:: Propositional Linear Time Temporal Logic with Initial Semantics :: by Mariusz Giero :: :: Received October 22, 2015 :: Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Association of Mizar Users
::#INSERT: The numbers 2.6.1-2.6.8, put in comments in the article,
::#INSERT: correspond to the ones in: Kroeger, Merz. Temporal Logic and State
::#INSERT: Systems. 2008. Springer-Verlag.
::#INSERT: 2.6.1a-trivial: M |= A implies M |=0 A
::#INSERT: 2.6.3
::#INSERT: In compare to normal consequence LTLAXIO1:30, the relationship
::#INSERT: between implication and initial consequence holds in the classical
::#INSERT: form
::#INSERT: Universal validity concepts are equaivalent as far as
::#INSERT: initial and normal semantics is concerned:
::#INSERT: 2.6.4: one line proof:
::#INSERT: {}LTLB_WFF |= A iff {}LTLB_WFF |=0 A by th262b,th264p
::#INSERT: 2.1.8