:: The { \bf SCM_FSA } computer
:: by Andrzej Trybulec , Yatsuka Nakamura and Piotr Rudnicki
:: Received February 7, 1996
:: Copyright (c) 1996 Association of Mizar Users


func SCM+FSA -> strict AMI-Struct of {INT,(INT *)} equals :: SCMFSA_2:def 1
AMI-Struct(# SCM+FSA-Memory,(In (NAT,SCM+FSA-Memory)),SCM+FSA-Instr,(In ([0,{},{}],SCM+FSA-Instr)),SCM+FSA-OK,SCM+FSA-Exec #);
AMI-Struct(# SCM+FSA-Memory,(In (NAT,SCM+FSA-Memory)),SCM+FSA-Instr,(In ([0,{},{}],SCM+FSA-Instr)),SCM+FSA-OK,SCM+FSA-Exec #) is strict AMI-Struct of {INT,(INT *)}

:: deftheorem defines SCM+FSA SCMFSA_2:def 1 :
SCM+FSA = AMI-Struct(# SCM+FSA-Memory,(In (NAT,SCM+FSA-Memory)),SCM+FSA-Instr,(In ([0,{},{}],SCM+FSA-Instr)),SCM+FSA-OK,SCM+FSA-Exec #);

cluster SCM+FSA -> non empty stored-program standard-ins strict ;
( not SCM+FSA is empty & SCM+FSA is stored-program & SCM+FSA is standard-ins )
proof end;

cluster Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like -> the carrier of SCM+FSA -defined set ;
for b1 being Function st b1 is NAT -defined holds
b1 is the carrier of SCM+FSA -defined
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:1

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:2

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:3

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:4

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:5

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:6

theorem Th7: :: SCMFSA_2:7
IC SCM+FSA = NAT by FUNCT_7:def 1, SCMFSA_1:5;


func Int-Locations -> Subset of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA_2:def 2
SCM+FSA-Data-Loc ;
SCM+FSA-Data-Loc is Subset of SCM+FSA
func FinSeq-Locations -> Subset of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA_2:def 3
SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc ;
SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc is Subset of SCM+FSA

:: deftheorem defines Int-Locations SCMFSA_2:def 2 :
Int-Locations = SCM+FSA-Data-Loc ;

:: deftheorem defines FinSeq-Locations SCMFSA_2:def 3 :
FinSeq-Locations = SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc ;

theorem Th8: :: SCMFSA_2:8
the carrier of SCM+FSA = ((Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations) \/ {(IC SCM+FSA)}) \/ NAT by Th7, SCMFSA_1:8, XBOOLE_1:4;

mode Int-Location -> Object of SCM+FSA means :Def4: :: SCMFSA_2:def 4
it in SCM+FSA-Data-Loc ;
ex b1 being Object of SCM+FSA st b1 in SCM+FSA-Data-Loc
proof end;
mode FinSeq-Location -> Object of SCM+FSA means :Def5: :: SCMFSA_2:def 5
it in SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc ;
ex b1 being Object of SCM+FSA st b1 in SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def4 defines Int-Location SCMFSA_2:def 4 :
for b1 being Object of SCM+FSA holds
( b1 is Int-Location iff b1 in SCM+FSA-Data-Loc );

:: deftheorem Def5 defines FinSeq-Location SCMFSA_2:def 5 :
for b1 being Object of SCM+FSA holds
( b1 is FinSeq-Location iff b1 in SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc );

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:9
for da being Int-Location holds da in Int-Locations by Def4;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:10
for fa being FinSeq-Location holds fa in FinSeq-Locations by Def5;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:11
for x being set st x in Int-Locations holds
x is Int-Location by Def4;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:12
for x being set st x in FinSeq-Locations holds
x is FinSeq-Location by Def5;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:13
Int-Locations misses NAT by AMI_2:29;

theorem Th14: :: SCMFSA_2:14
FinSeq-Locations misses NAT by SCMFSA_1:33, XBOOLE_1:63;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:15
Int-Locations misses FinSeq-Locations by SCMFSA_1:33, XBOOLE_1:63;

let k be natural number ;
func intloc k -> Int-Location equals :: SCMFSA_2:def 6
dl. k;
dl. k is Int-Location
proof end;
func fsloc k -> FinSeq-Location equals :: SCMFSA_2:def 8
- (k + 1);
- (k + 1) is FinSeq-Location
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines intloc SCMFSA_2:def 6 :
for k being natural number holds intloc k = dl. k;

:: deftheorem SCMFSA_2:def 7 :

:: deftheorem defines fsloc SCMFSA_2:def 8 :
for k being natural number holds fsloc k = - (k + 1);

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:16

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:17
for k1, k2 being natural number st k1 <> k2 holds
fsloc k1 <> fsloc k2 ;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:18

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:19
for dl being Int-Location ex i being Element of NAT st dl = intloc i
proof end;

theorem Th20: :: SCMFSA_2:20
for fl being FinSeq-Location ex i being Element of NAT st fl = fsloc i
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:21

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:22

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:23
not FinSeq-Locations is finite
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:24

theorem Th25: :: SCMFSA_2:25
for I being Int-Location holds I is Data-Location
proof end;

theorem Th26: :: SCMFSA_2:26
for l being Int-Location holds ObjectKind l = INT
proof end;

theorem Th27: :: SCMFSA_2:27
for l being FinSeq-Location holds ObjectKind l = INT *
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:28
for x being set st x in SCM+FSA-Data-Loc holds
x is Int-Location by Def4;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:29
for x being set st x in SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc holds
x is FinSeq-Location by Def5;


let I be Instruction of SCM+FSA;
cluster I `1_3 -> natural ;
InsCode I is natural

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:30

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:31

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:32

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:33

theorem Th34: :: SCMFSA_2:34
for I being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode I <= 8 holds
I is Instruction of SCM
proof end;

theorem Th35: :: SCMFSA_2:35
for I being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds InsCode I <= 12
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:36

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:37
for i being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for I being Instruction of SCM st i = I holds
InsCode i = InsCode I ;

theorem Th38: :: SCMFSA_2:38
for I being Instruction of SCM holds I is Instruction of SCM+FSA
proof end;

let a, b be Int-Location ;
func a := b -> Instruction of SCM+FSA means :Def11: :: SCMFSA_2:def 11
ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & it = A := B );
ex b1 being Instruction of SCM+FSA ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b1 = A := B )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Instruction of SCM+FSA st ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b1 = A := B ) & ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b2 = A := B ) holds
b1 = b2
func AddTo (a,b) -> Instruction of SCM+FSA means :Def12: :: SCMFSA_2:def 12
ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & it = AddTo (A,B) );
ex b1 being Instruction of SCM+FSA ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b1 = AddTo (A,B) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Instruction of SCM+FSA st ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b1 = AddTo (A,B) ) & ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b2 = AddTo (A,B) ) holds
b1 = b2
func SubFrom (a,b) -> Instruction of SCM+FSA means :Def13: :: SCMFSA_2:def 13
ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & it = SubFrom (A,B) );
ex b1 being Instruction of SCM+FSA ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b1 = SubFrom (A,B) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Instruction of SCM+FSA st ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b1 = SubFrom (A,B) ) & ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b2 = SubFrom (A,B) ) holds
b1 = b2
func MultBy (a,b) -> Instruction of SCM+FSA means :Def14: :: SCMFSA_2:def 14
ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & it = MultBy (A,B) );
ex b1 being Instruction of SCM+FSA ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b1 = MultBy (A,B) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Instruction of SCM+FSA st ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b1 = MultBy (A,B) ) & ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b2 = MultBy (A,B) ) holds
b1 = b2
func Divide (a,b) -> Instruction of SCM+FSA means :Def15: :: SCMFSA_2:def 15
ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & it = Divide (A,B) );
ex b1 being Instruction of SCM+FSA ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b1 = Divide (A,B) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Instruction of SCM+FSA st ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b1 = Divide (A,B) ) & ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b2 = Divide (A,B) ) holds
b1 = b2

:: deftheorem SCMFSA_2:def 9 :

:: deftheorem SCMFSA_2:def 10 :

:: deftheorem Def11 defines := SCMFSA_2:def 11 :
for a, b being Int-Location
for b3 being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds
( b3 = a := b iff ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b3 = A := B ) );

:: deftheorem Def12 defines AddTo SCMFSA_2:def 12 :
for a, b being Int-Location
for b3 being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds
( b3 = AddTo (a,b) iff ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b3 = AddTo (A,B) ) );

:: deftheorem Def13 defines SubFrom SCMFSA_2:def 13 :
for a, b being Int-Location
for b3 being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds
( b3 = SubFrom (a,b) iff ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b3 = SubFrom (A,B) ) );

:: deftheorem Def14 defines MultBy SCMFSA_2:def 14 :
for a, b being Int-Location
for b3 being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds
( b3 = MultBy (a,b) iff ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b3 = MultBy (A,B) ) );

:: deftheorem Def15 defines Divide SCMFSA_2:def 15 :
for a, b being Int-Location
for b3 being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds
( b3 = Divide (a,b) iff ex A, B being Data-Location st
( a = A & b = B & b3 = Divide (A,B) ) );

let la be Element of NAT ;
func goto la -> Instruction of SCM+FSA equals :Def16: :: SCMFSA_2:def 16
SCM-goto la;
SCM-goto la is Instruction of SCM+FSA
by Th38;
let a be Int-Location ;
func a =0_goto la -> Instruction of SCM+FSA means :Def17: :: SCMFSA_2:def 17
ex A being Data-Location st
( a = A & it = A =0_goto la );
ex b1 being Instruction of SCM+FSA ex A being Data-Location st
( a = A & b1 = A =0_goto la )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Instruction of SCM+FSA st ex A being Data-Location st
( a = A & b1 = A =0_goto la ) & ex A being Data-Location st
( a = A & b2 = A =0_goto la ) holds
b1 = b2
func a >0_goto la -> Instruction of SCM+FSA means :Def18: :: SCMFSA_2:def 18
ex A being Data-Location st
( a = A & it = A >0_goto la );
ex b1 being Instruction of SCM+FSA ex A being Data-Location st
( a = A & b1 = A >0_goto la )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Instruction of SCM+FSA st ex A being Data-Location st
( a = A & b1 = A >0_goto la ) & ex A being Data-Location st
( a = A & b2 = A >0_goto la ) holds
b1 = b2

:: deftheorem Def16 defines goto SCMFSA_2:def 16 :
for la being Element of NAT holds goto la = SCM-goto la;

:: deftheorem Def17 defines =0_goto SCMFSA_2:def 17 :
for la being Element of NAT
for a being Int-Location
for b3 being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds
( b3 = a =0_goto la iff ex A being Data-Location st
( a = A & b3 = A =0_goto la ) );

:: deftheorem Def18 defines >0_goto SCMFSA_2:def 18 :
for la being Element of NAT
for a being Int-Location
for b3 being Instruction of SCM+FSA holds
( b3 = a >0_goto la iff ex A being Data-Location st
( a = A & b3 = A >0_goto la ) );

let c, i be Int-Location ;
let a be FinSeq-Location ;
func c := (a,i) -> Instruction of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA_2:def 19
[9,{},<*c,a,i*>] is Instruction of SCM+FSA
proof end;
func (a,i) := c -> Instruction of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA_2:def 20
[10,{},<*c,a,i*>] is Instruction of SCM+FSA
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines := SCMFSA_2:def 19 :
for c, i being Int-Location
for a being FinSeq-Location holds c := (a,i) = [9,{},<*c,a,i*>];

:: deftheorem defines := SCMFSA_2:def 20 :
for c, i being Int-Location
for a being FinSeq-Location holds (a,i) := c = [10,{},<*c,a,i*>];

let i be Int-Location ;
let a be FinSeq-Location ;
func i :=len a -> Instruction of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA_2:def 21
[11,{},<*i,a*>] is Instruction of SCM+FSA
proof end;
func a :=<0,...,0> i -> Instruction of SCM+FSA equals :: SCMFSA_2:def 22
[12,{},<*i,a*>] is Instruction of SCM+FSA
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines :=len SCMFSA_2:def 21 :
for i being Int-Location
for a being FinSeq-Location holds i :=len a = [11,{},<*i,a*>];

:: deftheorem defines :=<0,...,0> SCMFSA_2:def 22 :
for i being Int-Location
for a being FinSeq-Location holds a :=<0,...,0> i = [12,{},<*i,a*>];

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:39

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:40

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:41

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:42
for a, b being Int-Location holds InsCode (a := b) = 1
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:43
for a, b being Int-Location holds InsCode (AddTo (a,b)) = 2
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:44
for a, b being Int-Location holds InsCode (SubFrom (a,b)) = 3
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:45
for a, b being Int-Location holds InsCode (MultBy (a,b)) = 4
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:46
for a, b being Int-Location holds InsCode (Divide (a,b)) = 5
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:47
for lb being Element of NAT holds InsCode (goto lb) = 6 by RECDEF_2:def 1;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:48
for lb being Element of NAT
for a being Int-Location holds InsCode (a =0_goto lb) = 7
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:49
for lb being Element of NAT
for a being Int-Location holds InsCode (a >0_goto lb) = 8
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:50
for fa being FinSeq-Location
for c, a being Int-Location holds InsCode (c := (fa,a)) = 9 by RECDEF_2:def 1;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:51
for fa being FinSeq-Location
for a, c being Int-Location holds InsCode ((fa,a) := c) = 10 by RECDEF_2:def 1;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:52
for fa being FinSeq-Location
for a being Int-Location holds InsCode (a :=len fa) = 11 by RECDEF_2:def 1;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:53
for fa being FinSeq-Location
for a being Int-Location holds InsCode (fa :=<0,...,0> a) = 12 by RECDEF_2:def 1;

theorem Th54: :: SCMFSA_2:54
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 1 holds
ex da, db being Int-Location st ins = da := db
proof end;

theorem Th55: :: SCMFSA_2:55
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 2 holds
ex da, db being Int-Location st ins = AddTo (da,db)
proof end;

theorem Th56: :: SCMFSA_2:56
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 3 holds
ex da, db being Int-Location st ins = SubFrom (da,db)
proof end;

theorem Th57: :: SCMFSA_2:57
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 4 holds
ex da, db being Int-Location st ins = MultBy (da,db)
proof end;

theorem Th58: :: SCMFSA_2:58
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 5 holds
ex da, db being Int-Location st ins = Divide (da,db)
proof end;

theorem Th59: :: SCMFSA_2:59
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 6 holds
ex lb being Element of NAT st ins = goto lb
proof end;

theorem Th60: :: SCMFSA_2:60
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 7 holds
ex lb being Element of NAT ex da being Int-Location st ins = da =0_goto lb
proof end;

theorem Th61: :: SCMFSA_2:61
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 8 holds
ex lb being Element of NAT ex da being Int-Location st ins = da >0_goto lb
proof end;

theorem Th62: :: SCMFSA_2:62
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 9 holds
ex a, b being Int-Location ex fa being FinSeq-Location st ins = b := (fa,a)
proof end;

theorem Th63: :: SCMFSA_2:63
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 10 holds
ex a, b being Int-Location ex fa being FinSeq-Location st ins = (fa,a) := b
proof end;

theorem Th64: :: SCMFSA_2:64
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 11 holds
ex a being Int-Location ex fa being FinSeq-Location st ins = a :=len fa
proof end;

theorem Th65: :: SCMFSA_2:65
for ins being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode ins = 12 holds
ex a being Int-Location ex fa being FinSeq-Location st ins = fa :=<0,...,0> a
proof end;


theorem :: SCMFSA_2:66
for s being State of SCM+FSA
for d being Int-Location holds d in dom s
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:67
for f being FinSeq-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds f in dom s
proof end;

theorem Th68: :: SCMFSA_2:68
for f being FinSeq-Location
for S being State of SCM holds not f in dom S
proof end;

theorem Th69: :: SCMFSA_2:69
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds Int-Locations c= dom s
proof end;

theorem Th70: :: SCMFSA_2:70
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds FinSeq-Locations c= dom s
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:71
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds dom (s | Int-Locations) = Int-Locations
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:72
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds dom (s | FinSeq-Locations) = FinSeq-Locations
proof end;

theorem Th73: :: SCMFSA_2:73
for s being State of SCM+FSA
for i being Instruction of SCM holds (s | SCM-Memory) +* (NAT --> i) is State of SCM
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:74
for s being State of SCM+FSA
for s9 being State of SCM holds (s +* s9) +* (s | NAT) is State of SCM+FSA
proof end;

theorem Th75: :: SCMFSA_2:75
for i being Instruction of SCM
for ii being Instruction of SCM+FSA
for s being State of SCM
for ss being State of SCM+FSA st i = ii & s = (ss | SCM-Memory) +* (NAT --> i) holds
Exec (ii,ss) = (ss +* (Exec (i,s))) +* (ss | NAT)
proof end;

let s be State of SCM+FSA;
let d be Int-Location ;
:: original: .
redefine func s . d -> Integer;
s . d is Integer
proof end;

let s be State of SCM+FSA;
let d be FinSeq-Location ;
:: original: .
redefine func s . d -> FinSequence of INT ;
s . d is FinSequence of INT
proof end;

theorem Th76: :: SCMFSA_2:76
for I being Instruction of SCM
for S being State of SCM
for s being State of SCM+FSA st S = (s | SCM-Memory) +* (NAT --> I) holds
s = (s +* S) +* (s | NAT)
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:77

theorem Th78: :: SCMFSA_2:78
for S being State of SCM
for s1, s being State of SCM+FSA st s1 = (s +* S) +* (s | NAT) holds
s1 . (IC SCM+FSA) = S . (IC SCM)
proof end;

theorem Th79: :: SCMFSA_2:79
for A being Data-Location
for a being Int-Location
for S being State of SCM
for s1, s being State of SCM+FSA st s1 = (s +* S) +* (s | NAT) & A = a holds
S . A = s1 . a
proof end;

theorem Th80: :: SCMFSA_2:80
for I being Instruction of SCM
for A being Data-Location
for a being Int-Location
for S being State of SCM
for s being State of SCM+FSA st S = (s | SCM-Memory) +* (NAT --> I) & A = a holds
S . A = s . a
proof end;

[0,{},{}] in SCM+FSA-Instr
by SCMFSA_1:4;

then the haltF of SCM+FSA = [0,{},{}]
by FUNCT_7:def 1;

then LmX: halt SCM+FSA = [0,{},{}]

cluster SCM+FSA -> IC-Ins-separated definite realistic proper-halt strict steady-programmed ;
( SCM+FSA is proper-halt & SCM+FSA is realistic & SCM+FSA is IC-Ins-separated & SCM+FSA is definite & SCM+FSA is steady-programmed )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:81
for dl being Int-Location holds dl <> IC SCM+FSA
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:82
for dl being FinSeq-Location holds dl <> IC SCM+FSA
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:83
for il being Int-Location
for dl being FinSeq-Location holds il <> dl
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:84
for il being Element of NAT
for dl being Int-Location holds il <> dl
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:85
for il being Element of NAT
for dl being FinSeq-Location holds il <> dl
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:86
for s1, s2 being State of SCM+FSA st IC s1 = IC s2 & ( for a being Int-Location holds s1 . a = s2 . a ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds s1 . f = s2 . f ) & ( for i being Element of NAT holds s1 . i = s2 . i ) holds
s1 = s2
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:87

theorem Th88: :: SCMFSA_2:88
for I being Instruction of SCM
for S being State of SCM
for s being State of SCM+FSA st S = (s | SCM-Memory) +* (NAT --> I) holds
IC s = IC S
proof end;


theorem Th89: :: SCMFSA_2:89
for a, b being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( (Exec ((a := b),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) & (Exec ((a := b),s)) . a = s . b & ( for c being Int-Location st c <> a holds
(Exec ((a := b),s)) . c = s . c ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds (Exec ((a := b),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem Th90: :: SCMFSA_2:90
for a, b being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( (Exec ((AddTo (a,b)),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) & (Exec ((AddTo (a,b)),s)) . a = (s . a) + (s . b) & ( for c being Int-Location st c <> a holds
(Exec ((AddTo (a,b)),s)) . c = s . c ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds (Exec ((AddTo (a,b)),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem Th91: :: SCMFSA_2:91
for a, b being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( (Exec ((SubFrom (a,b)),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) & (Exec ((SubFrom (a,b)),s)) . a = (s . a) - (s . b) & ( for c being Int-Location st c <> a holds
(Exec ((SubFrom (a,b)),s)) . c = s . c ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds (Exec ((SubFrom (a,b)),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem Th92: :: SCMFSA_2:92
for a, b being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( (Exec ((MultBy (a,b)),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) & (Exec ((MultBy (a,b)),s)) . a = (s . a) * (s . b) & ( for c being Int-Location st c <> a holds
(Exec ((MultBy (a,b)),s)) . c = s . c ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds (Exec ((MultBy (a,b)),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem Th93: :: SCMFSA_2:93
for a, b being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( (Exec ((Divide (a,b)),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) & ( a <> b implies (Exec ((Divide (a,b)),s)) . a = (s . a) div (s . b) ) & (Exec ((Divide (a,b)),s)) . b = (s . a) mod (s . b) & ( for c being Int-Location st c <> a & c <> b holds
(Exec ((Divide (a,b)),s)) . c = s . c ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds (Exec ((Divide (a,b)),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:94
for a being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( (Exec ((Divide (a,a)),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) & (Exec ((Divide (a,a)),s)) . a = (s . a) mod (s . a) & ( for c being Int-Location st c <> a holds
(Exec ((Divide (a,a)),s)) . c = s . c ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds (Exec ((Divide (a,a)),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem Th95: :: SCMFSA_2:95
for l being Element of NAT
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( (Exec ((goto l),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = l & ( for c being Int-Location holds (Exec ((goto l),s)) . c = s . c ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds (Exec ((goto l),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem Th96: :: SCMFSA_2:96
for l being Element of NAT
for a being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( ( s . a = 0 implies (Exec ((a =0_goto l),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = l ) & ( s . a <> 0 implies (Exec ((a =0_goto l),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) ) & ( for c being Int-Location holds (Exec ((a =0_goto l),s)) . c = s . c ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds (Exec ((a =0_goto l),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem Th97: :: SCMFSA_2:97
for l being Element of NAT
for a being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( ( s . a > 0 implies (Exec ((a >0_goto l),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = l ) & ( s . a <= 0 implies (Exec ((a >0_goto l),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) ) & ( for c being Int-Location holds (Exec ((a >0_goto l),s)) . c = s . c ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds (Exec ((a >0_goto l),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem Th98: :: SCMFSA_2:98
for g being FinSeq-Location
for c, a being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( (Exec ((c := (g,a)),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) & ex k being Element of NAT st
( k = abs (s . a) & (Exec ((c := (g,a)),s)) . c = (s . g) /. k ) & ( for b being Int-Location st b <> c holds
(Exec ((c := (g,a)),s)) . b = s . b ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds (Exec ((c := (g,a)),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem Th99: :: SCMFSA_2:99
for g being FinSeq-Location
for a, c being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( (Exec (((g,a) := c),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) & ex k being Element of NAT st
( k = abs (s . a) & (Exec (((g,a) := c),s)) . g = (s . g) +* (k,(s . c)) ) & ( for b being Int-Location holds (Exec (((g,a) := c),s)) . b = s . b ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location st f <> g holds
(Exec (((g,a) := c),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem Th100: :: SCMFSA_2:100
for g being FinSeq-Location
for c being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( (Exec ((c :=len g),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) & (Exec ((c :=len g),s)) . c = len (s . g) & ( for b being Int-Location st b <> c holds
(Exec ((c :=len g),s)) . b = s . b ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location holds (Exec ((c :=len g),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;

theorem Th101: :: SCMFSA_2:101
for g being FinSeq-Location
for c being Int-Location
for s being State of SCM+FSA holds
( (Exec ((g :=<0,...,0> c),s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) & ex k being Element of NAT st
( k = abs (s . c) & (Exec ((g :=<0,...,0> c),s)) . g = k |-> 0 ) & ( for b being Int-Location holds (Exec ((g :=<0,...,0> c),s)) . b = s . b ) & ( for f being FinSeq-Location st f <> g holds
(Exec ((g :=<0,...,0> c),s)) . f = s . f ) )
proof end;


theorem :: SCMFSA_2:102
for s being State of SCM+FSA
for S being SCM+FSA-State st S = s holds
IC s = IC S by FUNCT_7:def 1, SCMFSA_1:5;

theorem Th103: :: SCMFSA_2:103
for i being Instruction of SCM
for I being Instruction of SCM+FSA st i = I & i is halting holds
I is halting
proof end;

