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environ vocabulary PBOOLE, FUNCT_1, PROB_1, RELAT_1, TARSKI, FINSEQ_1, BOOLE, HILBERT1, TREES_1, TREES_3, TREES_2, TREES_4, TREES_9, FUNCT_6, QC_LANG1, ZF_LANG, GRAPH_1, ZFMISC_1, SETFAM_1, FRAENKEL, PARTFUN1, FUNCT_4, CAT_1, HILBERT2, HAHNBAN; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, NUMBERS, XREAL_0, NAT_1, PROB_1, RELAT_1, ORDINAL1, FUNCT_1, PARTFUN1, SETFAM_1, FINSEQ_1, FRAENKEL, CQC_LANG, FUNCT_4, FUNCT_6, PBOOLE, TREES_1, TREES_2, TREES_3, TREES_4, TREES_9, HILBERT1; constructors MSUALG_3, HILBERT1, FRAENKEL, CQC_LANG, NAT_1, TREES_9, PROB_1, MEMBERED; clusters SUBSET_1, RELSET_1, HILBERT1, FRAENKEL, TREES_2, TREES_3, FINSEQ_5, FUNCT_7, PRVECT_1, NAT_1, MEMBERED, NUMBERS, ORDINAL2; requirements NUMERALS, REAL, BOOLE, SUBSET, ARITHM; definitions TARSKI, HILBERT1, FRAENKEL, PARTFUN1; theorems PBOOLE, ZFMISC_1, FUNCT_1, HILBERT1, ORDERS_2, SUBSET_1, TARSKI, FUNCT_4, CQC_LANG, WELLFND1, BORSUK_1, PROB_1, GRFUNC_1, NAT_1, FINSEQ_1, JORDAN3, AXIOMS, REAL_1, SCMFSA_7, TREES_1, GROUP_7, TREES_4, TREES_2, TREES_9, FINSEQ_2, TREES_3, ALGSEQ_1, RELAT_1, SETFAM_1, ORDINAL1, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1, XCMPLX_1; schemes MSUALG_1, NAT_1, FINSEQ_1; begin :: Preliminaries reserve X,x for set; theorem Th1: for Z being set, M being ManySortedSet of Z st for x being set st x in Z holds M.x is ManySortedSet of x for f being Function st f = Union M holds dom f = union Z proof let Z be set, M be ManySortedSet of Z such that A1: for x being set st x in Z holds M.x is ManySortedSet of x; let f be Function; assume f = Union M; then A2: f = union rng M by PROB_1:def 3; for x being set holds x in dom f iff ex Y being set st x in Y & Y in Z proof let x be set; thus x in dom f implies ex Y being set st x in Y & Y in Z proof assume x in dom f; then [x,f.x] in f by FUNCT_1:def 4; then consider g being set such that A3: [x,f.x] in g and A4: g in rng M by A2,TARSKI:def 4; consider a being set such that A5: a in dom M and A6: g = M.a by A4,FUNCT_1:def 5; A7: a in Z by A5,PBOOLE:def 3; then reconsider g as ManySortedSet of a by A1,A6; take dom g; thus x in dom g by A3,FUNCT_1:8; thus dom g in Z by A7,PBOOLE:def 3; end; given Y being set such that A8: x in Y and A9: Y in Z; reconsider g = M.Y as ManySortedSet of Y by A1,A9; Y = dom g by PBOOLE:def 3; then A10: [x,g.x] in g by A8,FUNCT_1:8; Z = dom M by PBOOLE:def 3; then g in rng M by A9,FUNCT_1:def 5; then [x,g.x] in f by A2,A10,TARSKI:def 4; hence x in dom f by FUNCT_1:8; end; hence dom f = union Z by TARSKI:def 4; end; theorem Th2: for x,y being set, f,g being FinSequence st <*x*>^f = <*y*>^g holds f = g proof let x,y be set, f,g be FinSequence; assume A1: <*x*>^f = <*y*>^g; then x = (<*y*>^g).1 by JORDAN3:16 .= y by JORDAN3:16; hence f = g by A1,FINSEQ_1:46; end; theorem Th3: <*x*> is FinSequence of X implies x in X proof assume A1: <*x*> is FinSequence of X; rng<*x*> = {x} by FINSEQ_1:55; then {x} c= X by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 4; hence x in X by ZFMISC_1:37; end; theorem Th4: for X for f being FinSequence of X st f <> {} ex g being FinSequence of X, d being Element of X st f = g^<*d*> proof let X be set, f be FinSequence of X; assume f <> {}; then consider q being FinSequence, x being set such that A1: f = q^<*x*> by FINSEQ_1:63; reconsider q as FinSequence of X by A1,FINSEQ_1:50; take q; take x; <*x*> is FinSequence of X by A1,FINSEQ_1:50; hence x is Element of X by Th3; thus thesis by A1; end; reserve k,m,n for Nat, p,q,r,s,r',s' for Element of HP-WFF, T1,T2 for Tree; theorem Th5: <*x*> in tree(T1,T2) iff x=0 or x=1 proof A1: len<*T1,T2*> = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61; A2: tree(T1,T2) = tree<*T1,T2*> by TREES_3:def 17; thus <*x*> in tree(T1,T2) implies x=0 or x=1 proof assume <*x*> in tree(T1,T2); then consider n being Nat, q being FinSequence such that A3: n < 2 and q in <*T1,T2*>.(n+1) and A4: <*x*> = <*n*>^q by A1,A2,TREES_3:def 15; x = <*x*>.1 by FINSEQ_1:57 .= n by A4,JORDAN3:16; hence x=0 or x=1 by A3,ALGSEQ_1:4; end; assume A5: x=0 or x=1; then reconsider n = x as Nat; <*T1,T2*>.(n+1) = T1 or <*T1,T2*>.(n+1) = T2 by A5,FINSEQ_1:61; then A6: {} in <*T1,T2*>.(n+1) by TREES_1:47; <*n*> = <*n*>^{} by FINSEQ_1:47; hence thesis by A1,A2,A5,A6,TREES_3:def 15; end; definition cluster {} -> Tree-yielding; coherence by TREES_3:23; end; scheme InTreeInd{T() -> Tree, P[set] }: for f being Element of T() holds P[f] provided A1: P[<*>NAT] and A2: for f being Element of T() st P[f] for n st f^<*n*> in T() holds P[f^<*n*>] proof defpred Q[FinSequence] means $1 in T() implies P[$1]; A3: Q[ {} ] by A1; A4: for p being FinSequence, x being set st Q[p] holds Q[p^<*x*>] proof let p be FinSequence, x be set such that A5: Q[p]; assume A6: p^<*x*> in T(); then reconsider h = p^<*x*> as FinSequence of NAT by TREES_1:44; consider g being FinSequence of NAT, n such that A7: h = g^<*n*> by Th4; A8: g = p by A7,FINSEQ_2:20; reconsider g as Element of T() by A6,A7,TREES_1:46; P[g] by A5,A8; hence P[p^<*x*>] by A2,A6,A7; end; for p being FinSequence holds Q[p] from IndSeq(A3,A4); hence thesis; end; reserve T1,T2 for DecoratedTree; theorem Th6: for x being set, T1, T2 holds (x-tree (T1,T2)).{} = x proof let x be set, T1, T2; x-tree (T1,T2) = x-tree<*T1,T2*> by TREES_4:def 6; hence thesis by TREES_4:def 4; end; theorem Th7: x-tree(T1,T2).<*0*> = T1.{} & x-tree(T1,T2).<*1*> = T2.{} proof A1: len<*T1,T2*> = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61; A2: <*T1,T2*>.(0+1) = T1 by FINSEQ_1:61; reconsider w = {} as Node of T1 by TREES_1:47; thus x-tree(T1,T2).<*0*> = (x-tree<*T1,T2*>).<*0*> by TREES_4:def 6 .= (x-tree<*T1,T2*>).(<*0*>^w) by FINSEQ_1:47 .= T1.{} by A1,A2,TREES_4:12; A3: <*T1,T2*>.(1+1) = T2 by FINSEQ_1:61; reconsider w = {} as Node of T2 by TREES_1:47; thus x-tree(T1,T2).<*1*> = (x-tree<*T1,T2*>).<*1*> by TREES_4:def 6 .= (x-tree<*T1,T2*>).(<*1*>^w) by FINSEQ_1:47 .= T2.{} by A1,A3,TREES_4:12; end; theorem Th8: x-tree(T1,T2)|<*0*> = T1 & x-tree(T1,T2)|<*1*> = T2 proof A1: len<*T1,T2*> = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61; thus x-tree(T1,T2)|<*0*> = (x-tree<*T1,T2*>)|<*0*> by TREES_4:def 6 .= <*T1,T2*>.(0+1) by A1,TREES_4:def 4 .= T1 by FINSEQ_1:61; thus x-tree(T1,T2)|<*1*> = (x-tree<*T1,T2*>)|<*1*> by TREES_4:def 6 .= <*T1,T2*>.(1+1) by A1,TREES_4:def 4 .= T2 by FINSEQ_1:61; end; definition let x; let p be DTree-yielding non empty FinSequence; cluster x-tree p -> non root; coherence proof A1: dom p <> {}; assume x-tree p is root; then A2: dom(x-tree p) = tree{} by TREES_3:55,TREES_9:def 1; ex q being DTree-yielding FinSequence st p = q & dom(x-tree p) = tree doms q by TREES_4:def 4; then doms p = {} by A2,TREES_3:53; hence contradiction by A1,RELAT_1:60,TREES_3:39; end; end; definition let x; let T1 be DecoratedTree; cluster x-tree T1 -> non root; coherence proof x-tree T1 = x-tree <*T1*> by TREES_4:def 5; hence thesis; end; let T2 be DecoratedTree; cluster x-tree (T1,T2) -> non root; coherence proof x-tree (T1,T2) = x-tree <*T1,T2*> by TREES_4:def 6; hence thesis; end; end; begin :: About the language definition let n; func prop n -> Element of HP-WFF equals :Def1: <*3+n*>; coherence by HILBERT1:def 4; end; definition let D be set; redefine attr D is with_VERUM means VERUM in D; compatibility proof thus D is with_VERUM iff VERUM in D by HILBERT1:def 1,def 7; end; attr D is with_propositional_variables means for n holds prop n in D; compatibility proof thus D is with_propositional_variables implies for n holds prop n in D proof assume A1: D is with_propositional_variables; let n; prop n = <*3+n*> by Def1; hence prop n in D by A1,HILBERT1:def 4; end; assume A2: for n holds prop n in D; let n; prop n = <*3+n*> by Def1; hence <*3+n*> in D by A2; end; end; definition let D be Subset of HP-WFF; redefine attr D is with_implication means for p, q st p in D & q in D holds p => q in D; compatibility proof thus D is with_implication implies for p, q st p in D & q in D holds p => q in D proof assume A1: D is with_implication; let p, q such that A2: p in D & q in D; p => q = <*1*>^p^q by HILBERT1:def 8; hence p => q in D by A1,A2,HILBERT1:def 2; end; assume A3: for p, q st p in D & q in D holds p => q in D; let p, q be FinSequence; assume A4: p in D & q in D; then reconsider p' = p, q' = q as Element of HP-WFF; p' => q' in D by A3,A4; hence <*1*>^p^q in D by HILBERT1:def 8; end; attr D is with_conjunction means for p, q st p in D & q in D holds p '&' q in D; compatibility proof thus D is with_conjunction implies for p, q st p in D & q in D holds p '&' q in D proof assume A5: D is with_conjunction; let p, q such that A6: p in D & q in D; p '&' q = <*2*>^p^q by HILBERT1:def 9; hence p '&' q in D by A5,A6,HILBERT1:def 3; end; assume A7: for p, q st p in D & q in D holds p '&' q in D; let p, q be FinSequence; assume A8: p in D & q in D; then reconsider p' = p, q' = q as Element of HP-WFF; p' '&' q' in D by A7,A8; hence <*2*>^p^q in D by HILBERT1:def 9; end; end; reserve t,t1 for FinSequence; definition let p; attr p is conjunctive means :Def6: ex r,s st p = r '&' s; attr p is conditional means :Def7: ex r,s st p = r => s; attr p is simple means :Def8: ex n st p = prop n; end; scheme HP_Ind { P[set] }: for r holds P[r] provided A1: P[VERUM] and A2: for n holds P[prop n] and A3: for r,s st P[r] & P[s] holds P[r '&' s] & P[r => s] proof set X = { p where p is Element of HP-WFF: P[p]}; X c= HP-WFF proof let x be set; assume x in X; then ex p being Element of HP-WFF st x = p & P[p]; hence x in HP-WFF; end; then reconsider X as Subset of HP-WFF; A4: HP-WFF c= NAT* by HILBERT1:def 5; A5: X c= NAT* proof let x be set; assume x in X; then x in HP-WFF; hence x in NAT* by A4; end; A6: X is with_VERUM proof thus VERUM in X by A1; end; A7: X is with_implication proof let p, q; assume p in X; then A8: ex x being Element of HP-WFF st p = x & P[x]; assume q in X; then ex x being Element of HP-WFF st q = x & P[x]; then P[p => q] by A3,A8; hence p => q in X; end; A9: X is with_conjunction proof let p, q; assume p in X; then A10: ex x being Element of HP-WFF st p = x & P[x]; assume q in X; then ex x being Element of HP-WFF st q = x & P[x]; then P[p '&' q] by A3,A10; hence p '&' q in X; end; X is with_propositional_variables proof let n; P[prop n] by A2; hence prop n in X; end; then X is HP-closed by A5,A6,A7,A9,HILBERT1:def 5; then A11: HP-WFF c= X by HILBERT1:def 6; let r; r in HP-WFF; then r in X by A11; then ex p being Element of HP-WFF st r = p & P[p]; hence thesis; end; theorem Th9: p is conjunctive or p is conditional or p is simple or p = VERUM proof defpred P[Element of HP-WFF] means $1 is conjunctive or $1 is conditional or $1 is simple or $1 = VERUM; A1: P[VERUM]; A2: for n holds P[prop n] by Def8; A3: for r,s st P[r] & P[s] holds P[r '&' s] & P[r => s] by Def6,Def7; for p holds P[p] from HP_Ind(A1,A2,A3); hence thesis; end; theorem Th10: len p >= 1 proof per cases by Th9; suppose p is conjunctive; then consider r,s such that A1: p = r '&' s by Def6; p = <*2*>^r^s by A1,HILBERT1:def 9; then len p = len(<*2*>^(r^s)) by FINSEQ_1:45 .= len<*2*> + len(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:35 .= 1 + len(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:56; hence len p >= 1 by NAT_1:29; suppose p is conditional; then consider r,s such that A2: p = r => s by Def7; p = <*1*>^r^s by A2,HILBERT1:def 8; then len p = len(<*1*>^(r^s)) by FINSEQ_1:45 .= len<*1*> + len(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:35 .= 1 + len(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:56; hence len p >= 1 by NAT_1:29; suppose p is simple; then consider n such that A3: p = prop n by Def8; p = <*3+n*> by A3,Def1; hence len p >= 1 by FINSEQ_1:56; suppose p = VERUM; hence len p >= 1 by FINSEQ_1:56,HILBERT1:def 7; end; theorem Th11: p.1 = 1 implies p is conditional proof assume A1: p.1 = 1; per cases by Th9; suppose p is conjunctive; then consider r,s such that A2: p = r '&' s by Def6; p = <*2*>^r^s by A2,HILBERT1:def 9 .= <*2*>^(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:45; hence thesis by A1,JORDAN3:16; suppose p is conditional; hence thesis; suppose p is simple; then consider n such that A3: p = prop n by Def8; p = <*3+n*> by A3,Def1; then 1+0 = 1+2+n by A1,FINSEQ_1:57 .= 1+(2+n) by XCMPLX_1:1; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:2; suppose p = VERUM; hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_1:57,HILBERT1:def 7; end; theorem Th12: p.1 = 2 implies p is conjunctive proof assume A1: p.1 = 2; per cases by Th9; suppose p is conjunctive; hence thesis; suppose p is conditional; then consider r,s such that A2: p = r => s by Def7; p = <*1*>^r^s by A2,HILBERT1:def 8 .= <*1*>^(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:45; hence thesis by A1,JORDAN3:16; suppose p is simple; then consider n such that A3: p = prop n by Def8; p = <*3+n*> by A3,Def1; then 2+0 = 2+1+n by A1,FINSEQ_1:57 .= 2+(1+n) by XCMPLX_1:1; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:2; suppose p = VERUM; hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_1:57,HILBERT1:def 7; end; theorem p.1 = 3+n implies p is simple proof assume A1: p.1 = 3+n; per cases by Th9; suppose p is conjunctive; then consider r,s such that A2: p = r '&' s by Def6; p = <*2*>^r^s by A2,HILBERT1:def 9 .= <*2*>^(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:45; then 2+0 = 2+1+n by A1,JORDAN3:16 .= 2+(1+n) by XCMPLX_1:1; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:2; suppose p is conditional; then consider r,s such that A3: p = r => s by Def7; p = <*1*>^r^s by A3,HILBERT1:def 8 .= <*1*>^(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:45; then 1+0 = 1+2+n by A1,JORDAN3:16 .= 1+(2+n) by XCMPLX_1:1; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:2; suppose p is simple; hence thesis; suppose p = VERUM; hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_1:57,HILBERT1:def 7; end; theorem p.1 = 0 implies p = VERUM proof assume A1: p.1 = 0; per cases by Th9; suppose p is conjunctive; then consider r,s such that A2: p = r '&' s by Def6; p = <*2*>^r^s by A2,HILBERT1:def 9 .= <*2*>^(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:45; hence thesis by A1,JORDAN3:16; suppose p is conditional; then consider r,s such that A3: p = r => s by Def7; p = <*1*>^r^s by A3,HILBERT1:def 8 .= <*1*>^(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:45; hence thesis by A1,JORDAN3:16; suppose p is simple; then consider n such that A4: p = prop n by Def8; p = <*3+n*> by A4,Def1; hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_1:57; suppose p = VERUM; hence thesis; end; theorem Th15: len p < len(p '&' q) & len q < len(p '&' q) proof len(p '&' q) = len(<*2*>^p^q) by HILBERT1:def 9 .= len(<*2*>^p) + len q by FINSEQ_1:35 .= len<*2*> + len p + len q by FINSEQ_1:35 .= 1 + len p + len q by FINSEQ_1:56 .= 1 + (len p + len q) by XCMPLX_1:1; then A1: len p + len q < len(p '&' q) by REAL_1:69; len p <= len p + len q & len q <= len p + len q by NAT_1:29; hence thesis by A1,AXIOMS:22; end; theorem Th16: len p < len(p => q) & len q < len(p => q) proof len(p => q) = len(<*1*>^p^q) by HILBERT1:def 8 .= len(<*1*>^p) + len q by FINSEQ_1:35 .= len<*1*> + len p + len q by FINSEQ_1:35 .= 1 + len p + len q by FINSEQ_1:56 .= 1 + (len p + len q) by XCMPLX_1:1; then A1: len p + len q < len(p => q) by REAL_1:69; len p <= len p + len q & len q <= len p + len q by NAT_1:29; hence thesis by A1,AXIOMS:22; end; theorem Th17: p = q^t implies p = q proof defpred P[Nat] means for p,q,t st len p = $1 & p = q^t holds p = q; A1: for n st for k st k < n holds P[k] holds P[n] proof let n such that A2: for k st k < n holds for p,q,t st len p = k & p = q^t holds p = q; let p,q,t such that A3: len p = n and A4: p = q^t; len q >= 1 by Th10; then A5: p.1 = q.1 by A4,SCMFSA_7:9; per cases by Th9; suppose p is conjunctive; then consider r,s such that A6: p = r '&' s by Def6; A7: p = <*2*>^r^s by A6,HILBERT1:def 9; then q.1 = (<*2*>^(r^s)).1 by A5,FINSEQ_1:45 .= 2 by JORDAN3:16; then q is conjunctive by Th12; then consider r',s' such that A8: q = r' '&' s' by Def6; <*2*>^(r'^s'^t) = <*2*>^(r'^s')^t by FINSEQ_1:45 .= <*2*>^r'^s'^t by FINSEQ_1:45 .= <*2*>^r^s by A4,A7,A8,HILBERT1:def 9 .= <*2*>^(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:45; then r'^s'^t = r^s by Th2; then A9: r'^(s'^t) = r^s by FINSEQ_1:45; now per cases; suppose len r <= len r'; then consider t1 such that A10: r^t1 = r' by A9,FINSEQ_1:64; A11: len r' < len q by A8,Th15; n = len q + len t by A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:35; then len q <= n by NAT_1:29; then len r' < n by A11,AXIOMS:22; then r = r' by A2,A10; then A12: s'^t = s by A9,FINSEQ_1:46; len s < n by A3,A6,Th15; then s' = s by A2,A12; then t = {} by A12,TREES_1:5; hence p = q by A4,FINSEQ_1:47; suppose len r >= len r'; then consider t1 such that A13: r'^t1 = r by A9,FINSEQ_1:64; len r < n by A3,A6,Th15; then r = r' by A2,A13; then A14: s'^t = s by A9,FINSEQ_1:46; len s < n by A3,A6,Th15; then s' = s by A2,A14; then t = {} by A14,TREES_1:5; hence p = q by A4,FINSEQ_1:47; end; hence p = q; suppose p is conditional; then consider r,s such that A15: p = r => s by Def7; A16: p = <*1*>^r^s by A15,HILBERT1:def 8; then q.1 = (<*1*>^(r^s)).1 by A5,FINSEQ_1:45 .= 1 by JORDAN3:16; then q is conditional by Th11; then consider r',s' such that A17: q = r' => s' by Def7; <*1*>^(r'^s'^t) = <*1*>^(r'^s')^t by FINSEQ_1:45 .= <*1*>^r'^s'^t by FINSEQ_1:45 .= <*1*>^r^s by A4,A16,A17,HILBERT1:def 8 .= <*1*>^(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:45; then r'^s'^t = r^s by Th2; then A18: r'^(s'^t) = r^s by FINSEQ_1:45; now per cases; suppose len r <= len r'; then consider t1 such that A19: r^t1 = r' by A18,FINSEQ_1:64; A20: len r' < len q by A17,Th16; n = len q + len t by A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:35; then len q <= n by NAT_1:29; then len r' < n by A20,AXIOMS:22; then r = r' by A2,A19; then A21: s'^t = s by A18,FINSEQ_1:46; len s < n by A3,A15,Th16; then s' = s by A2,A21; then t = {} by A21,TREES_1:5; hence p = q by A4,FINSEQ_1:47; suppose len r >= len r'; then consider t1 such that A22: r'^t1 = r by A18,FINSEQ_1:64; len r < n by A3,A15,Th16; then r = r' by A2,A22; then A23: s'^t = s by A18,FINSEQ_1:46; len s < n by A3,A15,Th16; then s' = s by A2,A23; then t = {} by A23,TREES_1:5; hence p = q by A4,FINSEQ_1:47; end; hence p = q; suppose p is simple; then consider n such that A24: p = prop n by Def8; A25: p = <*3+n*> by A24,Def1; len q >= 1 & len{} = 0 by Th10,FINSEQ_1:25; then q <> {}; hence p = q by A4,A25,TREES_1:6; suppose A26: p = VERUM; len q >= 1 & len{} = 0 by Th10,FINSEQ_1:25; then q <> {}; hence p = q by A4,A26,HILBERT1:def 7,TREES_1:6; end; A27: for n holds P[n] from Comp_Ind(A1); len p = len p; hence thesis by A27; end; theorem Th18: p^q = r^s implies p = r & q = s proof assume A1: p^q = r^s; per cases; suppose len p <= len r; then ex t st p^t = r by A1,FINSEQ_1:64; hence p = r by Th17; hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_1:46; suppose len p >= len r; then ex t st r^t = p by A1,FINSEQ_1:64; hence p = r by Th17; hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_1:46; end; theorem Th19: p '&' q = r '&' s implies p = r & s = q proof assume A1: p '&' q = r '&' s; <*2*>^(p^q) = <*2*>^p^q by FINSEQ_1:45 .= r '&' s by A1,HILBERT1:def 9 .= <*2*>^r^s by HILBERT1:def 9 .= <*2*>^(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:45; then p^q = r^s by Th2; hence p = r & s = q by Th18; end; theorem Th20: p => q = r => s implies p = r & s = q proof assume A1: p => q = r => s; <*1*>^(p^q) = <*1*>^p^q by FINSEQ_1:45 .= r => s by A1,HILBERT1:def 8 .= <*1*>^r^s by HILBERT1:def 8 .= <*1*>^(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:45; then p^q = r^s by Th2; hence p = r & s = q by Th18; end; theorem Th21: prop n = prop m implies n = m proof assume A1: prop n = prop m; prop n = <*3+n*> & prop m = <*3+m*> by Def1; then 3+n = 3+m by A1,GROUP_7:1; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:2; end; theorem Th22: p '&' q <> r => s proof A1: p '&' q = <*2*>^p^q by HILBERT1:def 9 .= <*2*>^(p^q) by FINSEQ_1:45; r => s = <*1*>^r^s by HILBERT1:def 8 .= <*1*>^(r^s) by FINSEQ_1:45; then (p '&' q).1 = 2 & (r => s).1 = 1 by A1,JORDAN3:16; hence thesis; end; theorem Th23: p '&' q <> VERUM proof p '&' q = <*2*>^p^q by HILBERT1:def 9 .= <*2*>^(p^q) by FINSEQ_1:45; then (p '&' q).1 = 2 & VERUM.1 = 0 by FINSEQ_1:57,HILBERT1:def 7,JORDAN3:16; hence thesis; end; theorem Th24: p '&' q <> prop n proof A1: p '&' q = <*2*>^p^q by HILBERT1:def 9 .= <*2*>^(p^q) by FINSEQ_1:45; prop n = <*3+n*> by Def1; then A2: (p '&' q).1 = 2 & (prop n).1 = 3+n by A1,FINSEQ_1:57,JORDAN3:16; now assume 2 = 2+1+n; then 2+0 = 2+(1+n) by XCMPLX_1:1; hence contradiction by XCMPLX_1:2; end; hence thesis by A2; end; theorem Th25: p => q <> VERUM proof p => q = <*1*>^p^q by HILBERT1:def 8 .= <*1*>^(p^q) by FINSEQ_1:45; then (p => q).1 = 1 & VERUM.1 = 0 by FINSEQ_1:57,HILBERT1:def 7,JORDAN3:16; hence thesis; end; theorem Th26: p => q <> prop n proof A1: p => q = <*1*>^p^q by HILBERT1:def 8 .