:: deftheorem defines StructVectSp VECTSP10:def 1 :
for K being doubleLoopStr holds StructVectSp K = VectSpStr(# the carrier of K, the addF of K,(0. K), the multF of K #);
theorem Th2:
theorem Th4:
theorem Th5:
theorem Th6:
theorem Th7:
theorem Th8:
theorem Th9:
theorem Th10:
theorem Th11:
theorem Th12:
theorem Th13:
theorem Th14:
theorem Th15:
theorem Th16:
theorem Th17:
theorem Th18:
theorem Th19:
theorem Th20:
theorem Th21:
:: deftheorem defines CosetSet VECTSP10:def 2 :
for K being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for V being VectSp of K
for W being Subspace of V holds CosetSet (V,W) = { A where A is Coset of W : verum } ;
let K be non
empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr ;
let V be
VectSp of
let W be
Subspace of
func addCoset (
-> BinOp of
(CosetSet (V,W)) means :
B being
Element of
CosetSet (
b being
Vector of
V st
A = a + W &
B = b + W holds
it . (
= (a + b) + W;
ex b1 being BinOp of (CosetSet (V,W)) st
for A, B being Element of CosetSet (V,W)
for a, b being Vector of V st A = a + W & B = b + W holds
b1 . (A,B) = (a + b) + W
for b1, b2 being BinOp of (CosetSet (V,W)) st ( for A, B being Element of CosetSet (V,W)
for a, b being Vector of V st A = a + W & B = b + W holds
b1 . (A,B) = (a + b) + W ) & ( for A, B being Element of CosetSet (V,W)
for a, b being Vector of V st A = a + W & B = b + W holds
b2 . (A,B) = (a + b) + W ) holds
b1 = b2
:: deftheorem Def3 defines addCoset VECTSP10:def 3 :
for K being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for V being VectSp of K
for W being Subspace of V
for b4 being BinOp of (CosetSet (V,W)) holds
( b4 = addCoset (V,W) iff for A, B being Element of CosetSet (V,W)
for a, b being Vector of V st A = a + W & B = b + W holds
b4 . (A,B) = (a + b) + W );
:: deftheorem defines zeroCoset VECTSP10:def 4 :
for K being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for V being VectSp of K
for W being Subspace of V holds zeroCoset (V,W) = the carrier of W;
let K be non
empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr ;
let V be
VectSp of
let W be
Subspace of
func lmultCoset (
-> Function of
[: the carrier of K,(CosetSet (V,W)):],
(CosetSet (V,W)) means :
z being
Element of
K for
A being
Element of
CosetSet (
a being
Vector of
V st
A = a + W holds
it . (
= (z * a) + W;
ex b1 being Function of [: the carrier of K,(CosetSet (V,W)):],(CosetSet (V,W)) st
for z being Element of K
for A being Element of CosetSet (V,W)
for a being Vector of V st A = a + W holds
b1 . (z,A) = (z * a) + W
for b1, b2 being Function of [: the carrier of K,(CosetSet (V,W)):],(CosetSet (V,W)) st ( for z being Element of K
for A being Element of CosetSet (V,W)
for a being Vector of V st A = a + W holds
b1 . (z,A) = (z * a) + W ) & ( for z being Element of K
for A being Element of CosetSet (V,W)
for a being Vector of V st A = a + W holds
b2 . (z,A) = (z * a) + W ) holds
b1 = b2
:: deftheorem Def5 defines lmultCoset VECTSP10:def 5 :
for K being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for V being VectSp of K
for W being Subspace of V
for b4 being Function of [: the carrier of K,(CosetSet (V,W)):],(CosetSet (V,W)) holds
( b4 = lmultCoset (V,W) iff for z being Element of K
for A being Element of CosetSet (V,W)
for a being Vector of V st A = a + W holds
b4 . (z,A) = (z * a) + W );
let K be non
empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr ;
let V be
VectSp of
let W be
Subspace of
func VectQuot (
-> non
empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed strict vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital VectSpStr of
K means :
( the
carrier of
it = CosetSet (
W) & the
addF of
it = addCoset (
W) &
0. it = zeroCoset (
W) & the
lmult of
it = lmultCoset (
W) );
ex b1 being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed strict vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital VectSpStr of K st
( the carrier of b1 = CosetSet (V,W) & the addF of b1 = addCoset (V,W) & 0. b1 = zeroCoset (V,W) & the lmult of b1 = lmultCoset (V,W) )
for b1, b2 being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed strict vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital VectSpStr of K st the carrier of b1 = CosetSet (V,W) & the addF of b1 = addCoset (V,W) & 0. b1 = zeroCoset (V,W) & the lmult of b1 = lmultCoset (V,W) & the carrier of b2 = CosetSet (V,W) & the addF of b2 = addCoset (V,W) & 0. b2 = zeroCoset (V,W) & the lmult of b2 = lmultCoset (V,W) holds
b1 = b2
:: deftheorem Def6 defines VectQuot VECTSP10:def 6 :
for K being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for V being VectSp of K
for W being Subspace of V
for b4 being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed strict vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative scalar-unital VectSpStr of K holds
( b4 = VectQuot (V,W) iff ( the carrier of b4 = CosetSet (V,W) & the addF of b4 = addCoset (V,W) & 0. b4 = zeroCoset (V,W) & the lmult of b4 = lmultCoset (V,W) ) );
theorem Th22:
theorem Th23:
theorem Th24:
theorem Th28:
:: deftheorem Def7 defines constant VECTSP10:def 7 :
for K being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed doubleLoopStr
for V being non empty right_zeroed VectSpStr of K
for f being 0-preserving Functional of V holds
( f is constant iff f = 0Functional V );
:: deftheorem Def8 defines coeffFunctional VECTSP10:def 8 :
for K being Field
for V being non trivial VectSp of K
for v being Vector of V
for W being Linear_Compl of Lin {v} st v <> 0. V holds
for b5 being V8() non trivial linear-Functional of V holds
( b5 = coeffFunctional (v,W) iff ( b5 . v = 1_ K & b5 | the carrier of W = 0Functional W ) );
theorem Th29:
theorem Th30:
theorem Th31:
:: deftheorem defines ker VECTSP10:def 9 :
for K being non empty ZeroStr
for V being non empty VectSpStr of K
for f being Functional of V holds ker f = { v where v is Vector of V : f . v = 0. K } ;
theorem Th34:
:: deftheorem Def10 defines degenerated VECTSP10:def 10 :
for K being non empty ZeroStr
for V being non empty VectSpStr of K
for f being Functional of V holds
( f is degenerated iff ker f <> {(0. V)} );
:: deftheorem Def11 defines Ker VECTSP10:def 11 :
for K being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for V being VectSp of K
for f being linear-Functional of V
for b4 being non empty strict Subspace of V holds
( b4 = Ker f iff the carrier of b4 = ker f );
:: deftheorem Def12 defines QFunctional VECTSP10:def 12 :
for K being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for V being VectSp of K
for W being Subspace of V
for f being additive Functional of V st the carrier of W c= ker f holds
for b5 being additive Functional of (VectQuot (V,W)) holds
( b5 = QFunctional (f,W) iff for A being Vector of (VectQuot (V,W))
for a being Vector of V st A = a + W holds
b5 . A = f . a );
theorem Th35:
:: deftheorem defines CQFunctional VECTSP10:def 13 :
for K being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed associative well-unital distributive doubleLoopStr
for V being VectSp of K
for f being linear-Functional of V holds CQFunctional f = QFunctional (f,(Ker f));
theorem Th36: