The Mizar article:

The Correspondence Between Monotonic Many Sorted Signatures and Well-Founded Graphs. Part II

Czeslaw Bylinski, and
Piotr Rudnicki

Received April 10, 1996

Copyright (c) 1996 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: MSSCYC_2
[ MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary MSUALG_1, FUNCT_1, RELAT_1, MCART_1, GRAPH_1, AMI_1, ZF_REFLE,
 definitions TARSKI, MSAFREE2;


reserve k, n for Nat;

definition let S be ManySortedSign;
defpred P[set] means ex op, v being set
   st $1 = [op, v] & op in the OperSymbols of S & v in the carrier of S &
   ex n being Nat, args being Element of (the carrier of S)*
     st (the Arity of S).op = args & n in dom args & args.n = v;
 func InducedEdges S -> set means
:Def1: for x being set holds x in it iff
  ex op, v being set
   st x = [op, v] & op in the OperSymbols of S & v in the carrier of S &
   ex n being Nat, args being Element of (the carrier of S)*
     st (the Arity of S).op = args & n in dom args & args.n = v;
 existence proof
 set XX = [:the OperSymbols of S, the carrier of S:];
  consider X being set such that
A1: for x being set holds x in X iff x in XX & P[x] from Separation;
  take X;
  let x be set;
  thus x in X implies P[x] by A1;
A2: P[x]; then consider op, v being set such that
A3: x = [op, v] & op in the OperSymbols of S & v in the carrier of S and
     ex n being Nat, args being Element of (the carrier of S)*
     st (the Arity of S).op = args & n in dom args & args.n = v;
     x in XX by A3,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
  hence x in X by A1,A2;
     for X1,X2 being set st
       (for x being set holds x in X1 iff P[x]) &
       (for x being set holds x in X2 iff P[x]) holds X1 = X2 from SetEq;
     hence thesis;

theorem Th1: for S being ManySortedSign
  holds InducedEdges S c= [: the OperSymbols of S, the carrier of S :] proof
 let S be ManySortedSign;
 let x be set; assume x in InducedEdges S;
  then consider op, v being set such that
A1: x = [op, v] & op in the OperSymbols of S & v in the carrier of S and
     ex n being Nat, args being Element of (the carrier of S)*
     st (the Arity of S).op = args & n in dom args & args.n = v by Def1;
  thus thesis by A1,ZFMISC_1:def 2;

definition let S be ManySortedSign;
 set IE = InducedEdges S, IV = the carrier of S;
 func InducedSource S -> Function of InducedEdges S, the carrier of S means
 for e being set st e in InducedEdges S holds it.e = e`2;
 existence proof
    deffunc F(set)= $1 `2;
A1:  for x being set st x in IE holds F(x) in IV
    proof let x be set; assume
A2: x in IE; IE c= [: the OperSymbols of S, IV :] by Th1;
   hence thesis by A2,MCART_1:10;
  ex f being Function of InducedEdges S,the carrier of S st
  for x be set st x in InducedEdges S holds f.x = F(x)   from Lambda1 (A1);
  hence thesis;
 uniqueness proof
  let F1, F2 be Function of IE, IV such that
A3: for e being set st e in IE holds F1.e = e`2 and
A4: for e being set st e in IE holds F2.e = e`2;
     now assume IV is empty;
    then [:the OperSymbols of S, IV:] is empty & IE c= [:the OperSymbols of S,
                                                by Th1,ZFMISC_1:113;
    hence IE is empty by XBOOLE_1:3;
then A5: dom F1 = IE & dom F2 = IE by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     now let x be set; assume x in IE; then F1.x = x`2 & F2.x = x`2 by A3,A4;
    hence F1.x = F2.x;
  hence F1 = F2 by A5,FUNCT_1:9;

 set OS = the OperSymbols of S, RS = the ResultSort of S;
 func InducedTarget S -> Function of InducedEdges S, the carrier of S means
 for e being set st e in InducedEdges S holds it.e = (the ResultSort of S).e`1;
 existence proof
  deffunc F(set) = RS.($1)`1;
A6:  for x being set st x in IE holds F(x)  in IV proof
    let x be set; assume
A7: x in IE; IE c= [: OS, IV :] by Th1;
    then x`1 in OS & x`2 in IV by A7,MCART_1:10;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_2:7;
  ex f being Function of InducedEdges S, the carrier of S st
   for x be set st x in InducedEdges S holds f.x = F(x) from Lambda1 (A6);
  hence thesis;
 uniqueness proof
  let F1, F2 be Function of IE, IV such that
A8: for e being set st e in IE holds F1.e = RS.e`1 and
A9: for e being set st e in IE holds F2.e = RS.e`1;
     now assume IV is empty;
    then [:the OperSymbols of S, IV:] is empty & IE c= [:the OperSymbols of S,
                                                by Th1,ZFMISC_1:113;
    hence IE is empty by XBOOLE_1:3;
then A10: dom F1 = IE & dom F2 = IE by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     now let x be set; assume x in IE; then F1.x = RS.x`1 & F2.x = RS.x`1
   by A8,A9;
    hence F1.x = F2.x;
  hence F1 = F2 by A10,FUNCT_1:9;

definition let S be non empty ManySortedSign;
 func InducedGraph S -> Graph equals
  MultiGraphStruct (# the carrier of S, InducedEdges S,
                            InducedSource S, InducedTarget S
 coherence by GRAPH_1:def 1;

theorem Th2: for S being non void (non empty ManySortedSign),
        X being non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S,
        v being SortSymbol of S,
        n st 1<=n holds
 (ex t being Element of (the Sorts of FreeMSA X).v st depth t = n)
 (ex c being directed Chain of InducedGraph S st
    len c = n & (vertex-seq c).(len c +1) = v) proof
let S be non void (non empty ManySortedSign),
    X be non-empty ManySortedSet of the carrier of S,
    v be SortSymbol of S, n; assume
A1: 1<=n;
   set G = InducedGraph S;
A2: G = MultiGraphStruct (# the carrier of S, InducedEdges S,
                            InducedSource S, InducedTarget S
                       #) by Def4;
A3: FreeSort(X,v) c= S-Terms X by MSATERM:12;
    FreeMSA X = MSAlgebra(#FreeSort(X),FreeOper(X)#)by MSAFREE:def 16;
then A4: (the Sorts of FreeMSA X).v = FreeSort(X,v) by MSAFREE:def 13;
thus (ex t being Element of (the Sorts of FreeMSA X).v st depth t = n)
 (ex c being directed Chain of InducedGraph S st
    len c = n & (vertex-seq c).(len c +1) = v) proof
   given t being Element of (the Sorts of FreeMSA X).v such that
A5: depth t = n;
  t in FreeSort(X,v) by A4;
  then reconsider t' = t as Term of S, X by A3;
  consider dt being finite DecoratedTree, tr being finite Tree such that
A6: dt = t & tr = dom dt & depth t = height tr by MSAFREE2:def 14;
  consider p being FinSequence of NAT such that
A7: p in tr & len p = height tr by TREES_1:def 15;
 set D = (the Edges of G)*;

