:: deftheorem Def1 defines having-inverse C0SP1:def 1 :
for V being non empty addLoopStr
for V1 being Subset of V holds
( V1 is having-inverse iff for v being Element of V st v in V1 holds
- v in V1 );
:: deftheorem Def2 defines additively-closed C0SP1:def 2 :
for V being non empty addLoopStr
for V1 being Subset of V holds
( V1 is additively-closed iff ( V1 is add-closed & V1 is having-inverse ) );
for V being non empty addLoopStr holds [#] V is add-closed
for V being non empty addLoopStr holds [#] V is having-inverse
:: deftheorem Def3 defines Subring C0SP1:def 3 :
for V, b2 being Ring holds
( b2 is Subring of V iff ( the carrier of b2 c= the carrier of V & the addF of b2 = the addF of V || the carrier of b2 & the multF of b2 = the multF of V || the carrier of b2 & 1. b2 = 1. V & 0. b2 = 0. V ) );
theorem Th1:
:: deftheorem Def4 defines multiplicatively-closed C0SP1:def 4 :
for V being non empty multLoopStr_0
for V1 being Subset of V holds
( V1 is multiplicatively-closed iff ( 1. V in V1 & ( for v, u being Element of V st v in V1 & u in V1 holds
v * u in V1 ) ) );
:: deftheorem Def5 defines Add_ C0SP1:def 5 :
for V being non empty addLoopStr
for V1 being Subset of V st V1 is add-closed & not V1 is empty holds
Add_ (V1,V) = the addF of V || V1;
:: deftheorem Def6 defines mult_ C0SP1:def 6 :
for V being non empty multLoopStr_0
for V1 being Subset of V st V1 is multiplicatively-closed & not V1 is empty holds
mult_ (V1,V) = the multF of V || V1;
:: deftheorem Def7 defines Zero_ C0SP1:def 7 :
for V being non empty right_complementable add-associative right_zeroed doubleLoopStr
for V1 being Subset of V st V1 is add-closed & V1 is having-inverse & not V1 is empty holds
Zero_ (V1,V) = 0. V;
:: deftheorem Def8 defines One_ C0SP1:def 8 :
for V being non empty multLoopStr_0
for V1 being Subset of V st V1 is multiplicatively-closed & not V1 is empty holds
One_ (V1,V) = 1. V;
:: deftheorem Def9 defines Subalgebra C0SP1:def 9 :
for V, b2 being Algebra holds
( b2 is Subalgebra of V iff ( the carrier of b2 c= the carrier of V & the addF of b2 = the addF of V || the carrier of b2 & the multF of b2 = the multF of V || the carrier of b2 & the Mult of b2 = the Mult of V | [:REAL, the carrier of b2:] & 1. b2 = 1. V & 0. b2 = 0. V ) );
theorem Th3:
X being non
empty set for
d2 being
Element of
X for
A being
BinOp of
X for
M being
Function of
X for
V being
Algebra for
V1 being
Subset of
V for
MR being
Function of
X st
V1 = X &
d1 = 0. V &
d2 = 1. V &
A = the
addF of
V || V1 &
M = the
multF of
V || V1 &
MR = the
Mult of
V | [:REAL,V1:] &
V1 is
having-inverse holds
d1 #) is
Subalgebra of
:: deftheorem Def10 defines additively-linearly-closed C0SP1:def 10 :
for V being Algebra
for V1 being Subset of V holds
( V1 is additively-linearly-closed iff ( V1 is add-closed & V1 is having-inverse & ( for a being Real
for v being Element of V st v in V1 holds
a * v in V1 ) ) );
:: deftheorem Def11 defines Mult_ C0SP1:def 11 :
for V being Algebra
for V1 being Subset of V st V1 is additively-linearly-closed & not V1 is empty holds
Mult_ (V1,V) = the Mult of V | [:REAL,V1:];
:: deftheorem Def12 defines scalar-mult-cancelable C0SP1:def 12 :
for V being non empty RLSStruct holds
( V is scalar-mult-cancelable iff for a being Real
for v being Element of V holds
( not a * v = 0. V or a = 0 or v = 0. V ) );
theorem Th4:
for V being non empty right_complementable Abelian add-associative right_zeroed vector-distributive scalar-distributive scalar-associative vector-associative AlgebraStr st ( for v being VECTOR of V holds 1 * v = v ) holds
V is RealLinearSpace
by RLVECT_1:def 11;
theorem Th6:
V being
Algebra for
V1 being
Subset of
V st
V1 is
additively-linearly-closed &
V1 is
multiplicatively-closed & not
V1 is
empty holds
(mult_ (V1,V)),
(Add_ (V1,V)),
(Mult_ (V1,V)),
(One_ (V1,V)),
(Zero_ (V1,V)) #) is
Subalgebra of
theorem Th7:
theorem Th8:
:: deftheorem defines BoundedFunctions C0SP1:def 13 :
for X being non empty set holds BoundedFunctions X = { f where f is Function of X,REAL : f | X is bounded } ;
theorem Th9:
let X be non
empty set ;
func R_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X -> Algebra equals
(BoundedFunctions X),
(mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),
(Add_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),
(Mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),
(One_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),
(Zero_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))) #);
