Processing math: 100%
:: A Small Computer Model with Push-Down Stack
:: by JingChao Chen
:: Received June 15, 1999
:: Copyright (c) 1999-2021 Association of Mizar Users

theorem :: SCMPDS_1:1

theorem :: SCMPDS_1:2

::$CT 2
theorem :: SCMPDS_1:3
for d being Element of SCM-Data-Loc holds d in SCM-Data-Loc \/ INT by XBOOLE_1:7, TARSKI:def 3;

:: 0,goto L
:: 1,return sp<-sp+0,count<-(sp)+2
:: 2,a:=c(constant)
:: 3,saveIC (a,k)
:: 4,if(a,k)<>0 goto L
:: 5,if(a,k)<=0 goto L
:: 6,if(a,k)>=0 goto L
:: 7,(a,k):=c(constant)
:: 8,(a,k1)+k2
:: 9, (a1,k1)+(a2,k2)
:: 10,(a1,k1)-(a2,k2)
:: 11,(a1,k1)*(a2,k2)
:: 12,(a1,k1)/(a2,k2)
:: 13,(a1,k1):=(a2,k2)
let s be SCM-State;
let a be Element of SCM-Data-Loc ;
let n be Integer;
func Address_Add (s,a,n) -> Element of SCM-Data-Loc equals :: SCMPDS_1:def 6
[1,|.((s . a) + n).|];
[1,|.((s . a) + n).|] is Element of SCM-Data-Loc
by AMI_2:24;

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 1 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 2 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 3 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 4 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 5 :

:: deftheorem defines Address_Add SCMPDS_1:def 6 :
for s being SCM-State
for a being Element of SCM-Data-Loc
for n being Integer holds Address_Add (s,a,n) = [1,|.((s . a) + n).|];

let s be SCM-State;
let n be Integer;
func jump_address (s,n) -> Element of NAT equals :: SCMPDS_1:def 7
|.((IC s) + n).|;
|.((IC s) + n).| is Element of NAT

:: deftheorem defines jump_address SCMPDS_1:def 7 :
for s being SCM-State
for n being Integer holds jump_address (s,n) = |.((IC s) + n).|;

let d be Element of SCM-Data-Loc ;
let s be Integer;
:: original: <*
redefine func <*d,s*> -> FinSequence of SCM-Data-Loc \/ INT;
<*d,s*> is FinSequence of SCM-Data-Loc \/ INT
proof end;

let s be SCM-State;
let a be Element of SCM-Data-Loc ;
func PopInstrLoc (s,a) -> Element of NAT equals :: SCMPDS_1:def 19
|.(s . a).| + 2;
|.(s . a).| + 2 is Element of NAT

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 8 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 9 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 10 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 11 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 12 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 13 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 14 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 15 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 16 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 17 :

:: deftheorem SCMPDS_1:def 18 :

:: deftheorem defines PopInstrLoc SCMPDS_1:def 19 :
for s being SCM-State
for a being Element of SCM-Data-Loc holds PopInstrLoc (s,a) = |.(s . a).| + 2;



:: RetSP: Return Stack Pointer
:: RetIC: Return Instruction-Counter
::$CD 2
let x be Element of SCMPDS-Instr ;
let s be SCM-State;
func SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) -> SCM-State equals :: SCMPDS_1:def 20
SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) if InsCode x = 14
SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) if InsCode x = 2
SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) if InsCode x = 3
SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) if InsCode x = 1
SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) if InsCode x = 4
SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) if InsCode x = 5
SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) if InsCode x = 6
SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) if InsCode x = 7
SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) if InsCode x = 8
SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) if InsCode x = 9
SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) if InsCode x = 10
SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) if InsCode x = 11
SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) if InsCode x = 13
SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) if InsCode x = 12
otherwise s;
( ( InsCode x = 14 implies SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 2 implies SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 3 implies SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 1 implies SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 4 implies SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 5 implies SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 6 implies SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 7 implies SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 8 implies SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 9 implies SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 10 implies SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 11 implies SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 13 implies SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) is SCM-State ) & ( InsCode x = 12 implies SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) is SCM-State ) & ( not InsCode x = 14 & not InsCode x = 2 & not InsCode x = 3 & not InsCode x = 1 & not InsCode x = 4 & not InsCode x = 5 & not InsCode x = 6 & not InsCode x = 7 & not InsCode x = 8 & not InsCode x = 9 & not InsCode x = 10 & not InsCode x = 11 & not InsCode x = 13 & not InsCode x = 12 implies s is SCM-State ) )
for b1 being SCM-State holds
( ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 2 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 3 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 1 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 4 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 5 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 6 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 7 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 8 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 9 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 10 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 11 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 14 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 3 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 1 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 4 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 5 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 6 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 7 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 8 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 9 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 10 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 11 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 & InsCode x = 1 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 & InsCode x = 4 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 & InsCode x = 5 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 & InsCode x = 6 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 & InsCode x = 7 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 & InsCode x = 8 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 & InsCode x = 9 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 & InsCode x = 10 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 & InsCode x = 11 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 1 & InsCode x = 4 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 1 & InsCode x = 5 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 1 & InsCode x = 6 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 1 & InsCode x = 7 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 1 & InsCode x = 8 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 1 & InsCode x = 9 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 1 & InsCode x = 10 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 1 & InsCode x = 11 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 1 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 1 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 4 & InsCode x = 5 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 4 & InsCode x = 6 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 4 & InsCode x = 7 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 4 & InsCode x = 8 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 4 & InsCode x = 9 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 4 & InsCode x = 10 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 4 & InsCode x = 11 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 4 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 4 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 5 & InsCode x = 6 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 5 & InsCode x = 7 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 5 & InsCode x = 8 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 5 & InsCode x = 9 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 5 & InsCode x = 10 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 5 & InsCode x = 11 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 5 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 5 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 6 & InsCode x = 7 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 6 & InsCode x = 8 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 6 & InsCode x = 9 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 6 & InsCode x = 10 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 6 & InsCode x = 11 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 6 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 6 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 7 & InsCode x = 8 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 7 & InsCode x = 9 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 7 & InsCode x = 10 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 7 & InsCode x = 11 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 7 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 7 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 8 & InsCode x = 9 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 8 & InsCode x = 10 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 8 & InsCode x = 11 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 8 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 8 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 9 & InsCode x = 10 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 9 & InsCode x = 11 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 9 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 9 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 10 & InsCode x = 11 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 10 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 10 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 11 & InsCode x = 13 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 11 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) & ( InsCode x = 13 & InsCode x = 12 implies ( b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) iff b1 = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) ) )

:: deftheorem defines SCM-Exec-Res SCMPDS_1:def 20 :
for x being Element of SCMPDS-Instr
for s being SCM-State holds
( ( InsCode x = 14 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg (s,(jump_address (s,(x const_INT)))) ) & ( InsCode x = 2 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),((IC s) + 1)) ) & ( InsCode x = 3 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P21address),(x P22const))),(IC s))),((IC s) + 1)) ) & ( InsCode x = 1 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(x address_1),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetSP))))),(PopInstrLoc (s,(Address_Add (s,(x address_1),RetIC))))) ) & ( InsCode x = 4 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg (s,(IFEQ ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) & ( InsCode x = 5 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT ((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),0,((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) & ( InsCode x = 6 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg (s,(IFGT (0,(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))),((IC s) + 1),(jump_address (s,(x P33const)))))) ) & ( InsCode x = 7 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),(x P33const))),((IC s) + 1)) ) & ( InsCode x = 8 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P31address),(x P32const)))) + (x P33const)))),((IC s) + 1)) ) & ( InsCode x = 9 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) + (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) & ( InsCode x = 10 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) - (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) & ( InsCode x = 11 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) * (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) & ( InsCode x = 13 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),(s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const)))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) & ( InsCode x = 12 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg ((SCM-Chg (s,(Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) div (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),(Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))),((s . (Address_Add (s,(x P41address),(x P43const)))) mod (s . (Address_Add (s,(x P42address),(x P44const))))))),((IC s) + 1)) ) & ( not InsCode x = 14 & not InsCode x = 2 & not InsCode x = 3 & not InsCode x = 1 & not InsCode x = 4 & not InsCode x = 5 & not InsCode x = 6 & not InsCode x = 7 & not InsCode x = 8 & not InsCode x = 9 & not InsCode x = 10 & not InsCode x = 11 & not InsCode x = 13 & not InsCode x = 12 implies SCM-Exec-Res (x,s) = s ) );

func SCMPDS-Exec -> Action of SCMPDS-Instr,(product (SCM-VAL * SCM-OK)) means :: SCMPDS_1:def 21
for x being Element of SCMPDS-Instr
for y being SCM-State holds (it . x) . y = SCM-Exec-Res (x,y);
ex b1 being Action of SCMPDS-Instr,(product (SCM-VAL * SCM-OK)) st
for x being Element of SCMPDS-Instr
for y being SCM-State holds (b1 . x) . y = SCM-Exec-Res (x,y)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being Action of SCMPDS-Instr,(product (SCM-VAL * SCM-OK)) st ( for x being Element of SCMPDS-Instr
for y being SCM-State holds (b1 . x) . y = SCM-Exec-Res (x,y) ) & ( for x being Element of SCMPDS-Instr
for y being SCM-State holds (b2 . x) . y = SCM-Exec-Res (x,y) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines SCMPDS-Exec SCMPDS_1:def 21 :
for b1 being Action of SCMPDS-Instr,(product (SCM-VAL * SCM-OK)) holds
( b1 = SCMPDS-Exec iff for x being Element of SCMPDS-Instr
for y being SCM-State holds (b1 . x) . y = SCM-Exec-Res (x,y) );