:: On the compositions of macro instructions
:: by Andrzej Trybulec , Yatsuka Nakamura and Noriko Asamoto
:: Received June 20, 1996
:: Copyright (c) 1996 Association of Mizar Users


let P be preProgram of SCM+FSA;
let l be Element of NAT ;
func Directed (P,l) -> preProgram of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA6A:def 1
P +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto l));
P +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto l)) is preProgram of SCM+FSA

:: deftheorem defines Directed SCMFSA6A:def 1 :
for P being preProgram of SCM+FSA
for l being Element of NAT holds Directed (P,l) = P +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto l));

let P be preProgram of SCM+FSA;
func Directed P -> preProgram of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA6A:def 2
Directed (P,(card P));
Directed (P,(card P)) is preProgram of SCM+FSA

:: deftheorem defines Directed SCMFSA6A:def 2 :
for P being preProgram of SCM+FSA holds Directed P = Directed (P,(card P));

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:1

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:2

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:3

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:4

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:5

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:6

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:7

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:8

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:9

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:10

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:11

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:12

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:13

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:14

let I be Program of SCM+FSA;
cluster Directed I -> non empty initial ;
( Directed I is initial & not Directed I is empty )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:15

theorem Th16: :: SCMFSA6A:16
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA holds dom I misses dom (ProgramPart (Relocated (J,(card I))))
proof end;

theorem Th17: :: SCMFSA6A:17
for m being Element of NAT
for I being preProgram of SCM+FSA holds card (ProgramPart (Relocated (I,m))) = card I
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:18
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds not halt SCM+FSA in rng (Directed I) by FUNCT_4:106;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:19
for m being Element of NAT
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds ProgramPart (Relocated ((Directed I),m)) = ((id the Instructions of SCM+FSA) +* ((halt SCM+FSA) .--> (goto (m + (card I))))) * (ProgramPart (Relocated (I,m)))
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:20

theorem Th21: :: SCMFSA6A:21
for n being Element of NAT
for I, J being FinPartState of SCM+FSA holds ProgramPart (Relocated ((I +* J),n)) = (ProgramPart (Relocated (I,n))) +* (ProgramPart (Relocated (J,n)))
proof end;

theorem Th22: :: SCMFSA6A:22
for m, n being Element of NAT
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds ProgramPart (Relocated ((ProgramPart (Relocated (I,m))),n)) = ProgramPart (Relocated (I,(m + n)))
proof end;

let I be PartState of SCM+FSA;
func Initialized I -> PartState of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA6A:def 4
(I +* ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA));
(I +* ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is PartState of SCM+FSA
proof end;

:: deftheorem SCMFSA6A:def 3 :

:: deftheorem defines Initialized SCMFSA6A:def 4 :
for I being PartState of SCM+FSA holds Initialized I = (I +* ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA));

let I be FinPartState of SCM+FSA;
cluster Initialized I -> finite ;
Initialized I is finite

theorem Th23: :: SCMFSA6A:23
for i being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( InsCode i in {0,6,7,8} or (Exec (i,s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) )
proof end;

theorem Th24: :: SCMFSA6A:24
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds IC SCM+FSA in dom (Initialized I)
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:25
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds IC (Initialized I) = 0
proof end;

Lm1: not intloc 0 in NAT
by SCMFSA_2:84;

Lm2: not IC SCM+FSA in NAT
by COMPOS_1:3;

theorem Th26: :: SCMFSA6A:26
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds I c= Initialized I
proof end;

let I be non halt-free Program of SCM+FSA;
cluster Initialized I -> non halt-free ;
not Initialized I is halt-free
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:27

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:28

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:29

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:30

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:31

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:32
for i being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for s1, s2 being State of SCM+FSA st s1,s2 equal_outside NAT holds
Exec (i,s1), Exec (i,s2) equal_outside NAT
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:33
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds (Initialized I) | NAT = I
proof end;

scheme :: SCMFSA6A:sch 1
SCMFSAEx{ F1( set ) -> Element of the Instructions of SCM+FSA, F2( set ) -> Integer, F3( set ) -> FinSequence of INT , F4() -> Element of NAT } :
ex S being State of SCM+FSA st
( IC S = F4() & ( for i being Element of NAT holds
( S . i = F1(i) & S . (intloc i) = F2(i) & S . (fsloc i) = F3(i) ) ) )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:34
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds dom s = ((Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations) \/ {(IC SCM+FSA)}) \/ NAT by PARTFUN1:def 4, SCMFSA_2:8;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:35
for s being State of SCM+FSA
for x being set holds
( not x in dom s or x is Int-Location or x is FinSeq-Location or x = IC SCM+FSA or x is Element of NAT )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:36
for s1, s2 being State of SCM+FSA holds
( ( for l being Element of NAT holds s1 . l = s2 . l ) iff s1 | NAT = s2 | NAT ) by COMPOS_1:136;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:37
for i being Element of NAT holds
( not i in Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations & not IC SCM+FSA in Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations )
proof end;

theorem Th38: :: SCMFSA6A:38
for s1, s2 being State of SCM+FSA holds
( ( ( for a being Int-Location holds s1 . a = s2 . a ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds s1 . f = s2 . f ) ) iff DataPart s1 = DataPart s2 )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:39
for s1, s2 being State of SCM+FSA st s1,s2 equal_outside NAT holds
DataPart s1 = DataPart s2 by COMPOS_1:138;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:40

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:41
for s1, s2 being State of SCM+FSA
for n being Element of NAT
for i being Instruction of SCM+FSA st (IC s1) + n = IC s2 & DataPart s1 = DataPart s2 holds
( (IC (Exec (i,s1))) + n = IC (Exec ((IncAddr (i,n)),s2)) & DataPart (Exec (i,s1)) = DataPart (Exec ((IncAddr (i,n)),s2)) )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:42

theorem Th43: :: SCMFSA6A:43
for p being PartState of SCM+FSA holds dom (Initialized p) = ((dom p) \/ {(intloc 0)}) \/ {(IC SCM+FSA)}
proof end;

theorem Th44: :: SCMFSA6A:44
for I being Program of SCM+FSA
for x being set holds
( not x in dom (Initialized I) or x in dom I or x = intloc 0 or x = IC SCM+FSA )
proof end;

theorem Th45: :: SCMFSA6A:45
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds intloc 0 in dom (Initialized I)
proof end;

theorem Th46: :: SCMFSA6A:46
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds
( (Initialized I) . (intloc 0) = 1 & (Initialized I) . (IC SCM+FSA) = 0 )
proof end;

theorem Th47: :: SCMFSA6A:47
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds not intloc 0 in dom I
proof end;

theorem Th48: :: SCMFSA6A:48
for I being Program of SCM+FSA
for a being Int-Location st a <> intloc 0 holds
not a in dom (Initialized I)
proof end;

theorem Th49: :: SCMFSA6A:49
for I being Program of SCM+FSA
for f being FinSeq-Location holds not f in dom (Initialized I)
proof end;

theorem Th50: :: SCMFSA6A:50
for I being Program of SCM+FSA
for x being set st x in dom I holds
I . x = (Initialized I) . x
proof end;

theorem Th51: :: SCMFSA6A:51
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA
for s being State of SCM+FSA st Initialized J c= s holds
s +* (Initialized I) = s +* I
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:52
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA
for s being State of SCM+FSA st Initialized J c= s holds
Initialized I c= s +* I
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:53
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds s +* (Initialized I),s +* (Initialized J) equal_outside NAT
proof end;


let I, J be Program of SCM+FSA;
func I ';' J -> Program of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA6A:def 5
(Directed I) +* (ProgramPart (Relocated (J,(card I))));
(Directed I) +* (ProgramPart (Relocated (J,(card I)))) is Program of SCM+FSA
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines ';' SCMFSA6A:def 5 :
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA holds I ';' J = (Directed I) +* (ProgramPart (Relocated (J,(card I))));

let I be Program of SCM+FSA;
let J be non halt-free Program of SCM+FSA;
cluster I ';' J -> non halt-free ;
not I ';' J is halt-free
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:54
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA
for l being Element of NAT st l in dom I & I . l <> halt SCM+FSA holds
(I ';' J) . l = I . l
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:55
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA holds Directed I c= I ';' J
proof end;

theorem Th56: :: SCMFSA6A:56
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA holds dom I c= dom (I ';' J)
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:57
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA holds I +* (I ';' J) = I ';' J
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:58
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA holds (Initialized I) +* (I ';' J) = Initialized (I ';' J)
proof end;


let i be Instruction of SCM+FSA;
let J be Program of SCM+FSA;
func i ';' J -> Program of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA6A:def 6
(Macro i) ';' J;
(Macro i) ';' J is Program of SCM+FSA