defpred P[Nat, set, set] means
  ex t1, t2 being Term of S, X st t1 = t|(p|$1) & t2 = t|(p|($1+1)) &
   ex o being OperSymbol of S, rs1 being SortSymbol of S,
      Ck being Element of D
   st Ck = $2 & $3 = <*[o,rs1]*>^Ck & [o,the carrier of S] = t1.{} &
      rs1 = the_sort_of t2 & [o,rs1] in the Edges of G;

A8: for k being Nat st 1 <= k & k < n
          for x being Element of D ex y being Element of D st P[k,x,y] proof
 let k be Nat; assume A9: 1 <= k & k < n;
then A10: k<=k+1 & k+1<=n by NAT_1:38;
 let x be Element of D;
  reconsider pk = p|k, pk1 = p|(k+1) as Node of t by A6,A7,MSSCYC_1:19;
  reconsider t1 = t'|pk, t2 = t'|pk1 as Term of S, X by MSATERM:29;
    set pk' = p/^k;
A11: len pk' = n - k by A5,A6,A7,A9,RFINSEQ:def 2;
A12: 1<=n-k by A10,REAL_1:84; len pk' <> 0 by A10,A11,REAL_1:84;
then A13: pk' is non empty by FINSEQ_1:25;
      p = pk^pk' by RFINSEQ:21;
    then A14: pk' in tr|pk by A6,A7,TREES_1:def 9;
then A15: pk' in dom t1 by A6,TREES_2:def 11;
    now assume t1 is root; then A16: dom t1 = elementary_tree 0 by TREES_9:def
       len pk'<=height dom t1 by A15,TREES_1:def 15;
   hence contradiction by A11,A12,A16,AXIOMS:22,TREES_1:79;
  end; then consider o being OperSymbol of S such that
A17: t1.{} =[o, the carrier of S] by MSSCYC_1:20;
  consider a being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) such that
A18: t1 = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a by A17,MSATERM:10;
    consider i being Nat, T being DecoratedTree, q being Node of T such that
A19:  i < len a & T = a.(i+1) & pk' = <*i*>^q by A13,A15,A18,TREES_4:11;
   set args = the_arity_of o;
A20:  dom a = dom args by MSATERM:22;
      1<=i+1 & i+1<=len a by A19,NAT_1:29,38;
then A21: i+1 in dom args by A20,FINSEQ_3:27;
  then reconsider rs1 = args.(i+1) as SortSymbol of S by DTCONSTR:2;

  set e1 = [o,rs1];
   A22: (the Arity of S).o = the_arity_of o by MSUALG_1:def 6;
    then [o,rs1] in InducedEdges S by A21,Def1;
   then reconsider E' = the Edges of G as non empty set by A2;
   reconsider x' = x as FinSequence of E' by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
   reconsider e1' = e1 as Element of E' by A2,A21,A22,Def1;
   reconsider y = <*e1'*>^x' as Element of D by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
  take y;
  take t1, t2;
  thus t1 = t|(p|k) & t2 = t|(p|(k+1));
  take o, rs1, x;
  thus x = x & y = <*[o,rs1]*>^x;
  thus [o,the carrier of S] = t1.{} by A17;
A23: 1 in dom pk' by A13,FINSEQ_5:6;
A24: pk'|1 = <*pk'/.1*> by A13,FINSEQ_5:23
      .= <*pk'.1*> by A23,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
   reconsider pk' as Node of t1 by A6,A14,TREES_2:def 11;
   reconsider p1 = pk'|(0+1) as Node of t1 by MSSCYC_1:19;
   reconsider t2' = t1|p1 as Term of S, X;
     pk'|1 = <*i*> by A19,A24,FINSEQ_1:58;
then A25: t2' = a.(i+1) by A18,A19,TREES_4:def 4;
A26: len pk1 = k+1 by A5,A6,A7,A10,TOPREAL1:3;
A27:      1<=k+1 by NAT_1:29;
then A28: k+1 in dom pk1 by A26,FINSEQ_3:27;
A29:   k+1 in dom p by A5,A6,A7,A10,A27,FINSEQ_3:27;
A30:  Seg k c= Seg (k+1) by A10,FINSEQ_1:7;
A31: p|(k+1)|k = p|(k+1)|Seg k by TOPREAL1:def 1
     .= p|Seg (k+1)|Seg k by TOPREAL1:def 1
     .= p|Seg k by A30,FUNCT_1:82
     .= pk by TOPREAL1:def 1;
    p1 = <*p.(k+1)*> by A5,A6,A7,A9,A23,A24,RFINSEQ:def 2
        .= <*p/.(k+1)*> by A29,FINSEQ_4:def 4
        .= <*(p|(k+1))/.(k+1)*> by A28,TOPREAL1:1
        .= <*pk1.(k+1)*> by A28,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
   then pk1 = pk^p1 by A26,A31,RFINSEQ:20;
   then t2' = t2 by TREES_9:3;
  hence rs1 = the_sort_of t2 by A20,A21,A25,MSATERM:23;
  thus [o,rs1] in the Edges of G by A2,A21,A22,Def1;

    now assume
     t is root; then dom t = elementary_tree 0 by TREES_9:def 1; hence
 contradiction by A1,A5,A6,TREES_1:79;
  end; then consider o being OperSymbol of S such that
A32: t'.{} =[o, the carrier of S] by MSSCYC_1:20;

  consider a being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) such that
A33: t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a by A32,MSATERM:10;
A34: now assume p = {}; then len p = 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
     hence contradiction by A1,A5,A6,A7;
    then consider i being Nat, T being DecoratedTree, q being Node of T such
A35:  i < len a & T = a.(i+1) & p = <*i*>^q by A6,A7,A33,TREES_4:11;
   set args = the_arity_of o;
A36:  dom a = dom args by MSATERM:22;
      1<=i+1 & i+1<=len a by A35,NAT_1:29,38;
then A37: i+1 in dom args by A36,FINSEQ_3:27;
  then reconsider rs1 = args.(i+1) as SortSymbol of S by DTCONSTR:2;

  set e1 = [o,rs1];
   A38: (the Arity of S).o = the_arity_of o by MSUALG_1:def 6;
then A39: [o,rs1] in InducedEdges S by A37,Def1;
   then reconsider E' = the Edges of G as non empty set by A2;
   reconsider e1' = e1 as Element of E' by A2,A37,A38,Def1;
   reconsider C1' = <*e1'*> as Element of D by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
  consider C being FinSequence of D such that
A40: len C = n & (C.1 = C1' or n = 0) &
   for k st 1 <= k & k < n holds P[k,C.k,C.(k+1)] from FinRecExD(A8);
   defpred Z[Nat] means  1<=$1 & $1<=n implies
    ex Ck being directed Chain of G, t1 being Term of S, X
     st Ck = C.$1 & len Ck = $1 & t1 = t|(p|$1) &
        (vertex-seq Ck).(len Ck +1) = v & (vertex-seq Ck).1 = the_sort_of t1;
A42: for i be Nat st Z[i] holds Z[i+1]
proof let k; assume
A43: 1<=k & k<=n implies
    ex Ck being directed Chain of G, t1 being Term of S, X
     st Ck = C.k & len Ck = k & t1 = t|(p|k) &
        (vertex-seq Ck).(len Ck +1) = v & (vertex-seq Ck).1 = the_sort_of t1;
A44: 1<=k+1 & k+1<=n; A45: k<=k+1 by NAT_1:29;
A46: k<n by A44,NAT_1:38;
    per cases;
A47: k=0;
   reconsider C1 = <*e1*> as directed Chain of G by A2,A39,MSSCYC_1:5;
A48: vertex-seq C1 = <*(the Source of G).e1, (the Target of G).e1*>
     by A2,A39,MSSCYC_1:7;
A49: (vertex-seq C1).(len C1 +1) = (vertex-seq C1).(1+1) by FINSEQ_1:56
  .= (the Target of G).e1 by A48,FINSEQ_1:61
  .= (the ResultSort of S).e1`1 by A2,A39,Def3
  .= (the ResultSort of S).o by MCART_1:7
  .= the_result_sort_of o by MSUALG_1:def 7
  .= the_sort_of t' by A32,MSATERM:17
  .= v by A4,MSATERM:def 5;
   reconsider p1 = p|(0+1) as Node of t by A6,A7,MSSCYC_1:19;
   reconsider t2 = t'|p1 as Term of S, X by MSATERM:29;
A50: 1 in dom p by A34,FINSEQ_5:6;
    reconsider p'=p as PartFunc of NAT, NAT;
      p|1 = <*p'/.1*> by A34,FINSEQ_5:23 .= <*p.1*> by A50,FINSEQ_4:def 4
      .= <*i*> by A35,FINSEQ_1:58;
then A51: t2 = a.(i+1) by A33,A35,TREES_4:def 4;
A52: (vertex-seq C1).1 = (the Source of G).e1 by A48,FINSEQ_1:61
   .= e1`2 by A2,A39,Def2
   .= rs1 by MCART_1:7
   .= the_sort_of t2 by A36,A37,A51,MSATERM:23;

     take C1, t2;
     thus C1 = C.(k+1) by A1,A40,A47;
     thus len C1 = k+1 by A47,FINSEQ_1:56;
     thus t2 = t|(p|(k+1)) by A47;

     thus (vertex-seq C1).(len C1 +1) = v by A49;
     thus (vertex-seq C1).1 = the_sort_of t2 by A52;
    suppose A53: k<>0;
then A54: 1<=k by RLVECT_1:99;
    consider Ck being directed Chain of G, t1' being Term of S, X such that
A55: Ck = C.k & len Ck = k & t1' = t|(p|k) &
    (vertex-seq Ck).(len Ck +1)=v & (vertex-seq Ck).1=the_sort_of t1' by A43,

  consider t1, t2 being Term of S, X such that
A56: t1 = t|(p|k) & t2 = t|(p|(k+1)) and
A57: ex o being OperSymbol of S,rs1 being SortSymbol of S,Ck being Element of D
     st Ck = C.k & C.(k+1) = <*[o,rs1]*>^Ck & [o,the carrier of S] = t1.{}&
        rs1 = the_sort_of t2 & [o,rs1] in the Edges of G by A40,A46,A54;
  consider o being OperSymbol of S, rs1 being SortSymbol of S,
           Ck' being Element of D such that
A58: Ck' = C.k & C.(k+1) = <*[o,rs1]*>^Ck' & [o,the carrier of S] = t1.{} &
        rs1 = the_sort_of t2 & [o,rs1] in the Edges of G by A57;

  set e1 = [o,rs1];
  reconsider C1 = <*[o,rs1]*> as directed Chain of G by A58,MSSCYC_1:5;
A59:  Ck is non empty by A53,A55,FINSEQ_1:25;
A60: G is non empty by A58,MSSCYC_1:def 3;
A61: vertex-seq C1 = <*(the Source of G).e1, (the Target of G).e1*>
                                                          by A58,MSSCYC_1:7;
 A62: (vertex-seq C1).(len C1 +1) = (vertex-seq C1).(1+1) by FINSEQ_1:56
  .= (the Target of G).e1 by A61,FINSEQ_1:61
  .= (the ResultSort of S).e1`1 by A2,A58,Def3
  .= (the ResultSort of S).o by MCART_1:7
  .= the_result_sort_of o by MSUALG_1:def 7
  .= the_sort_of t1 by A58,MSATERM:17;
  then reconsider d = C1^Ck as directed Chain of G by A55,A56,A59,A60,MSSCYC_1:
A63: d is non empty by A55,A56,A59,A60,A62,MSSCYC_1:15;
  take d, t2;
  thus d = C.(k+1) by A55,A58;
  thus len d = len C1 + k by A55,FINSEQ_1:35 .= k+1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
  thus t2 = t|(p|(k+1)) by A56;
  thus (vertex-seq d).(len d +1) = v by A55,A59,A60,A63,MSSCYC_1:16;
    (vertex-seq C1).1 = (the Source of G).e1 by A61,FINSEQ_1:61
   .= e1`2 by A2,A58,Def2
   .= the_sort_of t2 by A58,MCART_1:7;
  hence (vertex-seq d).1 = the_sort_of t2 by A59,A60,A63,MSSCYC_1:16;
     for k holds Z[k] from Ind (A41, A42);
  then consider c being directed Chain of G, t1 being Term of S, X such that
A64: c = C.n & len c = n & t1 = t|(p|n) &
        (vertex-seq c).(len c +1) = v & (vertex-seq c).1 = the_sort_of t1 by A1
  thus ex c being directed Chain of InducedGraph S st
       len c = n & (vertex-seq c).(len c +1) = v by A64;
 given c being directed Chain of InducedGraph S such that
A65: len c = n & (vertex-seq c).(len c +1) = v;
   set cS = the carrier of S;
   set EG = the Edges of G;
   set D = S-Terms X;
   set SG = the Source of G; set TG = the Target of G;
A66: c is FinSequence of the Edges of InducedGraph S by MSSCYC_1:def 1;
  A67: 1 in dom c by A1,A65,FINSEQ_3:27;
then A68: c.1 in InducedEdges S by A2,A66,DTCONSTR:2;
   reconsider EG as non empty set by A66,A67,DTCONSTR:2;
A69: G is non empty by A2,A68,MSSCYC_1:def 3;
     len c <> 0 by A1,A65;
then A70: c is non empty by FINSEQ_1:25;
  deffunc F(set) = X.$1;
A71: for e being set st e in cS holds F(e) <> {} by PBOOLE:def 16;
 consider cX being ManySortedSet of cS such that
A72: for e being set st e in cS holds cX.e in F(e)
from Kuratowski_Function (A71);
defpred P[Nat, set, set] means
   ex o being OperSymbol of S, rs1 being SortSymbol of S,
      Ck, Ck1 being Term of S, X,
      a being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X)
   st Ck = $2 & $3 = Ck1 & c.($1+1) = [o, rs1] & Ck1 = [o,cS]-tree a &
      (for i being Nat st i in dom a ex t being Term of S,X
        st t = a.i & the_sort_of t = (the_arity_of o).i &
           (the_sort_of t = rs1 & the_sort_of Ck = rs1 implies t = Ck) &
           (the_sort_of t <> rs1 or the_sort_of Ck <> rs1 implies
                        t = root-tree [cX.(the_sort_of t), the_sort_of t]));

A73: for k being Nat st 1 <= k & k < n
          for x being Element of D ex y being Element of D st P[k,x,y] proof
 let k be Nat; assume 1 <= k & k < n;
then A74: k<=k+1 & k+1<=n by NAT_1:38;
 let x be Element of D;
   1<=k+1 by NAT_1:29;
 then k+1 in dom c by A65,A74,FINSEQ_3:27;
 then reconsider ck1 = c.(k+1) as Element of EG by A66,DTCONSTR:2;
 consider o, rs1 being set such that
A75: ck1 = [o,rs1] & o in the OperSymbols of S & rs1 in cS and
        ex n being Nat, args being Element of (the carrier of S)*
       st (the Arity of S).o = args & n in dom args & args.n = rs1
                                        by A2,Def1;
  reconsider o as OperSymbol of S by A75;
  reconsider rs1 as SortSymbol of S by A75;

  set DA = dom the_arity_of o;
  set ar = the_arity_of o;

 defpred P[set, set] means
        (ar.$1 = rs1 & the_sort_of x = rs1 implies $2 = x) &
        (ar.$1 <> rs1 or the_sort_of x <> rs1 implies
                        $2 = root-tree [cX.(ar.$1), ar.$1]);

A76: for e being set st e in DA ex u being set st u in D & P[e,u] proof
    let e be set; assume
A77: e in DA;
     per cases;
     suppose A78: ar.e = rs1 & the_sort_of x = rs1;
     take x;
     thus thesis by A78;
     suppose A79: ar.e <> rs1 or the_sort_of x <> rs1;
     reconsider s = (the_arity_of o).e as SortSymbol of S by A77,DTCONSTR:2;
     reconsider x = cX.((the_arity_of o).e) as Element of X.s by A72;
     reconsider t = root-tree [x,s] as Term of S,X by MSATERM:4;
     take t;
     thus thesis by A79;

  consider a being Function of DA,D such that
A80: for e being set st e in DA holds P[e,a.e] from FuncEx1 (A76);

    DA = Seg len ar by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
  then reconsider a as FinSequence of D by FINSEQ_2:28;
A81: dom a = DA by FUNCT_2:def 1;

    now let i be Nat; assume
A82: i in dom a;
     then reconsider t = a.i as Term of S,X by DTCONSTR:2;
     take t;
     thus t = a.i;
     per cases;
     suppose ar.i = rs1 & the_sort_of x = rs1;
      hence the_sort_of t = ar.i by A80,A81,A82;
     suppose ar.i <> rs1 or the_sort_of x <> rs1;
then A83:    t = root-tree [cX.(ar.i),ar.i] by A80,A81,A82;
     reconsider s = (the_arity_of o).i as SortSymbol of S
       by A81,A82,DTCONSTR:2;
       cX.((the_arity_of o).i) is Element of X.s by A72;
     hence the_sort_of t = ar.i by A83,MSATERM:14;
  then reconsider a as ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) by A81,MSATERM:24;
  reconsider y = [o,cS]-tree a as Term of S,X by MSATERM:1;
 take y, o, rs1, x, y, a;
 thus x = x & y = y;
 thus c.(k+1) = [o, rs1] by A75;
 thus y = [o,cS]-tree a;
 let i be Nat; assume
A84: i in dom a;
  then reconsider t = a.i as Term of S,X by DTCONSTR:2;
  take t;
  thus t = a.i;
  thus the_sort_of t = (the_arity_of o).i by A84,MSATERM:23;
  hence (the_sort_of t = rs1 & the_sort_of x = rs1 implies t = x) &
         (the_sort_of t <> rs1 or the_sort_of x <> rs1 implies
        t = root-tree [cX.(the_sort_of t), the_sort_of t]) by A80,A81,A84;
  consider o, rs1 being set such that
A85: c.1 = [o, rs1] & o in the OperSymbols of S & rs1 in the carrier of S &
    ex n being Nat, args being Element of (the carrier of S)*
     st (the Arity of S).o = args & n in dom args & args.n = rs1
                                                      by A68,Def1;
  reconsider o as OperSymbol of S by A85;
  reconsider rs1 as SortSymbol of S by A85;
  deffunc F(Nat) = root-tree [cX.((the_arity_of o).$1),(the_arity_of o).$1];
  consider a being FinSequence such that
A86: len a = len the_arity_of o &
     for k st k in Seg len the_arity_of o
      holds a.k = F(k)
                                                        from SeqLambda;
A87:  dom a = Seg len a by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

