:: The Construction and Computation of Conditional Statements for SCMPDS
:: by JingChao Chen
:: Received June 15, 1999
:: Copyright (c) 1999 Association of Mizar Users


set A = NAT ;

set D = SCM-Data-Loc ;

JJ: (Stop SCMPDS) . 0 = halt SCMPDS
by AFINSQ_1:38;

KK: 0 in dom (Stop SCMPDS)
by COMPOS_1:45;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:1

theorem Th2: :: SCMPDS_6:2
for s being State of SCMPDS st ProgramPart s halts_on s holds
for k being Element of NAT st LifeSpan ((ProgramPart s),s) <= k holds
CurInstr ((ProgramPart s),(Comput ((ProgramPart s),s,k))) = halt SCMPDS
proof end;

theorem Th3: :: SCMPDS_6:3
for s being State of SCMPDS st ProgramPart s halts_on s holds
for k being Element of NAT st LifeSpan ((ProgramPart s),s) <= k holds
IC (Comput ((ProgramPart s),s,k)) = IC (Comput ((ProgramPart s),s,(LifeSpan ((ProgramPart s),s))))
proof end;

theorem Th4: :: SCMPDS_6:4
for s1, s2 being State of SCMPDS holds
( s1,s2 equal_outside NAT iff ( IC s1 = IC s2 & DataPart s1 = DataPart s2 ) )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:5

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:6

theorem Th7: :: SCMPDS_6:7
for s being State of SCMPDS
for l being Element of NAT holds DataPart s = DataPart (s +* (Start-At (l,SCMPDS)))
proof end;

theorem Th8: :: SCMPDS_6:8
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for l being Element of NAT holds DataPart s = DataPart (s +* (I +* (Start-At (l,SCMPDS))))
proof end;

theorem Th9: :: SCMPDS_6:9
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds DataPart s = DataPart ((Initialize s) +* I)
proof end;

theorem Th10: :: SCMPDS_6:10
for s being State of SCMPDS
for l being Element of NAT holds dom (ProgramPart s) misses dom (Start-At (l,SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:11
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS
for l being Element of NAT holds s +* (I +* (Start-At (l,SCMPDS))),s +* (J +* (Start-At (l,SCMPDS))) equal_outside NAT
proof end;

theorem Th12: :: SCMPDS_6:12
for s1, s2 being State of SCMPDS
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS st DataPart s1 = DataPart s2 holds
(Initialize s1) +* I,(Initialize s2) +* J equal_outside NAT
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:13

theorem Th14: :: SCMPDS_6:14
for s being State of SCMPDS
for l1, l2 being Element of NAT holds (s +* (Start-At (l1,SCMPDS))) +* (Start-At (l2,SCMPDS)) = s +* (Start-At (l2,SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem Th15: :: SCMPDS_6:15
for i being Instruction of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds card (i ';' I) = (card I) + 1
proof end;

theorem Th16: :: SCMPDS_6:16
for i being Instruction of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds (i ';' I) . 0 = i
proof end;

theorem Th17: :: SCMPDS_6:17
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds I c= Initialize (stop I)
proof end;

theorem Th18: :: SCMPDS_6:18
for loc being Element of NAT
for I being Program of SCMPDS st loc in dom I holds
loc in dom (stop I)
proof end;

theorem Th19: :: SCMPDS_6:19
for loc being Element of NAT
for I being Program of SCMPDS st loc in dom I holds
(stop I) . loc = I . loc
proof end;

theorem Th20: :: SCMPDS_6:20
for loc being Element of NAT
for I being Program of SCMPDS st loc in dom I holds
(Initialize (stop I)) . loc = I . loc
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:21
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds IC ((Initialize s) +* I) = 0
proof end;

theorem Th22: :: SCMPDS_6:22
for i being Instruction of SCMPDS
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds CurInstr ((ProgramPart (s +* (Initialize (stop (i ';' I))))),((Initialize s) +* (stop (i ';' I)))) = i
proof end;

theorem Th23: :: SCMPDS_6:23
for s being State of SCMPDS
for m1, m2 being Element of NAT st IC s = m1 holds
ICplusConst (s,m2) = m1 + m2
proof end;

theorem Th24: :: SCMPDS_6:24
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds Shift ((stop J),(card I)) c= stop (I ';' J)
proof end;

theorem Th25: :: SCMPDS_6:25
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( card I in dom (stop I) & (stop I) . (card I) = halt SCMPDS )
proof end;

theorem Th26: :: SCMPDS_6:26
for s being State of SCMPDS
for J, I being Program of SCMPDS
for x, l being Element of NAT holds (IExec (J,s)) . x = ((IExec (I,s)) +* (Start-At (l,SCMPDS))) . x
proof end;

theorem Th27: :: SCMPDS_6:27
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for x, l being Element of NAT holds (IExec (I,s)) . x = (s +* (Start-At (l,SCMPDS))) . x
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:28
for s being 0 -started State of SCMPDS
for i being No-StopCode parahalting Instruction of SCMPDS
for J being parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position holds (IExec ((i ';' J),s)) . a = (IExec (J,(Exec (i,(Initialize s))))) . a
proof end;

theorem Th29: :: SCMPDS_6:29
for a being Int_position
for k1, k2 being Integer holds (a,k1) <>0_goto k2 <> halt SCMPDS
proof end;

theorem Th30: :: SCMPDS_6:30
for a being Int_position
for k1, k2 being Integer holds (a,k1) <=0_goto k2 <> halt SCMPDS
proof end;

theorem Th31: :: SCMPDS_6:31
for a being Int_position
for k1, k2 being Integer holds (a,k1) >=0_goto k2 <> halt SCMPDS
proof end;

let k1 be Integer;
func Goto k1 -> Program of SCMPDS equals :: SCMPDS_6:def 1
Load (goto k1);
Load (goto k1) is Program of SCMPDS

:: deftheorem defines Goto SCMPDS_6:def 1 :
for k1 being Integer holds Goto k1 = Load (goto k1);

let n be Element of NAT ;
cluster goto (n + 1) -> No-StopCode ;
goto (n + 1) is No-StopCode
by SCMPDS_5:25;
cluster goto (- (n + 1)) -> No-StopCode ;
goto (- (n + 1)) is No-StopCode
proof end;

let n be Element of NAT ;
cluster Goto (n + 1) -> halt-free ;
Goto (n + 1) is halt-free
cluster Goto (- (n + 1)) -> halt-free ;
Goto (- (n + 1)) is halt-free

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:32

theorem Th33: :: SCMPDS_6:33
for k1 being Integer holds
( 0 in dom (Goto k1) & (Goto k1) . 0 = goto k1 ) by AFINSQ_1:38, AFINSQ_1:69;


let I be Program of SCMPDS;
let s be State of SCMPDS;
pred I is_closed_on s means :Def2: :: SCMPDS_6:def 2
for k being Element of NAT holds IC (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)),k)) in dom (stop I);
pred I is_halting_on s means :Def3: :: SCMPDS_6:def 3
ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I)) halts_on (Initialize s) +* (stop I);

:: deftheorem Def2 defines is_closed_on SCMPDS_6:def 2 :
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for s being State of SCMPDS holds
( I is_closed_on s iff for k being Element of NAT holds IC (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)),k)) in dom (stop I) );

:: deftheorem Def3 defines is_halting_on SCMPDS_6:def 3 :
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for s being State of SCMPDS holds
( I is_halting_on s iff ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I)) halts_on (Initialize s) +* (stop I) );

theorem Th34: :: SCMPDS_6:34
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( I is paraclosed iff for s being State of SCMPDS holds I is_closed_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th35: :: SCMPDS_6:35
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( I is parahalting iff for s being State of SCMPDS holds I is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th36: :: SCMPDS_6:36
for s1, s2 being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS st DataPart s1 = DataPart s2 & I is_closed_on s1 holds
I is_closed_on s2
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:37
for s1, s2 being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS st DataPart s1 = DataPart s2 & I is_closed_on s1 & I is_halting_on s1 holds
( I is_closed_on s2 & I is_halting_on s2 )
proof end;

theorem Th38: :: SCMPDS_6:38
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds
( I is_closed_on s iff I is_closed_on (Initialize s) +* J )
proof end;

theorem Th39: :: SCMPDS_6:39
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS
for s being State of SCMPDS st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( ( for k being Element of NAT st k <= LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I))) holds
IC (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)),k)) = IC (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop (I ';' J)))),((Initialize s) +* (stop (I ';' J))),k)) ) & DataPart (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)),(LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)))))) = DataPart (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop (I ';' J)))),((Initialize s) +* (stop (I ';' J))),(LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)))))) )
proof end;

theorem Th40: :: SCMPDS_6:40
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for k being Element of NAT st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s & k < LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I))) holds
IC (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)),k)) in dom I
proof end;

theorem Th41: :: SCMPDS_6:41
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS
for s being State of SCMPDS
for k being Element of NAT st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s & k < LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I))) holds
CurInstr ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),(Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)),k))) = CurInstr ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop (I ';' J)))),(Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop (I ';' J)))),((Initialize s) +* (stop (I ';' J))),k)))
proof end;

theorem Th42: :: SCMPDS_6:42
for I being halt-free Program of SCMPDS
for s being State of SCMPDS
for k being Element of NAT st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s & k < LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I))) holds
CurInstr ((ProgramPart (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)),k))),(Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)),k))) <> halt SCMPDS
proof end;

theorem Th43: :: SCMPDS_6:43
for I being halt-free Program of SCMPDS
for s being State of SCMPDS st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IC (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)),(LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),(s +* (Initialize (stop I))))))) = card I
proof end;

Lm2: for I being halt-free Program of SCMPDS
for J being Program of SCMPDS
for s being State of SCMPDS st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( IC (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J)))),((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J))),((LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)))) + 1))) = ((card I) + (card J)) + 1 & DataPart (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)),(LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)))))) = DataPart (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J)))),((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J))),((LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)))) + 1))) & ( for k being Element of NAT st k <= LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I))) holds
CurInstr ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J)))),(Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J)))),((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J))),k))) <> halt SCMPDS ) & IC (Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J)))),((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J))),(LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)))))) = card I & ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J))) halts_on (Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J)) & LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J)))),((Initialize s) +* (stop ((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J)))) = (LifeSpan ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop I))),((Initialize s) +* (stop I)))) + 1 )
proof end;

theorem Th44: :: SCMPDS_6:44
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS
for s being State of SCMPDS st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( (I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J is_halting_on s & (I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J is_closed_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th45: :: SCMPDS_6:45
for s1, s2 being State of SCMPDS
for I being shiftable Program of SCMPDS st Initialize (stop I) c= s1 & I is_closed_on s1 holds
for n being Element of NAT st Shift ((stop I),n) c= s2 & IC s2 = n & DataPart s1 = DataPart s2 holds
for i being Element of NAT holds
( (IC (Comput ((ProgramPart s1),s1,i))) + n = IC (Comput ((ProgramPart s2),s2,i)) & CurInstr ((ProgramPart (Comput ((ProgramPart s1),s1,i))),(Comput ((ProgramPart s1),s1,i))) = CurInstr ((ProgramPart (Comput ((ProgramPart s2),s2,i))),(Comput ((ProgramPart s2),s2,i))) & DataPart (Comput ((ProgramPart s1),s1,i)) = DataPart (Comput ((ProgramPart s2),s2,i)) )
proof end;

theorem Th46: :: SCMPDS_6:46
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free Program of SCMPDS
for J being Program of SCMPDS st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IC (IExec (((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J),s)) = ((card I) + (card J)) + 1
proof end;

theorem Th47: :: SCMPDS_6:47
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free Program of SCMPDS
for J being Program of SCMPDS st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IExec (((I ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J),s) = (IExec (I,s)) +* (Start-At ((((card I) + (card J)) + 1),SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem Th48: :: SCMPDS_6:48
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free Program of SCMPDS st I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IC (IExec (I,s)) = card I
proof end;


let a be Int_position ;
let k be Integer;
let I, J be Program of SCMPDS;
func if=0 (a,k,I,J) -> Program of SCMPDS equals :: SCMPDS_6:def 4
((((a,k) <>0_goto ((card I) + 2)) ';' I) ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J;
((((a,k) <>0_goto ((card I) + 2)) ';' I) ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J is Program of SCMPDS
func if>0 (a,k,I,J) -> Program of SCMPDS equals :: SCMPDS_6:def 5
((((a,k) <=0_goto ((card I) + 2)) ';' I) ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J;
((((a,k) <=0_goto ((card I) + 2)) ';' I) ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J is Program of SCMPDS
func if<0 (a,k,I,J) -> Program of SCMPDS equals :: SCMPDS_6:def 6
((((a,k) >=0_goto ((card I) + 2)) ';' I) ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J;
((((a,k) >=0_goto ((card I) + 2)) ';' I) ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J is Program of SCMPDS

:: deftheorem defines if=0 SCMPDS_6:def 4 :
for a being Int_position
for k being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds if=0 (a,k,I,J) = ((((a,k) <>0_goto ((card I) + 2)) ';' I) ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J;

:: deftheorem defines if>0 SCMPDS_6:def 5 :
for a being Int_position
for k being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds if>0 (a,k,I,J) = ((((a,k) <=0_goto ((card I) + 2)) ';' I) ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J;

:: deftheorem defines if<0 SCMPDS_6:def 6 :
for a being Int_position
for k being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds if<0 (a,k,I,J) = ((((a,k) >=0_goto ((card I) + 2)) ';' I) ';' (Goto ((card J) + 1))) ';' J;

let a be Int_position ;
let k be Integer;
let I be Program of SCMPDS;
func if=0 (a,k,I) -> Program of SCMPDS equals :: SCMPDS_6:def 7
((a,k) <>0_goto ((card I) + 1)) ';' I;
((a,k) <>0_goto ((card I) + 1)) ';' I is Program of SCMPDS
func if<>0 (a,k,I) -> Program of SCMPDS equals :: SCMPDS_6:def 8
(((a,k) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card I) + 1))) ';' I;
(((a,k) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card I) + 1))) ';' I is Program of SCMPDS
func if>0 (a,k,I) -> Program of SCMPDS equals :: SCMPDS_6:def 9
((a,k) <=0_goto ((card I) + 1)) ';' I;
((a,k) <=0_goto ((card I) + 1)) ';' I is Program of SCMPDS
func if<=0 (a,k,I) -> Program of SCMPDS equals :: SCMPDS_6:def 10
(((a,k) <=0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card I) + 1))) ';' I;
(((a,k) <=0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card I) + 1))) ';' I is Program of SCMPDS
func if<0 (a,k,I) -> Program of SCMPDS equals :: SCMPDS_6:def 11
((a,k) >=0_goto ((card I) + 1)) ';' I;
((a,k) >=0_goto ((card I) + 1)) ';' I is Program of SCMPDS
func if>=0 (a,k,I) -> Program of SCMPDS equals :: SCMPDS_6:def 12
(((a,k) >=0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card I) + 1))) ';' I;
(((a,k) >=0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card I) + 1))) ';' I is Program of SCMPDS

:: deftheorem defines if=0 SCMPDS_6:def 7 :
for a being Int_position
for k being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds if=0 (a,k,I) = ((a,k) <>0_goto ((card I) + 1)) ';' I;

:: deftheorem defines if<>0 SCMPDS_6:def 8 :
for a being Int_position
for k being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds if<>0 (a,k,I) = (((a,k) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card I) + 1))) ';' I;

:: deftheorem defines if>0 SCMPDS_6:def 9 :
for a being Int_position
for k being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds if>0 (a,k,I) = ((a,k) <=0_goto ((card I) + 1)) ';' I;

:: deftheorem defines if<=0 SCMPDS_6:def 10 :
for a being Int_position
for k being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds if<=0 (a,k,I) = (((a,k) <=0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card I) + 1))) ';' I;

:: deftheorem defines if<0 SCMPDS_6:def 11 :
for a being Int_position
for k being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds if<0 (a,k,I) = ((a,k) >=0_goto ((card I) + 1)) ';' I;

:: deftheorem defines if>=0 SCMPDS_6:def 12 :
for a being Int_position
for k being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds if>=0 (a,k,I) = (((a,k) >=0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card I) + 1))) ';' I;

Lm3: for n being Element of NAT
for i being Instruction of SCMPDS
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds card (((i ';' I) ';' (Goto n)) ';' J) = ((card I) + (card J)) + 2
proof end;


theorem :: SCMPDS_6:49
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds card (if=0 (a,k1,I,J)) = ((card I) + (card J)) + 2 by Lm3;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:50
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds
( 0 in dom (if=0 (a,k1,I,J)) & 1 in dom (if=0 (a,k1,I,J)) )
proof end;

Lm4: for i being Instruction of SCMPDS
for I, J, K being Program of SCMPDS holds (((i ';' I) ';' J) ';' K) . 0 = i
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:51
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds (if=0 (a,k1,I,J)) . 0 = (a,k1) <>0_goto ((card I) + 2) by Lm4;

Lm5: for n being Element of NAT
for i being Instruction of SCMPDS
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds Shift ((stop I),1) c= Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop (i ';' I)))),((Initialize s) +* (stop (i ';' I))),n)
proof end;

Lm6: for n being Element of NAT
for i, j being Instruction of SCMPDS
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds Shift ((stop I),2) c= Comput ((ProgramPart ((Initialize s) +* (stop ((i ';' j) ';' I)))),((Initialize s) +* (stop ((i ';' j) ';' I))),n)
proof end;

theorem Th52: :: SCMPDS_6:52
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I, J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) = 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( if=0 (a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if=0 (a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th53: :: SCMPDS_6:53
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <> 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
( if=0 (a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if=0 (a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th54: :: SCMPDS_6:54
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) = 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if=0 (a,k1,I,J)),s) = (IExec (I,s)) +* (Start-At ((((card I) + (card J)) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem Th55: :: SCMPDS_6:55
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for J being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <> 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if=0 (a,k1,I,J)),s) = (IExec (J,s)) +* (Start-At ((((card I) + (card J)) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

let I, J be parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if=0 (a,k1,I,J) -> parahalting shiftable ;
( if=0 (a,k1,I,J) is shiftable & if=0 (a,k1,I,J) is parahalting )
proof end;

let I, J be halt-free Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if=0 (a,k1,I,J) -> halt-free ;
if=0 (a,k1,I,J) is halt-free

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:56
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I, J being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer holds IC (IExec ((if=0 (a,k1,I,J)),s)) = ((card I) + (card J)) + 2
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:57
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) = 0 holds
(IExec ((if=0 (a,k1,I,J)),s)) . b = (IExec (I,s)) . b
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:58
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for J being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <> 0 holds
(IExec ((if=0 (a,k1,I,J)),s)) . b = (IExec (J,s)) . b
proof end;


theorem :: SCMPDS_6:59
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds card (if=0 (a,k1,I)) = (card I) + 1 by Th15;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:60
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds 0 in dom (if=0 (a,k1,I))
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:61
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds (if=0 (a,k1,I)) . 0 = (a,k1) <>0_goto ((card I) + 1) by Th16;

theorem Th62: :: SCMPDS_6:62
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) = 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( if=0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if=0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th63: :: SCMPDS_6:63
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <> 0 holds
( if=0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if=0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th64: :: SCMPDS_6:64
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) = 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if=0 (a,k1,I)),s) = (IExec (I,s)) +* (Start-At (((card I) + 1),SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem Th65: :: SCMPDS_6:65
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <> 0 holds
IExec ((if=0 (a,k1,I)),s) = s +* (Start-At (((card I) + 1),SCMPDS))
proof end;

let I be parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if=0 (a,k1,I) -> parahalting shiftable ;
( if=0 (a,k1,I) is shiftable & if=0 (a,k1,I) is parahalting )
proof end;

let I be halt-free Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if=0 (a,k1,I) -> halt-free ;
if=0 (a,k1,I) is halt-free

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:66
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer holds IC (IExec ((if=0 (a,k1,I)),s)) = (card I) + 1
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:67
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) = 0 holds
(IExec ((if=0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = (IExec (I,s)) . b
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:68
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <> 0 holds
(IExec ((if=0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = s . b
proof end;

Lm8: for i, j being Instruction of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds card ((i ';' j) ';' I) = (card I) + 2
proof end;


theorem :: SCMPDS_6:69
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds card (if<>0 (a,k1,I)) = (card I) + 2 by Lm8;

Lm9: for i, j being Instruction of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( 0 in dom ((i ';' j) ';' I) & 1 in dom ((i ';' j) ';' I) )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:70
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( 0 in dom (if<>0 (a,k1,I)) & 1 in dom (if<>0 (a,k1,I)) ) by Lm9;

Lm10: for i, j being Instruction of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( ((i ';' j) ';' I) . 0 = i & ((i ';' j) ';' I) . 1 = j )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:71
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( (if<>0 (a,k1,I)) . 0 = (a,k1) <>0_goto 2 & (if<>0 (a,k1,I)) . 1 = goto ((card I) + 1) ) by Lm10;

theorem Th72: :: SCMPDS_6:72
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <> 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( if<>0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<>0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th73: :: SCMPDS_6:73
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) = 0 holds
( if<>0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<>0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th74: :: SCMPDS_6:74
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <> 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if<>0 (a,k1,I)),s) = (IExec (I,s)) +* (Start-At (((card I) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem Th75: :: SCMPDS_6:75
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) = 0 holds
IExec ((if<>0 (a,k1,I)),s) = s +* (Start-At (((card I) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

let I be parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if<>0 (a,k1,I) -> parahalting shiftable ;
( if<>0 (a,k1,I) is shiftable & if<>0 (a,k1,I) is parahalting )
proof end;

let I be halt-free Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if<>0 (a,k1,I) -> halt-free ;
if<>0 (a,k1,I) is halt-free

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:76
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer holds IC (IExec ((if<>0 (a,k1,I)),s)) = (card I) + 2
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:77
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <> 0 holds
(IExec ((if<>0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = (IExec (I,s)) . b
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:78
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) = 0 holds
(IExec ((if<>0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = s . b
proof end;


theorem :: SCMPDS_6:79
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds card (if>0 (a,k1,I,J)) = ((card I) + (card J)) + 2 by Lm3;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:80
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds
( 0 in dom (if>0 (a,k1,I,J)) & 1 in dom (if>0 (a,k1,I,J)) )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:81
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds (if>0 (a,k1,I,J)) . 0 = (a,k1) <=0_goto ((card I) + 2) by Lm4;

theorem Th82: :: SCMPDS_6:82
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I, J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) > 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( if>0 (a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if>0 (a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th83: :: SCMPDS_6:83
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <= 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
( if>0 (a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if>0 (a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th84: :: SCMPDS_6:84
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) > 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if>0 (a,k1,I,J)),s) = (IExec (I,s)) +* (Start-At ((((card I) + (card J)) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem Th85: :: SCMPDS_6:85
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for J being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <= 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if>0 (a,k1,I,J)),s) = (IExec (J,s)) +* (Start-At ((((card I) + (card J)) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

let I, J be parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if>0 (a,k1,I,J) -> parahalting shiftable ;
( if>0 (a,k1,I,J) is shiftable & if>0 (a,k1,I,J) is parahalting )
proof end;

let I, J be halt-free Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if>0 (a,k1,I,J) -> halt-free ;
if>0 (a,k1,I,J) is halt-free

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:86
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I, J being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer holds IC (IExec ((if>0 (a,k1,I,J)),s)) = ((card I) + (card J)) + 2
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:87
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) > 0 holds
(IExec ((if>0 (a,k1,I,J)),s)) . b = (IExec (I,s)) . b
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:88
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for J being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <= 0 holds
(IExec ((if>0 (a,k1,I,J)),s)) . b = (IExec (J,s)) . b
proof end;


theorem :: SCMPDS_6:89
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds card (if>0 (a,k1,I)) = (card I) + 1 by Th15;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:90
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds 0 in dom (if>0 (a,k1,I))
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:91
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds (if>0 (a,k1,I)) . 0 = (a,k1) <=0_goto ((card I) + 1) by Th16;

theorem Th92: :: SCMPDS_6:92
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) > 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( if>0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if>0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th93: :: SCMPDS_6:93
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <= 0 holds
( if>0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if>0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th94: :: SCMPDS_6:94
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) > 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if>0 (a,k1,I)),s) = (IExec (I,s)) +* (Start-At (((card I) + 1),SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem Th95: :: SCMPDS_6:95
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <= 0 holds
IExec ((if>0 (a,k1,I)),s) = s +* (Start-At (((card I) + 1),SCMPDS))
proof end;

let I be parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if>0 (a,k1,I) -> parahalting shiftable ;
( if>0 (a,k1,I) is shiftable & if>0 (a,k1,I) is parahalting )
proof end;

let I be halt-free Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if>0 (a,k1,I) -> halt-free ;
if>0 (a,k1,I) is halt-free

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:96
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer holds IC (IExec ((if>0 (a,k1,I)),s)) = (card I) + 1
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:97
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) > 0 holds
(IExec ((if>0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = (IExec (I,s)) . b
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:98
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <= 0 holds
(IExec ((if>0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = s . b
proof end;


theorem :: SCMPDS_6:99
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds card (if<=0 (a,k1,I)) = (card I) + 2 by Lm8;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:100
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( 0 in dom (if<=0 (a,k1,I)) & 1 in dom (if<=0 (a,k1,I)) ) by Lm9;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:101
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( (if<=0 (a,k1,I)) . 0 = (a,k1) <=0_goto 2 & (if<=0 (a,k1,I)) . 1 = goto ((card I) + 1) ) by Lm10;

theorem Th102: :: SCMPDS_6:102
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( if<=0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<=0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th103: :: SCMPDS_6:103
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) > 0 holds
( if<=0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<=0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th104: :: SCMPDS_6:104
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if<=0 (a,k1,I)),s) = (IExec (I,s)) +* (Start-At (((card I) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem Th105: :: SCMPDS_6:105
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) > 0 holds
IExec ((if<=0 (a,k1,I)),s) = s +* (Start-At (((card I) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

let I be parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if<=0 (a,k1,I) -> parahalting shiftable ;
( if<=0 (a,k1,I) is shiftable & if<=0 (a,k1,I) is parahalting )
proof end;

let I be halt-free Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if<=0 (a,k1,I) -> halt-free ;
if<=0 (a,k1,I) is halt-free

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:106
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer holds IC (IExec ((if<=0 (a,k1,I)),s)) = (card I) + 2
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:107
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) <= 0 holds
(IExec ((if<=0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = (IExec (I,s)) . b
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:108
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) > 0 holds
(IExec ((if<=0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = s . b
proof end;


theorem :: SCMPDS_6:109
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds card (if<0 (a,k1,I,J)) = ((card I) + (card J)) + 2 by Lm3;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:110
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds
( 0 in dom (if<0 (a,k1,I,J)) & 1 in dom (if<0 (a,k1,I,J)) )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:111
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I, J being Program of SCMPDS holds (if<0 (a,k1,I,J)) . 0 = (a,k1) >=0_goto ((card I) + 2) by Lm4;

theorem Th112: :: SCMPDS_6:112
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I, J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) < 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( if<0 (a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if<0 (a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th113: :: SCMPDS_6:113
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) >= 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
( if<0 (a,k1,I,J) is_closed_on s & if<0 (a,k1,I,J) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th114: :: SCMPDS_6:114
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) < 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if<0 (a,k1,I,J)),s) = (IExec (I,s)) +* (Start-At ((((card I) + (card J)) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem Th115: :: SCMPDS_6:115
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for J being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) >= 0 & J is_closed_on s & J is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if<0 (a,k1,I,J)),s) = (IExec (J,s)) +* (Start-At ((((card I) + (card J)) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

let I, J be parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if<0 (a,k1,I,J) -> parahalting shiftable ;
( if<0 (a,k1,I,J) is shiftable & if<0 (a,k1,I,J) is parahalting )
proof end;

let I, J be halt-free Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if<0 (a,k1,I,J) -> halt-free ;
if<0 (a,k1,I,J) is halt-free

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:116
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I, J being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer holds IC (IExec ((if<0 (a,k1,I,J)),s)) = ((card I) + (card J)) + 2
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:117
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for J being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) < 0 holds
(IExec ((if<0 (a,k1,I,J)),s)) . b = (IExec (I,s)) . b
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:118
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for J being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) >= 0 holds
(IExec ((if<0 (a,k1,I,J)),s)) . b = (IExec (J,s)) . b
proof end;


theorem :: SCMPDS_6:119
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds card (if<0 (a,k1,I)) = (card I) + 1 by Th15;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:120
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds 0 in dom (if<0 (a,k1,I))
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:121
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds (if<0 (a,k1,I)) . 0 = (a,k1) >=0_goto ((card I) + 1) by Th16;

theorem Th122: :: SCMPDS_6:122
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) < 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( if<0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th123: :: SCMPDS_6:123
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) >= 0 holds
( if<0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if<0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th124: :: SCMPDS_6:124
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) < 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if<0 (a,k1,I)),s) = (IExec (I,s)) +* (Start-At (((card I) + 1),SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem Th125: :: SCMPDS_6:125
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) >= 0 holds
IExec ((if<0 (a,k1,I)),s) = s +* (Start-At (((card I) + 1),SCMPDS))
proof end;

let I be parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if<0 (a,k1,I) -> parahalting shiftable ;
( if<0 (a,k1,I) is shiftable & if<0 (a,k1,I) is parahalting )
proof end;

let I be halt-free Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if<0 (a,k1,I) -> halt-free ;
if<0 (a,k1,I) is halt-free

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:126
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer holds IC (IExec ((if<0 (a,k1,I)),s)) = (card I) + 1
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:127
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) < 0 holds
(IExec ((if<0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = (IExec (I,s)) . b
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:128
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) >= 0 holds
(IExec ((if<0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = s . b
proof end;


theorem :: SCMPDS_6:129
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds card (if>=0 (a,k1,I)) = (card I) + 2 by Lm8;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:130
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( 0 in dom (if>=0 (a,k1,I)) & 1 in dom (if>=0 (a,k1,I)) ) by Lm9;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:131
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( (if>=0 (a,k1,I)) . 0 = (a,k1) >=0_goto 2 & (if>=0 (a,k1,I)) . 1 = goto ((card I) + 1) ) by Lm10;

theorem Th132: :: SCMPDS_6:132
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) >= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
( if>=0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if>=0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th133: :: SCMPDS_6:133
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) < 0 holds
( if>=0 (a,k1,I) is_closed_on s & if>=0 (a,k1,I) is_halting_on s )
proof end;

theorem Th134: :: SCMPDS_6:134
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) >= 0 & I is_closed_on s & I is_halting_on s holds
IExec ((if>=0 (a,k1,I)),s) = (IExec (I,s)) +* (Start-At (((card I) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

theorem Th135: :: SCMPDS_6:135
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) < 0 holds
IExec ((if>=0 (a,k1,I)),s) = s +* (Start-At (((card I) + 2),SCMPDS))
proof end;

let I be parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if>=0 (a,k1,I) -> parahalting shiftable ;
( if>=0 (a,k1,I) is shiftable & if>=0 (a,k1,I) is parahalting )
proof end;

let I be halt-free Program of SCMPDS;
let a be Int_position ;
let k1 be Integer;
cluster if>=0 (a,k1,I) -> halt-free ;
if>=0 (a,k1,I) is halt-free

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:136
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a being Int_position
for k1 being Integer holds IC (IExec ((if>=0 (a,k1,I)),s)) = (card I) + 2
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:137
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being halt-free parahalting shiftable Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) >= 0 holds
(IExec ((if>=0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = (IExec (I,s)) . b
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:138
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS
for a, b being Int_position
for k1 being Integer st s . (DataLoc ((s . a),k1)) < 0 holds
(IExec ((if>=0 (a,k1,I)),s)) . b = s . b
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:139
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( I is_closed_on s iff I is_closed_on Initialize s )
proof end;

theorem :: SCMPDS_6:140
for s being State of SCMPDS
for I being Program of SCMPDS holds
( I is_halting_on s iff I is_halting_on Initialize s )
proof end;