:: deftheorem defines ';' SCMFSA6A:def 6 :
for i being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for J being Program of SCM+FSA holds i ';' J = (Macro i) ';' J;

let I be Program of SCM+FSA;
let j be Instruction of SCM+FSA;
func I ';' j -> Program of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA6A:def 7
I ';' (Macro j);
I ';' (Macro j) is Program of SCM+FSA

:: deftheorem defines ';' SCMFSA6A:def 7 :
for I being Program of SCM+FSA
for j being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds I ';' j = I ';' (Macro j);

let i, j be Instruction of SCM+FSA;
func i ';' j -> Program of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA6A:def 8
(Macro i) ';' (Macro j);
(Macro i) ';' (Macro j) is Program of SCM+FSA

:: deftheorem defines ';' SCMFSA6A:def 8 :
for i, j being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds i ';' j = (Macro i) ';' (Macro j);

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:59
for i, j being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds i ';' j = (Macro i) ';' j ;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:60
for i, j being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds i ';' j = i ';' (Macro j) ;

theorem Th61: :: SCMFSA6A:61
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA holds card (I ';' J) = (card I) + (card J)
proof end;

let P be preProgram of SCM+FSA;
let l be Element of NAT ;
cluster Directed (P,l) -> halt-free ;
Directed (P,l) is halt-free
proof end;

let P be preProgram of SCM+FSA;
cluster Directed P -> halt-free ;
Directed P is halt-free

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:62

theorem Th63: :: SCMFSA6A:63
for I being preProgram of SCM+FSA
for l being Element of NAT st I is halt-free holds
Directed (I,l) = I
proof end;

theorem Th64: :: SCMFSA6A:64
for I being preProgram of SCM+FSA
for x being set
for k being Element of NAT st x in dom (ProgramPart (Relocated (I,k))) holds
(ProgramPart (Relocated (I,k))) . x = (Relocated (I,k)) . x
proof end;

theorem Th65: :: SCMFSA6A:65
for I being preProgram of SCM+FSA
for k being Element of NAT holds ProgramPart (Relocated ((Directed I),k)) = Directed ((ProgramPart (Relocated (I,k))),((card I) + k))
proof end;

theorem Th66: :: SCMFSA6A:66
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA holds Directed (I ';' J) = I ';' (Directed J)
proof end;

theorem Th67: :: SCMFSA6A:67
for I, J, K being Program of SCM+FSA holds (I ';' J) ';' K = I ';' (J ';' K)
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:68
for k being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for I, J being Program of SCM+FSA holds (I ';' J) ';' k = I ';' (J ';' k) by Th67;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:69
for j being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for I, K being Program of SCM+FSA holds (I ';' j) ';' K = I ';' (j ';' K) by Th67;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:70
for j, k being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds (I ';' j) ';' k = I ';' (j ';' k) by Th67;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:71
for i being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for J, K being Program of SCM+FSA holds (i ';' J) ';' K = i ';' (J ';' K) by Th67;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:72
for i, k being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for J being Program of SCM+FSA holds (i ';' J) ';' k = i ';' (J ';' k) by Th67;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:73
for i, j being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for K being Program of SCM+FSA holds (i ';' j) ';' K = i ';' (j ';' K) by Th67;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:74
for i, j, k being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds (i ';' j) ';' k = i ';' (j ';' k) by Th67;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:75
for i being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for J being Program of SCM+FSA holds card (i ';' J) = (card J) + 2
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:76
for j being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for I being Program of SCM+FSA holds card (I ';' j) = (card I) + 2
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA6A:77
for i, j being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds card (i ';' j) = 4
proof end;