    for i being Nat st i in dom a ex t being Term of S,X st t = a.i &
     the_sort_of t = (the_arity_of o).i proof let i be Nat; assume
A88: i in dom a;
     set s = (the_arity_of o).i;
     set x = cX.((the_arity_of o).i);
       dom the_arity_of o = Seg len the_arity_of o by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     then reconsider s as SortSymbol of S by A86,A87,A88,DTCONSTR:2;
     reconsider x as Element of X.s by A72;
     reconsider t = root-tree [x,s] as Term of S,X by MSATERM:4;
     take t;
     thus t = a.i by A86,A87,A88;
     thus the_sort_of t = (the_arity_of o).i by MSATERM:14;
  then reconsider a as ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) by A86,MSATERM:24;
  set C1 = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a;
  reconsider C1 as Term of S, X by MSATERM:1;
  consider C being FinSequence of D such that
A89: len C = n & (C.1 = C1 or n = 0) &
   for k st 1 <= k & k < n holds P[k,C.k,C.(k+1)] from FinRecExD(A73);
   defpred P[Nat] means 1<=$1 & $1<=n implies
   ex C0 being Term of S, X, o being OperSymbol of S
    st C0 = C.$1 & o = (c.$1)`1 & the_sort_of C0 = the_result_sort_of o &
       height dom C0 = $1;
A90: P[0];
A91: for k be Nat st P[k] holds P[k+1]
proof let k; assume
A92: 1<=k & k<=n implies
        ex Ck being Term of S, X, o being OperSymbol of S
           st Ck = C.k & o = (c.k)`1 & the_sort_of Ck = the_result_sort_of o &
              height dom Ck = k; assume
A93: 1<=k+1 & k+1<=n; A94: k<=k+1 by NAT_1:29;
then A95: k<=n by A93,AXIOMS:22;
A96: k<n by A93,NAT_1:38;
 per cases;
A97: k = 0;
 take C1, o;
 thus C1 = C.(k+1) by A1,A89,A97;
 thus o = (c.(k+1))`1 by A85,A97,MCART_1:7;
    C1.{} = [o, cS] by TREES_4:def 4;
 hence the_sort_of C1 = the_result_sort_of o by MSATERM:17;

A98: dom C1 = tree doms a by TREES_4:10;
A99: dom doms a = dom a by TREES_3:39;

  consider i being Nat, args being Element of (the carrier of S)* such that
A100: (the Arity of S).o = args & i in dom args & args.i = rs1 by A85;
A101: args = the_arity_of o by A100,MSUALG_1:def 6;
    A102: dom args = Seg len args by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
  then reconsider t = a.i as Term of S, X by A86,A87,A100,A101,MSATERM:22;
  reconsider w = doms a as FinTree-yielding FinSequence;
  reconsider dt = dom t as finite Tree;
    (doms a).i = dom t by A86,A87,A100,A101,A102,FUNCT_6:31;
then A103: dom t in rng w by A86,A87,A99,A100,A101,A102,FUNCT_1:def 5;
  A104: a.i = root-tree [cX.((the_arity_of o).i),(the_arity_of o).i] by A86,
  then A105: dom t = elementary_tree 0 by TREES_4:3;
    now let t' be finite Tree; assume t' in rng w;
   then consider j being Nat such that
A106: j in dom w & w.j = t' by FINSEQ_2:11;
A107: a.j = root-tree [cX.((the_arity_of o).j),(the_arity_of o).j] by A86,A87,
   reconsider t'' = a.j as Term of S, X by A99,A106,MSATERM:22;
A108: w.j = dom t'' by A99,A106,FUNCT_6:31;
     dom t'' = elementary_tree 0 by A107,TREES_4:3;
  hence height t' <= height dt by A104,A106,A108,TREES_4:3;
 hence height dom C1 = k+1 by A97,A98,A103,A105,TREES_1:79,TREES_3:82;
 suppose A109: k <> 0;
then A110: 1<=k by RLVECT_1:99;
  consider Ck being Term of S, X, o being OperSymbol of S such that
A111: Ck = C.k & o = (c.k)`1 & the_sort_of Ck = the_result_sort_of o &
              height dom Ck = k by A92,A93,A94,A109,AXIOMS:22,RLVECT_1:99;

   consider o1 being OperSymbol of S, rs1 being SortSymbol of S,
    Ck', Ck1 being Term of S, X, a being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o1,X) such that
A112: Ck' = C.k & C.(k+1) = Ck1 & c.(k+1) = [o1, rs1] and
A113: Ck1 = [o1,cS]-tree a and
A114: (for i being Nat st i in dom a ex t being Term of S,X
        st t = a.i & the_sort_of t = (the_arity_of o1).i &
           (the_sort_of t = rs1 & the_sort_of Ck' = rs1 implies t = Ck') &
           (the_sort_of t <> rs1 or the_sort_of Ck' <> rs1 implies
     t = root-tree [cX.(the_sort_of t), the_sort_of t])) by A89,A96,A110;
A115: len a = len the_arity_of o1 by MSATERM:22;
A116: dom Ck1 = tree doms a by A113,TREES_4:10;
A117: dom doms a = dom a by TREES_3:39;
A118:  dom a = Seg len a by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

  set ck1 = c.(k+1);
  A119: k+1 in dom c by A65,A93,FINSEQ_3:27;
then ck1 in EG by A66,DTCONSTR:2;
  then consider o', rs1' being set such that
A120: ck1=[o', rs1'] & o' in the OperSymbols of S & rs1' in the carrier of S &
    ex n being Nat, args being Element of (the carrier of S)*
     st (the Arity of S).o' = args & n in dom args & args.n = rs1'
                                        by A2,Def1;
      k in dom c by A65,A95,A110,FINSEQ_3:27;
    then reconsider ck = c.k as Element of EG by A66,DTCONSTR:2;
    reconsider ck1 as Element of EG by A66,A119,DTCONSTR:2;

A121: the_sort_of Ck                             ::    the_result_sort_of o
      = (the ResultSort of S).(ck`1) by A111,MSUALG_1:def 7
     .= by A2,Def3
     .= (vertex-seq c).(k+1) by A65,A69,A70,A95,A110,MSSCYC_1:11
     .= SG.ck1 by A65,A69,A70,A93,MSSCYC_1:11
     .= ck1`2 by A2,Def2
     .= rs1 by A112,MCART_1:7;

