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:: {AIM } Loops and the {AIM } Conjecture
:: by Chad E. Brown and Karol P\kak
:: Received August 29, 2019
:: Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Association of Mizar Users

let X be 1-sorted ;
mode Permutation of X is Permutation of the carrier of X;
let Y be 1-sorted ;
func Funcs (X,Y) -> set equals :: AIMLOOP:def 1
Funcs ( the carrier of X, the carrier of Y);
Funcs ( the carrier of X, the carrier of Y) is set

:: deftheorem defines Funcs AIMLOOP:def 1 :
for X, Y being 1-sorted holds Funcs (X,Y) = Funcs ( the carrier of X, the carrier of Y);

let X, Y be 1-sorted ;
cluster Funcs (X,Y) -> functional ;
Funcs (X,Y) is functional

let Q be non empty left_mult-cancelable invertible multLoopStr ;
let x, y be Element of Q;
func x \ y -> Element of Q means :Def2: :: AIMLOOP:def 2
x * it = y;
ex b1 being Element of Q st x * b1 = y
by ALGSTR_1:def 6;
for b1, b2 being Element of Q st x * b1 = y & x * b2 = y holds
b1 = b2
by ALGSTR_0:def 20;

:: deftheorem Def2 defines \ AIMLOOP:def 2 :
for Q being non empty left_mult-cancelable invertible multLoopStr
for x, y, b4 being Element of Q holds
( b4 = x \ y iff x * b4 = y );

let Q be non empty right_mult-cancelable invertible multLoopStr ;
let x, y be Element of Q;
func x / y -> Element of Q means :Def3: :: AIMLOOP:def 3
it * y = x;
ex b1 being Element of Q st b1 * y = x
by ALGSTR_1:def 6;
for b1, b2 being Element of Q st b1 * y = x & b2 * y = x holds
b1 = b2
by ALGSTR_0:def 21;

:: deftheorem Def3 defines / AIMLOOP:def 3 :
for Q being non empty right_mult-cancelable invertible multLoopStr
for x, y, b4 being Element of Q holds
( b4 = x / y iff b4 * y = x );

let Q be multLoop;
let x, y be Element of Q;
reduce x \ (x * y) to y;
x \ (x * y) = y
by Def2;
reduce x * (x \ y) to y;
x * (x \ y) = y
by Def2;
reduce (x * y) / y to x;
(x * y) / y = x
by Def3;
reduce (x / y) * y to x;
(x / y) * y = x
by Def3;

let Q be non empty left_mult-cancelable invertible multLoopStr ;
let u, x be Element of Q;
func T_map (u,x) -> Element of Q equals :: AIMLOOP:def 4
x \ (u * x);
x \ (u * x) is Element of Q

:: deftheorem defines T_map AIMLOOP:def 4 :
for Q being non empty left_mult-cancelable invertible multLoopStr
for u, x being Element of Q holds T_map (u,x) = x \ (u * x);

let Q be non empty left_mult-cancelable invertible multLoopStr ;
let u, x, y be Element of Q;
func L_map (u,x,y) -> Element of Q equals :: AIMLOOP:def 5
(y * x) \ (y * (x * u));
(y * x) \ (y * (x * u)) is Element of Q

:: deftheorem defines L_map AIMLOOP:def 5 :
for Q being non empty left_mult-cancelable invertible multLoopStr
for u, x, y being Element of Q holds L_map (u,x,y) = (y * x) \ (y * (x * u));

let Q be non empty right_mult-cancelable invertible multLoopStr ;
let u, x, y be Element of Q;
func R_map (u,x,y) -> Element of Q equals :: AIMLOOP:def 6
((u * x) * y) / (x * y);
((u * x) * y) / (x * y) is Element of Q

:: deftheorem defines R_map AIMLOOP:def 6 :
for Q being non empty right_mult-cancelable invertible multLoopStr
for u, x, y being Element of Q holds R_map (u,x,y) = ((u * x) * y) / (x * y);

let Q be multLoop;
attr Q is satisfying_TT means :: AIMLOOP:def 7
for u, x, y being Element of Q holds T_map ((T_map (u,x)),y) = T_map ((T_map (u,y)),x);
attr Q is satisfying_TL means :: AIMLOOP:def 8
for u, x, y, z being Element of Q holds T_map ((L_map (u,x,y)),z) = L_map ((T_map (u,z)),x,y);
attr Q is satisfying_TR means :: AIMLOOP:def 9
for u, x, y, z being Element of Q holds T_map ((R_map (u,x,y)),z) = R_map ((T_map (u,z)),x,y);
attr Q is satisfying_LR means :: AIMLOOP:def 10
for u, x, y, z, w being Element of Q holds L_map ((R_map (u,x,y)),z,w) = R_map ((L_map (u,z,w)),x,y);
attr Q is satisfying_LL means :: AIMLOOP:def 11
for u, x, y, z, w being Element of Q holds L_map ((L_map (u,x,y)),z,w) = L_map ((L_map (u,z,w)),x,y);
attr Q is satisfying_RR means :: AIMLOOP:def 12
for u, x, y, z, w being Element of Q holds R_map ((R_map (u,x,y)),z,w) = R_map ((R_map (u,z,w)),x,y);

:: deftheorem defines satisfying_TT AIMLOOP:def 7 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_TT iff for u, x, y being Element of Q holds T_map ((T_map (u,x)),y) = T_map ((T_map (u,y)),x) );

:: deftheorem defines satisfying_TL AIMLOOP:def 8 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_TL iff for u, x, y, z being Element of Q holds T_map ((L_map (u,x,y)),z) = L_map ((T_map (u,z)),x,y) );

:: deftheorem defines satisfying_TR AIMLOOP:def 9 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_TR iff for u, x, y, z being Element of Q holds T_map ((R_map (u,x,y)),z) = R_map ((T_map (u,z)),x,y) );

:: deftheorem defines satisfying_LR AIMLOOP:def 10 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_LR iff for u, x, y, z, w being Element of Q holds L_map ((R_map (u,x,y)),z,w) = R_map ((L_map (u,z,w)),x,y) );

:: deftheorem defines satisfying_LL AIMLOOP:def 11 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_LL iff for u, x, y, z, w being Element of Q holds L_map ((L_map (u,x,y)),z,w) = L_map ((L_map (u,z,w)),x,y) );

:: deftheorem defines satisfying_RR AIMLOOP:def 12 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_RR iff for u, x, y, z, w being Element of Q holds R_map ((R_map (u,x,y)),z,w) = R_map ((R_map (u,z,w)),x,y) );

let Q be multLoop;
let x, y be Element of Q;
func K_op (x,y) -> Element of Q equals :: AIMLOOP:def 13
(y * x) \ (x * y);
(y * x) \ (x * y) is Element of Q

:: deftheorem defines K_op AIMLOOP:def 13 :
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q holds K_op (x,y) = (y * x) \ (x * y);

let Q be multLoop;
let x, y, z be Element of Q;
func a_op (x,y,z) -> Element of Q equals :: AIMLOOP:def 14
(x * (y * z)) \ ((x * y) * z);
(x * (y * z)) \ ((x * y) * z) is Element of Q

:: deftheorem defines a_op AIMLOOP:def 14 :
for Q being multLoop
for x, y, z being Element of Q holds a_op (x,y,z) = (x * (y * z)) \ ((x * y) * z);

let Q be multLoop;
attr Q is satisfying_aa1 means :Def15: :: AIMLOOP:def 15
for x, y, z, u, w being Element of Q holds a_op ((a_op (x,y,z)),u,w) = 1. Q;
attr Q is satisfying_aa2 means :Def16: :: AIMLOOP:def 16
for x, y, z, u, w being Element of Q holds a_op (x,(a_op (y,z,u)),w) = 1. Q;
attr Q is satisfying_aa3 means :Def17: :: AIMLOOP:def 17
for x, y, z, u, w being Element of Q holds a_op (x,y,(a_op (z,u,w))) = 1. Q;
attr Q is satisfying_Ka means :Def18: :: AIMLOOP:def 18
for x, y, z, u being Element of Q holds K_op ((a_op (x,y,z)),u) = 1. Q;
attr Q is satisfying_aK1 means :Def19: :: AIMLOOP:def 19
for x, y, z, u being Element of Q holds a_op ((K_op (x,y)),z,u) = 1. Q;
attr Q is satisfying_aK2 means :Def20: :: AIMLOOP:def 20
for x, y, z, u being Element of Q holds a_op (x,(K_op (y,z)),u) = 1. Q;
attr Q is satisfying_aK3 means :Def21: :: AIMLOOP:def 21
for x, y, z, u being Element of Q holds a_op (x,y,(K_op (z,u))) = 1. Q;

:: deftheorem Def15 defines satisfying_aa1 AIMLOOP:def 15 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_aa1 iff for x, y, z, u, w being Element of Q holds a_op ((a_op (x,y,z)),u,w) = 1. Q );

:: deftheorem Def16 defines satisfying_aa2 AIMLOOP:def 16 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_aa2 iff for x, y, z, u, w being Element of Q holds a_op (x,(a_op (y,z,u)),w) = 1. Q );

:: deftheorem Def17 defines satisfying_aa3 AIMLOOP:def 17 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_aa3 iff for x, y, z, u, w being Element of Q holds a_op (x,y,(a_op (z,u,w))) = 1. Q );

:: deftheorem Def18 defines satisfying_Ka AIMLOOP:def 18 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_Ka iff for x, y, z, u being Element of Q holds K_op ((a_op (x,y,z)),u) = 1. Q );

:: deftheorem Def19 defines satisfying_aK1 AIMLOOP:def 19 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_aK1 iff for x, y, z, u being Element of Q holds a_op ((K_op (x,y)),z,u) = 1. Q );

:: deftheorem Def20 defines satisfying_aK2 AIMLOOP:def 20 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_aK2 iff for x, y, z, u being Element of Q holds a_op (x,(K_op (y,z)),u) = 1. Q );

:: deftheorem Def21 defines satisfying_aK3 AIMLOOP:def 21 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is satisfying_aK3 iff for x, y, z, u being Element of Q holds a_op (x,y,(K_op (z,u))) = 1. Q );

cluster non empty left_mult-cancelable right_mult-cancelable mult-cancelable strict invertible right_unital well-unital left_unital unital satisfying_TT satisfying_TL satisfying_TR satisfying_LR satisfying_LL satisfying_RR satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_Ka satisfying_aK1 satisfying_aK2 satisfying_aK3 for multLoopStr ;
ex b1 being multLoop st
( b1 is strict & b1 is satisfying_TT & b1 is satisfying_TL & b1 is satisfying_TR & b1 is satisfying_LR & b1 is satisfying_LL & b1 is satisfying_RR & b1 is satisfying_aa1 & b1 is satisfying_aa2 & b1 is satisfying_aa3 & b1 is satisfying_Ka & b1 is satisfying_aK1 & b1 is satisfying_aK2 & b1 is satisfying_aK3 )
proof end;

theorem Th1: :: AIMLOOP:1
for Q being multLoop
for x, y, z, u being Element of Q st x * y = u & x * z = u holds
y = z
proof end;

theorem Th2: :: AIMLOOP:2
for Q being multLoop
for x, y, z, u being Element of Q st y * x = u & z * x = u holds
y = z
proof end;

theorem :: AIMLOOP:3
for Q being multLoop
for x, y, z being Element of Q st x * y = x * z holds
y = z by Th1;

theorem :: AIMLOOP:4
for Q being multLoop
for x, y, z being Element of Q st y * x = z * x holds
y = z by Th2;

let Q be multLoop;
let x be Element of Q;
reduce (1. Q) \ x to x;
(1. Q) \ x = x
proof end;
reduce x / (1. Q) to x;
x / (1. Q) = x
proof end;
let y be Element of Q;
reduce y / (x \ y) to x;
y / (x \ y) = x
proof end;
reduce (y / x) \ y to x;
(y / x) \ y = x
proof end;

theorem Th5: :: AIMLOOP:5
for Q being multLoop
for x being Element of Q holds x \ x = 1. Q
proof end;

theorem Th6: :: AIMLOOP:6
for Q being multLoop
for x being Element of Q holds x / x = 1. Q
proof end;

theorem :: AIMLOOP:7
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q st x \ y = 1. Q holds
x = y
proof end;

theorem :: AIMLOOP:8
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q st x / y = 1. Q holds
x = y
proof end;

theorem Th9: :: AIMLOOP:9
for Q being multLoop
for x, y, z being Element of Q st a_op (x,y,z) = 1. Q holds
x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z
proof end;

theorem Th10: :: AIMLOOP:10
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q st K_op (x,y) = 1. Q holds
x * y = y * x
proof end;

theorem :: AIMLOOP:11
for Q being multLoop
for x, y, z being Element of Q st a_op (x,y,z) = 1. Q holds
L_map (z,y,x) = z
proof end;

let Q be multLoop;
defpred S1[ Element of Q] means for y, z being Element of Q holds ($1 * y) * z = $1 * (y * z);
defpred S2[ Element of Q] means for x, z being Element of Q holds (x * $1) * z = x * ($1 * z);
defpred S3[ Element of Q] means for x, y being Element of Q holds (x * y) * $1 = x * (y * $1);
defpred S4[ Element of Q] means for y being Element of Q holds $1 * y = y * $1;
func Nucl_l Q -> Subset of Q means :Def22: :: AIMLOOP:def 22
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in it iff for y, z being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) );
ex b1 being Subset of Q st
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff for y, z being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of Q st ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff for y, z being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) ) ) & ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b2 iff for y, z being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;
func Nucl_m Q -> Subset of Q means :Def23: :: AIMLOOP:def 23
for y being Element of Q holds
( y in it iff for x, z being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) );
ex b1 being Subset of Q st
for y being Element of Q holds
( y in b1 iff for x, z being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of Q st ( for y being Element of Q holds
( y in b1 iff for x, z being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) ) ) & ( for y being Element of Q holds
( y in b2 iff for x, z being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;
func Nucl_r Q -> Subset of Q means :Def24: :: AIMLOOP:def 24
for z being Element of Q holds
( z in it iff for x, y being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) );
ex b1 being Subset of Q st
for z being Element of Q holds
( z in b1 iff for x, y being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of Q st ( for z being Element of Q holds
( z in b1 iff for x, y being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) ) ) & ( for z being Element of Q holds
( z in b2 iff for x, y being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;
func Comm Q -> Subset of Q means :Def25: :: AIMLOOP:def 25
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in it iff for y being Element of Q holds x * y = y * x );
ex b1 being Subset of Q st
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff for y being Element of Q holds x * y = y * x )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of Q st ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff for y being Element of Q holds x * y = y * x ) ) & ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b2 iff for y being Element of Q holds x * y = y * x ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def22 defines Nucl_l AIMLOOP:def 22 :
for Q being multLoop
for b2 being Subset of Q holds
( b2 = Nucl_l Q iff for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b2 iff for y, z being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) ) );

:: deftheorem Def23 defines Nucl_m AIMLOOP:def 23 :
for Q being multLoop
for b2 being Subset of Q holds
( b2 = Nucl_m Q iff for y being Element of Q holds
( y in b2 iff for x, z being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) ) );

:: deftheorem Def24 defines Nucl_r AIMLOOP:def 24 :
for Q being multLoop
for b2 being Subset of Q holds
( b2 = Nucl_r Q iff for z being Element of Q holds
( z in b2 iff for x, y being Element of Q holds (x * y) * z = x * (y * z) ) );

:: deftheorem Def25 defines Comm AIMLOOP:def 25 :
for Q being multLoop
for b2 being Subset of Q holds
( b2 = Comm Q iff for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b2 iff for y being Element of Q holds x * y = y * x ) );

let Q be multLoop;
func Nucl Q -> Subset of Q equals :: AIMLOOP:def 26
((Nucl_l Q) /\ (Nucl_m Q)) /\ (Nucl_r Q);
((Nucl_l Q) /\ (Nucl_m Q)) /\ (Nucl_r Q) is Subset of Q

:: deftheorem defines Nucl AIMLOOP:def 26 :
for Q being multLoop holds Nucl Q = ((Nucl_l Q) /\ (Nucl_m Q)) /\ (Nucl_r Q);

theorem Th12: :: AIMLOOP:12
for Q being multLoop
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in Nucl Q iff ( x in Nucl_l Q & x in Nucl_m Q & x in Nucl_r Q ) )
proof end;

let Q be multLoop;
func Cent Q -> Subset of Q equals :: AIMLOOP:def 27
(Comm Q) /\ (Nucl Q);
(Comm Q) /\ (Nucl Q) is Subset of Q

:: deftheorem defines Cent AIMLOOP:def 27 :
for Q being multLoop holds Cent Q = (Comm Q) /\ (Nucl Q);

let Q1, Q2 be multLoop;
let f be Function of Q1,Q2;
attr f is unity-preserving means :Def28a: :: AIMLOOP:def 28
f . (1. Q1) = 1. Q2;
attr f is quasi-homomorphic means :Def28b: :: AIMLOOP:def 29
for x, y being Element of Q1 holds f . (x * y) = (f . x) * (f . y);

:: deftheorem Def28a defines unity-preserving AIMLOOP:def 28 :
for Q1, Q2 being multLoop
for f being Function of Q1,Q2 holds
( f is unity-preserving iff f . (1. Q1) = 1. Q2 );

:: deftheorem Def28b defines quasi-homomorphic AIMLOOP:def 29 :
for Q1, Q2 being multLoop
for f being Function of Q1,Q2 holds
( f is quasi-homomorphic iff for x, y being Element of Q1 holds f . (x * y) = (f . x) * (f . y) );

let Q1, Q2 be multLoop;
let f be Function of Q1,Q2;
attr f is homomorphic means :: AIMLOOP:def 30
( f is unity-preserving & f is quasi-homomorphic );

:: deftheorem defines homomorphic AIMLOOP:def 30 :
for Q1, Q2 being multLoop
for f being Function of Q1,Q2 holds
( f is homomorphic iff ( f is unity-preserving & f is quasi-homomorphic ) );

let Q1, Q2 be multLoop;
cluster Function-like quasi_total unity-preserving quasi-homomorphic -> homomorphic for Element of bool [: the carrier of Q1, the carrier of Q2:];
for b1 being Function of Q1,Q2 st b1 is unity-preserving & b1 is quasi-homomorphic holds
b1 is homomorphic
cluster Function-like quasi_total homomorphic -> unity-preserving quasi-homomorphic for Element of bool [: the carrier of Q1, the carrier of Q2:];
for b1 being Function of Q1,Q2 st b1 is homomorphic holds
( b1 is unity-preserving & b1 is quasi-homomorphic )

let Q1, Q2 be multLoop;
cluster ([#] Q1) --> (1. Q2) -> homomorphic for Function of Q1,Q2;
for b1 being Function of Q1,Q2 st b1 = ([#] Q1) --> (1. Q2) holds
b1 is homomorphic
proof end;

let Q1, Q2 be multLoop;
cluster Relation-like the carrier of Q1 -defined the carrier of Q2 -valued Function-like non empty V14( the carrier of Q1) quasi_total homomorphic for Element of bool [: the carrier of Q1, the carrier of Q2:];
ex b1 being Function of Q1,Q2 st b1 is homomorphic
proof end;

let Q, Q2 be multLoop;
let f be homomorphic Function of Q,Q2;
func Ker f -> Subset of Q means :Def29: :: AIMLOOP:def 31
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in it iff f . x = 1. Q2 );
ex b1 being Subset of Q st
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff f . x = 1. Q2 )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of Q st ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff f . x = 1. Q2 ) ) & ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b2 iff f . x = 1. Q2 ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def29 defines Ker AIMLOOP:def 31 :
for Q, Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2
for b4 being Subset of Q holds
( b4 = Ker f iff for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b4 iff f . x = 1. Q2 ) );

theorem Th13: :: AIMLOOP:13
for Q1, Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2
for x, y being Element of Q1 holds f . (x \ y) = (f . x) \ (f . y)
proof end;

theorem Th14: :: AIMLOOP:14
for Q1, Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2
for x, y being Element of Q1 holds f . (x / y) = (f . x) / (f . y)
proof end;

theorem Th15: :: AIMLOOP:15
for Q1, Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2 st ( for y being Element of Q2 ex x being Element of Q1 st f . x = y ) & ( for x, y, z being Element of Q1 holds a_op (x,y,z) in Ker f ) holds
Q2 is associative
proof end;

theorem Th16: :: AIMLOOP:16
for Q1 being satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_aK1 satisfying_aK2 satisfying_aK3 multLoop
for Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2 st ( for y being Element of Q2 ex x being Element of Q1 st f . x = y ) & Nucl Q1 c= Ker f holds
Q2 is commutative multGroup
proof end;

theorem Th17: :: AIMLOOP:17
for Q1 being satisfying_aa1 satisfying_aa2 satisfying_aa3 satisfying_Ka multLoop
for Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q1,Q2 st ( for y being Element of Q2 ex x being Element of Q1 st f . x = y ) & Cent Q1 c= Ker f holds
Q2 is multGroup
proof end;

