Loading [MathJax]/jax/element/mml/optable/BasicLatin.js
for m being Nat
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for R being Rule of S
for Seqts being Subset of (S -sequents)
for SQ being b2 -sequents-like set holds
( dom (OneStep D) = bool (S -sequents) & rng (OneStep D) c= dom (OneStep D) & iter ((OneStep D),m) is Function of (bool (S -sequents)),(bool (S -sequents)) & dom (iter ((OneStep D),m)) = bool (S -sequents) & (dom (OneStep D)) \/ (rng (OneStep D)) = bool (S -sequents) & Seqts in dom R & SQ in dom (iter (R,m)) )
for S being Language
for R being Rule of S holds
( id (bool (S -sequents)) is Rule of S & ( R = id (bool (S -sequents)) implies R is isotone ) )
by FUNCT_2:8;
for X, Y, x being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S st X c= Y & x is X,D -provable holds
x is Y,D -provable
by XBOOLE_1:1;
for Y being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for X being Subset of Y st X is D -inconsistent holds
Y is D -inconsistent
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S st X c= S -sequents holds
(OneStep D) . X = union (union { (R .: {X}) where R is Subset of [:(bool (S -sequents)),(bool (S -sequents)):] : R in D } )
for S being Language
for R being Rule of S holds R = OneStep {R}
for X, x being set
for S being Language
for R being Rule of S st x in R . X holds
x is 1,X,{R} -derivable
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for Seqts being Subset of (S -sequents)
for y being object st {y} is Seqts,D -derivable holds
ex mm being Element of NAT st y is mm,Seqts,D -derivable
for m being Nat
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S st X c= S -sequents holds
((m,D) -derivables) . X c= union (((OneStep D) [*]) .: {X})
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S holds union (((OneStep D) [*]) .: {X}) = union { (((mm,D) -derivables) . X) where mm is Element of NAT : verum }
for m being Nat
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S holds ((m,D) -derivables) . X c= union (((OneStep D) [*]) .: {X})
for m being Nat
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for x being object st x is m,X,D -derivable holds
{x} is X,D -derivable
for S being Language
for D1, D2 being RuleSet of S
for Seqts1, Seqts2 being Subset of (S -sequents) st Seqts1 c= Seqts2 & D1 c= D2 & ( D2 is isotone or D1 is isotone ) holds
(OneStep D1) . Seqts1 c= (OneStep D2) . Seqts2
for m being Nat
for S being Language
for D1, D2 being RuleSet of S
for Seqts1, Seqts2 being Subset of (S -sequents) st Seqts1 c= Seqts2 & D1 c= D2 & ( D2 is isotone or D1 is isotone ) holds
((m,D1) -derivables) . Seqts1 c= ((m,D2) -derivables) . Seqts2
for m being Nat
for S being Language
for D1, D2 being RuleSet of S
for SQ1, SQ2 being b2 -sequents-like set st SQ1 c= SQ2 & D1 c= D2 & ( D2 is isotone or D1 is isotone ) holds
((m,D1) -derivables) . SQ1 c= ((m,D2) -derivables) . SQ2
for m being Nat
for X being set
for S being Language
for D1, D2 being RuleSet of S st D1 c= D2 & ( D2 is isotone or D1 is isotone ) holds
((m,D1) -derivables) . X c= ((m,D2) -derivables) . X
for X being set
for S being Language
for D1, D2 being RuleSet of S st D1 c= D2 & ( D2 is isotone or D1 is isotone ) holds
union (((OneStep D1) [*]) .: {X}) c= union (((OneStep D2) [*]) .: {X})
for X, Y being set
for S being Language
for D1, D2 being RuleSet of S st D1 c= D2 & ( D2 is isotone or D1 is isotone ) & Y is X,D1 -derivable holds
Y is X,D2 -derivable
for X, x being set
for S being Language
for D1, D2 being RuleSet of S st D1 c= D2 & ( D1 is isotone or D2 is isotone ) & x is X,D1 -provable holds
x is X,D2 -provable
for Y being set
for S being Language
for R being Rule of S
for Seqts being Subset of (S -sequents) st Y c= R . Seqts holds
Y is Seqts,{R} -derivable
for m, n being Nat
for Z being set
for S being Language
for D1, D2 being RuleSet of S
for SQ1, SQ2 being b4 -sequents-like set st D1 is isotone & D1 \/ D2 is isotone & SQ2 c= (iter ((OneStep D1),m)) . SQ1 & Z c= (iter ((OneStep D2),n)) . SQ2 holds
Z c= (iter ((OneStep (D1 \/ D2)),(m + n))) . SQ1
for m, n being Nat
for X being set
for S being Language
for D1, D2 being RuleSet of S
for y, z being object st D1 is isotone & D1 \/ D2 is isotone & y is m,X,D1 -derivable & z is n,{y},D2 -derivable holds
z is m + n,X,D1 \/ D2 -derivable
for X being set
for S being Language
for t1, t2 being termal string of S
for D being RuleSet of S holds
( [t1,t2] in (X,D) -termEq iff (<*(TheEqSymbOf S)*> ^ t1) ^ t2 is X,D -provable )
for S being Language
for Sq being b1 -sequent-like object holds Sq `2 is wff string of S
for X, x being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S st x is X,D -provable holds
x is wff string of S
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S holds AllFormulasOf S is D -expanded
let S be
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule0 Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule0 Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule0 Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule1 Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule1 Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule1 Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule2 Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule2 Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule2 Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule3a Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule3a Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule3a Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule3b Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule3b Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule3b Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule3d Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule3d Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule3d Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule3e Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule3e Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule3e Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule4 Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule4 Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule4 Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule5 Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule5 Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule5 Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule6 Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule6 Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule6 Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule7 Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule7 Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule7 Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule8 Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule8 Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule8 Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
ex b1 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st
for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule9 Seqts )
for b1, b2 being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b1 iff seqt Rule9 Seqts ) ) & ( for Seqts being Element of bool (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents holds
( [Seqts,seqt] in b2 iff seqt Rule9 Seqts ) ) holds
b1 = b2
for S being Language
for Seqts being Subset of (S -sequents)
for seqt being Element of S -sequents
for R being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st [Seqts,seqt] in R holds
seqt in (FuncRule R) . Seqts
for S being Language
for SQ being b1 -sequents-like set
for Sq being b1 -sequent-like object
for R being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) st [SQ,Sq] in R holds
Sq is 1,SQ,{(FuncRule R)} -derivable
for y being set
for S being Language
for SQ being b2 -sequents-like set
for R being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) holds
( y in (FuncRule R) . SQ iff ( y in S -sequents & [SQ,y] in R ) )
for X, y being set
for S being Language
for R being Relation of (bool (S -sequents)),(S -sequents) holds
( y in (FuncRule R) . X iff ( y in S -sequents & [X,y] in R ) )
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S st {(R#2 S)} c= D holds
(X,D) -termEq is total
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S st {(R#3b S)} c= D & X is D -expanded holds
(X,D) -termEq is symmetric
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S st {(R#3a S)} c= D & X is D -expanded holds
(X,D) -termEq is transitive
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S st {(R#3a S)} c= D & {(R#2 S),(R#3b S)} c= D & X is D -expanded holds
(X,D) -termEq is Equivalence_Relation of (AllTermsOf S)
for S being Language
for s being low-compounding Element of S
for T, U being |.(ar b2).| -element Element of (AllTermsOf S) * st s is termal holds
{[(PairWiseEq (T,U)),((<*(TheEqSymbOf S)*> ^ (s -compound T)) ^ (s -compound U))]} is {} ,{(R#3d S)} -derivable
for S being Language
for s being relational Element of S
for T1, T2 being |.(ar b2).| -element Element of (AllTermsOf S) * holds {[((PairWiseEq (T1,T2)) \/ {(s -compound T1)}),(s -compound T2)]} is {} ,{(R#3e S)} -derivable
for X, x1, x2 being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for s being low-compounding Element of S st X is D -expanded & [x1,x2] in |.(ar s).| -placesOf ((X,D) -termEq) holds
ex T, U being |.(ar b6).| -element Element of (AllTermsOf S) * st
( T = x1 & U = x2 & PairWiseEq (T,U) c= X )
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for s being low-compounding Element of S st {(R#3d S)} c= D & X is D -expanded & s is termal holds
X -freeInterpreter s is (X,D) -termEq -respecting
for X, x1, x2 being set
for S being Language
for r being relational Element of S
for D being RuleSet of S st {(R#3e S)} c= D & X is D -expanded & [x1,x2] in |.(ar r).| -placesOf ((X,D) -termEq) & (r -compound) . x1 in X holds
(r -compound) . x2 in X
for X, x1, x2 being set
for S being Language
for r being relational Element of S
for D being RuleSet of S st {(R#2 S)} /\ D = {(R#2 S)} & {(R#3b S)} /\ D = {(R#3b S)} & D /\ {(R#3e S)} = {(R#3e S)} & X is D -expanded & [x1,x2] in |.(ar r).| -placesOf ((X,D) -termEq) holds
( (r -compound) . x1 in X iff (r -compound) . x2 in X )
for X being set
for S being Language
for r being relational Element of S
for D being RuleSet of S st {(R#2 S)} /\ D = {(R#2 S)} & {(R#3b S)} /\ D = {(R#3b S)} & D /\ {(R#3e S)} = {(R#3e S)} & X is D -expanded holds
X -freeInterpreter r is (X,D) -termEq -respecting
for X being set
for S being Language
for l being literal Element of S
for D being RuleSet of S st {(R#3a S)} c= D & {(R#2 S),(R#3b S)} c= D & X is D -expanded holds
X -freeInterpreter l is (X,D) -termEq -respecting
for X being set
for S being Language
for a being ofAtomicFormula Element of S
for D being RuleSet of S st {(R#3a S)} c= D & D /\ {(R#3d S)} = {(R#3d S)} & {(R#2 S)} /\ D = {(R#2 S)} & {(R#3b S)} /\ D = {(R#3b S)} & D /\ {(R#3e S)} = {(R#3e S)} & X is D -expanded holds
X -freeInterpreter a is (X,D) -termEq -respecting
let S be
func S -rules -> RuleSet of
S equals
{(R#0 S),(R#1 S),(R#2 S),(R#3a S),(R#3b S),(R#3d S),(R#3e S),(R#4 S)} \/ {(R#5 S),(R#6 S),(R#7 S),(R#8 S)};
{(R#0 S),(R#1 S),(R#2 S),(R#3a S),(R#3b S),(R#3d S),(R#3e S),(R#4 S)} \/ {(R#5 S),(R#6 S),(R#7 S),(R#8 S)} is RuleSet of S
deftheorem defines
-rules FOMODEL4:def 63 :
for S being Language holds S -rules = {(R#0 S),(R#1 S),(R#2 S),(R#3a S),(R#3b S),(R#3d S),(R#3e S),(R#4 S)} \/ {(R#5 S),(R#6 S),(R#7 S),(R#8 S)};
for X being set
for S being Language
for a being ofAtomicFormula Element of S
for D being RuleSet of S st D is 1 -ranked & X is D -expanded holds
X -freeInterpreter a is (X,D) -termEq -respecting
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S st D is 0 -ranked & X is D -expanded holds
(X,D) -termEq is Equivalence_Relation of (AllTermsOf S)
for m, n being Nat
for S being Language
for D1, D2, D3 being RuleSet of S
for SQ1, SQ2 being b3 -sequents-like set
for x, y, z being object st D1 \/ D2 is isotone & (D1 \/ D2) \/ D3 is isotone & x is m,SQ1,D1 -derivable & y is m,SQ2,D2 -derivable & z is n,{x,y},D3 -derivable holds
z is m + n,SQ1 \/ SQ2,(D1 \/ D2) \/ D3 -derivable
for X being set
for S being Language
for phi being wff string of S
for D being RuleSet of S st D is isotone & R#1 S in D & R#8 S in D & X \/ {phi} is D -inconsistent holds
xnot phi is X,D -provable
for X being set
for S being Language
for phi being wff string of S
for D being RuleSet of S st X is D -inconsistent & D is isotone & R#1 S in D & R#8 S in D holds
xnot phi is X,D -provable
for X being set
for S being Language
for phi being wff string of S
for l1, l2 being literal Element of S
for D being RuleSet of S st D is isotone & R#1 S in D & R#8 S in D & R#2 S in D & R#5 S in D & X \/ {((l1,l2) -SymbolSubstIn phi)} is D -inconsistent & l2 is X \/ {phi} -absent holds
X \/ {(<*l1*> ^ phi)} is D -inconsistent
let S be
let phi1,
phi2 be
wff string of
for b1 being object st b1 = [{(xnot phi1),(xnot phi2)},((<*(TheNorSymbOf S)*> ^ phi1) ^ phi2)] holds
b1 is 1,{[{(xnot phi1),(xnot phi2)},(xnot phi1)],[{(xnot phi1),(xnot phi2)},(xnot phi2)]},{(R#6 S)} -derivable
n being
Nat for
z being
set for
S being
Language for
D3 being
RuleSet of
S for
SQ2 being
b6 -sequents-like set st
D1 \/ D2 is
isotone &
(D1 \/ D2) \/ D3 is
isotone &
x is
D1 -derivable &
y is
D2 -derivable &
z is
D3 -derivable holds
z is
m + n,
SQ1 \/ SQ2,
(D1 \/ D2) \/ D3 -derivable by Lm46;
n being
Nat for
z being
set for
S being
Language for
D2 being
RuleSet of
S st
D1 is
isotone &
D1 \/ D2 is
isotone &
y is
D1 -derivable &
z is
D2 -derivable holds
z is
m + n,
D1 \/ D2 -derivable by Lm22;
for S being Language
for D1 being 0 -ranked 1 -ranked RuleSet of S
for X being b2 -expanded set
for phi being 0wff string of S holds
( (D1 Henkin X) -AtomicEval phi = 1 iff phi in X )
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S holds
( X is D -consistent iff for Y being finite Subset of X holds Y is D -consistent )
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S st R#0 S in D & X is S -covering & X is D -consistent holds
( X is S -mincover & X is D -expanded )
for U being non empty set
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for I being Element of U -InterpretersOf S st D is Correct & X is I -satisfied holds
X is D -consistent
for U being non empty set
for S being Language
for t1, t2 being termal string of S
for I being b2,b1 -interpreter-like Function holds
( I -AtomicEval ((<*(TheEqSymbOf S)*> ^ t1) ^ t2) = 1 iff (I -TermEval) . t1 = (I -TermEval) . t2 )
for S being Language holds R#0 S is Correct
for S being Language holds R#1 S is Correct
for S being Language holds R#2 S is Correct
for S being Language holds R#3a S is Correct
for S being Language holds R#3b S is Correct
for S being Language holds R#3d S is Correct
for S being Language holds R#3e S is Correct
for S being Language holds R#4 S is Correct
for S being Language holds R#5 S is Correct
for S being Language holds R#6 S is Correct
for S being Language holds R#7 S is Correct
for S being Language holds R#8 S is Correct
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for X being functional set
for num being sequence of (ExFormulasOf S) st D is isotone & R#1 S in D & R#8 S in D & R#2 S in D & R#5 S in D & (LettersOf S) \ (SymbolsOf (X /\ (((AllSymbolsOf S) *) \ {{}}))) is infinite & X is D -consistent holds
rng ((D,num) addw X) is c=directed
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for X being functional set
for num being sequence of (ExFormulasOf S) st D is isotone & R#1 S in D & R#2 S in D & R#5 S in D & R#8 S in D & (LettersOf S) \ (SymbolsOf (X /\ (((AllSymbolsOf S) *) \ {{}}))) is infinite & X is D -consistent holds
X addw (D,num) is D -consistent
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for num being sequence of (AllFormulasOf S) st rng num = AllFormulasOf S holds
(D,num) CompletionOf X is S -covering
for S being Language
for t being termal string of S holds
( (S -diagFormula) . t = (<*(TheEqSymbOf S)*> ^ t) ^ t & S -diagFormula is Function of (AllTermsOf S),(AtomicFormulasOf S) & S -diagFormula is one-to-one )
for X being set
for S being Language
for phi being wff string of S
for D being RuleSet of S st D is isotone & R#1 S in D & R#8 S in D & phi is X,D -provable & X is D -consistent holds
X \/ {phi} is D -consistent
for k, m being Nat
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for num being sequence of (AllFormulasOf S) st D is isotone & R#1 S in D & R#8 S in D & X is D -consistent holds
( ((D,num) AddFormulasTo X) . k c= ((D,num) AddFormulasTo X) . (k + m) & ((D,num) AddFormulasTo X) . m is D -consistent )
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for num being sequence of (AllFormulasOf S) st D is isotone & R#1 S in D & R#8 S in D & X is D -consistent holds
rng ((D,num) AddFormulasTo X) is c=directed
for X being set
for S being Language
for D being RuleSet of S
for num being sequence of (AllFormulasOf S) st D is isotone & R#1 S in D & R#8 S in D & X is D -consistent holds
(D,num) CompletionOf X is D -consistent
for S being Language
for D2 being 2 -ranked RuleSet of S
for X being functional set st AllFormulasOf S is countable & (LettersOf S) \ (SymbolsOf (X /\ (((AllSymbolsOf S) *) \ {{}}))) is infinite & X is D2 -consistent & D2 is isotone holds
ex U being non empty countable set ex I being Element of U -InterpretersOf S st X is I -satisfied
for S being Language
for X being functional set
for D2 being 2 -ranked RuleSet of S st X is finite & AllFormulasOf S is countable & X is D2 -consistent & D2 is isotone holds
ex U being non empty countable set ex I being Element of U -InterpretersOf S st X is I -satisfied
for Z being set
for S being countable Language
for phi being wff string of S st Z c= AllFormulasOf S & xnot phi is Z -implied holds
xnot phi is Z,S -rules -provable
::#Definitions and auxiliary lemmas