theorem Th104: :: SCMFSA_2:104
for I being Instruction of SCM+FSA st ex s being State of SCM+FSA st (Exec (I,s)) . (IC SCM+FSA) = succ (IC s) holds
not I is halting
proof end;

theorem Th105: :: SCMFSA_2:105
for a, b being Int-Location holds not a := b is halting
proof end;

theorem Th106: :: SCMFSA_2:106
for a, b being Int-Location holds not AddTo (a,b) is halting
proof end;

theorem Th107: :: SCMFSA_2:107
for a, b being Int-Location holds not SubFrom (a,b) is halting
proof end;

theorem Th108: :: SCMFSA_2:108
for a, b being Int-Location holds not MultBy (a,b) is halting
proof end;

theorem Th109: :: SCMFSA_2:109
for a, b being Int-Location holds not Divide (a,b) is halting
proof end;

theorem Th110: :: SCMFSA_2:110
for la being Element of NAT holds not goto la is halting
proof end;

theorem Th111: :: SCMFSA_2:111
for la being Element of NAT
for a being Int-Location holds not a =0_goto la is halting
proof end;

theorem Th112: :: SCMFSA_2:112
for la being Element of NAT
for a being Int-Location holds not a >0_goto la is halting
proof end;

theorem Th113: :: SCMFSA_2:113
for f being FinSeq-Location
for c, a being Int-Location holds not c := (f,a) is halting
proof end;

theorem Th114: :: SCMFSA_2:114
for f being FinSeq-Location
for a, c being Int-Location holds not (f,a) := c is halting
proof end;

theorem Th115: :: SCMFSA_2:115
for f being FinSeq-Location
for c being Int-Location holds not c :=len f is halting
proof end;

theorem Th116: :: SCMFSA_2:116
for f being FinSeq-Location
for c being Int-Location holds not f :=<0,...,0> c is halting
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:117

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:118
for I being Instruction of SCM+FSA st I = [0,{},{}] holds
I is halting by Th103, AMI_3:71;

theorem Th119: :: SCMFSA_2:119
for I being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode I = 0 holds
I = [0,{},{}]
proof end;

theorem Th120: :: SCMFSA_2:120
for I being set holds
( I is Instruction of SCM+FSA iff ( I = [0,{},{}] or ex a, b being Int-Location st I = a := b or ex a, b being Int-Location st I = AddTo (a,b) or ex a, b being Int-Location st I = SubFrom (a,b) or ex a, b being Int-Location st I = MultBy (a,b) or ex a, b being Int-Location st I = Divide (a,b) or ex la being Element of NAT st I = goto la or ex lb being Element of NAT ex da being Int-Location st I = da =0_goto lb or ex lb being Element of NAT ex da being Int-Location st I = da >0_goto lb or ex b, a being Int-Location ex fa being FinSeq-Location st I = a := (fa,b) or ex a, b being Int-Location ex fa being FinSeq-Location st I = (fa,a) := b or ex a being Int-Location ex f being FinSeq-Location st I = a :=len f or ex a being Int-Location ex f being FinSeq-Location st I = f :=<0,...,0> a ) )
proof end;

Lm1: for W being Instruction of SCM+FSA st W is halting holds
W = [0,{},{}]
proof end;

cluster SCM+FSA -> strict halting ;
SCM+FSA is halting
proof end;

theorem Th121: :: SCMFSA_2:121
for I being Instruction of SCM+FSA st I is halting holds
I = halt SCM+FSA
proof end;

theorem Th122: :: SCMFSA_2:122
for I being Instruction of SCM+FSA st InsCode I = 0 holds
I = halt SCM+FSA
proof end;

theorem Th123: :: SCMFSA_2:123
halt SCM = halt SCM+FSA
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:124
InsCode (halt SCM+FSA) = 0 by Th123, AMI_5:37;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:125
for i being Instruction of SCM
for I being Instruction of SCM+FSA st i = I & not i is halting holds
not I is halting by Th121, Th123;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:126
for i, j being natural number holds fsloc i <> intloc j
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:127
Data-Locations SCM+FSA = Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations
proof end;

theorem :: SCMFSA_2:128
for i, j being Nat st i <> j holds
intloc i <> intloc j by AMI_3:52;