= <*1*>^(p^q) by FINSEQ_1:45; prop n = <*3+n*> by Def1; then A2: (p => q).1 = 1 & (prop n).1 = 3+n by A1,FINSEQ_1:57,JORDAN3:16; now assume 1 = 1+2+n; then 1+0 = 1+(2+n) by XCMPLX_1:1; hence contradiction by XCMPLX_1:2; end; hence thesis by A2; end; theorem Th27: p '&' q <> p & p '&' q <> q proof len p < len(p '&' q) & len q < len(p '&' q) by Th15; hence thesis; end; theorem Th28: p => q <> p & p => q <> q proof len p < len(p => q) & len q < len(p => q) by Th16; hence thesis; end; theorem Th29: VERUM <> prop n proof prop n = <*3+n*> by Def1; then A1: VERUM.1 = 0 & (prop n).1 = 3+n by FINSEQ_1:57,HILBERT1:def 7; assume not thesis; hence contradiction by A1; end; begin :: Defining by structural induction scheme HP_MSSExL{V()->set,P(Nat)->set, C,I[Element of HP-WFF,Element of HP-WFF,set,set,set]}: ex M being ManySortedSet of HP-WFF st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & for p,q holds C[p,q,M.p,M.q,M.(p '&' q)] & I[p,q,M.p,M.q,M.(p => q)] provided A1: for p,q for a,b being set ex c being set st C[p,q,a,b,c] and A2: for p,q for a,b being set ex d being set st I[p,q,a,b,d] and A3: for p,q for a,b,c,d being set st C[p,q,a,b,c] & C[p,q,a,b,d] holds c = d and A4: for p,q for a,b,c,d being set st I[p,q,a,b,c] & I[p,q,a,b,d] holds c = d proof set X = { Y where Y is Subset of HP-WFF: VERUM in Y & (for n holds prop n in Y) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y or p => q in Y holds p in Y & q in Y) & ex M being ManySortedSet of Y st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y for a,b,c being set st a = M.p & b = M.q & c = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,a,b,c] ) & for p,q st p => q in Y for a,b,c being set st a = M.p & b = M.q & c = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,a,b,c] }; set Pn = { prop n: not contradiction}; A5: Pn c= HP-WFF proof let x be set; assume x in Pn; then ex n st x = prop n; hence x in HP-WFF; end; {VERUM} c= HP-WFF by ZFMISC_1:37; then reconsider Y0 = Pn \/ {VERUM} as Subset of HP-WFF by A5,XBOOLE_1:8; defpred P[set,set] means ($1 = VERUM implies $2 = V()) & for n st $1 = prop n holds $2 = P(n); A6: for x being set st x in Y0 ex y being set st P[x,y] proof let x be set; assume A7: x in Y0; per cases by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose x in Pn; then consider n such that A8: x = prop n; take P(n); thus x = VERUM implies P(n) = V() by A8,Th29; let k; assume x = prop k; hence thesis by A8,Th21; suppose x in { VERUM }; then A9: x = VERUM by TARSKI:def 1; take V(); thus thesis by A9,Th29; end; consider M0 being ManySortedSet of Y0 such that A10: for x being set st x in Y0 holds P[x,M0.x] from MSSEx(A6); VERUM in {VERUM} by TARSKI:def 1; then A11: VERUM in Y0 by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A12: M0.VERUM = V() by A10; A13: for n holds prop n in Y0 proof let k; prop k in Pn; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; A14: for n holds M0.prop n = P(n) proof let n; prop n in Y0 by A13; hence thesis by A10; end; A15: for p,q holds not p '&' q in Y0 & not p => q in Y0 proof let p,q; assume A16: not thesis; per cases by A16,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose p '&' q in {VERUM} or p => q in {VERUM}; then p '&' q = VERUM or p => q = VERUM by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by Th23,Th25; suppose p '&' q in Pn; then ex n st p '&' q = prop n; hence contradiction by Th24; suppose p => q in Pn; then ex n st p => q = prop n; hence contradiction by Th26; end; then A17: for p,q st p '&' q in Y0 or p => q in Y0 holds p in Y0 & q in Y0; (for p,q st p '&' q in Y0 for x,y,z being set st x = M0.p & y = M0.q & z = M0.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Y0 for x,y,z being set st x = M0.p & y = M0.q & z = M0.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A15; then A18: Y0 in X by A11,A12,A13,A14,A17; for Z being set st Z <> {} & Z c= X & Z is c=-linear holds union Z in X proof let Z be set such that A19: Z <> {} and A20: Z c= X and A21: Z is c=-linear; A22: X c= bool HP-WFF proof let x be set; assume x in X; then ex Y being Subset of HP-WFF st x = Y & VERUM in Y & (for n holds prop n in Y) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y or p => q in Y holds p in Y & q in Y) & ex M being ManySortedSet of Y st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z]; hence x in bool HP-WFF; end; then X is Subset-Family of HP-WFF by SETFAM_1:def 7; then reconsider uZ = union Z as Subset of HP-WFF by A20,BORSUK_1:25; consider Z0 being set such that A23: Z0 in Z by A19,XBOOLE_0:def 1; A24: Z0 c= uZ by A23,ZFMISC_1:92; A25: Y0 c= Z0 proof let x be set; Z0 in X by A20,A23; then consider Y being Subset of HP-WFF such that A26: Y = Z0 and A27: VERUM in Y and A28: for n holds prop n in Y and (for p,q st p '&' q in Y or p => q in Y holds p in Y & q in Y) & ex M being ManySortedSet of Y st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z]; assume A29: x in Y0; per cases by A29,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose x in {VERUM}; hence x in Z0 by A26,A27,TARSKI:def 1; suppose x in Pn; then ex n st x = prop n; hence x in Z0 by A26,A28; end; then A30: Y0 c= uZ by A24,XBOOLE_1:1; A31: for n holds prop n in uZ proof let n; prop n in Y0 by A13; hence thesis by A30; end; A32: for p,q st p '&' q in uZ or p => q in uZ holds p in uZ & q in uZ proof let p,q; assume A33: p '&' q in uZ or p => q in uZ; per cases by A33; suppose p '&' q in uZ; then consider Z0 being set such that A34: p '&' q in Z0 and A35: Z0 in Z by TARSKI:def 4; Z0 in X by A20,A35; then ex Y being Subset of HP-WFF st Z0 = Y & VERUM in Y & (for n holds prop n in Y) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y or p => q in Y holds p in Y & q in Y) & ex M being ManySortedSet of Y st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z]; then p in Z0 & q in Z0 by A34; hence p in uZ & q in uZ by A35,TARSKI:def 4; suppose p => q in uZ; then consider Z0 being set such that A36: p => q in Z0 and A37: Z0 in Z by TARSKI:def 4; Z0 in X by A20,A37; then ex Y being Subset of HP-WFF st Z0 = Y & VERUM in Y & (for n holds prop n in Y) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y or p => q in Y holds p in Y & q in Y) & ex M being ManySortedSet of Y st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z]; then p in Z0 & q in Z0 by A36; hence p in uZ & q in uZ by A37,TARSKI:def 4; end; defpred P[set,set] means ex M being ManySortedSet of $1 st M = $2 & M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in $1 for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in $1 for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z]; A38: for x being set st x in Z ex y being set st P[x,y] proof let x be set; assume x in Z; then x in X by A20; then consider Y being Subset of HP-WFF such that A39: Y = x and VERUM in Y & (for n holds prop n in Y) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y or p => q in Y holds p in Y & q in Y) and A40: ex M being ManySortedSet of Y st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z]; consider M being ManySortedSet of Y such that A41: M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A40; take M; thus P[x,M] by A39,A41; end; consider MM being ManySortedSet of Z such that A42: for x being set st x in Z holds P[x,MM.x] from MSSEx(A38); rng MM is functional proof let y be set; assume y in rng MM; then consider x being set such that A43: x in dom MM and A44: y = MM.x by FUNCT_1:def 5; x in Z by A43,PBOOLE:def 3; then P[x,y] by A42,A44; hence y is Function; end; then reconsider rr = rng MM as functional set; A45: for f, g being Function st f in rr & g in rr & dom f c= dom g holds f tolerates g proof let f, g be Function; assume f in rr; then consider x1 being set such that A46: x1 in dom MM and A47: f = MM.x1 by FUNCT_1:def 5; A48: x1 in Z by A46,PBOOLE:def 3; then A49: ex M being ManySortedSet of x1 st M = f & M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in x1 for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in x1 for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A42,A47; assume g in rr; then consider x2 being set such that A50: x2 in dom MM and A51: g = MM.x2 by FUNCT_1:def 5; x2 in Z by A50,PBOOLE:def 3; then A52: ex M being ManySortedSet of x2 st M = g & M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in x2 for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in x2 for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A42,A51; assume A53: dom f c= dom g; let x be set; assume A54: x in dom f /\ dom g; A55: x1 = dom f by A49,PBOOLE:def 3; then A56: x in x1 by A53,A54,XBOOLE_1:28; A57: x1 in X by A20,A48; defpred P[Element of HP-WFF] means $1 in x1 implies f.$1 = g.$1; A58: P[VERUM] by A49,A52; A59: for n holds P[prop n] proof let n such that prop n in x1; thus f.prop n = P(n) by A49 .= g.prop n by A52; end; A60: for r,s st P[r] & P[s] holds P[r '&' s] & P[r => s] proof let r,s such that A61: r in x1 implies f.r = g.r and A62: s in x1 implies f.s = g.s; consider Y being Subset of HP-WFF such that A63: Y = x1 and VERUM in Y & (for n holds prop n in Y) and A64: for p,q st p '&' q in Y or p => q in Y holds p in Y & q in Y and ex M being ManySortedSet of Y st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A57; A65: x1 c= x2 by A52,A53,A55,PBOOLE:def 3; thus r '&' s in x1 implies f.(r '&' s) = g.(r '&' s) proof assume r '&' s in x1; then C[r,s,g.r,g.s,f.(r '&' s)] & C[r,s,g.r,g.s,g.(r '&' s)] by A49,A52,A61,A62,A63,A64,A65; hence f.(r '&' s) = g.(r '&' s) by A3; end; thus r => s in x1 implies f.(r => s) = g.(r => s) proof assume r => s in x1; then I[r,s,g.r,g.s,f.(r => s)] & I[r,s,g.r,g.s,g.(r => s)] by A49,A52,A61,A62,A63,A64,A65; hence f.(r => s) = g.(r => s) by A4; end; end; for p holds P[p] from HP_Ind(A58,A59,A60); hence f.x = g.x by A22,A56,A57; end; for f, g being Function st f in rr & g in rr holds f tolerates g proof let f, g be Function; assume A66: f in rr; then consider x1 being set such that A67: x1 in dom MM and A68: f = MM.x1 by FUNCT_1:def 5; A69: x1 in Z by A67,PBOOLE:def 3; then A70: ex M being ManySortedSet of x1 st M = f & M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in x1 for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in x1 for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A42,A68; assume A71: g in rr; then consider x2 being set such that A72: x2 in dom MM and A73: g = MM.x2 by FUNCT_1:def 5; A74: x2 in Z by A72,PBOOLE:def 3; then ex M being ManySortedSet of x2 st M = g & M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in x2 for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in x2 for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A42,A73; then A75: x1 = dom f & x2 = dom g by A70,PBOOLE:def 3; x1,x2 are_c=-comparable by A21,A69,A74,ORDINAL1:def 9; then x1 c= x2 or x2 c= x1 by XBOOLE_0:def 9; hence f tolerates g by A45,A66,A71,A75; end; then union rr is Function by WELLFND1:2; then reconsider M = Union MM as Function by PROB_1:def 3; for x being set st x in Z holds MM.x is ManySortedSet of x proof let x be set; assume x in Z; then P[x,MM.x] by A42; hence MM.x is ManySortedSet of x; end; then dom M = uZ by Th1; then reconsider M as ManySortedSet of uZ by PBOOLE:def 3; A76: M = union rr by PROB_1:def 3; Z0 in dom MM by A23,PBOOLE:def 3; then MM.Z0 in rr by FUNCT_1:def 5; then A77: MM.Z0 c= M by A76,ZFMISC_1:92; consider MZ0 being ManySortedSet of Z0 such that A78: MZ0 = MM.Z0 and A79: MZ0.VERUM = V() and A80: for n holds MZ0.prop n = P(n) and (for p,q st p '&' q in Z0 for x,y,z being set st x = MZ0.p & y = MZ0.q & z = MZ0.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Z0 for x,y,z being set st x = MZ0.p & y = MZ0.q & z = MZ0.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A23,A42; A81: Y0 c= dom MZ0 by A25,PBOOLE:def 3; then A82: M.VERUM = V() by A11,A77,A78,A79,GRFUNC_1:8; A83: for n holds M.prop n = P(n) proof let n; prop n in Y0 by A13; hence M.prop n = MZ0.prop n by A77,A78,A81,GRFUNC_1:8 .= P(n) by A80; end; A84: for p,q st p '&' q in uZ for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z] proof let p,q; assume p '&' q in uZ; then consider Z1 being set such that A85: p '&' q in Z1 and A86: Z1 in Z by TARSKI:def 4; consider MZ1 being ManySortedSet of Z1 such that A87: MZ1 = MM.Z1 and MZ1.VERUM = V() & (for n holds MZ1.prop n = P(n)) and A88: for p,q st p '&' q in Z1 for x,y,z being set st x = MZ1.p & y = MZ1.q & z = MZ1.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z] and for p,q st p => q in Z1 for x,y,z being set st x = MZ1.p & y = MZ1.q & z = MZ1.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A42,A86; Z1 in dom MM by A86,PBOOLE:def 3; then MM.Z1 in rr by FUNCT_1:def 5; then A89: MM.Z1 c= M by A76,ZFMISC_1:92; let x,y,z be set; assume A90: x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q); Z1 in X by A20,A86; then ex Y being Subset of HP-WFF st Z1 = Y & VERUM in Y & (for n holds prop n in Y) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y or p => q in Y holds p in Y & q in Y) & ex M being ManySortedSet of Y st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z]; then p in Z1 & q in Z1 by A85; then p in dom MZ1 & q in dom MZ1 & p '&' q in dom MZ1 by A85,PBOOLE:def 3; then x = MZ1.p & y = MZ1.q & z = MZ1.(p '&' q) by A87,A89,A90,GRFUNC_1:8 ; hence C[p,q,x,y,z] by A85,A88; end; for p,q st p => q in uZ for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] proof let p,q; assume p => q in uZ; then consider Z1 being set such that A91: p => q in Z1 and A92: Z1 in Z by TARSKI:def 4; consider MZ1 being ManySortedSet of Z1 such that A93: MZ1 = MM.Z1 and MZ1.VERUM = V() & (for n holds MZ1.prop n = P(n)) and for p,q st p '&' q in Z1 for x,y,z being set st x = MZ1.p & y = MZ1.q & z = MZ1.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z] and A94: for p,q st p => q in Z1 for x,y,z being set st x = MZ1.p & y = MZ1.q & z = MZ1.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A42,A92; Z1 in dom MM by A92,PBOOLE:def 3; then MM.Z1 in rr by FUNCT_1:def 5; then A95: MM.Z1 c= M by A76,ZFMISC_1:92; let x,y,z be set; assume A96: x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q); Z1 in X by A20,A92; then ex Y being Subset of HP-WFF st Z1 = Y & VERUM in Y & (for n holds prop n in Y) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y or p => q in Y holds p in Y & q in Y) & ex M being ManySortedSet of Y st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z]; then p in Z1 & q in Z1 by A91; then p in dom MZ1 & q in dom MZ1 & p => q in dom MZ1 by A91,PBOOLE:def 3; then x = MZ1.p & y = MZ1.q & z = MZ1.(p => q) by A93,A95,A96,GRFUNC_1:8 ; hence I[p,q,x,y,z] by A91,A94; end; hence union Z in X by A11,A30,A31,A32,A82,A83,A84; end; then consider H being set such that A97: H in X and A98: for Z being set st Z in X & Z <> H holds not H c= Z by A18,ORDERS_2:79; consider Y being Subset of HP-WFF such that A99: Y = H and A100: VERUM in Y & (for n holds prop n in Y) and A101: for p,q st p '&' q in Y or p => q in Y holds p in Y & q in Y and A102: ex M being ManySortedSet of Y st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & (for p,q st p '&' q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z]) & for p,q st p => q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A97; consider M being ManySortedSet of Y such that A103: M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) and A104: for p,q st p '&' q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z] and A105: for p,q st p => q in Y for x,y,z being set st x = M.p & y = M.q & z = M.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] by A102; A106: Y = HP-WFF proof defpred P[Element of HP-WFF] means $1 in Y; A107: P[VERUM] by A100; A108: for n holds P[prop n] by A100; A109: for r,s st P[r] & P[s] holds P[r '&' s] & P[r => s] proof let r,s such that A110: r in Y & s in Y; assume A111: not thesis; per cases by A111; suppose A112: not r '&' s in Y; {r '&' s} c= HP-WFF by ZFMISC_1:37; then reconsider Y' = Y \/ {r '&' s} as Subset of HP-WFF by XBOOLE_1:8; r '&' s in {r '&' s} by TARSKI:def 1; then A113: r '&' s in Y' by XBOOLE_0:def 2; A114: Y c= Y' by XBOOLE_1:7; A115: now let n; prop n in Y by A100; hence prop n in Y' by A114; end; A116: for p,q st p '&' q in Y' or p => q in Y' holds p in Y' & q in Y' proof let p,q such that A117: p '&' q in Y' or p => q in Y'; per cases by A117; suppose p '&' q = r '&' s; then p = r & q = s by Th19; hence p in Y' & q in Y' by A110,A114; suppose that A118: p '&' q in Y' and A119: p '&' q <> r '&' s; not p '&' q in {r '&' s} by A119,TARSKI:def 1; then p '&' q in Y by A118,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then p in Y & q in Y by A101; hence p in Y' & q in Y' by A114; suppose A120: p => q in Y'; p => q <> r '&' s by Th22; then not p => q in {r '&' s} by TARSKI:def 1; then p => q in Y by A120,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then p in Y & q in Y by A101; hence p in Y' & q in Y' by A114; end; consider CMrMs being set such that A121: C[r,s,M.r,M.s,CMrMs] by A1; set N = M +* (r '&' s .--> CMrMs); A122: dom(r '&' s .--> CMrMs) = {r '&' s} by CQC_LANG:5; dom M = Y by PBOOLE:def 3; then dom N = Y' by A122,FUNCT_4:def 1; then reconsider N as ManySortedSet of Y' by PBOOLE:def 3; VERUM <> r '&' s by Th23; then not VERUM in {r '&' s} by TARSKI:def 1; then A123: N.VERUM = V() by A103,A122,FUNCT_4:12; A124: for n holds N.prop n = P(n) proof let n; prop n <> r '&' s by Th24; then not prop n in {r '&' s} by TARSKI:def 1; hence N.prop n = M.prop n by A122,FUNCT_4:12 .= P(n) by A103; end; A125: for p,q st p '&' q in Y' for x,y,z being set st x = N.p & y = N.q & z = N.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z] proof let p,q such that A126: p '&' q in Y'; let x,y,z be set such that A127: x = N.p & y = N.q & z = N.(p '&' q); per cases; suppose A128: p '&' q = r '&' s; then A129: p = r & q = s by Th19; p <> p '&' q & q <> p '&' q by Th27; then not p in {r '&' s} & not q in {r '&' s} by A128,TARSKI:def 1; then A130: N.p = M.p & N.q = M.q by A122,FUNCT_4:12; p '&' q in {r '&' s} by A128,TARSKI:def 1; then N.(p '&' q) = (r '&' s .--> CMrMs).(p '&' q) by A122,FUNCT_4:14; hence C[p,q,x,y,z] by A121,A127,A129,A130,CQC_LANG:6; suppose p '&' q <> r '&' s; then A131: not p '&' q in {r '&' s} by TARSKI:def 1; then A132: p '&' q in Y by A126,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then p in Y & q in Y by A101; then not p in {r '&' s} & not q in {r '&' s} by A112,TARSKI:def 1; then A133: N.p = M.p & N.q = M.q by A122,FUNCT_4:12; N.(p '&' q) = M.(p '&' q) by A122,A131,FUNCT_4:12; hence C[p,q,x,y,z] by A104,A127,A132,A133; end; for p,q st p => q in Y' for x,y,z being set st x = N.p & y = N.q & z = N.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] proof let p,q such that A134: p => q in Y'; let x,y,z be set such that A135: x = N.p & y = N.q & z = N.(p => q); p => q <> r '&' s by Th22; then A136: not p => q in {r '&' s} by TARSKI:def 1; then A137: p => q in Y by A134,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then p in Y & q in Y by A101; then not p in {r '&' s} & not q in {r '&' s} by A112,TARSKI:def 1; then A138: N.p = M.p & N.q = M.q by A122,FUNCT_4:12; N.(p => q) = M.(p => q) by A122,A136,FUNCT_4:12; hence I[p,q,x,y,z] by A105,A135,A137,A138; end; then Y' in X by A100,A114,A115,A116,A123,A124,A125; hence contradiction by A98,A99,A112,A113,A114; suppose A139: not r => s in Y; {r => s} c= HP-WFF by ZFMISC_1:37; then reconsider Y' = Y \/ {r => s} as Subset of HP-WFF by XBOOLE_1:8; r => s in {r => s} by TARSKI:def 1; then A140: r => s in Y' by XBOOLE_0:def 2; A141: Y c= Y' by XBOOLE_1:7; A142: now let n; prop n in Y by A100; hence prop n in Y' by A141; end; A143: for p,q st p '&' q in Y' or p => q in Y' holds p in Y' & q in Y' proof let p,q such that A144: p '&' q in Y' or p => q in Y'; per cases by A144; suppose p => q = r => s; then p = r & q = s by Th20; hence p in Y' & q in Y' by A110,A141; suppose that A145: p => q in Y' and A146: p => q <> r => s; not p => q in {r => s} by A146,TARSKI:def 1; then p => q in Y by A145,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then p in Y & q in Y by A101; hence p in Y' & q in Y' by A141; suppose A147: p '&' q in Y'; p '&' q <> r => s by Th22; then not p '&' q in {r => s} by TARSKI:def 1; then p '&' q in Y by A147,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then p in Y & q in Y by A101; hence p in Y' & q in Y' by A141; end; consider IMrMs being set such that A148: I[r,s,M.r,M.s,IMrMs] by A2; set N = M +* (r => s .--> IMrMs); A149: dom(r => s .--> IMrMs) = {r => s} by CQC_LANG:5; dom M = Y by PBOOLE:def 3; then dom N = Y' by A149,FUNCT_4:def 1; then reconsider N as ManySortedSet of Y' by PBOOLE:def 3; VERUM <> r => s by Th25; then not VERUM in {r => s} by TARSKI:def 1; then A150: N.VERUM = V() by A103,A149,FUNCT_4:12; A151: for n holds N.prop n = P(n) proof let n; prop n <> r => s by Th26; then not prop n in {r => s} by TARSKI:def 1; hence N.prop n = M.prop n by A149,FUNCT_4:12 .= P(n) by A103; end; A152: for p,q st p => q in Y' for x,y,z being set st x = N.p & y = N.q & z = N.(p => q) holds I[p,q,x,y,z] proof let p,q such that A153: p => q in Y'; let x,y,z be set such that A154: x = N.p & y = N.q & z = N.(p => q); per cases; suppose A155: p => q = r => s; then A156: p = r & q = s by Th20; p <> p => q & q <> p => q by Th28; then not p in {r => s} & not q in {r => s} by A155,TARSKI:def 1; then A157: N.p = M.p & N.q = M.q by A149,FUNCT_4:12; p => q in {r => s} by A155,TARSKI:def 1; then N.(p => q) = (r => s .--> IMrMs).(p => q) by A149,FUNCT_4:14; hence I[p,q,x,y,z] by A148,A154,A156,A157,CQC_LANG:6; suppose p => q <> r => s; then A158: not p => q in {r => s} by TARSKI:def 1; then A159: p => q in Y by A153,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then p in Y & q in Y by A101; then not p in {r => s} & not q in {r => s} by A139,TARSKI:def 1; then A160: N.p = M.p & N.q = M.q by A149,FUNCT_4:12; N.(p => q) = M.(p => q) by A149,A158,FUNCT_4:12; hence I[p,q,x,y,z] by A105,A154,A159,A160; end; for p,q st p '&' q in Y' for x,y,z being set st x = N.p & y = N.q & z = N.(p '&' q) holds C[p,q,x,y,z] proof let p,q such that A161: p '&' q in Y'; let x,y,z be set such that A162: x = N.p & y = N.q & z = N.(p '&' q); p '&' q <> r => s by Th22; then A163: not p '&' q in {r => s} by TARSKI:def 1; then A164: p '&' q in Y by A161,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then p in Y & q in Y by A101; then not p in {r => s} & not q in {r => s} by A139,TARSKI:def 1; then A165: N.p = M.p & N.q = M.q by A149,FUNCT_4:12; N.(p '&' q) = M.(p '&' q) by A149,A163,FUNCT_4:12; hence C[p,q,x,y,z] by A104,A162,A164,A165; end; then Y' in X by A100,A141,A142,A143,A150,A151,A152; hence contradiction by A98,A99,A139,A140,A141; end; for s holds P[s] from HP_Ind(A107,A108,A109); hence thesis by SUBSET_1:49; end; then reconsider M as ManySortedSet of HP-WFF; take M; thus thesis by A103,A104,A105,A106; end; scheme HP_MSSLambda{V()->set,P(Nat)->set,C,I(set,set)->set}: ex M being ManySortedSet of HP-WFF st M.VERUM = V() & (for n holds M.prop n = P(n)) & for p,q holds M.(p '&' q) = C(M.p,M.q) & M.(p => q) = I(M.p,M.q) proof defpred C[Element of HP-WFF,Element of HP-WFF,set,set,set] means $5 = C($3,$4); defpred I[Element of HP-WFF,Element of HP-WFF,set,set,set] means $5 = I($3,$4); A1: for p,q for a,b being set ex c being set st C[p,q,a,b,c]; A2: for p,q for a,b being set ex d being set st I[p,q,a,b,d]; A3: for p,q for a,b,c,d being set st C[p,q,a,b,c] & C[p,q,a,b,d] holds c = d; A4: for p,q for a,b,c,d being set st I[p,q,a,b,c] & I[p,q,a,b,d] holds c = d; deffunc _P(Nat)=P($1); consider M being ManySortedSet of HP-WFF such that A5: M.VERUM = V() and A6: for n holds M.prop n = _P(n) and A7: for p,q holds C[p,q,M.p,M.q,M.(p '&' q)] & I[p,q,M.p,M.q,M.(p => q)] from HP_MSSExL(A1,A2,A3,A4); take M; thus M.VERUM = V() by A5; thus for n holds M.prop n = P(n) by A6; let p,q; set x = M.p, y = M.q; A9: C[p,q,M.p,M.q,M.(p '&' q)] & I[p,q,M.p,M.q,M.(p => q)] by A7; hence M.(p '&' q) = C(x,y); thus M.(p => q) = I(x,y) by A9; end; begin :: The tree of the subformulae definition func HP-Subformulae -> ManySortedSet of HP-WFF means :Def9: it.VERUM = root-tree VERUM & (for n holds it.prop n = root-tree prop n) & for p,q ex p',q' being DecoratedTree of HP-WFF st p' = it.p & q' = it.q & it.(p '&' q) = (p '&' q)-tree(p',q') & it.(p => q) = (p => q)-tree(p',q'); existence proof defpred C[Element of HP-WFF,Element of HP-WFF,set,set,set] means ($3 is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF & $4 is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF implies ex p',q' being DecoratedTree of HP-WFF st p' = $3 & q' = $4 & $5 = ($1 '&' $2)-tree(p',q')) & ($3 is not DecoratedTree of HP-WFF or $4 is not DecoratedTree of HP-WFF implies $5 = {}); defpred I[Element of HP-WFF,Element of HP-WFF,set,set,set] means ($3 is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF & $4 is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF implies ex p',q' being DecoratedTree of HP-WFF st p' = $3 & q' = $4 & $5 = ($1 => $2)-tree(p',q')) & ($3 is not DecoratedTree of HP-WFF or $4 is not DecoratedTree of HP-WFF implies $5 = {}); A1: for p,q for a,b being set ex c being set st C[p,q,a,b,c] proof let p,q; let a,b be set; per cases; suppose that A2: a is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF and A3: b is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF; reconsider p' = a as DecoratedTree of HP-WFF by A2; reconsider q' = b as DecoratedTree of HP-WFF by A3; take (p '&' q)-tree(p',q'); thus thesis; suppose a is not DecoratedTree of HP-WFF or b is not DecoratedTree of HP-WFF; hence thesis; end; A4: for p,q for a,b being set ex d being set st I[p,q,a,b,d] proof let p,q; let a,b be set; per cases; suppose that A5: a is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF and A6: b is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF; reconsider p' = a as DecoratedTree of HP-WFF by A5; reconsider q' = b as DecoratedTree of HP-WFF by A6; take (p => q)-tree(p',q'); thus thesis; suppose a is not DecoratedTree of HP-WFF or b is not DecoratedTree of HP-WFF; hence thesis; end; A7: for p,q for a,b,c,d being set st C[p,q,a,b,c] & C[p,q,a,b,d] holds c = d; A8: for p,q for a,b,c,d being set st I[p,q,a,b,c] & I[p,q,a,b,d] holds c = d; deffunc P(Nat)=root-tree prop $1; consider M being ManySortedSet of HP-WFF such that A9: M.VERUM = root-tree VERUM and A10: for n holds M.prop n = P(n) and A11: for p,q holds C[p,q,M.p,M.q,M.(p '&' q)] & I[p,q,M.p,M.q,M.(p => q)] from HP_MSSExL(A1,A4,A7,A8); take M; thus M.VERUM = root-tree VERUM by A9; thus for n holds M.prop n = root-tree prop n by A10; let p,q; defpred P[Element of HP-WFF] means M.$1 is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF; A12: P[VERUM] by A9; A13: for n holds P[prop n] proof let n; M.prop n = root-tree prop n by A10; hence thesis; end; A14: for r,s st P[r] & P[s] holds P[r '&' s] & P[r => s] proof let r,s such that A15: M.r is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF and A16: M.s is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF; C[r,s,M.r,M.s,M.(r '&' s)] by A11; hence M.(r '&' s) is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF by A15,A16; I[r,s,M.r,M.s,M.(r => s)] by A11; hence M.(r => s) is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF by A15,A16; end; A18: for p holds P[p] from HP_Ind(A12,A13,A14); C[p,q,M.p,M.q,M.(p '&' q)] & I[p,q,M.p,M.q,M.(p => q)] by A11; hence thesis by A18; end; uniqueness proof let M1,M2 be ManySortedSet of HP-WFF such that A19: M1.VERUM = root-tree VERUM and A20: for n holds M1.prop n = root-tree prop n and A21: for p,q ex p',q' being DecoratedTree of HP-WFF st p' = M1.p & q' = M1.q & M1.(p '&' q) = (p '&' q)-tree(p',q') & M1.(p => q) = (p => q)-tree(p',q') and A22: M2.VERUM = root-tree VERUM and A23: for n holds M2.prop n = root-tree prop n and A24: for p,q ex p',q' being DecoratedTree of HP-WFF st p' = M2.p & q' = M2.q & M2.(p '&' q) = (p '&' q)-tree(p',q') & M2.(p => q) = (p => q)-tree(p',q'); defpred P[Element of HP-WFF] means M1.$1=M2.$1; A25: P[VERUM] by A19,A22; A26: for n holds P[prop n] proof let n; thus M1.prop n = root-tree prop n by A20 .= M2.prop n by A23; end; A27: for r,s st P[r] & P[s] holds P[r '&' s] & P[r => s] proof let r,s such that A28: M1.r=M2.r & M1.s=M2.s; consider p',q' being DecoratedTree of HP-WFF such that A29: p' = M1.r & q' = M1.s and A30: M1.(r '&' s) = (r '&' s)-tree(p',q') and A31: M1.(r => s) = (r => s)-tree(p',q') by A21; consider p',q' being DecoratedTree of HP-WFF such that A32: p' = M2.r & q' = M2.s and A33: M2.(r '&' s) = (r '&' s)-tree(p',q') and A34: M2.(r => s) = (r => s)-tree(p',q') by A24; thus M1.(r '&' s) = M2.(r '&' s) by A28,A29,A30,A32,A33; thus M1.(r => s) = M2.(r => s) by A28,A29,A31,A32,A34; end; for r holds P[r] from HP_Ind(A25,A26,A27); then for r being set st r in HP-WFF holds M1.r=M2.r; hence M1 = M2 by PBOOLE:3; end; end; definition let p; func Subformulae p -> DecoratedTree of HP-WFF equals :Def10: HP-Subformulae.p; correctness proof defpred P[Element of HP-WFF] means HP-Subformulae.$1 is DecoratedTree of HP-WFF; A1: P[VERUM] by Def9; A2: for n holds P[prop n] proof let n; HP-Subformulae.prop n = root-tree prop n by Def9; hence thesis; end; A3: for r,s st P[r] & P[s] holds P[r '&' s] & P[r => s] proof let r,s; ex p',q' being DecoratedTree of HP-WFF st p' = HP-Subformulae.r & q' = HP-Subformulae.s & HP-Subformulae.(r '&' s) = (r '&' s)-tree(p',q') & HP-Subformulae.(r => s) = (r => s)-tree(p',q') by Def9; hence thesis; end; for p holds P[p] from HP_Ind(A1,A2,A3); hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th30: Subformulae VERUM = root-tree VERUM proof thus Subformulae VERUM = HP-Subformulae.VERUM by Def10 .= root-tree VERUM by Def9; end; theorem Th31: Subformulae prop n = root-tree prop n proof thus Subformulae prop n = HP-Subformulae.prop n by Def10 .= root-tree prop n by Def9; end; theorem Th32: Subformulae(p '&' q) = (p '&' q)-tree(Subformulae p,Subformulae q) proof A1: Subformulae p = HP-Subformulae.p & Subformulae q = HP-Subformulae.q by Def10; consider p',q' being DecoratedTree of HP-WFF such that A2: p' = HP-Subformulae.p & q' = HP-Subformulae.q & HP-Subformulae.(p '&' q) = (p '&' q)-tree(p',q') and HP-Subformulae.(p => q) = (p => q)-tree(p',q') by Def9; thus Subformulae(p '&' q) = (p '&' q)-tree(Subformulae p,Subformulae q) by A1 ,A2,Def10; end; theorem Th33: Subformulae(p => q) = (p => q)-tree(Subformulae p,Subformulae q) proof A1: Subformulae p = HP-Subformulae.p & Subformulae q = HP-Subformulae.q by Def10; consider p',q' being DecoratedTree of HP-WFF such that A2: p' = HP-Subformulae.p & q' = HP-Subformulae.q and HP-Subformulae.(p '&' q) = (p '&' q)-tree(p',q') and A3: HP-Subformulae.(p => q) = (p => q)-tree(p',q') by Def9; thus Subformulae(p => q) = (p => q)-tree(Subformulae p,Subformulae q) by A1, A2,A3,Def10; end; theorem Th34: (Subformulae p).{} = p proof per cases by Th9; suppose p is conjunctive; then consider r,s such that A1: p = r '&' s by Def6; Subformulae p = p-tree(Subformulae r,Subformulae s) by A1,Th32; hence thesis by Th6; suppose p is conditional; then consider r,s such that A2: p = r => s by Def7; Subformulae p = p-tree(Subformulae r,Subformulae s) by A2,Th33; hence thesis by Th6; suppose p is simple; then consider n such that A3: p = prop n by Def8; Subformulae p = root-tree p by A3,Th31; hence thesis by TREES_4:3; suppose p = VERUM; hence thesis by Th30,TREES_4:3; end; theorem Th35: for f being Element of dom Subformulae p holds (Subformulae p)|f = Subformulae((Subformulae p).f) proof let f be Element of dom Subformulae p; defpred P[FinSequence of NAT] means ex q being Element of HP-WFF st q = (Subformulae p).$1 & (Subformulae p)|$1 = Subformulae q; (Subformulae p).{} = p & (Subformulae p)|<*>NAT = Subformulae p by Th34,TREES_9:1; then A1: P[<*>NAT]; A2: for f being Element of dom Subformulae p st P[f] for n st f^<*n*> in dom Subformulae p holds P[f^<*n*>] proof let f be Element of dom Subformulae p; given q being Element of HP-WFF such that q = (Subformulae p).f and A3: (Subformulae p)|f = Subformulae q; let n such that A4: f^<*n*> in dom Subformulae p; A5: (dom Subformulae p)|f = dom Subformulae q by A3,TREES_2:def 11; then A6: <*n*> in dom Subformulae q by A4,TREES_1:def 9; A7: (Subformulae p)|(f^<*n*>) = (Subformulae q)|<*n*> by A3,A4,TREES_9:3; A8: (Subformulae p).(f^<*n*>) = (Subformulae q).<*n*> by A3,A5,A6,TREES_2:def 11; per cases by Th9; suppose q is conjunctive; then consider r,s such that A9: q = r '&' s by Def6; A10: Subformulae q = (r '&' s)-tree(Subformulae r,Subformulae s) by A9,Th32; then A11: dom Subformulae q = tree(dom Subformulae r, dom Subformulae s) by TREES_4:14; now per cases by A6,A11,Th5; suppose A12: n= 0; take r; thus r = (Subformulae r).{} by Th34 .= (Subformulae p).(f^<*n*>) by A8,A10,A12,Th7; thus (Subformulae p)|(f^<*n*>) = Subformulae r by A7,A10,A12,Th8; suppose A13: n= 1; take s; thus s = (Subformulae s).{} by Th34 .= (Subformulae p).(f^<*n*>) by A8,A10,A13,Th7; thus (Subformulae p)|(f^<*n*>) = Subformulae s by A7,A10,A13,Th8; end; hence P[f^<*n*>]; suppose q is conditional; then consider r,s such that A14: q = r => s by Def7; A15: Subformulae q = (r => s)-tree(Subformulae r,Subformulae s) by A14,Th33; then A16: dom Subformulae q = tree(dom Subformulae r, dom Subformulae s) by TREES_4:14; now per cases by A6,A16,Th5; suppose A17: n= 0; take r; thus r = (Subformulae r).{} by Th34 .= (Subformulae p).(f^<*n*>) by A8,A15,A17,Th7; thus (Subformulae p)|(f^<*n*>) = Subformulae r by A7,A15,A17,Th8; suppose A18: n= 1; take s; thus s = (Subformulae s).{} by Th34 .= (Subformulae p).(f^<*n*>) by A8,A15,A18,Th7; thus (Subformulae p)|(f^<*n*>) = Subformulae s by A7,A15,A18,Th8; end; hence P[f^<*n*>]; suppose q is simple; then consider k such that A19: q = prop k by Def8; Subformulae q = root-tree prop k by A19,Th31; then dom Subformulae q = { {} } by TREES_1:56,TREES_4:3; hence P[f^<*n*>] by A6,TARSKI:def 1; suppose q = VERUM; then dom Subformulae q = { {} } by Th30,TREES_1:56,TREES_4:3; hence P[f^<*n*>] by A6,TARSKI:def 1; end; for f being Element of dom Subformulae p holds P[f] from InTreeInd(A1,A2); then P[f]; hence thesis; end; theorem p in Leaves Subformulae q implies p = VERUM or p is simple proof assume p in Leaves Subformulae q; then p in (Subformulae q).:Leaves dom Subformulae q by TREES_2:def 10; then consider x being set such that A1: x in dom Subformulae q and A2: x in Leaves dom Subformulae q and A3: p = (Subformulae q).x by FUNCT_1:def 12; reconsider f = x as Element of dom Subformulae q by A1; A4: (Subformulae q)|f = Subformulae p by A3,Th35; A5: p is not conjunctive proof assume not thesis; then consider r,s such that A6: p = r '&' s by Def6; Subformulae p = p-tree(Subformulae r,Subformulae s) by A6,Th32; hence contradiction by A2,A4,TREES_9:6; end; p is not conditional proof assume not thesis; then consider r,s such that A7: p = r => s by Def7; Subformulae p = p-tree(Subformulae r,Subformulae s) by A7,Th33; hence contradiction by A2,A4,TREES_9:6; end; hence p = VERUM or p is simple by A5,Th9; end;