:: following GROUP_2
let Q be non empty multLoopStr ;
mode SubLoopStr of Q -> non empty multLoopStr means :Def30: :: AIMLOOP:def 32
( the carrier of it c= the carrier of Q & the multF of it = the multF of Q || the carrier of it & the OneF of it = the OneF of Q );
ex b1 being non empty multLoopStr st
( the carrier of b1 c= the carrier of Q & the multF of b1 = the multF of Q || the carrier of b1 & the OneF of b1 = the OneF of Q )
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def30 defines SubLoopStr AIMLOOP:def 32 :
for Q, b2 being non empty multLoopStr holds
( b2 is SubLoopStr of Q iff ( the carrier of b2 c= the carrier of Q & the multF of b2 = the multF of Q || the carrier of b2 & the OneF of b2 = the OneF of Q ) );

let Q be multLoop;
cluster non empty cancelable strict invertible well-unital for SubLoopStr of Q;
ex b1 being SubLoopStr of Q st
( b1 is well-unital & b1 is invertible & b1 is cancelable & not b1 is empty & b1 is strict )
proof end;

let Q be multLoop;
mode SubLoop of Q is cancelable invertible well-unital SubLoopStr of Q;

let Q be non empty multLoopStr ;
let H be SubLoopStr of Q;
let A be Subset of H;
func @ A -> Subset of Q equals :: AIMLOOP:def 33
A is Subset of Q
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines @ AIMLOOP:def 33 :
for Q being non empty multLoopStr
for H being SubLoopStr of Q
for A being Subset of H holds @ A = A;

defpred S1[ multLoop, Subset of $1, object ] means ex y, z being Element of $1 st
( y in $2 & z in $2 & ( $3 = y * z or $3 = y \ z or $3 = y / z ) );

let Q be multLoop;
let H1, H2 be Subset of Q;
func loopclose1 (H1,H2) -> Subset of Q means :Def32: :: AIMLOOP:def 34
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in it iff ( x in H1 or x = 1. Q or ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H2 & z in H2 & ( x = y * z or x = y \ z or x = y / z ) ) ) );
ex b1 being Subset of Q st
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff ( x in H1 or x = 1. Q or ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H2 & z in H2 & ( x = y * z or x = y \ z or x = y / z ) ) ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of Q st ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff ( x in H1 or x = 1. Q or ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H2 & z in H2 & ( x = y * z or x = y \ z or x = y / z ) ) ) ) ) & ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b2 iff ( x in H1 or x = 1. Q or ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H2 & z in H2 & ( x = y * z or x = y \ z or x = y / z ) ) ) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def32 defines loopclose1 AIMLOOP:def 34 :
for Q being multLoop
for H1, H2, b4 being Subset of Q holds
( b4 = loopclose1 (H1,H2) iff for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b4 iff ( x in H1 or x = 1. Q or ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H2 & z in H2 & ( x = y * z or x = y \ z or x = y / z ) ) ) ) );

let Q be multLoop;
let H be Subset of Q;
func lp H -> strict SubLoop of Q means :Def33: :: AIMLOOP:def 35
( H c= [#] it & ( for H2 being SubLoop of Q st H c= [#] H2 holds
[#] it c= [#] H2 ) );
ex b1 being strict SubLoop of Q st
( H c= [#] b1 & ( for H2 being SubLoop of Q st H c= [#] H2 holds
[#] b1 c= [#] H2 ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being strict SubLoop of Q st H c= [#] b1 & ( for H2 being SubLoop of Q st H c= [#] H2 holds
[#] b1 c= [#] H2 ) & H c= [#] b2 & ( for H2 being SubLoop of Q st H c= [#] H2 holds
[#] b2 c= [#] H2 ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def33 defines lp AIMLOOP:def 35 :
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q
for b3 being strict SubLoop of Q holds
( b3 = lp H iff ( H c= [#] b3 & ( for H2 being SubLoop of Q st H c= [#] H2 holds
[#] b3 c= [#] H2 ) ) );

theorem Th18: :: AIMLOOP:18
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q st 1. Q in H & ( for x, y being Element of Q st x in H & y in H holds
x * y in H ) & ( for x, y being Element of Q st x in H & y in H holds
x \ y in H ) & ( for x, y being Element of Q st x in H & y in H holds
x / y in H ) holds
[#] (lp H) = H
proof end;

theorem Th19: :: AIMLOOP:19
for Q, Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2 holds [#] (lp (Ker f)) = Ker f
proof end;

theorem Th20a: :: AIMLOOP:20
for Q being multLoop holds 1. Q in Nucl_l Q
proof end;

theorem Th20b: :: AIMLOOP:21
for Q being multLoop holds 1. Q in Nucl_m Q
proof end;

theorem Th20c: :: AIMLOOP:22
for Q being multLoop holds 1. Q in Nucl_r Q
proof end;

theorem Th20: :: AIMLOOP:23
for Q being multLoop holds 1. Q in Nucl Q
proof end;

let Q be multLoop;
cluster Nucl_l Q -> non empty ;
not Nucl_l Q is empty
by Th20a;
cluster Nucl_m Q -> non empty ;
not Nucl_m Q is empty
by Th20b;
cluster Nucl_r Q -> non empty ;
not Nucl_r Q is empty
by Th20c;
cluster Nucl Q -> non empty ;
not Nucl Q is empty
by Th20;

theorem Th21: :: AIMLOOP:24
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q st x in Nucl Q & y in Nucl Q holds
x * y in Nucl Q
proof end;

theorem Th22: :: AIMLOOP:25
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q st x in Nucl Q & y in Nucl Q holds
x \ y in Nucl Q
proof end;

theorem Th23: :: AIMLOOP:26
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q st x in Nucl Q & y in Nucl Q holds
x / y in Nucl Q
proof end;

theorem Th24: :: AIMLOOP:27
for Q being multLoop holds [#] (lp (Nucl Q)) = Nucl Q
proof end;

theorem Th25: :: AIMLOOP:28
for Q being multLoop holds [#] (lp (Cent Q)) = Cent Q
proof end;

::We now define a set Mlt Q of multiplicative mappings of Q
::and cosets mostly following Albert 1943 for cosets.
let X be functional set ;
attr X is composition-closed means :Def34: :: AIMLOOP:def 36
for f, g being Element of X st f in X & g in X holds
f * g in X;
attr X is inverse-closed means :Def35: :: AIMLOOP:def 37
for f being Element of X st f in X holds
f " in X;

:: deftheorem Def34 defines composition-closed AIMLOOP:def 36 :
for X being functional set holds
( X is composition-closed iff for f, g being Element of X st f in X & g in X holds
f * g in X );

:: deftheorem Def35 defines inverse-closed AIMLOOP:def 37 :
for X being functional set holds
( X is inverse-closed iff for f being Element of X st f in X holds
f " in X );

let A be set ;
cluster {(id A)} -> composition-closed inverse-closed ;
( {(id A)} is composition-closed & {(id A)} is inverse-closed )
proof end;

cluster functional non empty composition-closed inverse-closed for set ;
ex b1 being functional set st
( b1 is composition-closed & b1 is inverse-closed & not b1 is empty )
proof end;

let Q be multLoopStr ;
cluster functional non empty composition-closed inverse-closed for Element of bool (Funcs (Q,Q));
ex b1 being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st
( b1 is composition-closed & b1 is inverse-closed & not b1 is empty )
proof end;

let Q be non empty multLoopStr ;
let H be Subset of Q;
let S be Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q));
pred H left-right-mult-closed S means :: AIMLOOP:def 38
for u being Element of Q st u in H holds
( (curry the multF of Q) . u in S & (curry' the multF of Q) . u in S );

:: deftheorem defines left-right-mult-closed AIMLOOP:def 38 :
for Q being non empty multLoopStr
for H being Subset of Q
for S being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) holds
( H left-right-mult-closed S iff for u being Element of Q st u in H holds
( (curry the multF of Q) . u in S & (curry' the multF of Q) . u in S ) );

defpred S2[ multLoopStr , Subset of $1, Subset of (Funcs ($1,$1)), object ] means ( ex u being Element of $1 st
( u in $2 & $4 = (curry' the multF of $1) . u ) or ex u being Element of $1 st
( u in $2 & $4 = (curry the multF of $1) . u ) or ex g, h being Permutation of $1 st
( g in $3 & h in $3 & $4 = g * h ) or ex g being Permutation of $1 st
( g in $3 & $4 = g " ) );

let Q be non empty multLoopStr ;
let H be Subset of Q;
let S be Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q));
func MltClos1 (H,S) -> Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) means :Def37: :: AIMLOOP:def 39
for f being object holds
( f in it iff ( ex u being Element of Q st
( u in H & f = (curry' the multF of Q) . u ) or ex u being Element of Q st
( u in H & f = (curry the multF of Q) . u ) or ex g, h being Permutation of Q st
( g in S & h in S & f = g * h ) or ex g being Permutation of Q st
( g in S & f = g " ) ) );
ex b1 being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st
for f being object holds
( f in b1 iff ( ex u being Element of Q st
( u in H & f = (curry' the multF of Q) . u ) or ex u being Element of Q st
( u in H & f = (curry the multF of Q) . u ) or ex g, h being Permutation of Q st
( g in S & h in S & f = g * h ) or ex g being Permutation of Q st
( g in S & f = g " ) ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st ( for f being object holds
( f in b1 iff ( ex u being Element of Q st
( u in H & f = (curry' the multF of Q) . u ) or ex u being Element of Q st
( u in H & f = (curry the multF of Q) . u ) or ex g, h being Permutation of Q st
( g in S & h in S & f = g * h ) or ex g being Permutation of Q st
( g in S & f = g " ) ) ) ) & ( for f being object holds
( f in b2 iff ( ex u being Element of Q st
( u in H & f = (curry' the multF of Q) . u ) or ex u being Element of Q st
( u in H & f = (curry the multF of Q) . u ) or ex g, h being Permutation of Q st
( g in S & h in S & f = g * h ) or ex g being Permutation of Q st
( g in S & f = g " ) ) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def37 defines MltClos1 AIMLOOP:def 39 :
for Q being non empty multLoopStr
for H being Subset of Q
for S, b4 being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) holds
( b4 = MltClos1 (H,S) iff for f being object holds
( f in b4 iff ( ex u being Element of Q st
( u in H & f = (curry' the multF of Q) . u ) or ex u being Element of Q st
( u in H & f = (curry the multF of Q) . u ) or ex g, h being Permutation of Q st
( g in S & h in S & f = g * h ) or ex g being Permutation of Q st
( g in S & f = g " ) ) ) );

theorem Th26: :: AIMLOOP:29
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q
for phi being Function of (bool (Funcs (Q,Q))),(bool (Funcs (Q,Q))) st ( for X being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) holds phi . X = MltClos1 (H,X) ) holds
phi is V278()
proof end;

theorem Th27: :: AIMLOOP:30
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q
for phi being Function of (bool (Funcs (Q,Q))),(bool (Funcs (Q,Q))) st ( for X being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) holds phi . X = MltClos1 (H,X) ) holds
for Y being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st phi . Y c= Y holds
( ( for u being Element of Q st u in H holds
(curry the multF of Q) . u in Y ) & ( for u being Element of Q st u in H holds
(curry' the multF of Q) . u in Y ) )
proof end;

theorem Th28: :: AIMLOOP:31
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q
for phi being Function of (bool (Funcs (Q,Q))),(bool (Funcs (Q,Q))) st ( for X being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) holds phi . X = MltClos1 (H,X) ) holds
for Y being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st ( for S being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st phi . S c= S holds
Y c= S ) holds
for f being Element of Funcs (Q,Q) st f in Y holds
f is Permutation of Q
proof end;

theorem Th29: :: AIMLOOP:32
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q
for phi being Function of (bool (Funcs (Q,Q))),(bool (Funcs (Q,Q))) st ( for X being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) holds phi . X = MltClos1 (H,X) ) holds
for Y being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st Y is_a_fixpoint_of phi & ( for S being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st phi . S c= S holds
Y c= S ) holds
( Y is composition-closed & Y is inverse-closed )
proof end;

theorem Th30: :: AIMLOOP:33
for Q being multLoop
for u being Element of Q holds (curry the multF of Q) . u is Permutation of Q
proof end;

theorem Th31: :: AIMLOOP:34
for Q being multLoop
for u being Element of Q holds (curry' the multF of Q) . u is Permutation of the carrier of Q
proof end;

let Q be multLoop;
let H be Subset of Q;
func Mlt H -> composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) means :Def38: :: AIMLOOP:def 40
( H left-right-mult-closed it & ( for X being composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st H left-right-mult-closed X holds
it c= X ) );
ex b1 being composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st
( H left-right-mult-closed b1 & ( for X being composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st H left-right-mult-closed X holds
b1 c= X ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st H left-right-mult-closed b1 & ( for X being composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st H left-right-mult-closed X holds
b1 c= X ) & H left-right-mult-closed b2 & ( for X being composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st H left-right-mult-closed X holds
b2 c= X ) holds
b1 = b2

:: deftheorem Def38 defines Mlt AIMLOOP:def 40 :
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q
for b3 being composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) holds
( b3 = Mlt H iff ( H left-right-mult-closed b3 & ( for X being composition-closed inverse-closed Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st H left-right-mult-closed X holds
b3 c= X ) ) );

theorem Th32: :: AIMLOOP:35
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q
for u being Element of Q st u in H holds
(curry the multF of Q) . u in Mlt H
proof end;

theorem Th33: :: AIMLOOP:36
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q
for u being Element of Q st u in H holds
(curry' the multF of Q) . u in Mlt H
proof end;

theorem Th34: :: AIMLOOP:37
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q
for phi being Function of (bool (Funcs (Q,Q))),(bool (Funcs (Q,Q))) st ( for X being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) holds phi . X = MltClos1 (H,X) ) holds
( Mlt H is_a_fixpoint_of phi & ( for S being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st phi . S c= S holds
Mlt H c= S ) )
proof end;

theorem Th35: :: AIMLOOP:38
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q
for f being Element of Funcs (Q,Q) st f in Mlt H holds
f is Permutation of Q
proof end;

let Q be multLoop;
let H be Subset of Q;
let x be Element of Q;
func x * H -> Subset of Q means :Def39: :: AIMLOOP:def 41
for y being Element of Q holds
( y in it iff ex h being Permutation of Q st
( h in Mlt H & y = h . x ) );
ex b1 being Subset of Q st
for y being Element of Q holds
( y in b1 iff ex h being Permutation of Q st
( h in Mlt H & y = h . x ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of Q st ( for y being Element of Q holds
( y in b1 iff ex h being Permutation of Q st
( h in Mlt H & y = h . x ) ) ) & ( for y being Element of Q holds
( y in b2 iff ex h being Permutation of Q st
( h in Mlt H & y = h . x ) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def39 defines * AIMLOOP:def 41 :
for Q being multLoop
for H being Subset of Q
for x being Element of Q
for b4 being Subset of Q holds
( b4 = x * H iff for y being Element of Q holds
( y in b4 iff ex h being Permutation of Q st
( h in Mlt H & y = h . x ) ) );

let Q be multLoop;
let H be SubLoop of Q;
let x be Element of Q;
func x * H -> Subset of Q equals :: AIMLOOP:def 42
x * (@ ([#] H));
x * (@ ([#] H)) is Subset of Q

:: deftheorem defines * AIMLOOP:def 42 :
for Q being multLoop
for H being SubLoop of Q
for x being Element of Q holds x * H = x * (@ ([#] H));

let Q be multLoop;
let N be SubLoop of Q;
func Cosets N -> Subset-Family of Q means :Def41: :: AIMLOOP:def 43
for H being Subset of Q holds
( H in it iff ex x being Element of Q st H = x * N );
ex b1 being Subset-Family of Q st
for H being Subset of Q holds
( H in b1 iff ex x being Element of Q st H = x * N )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset-Family of Q st ( for H being Subset of Q holds
( H in b1 iff ex x being Element of Q st H = x * N ) ) & ( for H being Subset of Q holds
( H in b2 iff ex x being Element of Q st H = x * N ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def41 defines Cosets AIMLOOP:def 43 :
for Q being multLoop
for N being SubLoop of Q
for b3 being Subset-Family of Q holds
( b3 = Cosets N iff for H being Subset of Q holds
( H in b3 iff ex x being Element of Q st H = x * N ) );

let Q be multLoop;
let N be SubLoop of Q;
cluster Cosets N -> non empty ;
not Cosets N is empty
proof end;

::We define the notion of a normal subloop
::and construct quotients by normal subloops.
let Q be multLoopStr ;
let H1, H2 be Subset of Q;
func H1 * H2 -> Subset of Q means :Def42: :: AIMLOOP:def 44
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in it iff ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y * z ) );
ex b1 being Subset of Q st
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y * z ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of Q st ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y * z ) ) ) & ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b2 iff ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y * z ) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;
func H1 \ H2 -> Subset of Q means :: AIMLOOP:def 45
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in it iff ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y \ z ) );
ex b1 being Subset of Q st
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y \ z ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of Q st ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b1 iff ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y \ z ) ) ) & ( for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b2 iff ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y \ z ) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def42 defines * AIMLOOP:def 44 :
for Q being multLoopStr
for H1, H2, b4 being Subset of Q holds
( b4 = H1 * H2 iff for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b4 iff ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y * z ) ) );

:: deftheorem defines \ AIMLOOP:def 45 :
for Q being multLoopStr
for H1, H2, b4 being Subset of Q holds
( b4 = H1 \ H2 iff for x being Element of Q holds
( x in b4 iff ex y, z being Element of Q st
( y in H1 & z in H2 & x = y \ z ) ) );

let Q be multLoop;
let H be SubLoop of Q;
attr H is normal means :Def44: :: AIMLOOP:def 46
for x, y being Element of Q holds
( (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H & ( for z being Element of Q holds
( ( (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H) implies y * H = z * H ) & ( (y * H) * (x * H) = (z * H) * (x * H) implies y * H = z * H ) ) ) );

:: deftheorem Def44 defines normal AIMLOOP:def 46 :
for Q being multLoop
for H being SubLoop of Q holds
( H is normal iff for x, y being Element of Q holds
( (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * y) * H & ( for z being Element of Q holds
( ( (x * H) * (y * H) = (x * H) * (z * H) implies y * H = z * H ) & ( (y * H) * (x * H) = (z * H) * (x * H) implies y * H = z * H ) ) ) ) );

let Q be multLoop;
cluster non empty left_mult-cancelable right_mult-cancelable mult-cancelable invertible right_unital well-unital left_unital unital normal for SubLoopStr of Q;
ex b1 being SubLoop of Q st b1 is normal
proof end;

let Q be multLoop;
let N be normal SubLoop of Q;
func SubLoop_As_Coset N -> Element of Cosets N equals :: AIMLOOP:def 47
(1. Q) * N;
(1. Q) * N is Element of Cosets N
by Def41;

:: deftheorem defines SubLoop_As_Coset AIMLOOP:def 47 :
for Q being multLoop
for N being normal SubLoop of Q holds SubLoop_As_Coset N = (1. Q) * N;

let Q be multLoop;
let N be normal SubLoop of Q;
func Coset_Loop_Op N -> BinOp of (Cosets N) means :Def46: :: AIMLOOP:def 48
for H1, H2 being Element of Cosets N holds it . (H1,H2) = H1 * H2;
ex b1 being BinOp of (Cosets N) st
for H1, H2 being Element of Cosets N holds b1 . (H1,H2) = H1 * H2
proof end;
for b1, b2 being BinOp of (Cosets N) st ( for H1, H2 being Element of Cosets N holds b1 . (H1,H2) = H1 * H2 ) & ( for H1, H2 being Element of Cosets N holds b2 . (H1,H2) = H1 * H2 ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def46 defines Coset_Loop_Op AIMLOOP:def 48 :
for Q being multLoop
for N being normal SubLoop of Q
for b3 being BinOp of (Cosets N) holds
( b3 = Coset_Loop_Op N iff for H1, H2 being Element of Cosets N holds b3 . (H1,H2) = H1 * H2 );

let Q be multLoop;
let N be normal SubLoop of Q;
func Q _/_ N -> strict multLoopStr equals :: AIMLOOP:def 49
multLoopStr(# (Cosets N),(Coset_Loop_Op N),(SubLoop_As_Coset N) #);
multLoopStr(# (Cosets N),(Coset_Loop_Op N),(SubLoop_As_Coset N) #) is strict multLoopStr

:: deftheorem defines _/_ AIMLOOP:def 49 :
for Q being multLoop
for N being normal SubLoop of Q holds Q _/_ N = multLoopStr(# (Cosets N),(Coset_Loop_Op N),(SubLoop_As_Coset N) #);

let Q be multLoop;
let N be normal SubLoop of Q;
cluster Q _/_ N -> non empty strict ;
not Q _/_ N is empty

let Q be multLoop;
let N be normal SubLoop of Q;
cluster Q _/_ N -> cancelable strict invertible well-unital ;
( Q _/_ N is well-unital & Q _/_ N is invertible & Q _/_ N is mult-cancelable )
proof end;

let Q be multLoop;
let N be normal SubLoop of Q;
func QuotientHom (Q,N) -> Function of Q,(Q _/_ N) means :Def48: :: AIMLOOP:def 50
for x being Element of Q holds it . x = x * N;
ex b1 being Function of Q,(Q _/_ N) st
for x being Element of Q holds b1 . x = x * N
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Function of Q,(Q _/_ N) st ( for x being Element of Q holds b1 . x = x * N ) & ( for x being Element of Q holds b2 . x = x * N ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def48 defines QuotientHom AIMLOOP:def 50 :
for Q being multLoop
for N being normal SubLoop of Q
for b3 being Function of Q,(Q _/_ N) holds
( b3 = QuotientHom (Q,N) iff for x being Element of Q holds b3 . x = x * N );

let Q be multLoop;
let N be normal SubLoop of Q;
cluster QuotientHom (Q,N) -> homomorphic ;
QuotientHom (Q,N) is homomorphic
proof end;

theorem Th36: :: AIMLOOP:39
for Q being multLoop
for H being SubLoop of Q
for x, y being Element of Q
for x1, y1 being Element of H st x = x1 & y = y1 holds
x * y = x1 * y1
proof end;

theorem Th37: :: AIMLOOP:40
for Q being multLoop
for H being SubLoop of Q
for x, y being Element of Q st x in the carrier of H & y in the carrier of H holds
x * y in the carrier of H
proof end;

theorem Th38: :: AIMLOOP:41
for Q being multLoop
for H being SubLoop of Q
for x, y being Element of Q
for x1, y1 being Element of H st x = x1 & y = y1 holds
x \ y = x1 \ y1
proof end;

theorem Th39: :: AIMLOOP:42
for Q being multLoop
for H being SubLoop of Q
for x, y being Element of Q st x in the carrier of H & y in the carrier of H holds
x \ y in the carrier of H
proof end;

theorem Th40: :: AIMLOOP:43
for Q being multLoop
for H being SubLoop of Q
for x, y being Element of Q
for x1, y1 being Element of H st x = x1 & y = y1 holds
x / y = x1 / y1
proof end;

theorem Th41: :: AIMLOOP:44
for Q being multLoop
for H being SubLoop of Q
for x, y being Element of Q st x in the carrier of H & y in the carrier of H holds
x / y in the carrier of H
proof end;

scheme :: AIMLOOP:sch 1
MltInd{ F1() -> multLoop, F2() -> Subset of F1(), P1[ Function of F1(),F1()] } :
for f being Function of F1(),F1() st f in Mlt F2() holds
A1: for u being Element of F1() st u in F2() holds
for f being Function of F1(),F1() st ( for x being Element of F1() holds f . x = x * u ) holds
P1[f] and
A2: for u being Element of F1() st u in F2() holds
for f being Function of F1(),F1() st ( for x being Element of F1() holds f . x = u * x ) holds
P1[f] and
A3: for g, h being Permutation of F1() st P1[g] & P1[h] holds
P1[g * h] and
A4: for g being Permutation of F1() st P1[g] holds
P1[g " ]
proof end;

theorem Th42: :: AIMLOOP:45
for Q being multLoop
for N being SubLoop of Q
for f being Function of Q,Q st f in Mlt (@ ([#] N)) holds
for x being Element of Q holds
( x in @ ([#] N) iff f . x in @ ([#] N) )
proof end;

theorem Th43: :: AIMLOOP:46
for Q being multLoop
for N being normal SubLoop of Q holds the carrier of N = (1. Q) * N
proof end;

theorem Th44: :: AIMLOOP:47
for Q being multLoop
for N being normal SubLoop of Q holds Ker (QuotientHom (Q,N)) = @ ([#] N)
proof end;

theorem Th45: :: AIMLOOP:48
for Q, Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2
for h being Function of Q,Q st h in Mlt (Ker f) holds
f * h = f
proof end;

theorem Th46: :: AIMLOOP:49
for Q, Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2
for x, y being Element of Q holds
( y in x * (Ker f) iff f . x = f . y )
proof end;

theorem Th47: :: AIMLOOP:50
for Q, Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2
for x, y being Element of Q holds
( y in x * (lp (Ker f)) iff f . x = f . y )
proof end;

theorem Th48: :: AIMLOOP:51
for Q, Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2
for x, y being Element of Q holds
( x * (lp (Ker f)) = y * (lp (Ker f)) iff f . x = f . y )
proof end;

theorem :: AIMLOOP:52
for Q, Q2 being multLoop
for f being homomorphic Function of Q,Q2 holds lp (Ker f) is normal
proof end;

theorem Th50: :: AIMLOOP:53
for Q being multLoop holds
( 1. Q in [#] (lp (Cent Q)) & 1. Q in Cent Q )
proof end;

theorem Th51: :: AIMLOOP:54
for Q being multLoop
for f being Function of Q,Q st f in Mlt (Cent Q) holds
ex z being Element of Q st
( z in Cent Q & ( for x being Element of Q holds f . x = x * z ) )
proof end;

theorem Th52: :: AIMLOOP:55
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q holds
( y in x * (lp (Cent Q)) iff ex z being Element of Q st
( z in Cent Q & y = x * z ) )
proof end;

theorem Th53: :: AIMLOOP:56
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q holds
( x * (lp (Cent Q)) = y * (lp (Cent Q)) iff ex z being Element of Q st
( z in Cent Q & y = x * z ) )
proof end;

theorem Th54: :: AIMLOOP:57
for Q being multLoop holds lp (Cent Q) is normal
proof end;

::We define the set InnAut of inner mappings of Q,
::define the notion of an AIM loop and relate this to
::the conditions on T, L, and R defined by satisfies_TT, etc.
::For AIM loops we will prove the nucleus and the center are normal.
let Q be multLoop;
func InnAut Q -> Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) means :Def49: :: AIMLOOP:def 51
for f being object holds
( f in it iff ex g being Function of Q,Q st
( f = g & g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g . (1. Q) = 1. Q ) );
ex b1 being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st
for f being object holds
( f in b1 iff ex g being Function of Q,Q st
( f = g & g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g . (1. Q) = 1. Q ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) st ( for f being object holds
( f in b1 iff ex g being Function of Q,Q st
( f = g & g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g . (1. Q) = 1. Q ) ) ) & ( for f being object holds
( f in b2 iff ex g being Function of Q,Q st
( f = g & g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g . (1. Q) = 1. Q ) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def49 defines InnAut AIMLOOP:def 51 :
for Q being multLoop
for b2 being Subset of (Funcs (Q,Q)) holds
( b2 = InnAut Q iff for f being object holds
( f in b2 iff ex g being Function of Q,Q st
( f = g & g in Mlt ([#] Q) & g . (1. Q) = 1. Q ) ) );

let Q be multLoop;
cluster InnAut Q -> non empty composition-closed inverse-closed ;
( not InnAut Q is empty & InnAut Q is composition-closed & InnAut Q is inverse-closed )
proof end;

theorem Th55: :: AIMLOOP:58
for Q being multLoop
for f being Function of Q,Q holds
( f in InnAut Q iff ( f in Mlt ([#] Q) & f . (1. Q) = 1. Q ) )
proof end;

let Q be multLoop;
attr Q is AIM means :Def50: :: AIMLOOP:def 52
for f, g being Function of Q,Q st f in InnAut Q & g in InnAut Q holds
f * g = g * f;

