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environ vocabulary BINOP_1, VECTSP_1, LATTICES, ALGSTR_2, VECTSP_2, FUNCSDOM, RLVECT_1, FUNCT_1, ARYTM_3, ARYTM_1, GROUP_1, EQREL_1, BOOLE, SETFAM_1, COHSP_1, INT_2, RELAT_1, GCD_1; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, SUBSET_1, REAL_1, STRUCT_0, RLVECT_1, VECTSP_2, VECTSP_1, FUNCSDOM, BINOP_1; constructors FUNCSDOM, ALGSTR_2, VECTSP_2, REAL_1, MEMBERED; clusters STRUCT_0, VECTSP_1, VECTSP_2, SUBSET_1, ALGSTR_1, XBOOLE_0, MEMBERED; requirements SUBSET, BOOLE; definitions VECTSP_1, VECTSP_2, XBOOLE_0; theorems TARSKI, WELLORD2, SUBSET_1, VECTSP_1, VECTSP_2, RLVECT_1, XBOOLE_0, XCMPLX_1; schemes SETFAM_1, GROUP_2, SUBSET_1; begin :: Basics reserve X,Y for set; :: Theorems about Integral Domains :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: definition cluster commutative right_unital -> left_unital (non empty multLoopStr); coherence proof let R be non empty multLoopStr such that A1: R is commutative and A2: R is right_unital; let x be Element of R; thus (1_ R)*x = x*1_ R by A1,VECTSP_1:def 17 .= x by A2,VECTSP_1:def 13; end; end; definition cluster commutative right-distributive -> distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); coherence proof let R be non empty doubleLoopStr such that A1: R is commutative and A2: R is right-distributive; let x,y,z be Element of R; thus x*(y+z) = x*y+x*z by A2,VECTSP_1:def 11; thus (y+z)*x = x*(y+z) by A1,VECTSP_1:def 17 .= x*y+x*z by A2,VECTSP_1:def 11 .= y*x+x*z by A1,VECTSP_1:def 17 .= y*x+z*x by A1,VECTSP_1:def 17; end; cluster commutative left-distributive -> distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr); coherence proof let R be non empty doubleLoopStr such that A3: R is commutative and A4: R is left-distributive; let x,y,z be Element of R; thus x*(y+z) = (y+z)*x by A3,VECTSP_1:def 17 .= y*x+z*x by A4,VECTSP_1:def 12 .= x*y+z*x by A3,VECTSP_1:def 17 .= x*y+x*z by A3,VECTSP_1:def 17; thus (y+z)*x = y*x+z*x by A4,VECTSP_1:def 12; end; end; definition cluster -> well-unital Ring; coherence; end; definition cluster F_Real -> domRing-like; coherence proof set D = F_Real; hereby let x,y be Element of F_Real; assume that A1: x*y = 0.D & x <> 0.D; reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Real by VECTSP_1:def 15; A2:x*y = multreal.(x',y') by VECTSP_1:def 10,def 15 .= x'*y' by VECTSP_1:def 14; 0.D = 0 by RLVECT_1:def 2,VECTSP_1:def 15; hence y = 0.D by A1,A2,XCMPLX_1:6; end; end; end; definition cluster strict Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative commutative domRing-like distributive well-unital non degenerated Field-like (non empty doubleLoopStr); existence proof take F_Real; thus thesis; end; end; reserve R for domRing-like commutative Ring; reserve c for Element of R; theorem Th1:for R being domRing-like commutative Ring for a,b,c being Element of R holds a <> 0.R implies ((a * b = a * c implies b = c) & (b * a = c * a implies b = c)) proof let R be domRing-like commutative Ring; let a,b,c be Element of R; assume A1: a <> 0.R; now assume a * b = a * c; then 0.R = (a * b) + (-(a * c)) by RLVECT_1:def 10 .= (a * b) + (a *(-c)) by VECTSP_1:40 .= a * (b + (-c)) by VECTSP_1:def 11 .= a * (b - c) by RLVECT_1:def 11; then b - c = 0.R by A1,VECTSP_2:def 5; then c = (b - c) + c by RLVECT_1:10 .= (b + (-c)) + c by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= b + (c + (-c)) by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= b + 0.R by RLVECT_1:def 10 .= b by RLVECT_1:10; hence b = c; end; hence thesis; end; :: Definition of Divisibility :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: definition let R be non empty HGrStr; let x,y be Element of R; pred x divides y means :Def1: ex z being Element of R st y = x * z; end; definition let R be well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); let x,y be Element of R; redefine pred x divides y; reflexivity proof let A be Element of R; A * 1_ R = A by VECTSP_2:def 2; hence thesis by Def1; end; end; definition let R be non empty multLoopStr; let x be Element of R; attr x is unital means :Def2: x divides 1_ R; end; definition let R be non empty multLoopStr; let x,y be Element of R; pred x is_associated_to y means :Def3: x divides y & y divides x; symmetry; antonym x is_not_associated_to y; end; definition let R be well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); let x,y be Element of R; redefine pred x is_associated_to y; reflexivity proof let a be Element of R; thus a divides a & a divides a; end; end; definition let R be domRing-like commutative Ring; let x,y be Element of R; assume A1: y divides x; assume A2: y <> 0.R; func x/y -> Element of R means :Def4: it * y = x; existence proof ex z being Element of R st x = y * z by A1,Def1; hence thesis; end; uniqueness by A2,Th1; end; :: Some Lemmata about Divisibility :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: theorem Th2:for R being associative (non empty multLoopStr) for a,b,c being Element of R holds a divides b & b divides c implies a divides c proof let R be associative (non empty multLoopStr); let A,B,C be Element of R; now assume A1: A divides B & B divides C; then consider D being Element of R such that A2: A * D = B by Def1; consider E being Element of R such that A3: B * E = C by A1,Def1; A * (D * E) = C by A2,A3,VECTSP_1:def 16; hence (A divides B & B divides C) implies A divides C by Def1; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th3:for R being commutative associative (non empty multLoopStr) for a,b,c,d being Element of R holds (b divides a & d divides c) implies (b * d) divides (a * c) proof let R be commutative associative (non empty multLoopStr); let a,b,c,d be Element of R; assume A1: (b divides a) & (d divides c); then consider x being Element of R such that A2: b * x = a by Def1; consider y being Element of R such that A3: d * y = c by A1,Def1; (b * d) * (y * x) = ((b * d) * y) * x by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= (b * c) * x by A3,VECTSP_1:def 16 .= a * c by A2,VECTSP_1:def 16; hence thesis by Def1; end; theorem Th4:for R being associative (non empty multLoopStr) for a,b,c being Element of R holds a is_associated_to b & b is_associated_to c implies a is_associated_to c proof let R be associative (non empty multLoopStr); let A,B,C be Element of R; now assume A1: A is_associated_to B & B is_associated_to C; then A2: A divides B & B divides A by Def3; B divides C & C divides B by A1,Def3; then A divides C & C divides A by A2,Th2; hence (A is_associated_to B & B is_associated_to C) implies A is_associated_to C by Def3; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th5:for R being associative (non empty multLoopStr) for a,b,c being Element of R holds a divides b implies c * a divides c * b proof let R be associative (non empty multLoopStr); let A,B,C be Element of R; assume A divides B; then consider D being Element of R such that A1: A * D = B by Def1; (C * A) * D = C * B by A1,VECTSP_1:def 16; hence thesis by Def1; end; theorem Th6:for R being non empty multLoopStr for a,b being Element of R holds a divides a * b & (R is commutative implies b divides a * b) proof let R be non empty multLoopStr; let a,b be Element of R; thus a divides a * b proof take b; thus thesis; end; assume A1:R is commutative; take a; thus thesis by A1,VECTSP_1:def 17; end; theorem Th7:for R being associative (non empty multLoopStr) for a,b,c being Element of R holds a divides b implies a divides b * c proof let R be associative (non empty multLoopStr); let a,b,c be Element of R; assume a divides b; then consider d being Element of R such that A1: a * d = b by Def1; a * (d * c) = b * c by A1,VECTSP_1:def 16; hence thesis by Def1; end; theorem Th8:for a,b being Element of R holds (b divides a & b <> 0.R) implies (a/b = 0.R iff a = 0.R) proof let a,b be Element of R; assume A1: b divides a & b <> 0.R; hereby assume a/b = 0.R; then a = 0.R * b by A1,Def4 .= 0.R by VECTSP_1:39; hence a = 0.R; end; assume a = 0.R; then 0.R = (a/b) * b by A1,Def4; hence a/b = 0.R by A1,VECTSP_2:def 5; end; theorem Th9:for a being Element of R holds a <> 0.R implies a/a = 1_ R proof let A be Element of R; assume A1: A <> 0.R; then (A/A) * A = A by Def4 .= 1_ R * A by VECTSP_2:def 2; hence thesis by A1,Th1; end; theorem Th10:for R being non degenerated domRing-like commutative Ring for a being Element of R holds a/1_ R = a proof let R be non degenerated domRing-like commutative Ring; let a be Element of R; set A = a/1_ R; A1: 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; 1_ R * a = a by VECTSP_2:def 2; then A2: 1_ R divides a by Def1; A = A * 1_ R by VECTSP_2:def 2 .= a by A1,A2,Def4; hence thesis; end; theorem Th11:for a,b,c being Element of R holds c <> 0.R implies (((c divides (a * b) & c divides a) implies (a * b) / c = (a / c) * b) & ((c divides (a * b) & c divides b) implies (a * b) / c = a * (b / c))) proof let A,B,C be Element of R; assume A1: C <> 0.R; A2: now assume A3: C divides (A * B) & C divides A; set A1 = (A * B) / C; A4: A1 * C = A * B by A1,A3,Def4; set A2 = A / C; A2 * C = A by A1,A3,Def4; then A1 * C = (A2 * B) * C by A4,VECTSP_1:def 16; hence (C divides (A * B) & C divides A) implies (A * B) / C = (A / C) * B by A1,Th1; end; now assume A5: (C divides (A * B)) & C divides B; set A1 = (A * B) / C; A6: A1 * C = A * B by A1,A5,Def4; set A2 = B / C; A2 * C = B by A1,A5,Def4; then A1 * C = (A * A2) * C by A6,VECTSP_1:def 16; hence C divides (A * B) & C divides B implies (A * B) / C = A * (B / C) by A1,Th1; end; hence thesis by A2; end; theorem Th12:for a,b,c being Element of R holds (c <> 0.R & c divides a & c divides b & c divides (a + b)) implies (a/c) + (b/c) = (a + b)/c proof let a,b,c be Element of R; assume A1: c <> 0.R; assume A2: c divides a & c divides b & c divides (a + b); set d = a/c; set e = b/c; A3: d * c = a by A1,A2,Def4; e * c = b by A1,A2,Def4; then a + b = (d + e) * c by A3,VECTSP_1:def 12; then (a + b)/c = (d + e) * (c/c) by A1,A2,Th11 .= (d + e) * 1_ R by A1,Th9 .= d + e by VECTSP_1:def 13; hence thesis; end; theorem for a,b,c being Element of R holds (c <> 0.R & c divides a & c divides b) implies (a/c = b/c iff a = b) proof let a,b,c be Element of R; assume A1: c <> 0.R; assume A2: c divides a & c divides b; now assume (a/c) = (b/c); consider e being Element of R such that A3: e = (b/c); e * c = b by A1,A2,A3,Def4; hence a/c = b/c implies a = b by A1,A2,A3,Def4; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th14:for a,b,c,d being Element of R holds (b <> 0.R & d <> 0.R & b divides a & d divides c) implies (a/b) * (c/d) = (a * c) / (b * d) proof let a,b,c,d be Element of R; assume A1: b <> 0.R & d <> 0.R & b divides a & d divides c; set x = a/b; set y = c/d; set z = (a * c)/(b * d); A2: x * b = a by A1,Def4; A3: y * d = c by A1,Def4; A4: (b * d) divides (a * c) by A1,Th3; A5: (b * d) <> 0.R by A1,VECTSP_2:def 5; then z * (b * d) = (x * b) * (y * d) by A2,A3,A4,Def4 .= x * (b * (y * d)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= x * (y * (b * d)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= (x * y) * (b * d) by VECTSP_1:def 16; hence thesis by A5,Th1; end; theorem Th15:for a,b,c being Element of R holds ((a <> 0.R) & ((a * b) divides (a * c))) implies (b divides c) proof let A,B,C be Element of R; assume A1: (A <> 0.R) & (A * B) divides (A * C); then consider D being Element of R such that A2: (A * B) * D = A * C by Def1; A3: A * (B * D) = A * C by A2,VECTSP_1:def 16; A4: (A * (B * D))/A = (A/A) * (B * D) proof A divides (A * (B * D)) by Th6; hence thesis by A1,Th11; end; A5: (A * C)/A = (A/A) * C proof A divides (A * C) by Th6; hence thesis by A1,Th11; end; B * D = 1_ R * (B * D) by VECTSP_1:def 19 .= (A/A) * C by A1,A3,A4,A5,Th9 .= 1_ R * C by A1,Th9 .= C by VECTSP_1:def 19; hence thesis by Def1; end; theorem for a being Element of R holds a is_associated_to 0.R implies a = 0.R proof let A be Element of R; assume A is_associated_to 0.R; then 0.R divides A by Def3; then consider D being Element of R such that A1: 0.R * D = A by Def1; thus thesis by A1,VECTSP_1:39; end; theorem Th17:for a,b being Element of R holds (a <> 0.R & a * b = a) implies b = 1_ R proof let A,B be Element of R; assume A1: A <> 0.R & A * B = A; set A1 = A/A; A2: A1 = 1_ R by A1,Th9; (A * B)/A = (A/A) * B by A1,Th11; hence thesis by A1,A2,VECTSP_1:def 19; end; theorem Th18:for a,b being Element of R holds a is_associated_to b iff (ex c st (c is unital & a * c = b)) proof A1: for a,b being Element of R holds (a is_associated_to b) implies (ex c being Element of R st (c is unital & a * c = b)) proof let A,B be Element of R; assume A is_associated_to B; then A2: A divides B & B divides A by Def3; then consider C being Element of R such that A3: B = A * C by Def1; consider D being Element of R such that A4: A = B * D by A2,Def1; now per cases; case A5: A <> 0.R; A = A * (C * D) by A3,A4,VECTSP_1:def 16; then C * D = 1_ R by A5,Th17; then C divides 1_ R by Def1; then C is unital by Def2; hence ex c being Element of R st c is unital & B = A * c by A3; case A6: A = 0.R; then B = 0.R by A3,VECTSP_1:39; then A7: B = A * 1_ R by A6,VECTSP_1:def 13; 1_ R is unital proof thus 1_ R divides 1_ R; end; hence ex c being Element of R st c is unital & B = A * c by A7; end; hence thesis; end; for a,b being Element of R holds (ex c being Element of R st (c is unital & a * c = b)) implies a is_associated_to b proof let A,B be Element of R; (ex c st (c is unital & A * c = B)) implies A is_associated_to B proof now assume (ex c st (c is unital & A * c = B)); then consider C being Element of R such that A8: C is unital & A * C = B; C divides 1_ R by A8,Def2; then consider D being Element of R such that A9: C * D = 1_ R by Def1; A = A * (C * D) by A9,VECTSP_1:def 13 .= B * D by A8,VECTSP_1:def 16; then A10: B divides A by Def1; A divides B by A8,Def1; hence thesis by A10,Def3; end; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem Th19:for a,b,c being Element of R holds c <> 0.R & c * a is_associated_to c * b implies a is_associated_to b proof let A,B,C be Element of R; assume A1: C <> 0.R & (C * A) is_associated_to (C * B); then (C * A) divides (C * B) by Def3; then A2: A divides B by A1,Th15; C * B divides C * A by A1,Def3; then B divides A by A1,Th15; hence thesis by A2,Def3; end; begin :: Definition of Ample Set :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: definition let R be non empty multLoopStr; let a be Element of R; func Class a -> Subset of R means :Def5: for b being Element of R holds b in it iff b is_associated_to a; existence proof set M = { b where b is Element of R: b is_associated_to a}; now let B be set; now assume B in M; then ex B' being Element of R st B = B' & B' is_associated_to a; hence B in M implies B in the carrier of R; end; hence B in M implies B in the carrier of R; end; then A1: M c= the carrier of R by TARSKI:def 3; now let A be Element of R; A in M implies A is_associated_to a proof assume A in M; then ex A' being Element of R st A = A' & A' is_associated_to a; hence thesis; end; hence A in M iff A is_associated_to a; end; hence thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof defpred P[Element of R] means $1 is_associated_to a; for X1,X2 being Subset of R st (for y being Element of R holds y in X1 iff P[y]) & (for y being Element of R holds y in X2 iff P[y]) holds X1 = X2 from Subset_Eq; hence thesis; end; end; definition let R be well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); let a be Element of R; cluster Class a -> non empty; coherence proof a is_associated_to a; hence thesis by Def5; end; end; theorem Th20:for R being associative (non empty multLoopStr) for a,b being Element of R holds Class a meets Class b implies Class a = Class b proof let R be associative (non empty multLoopStr); let a,b be Element of R; assume Class a /\ Class b <> {}; then Class a meets Class b by XBOOLE_0:def 7; then consider Z being set such that A1: Z in Class a & Z in Class b by XBOOLE_0:3; reconsider Z as Element of R by A1; A2: Z is_associated_to a by A1,Def5; A3: Z is_associated_to b by A1,Def5; A4: for c be Element of R holds c in Class a implies c in Class b proof let c be Element of R; assume c in Class a; then c is_associated_to a by Def5; then Z is_associated_to c by A2,Th4; then b is_associated_to c by A3,Th4; hence thesis by Def5; end; for c being Element of R holds c in Class b implies c in Class a proof let c be Element of R; assume c in Class b; then c is_associated_to b by Def5; then Z is_associated_to c by A3,Th4; then a is_associated_to c by A2,Th4; hence thesis by Def5; end; hence thesis by A4,SUBSET_1:8; end; definition let R be non empty multLoopStr; func Classes R -> Subset-Family of R means :Def6: for A being Subset of R holds A in it iff (ex a being Element of R st A = Class a); existence proof defpred P[set] means ex a being Element of R st $1 = Class a; ex F being Subset-Family of R st for A being Subset of R holds A in F iff P[A] from SubFamEx; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let F1,F2 be Subset-Family of R; defpred P[set] means ex a being Element of R st $1 = Class a; assume A1: for A being Subset of R holds A in F1 iff P[A]; assume A2: for A being Subset of R holds A in F2 iff P[A]; thus thesis from SubFamComp(A1,A2); end; end; definition let R be non empty multLoopStr; cluster Classes R -> non empty; coherence proof Class 1_ R in Classes R by Def6; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th21:for R being well-unital (non empty multLoopStr) for X being Subset of R holds X in Classes R implies X is non empty proof let R be well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); let X be Subset of R; assume X in Classes R; then ex a being Element of R st X = Class a by Def6; hence thesis; end; definition let R be associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); mode Am of R -> non empty Subset of R means :Def7: (for a being Element of R ex z being Element of it st z is_associated_to a) & (for x,y being Element of it holds x <> y implies x is_not_associated_to y); existence proof now let R be associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); reconsider M = Classes R as non empty set; A1: for X st X in M holds X <> {} proof let X be set; assume X in M; then consider A being Element of R such that A2: X = Class A by Def6; thus thesis by A2; end; for X,Y st X in M & Y in M & X <> Y holds X misses Y proof let X,Y be set such that A3: X in M & Y in M & X <> Y; assume A4: X meets Y; consider A being Element of R such that A5: X = Class A by A3,Def6; consider B being Element of R such that A6: Y = Class B by A3,Def6; thus contradiction by A3,A4,A5,A6,Th20; end; then consider AmpS' being set such that A7: for X st X in M ex x being set st AmpS' /\ X = {x} by A1,WELLORD2:27; AmpS' is non empty proof Class 1_ R in M by Def6; then consider x being set such that A8: AmpS' /\ Class 1_ R = {x} by A7; thus thesis by A8; end; then reconsider AmpS' as non empty set; set AmpS = { x where x is Element of AmpS': ex X being non empty Subset of R st X in M & AmpS' /\ X = { x }}; A9: for X being Element of M holds ex z being Element of AmpS st AmpS /\ X = {z} proof let X be Element of M; consider x being set such that A10: AmpS' /\ X = {x} by A7; X in Classes R; then A11: X is non empty Subset of R by Th21; A12: x in {x} by TARSKI:def 1; then A13: x in AmpS' by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3; A14: x in X by A10,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3; A15: x in AmpS by A10,A11,A13; AmpS /\ X = {x} proof now let y be set; A16: now assume y in {x}; then y = x by TARSKI:def 1; hence y in {x} implies y in AmpS /\ X by A14,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 3; end; now assume A17: y in AmpS /\ X; then A18: y in X by XBOOLE_0:def 3; y in AmpS by A17,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then consider zz being Element of AmpS' such that A19: y = zz & (ex X being non empty Subset of R st X in M & AmpS' /\ X = {zz}); thus y in AmpS /\ X implies y in {x} by A10,A18,A19,XBOOLE_0:def 3; end; hence y in {x} iff y in AmpS /\ X by A16; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; hence thesis by A15; end; AmpS is non empty Subset of R proof AmpS is non empty proof A20: Class 1_ R in M by Def6; then consider x being set such that A21: AmpS' /\ Class 1_ R = {x} by A7; x in {x} by TARSKI:def 1; then x in AmpS' by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then x in AmpS by A20,A21; hence thesis; end; then reconsider AmpS as non empty set; now let A be set; now assume A in AmpS; then consider x being Element of AmpS' such that A22: A = x & (ex X being non empty Subset of R st X in M & AmpS' /\ X = {x}); consider X being non empty Subset of R such that A23: X in M & AmpS' /\ X = {x} by A22; x in {x} by TARSKI:def 1; then x in X by A23,XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence (A in AmpS) implies (A in the carrier of R) by A22; end; hence (A in AmpS) implies (A in the carrier of R); end; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3; end; then reconsider AmpS as non empty Subset of R; A24: for a being Element of R ex z being Element of AmpS st z is_associated_to a proof let a be Element of R; reconsider N = Class a as Element of M by Def6; consider z being Element of AmpS such that A25: AmpS /\ N = {z} by A9; z in {z} by TARSKI:def 1; then z in Class a by A25,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then z is_associated_to a by Def5; hence thesis; end; for x,y being Element of AmpS holds x <> y implies x is_not_associated_to y proof let x,y be Element of AmpS; assume A26: x <> y; assume A27: x is_associated_to y; x is_associated_to x; then A28: x in Class x by Def5; A29: y in Class x by A27,Def5; A30: x in AmpS /\ Class x by A28,XBOOLE_0:def 3; A31: y in AmpS /\ Class x by A29,XBOOLE_0:def 3; Class x in M by Def6; then consider z being Element of AmpS such that A32: AmpS /\ Class x = {z} by A9; y = z by A31,A32,TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by A26,A30,A32,TARSKI:def 1; end; hence ex s being non empty Subset of R st (for a being Element of R ex z being Element of s st z is_associated_to a) & (for x,y being Element of s holds x <> y implies x is_not_associated_to y) by A24; end; hence thesis; end; end; definition let R be associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); mode AmpleSet of R -> non empty Subset of R means :Def8: it is Am of R & 1_ R in it; existence proof now let A be Am of R; consider x being Element of A such that A1: x is_associated_to 1_ R by Def7; set A' = { z where z is Element of A : z <> x } \/ {1_ R}; A2: 1_ R in A' proof 1_ R in {1_ R} by TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; reconsider A' as non empty set; A3: for x being Element of A' holds x = 1_ R or x in A proof let y be Element of A'; now per cases by XBOOLE_0:def 2; case y in {z where z is Element of A: z <> x}; then ex zz being Element of A st y = zz & zz <> x; hence thesis; case y in {1_ R}; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1; end; hence thesis; end; A' is non empty Subset of R proof now let x be set; now assume A4: x in A'; x in the carrier of R proof now per cases by A3,A4; case x = 1_ R; hence thesis; case x in A; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; hence x in A' implies x in the carrier of R; end; hence x in A' implies x in the carrier of R; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3; end; then reconsider A' as non empty Subset of R; A5: for a being Element of R ex z being Element of A' st z is_associated_to a proof let a be Element of R; now per cases; case a is_associated_to 1_ R; hence ex z being Element of A' st z is_associated_to a by A2; case A6: a is_not_associated_to 1_ R; consider z being Element of A such that A7: z is_associated_to a by Def7; z <> x by A1,A6,A7,Th4; then z in {zz where zz is Element of A : zz <> x}; then z in A' by XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence ex z being Element of A' st z is_associated_to a by A7; end; hence thesis; end; for z,y being Element of A' holds z <> y implies z is_not_associated_to y proof let z,y be Element of A'; assume A8: z <> y; now per cases; case z = 1_ R & y = 1_ R; hence thesis by A8; case A9: z = 1_ R & y <> 1_ R; then not( y in {1_ R} ) by TARSKI:def 1; then y in {zz where zz is Element of A: zz <> x} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A10: ex zz being Element of A st y = zz & zz <> x; assume z is_associated_to y; then x is_associated_to y by A1,A9,Th4; hence thesis by A10,Def7; case A11: z <> 1_ R & y = 1_ R; then not( z in {1_ R} ) by TARSKI:def 1; then z in {zz where zz is Element of A: zz <> x} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A12: ex zz being Element of A st z = zz & zz <> x; assume z is_associated_to y; then z is_associated_to x by A1,A11,Th4; hence thesis by A12,Def7; case A13: z <> 1_ R & y <> 1_ R; then A14: z in A by A3; y in A by A3,A13; hence thesis by A8,A14,Def7; end; hence thesis; end; then A' is Am of R by A5,Def7; hence thesis by A2; end; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th22:for R being associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr) for Amp being AmpleSet of R holds (1_ R in Amp) & (for a being Element of R ex z being Element of Amp st z is_associated_to a) & (for x,y being Element of Amp holds x <> y implies x is_not_associated_to y) proof let R be associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); let Amp be AmpleSet of R; Amp is Am of R by Def8; hence thesis by Def7,Def8; end; theorem for R being associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr) for Amp being AmpleSet of R for x,y being Element of Amp holds x is_associated_to y implies x = y by Th22; theorem Th24:for Amp being AmpleSet of R holds 0.R is Element of Amp proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; consider A being Element of Amp such that A1: A is_associated_to 0.R by Th22; 0.R divides A by A1,Def3; then consider D being Element of R such that A2: 0.R * D = A by Def1; thus thesis by A2,VECTSP_1:39; end; :: Definition of Normalform :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: definition let R be associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let x be Element of R; func NF(x,Amp) -> Element of R means :Def9: it in Amp & it is_associated_to x; existence proof now let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let x be Element of R; consider z being Element of Amp such that A1: z is_associated_to x by Th22; thus ex zz being Element of R st zz in Amp & zz is_associated_to x by A1; end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let z1,z2 be Element of R; assume A2: z1 in Amp & z1 is_associated_to x & z2 in Amp & z2 is_associated_to x; then z1 is_associated_to z2 by Th4; hence thesis by A2,Th22; end; end; theorem Th25:for Amp being AmpleSet of R holds NF(0.R,Amp) = 0.R & NF(1_ R,Amp) = 1_ R proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; A1: 1_ R in Amp by Def8; 0.R is Element of Amp by Th24; hence thesis by A1,Def9; end; theorem for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a being Element of R holds a in Amp iff a = NF(a,Amp) by Def9; :: Definition of multiplicative AmpleSet :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: definition let R be associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); let Amp be AmpleSet of R; attr Amp is multiplicative means :Def10: for x,y being Element of Amp holds x * y in Amp; end; theorem Th27:for Amp being AmpleSet of R holds Amp is multiplicative implies (for x,y being Element of Amp holds (y divides x & y <> 0.R) implies x/y in Amp) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; assume A1: Amp is multiplicative; let x,y be Element of Amp; assume A2: y divides x & y <> 0.R; now per cases; case A3: x <> 0.R; set d = x/y; A4: x = y * d by A2,Def4; consider d' being Element of Amp such that A5: d' is_associated_to d by Th22; consider u being Element of R such that A6: u is unital & d * u = d' by A5,Th18; A7: u * x = y * d' by A4,A6,VECTSP_1:def 16; A8: y * d' in Amp by A1,Def10; A9: x is_associated_to u * x proof x divides x; then A10: x divides u * x by Th7; u divides 1_ R by A6,Def2; then consider e being Element of R such that A11: u * e = 1_ R by Def1; (u * x) * e = (e * u) * x by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= x by A11,VECTSP_1:def 19; then u * x divides x by Def1; hence thesis by A10,Def3; end; 1_ R * x = x by VECTSP_1:def 19 .= u * x by A7,A8,A9,Th22; then u = 1_ R by A3,Th1; then d' = d by A6,VECTSP_1:def 13; hence thesis; case A12: x = 0.R; set d = x/y; x = y * d by A2,Def4; then A13: d = 0.R by A2,A12,VECTSP_2:def 5; 0.R is Element of Amp by Th24; hence thesis by A13; end; hence thesis; end; begin :: Definition of GCD-Domain ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: definition let R be non empty multLoopStr; attr R is gcd-like means :Def11: for x,y being Element of R ex z being Element of R st z divides x & z divides y & (for zz being Element of R st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides z)); end; Lm1: now let F be Field; let x,y be Element of F; now per cases; case A1: x <> 0.F & y <> 0.F; x = (1_ F) * x by VECTSP_2:1; then A2: (1_ F) divides x by Def1; y = (1_ F) * y by VECTSP_2:1; then A3: (1_ F) divides y by Def1; for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides (1_ F)) proof let zz be Element of F; assume A4: zz divides x & zz divides y; now per cases; case zz <> 0.F; then consider zz' being Element of F such that A5: zz * zz' = (1_ F) by VECTSP_1:def 20; thus zz divides (1_ F) by A5,Def1; case A6: zz = 0.F; assume zz divides x; then consider d being Element of F such that A7: zz * d = x by Def1; thus zz divides (1_ F) by A1,A6,A7,VECTSP_1:39; end; hence thesis by A4; end; hence ex z being Element of F st z divides x & z divides y & (for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides z)) by A2,A3; case A8: x = 0.F; y * 0.F = 0.F by VECTSP_1:39; then A9: y divides 0.F by Def1; for z being Element of F st (z divides 0.F & z divides y) holds z divides y; hence ex z being Element of F st z divides x & z divides y & (for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides z)) by A8,A9; case A10: y = 0.F; x * 0.F = 0.F by VECTSP_1:39; then A11: x divides 0.F by Def1; for z being Element of F st (z divides x & z divides 0.F) holds (z divides x); hence ex z being Element of F st z divides x & z divides y & (for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides z)) by A10,A11; end; hence ex z being Element of F st z divides x & z divides y & (for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides z)); end; definition cluster gcd-like domRing; existence proof consider F being strict Field; reconsider F as comRing; reconsider F as domRing by VECTSP_2:13; for x,y be Element of F holds ex z being Element of F st z divides x & z divides y & (for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides z)) by Lm1; then F is gcd-like by Def11; hence thesis; end; end; definition cluster gcd-like associative commutative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); existence proof consider F being strict Field; for x,y be Element of F holds ex z being Element of F st z divides x & z divides y & (for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides z)) by Lm1; then F is gcd-like by Def11; hence thesis; end; end; definition cluster gcd-like associative commutative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr_0); existence proof consider F being strict Field; for x,y be Element of F holds ex z being Element of F st z divides x & z divides y & (for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides z)) by Lm1; then F is gcd-like by Def11; hence thesis; end; end; definition cluster -> gcd-like (Field-like add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable left_unital right_unital left-distributive right-distributive commutative (non empty doubleLoopStr)); coherence proof let F be Field-like add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable left_unital right_unital left-distributive right-distributive commutative (non empty doubleLoopStr); let x,y be Element of F; now per cases; case A1: x <> 0.F & y <> 0.F; x = 1_ F * x by VECTSP_1:def 19; then A2: 1_ F divides x by Def1; y = 1_ F * y by VECTSP_1:def 19; then A3: 1_ F divides y by Def1; for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides 1_ F) proof let zz be Element of F; assume A4: zz divides x & zz divides y; now per cases; case zz <> 0.F; then consider zz' being Element of F such that A5: zz * zz' = 1_ F by VECTSP_1:def 20; thus zz divides 1_ F by A5,Def1; case A6: zz = 0.F; assume zz divides x; then consider d being Element of F such that A7: zz * d = x by Def1; thus zz divides 1_ F by A1,A6,A7,VECTSP_1:39; end; hence thesis by A4; end; hence ex z being Element of F st z divides x & z divides y & (for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides z)) by A2,A3; case A8: x = 0.F; y * 0.F = 0.F by VECTSP_1:36; then A9: y divides 0.F by Def1; for z being Element of F st z divides 0.F & z divides y holds z divides y; hence ex z being Element of F st z divides x & z divides y & (for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides z)) by A8,A9; case A10: y = 0.F; x * 0.F = 0.F by VECTSP_1:36; then A11: x divides 0.F by Def1; for z being Element of F st (z divides x & z divides 0.F) holds (z divides x); hence ex z being Element of F st z divides x & z divides y & (for zz being Element of F st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds (zz divides z)) by A10,A11; end; hence thesis; end; end; definition cluster gcd-like associative commutative well-unital domRing-like well-unital distributive non degenerated Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable (non empty doubleLoopStr); existence proof take F_Real; thus thesis; end; end; definition mode gcdDomain is gcd-like domRing-like non degenerated commutative Ring; end; definition let R be gcd-like associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let x,y be Element of R; func gcd(x,y,Amp) -> Element of R means :Def12: it in Amp & it divides x & it divides y & (for z being Element of R st (z divides x & z divides y) holds z divides it); existence proof consider u being Element of R such that A1: u divides x & u divides y & (for zz being Element of R st (zz divides x & zz divides y) holds zz divides u) by Def11; consider z being Element of Amp such that A2: z is_associated_to u by Th22; A3: z divides u by A2,Def3; then A4: z divides x by A1,Th2; A5: z divides y by A1,A3,Th2; for zz being Element of R st zz divides x & zz divides y holds zz divides z proof let zz be Element of R; assume zz divides x & zz divides y; then A6: zz divides u by A1; u divides z by A2,Def3; hence thesis by A6,Th2; end; hence thesis by A4,A5; end; uniqueness proof now let z1 be Element of R such that A7: z1 in Amp & z1 divides x & z1 divides y & (for z being Element of R st (z divides x & z divides y) holds (z divides z1)); let z2 be Element of R such that A8: z2 in Amp & z2 divides x & z2 divides y & (for z being Element of R st (z divides x & z divides y) holds (z divides z2)); z1 is_associated_to z2 proof A9: z1 divides z2 by A7,A8; z2 divides z1 by A7,A8; hence thesis by A9,Def3; end; hence z1 = z2 by A7,A8,Th22; end; hence thesis; end; end; reserve R for gcdDomain; :: Lemmata about GCD ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: canceled; theorem Th29:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a,b,c being Element of R holds c divides gcd(a,b,Amp) implies (c divides a & c divides b) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let A,B,C be Element of R; assume C divides gcd(A,B,Amp); then consider D being Element of R such that A1: C * D = gcd(A,B,Amp) by Def1; gcd(A,B,Amp) divides A by Def12; then consider E being Element of R such that A2: gcd(A,B,Amp) * E = A by Def1; A3: C * (D * E) = A by A1,A2,VECTSP_1:def 16; gcd(A,B,Amp) divides B by Def12; then consider E being Element of R such that A4: gcd(A,B,Amp) * E = B by Def1; C * (D * E) = B by A1,A4,VECTSP_1:def 16; hence thesis by A3,Def1; end; theorem Th30:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a,b being Element of R holds gcd(a,b,Amp) = gcd(b,a,Amp) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let A,B be Element of R; set D = gcd(A,B,Amp); A1: D in Amp by Def12; A2: D divides B & D divides A by Def12; for z being Element of R st (z divides B & z divides A) holds (z divides D) by Def12; hence gcd(A,B,Amp) = gcd(B,A,Amp) by A1,A2,Def12; end; theorem Th31:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a being Element of R holds gcd(a,0.R,Amp) = NF(a,Amp) & gcd(0.R,a,Amp) = NF(a,Amp) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let A be Element of R; A1: NF(A,Amp)is_associated_to A by Def9; then A2: NF(A,Amp) divides A by Def3; NF(A,Amp) * 0.R = 0.R by VECTSP_1:36; then A3: NF(A,Amp) divides 0.R by Def1; A4: for z being Element of R st (z divides A & z divides 0.R) holds (z divides NF(A,Amp)) proof let z be Element of R; assume A5: z divides A & z divides 0.R; A divides NF(A,Amp) by A1,Def3; hence thesis by A5,Th2; end; NF(A,Amp) in Amp by Def9; then gcd(A,0.R,Amp) = NF(A,Amp) by A2,A3,A4,Def12; hence thesis by Th30; end; theorem Th32:for Amp being AmpleSet of R holds gcd(0.R,0.R,Amp) = 0.R proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; gcd(0.R,0.R,Amp) = NF(0.R,Amp) by Th31; hence thesis by Th25; end; theorem Th33:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a being Element of R holds gcd(a,1_ R,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(1_ R,a,Amp) = 1_ R proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let A be Element of R; A1: 1_ R in Amp by Def8; 1_ R * A = A by VECTSP_1:def 19; then A2: 1_ R divides A by Def1; for z being Element of R st (z divides A & z divides 1_ R) holds (z divides 1_ R); then gcd(A,1_ R,Amp) = 1_ R by A1,A2,Def12; hence thesis by Th30; end; theorem Th34:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a,b being Element of R holds gcd(a,b,Amp) = 0.R iff (a = 0.R & b = 0.R) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let A,B be Element of R; A1: (A = 0.R & B = 0.R) implies (gcd(A,B,Amp) = 0.R) proof assume A2: A = 0.R & B = 0.R; then gcd(A,B,Amp) = NF(A,Amp) by Th31; hence thesis by A2,Th25; end; now assume gcd(A,B,Amp) = 0.R; then A3: 0.R divides A & 0.R divides B by Def12; then consider D being Element of R such that A4: 0.R * D = A by Def1; consider E being Element of R such that A5: 0.R * E = B by A3,Def1; thus (gcd(A,B,Amp) = 0.R) implies (A = 0.R & B = 0.R) by A4,A5,VECTSP_1:39; end; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem Th35:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a,b,c being Element of R holds (b is_associated_to c) implies ((gcd(a,b,Amp) is_associated_to gcd(a,c,Amp)) & (gcd(b,a,Amp) is_associated_to gcd(c,a,Amp))) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let A,B,C be Element of R; assume A1: B is_associated_to C; then A2: B divides C by Def3; gcd(A,B,Amp) divides B by Def12; then A3: gcd(A,B,Amp) divides C by A2,Th2; gcd(A,B,Amp) divides A by Def12; then A4: gcd(A,B,Amp) divides gcd(A,C,Amp) by A3,Def12; A5: gcd(A,B,Amp) = gcd(B,A,Amp) by Th30; A6: C divides B by A1,Def3; gcd(A,C,Amp) divides C by Def12; then A7: gcd(A,C,Amp) divides B by A6,Th2; gcd(A,C,Amp) divides A by Def12; then gcd(A,C,Amp) divides gcd(A,B,Amp) by A7,Def12; then gcd(A,B,Amp) is_associated_to gcd(A,C,Amp) by A4,Def3; hence thesis by A5,Th30; end; :: Main Theorems ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: theorem Th36:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a,b,c being Element of R holds gcd(gcd(a,b,Amp),c,Amp) = gcd(a,gcd(b,c,Amp),Amp) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let A,B,C be Element of R; set D = gcd(gcd(A,B,Amp),C,Amp); set E = gcd(A,gcd(B,C,Amp),Amp); D divides gcd(A,B,Amp) & D divides C by Def12; then D divides A & D divides B & D divides C by Th29; then D divides A & D divides gcd(B,C,Amp) by Def12; then A1: D divides E by Def12; E divides gcd(B,C,Amp) & E divides A by Def12; then E divides B & E divides C & E divides A by Th29; then E divides C & E divides gcd(A,B,Amp) by Def12; then E divides D by Def12; then A2: D is_associated_to E by A1,Def3; A3: D is Element of Amp by Def12; E is Element of Amp by Def12; hence thesis by A2,A3,Th22; end; theorem Th37:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a,b,c being Element of R holds gcd(a * c,b * c,Amp) is_associated_to (c * gcd(a,b,Amp)) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let A,B,C be Element of R; now per cases; case A1: C <> 0.R; set D = gcd(A,B,Amp); now per cases; case A2: D <> 0.R; set E = gcd((A * C),(B * C),Amp); D divides A & D divides B by Def12; then C * D divides A * C & C * D divides B * C by Th5; then C * D divides gcd((A * C),(B * C),Amp) by Def12; then consider F being Element of R such that A3: E = (C * D) * F by Def1; A4: E divides A * C by Def12; A5: E divides B * C by Def12; (D * F) divides A & (D * F) divides B proof consider G being Element of R such that A6: ((C * D) * F) * G = A * C by A3,A4,Def1; (C * (D * F)) * G = C * A by A6,VECTSP_1:def 16; then A7: (C * (D * F)) divides C * A by Def1; consider G being Element of R such that A8: ((C * D) * F) * G = B * C by A3,A5,Def1; (C * (D * F)) * G = C * B by A8,VECTSP_1:def 16; then (C * (D * F)) divides C * B by Def1; hence thesis by A1,A7,Th15; end; then A9: D * F divides D by Def12; F divides 1_ R proof D = D * 1_ R by VECTSP_1:def 13; hence thesis by A2,A9,Th15; end; then F is unital by Def2; hence gcd((A * C),(B * C),Amp) is_associated_to (C * gcd(A,B,Amp)) by A3,Th18 ; case A10: D = 0.R; then A11: A = 0.R & B = 0.R by Th34; A12: C * gcd(A,B,Amp) = 0.R by A10,VECTSP_1:39; gcd((A * C),(B * C),Amp) = gcd(0.R,(0.R * C),Amp) by A11,VECTSP_1:39 .= gcd(0.R,0.R,Amp) by VECTSP_1:39 .= C * gcd(A,B,Amp) by A12,Th32; hence gcd((A * C),(B * C),Amp) is_associated_to (C * gcd(A,B,Amp)); end; hence gcd((A * C),(B * C),Amp) is_associated_to (C * gcd(A,B,Amp)); case A13: C = 0.R; then A14: A * C = 0.R by VECTSP_1:39; B * C = 0.R by A13,VECTSP_1:39; then gcd((A * C),(B * C),Amp) = 0.R by A14,Th32 .= C * gcd(A,B,Amp) by A13,VECTSP_1:39; hence gcd((A * C),(B * C),Amp) is_associated_to (C * gcd(A,B,Amp)); end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th38:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a,b,c being Element of R holds (gcd(a,b,Amp) = 1_ R) implies (gcd(a,(b * c),Amp) = gcd(a,c,Amp)) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let A,B,C be Element of R; assume A1: gcd(A,B,Amp) = 1_ R; A2: gcd((A * C),(B * C),Amp) is_associated_to (C * gcd(A,B,Amp)) by Th37; C * (gcd(A,B,Amp)) = C by A1,VECTSP_1:def 13; then gcd(A,C,Amp) is_associated_to gcd(A,gcd((A * C),(B * C),Amp),Amp) by A2,Th35; then A3: gcd(A,C,Amp) is_associated_to gcd(gcd(A,(A * C),Amp),(B * C),Amp) by Th36; gcd(A,(A * C),Amp) is_associated_to A proof A4: gcd((A * 1_ R),(A * C),Amp) is_associated_to (A * gcd(1_ R,C,Amp)) by Th37; A * gcd(1_ R,C,Amp) = A * 1_ R by Th33 .= A by VECTSP_1:def 13; hence thesis by A4,VECTSP_1:def 13; end; then gcd(gcd(A,(A * C),Amp),(B * C),Amp) is_associated_to gcd(A,(B * C),Amp) by Th35; then A5: gcd(A,(B * C),Amp) is_associated_to gcd(A,C,Amp) by A3,Th4; A6: gcd(A,(B * C),Amp) is Element of Amp by Def12; gcd(A,C,Amp) is Element of Amp by Def12; hence thesis by A5,A6,Th22; end; theorem Th39:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a,b,c being Element of R holds ((c = gcd(a,b,Amp)) & (c <> 0.R)) implies gcd((a/c),(b/c),Amp) = 1_ R proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let A,B,C be Element of R; assume A1: ((C = gcd(A,B,Amp)) & (C <> 0.R)); set A1 = A/C; set B1 = B/C; C divides A by A1,Def12; then A2: A1 * C = A by A1,Def4; C divides B by A1,Def12; then A3: gcd(A,B,Amp) = gcd((A1 * C),(B1 * C),Amp) by A1,A2,Def4; gcd((A1 * C),(B1 * C),Amp) is_associated_to (C * gcd(A1,B1,Amp)) by Th37; then (C * 1_ R) is_associated_to (C * gcd(A1,B1,Amp)) by A1,A3,VECTSP_1:def 13 ; then A4: gcd(A1,B1,Amp) is_associated_to 1_ R by A1,Th19; A5: gcd(A1,B1,Amp) is Element of Amp by Def12; 1_ R is Element of Amp by Def8; hence thesis by A4,A5,Th22; end; theorem Th40:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for a,b,c being Element of R holds gcd((a + (b * c)),c,Amp) = gcd(a,c,Amp) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let A,B,C be Element of R; set D = gcd(A,C,Amp); A1: D divides A & D divides C by Def12; A2: D is Element of Amp by Def12; consider E being Element of R such that A3: D * E = A by A1,Def1; consider F being Element of R such that A4: D * F = C by A1,Def1; A5: D divides (A + (B * C)) proof D * (E + (F * B)) = (D * E) + (D * (F * B)) by VECTSP_1:def 11 .= A + (B * C) by A3,A4,VECTSP_1:def 16; hence thesis by Def1; end; for z being Element of R st (z divides (A + (B * C)) & (z divides C)) holds (z divides D) proof let Z be Element of R; assume A6: Z divides (A + (B * C)) & (Z divides C); then consider X being Element of R such that A7: Z * X = C by Def1; consider Y being Element of R such that A8: Z * Y = A + (B * C) by A6,Def1; Z * (Y + (-(B * X))) = (Z * Y) + (Z * (-(B * X))) by VECTSP_1:def 11 .= (Z * Y) + (-(Z * (X * B))) by VECTSP_1:40 .= (A + (B * C)) + (-(C * B)) by A7,A8,VECTSP_1:def 16 .= A + ((B * C) + (-(C * B))) by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= A + 0.R by RLVECT_1:def 10 .= A by RLVECT_1:10; then Z divides A by Def1; hence thesis by A6,Def12; end; hence thesis by A1,A2,A5,Def12; end; begin :: Brown & Henrici :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: theorem Th41:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for r1,r2,s1,s2 being Element of R holds (gcd(r1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R & r2 <> 0.R & s2 <> 0.R) implies gcd(((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))), (r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))),Amp) = gcd(((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let r1,r2,s1,s2 be Element of R; assume A1: gcd(r1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R & r2 <> 0.R & s2 <> 0.R; set d = gcd(r2,s2,Amp); A2: d divides s2 by Def12; A3: d divides r2 by Def12; A4: d <> 0.R by A1,Th34; set r = r2/d; set s = s2/d; A5: gcd(((r1 * s) + (s1 * r)),s,Amp) = gcd((s1 * r),s,Amp) by Th40; gcd(s,s1,Amp) = 1_ R proof A6: gcd(s,s1,Amp) divides s1 by Def12; gcd(s,s1,Amp) divides s by Def12; then consider e being Element of R such that A7: gcd(s,s1,Amp) * e = s by Def1; gcd(s,s1,Amp) * (e * d) = s * d by A7,VECTSP_1:def 16 .= s2 by A2,A4,Def4; then gcd(s,s1,Amp) divides s2 by Def1; then A8: gcd(s,s1,Amp) divides gcd(s1,s2,Amp) by A6,Def12; 1_ R * gcd(s,s1,Amp) = gcd(s,s1,Amp) by VECTSP_1:def 19; then 1_ R divides gcd(s,s1,Amp) by Def1; then A9: gcd(s,s1,Amp) is_associated_to 1_ R by A1,A8,Def3; A10: gcd(s,s1,Amp) is Element of Amp by Def12; 1_ R is Element of Amp by Def8; hence thesis by A9,A10,Th22; end; then A11: gcd(s,(s1 * r),Amp) = gcd(s,r,Amp) by Th38; A12: gcd(r,s,Amp) = 1_ R by A4,Th39; A13: gcd(((r1 * s) + (s1 * r)),s,Amp) = gcd(s,(s1 * r),Amp) by A5,Th30 .= 1_ R by A11,A12,Th30; A14: r2 * s = s * (d * r) proof A15: d divides (d * r2) by Th6; r2 * s = (1_ R * r2) * s by VECTSP_1:def 19 .= ((d/d) * r2) * s by A4,Th9 .= ((d * r2)/d) * s by A4,A15,Th11 .= s * (d * r) by A3,A4,A15,Th11; hence thesis; end; A16: gcd(((r1 * s) + (s1 * r)),r,Amp) = gcd((r1 * s),r,Amp) by Th40; gcd(r,r1,Amp) = 1_ R proof A17: gcd(r,r1,Amp) divides r1 by Def12; gcd(r,r1,Amp) divides r by Def12; then consider e being Element of R such that A18: gcd(r,r1,Amp) * e = r by Def1; gcd(r,r1,Amp) * (e * d) = r * d by A18,VECTSP_1:def 16 .= r2 by A3,A4,Def4; then gcd(r,r1,Amp) divides r2 by Def1; then A19: gcd(r,r1,Amp) divides gcd(r1,r2,Amp) by A17,Def12; 1_ R * gcd(r,r1,Amp) = gcd(r,r1,Amp) by VECTSP_1:def 19; then 1_ R divides gcd(r,r1,Amp) by Def1; then A20: gcd(r,r1,Amp) is_associated_to 1_ R by A1,A19,Def3; A21: gcd(r,r1,Amp) is Element of Amp by Def12; 1_ R is Element of Amp by Def8; hence thesis by A20,A21,Th22; end; then A22: gcd(r,(r1 * s),Amp) = gcd(r,s,Amp) by Th38; gcd(r,s,Amp) = 1_ R by A4,Th39; then gcd(((r1 * s) + (s1 * r)),r,Amp) = 1_ R by A16,A22,Th30; then gcd(((r1 * s) + (s1 * r)),(d * r),Amp) = gcd(((r1 * s) + (s1 * r)),d,Amp) by Th38; hence thesis by A13,A14,Th38; end; theorem Th42:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for r1,r2,s1,s2 being Element of R holds (gcd(r1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R & r2 <> 0.R & s2 <> 0.R) implies gcd(((r1/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * (s1/gcd(s1,r2,Amp))), ((r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) * (s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp))),Amp) = 1_ R proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let r1,r2,s1,s2 be Element of R; assume A1: gcd(r1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R & r2 <> 0.R & s2 <> 0.R; set d1 = gcd(r1,s2,Amp); set d2 = gcd(s1,r2,Amp); A2: d1 <> 0.R by A1,Th34; A3: d2 <> 0.R by A1,Th34; set r1' = r1/d1; set s1' = s1/d2; set r2' = r2/d2; set s2' = s2/d1; d1 divides r1 by Def12; then r1' * d1 = r1 by A2,Def4; then A4: r1' divides r1 by Def1; d2 divides r2 by Def12; then r2' * d2 = r2 by A3,Def4; then A5: r2' divides r2 by Def1; A6: gcd(r1',r2',Amp) divides r1' by Def12; A7: gcd(r1',r2',Amp) divides r2' by Def12; A8: gcd(r1',r2',Amp) divides r1 by A4,A6,Th2; gcd(r1',r2',Amp) divides r2 by A5,A7,Th2; then A9: gcd(r1',r2',Amp) divides gcd(r1,r2,Amp) by A8,Def12; 1_ R * gcd(r1',r2',Amp) = gcd(r1',r2',Amp) by VECTSP_1:def 19; then 1_ R divides gcd(r1',r2',Amp) by Def1; then A10: gcd(r1',r2',Amp) is_associated_to 1_ R by A1,A9,Def3; A11: gcd(r1',r2',Amp) is Element of Amp by Def12; 1_ R is Element of Amp by Def8; then gcd(r1',r2',Amp) = 1_ R by A10,A11,Th22; then A12: gcd(r2',r1',Amp) = 1_ R by Th30; d1 divides s2 by Def12; then s2' * d1 = s2 by A2,Def4; then A13: s2' divides s2 by Def1; d2 divides s1 by Def12; then s1' * d2 = s1 by A3,Def4; then A14: s1' divides s1 by Def1; A15: gcd(s1',s2',Amp) divides s1' by Def12; A16: gcd(s1',s2',Amp) divides s2' by Def12; A17: gcd(s1',s2',Amp) divides s1 by A14,A15,Th2; gcd(s1',s2',Amp) divides s2 by A13,A16,Th2; then A18: gcd(s1',s2',Amp) divides gcd(s1,s2,Amp) by A17,Def12; 1_ R * gcd(s1',s2',Amp) = gcd(s1',s2',Amp) by VECTSP_1:def 19; then 1_ R divides gcd(s1',s2',Amp) by Def1; then A19: gcd(s1',s2',Amp) is_associated_to 1_ R by A1,A18,Def3; A20: gcd(s1',s2',Amp) is Element of Amp by Def12; 1_ R is Element of Amp by Def8; then A21: gcd(s1',s2',Amp) = 1_ R by A19,A20,Th22; A22: gcd(s2',r1',Amp) = gcd((r1/d1),(s2/d1),Amp) by Th30 .= 1_ R by A2,Th39; A23: gcd(s1',r2',Amp) = 1_ R by A3,Th39; gcd((r1' * s1'),r2',Amp) = gcd(r2',(r1' * s1'),Amp) by Th30 .= gcd(r2',s1',Amp) by A12,Th38 .= 1_ R by A23,Th30; then gcd((r1' * s1'),(r2' * s2'),Amp) = gcd((r1' * s1'),s2',Amp) by Th38 .= gcd(s2',(r1' * s1'),Amp) by Th30 .= gcd(s2',s1',Amp) by A22,Th38 .= 1_ R by A21,Th30; hence thesis; end; begin :: Properties of the Algorithms ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: definition let R be gcd-like associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let x,y be Element of R; pred x,y are_canonical_wrt Amp means :Def13: gcd(x,y,Amp) = 1_ R; end; theorem Th43:for Amp,Amp' being AmpleSet of R for x,y being Element of R holds x,y are_canonical_wrt Amp iff x,y are_canonical_wrt Amp' proof let Amp,Amp' be AmpleSet of R; let x,y be Element of R; A1: now assume x,y are_canonical_wrt Amp; then gcd(x,y,Amp) = 1_ R by Def13; then A2: for z being Element of R st (z divides x & z divides y) holds (z divides 1_ R) by Def12; A3: 1_ R * x = x by VECTSP_1:def 19; A4: 1_ R * y = y by VECTSP_1:def 19; A5: 1_ R divides x by A3,Def1; A6: 1_ R divides y by A4,Def1; 1_ R in Amp' by Def8; then gcd(x,y,Amp') = 1_ R by A2,A5,A6,Def12; hence x,y are_canonical_wrt Amp' by Def13; end; now assume x,y are_canonical_wrt Amp'; then gcd(x,y,Amp') = 1_ R by Def13; then A7: for z being Element of R st (z divides x & z divides y) holds (z divides 1_ R) by Def12; A8: 1_ R * x = x by VECTSP_1:def 19; A9: 1_ R * y = y by VECTSP_1:def 19; A10: 1_ R divides x by A8,Def1; A11: 1_ R divides y by A9,Def1; 1_ R in Amp by Def8; then gcd(x,y,Amp) = 1_ R by A7,A10,A11,Def12; hence x,y are_canonical_wrt Amp by Def13; end; hence thesis by A1; end; definition let R be gcd-like associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr); let x,y be Element of R; pred x,y are_co-prime means :Def14: ex Amp being AmpleSet of R st gcd(x,y,Amp) = 1_ R; end; definition let R be gcdDomain; let x,y be Element of R; redefine pred x,y are_co-prime; symmetry proof let x,y be Element of R; given Amp being AmpleSet of R such that A1: gcd(x,y,Amp) = 1_ R; gcd(y,x,Amp) = 1_ R by A1,Th30; hence thesis by Def14; end; end; theorem Th44:for Amp being AmpleSet of R for x,y being Element of R holds x,y are_co-prime implies gcd(x,y,Amp) = 1_ R proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let x,y be Element of R; assume x,y are_co-prime; then consider Amp' being AmpleSet of R such that A1: gcd(x,y,Amp') = 1_ R by Def14; x,y are_canonical_wrt Amp' by A1,Def13; then x,y are_canonical_wrt Amp by Th43; hence thesis by Def13; end; definition let R be gcd-like associative well-unital (non empty multLoopStr_0); let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let x,y be Element of R; pred x,y are_normalized_wrt Amp means :Def15: gcd(x,y,Amp) = 1_ R & y in Amp & y <> 0.R; end; :: Addition ::::::::::: definition let R be gcdDomain; let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let r1,r2,s1,s2 be Element of R; assume A1: r1,r2 are_co-prime & s1,s2 are_co-prime & r2 = NF(r2,Amp) & s2 = NF(s2,Amp); func add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) -> Element of R equals :Def16: s1 if r1 = 0.R, r1 if s1 = 0.R, (r1 * s2) + (r2 * s1) if gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R, 0.R if (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R otherwise ((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))) / gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp); coherence; consistency proof A2: gcd(r1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by A1,Th44; A3: r1 = 0.R & gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R implies for z being Element of R holds z = s1 iff z = (r1 * s2) + (r2 * s1) proof assume A4: r1 = 0.R & gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R; let z be Element of R; A5: r2 = 1_ R by A1,A2,A4,Th31; (r1 * s2) + (r2 * s1) = 0.R + (r2 * s1) by A4,VECTSP_1:39 .= 1_ R * s1 by A5,RLVECT_1:10 .= s1 by VECTSP_1:def 19; hence thesis; end; A6: r1 = 0.R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R implies for z being Element of R holds z = s1 iff z = 0.R proof assume A7: r1 = 0.R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R; let z be Element of R; A8: r2 = 1_ R by A1,A2,A7,Th31; then A9: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; A10: 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; 0.R = 0.R+(s1*(r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) by A7,VECTSP_1:39 .= s1*(1_ R/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) by A8,RLVECT_1:10 .= s1*1_ R by A9,A10,Th9 .= s1 by VECTSP_1:def 13; hence thesis; end; A11: s1 = 0.R & gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R implies for z being Element of R holds z = r1 iff z = (r1 * s2) + (r2 * s1) proof assume A12: s1 = 0.R & gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R; let z be Element of R; A13: s2 = 1_ R by A1,A2,A12,Th31; (r1 * s2) + (r2 * s1) = (r1 * s2) + 0.R by A12,VECTSP_1:39 .= r1 * 1_ R by A13,RLVECT_1:10 .= r1 by VECTSP_1:def 13; hence thesis; end; A14: s1 = 0.R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R implies for z being Element of R holds z = r1 iff z = 0.R proof assume A15: s1 = 0.R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R; let z be Element of R; A16: s2 = 1_ R by A1,A2,A15,Th31; then A17: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; A18: 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; 0.R = (r1*(s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))+0.R by A15,VECTSP_1:39 .= r1*(1_ R/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) by A16,RLVECT_1:10 .= r1*1_ R by A17,A18,Th9 .= r1 by VECTSP_1:def 13; hence thesis; end; gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R implies for z being Element of R holds z = (r1 * s2) + (r2 * s1) iff z = 0.R proof assume A19: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R; let z be Element of R; 0.R = (r1 * s2) + (s1 * (r2/1_ R)) by A19,Th10 .= (r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2) by Th10; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by A3,A6,A11,A14; end; end; definition let R be gcdDomain; let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let r1,r2,s1,s2 be Element of R; assume A1: r1,r2 are_co-prime & s1,s2 are_co-prime & r2 = NF(r2,Amp) & s2 = NF(s2,Amp); func add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) -> Element of R equals :Def17: s2 if r1 = 0.R, r2 if s1 = 0.R, r2 * s2 if gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R, 1_ R if (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R otherwise (r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) / gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp); coherence; consistency proof A2: gcd(r1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by A1,Th44; A3: r1 = 0.R & s1 = 0.R implies for z being Element of R holds z = s2 iff z = r2 proof assume A4: r1 = 0.R & s1 = 0.R; let z be Element of R; r2 = 1_ R by A1,A2,A4,Th31; hence thesis by A1,A2,A4,Th31; end; A5: r1 = 0.R & gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R implies for z being Element of R holds z = s2 iff z = r2 * s2 proof assume A6: r1 = 0.R & gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R; let z be Element of R; r2 = 1_ R by A1,A2,A6,Th31; hence thesis by VECTSP_1:def 19; end; A7: r1 = 0.R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R implies for z being Element of R holds z = s2 iff z = 1_ R proof assume A8: r1 = 0.R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R; let z be Element of R; A9: r2 = 1_ R by A1,A2,A8,Th31; then A10: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; A11: 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; 0.R = 0.R+(s1*(r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) by A8,VECTSP_1:39 .= s1*(1_ R/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) by A9,RLVECT_1:10 .= s1*1_ R by A10,A11,Th9 .= s1 by VECTSP_1:def 13; hence thesis by A1,A2,Th31; end; A12: s1 = 0.R & gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R implies for z being Element of R holds z = r2 iff z = r2 * s2 proof assume A13: s1 = 0.R & gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R; let z be Element of R; s2 = 1_ R by A1,A2,A13,Th31; hence thesis by VECTSP_1:def 13; end; A14: s1 = 0.R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R implies for z being Element of R holds z = r2 iff z = 1_ R proof assume A15: s1 = 0.R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R; let z be Element of R; A16: s2 = 1_ R by A1,A2,A15,Th31; then A17: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; A18: 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; 0.R = (r1*(s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))+0.R by A15,VECTSP_1:39 .= r1*(1_ R/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) by A16,RLVECT_1:10 .= r1*1_ R by A17,A18,Th9 .= r1 by VECTSP_1:def 13; hence thesis by A1,A2,Th31; end; gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R implies for z being Element of R holds z = r2 * s2 iff z = 1_ R proof assume A19: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R; let z be Element of R; A20: 0.R = (r1 * s2) + (s1 * (r2/1_ R)) by A19,Th10 .= (r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2) by Th10; then A21: r1 * s2 = -(s1 * r2) by RLVECT_1:19; A22: s1 * r2 = -(r1 * s2) by A20,RLVECT_1:19; gcd(r2,r1,Amp) = 1_ R by A1,Th44; then gcd(r2,r1*s2,Amp) = 1_ R by A19,Th38; then A23: 1_ R = gcd(1_ R*r2,-(s1*r2),Amp) by A21,VECTSP_1:def 19 .= gcd(1_ R*r2,(-s1)*r2,Amp) by VECTSP_1:40; A24: r2 * gcd(1_ R,(-s1),Amp) = r2 * 1_ R by Th33 .= r2 by VECTSP_1:def 13; A25: 1_ R is_associated_to r2 * gcd(1_ R,(-s1),Amp) by A23,Th37; A26: 1_ R in Amp by Th22; then A27: r2 = 1_ R by A1,A24,A25,Def9; gcd(s2,s1,Amp) = 1_ R by A1,Th44; then gcd(s2,s1*r2,Amp) = gcd(s2,r2,Amp) by Th38 .= 1_ R by A19,Th30; then A28: 1_ R = gcd(1_ R*s2,-(r1*s2),Amp) by A22,VECTSP_1:def 19 .= gcd(1_ R*s2,(-r1)*s2,Amp) by VECTSP_1:40; A29: s2 * gcd(1_ R,(-r1),Amp) = s2 * 1_ R by Th33 .= s2 by VECTSP_1:def 13; 1_ R is_associated_to s2 * gcd(1_ R,(-r1),Amp) by A28,Th37; then s2 = 1_ R by A1,A26,A29,Def9; hence thesis by A27,VECTSP_1:def 13; end; hence thesis by A3,A5,A7,A12,A14; end; end; theorem for Amp being AmpleSet of R for r1,r2,s1,s2 being Element of R holds (Amp is multiplicative & r1,r2 are_normalized_wrt Amp & s1,s2 are_normalized_wrt Amp) implies add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) are_normalized_wrt Amp proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let r1,r2,s1,s2 be Element of R; assume A1: Amp is multiplicative & r1,r2 are_normalized_wrt Amp & s1,s2 are_normalized_wrt Amp; then A2: r2 in Amp & s2 in Amp & r2 <> 0.R & s2 <> 0.R by Def15; then A3: r2 = NF(r2,Amp) & s2 = NF(s2,Amp) & r2 <> 0.R & s2 <> 0.R by Def9; A4: gcd(r1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by A1,Def15; then A5: r1,r2 are_co-prime & s1,s2 are_co-prime by Def14; now per cases; case A6: r1 = 0.R; then add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = s2 by A3,A5,Def17; hence thesis by A1,A3,A5,A6,Def16; case A7: s1 = 0.R; then add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = r2 by A3,A5,Def17; hence thesis by A1,A3,A5,A7,Def16; case A8: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R; then A9: add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = (r1 * s2) + (r2 * s1) by A3,A5,Def16; A10: add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = r2 * s2 by A3,A5,A8,Def17; then A11: gcd(add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),Amp) = gcd(((r1 * (s2/1_ R)) + (s1 * r2)), (r2 * s2),Amp) by A9,Th10 .= gcd((r1 * (s2/1_ R)) + (s1 * (r2/1_ R)), (r2 * s2),Amp) by Th10 .= gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), (r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))),Amp) by A8,Th10 .= gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) by A2,A4,Th41 .= 1_ R by A8,Th33; reconsider r2,s2 as Element of Amp by A1,Def15; A12: r2 * s2 in Amp by A1,Def10; r2 * s2 <> 0.R by A2,VECTSP_2:def 5; hence thesis by A10,A11,A12,Def15; case (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R; then A13: add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by A3,A5,Def17; then A14: gcd(add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; A15: 1_ R in Amp by Th22; 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; hence thesis by A13,A14,A15,Def15; case A16: r1 <> 0.R & s1 <> 0.R & gcd(r2,s2,Amp) <> 1_ R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) <> 0.R; then A17: add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = ((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))) / gcd(((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) by A3,A5,Def16; A18: add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = (r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) / gcd(((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) by A3,A5,A16,Def17; A19: gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), (r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))),Amp) = gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) by A2,A4,Th41; gcd(r2,s2,Amp) <> 0.R by A2,Th34; then gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) <> 0.R by Th34; then A20: gcd( ((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))) / gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp), ((r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))) / gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp), Amp) = 1_ R by A19,Th39; reconsider r2,s2 as Element of Amp by A1,Def15; A21: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides s2 by Def12; A22: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) <> 0.R by A2,Th34; gcd(r2,s2,Amp) in Amp by Def12; then reconsider z3 = s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp) as Element of Amp by A1,A21,A22,Th27; r2 * z3 in Amp by A1,Def10; then reconsider z1 = r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) as Element of Amp; reconsider z2 = gcd(((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) as Element of Amp by Def12; A23: z2 divides z1 proof A24: z2 divides gcd(r2,s2,Amp) by Def12; gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides r2 by Def12; then z2 divides r2 by A24,Th2; hence thesis by Th7; end; A25: z2 <> 0.R by A22,Th34; then A26: z1 / z2 in Amp by A1,A23,Th27; z1 / z2 <> 0.R proof A27: r2 * s2 <> 0.R by A2,VECTSP_2:def 5; A28: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides r2 * s2 by A21,Th7; then z1 = (r2 * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp) by A21,A22,Th11; then z1 <> 0.R by A22,A27,A28,Th8; hence thesis by A23,A25,Th8; end; hence thesis by A17,A18,A20,A26,Def15; end; hence thesis; end; theorem for Amp being AmpleSet of R for r1,r2,s1,s2 being Element of R holds (Amp is multiplicative & r1,r2 are_normalized_wrt Amp & s1,s2 are_normalized_wrt Amp) implies add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * (r2 * s2) = add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * ((r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2)) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let r1,r2,s1,s2 be Element of R; assume A1: Amp is multiplicative & r1,r2 are_normalized_wrt Amp & s1,s2 are_normalized_wrt Amp; then gcd(r1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R & s2 in Amp & r2 in Amp by Def15; then A2: r1,r2 are_co-prime & s1,s2 are_co-prime & r2 <> 0.R & s2 <> 0.R & r2 = NF(r2,Amp) & s2 = NF(s2,Amp) by A1,Def9,Def14,Def15; now per cases; case A3: r1 = 0.R; then A4: add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = s1 by A2,Def16; add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = s2 by A2,A3,Def17; then add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * ((r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2)) = s2 * (0.R + (s1 * r2)) by A3,VECTSP_1:39 .= s2 * (s1 * r2) by RLVECT_1:10 .= add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * (r2 * s2) by A4,VECTSP_1:def 16; hence thesis; case A5: s1 = 0.R; then A6: add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = r1 by A2,Def16; add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = r2 by A2,A5,Def17; then add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * ((r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2)) = r2 * ((r1 * s2) + 0.R) by A5,VECTSP_1:39 .= r2 * (r1 * s2) by RLVECT_1:10 .= add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * (r2 * s2) by A6,VECTSP_1:def 16; hence thesis; case A7: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) = 1_ R; then add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = r2 * s2 by A2,Def17; hence thesis by A2,A7,Def16; case A8: (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) = 0.R; then A9: add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = 0.R by A2,Def16; A10: (r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2) = 0.R proof A11: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) <> 0.R by A2,Th34; A12: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides s2 by Def12; A13: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides r2 by Def12; A14: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides r1 * s2 by A12,Th7; A15: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides s1 * r2 by A13,Th7; A16: 0.R = (r1 * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) by A8,A11,A12,A14,Th11 .= (r1 * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp) + (s1 * r2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp) by A11,A13,A15,Th11; consider e being Element of R such that A17: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) * e = r2 by A13,Def1; consider f being Element of R such that A18: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) * f = s2 by A12,Def1; gcd(r2,s2,Amp) * ((e * s1)+(f * r1)) = (gcd(r2,s2,Amp) * (e * s1))+(gcd(r2,s2,Amp) * (f * r1)) by VECTSP_1:def 11 .= ((gcd(r2,s2,Amp) * e) * s1)+(gcd(r2,s2,Amp) * (f * r1)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= (r1 * s2)+(s1 * r2) by A17,A18,VECTSP_1:def 16; then A19: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides (r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2) by Def1; then A20: 0.R = ((r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2)) / gcd(r2,s2,Amp) by A11,A14,A15,A16,Th12 ; 0.R = 0.R * gcd(r2,s2,Amp) by VECTSP_1:39 .= ((r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2)) by A11,A19,A20,Def4; hence thesis; end; add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * (r2 * s2) = 0.R by A9,VECTSP_1:39 .= add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * ((r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2)) by A10,VECTSP_1:39; hence thesis; case A21: r1 <> 0.R & s1 <> 0.R & gcd(r2,s2,Amp) <> 1_ R & (r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) <> 0.R; then A22: add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = ((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))) / gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) by A2,Def16; A23: add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = (r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) / gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) by A2,A21,Def17; A24: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) <> 0.R by A2,Th34; A25: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides s2 by Def12; A26: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides r2 by Def12; A27: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides r1 * s2 by A25,Th7; A28: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides s1 * r2 by A26,Th7; A29: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides ((r1 * s2) * r2) by A27,Th7; A30: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides ((s1 * r2) * r2) by A26,Th7; A31: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides (((r1 * s2) * r2) * s2) by A29,Th7; A32: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides (((s1 * r2) * r2) * s2) by A30,Th7; A33: ((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))) * (r2 * s2) = ((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * (r2 * s2)) + ((s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * (r2 * s2)) by VECTSP_1:def 18 .= (((r1 * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * (r2 * s2)) + ((s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * (r2 * s2)) by A24,A25,A27,Th11 .= (((r1 * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * (r2 * s2)) + (((s1 * r2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * (r2 * s2)) by A24,A26,A28,Th11 .= ((((r1 * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * r2) * s2) + (((s1 * r2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * (r2 * s2)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= ((((r1 * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * r2) * s2) + ((((s1 * r2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * r2) * s2) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= ((((r1 * s2) * r2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * s2) + ((((s1 * r2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * r2) * s2) by A24,A27,A29,Th11 .= ((((r1 * s2) * r2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * s2) + ((((s1 * r2) * r2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * s2) by A24,A28,A30,Th11 .= ((((r1 * s2) * r2) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) + ((((s1 * r2) * r2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * s2) by A24,A29,A31,Th11 .= ((((r1 * s2) * r2) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) + ((((s1 * r2) * r2) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) by A24,A30,A32,Th11; A34: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides (r2 * s2) by A26,Th7; then A35: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides ((r2 * s2) * r1) by Th7; A36: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides ((r2 * s2) * s1) by A34,Th7; A37: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides (((r2 * s2) * r1) * s2) by A35,Th7; A38: gcd(r2,s2,Amp) divides (((r2 * s2) * s1) * r2) by A36,Th7; A39: (r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * ((r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2)) = ((r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * (r1 * s2)) + ((r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * (s1 * r2)) by VECTSP_1:def 11 .= (((r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * r1) * s2) + ((r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * (s1 * r2)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= (((r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * r1) * s2) + (((r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * s1) * r2) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= ((((r2 * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * r1) * s2) + (((r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * s1) * r2) by A24,A25,A34,Th11 .= ((((r2 * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * r1) * s2) + ((((r2 * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * s1) * r2) by A24,A25,A34,Th11 .= ((((r2 * s2) * r1)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * s2) + ((((r2 * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * s1) * r2) by A24,A34,A35,Th11 .= ((((r2 * s2) * r1)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * s2) + ((((r2 * s2) * s1)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * r2) by A24,A34,A36,Th11 .= ((((r2 * s2) * r1) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) + ((((r2 * s2) * s1)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) * r2) by A24,A35,A37,Th11 .= (((r1 * (s2 * r2)) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) + ((((r2 * s2) * s1) * r2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) by A24,A36,A38,Th11 .= ((((r1 * s2) * r2) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) + ((((r2 * s2) * s1) * r2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= ((((r1 * s2) * r2) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) + ((s1 * ((r2 * s2) * r2))/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= ((((r1 * s2) * r2) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) + ((s1 * ((r2 * r2) * s2))/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= ((((r1 * s2) * r2) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) + (((s1 * (r2 * r2)) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= ((((r1 * s2) * r2) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) + ((((s1 * r2) * r2) * s2)/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)) by VECTSP_1:def 16; A40: gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) <> 0.R by A24,Th34; A41: gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) divides ((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))) by Def12; then A42: gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) divides ((r1*(s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))+(s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))) * (r2*s2) by Th7; gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) divides gcd(r2,s2,Amp) by Def12; then gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) divides r2 by A26,Th2; then A43: gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) divides (r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) by Th7; then A44: gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) divides (r2 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) * ((r1 * s2)+(s1 * r2)) by Th7; add1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * (r2 * s2) = (((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))+(s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp)))) * (r2 * s2)) / gcd((r1 * (s2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))) + (s1 * (r2/gcd(r2,s2,Amp))), gcd(r2,s2,Amp),Amp) by A22,A40,A41,A42,Th11 .= add2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * ((r1 * s2) + (s1 * r2)) by A23,A33,A39,A40, A43,A44,Th11; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; :: Multiplication ::::::::::::::::: definition let R be gcdDomain; let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let r1,r2,s1,s2 be Element of R; func mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) -> Element of R equals :Def18: 0.R if r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R, r1 * s1 if r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R, (r1 * s1)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) if s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R, (r1 * s1)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) if r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R otherwise (r1/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * (s1/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)); coherence; consistency proof A1: (r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & (r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R) implies for z being Element of R holds z = 0.R iff z = r1 * s1 proof assume A2: (r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & (r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R); now per cases by A2; case r1 = 0.R; hence thesis by VECTSP_1:39; case s1 = 0.R; hence thesis by VECTSP_1:39; end; hence thesis; end; A3: ((r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & (s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R)) implies for z being Element of R holds z = 0.R iff z = (r1 * s1)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) proof assume A4: (r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R; let z be Element of R; A5: r1 * s1 = 0.R proof now per cases by A4; case r1 = 0.R; hence thesis by VECTSP_1:39; case s1 = 0.R; hence thesis by VECTSP_1:39; end; hence thesis; end; gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides r1 by Def12; then A6: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides r1 * s1 by Th7; A7: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) <> 0.R by A4,Th34; set d = (r1 * s1)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp); d * gcd(r1,s2,Amp) = 0.R by A5,A6,A7,Def4; hence thesis by A7,VECTSP_2:def 5; end; A8: ((r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & (r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R)) implies for z being Element of R holds z = 0.R iff z = (r1 * s1)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) proof assume A9: (r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R; let z be Element of R; A10: r1 * s1 = 0.R proof now per cases by A9; case r1 = 0.R; hence thesis by VECTSP_1:39; case s1 = 0.R; hence thesis by VECTSP_1:39; end; hence thesis; end; gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides s1 by Def12; then A11: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides r1 * s1 by Th7; A12: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) <> 0.R by A9,Th34; set d = (r1 * s1)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp); d * gcd(s1,r2,Amp) = 0.R by A10,A11,A12,Def4; hence thesis by A12,VECTSP_2:def 5; end; A13: ((r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R) & (s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R)) implies for z being Element of R holds z = r1 * s1 iff z = (r1 * s1)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) proof assume r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R & s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R; then gcd(r1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; hence thesis by Th10; end; A14: ((r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R) & (r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R)) implies for z being Element of R holds z = r1 * s1 iff z = (r1 * s1)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) proof assume r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R & r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R; then gcd(s1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; hence thesis by Th10; end; ((s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R) & (r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R)) implies for z being Element of R holds z = (r1 * s1)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) iff z = (r1 * s1)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) proof assume A15: s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R & r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R; then gcd(s1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; hence thesis by A15,Th33; end; hence thesis by A1,A3,A8,A13,A14; end; end; definition let R be gcdDomain; let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let r1,r2,s1,s2 be Element of R; assume A1: r1,r2 are_co-prime & s1,s2 are_co-prime & r2 = NF(r2,Amp) & s2 = NF(s2,Amp); func mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) -> Element of R equals :Def19: 1_ R if r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R, 1_ R if r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R, s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) if s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R, r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) if r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R otherwise (r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) * (s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)); coherence; consistency proof A2: gcd(r1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by A1,Th44; A3: (r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & (s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R) implies for z being Element of R holds z = 1_ R iff z = s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) proof assume A4: (r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R; now per cases by A4; case r1 = 0.R; then gcd(r1,s2,Amp) = s2 by A1,Th31; hence thesis by A4,Th9; case s1 = 0.R; then A5: 1_ R = s2 by A1,A2,Th31; then A6: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; hence thesis by A5,A6,Th9; end; hence thesis; end; A7: (r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & (r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R) implies for z being Element of R holds z = 1_ R iff z = r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) proof assume A8: (r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R; now per cases by A8; case s1 = 0.R; then gcd(s1,r2,Amp) = r2 by A1,Th31; hence thesis by A8,Th9; case r1 = 0.R; then A9: 1_ R = r2 by A1,A2,Th31; then A10: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; hence thesis by A9,A10,Th9; end; hence thesis; end; A11: (r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R) & (s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R) implies for z being Element of R holds z = 1_ R iff z = s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) proof assume A12: r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R & s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R; then gcd(r1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; hence thesis by A12,Th9; end; A13: (r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R) & (r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R) implies for z being Element of R holds z = 1_ R iff z = r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) proof assume A14: r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R & r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R; then gcd(s1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; hence thesis by A14,Th9; end; (s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R) & (r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R) implies for z being Element of R holds z = s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) iff z = r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) proof assume A15: s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R & r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R; then gcd(r1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; hence thesis by A15,Th33; end; hence thesis by A3,A7,A11,A13; end; end; theorem for Amp being AmpleSet of R for r1,r2,s1,s2 being Element of R holds (Amp is multiplicative & r1,r2 are_normalized_wrt Amp & s1,s2 are_normalized_wrt Amp) implies mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) are_normalized_wrt Amp proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let r1,r2,s1,s2 be Element of R; assume A1: Amp is multiplicative & r1,r2 are_normalized_wrt Amp & s1,s2 are_normalized_wrt Amp; then A2: gcd(r1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R & s2 in Amp & r2 in Amp by Def15; then A3: r1,r2 are_co-prime & s1,s2 are_co-prime & r2 <> 0.R & s2 <> 0.R & r2 = NF(r2,Amp) & s2 = NF(s2,Amp) by A1,Def9,Def14,Def15; then A4: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) <> 0.R & gcd(s1,r2,Amp) <> 0.R by Th34; now per cases; case r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R; then A5: mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by A3,Def19; then A6: gcd(mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; A7: 1_ R in Amp by Th22; 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; hence thesis by A5,A6,A7,Def15; case r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R; then A8: mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by A3,Def19; then A9: gcd(mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),Amp) = 1_ R by Th33; A10: 1_ R in Amp by Th22; 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; hence thesis by A8,A9,A10,Def15; case A11: s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R; then A12: mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = (r1 * s1)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) by Def18; A13: mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) by A3,A11,Def19; A14: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R by A11,Th33; A15: r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R proof 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; hence thesis by A11,A14,Th9; end; A16: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides r1 by Def12; then gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides (r1 * s1) by Th7; then A17: (r1 * s1)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) = (r1/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * s1 by A4,A16,Th11 .= (r1/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * (s1/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) by A14,Th10; s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) = (s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * (r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) by A15,VECTSP_1:def 13; then A18: gcd(mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),Amp) = 1_ R by A2,A3,A12,A13,A17,Th42; A19: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides s2 by Def12; A20: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) <> 0.R by A3,Th34; then A21: s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) <> 0.R by A3,A19,Th8; reconsider zz = gcd(r1,s2,Amp) as Element of Amp by Def12; reconsider s2 as Element of Amp by A1,Def15; s2/zz in Amp by A1,A19,A20,Th27; hence thesis by A13,A18,A21,Def15; case A22: r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R; then A23: mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = (r1 * s1)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) by Def18; A24: mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) by A3,A22,Def19; A25: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by A22,Th33; A26: s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R proof 1_ R <> 0.R by VECTSP_1:def 21; hence thesis by A22,A25,Th9; end; A27: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides s1 by Def12; then gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides (r1 * s1) by Th7; then A28: (r1 * s1)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) = r1 * (s1/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) by A4,A27,Th11 .= (r1/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * (s1/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) by A25,Th10; r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) = (r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) * (s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) by A26,VECTSP_1:def 13; then A29: gcd(mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),Amp) = 1_ R by A2,A3,A23,A24,A28,Th42; A30: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides r2 by Def12; A31: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) <> 0.R by A3,Th34; then A32: r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) <> 0.R by A3,A30,Th8; reconsider zz = gcd(s1,r2,Amp) as Element of Amp by Def12; reconsider r2 as Element of Amp by A1,Def15; r2/zz in Amp by A1,A30,A31,Th27; hence thesis by A24,A29,A32,Def15; case A33: not(r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & not(r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R) & not(s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R) & not(r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R); then A34: mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = (r1/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * (s1/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) by Def18; A35: mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = (r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) * (s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) by A3,A33,Def19; then A36: gcd(mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp),Amp) = 1_ R by A2,A3,A34,Th42; A37: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides s2 by Def12; A38: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) <> 0.R by A3,Th34; then A39: s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) <> 0.R by A3,A37,Th8; reconsider z1 = gcd(r1,s2,Amp) as Element of Amp by Def12; reconsider s2 as Element of Amp by A1,Def15; A40: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides r2 by Def12; A41: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) <> 0.R by A3,Th34; then A42: r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) <> 0.R by A3,A40,Th8; reconsider z2 = gcd(s1,r2,Amp) as Element of Amp by Def12; reconsider r2 as Element of Amp by A1,Def15; reconsider u = s2/z1 as Element of Amp by A1,A37,A38,Th27; reconsider v = r2/z2 as Element of Amp by A1,A40,A41,Th27; A43: v * u in Amp by A1,Def10; v * u <> 0.R by A39,A42,VECTSP_2:def 5; hence thesis by A35,A36,A43,Def15; end; hence thesis; end; theorem for Amp being AmpleSet of R for r1,r2,s1,s2 being Element of R holds (Amp is multiplicative & r1,r2 are_normalized_wrt Amp & s1,s2 are_normalized_wrt Amp) implies mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * (r2 * s2) = mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * (r1 * s1) proof let Amp be AmpleSet of R; let r1,r2,s1,s2 be Element of R; assume A1: Amp is multiplicative & r1,r2 are_normalized_wrt Amp & s1,s2 are_normalized_wrt Amp; then gcd(r1,r2,Amp) = 1_ R & gcd(s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R & s2 in Amp & r2 in Amp by Def15; then A2: r1,r2 are_co-prime & s1,s2 are_co-prime & r2 <> 0.R & s2 <> 0.R & r2 = NF(r2,Amp) & s2 = NF(s2,Amp) by A1,Def9,Def14,Def15; then A3: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) <> 0.R & gcd(s1,r2,Amp) <> 0.R by Th34; now per cases; case A4: r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R; then A5: mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = 0.R by Def18; now per cases by A4; case r1 = 0.R; then mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * (r1 * s1) = mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * 0.R by VECTSP_1:39 .= 0.R by VECTSP_1:39; hence thesis by A5,VECTSP_1:39; case s1 = 0.R; then mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * (r1 * s1) = mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) * 0.R by VECTSP_1:39 .= 0.R by VECTSP_1:39; hence thesis by A5,VECTSP_1:39; end; hence thesis; case A6: r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R; then A7: mult1(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = r1 * s1 by Def18; mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = 1_ R by A2,A6,Def19; hence thesis by A6,A7,VECTSP_1:def 13; case A8: s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R; then A9: mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) by A2,Def19; gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides r1 by Def12; then A10: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides (r1 * s1) by Th7; then A11: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides (r1 * s1) * s2 by Th7; A12: ((r1 * s1)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * (r2 * s2) = ((r1 * s1)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * s2 by A8,VECTSP_1:def 19 .= ((r1 * s1) * s2)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) by A3,A10,A11,Th11; A13: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides s2 by Def12; then A14: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides s2 * r1 by Th7; then A15: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides (s2 * r1) * s1 by Th7; (s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * (r1 * s1) = ((s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * r1) * s1 by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= ((s2 * r1)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * s1 by A3,A13,A14,Th11 .= ((s2 * r1) * s1)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) by A3,A14,A15,Th11 .= ((r1 * s1) * s2)/gcd(r1,s2,Amp) by VECTSP_1:def 16; hence thesis by A8,A9,A12,Def18; case A16: r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R; then A17: mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) by A2,Def19; gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides s1 by Def12; then A18: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides (s1 * r1) by Th7; then A19: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides (s1 * r1) * r2 by Th7; A20: ((r1 * s1)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) * (r2 * s2) = ((r1 * s1)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) * r2 by A16,VECTSP_1:def 13 .= ((r1 * s1) * r2)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) by A3,A18,A19,Th11; A21: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides r2 by Def12; then A22: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides r2 * r1 by Th7; then A23: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides (r2 * r1) * s1 by Th7; (r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) * (r1 * s1) = ((r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) * r1) * s1 by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= ((r2 * r1)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) * s1 by A3,A21,A22,Th11 .= ((r2 * r1) * s1)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) by A3,A22,A23,Th11 .= ((r1 * s1) * r2)/gcd(s1,r2,Amp) by VECTSP_1:def 16; hence thesis by A16,A17,A20,Def18; case A24: not(r1 = 0.R or s1 = 0.R) & not(r2 = 1_ R & s2 = 1_ R) & not(s2 <> 0.R & r2 = 1_ R) & not(r2 <> 0.R & s2 = 1_ R); then A25: mult2(r1,r2,s1,s2,Amp) = (r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) * (s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) by A2,Def19; A26: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides r1 by Def12; A27: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides s1 by Def12; then A28: (gcd(r1,s2,Amp) *gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) divides r1 * s1 by A26,Th3; then A29: (gcd(r1,s2,Amp) * gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) divides (r1 * s1) * r2 by Th7; then A30: (gcd(r1,s2,Amp) * gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) divides ((r1 * s1) * r2) * s2 by Th7; A31: (gcd(r1,s2,Amp) * gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) <> 0.R by A3,VECTSP_2:def 5; A32: ((r1/gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) * (s1/gcd(s1,r2,Amp))) * (r2 * s2) = ((r1 * s1)/(gcd(r1,s2,Amp) * gcd(s1,r2,Amp))) * (r2 * s2) by A3,A26,A27,Th14 .= (((r1 * s1)/(gcd(r1,s2,Amp) * gcd(s1,r2,Amp))) * r2) * s2 by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= (((r1 * s1) * r2)/(gcd(r1,s2,Amp) * gcd(s1,r2,Amp))) * s2 by A28,A29,A31,Th11 .= (((r1 * s1) * r2) * s2)/(gcd(r1,s2,Amp) * gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) by A29,A30,A31,Th11; A33: gcd(s1,r2,Amp) divides r2 by Def12; A34: gcd(r1,s2,Amp) divides s2 by Def12; then A35: (gcd(s1,r2,Amp) * gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) divides r2 * s2 by A33,Th3; then A36: (gcd(s1,r2,Amp) * gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) divides (r2 * s2) * r1 by Th7; then A37: (gcd(s1,r2,Amp) * gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) divides ((r2 * s2) * r1) * s1 by Th7; ((r2/gcd(s1,r2,Amp)) * (s2/gcd(r1,s2,Amp))) * (r1 * s1) = ((r2 * s2)/(gcd(s1,r2,Amp) * gcd(r1,s2,Amp))) * (r1 * s1) by A3,A33,A34,Th14 .= (((r2 * s2)/(gcd(s1,r2,Amp) * gcd(r1,s2,Amp))) * r1) * s1 by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= (((r2 * s2) * r1)/(gcd(s1,r2,Amp) * gcd(r1,s2,Amp))) * s1 by A31,A35,A36,Th11 .= (((r2 * s2) * r1) * s1)/(gcd(s1,r2,Amp) * gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) by A31,A36,A37,Th11 .= (r1 * ((r2 * s2) * s1))/(gcd(s1,r2,Amp) * gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= (r1 * ((s1 * r2) * s2))/(gcd(s1,r2,Amp) * gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= ((r1 * (s1 * r2)) * s2)/(gcd(s1,r2,Amp) * gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= (((r1 * s1) * r2) * s2)/(gcd(s1,r2,Amp) * gcd(r1,s2,Amp)) by VECTSP_1:def 16; hence thesis by A24,A25,A32,Def18; end; hence thesis; end; canceled 2; theorem for F be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable Abelian distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr), x,y being Element of F holds (-x)*y = -x*y & x*(-y) = -x*y by VECTSP_1:40,41; canceled; theorem for F being Field-like commutative Ring for a, b being Element of F st a <> 0.F & b <> 0.F holds a"*b" = (b*a)" proof let F be Field-like commutative Ring; let a,b be Element of F such that A1: a <> 0.F and A2: b <> 0.F; A3: b*a <> 0.F by A1,A2,VECTSP_1:44; b*a * (a"*b") = b*a*a"*b" by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= b*(a*a")*b" by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= b*1_ F*b" by A1,VECTSP_1:def 22 .= b*b" by VECTSP_1:def 13 .= 1_ F by A2,VECTSP_1:def 22; hence thesis by A3,VECTSP_1:def 22; end;