A122:  o1 = o' & rs1 = rs1' by A112,A120,ZFMISC_1:33;
  then consider i being Nat, args being Element of (the carrier of S)* such
A123: (the Arity of S).o' = args & i in dom args & args.i = rs1 by A120;
    reconsider o' as OperSymbol of S by A120;
A124: args = the_arity_of o' by A123,MSUALG_1:def 6;
    A125: dom args = Seg len args by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
  then consider t being Term of S, X such that
A126: t = a.i & the_sort_of t = (the_arity_of o1).i &
           (the_sort_of t = rs1 & the_sort_of Ck' = rs1 implies t = Ck') &
           (the_sort_of t <> rs1 or the_sort_of Ck' <> rs1 implies
                 t = root-tree [cX.(the_sort_of t), the_sort_of t]) by A114,
  reconsider w = doms a as FinTree-yielding FinSequence;
  reconsider dt = dom t as finite Tree;
    (doms a).i = dom t by A115,A118,A122,A123,A124,A125,A126,FUNCT_6:31;
then A127: dom t in rng w by A115,A117,A118,A122,A123,A124,A125,FUNCT_1:def 5;
  A128: now let t' be finite Tree; assume t' in rng w;
   then consider j being Nat such that
A129: j in dom w & w.j = t' by FINSEQ_2:11;
  consider t'' being Term of S, X such that
A130: t'' = a.j & the_sort_of t'' = (the_arity_of o1).j &
           (the_sort_of t'' = rs1 & the_sort_of Ck' = rs1 implies t'' = Ck') &
           (the_sort_of t'' <> rs1 or the_sort_of Ck' <> rs1 implies
             t'' = root-tree [cX.(the_sort_of t''), the_sort_of t'']) by A114,
A131: w.j = dom t'' by A117,A129,A130,FUNCT_6:31;
   per cases;
   suppose the_sort_of t'' = rs1 & the_sort_of Ck' = rs1;
    hence height t' <= height dt by A117,A122,A123,A126,A129,A130,FUNCT_6:31,
MSUALG_1:def 6;
   suppose the_sort_of t'' <> rs1 or the_sort_of Ck' <> rs1;
   then dom t'' = elementary_tree 0 by A130,TREES_4:3;
  hence height t' <= height dt by A129,A131,NAT_1:18,TREES_1:79;
  take Ck1, o1;
  thus Ck1 = C.(k+1) by A112;
  thus o1 = (c.(k+1))`1 by A112,MCART_1:7;
     Ck1.{} = [o1,cS] by A113,TREES_4:def 4;
  hence the_sort_of Ck1 = the_result_sort_of o1 by MSATERM:17;
  thus height dom Ck1 = k+1 by A111,A112,A116,A121,A122,A123,A126,A127,A128,
MSUALG_1:def 6,TREES_3:82;

    for k holds P[k] from Ind (A90, A91);
 then consider Cn being Term of S, X, o being OperSymbol of S such that
A132:  Cn = C.n & o = (c.n)`1 & the_sort_of Cn = the_result_sort_of o &
       height dom Cn = n by A1;
      len c <> 0 by A1,A65;
then A133: c is non empty by FINSEQ_1:25;
A134: G is non empty by A2,A68,MSSCYC_1:def 3;
    set cn = c.len c;
      n in dom c by A65,A133,FINSEQ_5:6;
then A135: cn in InducedEdges S by A2,A65,A66,DTCONSTR:2;
    (vertex-seq c).(len c +1) = (the Target of G).(c.len c)
                                                  by A133,A134,MSSCYC_1:14
  .= (the ResultSort of S).cn`1 by A2,A135,Def3
  .= the_result_sort_of o by A65,A132,MSUALG_1:def 7;
  then reconsider Cn as Element of (the Sorts of FreeMSA X).v by A4,A65,A132,
MSATERM:def 5;
  take Cn;
 thus thesis by A132,MSAFREE2:def 14;

  for S being void non empty ManySortedSign
 holds S is monotonic iff InducedGraph S is well-founded
let S be void non empty ManySortedSign;
 set G = InducedGraph S, E = InducedEdges S,
     Sou = InducedSource S, T = InducedTarget S,
     OS = the OperSymbols of S, CA = the carrier of S,
     AR = the Arity of S;
A1: G = MultiGraphStruct (#the carrier of S,E,Sou,T#) by Def4;
 hereby assume S is monotonic;
  assume not G is well-founded;
  then consider v being Element of the Vertices of G such that
A2: for n ex c being directed Chain of G st c is non empty &
    (vertex-seq c).(len c +1) = v & len c > n by MSSCYC_1:def 5;
   consider e being directed Chain of G such that
A3: e is non empty & (vertex-seq e).(len e +1) = v & len e>0 by A2;
A4: e is FinSequence of the Edges of G by MSSCYC_1:def 1;
     1 in dom e by A3,FINSEQ_5:6;
   then e.1 in rng e & rng e c= the Edges of G by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:def
; then ex op, v being set st
   e.1 = [op, v] & op in OS & v in CA &
    ex n being Nat, args being Element of CA*
     st AR.op=args & n in dom args & args.n = v by A1,Def1;
  hence contradiction by MSUALG_1:def 5;
 assume G is well-founded;
 let A be finitely-generated (non-empty MSAlgebra over S);
 thus the Sorts of A is locally-finite by MSAFREE2:def 10;

  for S being non void (non empty ManySortedSign)
 st S is monotonic holds InducedGraph S is well-founded
let S be non void (non empty ManySortedSign);
 set G = InducedGraph S;
A1: S is monotonic; assume G is non well-founded;
  then consider v being Element of the Vertices of G such that
A2: for n ex c being directed Chain of G
   st c is non empty & (vertex-seq c).(len c +1)=v & len c>n by MSSCYC_1:def 5;
   reconsider S as monotonic non void (non empty ManySortedSign) by A1;
     G = MultiGraphStruct (# the carrier of S, InducedEdges S,
                            InducedSource S, InducedTarget S
                       #) by Def4;
   then reconsider v as SortSymbol of S;
   consider A being locally-finite non-empty MSAlgebra over S;
   consider s being finite non empty Subset of NAT such that
A3:  s = { depth t where t is Element of (the Sorts of FreeEnv A).v :
               not contradiction }
      & depth(v,A) = max s by CIRCUIT1:def 6;
    max s is Nat by ORDINAL2:def 21; then
    consider c being directed Chain of G such that
A4:  c is non empty & (vertex-seq c).(len c +1) = v & len c>max s
       by A2;
      0<=max s by NAT_1:18;
    then 1<=len c by A4,RLVECT_1:99;
    then consider t being Element of (the Sorts of FreeMSA the Sorts of A).v
                                                                  such that
A5:  depth t = len c by A4,Th2;
    reconsider t' = t as Element of (the Sorts of FreeEnv A).v by MSAFREE2:def
    consider t'' being Element of (the Sorts of FreeMSA the Sorts of A).v
    such that
A6: t' = t'' & depth t' = depth t'' by CIRCUIT1:def 5;
      depth t' in s by A3;
  hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6,PRE_CIRC:def 1;

theorem Th5:
 for S being non void non empty ManySortedSign,
     X being non-empty locally-finite ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
  st S is finitely_operated
  for n being Nat, v being SortSymbol of S holds
 {t where t is Element of (the Sorts of FreeMSA X).v: depth t <= n} is finite
 let S be non void non empty ManySortedSign,
     X be non-empty locally-finite ManySortedSet of the carrier of S such that
A1: S is finitely_operated;
  set SF = the Sorts of FreeMSA X;
  A2: FreeMSA X = MSAlgebra (#FreeSort(X), FreeOper(X)#) by MSAFREE:def 16;
  defpred P[Nat] means for v being SortSymbol of S holds
         {t where t is Element of SF.v: depth t <= $1} is finite;
A3: P[0] proof
    let v be SortSymbol of S;
 set dle0 = {t where t is Element of SF.v: depth t <= 0};
 set d0 = {t where t is Element of SF.v: depth t = 0};
     Constants(FreeMSA X, v) is finite by A1,MSSCYC_1:26;
 then A4:  FreeGen(v, X) \/ Constants(FreeMSA X, v) is finite by FINSET_1:14;
 A5:  d0 = FreeGen(v, X) \/ Constants(FreeMSA X, v) by MSSCYC_1:27;
    dle0 c= d0 proof let x be set; assume x in dle0;
    then consider t being Element of SF.v such that
 A6: x = t & depth t <= 0; depth t = 0 by A6,NAT_1:18;
   hence x in d0 by A6;
 hence dle0 is finite by A4,A5,FINSET_1:13;

A7: for k be Nat st P[k] holds P[k+1]
proof let n be Nat; assume
A8:   for v being SortSymbol of S holds
         {t where t is Element of SF.v: depth t <= n} is finite;
 let v be SortSymbol of S;
A9: SF.v = FreeSort(X,v) by A2,MSAFREE:def 13;
A10:  FreeSort(X,v) c= S-Terms X by MSATERM:12;
 defpred Z[Element of SF.v] means depth $1 <= n;
 defpred QZ[Element of SF.v] means depth $1 = n+1;

 defpred P[Element of SF.v] means depth $1 <= n+1;
 defpred Q[Element of SF.v] means depth $1 <= n or depth $1 = n+1;
 deffunc F(set) = $1;
 set dn1 = {F(t) where t is Element of SF.v: P[t]};
 set dn11 = {F(t) where t is Element of SF.v: Q[t]};
A11: for t being Element of SF.v
     holds P[t] iff Q[t] by NAT_1:26,37;
A12: dn1 = dn11 from Fraenkel6'(A11);
 set dln = {t where t is Element of SF.v: Z[t]};
 set den1 = {t where t is Element of SF.v: QZ[t]};
A13: {t where t is Element of SF.v: Z[t] or QZ[t]}
     = dln \/ den1 from Fraenkel_Alt;
  set ov = {o where o is OperSymbol of S: the_result_sort_of o = v};
    ov is finite by A1,MSSCYC_1:def 6;
  then consider ovs being FinSequence such that
A14: rng ovs = ov by FINSEQ_1:73;
  deffunc F(set) = {t where t is Element of SF.v: depth t = n+1 &
                       t.{} = [ovs.$1,the carrier of S]};
  consider dvs being FinSequence such that
A15: len dvs = len ovs &
    for k being Nat st k in Seg len ovs
      holds dvs.k =F(k)  from SeqLambda;
A16: dom ovs = Seg len ovs & dom dvs = Seg len dvs by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
  for k being set st k in dom dvs holds dvs.k is finite proof
     let k be set;
     set dvsk = {t where t is Element of SF.v: depth t = n+1 &
                                        t.{} = [ovs.k,the carrier of S]};
A17:   k in dom dvs;
then A18:   dvs.k = dvsk by A15,A16;
        ovs.k in rng ovs by A15,A16,A17,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      then consider o being OperSymbol of S such that
A19:    o = ovs.k & the_result_sort_of o = v by A14;
      set davsk = {[o,the carrier of S]-tree a
                    where a is Element of (S-Terms X)* :
                     a is ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) &
                     ex t being Element of SF.v st depth t = n+1
                           & t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a};
A20:   dvsk c= davsk proof let x be set; assume x in dvsk;
        then consider t being Element of SF.v such that
A21:     x = t & depth t = n+1 & t.{} = [o,the carrier of S] by A19;
          t in FreeSort(X,v) by A9;
        then reconsider t' = t as Term of S, X by A10;
        consider a being ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) such that
A22:     t' = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a by A21,MSATERM:10;
        reconsider a' = a as Element of (S-Terms X)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11;
          [o,the carrier of S]-tree a' in davsk by A21,A22;
        hence x in davsk by A21,A22;
      set avsk = {a where a is Element of (S-Terms X)* :
                     a is ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) &
                     ex t being Element of SF.v st depth t = n+1
                           & t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a};
A23:   avsk,davsk are_equipotent proof
       set Z = {[a,[o,the carrier of S]-tree a]
                where a is Element of (S-Terms X)* :
                     a is ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) &
                     ex t being Element of SF.v st depth t = n+1
                           & t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a};
       take Z;
       hereby let x be set; assume x in avsk;
        then consider a being Element of (S-Terms X)* such that
A24:     x = a & a is ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) &
                     ex t being Element of SF.v st depth t = n+1
                           & t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a;
        reconsider y' = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a as set;
        take y';
        thus y' in davsk by A24;
        thus [x,y'] in Z by A24;
       hereby let y be set; assume y in davsk;
        then consider a being Element of (S-Terms X)* such that
A25:     y = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a & a is ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) &
                     ex t being Element of SF.v st depth t = n+1
                           & t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a;
        reconsider a' = a as set;
        take a';
        thus a' in avsk by A25;
        thus [a',y] in Z by A25;
       let x,y,z,u be set; assume [x,y] in Z;
        then consider xa being Element of (S-Terms X)* such that
A26:      [x,y] = [xa,[o,the carrier of S]-tree xa] &
                     xa is ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) &
                     ex t being Element of SF.v st depth t = n+1
                           & t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree xa;
       assume [z,u] in Z;
        then consider za being Element of (S-Terms X)* such that
A27:      [z,u] = [za,[o,the carrier of S]-tree za] &
                     za is ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) &
                     ex t being Element of SF.v st depth t = n+1
                           & t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree za;
A28:      x = xa & y = [o,the carrier of S]-tree xa &
         z = za & u = [o,the carrier of S]-tree za by A26,A27,ZFMISC_1:33;
       hence x = z implies y = u;
       assume y = u;
       hence x = z by A26,A27,A28,TREES_4:15;
      deffunc F(Nat)= {t where t is Element of SF.((the_arity_of o)/.$1):
                                         depth t <=n};
      consider nS being FinSequence such that
A29:   len nS = len the_arity_of o
      & for k being Nat st k in Seg len the_arity_of o
         holds nS.k = F(k) from SeqLambda;
A30:  dom nS = Seg len nS by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      now let x be set; assume A31: x in dom nS;
      then reconsider k = x as Nat;
      set nSk = {t where t is Element of SF.((the_arity_of o)/.k):
                                         depth t <=n};
    nS.k = nSk by A29,A30,A31;
     hence nS.x is finite by A8;
then A32:   product nS is finite by MSSCYC_1:1;
      avsk c= product nS proof let x be set; assume x in avsk;
     then consider a being Element of (S-Terms X)* such that
A33:  x = a & a is ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) &
      ex t being Element of SF.v st depth t = n+1
                                  & t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a;
     reconsider a as ArgumentSeq of Sym(o,X) by A33;
     consider t being Element of SF.v such that
A34:  depth t = n+1 & t = [o,the carrier of S]-tree a by A33;
A35:  len a = len the_arity_of o & dom a = dom the_arity_of o by MSATERM:22;
A36:  dom a = Seg len a by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       now let x be set; assume
A37:    x in dom a;
       then reconsider k = x as Nat;
       reconsider ak = a.k as Term of S, X by A37,MSATERM:22;
A38:    ak = (a qua FinSequence of S-Terms X)/.k &
           the_sort_of ak = (the_arity_of o).k &
           the_sort_of ak = (the_arity_of o)/.k by A37,MSATERM:23;
     SF.(the_sort_of ak) = FreeSort(X,the_sort_of ak) by A2,MSAFREE:def 13;
       then reconsider ak as Element of SF.((the_arity_of o)/.k) by A38,MSATERM
:def 5;
       set nSk = {tk where tk is Element of SF.((the_arity_of o)/.k):
                                         depth tk <=n};
A39:    nSk = nS.x by A29,A35,A36,A37;
         depth ak < n+1 by A34,A37,MSSCYC_1:28;
       then depth ak <= n by NAT_1:38;
      hence a.x in nS.x by A39;
   hence x in product nS by A29,A30,A33,A35,A36,CARD_3:def 5;
      then avsk is finite by A32,FINSET_1:13;
      then davsk is finite by A23,CARD_1:68;
     hence dvs.k is finite by A18,A20,FINSET_1:13;
then A40: Union dvs is finite by A16,CARD_4:63;
      den1 c= Union dvs proof let x be set; assume x in den1;
      then consider t being Element of SF.v such that
A41:   x = t & depth t = n+1;
    t in FreeSort(X,v) by A9;
      then reconsider t' = t as Term of S, X by A10;
        now assume A42: t' is root;
        consider dt being finite DecoratedTree, tt being finite Tree such that
A43:     dt = t & tt = dom dt & depth t = height tt by MSAFREE2:def 14;
       thus contradiction by A41,A42,A43,TREES_1:79,TREES_9:def 1;
      then consider o being OperSymbol of S such that
A44:   t'.{} = [o,the carrier of S] by MSSCYC_1:20;
        the_result_sort_of o = the_sort_of t' by A44,MSATERM:17
        .= v by A9,MSATERM:def 5;
      then o in rng ovs by A14; then consider k being set such that
A45:   k in dom ovs & o = ovs.k by FUNCT_1:def 5;
        dvs.k = {t1 where t1 is Element of SF.v: depth t1 = n+1 &
                   t1.{} = [ovs.k,the carrier of S]} by A15,A16,A45;
then A46:   t in dvs.k by A41,A44,A45;
        dvs.k in rng dvs by A15,A16,A45,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      then t in union rng dvs by A46,TARSKI:def 4;
     hence x in Union dvs by A41,PROB_1:def 3;
then A47: den1 is finite by A40,FINSET_1:13;
      dln is finite by A8;
    hence dn1 is finite by A12,A13,A47,FINSET_1:14;
 thus for n being Nat holds P[n] from Ind(A3, A7);

  for S being non void non empty ManySortedSign
 st S is finitely_operated & InducedGraph S is well-founded
  holds S is monotonic
let S be non void non empty ManySortedSign;
 set G = InducedGraph S, E = InducedEdges S,
     Sou = InducedSource S, T = InducedTarget S;
A1: G = MultiGraphStruct (#the carrier of S,E,Sou,T#) by Def4;
A2: S is finitely_operated & G is well-founded;
   given A being finitely-generated (non-empty MSAlgebra over S) such that
A3:  A is non locally-finite;
   consider GS being non-empty locally-finite GeneratorSet of A;
   reconsider gs = GS as non-empty locally-finite
                                     ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
     FreeMSA gs is non locally-finite by A3,MSSCYC_1:23;
   then the Sorts of FreeMSA gs is non locally-finite by MSAFREE2:def 11;
   then consider v being set such that
A4: v in the carrier of S & (the Sorts of FreeMSA gs).v is non finite
                                                        by PRE_CIRC:def 3;
   reconsider v as SortSymbol of S by A4;
   consider n such that
A5: for c being directed Chain of G
    st c is non empty & (vertex-seq c).(len c +1) = v holds len c <= n
                                                 by A1,A2,MSSCYC_1:def 5;
   set V = (the Sorts of FreeMSA gs).v;
   set Vn = {t where t is Element of V : depth t<=n};
A6: Vn is finite by A2,Th5;
     Vn c= V proof let x be set; assume x in Vn;
     then ex t being Element of V st x=t & depth t<=n;
     hence x in V;
    then not V c= Vn by A4,A6,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
     then consider t being set such that
A7:  t in V & not t in Vn by TARSKI:def 3;
    reconsider t as Element of V by A7;
A8:  not depth t<=n by A7;
    A9: 0<=n by NAT_1:18; then 1 <=depth t by A8,RLVECT_1:99;
   then consider d being directed Chain of InducedGraph S such that
A10:  len d = depth t & (vertex-seq d).(len d +1) = v by Th2;
      d is non empty by A8,A9,A10,FINSEQ_1:25;
 hence contradiction by A5,A8,A10;

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