:: Basic Properties of Periodic Functions
:: by Bo Li , Yanhong Men , Dailu Li and Xiquan Liang
:: Received October 10, 2009
:: Copyright (c) 2009 Association of Mizar Users


let t be real number ;
let F be Function;
attr F is t -periodic means :Def1: :: FUNCT_9:def 1
( t <> 0 & ( for x being real number holds
( ( x in dom F implies x + t in dom F ) & ( x + t in dom F implies x in dom F ) & ( x in dom F implies F . x = F . (x + t) ) ) ) );

:: deftheorem Def1 defines -periodic FUNCT_9:def 1 :
for t being real number
for F being Function holds
( F is t -periodic iff ( t <> 0 & ( for x being real number holds
( ( x in dom F implies x + t in dom F ) & ( x + t in dom F implies x in dom F ) & ( x in dom F implies F . x = F . (x + t) ) ) ) ) );

let F be Function;
attr F is periodic means :Def2: :: FUNCT_9:def 2
ex t being real number st F is t -periodic ;

:: deftheorem Def2 defines periodic FUNCT_9:def 2 :
for F being Function holds
( F is periodic iff ex t being real number st F is t -periodic );

theorem Th1: :: FUNCT_9:1
for t being real number
for F being real-valued Function holds
( F is t -periodic iff ( t <> 0 & ( for x being real number st x in dom F holds
( x + t in dom F & x - t in dom F & F . x = F . (x + t) ) ) ) )
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:2
for t being real number
for F, G being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic & G is t -periodic holds
F + G is t -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:3
for t being real number
for F, G being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic & G is t -periodic holds
F - G is t -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:4
for t being real number
for F, G being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic & G is t -periodic holds
F (#) G is t -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:5
for t being real number
for F, G being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic & G is t -periodic holds
F /" G is t -periodic
proof end;

theorem Th6: :: FUNCT_9:6
for t being real number
for F being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic holds
- F is t -periodic
proof end;

theorem Th7: :: FUNCT_9:7
for t, r being real number
for F being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic holds
r (#) F is t -periodic
proof end;

theorem Th8: :: FUNCT_9:8
for t, r being real number
for F being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic holds
r + F is t -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:9
for t, r being real number
for F being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic holds
F - r is t -periodic by Th8;

theorem Th10: :: FUNCT_9:10
for t being real number
for F being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic holds
|.F.| is t -periodic
proof end;

theorem Th11: :: FUNCT_9:11
for t being real number
for F being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic holds
F " is t -periodic
proof end;

theorem Th12: :: FUNCT_9:12
for t being real number
for F being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic holds
F ^2 is t -periodic
proof end;

theorem Th83: :: FUNCT_9:13
for t being real number
for F being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic holds
for x being real number st x in dom F holds
F . x = F . (x - t)
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:14
for t being real number
for F being real-valued Function st F is t -periodic holds
F is - t -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:15
for t1, t2 being real number
for F being real-valued Function st F is t1 -periodic & F is t2 -periodic & t1 + t2 <> 0 holds
F is t1 + t2 -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:16
for t1, t2 being real number
for F being real-valued Function st F is t1 -periodic & F is t2 -periodic & t1 - t2 <> 0 holds
F is t1 - t2 -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:17
for t being real number
for F being real-valued Function st t <> 0 & ( for x being real number st x in dom F holds
( x + t in dom F & x - t in dom F & F . (x + t) = F . (x - t) ) ) holds
( F is 2 * t -periodic & F is periodic )
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:18
for t1, t2 being real number
for F being real-valued Function st t1 + t2 <> 0 & ( for x being real number st x in dom F holds
( x + t1 in dom F & x - t1 in dom F & x + t2 in dom F & x - t2 in dom F & F . (x + t1) = F . (x - t2) ) ) holds
( F is t1 + t2 -periodic & F is periodic )
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:19
for t1, t2 being real number
for F being real-valued Function st t1 - t2 <> 0 & ( for x being real number st x in dom F holds
( x + t1 in dom F & x - t1 in dom F & x + t2 in dom F & x - t2 in dom F & F . (x + t1) = F . (x + t2) ) ) holds
( F is t1 - t2 -periodic & F is periodic )
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:20
for t being real number
for F being real-valued Function st t <> 0 & ( for x being real number st x in dom F holds
( x + t in dom F & x - t in dom F & F . (x + t) = (F . x) " ) ) holds
( F is 2 * t -periodic & F is periodic )
proof end;

L1: sin is 2 * PI -periodic
proof end;

cluster Relation-like Function-like real-valued periodic set ;
ex b1 being Function st
( b1 is periodic & b1 is real-valued )
proof end;
cluster Relation-like Function-like complex-valued ext-real-valued real-valued periodic M2(K6(K7(REAL,REAL)));
ex b1 being PartFunc of REAL,REAL st b1 is periodic
proof end;

let F be real-valued periodic Function;
cluster - F -> periodic ;
- F is periodic
proof end;

let F be real-valued periodic Function;
let r be Real;
cluster r (#) F -> periodic ;
r (#) F is periodic
proof end;
cluster r + F -> periodic ;
r + F is periodic
proof end;
cluster F - r -> periodic ;
F - r is periodic
proof end;

let F be real-valued periodic Function;
cluster |.F.| -> periodic ;
|.F.| is periodic
proof end;
cluster F " -> periodic ;
F " is periodic
proof end;
cluster F ^2 -> periodic ;
F ^2 is periodic
proof end;


L2: cos is 2 * PI -periodic
proof end;

cluster sin -> periodic ;
sin is periodic
by Def2, L1;
cluster cos -> periodic ;
cos is periodic
by Def2, L2;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:21
for k being Nat holds sin is (2 * PI) * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:22
for k being Nat holds cos is (2 * PI) * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

L3: cosec is 2 * PI -periodic
proof end;

L4: sec is 2 * PI -periodic
proof end;

cluster cosec -> periodic ;
cosec is periodic
by Def2, L3;
cluster sec -> periodic ;
sec is periodic
by Def2, L4;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:23
for k being Nat holds sec is (2 * PI) * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:24
for k being Nat holds cosec is (2 * PI) * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

L5: tan is PI -periodic
proof end;

L6: cot is PI -periodic
proof end;

cluster tan -> periodic ;
tan is periodic
by Def2, L5;
cluster cot -> periodic ;
cot is periodic
by Def2, L6;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:25
for k being Nat holds tan is PI * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:26
for k being Nat holds cot is PI * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

L7: |.sin.| is PI -periodic
proof end;

L8: |.cos.| is PI -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:27
for k being Nat holds |.sin.| is PI * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:28
for k being Nat holds |.cos.| is PI * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

L9: |.sin.| + |.cos.| is PI / 2 -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:29
for k being Nat holds |.sin.| + |.cos.| is (PI / 2) * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

L10: sin ^2 is PI -periodic
proof end;

L11: cos ^2 is PI -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:30
for k being Nat holds sin ^2 is PI * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:31
for k being Nat holds cos ^2 is PI * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

L12: sin (#) cos is PI -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:32
for k being Nat holds sin (#) cos is PI * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:33

L14: for b, a being real number holds b + (a (#) sin) is 2 * PI -periodic
proof end;

L16: for b, a being real number holds b + (a (#) cos) is 2 * PI -periodic
proof end;

theorem WW: :: FUNCT_9:34
for b, a being real number
for k being Nat holds b + (a (#) sin) is (2 * PI) * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:35
for a, b being real number
for k being Nat holds (a (#) sin) - b is (2 * PI) * (k + 1) -periodic by WW;

theorem NN: :: FUNCT_9:36
for b, a being real number
for k being Nat holds b + (a (#) cos) is (2 * PI) * (k + 1) -periodic
proof end;

theorem :: FUNCT_9:37
for a, b being real number
for k being Nat holds (a (#) cos) - b is (2 * PI) * (k + 1) -periodic by NN;

theorem TT: :: FUNCT_9:38
for t, a being real number st t <> 0 holds
REAL --> a is t -periodic
proof end;

let a be real number ;
cluster REAL --> a -> periodic ;
REAL --> a is periodic
proof end;

let t be non zero real number ;
cluster Relation-like Function-like V24( REAL , REAL ) complex-valued ext-real-valued real-valued t -periodic M2(K6(K7(REAL,REAL)));
ex b1 being Function of REAL,REAL st b1 is t -periodic
proof end;