for D being non empty set
for h being non empty homogeneous quasi_total PartFunc of (D *),D holds dom h = (arity h) -tuples_on D
reconsider z = 0 as Element of {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
for A being Universal_Algebra
for f being Function of (dom (signature A)),({0} *) holds
( ManySortedSign(# {0},(dom (signature A)),f,((dom (signature A)) --> z) #) is segmental & ManySortedSign(# {0},(dom (signature A)),f,((dom (signature A)) --> z) #) is 1 -element & not ManySortedSign(# {0},(dom (signature A)),f,((dom (signature A)) --> z) #) is void & ManySortedSign(# {0},(dom (signature A)),f,((dom (signature A)) --> z) #) is strict )