for n being Nat
for f being b1 -element real-valued FinSequence holds f is Point of (TOP-REAL n)
theorem Th1:
theorem Th2:
for V being RealLinearSpace
for A being Subset of V holds Lin A = Lin (A \ {(0. V)})
theorem Th3:
theorem Th4:
theorem Th5:
theorem Th6:
theorem Th7:
for n being Nat holds the carrier of (n -VectSp_over F_Real) = the carrier of (TOP-REAL n)
theorem Th8:
theorem Th9:
theorem Th10:
theorem Th11:
for V being non empty RLSStruct
for A being Subset of V
for r being Real holds card (r * A) c= card A
theorem Th12:
:: deftheorem Def1 defines Enumeration RLAFFIN3:def 1 :
for X being finite set
for b2 being one-to-one FinSequence holds
( b2 is Enumeration of X iff rng b2 = X );
theorem Th13:
theorem Th15:
:: deftheorem defines |-- RLAFFIN3:def 2 :
for V being RealLinearSpace
for Av being finite Subset of V
for E being Enumeration of Av
for x being set holds x |-- E = (x |-- Av) * E;
theorem Th16:
theorem Th17:
theorem Th19:
theorem Th20:
theorem Th22:
theorem Th23:
0 in REAL
by XREAL_0:def 1;
theorem Th24:
for k being Nat
for V being non empty LinearTopSpace
for A being finite affinely-independent Subset of V
for E being Enumeration of A
for v being Point of V
for Ev being Enumeration of v + A st Ev = E + ((card A) |-> v) holds
for X being set holds (transl (v,V)) .: { u where u is Point of V : ( u in Affin A & (u |-- E) | k in X ) } = { w where w is Point of V : ( w in Affin (v + A) & (w |-- Ev) | k in X ) }
for n, k being Nat st k <= n holds
for A being non empty finite affinely-independent Subset of (TOP-REAL n) st card A = n + 1 holds
for E being Enumeration of A st E . (len E) = 0* n holds
for P being Subset of (TOP-REAL k)
for B being Subset of (TOP-REAL n) st B = { pn where pn is Point of (TOP-REAL n) : (pn |-- E) | k in P } holds
( P is open iff B is open )
for n, k being Nat
for A being non empty finite affinely-independent Subset of (TOP-REAL n) st k < card A holds
for E being Enumeration of A st E . (len E) = 0* n holds
for P being Subset of (TOP-REAL k)
for B being Subset of ((TOP-REAL n) | (Affin A)) st B = { v where v is Element of ((TOP-REAL n) | (Affin A)) : (v |-- E) | k in P } holds
( P is open iff B is open )
theorem Th25:
theorem Th26:
theorem Th27:
theorem Th28:
:: deftheorem Def3 defines |-- RLAFFIN3:def 3 :
for V being RealLinearSpace
for A being Subset of V
for x being set
for b4 being Function of V,R^1 holds
( b4 = |-- (A,x) iff for v being VECTOR of V holds b4 . v = (v |-- A) . x );
theorem Th29:
theorem Th31:
theorem Th32:
for n being Nat
for A being affinely-independent Subset of (TOP-REAL n) st card A = n + 1 holds
conv A is closed