:: deftheorem Def50 defines AIM AIMLOOP:def 52 :
for Q being multLoop holds
( Q is AIM iff for f, g being Function of Q,Q st f in InnAut Q & g in InnAut Q holds
f * g = g * f );

let Q be multLoop;
let x be Element of Q;
deffunc H1( Element of Q) -> Element of Q = T_map ($1,x);
func T_MAP x -> Function of Q,Q means :TM1: :: AIMLOOP:def 53
for u being Element of Q holds it . u = T_map (u,x);
ex b1 being Function of Q,Q st
for u being Element of Q holds b1 . u = T_map (u,x)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Function of Q,Q st ( for u being Element of Q holds b1 . u = T_map (u,x) ) & ( for u being Element of Q holds b2 . u = T_map (u,x) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem TM1 defines T_MAP AIMLOOP:def 53 :
for Q being multLoop
for x being Element of Q
for b3 being Function of Q,Q holds
( b3 = T_MAP x iff for u being Element of Q holds b3 . u = T_map (u,x) );

theorem Th56: :: AIMLOOP:59
for Q being multLoop
for x being Element of Q holds T_MAP x in InnAut Q
proof end;

let Q be multLoop;
let x, y be Element of Q;
deffunc H1( Element of Q) -> Element of Q = L_map ($1,x,y);
func L_MAP (x,y) -> Function of Q,Q means :LM1: :: AIMLOOP:def 54
for u being Element of Q holds it . u = L_map (u,x,y);
ex b1 being Function of Q,Q st
for u being Element of Q holds b1 . u = L_map (u,x,y)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Function of Q,Q st ( for u being Element of Q holds b1 . u = L_map (u,x,y) ) & ( for u being Element of Q holds b2 . u = L_map (u,x,y) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem LM1 defines L_MAP AIMLOOP:def 54 :
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q
for b4 being Function of Q,Q holds
( b4 = L_MAP (x,y) iff for u being Element of Q holds b4 . u = L_map (u,x,y) );

theorem Th57: :: AIMLOOP:60
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q holds L_MAP (x,y) in InnAut Q
proof end;

let Q be multLoop;
let x, y be Element of Q;
deffunc H1( Element of Q) -> Element of Q = R_map ($1,x,y);
func R_MAP (x,y) -> Function of Q,Q means :RM1: :: AIMLOOP:def 55
for u being Element of Q holds it . u = R_map (u,x,y);
ex b1 being Function of Q,Q st
for u being Element of Q holds b1 . u = R_map (u,x,y)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Function of Q,Q st ( for u being Element of Q holds b1 . u = R_map (u,x,y) ) & ( for u being Element of Q holds b2 . u = R_map (u,x,y) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem RM1 defines R_MAP AIMLOOP:def 55 :
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q
for b4 being Function of Q,Q holds
( b4 = R_MAP (x,y) iff for u being Element of Q holds b4 . u = R_map (u,x,y) );

theorem Th58: :: AIMLOOP:61
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q holds R_MAP (x,y) in InnAut Q
proof end;

cluster Trivial-multLoopStr -> AIM ;
Trivial-multLoopStr is AIM
proof end;

cluster non empty left_mult-cancelable right_mult-cancelable mult-cancelable strict invertible right_unital well-unital left_unital unital AIM for multLoopStr ;
ex b1 being multLoop st
( not b1 is empty & b1 is strict & b1 is AIM )
proof end;

cluster non empty mult-cancelable invertible well-unital AIM -> satisfying_TT satisfying_TL satisfying_TR satisfying_LR satisfying_LL satisfying_RR AIM for multLoopStr ;
for b1 being AIM multLoop holds
( b1 is satisfying_TT & b1 is satisfying_TL & b1 is satisfying_TR & b1 is satisfying_LR & b1 is satisfying_LL & b1 is satisfying_RR )
proof end;

theorem Th59: :: AIMLOOP:62
for Q being multLoop
for f being Function of Q,Q st f in Mlt (Nucl Q) holds
ex u, v being Element of Q st
( u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & ( for x being Element of Q holds f . x = u * (x * v) ) )
proof end;

theorem Th60: :: AIMLOOP:63
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q holds
( y in x * (lp (Nucl Q)) iff ex u, v being Element of Q st
( u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v) ) )
proof end;

theorem Th61: :: AIMLOOP:64
for Q being multLoop
for x, y being Element of Q holds
( x * (lp (Nucl Q)) = y * (lp (Nucl Q)) iff ex u, v being Element of Q st
( u in Nucl Q & v in Nucl Q & y = u * (x * v) ) )
proof end;

:: Suggested result and proof by Kinyon Sep 10 2018
:: as crucial part of proving the nucleus of an AIM loop
:: is normal.
theorem Th62: :: AIMLOOP:65
for Q being AIM multLoop
for x, u being Element of Q st u in Nucl Q holds
T_map (u,x) in Nucl Q
proof end;

theorem Th63: :: AIMLOOP:66
for Q being AIM multLoop
for x, u being Element of Q st u in Nucl Q holds
(x * u) / x in Nucl Q
proof end;

:: This proof was difficult and required a hint from Kinyon.
:: Kinyon's hint was essentially the proof of NuclT above.
theorem Th64: :: AIMLOOP:67
for Q being multLoop st Q is AIM holds
lp (Nucl Q) is normal
proof end;

let Q be AIM multLoop;
cluster lp (Nucl Q) -> strict normal ;
lp (Nucl Q) is normal
by Th64;

let Q be multLoop;
cluster lp (Cent Q) -> strict normal ;
lp (Cent Q) is normal
by Th54;

:: WP: Main Theorem The AIM Conjecture follows
::from knowing every AIM loop satisfies
::aa1, aa2, aa3, Ka, aK1, aK2 and aK3.
::This theorem justifies using first-order theorem provers
::to try to prove the AIM Conjecture.
theorem :: AIMLOOP:68
( ( for Q being multLoop st Q is satisfying_TT & Q is satisfying_TL & Q is satisfying_TR & Q is satisfying_LR & Q is satisfying_LL & Q is satisfying_RR holds
( Q is satisfying_aa1 & Q is satisfying_aa2 & Q is satisfying_aa3 & Q is satisfying_Ka & Q is satisfying_aK1 & Q is satisfying_aK2 & Q is satisfying_aK3 ) ) implies for Q being AIM multLoop holds
( Q _/_ (lp (Nucl Q)) is commutative multGroup & Q _/_ (lp (Cent Q)) is multGroup ) )
proof end;