1 <= o2
:: implies for them Den(o1,U1).{},Den(o2,U1).{} in R
let S be OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let R be MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1;
attr R is monotone means :Def26: :: OSALG_4:def 26
for o1, o2 being OperSymbol of S st o1 <= o2 holds
for x1 being Element of Args (o1,U1)
for x2 being Element of Args (o2,U1) st ( for y being Nat st y in dom x1 holds
[(x1 . y),(x2 . y)] in R . ((the_arity_of o2) /. y) ) holds
[((Den (o1,U1)) . x1),((Den (o2,U1)) . x2)] in R . (the_result_sort_of o2);

:: deftheorem Def26 defines monotone OSALG_4:def 26 :
for S being OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1 holds
( R is monotone iff for o1, o2 being OperSymbol of S st o1 <= o2 holds
for x1 being Element of Args (o1,U1)
for x2 being Element of Args (o2,U1) st ( for y being Nat st y in dom x1 holds
[(x1 . y),(x2 . y)] in R . ((the_arity_of o2) /. y) ) holds
[((Den (o1,U1)) . x1),((Den (o2,U1)) . x2)] in R . (the_result_sort_of o2) );

theorem Th20: :: OSALG_4:20
for S being OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S holds [| the Sorts of U1, the Sorts of U1|] is OSCongruence of U1
proof end;

theorem Th21: :: OSALG_4:21
for S being OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of U1 st R = [| the Sorts of U1, the Sorts of U1|] holds
R is monotone
proof end;

let S be OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
cluster Relation-like the carrier of S -defined non empty Function-like total Relation-yielding MSEquivalence-like MSCongruence-like monotone for OrderSortedRelation of U1;
ex b1 being OSCongruence of U1 st b1 is monotone
proof end;

let S be OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
cluster Relation-like the carrier of S -defined non empty Function-like total Relation-yielding MSEquivalence-like monotone for OrderSortedRelation of U1;
ex b1 being MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1 st b1 is monotone
proof end;

theorem Th22: :: OSALG_4:22
for S being OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for R being MSEquivalence-like monotone OrderSortedRelation of U1 holds R is MSCongruence-like
proof end;

let S be OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
cluster MSEquivalence-like monotone -> MSEquivalence-like MSCongruence-like for OrderSortedRelation of U1;
for b1 being MSEquivalence-like OrderSortedRelation of U1 st b1 is monotone holds
b1 is MSCongruence-like
by Th22;

theorem Th23: :: OSALG_4:23
for S being OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty monotone OSAlgebra of S
for R being OSCongruence of U1 holds R is monotone
proof end;

let S be OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty monotone OSAlgebra of S;
cluster MSEquivalence-like MSCongruence-like -> monotone for OrderSortedRelation of U1;
for b1 being OSCongruence of U1 holds b1 is monotone
by Th23;

:: monotonicity of quotient by monotone oscongruence
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let U1 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let R be monotone OSCongruence of U1;
cluster QuotOSAlg (U1,R) -> monotone ;
QuotOSAlg (U1,R) is monotone
proof end;

theorem :: OSALG_4:24
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for U2 being non-empty monotone OSAlgebra of S
for F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2 st F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted holds
OSCng F is monotone
proof end;

:: these are a bit more general versions of OSHomQuot, that
:: I need for OSAFREE; more proper way how to do this is restating
:: the MSUALG_9 quotient theorems for OSAs, but that's more work
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let U1, U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
let R be OSCongruence of U1;
let s be Element of S;
assume that
A1: F is_homomorphism U1,U2 and
A2: F is order-sorted and
A3: R c= OSCng F ;
func OSHomQuot (F,R,s) -> Function of ( the Sorts of (QuotOSAlg (U1,R)) . s),( the Sorts of U2 . s) means :Def27: :: OSALG_4:def 27
for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds it . (OSClass (R,x)) = (F . s) . x;
ex b1 being Function of ( the Sorts of (QuotOSAlg (U1,R)) . s),( the Sorts of U2 . s) st
for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b1 . (OSClass (R,x)) = (F . s) . x
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Function of ( the Sorts of (QuotOSAlg (U1,R)) . s),( the Sorts of U2 . s) st ( for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b1 . (OSClass (R,x)) = (F . s) . x ) & ( for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b2 . (OSClass (R,x)) = (F . s) . x ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def27 defines OSHomQuot OSALG_4:def 27 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1, U2 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2
for R being OSCongruence of U1
for s being Element of S st F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted & R c= OSCng F holds
for b7 being Function of ( the Sorts of (QuotOSAlg (U1,R)) . s),( the Sorts of U2 . s) holds
( b7 = OSHomQuot (F,R,s) iff for x being Element of the Sorts of U1 . s holds b7 . (OSClass (R,x)) = (F . s) . x );

:: this seems a bit too permissive, but same as the original
:: we should assume F order-sorted probably
let S be locally_directed OrderSortedSign;
let U1, U2 be non-empty OSAlgebra of S;
let F be ManySortedFunction of U1,U2;
let R be OSCongruence of U1;
func OSHomQuot (F,R) -> ManySortedFunction of (QuotOSAlg (U1,R)),U2 means :Def28: :: OSALG_4:def 28
for s being Element of S holds it . s = OSHomQuot (F,R,s);
ex b1 being ManySortedFunction of (QuotOSAlg (U1,R)),U2 st
for s being Element of S holds b1 . s = OSHomQuot (F,R,s)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being ManySortedFunction of (QuotOSAlg (U1,R)),U2 st ( for s being Element of S holds b1 . s = OSHomQuot (F,R,s) ) & ( for s being Element of S holds b2 . s = OSHomQuot (F,R,s) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def28 defines OSHomQuot OSALG_4:def 28 :
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1, U2 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2
for R being OSCongruence of U1
for b6 being ManySortedFunction of (QuotOSAlg (U1,R)),U2 holds
( b6 = OSHomQuot (F,R) iff for s being Element of S holds b6 . s = OSHomQuot (F,R,s) );

theorem :: OSALG_4:25
for S being locally_directed OrderSortedSign
for U1, U2 being non-empty OSAlgebra of S
for F being ManySortedFunction of U1,U2
for R being OSCongruence of U1 st F is_homomorphism U1,U2 & F is order-sorted & R c= OSCng F holds
( OSHomQuot (F,R) is_homomorphism QuotOSAlg (U1,R),U2 & OSHomQuot (F,R) is order-sorted )
proof end;