theorem Th1:
theorem Th3:
:: deftheorem Def1 defines greater_or_equal_to_id WAYBEL28:def 1 :
for N being non empty RelStr
for f being Function of N,N holds
( f is greater_or_equal_to_id iff for j being Element of N holds j <= f . j );
theorem Th4:
theorem Th5:
theorem Th6:
let L be non
empty 1-sorted ;
let N be non
empty NetStr of
let f be
Function of
func N * f -> non
empty strict NetStr of
L means :
RelStr(# the
carrier of
it, the
InternalRel of
it #)
= RelStr(# the
carrier of
N, the
InternalRel of
N #) & the
mapping of
it = the
mapping of
N * f );
ex b1 being non empty strict NetStr of L st
( RelStr(# the carrier of b1, the InternalRel of b1 #) = RelStr(# the carrier of N, the InternalRel of N #) & the mapping of b1 = the mapping of N * f )
for b1, b2 being non empty strict NetStr of L st RelStr(# the carrier of b1, the InternalRel of b1 #) = RelStr(# the carrier of N, the InternalRel of N #) & the mapping of b1 = the mapping of N * f & RelStr(# the carrier of b2, the InternalRel of b2 #) = RelStr(# the carrier of N, the InternalRel of N #) & the mapping of b2 = the mapping of N * f holds
b1 = b2
:: deftheorem Def2 defines * WAYBEL28:def 2 :
for L being non empty 1-sorted
for N being non empty NetStr of L
for f being Function of N,N
for b4 being non empty strict NetStr of L holds
( b4 = N * f iff ( RelStr(# the carrier of b4, the InternalRel of b4 #) = RelStr(# the carrier of N, the InternalRel of N #) & the mapping of b4 = the mapping of N * f ) );
theorem Th7:
theorem Th8:
theorem Th9:
theorem Th10:
theorem Th11:
theorem Th13:
theorem Th15:
:: deftheorem Def3 defines lim_inf-Convergence WAYBEL28:def 3 :
for L being non empty RelStr
for b2 being Convergence-Class of L holds
( b2 = lim_inf-Convergence L iff for N being net of L st N in NetUniv L holds
for x being Element of L holds
( [N,x] in b2 iff for M being subnet of N holds x = lim_inf M ) );
theorem Th17:
:: deftheorem defines xi WAYBEL28:def 4 :
for L being non empty RelStr holds xi L = the topology of (ConvergenceSpace (lim_inf-Convergence L));
theorem Th22:
theorem Th23:
theorem Th24:
theorem Th25:
theorem Th26:
theorem Th27:
theorem Th28:
theorem Th29:
theorem Th30: