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environ vocabulary WAYBEL_0, ORDERS_1, FUNCT_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_4, QUANTAL1, RELAT_2, ORDINAL2, LATTICES, REALSET1, PRE_TOPC, YELLOW_0, BHSP_3, FUNCOP_1, BOOLE, LATTICE3, SEQM_3, WAYBEL_2, WAYBEL_3, TARSKI, FILTER_0, SUBSET_1, ORDERS_2, ZFMISC_1, FINSET_1, YELLOW_1, FUNCT_3, FRAENKEL, LATTICE2, OPPCAT_1, WAYBEL_5, ZF_REFLE, PBOOLE, YELLOW_2, FUNCT_6, CARD_3, PRALG_1, FINSEQ_4, WAYBEL_6, HAHNBAN; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, NUMBERS, XREAL_0, NAT_1, FINSET_1, RELAT_1, ORDINAL1, RELAT_2, REALSET1, STRUCT_0, ORDERS_1, PRE_TOPC, CARD_3, FRAENKEL, LATTICE3, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FUNCT_3, FUNCT_6, PBOOLE, PRALG_1, PRALG_2, YELLOW_0, YELLOW_1, WAYBEL_0, WAYBEL_1, YELLOW_2, YELLOW_4, WAYBEL_2, WAYBEL_3, WAYBEL_4, WAYBEL_5, BORSUK_1, YELLOW_7, FUNCT_7; constructors WAYBEL_5, WAYBEL_4, NAT_1, RELAT_2, BORSUK_1, YELLOW_4, ORDERS_3, WAYBEL_1, WAYBEL_2, WAYBEL_3, PRALG_2, FUNCT_7, MEMBERED; clusters SUBSET_1, WAYBEL_0, WAYBEL_2, WAYBEL_3, YELLOW_0, STRUCT_0, ORDERS_1, LATTICE3, PBOOLE, FINSET_1, WAYBEL_1, WAYBEL_5, PRALG_1, YELLOW_7, YELLOW_4, RELSET_1, ARYTM_3, XBOOLE_0, FRAENKEL, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1, FUNCT_2, PARTFUN1; requirements NUMERALS, BOOLE, SUBSET, ARITHM; definitions TARSKI, RELAT_2, LATTICE3, WAYBEL_0, WAYBEL_1, WAYBEL_2, WAYBEL_5, FUNCT_1, ORDERS_3, XBOOLE_0; theorems WAYBEL_3, TARSKI, YELLOW_0, ZFMISC_1, WAYBEL_0, ORDERS_1, WAYBEL_4, FUNCT_2, FUNCT_1, LATTICE3, NAT_1, PRE_TOPC, WAYBEL_1, YELLOW_1, YELLOW_5, WAYBEL_2, YELLOW_2, FINSET_1, WAYBEL_5, CARD_3, PBOOLE, PRALG_2, FUNCT_6, YELLOW_7, ORDERS_2, RELAT_2, FRAENKEL, CARD_5, FUNCT_3, YELLOW_6, YELLOW_4, YELLOW_3, BORSUK_1, FUNCOP_1, RELAT_1, RELSET_1, PRALG_1, ORDINAL1, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1, FUNCT_7, XCMPLX_1; schemes FUNCT_1, FINSET_1, WAYBEL_3, ZFREFLE1, NAT_1, YELLOW_2, YELLOW_3, COMPTS_1; begin reserve x,y,Y,Z for set, L for LATTICE, l for Element of L, n,k for Nat; :: Preliminaries scheme NonUniqExD1 { Z() ->non empty RelStr, X() -> Subset of Z(), Y() -> non empty Subset of Z(), P[set,set] }: ex f being Function of X(),Y() st for e be Element of Z() st e in X() ex u be Element of Z() st u in Y() & u = f.e & P[e,u] provided A1: for e be Element of Z() st e in X() ex u be Element of Z() st u in Y() & P[e,u] proof defpred p[set,set] means P[$1,$2]; A2: for e be set st e in X() ex u be set st u in Y() & p[e,u] proof let e be set; assume A3: e in X(); then reconsider e1 = e as Element of X(); reconsider e1 as Element of Z() by A3; consider u be Element of Z() such that A4: u in Y() & P[e1,u] by A1,A3; reconsider u1 = u as set; take u1; thus thesis by A4; end; consider f being Function such that A5: dom f = X() & rng f c= Y() and A6: for e be set st e in X() holds p[e,f.e] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A2); reconsider f as Function of X(),Y() by A5,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11; A7: for e be Element of Z() st e in X() ex u be Element of Z() st u in Y() & u = f.e & P[e,u] proof let e be Element of Z(); assume A8: e in X(); then reconsider e1 = f.e as Element of Y() by FUNCT_2:7; reconsider fe = e1 as Element of Z(); take fe; thus thesis by A6,A8; end; take f; thus thesis by A7; end; definition let L be LATTICE; let A be non empty Subset of L; let f be Function of A,A; let n be Element of NAT; redefine func iter (f,n) -> Function of A,A; coherence by FUNCT_7:85; end; definition let L be LATTICE; let C,D be non empty Subset of L; let f be Function of C,D; let c be Element of C; redefine func f.c -> Element of L; coherence proof f.c in D; hence thesis; end; end; definition let L be non empty Poset; cluster -> filtered directed Chain of L; coherence proof let C be Chain of L; A1:the InternalRel of L is_strongly_connected_in C by ORDERS_1:def 11; thus C is filtered proof let x,y be Element of L; assume A2: x in C & y in C; then [x,y] in the InternalRel of L or [y,x] in the InternalRel of L by A1,RELAT_2:def 7; then A3: x <= y or y <= x by ORDERS_1:def 9; x <= x & y <= y; hence thesis by A2,A3; end; let x,y be Element of L; assume A4: x in C & y in C; then [x,y] in the InternalRel of L or [y,x] in the InternalRel of L by A1,RELAT_2:def 7; then A5:x <= y or y <= x by ORDERS_1:def 9; x <= x & y <= y; hence thesis by A4,A5; end; end; definition cluster strict continuous distributive lower-bounded LATTICE; existence proof consider x1 being set, R be Order of {x1}; reconsider RS = RelStr(#{x1},R#) as trivial reflexive non empty RelStr; take RS; thus thesis; end; end; theorem Th1: for S,T being Semilattice, f being map of S,T holds f is meet-preserving iff for x,y being Element of S holds f.(x "/\" y) = f. x "/\" f.y proof let S,T be Semilattice, f be map of S,T; A1: dom f = the carrier of S by FUNCT_2:def 1; thus f is meet-preserving implies for x,y being Element of S holds f.(x "/\" y) = f. x "/\" f.y proof assume A2: f is meet-preserving; let z,y be Element of S; A3: f.:{z,y} = {f.z,f.y} by A1,FUNCT_1:118; A4: ex_inf_of {z,y},S by YELLOW_0:21; A5: f preserves_inf_of {z,y} by A2,WAYBEL_0:def 34; thus f.(z "/\" y) = f.inf {z,y} by YELLOW_0:40 .= inf({f.z,f.y}) by A3,A4,A5,WAYBEL_0:def 30 .= f.z "/\" f.y by YELLOW_0:40; end; assume A6: for x,y being Element of S holds f.(x "/\" y) = f. x "/\" f.y; for z,y being Element of S holds f preserves_inf_of {z,y} proof let z,y be Element of S; A7: f.:{z,y} = {f.z,f.y} by A1,FUNCT_1:118; then A8: ex_inf_of {z,y},S implies ex_inf_of f.:{z,y},T by YELLOW_0:21; inf (f.:{z,y}) = f.z "/\" f.y by A7,YELLOW_0:40 .= f.(z "/\" y) by A6 .= f.inf {z,y} by YELLOW_0:40; hence thesis by A8,WAYBEL_0:def 30; end; hence f is meet-preserving by WAYBEL_0:def 34; end; theorem Th2: for S,T being sup-Semilattice, f being map of S,T holds f is join-preserving iff for x,y being Element of S holds f.(x "\/" y) = f. x "\/" f.y proof let S,T be sup-Semilattice, f be map of S,T; A1: dom f = the carrier of S by FUNCT_2:def 1; thus f is join-preserving implies for x,y being Element of S holds f.(x "\/" y) = f. x "\/" f.y proof assume A2: f is join-preserving; let z,y be Element of S; A3: f.:{z,y} = {f.z,f.y} by A1,FUNCT_1:118; A4: ex_sup_of {z,y},S by YELLOW_0:20; A5: f preserves_sup_of {z,y} by A2,WAYBEL_0:def 35; thus f.(z "\/" y) = f.sup {z,y} by YELLOW_0:41 .= sup ({f.z,f.y}) by A3,A4,A5,WAYBEL_0:def 31 .= f.z "\/" f.y by YELLOW_0:41; end; assume A6: for x,y being Element of S holds f.(x "\/" y) = f. x "\/" f.y; for z,y being Element of S holds f preserves_sup_of {z,y} proof let z,y be Element of S; A7: f.:{z,y} = {f.z,f.y} by A1,FUNCT_1:118; then A8: ex_sup_of {z,y},S implies ex_sup_of f.:{z,y},T by YELLOW_0:20; sup (f.:{z,y}) = f.z "\/" f.y by A7,YELLOW_0:41 .= f.(z "\/" y) by A6 .= f.sup {z,y} by YELLOW_0:41; hence thesis by A8,WAYBEL_0:def 31; end; hence f is join-preserving by WAYBEL_0:def 35; end; theorem Th3: for S,T being LATTICE, f being map of S,T st T is distributive & f is meet-preserving join-preserving one-to-one holds S is distributive proof let S,T be LATTICE, f be map of S,T; assume that A1: T is distributive and A2: f is meet-preserving join-preserving one-to-one; let x,y,z be Element of S; f.( x "/\" (y "\/" z)) = f. x "/\" f.(y "\/" z) by A2,Th1 .= f. x "/\" (f.y "\/" f.z) by A2,Th2 .= (f.x "/\" f.y) "\/" (f.x "/\" f.z) by A1,WAYBEL_1:def 3 .= (f.x "/\" f.y) "\/" f.(x "/\" z) by A2,Th1 .= f.(x "/\" y) "\/" f.(x "/\" z) by A2,Th1 .= f.((x "/\" y) "\/" (x "/\" z))by A2,Th2; hence x "/\" (y "\/" z) = (x "/\" y) "\/" (x "/\" z) by A2,FUNCT_2:25; end; definition let S,T be complete LATTICE; cluster sups-preserving map of S,T; existence proof set t = Bottom T; set f = S --> t; take f; let X be Subset of S; assume ex_sup_of X,S; thus ex_sup_of f.:X,T by YELLOW_0:17; A1: (f.:X) c= rng f by RELAT_1:144; A2: f = (the carrier of S) --> t by BORSUK_1:def 3; then rng f c= {t} by FUNCOP_1:19; then (f.:X) c= {t} by A1,XBOOLE_1:1; then A3:(f.:X) = {t} or (f.:X) = {} by ZFMISC_1:39; per cases; suppose X = {}; then (f.:X) = {} by RELAT_1:149; then sup (f.:X) = t by YELLOW_0:def 11; hence sup (f.:X) = f.sup X by A2,FUNCOP_1:13; suppose X <> {}; then reconsider X1 = X as non empty Subset of S; consider x be Element of X1; f.x in (f.:X) by FUNCT_2:43; hence sup (f.:X) = t by A3,YELLOW_0:39 .= f.sup X by A2,FUNCOP_1:13; end; end; Lm1: for S,T being with_suprema non empty Poset for f being map of S, T holds f is directed-sups-preserving implies f is monotone proof let S,T be with_suprema non empty Poset; let f be map of S, T; assume A1: f is directed-sups-preserving; let x, y be Element of S such that A2: x <= y; let afx, bfy be Element of T such that A3: afx = f.x & bfy = f.y; A4: y = y"\/"x by A2,YELLOW_0:24; x <= y & y <= y by A2; then A5: {x, y} is_<=_than y by YELLOW_0:8; for b being Element of S st {x, y} is_<=_than b holds y <= b by YELLOW_0:8; then A6: ex_sup_of {x, y},S by A5,YELLOW_0:30; for a, b being Element of S st a in {x, y} & b in {x, y} ex z being Element of S st z in {x, y} & a <= z & b <= z proof let a, b be Element of S such that A7: a in {x, y} & b in {x, y}; take y; thus y in {x, y} by TARSKI:def 2; thus a <= y & b <= y by A2,A7,TARSKI:def 2; end; then {x, y} is directed non empty by WAYBEL_0:def 1; then f preserves_sup_of {x, y} by A1,WAYBEL_0:def 37; then A8: sup(f.:{x, y}) = f.sup{x, y} by A6,WAYBEL_0:def 31 .= f.y by A4,YELLOW_0:41; dom f = the carrier of S by FUNCT_2:def 1; then f.y = sup{f.x, f.y} by A8,FUNCT_1:118 .= f.y"\/"f.x by YELLOW_0:41; hence afx <= bfy by A3,YELLOW_0:22; end; theorem Th4: for S,T being complete LATTICE, f being sups-preserving map of S,T st T is meet-continuous & f is meet-preserving one-to-one holds S is meet-continuous proof let S,T be complete LATTICE, f be sups-preserving map of S,T; assume that A1: T is meet-continuous and A2: f is meet-preserving one-to-one; A3: f is monotone by Lm1; A4: T is meet-continuous LATTICE by A1; S is satisfying_MC proof let x be Element of S, D be non empty directed Subset of S; A5: dom f = the carrier of S & rng f c= the carrier of T by FUNCT_2:def 1; A6: ex_sup_of D,S & f preserves_sup_of D by WAYBEL_0:75,def 33; reconsider Y = {x} as directed non empty Subset of S by WAYBEL_0:5; A7: ex_sup_of Y"/\"D,S & f preserves_sup_of {x}"/\"D by WAYBEL_0:75,def 33; A8: {f.x} "/\" (f.:D) = {(f.x) "/\" y where y is Element of T: y in (f.:D)} by YELLOW_4:42; A9: {x} "/\" D = {x "/\" y where y is Element of S: y in D} by YELLOW_4:42; A10: {f.x} "/\" (f.:D) c= f.:({x}"/\"D) proof let p be set; assume p in {f.x} "/\" (f.:D); then consider y be Element of T such that A11:p = (f.x) "/\" y & y in (f .:D) by A8; consider k be set such that A12: k in dom f & k in D & y = f.k by A11,FUNCT_1:def 12; reconsider k as Element of S by A12; f preserves_inf_of {x,k} by A2,WAYBEL_0:def 34; then A13: p = f.