The Mizar article:

On the Isomorphism between Finite Chains

Marta Pruszynska, and
Marek Dudzicz

Received June 29, 2000

Copyright (c) 2000 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: ORDERS_4
[ MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary ORDERS_1, RELAT_2, REALSET1, CARD_4, FINSET_1, CAT_1, YELLOW_0,
 constructors CARD_4, WAYBEL_1, NAT_1, REAL_1, ORDERS_3, GROUP_6, WAYBEL_8,
 definitions TARSKI, WAYBEL_1;
 theorems GROUP_1, CARD_1, CARD_2, CARD_4, WAYBEL_0, WAYBEL_1, YELLOW_0,
 schemes NAT_1, PRALG_2;


 mode Chain -> RelStr means :Def1:
  it is connected (non empty Poset) or it is empty;
   proof consider R being empty RelStr;
    take R; thus thesis;

 cluster empty -> reflexive transitive antisymmetric RelStr;
   let A be RelStr;
    assume A1: A is empty;
    then for x be set holds x in the carrier of A
          implies [x,x] in the InternalRel of A by STRUCT_0:def 1;
then A2:  the InternalRel of A is_reflexive_in the carrier of A by RELAT_2:def
      for x,y,z be set holds
     x in the carrier of A & y in the carrier of A & z in the carrier of A &
      [x,y] in the InternalRel of A & [y,z] in the InternalRel of A implies
        [x,z] in the InternalRel of A by A1,STRUCT_0:def 1;
then A3:  the InternalRel of A is_transitive_in the carrier of A by RELAT_2:def
      for x,y be set holds
     x in the carrier of A & y in the carrier of A &
      [x,y] in the InternalRel of A & [y,x] in the InternalRel of A implies
        x = y by A1,STRUCT_0:def 1;
    then the InternalRel of A is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of A
       by RELAT_2:def 4;
   hence thesis by A2,A3,ORDERS_1:def 4,def 5,def 6;

 cluster -> reflexive transitive antisymmetric Chain;
  proof let A be Chain;
      A is connected (non empty Poset) or A is empty RelStr by Def1;
   hence thesis;

 cluster non empty Chain;
    consider A being trivial reflexive transitive antisymmetric
      non empty RelStr;
      A is Chain by Def1;
    hence thesis;

 cluster -> connected (non empty Chain);
 coherence by Def1;

definition let L be 1-sorted;
  attr L is countable means :Def2:
    the carrier of L is countable;

  cluster finite non empty Chain;
     consider A being
     trivial reflexive transitive antisymmetric non empty finite RelStr;
       A is Chain by Def1;
     hence thesis;

  cluster countable Chain;
    consider L being finite Chain;
    take L;
      the carrier of L is countable by CARD_4:43;
    hence L is countable by Def2;

definition let A be connected (non empty RelStr);
  cluster full -> connected (non empty SubRelStr of A);
   let S be non empty SubRelStr of A;
    assume A1: S is full;
      for x,y being Element of S holds x <= y or y <= x
      let x,y be Element of S;
A2:     the carrier of S c= the carrier of A by YELLOW_0:def 13;
A3:     x in the carrier of S;
         y in the carrier of S;
       then reconsider b=y as Element of A by A2;
       reconsider a=x as Element of A by A2,A3;
         a <= b or b <= a by WAYBEL_0:def 29;
       hence thesis by A1,YELLOW_0:61;
    hence thesis by WAYBEL_0:def 29;

definition let A be finite RelStr;
  cluster -> finite SubRelStr of A;
    let S be SubRelStr of A;
    the carrier of S c= the carrier of A by YELLOW_0:def 13;
     then the carrier of S is finite by FINSET_1:13;
    hence thesis by GROUP_1:def 13;

theorem Th1:
for n,m be Nat holds
 n <= m implies InclPoset(n) is full SubRelStr of InclPoset(m)
  let n,m be Nat;
   assume A1: n <= m;
A2: the carrier of InclPoset(m)=m by YELLOW_1:1;
A3:  n c= m by A1,CARD_1:56;
then A4: the carrier of InclPoset(n) c= the carrier of InclPoset(m)
      by A2,YELLOW_1:1;
A5:  the InternalRel of InclPoset n = RelIncl n by YELLOW_1:1;
A6: the InternalRel of InclPoset m = RelIncl m by YELLOW_1:1;
A7: RelIncl n c= RelIncl m
      let x be set;
       assume x in RelIncl n;
       then x in (RelIncl m) |_2 n by A3,WELLORD2:8;
      hence thesis by WELLORD1:16;
     (RelIncl m) |_2 n = the InternalRel of InclPoset n by A3,A5,WELLORD2:8;
   then the InternalRel of InclPoset(n) =
     (the InternalRel of InclPoset(m))|_2 the carrier of InclPoset(n)
       by A6,YELLOW_1:1;
  hence thesis by A4,A5,A6,A7,YELLOW_0:def 13,def 14;

 let L be RelStr;
 let A,B be set;
pred A,B form_upper_lower_partition_of L means :Def3:
 A \/ B = the carrier of L &
  for a,b be Element of L st a in A & b in B holds
   a < b;

theorem Th2:
 for L be RelStr
  for A,B be set holds
   A,B form_upper_lower_partition_of L implies A misses B
 let L be RelStr;
 let A,B be set;
 assume A1: A,B form_upper_lower_partition_of L & A meets B;
  then A2: A \/ B = the carrier of L &
   for a,b be Element of L st a in A & b in B holds a < b by Def3;
  consider x be set such that A3: x in A /\ B by A1,XBOOLE_0:4;
A4: x in A & x in B by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
  then x in the carrier of L by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  then reconsider x as Element of L;
    x < x by A1,A4,Def3;
 hence contradiction;

theorem Th3:
for L be upper-bounded antisymmetric non empty RelStr holds
 ((the carrier of L) \ { Top L }), { Top L } form_upper_lower_partition_of L
   let L be upper-bounded antisymmetric non empty RelStr;
A1: ((the carrier of L) \ { Top L }) \/ { Top
L } = the carrier of L by XBOOLE_1:45;
     for a,b be Element of L st a in ((the carrier of L) \ { Top L })
    & b in { Top L } holds a < b
      let a,b be Element of L;
      assume A2: a in ((the carrier of L) \ { Top L }) & b in { Top L };
       then a in (the carrier of L) & not a in { Top L } by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
then A3:    a in (the carrier of L) & a <> Top L by TARSKI:def 1;
A4:     b = Top L by A2,TARSKI:def 1;
         a <= Top L by YELLOW_0:45;
      hence thesis by A3,A4,ORDERS_1:def 10;
   hence thesis by A1,Def3;

theorem Th4:
for L1,L2 be RelStr
 for f be map of L1,L2 st f is isomorphic
  holds (the carrier of L1 <> {} iff the carrier of L2 <> {})
   & (the carrier of L2 <> {} or the carrier of L1 = {})
    & (the carrier of L1 = {} iff the carrier of L2 = {})
 let L1,L2 be RelStr;
 let f be map of L1,L2 such that A1: f is isomorphic;
     the carrier of L1 = {} iff the carrier of L2 = {}
    hereby assume the carrier of L1 = {};
      then L1 is empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
      then L2 is empty by A1,WAYBEL_0:def 38;
      hence the carrier of L2 = {} by STRUCT_0:def 1;
    assume the carrier of L2 = {};
    then L2 is empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
    then L1 is empty by A1,WAYBEL_0:def 38;
    hence thesis by STRUCT_0:def 1;
 hence thesis;

theorem Th5:
for L1,L2 be antisymmetric RelStr
 for A1,B1 be Subset of L1 st A1,B1 form_upper_lower_partition_of L1
  for A2,B2 be Subset of L2 st A2,B2 form_upper_lower_partition_of L2
   for f be map of subrelstr A1, subrelstr A2 st f is isomorphic
    for g be map of subrelstr B1, subrelstr B2 st g is isomorphic
     ex h be map of L1,L2 st h = f +* g & h is isomorphic
    let L1,L2 be antisymmetric RelStr;
    let A1,B1 be Subset of L1 such that
A1:     A1,B1 form_upper_lower_partition_of L1;
    let A2,B2 be Subset of L2 such that
A2:     A2,B2 form_upper_lower_partition_of L2;
    let f be map of subrelstr A1, subrelstr A2 such that
A3:     f is isomorphic;
    let g be map of subrelstr B1, subrelstr B2 such that
A4:     g is isomorphic;
A5: A1 \/ B1 = the carrier of L1 &
     for a,b be Element of L1 st a in A1 & b in B1 holds a < b by A1,Def3;
A6: A1 misses B1 by A1,Th2;
A7: A2 misses B2 by A2,Th2;
A8: A2 \/ B2 = the carrier of L2 &
    for a,b be Element of L2 st a in A2 & b in B2 holds a < b by A2,Def3;
    set h = f +* g;
     per cases;
      suppose A9: the carrier of L1 = {};
then A10:     A1 = {} & B1 = {} by A5,XBOOLE_1:15;
then A11:    the carrier of subrelstr A1 = {} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
       then dom f = the carrier of subrelstr A1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A12:     dom f = A1 by YELLOW_0:def 15;
A13:    dom f = {} by A11,FUNCT_2:def 1;
         the carrier of subrelstr B2 <> {} or
              the carrier of subrelstr B1 = {} by A10,YELLOW_0:def 15;
       then dom g = the carrier of subrelstr B1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A14:    dom g = B1 by YELLOW_0:def 15;
A15:    dom h = dom f \/ dom g by FUNCT_4:def 1;
A16:   dom h = the carrier of L1 by A5,A12,A14,FUNCT_4:def 1;
A17:   rng h c= the carrier of L2
           rng h = {} by A10,A13,A14,A15,RELAT_1:65;
         hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:2;
A18:   the carrier of subrelstr A1 = {} & the carrier of subrelstr B1 = {}
         by A10,YELLOW_0:def 15;
       then subrelstr A1 is empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
then A19:   subrelstr A2 is empty by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 38;
         subrelstr B1 is empty by A18,STRUCT_0:def 1;
then A20:   subrelstr B2 is empty by A4,WAYBEL_0:def 38;
         for x be set st x in the carrier of L1 holds h.x in the carrier of L2
         let x be set;
          assume x in the carrier of L1;
           then h.x in rng h by A16,FUNCT_1:def 5;
          hence thesis by A17;
then h is Function of the carrier of L1, the carrier of L2
         by A16,FUNCT_2:5;
       then reconsider h as map of L1,L2;
         the carrier of subrelstr A2 is empty by A19,STRUCT_0:def 1;
then A21:    A2 = {} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
         the carrier of subrelstr B2 is empty by A20,STRUCT_0:def 1;
       then B2 is empty by YELLOW_0:def 15;
then A22:   L2 is empty by A8,A21,STRUCT_0:def 1;
         L1 is empty by A9,STRUCT_0:def 1;
       then h is isomorphic by A22,WAYBEL_0:def 38;
      hence thesis;

      suppose A23: the carrier of L1 <> {};
      then A1 <> {} or B1 <> {} by A5;
      then the carrier of subrelstr A1 is non empty or
        the carrier of subrelstr B1 is non empty by YELLOW_0:def 15;
      then subrelstr A1 is non empty or subrelstr B1 is non empty
        by STRUCT_0:def 1;
then A24:   subrelstr A2 is non empty or subrelstr B2 is non empty
              by A3,A4,WAYBEL_0:def 38;
then A25:    the carrier of subrelstr A2 is non empty or
              the carrier of subrelstr B2 is non empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
      then A2 <> {} or B2 <> {} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
then A26:    A2 \/ B2 <> {} by XBOOLE_1:15;
        (A1 <> {} or B1 <> {}) implies (A2 <> {} or A1 = {})
        assume A1 <> {} or B1 <> {};
          the carrier of subrelstr A2 <> {}
           or the carrier of subrelstr A1 = {} by A3,Th4;
        hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 15;
       then the carrier of subrelstr A2 <> {} or
         the carrier of subrelstr A1 = {} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
       then dom f = the carrier of subrelstr A1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A27:    dom f = A1 by YELLOW_0:def 15;
         (A2 <> {} or B2 <> {}) implies (B2 <> {} or B1 = {})
         assume A2 <> {} or B2 <> {};
           the carrier of subrelstr B2 <> {}
                or the carrier of subrelstr B1 = {} by A4,Th4;
         hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 15;
       then A28: the carrier of subrelstr B2 <> {} or
         the carrier of subrelstr B1 = {}
           by A24,STRUCT_0:def 1,YELLOW_0:def 15;
then A29:    dom g = the carrier of subrelstr B1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A30:    dom g = B1 by YELLOW_0:def 15;
A31:    dom h = dom f \/ dom g by FUNCT_4:def 1;
A32:      dom f misses dom g implies rng h = rng f \/ rng g
           assume A33: dom f misses dom g;
A34:        rng h c= rng f \/ rng g by FUNCT_4:18;
              rng f \/ rng g c= rng h
              let x be set;
              assume A35: x in rng f \/ rng g;
               per cases by A35,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                suppose x in rng f;
                then consider z be set such that
           A36: z in dom f & x = f.z by FUNCT_1:def 5;
A37:             z in dom h by A31,A36,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                  x = h.z
                    not z in dom g by A33,A36,XBOOLE_0:3;
                  hence thesis by A36,FUNCT_4:12;
                hence thesis by A37,FUNCT_1:def 5;
                suppose x in rng g;
                 then consider z be set such that
            A38: z in dom g & x = g.z by FUNCT_1:def 5;
A39:              z in dom h by A31,A38,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                   h.z = g.z by A38,FUNCT_4:14;
                hence thesis by A38,A39,FUNCT_1:def 5;
           hence thesis by A34,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
A40:    rng h = the carrier of L2
         per cases;
         suppose A41: A2 = {} & A1 = {};
then the carrier of subrelstr B1 <> {} by A5,A23,YELLOW_0:def 15;
then A42:     subrelstr B2 is non empty & subrelstr B1 is non empty
            by A25,A41,STRUCT_0:def 1,YELLOW_0:def 15;
A43:     rng f = {} by A27,A41,RELAT_1:65;
        rng g = the carrier of subrelstr B2 by A4,A42,WAYBEL_0:66;
         hence thesis by A8,A27,A32,A41,A43,XBOOLE_1:65,YELLOW_0:def 15;

         suppose A2 = {} & A1 <> {};
         then the carrier of subrelstr A2 = {} &
                 the carrier of subrelstr A1 <> {} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
         hence thesis by A3,Th4;

         suppose A2 <> {} & A1 = {};
         then the carrier of subrelstr A2 <> {} &
           the carrier of subrelstr A1 = {} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
         hence thesis by A3,Th4;
         suppose A44: A2 <> {} & A1 <> {};
           rng h = the carrier of L2
            per cases;
             suppose A45: B2 <> {};
                the carrier of subrelstr A2 <> {} &
                  the carrier of subrelstr A1 <> {} by A44,YELLOW_0:def 15;
then subrelstr A2 is non empty & subrelstr A1 is non empty
                   by STRUCT_0:def 1;
              then rng f = the carrier of subrelstr A2 by A3,WAYBEL_0:66;
then A46:           rng f = A2 by YELLOW_0:def 15;
A47:          the carrier of subrelstr B2 <> {} by A45,YELLOW_0:def 15;
                   then the carrier of subrelstr B1 <> {} by A4,Th4;
              then subrelstr B2 is non empty & subrelstr B1 is non empty
                   by A47,STRUCT_0:def 1;
              then rng g = the carrier of subrelstr B2 by A4,WAYBEL_0:66;
             hence thesis by A1,A8,A27,A30,A32,A46,Th2,YELLOW_0:def 15;

             suppose A48: B2 = {};
             then dom g = {} by A28,FUNCT_2:def 1,YELLOW_0:def 15;
             then for x,y be set holds not [x,y] in g by RELAT_1:20;
then A49:         g = {} by RELAT_1:56;
               the carrier of subrelstr A2 <> {} &
                  the carrier of subrelstr A1 <> {} by A44,YELLOW_0:def 15;
then subrelstr A2 is non empty & subrelstr A1 is non empty
                   by STRUCT_0:def 1;
then rng f = the carrier of subrelstr A2 by A3,WAYBEL_0:66;
             hence thesis by A8,A32,A48,A49,RELAT_1:60,XBOOLE_1:65,YELLOW_0:def
         hence thesis;
A50:   dom h = the carrier of L1 by A5,A27,A29,A31,YELLOW_0:def 15;
       then for x be set st x in the carrier of L1 holds h.x in the carrier of
          by A40,FUNCT_1:def 5;
then A51:    h is Function of the carrier of L1, the carrier of L2
           by A50,FUNCT_2:5;
       reconsider L1 as non empty RelStr by A23,STRUCT_0:def 1;
       reconsider L2 as non empty RelStr by A8,A26,STRUCT_0:def 1;
       reconsider h as map of L1,L2 by A51;
A52:    h is one-to-one
         let x1,x2 be Element of L1;
         assume A53:h.x1 = h.x2;

         per cases by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
         suppose A54: x1 in A1 & x2 in A1;
then A55:      the carrier of subrelstr A1 <> {} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
         then the carrier of subrelstr A2 <> {} by A3,Th4;
then A56:      subrelstr A1 is non empty &
           subrelstr A2 is non empty by A55,STRUCT_0:def 1;
           not x1 in B1 by A6,A54,XBOOLE_0:3;
then A57:     h.x1 = f.x1 by A30,FUNCT_4:12;
           not x2 in B1 by A6,A54,XBOOLE_0:3;
then A58:     f.x1 = f.x2 by A30,A53,A57,FUNCT_4:12;
           f is one-to-one by A3,A56,WAYBEL_0:66;
         hence thesis by A27,A54,A58,FUNCT_1:def 8;

         suppose A59: x1 in A1 & x2 in B1;
         then not x1 in B1 by A6,XBOOLE_0:3;
then h.x2 = f.x1 by A30,A53,FUNCT_4:12;
then A60:     h.x2 in rng f by A27,A59,FUNCT_1:def 5;
A61:     the carrier of subrelstr A1 <> {} by A59,YELLOW_0:def 15;
         then the carrier of subrelstr A2 <> {} by A3,Th4;
         then subrelstr A2 is non empty & subrelstr A1 is non empty
           by A61,STRUCT_0:def 1;
         then rng f = the carrier of subrelstr A2 by A3,WAYBEL_0:66;
then A62:     rng f = A2 by YELLOW_0:def 15;
A63:     rng f misses rng g
A64:             the carrier of subrelstr B1 <> {} by A59,YELLOW_0:def 15;
                 then the carrier of subrelstr B2 <> {} by A4,Th4;
                 then subrelstr B2 is non empty & subrelstr B1 is non empty
                       by A64,STRUCT_0:def 1;
                 then rng g = the carrier of subrelstr B2 by A4,WAYBEL_0:66;
                hence thesis by A7,A62,YELLOW_0:def 15;
            h.x2 = g.x2 by A30,A59,FUNCT_4:14;
              then h.x2 in rng g by A30,A59,FUNCT_1:def 5;
             hence thesis by A60,A63,XBOOLE_0:3;

             suppose A65: x1 in B1 & x2 in A1;
then h.x2 = g.x1 by A30,A53,FUNCT_4:14;
then A66:         h.x2 in rng g by A30,A65,FUNCT_1:def 5;
A67:         the carrier of subrelstr A1 <> {} by A65,YELLOW_0:def 15;
             then the carrier of subrelstr A2 <> {} by A3,Th4;
             then subrelstr A2 is non empty & subrelstr A1 is non empty
               by A67,STRUCT_0:def 1;
then A68:         rng f = the carrier of subrelstr A2 by A3,WAYBEL_0:66
                  .= A2 by YELLOW_0:def 15;
A69:         the carrier of subrelstr B1 <> {} by A65,YELLOW_0:def 15;
             then the carrier of subrelstr B2 <> {} by A4,Th4;
             then subrelstr B2 is non empty & subrelstr B1 is non empty
               by A69,STRUCT_0:def 1;
             then rng g = the carrier of subrelstr B2 by A4,WAYBEL_0:66;
then A70:         rng f misses rng g by A7,A68,YELLOW_0:def 15;
               not x2 in dom g by A6,A30,A65,XBOOLE_0:3;
then h.x2 = f.x2 by FUNCT_4:12;
             then h.x2 in rng f by A27,A65,FUNCT_1:def 5;
             hence thesis by A66,A70,XBOOLE_0:3;

             suppose A71: x1 in B1 & x2 in B1;
             then the carrier of subrelstr B1 <> {} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
              then the carrier of subrelstr B1 <> {} &
                the carrier of subrelstr B2 <> {} by A4,Th4;
then A72:           subrelstr B1 is non empty &
                subrelstr B2 is non empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
           h.x1 = g.x1 by A30,A71,FUNCT_4:14;
then A73:          g.x1 = g.x2 by A30,A53,A71,FUNCT_4:14;
                g is one-to-one by A4,A72,WAYBEL_0:def 38;
             hence thesis by A30,A71,A73,FUNCT_1:def 8;
         h is isomorphic
            for x,y being Element of L1 holds x <= y iff h.x <= h.y
            let x,y be Element of L1;
A74:         not x in A1 implies x in B1 by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A75:        not y in B1 implies y in A1 by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A76:        dom f misses dom g by A6,A27,A29,YELLOW_0:def 15;

            per cases by A74,A75;
            suppose A77: x in A1 & y in A1;
then A78:         x in the carrier of subrelstr A1 &
                 y in the carrier of subrelstr A1 by YELLOW_0:def 15;
A79:         the carrier of subrelstr A1 <> {} by A77,YELLOW_0:def 15;
             reconsider A1' = A1 as non empty Subset of L1 by A77;
               the carrier of subrelstr A2 <> {} by A3,A79,Th4;
             then reconsider A2' = A2 as non empty Subset of L2 by YELLOW_0:def
             reconsider ax = x, ay = y as Element of subrelstr A1'
               by A78;
             reconsider f' = f as map of subrelstr A1', subrelstr A2';
A80:          h.x = f.x by A6,A27,A30,A77,FUNCT_4:17;
A81:         h.y = f.y by A6,A27,A30,A77,FUNCT_4:17;
             hereby assume x <= y;
               then ax <= ay by YELLOW_0:61;
               then f'.ax <= f'.ay by A3,WAYBEL_0:66;
               hence h.x <= h.y by A80,A81,YELLOW_0:60;

            assume h.x <= h.y;
            then f'.ax <= f'.ay by A80,A81,YELLOW_0:61;
            then ax <= ay by A3,WAYBEL_0:66;
            hence thesis by YELLOW_0:60;

            suppose A82: x in A1 & y in B1;
            then A83: x in the carrier of subrelstr A1 &
              y in the carrier of subrelstr B1 by YELLOW_0:def 15;
A84:         x < y by A1,A82,Def3;
            hereby assume x <= y;
A85:           f.x = h.x by A27,A76,A82,FUNCT_4:17;
A86:           g.y = h.y by A30,A82,FUNCT_4:14;
           the carrier of subrelstr A1 <> {} by A82,YELLOW_0:def 15;
              then A87: the carrier of subrelstr A2 <> {} by A3,Th4;
          the carrier of subrelstr B1 <> {} by A82,YELLOW_0:def 15;
then A88:           the carrier of subrelstr B2 <> {} by A4,Th4;
              reconsider A1' = A1, B1' = B1 as non empty Subset of L1 by A82;
              reconsider A2' = A2, B2' = B2 as non empty Subset of L2
                  by A87,A88,YELLOW_0:def 15;
              reconsider ax = x as Element of subrelstr A1' by A83;
              reconsider ay = y as Element of subrelstr B1' by A83;
              reconsider f' = f as map of subrelstr A1', subrelstr A2';
              reconsider g' = g as map of subrelstr B1', subrelstr B2';
                f'.ax in the carrier of subrelstr A2' &
                     g'.ay in the carrier of subrelstr B2';
              then f'.ax in A2' & g'.ay in B2' by YELLOW_0:def 15;
              then h.x < h.y by A2,A85,A86,Def3;
              hence h.x <= h.y by ORDERS_1:def 10;
            assume h.x <= h.y;
            thus thesis by A84,ORDERS_1:def 10;

            suppose A89: x in B1 & y in A1;
then y < x by A1,Def3;
          hence x <= y implies h.x <= h.y by ORDERS_1:30;
          assume A90: h.x <= h.y;
A91:       g.x in rng g & f.y in rng f by A27,A30,A89,FUNCT_1:def 5;
A92:       the carrier of subrelstr A1 is non empty &
             the carrier of subrelstr B1 is non empty
               by A89,YELLOW_0:def 15;
then A93:       subrelstr A1 is non empty & subrelstr B1 is non empty
                         by STRUCT_0:def 1;
            the carrier of subrelstr A2 is non empty &
                   the carrier of subrelstr B2 is non empty
                         by A3,A4,A92,Th4;
          then subrelstr A2 is non empty & subrelstr B2 is non empty
                         by STRUCT_0:def 1;
          then rng f = the carrier of subrelstr A2 &
            rng g = the carrier of subrelstr B2 by A3,A4,A93,WAYBEL_0:66;
then A94:       g.x in B2 & f.y in A2 by A91,YELLOW_0:def 15;
            g.x = h.x & f.y = h.y by A6,A27,A30,A89,FUNCT_4:14,17;
          then h.x > h.y by A2,A94,Def3;
          hence thesis by A90,ORDERS_1:30;

            suppose A95: x in B1 & y in B1;
             then A96: x in the carrier of subrelstr B1 &
                 y in the carrier of subrelstr B1 by YELLOW_0:def 15;
          the carrier of subrelstr B1 <> {} by A95,YELLOW_0:def 15;
then A97:           the carrier of subrelstr B2 <> {} by A4,Th4;
             reconsider B1' = B1 as non empty Subset of L1 by A95;
             reconsider B2' = B2 as non empty Subset of L2
               by A97,YELLOW_0:def 15;
             reconsider ax = x, ay = y as Element of subrelstr B1' by A96;
             reconsider g' = g as map of subrelstr B1', subrelstr B2';
A98:          h.x = g.x by A30,A95,FUNCT_4:14;
A99:         h.y = g.y by A30,A95,FUNCT_4:14;
             hereby assume x <= y;
               then ax <= ay by YELLOW_0:61;
               then g'.ax <= g'.ay by A4,WAYBEL_0:66;
               hence h.x <= h.y by A98,A99,YELLOW_0:60;
             assume h.x <= h.y;
             then g'.ax <= g'.ay by A98,A99,YELLOW_0:61;
             then ax <= ay by A4,WAYBEL_0:66;
             hence thesis by YELLOW_0:60;
         hence thesis by A40,A52,WAYBEL_0:66;
      hence thesis;

  for A being finite Chain, n being Nat st Card(the carrier of A) = n holds
    A,InclPoset n are_isomorphic
  defpred P[Nat] means for A being finite Chain st Card(the carrier of A)
  = $1 holds A,InclPoset $1 are_isomorphic;
A1:  P[0]
      let A be finite Chain;
      assume Card(the carrier of A) = 0;
then A2:   the carrier of A = {} by CARD_2:59;
      consider f being map of A, InclPoset 0;
      take f;
        the carrier of InclPoset(0) = 0 by YELLOW_1:1;
      then A is empty & InclPoset(0) is empty by A2,STRUCT_0:def 1;
      hence thesis by WAYBEL_0:def 38;
A3: for n being Nat st P[n] holds P[n + 1]
    let n be Nat;
A4:    for A being finite Chain st Card(the carrier of A) = n holds
       A,InclPoset(n) are_isomorphic;
    let A be finite Chain;
    assume A5: card(the carrier of A) = n + 1;
   n >= 0 by NAT_1:18;
    then n + 1 >= 0 + 1 by AXIOMS:24;
then A6:  n >= 1 or n + 1 = 1 by NAT_1:26;
      the carrier of A <> {} by A5,CARD_4:17;
    then reconsider A as non empty finite Chain by STRUCT_0:def 1;
    set b = Top A;
    per cases by A6,NAT_1:38;
     suppose A7: n + 1 = 1;
     then consider x be set such that A8: the carrier of A = {x} by A5,CARD_2:
       A,InclPoset(1) are_isomorphic
         set g = (the carrier of A) --> 0;
A9:      rng g = {0} by FUNCOP_1:14;
A10:      {0} = the carrier of InclPoset 1 by CARD_5:1,YELLOW_1:1;
           0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
         then g is Function of the carrier of A, {0} by FUNCOP_1:57;
         then reconsider g as map of A,InclPoset 1 by A10;
           g is isomorphic
A11:         g is one-to-one
              let x1,x2 be Element of A;
              assume g.x1 = g.x2;
                 x1 = x & x2 = x by A8,TARSKI:def 1;
              hence x1 = x2;
              for e,f being Element of A holds e <= f iff g.e <= g.f
              let e,f be Element of A;
              hereby assume e <= f;
                  g.e = 0 & g.f = 0 by FUNCOP_1:13;
                hence g.e <= g.f;
              assume g.e <= g.f;
                e = x by A8,TARSKI:def 1;
              hence thesis by A8,TARSKI:def 1;
           hence thesis by A9,A10,A11,WAYBEL_0:66;
        hence thesis by WAYBEL_1:def 8;
     hence thesis by A7;

    suppose n + 1 > 1;
    then n + 1 - 1 > 1 - 1 by REAL_1:54;
    then A12: n + 0 > 1 - 1 by XCMPLX_1:29;
A13:  card((the carrier of A) \ {b}) = (card the carrier of A) - card {b}
                                      by CARD_2:63
                                   .= (n + 1) -1 by A5,CARD_1:79
                                   .= n by XCMPLX_1:26;
      (the carrier of A) \ {b} c= the carrier of A by XBOOLE_1:36;
    then reconsider Ab=(the carrier of A)\{b} as non empty Subset of A
                by A12,A13,CARD_4:17;
    reconsider B = subrelstr Ab as finite Chain by Def1;
      card(the carrier of B) = n by A13,YELLOW_0:def 15;
    then B,InclPoset(n) are_isomorphic by A4;
    then consider f be map of B,InclPoset(n) such that A14: f is isomorphic
      by WAYBEL_1:def 8;
A15:  the carrier of B = (the carrier of A)\{b} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
      n <= n+1 by NAT_1:29;
    then n c= n+1 by CARD_1:56;
    then n c= the carrier of InclPoset(n+1) by YELLOW_1:1;
then A16: the carrier of InclPoset(n) c= the carrier of InclPoset(n+1)
         by YELLOW_1:1;
A17: (the carrier of B) , { b } form_upper_lower_partition_of A by A15,Th3;
A18:  the carrier of InclPoset(n) = n by YELLOW_1:1;
A19:  n+1 = succ n by CARD_1:52 .= n \/ {n} by ORDINAL1:def 1;
then A20:  (the carrier of InclPoset(n)) \/ {n} =
              the carrier of InclPoset(n+1) by A18,YELLOW_1:1;
      for a,b be Element of InclPoset(n+1) st
      a in (the carrier of InclPoset(n)) & b in {n} holds a < b
      let a,b be Element of InclPoset(n+1);
        assume a in the carrier of InclPoset(n) & b in {n};
then A21:      a in n & b = n by TARSKI:def 1,YELLOW_1:1;
        then a in { i where i is Nat: i < n } & b = n by AXIOMS:30;
        then consider h be Nat such that A22: h = a & h < n;
          a c= b
          assume not a c= b;
          then consider x be set such that A23: x in a & not x in b by TARSKI:
def 3;
            x in { w where w is Nat: w < h } by A22,A23,AXIOMS:30;
          then consider w' be Nat such that A24: w' = x & w' < h;
            w' < n by A22,A24,AXIOMS:22;
          then w' in { t where t is Nat: t < n};
          hence contradiction by A21,A23,A24,AXIOMS:30;
then A25:    a <= b by YELLOW_1:3;
          a <> b by A21;
        hence thesis by A25,ORDERS_1:def 10;

then A26: (the carrier of InclPoset(n)),{n}
           form_upper_lower_partition_of InclPoset(n+1) by A20,Def3;
    set X = InclPoset {b};
A27:  the carrier of X = {b} by YELLOW_1:1;
      {b} c= {b};
    then reconsider b' = {b} as non empty Subset of X by A27;
      {n} c= n + 1 by A19,XBOOLE_1:7;
    then {n} c= the carrier of InclPoset (n+1) by YELLOW_1:1;
    then reconsider n' = {n} as non empty Subset of InclPoset (n+1)
    set X' = subrelstr b', Y' = subrelstr n';
A28: the carrier of X' = {b} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
     deffunc U(set) = n;
     consider g be ManySortedSet of the carrier of X' such that
A29:    for d be Element of X' holds g.d = U(d) from LambdaDMS;
A30: dom g = the carrier of X' by PBOOLE:def 3;
A31: rng g c= the carrier of Y'
       let r be set;
       assume r in rng g;
       then consider x be set such that A32: x in dom g & r = g.x by FUNCT_1:
def 5;
         g.x = n by A29,A30,A32;
       then r in {n} by A32,TARSKI:def 1;
       hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 15;

      for x be set st x in the carrier of X' holds g.x in the carrier of Y'
      let x be set;
      assume x in the carrier of X';
      then g.x in rng g by A30,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      hence thesis by A31;
then A33: the carrier of subrelstr n' = n' &
     the carrier of subrelstr {b} = {b} &
    g is Function of the carrier of X', the carrier of Y'
         by A30,FUNCT_2:5,YELLOW_0:def 15;
    then reconsider g as map of subrelstr {b}, subrelstr n' by A28;
A34:g is one-to-one by A33,PARTFUN1:70;
      g.b in n' by A33,FUNCT_2:61;
    then g.b = n by TARSKI:def 1;
then A35:rng g = the carrier of subrelstr n' by A33,FUNCT_2:62;

A36:  g is isomorphic
        for e,f being Element of subrelstr {b} holds e <= f iff g.e <= g.f
         let e,f be Element of subrelstr {b};
           e in the carrier of subrelstr {b};
then A37:       e in {b} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
         then reconsider e1=e as Element of X' by A28;
           f in the carrier of subrelstr {b};
then A38:       f in {b} by YELLOW_0:def 15;
         then reconsider f1=f as Element of X' by A28;
         hereby assume e <= f;
A39:        g.e1 = n by A29;
             g.f1 = n by A29;
           hence g.e <= g.f by A39;
         assume g.e <= g.f;
           e = b by A37,TARSKI:def 1;
         hence thesis by A38,TARSKI:def 1;
      hence thesis by A34,A35,WAYBEL_0:66;

  reconsider A2 = the carrier of InclPoset n, B2 = n'
           as Subset of InclPoset (n+1) by A16;
    n <= n+1 by NAT_1:29;
  then A2 = n & InclPoset n is full SubRelStr of InclPoset (n+1)
   by Th1,YELLOW_1:1;
  then InclPoset n = subrelstr A2 & the carrier of B = Ab &
  g is map of subrelstr {b}, subrelstr B2 by YELLOW_0:def 15;
  then consider h be map of A,InclPoset(n+1) such that
A40: h = f +* g & h is isomorphic by A14,A17,A26,A36,Th5;
    thus thesis by A40,WAYBEL_1:def 8;

    for n being Nat holds P[n] from Ind(A1,A3);
   hence thesis;

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