::let F be vertex-finite Graph-yielding Function;
::cluster rng F -> vertex-finite;
::let G be _Graph;
::assume G in rng F;
::then consider x being object such that
::A1: x in dom F & F.x = G by FUNCT_1:def 3;
::consider G0 being _Graph such that
::A2: F.x = G0 & G0 is vertex-finite by A1, GLIB_012:def 2;
::thus G is vertex-finite by A1, A2;
::let F be edge-finite Graph-yielding Function;
::cluster rng F -> edge-finite;
::let G be _Graph;
::assume G in rng F;
::then consider x being object such that
::A1: x in dom F & F.x = G by FUNCT_1:def 3;
::consider G0 being _Graph such that
::A2: F.x = G0 & G0 is edge-finite by A1, GLIB_012:def 2;
::thus G is edge-finite by A1, A2;
:: attributes of graph subsets
::let X be vertex-finite Graph-membered set;
::cluster -> vertex-finite for Subset of X;
::coherence by Def16;
::let X be edge-finite Graph-membered set;
::cluster -> edge-finite for Subset of X;
::coherence by Def16;
:: attributes of graph sets and set operations
::let X be vertex-finite Graph-membered set, Y be set;
::cluster X /\ Y -> vertex-finite;
::X /\ Y c= X by XBOOLE_1:17;
::hence thesis;
::cluster X \ Y -> vertex-finite;
::let X, Y be vertex-finite Graph-membered set;
::cluster X \/ Y -> vertex-finite;
::let x be _Graph;
::assume x in X \/ Y;
::then per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
::suppose x in X;
::hence thesis by Def16;
::suppose x in Y;
::hence thesis by Def16;
::cluster X \+\ Y -> vertex-finite;
::X \+\ Y = X \ Y \/ Y \ X by XBOOLE_0:def 6;
::hence thesis;
::let X be edge-finite Graph-membered set, Y be set;
::cluster X /\ Y -> edge-finite;
::X /\ Y c= X by XBOOLE_1:17;
::hence thesis;
::cluster X \ Y -> edge-finite;
::let X, Y be edge-finite Graph-membered set;
::cluster X \/ Y -> edge-finite;
::let x be _Graph;
::assume x in X \/ Y;
::then per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
::suppose x in X;
::hence thesis by Def16;
::suppose x in Y;
::hence thesis by Def16;
::cluster X \+\ Y -> edge-finite;
::X \+\ Y = X \ Y \/ Y \ X by XBOOLE_0:def 6;
::hence thesis;
:: existence clusters for all attributes
::let S be non empty vertex-finite Graph-membered set;
::cluster -> vertex-finite for Element of S;
::coherence by Def16;
::let S be non empty edge-finite Graph-membered set;
::cluster -> edge-finite for Element of S;
::coherence by Def16;
:: getting vertices/edges/sources/targets from the Graph-membered set
for G1, G2 being _Graph holds ( G1 tolerates G2 iff for e, v1, w1, v2, w2 being object st e DJoins v1,w1,G1 & e DJoins v2,w2,G2 holds ( v1 = v2 & w1 = w2 ) )
:: not really needed
::let S be GraphUnionSet;
::func union S equals the plain GraphUnion of S;
:: not proven here DOMS from VALUED_2
:: theorem
:: for S being GraphUnionSet, G being GraphUnion of S
:: holds DOMSthe_Source_of S = dom the_Source_of G &
:: DOMSthe_Target_of S = dom the_Target_of G;
:: not really needed
::let S be GraphMeetSet;
::func meet S equals the plain GraphMeet of S;
:: not proven here DOM from CARD_3
:: theorem
:: for S being GraphMeetSet, G being GraphMeet of S
:: holds DOMthe_Source_of S = dom the_Source_of G &
:: DOMthe_Target_of S = dom the_Target_of G;
:: to construct an infinite number of graphs at once