(x "/\" k) by A11,A12,YELLOW_3:8; (x "/\" k) in {x "/\" a where a is Element of S: a in D} by A12; then (x "/\" k) in dom f & (x "/\" k) in ({x} "/\" D) by A5,YELLOW_4:42 ; hence p in f.:({x}"/\"D) by A13,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; A14: f.:({x}"/\"D) c= {f.x} "/\" (f.:D) proof let p be set; assume p in f.:({x}"/\"D); then consider m be set such that A15: m in dom f & m in ({x} "/\" D) & p = f.m by FUNCT_1:def 12; reconsider m as Element of S by A15; consider a be Element of S such that A16: m = x "/\" a & a in D by A9,A15; reconsider fa = f.a as Element of T; A17: fa in f.:D by A5,A16,FUNCT_1:def 12; f preserves_inf_of {x,a} by A2,WAYBEL_0:def 34; then p = (f.x) "/\" fa by A15,A16,YELLOW_3:8; hence thesis by A8,A17; end; reconsider X = f.:D as directed Subset of T by A3,YELLOW_2:17; f.(x "/\" sup D) = (f.x) "/\" (f.sup D) by A2,Th1 .= (f.x) "/\" sup X by A6,WAYBEL_0:def 31 .= sup ({f.x} "/\" X) by A4,WAYBEL_2:def 6 .= sup (f.:({x} "/\" D)) by A10,A14,XBOOLE_0:def 10 .= f.(sup ({x} "/\" D)) by A7,WAYBEL_0:def 31; hence x "/\" sup D = sup ({x} "/\" D) by A2,A5,FUNCT_1:def 8; end; hence thesis by WAYBEL_2:def 7; end; begin :: Open sets definition ::def 3.1, p.68 let L be non empty reflexive RelStr, X be Subset of L; attr X is Open means :Def1: for x be Element of L st x in X ex y be Element of L st y in X & y << x; end; theorem for L be up-complete LATTICE, X be upper Subset of L holds X is Open iff for x be Element of L st x in X holds waybelow x meets X proof let L be up-complete LATTICE, X be upper Subset of L; hereby assume A1: X is Open; thus for x be Element of L st x in X holds waybelow x meets X proof let x be Element of L; assume x in X; then consider y be Element of L such that A2: y in X & y << x by A1,Def1; y in {y1 where y1 is Element of L: y1 << x} by A2; then y in waybelow x by WAYBEL_3:def 3; hence waybelow x meets X by A2,XBOOLE_0:3; end; end; assume A3: for x be Element of L st x in X holds waybelow x meets X; now let x1 be Element of L; assume x1 in X; then (waybelow x1) meets X by A3; then consider y such that A4: y in (waybelow x1) and A5: y in X by XBOOLE_0: 3; waybelow x1 = {y1 where y1 is Element of L: y1 << x1} by WAYBEL_3:def 3; then consider z be Element of L such that A6: z = y & z << x1 by A4; thus ex z be Element of L st z in X & z << x1 by A5,A6; end; hence X is Open by Def1; end; theorem ::3.2, p.68 for L be up-complete LATTICE, X be upper Subset of L holds X is Open iff X = union {wayabove x where x is Element of L : x in X} proof let L be up-complete LATTICE, X be upper Subset of L; hereby assume A1: X is Open; A2: X c= union {wayabove x where x is Element of L : x in X} proof let z be set; assume A3: z in X; then reconsider x1 = z as Element of X; reconsider x1 as Element of L by A3; consider y be Element of L such that A4: y in X & y << x1 by A1,A3,Def1; x1 in {y1 where y1 is Element of L: y1 >> y} by A4; then A5: x1 in wayabove y by WAYBEL_3:def 4; wayabove y in {wayabove x where x is Element of L : x in X} by A4; hence thesis by A5,TARSKI:def 4; end; union {wayabove x where x is Element of L : x in X} c= X proof let z be set; assume z in union {wayabove x where x is Element of L : x in X}; then consider Y be set such that A6: z in Y and A7: Y in {wayabove x where x is Element of L : x in X} by TARSKI:def 4; consider x be Element of L such that A8: Y = wayabove x & x in X by A7; z in {y where y is Element of L: y >> x} by A6,A8,WAYBEL_3:def 4; then consider z1 be Element of L such that A9: z1 = z & z1 >> x; x <= z1 by A9,WAYBEL_3:1; hence thesis by A8,A9,WAYBEL_0:def 20; end; hence X = union {wayabove x where x is Element of L : x in X} by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 10; end; assume A10: X = union {wayabove x where x is Element of L : x in X}; now let x1 be Element of L; assume x1 in X; then consider Y be set such that A11: x1 in Y and A12: Y in {wayabove x where x is Element of L : x in X} by A10,TARSKI:def 4; consider x be Element of L such that A13: Y = wayabove x & x in X by A12; x1 in {y where y is Element of L: y >> x} by A11,A13,WAYBEL_3:def 4; then consider z1 be Element of L such that A14: z1 = x1 & z1 >> x; thus ex x be Element of L st x in X & x << x1 by A13,A14; end; hence X is Open by Def1; end; definition let L be up-complete lower-bounded LATTICE; cluster Open Filter of L; existence proof take [#]L; now let x be Element of L; assume x in [#]L; A1: [#]L = the carrier of L by PRE_TOPC:12; Bottom L << x by WAYBEL_3:4; hence ex y be Element of L st y in [#]L & y << x by A1; end; hence thesis by Def1; end; end; theorem for L be lower-bounded continuous LATTICE, x be Element of L holds (wayabove x) is Open proof let L be lower-bounded continuous LATTICE, x be Element of L; for l be Element of L st l in (wayabove x) ex y be Element of L st y in (wayabove x) & y << l proof let l be Element of L; assume l in (wayabove x); then x << l by WAYBEL_3:8; then consider y be Element of L such that A1: x << y & y << l by WAYBEL_4:53; take y; thus thesis by A1,WAYBEL_3:8; end; hence thesis by Def1; end; theorem Th8: ::3.3, p.68 for L be lower-bounded continuous LATTICE, x,y be Element of L st x << y holds ex F be Open Filter of L st y in F & F c= wayabove x proof let L be lower-bounded continuous LATTICE, x,y be Element of L; assume A1: x << y; then A2: y in (wayabove x) by WAYBEL_3:8; reconsider W = (wayabove x) as non empty Subset of L by A1,WAYBEL_3:8; defpred P[Element of L, Element of L] means $2 << $1; A3: for z be Element of L st z in W ex z1 be Element of L st z1 in W & P[z,z1] proof let z be Element of L; assume z in W; then x << z by WAYBEL_3:8; then consider x' be Element of L such that A4: x << x' & x' << z by WAYBEL_4:53; x' in W by A4,WAYBEL_3:8; hence thesis by A4; end; consider f be Function of W,W such that A5: for z be Element of L st z in W ex z1 be Element of L st z1 in W & z1 = f.z & P[z,z1] from NonUniqExD1(A3); dom f = W by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A6: y in (dom f \/ rng f) by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 2; set F = union {uparrow z where z is Element of L : ex n st z = iter(f,n).y}; now let u1 be set; assume u1 in F; then consider Y be set such that A7: u1 in Y and A8: Y in {uparrow z where z is Element of L : ex n st z = iter(f,n).y} by TARSKI:def 4; consider z be Element of L such that A9: Y = uparrow z and ex n st z = iter(f,n).y by A8; reconsider z1 = {z} as Subset of L; u1 in uparrow z1 by A7,A9,WAYBEL_0:def 18; then u1 in {a where a is Element of L: ex b being Element of L st a >= b & b in z1} by WAYBEL_0:15; then consider a be Element of L such that A10: a = u1 and ex b being Element of L st a >= b & b in z1; thus u1 in the carrier of L by A10; end; then F c= the carrier of L by TARSKI:def 3; then reconsider F as Subset of L; y <= y; then A11: y in uparrow y by WAYBEL_0:18; iter(f,0).y = (id(dom f \/ rng f)).y by FUNCT_7:70 .= y by A6,FUNCT_1:35; then A12: uparrow y in {uparrow z where z is Element of L : ex n st z = iter( f,n).y}; set V = {uparrow z where z is Element of L : ex n st z = iter(f,n).y}; now let u1 be set; assume u1 in V; then consider z be Element of L such that A13: u1 = uparrow z and ex n st z = iter(f,n).y; thus u1 in bool the carrier of L by A13; end; then reconsider V as Subset of bool the carrier of L by TARSKI:def 3; A14: for X being Subset of L st X in V holds X is upper proof let X be Subset of L; assume X in V; then consider z be Element of L such that A15: X = uparrow z and ex n st z = iter(f,n).y; thus X is upper by A15; end; A16: for X being Subset of L st X in V holds X is filtered proof let X be Subset of L; assume X in V; then consider z be Element of L such that A17: X = uparrow z and ex n st z = iter(f,n).y; thus X is filtered by A17; end; A18: for X,Y being Subset of L st X in V & Y in V ex Z being Subset of L st Z in V & X \/ Y c= Z proof let X,Y be Subset of L; assume A19: X in V & Y in V; then consider z1 be Element of L such that A20: X = uparrow z1 and A21: ex n st z1 = iter(f,n).y; consider n1 be Nat such that A22: z1 = iter(f,n1).y by A21; consider z2 be Element of L such that A23: Y = uparrow z2 and A24: ex n st z2 = iter(f,n).y by A19; consider n2 be Nat such that A25: z2 = iter(f,n2).y by A24; reconsider y1 = y as Element of W by A1,WAYBEL_3:8; A26: for n holds for k holds iter(f,n+k).y1 <= iter(f,n).y1 proof let n; defpred P[Nat] means iter(f,n+$1).y1 <= iter(f,n).y1; A27: P[0]; A28: for k st P[k] holds P[k+1] proof let k; assume A29: iter(f,n+k).y1 <= iter(f,n).y1; set nk = iter(f,n+k).y1; nk in W by FUNCT_2:7; then consider znk be Element of L such that A30: znk in W & znk = f.nk & znk << nk by A5; dom iter(f,n+k) = W by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A31: znk = (f*(iter(f,n+k))).y1 by A30,FUNCT_1:23 .= iter(f,n+k+1).y1 by FUNCT_7:73 .= iter(f,n+(k+1)).y1 by XCMPLX_1:1; znk <= nk by A30,WAYBEL_3:1; hence thesis by A29,A31,ORDERS_1:26; end; for k holds P[k] from Ind(A27,A28); hence thesis; end; set z = z1 "/\" z2; A32: now per cases; suppose n1 <= n2; then consider k such that A33: n1 + k = n2 by NAT_1:28; z2 <= z1 by A22,A25,A26,A33; hence uparrow z in V by A19,A23,YELLOW_0:25; suppose n2 <= n1; then consider k such that A34: n2 + k = n1 by NAT_1:28; z1 <= z2 by A22,A25,A26,A34; hence uparrow z in V by A19,A20,YELLOW_0:25; end; z <= z1 & z <= z2 by YELLOW_0:23; then uparrow z1 c= uparrow z & uparrow z2 c= uparrow z by WAYBEL_0:22; then (uparrow z1) \/ (uparrow z2) c= uparrow z by XBOOLE_1:8; hence thesis by A20,A23,A32; end; now let u1 be Element of L; assume u1 in F; then consider Y be set such that A35: u1 in Y and A36: Y in {uparrow z where z is Element of L : ex n st z = iter(f,n).y} by TARSKI:def 4; consider z be Element of L such that A37: Y = uparrow z and A38: ex n st z = iter(f,n).y by A36; consider n such that A39: z = iter(f,n).y by A38; reconsider z1 = {z} as Subset of L; u1 in uparrow z1 by A35,A37,WAYBEL_0:def 18; then u1 in {a where a is Element of L: ex b being Element of L st a >= b & b in z1} by WAYBEL_0:15; then consider a be Element of L such that A40: a = u1 and A41:ex b being Element of L st a >= b & b in z1; consider b being Element of L such that A42:a >= b & b in z1 by A41; A43: b = z by A42,TARSKI:def 1; z in W by A2,A39,FUNCT_2:7; then consider z' be Element of L such that A44: z' in W & z' = f.z & z' << z by A5; A45: z' << u1 by A40,A42,A43,A44,WAYBEL_3:2; z' <= z'; then A46: z' in uparrow z' by WAYBEL_0:18; dom iter(f,n) = W by FUNCT_2:def 1; then z' = (f*(iter(f,n))).y by A2,A39,A44,FUNCT_1:23 .= iter(f,n+1).y by FUNCT_7:73; then uparrow z' in {uparrow p where p is Element of L : ex n st p = iter(f, n).y}; then z' in F by A46,TARSKI:def 4; hence ex g be Element of L st g in F & g << u1 by A45; end; then reconsider F as Open Filter of L by A11,A12,A14,A16,A18,Def1,TARSKI:def 4,WAYBEL_0:28,47; take F; now let u1 be set; assume A47: u1 in F; then consider Y be set such that A48: u1 in Y and A49: Y in {uparrow z where z is Element of L : ex n st z = iter(f,n).y} by TARSKI:def 4; consider z be Element of L such that A50: Y = uparrow z and A51: ex n st z = iter(f,n).y by A49; consider n such that A52: z = iter(f,n).y by A51; reconsider u = u1 as Element of L by A47; A53: z <= u by A48,A50,WAYBEL_0:18; z in wayabove x by A2,A52,FUNCT_2:7; then x << z by WAYBEL_3:8; then x << u by A53,WAYBEL_3:2; hence u1 in wayabove x by WAYBEL_3:8; end; hence thesis by A11,A12,TARSKI:def 3,def 4; end; theorem Th9: ::3.4, p.69 for L being complete LATTICE, X being Open upper Subset of L holds for x being Element of L st x in (X`) ex m being Element of L st x <= m & m is_maximal_in (X`) proof let L be complete LATTICE, X be Open upper Subset of L; let x be Element of L; assume A1: x in (X`); set A = {C where C is Chain of L : C c= (X`) & x in C}; reconsider x1 = {x} as Chain of L by ORDERS_1:35; x1 c= (X`) & x in x1 by A1,ZFMISC_1:37; then A2: x1 in A; for Z be set st Z <> {} & Z c= A & Z is c=-linear holds union Z in A proof let Z be set; assume that A3: Z <> {} & Z c= A and A4: Z is c=-linear; now let Y; assume Y in Z; then Y in A by A3; then ex C be Chain of L st Y = C & C c= (X`) & x in C; hence Y c= the carrier of L; end; then union Z c= the carrier of L by ZFMISC_1:94; then reconsider UZ = union Z as Subset of L; the InternalRel of L is_strongly_connected_in UZ proof let a,b be set; assume A5: a in UZ & b in UZ; then consider az be set such that A6: a in az & az in Z by TARSKI:def 4; consider bz be set such that A7: b in bz & bz in Z by A5,TARSKI:def 4; az, bz are_c=-comparable by A4,A6,A7,ORDINAL1:def 9; then A8: az c= bz or bz c= az by XBOOLE_0:def 9; az in A by A3,A6; then ex C be Chain of L st az = C & C c= (X`) & x in C; then reconsider az as Chain of L; bz in A by A3,A7; then ex C be Chain of L st bz = C & C c= (X`) & x in C; then reconsider bz as Chain of L; the InternalRel of L is_strongly_connected_in az & the InternalRel of L is_strongly_connected_in bz by ORDERS_1:def 11; hence thesis by A6,A7,A8,RELAT_2:def 7; end; then reconsider UZ as Chain of L by ORDERS_1:def 11; now let Y; assume Y in Z; then Y in A by A3; then ex C be Chain of L st Y = C & C c= (X`) & x in C; hence Y c= (X`); end; then A9: UZ c= (X`) by ZFMISC_1:94; consider Y be Element of Z; Y in Z by A3; then Y in A by A3; then ex C be Chain of L st Y = C & C c= (X`) & x in C; then x in UZ by A3,TARSKI:def 4; hence thesis by A9; end; then consider Y1 be set such that A10: Y1 in A & for Z st Z in A & Z <> Y1 holds not Y1 c= Z by A2,ORDERS_2:79; consider Y be Chain of L such that A11: Y = Y1 & Y c= (X`) & x in Y by A10; set m = sup Y; A12: m is_>=_than Y by YELLOW_0:32; A13: X` = [#](L) \ X by PRE_TOPC:17 .= (the carrier of L) \ X by PRE_TOPC:12; now assume m in X; then consider y be Element of L such that A14: y in X & y << m by Def1; consider d being Element of L such that A15:d in Y & y <= d by A11,A14,WAYBEL_3:def 1; d in X by A14,A15,WAYBEL_0:def 20; hence contradiction by A11,A13,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; then A16:m in (X`) by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 4; m is_>=_than Y by YELLOW_0:32; then A17:x <= m by A11,LATTICE3:def 9; now given y being Element of L such that A18: y in (X`) & y > m; A19: m <= y & m <> y by A18,ORDERS_1:def 10; set Y2 = Y \/ {y}; the InternalRel of L is_strongly_connected_in Y2 proof let a,b be set; assume A20: a in Y2 & b in Y2; per cases by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose A21: a in Y & b in Y; the InternalRel of L is_strongly_connected_in Y by ORDERS_1:def 11; hence [a,b] in the InternalRel of L or [b,a] in the InternalRel of L by A21,RELAT_2:def 7; suppose A22: a in Y & b in {y}; then reconsider b1 = b as Element of L; reconsider a1 = a as Element of L by A22; A23: b1 = y by A22,TARSKI:def 1; a1 <= m by A12,A22,LATTICE3:def 9; then a1 <= b1 by A19,A23,ORDERS_1:26; hence [a,b] in the InternalRel of L or [b,a] in the InternalRel of L by ORDERS_1:def 9; suppose A24: a in {y} & b in Y; then reconsider b1 = a as Element of L; reconsider a1 = b as Element of L by A24; A25: b1 = y by A24,TARSKI:def 1; a1 <= m by A12,A24,LATTICE3:def 9; then a1 <= b1 by A19,A25,ORDERS_1:26; hence [a,b] in the InternalRel of L or [b,a] in the InternalRel of L by ORDERS_1:def 9; suppose A26: a in {y} & b in {y}; then reconsider a1 = a as Element of L; a = y & b = y & a1 <= a1 by A26,TARSKI:def 1; hence [a,b] in the InternalRel of L or [b,a] in the InternalRel of L by ORDERS_1:def 9; end; then reconsider Y2 as Chain of L by ORDERS_1:def 11; {y} c= (X`) by A18,ZFMISC_1:37; then Y2 c= (X`) & x in Y2 by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 2,XBOOLE_1:8; then A27:Y2 in A; A28: now assume y in Y; then y <= m by A12,LATTICE3:def 9; hence contradiction by A18,ORDERS_1:30; end; y in {y} by TARSKI:def 1; then A29: y in Y2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2; Y c= Y2 by XBOOLE_1:7; hence contradiction by A10,A11,A27,A28,A29; end; then m is_maximal_in (X`) by A16,WAYBEL_4:56; hence thesis by A17; end; begin :: Irreducible elements definition ::def 3.5, p.69 let G be non empty RelStr, g be Element of G; attr g is meet-irreducible means :Def2: for x,y being Element of G st g = x "/\" y holds x = g or y = g; synonym g is irreducible; end; definition let G be non empty RelStr, g be Element of G; attr g is join-irreducible means for x,y being Element of G st g = x "\/" y holds x = g or y = g; end; definition let L be non empty RelStr; func IRR L -> Subset of L means :Def4: for x be Element of L holds x in it iff x is irreducible; existence proof defpred P[Element of L] means $1 is irreducible; consider X being Subset of L such that A1: for x being Element of L holds x in X iff P[x] from SSubsetEx; take X; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let X,Y be Subset of L such that A2: for x be Element of L holds x in X iff x is irreducible and A3: for x be Element of L holds x in Y iff x is irreducible; now let x; assume A4: x in X; then reconsider x1 = x as Element of L; x1 is irreducible by A2,A4; hence x in Y by A3; end; then A5: X c= Y by TARSKI:def 3; now let x; assume A6: x in Y; then reconsider x1 = x as Element of L; x1 is irreducible by A3,A6; hence x in X by A2; end; then Y c= X by TARSKI:def 3; hence X = Y by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 10; end; end; theorem Th10: for L being upper-bounded antisymmetric with_infima non empty RelStr holds Top L is irreducible proof let L be upper-bounded with_infima antisymmetric non empty RelStr; let x,y be Element of L; assume x "/\" y = Top L; then A1: x >= Top L & y >= Top L by YELLOW_0:23; x <= Top L or y <= Top L by YELLOW_0:45; hence x = Top L or y = Top L by A1,ORDERS_1:25; end; definition let L be upper-bounded antisymmetric with_infima non empty RelStr; cluster irreducible Element of L; existence proof take Top L; thus thesis by Th10; end; end; theorem for L being Semilattice, x being Element of L holds x is irreducible iff for A being finite non empty Subset of L st x = inf A holds x in A proof let L be Semilattice, I be Element of L; thus I is irreducible implies for A being finite non empty Subset of L st I = inf A holds I in A proof assume A1: for x,y being Element of L st I = x"/\"y holds I = x or I = y; let A be finite non empty Subset of L; A2: A is finite; defpred P[set] means $1 is non empty & I = "/\"($1,L) implies I in $1; A3: P[{}]; A4: now let x,B be set such that A5: x in A & B c= A and A6: P[B]; thus P[B \/ {x}] proof assume A7: B \/ {x} is non empty & I = "/\"(B \/ {x},L); B c= the carrier of L by A5,XBOOLE_1:1; then reconsider C = B as finite Subset of L by A5,FINSET_1:13; reconsider a = x as Element of L by A5; per cases; suppose B = {}; then "/\"(B \/ {a},L) = a & a in B \/ {a} by TARSKI:def 1,YELLOW_0:39 ; hence I in B \/ {x} by A7; suppose A8: B <> {}; then ex_inf_of C, L & ex_inf_of {a}, L by YELLOW_0:55; then A9: "/\"(B \/ {x},L) = (inf C)"/\"inf {a} & inf {a} = a by YELLOW_0:39,YELLOW_2:4; hereby per cases by A1,A7,A9; suppose inf C = I; then consider b being Element of L such that A10: b in B & b = I by A6,A8; thus I in B \/ {x} by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose A11: a = I; a in {a} by TARSKI:def 1; hence I in B \/ {x} by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; end; end; P[A] from Finite(A2,A3,A4); hence thesis; end; assume A12: for A being finite non empty Subset of L st I = inf A holds I in A; let a,b be Element of L; assume I = a"/\"b; then I = inf {a,b} by YELLOW_0:40; then I in {a,b} by A12; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 2; end; theorem for L be LATTICE,l be Element of L st (uparrow l \ {l}) is Filter of L holds l is irreducible proof let L be LATTICE, l be Element of L; assume A1: (uparrow l \ {l}) is Filter of L; set F = (uparrow l \ {l}); now let x,y be Element of L; assume A2: l = x "/\" y & x <> l & y <> l; then l <= x & l <= y by YELLOW_0:23; then x in uparrow l & y in uparrow l by WAYBEL_0:18; then x in F & y in F by A2,ZFMISC_1:64; then consider z being Element of L such that A3: z in F & z <= x & z <= y by A1,WAYBEL_0:def 2; l >= z by A2,A3,YELLOW_0:23; then l in F by A1,A3,WAYBEL_0:def 20; hence contradiction by ZFMISC_1:64; end; hence thesis by Def2; end; theorem Th13: ::3.6, p.69 for L be LATTICE, p be Element of L, F be Filter of L st p is_maximal_in (F`) holds p is irreducible proof let L be LATTICE, p be Element of L, F be Filter of L such that A1: p is_maximal_in (F`); A2: F` = [#](L) \ F by PRE_TOPC:17 .= (the carrier of L) \ F by PRE_TOPC:12; set X = (the carrier of L)\F; A3: p in X by A1,A2,WAYBEL_4:56; now let x,y be Element of L; assume A4: p = x "/\" y & x <> p & y <> p; now assume x in F & y in F; then consider z being Element of L such that A5: z in F & z <= x & z <= y by WAYBEL_0:def 2; p >= z by A4,A5,YELLOW_0:23; then p in F by A5,WAYBEL_0:def 20; hence contradiction by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; then A6: x in X or y in X by XBOOLE_0:def 4; p <= x & p <= y by A4,YELLOW_0:23; then p < x & p < y by A4,ORDERS_1:def 10; hence contradiction by A1,A2,A6,WAYBEL_4:56; end; hence thesis by Def2; end; theorem Th14: ::3.7, p.69 for L be lower-bounded continuous LATTICE, x,y be Element of L st not y <= x holds ex p be Element of L st p is irreducible & x <= p & not y <= p proof let L be lower-bounded continuous LATTICE, x,y be Element of L such that A1: not y <= x; (for x being Element of L holds waybelow x is non empty directed) & L is up-complete satisfying_axiom_of_approximation; then consider u being Element of L such that A2: u << y & not u <= x by A1,WAYBEL_3:24; consider F be Open Filter of L such that A3: y in F & F c= wayabove u by A2,Th8; A4: wayabove u c= uparrow u by WAYBEL_3:11; A5: F` = [#](L) \ F by PRE_TOPC:17 .= (the carrier of L) \ F by PRE_TOPC:12; now assume x in F; then x in uparrow u by A3,A4,TARSKI:def 3; hence contradiction by A2,WAYBEL_0:18; end; then x in (the carrier of L)\F by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then consider m being Element of L such that A6: x <= m & m is_maximal_in (F`) by A5,Th9; A7: F` = [#](L) \ F by PRE_TOPC:17 .= (the carrier of L) \ F by PRE_TOPC:12; A8: m in (F`) by A6,WAYBEL_4:56; A9: now assume y <= m; then m in F by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 20; hence contradiction by A7,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; take m; thus thesis by A6,A9,Th13; end; begin :: Order generating sets definition ::def 3.8, p.70 let L be non empty RelStr, X be Subset of L; attr X is order-generating means :Def5: for x be Element of L holds ex_inf_of (uparrow x) /\ X,L & x = inf ((uparrow x) /\ X); end; theorem Th15: ::3.9 (1-2), p.70 for L be up-complete lower-bounded LATTICE, X be Subset of L holds X is order-generating iff for l being Element of L ex Y be Subset of X st l = "/\" (Y,L) proof let L be up-complete lower-bounded LATTICE, X be Subset of L; thus X is order-generating implies for l being Element of L ex Y be Subset of X st l = "/\" (Y,L) proof assume A1: X is order-generating; let l be Element of L; for x st x in ((uparrow l) /\ X) holds x in X by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then reconsider Y = ((uparrow l) /\ X) as Subset of X by TARSKI:def 3; l = "/\" (Y,L) by A1,Def5; hence thesis; end; thus (for l being Element of L ex Y be Subset of X st l = "/\" (Y,L)) implies X is order-generating proof assume A2: (for l being Element of L ex Y be Subset of X st l = "/\" (Y,L)); let l be Element of L; consider Y be Subset of X such that A3: l = "/\" (Y,L) by A2; set S = ((uparrow l) /\ X); thus ex_inf_of S,L by YELLOW_0:17; now let x be Element of L; assume x in S; then x in (uparrow l) & x in X by XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence l <= x by WAYBEL_0:18; end; then A4: l is_<=_than S by LATTICE3:def 8; for b be Element of L st b is_<=_than S holds b <= l proof let b be Element of L; assume A5: b is_<=_than S; now let x be Element of L; assume A6: x in Y; l is_<=_than Y by A3,YELLOW_0:33; then l <= x by A6,LATTICE3:def 8; then x in uparrow l by WAYBEL_0:18; then x in S by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence b <= x by A5,LATTICE3:def 8; end; then b is_<=_than Y by LATTICE3:def 8; hence b <= l by A3,YELLOW_0:33; end; hence l = inf S by A4,YELLOW_0:33; end; end; theorem ::3.9 (1-3), p.70 for L be up-complete lower-bounded LATTICE, X be Subset of L holds X is order-generating iff for Y be Subset of L st X c= Y & for Z be Subset of Y holds "/\" (Z,L) in Y holds the carrier of L = Y proof let L be up-complete lower-bounded LATTICE, X be Subset of L; thus X is order-generating implies (for Y be Subset of L st X c= Y & for Z be Subset of Y holds "/\"(Z,L) in Y holds the carrier of L = Y) proof assume A1: X is order-generating; let Y be Subset of L; assume that A2: X c= Y and A3: for Z be Subset of Y holds "/\"(Z,L) in Y; now let l1 be set; assume l1 in the carrier of L; then reconsider l = l1 as Element of L; A4: l = inf ((uparrow l) /\ X) by A1,Def5; A5: (uparrow l) /\ Y c= Y by XBOOLE_1:17; (uparrow l) /\ X c= (uparrow l) /\ Y by A2,XBOOLE_1:26; then (uparrow l) /\ X c= Y by A5,XBOOLE_1:1; hence l1 in Y by A3,A4; end; hence the carrier of L c= Y by TARSKI:def 3; thus Y c= the carrier of L; end; thus (for Y be Subset of L st X c= Y & for Z be Subset of Y holds "/\"(Z,L) in Y holds the carrier of L = Y) implies X is order-generating proof assume A6: for Y be Subset of L st X c= Y & for Z be Subset of Y holds "/\"(Z,L) in Y holds the carrier of L = Y; set Y = {"/\"(Z,L) where Z is Subset of L : Z c= X}; now let x; assume x in Y; then consider Z be Subset of L such that A7: x = "/\"(Z,L) & Z c= X; thus x in the carrier of L by A7; end; then Y c= the carrier of L by TARSKI:def 3; then reconsider Y as Subset of L; now let x; assume A8: x in X; then reconsider x1 = x as Element of L; A9: {x1} c= X by A8,ZFMISC_1:37; reconsider x2 = {x1} as Subset of L; x1 = "/\"(x2,L) by YELLOW_0:39; hence x in Y by A9; end; then A10: X c= Y by TARSKI:def 3; for l being Element of L ex Z be Subset of X st l = "/\" (Z,L) proof let l be Element of L; for Z be Subset of Y holds "/\"(Z,L) in Y proof let Z be Subset of Y; defpred P[Subset of L] means $1 c= X & "/\"($1,L) in Z; set N = {"/\"(A,L) where A is Subset of L : P[A]}; now let x; assume A11: x in Z; then x in Y; then consider Z be Subset of L such that A12: x = "/\"(Z,L) & Z c= X; thus x in N by A11,A12; end; then A13: Z c= N by TARSKI:def 3; now let x; assume x in N; then consider S be Subset of L such that A14: x = "/\"(S,L) & S c= X & "/\"(S,L) in Z; thus x in Z by A14; end; then N c= Z by TARSKI:def 3; then A15: "/\"(Z,L) = "/\"(N,L) by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 10 .= "/\" (union {A where A is Subset of L : P[A]}, L) from Inf_of_Infs; set S = union {A where A is Subset of L : A c= X & "/\"(A,L) in Z}; now let x; assume x in S; then consider Y be set such that A16: x in Y and A17: Y in {A where A is Subset of L : A c= X & "/\" (A,L) in Z} by TARSKI:def 4; consider A be Subset of L such that A18: Y = A & A c= X & "/\"(A,L) in Z by A17; thus x in the carrier of L by A16,A18; end; then S c= the carrier of L by TARSKI:def 3; then reconsider S as Subset of L; now let B be set; assume B in {A where A is Subset of L : A c= X & "/\"(A,L) in Z}; then consider A be Subset of L such that A19: B = A & A c= X & "/\"(A, L) in Z; thus B c= X by A19; end; then S c= X by ZFMISC_1:94; hence "/\"(Z,L) in Y by A15; end; then the carrier of L = Y by A6,A10; then l in Y; then consider Z be Subset of L such that A20: l = "/\" (Z,L) & Z c= X; thus thesis by A20; end; hence thesis by Th15; end; end; theorem Th17: ::3.9 (1-4), p.70 for L be up-complete lower-bounded LATTICE, X be Subset of L holds X is order-generating iff (for l1,l2 be Element of L st not l2 <= l1 ex p be Element of L st p in X & l1 <= p & not l2 <= p) proof let L be up-complete lower-bounded LATTICE, X be Subset of L; thus X is order-generating implies (for l1,l2 be Element of L st not l2 <= l1 ex p be Element of L st p in X & l1 <= p & not l2 <= p) proof assume A1: X is order-generating; let l1,l2 be Element of L; assume A2: not l2 <= l1; consider P be Subset of X such that A3: l1 = "/\" (P,L) by A1,Th15; now assume for p be Element of L st p in P holds l2 <= p; then l2 is_<=_than P by LATTICE3:def 8; hence contradiction by A2,A3,YELLOW_0:33; end; then consider p be Element of L such that A4: p in P & not l2 <= p; take p; l1 is_<=_than P by A3,YELLOW_0:33; hence thesis by A4,LATTICE3:def 8; end; thus (for l1,l2 be Element of L st not l2 <= l1 ex p be Element of L st p in X & l1 <= p & not l2 <= p) implies X is order-generating proof assume A5: (for l1,l2 be Element of L st not l2 <= l1 ex p be Element of L st p in X & l1 <= p & not l2 <= p); let l be Element of L; set y = inf ((uparrow l) /\ X); thus ex_inf_of (uparrow l) /\ X,L by YELLOW_0:17; A6: y is_<=_than ((uparrow l) /\ X ) by YELLOW_0:33; now assume A7: y <> l; l is_<=_than ((uparrow l) /\ X ) proof let b be Element of L; assume b in ((uparrow l) /\ X ); then b in (uparrow l) by XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence thesis by WAYBEL_0:18; end; then l <= y by YELLOW_0:33; then A8: not y < l by ORDERS_1:30; now per cases by A8,ORDERS_1:def 10; suppose not y <= l; then consider p be Element of L such that A9: p in X & l <= p & not y <= p by A5; p in (uparrow l) by A9,WAYBEL_0:18; then p in (uparrow l) /\ X by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence contradiction by A6,A9,LATTICE3:def 8; suppose y = l; hence contradiction by A7; end; hence contradiction; end; hence l = y; end; end; theorem Th18: ::3.10, p.70 for L be lower-bounded continuous LATTICE, X be Subset of L st X = IRR L \ { Top L} holds X is order-generating proof let L be lower-bounded continuous LATTICE, X be Subset of L; assume A1: X = IRR L \ {Top L}; for l1,l2 be Element of L st not l2 <= l1 ex p be Element of L st p in X & l1 <= p & not l2 <= p proof let x,y be Element of L; assume not y <= x; then consider p be Element of L such that A2: p is irreducible & x <= p & not y <= p by Th14; A3: p <> Top L by A2,YELLOW_0:45; p in IRR L by A2,Def4; then p in X by A1,A3,ZFMISC_1:64; hence thesis by A2; end; hence thesis by Th17; end; theorem Th19: for L being lower-bounded continuous LATTICE, X,Y being Subset of L st X is order-generating & X c= Y holds Y is order-generating proof let L be lower-bounded continuous LATTICE, X,Y be Subset of L; assume A1: X is order-generating & X c= Y; let x be Element of L; thus ex_inf_of (uparrow x) /\ Y,L by YELLOW_0:17; A2:ex_inf_of ((uparrow x) /\ Y),L by YELLOW_0:17; A3:ex_inf_of ((uparrow x) /\ X),L by YELLOW_0:17; A4:ex_inf_of (uparrow x),L by WAYBEL_0:39; (uparrow x) /\ Y c= (uparrow x) by XBOOLE_1:17; then inf ((uparrow x) /\ Y) >= inf (uparrow x) by A2,A4,YELLOW_0:35; then A5: inf ((uparrow x) /\ Y) >= x by WAYBEL_0:39; (uparrow x) /\ X c= (uparrow x) /\ Y by A1,XBOOLE_1:26; then inf ((uparrow x) /\ X) >= inf ((uparrow x) /\ Y) by A2,A3,YELLOW_0:35; then x >= inf ((uparrow x) /\ Y) by A1,Def5; hence x = inf((uparrow x) /\ Y) by A5,ORDERS_1:25; end; begin :: Prime elements definition ::def 3.11, p.70 let L be non empty RelStr; let l be Element of L; attr l is prime means :Def6: for x,y be Element of L st x "/\" y <= l holds x <= l or y <= l; end; definition let L be non empty RelStr; func PRIME L -> Subset of L means :Def7: for x be Element of L holds x in it iff x is prime; existence proof defpred P[Element of L] means $1 is prime; consider X being Subset of L such that A1: for x being Element of L holds x in X iff P[x] from SSubsetEx; take X; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let X,Y be Subset of L; assume that A2: for x be Element of L holds x in X iff x is prime and A3: for x be Element of L holds x in Y iff x is prime; thus X c= Y proof let x; assume A4: x in X; then reconsider x1 = x as Element of L; x1 is prime by A2,A4; hence thesis by A3; end; thus Y c= X proof let x; assume A5: x in Y; then reconsider x1 = x as Element of L; x1 is prime by A3,A5; hence thesis by A2; end; end; end; definition let L be non empty RelStr; let l be Element of L; attr l is co-prime means :Def8: l~ is prime; end; theorem Th20: for L being upper-bounded antisymmetric non empty RelStr holds Top L is prime proof let L be upper-bounded antisymmetric non empty RelStr; let x,y be Element of L; assume x "/\" y <= Top L; thus x <= Top L or y <= Top L by YELLOW_0:45; end; theorem for L being lower-bounded antisymmetric non empty RelStr holds Bottom L is co-prime proof let L be lower-bounded antisymmetric non empty RelStr; Top (L~) is prime by Th20; hence (Bottom L)~ is prime by YELLOW_7:33; end; definition let L be upper-bounded antisymmetric non empty RelStr; cluster prime Element of L; existence proof take Top L; thus thesis by Th20; end; end; theorem Th22: for L being Semilattice, l being Element of L holds l is prime iff for A being finite non empty Subset of L st l >= inf A ex a being Element of L st a in A & l >= a proof let L be Semilattice, l be Element of L; thus l is prime implies for A being finite non empty Subset of L st l >= inf A ex a being Element of L st a in A & l >= a proof assume A1: for x,y being Element of L st l >= x"/\"y holds l >= x or l >= y; let A be finite non empty Subset of L; A2: A is finite; defpred P[set] means $1 is non empty & l >= "/\"($1,L) implies (ex k being Element of L st k in $1 & l >= k); A3: P[{}]; A4: now let x,B be set such that A5: x in A & B c= A and A6: P[B]; thus P[B \/ {x}] proof assume A7: B \/ {x} is non empty & l >= "/\"(B \/ {x},L); B c= the carrier of L by A5,XBOOLE_1:1; then reconsider C = B as finite Subset of L by A5,FINSET_1:13; reconsider a = x as Element of L by A5; per cases; suppose B = {}; then "/\"(B \/ {a},L) = a & a in B \/ {a} by TARSKI:def 1,YELLOW_0:39 ; hence ex k being Element of L st k in B \/ {x} & l >= k by A7; suppose A8: B <> {}; then ex_inf_of C, L & ex_inf_of {a}, L by YELLOW_0:55; then A9: "/\"(B \/ {x},L) = (inf C)"/\"inf {a} & inf {a} = a by YELLOW_0:39,YELLOW_2:4; hereby per cases by A1,A7,A9; suppose inf C <= l; then consider b being Element of L such that A10: b in B & b <= l by A6,A8; b in B \/ {x} by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence ex k being Element of L st k in B \/ {x} & l >= k by A10; suppose A11: a <= l; a in {a} by TARSKI:def 1; then a in B \/ {x} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence ex k being Element of L st k in B \/ {x} & l >= k by A11; end; end; end; P[A] from Finite(A2,A3,A4); hence thesis; end; assume A12: for A being finite non empty Subset of L st l >= inf A ex a being Element of L st a in A & l >= a; let a,b be Element of L; assume A13: a "/\" b <= l; set A = {a,b}; inf A = a"/\"b by YELLOW_0:40; then consider k being Element of L such that A14: k in A & l >= k by A12,A13 ; thus thesis by A14,TARSKI:def 2; end; theorem Th23: for L being sup-Semilattice, x being Element of L holds x is co-prime iff for A being finite non empty Subset of L st x <= sup A ex a being Element of L st a in A & x <= a proof let L be sup-Semilattice, x be Element of L; thus x is co-prime implies for A being finite non empty Subset of L st x <= sup A ex a being Element of L st a in A & x <= a proof assume x is co-prime; then A1: x~ is prime by Def8; let A be finite non empty Subset of L; assume x <= sup A; then A2: x~ >= (sup A)~ by LATTICE3:9; L~ = RelStr(#the carrier of L, (the InternalRel of L)~#) by LATTICE3:def 5; then reconsider A1 = A as finite non empty Subset of L~; A3: ex_sup_of A,L by YELLOW_0:54; then A4: ex_inf_of A,L~ by YELLOW_7:10; "\/"(A,L) is_>=_than A by A3,YELLOW_0:def 9; then A5: "\/"(A,L)~ is_<=_than A by YELLOW_7:8; now let y be Element of L~; assume y is_<=_than A; then ~y is_>=_than A by YELLOW_7:9; then ~y >= "\/"(A,L) by A3,YELLOW_0:def 9; hence y <= "\/"(A,L)~ by YELLOW_7:2; end; then (sup A)~ = (inf A1) by A4,A5,YELLOW_0:def 10; then consider a being Element of L~ such that A6: a in A1 & x~ >= a by A1,A2 ,Th22; take ~a; thus thesis by A6,LATTICE3:def 7,YELLOW_7:2; end; thus (for A being finite non empty Subset of L st x <= sup A ex a being Element of L st a in A & x <= a) implies x is co-prime proof assume A7: for A being finite non empty Subset of L st x <= sup A ex a being Element of L st a in A & x <= a; now let a,b be Element of L~; assume A8: a "/\" b <= x~; set A = {~a,~b}; A9: sup A = (~a)"\/"(~b) by YELLOW_0:41; A10: ~(a "/\" b) = (a "/\" b) by LATTICE3:def 7; x <= ~(a "/\" b) by A8,YELLOW_7:2; then x <= (~a)"\/"(~b) by A10,YELLOW_7:24; then consider l being Element of L such that A11: l in A & x <= l by A7,A9; l = ~a or l = ~b by A11,TARSKI:def 2; hence a <= x~ or b <= x~ by A11,YELLOW_7:2; end; then x~ is prime by Def6; hence thesis by Def8; end; end; theorem Th24: for L being LATTICE, l being Element of L st l is prime holds l is irreducible proof let L be LATTICE, l be Element of L; assume A1: l is prime; let x,y be Element of L; assume A2: l = x "/\" y; then A3: l <= x & l <= y by YELLOW_0:23; x "/\" y <= l by A2; then x <= l or y <= l by A1,Def6; hence x = l or y = l by A3,ORDERS_1:25; end; theorem Th25: ::3.12 (1-2), p.70 for l holds l is prime iff for x being set, f being map of L,BoolePoset {x} st (for p be Element of L holds f.p = {} iff p <= l) holds f is meet-preserving join-preserving proof let l; thus l is prime implies for x being set, f being map of L,BoolePoset {x} st (for p be Element of L holds f.p = {} iff p <= l) holds f is meet-preserving join-preserving proof assume A1: l is prime; let x be set, f be map of L,BoolePoset {x}; assume A2: for p be Element of L holds f.p = {} iff p <= l; A3: dom f = the carrier of L & rng f c= the carrier of BoolePoset {x} by FUNCT_2:def 1; A4: the carrier of BoolePoset {x} = the carrier of InclPoset bool {x} by YELLOW_1:4 .= bool {x} by YELLOW_1:1 .= { {} , {x}} by ZFMISC_1:30; for z,y being Element of L holds f preserves_inf_of {z,y} proof let z,y be Element of L; A5: f.:{z,y} = {f.z,f.y} by A3,FUNCT_1:118; then A6: ex_inf_of {z,y},L implies ex_inf_of f.:{z,y},BoolePoset {x} by YELLOW_0:21; A7: now per cases by A4,TARSKI:def 2; suppose A8: f.z = {} & f.y = {}; then z "/\" y <= z & z <= l by A2,YELLOW_0:23; then A9: z "/\" y <= l by ORDERS_1:26; thus f.z "/\" f.y = {} /\ {} by A8,YELLOW_1:17 .= f.(z "/\" y) by A2,A9; suppose A10: f.z = {x} & f.y = {x}; then z "/\" y <= y & not y <= l & not z <= l by A2,YELLOW_0:23; then not z "/\" y <= l by A1,Def6; then A11: not f.(z "/\" y) = {} by A2; thus f.z "/\" f.y = {x} /\ {x} by A10,YELLOW_1:17 .= f.(z "/\" y) by A4,A11,TARSKI:def 2; suppose A12: f.z = {} & f.y = {x}; then z "/\" y <= z & z <= l by A2,YELLOW_0:23; then A13: z "/\" y <= l by ORDERS_1:26; thus f.z "/\" f.y = {} /\ {x} by A12,YELLOW_1:17 .= f.(z "/\" y) by A2,A13; suppose A14: f.z = {x} & f.y = {}; then z "/\" y <= y & y <= l by A2,YELLOW_0:23; then A15: z "/\" y <= l by ORDERS_1:26; thus f.z "/\" f.y = {x} /\ {} by A14,YELLOW_1:17 .= f.(z "/\" y) by A2,A15; end; inf (f.:{z,y}) = f.z "/\" f.y by A5,YELLOW_0:40 .= f.inf {z,y} by A7,YELLOW_0:40; hence thesis by A6,WAYBEL_0:def 30; end; hence f is meet-preserving by WAYBEL_0:def 34; for z,y being Element of L holds f preserves_sup_of {z,y} proof let z,y be Element of L; A16: f.:{z,y} = {f.z,f.y} by A3,FUNCT_1:118; then A17: ex_sup_of {z,y},L implies ex_sup_of f.:{z,y},BoolePoset {x} by YELLOW_0:20; A18: now per cases by A4,TARSKI:def 2; suppose A19: f.z = {} & f.y = {}; then z <= l & y <= l by A2; then A20: z "\/" y <= l by YELLOW_0:22; thus f.z "\/" f.y = {} \/ {} by A19,YELLOW_1:17 .= f.(z "\/" y) by A2,A20; suppose A21: f.z = {x} & f.y = {x}; then z "\/" y >= z & not z <= l by A2,YELLOW_0:22; then not z "\/" y <= l by ORDERS_1:26; then A22: not f.(z "\/" y) = {} by A2; thus f.z "\/" f.y = {x} \/ {x} by A21,YELLOW_1:17 .= f.(z "\/" y) by A4,A22,TARSKI:def 2; suppose A23: f.z = {} & f.y = {x}; then z "\/" y >= y & not y <= l by A2,YELLOW_0:22; then not z "\/" y <= l by ORDERS_1:26; then A24: not f.(z "\/" y) = {} by A2; thus f.z "\/" f.y = {} \/ {x} by A23,YELLOW_1:17 .= f.(z "\/" y) by A4,A24,TARSKI:def 2; suppose A25: f.z = {x} & f.y = {}; then z "\/" y >= z & not z <= l by A2,YELLOW_0:22; then not z "\/" y <= l by ORDERS_1:26; then A26: not f.(z "\/" y) = {} by A2; thus f.z "\/" f.y = {x} \/ {} by A25,YELLOW_1:17 .= f.(z "\/" y) by A4,A26,TARSKI:def 2; end; sup (f.:{z,y}) = f.z "\/" f.y by A16,YELLOW_0:41 .= f.sup {z,y} by A18,YELLOW_0:41; hence thesis by A17,WAYBEL_0:def 31; end; hence f is join-preserving by WAYBEL_0:def 35; end; thus (for x being set, f being map of L,BoolePoset {x} st (for p be Element of L holds f.p = {} iff p <= l) holds f is meet-preserving join-preserving) implies l is prime proof assume A27: (for x being set, f being map of L,BoolePoset {x} st (for p be Element of L holds f.p = {} iff p <= l) holds f is meet-preserving join-preserving); let z,y be Element of L; assume A28: z "/\" y <= l; consider x being set; A29: the carrier of BoolePoset {x} = the carrier of InclPoset bool {x} by YELLOW_1:4 .= bool {x} by YELLOW_1:1 .= { {} , {x}} by ZFMISC_1:30; defpred P[Element of L, set] means $1 <= l iff $2 = {}; A30: for a being Element of L ex b being Element of BoolePoset {x} st P[a,b] proof let a be Element of L; now per cases; suppose A31: a <= l; set b = {}; b in the carrier of BoolePoset {x} by A29,TARSKI:def 2; then reconsider b as Element of BoolePoset {x}; a <= l iff b = {} by A31; hence thesis; suppose A32: not a <= l; set b = {x}; b in the carrier of BoolePoset {x} by A29,TARSKI:def 2; then reconsider b as Element of BoolePoset {x}; a <= l iff b = {} by A32; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; consider f being map of L,BoolePoset {x} such that A33: for p be Element of L holds P[p, f.p] from NonUniqExMD(A30); dom f = the carrier of L & rng f c= the carrier of BoolePoset {x} by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A34: f.:{z,y} = {f.z,f.y} by FUNCT_1:118; A35: ex_inf_of {z,y},L by YELLOW_0:21; f is meet-preserving by A27,A33; then A36: f preserves_inf_of {z,y} by WAYBEL_0:def 34; A37: {} = f.(z "/\" y) by A28,A33 .= f.inf {z,y} by YELLOW_0:40 .= inf({f.z,f.y}) by A34,A35,A36,WAYBEL_0:def 30 .= f.z "/\" f.y by YELLOW_0:40 .= f.z /\ f.y by YELLOW_1:17; now assume not f.z = {} & not f.y = {}; then f.z = {x} & f.y = {x} by A29,TARSKI:def 2; hence contradiction by A37; end; hence z <= l or y <= l by A33; end; end; theorem Th26: ::3.12 (1-3), p.70 for L being upper-bounded LATTICE, l being Element of L st l <> Top L holds l is prime iff (downarrow l)` is Filter of L proof let L be upper-bounded LATTICE, l be Element of L; assume A1: l <> Top L; A2: (downarrow l)` = [#](L) \ (downarrow l) by PRE_TOPC:17 .= (the carrier of L) \ (downarrow l) by PRE_TOPC:12; set X1 = (the carrier of L)\(downarrow l); for x be set st x in X1 holds x in the carrier of L by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then X1 c= the carrier of L by TARSKI:def 3; then reconsider X = X1 as Subset of L; thus l is prime implies (downarrow l)` is Filter of L proof assume A3: l is prime; A4: now let x,y be Element of L; assume x in X & y in X; then x in the carrier of L & not x in (downarrow l) & y in the carrier of L & not y in (downarrow l) by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A5: not x <= l & not y <= l by WAYBEL_0:17; A6: x "/\" y <= x & x "/\" y <= y by YELLOW_0:23; now assume x "/\" y in (downarrow l); then x "/\" y <= l by WAYBEL_0:17; hence contradiction by A3,A5,Def6; end; then x "/\" y in X by XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence ex z being Element of L st z in X & z <= x & z <= y by A6; end; A7: now let x,y be Element of L; assume A8: x in X & x <= y; then x in the carrier of L & not x in (downarrow l) by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then not x <= l by WAYBEL_0:17; then not y <= l by A8,ORDERS_1:26; then not y in (downarrow l) by WAYBEL_0:17; hence y in X by XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; now assume Top L in (downarrow l); then Top L <= l by WAYBEL_0:17; then Top L < l by A1,ORDERS_1:def 10; then not l <= Top L by ORDERS_1:30; hence contradiction by YELLOW_0:45; end; hence thesis by A2,A4,A7,WAYBEL_0:def 2,def 20,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; thus (downarrow l)` is Filter of L implies l is prime proof assume A9: (downarrow l)` is Filter of L; let x,y be Element of L; assume A10: x "/\" y <= l; l <= l; then A11: l in (downarrow l) by WAYBEL_0:17; now assume not x <= l & not y <= l; then not x in (downarrow l) & not y in (downarrow l) by WAYBEL_0:17; then x in X & y in X by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then consider z being Element of L such that A12: z in X & z <= x & z <= y by A2,A9,WAYBEL_0:def 2; z <= x "/\" y by A12,YELLOW_0:23; then z <= l by A10,ORDERS_1:26; then l in X by A2,A9,A12,WAYBEL_0:def 20; hence contradiction by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; hence x <= l or y <= l; end; end; theorem Th27: ::3.12 (1-4), p.70 for L being distributive LATTICE for l being Element of L holds l is prime iff l is irreducible proof let L be distributive LATTICE,l be Element of L; thus l is prime implies l is irreducible by Th24; thus l is irreducible implies l is prime proof assume A1: l is irreducible; let x,y be Element of L; assume x "/\" y <= l; then l = l "\/" (x "/\" y) by YELLOW_0:24 .= (l "\/" x) "/\" (l "\/" y) by WAYBEL_1:6; then l = l "\/" x or l = l "\/" y by A1,Def2; hence x <= l or y <= l by YELLOW_0:24; end; end; theorem Th28: for L being distributive LATTICE holds PRIME L = IRR L proof let L be distributive LATTICE; now let l1 be set; assume A1: l1 in PRIME L; then reconsider l = l1 as Element of PRIME L; reconsider l as Element of L by A1; l is prime by A1,Def7; then l is irreducible by Th27; hence l1 in IRR L by Def4; end; hence PRIME L c= IRR L by TARSKI:def 3; now let l1 be set; assume A2: l1 in IRR L; then reconsider l = l1 as Element of IRR L; reconsider l as Element of L by A2; l is irreducible by A2,Def4; then l is prime by Th27; hence l1 in PRIME L by Def7; end; hence IRR L c= PRIME L by TARSKI:def 3; end; theorem ::3.12 (1-5), p.70 for L being Boolean LATTICE for l being Element of L st l <> Top L holds l is prime iff for x be Element of L st x > l holds x = Top L proof let L be Boolean LATTICE, l be Element of L; assume A1: l <> Top L; thus l is prime implies (for x be Element of L st x > l holds x = Top L) proof assume A2: l is prime; let x be Element of L; assume A3: x > l; consider y being Element of L such that A4: y is_a_complement_of x by WAYBEL_1:def 24; A5: x "\/" y = Top L & x "/\" y = Bottom L by A4,WAYBEL_1:def 23; then x "/\" y <= l by YELLOW_0:44; then x <= l or y <= l by A2,Def6; then y < x by A3,ORDERS_1:32; then y <= x by ORDERS_1:def 10; hence thesis by A5,YELLOW_0:24; end; thus (for x be Element of L st x > l holds x = Top L) implies l is prime proof assume A6: for z be Element of L st z > l holds z = Top L; let x,y be Element of L; assume A7: x "/\" y <= l; assume A8: not x <= l & not y <= l; A9: l = l "\/" (x "/\" y) by A7,YELLOW_0:24 .= (l "\/" x) "/\" (l "\/" y) by WAYBEL_1:6; then A10: l <= (l "\/" x) & l <= (l "\/" y) by YELLOW_0:23; l <> (l "\/" x) by A8,YELLOW_0:24; then l < (l "\/" x) by A10,ORDERS_1:def 10; then A11: (l "\/" x) = Top L by A6; l <> (l "\/" y) by A8,YELLOW_0:24; then l < (l "\/" y) by A10,ORDERS_1:def 10; then (l "\/" y) = Top L by A6; hence contradiction by A1,A9,A11,YELLOW_5:2; end; end; theorem ::3.12 (1-6), p.70 for L being continuous distributive lower-bounded LATTICE for l being Element of L st l <> Top L holds l is prime iff ex F being Open Filter of L st l is_maximal_in (F`) proof let L be continuous distributive lower-bounded LATTICE, l be Element of L; assume A1: l <> Top L; set F = (downarrow l)`; A2: (downarrow l)` = [#](L) \ (downarrow l) by PRE_TOPC:17 .= (the carrier of L) \ (downarrow l) by PRE_TOPC:12; thus l is prime implies ex F being Open Filter of L st l is_maximal_in (F`) proof assume A3: l is prime; A4: (for x being Element of L holds waybelow x is non empty directed) & L is up-complete satisfying_axiom_of_approximation; now let x be Element of L; assume x in F; then not x in (downarrow l) by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then not x <= l by WAYBEL_0:17; then consider y be Element of L such that A5: y << x & not y <= l by A4,WAYBEL_3:24; not y in (downarrow l) by A5,WAYBEL_0:17; then y in F by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence ex y be Element of L st y in F & y << x by A5; end; then reconsider F as Open Filter of L by A1,A3,Def1,Th26; take F; l <= l; then A6: l in (F`) by WAYBEL_0:17; now given y being Element of L such that A7: y in (F`) & y > l; y <= l by A7,WAYBEL_0:17; hence contradiction by A7,ORDERS_1:30; end; hence l is_maximal_in (F`) by A6,WAYBEL_4:56; end; thus (ex F being Open Filter of L st l is_maximal_in (F`)) implies l is prime proof assume ex O being Open Filter of L st l is_maximal_in (O`); then A8: l is irreducible by Th13; now let x,y be Element of L; assume A9: x "/\" y <= l; assume A10: not x <= l & not y <= l; l = l "\/" (x "/\" y) by A9,YELLOW_0:24 .= (l "\/" x) "/\" (l "\/" y) by WAYBEL_1:6; then l = (l "\/" x) or l = (l "\/" y) by A8,Def2; hence contradiction by A10,YELLOW_0:24; end; hence l is prime by Def6; end; end; theorem Th31: for L being RelStr, X being Subset of L holds chi(X, the carrier of L) is map of L, BoolePoset {{}} proof let L be RelStr, X be Subset of L; the carrier of BoolePoset {{}} = the carrier of InclPoset bool {{}} by YELLOW_1:4 .= bool {{}} by YELLOW_1:1 .= {0,1} by CARD_5:1,ZFMISC_1:30; hence thesis; end; theorem Th32: for L being non empty RelStr, p,x being Element of L holds chi((downarrow p)`,the carrier of L).x = {} iff x <= p proof let L be non empty RelStr, p,x be Element of L; not x in (downarrow p)` iff x in downarrow p by YELLOW_6:10; hence thesis by FUNCT_3:def 3,WAYBEL_0:17; end; theorem Th33: for L being upper-bounded LATTICE, f being map of L,BoolePoset {{}}, p being prime Element of L st chi((downarrow p)`,the carrier of L) = f holds f is meet-preserving join-preserving proof let L be upper-bounded LATTICE, f be map of L,BoolePoset {{}}, p be prime Element of L; assume chi((downarrow p)`,the carrier of L) = f; then for x being Element of L holds f.x = {} iff x <= p by Th32; hence thesis by Th25; end; theorem Th34: ::3.13, p.71 for L being complete LATTICE st PRIME L is order-generating holds L is distributive meet-continuous proof let L be complete LATTICE; assume A1: PRIME L is order-generating; set H = {chi((downarrow p)`, the carrier of L) where p is Element of L: p is prime}; consider p' being prime Element of L; A2: chi((downarrow p')`, the carrier of L) in H; now let x be set; assume x in H; then ex p being Element of L st x = chi((downarrow p)`, the carrier of L) & p is prime; hence x is Function; end; then reconsider H as functional non empty set by A2,FRAENKEL:def 1; A3: the carrier of BoolePoset H = the carrier of InclPoset bool H by YELLOW_1:4 .= bool H by YELLOW_1:1; deffunc F(set) = {f where f is Element of H: f.$1 = 1}; consider F being Function such that A4: dom F = the carrier of L and A5: for x being set st x in the carrier of L holds F.x = F(x) from Lambda; rng F c= the carrier of BoolePoset H proof let y; assume y in rng F; then consider x such that A6: x in dom F & y = F.x by FUNCT_1:def 5; A7: y = {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} by A4,A5,A6; y c= H proof let p be set; assume p in y; then ex f be Element of H st p = f & f.x = 1 by A7; hence thesis; end; hence y in the carrier of BoolePoset H by A3; end; then F is Function of the carrier of L,the carrier of BoolePoset H by A4,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11; then reconsider F as map of L, BoolePoset H; A8: F is meet-preserving proof let x,y be Element of L; assume ex_inf_of {x,y},L; thus ex_inf_of F.:{x,y},BoolePoset H by YELLOW_0:17; A9: F.:{x,y} = {F.x,F.y} by A4,FUNCT_1:118; A10: {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} /\ {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1} c= {f where f is Element of H: f.(x "/\" y) = 1} proof let p be set; assume p in ({f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} /\ {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1}); then A11: p in {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} & p in {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1} by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then consider f1 be Element of H such that A12: f1 = p & f1.x = 1; consider f2 be Element of H such that A13: f2 = p & f2.y = 1 by A11; f1 in H; then consider a be Element of L such that A14: chi((downarrow a)`, the carrier of L) = f1 & a is prime; reconsider f1 as map of L,BoolePoset {{}} by A14,Th31; dom f1 = the carrier of L by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A15: {f1.x,f1.y} = f1.:{x,y} by FUNCT_1:118; for x being Element of L holds f1.x = {} iff x <= a by A14,Th32; then f1 is meet-preserving by A14,Th25; then f1 preserves_inf_of {x,y} & ex_inf_of {x,y}, L & x"/\"y = inf {x,y} & (f1.x)"/\"(f1.y) = inf {f1.x,f1.y} by WAYBEL_0:def 34,YELLOW_0:17,40; then f1.(x "/\" y) = (f1.x)"/\"(f1.y) by A15,WAYBEL_0:def 30 .= 1 by A12,A13,YELLOW_5:2; hence thesis by A12; end; A16: {f where f is Element of H: f.(x "/\" y) = 1} c= {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} /\ {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1} proof let p be set; assume p in {f where f is Element of H: f.(x "/\" y) = 1}; then consider g be Element of H such that A17: g = p & g.(x "/\" y) = 1; g in H; then consider a be Element of L such that A18: chi((downarrow a)`, the carrier of L) = g & a is prime; reconsider g as map of L,BoolePoset {{}} by A18,Th31; dom g = the carrier of L by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A19: {g.x,g.y} = g.:{x,y} by FUNCT_1:118; A20: 1 = Top BoolePoset {{}} by CARD_5:1,YELLOW_1:19; A21: g.x <= Top BoolePoset {{}} & g.y <= Top BoolePoset {{}} by YELLOW_0:45; g is meet-preserving by A18,Th33; then g preserves_inf_of {x,y} & ex_inf_of {x,y}, L & x"/\"y = inf {x,y} & (g.x)"/\"(g.y) = inf {g.x,g.y} by WAYBEL_0:def 34,YELLOW_0:17,40; then g.(x "/\" y) = (g.x)"/\"(g.y) by A19,WAYBEL_0:def 30; then A22: g.x >= Top BoolePoset {{}} & g.y >= Top BoolePoset {{}} by A17,A20,YELLOW_0:23; then A23: g.x = 1 by A20,A21,ORDERS_1:25; g.y = 1 by A20,A21,A22,ORDERS_1:25; then p in {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} & p in {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1} by A17,A23; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3; end; thus inf (F.:{x,y}) = F.x "/\" F.y by A9,YELLOW_0:40 .= (F.x) /\ (F.y) by YELLOW_1:17 .= {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} /\ (F.y) by A5 .= {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} /\ {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1} by A5 .= {f where f is Element of H: f.(x "/\" y) = 1} by A10,A16,XBOOLE_0: def 10 .= F.(x "/\" y) by A5 .= F.inf {x,y} by YELLOW_0:40; end; A24: F is join-preserving proof let x,y be Element of L; assume ex_sup_of {x,y},L; thus ex_sup_of F.:{x,y},BoolePoset H by YELLOW_0:17; A25: F.:{x,y} = {F.x,F.y} by A4,FUNCT_1:118; A26: {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} \/ {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1} c= {f where f is Element of H: f.(x "\/" y) = 1} proof let p be set; assume A27: p in ({f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} \/ {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1}); per cases by A27,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose p in {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1}; then consider f1 be Element of H such that A28: f1 = p & f1.x = 1; f1 in H; then consider a be Element of L such that A29: chi((downarrow a)`, the carrier of L) = f1 & a is prime; reconsider f1 as map of L,BoolePoset {{}} by A29,Th31; dom f1 = the carrier of L by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A30: {f1.x,f1.y} = f1.:{x,y} by FUNCT_1:118; A31: 1 = Top BoolePoset {{}} by CARD_5:1,YELLOW_1:19; A32: f1.y <= Top BoolePoset {{}} by YELLOW_0:45; for x being Element of L holds f1.x = {} iff x <= a by A29,Th32; then f1 is join-preserving by A29,Th25; then f1 preserves_sup_of {x,y} & ex_sup_of {x,y}, L & x"\/"y = sup {x,y} & (f1.x)"\/"(f1.y) = sup {f1.x,f1.y} by WAYBEL_0:def 35,YELLOW_0:17,41; then f1.(x "\/" y) = (f1.x)"\/"(f1.y) by A30,WAYBEL_0:def 31 .= 1 by A28,A31,A32,YELLOW_0:24; hence thesis by A28; suppose p in {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1}; then consider f1 be Element of H such that A33: f1 = p & f1.y = 1; f1 in H; then consider b be Element of L such that A34: chi((downarrow b)`, the carrier of L) = f1 & b is prime; reconsider f1 as map of L,BoolePoset {{}} by A34,Th31; dom f1 = the carrier of L by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A35: {f1.x,f1.y} = f1.:{x,y} by FUNCT_1:118; A36: 1 = Top BoolePoset {{}} by CARD_5:1,YELLOW_1:19; A37: f1.x <= Top BoolePoset {{}} by YELLOW_0:45; for x being Element of L holds f1.x = {} iff x <= b by A34,Th32; then f1 is join-preserving by A34,Th25; then f1 preserves_sup_of {x,y} & ex_sup_of {x,y}, L & x"\/"y = sup {x,y} & (f1.x)"\/"(f1.y) = sup {f1.x,f1.y} by WAYBEL_0:def 35,YELLOW_0:17,41; then f1.(x "\/" y) = (f1.y)"\/"(f1.x) by A35,WAYBEL_0:def 31 .= 1 by A33,A36,A37,YELLOW_0:24; hence thesis by A33; end; A38: {f where f is Element of H: f.(x "\/" y) = 1} c= {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} \/ {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1} proof let p be set; assume p in {f where f is Element of H: f.(x "\/" y) = 1}; then consider g be Element of H such that A39: g = p & g.(x "\/" y) = 1; g in H; then consider a be Element of L such that A40: chi((downarrow a)`, the carrier of L) = g & a is prime; reconsider g as map of L,BoolePoset {{}} by A40,Th31; A41: dom g = the carrier of L & rng g c= the carrier of BoolePoset {{}} by FUNCT_2:def 1; A42: the carrier of BoolePoset {{}} = the carrier of InclPoset bool {{}} by YELLOW_1:4 .= bool {{}} by YELLOW_1:1 .= { {} , {{}}} by ZFMISC_1:30; A43: g.:{x,y} = {g.x,g.y} by A41,FUNCT_1:118; A44: (g.x = {} or g.x = {{}}) & (g.y = {} or g.y = {{}}) by A42,TARSKI:def 2; A45: 1 = Top BoolePoset {{}} by CARD_5:1,YELLOW_1:19; g is join-preserving by A40,Th33; then A46: g preserves_sup_of {x,y} & ex_sup_of {x,y}, L & x"\/"y = sup {x,y} & (g.x)"\/"(g.y) = sup {g.x,g.y} by WAYBEL_0:def 35,YELLOW_0:17,41; now assume g.x = {} & g.y = {}; then (g.x)"\/"(g.y) = {} \/ {} by YELLOW_1:17 .= 0; hence contradiction by A39,A43,A46,WAYBEL_0:def 31; end; then g.x = Top BoolePoset {{}} or g.y = Top BoolePoset {{}} by A44,YELLOW_1:19; then p in {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} or p in {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1} by A39,A45; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; thus sup (F.:{x,y}) = F.x "\/" F.y by A25,YELLOW_0:41 .= (F.x) \/ (F.y) by YELLOW_1:17 .= {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} \/ (F.y) by A5 .= {f where f is Element of H: f.x = 1} \/ {f where f is Element of H: f.y = 1} by A5 .= {f where f is Element of H: f.(x "\/" y) = 1} by A26,A38,XBOOLE_0: def 10 .= F.(x "\/" y) by A5 .= F.sup {x,y} by YELLOW_0:41; end; A47: F is one-to-one proof let x1,x2 be set; assume A48: x1 in dom F & x2 in dom F & F.x1 = F.x2; then reconsider l1 = x1 as Element of L by A4; reconsider l2 = x2 as Element of L by A4,A48; now assume A49: l1 <> l2; A50: F.l1 = {f where f is Element of H: f.l1 = 1} by A5; A51: F.l2 = {f where f is Element of H: f.l2 = 1} by A5; per cases by A49,ORDERS_1:25; suppose not l1 <= l2; then consider p be Element of L such that A52: p in PRIME L & l2 <= p & not l1 <= p by A1,Th17; set CH = chi((downarrow p)`,the carrier of L); p is prime by A52,Def7; then CH in H; then reconsider CH as Element of H; A53: dom CH = the carrier of L & rng CH c= {0,1} by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:12; then CH.l1 in rng CH by FUNCT_1:def 5; then A54: CH.l1 = 0 or CH.l1 = 1 by A53,TARSKI:def 2; now assume CH in F.l2; then ex f be Element of H st f = CH & f.l2 = 1 by A51; hence contradiction by A52,Th32; end; hence contradiction by A48,A50,A52,A54,Th32; suppose not l2 <= l1; then consider p be Element of L such that A55: p in PRIME L & l1 <= p & not l2 <= p by A1,Th17; set CH = chi((downarrow p)`,the carrier of L); p is prime by A55,Def7; then CH in H; then reconsider CH as Element of H; A56: dom CH = the carrier of L & rng CH c= {0,1} by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:12; then CH.l2 in rng CH by FUNCT_1:def 5; then A57: CH.l2 = 0 or CH.l2 = 1 by A56,TARSKI:def 2; now assume CH in F.l1; then ex f be Element of H st f = CH & f.l1 = 1 by A50; hence contradiction by A55,Th32; end; hence contradiction by A48,A51,A55,A57,Th32; end; hence thesis; end; hence L is distributive by A8,A24,Th3; F is sups-preserving proof let X be Subset of L; F preserves_sup_of X proof assume ex_sup_of X,L; thus ex_sup_of (F.:X),BoolePoset H by YELLOW_0:17; A58: F.(sup X) = {g where g is Element of H: g.(sup X) = 1} by A5; A59: sup (F.:X) c= F.(sup X) proof let a be set; assume a in sup (F.:X); then a in union (F.:X) by YELLOW_1:21; then consider Y be set such that A60: a in Y & Y in (F.:X) by TARSKI:def 4; consider z be set such that A61: z in dom F & z in X & Y = F.z by A60,FUNCT_1:def 12; reconsider z as Element of L by A61; F.z = {f where f is Element of H: f.z = 1} by A5; then consider f be Element of H such that A62: a = f & f.z = 1 by A60,A61; f in H; then consider p be Element of L such that A63: f = chi((downarrow p)`, the carrier of L) & p is prime; A64: dom f = the carrier of L & rng f c= {0,1} by A63,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:12; then f.(sup X) in rng f by FUNCT_1:def 5; then A65: f.(sup X) = 0 or f.(sup X) = 1 by A64,TARSKI:def 2; now assume f.(sup X) = 0; then A66: sup X <= p by A63,Th32; sup X is_>=_than X by YELLOW_0:32; then z <= sup X by A61,LATTICE3:def 9; then z <= p by A66,ORDERS_1:26; hence contradiction by A62,A63,Th32; end; hence a in F.(sup X) by A58,A62,A65; end; F.(sup X) c= sup (F.:X) proof let a be set; assume a in F.(sup X); then consider f be Element of H such that A67: a = f & f.(sup X) = 1 by A58; f in H; then consider p be Element of L such that A68: f = chi((downarrow p)`, the carrier of L) & p is prime; A69: not sup X <= p by A67,A68,Th32; now assume for l be Element of L st l in X holds l <= p; then X is_<=_than p by LATTICE3:def 9; hence contradiction by A69,YELLOW_0:32; end; then consider l be Element of L such that A70: l in X & not l <= p; A71: dom f = the carrier of L & rng f c= {0,1} by A68,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:12; then f.l in rng f by FUNCT_1:def 5; then f.l = 0 or f.l = 1 by A71,TARSKI:def 2; then f in {g where g is Element of H: g.l = 1} by A68,A70,Th32; then A72: f in F.l by A5; (F.l) in (F.:X) by A4,A70,FUNCT_1:def 12; then a in union (F.:X) by A67,A72,TARSKI:def 4; hence a in sup (F.:X) by YELLOW_1:21; end; hence sup (F.:X) = F.