:: deftheorem Def1 defines Chain ORDERS_4:def 1 :
for b1 being RelStr holds
( b1 is Chain iff ( b1 is non empty connected Poset or b1 is empty ) );
:: deftheorem Def2 defines countable ORDERS_4:def 2 :
for L being 1-sorted holds
( L is countable iff the carrier of L is countable );
theorem Th1:
:: deftheorem Def3 defines form_upper_lower_partition_of ORDERS_4:def 3 :
for L being RelStr
for A, B being set holds
( A,B form_upper_lower_partition_of L iff ( A \/ B = the carrier of L & ( for a, b being Element of L st a in A & b in B holds
a < b ) ) );
theorem Th2:
theorem Th3:
theorem Th4:
theorem Th5: