The Mizar article:

The Jonsson Theorem

Jaroslaw Gryko

Received November 13, 1997

Copyright (c) 1997 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: LATTICE5
[ MML identifier index ]


 clusters SUBSET_1, RELSET_1, STRUCT_0, INT_1, YELLOW_0, YELLOW_1, CARD_1,

begin :: Preliminaries

scheme RecChoice{A() -> set,P[set,set,set]}:
   ex f being Function st dom f = NAT & f.0 = A() &
     for n being Element of NAT holds P[n,f.n,f.(n+1)]
A1:  for n being Nat for x being set ex y being set st P[n,x,y]
  defpred Q[set,set,set] means
    ex O2 being Ordinal st O2 = $3 &
     (for X being set, n being Nat st X c= Rank the_rank_of $2
       ex Y being set st Y c= Rank O2 & P[n,X,Y]) &
     (for O being Ordinal st
       for X being set, n being Nat st X c= Rank the_rank_of $2
       ex Y being set st Y c= Rank O & P[n,X,Y]
      holds O2 c= O);
A2: for n being Nat for x being set ex y being set st Q[n,x,y]
  let n be Nat; let x be set;
   defpred Y[set,set] means for m being Nat ex y being set st
           $2 is Ordinal & y c= Rank the_rank_of $2 & P[m,$1,y];
A3: for x' being set st x' in bool Rank the_rank_of x
    ex o being set st Y[x',o]
     let x' be set; assume
         x' in bool Rank the_rank_of x;
   defpred X[set,set] means
     ex y being set st $2 is Ordinal & y c= Rank the_rank_of $2 & P[$1,x',y];
A4: for e being set st e in NAT ex u being set st X[e,u]
     proof let i be set; assume i in NAT;
        then reconsider i' = i as Nat;
        thus ex o being set, y being set st
              o is Ordinal & y c= Rank the_rank_of o & P[i,x',y]
           consider y being set such that
         A5: P[i',x',y] by A1;
           take o = the_rank_of y, y;
           thus o is Ordinal;
              the_rank_of the_rank_of y = the_rank_of y by CLASSES1:81;
           hence y c= Rank the_rank_of o by CLASSES1:73;
           thus P[i,x',y] by A5;
      consider h being Function such that
   A6: dom h = NAT and
   A7: for i being set st i in NAT holds X[i,h.i]
         from NonUniqFuncEx(A4);
      take o = sup rng h;
      thus for m being Nat ex y being set st
            o is Ordinal & y c= Rank the_rank_of o & P[m,x',y]
        let m be Nat;
         consider y being set such that
      A8: h.m is Ordinal and
      A9: y c= Rank the_rank_of (h.m) and
      A10: P[m,x',y] by A7;
         take y;
         thus o is Ordinal;
            h.m in rng h by A6,FUNCT_1:def 5;
          then h.m in sup rng h by A8,ORDINAL2:27;
      then A11: h.m c= o by ORDINAL1:def 2;
         reconsider O = h.m as Ordinal by A8;
      A12: Rank O c= Rank o by A11,CLASSES1:43;
            y c= Rank O by A9,CLASSES1:81;
          then y c= Rank o by A12,XBOOLE_1:1;
         hence y c= Rank the_rank_of o by CLASSES1:81;
         thus P[m,x',y] by A10;
  consider f being Function such that
A13: dom f = bool Rank the_rank_of x and
A14: for x' being set st x' in bool Rank the_rank_of x holds Y[x',f.x']
      from NonUniqFuncEx(A3);
    defpred X[Ordinal] means
     for X being set, n being Nat st X c= Rank the_rank_of x
      ex Y being set st Y c= Rank $1 & P[n,X,Y];
A15: ex O being Ordinal st X[O]
 proof take O2 = sup rng f;
    thus (for X being set, m being Nat st X c= Rank the_rank_of x
      ex Y being set st Y c= Rank O2 & P[m,X,Y])
      let X be set; let m be Nat; assume
     A16: X c= Rank the_rank_of x;
       then consider Y being set such that
     A17: f.X is Ordinal and
     A18: Y c= Rank the_rank_of (f.X) and
     A19: P[m,X,Y] by A14;
       take Y;
          f.X in rng f by A13,A16,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        then f.X in sup rng f by A17,ORDINAL2:27;
     then A20:f.X c= O2 by ORDINAL1:def 2;
       reconsider O = f.X as Ordinal by A17;
     A21:Rank O c= Rank O2 by A20,CLASSES1:43;
          the_rank_of O = O by CLASSES1:81;
       hence Y c= Rank O2 by A18,A21,XBOOLE_1:1;
       thus P[m,X,Y] by A19;
   consider O2 being Ordinal such that
A22: X[O2] &
    (for O being Ordinal st X[O] holds O2 c= O) from Ordinal_Min(A15);
  take O2;
  thus Q[n,x,O2] by A22;
A23: for n being Nat for x,y1,y2 being set st Q[n,x,y1] & Q[n,x,y2]
      holds y1 = y2
  let n be Nat; let x,y1,y2 be set; assume that
 A24: Q[n,x,y1] and
 A25: Q[n,x,y2];
   consider O1 being Ordinal such that
 A26: O1 = y1 and
 A27: for X being set, n being Nat st X c= Rank the_rank_of x
       ex Y being set st Y c= Rank O1 & P[n,X,Y] and
 A28: for O being Ordinal st
      for X being set, n being Nat st X c= Rank the_rank_of x
       ex Y being set st Y c= Rank O & P[n,X,Y] holds O1 c= O by A24;
   consider O2 being Ordinal such that
 A29: O2 = y2 and
 A30: for X being set, n being Nat st X c= Rank the_rank_of x
       ex Y being set st Y c= Rank O2 & P[n,X,Y] and
 A31: for O being Ordinal st
      for X being set, n being Nat st X c= Rank the_rank_of x
       ex Y being set st Y c= Rank O & P[n,X,Y] holds O2 c= O by A25;
 A32: O1 c= O2 by A28,A30;
       O2 c= O1 by A27,A31;
  hence y1 = y2 by A26,A29,A32,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
  consider g being Function such that
A33: dom g = NAT and
A34: g.0 = the_rank_of A() and
A35: for n being Element of NAT holds Q[n,g.n,g.(n+1)] from RecEx(A2,A23);
  set beta = sup rng g;
   defpred X[set,set] means ex i being Nat st i = $1`2 &
    P[$1`2,$1`1,$2`1] & $2`2 = i+1 &
    not ex y being set st P[$1`2,$1`1,y] & the_rank_of y in the_rank_of $2`1;
A36: for x being set st x in [:Rank beta, NAT:] ex u being set st X[x,u]
      let x be set; assume x in [:Rank beta, NAT:];
       then consider a,b being set such that
    A37: a in Rank beta and
    A38: b in NAT and
    A39: x = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2;
       reconsider b as Nat by A38;
          the_rank_of a in beta by A37,CLASSES1:74;
       then consider alfa being Ordinal such that
    A40: alfa in rng g and
    A41: the_rank_of a c= alfa by ORDINAL2:29;
    A42: a c= Rank alfa by A41,CLASSES1:73;
       consider k being set such that
    A43: k in dom g and
    A44: alfa = g.k by A40,FUNCT_1:def 5;
       reconsider k as Nat by A33,A43;
    A45: Q[k,alfa,g.(k+1)] by A35,A44;
       then reconsider O2 = g.(k+1) as Ordinal;
    A46: x`2 = b & x`1 = a by A39,MCART_1:7;
    defpred X[Ordinal] means ex y being set st y c= Rank $1 & P[x`2,x`1,y];
          a c= Rank the_rank_of alfa by A42,CLASSES1:81;
        then ex y being set st y c= Rank O2 & P[x`2,x`1,y] by A45,A46;
    then A47: ex O being Ordinal st X[O];
       consider O being Ordinal such that
    A48: X[O] and
    A49: for O' being Ordinal st X[O'] holds O c= O' from Ordinal_Min(A47);
       consider Y being set such that
    A50: Y c= Rank O and
    A51: P[b,a,Y] by A46,A48;
       take u = [Y,b+1], i = b;
       thus i = x`2 by A39,MCART_1:7;
       thus P[x`2,x`1,u`1] by A46,A51,MCART_1:7;
       thus u`2 = i+1 by MCART_1:7;
       given y being set such that
    A52: P[x`2,x`1,y] and
    A53: the_rank_of y in the_rank_of u`1;
    A54: the_rank_of y in the_rank_of Y by A53,MCART_1:7;
    A55: the_rank_of Y c= O by A50,CLASSES1:73;
          y c= Rank the_rank_of y by CLASSES1:def 8;
        then O c= the_rank_of y by A49,A52;
       hence contradiction by A54,A55,ORDINAL1:7;
  consider F being Function such that
     dom F = [:Rank beta, NAT:] and
A56: for x being set st x in [:Rank beta, NAT:] holds X[x,F.x]
       from NonUniqFuncEx(A36);
  deffunc U(Nat,set) = (F.[$2,$1])`1;
  consider f being Function such that
A57: dom f = NAT and
A58: f.0 = A() and
A59: for n being Element of NAT holds f.(n+1) = U(n,f.n) from LambdaRecEx;
  take f;
  thus dom f = NAT by A57;
  thus f.0 = A() by A58;
   defpred X[Nat] means the_rank_of (f.$1) in sup rng g;
      g.0 in rng g by A33,FUNCT_1:def 5;
then A60: X[0] by A34,A58,ORDINAL2:27;
A61: for n being Element of NAT st X[n] holds X[n+1]
      let n be Element of NAT; assume
   A62:  the_rank_of (f.n) in sup rng g;
        then f.n in Rank sup rng g by CLASSES1:74;
   then A63: [f.n,n] in [:Rank beta, NAT:] by ZFMISC_1:106;
         [f.n,n]`1 = f.n & [f.n,n]`2 = n by MCART_1:7;
      then consider i being Nat such that
         i = n and
         P[n,f.n,(F.[f.n,n])`1] and
         (F.[f.n,n])`2 = i+1 and
   A64: not ex y being set st P[n,f.n,y] &
         the_rank_of y in the_rank_of (F.[f.n,n])`1 by A56,A63;
   A65: f.(n+1) = (F.[f.n,n])`1 by A59;
      consider o1 being Ordinal such that
   A66: o1 in rng g and
   A67: the_rank_of (f.n) c= o1 by A62,ORDINAL2:29;
      consider m being set such that
   A68: m in dom g and
   A69: g.m = o1 by A66,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider m as Nat by A33,A68;
      consider o2 being Ordinal such that
   A70: o2 = g.(m+1) and
   A71: for X being set, n being Nat st X c= Rank the_rank_of (g.m)
          ex Y being set st Y c= Rank o2 & P[n,X,Y] and
         for o being Ordinal st
          for X being set, n being Nat st X c= Rank the_rank_of (g.m)
          ex Y being set st Y c= Rank o & P[n,X,Y]
         holds o2 c= o by A35;
         the_rank_of (f.n) c= the_rank_of (g.m) by A67,A69,CLASSES1:81;
       then f.n c= Rank the_rank_of (g.m) by CLASSES1:73;
       then consider YY being set such that
   A72:  YY c= Rank o2 and
   A73:  P[n,f.n,YY] by A71;
          not P[n,f.n,YY] or
        not the_rank_of YY in the_rank_of (F.[f.n,n])`1 by A64;
   then A74:  the_rank_of (F.[f.n,n])`1 c= the_rank_of YY by A73,ORDINAL1:26;
          the_rank_of YY c= o2 by A72,CLASSES1:73;
   then A75:  the_rank_of (f.(n+1)) c= o2 by A65,A74,XBOOLE_1:1;
          g.(m+1) in rng g by A33,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        then o2 in sup rng g by A70,ORDINAL2:27;
       hence the_rank_of (f.(n+1)) in sup rng g by A75,ORDINAL1:22;
A76: for n being Element of NAT holds X[n] from Ind(A60,A61);
A77: [A(),0]`1 = A() & [A(),0]`2 = 0 by MCART_1:7;
      the_rank_of A() in sup rng g by A58,A76;
    then A() in Rank sup rng g by CLASSES1:74;
    then [A(),0] in [:Rank beta, NAT:] by ZFMISC_1:106;
   then consider i being Nat such that
      i = [A(),0]`2 and
A78: P[0,A(),(F.[A(),0])`1] and
      (F.[A(),0])`2 = i+1 and not ex y being set st P[0,A(),y] &
       the_rank_of y in the_rank_of (F.[A(),0])`1 by A56,A77;
   defpred X[Nat] means P[$1,f.$1,f.($1+1)];
   A79: X[0] by A58,A59,A78;
A80: for n being Element of NAT st X[n] holds X[n+1]
      let n be Element of NAT; assume P[n,f.n,f.(n+1)];
   A81: [f.(n+1),n+1]`1 = f.(n+1) & [f.(n+1),n+1]`2 = n+1 by MCART_1:7;
         the_rank_of (f.(n+1)) in sup rng g by A76;
       then f.(n+1) in Rank sup rng g by CLASSES1:74;
       then [f.(n+1),n+1] in [:Rank beta, NAT:] by ZFMISC_1:106;
      then consider i being Nat such that i = n+1 and
   A82: P[n+1,f.(n+1),(F.[f.(n+1),n+1])`1] and
         (F.[f.(n+1),n+1])`2 = i+1 and
         not ex y being set st P[(n+1),f.(n+1),y] &
         the_rank_of y in the_rank_of (F.[f.(n+1),n+1])`1 by A56,A81;
      thus P[(n+1),f.(n+1),f.((n+1)+1)] by A59,A82;
  thus for n being Element of NAT holds X[n] from Ind(A79,A80);

theorem Th1:
for f being Function, F being Function-yielding Function
 st f = union rng F holds dom f = union rng doms F
 let f be Function; let F be Function-yielding Function;
A1: f = union rng F;
   thus dom f c= union rng doms F
     proof let x be set; assume
        x in dom f;
      then [x,f.x] in union rng F by A1,FUNCT_1:def 4;
     then consider g being set such that
 A2:  [x,f.x] in g & g in rng F by TARSKI:def 4;
     consider u being set such that
 A3:  u in dom F & g = F.u by A2,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        x in dom (F.u) by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:8;
 then A4:  x in (doms F).u by A3,FUNCT_6:31;
        u in dom doms F by A3,FUNCT_6:31;
      then (doms F).u in rng doms F by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      hence x in union rng doms F by A4,TARSKI:def 4;
     let x be set; assume x in union rng doms F;
     then consider A be set such that
 A5:  x in A & A in rng doms F by TARSKI:def 4;
     consider u being set such that
 A6:  u in dom doms F & A = (doms F).u by A5,FUNCT_1:def 5;
 A7:  u in dom F by A6,EXTENS_1:3;
 then A8:  F.u in rng F by FUNCT_1:def 5;
     consider g being Function such that
 A9:  g = F.u;
        A = dom (F.u) by A6,A7,FUNCT_6:31;
      then [x,g.x] in F.u by A5,A9,FUNCT_1:def 4;
      then [x,g.x] in f by A1,A8,TARSKI:def 4;
     hence x in dom f by FUNCT_1:8;

theorem Th2:
for A,B being non empty set holds [:union A, union B:] = union { [:a,b:]
 where a is Element of A, b is Element of B : a in A & b in B }
 proof let A,B be non empty set;
 set Y = { [:a,b:]
           where a is Element of A, b is Element of B : a in A & b in B };
  thus [:union A, union B:] c= union Y
      proof let z be set; assume
  A1:   z in [:union A, union B:];
      then consider x,y being set such that
  A2:  z = [x,y] by ZFMISC_1:102;
         x in union A by A1,A2,ZFMISC_1:106;
      then consider a' being set such that
  A3:  x in a' & a' in A by TARSKI:def 4;
         y in union B by A1,A2,ZFMISC_1:106;
      then consider b' being set such that
  A4:  y in b' & b' in B by TARSKI:def 4;
      reconsider a' as Element of A by A3;
      reconsider b' as Element of B by A4;
  A5:   z in [:a',b':] by A2,A3,A4,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
         [:a',b':] in Y;
      hence z in union Y by A5,TARSKI:def 4;
      let z be set; assume z in union Y;
      then consider e being set such that
  A6:  z in e & e in Y by TARSKI:def 4;
      consider a' being Element of A, b' being Element of B such that
  A7:  [:a',b':] = e & a' in A & b' in B by A6;
      consider x,y being set such that
  A8:  x in a' & y in b' & z = [x,y] by A6,A7,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
         x in union A & y in union B by A8,TARSKI:def 4;
      hence z in [:union A, union B:] by A8,ZFMISC_1:def 2;

theorem Th3:
for A being non empty set st A is c=-linear holds
 [:union A, union A:] = union { [:a,a:] where a is Element of A : a in A }
  proof let A be non empty set; assume
A1:  A is c=-linear;
  set X = { [:a,a:] where a is Element of A : a in A },
      Y = { [:a,b:] where a is Element of A, b is Element of A
                                            : a in A & b in A };
      X c= Y
      proof let Z be set; assume
         Z in X;
      then consider a being Element of A such that
   A2: Z = [:a,a:] & a in A;
      thus Z in Y by A2;
then A3: union X c= union Y by ZFMISC_1:95;
      union Y c= union X
      proof let Z be set; assume
         Z in union Y;
      then consider z being set such that
   A4: Z in z & z in Y by TARSKI:def 4;
      consider a,b being Element of A such that
   A5: z = [:a,b:] & a in A & b in A by A4;
       A6: a,b are_c=-comparable by A1,ORDINAL1:def 9;
       per cases by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 9;
        suppose a c= b;
         then [:a,b:] c= [:b,b:] by ZFMISC_1:118;
         then Z in [:b,b:] & [:b,b:] in X by A4,A5;
        hence Z in union X by TARSKI:def 4;
        suppose b c= a;
         then [:a,b:] c= [:a,a:] by ZFMISC_1:118;
         then Z in [:a,a:] & [:a,a:] in X by A4,A5;
        hence Z in union X by TARSKI:def 4;
    then union X = union Y by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
  hence thesis by Th2;

begin :: An equivalence lattice of a set

reserve X for non empty set;

definition let A be set;
func EqRelLATT A -> Poset equals :Def1:
  LattPOSet EqRelLatt A;

definition let A be set;
 cluster EqRelLATT A -> with_infima with_suprema;
     LattPOSet EqRelLatt A is with_suprema with_infima;
   hence thesis by Def1;

theorem Th4:
for A, x being set holds
 x in the carrier of EqRelLATT A iff x is Equivalence_Relation of A
 proof let A, x be set;
 hereby assume
      x in the carrier of EqRelLATT A;
   then reconsider e = x as Element of LattPOSet EqRelLatt A by
      %e = e &
    %e is Element of EqRelLatt A by LATTICE3:def 4;
 then A1: x in the carrier of EqRelLatt A;
      the carrier of EqRelLatt A = {r where r is Relation of A,A :
              r is Equivalence_Relation of A} by MSUALG_5:def 2;
    then ex x' being Relation of A,A
          st x' = x & x' is Equivalence_Relation of A by A1;
  hence x is Equivalence_Relation of A;
 end; assume
 A2: x is Equivalence_Relation of A;
      the carrier of EqRelLatt A = {r where r is Relation of A,A :
              r is Equivalence_Relation of A} by MSUALG_5:def 2;
   then x in the carrier of EqRelLatt A by A2;
  then reconsider e = x as Element of EqRelLatt A;
     e% = e & e% is Element of LattPOSet EqRelLatt A by LATTICE3:def 3;
  then reconsider e as Element of EqRelLATT A by Def1;
     e in the carrier of EqRelLATT A;
 hence x in the carrier of EqRelLATT A;

theorem Th5:
for A being set, x,y being Element of EqRelLatt A
 holds x [= y iff x c= y
 proof let A be set, x,y be Element of EqRelLatt A;
  reconsider x' = x,y' = y as Equivalence_Relation of A by MSUALG_7:1;
A1:  x "/\" y = (the L_meet of EqRelLatt A).(x',y') by LATTICES:def 2
          .= x' /\ y' by MSUALG_5:def 2;
      x' /\ y' = x' iff x' c= y' by XBOOLE_1:17,28;
  hence thesis by A1,LATTICES:21;

theorem Th6:
for A being set, a,b being Element of EqRelLATT A
 holds a <= b iff a c= b
 proof let A be set, a,b be Element of EqRelLATT A;
  set EL = EqRelLATT A, El = EqRelLatt A;
   a is Equivalence_Relation of A by Th4;
  then reconsider a' = a as Element of El by MSUALG_7:1;
  b is Equivalence_Relation of A by Th4;
  then reconsider b' = b as Element of El by MSUALG_7:1;
A1: a'% = a & b'% = b by LATTICE3:def 3;
A2: the InternalRel of EL = the InternalRel of LattPOSet El by Def1;
  thus a <= b implies a c= b
   proof assume
        a <= b;
      then [a,b] in the InternalRel of EL by ORDERS_1:def 9;
      then a'% <= b'% by A1,A2,ORDERS_1:def 9;
      then a' [= b' by LATTICE3:7;
    hence a c= b by Th5;
  thus a c= b implies a <= b
   proof assume a c= b;
      then a' [= b' by Th5;
      then a'% <= b'% by LATTICE3:7;
    hence a <= b by A1,Def1;

theorem Th7:
for L being Lattice, a,b being Element of LattPOSet L
  holds a "/\" b = %a "/\" %b
proof let L be Lattice, a,b be Element of LattPOSet L;
     a = %a & b = %b by LATTICE3:def 4;
 then reconsider x = a, y = b as Element of L;
 set c = x "/\" y;
A1:c [= x & c [= y by LATTICES:23;
A2:c% = c & x% = x & y% = y & %(c%) = c% & %(x%) = x% & %(y%) = y%
                                    by LATTICE3:def 3,def 4;
 then reconsider c as Element of LattPOSet L;
A3:c <= a & c <= b by A1,A2,LATTICE3:7;
     for d being Element of LattPOSet L st d <= a & d <= b holds d <= c
    proof let d be Element of LattPOSet L; assume
    A4: d <= a & d <= b;
         d = %d by LATTICE3:def 4;
     then reconsider z = d as Element of L;
   A5: z% = z & %(z%) = z% by LATTICE3:def 3,def 4;
       then z [= x & z [= y by A2,A4,LATTICE3:7;
       then z [= x "/\" y by FILTER_0:7;
     hence d <= c by A2,A5,LATTICE3:7;
 hence a "/\" b = %a "/\" %b by A2,A3,YELLOW_0:23;

theorem Th8:
for A being set, a,b being Element of EqRelLATT A
 holds a "/\" b = a /\ b
 proof let A be set, a,b be Element of EqRelLATT A;
A1: now let x,y be Element of EqRelLatt A;
      reconsider e1 = x as Equivalence_Relation of A by MSUALG_7:1;
      reconsider e2 = y as Equivalence_Relation of A by MSUALG_7:1;
     thus x "/\" y = (the L_meet of EqRelLatt A).(e1,e2) by LATTICES:def 2
                .= x /\ y by MSUALG_5:def 2;
  reconsider x = a as Element of LattPOSet EqRelLatt A by Def1;
    %x = x & %x is Element of EqRelLatt A by LATTICE3:def 4;
  then reconsider x as Element of EqRelLatt A;
  reconsider y = b as Element of LattPOSet EqRelLatt A by Def1;
    %y = y & %y is Element of EqRelLatt A by LATTICE3:def 4;
  then reconsider y as Element of EqRelLatt A;
  reconsider a1 = a,b1 = b as Element of LattPOSet EqRelLatt A by Def1;
A2: x% = x & y% = y & %(x%) = x% & %(y%) = y% &
    %a1 = a1 & %b1 = b1 & (%a1)% = %a1 & (%b1)% = %b1
                                         by LATTICE3:def 3,def 4;
 thus a "/\" b = a1 "/\" b1 by Def1
            .= x "/\" y by A2,Th7
            .= a /\ b by A1;

theorem Th9:
for L being Lattice, a,b being Element of LattPOSet L
 holds a "\/" b = %a "\/" %b
 proof let L be Lattice, a,b be Element of LattPOSet L;
      a = %a & b = %b by LATTICE3:def 4;
  then reconsider x = a, y = b as Element of L;
  set c = x "\/" y;
A1: x [= c & y [= c by LATTICES:22;
A2: c% = c & x% = x & y% = y & %(c%) = c% & %(x%) = x% & %(y%) = y%
                                    by LATTICE3:def 3,def 4;
  then reconsider c as Element of LattPOSet L;
A3: a <= c & b <= c by A1,A2,LATTICE3:7;
      for d being Element of LattPOSet L st a <= d & b <= d holds c <= d
     proof let d be Element of LattPOSet L; assume
     A4: a <= d & b <= d;
          d = %d by LATTICE3:def 4;
      then reconsider z = d as Element of L;
          x% <= z% & y% <= z% by A2,A4,LATTICE3:def 3;
        then x [= z & y [= z by LATTICE3:7;
        then x "\/" y [= z by FILTER_0:6;
        then (x "\/" y)% <= z% by LATTICE3:7;
      hence c <= d by A2,LATTICE3:def 3;
  hence a "\/" b = %a "\/" %b by A2,A3,YELLOW_0:22;

theorem Th10:
for A being set, a,b being Element of EqRelLATT A
 for E1,E2 being Equivalence_Relation of A st a = E1 & b = E2
  holds a "\/" b = E1 "\/" E2
 proof let A be set, a,b be Element of EqRelLATT A,
           E1,E2 be Equivalence_Relation of A; assume that
A1: a = E1 and
A2: b = E2;
  reconsider x = a as Element of LattPOSet EqRelLatt A by Def1;
      %x = x & %x is Element of EqRelLatt A by LATTICE3:def 4;
reconsider x as Element of EqRelLatt A;
  reconsider y = b as Element of LattPOSet EqRelLatt A by Def1;
      %y = y & %y is Element of EqRelLatt A by LATTICE3:def 4;
reconsider y as Element of EqRelLatt A;
  reconsider a1 = a,b1 = b as Element of LattPOSet EqRelLatt A by Def1;
A3: x% = x & y% = y & %(x%) = x% & %(y%) = y% &
    %a1 = a1 & %b1 = b1 & (%a1)% = %a1 & (%b1)% = %b1
                                         by LATTICE3:def 3,def 4;
  thus a "\/" b = a1 "\/" b1 by Def1 .= x "\/" y by A3,Th9
         .= (the L_join of EqRelLatt A).(x,y) by LATTICES:def 1
        .= E1 "\/" E2 by A1,A2,MSUALG_5:def 2;

definition let L be non empty RelStr;
 redefine attr L is complete means
    for X being Subset of L
   ex a being Element of L st a is_<=_than X &
   for b being Element of L st b is_<=_than X holds b <= a;
   hereby assume
A1:   L is complete;
     let X be Subset of L;
     set Y = { c where c is Element of L: c is_<=_than X };
     consider p being Element of L such that
A2:       Y is_<=_than p and
A3:       for r being Element of L st Y is_<=_than r holds p <= r
                by A1,LATTICE3:def 12;
     take p;
     thus p is_<=_than X
        proof let q be Element of L;
A4:      q in X;
           Y is_<=_than q
            proof let s be Element of L;
             assume s in Y;
             then ex t being Element of L st s = t & t is_<=_than X;
             hence s <= q by A4,LATTICE3:def 8;
         hence p <= q by A3;
     let b be Element of L;
     assume b is_<=_than X;
     then b in Y;
     hence b <= p by A2,LATTICE3:def 9;
A5:   for X being Subset of L
     ex a being Element of L st a is_<=_than X &
        for b being Element of L st b is_<=_than X holds b <= a;
     let X be set;
     set Y = { c where c is Element of L: X is_<=_than c };
       Y c= the carrier of L
       let x be set; assume x in Y;
       then ex c being Element of L st x = c & X is_<=_than c;
       hence x in the carrier of L;
      then consider p being Element of L such that
A6:       p is_<=_than Y and
A7:  for r being Element of L st r is_<=_than Y holds r <= p by A5;
     take p;
     thus X is_<=_than p
        proof let q be Element of L;
A8:      q in X;
           q is_<=_than Y
            proof let s be Element of L;
             assume s in Y;
             then ex t being Element of L st
                  s = t & X is_<=_than t;
             hence q <= s by A8,LATTICE3:def 9;
         hence q <= p by A7;
     let r be Element of L;
     assume X is_<=_than r;
     then r in Y;
     hence p <= r by A6,LATTICE3:def 8;

definition let A be set;
cluster EqRelLATT A -> complete;
  let X be Subset of EqRelLATT A;
  set B = X /\ the carrier of EqRelLATT A;
    B c= bool [:A,A:]
    let x be set; assume x in B;
      then x in the carrier of EqRelLATT A by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      then x is Equivalence_Relation of A by Th4;
    hence x in bool [:A,A:];
  then reconsider B as Subset-Family of [:A,A:] by SETFAM_1:def 7;
  consider b being Subset of [:A,A:] such that A1:b = Intersect(B);
A2:for Y being set st Y in B holds Y is Equivalence_Relation of A
    let Y be set; assume Y in B;
      then Y in the carrier of EqRelLATT A by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence Y is Equivalence_Relation of A by Th4;
    for x being set holds x in A implies [x,x] in b
    let x be set; assume A3:x in A;
then A4:[x,x] in [:A,A:] by ZFMISC_1:def 2;
      for Y being set st Y in B holds [x,x] in Y
      let Y be set; assume Y in B;
      then Y is Equivalence_Relation of A by A2;
      hence [x,x] in Y by A3,EQREL_1:11;
    hence [x,x] in b by A1,A4,CANTOR_1:10;
then A5:b is_reflexive_in A by RELAT_2:def 1;
    reconsider b as Relation of A by RELSET_1:def 1;
A6:  dom b = A & field b = A by A5,ORDERS_1:98;
    for x,y being set st x in A & y in A & [x,y] in b holds [y,x] in b
    let x,y be set; assume A8:x in A & y in A & [x,y] in b;
then A9:[y,x] in [:A,A:] by ZFMISC_1:def 2;
      for Y being set st Y in B holds [y,x] in Y
      let Y be set; assume Y in B;
      then [x,y] in Y & Y is Equivalence_Relation of A by A1,A2,A8,CANTOR_1:10
      hence [y,x] in Y by EQREL_1:12;
    hence [y,x] in b by A1,A9,CANTOR_1:10;
then A10:b is_symmetric_in A by RELAT_2:def 3;
    for x,y,z being set holds x in A & y in A & z in A &
                            [x,y] in b & [y,z] in b implies [x,z] in b
    let x,y,z be set; assume that A11:x in A & y in A & z in A and
                                  A12:[x,y] in b & [y,z] in b;
A13:[x,z] in [:A,A:] by A11,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
      for Y being set st Y in B holds [x,z] in Y
      let Y be set; assume Y in B; then [x,y] in Y & [y,z] in Y &
       Y is Equivalence_Relation of A by A1,A2,A12,CANTOR_1:10;
      hence [x,z] in Y by EQREL_1:13;
    hence [x,z] in b by A1,A13,CANTOR_1:10;
  then b is_transitive_in A by RELAT_2:def 8;
  then reconsider b as Equivalence_Relation of A
                        by A6,PARTFUN1:def 4,A10,RELAT_2:def 11,def 16;
  reconsider b as Element of EqRelLATT A by Th4;
  take b;
    now let a be Element of EqRelLATT A; assume
 A14: a in X /\ the carrier of EqRelLATT A;
   reconsider a' = a as Equivalence_Relation of A by Th4;
   reconsider b' = b as Equivalence_Relation of A;
     for x,y being set holds [x,y] in b' implies [x,y] in a'
     by A1,A14,CANTOR_1:10;
   then b' c= a' by RELAT_1:def 3;
   hence b <= a by Th6;
  then b is_<=_than X /\ the carrier of EqRelLATT A by LATTICE3:def 8;
  hence b is_<=_than X by YELLOW_0:5;
   let a be Element of EqRelLATT A; assume a is_<=_than X;
then A15:  a is_<=_than X /\ the carrier of EqRelLATT A by YELLOW_0:5;
   reconsider a' = a as Equivalence_Relation of A by Th4;
A16: for d being Element of EqRelLATT A st d in B holds a' c= d
      let d be Element of EqRelLATT A;
      assume d in B; then a <= d by A15,LATTICE3:def 8;
      hence a' c= d by Th6;
     a' c= Intersect(B)
     let x be set; assume A17:x in a';
       for Y being set st Y in B holds x in Y
       let Y be set; assume A18:Y in B;
       then Y in the carrier of EqRelLATT A by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       then a' c= Y by A16,A18;
       hence x in Y by A17;
     hence x in Intersect(B) by A17,CANTOR_1:10;
   hence a <= b by A1,Th6;

begin :: A type of a sublattice of equivalence lattice of a set

definition let L1,L2 be LATTICE;
  cluster meet-preserving join-preserving map of L1,L2;
   consider z being Element of L2;
   deffunc U(set) = z;
   consider f being map of L1,L2 such that
A1:  for x being Element of L1 holds f.x = U(x) from LambdaMD;
   take f;
      for x,y being Element of L1 holds f.(x "/\" y) = f.x "/\" f.y
      let x,y be Element of L1;
      thus f.(x "/\" y) = z by A1 .= z "/\" z by YELLOW_5:2 .= f.x "/\" z by A1
                     .= f.x "/\" f.y by A1;
   hence f is meet-preserving by WAYBEL_6:1;
      for x,y being Element of L1 holds f.(x "\/" y) = f.x "\/" f.y
      let x,y be Element of L1;
      thus f.(x "\/" y) = z by A1 .= z "\/" z by YELLOW_5:1 .= f.x "\/" z by A1
                     .= f.x "\/" f.y by A1;
   hence f is join-preserving by WAYBEL_6:2;

definition let L1,L2 be LATTICE;
 mode Homomorphism of L1,L2 is meet-preserving join-preserving map of L1,L2;

definition let L be LATTICE;
  cluster meet-inheriting join-inheriting strict SubRelStr of L;
   consider a being Element of L;
   consider r be Relation of {a};
  A1: {a} c= the carrier of L
       proof let x be set; assume
            x in {a};
          then x = a by TARSKI:def 1;
        hence x in the carrier of L;
        r c= the InternalRel of L
        proof let z be set; assume z in r;
         then consider x,y be set such that
       A2: z = [x,y] & x in {a} & y in {a} by RELSET_1:6;
             x = a & y = a by A2,TARSKI:def 1;
           then z = [a,a] & a <= a by A2;
         hence z in the InternalRel of L by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then reconsider S=RelStr(# {a}, r#) as strict SubRelStr of L
    by A1,YELLOW_0:def 13;
   take S;
A3:   for x,y being Element of L st x in {a} & y in {a} & ex_inf_of {x,y},L
       holds inf {x,y} in {a}
      proof let x,y be Element of L; assume
           x in {a} & y in {a} & ex_inf_of {x,y},L;
         then x = a & y = a by TARSKI:def 1;
         then inf {x,y} = a"/\"a by YELLOW_0:40 .= a by YELLOW_5:2;
       hence inf {x,y} in {a} by TARSKI:def 1;
       for x,y being Element of L st x in {a} & y in {a} & ex_sup_of {x,y},L
       holds sup {x,y} in {a}
      proof let x,y be Element of L; assume
           x in {a} & y in {a} & ex_sup_of {x,y},L;
         then x = a & y = a by TARSKI:def 1;
         then sup {x,y} = a"\/"a by YELLOW_0:41 .= a by YELLOW_5:1;
       hence sup {x,y} in {a} by TARSKI:def 1;
   hence thesis by A3,YELLOW_0:def 16,def 17;

 let L be non empty RelStr;
 mode Sublattice of L is meet-inheriting join-inheriting SubRelStr of L;

  let L1, L2 be LATTICE;
  let f be Homomorphism of L1,L2;
  redefine func Image f -> strict full Sublattice of L2;
   set S = subrelstr rng f;
A1:  the carrier of S = rng f by YELLOW_0:def 15;
A2:  dom f = the carrier of L1 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    for x,y being Element of L2 st
   x in the carrier of S & y in the carrier of S & ex_inf_of {x,y},L2
    holds inf {x,y} in the carrier of S
    let x,y be Element of L2; assume
   A3: x in the carrier of S & y in the carrier of S & ex_inf_of {x,y},L2;
      then consider a being set such that
   A4: a in dom f & x = f.a by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      consider b being set such that
   A5: b in dom f & y = f.b by A1,A3,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider a' = a, b' = b as Element of L1 by A4,A5;
   A6: f preserves_inf_of {a',b'} by WAYBEL_0:def 34;
   A7: ex_inf_of {a',b'},L1 by YELLOW_0:21;
         inf {x,y} = inf (f.:{a',b'}) by A4,A5,FUNCT_1:118
                .= f.inf {a',b'} by A6,A7,WAYBEL_0:def 30;
     hence inf {x,y} in the carrier of S by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:def 5;
then A8:  S is meet-inheriting by YELLOW_0:def 16;
    for x,y being Element of L2 st
   x in the carrier of S & y in the carrier of S & ex_sup_of {x,y},L2
    holds sup {x,y} in the carrier of S
    let x,y be Element of L2; assume
   A9: x in the carrier of S & y in the carrier of S & ex_sup_of {x,y},L2;
      then consider a being set such that
   A10: a in dom f & x = f.a by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      consider b being set such that
   A11: b in dom f & y = f.b by A1,A9,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider a' = a, b' = b as Element of L1 by A10,A11;
   A12: f preserves_sup_of {a',b'} by WAYBEL_0:def 35;
   A13: ex_sup_of {a',b'},L1 by YELLOW_0:20;
         sup {x,y} = sup (f.:{a',b'}) by A10,A11,FUNCT_1:118
                .= f.sup {a',b'} by A12,A13,WAYBEL_0:def 31;
     hence sup {x,y} in the carrier of S by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    then S is join-inheriting by YELLOW_0:def 17;
   hence Image f is strict full Sublattice of L2 by A8,YELLOW_2:def 2;

reserve e,e1,e2,e1',e2' for Equivalence_Relation of X,
        x,y,x',y' for set;

definition let X; let f be non empty FinSequence of X; let x,y;
           let R1, R2 be Relation;
  pred x,y are_joint_by f,R1,R2 means :Def3:
    f.1 = x & f.(len f) = y &
    for i being Nat st 1 <= i & i < len f holds
      (i is odd implies [f.i,f.(i+1)] in R1) &
      (i is even implies [f.i,f.(i+1)] in R2);


theorem Th12:
for x being set, o being Nat, R1,R2 being Relation,
 f being non empty FinSequence of X st
  R1 is_reflexive_in X & R2 is_reflexive_in X & f = o |-> x
  holds x,x are_joint_by f,R1,R2
 let x be set, o be Nat, R1,R2 be Relation,
     f be non empty FinSequence of X; assume that
A1:R1 is_reflexive_in X & R2 is_reflexive_in X and
A2:f = o |-> x;
A3: dom f = Seg(o) by A2,FINSEQ_2:68;
then A4: 1 in Seg(o) & len f in Seg(o) by FINSEQ_5:6;
then A5:f.1 = x by A2,FINSEQ_2:70;
A6:f.(len f) = x by A2,A4,FINSEQ_2:70;
      for i being Nat st 1 <= i & i < len f holds
      (i is odd implies [f.i,f.(i+1)] in R1) &
      (i is even implies [f.i,f.(i+1)] in R2)
     let i be Nat; assume
A7:   1 <= i & i < len f;
A8:   i is odd implies [f.i,f.(i+1)] in R1
        assume i is odd;
          1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len f by A7,NAT_1:38;
        then i+1 in Seg(len f) by FINSEQ_1:3;
        then i+1 in Seg(o) by A2,FINSEQ_2:69;
then A9:    f.(i+1) = x by A2,FINSEQ_2:70;
          1 <= i & i <= o by A2,A7,FINSEQ_2:69;
        then i in Seg(o) by FINSEQ_1:3;
then A10:    f.i = x by A2,FINSEQ_2:70;
          x in X by A3,A4,A5,FINSEQ_2:13;
        hence [f.i,f.(i+1)] in R1 by A1,A9,A10,RELAT_2:def 1;
       i is even implies [f.i,f.(i+1)] in R2
        assume i is even;
          1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len f by A7,NAT_1:38;
        then i+1 in Seg(len f) by FINSEQ_1:3;
        then i+1 in Seg(o) by A2,FINSEQ_2:69;
then A11:    f.(i+1) = x by A2,FINSEQ_2:70;
          1 <= i & i <= o by A2,A7,FINSEQ_2:69;
        then i in Seg(o) by FINSEQ_1:3;
then A12:    f.i = x by A2,FINSEQ_2:70;
          x in X by A3,A4,A5,FINSEQ_2:13;
        hence [f.i,f.(i+1)] in R2 by A1,A11,A12,RELAT_2:def 1;
    hence (i is odd implies [f.i,f.(i+1)] in R1) &
      (i is even implies [f.i,f.(i+1)] in R2) by A8;
 hence x,x are_joint_by f,R1,R2 by A5,A6,Def3;

  let i,n,m be Nat; assume 1 <= i & i < n+m;
  then 1 <= i & i < n or n = i & i < n+m or n < i & i < n+m by REAL_1:def 5;
  hence 1 <= i & i < n or n = i & i < n+m or n+1 <= i & i < n+m by NAT_1:38;


theorem Th14:
for x,y being set, R1,R2 being Relation, n,m being Nat st
 (n <= m & R1 is_reflexive_in X & R2 is_reflexive_in X &
    ex f being non empty FinSequence of X st
      len f = n & x,y are_joint_by f,R1,R2)
  ex h being non empty FinSequence of X st
      len h = m & x,y are_joint_by h,R1,R2
  let x,y be set, R1,R2 be Relation, n,m be Nat; assume that
A1: n <= m and
A2: R1 is_reflexive_in X & R2 is_reflexive_in X;
  given f being non empty FinSequence of X such that
A3: len f = n & x,y are_joint_by f,R1,R2;
A4: f.(len f) = y by A3,Def3;
per cases by A1,REAL_1:def 5;
A5:n < m;
  reconsider i = m - n as Nat by A1,INT_1:18;
A6: i > 0 by A5,SQUARE_1:11;
   len f in dom f by SCMFSA_7:12;
then A7: y in rng f by A4,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    rng f c= X by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
  then reconsider y' = y as Element of X by A7;
  reconsider g = i |-> y' as FinSequence of X;
    len g <> 0 by A6,FINSEQ_2:69;
  then reconsider g as non empty FinSequence of X by FINSEQ_1:25;
A8: 1 in dom g & len g in dom g by FINSEQ_5:6;
A9: y,y are_joint_by g,R1,R2 by A2,Th12;
  reconsider h = f^g as non empty FinSequence of X;
  take h;
    len h = len f + len g by FINSEQ_1:35
         .= n+(m-n) by A3,FINSEQ_2:69 .= n+m-n by XCMPLX_1:29
         .= m+(n-n) by XCMPLX_1:29 .= m+0 by XCMPLX_1:14
         .= m;
A10: len g = m-n by FINSEQ_2:69;
  thus x,y are_joint_by h,R1,R2
       rng f <> {} by RELAT_1:64;
   then 1 in dom f by FINSEQ_3:34;
     hence h.1 = f.1 by FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= x by A3,Def3;
     thus h.(len h) = h.(len f + len g) by FINSEQ_1:35
             .= g.(len g) by A8,FINSEQ_1:def 7
             .= y by A9,Def3;
     let j be Nat;
A11:  1 <= j & j < len h;
A12:  dom f = Seg(len f) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     thus j is odd implies [h.j,h.(j+1)] in R1
A13:  j is odd;
      per cases by A11,Lm1,FINSEQ_1:35;
A14:    1 <= j & j < len f;
        then 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= len f by NAT_1:38;
        then j+1 in dom f by A12,FINSEQ_1:3;
then A15:    f.(j+1) = h.(j+1) by FINSEQ_1:def 7;
          j in dom f by A12,A14,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then f.j = h.j by FINSEQ_1:def 7;
       hence [h.j,h.(j+1)] in R1 by A3,A13,A14,A15,Def3;
A16:    j = len f;
        then j in dom f by FINSEQ_5:6;
then A17:    h.j = y by A4,A16,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      h.(j+1) = g.1 by A8,A16,FINSEQ_1:def 7
               .= y by A9,Def3;
       hence [h.j,h.(j+1)] in R1 by A2,A17,RELAT_2:def 1;
A18:    len f + 1 <= j & j < len f + len g;
then A19:    1 <= j - len f by REAL_1:84;
          j - len f < len f + len g - len f by A18,REAL_1:54;
        then j - len f < len f - len f + len g by XCMPLX_1:29;
then A20:    j - len f < 0+len g by XCMPLX_1:14;
          0 < j - len f by A19,AXIOMS:22;
        then 0 + len f < j -len f + len f by REAL_1:53;
        then len f < j + len f - len f by XCMPLX_1:29;
        then len f < j + (len f - len f) by XCMPLX_1:29;
then A21:    len f < j+0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
        then reconsider k = j - len f as Nat by INT_1:18;
A22:     1 <= k+1 & k+1 <= len g by A19,A20,NAT_1:38;
          k in Seg (len g) by A19,A20,FINSEQ_1:3;
then A23:     g.k = y by A10,FINSEQ_2:70;
          k+1 in Seg (len g) by A22,FINSEQ_1:3;
then A24:     g.(k+1) = y by A10,FINSEQ_2:70;
A25:    j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
          j+1 <= len f + len g by A18,NAT_1:38;
        then len f < j+1 & j+1 <= len h by A21,A25,AXIOMS:22,FINSEQ_1:35;
then A26:    h.(j+1) = g.(j+1-len f) by FINSEQ_1:37
               .= g.(k+1) by XCMPLX_1:29;
     h.j = y by A18,A23,FINSEQ_1:36;
   hence [h.j,h.(j+1)] in R1 by A2,A24,A26,RELAT_2:def 1;
A27: j is even;
      per cases by A11,Lm1,FINSEQ_1:35;
A28:    1 <= j & j < len f;
        then 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= len f by NAT_1:38;
        then j+1 in dom f by A12,FINSEQ_1:3;
then A29:    f.(j+1) = h.(j+1) by FINSEQ_1:def 7;
          j in dom f by A12,A28,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then f.j = h.j by FINSEQ_1:def 7;
       hence [h.j,h.(j+1)] in R2 by A3,A27,A28,A29,Def3;
A30:    j = len f;
        then j in dom f by FINSEQ_5:6;
then A31:    h.j = y by A4,A30,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      h.(j+1) = g.1 by A8,A30,FINSEQ_1:def 7
               .= y by A9,Def3;
       hence [h.j,h.(j+1)] in R2 by A2,A31,RELAT_2:def 1;
A32:    len f + 1 <= j & j < len f + len g;
then A33:    1 <= j - len f by REAL_1:84;
          j - len f < len f + len g - len f by A32,REAL_1:54;
        then j - len f < len f - len f + len g by XCMPLX_1:29;
then A34:    j - len f < 0+len g by XCMPLX_1:14;
          0 < j - len f by A33,AXIOMS:22;
        then 0 + len f < j -len f + len f by REAL_1:53;
        then len f < j + len f - len f by XCMPLX_1:29;
        then len f < j + (len f - len f) by XCMPLX_1:29;
then A35:    len f < j+0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
        then reconsider k = j - len f as Nat by INT_1:18;
A36:     1 <= k+1 & k+1 <= len g by A33,A34,NAT_1:38;
          k in Seg (len g) by A33,A34,FINSEQ_1:3;
then A37:     g.k = y by A10,FINSEQ_2:70;
          k+1 in Seg (len g) by A36,FINSEQ_1:3;
then A38:     g.(k+1) = y by A10,FINSEQ_2:70;
A39:    j < j+1 by REAL_1:69;
          j+1 <= len f + len g by A32,NAT_1:38;
        then len f < j+1 & j+1 <= len h by A35,A39,AXIOMS:22,FINSEQ_1:35;
then A40:    h.(j+1) = g.(j+1-len f) by FINSEQ_1:37
               .= g.(k+1) by XCMPLX_1:29;
     h.j = y by A32,A37,FINSEQ_1:36;
       hence [h.j,h.(j+1)] in R2 by A2,A38,A40,RELAT_2:def 1;
 suppose n = m;
  hence thesis by A3;

 let X;let Y be Sublattice of EqRelLATT X;
 given e such that
A1: e in the carrier of Y and
A2: e <> id X;
 given o being Nat such that
A3: for e1,e2,x,y st e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
                     [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 holds
     ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
      len F = o & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2;
 func type_of Y -> Nat means :Def4:
 (for e1,e2,x,y st e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
                       [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 holds
     (ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
         len F = it+2 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2)) &
 (ex e1,e2,x,y st e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
                      [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 &
 not (ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
     len F = it+1 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2));
  defpred X[Nat] means
    for e1,e2,x,y st e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
                    [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 holds
     ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
                len F = $1+2 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2;
  set A = { n where n is Nat : X[n] };
A4:  field e = X by EQREL_1:16;
    id X c= e by A4,RELAT_2:17;
    then not e c= id X by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
  then consider x,y such that
A5: [x,y] in e and
A6: not [x,y] in id X by RELAT_1:def 3;
 A7: not x in X or x <> y by A6,RELAT_1:def 10;
  consider e1,e2 such that
A8: e1 = e & e2 = e;
A9: [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 by A5,A8,EQREL_1:22;
  then consider F being non empty FinSequence of X such that
A10: len F = o and
A11: x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2 by A1,A3,A8;
A12: F.1 = x & F.(len F) = y &
    for i being Nat st 1 <= i & i < len F holds
      (i is odd implies [F.i,F.(i+1)] in e1) &
      (i is even implies [F.i,F.(i+1)] in e2) by A11,Def3;
      o >= 2
      proof assume
  A13:  not thesis;
   A14:  0 <= len F by NAT_1:18;
         len F < 1 + 1 by A10,A13;
       then len F <= 0 + 1 by NAT_1:38;
       then 0 = len F or len F = 1 by A14,NAT_1:27;
      hence contradiction by A4,A5,A7,A12,FINSEQ_1:25,RELAT_1:30;
  then consider o' being Nat such that
A15: o = 2 + o' by NAT_1:28;
 consider k being Nat such that
A16: k = o' &
    for e1,e2,x,y st e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
                     [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 holds
        ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
           len F = k+2 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2 by A3,A15;
A17: k in A by A16;
      A is Subset of NAT from SubsetD;
 then reconsider A as non empty Subset of NAT by A17;
    set m = min A;
      m in A by CQC_SIM1:def 8;
 then consider m' being Nat such that
A18:  m' = m &
    for e1,e2,x,y st e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
                     [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 holds
     (ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
       len F = m'+2 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2);
      ex e1,e2,x,y st e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
                    [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 &
        not (ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
             len F = m+1 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2)
     proof assume A19: not thesis;
      then consider F being non empty FinSequence of X such that
     A20: len F = m+1 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2 by A1,A8,A9;
     A21: F.1 = x & F.(len F) = y by A20,Def3;
          len F >= 2
         proof assume A22: not thesis;
     A23:   0 <= len F by NAT_1:18;
              len F < 1 + 1 by A22;
            then len F <= 0 + 1 by NAT_1:38;
            then 0 = len F or len F = 1 by A23,NAT_1:27;
          hence contradiction by A4,A5,A7,A21,FINSEQ_1:25,RELAT_1:30;
        then m + 1 >= 1 + 1 by A20;
then A24:    m >= 1 by REAL_1:53;
   then A25: m - 1 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
          m < m + 1 by REAL_1:69;
        then m - 1 < m + 1 - 1 by REAL_1:54;
then A26:    m - 1 < m + (1 - 1) by XCMPLX_1:29;
   A27: m + 1 = (m + 1) + 1 - 1 by XCMPLX_1:26 .= m + (1 + 1) - 1 by XCMPLX_1:1
             .= m - 1 + 2 by XCMPLX_1:29;
          m - 1 = m -' 1 by A24,SCMFSA_7:3;
   then A28: m -' 1 in A by A19,A27;
          m -' 1 < m by A25,A26,BINARITH:def 3;
      hence contradiction by A28,CQC_SIM1:def 8;
  hence thesis by A18;
 proof let n1,n2 be Nat; assume
A29: (for e1,e2,x,y st e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
                          [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 holds
     (ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
         len F = n1+2 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2));
  given e1',e2',x',y' such that
A30: e1' in the carrier of Y & e2' in the carrier of Y &
    [x',y'] in e1' "\/" e2' and
A31: not (ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
      len F = n1+1 & x',y' are_joint_by F,e1',e2'); assume
A32: (for e1,e2,x,y st e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
                          [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 holds
     (ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
      len F = n2+2 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2));
  given e1,e2,x,y such that
A33: e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
    [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 and
A34: not (ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
      len F = n2+1 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2);
 consider F1 being non empty FinSequence of X such that
A35: len F1 = n1+2 & x,y are_joint_by F1,e1,e2 by A29,A33;
 consider F2 being non empty FinSequence of X such that
A36: len F2 = n2+2 & x',y' are_joint_by F2,e1',e2' by A30,A32;
A37: field e1 = X & field e2 = X by EQREL_1:16;
A38: e1 is_reflexive_in X & e2 is_reflexive_in X
                                    by A37,RELAT_2:def 9;
A39: field e1' = X & field e2' = X by EQREL_1:16;
A40: e1' is_reflexive_in X & e2' is_reflexive_in X
                                by A39,RELAT_2:def 9;
 assume A41:not thesis;
  per cases by A41,REAL_1:def 5;
   suppose n1 < n2;
      then n1+2 < n2+(1+1) by REAL_1:53;
      then n1+2 < (n2+1)+1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
      then n1+2 <= n2+1 by NAT_1:38;
    hence contradiction by A34,A35,A38,Th14;
   suppose n2 < n1;
      then n2+2 < n1+(1+1) by REAL_1:53;
      then n2+2 < (n1+1)+1 by XCMPLX_1:1;
      then n2+2 <= n1+1 by NAT_1:38;
    hence contradiction by A31,A36,A40,Th14;

theorem Th15:
for Y being Sublattice of EqRelLATT X, n being Nat st
 (ex e st e in the carrier of Y & e <> id X) &
 (for e1,e2,x,y st e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
    [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 holds
   (ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
     len F = n+2 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2))
  holds type_of Y <= n
  let Y be Sublattice of EqRelLATT X, n be Nat; assume that
A1: (ex e st e in the carrier of Y & e <> id X) and
A2: for e1,e2,x,y st e1 in the carrier of Y & e2 in the carrier of Y &
                         [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 holds
    ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
      len F = n+2 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2 and
A3: n < type_of Y;
      n+1 <= type_of Y by A3,NAT_1:38;
  then consider m being Nat such that
A4: type_of Y = (n+1)+m by NAT_1:28;
      n+1+m+1 = n+m+1+1 by XCMPLX_1:1
               .= (n+m)+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= n+m+2;
  then consider e1,e2,x,y such that
A5:  e1 in the carrier of Y &
     e2 in the carrier of Y & [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2 and
A6:  not (ex F being non empty FinSequence of X st
           len F = (n+m)+2 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2) by A1,A4,Def4;
  consider F1 being non empty FinSequence of X such that
A7: len F1 = n+2 & x,y are_joint_by F1,e1,e2 by A2,A5;
A8: field e1 = X & field e2 = X by EQREL_1:16;
A9: e1 is_reflexive_in X & e2 is_reflexive_in X
                                       by A8,RELAT_2:def 9;
      n+2+m = (n+m)+2 by XCMPLX_1:1;
    then n+2 <= (n+m)+2 by NAT_1:29;
 hence contradiction by A6,A7,A9,Th14;

begin :: A meet-representation of a lattice

reserve A for non empty set,
        L for lower-bounded LATTICE;

definition let A, L;
 mode BiFunction of A,L is Function of [:A,A:],the carrier of L;

definition let A, L;
 let f be BiFunction of A,L;let x,y be Element of A;
 redefine func f.(x,y) -> Element of L;
   reconsider xy = [x,y] as Element of [:A,A:];
     f.xy is Element of L;
   hence thesis by BINOP_1:def 1;

definition let A, L; let f be BiFunction of A,L;
attr f is symmetric means :Def6:
 for x,y being Element of A holds f.(x,y) = f.(y,x);
attr f is zeroed means :Def7:
 for x being Element of A holds f.(x,x) = Bottom L;
attr f is u.t.i. means :Def8:
 for x,y,z being Element of A holds f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z);

:: f is u.t.i. means that f satisfies the triangle inequality

definition let A, L;
 cluster symmetric zeroed u.t.i. BiFunction of A,L;
   deffunc U(Element of A,Element of A) = Bottom L;
  consider f being Function of [:A,A:],the carrier of L such that
A1:for x,y being Element of A holds f.[x,y] = U(x,y) from Lambda2D;
  reconsider f as BiFunction of A,L;
A2:for x,y being Element of A holds f.(x,y) = Bottom L
    let x,y be Element of A;
    reconsider x' = x as set; reconsider y' = y as set;
      Bottom L = f.[x,y] by A1 .= f.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1;
    hence thesis;
    for x,y being Element of A holds f.(x,y) = f.(y,x)
    let x,y be Element of A;
    thus f.(x,y) = Bottom L by A2 .= f.(y,x) by A2;
then A3:f is symmetric by Def6;
    for x being Element of A holds f.(x,x) = Bottom L by A2;
then A4:f is zeroed by Def7;
    for x,y,z being Element of A holds f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z)
    let x,y,z be Element of A;
  A5: f.(x,y) = Bottom L & f.(y,z) = Bottom L by A2;
        f.(x,z) <= Bottom L by A2;
    hence thesis by A5,YELLOW_5:1;
   then f is u.t.i. by Def8;
  hence thesis by A3,A4;

definition let A, L;
 mode distance_function of A,L is symmetric zeroed u.t.i. BiFunction of A,L;

definition let A, L; let d be distance_function of A,L;
 func alpha d -> map of L,EqRelLATT A means :Def9:
  for e being Element of L
   ex E being Equivalence_Relation of A st E = it.e &
   for x,y be Element of A holds [x,y] in E iff d.(x,y) <= e;
   defpred X[Element of L,Element of EqRelLATT A] means
     ex E being Equivalence_Relation of A st E = $2 &
     for x,y be Element of A holds [x,y] in E iff d.(x,y) <= $1;
A1:for e being Element of L ex r being Element of EqRelLATT A st X[e,r]
    let e be Element of L;
    defpred X[Element of A,Element of A] means d.($1,$2) <= e;
    consider E being Relation of A,A such that A2:
     for x,y being Element of A holds [x,y] in E iff X[x,y]
       from Rel_On_Dom_Ex;
        for x be set holds x in A implies [x,x] in E
        let x be set; assume x in A;
        then reconsider x' = x as Element of A;
          Bottom L <= e by YELLOW_0:44;
        then d.(x',x') <= e by Def7;
        hence [x,x] in E by A2;
then E is_reflexive_in A by RELAT_2:def 1;
A3:    dom E = A & field E = A by ORDERS_1:98;
        for x,y being set holds x in A & y in A & [x,y] in E implies [y,x] in E
        let x,y be set; assume that A5: x in A & y in A and
                                    A6: [x,y] in E;
        reconsider x' = x as Element of A by A5;
        reconsider y' = y as Element of A by A5;
          d.(x',y') <= e by A2,A6;
        then d.(y',x') <= e by Def6;
        hence [y,x] in E by A2;
then A7:  E is_symmetric_in A by RELAT_2:def 3;
        for x,y,z being set holds x in A & y in A & z in A &
                                     [x,y] in E & [y,z] in E implies [x,z] in E
        let x,y,z be set; assume that A8: x in A & y in A & z in A and
                                      A9: [x,y] in E & [y,z] in E;
        reconsider x' = x, y' = y, z' = z as Element of A by A8;
          d.(x',y') <= e & d.(y',z') <= e by A2,A9;
    then A10: d.(x',y') "\/" d.(y',z') <= e by YELLOW_0:22;
          d.(x',z') <= d.(x',y') "\/" d.(y',z') by Def8;
        then d.(x',z') <= e by A10,ORDERS_1:26;
        hence [x,z] in E by A2;
     then E is_transitive_in A by RELAT_2:def 8;
    then reconsider E as Equivalence_Relation of A
                        by A3,PARTFUN1:def 4,A7,RELAT_2:def 11,def 16;
    reconsider E as Element of EqRelLATT A by Th4;
    consider r being Element of EqRelLATT A such that A11: r = E;
    thus thesis by A2,A11;
  consider f being map of L,EqRelLATT A such that A12:
   for e being Element of L holds X[e,f.e] from NonUniqExMD(A1);
 thus thesis by A12;
 let f1,f2 be map of L,EqRelLATT A such that
 A13:  for e being Element of L
      ex E being Equivalence_Relation of A st E = f1.e &
       for x,y be Element of A holds [x,y] in E iff d.(x,y) <= e and
 A14:  for e being Element of L
      ex E being Equivalence_Relation of A st E = f2.e &
       for x,y be Element of A holds [x,y] in E iff d.(x,y) <= e;
A15:for e being Element of L holds f1.e = f2.e
    let e be Element of L;
    consider E1 being Equivalence_Relation of A such that A16:E1 = f1.e &
       for x,y being Element of A holds [x,y] in E1 iff d.(x,y) <= e by A13;
    consider E2 being Equivalence_Relation of A such that A17:E2 = f2.e &
       for x,y being Element of A holds [x,y] in E2 iff d.(x,y) <= e by A14;
A18:for x,y being Element of A holds [x,y] in E1 iff [x,y] in E2
      let x,y be Element of A;
        [x,y] in E1 iff d.(x,y) <= e by A16;
      hence thesis by A17;
   for x,y being set holds [x,y] in E1 iff [x,y] in E2
      let x,y be set;
A19:   field E1 = A & field E2 = A by EQREL_1:16;
      hereby assume A20:[x,y] in E1;
       then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of A by A19,RELAT_1:30;
         [x',y'] in E2 by A18,A20;
       hence [x,y] in E2;
       assume A21:[x,y] in E2;
       then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of A by A19,RELAT_1:30;
         [x',y'] in E1 by A18,A21;
       hence [x,y] in E1;
    hence thesis by A16,A17,RELAT_1:def 2;
 reconsider f1'=f1, f2'=f2 as Function of the carrier of L,
   the carrier of EqRelLATT A;
   for e be set st e in the carrier of L holds f1'.e = f2'.e by A15;
 hence f1 = f2 by FUNCT_2:18;

theorem Th16:
for d being distance_function of A,L holds alpha d is meet-preserving
 proof let d be distance_function of A,L; let a,b be Element of L;
  set f = alpha d;
A1: ex_inf_of f.:{a,b},EqRelLATT A by YELLOW_0:17;
A2:  dom f = the carrier of L by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  consider E1 being Equivalence_Relation of A such that
A3: E1 = f.a &
    for x,y being Element of A holds [x,y] in E1 iff d.(x,y) <= a by Def9;
  consider E2 being Equivalence_Relation of A such that
A4: E2 = f.b &
    for x,y being Element of A holds [x,y] in E2 iff d.(x,y) <= b by Def9;
  consider E3 being Equivalence_Relation of A such that
A5: E3 = f.(a "/\" b) &
    for x,y being Element of A holds [x,y] in E3 iff d.(x,y) <= a "/\"
 b by Def9;
A6:  for x,y being Element of A holds [x,y] in E1 /\ E2 iff [x,y] in E3
     proof let x,y be Element of A;
      hereby assume
           [x,y] in E1 /\ E2;
         then [x,y] in E1 & [x,y] in E2 by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then d.(x,y) <= a & d.(x,y) <= b by A3,A4;
         then d.(x,y) <= a "/\" b by YELLOW_0:23;
       hence [x,y] in E3 by A5;
     end; assume [x,y] in E3;
   then A7:  d.(x,y) <= a "/\" b by A5;
          a "/\" b <= a by YELLOW_0:23;
        then d.(x,y) <= a by A7,ORDERS_1:26;
   then A8:  [x,y] in E1 by A3;
          a "/\" b <= b by YELLOW_0:23;
        then d.(x,y) <= b by A7,ORDERS_1:26;
        then [x,y] in E2 by A4;
      hence [x,y] in E1 /\ E2 by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
A9: for x,y being set holds [x,y] in E1 /\ E2 iff [x,y] in E3
     proof let x,y be set;
   A10: field E3 = A by EQREL_1:16;
          field E1 /\ field E2 = A /\ field E2 by EQREL_1:16
          .= A /\ A by EQREL_1:16 .= A;
   then A11: field (E1 /\ E2) c= A by RELAT_1:34;
      assume A12:[x,y] in E1 /\ E2;
      then x in field (E1 /\ E2) & y in field (E1 /\ E2) by RELAT_1:30;
      then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of A by A11;
        [x',y'] in E3 by A6,A12;
      hence [x,y] in E3;
    assume A13:[x,y] in E3;
      then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of A by A10,RELAT_1:30;
        [x',y'] in E1 /\ E2 by A6,A13;
      hence [x,y] in E1 /\ E2;
     inf (f.:{a,b}) = inf {f.a,f.b} by A2,FUNCT_1:118
      .= f.a "/\" f.b by YELLOW_0:40 .= E1 /\ E2 by A3,A4,Th8
      .= f.(a "/\" b) by A5,A9,RELAT_1:def 2
      .= f.inf {a,b} by YELLOW_0:40;
  hence f preserves_inf_of {a,b} by A1,WAYBEL_0:def 30;

theorem Th17:
for d being distance_function of A,L st d is onto holds alpha d is one-to-one
 proof let d be distance_function of A,L; assume
      d is onto;
then A1:  rng d = the carrier of L by FUNCT_2:def 3;
 set f = alpha d;
   for a,b being Element of L st f.a = f.b holds a = b
   let a,b be Element of L; assume A2:f.a = f.b;
   consider z1 be set such that A3: z1 in [:A,A:] & d.z1 = a by A1,FUNCT_2:17;
   consider x1,y1 being set such that
      A4:  x1 in A & y1 in A & z1 = [x1,y1] by A3,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
   consider z2 be set such that A5: z2 in [:A,A:] & d.z2 = b by A1,FUNCT_2:17;
   consider x2,y2 being set such that
      A6:  x2 in A & y2 in A & z2 = [x2,y2] by A5,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
   reconsider x1,y1 as Element of A by A4;
   reconsider x2,y2 as Element of A by A6;
A7:    d.(x1,y1) = a by A3,A4,BINOP_1:def 1;
A8:    d.(x2,y2) = b by A5,A6,BINOP_1:def 1;
   consider E1 being Equivalence_Relation of A such that A9:E1 = f.a &
       for x,y be Element of A holds [x,y] in E1 iff d.(x,y) <= a by Def9;
   consider E2 being Equivalence_Relation of A such that A10:E2 = f.b &
       for x,y be Element of A holds [x,y] in E2 iff d.(x,y) <= b by Def9;
       E1 = E2 & [x1,y1] in E1 by A2,A7,A9,A10;
then A11:  a <= b by A7,A10;
       E1 = E2 & [x2,y2] in E2 by A2,A8,A9,A10;
     then b <= a by A8,A9;
   hence a = b by A11,ORDERS_1:25;
 hence alpha d is one-to-one by WAYBEL_1:def 1;

begin :: J\'onsson theorem

definition let A be set;
 func new_set A equals :Def10:
  A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}} };

definition let A be set;
 cluster new_set A -> non empty;
     {A} in {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} by ENUMSET1:14;
   then {A} in A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   hence new_set A is non empty by Def10;

definition let A,L; let d be BiFunction of A,L;
  let q be Element of [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:];
func new_bi_fun(d,q) -> BiFunction of new_set A,L means :Def11:
 (for u,v being Element of A holds it.(u,v) = d.(u,v) ) &
 it.({A},{A}) = Bottom L & it.({{A}},{{A}}) = Bottom
L & it.({{{A}}},{{{A}}}) = Bottom L &
 it.({{A}},{{{A}}}) = q`3 & it.({{{A}}},{{A}}) = q`3 &
 it.({A},{{A}}) = q`4 & it.({{A}},{A}) = q`4 &
 it.({A},{{{A}}}) = q`3"\/"q`4 & it.({{{A}}},{A}) = q`3"\/"q`4 &
 for u being Element of A holds
  (it.(u,{A}) = d.(u,q`1)"\/"q`3 & it.({A},u) = d.(u,q`1)"\/"q`3 &
  it.(u,{{A}}) = d.(u,q`1)"\/"q`3"\/"q`4 & it.({{A}},u) = d.(u,q`1)"\/"q`3"\/"
q`4 &
  it.(u,{{{A}}}) = d.(u,q`2)"\/"q`4 & it.({{{A}}},u) = d.(u,q`2)"\/"q`4);
  set x = q`1, y = q`2;
  reconsider a = q`3, b = q`4 as Element of L;
A1:{A} in new_set A & {{A}} in new_set A & {{{A}}} in new_set A
       {A} in {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}} } by ENUMSET1:14;
     then {A} in A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     hence {A} in new_set A by Def10;
       {{A}} in {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}} } by ENUMSET1:14;
     then {{A}} in A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     hence {{A}} in new_set A by Def10;
       {{{A}}} in {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}} } by ENUMSET1:14;
     then {{{A}}} in A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     hence {{{A}}} in new_set A by Def10;
    X[Element of new_set A,Element of new_set A,Element of L]
      means    ($1 in A & $2 in A implies $3 = d.($1,$2)) &
   ($1 = {{A}} & $2 = {{{A}}} or $2 = {{A}} & $1 = {{{A}}} implies $3 = a) &
   ($1 = {A} & $2 = {{A}} or $2 = {A} & $1 = {{A}} implies $3 = b) &
   ($1 = {A} & $2 = {{{A}}} or $2 = {A} & $1 = {{{A}}} implies $3 = a"\/"b) &
   (($1 = {A} or $1 = {{A}} or $1 = {{{A}}}) & $2 = $1 implies $3 = Bottom L) &
   ($1 in A & $2 = {A} implies
                ex p' being Element of A st p' = $1 & $3 = d.(p',x)"\/"a) &
   ($1 in A & $2 = {{A}} implies
      ex p' being Element of A st p' = $1 & $3 = d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b) &
   ($1 in A & $2 = {{{A}}} implies
                ex p' being Element of A st p' = $1 & $3 = d.(p',y)"\/"b) &
   ($2 in A & $1 = {A} implies ex q' being Element of A st
                               q' = $2 & $3 = d.(q',x)"\/"a) &
   ($2 in A & $1 = {{A}} implies ex q' being Element of A st
                                 q' = $2 & $3 = d.(q',x)"\/"a"\/"b) &
   ($2 in A & $1 = {{{A}}} implies ex q' being Element of A st
                                   q' = $2 & $3 = d.(q',y)"\/"b);
A2:  for p,q being Element of new_set A
       ex r being Element of L st X[p,q,r]
 let p,q be Element of new_set A; p in new_set A & q in new_set A;
  then p in A \/ {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}} & q in A \/ {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}} by Def10;
then A3: (p in A or p in {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}}) &
    (q in A or q in {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}}) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A4:{{A}} <> {{{A}}}
  assume {{A}} = {{{A}}}; then {{A}} in {{A}} by TARSKI:def 1;
  hence contradiction;
A5: {A} <> {{{A}}}
  assume {A} = {{{A}}}; then {{A}} in {A} by TARSKI:def 1;
  hence contradiction by TARSKI:def 1;
A6: not {A} in A by TARSKI:def 1;
A7:not {{A}} in A
  proof assume
A8: {{A}} in A;
     A in {A} & {A} in {{A}} by TARSKI:def 1;
  hence contradiction by A8,ORDINAL1:3;
A9:not {{{A}}} in A
  proof assume
A10: {{{A}}} in A;
     A in {A} & {A} in {{A}} & {{A}} in {{{A}}} by TARSKI:def 1;
  hence contradiction by A10,ORDINAL1:4;
A11:(p = {A} or p = {{A}} or p = {{{A}}}) & p = q iff
    p = {A} & q = {A} or p = {{A}} & q = {{A}} or p = {{{A}}} & q = {{{A}}};
 per cases by A3,A11,ENUMSET1:13;
 suppose p in A & q in A; then reconsider p'=p,q'=q as Element of A;
   take d.(p',q');
   thus thesis by A6,A7,A9;
  suppose A12:p = {{A}} & q = {{{A}}} or q = {{A}} & p = {{{A}}};
   take a; thus thesis by A4,A5,A7,A9,A12;
  suppose A13:p = {A} & q = {{A}} or q = {A} & p = {{A}};
   take b; thus thesis by A4,A5,A7,A13,TARSKI:def 1;
  suppose A14:p = {A} & q = {{{A}}} or q = {A} & p = {{{A}}};
   take a"\/"b; thus thesis by A4,A5,A9,A14,TARSKI:def 1;
  suppose A15: (p = {A} or p = {{A}} or p = {{{A}}}) & q = p;
   take Bottom L; thus thesis by A4,A5,A7,A9,A15,TARSKI:def 1;
 suppose A16:p in A & q = {A}; then reconsider p' = p as Element of A;
   take d.(p',x)"\/"a;
   thus thesis by A5,A7,A9,A16,TARSKI:def 1;
 suppose A17:p in A & q = {{A}}; then reconsider p' = p as Element of A;
   take d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b;
   thus thesis by A4,A7,A9,A17,TARSKI:def 1;
 suppose A18:p in A & q = {{{A}}}; then reconsider p' = p as Element of A;
   take d.(p',y)"\/"b;
   thus thesis by A4,A5,A7,A9,A18,TARSKI:def 1;
 suppose A19:q in A & p = {A}; then reconsider q' = q as Element of A;
   take d.(q',x)"\/"a;
   thus thesis by A5,A7,A9,A19,TARSKI:def 1;
 suppose A20:q in A & p = {{A}}; then reconsider q' = q as Element of A;
   take d.(q',x)"\/"a"\/"b;
   thus thesis by A4,A7,A9,A20,TARSKI:def 1;
 suppose A21:q in A & p = {{{A}}}; then reconsider q' = q as Element of A;
   take d.(q',y)"\/"b;
   thus thesis by A4,A5,A7,A9,A21,TARSKI:def 1;
  consider f being Function of [:new_set A,new_set A:],the carrier of L
  such that A22: for p,q being Element of new_set A holds X[p,q,f.[p,q]]
                                                     from FuncEx2D(A2);
 reconsider f as BiFunction of new_set A,L;
 take f;
A23: for u,v being Element of A holds f.(u,v) = d.(u,v)
      let u,v be Element of A;
        u in A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} & v in A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}}
                                                            by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      then reconsider u' = u, v' = v as Element of new_set A by Def10;
      thus f.(u,v) = f.[u',v'] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= d.(u,v) by A22;
A24: f.({{A}},{{{A}}}) = f.[{{A}},{{{A}}}] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= a by A1,A22;
A25:f.({{{A}}},{{A}}) = f.[{{{A}}},{{A}}] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= a by A1,A22;
A26: f.({A},{{A}}) = f.[{A},{{A}}] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= b by A1,A22;
A27:f.({{A}},{A}) = f.[{{A}},{A}] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= b by A1,A22;
A28: f.({A},{{{A}}}) = f.[{A},{{{A}}}] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= a"\/"b by A1,A22;
A29:f.({{{A}}},{A}) = f.[{{{A}}},{A}] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= a"\/"b by A1,A22;
A30: f.({A},{A}) = f.[{A},{A}] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= Bottom L by A1,A22;
A31: f.({{A}},{{A}}) = f.[{{A}},{{A}}] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= Bottom L by A1,A22;
A32: f.({{{A}}},{{{A}}}) = f.[{{{A}}},{{{A}}}] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= Bottom
L by A1,A22
A33:for u being Element of A holds (f.(u,{A}) = d.(u,x)"\/"a &
      f.(u,{{A}}) = d.(u,x)"\/"a"\/"b & f.(u,{{{A}}}) = d.(u,y)"\/"b)
      let u be Element of A; u in
 A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      then reconsider u' = u as Element of new_set A by Def10;
      consider u1 being Element of A such that
          A34:  u1 = u' & f.[u',{A}] = d.(u1,x)"\/"a by A1,A22;
      thus f.(u,{A}) = d.(u,x)"\/"a by A34,BINOP_1:def 1;
      consider u2 being Element of A such that
          A35:  u2 = u' & f.[u',{{A}}] = d.(u2,x)"\/"a"\/"b by A1,A22;
      thus f.(u,{{A}}) = d.(u,x)"\/"a"\/"b by A35,BINOP_1:def 1;
      consider u3 being Element of A such that
          A36:  u3 = u' & f.[u',{{{A}}}] = d.(u3,y)"\/"b by A1,A22;
      thus f.(u,{{{A}}}) = d.(u,y)"\/"b by A36,BINOP_1:def 1;
     for u being Element of A holds (f.({A},u) = d.(u,x)"\/"a &
      f.({{A}},u) = d.(u,x)"\/"a"\/"b & f.({{{A}}},u) = d.(u,y)"\/"b)
      let u be Element of A; u in
 A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      then reconsider u' = u as Element of new_set A by Def10;
      consider u1 being Element of A such that
          A37:  u1 = u' & f.[{A},u'] = d.(u1,x)"\/"a by A1,A22;
      thus f.({A},u) = d.(u,x)"\/"a by A37,BINOP_1:def 1;
      consider u2 being Element of A such that
          A38:  u2 = u' & f.[{{A}},u'] = d.(u2,x)"\/"a"\/"b by A1,A22;
      thus f.({{A}},u) = d.(u,x)"\/"a"\/"b by A38,BINOP_1:def 1;
      consider u3 being Element of A such that
          A39:  u3 = u' & f.[{{{A}}},u'] = d.(u3,y)"\/"b by A1,A22;
      thus f.({{{A}}},u) = d.(u,y)"\/"b by A39,BINOP_1:def 1;
 hence thesis by A23,A24,A25,A26,A27,A28,A29,A30,A31,A32,A33;
 set x = q`1, y = q`2, a = q`3, b = q`4;
 let f1,f2 be BiFunction of new_set A,L such that
 (for u,v being Element of A holds f1.(u,v) = d.(u,v) ) &
 f1.({A},{A}) = Bottom L & f1.({{A}},{{A}}) = Bottom
L & f1.({{{A}}},{{{A}}}) = Bottom L &
 f1.({{A}},{{{A}}}) = a & f1.({{{A}}},{{A}}) = a &
 f1.({A},{{A}}) = b & f1.({{A}},{A}) = b &
 f1.({A},{{{A}}}) = a"\/"b & f1.({{{A}}},{A}) = a"\/"b &
 for u being Element of A holds
  (f1.(u,{A}) = d.(u,x)"\/"a & f1.({A},u) = d.(u,x)"\/"a &
  f1.(u,{{A}}) = d.(u,x)"\/"a"\/"b & f1.({{A}},u) = d.(u,x)"\/"a"\/"b &
  f1.(u,{{{A}}}) = d.(u,y)"\/"b & f1.({{{A}}},u) = d.(u,y)"\/"b) and
A41: (for u,v being Element of A holds f2.(u,v) = d.(u,v) ) &
 f2.({A},{A}) = Bottom L & f2.({{A}},{{A}}) = Bottom
L & f2.({{{A}}},{{{A}}}) = Bottom L &
 f2.({{A}},{{{A}}}) = a & f2.({{{A}}},{{A}}) = a &
 f2.({A},{{A}}) = b & f2.({{A}},{A}) = b &
 f2.({A},{{{A}}}) = a"\/"b & f2.({{{A}}},{A}) = a"\/"b &
 for u being Element of A holds
  (f2.(u,{A}) = d.(u,x)"\/"a & f2.({A},u) = d.(u,x)"\/"a &
  f2.(u,{{A}}) = d.(u,x)"\/"a"\/"b & f2.({{A}},u) = d.(u,x)"\/"a"\/"b &
  f2.(u,{{{A}}}) = d.(u,y)"\/"b & f2.({{{A}}},u) = d.(u,y)"\/"b);
 let p,q be Element of new_set A;
   p in new_set A & q in new_set A;
 then p in A \/ {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}} & q in A \/ {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}} by Def10;
then A42: (p in A or p in {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}}) &
    (q in A or q in {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}}) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
per cases by A42,ENUMSET1:13;
 suppose A43:p in A & q in A;
  hence f1.(p,q) = d.(p,q) by A40 .= f2.(p,q) by A41,A43;
 suppose A44:p in A & q = {A}; then reconsider p' = p as Element of A;
  thus f1.(p,q) = d.(p',x)"\/"a by A40,A44
               .= f2.(p,q) by A41,A44;
 suppose A45:p in A & q = {{A}}; then reconsider p' = p as Element of A;
  thus f1.(p,q) = d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b by A40,A45
               .= f2.(p,q) by A41,A45;
 suppose A46:p in A & q = {{{A}}}; then reconsider p' = p as Element of A;
  thus f1.(p,q) = d.(p',y)"\/"b by A40,A46
               .= f2.(p,q) by A41,A46;
 suppose A47:p = {A} & q in A; then reconsider q' = q as Element of A;
  thus f1.(p,q) = d.(q',x)"\/"a by A40,A47
               .= f2.(p,q) by A41,A47;
 suppose p = {A} & q = {A};
  hence f1.(p,q) = f2.(p,q) by A40,A41;
 suppose p = {A} & q = {{A}};
  hence f1.(p,q) = f2.(p,q) by A40,A41;
 suppose p = {A} & q = {{{A}}};
  hence f1.(p,q) = f2.(p,q) by A40,A41;
 suppose A48:p = {{A}} & q in A; then reconsider q' = q as Element of A;
  thus f1.(p,q) = d.(q',x)"\/"a"\/"b by A40,A48
               .= f2.(p,q) by A41,A48;
 suppose p = {{A}} & q = {A};
  hence f1.(p,q) = f2.(p,q) by A40,A41;
 suppose p = {{A}} & q = {{A}};
  hence f1.(p,q) = f2.(p,q) by A40,A41;
 suppose p = {{A}} & q = {{{A}}};
  hence f1.(p,q) = f2.(p,q) by A40,A41;
 suppose A49:p = {{{A}}} & q in A; then reconsider q' = q as Element of A;
  thus f1.(p,q) = d.(q',y)"\/"b by A40,A49
               .= f2.(p,q) by A41,A49;
 suppose p = {{{A}}} & q = {A};
  hence f1.(p,q) = f2.(p,q) by A40,A41;
 suppose p = {{{A}}} & q = {{A}};
  hence f1.(p,q) = f2.(p,q) by A40,A41;
 suppose p = {{{A}}} & q = {{{A}}};
  hence f1.(p,q) = f2.(p,q) by A40,A41;
 hence f1 = f2 by BINOP_1:2;

theorem Th18:
for d being BiFunction of A,L st d is zeroed
 for q being Element of [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:]
  holds new_bi_fun(d,q) is zeroed
proof let d be BiFunction of A,L; assume
A1: d is zeroed;
 let q be Element of [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:];
 set f = new_bi_fun(d,q);
   for u being Element of new_set A holds f.(u,u) = Bottom L
   let u be Element of new_set A; u in new_set A;
    then u in A \/ {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}} by Def10;
 then A2:u in A or u in {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
  per cases by A2,ENUMSET1:13;
   suppose u in A; then reconsider u' = u as Element of A;
    thus f.(u,u) = d.(u',u') by Def11 .= Bottom L by A1,Def7;
   suppose u = {A} or u = {{A}} or u = {{{A}}};
    hence f.(u,u) = Bottom L by Def11;
 hence thesis by Def7;

theorem Th19:
for d being BiFunction of A,L st d is symmetric
 for q being Element of [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:]
  holds new_bi_fun(d,q) is symmetric
proof let d be BiFunction of A,L; assume
A1: d is symmetric;
  let q be Element of [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:];
  set f = new_bi_fun(d,q),
      x = q`1, y = q`2, a = q`3, b = q`4;
  let p,q be Element of new_set A; p in new_set A & q in new_set A;
  then p in A \/ {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}} & q in A \/ {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}} by Def10;
then A2: (p in A or p in {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}}) &
    (q in A or q in {{A},{{A}},{{{A}}}}) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
per cases by A2,ENUMSET1:13;
 suppose p in A & q in A; then reconsider p' = p, q' = q as Element of A;
thus f.(p,q) = d.(p',q') by Def11 .= d.(q',p') by A1,Def6 .= f.(q,p) by Def11;
 suppose A3:p in A & q = {A}; then reconsider p' = p as Element of A;
thus f.(p,q) = d.(p',x)"\/"a by A3,Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A3,Def11;
 suppose A4:p in A & q = {{A}}; then reconsider p' = p as Element of A;
  thus f.(p,q) = d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b by A4,Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A4,Def11;
 suppose A5:p in A & q = {{{A}}}; then reconsider p' = p as Element of A;
  thus f.(p,q) = d.(p',y)"\/"b by A5,Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A5,Def11;
 suppose A6:p = {A} & q in A; then reconsider q' = q as Element of A;
thus f.(p,q) = d.(q',x)"\/"a by A6,Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A6,Def11;
 suppose p = {A} & q = {A};
  hence f.(p,q) = f.(q,p);
 suppose A7:p = {A} & q = {{A}};
  hence f.(p,q) = b by Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A7,Def11;
 suppose A8:p = {A} & q = {{{A}}};
  hence f.(p,q) = a"\/"b by Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A8,Def11;
 suppose A9:p = {{A}} & q in A; then reconsider q' = q as Element of A;
  thus f.(p,q) = d.(q',x)"\/"a"\/"b by A9,Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A9,Def11;
 suppose A10:p = {{A}} & q = {A};
  hence f.(p,q) = b by Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A10,Def11;
 suppose p = {{A}} & q = {{A}};
  hence f.(p,q) = f.(q,p);
 suppose A11:p = {{A}} & q = {{{A}}};
  hence f.(p,q) = a by Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A11,Def11;
 suppose A12:p = {{{A}}} & q in A; then reconsider q' = q as Element of A;
  thus f.(p,q) = d.(q',y)"\/"b by A12,Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A12,Def11;
 suppose A13:p = {{{A}}} & q = {A};
  hence f.(p,q) = a"\/"b by Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A13,Def11;
 suppose A14:p = {{{A}}} & q = {{A}};
  hence f.(p,q) = a by Def11 .= f.(q,p) by A14,Def11;
 suppose p = {{{A}}} & q = {{{A}}};
  hence f.(p,q) = f.(q,p);

theorem Th20:
for d being BiFunction of A,L st d is symmetric & d is u.t.i.
 for q being Element of [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:]
  st d.(q`1,q`2) <= q`3"\/"q`4
  holds new_bi_fun(d,q) is u.t.i.
 let d be BiFunction of A,L; assume that
A1: d is symmetric and
A2: d is u.t.i.;
 let q be Element of [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:];
A3: d.(q`1,q`2) <= q`3"\/"q`4;
 set x = q`1, y = q`2, f = new_bi_fun(d,q);
 reconsider B = {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} as non empty set by ENUMSET1:14;
 reconsider a = q`3,b = q`4 as Element of L;
A4: for p,q,u being Element of new_set A st p in A & q in A & u in A
      holds f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u)
  let p,q,u be Element of new_set A; assume
     p in A & q in A & u in A;
  then reconsider p' = p, q' = q, u' = u as Element of A;
A5:f.(p,u) = d.(p',u') by Def11;
A6:f.(p,q) = d.(p',q') by Def11;
     f.(q,u) = d.(q',u') by Def11;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A2,A5,A6,Def8;
A7: for p,q,u being Element of new_set A st p in A & q in A & u in B
      holds f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u)
  let p,q,u be Element of new_set A; assume
A8: p in A & q in A & u in B;
 per cases by A8,ENUMSET1:13;
  suppose A9:p in A & q in A & u = {A};
   then reconsider p' = p, q' = q as Element of A;
A10:f.(p,u) = d.(p',x)"\/"a by A9,Def11;
A11:f.(q,u) = d.(q',x)"\/"a by A9,Def11;
A12:f.(p,q) = d.(p',q') by Def11;
     d.(p',x) <= d.(p',q') "\/" d.(q',x) by A2,Def8;
   then d.(p',x)"\/"a <= (d.(p',q') "\/" d.(q',x))"\/"a by WAYBEL_1:3;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A10,A11,A12,LATTICE3:14;
  suppose A13:p in A & q in A & u = {{A}};
   then reconsider p' = p, q' = q as Element of A;
A14:f.(p,u) = d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b by A13,Def11;
A15:f.(q,u) = d.(q',x)"\/"a"\/"b by A13,Def11;
A16:f.(p,q) = d.(p',q') by Def11;
     d.(p',x) <= d.(p',q') "\/" d.(q',x) by A2,Def8;
   then d.(p',x)"\/"a <= (d.(p',q') "\/" d.(q',x))"\/"a by WAYBEL_1:3;
   then (d.(p',x)"\/"a)"\/"b <= ((d.(p',q') "\/" d.(q',x))"\/"a)"\/"
b by WAYBEL_1:3;
   then d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b <= (d.(p',q') "\/" (d.(q',x)"\/"a))"\/"b by LATTICE3
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A14,A15,A16,LATTICE3:14;
  suppose A17:p in A & q in A & u = {{{A}}};
   then reconsider p' = p, q' = q as Element of A;
A18:f.(p,u) = d.(p',y)"\/"b by A17,Def11;
A19:f.(q,u) = d.(q',y)"\/"b by A17,Def11;
A20:f.(p,q) = d.(p',q') by Def11;
     d.(p',y) <= d.(p',q') "\/" d.(q',y) by A2,Def8;
   then d.(p',y)"\/"b <= (d.(p',q') "\/" d.(q',y))"\/"b by WAYBEL_1:3;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A18,A19,A20,LATTICE3:14;
A21: for p,q,u being Element of new_set A st p in A & q in B & u in A
      holds f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u)
 let p,q,u be Element of new_set A; assume A22:p in A & q in B & u in A;
 per cases by A22,ENUMSET1:13;
  suppose A23:p in A & u in A & q = {A};
   then reconsider p' = p, u' = u as Element of A;
A24:f.(p,q) = d.(p',x)"\/"a by A23,Def11;
A25:f.(q,u) = d.(u',x)"\/"a by A23,Def11;
A26:d.(p',x) "\/" d.(u',x) <= (d.(p',x) "\/" d.(u',x))"\/"a by YELLOW_0:22;
A27:(d.(p',x)"\/"d.(u',x))"\/"a = d.(p',x)"\/"(d.(u',x)"\/"a) by LATTICE3:14
   .= d.(p',x)"\/"(d.(u',x)"\/"(a"\/"a)) by YELLOW_5:1
   .= d.(p',x)"\/"((d.(u',x)"\/"a)"\/"a) by LATTICE3:14
   .= (d.(p',x)"\/"a) "\/" (d.(u',x)"\/"a) by LATTICE3:14;
     d.(p',u') <= d.(p',x) "\/" d.(x,u') by A2,Def8;
   then d.(p',u') <= d.(p',x) "\/" d.(u',x) by A1,Def6;
   then d.(p',u') <= (d.(p',x)"\/"a) "\/" (d.(u',x)"\/"a) by A26,A27,ORDERS_1:
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A24,A25,Def11;
  suppose A28:p in A & u in A & q = {{A}};
   then reconsider p' = p, u' = u as Element of A;
A29:f.(p,q) = d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b by A28,Def11;
A30:f.(q,u) = d.(u',x)"\/"a"\/"b by A28,Def11;
A31:d.(p',x) "\/" d.(u',x) <= (d.(p',x) "\/" d.(u',x))"\/"(a"\/"
b) by YELLOW_0:22;
A32:(d.(p',x)"\/"d.(u',x))"\/"(a"\/"b) = d.(p',x)"\/"(d.(u',x)"\/"(a"\/"
b)) by LATTICE3:14
   .= d.(p',x)"\/"(d.(u',x)"\/"((a"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b))) by YELLOW_5:1
   .= d.(p',x)"\/"((d.(u',x)"\/"(a"\/"b))"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
   .= (d.(p',x)"\/"(a"\/"b))"\/"(d.(u',x)"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
   .= (d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b) "\/" (d.(u',x)"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
   .= (d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b) "\/" (d.(u',x)"\/"a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14;
     d.(p',u') <= d.(p',x) "\/" d.(x,u') by A2,Def8;
   then d.(p',u') <= d.(p',x) "\/" d.(u',x) by A1,Def6;
   then d.(p',u') <= (d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b) "\/" (d.(u',x)"\/"a"\/"
b) by A31,A32,ORDERS_1:26;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A29,A30,Def11;
  suppose A33:p in A & u in A & q = {{{A}}};
   then reconsider p' = p, u' = u as Element of A;
A34:f.(p,q) = d.(p',y)"\/"b by A33,Def11;
A35:f.(q,u) = d.(u',y)"\/"b by A33,Def11;
A36:d.(p',y) "\/" d.(u',y) <= (d.(p',y) "\/" d.(u',y))"\/"b by YELLOW_0:22;
A37:(d.(p',y)"\/"d.(u',y))"\/"b = d.(p',y)"\/"(d.(u',y)"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14
   .= d.(p',y)"\/"(d.(u',y)"\/"(b"\/"b)) by YELLOW_5:1
   .= d.(p',y)"\/"((d.(u',y)"\/"b)"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14
   .= (d.(p',y)"\/"b) "\/" (d.(u',y)"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14;
     d.(p',u') <= d.(p',y) "\/" d.(y,u') by A2,Def8;
   then d.(p',u') <= d.(p',y) "\/" d.(u',y) by A1,Def6;
   then d.(p',u') <= (d.(p',y)"\/"b) "\/" (d.(u',y)"\/"b) by A36,A37,ORDERS_1:
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A34,A35,Def11;
A38: for p,q,u being Element of new_set A st p in A & q in B & u in B
      holds f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u)
 let p,q,u be Element of new_set A; assume A39: p in A & q in B & u in B;
 then reconsider p' = p as Element of A;
per cases by A39,ENUMSET1:13;
 suppose A40:p in A & q = {A} & u = {A};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/"f.(p,q) by Def11
                     .= f.(p,q) by WAYBEL_1:4;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A40;
 suppose A41: p in A & q = {A} & u = {{A}};
   then f.(p,u) = d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b by Def11 .= f.(p,q)"\/"b by A41,Def11;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A41,Def11;
 suppose A42:p in A & q = {A} & u = {{{A}}};
then A43:f.(p,q) = d.(p',x)"\/"a by Def11;
       d.(p',y) <= d.(p',x)"\/"d.(x,y) by A2,Def8;
then A44:  d.(p',y)"\/"b <= (d.(p',x)"\/"d.(x,y))"\/"b by WAYBEL_1:3;
A45:  (d.(p',x)"\/"d.(x,y))"\/"b = (d.(p',x)"\/"b)"\/"d.(x,y) by LATTICE3:14;
        d.(p',x)"\/"b <= d.(p',x)"\/"b;
then A46:  (d.(p',x)"\/"b)"\/"d.(x,y) <= (d.(p',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"
b) by A3,YELLOW_3:3;
       f.(p,u) <= (d.(p',x)"\/"d.(x,y))"\/"b by A42,A44,Def11;
then A47: f.(p,u) <= (d.(p',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b) by A45,A46,ORDERS_1:26;
       (d.(p',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b) = d.(p',x)"\/"((b"\/"a)"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14
  .= d.(p',x)"\/"(a"\/"(b"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
  .= d.(p',x)"\/"(a"\/"b) by YELLOW_5:1
  .= d.(p',x)"\/"((a"\/"a)"\/"b) by YELLOW_5:1
  .= d.(p',x)"\/"(a"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
  .= (d.(p',x)"\/"a)"\/"(a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A42,A43,A47,Def11;
 suppose A48:p in A & q = {{A}} & u = {A};
   then f.(p,q) = d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b by Def11 .= f.(p,u)"\/"b by A48,Def11;
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = (f.(p,u)"\/"b)"\/"b by A48,Def11
   .= f.(p,u)"\/"(b"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14 .= f.(p,u)"\/"b by YELLOW_5:1;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:22;
 suppose A49:p in A & q = {{A}} & u = {{A}};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/"f.(p,q) by Def11
                     .= f.(p,q) by WAYBEL_1:4;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A49;
 suppose A50:p in A & q = {{A}} & u = {{{A}}};
then A51:f.(p,q) = d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b by Def11;
       d.(p',y) <= d.(p',x)"\/"d.(x,y) by A2,Def8;
then A52:  d.(p',y)"\/"b <= (d.(p',x)"\/"d.(x,y))"\/"b by WAYBEL_1:3;
A53:  (d.(p',x)"\/"d.(x,y))"\/"b = (d.(p',x)"\/"b)"\/"d.(x,y) by LATTICE3:14;
        d.(p',x)"\/"b <= d.(p',x)"\/"b;
then A54:  (d.(p',x)"\/"b)"\/"d.(x,y) <= (d.(p',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"
b) by A3,YELLOW_3:3;
      f.(p,u) <= (d.(p',x)"\/"d.(x,y))"\/"b by A50,A52,Def11;
then A55: f.(p,u) <= (d.(p',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b) by A53,A54,ORDERS_1:26;
       (d.(p',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b) = d.(p',x)"\/"((b"\/"a)"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14
  .= d.(p',x)"\/"(a"\/"(b"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
  .= d.(p',x)"\/"(a"\/"b) by YELLOW_5:1
  .= d.(p',x)"\/"((a"\/"a)"\/"b) by YELLOW_5:1
  .= d.(p',x)"\/"(a"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
  .= (d.(p',x)"\/"(a"\/"b))"\/"a by LATTICE3:14
  .= (d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b)"\/"a by LATTICE3:14;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A50,A51,A55,Def11;
 suppose A56:p in A & q = {{{A}}} & u = {A};
then A57:f.(p,q) = d.(p',y)"\/"b by Def11;
       d.(p',x) <= d.(p',y)"\/"d.(y,x) by A2,Def8;
then A58:  d.(p',x)"\/"a <= (d.(p',y)"\/"d.(y,x))"\/"a by WAYBEL_1:3;
A59:  (d.(p',y)"\/"d.(y,x))"\/"a = (d.(p',y)"\/"a)"\/"d.(y,x) by LATTICE3:14;
A60:d.(y,x) <= a"\/"b by A1,A3,Def6;
        d.(p',y)"\/"a <= d.(p',y)"\/"a;
then A61:  (d.(p',y)"\/"a)"\/"d.(y,x) <= (d.(p',y)"\/"a)"\/"(a"\/"
b) by A60,YELLOW_3:3;
      f.(p,u) <= (d.(p',y)"\/"d.(y,x))"\/"a by A56,A58,Def11;
then A62: f.(p,u) <= (d.(p',y)"\/"a)"\/"(a"\/"b) by A59,A61,ORDERS_1:26;
       (d.(p',y)"\/"a)"\/"(a"\/"b) =
 (d.(p',y)"\/"a"\/"a)"\/"b by LATTICE3:14 .=(d.(p',y)"\/"(a"\/"a))"\/"
b by LATTICE3:14
  .= (d.(p',y)"\/"a)"\/"b by YELLOW_5:1 .= d.(p',y)"\/"(a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14
  .= d.(p',y)"\/"(a"\/"(b"\/"b)) by YELLOW_5:1
  .= d.(p',y)"\/"((a"\/"b)"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14
  .= (d.(p',y)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A56,A57,A62,Def11;
 suppose A63:p in A & q = {{{A}}} & u = {{A}};
then A64:f.(p,u) = d.(p',x)"\/"a"\/"b by Def11;
A65:f.(p,q) = d.(p',y)"\/"b by A63,Def11;
       d.(p',x) <= d.(p',y)"\/"d.(y,x) by A2,Def8;
then A66:  d.(p',x)"\/"(a"\/"b) <= (d.(p',y)"\/"d.(y,x))"\/"(a"\/"b) by
A67:  (d.(p',y)"\/"a)"\/"(a"\/"b) = (d.(p',y)"\/"a)"\/"((a"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"
b)) by YELLOW_5:1
  .= d.(p',y)"\/"(a"\/"((a"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b))) by LATTICE3:14
  .= d.(p',y)"\/"((a"\/"(a"\/"b))"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
  .= d.(p',y)"\/"(((a"\/"a)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
  .= d.(p',y)"\/"((a"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b)) by YELLOW_5:1
  .= (d.(p',y)"\/"(a"\/"b))"\/"(a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14;
A68:d.(y,x) <= a"\/"b by A1,A3,Def6;
A69:(d.(p',y)"\/"d.(y,x))"\/"(a"\/"b) = (d.(p',y)"\/"(a"\/"b))"\/"
d.(y,x) by LATTICE3:14;
     d.(p',y)"\/"(a"\/"b) <= d.(p',y)"\/"(a"\/"b);
then A70:(d.(p',y)"\/"d.(y,x))"\/"(a"\/"b)<=(d.(p',y)"\/"(a"\/"b))"\/"(a"\/"
b) by A68,A69,YELLOW_3:3;
      f.(p,u) <= (d.(p',y)"\/"d.(y,x))"\/"(a"\/"b) by A64,A66,LATTICE3:14;
then A71: f.(p,u) <= (d.(p',y)"\/"a)"\/"(a"\/"b) by A67,A70,ORDERS_1:26;
       (d.(p',y)"\/"a)"\/"(a"\/"b) =
 (d.(p',y)"\/"a"\/"a)"\/"b by LATTICE3:14 .=(d.(p',y)"\/"(a"\/"a))"\/"
b by LATTICE3:14
  .= (d.(p',y)"\/"a)"\/"b by YELLOW_5:1 .= (d.(p',y)"\/"b)"\/"
a by LATTICE3:14;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A63,A65,A71,Def11;
 suppose A72:p in A & q = {{{A}}} & u = {{{A}}};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/"f.(p,q) by Def11
                     .= f.(p,q) by WAYBEL_1:4;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A72;
A73: for p,q,u being Element of new_set A st p in B & q in A & u in A
      holds f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u)
 let p,q,u be Element of new_set A; assume A74:p in B & q in A & u in A;
 then reconsider q' = q, u' = u as Element of A;
 per cases by A74,ENUMSET1:13;
  suppose A75:p = {A} & q in A & u in A;
then A76:f.(p,q) = d.(q',x)"\/"a by Def11;
A77:f.(q,u) = d.(q',u') by Def11;
     d.(u',x) <= d.(u',q') "\/" d.(q',x) by A2,Def8;
   then d.(u',x) <= d.(q',u') "\/" d.(q',x) by A1,Def6;
   then d.(u',x)"\/"a <= (d.(q',x)"\/"d.(q',u'))"\/"a by WAYBEL_1:3;
   then d.(u',x)"\/"a <= (d.(q',x)"\/"a)"\/"d.(q',u') by LATTICE3:14;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A75,A76,A77,Def11;
  suppose A78:p = {{A}} & q in A & u in A;
then A79:f.(p,q) = d.(q',x)"\/"a"\/"b by Def11;
A80:f.(q,u) = d.(q',u') by Def11;
     d.(u',x) <= d.(u',q') "\/" d.(q',x) by A2,Def8;
   then d.(u',x) <= d.(q',u') "\/" d.(q',x) by A1,Def6;
   then d.(u',x)"\/"(a"\/"b) <= (d.(q',x)"\/"d.(q',u'))"\/"(a"\/"
b) by WAYBEL_1:3;
   then d.(u',x)"\/"a"\/"b <= (d.(q',x)"\/"d.(q',u'))"\/"(a"\/"
b) by LATTICE3:14;
   then d.(u',x)"\/"a"\/"b <= (d.(q',x)"\/"(a"\/"b))"\/"
d.(q',u') by LATTICE3:14;
   then d.(u',x)"\/"a"\/"b <= (d.(q',x)"\/"a"\/"b)"\/"d.(q',u') by LATTICE3:14
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A78,A79,A80,Def11;
  suppose A81:p = {{{A}}} & q in A & u in A;
then A82:f.(p,q) = d.(q',y)"\/"b by Def11;
A83:f.(q,u) = d.(q',u') by Def11;
     d.(u',y) <= d.(u',q') "\/" d.(q',y) by A2,Def8;
   then d.(u',y) <= d.(q',u') "\/" d.(q',y) by A1,Def6;
   then d.(u',y)"\/"b <= (d.(q',y)"\/"d.(q',u'))"\/"b by WAYBEL_1:3;
   then d.(u',y)"\/"b <= (d.(q',y)"\/"b)"\/"d.(q',u') by LATTICE3:14;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A81,A82,A83,Def11;
A84: for p,q,u being Element of new_set A st p in B & q in A & u in B
      holds f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u)
 let p,q,u be Element of new_set A; assume A85: p in B & q in A & u in B;
 then reconsider q' = q as Element of A;
per cases by A85,ENUMSET1:13;
 suppose q in A & p = {A} & u = {A};
   then f.(p,u) = Bottom L by Def11;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
 suppose A86:q in A & p = {A} & u = {{A}};
then A87:f.(p,u) = b by Def11;
     f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = f.(p,q)"\/"(d.(q',x)"\/"a"\/"b) by A86,Def11
                     .= f.(p,q)"\/"(d.(q',x)"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
                     .= (f.(p,q)"\/"d.(q',x))"\/"(a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14
                     .= ((f.(p,q)"\/"d.(q',x))"\/"a)"\/"b by LATTICE3:14;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A87,YELLOW_0:22;
 suppose A88:q in A & p = {A} & u = {{{A}}};
then A89:f.(p,u) = a"\/"b by Def11;
     f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = (d.(q',x)"\/"a)"\/"f.(q,u) by A88,Def11
                     .= (d.(q',x)"\/"a)"\/"(d.(q',y)"\/"b) by A88,Def11
                     .= d.(q',x)"\/"(a"\/"(d.(q',y)"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
                     .= d.(q',x)"\/"(d.(q',y)"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
                     .= (d.(q',x)"\/"d.(q',y))"\/"(a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A89,YELLOW_0:22;
 suppose A90:q in A & p = {{A}} & u = {A};
then A91:f.(p,u) = b by Def11;
     f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = (d.(q',x)"\/"a"\/"b)"\/"f.(q,u) by A90,Def11
                     .= f.(q,u)"\/"(d.(q',x)"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
                     .= (f.(q,u)"\/"d.(q',x))"\/"(a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14
                     .= ((f.(q,u)"\/"d.(q',x))"\/"a)"\/"b by LATTICE3:14;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A91,YELLOW_0:22;
 suppose q in A & p = {{A}} & u = {{A}};
   then f.(p,u) = Bottom L by Def11;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
 suppose A92:q in A & p = {{A}} & u = {{{A}}};
then A93:f.(p,u) = a by Def11;
     f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = (d.(q',x)"\/"a"\/"b)"\/"f.(q,u) by A92,Def11
                     .= (a"\/"(d.(q',x)"\/"b))"\/"f.(q,u) by LATTICE3:14
                     .= a"\/"((d.(q',x)"\/"b)"\/"f.(q,u)) by LATTICE3:14;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A93,YELLOW_0:22;
 suppose A94:q in A & p = {{{A}}} & u = {A};
then A95:f.(p,u) = a"\/"b by Def11;
     f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = (d.(q',y)"\/"b)"\/"f.(q,u) by A94,Def11
                     .= (d.(q',y)"\/"b)"\/"(d.(q',x)"\/"a) by A94,Def11
                     .= d.(q',y)"\/"(b"\/"(d.(q',x)"\/"a)) by LATTICE3:14
                     .= d.(q',y)"\/"(d.(q',x)"\/"(b"\/"a)) by LATTICE3:14
                     .= (d.(q',y)"\/"d.(q',x))"\/"(a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A95,YELLOW_0:22;
 suppose A96:q in A & p = {{{A}}} & u = {{A}};
then A97:f.(p,u) = a by Def11;
     f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = f.(p,q)"\/"(d.(q',x)"\/"a"\/"b) by A96,Def11
                     .= f.(p,q)"\/"(d.(q',x)"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
                     .= (f.(p,q)"\/"d.(q',x))"\/"(a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14
                     .= ((f.(p,q)"\/"d.(q',x))"\/"b)"\/"a by LATTICE3:14;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A97,YELLOW_0:22;
 suppose q in A & p = {{{A}}} & u = {{{A}}};
   then f.(p,u) = Bottom L by Def11;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
A98: for p,q,u being Element of new_set A st p in B & q in B & u in A
      holds f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u)
 let p,q,u be Element of new_set A; assume A99: p in B & q in B & u in A;
 then reconsider u' = u as Element of A;
per cases by A99,ENUMSET1:13;
 suppose A100:u in A & q = {A} & p = {A};
   then f.(p,q)"\/"f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/"
f.(q,u) by Def11 .= f.(p,u) by A100,WAYBEL_1:4;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u);
 suppose A101:u in A & q = {A} & p = {{A}};
   then f.(p,q)"\/"f.(q,u) = b"\/"f.(q,u) by Def11 .= d.(u',x)"\/"a"\/"
b by A101,Def11;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A101,Def11;
 suppose A102:u in A & q = {A} & p = {{{A}}};
then A103:f.(p,u) = d.(u',y)"\/"b by Def11;
     d.(u',y) <= d.(u',x)"\/"d.(x,y) by A2,Def8;
then A104:d.(u',y)"\/"b <= (d.(u',x)"\/"d.(x,y))"\/"b by WAYBEL_1:3;
A105:(d.(u',x)"\/"d.(x,y))"\/"b = (d.(u',x)"\/"b)"\/"d.(x,y) by LATTICE3:14;
       d.(u',x)"\/"b <= d.(u',x)"\/"b;
    then (d.(u',x)"\/"b)"\/"d.(x,y) <= (d.(u',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"
b) by A3,YELLOW_3:3;
then A106:f.(p,u) <= (d.(u',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b) by A103,A104,A105,ORDERS_1:26;
  b"\/"(a"\/"b) = (b"\/"b)"\/"a by LATTICE3:14
             .= b"\/"a by YELLOW_5:1 .= b"\/"(a"\/"a) by YELLOW_5:1
             .= a"\/"(a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14;
   then (d.(u',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b) = d.(u',x)"\/"(a"\/"(a"\/"
b)) by LATTICE3:14 .=
 (a"\/"b)"\/"(d.(u',x)"\/"a) by LATTICE3:14 .= f.(p,q)"\/"(d.(u',x)"\/"
a) by A102,Def11;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A102,A106,Def11;
 suppose A107:u in A & q = {{A}} & p = {A};
   then f.(p,q)"\/"f.(q,u) = b"\/"f.(q,u) by Def11 .= b"\/"(d.(u',x)"\/"a"\/"
b) by A107,Def11
    .= b"\/"(b"\/"f.(p,u)) by A107,Def11
    .= (b"\/"b)"\/"f.(p,u) by LATTICE3:14 .= b"\/"f.(p,u) by YELLOW_5:1;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:22;
 suppose A108:u in A & q = {{A}} & p = {{A}};
   then f.(p,q)"\/"f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/"
f.(q,u) by Def11 .= f.(p,u) by A108,WAYBEL_1:4;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u);
 suppose A109:u in A & q = {{A}} & p = {{{A}}};
then A110:f.(p,u) = d.(u',y)"\/"b by Def11;
     d.(u',y) <= d.(u',x)"\/"d.(x,y) by A2,Def8;
then A111:d.(u',y)"\/"b <= (d.(u',x)"\/"d.(x,y))"\/"b by WAYBEL_1:3;
A112:(d.(u',x)"\/"d.(x,y))"\/"b = (d.(u',x)"\/"b)"\/"d.(x,y) by LATTICE3:14;
A113:b"\/"(a"\/"b) = (b"\/"b)"\/"a by LATTICE3:14
            .= b"\/"a by YELLOW_5:1 .= b"\/"(a"\/"a) by YELLOW_5:1
            .= (a"\/"b)"\/"a by LATTICE3:14;
      d.(u',x)"\/"b <= d.(u',x)"\/"b;
    then (d.(u',x)"\/"b)"\/"d.(x,y) <= (d.(u',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"
b) by A3,YELLOW_3:3;
then A114:f.(p,u) <= (d.(u',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b) by A110,A111,A112,ORDERS_1:26;
     (d.(u',x)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b) = d.(u',x)"\/"((a"\/"b)"\/"a) by A113,LATTICE3
:14 .= (d.(u',x)"\/"(a"\/"b))"\/"a by LATTICE3:14
   .= (d.(u',x)"\/"a"\/"b)"\/"a by LATTICE3:14
   .= f.(p,q)"\/"(d.(u',x)"\/"a"\/"b) by A109,Def11;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A109,A114,Def11;
 suppose A115:u in A & q = {{{A}}} & p = {A};
then A116:f.(p,u) = d.(u',x)"\/"a by Def11;
     d.(u',x) <= d.(u',y)"\/"d.(y,x) by A2,Def8;
then A117:d.(u',x)"\/"a <= (d.(u',y)"\/"d.(y,x))"\/"a by WAYBEL_1:3;
A118:(d.(u',y)"\/"d.(y,x))"\/"a = d.(y,x)"\/"(d.(u',y)"\/"a) by LATTICE3:14
   .= (a"\/"d.(u',y))"\/"d.(x,y) by A1,Def6;
A119:a"\/"(a"\/"b) = (a"\/"a)"\/"b by LATTICE3:14 .= a"\/"b by YELLOW_5:1
   .= a"\/"(b"\/"b) by YELLOW_5:1 .= b"\/"(a"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14;
     a"\/"d.(u',y) <= a"\/"d.(u',y);
  then (a"\/"d.(u',y))"\/"d.(x,y) <= (a"\/"d.(u',y))"\/"(a"\/"
b) by A3,YELLOW_3:3;
then A120:f.(p,u) <= (a"\/"d.(u',y))"\/"(a"\/"b) by A116,A117,A118,ORDERS_1:26;
    (a"\/"d.(u',y))"\/"(a"\/"b) = d.(u',y)"\/"(a"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14
    .= (d.(u',y)"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b) by A119,LATTICE3:14
    .= f.(p,q)"\/"(d.(u',y)"\/"b) by A115,Def11;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A115,A120,Def11;
 suppose A121:u in A & q = {{{A}}} & p = {{A}};
then A122:f.(p,u) = d.(u',x)"\/"a"\/"b by Def11 .= d.(u',x)"\/"(a"\/"
b) by LATTICE3:14;
     d.(u',x) <= d.(u',y)"\/"d.(y,x) by A2,Def8;
then A123:d.(u',x)"\/"(a"\/"b) <= (d.(u',y)"\/"d.(y,x))"\/"(a"\/"b) by WAYBEL_1
A124:(d.(u',y)"\/"d.(y,x))"\/"(a"\/"b) = ((a"\/"b)"\/"d.(u',y))"\/"
d.(y,x) by LATTICE3:14
   .= ((a"\/"b)"\/"d.(u',y))"\/"d.(x,y) by A1,Def6;
     (a"\/"b)"\/"d.(u',y) <= (a"\/"b)"\/"d.(u',y);
then A125:((a"\/"b)"\/"d.(u',y))"\/"d.(x,y) <=
 ((a"\/"b)"\/"d.(u',y))"\/"(a"\/"b) by A3,YELLOW_3:3;
     f.(p,q)"\/"f.(q,u) = a"\/"f.(q,u) by A121,Def11 .= a"\/"(b"\/"
d.(u',y)) by A121,Def11 .= (a"\/"b)"\/"d.(u',y) by LATTICE3:14
    .= ((a"\/"b)"\/"(a"\/"b))"\/"d.(u',y) by YELLOW_5:1
    .= (a"\/"b)"\/"(d.(u',y)"\/"(a"\/"b)) by LATTICE3:14;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A122,A123,A124,A125,ORDERS_1:26;
 suppose A126:u in A & q = {{{A}}} & p = {{{A}}};
   then f.(p,q)"\/"f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/"
f.(q,u) by Def11 .= f.(p,u) by A126,WAYBEL_1:4;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u);
A127: for p,q,u being Element of new_set A st p in B & q in B & u in B
      holds f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u)
 let p,q,u be Element of new_set A; assume A128:p in B & q in B & u in B;
 per cases by A128,ENUMSET1:13;
  suppose A129: p = {A} & q = {A} & u = {A};
       Bottom L <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A129,Def11;
  suppose A130: p = {A} & q = {A} & u = {{A}};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/"f.(p,u) by Def11
                     .= Bottom L"\/"b by A130,Def11 .= b by WAYBEL_1:4;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A130,Def11;
  suppose A131: p = {A} & q = {A} & u = {{{A}}};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/"f.(p,u) by Def11
                     .= Bottom
L"\/"(a"\/"b) by A131,Def11 .= a"\/"b by WAYBEL_1:4;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A131,Def11;
  suppose A132: p = {A} & q = {{A}} & u = {A};
       Bottom L <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A132,Def11;
  suppose A133: p = {A} & q = {{A}} & u = {{A}};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = b"\/"f.(q,u) by Def11 .= Bottom L"\/"b by A133,
 .= b by WAYBEL_1:4;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A133,Def11;
  suppose A134: p = {A} & q = {{A}} & u = {{{A}}};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = b"\/"f.(q,u) by Def11 .= a"\/"b by A134,Def11;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A134,Def11;
  suppose A135: p = {A} & q = {{{A}}} & u = {A};
       Bottom L <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A135,Def11;
  suppose A136: p = {A} & q = {{{A}}} & u = {{A}};
then A137:f.(p,u) = b by Def11;
     f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = (a"\/"b)"\/" f.(q,u) by A136,Def11 .= (b"\/"a)"\/"
a by A136,Def11 .= b"\/"(a"\/"a) by LATTICE3:14
      .= b"\/"a by YELLOW_5:1;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A137,YELLOW_0:22;
  suppose A138: p = {A} & q = {{{A}}} & u = {{{A}}};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = (a"\/"b)"\/" f.(q,u) by Def11 .= Bottom L"\/"(a
b) by A138,Def11
 .= a"\/"b by WAYBEL_1:4 .= f.(p,q) by A138,Def11;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A138;
  suppose A139: p = {{A}} & q = {A} & u = {A};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = b"\/" f.(q,u) by Def11 .= Bottom L"\/"b by A139,
 .= b by WAYBEL_1:4 .= f.(p,q) by A139,Def11;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A139;
  suppose A140: p = {{A}} & q = {A} & u = {{A}};
       Bottom L <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A140,Def11;
  suppose A141: p = {{A}} & q = {A} & u = {{{A}}};
then A142:f.(p,u) = a by Def11;
     f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = b"\/" f.(q,u) by A141,Def11 .= b"\/"(b"\/"
a) by A141,Def11
 .= (b"\/"b)"\/"a by LATTICE3:14
    .= b"\/"a by YELLOW_5:1;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A142,YELLOW_0:22;
  suppose A143: p = {{A}} & q = {{A}} & u = {A};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/" f.(p,u) by Def11
      .= Bottom L"\/"b by A143,Def11 .= b by WAYBEL_1:4;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A143,Def11;
  suppose A144: p = {{A}} & q = {{A}} & u = {{A}};
       Bottom L <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A144,Def11;
  suppose A145: p = {{A}} & q = {{A}} & u = {{{A}}};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/" f.(p,u) by Def11
                     .= Bottom L"\/"a by A145,Def11 .= a by WAYBEL_1:4;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A145,Def11;
  suppose A146: p = {{A}} & q = {{{A}}} & u = {A};
  then A147:f.(p,u) = b by Def11;
     f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = a"\/" f.(q,u) by A146,Def11 .= a"\/"(a"\/"
b) by A146,Def11
      .= (a"\/"a)"\/"b by LATTICE3:14 .= a"\/"b by YELLOW_5:1;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A147,YELLOW_0:22;
  suppose A148: p = {{A}} & q = {{{A}}} & u = {{A}};
       Bottom L <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A148,Def11;
  suppose A149: p = {{A}} & q = {{{A}}} & u = {{{A}}};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = a"\/" f.(q,u) by Def11 .= Bottom L"\/"a by A149,
 .= a by WAYBEL_1:4 .= f.(p,q) by A149,Def11;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A149;
  suppose A150: p = {{{A}}} & q = {A} & u = {A};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = (a"\/"b)"\/" f.(q,u) by Def11 .= Bottom L"\/"(a
b) by A150,Def11
 .= a"\/"b by WAYBEL_1:4 .= f.(p,q) by A150,Def11;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A150;
  suppose A151: p = {{{A}}} & q = {A} & u = {{A}};
then A152:f.(p,u) = a by Def11;
     f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = (a"\/"b)"\/" f.(q,u) by A151,Def11 .= (a"\/"b)"\/"
b by A151,Def11
     .= a"\/"(b"\/"b) by LATTICE3:14 .= a"\/"b by YELLOW_5:1;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u)by A152,YELLOW_0:22;
  suppose A153: p = {{{A}}} & q = {A} & u = {{{A}}};
       Bottom L <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A153,Def11;
  suppose A154: p = {{{A}}} & q = {{A}} & u = {A};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = a"\/" f.(q,u) by Def11 .= a"\/"b by A154,Def11;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A154,Def11;
  suppose A155: p = {{{A}}} & q = {{A}} & u = {{A}};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = a"\/" f.(q,u) by Def11 .= Bottom L"\/"a by A155,
 .= a by WAYBEL_1:4 .= f.(p,q) by A155,Def11;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A155;
  suppose A156: p = {{{A}}} & q = {{A}} & u = {{{A}}};
       Bottom L <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A156,Def11;
  suppose A157: p = {{{A}}} & q = {{{A}}} & u = {A};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/" f.(p,u) by Def11
                     .= Bottom
L"\/"(a"\/"b) by A157,Def11 .= a"\/"b by WAYBEL_1:4;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A157,Def11;
  suppose A158: p = {{{A}}} & q = {{{A}}} & u = {{A}};
   then f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) = Bottom L"\/" f.(p,u) by Def11
                     .= Bottom L"\/"a by A158,Def11 .= a by WAYBEL_1:4;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A158,Def11;
  suppose A159: p = {{{A}}} & q = {{{A}}} & u = {{{A}}};
       Bottom L <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by YELLOW_0:44;
   hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A159,Def11;
  for p,q,u being Element of new_set A holds f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u)
  let p,q,u be Element of new_set A;
    p in new_set A & q in new_set A & u in new_set A;
then A160:  p in A \/ B & q in A \/ B & u in A \/ B by Def10;
per cases by A160,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
 suppose p in A & q in A & u in A;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A4;
 suppose p in A & q in A & u in B;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A7;
 suppose p in A & q in B & u in A;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A21;
 suppose p in A & q in B & u in B;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A38;
 suppose p in B & q in A & u in A;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A73;
 suppose p in B & q in A & u in B;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A84;
 suppose p in B & q in B & u in A;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A98;
 suppose p in B & q in B & u in B;
  hence f.(p,u) <= f.(p,q) "\/" f.(q,u) by A127;
 hence f is u.t.i. by Def8;

theorem Th21:
for A be set holds A c= new_set A
 proof let A be set;
      A c= A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} by XBOOLE_1:7;
  hence thesis by Def10;

theorem Th22:
for d be BiFunction of A,L
 for q be Element of [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:]
  holds d c= new_bi_fun(d,q)
 let d be BiFunction of A,L;
 let q be Element of [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:];
 set g = new_bi_fun(d,q);
A1:   dom d = [:A,A:] & dom g = [:new_set A,new_set A:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       A c= new_set A by Th21;
then A2:   dom d c= dom g by A1,ZFMISC_1:119;
       for z being set st z in dom d holds d.z = g.z
       proof let z be set; assume
    A3:  z in dom d;
        then consider x,y such that
    A4:  [x,y] = z by ZFMISC_1:102;
        reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of A by A3,A4,ZFMISC_1:106;
         d.[x,y] = d.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1 .= g.(x',y') by Def11
              .= g.[x,y] by BINOP_1:def 1;
       hence d.z = g.z by A4;
  hence d c= new_bi_fun(d,q) by A2,GRFUNC_1:8;

definition let A,L; let d be BiFunction of A,L;
 func DistEsti(d) -> Cardinal means :Def12:
   it,{ [x,y,a,b] where x is Element of A, y is Element of A,
   a is Element of L, b is Element of L: d.(x,y) <= a"\/"b} are_equipotent;
   set D = { [x,y,a,b] where x is Element of A, y is Element of A,
             a is Element of L, b is Element of L: d.(x,y) <= a"\/"b};
   take Card D;
   thus Card D,D are_equipotent by CARD_1:def 5;
    set D = { [x,y,a,b] where x is Element of A, y is Element of A,
             a is Element of L, b is Element of L: d.(x,y) <= a"\/"b};
    let c1,c2 be Cardinal such that
  A1: c1,D are_equipotent and
  A2: c2,D are_equipotent;
     c1,c2 are_equipotent by A1,A2,WELLORD2:22;
   hence c1 = c2 by CARD_1:8;

theorem Th23:
 for d be distance_function of A,L holds DistEsti(d) <> {}
 let d be distance_function of A,L;
 set X = { [x,y,a,b] where x is Element of A, y is Element of A,
           a is Element of L, b is Element of L: d.(x,y) <= a"\/"b};
 consider x' being Element of A;
 consider z being set such that
 A1:  z = [x',x',Bottom L,Bottom L];
    d.(x',x') = Bottom L by Def7 .= Bottom L "\/" Bottom L by YELLOW_5:1;
 then A2: z in X by A1;
     DistEsti(d),X are_equipotent by Def12;
 hence DistEsti(d) <> {} by A2,CARD_1:46;

reserve T,L1,LL for T-Sequence, O,O1,O2,O3,C for Ordinal;

definition let A; let O;
 func ConsecutiveSet(A,O) means :Def13:
  ex L0 being T-Sequence st it = last L0 & dom L0 = succ O &
   L0.{} = A &
   (for C being Ordinal st
    succ C in succ O holds L0.succ C = new_set L0.C) &
      for C being Ordinal st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
             holds L0.C = union rng (L0|C);
    deffunc C(Ordinal,set) = new_set $2;
    deffunc D(Ordinal,T-Sequence) = union rng $2;
   thus (ex x,L1 st x = last L1 & dom L1 = succ O & L1.{} = A &
     (for C being Ordinal st succ C in succ O
        holds L1.succ C = C(C,L1.C)) &
      for C being Ordinal st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
             holds L1.C = D(C,L1|C) ) &
   for x1,x2 being set st
    (ex L1 st x1 = last L1 & dom L1 = succ O & L1.{} = A &
      (for C st succ C in succ O holds L1.succ C = C(C,L1.C)) &
       for C st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
              holds L1.C = D(C,L1|C) ) &
    (ex L1 st x2 = last L1 & dom L1 = succ O & L1.{} = A &
      (for C st succ C in succ O holds L1.succ C = C(C,L1.C)) &
       for C st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
              holds L1.C = D(C,L1|C) )
     holds x1 = x2 from TS_Def;

theorem Th24:
ConsecutiveSet(A,{}) = A
 deffunc U(Ordinal,set) = new_set $2;
 deffunc V(Ordinal,T-Sequence) = union rng $2;
 deffunc F(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
A1: for O being Ordinal, x being set holds
   x = F(O) iff
  ex L0 being T-Sequence st x = last L0 & dom L0 = succ O &
   L0.{} = A &
   (for C being Ordinal st succ C in succ O holds L0.succ C = U(C,L0.C)) &
      for C being Ordinal st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
             holds L0.C = V(C,L0|C) by Def13;
 thus F({}) = A from TS_Result0(A1);

theorem Th25:
ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O) = new_set ConsecutiveSet(A,O)
 deffunc U(Ordinal,set) = new_set $2;
 deffunc V(Ordinal,T-Sequence) = union rng $2;
 deffunc F(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
A1: for O being Ordinal, It being set holds It = F(O) iff
  ex L0 being T-Sequence st It = last L0 & dom L0 = succ O &
   L0.{} = A &
   (for C being Ordinal st succ C in succ O holds L0.succ C = U(C,L0.C)) &
      for C being Ordinal st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
             holds L0.C = V(C,L0|C) by Def13;
   for O holds F(succ O) = U(O,F(O)) from TS_ResultS(A1);
  hence thesis;

theorem Th26:
O <> {} & O is_limit_ordinal & dom T = O &
 (for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O holds T.O1 = ConsecutiveSet(A,O1))
  implies ConsecutiveSet(A,O) = union rng T
 deffunc U(Ordinal,set) = new_set $2;
 deffunc V(Ordinal,T-Sequence) = union rng $2;
 deffunc F(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
 assume that
A1:  O <> {} & O is_limit_ordinal and
A2:  dom T = O and
A3:  for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O holds T.O1 = F(O1);
A4:  for O being Ordinal, x being set holds x = F(O) iff
  ex L0 being T-Sequence st x = last L0 & dom L0 = succ O &
   L0.{} = A &
   (for C being Ordinal st succ C in succ O holds L0.succ C = U(C,L0.C)) &
      for C being Ordinal st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
             holds L0.C = V(C,L0|C) by Def13;
 thus F(O) = V(O,T) from TS_ResultL(A4,A1,A2,A3);

definition let A; let O;
 cluster ConsecutiveSet(A,O) -> non empty;
coherence proof
   defpred X[Ordinal] means ConsecutiveSet(A,$1) is non empty;
A1: X[{}] by Th24;
A2: for O st X[O] holds X[succ O]
    proof let O1; assume ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) is non empty;
      ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O1) = new_set ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) by Th25;
    hence ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O1) is non empty;
A3: for O st O <> {} & O is_limit_ordinal &
      for B being Ordinal st B in O holds X[B] holds X[O]
   proof let O1; assume
  A4: O1 <> {} & O1 is_limit_ordinal &
     for O2 st O2 in O1 holds ConsecutiveSet(A,O2) is non empty;
     deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
     consider Ls being T-Sequence such that
  A5: dom Ls = O1 & for O2 being Ordinal st O2 in O1 holds
         Ls.O2 = U(O2) from TS_Lambda;
  A6: ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) = union rng Ls by A4,A5,Th26;
  A7: {} in O1 by A4,ORDINAL3:10;
     then Ls.{} = ConsecutiveSet(A,{}) by A5 .= A by Th24;
     then A in rng Ls by A5,A7,FUNCT_1:def 5;
  then A8: A c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) by A6,ZFMISC_1:92;
     consider x being set such that A9:x in A by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
     thus ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) is non empty by A8,A9;
    for O holds X[O] from Ordinal_Ind(A1,A2,A3);
  hence thesis;

theorem Th27:
A c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O)
   defpred X[Ordinal] means A c= ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
A1: X[{}] by Th24;
A2: for O1 st X[O1] holds X[succ O1]
  let O1; assume
 A3: A c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O1);
      ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O1) = new_set ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) by Th25;
    then ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O1) by Th21;
  hence A c= ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O1) by A3,XBOOLE_1:1;
A4: for O2 st O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
    for O1 st O1 in O2 holds X[O1] holds X[O2]
  let O2; assume
 A5: O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
    for O1 st O1 in O2 holds A c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O1);
   deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
   consider Ls being T-Sequence such that
 A6: dom Ls = O2 & for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O2 holds
        Ls.O1 = U(O1) from TS_Lambda;
 A7: ConsecutiveSet(A,O2) = union rng Ls by A5,A6,Th26;
 A8:  {} in O2 by A5,ORDINAL3:10;
      then Ls.{} = ConsecutiveSet(A,{}) by A6 .= A by Th24;
      then A in rng Ls by A6,A8,FUNCT_1:def 5;
  hence A c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O2) by A7,ZFMISC_1:92;
   for O holds X[O] from Ordinal_Ind(A1,A2,A4);
 hence thesis;

definition let A,L; let d be BiFunction of A,L;
 mode QuadrSeq of d -> T-Sequence of [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:]
  means :Def14:
   dom it is Cardinal &
   it is one-to-one &
   rng it ={[x,y,a,b] where x is Element of A, y is Element of A,
          a is Element of L, b is Element of L: d.(x,y) <= a"\/"b};
   set X = {[x,y,a,b] where x is Element of A, y is Element of A,
          a is Element of L, b is Element of L: d.(x,y) <= a"\/"b};
     Card X,X are_equipotent by CARD_1:def 5;
   then consider f being Function such that
A1:  f is one-to-one and
A2:  dom f = Card X and
A3:  rng f = X by WELLORD2:def 4;
   reconsider f as T-Sequence by A2,ORDINAL1:def 7;
      rng f c= [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:]
      let z be set; assume
         z in rng f;
      then consider x,y being Element of A, a,b being Element of L such that
    A4: z = [x,y,a,b] & d.(x,y) <= a"\/"b by A3;
      thus z in [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:] by A4;
   then reconsider f as T-Sequence of
    [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:] by ORDINAL1:def 8;
   take f;
   thus dom f is Cardinal by A2;
   thus f is one-to-one by A1;
   thus rng f = X by A3;

definition let A,L; let d be BiFunction of A,L; let q be QuadrSeq of d;
 let O;
assume A1: O in dom q;
 func Quadr(q,O) -> Element of [:ConsecutiveSet(A,O),ConsecutiveSet(A,O),
       the carrier of L,the carrier of L:] equals :Def15:
     q.O in rng q by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5;
   then q.O in {[x,y,a,b] where x is Element of A, y is Element of A,
        a is Element of L, b is Element of L: d.(x,y) <= a"\/"b} by Def14;
   then consider x,y be Element of A, a,b be Element of L such that
A2: q.O = [x,y,a,b] & d.(x,y) <= a"\/"b;
A3: x in A & y in A;
     A c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O) by Th27;
   then reconsider x,y as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,O) by A3;
   reconsider a,b as Element of L;
   reconsider z = [x,y,a,b] as Element of
   the carrier of L,the carrier of L:];
     z = q.O by A2;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th28:
for d being BiFunction of A,L, q being QuadrSeq of d holds
  O in DistEsti(d) iff O in dom q
  let d be BiFunction of A,L;
  let q be QuadrSeq of d;
       DistEsti(d),{[x,y,a,b] where x is Element of A, y is Element of A,
       a is Element of L, b is Element of L: d.(x,y) <= a"\/"b} are_equipotent
       by Def12;
 then A1: DistEsti(d),rng q are_equipotent by Def14;
       q is one-to-one by Def14;
     then dom q,rng q are_equipotent by WELLORD2:def 4;
 then A2: DistEsti(d),dom q are_equipotent by A1,WELLORD2:22;
    reconsider M = DistEsti(d) as Cardinal;
    reconsider N = dom q as Cardinal by Def14;
 A3: M = N by A2,CARD_1:8;
   hence O in DistEsti(d) implies O in dom q;
   assume O in dom q;
   hence O in DistEsti(d) by A3;

definition let A,L;
 let z be set;
A1:  z is BiFunction of A,L;
 func BiFun(z,A,L) -> BiFunction of A,L equals :Def16:
 coherence by A1;

definition let A,L; let d be BiFunction of A,L; let q be QuadrSeq of d;
           let O;
 func ConsecutiveDelta(q,O) means :Def17:
  ex L0 being T-Sequence st it = last L0 & dom L0 = succ O &
   L0.{} = d &
   (for C being Ordinal st succ C in succ O holds
    L0.succ C = new_bi_fun(BiFun(L0.C,ConsecutiveSet(A,C),L),Quadr(q,C))) &
      for C being Ordinal st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
             holds L0.C = union rng(L0|C);
    deffunc C(Ordinal,set) =
    deffunc D(Ordinal,T-Sequence) = union rng $2;
   thus (ex x,L1 st x = last L1 & dom L1 = succ O & L1.{} = d &
     (for C being Ordinal st succ C in succ O holds L1.succ C = C(C,L1.C)) &
      for C being Ordinal st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
             holds L1.C = D(C,L1|C) ) &
   for x1,x2 being set st
    (ex L1 st x1 = last L1 & dom L1 = succ O & L1.{} = d &
      (for C st succ C in succ O holds L1.succ C = C(C,L1.C)) &
       for C st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
              holds L1.C = D(C,L1|C) ) &
    (ex L1 st x2 = last L1 & dom L1 = succ O & L1.{} = d &
      (for C st succ C in succ O holds L1.succ C = C(C,L1.C)) &
       for C st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
              holds L1.C = D(C,L1|C) )
     holds x1 = x2 from TS_Def;

theorem Th29:
for d being BiFunction of A,L for q being QuadrSeq of d
  holds ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}) = d
 proof let d be BiFunction of A,L, q be QuadrSeq of d;
  deffunc C(Ordinal,set)
   = new_bi_fun(BiFun($2,ConsecutiveSet(A,$1),L),Quadr(q,$1));
  deffunc D(Ordinal,T-Sequence) = union rng $2;
  deffunc F(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
A1: for O being Ordinal, It being set holds It = F(O) iff
  ex L0 being T-Sequence st It = last L0 & dom L0 = succ O &
   L0.{} = d &
   (for C being Ordinal st succ C in succ O holds L0.succ C = C(C,L0.C)) &
      for C being Ordinal st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
             holds L0.C = D(C,L0|C) by Def17;
 thus F({}) = d from TS_Result0(A1);

theorem Th30:
for d be BiFunction of A,L for q being QuadrSeq of d holds
 ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O) = new_bi_fun(BiFun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O),
 let d be BiFunction of A,L; let q be QuadrSeq of d;
  deffunc C(Ordinal,set)
   = new_bi_fun(BiFun($2,ConsecutiveSet(A,$1),L),Quadr(q,$1));
  deffunc D(Ordinal,T-Sequence) = union rng $2;
  deffunc F(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
A1: for O being Ordinal, It being set holds It = F(O) iff
  ex L0 being T-Sequence st It = last L0 & dom L0 = succ O &
   L0.{} = d &
   (for C being Ordinal st succ C in succ O holds L0.succ C = C(C,L0.C)) &
      for C being Ordinal st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
             holds L0.C = D(C,L0|C) by Def17;
    for O holds F(succ O) = C(O,F(O)) from TS_ResultS(A1);
  hence thesis;

theorem Th31:
for d be BiFunction of A,L for q being QuadrSeq of d holds
 O <> {} & O is_limit_ordinal & dom T = O &
 (for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O holds T.O1 = ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1))
 implies ConsecutiveDelta(q,O) = union rng T
 let d be BiFunction of A,L; let q be QuadrSeq of d;
  deffunc C(Ordinal,set)
   = new_bi_fun(BiFun($2,ConsecutiveSet(A,$1),L),Quadr(q,$1));
  deffunc D(Ordinal,T-Sequence) = union rng $2;
  deffunc F(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
 assume that
A1:  O <> {} & O is_limit_ordinal and
A2:  dom T = O and
A3:  for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O holds T.O1 = F(O1);
A4: for O being Ordinal, It being set holds It = F(O) iff
  ex L0 being T-Sequence st It = last L0 & dom L0 = succ O &
   L0.{} = d &
   (for C being Ordinal st succ C in succ O holds L0.succ C = C(C,L0.C)) &
      for C being Ordinal st C in succ O & C <> {} & C is_limit_ordinal
             holds L0.C = D(C,L0|C) by Def17;
 thus F(O) = D(O,T) from TS_ResultL(A4,A1,A2,A3);

theorem Th32:
O1 c= O2 implies ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O2)
   defpred X[Ordinal] means O1 c= $1 implies
     ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
A1: X[{}] by XBOOLE_1:3;
A2: for O2 st X[O2] holds X[succ O2]
      let O2; assume
  A3: O1 c= O2 implies ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O2);
  A4: O1 c= succ O2;
       per cases;
        suppose O1 = succ O2;
         hence ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O2);
        suppose O1 <> succ O2;
          then O1 c< succ O2 by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 8;
  then A5:     O1 in succ O2 by ORDINAL1:21;
            ConsecutiveSet(A,O2) c= new_set ConsecutiveSet(A,O2) by Th21;
          then ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) c=
               new_set ConsecutiveSet(A,O2) by A3,A5,ORDINAL1:34,XBOOLE_1:1;
         hence ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O2) by Th25;
A6: for O2 st O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
     for O3 st O3 in O2 holds X[O3] holds X[O2]
      let O2; assume
  A7:  O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
       for O3 st O3 in O2 holds O1 c= O3 implies
                           ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O3);
  A8:  O1 c= O2;
     deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
      consider L being T-Sequence such that
  A9: dom L = O2 & for O3 being Ordinal st O3 in O2 holds
         L.O3 = U(O3) from TS_Lambda;
  A10: ConsecutiveSet(A,O2) = union rng L by A7,A9,Th26;
       per cases;
        suppose O1 = O2;
         hence ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O2);
        suppose O1 <> O2;
          then O1 c< O2 by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 8;
  then A11:    O1 in O2 by ORDINAL1:21;
  then A12:    L.O1 = ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) by A9;
           L.O1 in rng L by A9,A11,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        hence ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O2)
                                                       by A10,A12,ZFMISC_1:92;
      for O2 holds X[O2] from Ordinal_Ind(A1,A2,A6);
    hence thesis;

theorem Th33:
for d be BiFunction of A,L for q being QuadrSeq of d
 holds ConsecutiveDelta(q,O) is BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,O),L
  let d be BiFunction of A,L; let q be QuadrSeq of d;
   defpred Y[Ordinal] means
     ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1) is BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,$1),L;
A1: Y[{}]
       ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}) = d & ConsecutiveSet(A,{}) = A by Th24,Th29;
     hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}) is BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,{}),L;
A2: for O1 st Y[O1] holds Y[succ O1]
  let O1; assume
  ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) is BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,O1),L;
  then reconsider CD = ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) as
          BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,O1),L;
X: ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O1) = new_set ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) by Th25;
      ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1) = new_bi_fun(BiFun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),
           ConsecutiveSet(A,O1),L),Quadr(q,O1)) by Th30
       .= new_bi_fun(CD,Quadr(q,O1)) by Def16;
  hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1) is
              BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O1),L by X;
A3: for O1 st O1 <> {} & O1 is_limit_ordinal &
    for O2 st O2 in O1 holds Y[O2] holds Y[O1]
  let O1; assume
  A4: O1 <> {} & O1 is_limit_ordinal &
     for O2 st O2 in O1 holds
      ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) is BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,O2),L;
     deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
     consider Ls being T-Sequence such that
  A5: dom Ls = O1 & for O2 being Ordinal st O2 in O1 holds
         Ls.O2 = U(O2) from TS_Lambda;
  A6: ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) = union rng Ls by A4,A5,Th31;
     deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
     consider Ts being T-Sequence such that
 A7: dom Ts = O1 & for O2 being Ordinal st O2 in O1 holds
         Ts.O2 = U(O2) from TS_Lambda;
set CS = ConsecutiveSet(A,O1),
     Y = the carrier of L,
     X = [:ConsecutiveSet(A,O1),ConsecutiveSet(A,O1):],
     f = union rng Ls;

A8: for O,O2 st O c= O2 & O2 in dom Ls holds Ls.O c= Ls.O2
      proof let O;
        defpred X[Ordinal] means
          O c= $1 & $1 in dom Ls implies Ls.O c= Ls.$1;
A9:   X[{}] by XBOOLE_1:3;
A10:  for O2 st X[O2] holds X[succ O2]
       let O2; assume
A11:      O c= O2 & O2 in dom Ls implies Ls.O c= Ls.O2;
         assume that
A12:       O c= succ O2 and
A13:       succ O2 in dom Ls;
       per cases;
         suppose O = succ O2;
         hence Ls.O c= Ls.succ O2;
         suppose O <> succ O2;
           then O c< succ O2 by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 8;
then A14:       O in succ O2 by ORDINAL1:21;
A15:       O2 in succ O2 by ORDINAL1:10;
then A16:       O2 in dom Ls by A13,ORDINAL1:19;
    then reconsider cd2 = ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) as
                      BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,O2),L by A4,A5;
        Ls.succ O2 = ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O2) by A5,A13
                .= new_bi_fun(BiFun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2),
                   ConsecutiveSet(A,O2),L),Quadr(q,O2)) by Th30
                .= new_bi_fun(cd2,Quadr(q,O2)) by Def16;
          then ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) c= Ls.succ O2 by Th22;
          then Ls.O2 c= Ls.succ O2 by A5,A16;
         hence Ls.O c= Ls.succ O2 by A11,A13,A14,A15,ORDINAL1:19,34,XBOOLE_1:1
A17: for O2 st O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
     for O3 st O3 in O2 holds X[O3] holds X[O2]
     let O2; assume that
A18:   O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal and
        for O3 st O3 in O2 holds O c= O3 & O3 in dom Ls implies Ls.O c= Ls.O3;
     assume that
A19:   O c= O2 and
A20:   O2 in dom Ls;
     deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
     consider Lt being T-Sequence such that
A21:   dom Lt = O2 & for O3 being Ordinal st O3 in O2 holds
          Lt.O3 = U(O3) from TS_Lambda;
A22:Ls.O2 = ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) by A5,A20 .= union rng Lt by A18,A21,Th31;
       per cases;
        suppose O = O2;
         hence Ls.O c= Ls.O2;
        suppose O <> O2;
          then O c< O2 by A19,XBOOLE_0:def 8;
then A23:      O in O2 by ORDINAL1:21;
         then O in O1 by A5,A20,ORDINAL1:19;
      then Ls.O = ConsecutiveDelta(q,O) by A5 .= Lt.O by A21,A23;
         then Ls.O in rng Lt by A21,A23,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        hence Ls.O c= Ls.O2 by A22,ZFMISC_1:92;
  thus for O2 holds X[O2] from Ordinal_Ind(A9,A10,A17);
  for x,y being set st x in rng Ls & y in rng Ls holds x,y are_c=-comparable
       let x,y be set; assume
    A24:  x in rng Ls & y in rng Ls;
        then consider o1 being set such that
    A25:  o1 in dom Ls & Ls.o1 = x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
        consider o2 being set such that
    A26:  o2 in dom Ls & Ls.o2 = y by A24,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        reconsider o1' = o1, o2' = o2 as Ordinal by A25,A26,ORDINAL1:23;
          o1' c= o2' or o2' c= o1';
       then x c= y or y c= x by A8,A25,A26;
       hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 9;
  then A27: rng Ls is c=-linear by ORDINAL1:def 9;
        rng Ls c= PFuncs(X,Y)
        let z be set; assume
           z in rng Ls;
        then consider o being set such that
    A28:  o in dom Ls & z = Ls.o by FUNCT_1:def 5;
        reconsider o as Ordinal by A28,ORDINAL1:23;
           Ls.o = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o) by A5,A28;
         then reconsider h = Ls.o as
                      BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,o),L by A4,A5,A28;
    A29:  dom h = [:ConsecutiveSet(A,o),ConsecutiveSet(A,o):] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    A30:  rng h c= Y;
           o c= O1 by A5,A28,ORDINAL1:def 2;
           then ConsecutiveSet(A,o) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) by Th32;
         then dom h c= X by A29,ZFMISC_1:119;
        hence z in PFuncs(X,Y) by A28,A30,PARTFUN1:def 5;
      then f in PFuncs(X,Y) by A27,HAHNBAN:13;
      then consider g being Function such that
  A31:  f = g & dom g c= X & rng g c= Y by PARTFUN1:def 5;
      reconsider f as Function by A31;
        Ls is Function-yielding
        let x be set; assume
     A32: x in dom Ls;
        then reconsider o = x as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23;
           Ls.o = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o) by A5,A32;
        hence Ls.x is Function by A4,A5,A32;
      then reconsider LsF = Ls as Function-yielding Function;
 A33:  dom f = union rng doms LsF by Th1;
      reconsider o1 = O1 as non empty Ordinal by A4;
      set YY = { [:ConsecutiveSet(A,O2),ConsecutiveSet(A,O2):]
                    where O2 is Element of o1 : not contradiction };
 A34:  rng doms Ls = YY
    thus rng doms Ls c= YY
          let Z be set;
          assume Z in rng doms Ls;
          then consider o being set such that
       A35: o in dom doms Ls & Z = (doms Ls).o by FUNCT_1:def 5;
       A36: o in dom LsF by A35,EXTENS_1:3;
          then reconsider o' = o as Element of o1 by A5;
             Ls.o' = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o') by A5;
          then reconsider ls = Ls.o' as
                 BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,o'),L by A4;
             Z = dom ls by A35,A36,FUNCT_6:31
            .= [:ConsecutiveSet(A,o'),ConsecutiveSet(A,o'):]
                                                       by FUNCT_2:def 1;
          hence Z in YY;
          let Z be set;
          assume Z in YY;
          then consider o being Element of o1 such that
     A37:   Z = [:ConsecutiveSet(A,o),ConsecutiveSet(A,o):];
             o in dom LsF by A5;
     then A38:   o in dom doms LsF by EXTENS_1:3;
             Ls.o = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o) by A5;
          then reconsider ls = Ls.o as
                 BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,o),L by A4;
             Z = dom ls by A37,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= (doms Ls).o by A5,FUNCT_6:31;
          hence Z in rng doms Ls by A38,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        {} in O1 by A4,ORDINAL3:10;
      then reconsider RTs = rng Ts as non empty set by A7,FUNCT_1:12;
        for x,y being set st x in RTs & y in RTs holds x,y are_c=-comparable
        let x,y be set; assume
     A39: x in RTs & y in RTs;
       then consider o1 being set such that
     A40: o1 in dom Ts & Ts.o1 = x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
       consider o2 being set such that
     A41: o2 in dom Ts & Ts.o2 = y by A39,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        reconsider o1' = o1, o2' = o2 as Ordinal by A40,A41,ORDINAL1:23;
     A42: Ts.o1' = ConsecutiveSet(A,o1') by A7,A40;
     A43: Ts.o2' = ConsecutiveSet(A,o2') by A7,A41;
          o1' c= o2' or o2' c= o1';
        then x c= y or y c= x by A40,A41,A42,A43,Th32;
        hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 9;
 then A44: RTs is c=-linear by ORDINAL1:def 9;
 A45: YY = { [:a,a:] where a is Element of RTs : a in RTs }
       set XX = { [:a,a:] where a is Element of RTs : a in RTs };
    thus YY c= XX
         let Z be set; assume Z in YY;
         then consider o being Element of o1 such that
      A46: Z = [:ConsecutiveSet(A,o),ConsecutiveSet(A,o):];
            Ts.o = ConsecutiveSet(A,o) by A7;
         then reconsider CoS = ConsecutiveSet(A,o)
                                 as Element of RTs by A7,FUNCT_1:def 5;
            Z = [:CoS,CoS:] by A46;
         hence Z in XX;
         let Z be set; assume Z in XX;
         then consider a being Element of RTs such that
      A47: Z = [:a,a:] & a in RTs;
         consider o being set such that
      A48: o in dom Ts & a = Ts.o by FUNCT_1:def 5;
         reconsider o' = o as Ordinal by A48,ORDINAL1:23;
      A49: a = ConsecutiveSet(A,o') by A7,A48;
         consider O being Element of o1 such that
      A50: O = o' by A7,A48;
         thus Z in YY by A47,A49,A50;
        X = [:union rng Ts, ConsecutiveSet(A,O1):] by A4,A7,Th26
       .= [:union RTs, union RTs :] by A4,A7,Th26
       .= dom f by A33,A34,A44,A45,Th3;
     hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) is BiFunction of CS,L
                          by A6,A31,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
    for O holds Y[O] from Ordinal_Ind(A1,A2,A3);
  hence thesis;

definition let A,L; let d be BiFunction of A,L; let q be QuadrSeq of d;
           let O;
  redefine func ConsecutiveDelta(q,O) -> BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,O),L;
  coherence by Th33;

theorem Th34:
for d be BiFunction of A,L for q being QuadrSeq of d holds
 d c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,O)
 let d be BiFunction of A,L; let q be QuadrSeq of d;
   defpred X[Ordinal] means d c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
A1: X[{}] by Th29;
A2: for O1 st X[O1] holds X[succ O1]
  let O1; assume
 A3: d c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1);
      ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1) = new_bi_fun(BiFun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),
         ConsecutiveSet(A,O1),L),Quadr(q,O1)) by Th30
     .= new_bi_fun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),Quadr(q,O1)) by Def16;
    then ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1) by Th22;
  hence d c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1) by A3,XBOOLE_1:1;
A4: for O2 st O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
    for O1 st O1 in O2 holds X[O1] holds X[O2]
  let O2; assume
 A5: O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
    for O1 st O1 in O2 holds d c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1);
   deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
   consider Ls being T-Sequence such that
 A6: dom Ls = O2 & for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O2 holds
        Ls.O1 = U(O1) from TS_Lambda;
 A7: ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) = union rng Ls by A5,A6,Th31;
 A8:  {} in O2 by A5,ORDINAL3:10;
      then Ls.{} = ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}) by A6 .= d by Th29;
      then d in rng Ls by A6,A8,FUNCT_1:def 5;
  hence d c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) by A7,ZFMISC_1:92;
   for O holds X[O] from Ordinal_Ind(A1,A2,A4);
 hence thesis;

theorem Th35:
 for d being BiFunction of A,L for q being QuadrSeq of d st O1 c= O2 holds
   ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2)
   let d be BiFunction of A,L; let q be QuadrSeq of d;
   defpred X[Ordinal] means
     O1 c= $1 implies ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
A1: X[{}] by XBOOLE_1:3;
A2: for O2 st X[O2] holds X[succ O2]
      let O2; assume
  A3: O1 c= O2 implies ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2);
  A4: O1 c= succ O2;
       per cases;
        suppose O1 = succ O2;
         hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O2);
        suppose O1 <> succ O2;
          then O1 c< succ O2 by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 8;
  then A5:     O1 in succ O2 by ORDINAL1:21;
            ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O2)
             = new_bi_fun(BiFun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2),
                 ConsecutiveSet(A,O2),L),Quadr(q,O2)) by Th30
            .= new_bi_fun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2),Quadr(q,O2)) by Def16;
          then ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O2) by Th22;
         hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) c=
                   ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O2) by A3,A5,ORDINAL1:34,XBOOLE_1:1;
A6: for O2 st O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
     for O3 st O3 in O2 holds X[O3] holds X[O2]
      let O2; assume
  A7:  O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
       for O3 st O3 in O2 holds O1 c= O3 implies
                           ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,O3);
  A8:  O1 c= O2;
      deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
      consider L being T-Sequence such that
  A9: dom L = O2 & for O3 being Ordinal st O3 in O2 holds
         L.O3 = U(O3) from TS_Lambda;
  A10: ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) = union rng L by A7,A9,Th31;
       per cases;
        suppose O1 = O2;
         hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2);
        suppose O1 <> O2;
          then O1 c< O2 by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 8;
  then A11:    O1 in O2 by ORDINAL1:21;
  then A12:    L.O1 = ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) by A9;
           L.O1 in rng L by A9,A11,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) c=
                        ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) by A10,A12,ZFMISC_1:92;
     for O2 holds X[O2] from Ordinal_Ind(A1,A2,A6);
    hence thesis;

theorem Th36:
for d be BiFunction of A,L st d is zeroed
 for q being QuadrSeq of d holds ConsecutiveDelta(q,O) is zeroed
  let d be BiFunction of A,L; assume
A1:  d is zeroed;
  let q be QuadrSeq of d;
   defpred X[Ordinal] means ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1) is zeroed;
A2: X[{}]
  let z be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,{});
  reconsider z' = z as Element of A by Th24;
  thus ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}).(z,z) = d.(z',z') by Th29 .= Bottom L by A1,Def7
A3: for O1 st X[O1] holds X[succ O1]
  let O1; assume ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) is zeroed;
 then A4:new_bi_fun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),Quadr(q,O1)) is zeroed by Th18;
  let z be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O1);
    reconsider z' = z as Element of new_set ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) by Th25;
      ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1) = new_bi_fun(BiFun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),
         ConsecutiveSet(A,O1),L),Quadr(q,O1)) by Th30
     .= new_bi_fun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),Quadr(q,O1)) by Def16;
  hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1).(z,z) =
    new_bi_fun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),Quadr(q,O1)).(z',z') .= Bottom
L by A4,Def7;
A5: for O2 st O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
    for O1 st O1 in O2 holds X[O1] holds X[O2]
  let O2; assume
 A6: O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
    for O1 st O1 in O2 holds ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) is zeroed;
  deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
   consider Ls being T-Sequence such that
 A7: dom Ls = O2 & for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O2 holds
        Ls.O1 = U(O1) from TS_Lambda;
 A8: ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) = union rng Ls by A6,A7,Th31;
     deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
   consider Ts being T-Sequence such that
 A9: dom Ts = O2 & for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O2 holds
         Ts.O1 = U(O1) from TS_Lambda;
 A10: ConsecutiveSet(A,O2) = union rng Ts by A6,A9,Th26;
 set CS = ConsecutiveSet(A,O2);
 reconsider f = union rng Ls as BiFunction of CS,L by A8;
   f is zeroed
        let x be Element of CS;
        consider y being set such that
    A11:  x in y & y in rng Ts by A10,TARSKI:def 4;
        consider o being set such that
    A12:  o in dom Ts & y = Ts.o by A11,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        reconsider o as Ordinal by A12,ORDINAL1:23;
    A13:  x in ConsecutiveSet(A,o) by A9,A11,A12;
    A14:  Ls.o = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o) by A7,A9,A12;
        then reconsider h = Ls.o as BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,o),L;
    A15:  h is zeroed
           let z be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o);
       A16: ConsecutiveDelta(q,o) is zeroed by A6,A9,A12;
           thus h.(z,z) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o).(z,z) by A7,A9,A12
                       .= Bottom L by A16,Def7;
           ConsecutiveDelta(q,o) in rng Ls by A7,A9,A12,A14,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then A17: h c= f by A14,ZFMISC_1:92;
        reconsider x' = x as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o) by A9,A11,A12;
           dom h = [:ConsecutiveSet(A,o),ConsecutiveSet(A,o):]
                                                  by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     then A18: [x,x] in dom h by A13,ZFMISC_1:106;
        thus f.(x,x) = f.[x,x] by BINOP_1:def 1
                .= h.[x,x] by A17,A18,GRFUNC_1:8 .= h.(x',x') by BINOP_1:def 1
                .= Bottom L by A15,Def7;
     hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) is zeroed by A6,A7,Th31;
   for O holds X[O] from Ordinal_Ind(A2,A3,A5);
 hence thesis;

theorem Th37:
for d be BiFunction of A,L st d is symmetric
 for q being QuadrSeq of d holds ConsecutiveDelta(q,O) is symmetric
 let d be BiFunction of A,L; assume
A1:  d is symmetric;
  let q be QuadrSeq of d;
   defpred X[Ordinal] means ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1) is symmetric;
A2: X[{}]
  let x,y be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,{});
    reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of A by Th24;
  thus ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}).(x,y) = d.(x',y') by Th29 .= d.(y',x') by A1,Def6
     .= ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}).(y,x) by Th29;
A3: for O1 st X[O1] holds X[succ O1]
  let O1; assume
      ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) is symmetric;
 then A4:new_bi_fun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),Quadr(q,O1)) is symmetric by Th19;
  let x,y be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O1);
    reconsider x'=x, y'=y as Element of new_set ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) by Th25;
 A5:ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1) = new_bi_fun(BiFun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),
         ConsecutiveSet(A,O1),L),Quadr(q,O1)) by Th30
     .= new_bi_fun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),Quadr(q,O1)) by Def16;
  hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1).(x,y) =
 new_bi_fun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),Quadr(q,O1)).(y',x') by A4,Def6
  .= ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1).(y,x) by A5;
A6: for O2 st O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
    for O1 st O1 in O2 holds X[O1] holds X[O2]
  let O2; assume
 A7: O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
    for O1 st O1 in O2 holds ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) is symmetric;
  deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
   consider Ls being T-Sequence such that
 A8: dom Ls = O2 & for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O2 holds
        Ls.O1 = U(O1) from TS_Lambda;
 A9: ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) = union rng Ls by A7,A8,Th31;
   deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
   consider Ts being T-Sequence such that
 A10: dom Ts = O2 & for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O2 holds
         Ts.O1 = U(O1) from TS_Lambda;
 A11: ConsecutiveSet(A,O2) = union rng Ts by A7,A10,Th26;
 set CS = ConsecutiveSet(A,O2);
 reconsider f = union rng Ls as BiFunction of CS,L by A9;
   f is symmetric
        let x,y be Element of CS;
        consider x1 being set such that
    A12:  x in x1 & x1 in rng Ts by A11,TARSKI:def 4;
        consider o1 being set such that
    A13:  o1 in dom Ts & x1 = Ts.o1 by A12,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        consider y1 being set such that
    A14: y in y1 & y1 in rng Ts by A11,TARSKI:def 4;
        consider o2 being set such that
    A15: o2 in dom Ts & y1 = Ts.o2 by A14,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        reconsider o1,o2 as Ordinal by A13,A15,ORDINAL1:23;
    A16:  x in ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) by A10,A12,A13;
    A17: y in ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by A10,A14,A15;
    A18:  Ls.o1 = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o1) by A8,A10,A13;
        then reconsider h1 = Ls.o1 as BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,o1),L;
    A19: h1 is symmetric
           let x,y be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o1);
       A20: ConsecutiveDelta(q,o1) is symmetric by A7,A10,A13;
           thus h1.(x,y) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o1).(x,y) by A8,A10,A13 .=
            ConsecutiveDelta(q,o1).(y,x) by A20,Def6 .= h1.(y,x) by A8,A10,A13;
    A21:  dom h1 = [:ConsecutiveSet(A,o1),ConsecutiveSet(A,o1):]
                                                     by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    A22: Ls.o2 = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o2) by A8,A10,A15;
        then reconsider h2 = Ls.o2 as
                BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,o2),L;
    A23: h2 is symmetric
           let x,y be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o2);
       A24: ConsecutiveDelta(q,o2) is symmetric by A7,A10,A15;
           thus h2.(x,y) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o2).(x,y) by A8,A10,A15 .=
            ConsecutiveDelta(q,o2).(y,x) by A24,Def6 .= h2.(y,x) by A8,A10,A15;
A25: dom h2 = [:ConsecutiveSet(A,o2),ConsecutiveSet(A,o2):] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
        per cases;
         suppose o1 c= o2;
      then A26: ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by Th32;
          then reconsider x'=x, y'=y as
             Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by A10,A14,A15,A16;
            ConsecutiveDelta(q,o2) in rng Ls by A8,A10,A15,A22,FUNCT_1:def 5
      then A27: h2 c= f by A22,ZFMISC_1:92;
      A28: [x,y] in dom h2 & [y,x] in dom h2 by A16,A17,A25,A26,ZFMISC_1:106;
         thus f.(x,y) = f.[x,y] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= h2.[x,y] by A27,A28,GRFUNC_1:8 .= h2.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= h2.(y',x') by A23,Def6 .= h2.[y,x] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= f.[y,x] by A27,A28,GRFUNC_1:8 .= f.(y,x) by BINOP_1:def 1;
         suppose o2 c= o1;
      then A29: ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) by Th32;
          then reconsider x'=x, y'=y as
             Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) by A10,A12,A13,A17;
            ConsecutiveDelta(q,o1) in rng Ls by A8,A10,A13,A18,FUNCT_1:def 5
      then A30: h1 c= f by A18,ZFMISC_1:92;
      A31: [x,y] in dom h1 & [y,x] in dom h1 by A16,A17,A21,A29,ZFMISC_1:106;
         thus f.(x,y) = f.[x,y] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= h1.[x,y] by A30,A31,GRFUNC_1:8 .= h1.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= h1.(y',x') by A19,Def6 .= h1.[y,x] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= f.[y,x] by A30,A31,GRFUNC_1:8 .= f.(y,x) by BINOP_1:def 1;
   hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) is symmetric by A7,A8,Th31;
   for O holds X[O] from Ordinal_Ind(A2,A3,A6);
 hence thesis;

theorem Th38:
for d be BiFunction of A,L st d is symmetric u.t.i.
 for q being QuadrSeq of d st O c= DistEsti(d) holds
  ConsecutiveDelta(q,O) is u.t.i.
  let d be BiFunction of A,L; assume that
A1: d is symmetric and
A2: d is u.t.i.;
  let q be QuadrSeq of d;
   defpred X[Ordinal] means
     $1 c= DistEsti(d) implies ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1) is u.t.i.;
A3: X[{}]
  assume {} c= DistEsti(d);
  let x,y,z be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,{});
   reconsider x' = x, y' = y, z' = z as Element of A by Th24;
 A4:ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}) = d by Th29;
     d.(x',z') <= d.(x',y') "\/" d.(y',z') by A2,Def8;
  hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}).(x,z) <=
   ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}).(x,y) "\/" ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}).(y,z) by A4;
A5: for O1 st X[O1] holds X[succ O1]
  let O1; assume that
A6: O1 c= DistEsti(d) implies ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) is u.t.i. and
A7: succ O1 c= DistEsti(d);
A8: O1 in DistEsti(d) by A7,ORDINAL1:33;
A9: ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) is symmetric by A1,Th37;
  let x,y,z be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,succ O1);
  set f = new_bi_fun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),Quadr(q,O1));
   reconsider x' = x, y' = y, z' = z as
                         Element of new_set ConsecutiveSet(A,O1) by Th25;
A10: O1 in dom q by A8,Th28;
    then q.O1 in rng q by FUNCT_1:def 5;
    then q.O1 in {[u,v,a',b'] where u is Element of A, v is Element of A,
       a' is Element of L, b' is Element of L: d.(u,v) <=
 a'"\/"b'} by Def14;
     then consider u,v be Element of A, a',b' be Element of L such that
A11: q.O1 = [u,v,a',b'] & d.(u,v) <= a'"\/"b';
   set X = Quadr(q,O1)`1, Y = Quadr(q,O1)`2;
   reconsider a = Quadr(q,O1)`3, b = Quadr(q,O1)`4 as Element of L
  A12: Quadr(q,O1) = [u,v,a',b'] by A10,A11,Def15;
  then A13: u = X by MCART_1:def 8;
  A14: v = Y by A12,MCART_1:def 9;
  A15: a' = a by A12,MCART_1:def 10;
  A16: b' = b by A12,MCART_1:def 11;
 A17: dom d = [:A,A:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
 A18: d c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) by Th34;
       d.(u,v) = d.[u,v] by BINOP_1:def 1
            .= ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1).[X,Y] by A13,A14,A17,A18,GRFUNC_1:8
            .= ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1).(X,Y) by BINOP_1:def 1;
 then A19:new_bi_fun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),Quadr(q,O1)) is u.t.i.
                                     by A6,A8,A9,A11,A15,A16,Th20,ORDINAL1:def
 A20: ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1) =
         ConsecutiveSet(A,O1),L),Quadr(q,O1)) by Th30 .=
      new_bi_fun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1),Quadr(q,O1)) by Def16;
    f.(x',z') <= f.(x',y') "\/" f.(y',z') by A19,Def8;
  hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1).(x,z) <= ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1).(x,y)
   "\/" ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ O1).(y,z) by A20;
A21: for O2 st O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
    for O1 st O1 in O2 holds X[O1] holds X[O2]
  let O2; assume that
 A22: O2 <> {} & O2 is_limit_ordinal &
    for O1 st O1 in O2 holds
     (O1 c= DistEsti(d) implies ConsecutiveDelta(q,O1) is u.t.i.) and
 A23:  O2 c= DistEsti(d);
  deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveDelta(q,$1);
   consider Ls being T-Sequence such that
 A24: dom Ls = O2 & for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O2 holds
        Ls.O1 = U(O1) from TS_Lambda;
 A25: ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) = union rng Ls by A22,A24,Th31;
     deffunc U(Ordinal) = ConsecutiveSet(A,$1);
   consider Ts being T-Sequence such that
 A26: dom Ts = O2 & for O1 being Ordinal st O1 in O2 holds
         Ts.O1 = U(O1) from TS_Lambda;
 A27: ConsecutiveSet(A,O2) = union rng Ts by A22,A26,Th26;
 set CS = ConsecutiveSet(A,O2);
 reconsider f = union rng Ls as BiFunction of CS,L by A25;
   f is u.t.i.
        let x,y,z be Element of CS;
        consider X being set such that
    A28:  x in X & X in rng Ts by A27,TARSKI:def 4;
        consider o1 being set such that
    A29:  o1 in dom Ts & X = Ts.o1 by A28,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        consider Y being set such that
    A30:  y in Y & Y in rng Ts by A27,TARSKI:def 4;
        consider o2 being set such that
    A31:  o2 in dom Ts & Y = Ts.o2 by A30,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        consider Z being set such that
    A32:  z in Z & Z in rng Ts by A27,TARSKI:def 4;
        consider o3 being set such that
    A33:  o3 in dom Ts & Z = Ts.o3 by A32,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        reconsider o1,o2,o3 as Ordinal by A29,A31,A33,ORDINAL1:23;
    A34:  x in ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) by A26,A28,A29;
    A35:  y in ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by A26,A30,A31;
    A36:  z in ConsecutiveSet(A,o3) by A26,A32,A33;
    A37:  Ls.o1 = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o1) by A24,A26,A29;
        then reconsider h1 = Ls.o1 as BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,o1),L;
   A38: h1 is u.t.i.
          let x,y,z be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o1);
        A39:ConsecutiveDelta(q,o1) = h1 by A24,A26,A29;
            o1 c= DistEsti(d) by A23,A26,A29,ORDINAL1:def 2;
          then ConsecutiveDelta(q,o1) is u.t.i. by A22,A26,A29;
          hence h1.(x,z) <= h1.(x,y) "\/" h1.(y,z) by A39,Def8;
    A40:  dom h1 = [:ConsecutiveSet(A,o1),ConsecutiveSet(A,o1):]
                                                     by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    A41:  Ls.o2 = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o2) by A24,A26,A31;
        then reconsider h2 = Ls.o2 as BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,o2),L;
   A42: h2 is u.t.i.
          let x,y,z be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o2);
        A43:ConsecutiveDelta(q,o2) = h2 by A24,A26,A31;
            o2 c= DistEsti(d) by A23,A26,A31,ORDINAL1:def 2;
          then ConsecutiveDelta(q,o2) is u.t.i. by A22,A26,A31;
          hence h2.(x,z) <= h2.(x,y) "\/" h2.(y,z) by A43,Def8;
    A44:  dom h2 = [:ConsecutiveSet(A,o2),ConsecutiveSet(A,o2):]
                                                     by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    A45:  Ls.o3 = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o3) by A24,A26,A33;
        then reconsider h3 = Ls.o3 as
                BiFunction of ConsecutiveSet(A,o3),L;
   A46: h3 is u.t.i.
          let x,y,z be Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o3);
        A47:ConsecutiveDelta(q,o3) = h3 by A24,A26,A33;
            o3 c= DistEsti(d) by A23,A26,A33,ORDINAL1:def 2;
          then ConsecutiveDelta(q,o3) is u.t.i. by A22,A26,A33;
          hence h3.(x,z) <= h3.(x,y) "\/" h3.(y,z) by A47,Def8;
    A48:  dom h3 = [:ConsecutiveSet(A,o3),ConsecutiveSet(A,o3):]
                                                     by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    per cases;
     suppose A49: o1 c= o3;
  then A50:  ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o3) by Th32;
     thus f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z)
       per cases;
        suppose o2 c= o3;
    then A51:  ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o3) by Th32;
         then reconsider y' = y as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o3) by A35;
         reconsider x' = x as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o3) by A34,A50;
         reconsider z' = z as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o3) by A26,A32,A33;
           ConsecutiveDelta(q,o3) in rng Ls by A24,A26,A33,A45,FUNCT_1:def 5
     then A52:  h3 c= f by A45,ZFMISC_1:92;
    A53:  [x,y] in dom h3 by A34,A35,A48,A50,A51,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A54:  [y,z] in dom h3 by A35,A36,A48,A51,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A55:  [x,z] in dom h3 by A34,A36,A48,A50,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A56:  f.(x,y) = f.[x,y] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h3.[x,y] by A52,A53,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h3.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1;
    A57:  f.(y,z) = f.[y,z] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h3.[y,z] by A52,A54,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h3.(y',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
           f.(x,z) = f.[x,z] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h3.[x,z] by A52,A55,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h3.(x',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
        hence f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z) by A46,A56,A57,Def8;
        suppose o3 c= o2;
    then A58:  ConsecutiveSet(A,o3) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by Th32;
         then reconsider z' = z as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by A36;
           ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o3) by A49,Th32;
    then A59:  ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by A58,XBOOLE_1:1;
         then reconsider x' = x as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by A34;
         reconsider y' = y as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by A26,A30,A31;
           ConsecutiveDelta(q,o2) in rng Ls by A24,A26,A31,A41,FUNCT_1:def 5
     then A60:  h2 c= f by A41,ZFMISC_1:92;
    A61:  [x,y] in dom h2 by A34,A35,A44,A59,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A62:  [y,z] in dom h2 by A35,A36,A44,A58,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A63:  [x,z] in dom h2 by A34,A36,A44,A58,A59,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A64:  f.(x,y) = f.[x,y] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h2.[x,y] by A60,A61,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h2.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1;
    A65:  f.(y,z) = f.[y,z] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h2.[y,z] by A60,A62,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h2.(y',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
           f.(x,z) = f.[x,z] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h2.[x,z] by A60,A63,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h2.(x',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
        hence f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z) by A42,A64,A65,Def8;
     suppose A66: o3 c= o1;
  then A67:  ConsecutiveSet(A,o3) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) by Th32;
     thus f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z)
       per cases;
        suppose o1 c= o2;
    then A68:  ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by Th32;
         then reconsider x' = x as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by A34;
           ConsecutiveSet(A,o3) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) by A66,Th32;
    then A69:  ConsecutiveSet(A,o3) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by A68,XBOOLE_1:1;
         then reconsider z' = z as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by A36;
         reconsider y' = y as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) by A26,A30,A31;
           ConsecutiveDelta(q,o2) in rng Ls by A24,A26,A31,A41,FUNCT_1:def 5
     then A70:  h2 c= f by A41,ZFMISC_1:92;
    A71:  [x,y] in dom h2 by A34,A35,A44,A68,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A72:  [y,z] in dom h2 by A35,A36,A44,A69,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A73:  [x,z] in dom h2 by A34,A36,A44,A68,A69,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A74:  f.(x,y) = f.[x,y] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h2.[x,y] by A70,A71,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h2.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1;
    A75:  f.(y,z) = f.[y,z] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h2.[y,z] by A70,A72,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h2.(y',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
           f.(x,z) = f.[x,z] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h2.[x,z] by A70,A73,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h2.(x',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
        hence f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z) by A42,A74,A75,Def8;
        suppose o2 c= o1;
    then A76:  ConsecutiveSet(A,o2) c= ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) by Th32;
         then reconsider y' = y as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) by A35;
         reconsider z' = z as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) by A36,A67;
         reconsider x' = x as Element of ConsecutiveSet(A,o1) by A26,A28,A29;
           ConsecutiveDelta(q,o1) in rng Ls by A24,A26,A29,A37,FUNCT_1:def 5
     then A77:  h1 c= f by A37,ZFMISC_1:92;
    A78:  [x,y] in dom h1 by A34,A35,A40,A76,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A79:  [y,z] in dom h1 by A35,A36,A40,A67,A76,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A80:  [x,z] in dom h1 by A34,A36,A40,A67,ZFMISC_1:106;
    A81:  f.(x,y) = f.[x,y] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h1.[x,y] by A77,A78,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h1.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1;
    A82:  f.(y,z) = f.[y,z] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h1.[y,z] by A77,A79,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h1.(y',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
           f.(x,z) = f.[x,z] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= h1.[x,z] by A77,A80,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= h1.(x',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
        hence f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z) by A38,A81,A82,Def8;
  hence ConsecutiveDelta(q,O2) is u.t.i. by A22,A24,Th31;
   for O holds X[O] from Ordinal_Ind(A3,A5,A21);
  hence thesis;

  for d being distance_function of A,L
 for q being QuadrSeq of d st O c= DistEsti(d) holds
  ConsecutiveDelta(q,O) is distance_function of ConsecutiveSet(A,O),L
    by Th36,Th37,Th38;

definition let A,L; let d be BiFunction of A,L;
 func NextSet(d) equals :Def18:

definition let A,L; let d be BiFunction of A,L;
 cluster NextSet(d) -> non empty;
 coherence proof
    ConsecutiveSet(A,DistEsti(d)) is non empty;
  hence thesis by Def18;

definition let A,L; let d be BiFunction of A,L; let q be QuadrSeq of d;
 func NextDelta(q) equals :Def19:

definition let A,L; let d be distance_function of A,L; let q be QuadrSeq of d;
redefine func NextDelta(q) -> distance_function of NextSet(d),L;
 coherence proof
A1:  ConsecutiveDelta(q,DistEsti(d)) = NextDelta(q) by Def19;
       ConsecutiveSet(A,DistEsti(d)) = NextSet(d) by Def18;
  hence NextDelta(q) is distance_function of NextSet(d),L
    by A1,Th36,Th37,Th38;

definition let A,L; let d be distance_function of A,L;
           let Aq be non empty set, dq be distance_function of Aq,L;
  pred Aq, dq is_extension_of A,d means :Def20:
   ex q being QuadrSeq of d st Aq = NextSet(d) & dq = NextDelta(q);

theorem Th40:
for d be distance_function of A,L
for Aq be non empty set, dq be distance_function of Aq,L
   st Aq, dq is_extension_of A,d
  for x,y being Element of A, a,b being Element of L st d.(x,y) <= a "\/" b
    ex z1,z2,z3 being Element of Aq st
    dq.(x,z1) = a & dq.(z2,z3) = a & dq.(z1,z2) = b & dq.(z3,y) = b
 let d be distance_function of A,L;
 let Aq be non empty set, dq be distance_function of Aq,L; assume
       Aq, dq is_extension_of A,d;
  then consider q being QuadrSeq of d such that
A1:  Aq = NextSet(d) and
A2:  dq = NextDelta(q) by Def20;
 let x,y be Element of A; let a,b be Element of L; assume
A3: d.(x,y) <= a "\/" b;
     rng q = {[x',y',a',b'] where x' is Element of A, y' is Element of A,
           a' is Element of L, b' is Element of L: d.(x',y') <=
 a'"\/"b'} by Def14;
   then [x,y,a,b] in rng q by A3;
   then consider o being set such that
A4:  o in dom q & q.o = [x,y,a,b] by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   reconsider o as Ordinal by A4,ORDINAL1:23;
A5:  q.o = Quadr(q,o) by A4,Def15;
then A6:    x = Quadr(q,o)`1 by A4,MCART_1:78;
A7:    y = Quadr(q,o)`2 by A4,A5,MCART_1:78;
A8:    a = Quadr(q,o)`3 by A4,A5,MCART_1:78;
A9:    b = Quadr(q,o)`4 by A4,A5,MCART_1:78;
   reconsider B = ConsecutiveSet(A,o) as non empty set;
   reconsider Q = Quadr(q,o)
                    as Element of [:B,B,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:];
   reconsider cd = ConsecutiveDelta(q,o) as BiFunction of B,L;
       x in A & y in A & A c= B by Th27;
    then reconsider xo = x, yo = y as Element of B;
       xo in B & yo in B & B c= new_set B by Th21;
    then reconsider x1 = xo, y1 = yo as Element of new_set B;
A10: ConsecutiveSet(A,succ o) = new_set B by Th25;
      o in DistEsti(d) by A4,Th28;
then A11: succ o c= DistEsti(d) by ORDINAL1:33;
then A12: ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ o) c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,DistEsti(d)) by Th35
      ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ o)
        = new_bi_fun(BiFun(ConsecutiveDelta(q,o),
          ConsecutiveSet(A,o),L),Quadr(q,o)) by Th30
       .= new_bi_fun(cd,Q) by Def16;
then A13:  new_bi_fun(cd,Q) c= dq by A2,A12,Def19;
      {B} in {{B}, {{B}}, {{{B}}} } by ENUMSET1:14;
    then {B} in B \/ {{B}, {{B}}, {{{B}}} } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
then A14: {B} in new_set B by Def10;
      {{B}} in {{B}, {{B}}, {{{B}}} } by ENUMSET1:14;
    then {{B}} in B \/ {{B}, {{B}}, {{{B}}} } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
then A15: {{B}} in new_set B by Def10;
      {{{B}}} in {{B}, {{B}}, {{{B}}} } by ENUMSET1:14;
    then {{{B}}} in B \/ {{B}, {{B}}, {{{B}}} } by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
then A16: {{{B}}} in new_set B by Def10;
A17: cd is zeroed by Th36;
A18: dom new_bi_fun(cd,Q) = [:new_set B,new_set B:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
then A19: [x1,{B}] in dom new_bi_fun(cd,Q) by A14,ZFMISC_1:106;
A20: [{{B}},{{{B}}}] in dom new_bi_fun(cd,Q) by A15,A16,A18,ZFMISC_1:106;
A21: [{B},{{B}}] in dom new_bi_fun(cd,Q) by A14,A15,A18,ZFMISC_1:106;
A22: [{{{B}}},y1] in dom new_bi_fun(cd,Q) by A16,A18,ZFMISC_1:106;
      new_set B c= ConsecutiveSet(A,DistEsti(d)) by A10,A11,Th32;
   then reconsider z1={B},z2={{B}},z3={{{B}}} as Element of Aq by A1,A14,A15,
   take z1,z2,z3;
   thus dq.(x,z1) = dq.[x,z1] by BINOP_1:def 1
     .= new_bi_fun(cd,Q).[x1,{B}] by A13,A19,GRFUNC_1:8
     .= new_bi_fun(cd,Q).(x1,{B}) by BINOP_1:def 1
     .= cd.(xo,xo)"\/"a by A6,A8,Def11 .= Bottom L"\/"
a by A17,Def7 .= a by WAYBEL_1:4;
   thus dq.(z2,z3) = dq.[z2,z3] by BINOP_1:def 1
     .= new_bi_fun(cd,Q).[{{B}},{{{B}}}] by A13,A20,GRFUNC_1:8
     .= new_bi_fun(cd,Q).({{B}},{{{B}}}) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= a by A8,Def11;
   thus dq.(z1,z2) = dq.[z1,z2] by BINOP_1:def 1
     .= new_bi_fun(cd,Q).[{B},{{B}}] by A13,A21,GRFUNC_1:8
     .= new_bi_fun(cd,Q).({B},{{B}}) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= b by A9,Def11;
   thus dq.(z3,y) = dq.[z3,y] by BINOP_1:def 1
     .= new_bi_fun(cd,Q).[{{{B}}},y1] by A13,A22,GRFUNC_1:8
     .= new_bi_fun(cd,Q).({{{B}}},y1) by BINOP_1:def 1
     .= cd.(yo,yo)"\/"b by A7,A9,Def11 .= Bottom L"\/"
b by A17,Def7 .= b by WAYBEL_1:4;

definition let A,L; let d be distance_function of A,L;
mode ExtensionSeq of A,d -> Function means :Def21:
   dom it = NAT & it.0 = [A,d] &
    for n being Nat holds
    ex A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
       Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L st
     Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' & it.n = [A',d'] & it.(n+1) = [Aq,dq];
    defpred P[set,set,set] means
       (ex A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
           Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L st
        Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' & $2 = [A',d'] & $3 = [Aq,dq]) or
       $3= 0 &
       not ex A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
              Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L st
              Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' & $2 = [A',d'];
A1: for n being Nat for x being set ex y being set st P[n,x,y]
  let n be Nat; let x be set;
   per cases;
    suppose ex A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
      Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L st
      Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' & x = [A',d'];
     then consider A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
         Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L such that
  A2: Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' and
  A3: x = [A',d'];
     take [Aq,dq];
     thus thesis by A2,A3;
   A4: not ex A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
          Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L st
          Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' & x = [A',d'];
     take 0;
     thus thesis by A4;
   consider f being Function such that
A5:  dom f = NAT and
A6:  f.0 = [A,d] and
A7:  for n being Element of NAT holds P[n,f.n,f.(n+1)] from RecChoice(A1);
   take f;
   thus dom f = NAT by A5;
   thus f.0 = [A,d] by A6;
   defpred X[Nat] means ex A' being non empty set,
         d' being distance_function of A',L,
       Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L st
           Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' &
           f.$1 = [A',d'] & f.($1+1) = [Aq,dq];
       ex A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
        Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L st
        Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' & f.0 = [A',d']
       take A,d;
       consider q being QuadrSeq of d;
       set Aq = NextSet(d);
       consider dq being distance_function of Aq,L such that
     A8: dq = NextDelta(q);
       take Aq,dq;
       thus Aq, dq is_extension_of A,d by A8,Def20;
       thus f.0 = [A,d] by A6;
then A9: X[0] by A7;
A10: for k being Nat st X[k] holds X[k+1]
  let k be Nat; given
    A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
    Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L such that
       Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' and
       f.k = [A',d'] and
A11:  f.(k+1) = [Aq,dq];
      ex A1 being non empty set, d1 being distance_function of A1,L,
       AQ being non empty set, DQ being distance_function of AQ,L st
       AQ, DQ is_extension_of A1,d1 & f.(k+1) = [A1,d1]
      take Aq,dq;
      set AQ = NextSet(dq);
      consider Q being QuadrSeq of dq;
      set DQ = NextDelta(Q);
      take AQ,DQ;
      thus AQ, DQ is_extension_of Aq,dq by Def20;
      thus f.(k+1) = [Aq,dq] by A11;
   hence thesis by A7;
   thus for k being Nat holds X[k] from Ind(A9,A10);

theorem Th41:
 for d be distance_function of A,L for S being ExtensionSeq of A,d
 for k,l being Nat st k <= l holds (S.k)`1 c= (S.l)`1
 let d be distance_function of A,L; let S be ExtensionSeq of A,d;
 let k be Nat;
   defpred X[Nat] means k <= $1 implies (S.k)`1 c= (S.$1)`1;
A1: X[0] by NAT_1:19;
A2: for i being Nat st X[i] holds X[i+1]
  let i be Nat; assume that
  A3: k <= i implies (S.k)`1 c= (S.i)`1 and
  A4: k <= i+1;
   per cases by A4,NAT_1:26;
    suppose k = i+1;
    hence (S.k)`1 c= (S.(i+1))`1;
    suppose A5: k <= i;
     consider A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
         Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L such that
  A6:  Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' and
  A7:  S.i = [A',d'] & S.(i+1) = [Aq,dq] by Def21;
     consider q being QuadrSeq of d' such that
  A8:  Aq = NextSet(d') and
         dq = NextDelta(q) by A6,Def20;
  A9:  (S.i)`1 = A' by A7,MCART_1:def 1;
  A10:  (S.(i+1))`1 = NextSet(d') by A7,A8,MCART_1:def 1
                  .= ConsecutiveSet(A',DistEsti(d')) by Def18;
        (S.i)`1 c= ConsecutiveSet(A',DistEsti(d')) by A9,Th27;
    hence (S.k)`1 c= (S.(i+1))`1 by A3,A5,A10,XBOOLE_1:1;
 thus for l being Nat holds X[l] from Ind(A1,A2);

theorem Th42:
 for d be distance_function of A,L for S being ExtensionSeq of A,d
 for k,l being Nat st k <= l holds (S.k)`2 c= (S.l)`2
 let d be distance_function of A,L; let S be ExtensionSeq of A,d;
 let k be Nat;
   defpred X[Nat] means k <= $1 implies (S.k)`2 c= (S.$1)`2;
A1: X[0] by NAT_1:19;
A2: for i being Nat st X[i] holds X[i+1]
  let i be Nat; assume that
  A3: k <= i implies (S.k)`2 c= (S.i)`2 and
  A4: k <= i+1;
   per cases by A4,NAT_1:26;
    suppose k = i+1;
    hence (S.k)`2 c= (S.(i+1))`2;
    suppose A5: k <= i;
     consider A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
         Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L such that
  A6:  Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' and
  A7:  S.i = [A',d'] & S.(i+1) = [Aq,dq] by Def21;
     consider q being QuadrSeq of d' such that
         Aq = NextSet(d') and
  A8:  dq = NextDelta(q) by A6,Def20;
  A9:  (S.i)`2 = d' by A7,MCART_1:def 2;
  A10:  (S.(i+1))`2 = NextDelta(q) by A7,A8,MCART_1:def 2
                  .= ConsecutiveDelta(q,DistEsti(d')) by Def19;
        (S.i)`2 c= ConsecutiveDelta(q,DistEsti(d')) by A9,Th34;
    hence (S.k)`2 c= (S.(i+1))`2 by A3,A5,A10,XBOOLE_1:1;
 thus for l being Nat holds X[l] from Ind(A1,A2);

definition let L;
func BasicDF(L) -> distance_function of the carrier of L,L means :Def22:
 for x,y being Element of L holds
  (x <> y implies it.(x,y) = x"\/"y) &
  (x = y implies it.(x,y) = Bottom L);
set A = the carrier of L;
   defpred X[Element of L,Element of L,set]
      means ($1 = $2 implies $3 = Bottom L) & ($1 <> $2 implies $3 = $1"\/"$2);
A1: for x,y being Element of L
     ex z being Element of L st X[x,y,z]
      let x,y be Element of L;
       per cases;
        suppose A2: x = y;
        take Bottom L;
        thus thesis by A2;
        suppose A3: x <> y;
        take x"\/"y;
        thus thesis by A3;
  consider f being Function of
   [:the carrier of L,the carrier of L:],the carrier of L such that
A4:  for x,y being Element of L holds X[x,y,f.[x,y]]
                                                       from FuncEx2D(A1);
A5:for x,y being Element of L holds
   (x <> y implies f.(x,y) = x"\/"y) & (x = y implies f.(x,y) = Bottom L)
    let x,y be Element of L;
    thus x <> y implies f.(x,y) = x"\/"y
      assume A6: x <> y;
      thus f.(x,y) = f.[x,y] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= x"\/"y by A4,A6;
    thus x = y implies f.(x,y) = Bottom L
      assume A7: x = y;
      thus f.(x,y) = f.[x,y] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= Bottom L by A4,A7;
 reconsider f as BiFunction of A,L;
A8: f is zeroed
   let x be Element of A;
   thus f.(x,x) = Bottom L by A5;
A9: f is symmetric
   let x,y be Element of A;
    reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of L;
    per cases;
     suppose x = y;
      hence f.(x,y) = f.(y,x);
     suppose A10: x <> y;
      hence f.(x,y) = y' "\/" x' by A5
                  .= f.(y,x) by A5,A10;
   f is u.t.i.
   let x,y,z be Element of A;
    reconsider x' = x, y' = y, z' = z as Element of L;
    per cases;
     suppose A11: x = z;
             f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= Bottom L by YELLOW_0:44;
      hence f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z) by A5,A11;
     suppose A12: x <> z;
      thus f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z)
        per cases;
         suppose A13: x = y;
              x' "\/" z' >= x' "\/" z' by ORDERS_1:24;
            then f.(x,z) >= x' "\/" z' by A5,A12;
            then Bottom L "\/" f.(x,z) >= x' "\/" z' by WAYBEL_1:4;
            then f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= x' "\/" z' by A5,A13;
           hence f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z) by A5,A12;
         suppose A14: x <> y;
             (x' "\/" y') "\/" f.(y,z) >= x' "\/" z'
             per cases;
             suppose A15: y = z;
                 (x' "\/" y') >= x' "\/" y' by ORDERS_1:24;
               then Bottom L "\/" (x' "\/" y') >= x' "\/" z' by A15,WAYBEL_1:4
              hence (x' "\/" y') "\/" f.(y,z) >= x' "\/" z' by A5,A15;
             suppose A16: y <> z;
              (x' "\/" z') "\/" y' = (x' "\/" z') "\/" (y' "\/" y') by YELLOW_5
                               .= x' "\/" (z' "\/" (y' "\/" y')) by LATTICE3:14
                               .= x' "\/" (y' "\/" (y' "\/" z')) by LATTICE3:14
                               .= (x' "\/" y') "\/" (y' "\/"
 z') by LATTICE3:14;
               then (x' "\/" y') "\/" (y' "\/" z') >= x' "\/"
 z' by YELLOW_0:22;
              hence (x' "\/" y') "\/" f.(y,z) >= x' "\/" z' by A5,A16;
           then f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= x' "\/" z' by A5,A14;
          hence f.(x,y) "\/" f.(y,z) >= f.(x,z) by A5,A12;
 then reconsider f as distance_function of A,L by A8,A9;
 take f;
 thus thesis by A5;
  let f1,f2 be distance_function of the carrier of L,L such that
A17: for x,y being Element of L holds
   (x <> y implies f1.(x,y) = x"\/"y) & (x = y implies f1.(x,y) = Bottom L) and
A18: for x,y being Element of L holds
   (x <> y implies f2.(x,y) = x"\/"y) & (x = y implies f2.(x,y) = Bottom L);
A19:  dom f1 = [:the carrier of L,the carrier of L:] by FUNCT_2:def 1
          .= dom f2 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    for z being set st z in dom f1 holds f1.z = f2.z
    let z be set; assume A20: z in dom f1;
    then consider x,y being set such that
  A21: z = [x,y] by ZFMISC_1:102;
    reconsider x,y as Element of L by A20,A21,ZFMISC_1:106;
    per cases;
     suppose A22: x = y;
      thus f1.z = f1.(x,y) by A21,BINOP_1:def 1 .= Bottom L by A17,A22
         .= f2.(x,y) by A18,A22 .= f2.z by A21,BINOP_1:def 1;
     suppose A23: x <> y;
      thus f1.z = f1.(x,y) by A21,BINOP_1:def 1 .= x"\/"y by A17,A23
         .= f2.(x,y) by A18,A23 .= f2.z by A21,BINOP_1:def 1;
  hence f1 = f2 by A19,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th43:
BasicDF(L) is onto
 set X = the carrier of L, f = BasicDF(L);
   for w being set st w in X ex z being set st z in [:X,X:] & w = f.z
   let w be set; assume
 A1:  w in X;
   then reconsider w' = w as Element of L;
   reconsider w'' = w as Element of L by A1;
   per cases;
    suppose A2: w = Bottom L;
     take z = [w,w];
     thus z in [:X,X:] by A1,ZFMISC_1:106;
     thus f.z = f.(w',w') by BINOP_1:def 1.= w by A2,Def22;
    suppose A3: w <> Bottom L;
     take z = [Bottom L,w];
     thus z in [:X,X:] by A1,ZFMISC_1:106;
     thus f.z = f.(Bottom L,w') by BINOP_1:def 1
             .= Bottom L "\/" w'' by A3,Def22 .= w by WAYBEL_1:4;
 then rng f = the carrier of L by FUNCT_2:16;
 hence BasicDF(L) is onto by FUNCT_2:def 3;

Lm2: now let j be Nat; assume
   A1: 1 <= j & j < 5;
       then j < 4+1;
       then j <= 4 by NAT_1:38;
       then j = 0 or j = 1 or j = 2 or j = 3 or j = 4 by CQC_THE1:5;
      hence j = 1 or j = 2 or j = 3 or j = 4 by A1;
Lm3: now let m be Nat; assume
   A1: m in Seg 5;
       then 1 <= m & m <= 5 by FINSEQ_1:3;
       then m = 0 or m = 1 or m = 2 or m = 3 or m = 4 or m = 5 by CQC_THE1:6;
      hence m = 1 or m = 2 or m = 3 or m = 4 or m = 5 by A1,FINSEQ_1:3;
Lm4: now let A,L; let d be distance_function of A,L;
         succ {} c= DistEsti(d) or DistEsti(d) in succ {} by ORDINAL1:26;
       then succ {} c= DistEsti(d) or DistEsti(d) c= {} by ORDINAL1:34;
       then succ {} c= DistEsti(d) or DistEsti(d) = {} by XBOOLE_1:3;
      hence succ {} c= DistEsti(d) by Th23;

theorem Th44:
  for S being ExtensionSeq of the carrier of L, BasicDF(L)
  for FS being non empty set st
    FS = union { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction} holds
  union { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction}
   is distance_function of FS,L
  let S be ExtensionSeq of the carrier of L, BasicDF(L);
  let FS be non empty set;
  assume A1:FS = union { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
  set FD = union { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
 set A = the carrier of L;
  (S.0)`1 in { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
  then reconsider X = { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction}
      as non empty set;
  reconsider FS as non empty set;
A2: { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} is c=-linear
     now let x,y be set; assume that
  A3: x in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} and
  A4: y in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
   consider k being Nat such that
  A5: x = (S.k)`2 by A3;
   consider l being Nat such that
  A6: y = (S.l)`2 by A4;
        k <= l or l <= k;
    then x c= y or y c= x by A5,A6,Th42;
    hence x,y are_c=-comparable by XBOOLE_0:def 9;
   end; hence thesis by ORDINAL1:def 9;
      { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} c= PFuncs([:FS,FS:],A)
      let z be set;
      assume z in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
      then consider j being Nat such that
  A7:   z = (S.j)`2;
      consider A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
         Aq being non empty set, dq being distance_function of Aq,L such that
          Aq, dq is_extension_of A',d' and
  A8:   S.j = [A',d'] & S.(j+1) = [Aq,dq] by Def21;
  A9:   z = d' by A7,A8,MCART_1:def 2;
  A10:   rng d' c= A;
  A11:   dom d' = [:A',A':] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
          A' = (S.j)`1 by A8,MCART_1:def 1;
        then A' in { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
        then A' c= FS by A1,ZFMISC_1:92;
        then dom d' c= [:FS,FS:] by A11,ZFMISC_1:119;
      hence z in PFuncs([:FS,FS:],A) by A9,A10,PARTFUN1:def 5;
  then FD in PFuncs([:FS,FS:],A) by A2,HAHNBAN:13;
  then consider g being Function such that
A12: FD = g and
      dom g c= [:FS,FS:] and
A13: rng g c= A by PARTFUN1:def 5;
  reconsider FD as Function by A12;
A14: X is c=-linear
     now let x,y be set; assume that
  A15: x in X and
  A16: y in X;
   consider k being Nat such that
  A17: x = (S.k)`1 by A15;
   consider l being Nat such that
  A18: y = (S.l)`1 by A16;
        k <= l or l <= k;
    then x c= y or y c= x by A17,A18,Th41;
    hence x,y are_c=-comparable by XBOOLE_0:def 9;
   end; hence thesis by ORDINAL1:def 9;
   defpred X[set,set] means $2 = (S.$1)`2;
A19: for x,y1,y2 being set st x in NAT & X[x,y1] & X[x,y2]
     holds y1 = y2;
A20: for x being set st x in NAT ex y being set st X[x,y];
  consider F being Function such that
A21:  dom F = NAT and
A22:  for x being set st x in NAT holds X[x,F.x] from FuncEx(A19,A20);
A23:  rng F = { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction}
    thus rng F c= { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction}
         let x be set; assume x in rng F;
         then consider j being set such that
       A24: j in dom F & F.j = x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
         reconsider j as Nat by A21,A24;
           x = (S.j)`2 by A22,A24;
         hence x in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
         let x be set; assume
             x in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
         then consider j being Nat such that
       A25: x = (S.j)`2;
             x = F.j by A22,A25;
         hence x in rng F by A21,FUNCT_1:def 5;
     F is Function-yielding
     let x be set; assume x in dom F;
      then reconsider j = x as Nat by A21;
      consider A1 being non empty set, d1 being distance_function of A1,L,
      Aq1 being non empty set, dq1 being distance_function of Aq1,L such that
            Aq1, dq1 is_extension_of A1,d1 and
    A26:   S.j = [A1,d1] & S.(j+1) = [Aq1,dq1] by Def21;
           (S.j)`2 = d1 by A26,MCART_1:def 2;
     hence F.x is Function by A22;
  then reconsider F as Function-yielding Function;
 set LL = { [:I,I:] where I is Element of X : I in X },
     PP = { [:(S.i)`1,(S.i)`1:] where i is Nat: not contradiction };
A27: rng doms F = PP
 thus rng doms F c= PP
     let x be set; assume x in rng doms F;
      then consider j being set such that
    A28: j in dom doms F & x = (doms F).j by FUNCT_1:def 5;
    A29: j in dom F by A28,EXTENS_1:3;
      reconsider j as Nat by A21,A28,EXTENS_1:3;
      consider A1 being non empty set, d1 being distance_function of A1,L,
       Aq1 being non empty set, dq1 being distance_function of Aq1,L such that
            Aq1, dq1 is_extension_of A1,d1 and
    A30:   S.j = [A1,d1] & S.(j+1) = [Aq1,dq1] by Def21;
    A31: (S.j)`2 = d1 by A30,MCART_1:def 2;
    A32: (S.j)`1 = A1 by A30,MCART_1:def 1;
        x = dom (F.j) by A28,A29,FUNCT_6:31 .= dom d1 by A22,A31
       .= [:(S.j)`1,(S.j)`1:] by A32,FUNCT_2:def 1;
     hence x in PP;
     let x be set; assume x in PP;
      then consider j being Nat such that
    A33:x = [:(S.j)`1,(S.j)`1:];
      consider A1 being non empty set, d1 being distance_function of A1,L,
      Aq1 being non empty set, dq1 being distance_function of Aq1,L such that
            Aq1, dq1 is_extension_of A1,d1 and
    A34:   S.j = [A1,d1] & S.(j+1) = [Aq1,dq1] by Def21;
    A35: (S.j)`2 = d1 by A34,MCART_1:def 2;
    A36: (S.j)`1 = A1 by A34,MCART_1:def 1;
          j in NAT;
    then A37: j in dom doms F by A21,EXTENS_1:3;
        x = dom d1 by A33,A36,FUNCT_2:def 1
       .= dom (F.j) by A22,A35 .= (doms F).j by A21,FUNCT_6:31;
     hence x in rng doms F by A37,FUNCT_1:def 5;
  LL = PP
        thus LL c= PP
        let x be set; assume x in LL;
         then consider J being Element of X such that
       A38:x = [:J,J:] and
       A39:J in X;
         consider j being Nat such that
       A40:J = (S.j)`1 by A39;
        thus x in PP by A38,A40;
        let x be set; assume x in PP;
         then consider j being Nat such that
       A41:x = [:(S.j)`1,(S.j)`1:];
             (S.j)`1 in X;
        hence x in LL by A41;
  then [:FS,FS:] = union rng doms F by A1,A14,A27,Th3
      .= dom FD by A23,Th1;
  then reconsider FD as BiFunction of FS,L
               by A12,A13,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
A42: FD is zeroed
   let x be Element of FS;
    consider y being set such that
 A43: x in y & y in X by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
    consider j being Nat such that
 A44: y = (S.j)`1 by A43;
    consider A1 being non empty set, d1 being distance_function of A1,L,
      Aq1 being non empty set, dq1 being distance_function of Aq1,L such that
         Aq1, dq1 is_extension_of A1,d1 and
 A45:   S.j = [A1,d1] & S.(j+1) = [Aq1,dq1] by Def21;
 A46: (S.j)`2 = d1 by A45,MCART_1:def 2;
    reconsider x' = x as Element of A1 by A43,A44,A45,MCART_1:def 1;
       d1 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A46;
 then A47: d1 c= FD by ZFMISC_1:92;
 A48: dom d1 = [:A1,A1:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   thus FD.(x,x) = FD.[x',x'] by BINOP_1:def 1
                .= d1.[x',x'] by A47,A48,GRFUNC_1:8
                .= d1.(x',x') by BINOP_1:def 1 .=Bottom L by Def7;
A49: FD is symmetric
   let x,y be Element of FS;
    consider x1 being set such that
 A50: x in x1 & x1 in X by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
    consider k being Nat such that
 A51: x1 = (S.k)`1 by A50;
    consider A1 being non empty set, d1 being distance_function of A1,L,
      Aq1 being non empty set, dq1 being distance_function of Aq1,L such that
         Aq1, dq1 is_extension_of A1,d1 and
 A52:   S.k = [A1,d1] & S.(k+1) = [Aq1,dq1] by Def21;
 A53: (S.k)`2 = d1 by A52,MCART_1:def 2;
 A54: (S.k)`1 = A1 by A52,MCART_1:def 1;
       d1 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A53;
 then A55: d1 c= FD by ZFMISC_1:92;
 A56: x in A1 by A50,A51,A52,MCART_1:def 1;
    consider y1 being set such that
 A57: y in y1 & y1 in X by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
    consider l being Nat such that
 A58: y1 = (S.l)`1 by A57;
    consider A2 being non empty set, d2 being distance_function of A2,L,
      Aq2 being non empty set, dq2 being distance_function of Aq2,L such that
         Aq2, dq2 is_extension_of A2,d2 and
 A59:   S.l = [A2,d2] & S.(l+1) = [Aq2,dq2] by Def21;
 A60: (S.l)`2 = d2 by A59,MCART_1:def 2;
 A61: (S.l)`1 = A2 by A59,MCART_1:def 1;
       d2 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A60;
 then A62: d2 c= FD by ZFMISC_1:92;
 A63: y in A2 by A57,A58,A59,MCART_1:def 1;
    per cases;
     suppose k <= l;
       then A1 c= A2 by A54,A61,Th41;
      then reconsider x'=x,y'=y as Element of A2 by A56,A57,A58,A59,MCART_1:def
  A64:  dom d2 = [:A2,A2:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     thus FD.(x,y) = FD.[x',y'] by BINOP_1:def 1
            .= d2.[x',y'] by A62,A64,GRFUNC_1:8 .= d2.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1
            .= d2.(y',x') by Def6 .= d2.[y',x'] by BINOP_1:def 1
            .= FD.[y',x'] by A62,A64,GRFUNC_1:8 .= FD.(y,x) by BINOP_1:def 1;
     suppose l <= k;
       then A2 c= A1 by A54,A61,Th41;
      then reconsider x'=x,y'=y as Element of A1 by A50,A51,A52,A63,MCART_1:def
  A65:  dom d1 = [:A1,A1:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     thus FD.(x,y) = FD.[x',y'] by BINOP_1:def 1
            .= d1.[x',y'] by A55,A65,GRFUNC_1:8 .= d1.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1
            .= d1.(y',x') by Def6 .= d1.[y',x'] by BINOP_1:def 1
            .= FD.[y',x'] by A55,A65,GRFUNC_1:8 .= FD.(y,x) by BINOP_1:def 1;
   FD is u.t.i.
   let x,y,z be Element of FS;
    consider x1 being set such that
 A66: x in x1 & x1 in X by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
    consider k being Nat such that
 A67: x1 = (S.k)`1 by A66;
    consider A1 being non empty set, d1 being distance_function of A1,L,
      Aq1 being non empty set, dq1 being distance_function of Aq1,L such that
         Aq1, dq1 is_extension_of A1,d1 and
 A68:   S.k = [A1,d1] & S.(k+1) = [Aq1,dq1] by Def21;
 A69: (S.k)`2 = d1 by A68,MCART_1:def 2;
 A70: (S.k)`1 = A1 by A68,MCART_1:def 1;
       d1 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A69;
 then A71: d1 c= FD by ZFMISC_1:92;
 A72: x in A1 by A66,A67,A68,MCART_1:def 1;
 A73: dom d1 = [:A1,A1:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    consider y1 being set such that
 A74: y in y1 & y1 in X by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
    consider l being Nat such that
 A75: y1 = (S.l)`1 by A74;
    consider A2 being non empty set, d2 being distance_function of A2,L,
      Aq2 being non empty set, dq2 being distance_function of Aq2,L such that
         Aq2, dq2 is_extension_of A2,d2 and
 A76:   S.l = [A2,d2] & S.(l+1) = [Aq2,dq2] by Def21;
 A77: (S.l)`2 = d2 by A76,MCART_1:def 2;
 A78: (S.l)`1 = A2 by A76,MCART_1:def 1;
       d2 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A77;
 then A79: d2 c= FD by ZFMISC_1:92;
 A80: y in A2 by A74,A75,A76,MCART_1:def 1;
 A81: dom d2 = [:A2,A2:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    consider z1 being set such that
 A82: z in z1 & z1 in X by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
    consider n being Nat such that
 A83: z1 = (S.n)`1 by A82;
    consider A3 being non empty set, d3 being distance_function of A3,L,
      Aq3 being non empty set, dq3 being distance_function of Aq3,L such that
         Aq3, dq3 is_extension_of A3,d3 and
 A84:   S.n = [A3,d3] & S.(n+1) = [Aq3,dq3] by Def21;
 A85: (S.n)`2 = d3 by A84,MCART_1:def 2;
 A86: (S.n)`1 = A3 by A84,MCART_1:def 1;
       d3 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A85;
 then A87: d3 c= FD by ZFMISC_1:92;
 A88: z in A3 by A82,A83,A84,MCART_1:def 1;
 A89: dom d3 = [:A3,A3:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     per cases;
      suppose k <= l;
   then A90:  A1 c= A2 by A70,A78,Th41;
       thus FD.(x,y) "\/" FD.(y,z) >= FD.(x,z)
         per cases;
          suppose l <= n;
      then A91:   A2 c= A3 by A78,A86,Th41;
            then A1 c= A3 by A90,XBOOLE_1:1;
           then reconsider x' = x, y' = y, z' = z as Element of A3
                                         by A72,A80,A82,A83,A84,A91,MCART_1:def
      A92:   FD.(x,y) = FD.[x',y'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d3.[x',y'] by A87,A89,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d3.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1;
      A93:   FD.(y,z) = FD.[y',z'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d3.[y',z'] by A87,A89,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d3.(y',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
              FD.(x,z) = FD.[x',z'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d3.[x',z'] by A87,A89,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d3.(x',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
          hence FD.(x,y) "\/" FD.(y,z) >= FD.(x,z) by A92,A93,Def8;
          suppose n <= l;
           then A3 c= A2 by A78,A86,Th41;
           then reconsider x' = x, y' = y, z' = z as Element of A2
                                by A72,A74,A75,A76,A88,A90,MCART_1:def 1;
      A94:   FD.(x,y) = FD.[x',y'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d2.[x',y'] by A79,A81,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d2.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1;
      A95:   FD.(y,z) = FD.[y',z'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d2.[y',z'] by A79,A81,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d2.(y',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
              FD.(x,z) = FD.[x',z'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d2.[x',z'] by A79,A81,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d2.(x',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
          hence FD.(x,y) "\/" FD.(y,z) >= FD.(x,z) by A94,A95,Def8;
      suppose l <= k;
   then A96:  A2 c= A1 by A70,A78,Th41;
       thus FD.(x,y) "\/" FD.(y,z) >= FD.(x,z)
         per cases;
          suppose k <= n;
      then A97:  A1 c= A3 by A70,A86,Th41;
           then A2 c= A3 by A96,XBOOLE_1:1;
           then reconsider x' = x, y' = y, z' = z as Element of A3
                                        by A72,A80,A82,A83,A84,A97,MCART_1:def
      A98:   FD.(x,y) = FD.[x',y'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d3.[x',y'] by A87,A89,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d3.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1;
      A99:   FD.(y,z) = FD.[y',z'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d3.[y',z'] by A87,A89,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d3.(y',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
              FD.(x,z) = FD.[x',z'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d3.[x',z'] by A87,A89,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d3.(x',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
          hence FD.(x,y) "\/" FD.(y,z) >= FD.(x,z) by A98,A99,Def8;
          suppose n <= k;
           then A3 c= A1 by A70,A86,Th41;
           then reconsider x' = x, y' = y, z' = z as Element of A1
                                by A66,A67,A68,A80,A88,A96,MCART_1:def 1;
      A100:   FD.(x,y) = FD.[x',y'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d1.[x',y'] by A71,A73,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d1.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1;
      A101:   FD.(y,z) = FD.[y',z'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d1.[y',z'] by A71,A73,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d1.(y',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
              FD.(x,z) = FD.[x',z'] by BINOP_1:def 1
              .= d1.[x',z'] by A71,A73,GRFUNC_1:8
              .= d1.(x',z') by BINOP_1:def 1;
          hence FD.(x,y) "\/" FD.(y,z) >= FD.(x,z) by A100,A101,Def8;
  hence thesis by A42,A49;

theorem Th45:
  for S being ExtensionSeq of the carrier of L, BasicDF(L)
  for FS being non empty set,
      FD being distance_function of FS,L
 for x,y being Element of FS for a,b being Element of L st
 FS = union { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction} &
 FD = union { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} &
 FD.(x,y) <= a"\/"b
  ex z1,z2,z3 being Element of FS st FD.(x,z1) = a & FD.(z2,z3) = a &
   FD.(z1,z2) = b & FD.(z3,y) = b
  let S be ExtensionSeq of the carrier of L, BasicDF(L);
  let FS be non empty set, FD be distance_function of FS,L;
   let x,y be Element of FS; let a,b be Element of L; assume that
  A1: FS = union { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction} &
      FD = union { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} and
 A2:  FD.(x,y) <= a"\/"b;
  (S.0)`1 in { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
  then reconsider X = { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction}
      as non empty set;
    consider x1 being set such that
 A3: x in x1 & x1 in X by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
    consider k being Nat such that
 A4: x1 = (S.k)`1 by A3;
    consider A1 being non empty set, d1 being distance_function of A1,L,
      Aq1 being non empty set, dq1 being distance_function of Aq1,L such that
 A5:   Aq1, dq1 is_extension_of A1,d1 and
 A6:   S.k = [A1,d1] & S.(k+1) = [Aq1,dq1] by Def21;
 A7: (S.k)`2 = d1 by A6,MCART_1:def 2;
 A8: (S.k)`1 = A1 by A6,MCART_1:def 1;
 A9: (S.(k+1))`1 = Aq1 by A6,MCART_1:def 1;
 A10: (S.(k+1))`2 = dq1 by A6,MCART_1:def 2;
       d1 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A7;
 then A11: d1 c= FD by A1,ZFMISC_1:92;
       dq1 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A10;
 then A12: dq1 c= FD by A1,ZFMISC_1:92;
       Aq1 in { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A9;
 then A13: Aq1 c= FS by A1,ZFMISC_1:92;
 A14: x in A1 by A3,A4,A6,MCART_1:def 1;
    consider y1 being set such that
 A15: y in y1 & y1 in X by A1,TARSKI:def 4;
    consider l being Nat such that
 A16: y1 = (S.l)`1 by A15;
    consider A2 being non empty set, d2 being distance_function of A2,L,
      Aq2 being non empty set, dq2 being distance_function of Aq2,L such that
 A17:   Aq2, dq2 is_extension_of A2,d2 and
 A18:   S.l = [A2,d2] & S.(l+1) = [Aq2,dq2] by Def21;
 A19: (S.l)`2 = d2 by A18,MCART_1:def 2;
 A20: (S.l)`1 = A2 by A18,MCART_1:def 1;
 A21: (S.(l+1))`1 = Aq2 by A18,MCART_1:def 1;
 A22: (S.(l+1))`2 = dq2 by A18,MCART_1:def 2;
       d2 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A19;
 then A23: d2 c= FD by A1,ZFMISC_1:92;
       dq2 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A22;
 then A24: dq2 c= FD by A1,ZFMISC_1:92;
       Aq2 in { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction} by A21;
 then A25: Aq2 c= FS by A1,ZFMISC_1:92;
 A26: y in A2 by A15,A16,A18,MCART_1:def 1;
   per cases;
     suppose k <= l;
       then A1 c= A2 by A8,A20,Th41;
      then reconsider x'=x,y'=y as Element of A2 by A14,A15,A16,A18,MCART_1:def
  A27:  x' in A2 & y' in A2;
  A28:  dom d2 = [:A2,A2:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
         FD.(x,y) = FD.[x',y'] by BINOP_1:def 1
               .= d2.[x',y'] by A23,A28,GRFUNC_1:8
               .= d2.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1;
      then consider z1,z2,z3 being Element of Aq2 such that
  A29:  dq2.(x,z1) = a and
  A30:  dq2.(z2,z3) = a and
  A31:  dq2.(z1,z2) = b and
  A32:  dq2.(z3,y) = b by A2,A17,Th40;
         z1 in Aq2 & z2 in Aq2 & z3 in Aq2;
      then reconsider z1' = z1, z2' = z2, z3' = z3 as Element of FS by A25;
         l <= l+1 by NAT_1:29;
       then A2 c= Aq2 by A20,A21,Th41;
      then reconsider x'' = x',y'' = y' as Element of Aq2 by A27;
  A33:  dom dq2 = [:Aq2,Aq2:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      take z1',z2',z3';
      thus FD.(x,z1') = FD.[x'',z1] by BINOP_1:def 1
             .= dq2.[x'',z1] by A24,A33,GRFUNC_1:8
             .= a by A29,BINOP_1:def 1;
      thus FD.(z2',z3') = FD.[z2,z3] by BINOP_1:def 1
             .= dq2.[z2,z3] by A24,A33,GRFUNC_1:8
             .= a by A30,BINOP_1:def 1;
      thus FD.(z1',z2') = FD.[z1,z2] by BINOP_1:def 1
             .= dq2.[z1,z2] by A24,A33,GRFUNC_1:8
             .= b by A31,BINOP_1:def 1;
      thus FD.(z3',y) = FD.[z3,y''] by BINOP_1:def 1
             .= dq2.[z3,y''] by A24,A33,GRFUNC_1:8
             .= b by A32,BINOP_1:def 1;
     suppose l <= k;
       then A2 c= A1 by A8,A20,Th41;
      then reconsider x'=x,y'=y as Element of A1 by A3,A4,A6,A26,MCART_1:def 1;
  A34:  x' in A1 & y' in A1;
  A35:  dom d1 = [:A1,A1:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
         FD.(x,y) = FD.[x',y'] by BINOP_1:def 1
               .= d1.[x',y'] by A11,A35,GRFUNC_1:8
               .= d1.(x',y') by BINOP_1:def 1;
      then consider z1,z2,z3 being Element of Aq1 such that
  A36:  dq1.(x,z1) = a and
  A37:  dq1.(z2,z3) = a and
  A38:  dq1.(z1,z2) = b and
  A39:  dq1.(z3,y) = b by A2,A5,Th40;
         z1 in Aq1 & z2 in Aq1 & z3 in Aq1;
      then reconsider z1' = z1, z2' = z2, z3' = z3 as Element of FS by A13;
         k <= k+1 by NAT_1:29;
       then A1 c= Aq1 by A8,A9,Th41;
      then reconsider x'' = x',y'' = y' as Element of Aq1 by A34;
  A40:  dom dq1 = [:Aq1,Aq1:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      take z1',z2',z3';
      thus FD.(x,z1') = FD.[x'',z1] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= dq1.[x'',z1]
        by A12,A40,GRFUNC_1:8 .= a by A36,BINOP_1:def 1;
      thus FD.(z2',z3') = FD.[z2,z3] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= dq1.[z2,z3]
        by A12,A40,GRFUNC_1:8 .= a by A37,BINOP_1:def 1;
      thus FD.(z1',z2') = FD.[z1,z2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= dq1.[z1,z2]
        by A12,A40,GRFUNC_1:8 .= b by A38,BINOP_1:def 1;
      thus FD.(z3',y) = FD.[z3,y''] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= dq1.[z3,y'']
        by A12,A40,GRFUNC_1:8 .= b by A39,BINOP_1:def 1;

theorem Th46:
  for S being ExtensionSeq of the carrier of L, BasicDF(L)
  for FS being non empty set
  for FD being distance_function of FS,L
  for f being Homomorphism of L,EqRelLATT FS
  for x, y being Element of FS
  for e1,e2 being Equivalence_Relation of FS,x,y st f = alpha FD &
    FS = union { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction} &
    FD = union { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} &
       e1 in the carrier of Image f & e2 in the carrier of Image f &
       [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2
      ex F being non empty FinSequence of FS st
           len F = 3+2 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2
  let S be ExtensionSeq of the carrier of L, BasicDF(L);
  let FS be non empty set;
  let FD be distance_function of FS,L;
  let f be Homomorphism of L,EqRelLATT FS;
  let x, y be Element of FS;
let e1,e2 be Equivalence_Relation of FS,x,y; assume that
 A1: f = alpha FD and
A2: FS = union { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction} &
    FD = union { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction} and
 A3: e1 in the carrier of Image f & e2 in the carrier of Image f and
 A4: [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2;
   Image f = subrelstr rng f by YELLOW_2:def 2;
then A5:the carrier of Image f = rng f by YELLOW_0:def 15;
   then consider a being set such that
 A6: a in dom f and
 A7: e1 = f.a by A3,FUNCT_1:def 5;
   consider b being set such that
 A8: b in dom f and
 A9: e2 = f.b by A3,A5,FUNCT_1:def 5;
   reconsider a,b as Element of L by A6,A8;
      field (e1 "\/" e2) = FS by EQREL_1:15;
   then reconsider u = x, v = y as Element of FS by A4,RELAT_1:30;
   reconsider a,b as Element of L;
   consider e1' being Equivalence_Relation of FS such that
 A10:  e1' = f.a and
 A11: for u,v being Element of FS holds [u,v] in e1' iff FD.(u,v) <= a
   by A1,Def9;
   consider e2' being Equivalence_Relation of FS such that
 A12:  e2' = f.b and
 A13: for u,v being Element of FS holds [u,v] in e2' iff FD.(u,v) <= b
   by A1,Def9;
   consider e being Equivalence_Relation of FS such that
 A14:  e = f.(a"\/"b) and
 A15: for u,v being Element of FS holds [u,v] in e iff FD.(u,v) <=
 a"\/"b by A1,Def9;
    e = f.a"\/"f.b by A14,WAYBEL_6:2
   .= e1 "\/" e2 by A7,A9,Th10;
  then FD.(u,v) <= a"\/"b by A4,A15;
   then consider z1,z2,z3 being Element of FS such that
 A16: FD.(u,z1) = a and
 A17: FD.(z2,z3) = a and
 A18: FD.(z1,z2) = b and
 A19: FD.(z3,v) = b by A2,Th45;
    defpred P[set,set] means
        ($1 = 1 implies $2 = u) & ($1 = 2 implies $2 = z1) &
        ($1 = 3 implies $2 = z2) & ($1 = 4 implies $2 = z3) &
        ($1 = 5 implies $2 = v);
   A20: for m being Nat, w1,w2 being set st m in Seg 5 & P[m,w1] & P[m,w2]
         holds w1 = w2 by Lm3;
   A21: for m being Nat st m in Seg 5 ex w being set st P[m,w]
     let m be Nat; assume
    A22:m in Seg 5;
     per cases by A22,Lm3;
      suppose A23: m = 1; take w = x; thus P[m,w] by A23;
      suppose A24: m = 2; take w = z1; thus P[m,w] by A24;
      suppose A25: m = 3; take w = z2; thus P[m,w] by A25;
      suppose A26: m = 4; take w = z3; thus P[m,w] by A26;
      suppose A27: m = 5; take w = y; thus P[m,w] by A27;
   ex p being FinSequence st dom p = Seg 5 &
    for k being Nat st k in Seg 5 holds P[k,p.k] from SeqEx(A20,A21);
   then consider h being FinSequence such that
 A28:  dom h = Seg 5 and
 A29:  for m being Nat st m in Seg 5 holds
             (m = 1 implies h.m = u) & (m = 2 implies h.m = z1) &
             (m = 3 implies h.m = z2) & (m = 4 implies h.m = z3) &
             (m = 5 implies h.m = v);
        Seg 5 = { n where n is Nat: 1 <= n & n <= 5 } by FINSEQ_1:def 1;
 then A30: 1 in Seg 5 & 2 in Seg 5 & 3 in Seg 5 & 4 in Seg 5 & 5 in Seg 5;
 A31: len h = 5 by A28,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     rng h c= FS
     let w be set; assume w in rng h;
      then consider j be set such that
   A32: j in dom h & w = h.j by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      per cases by A28,A32,Lm3;
       suppose j = 1; then h.j = u by A29,A30; hence w in FS by A32;
       suppose j = 2; then h.j = z1 by A29,A30; hence w in FS by A32;
       suppose j = 3; then h.j = z2 by A29,A30; hence w in FS by A32;
       suppose j = 4; then h.j = z3 by A29,A30; hence w in FS by A32;
       suppose j = 5; then h.j = v by A29,A30; hence w in FS by A32;
   then reconsider h as FinSequence of FS by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
     len h <> 0 by A28,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   then reconsider h as non empty FinSequence of FS by FINSEQ_1:25;
   take h;
   thus len h = 3+2 by A28,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A33: h.1 = x by A29,A30;
A34: h.(len h) = h.5 by A28,FINSEQ_1:def 3 .= y by A29,A30;
      for j being Nat st 1 <= j & j < len h holds
      (j is odd implies [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e1) &
      (j is even implies [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e2)
       let j be Nat; assume
    A35:  1 <= j & j < len h;
        per cases by A31,A35,Lm2;
         suppose j = 1;
          then A36: 2*0+1 = j;
            [u,z1] in e1' by A11,A16;
          then [h.1,z1] in e1' by A29,A30;
   hence (j is odd implies [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e1) &
         (j is even implies [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e2)
                               by A7,A10,A29,A30,A36;
         suppose j = 3;
          then A37: 2*1+1 = j;
            [z2,z3] in e1' by A11,A17;
          then [h.3,z3] in e1' by A29,A30;
   hence (j is odd implies [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e1) &
         (j is even implies [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e2)
                               by A7,A10,A29,A30,A37;
         suppose j = 2;
   then A38: 2*1 = j;
            [z1,z2] in e2' by A13,A18;
          then [h.2,z2] in e2' by A29,A30;
   hence (j is odd implies [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e1) &
         (j is even implies [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e2)
                               by A9,A12,A29,A30,A38;
         suppose j = 4;
   then A39: 2*2 = j;
            [z3,v] in e2' by A13,A19;
          then [h.4,v] in e2' by A29,A30;
   hence (j is odd implies [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e1) &
         (j is even implies [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e2)
                               by A9,A12,A29,A30,A39;
   hence x,y are_joint_by h,e1,e2 by A33,A34,Def3;

  ex A being non empty set, f being Homomorphism of L,EqRelLATT A st
  f is one-to-one & type_of Image f <= 3
 set A = the carrier of L, D = BasicDF(L);
A1: D is onto by Th43;
  consider S being ExtensionSeq of A,D;
  set FS = union { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
A2:   S.0 = [A,D] by Def21;
then A3:  (S.0)`1 = A by MCART_1:def 1;
   (S.0)`1 in { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
then A4:  A c= FS by A3,ZFMISC_1:92;
  consider xx being set such that A5: xx in A by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
  reconsider FS as non empty set by A4,A5;
  reconsider FD = union { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction}
    as distance_function of FS,L by Th44;
A6: FD is onto
 A7: rng D = A by A1,FUNCT_2:def 3;
    for w being set st w in A ex z being set st z in [:FS,FS:] & w = FD.z
    let w be set; assume w in A;
     then consider z being set such that
 A8:  z in [:A,A:] and
 A9:  D.z = w by A7,FUNCT_2:17;
     take z;
 A10:  S.0 = [A,D] by Def21;
 then A11:  A = (S.0)`1 by MCART_1:def 1;
        (S.0)`1 in { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
      then A c= FS by A11,ZFMISC_1:92;
      then [:A,A:] c= [:FS,FS:] by ZFMISC_1:119;
     hence z in [:FS,FS:] by A8;
 A12:  z in dom D by A8,FUNCT_2:def 1;
 A13:  D = (S.0)`2 by A10,MCART_1:def 2;
        (S.0)`2 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
 then D c= FD by A13,ZFMISC_1:92;
     hence w = FD.z by A9,A12,GRFUNC_1:8;
  then rng FD = A by FUNCT_2:16;
  hence FD is onto by FUNCT_2:def 3;
   alpha FD is join-preserving
    let a,b be Element of L;
    set f = alpha FD;
 A14:ex_sup_of f.:{a,b},EqRelLATT FS by YELLOW_0:17;
 A15:  dom f = the carrier of L by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   consider e1 being Equivalence_Relation of FS such that
 A16:  e1 = f.a and
 A17: for x,y being Element of FS holds [x,y] in e1 iff FD.(x,y) <= a by Def9;
   consider e2 being Equivalence_Relation of FS such that
 A18:  e2 = f.b and
 A19: for x,y being Element of FS holds [x,y] in e2 iff FD.(x,y) <= b by Def9;
   consider e3 being Equivalence_Relation of FS such that
 A20:  e3 = f.(a "\/" b) and
 A21: for x,y being Element of FS holds [x,y] in e3 iff FD.(x,y) <=
 a"\/"b by Def9;
 A22: field e1 = FS by EQREL_1:15;
 A23: field e2 = FS by EQREL_1:15;
 A24: field e3 = FS by EQREL_1:15;
 A25: e1 "\/" e2 c= e3
       now let x,y be set; assume
     A26:[x,y] in e1;
       then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of FS by A22,RELAT_1:30;
     A27:FD.(x',y') <= a by A17,A26;
          a <= a "\/" b by YELLOW_0:22;
        then FD.(x',y') <= a "\/" b by A27,ORDERS_1:26;
      hence [x,y] in e3 by A21;
    then A28: e1 c= e3 by RELAT_1:def 3;
      let x,y be set; assume
     A29:[x,y] in e2;
       then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of FS by A23,RELAT_1:30;
     A30:FD.(x',y') <= b by A19,A29;
          b <= b "\/" a by YELLOW_0:22;
        then FD.(x',y') <= b "\/" a by A30,ORDERS_1:26;
      hence [x,y] in e3 by A21;
      then e2 c= e3 by RELAT_1:def 3;
     then e1 \/ e2 c= e3 by A28,XBOOLE_1:8;
    hence thesis by EQREL_1:def 3;
 A31: e3 c= e1 "\/" e2
     for u,v being set holds [u,v] in e3 implies [u,v] in e1 "\/" e2
      let u,v be set; assume
   A32: [u,v] in e3;
      then reconsider x = u, y = v as Element of FS by A24,RELAT_1:30;
   A33: u in FS by A24,A32,RELAT_1:30;
         FD.(x,y) <= a"\/"b by A21,A32;
      then consider z1,z2,z3 being Element of FS such that
   A34: FD.(x,z1) = a and
   A35: FD.(z2,z3) = a and
   A36: FD.(z1,z2) = b and
   A37: FD.(z3,y) = b by Th45;
    defpred P[set,set] means
        ($1 = 1 implies $2 = x) & ($1 = 2 implies $2 = z1) &
        ($1 = 3 implies $2 = z2) & ($1 = 4 implies $2 = z3) &
        ($1 = 5 implies $2 = y);
   A38: for m being Nat, w1,w2 being set st m in Seg 5 & P[m,w1] & P[m,w2]
         holds w1 = w2 by Lm3;
   A39: for m being Nat st m in Seg 5 ex w being set st P[m,w]
     let m be Nat; assume
    A40:m in Seg 5;
     per cases by A40,Lm3;
      suppose A41: m = 1; take w = x; thus P[m,w] by A41;
      suppose A42: m = 2; take w = z1; thus P[m,w] by A42;
      suppose A43: m = 3; take w = z2; thus P[m,w] by A43;
      suppose A44: m = 4; take w = z3; thus P[m,w] by A44;
      suppose A45: m = 5; take w = y; thus P[m,w] by A45;
    ex p being FinSequence
      st dom p = Seg 5 & for k being Nat st k in Seg 5 holds P[k,p.k]
       from SeqEx(A38,A39);
    then consider h being FinSequence such that
   A46:  dom h = Seg 5 and
   A47:  for m being Nat st m in Seg 5 holds
               (m = 1 implies h.m = x) & (m = 2 implies h.m = z1) &
               (m = 3 implies h.m = z2) & (m = 4 implies h.m = z3) &
               (m = 5 implies h.m = y);
         Seg 5 = { n where n is Nat: 1 <= n & n <= 5 } by FINSEQ_1:def 1;
   then A48: 1 in Seg 5 & 2 in Seg 5 & 3 in Seg 5 & 4 in Seg 5 & 5 in Seg 5;
   A49: len h = 5 by A46,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
   A50: u = h.1 by A47,A48;
   A51: v = h.5 by A47,A48 .= h.(len h) by A46,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
         for j being Nat st 1 <= j & j < len h holds [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e1 \/ e2
         let j be Nat; assume
      A52: 1 <= j & j < len h;
          per cases by A49,A52,Lm2;
           suppose A53:j = 1;
               [x,z1] in e1 by A17,A34;
             then [h.1,z1] in e1 by A47,A48;
             then [h.1,h.2] in e1 by A47,A48;
           hence [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e1 \/ e2 by A53,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
           suppose A54:j = 3;
               [z2,z3] in e1 by A17,A35;
             then [h.3,z3] in e1 by A47,A48;
             then [h.3,h.4] in e1 by A47,A48;
           hence [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e1 \/ e2 by A54,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
           suppose A55:j = 2;
               [z1,z2] in e2 by A19,A36;
             then [h.2,z2] in e2 by A47,A48;
             then [h.2,h.3] in e2 by A47,A48;
           hence [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e1 \/ e2 by A55,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
           suppose A56:j = 4;
               [z3,y] in e2 by A19,A37;
             then [h.4,y] in e2 by A47,A48;
             then [h.4,h.5] in e2 by A47,A48;
           hence [h.j,h.(j+1)] in e1 \/ e2 by A56,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      hence [u,v] in e1 "\/" e2 by A33,A49,A50,A51,EQREL_1:36;
   hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 3;
    sup (f.:{a,b}) = sup {f.a,f.b} by A15,FUNCT_1:118
     .= f.a "\/" f.b by YELLOW_0:41 .= e1 "\/" e2 by A16,A18,Th10
     .= f.(a "\/" b) by A20,A25,A31,XBOOLE_0:def 10
     .= f.sup {a,b} by YELLOW_0:41;
  hence f preserves_sup_of {a,b} by A14,WAYBEL_0:def 31;
  then reconsider f = alpha FD as Homomorphism of L,EqRelLATT FS by Th16;
  take FS,f;
  thus f is one-to-one by A6,Th17;
A57: Image f = subrelstr rng f by YELLOW_2:def 2;
A58:dom f = the carrier of L by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A59: ex e being Equivalence_Relation of FS st
       e in the carrier of Image f & e <> id FS
   consider A' being non empty set, d' being distance_function of A',L,
      Aq' being non empty set, dq' being distance_function of Aq',L such that
 A60: Aq', dq' is_extension_of A',d' and
 A61: S.0 = [A',d'] & S.(0+1) = [Aq',dq'] by Def21;
       A' = A & d' = D by A2,A61,ZFMISC_1:33;
   then consider q being QuadrSeq of D such that
 A62: Aq' = NextSet(D) and
 A63: dq' = NextDelta(q) by A60,Def20;
 A64: (S.1)`2 = NextDelta(q) by A61,A63,MCART_1:def 2;
       (S.1)`2 in { (S.i)`2 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
 then A65: NextDelta(q) c= FD by A64,ZFMISC_1:92;
 A66: (S.1)`1 = NextSet(D) by A61,A62,MCART_1:def 1;
       (S.1)`1 in { (S.i)`1 where i is Nat: not contradiction};
 then A67: NextSet(D) c= FS by A66,ZFMISC_1:92;
       succ {} c= DistEsti(D) by Lm4;
     then {} in DistEsti(D) by ORDINAL1:33;
 then A68: {} in dom q by Th28;
     then q.{} in rng q by FUNCT_1:def 5;
     then q.{} in {[u,v,a',b'] where u is Element of A, v is Element of A,
       a' is Element of L, b' is Element of L: D.(u,v) <= a'"\/"b'} by Def14;
       then consider u,v be Element of A, a,b be Element of L such that
 A69:  q.{} = [u,v,a,b] & D.(u,v) <= a"\/"b;
       ConsecutiveSet(A,{}) = A by Th24;
   then reconsider Q = Quadr(q,{}) as
                    Element of [:A,A,the carrier of L,the carrier of L:];
 A70: Quadr(q,{}) = [u,v,a,b] by A68,A69,Def15;
   consider e being Equivalence_Relation of FS such that
 A71: e = f.b and
 A72: for x,y being Element of FS holds [x,y] in e iff FD.(x,y) <= b by Def9;
   take e;
     e in rng f by A58,A71,FUNCT_1:def 5;
  hence e in the carrier of Image f by A57,YELLOW_0:def 15;
 A73: new_set A = new_set ConsecutiveSet(A,{}) by Th24
              .= ConsecutiveSet(A,succ {}) by Th25;
 A74: NextSet(D) = ConsecutiveSet(A,DistEsti(D)) by Def18;
 A75: succ {} c= DistEsti(D) by Lm4;
 then A76: new_set A c= NextSet(D) by A73,A74,Th32;
 A77: ConsecutiveSet(A,{}) = A & ConsecutiveDelta(q,{}) = D by Th24,Th29;
 A78: ConsecutiveDelta(q,succ {}) =
          ConsecutiveSet(A,{}),L),Quadr(q,{})) by Th30
      .= new_bi_fun(D,Q) by A77,Def16;
       ConsecutiveDelta(q,DistEsti(D)) = NextDelta(q) by Def19;
     then new_bi_fun(D,Q) c= NextDelta(q) by A75,A78,Th35;
 then A79: new_bi_fun(D,Q) c= FD by A65,XBOOLE_1:1;
 A80: new_set A c= FS by A67,A76,XBOOLE_1:1;
 A81: dom new_bi_fun(D,Q) = [:new_set A,new_set A:] by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       {A} in {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}} } by ENUMSET1:14;
     then {A} in A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
 then A82: {A} in new_set A by Def10;
       {{A}} in {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}} } by ENUMSET1:14;
     then {{A}} in A \/ {{A}, {{A}}, {{{A}}}} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
 then A83: {{A}} in new_set A by Def10;
 then A84: [{A},{{A}}] in dom new_bi_fun(D,Q) by A81,A82,ZFMISC_1:106;
   reconsider W = {A}, V = {{A}} as Element of FS by A80,A82,A83;
       FD.(W,V) = FD.[{A},{{A}}] by BINOP_1:def 1
             .= new_bi_fun(D,Q).[{A},{{A}}] by A79,A84,GRFUNC_1:8
             .= new_bi_fun(D,Q).({A},{{A}}) by BINOP_1:def 1
             .= Q`4 by Def11 .= b by A70,MCART_1:def 11;
 then A85: [{A},{{A}}] in e by A72;
       {A} <> {{A}}
       proof assume {A} = {{A}}; then {A} in {A} by TARSKI:def 1;
       hence contradiction; end;
  hence e <> id FS by A85,RELAT_1:def 10;
    for e1,e2 being Equivalence_Relation of FS,x,y st
       e1 in the carrier of Image f & e2 in the carrier of Image f &
       [x,y] in e1 "\/" e2
      ex F being non empty FinSequence of FS st
           len F = 3+2 & x,y are_joint_by F,e1,e2 by Th46;
  hence type_of Image f <= 3 by A59,Th15;

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