(sup X) by A59,XBOOLE_0:def 10; end; hence thesis; end; hence L is meet-continuous by A8,A47,Th4; end; theorem Th35: ::3.14 (1-3), p.71 for L being lower-bounded continuous LATTICE holds L is distributive iff PRIME L is order-generating proof let L be lower-bounded continuous LATTICE; thus L is distributive implies PRIME L is order-generating proof assume L is distributive; then A1: PRIME L = IRR L by Th28; A2: IRR L \ {Top L} c= IRR L by XBOOLE_1:36; IRR L \ {Top L} is order-generating by Th18; hence thesis by A1,A2,Th19; end; thus PRIME L is order-generating implies L is distributive by Th34; end; theorem ::3.14 (1-2), p.71 for L being lower-bounded continuous LATTICE holds L is distributive iff L is Heyting proof let L be lower-bounded continuous LATTICE; thus L is distributive implies L is Heyting proof assume L is distributive; then PRIME L is order-generating by Th35; then L is distributive meet-continuous by Th34; hence thesis by WAYBEL_2:56; end; thus L is Heyting implies L is distributive by WAYBEL_1:69; end; theorem Th37: for L being continuous complete LATTICE st for l being Element of L ex X being Subset of L st l = sup X & for x being Element of L st x in X holds x is co-prime for l being Element of L holds l = "\/"((waybelow l) /\ PRIME(L opp), L) proof let L be continuous complete LATTICE; assume A1: for l being Element of L ex X being Subset of L st l = sup X & for x being Element of L st x in X holds x is co-prime; let l be Element of L; defpred P[set,set] means $2 c= PRIME L~ & $1 = "\/"($2,L); A2: for e be set st e in the carrier of L ex u be set st P[e,u] proof let e be set; assume e in the carrier of L; then reconsider l = e as Element of L; consider X being Subset of L such that A3: l = sup X & for x being Element of L st x in X holds x is co-prime by A1; now let p1 be set; assume A4: p1 in X; then reconsider p = p1 as Element of L; p is co-prime by A3,A4; then A5: p~ is prime by Def8; p = p~ by LATTICE3:def 6; hence p1 in PRIME L~ by A5,Def7; end; then X c= PRIME L~ by TARSKI:def 3; hence thesis by A3; end; consider f being Function such that A6: dom f = the carrier of L and A7: for e be set st e in the carrier of L holds P[e, f.e] from NonUniqFuncEx(A2); A8:l = sup waybelow l by WAYBEL_3:def 5; A9: waybelow l c= {sup X where X is Subset of L : X in rng f & sup X in waybelow l} proof let e be set; assume A10: e in waybelow l; then A11: e = "\/"((f.e),L) & e is Element of L by A7; A12: f.e in rng f by A6,A10,FUNCT_1:def 5; A13: L~= RelStr(#the carrier of L,(the InternalRel of L)~#) by LATTICE3:def 5; f.e c= PRIME L~ by A7,A10; then f.e c= the carrier of L~ by XBOOLE_1:1; then f.e is Subset of L by A13; hence thesis by A10,A11,A12; end; defpred P[Subset of L] means $1 in rng f & sup $1 in waybelow l; {sup X where X is Subset of L : P[X] } c= waybelow l proof let e be set; assume e in {sup X where X is Subset of L : X in rng f & sup X in waybelow l}; then consider X be Subset of L such that A14: e = sup X & X in rng f & sup X in waybelow l; thus thesis by A14; end; then A15:l = "\/"({sup X where X is Subset of L : P[X]}, L) by A8,A9,XBOOLE_0:def 10 .= "\/"(union {X where X is Subset of L : P[X]}, L) from Sup_of_Sups; set Z = union {X where X is Subset of L : X in rng f & sup X in waybelow l}; A16: ex_sup_of Z,L by YELLOW_0:17; A17: ex_sup_of ((waybelow l) /\ PRIME(L~)),L by YELLOW_0:17; A18: ex_sup_of (waybelow l),L by YELLOW_0:17; Z c= (waybelow l) /\ PRIME(L~) proof let e be set; assume e in Z; then consider Y be set such that A19: e in Y & Y in {X where X is Subset of L : X in rng f & sup X in waybelow l} by TARSKI:def 4; consider X be Subset of L such that A20: Y = X & X in rng f & sup X in waybelow l by A19; consider r be set such that A21: r in dom f & X = f.r by A20,FUNCT_1:def 5; A22: X c= PRIME(L~) by A6,A7,A21; reconsider e1 = e as Element of L by A19,A20; e1 <= sup X by A19,A20,YELLOW_2:24; then e in waybelow l by A20,WAYBEL_0:def 19; hence thesis by A19,A20,A22,XBOOLE_0:def 3; end; then A23:l <= "\/"((waybelow l) /\ PRIME(L~),L) by A15,A16,A17,YELLOW_0:34; (waybelow l) /\ PRIME(L~) c= waybelow l by XBOOLE_1:17; then "\/"((waybelow l) /\ PRIME(L~),L) <= "\/"(waybelow l,L) by A17,A18,YELLOW_0:34 ; hence l = "\/"((waybelow l) /\ PRIME(L~), L) by A8,A23,ORDERS_1:25; end; Lm2: ::3.15 (1->2) for L being continuous complete LATTICE st for l being Element of L ex X being Subset of L st l = sup X & for x being Element of L st x in X holds x is co-prime holds L is completely-distributive proof let L be continuous complete LATTICE such that A1: for l being Element of L ex X being Subset of L st l = sup X & for x being Element of L st x in X holds x is co-prime; thus L is complete; let J be non empty set, K be non-empty ManySortedSet of J; let F be DoubleIndexedSet of K,L; A2: Inf Sups F >= Sup Infs Frege F by WAYBEL_5:16; set l = Inf Sups F; set X = (waybelow l) /\ PRIME(L~); A3: X c= waybelow l by XBOOLE_1:17; then X c= the carrier of L by XBOOLE_1:1; then reconsider X as Subset of L; A4: Inf Sups F = sup X by A1,Th37; A5: dom F = J by PBOOLE:def 3; A6: for x being Element of L st x in X holds x is co-prime proof let x be Element of L; assume x in X; then A7: x in PRIME(L~) by XBOOLE_0:def 3; x = x~ by LATTICE3:def 6; then x~ is prime by A7,Def7; hence x is co-prime by Def8; end; A8: inf rng Sups F = Inf Sups F by YELLOW_2:def 6; X is_<=_than Sup Infs Frege F proof let p be Element of L; assume A9: p in X; defpred P[set,set] means $2 in K.$1 & [p,(F.$1).$2] in the InternalRel of L; A10: for j being set st j in J ex k being set st P[j,k] proof let j1 be set; assume j1 in J; then reconsider j = j1 as Element of J; A11: p << l by A3,A9,WAYBEL_3:7; dom (Sups F) = J by A5,FUNCT_2:def 1; then A12: (Sups F).j in rng Sups F by FUNCT_1:def 5; Sup (F.j) = (Sups F).j by A5,WAYBEL_5:def 1; then A13: l <= Sup (F.j) by A8,A12,YELLOW_2:24; Sup (F.j) = sup rng (F.j) by YELLOW_2:def 5; then consider A being finite Subset of L such that A14: A c= rng (F.j) & p <= sup A by A11,A13,WAYBEL_3:18; consider k be Element of K.j; A c= A \/ {F.j.k} & ex_sup_of A,L & ex_sup_of (A \/ {F.j.k}),L by XBOOLE_1:7,YELLOW_0:17 ; then sup A <= sup (A \/ {F.j.k}) by YELLOW_0:34; then A15: p <= sup (A \/ {F.j.k}) by A14,ORDERS_1:26; p is co-prime by A6,A9; then consider a be Element of L such that A16: a in (A \/ {F.j.k}) & p <= a by A15,Th23; per cases by A16,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose a in A; then consider k1 be set such that A17: k1 in dom (F.j) & a = F.j.k1 by A14,FUNCT_1:def 5; reconsider k1 as Element of K.j by A17,FUNCT_2:def 1; [p,(F.j).k1] in the InternalRel of L by A16,A17,ORDERS_1:def 9; hence thesis; suppose a in {F.j.k}; then a = F.j.k by TARSKI:def 1; then [p,(F.j).k] in the InternalRel of L by A16,ORDERS_1:def 9; hence thesis; end; consider f1 being Function such that A18: dom f1 = J and A19: for j being set st j in J holds P[j, f1.j] from NonUniqFuncEx(A10); now let g be set; assume A20: g in dom f1; F.g is Function; then g in F"SubFuncs rng F by A5,A18,A20,FUNCT_6:28; hence g in dom doms F by FUNCT_6:def 2; end; then A21: dom f1 c= dom doms F by TARSKI:def 3; now let g be set; assume g in dom doms F; then g in F"SubFuncs rng F by FUNCT_6:def 2; hence g in dom f1 by A5,A18,FUNCT_6:28; end; then A22: dom doms F c= dom f1 by TARSKI:def 3; then A23: dom f1 = dom doms F by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 10; A24: for b be set st b in dom doms F holds f1.b in (doms F).b proof let b be set; assume A25: b in dom doms F; then A26: F.b is Function of K.b, the carrier of L by A18,A22,WAYBEL_5:6; (doms F).b = dom (F.b) by A5,A18,A22,A25,FUNCT_6:31 .= K.b by A26,FUNCT_2:def 1; hence f1.b in (doms F).b by A18,A19,A22,A25; end; then A27: f1 in product doms F by A23,CARD_3:18; reconsider f = f1 as Element of product doms F by A23,A24,CARD_3:18; reconsider F1 = F as Function-yielding Function; A28: (Frege F1).f1 = F1..f1 by A27,PRALG_2:def 8; p is_<=_than rng ((Frege F).f) proof let b be Element of L; assume b in rng ((Frege F).f); then consider a be set such that A29: a in dom ((Frege F).f) & b = ((Frege F).f).a by FUNCT_1:def 5; reconsider a as Element of J by A5,A28,A29,PRALG_1:def 18; f in dom Frege F & a in dom F by A5,A27,PBOOLE:def 3; then ((Frege F).f).a = (F.a).(f1.a) by WAYBEL_5:9; then [p,((Frege F).f).a] in the InternalRel of L by A19; hence p <= b by A29,ORDERS_1:def 9; end; then p <= inf rng ((Frege F).f) by YELLOW_0:33; then A30: p <= Inf((Frege F).f) by YELLOW_2:def 6; reconsider D = product doms F as non empty set by A23,A24,CARD_3:18; reconsider f2 = f as Element of D; reconsider P= D --> J as ManySortedSet of D; reconsider R = Frege F as DoubleIndexedSet of P, L; Inf(R.f2) in rng Infs (R) by WAYBEL_5:14; then Inf((Frege F).f) <= sup rng Infs Frege F by YELLOW_2:24; then Inf((Frege F).f) <= Sup Infs Frege F by YELLOW_2:def 5; hence thesis by A30,ORDERS_1:26; end; then sup X <= Sup Infs Frege F by YELLOW_0:32; hence Inf Sups F = Sup Infs Frege F by A2,A4,ORDERS_1:25; end; Lm3: ::3.15 (2->3) for L being completely-distributive complete LATTICE holds L is distributive continuous & L~ is continuous proof let L be completely-distributive complete LATTICE; L~ is completely-distributive by YELLOW_7:51; hence thesis by WAYBEL_5:24; end; Lm4: ::3.15 (3->1) for L being complete LATTICE st L is distributive continuous & L~ is continuous holds for l being Element of L ex X being Subset of L st l = sup X & for x being Element of L st x in X holds x is co-prime proof let L be complete LATTICE; assume that A1: L is distributive continuous and A2: L~ is continuous; let l be Element of L; reconsider L as distributive continuous complete LATTICE by A1; l = l~ by LATTICE3:def 6; then reconsider l1 = l as Element of L~; PRIME L~ is order-generating by A2,Th35; then consider Y be Subset of (PRIME L~) such that A3:l1 = "/\" (Y,L~) by Th15; A4: L~= RelStr(#the carrier of L,(the InternalRel of L)~#) by LATTICE3:def 5; Y c= the carrier of L~ by XBOOLE_1:1; then reconsider Y as Subset of L by A4; A5:for x being Element of L st x in Y holds x is co-prime proof let x be Element of L; assume A6: x in Y; x = x~ by LATTICE3:def 6; then x~ is prime by A6,Def7; hence thesis by Def8; end; ex_sup_of Y,L by YELLOW_0:17; then "\/"(Y,L) = "/\"(Y,L~) by YELLOW_7:12; hence thesis by A3,A5; end; theorem ::3.15 (2-1), p.72 for L being complete LATTICE holds L is completely-distributive iff L is continuous & for l being Element of L ex X being Subset of L st l = sup X & for x being Element of L st x in X holds x is co-prime proof let L be complete LATTICE; thus L is completely-distributive implies L is continuous & for l being Element of L ex X being Subset of L st l = sup X & for x being Element of L st x in X holds x is co-prime proof assume L is completely-distributive; then reconsider L as completely-distributive LATTICE; L is distributive continuous & L~ is continuous by Lm3; hence thesis by Lm4; end; thus L is continuous & (for l being Element of L ex X being Subset of L st l = sup X & for x being Element of L st x in X holds x is co-prime) implies L is completely-distributive by Lm2; end; theorem ::3.15 (2-3), p.72 for L being complete LATTICE holds L is completely-distributive iff L is distributive continuous & L opp is continuous proof let L be complete LATTICE; thus L is completely-distributive implies L is distributive continuous & L~ is continuous by Lm3; assume A1: L is distributive continuous & L~ is continuous; then reconsider L as distributive continuous LATTICE; for l being Element of L ex X being Subset of L st l = sup X & for x being Element of L st x in X holds x is co-prime by A1,Lm4; hence thesis by Lm2; end;