AlgebraStr(# (BoundedFunctions X),(mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Add_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(One_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Zero_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))) #) is Algebra
by Th6;
:: deftheorem defines R_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions C0SP1:def 14 :
for X being non empty set holds R_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X = AlgebraStr(# (BoundedFunctions X),(mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Add_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(One_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Zero_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))) #);
theorem Th12:
theorem Th13:
theorem Th14:
theorem Th15:
theorem Th16:
:: deftheorem Def15 defines modetrans C0SP1:def 15 :
for X being non empty set
for F being set st F in BoundedFunctions X holds
for b3 being Function of X,REAL holds
( b3 = modetrans (F,X) iff ( b3 = F & b3 | X is bounded ) );
:: deftheorem defines PreNorms C0SP1:def 16 :
for X being non empty set
for f being Function of X,REAL holds PreNorms f = { (abs (f . x)) where x is Element of X : verum } ;
theorem Th17:
theorem Th19:
:: deftheorem Def17 defines BoundedFunctionsNorm C0SP1:def 17 :
for X being non empty set
for b2 being Function of (BoundedFunctions X),REAL holds
( b2 = BoundedFunctionsNorm X iff for x being set st x in BoundedFunctions X holds
b2 . x = upper_bound (PreNorms (modetrans (x,X))) );
theorem Th20:
theorem Th21:
let X be non
empty set ;
func R_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X -> Normed_AlgebraStr equals
(BoundedFunctions X),
(mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),
(Add_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),
(Mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),
(One_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),
(Zero_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),
(BoundedFunctionsNorm X) #);
Normed_AlgebraStr(# (BoundedFunctions X),(mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Add_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(One_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Zero_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(BoundedFunctionsNorm X) #) is Normed_AlgebraStr ;
:: deftheorem defines R_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions C0SP1:def 18 :
for X being non empty set holds R_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X = Normed_AlgebraStr(# (BoundedFunctions X),(mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Add_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(One_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(Zero_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))),(BoundedFunctionsNorm X) #);
let X be non
empty set ;
for x, e being Element of (R_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X) st e = One_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X)) holds
( x * e = x & e * x = x )set F =
R_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X;
let x,
e be
Element of
(R_Normed_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X);
( e = One_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X)) implies ( x * e = x & e * x = x ) )set X1 =
BoundedFunctions X;
reconsider f =
x as
Element of
BoundedFunctions X ;
assume A1:
e = One_ (
(BoundedFunctions X),
(RAlgebra X))
( x * e = x & e * x = x )then
x * e = (mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))) . (
(1_ (RAlgebra X)))
by Def8;
then A2:
x * e = ( the multF of (RAlgebra X) || (BoundedFunctions X)) . (
(1_ (RAlgebra X)))
by Def6;
e * x = (mult_ ((BoundedFunctions X),(RAlgebra X))) . (
(1_ (RAlgebra X)),
by A1, Def8;
then A3:
e * x = ( the multF of (RAlgebra X) || (BoundedFunctions X)) . (
(1_ (RAlgebra X)),
by Def6;
1_ (RAlgebra X) = 1_ (R_Algebra_of_BoundedFunctions X)
by Th16;
[f,(1_ (RAlgebra X))] in [:(BoundedFunctions X),(BoundedFunctions X):]
by ZFMISC_1:106;
x * e = f * (1_ (RAlgebra X))
by A2, FUNCT_1:72;
x * e = x
by VECTSP_1:def 13;
e * x = x
[(1_ (RAlgebra X)),f] in [:(BoundedFunctions X),(BoundedFunctions X):]
by A4, ZFMISC_1:106;
e * x = (1_ (RAlgebra X)) * f
by A3, FUNCT_1:72;
e * x = x
by VECTSP_1:def 13;
theorem Th22:
theorem Th23:
theorem Th24:
theorem Th25:
theorem Th26:
theorem Th27:
theorem Th29:
theorem Th30:
theorem Th31:
theorem Th32:
theorem Th33:
theorem Th34:
theorem Th35:
theorem Th36:
theorem Th37: