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environ vocabulary FUNCT_1, MCART_1, BOOLE, RELAT_1, PBOOLE, SGRAPH1, PRALG_1, FUNCOP_1, MSUALG_3, CAT_4, ALTCAT_1, RELAT_2, MSUALG_6, CAT_1, ALTCAT_2, FUNCT_3, ENS_1, WELLORD1, FUNCTOR0; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, RELAT_1, RELSET_1, MCART_1, FUNCT_1, PARTFUN1, FUNCT_2, BINOP_1, FUNCOP_1, FUNCT_3, FUNCT_4, PBOOLE, STRUCT_0, PRALG_1, MSUALG_1, MSUALG_3, ALTCAT_1, ALTCAT_2; constructors ALTCAT_2, MCART_1; clusters RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, ALTCAT_1, ALTCAT_2, MSUALG_1, STRUCT_0, PRALG_1, RELSET_1, SUBSET_1, FUNCT_2; requirements SUBSET, BOOLE; definitions TARSKI, MSUALG_1, ALTCAT_2, MSUALG_3, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, XBOOLE_0; theorems ALTCAT_2, FUNCT_4, FUNCOP_1, ZFMISC_1, ALTCAT_1, BINOP_1, FUNCT_2, FUNCT_1, MSUALG_1, PBOOLE, FUNCT_3, RELAT_1, MCART_1, DOMAIN_1, MSUALG_3, AUTALG_1, ISOCAT_1, STRUCT_0, RELSET_1, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1, PARTFUN1; schemes ALTCAT_2; begin :: Preliminaries scheme ValOnPair {X()-> non empty set,f()-> Function, x1,x2()-> Element of X(), F(set,set)-> set, P[set,set]}: f().(x1(),x2()) = F(x1(),x2()) provided A1: f() = { [[o,o'],F(o,o')] where o is Element of X(), o' is Element of X(): P[o,o'] } and A2: P[x1(),x2()] proof defpred R[set] means P[ $1`1,$1`2]; deffunc G(set) = F($1`1,$1`2); A3: f() = { [o,G(o)] where o is Element of [:X(),X():]: R[o] } proof thus f() c= {[o,F(o`1,o`2)] where o is Element of [:X(),X():]: P[o`1,o`2]} proof let y be set; assume y in f(); then consider o1,o2 being Element of X() such that A4: y = [[o1,o2],F(o1,o2)] and A5: P[o1,o2] by A1; reconsider p =[o1,o2] as Element of [:X(),X():] by ZFMISC_1:106; p`1 = o1 & p`2 = o2 by MCART_1:7; hence y in {[o,F(o`1,o`2)] where o is Element of [:X(),X():]: P[o`1,o`2] } by A4,A5; end; let y be set; assume y in {[o,F(o`1,o`2)] where o is Element of [:X(),X():]: P[o`1,o`2]} ; then consider o being Element of [:X(),X():] such that A6: y = [o,F(o`1,o`2)] and A7: P[o`1,o`2]; reconsider o1 = o`1, o2 = o`2 as Element of X() by MCART_1:10; o = [o1,o2] by MCART_1:23; hence y in f() by A1,A6,A7; end; reconsider x = [x1(),x2()] as Element of [:X(),X():] by ZFMISC_1:106; A8: x`1 = x1() & x`2 = x2() by MCART_1:7; then A9: R[ x] by A2; thus f().(x1(),x2()) = f().x by BINOP_1:def 1 .= G(x) from ValOnSingletons(A3,A9) .= F(x1(),x2()) by A8; end; theorem Th1: for A being set holds {} is Function of A,{} proof let A be set; per cases; suppose A = {}; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:55,RELAT_1:60; suppose A <> {}; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:25; end; canceled; theorem Th3: for I being set for M being ManySortedSet of I holds M*id I = M proof let I be set; let M be ManySortedSet of I; I = dom M by PBOOLE:def 3; hence M*id I = M by FUNCT_1:42; end; definition let f be empty Function; cluster ~f -> empty; coherence proof rng f = {}; then rng~f c= {} by FUNCT_4:42; then rng~f = {} by XBOOLE_1:3; hence thesis by RELAT_1:64; end; let g be Function; cluster [:f,g:] -> empty; coherence proof dom f = {}; then dom[:f,g:] = [:{},dom g:] by FUNCT_3:def 9; then dom[:f,g:] = {} by ZFMISC_1:113; hence thesis by RELAT_1:64; end; cluster [:g,f:] -> empty; coherence proof dom f = {}; then dom[:g,f:] = [:dom g,{}:] by FUNCT_3:def 9; then dom[:g,f:] = {} by ZFMISC_1:113; hence thesis by RELAT_1:64; end; end; theorem Th4: for A being set, f being Function holds f.:id A = (~f).:id A proof let A be set, f be Function; thus f.:id A c= (~f).:id A proof let y be set; assume y in f.:id A; then consider x being set such that A1: x in dom f and A2: x in id A and A3: y = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 12; consider x1,x2 being set such that A4: x = [x1,x2] by A2,RELAT_1:def 1; A5: x1 = x2 by A2,A4,RELAT_1:def 10; then A6: x in dom~f by A1,A4,FUNCT_4:43; then y = (~f).x by A3,A4,A5,FUNCT_4:44; hence y in (~f).:id A by A2,A6,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; let y be set; assume y in (~f).:id A; then consider x being set such that A7: x in dom~f and A8: x in id A and A9: y = (~f).x by FUNCT_1:def 12; consider x1,x2 being set such that A10: x = [x1,x2] by A8,RELAT_1:def 1; A11: x1 = x2 by A8,A10,RELAT_1:def 10; then A12: x in dom f by A7,A10,FUNCT_4:43; then y = f.x by A9,A10,A11,FUNCT_4:def 2; hence y in f.:id A by A8,A12,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; theorem Th5: for X,Y being set, f being Function of X,Y holds f is onto iff [:f,f:] is onto proof let X,Y be set, f be Function of X,Y; rng[:f,f:] = [:rng f, rng f:] by FUNCT_3:88; then rng f = Y iff rng[:f,f:] = [:Y,Y:] by ZFMISC_1:115; hence f is onto iff [:f,f:] is onto by FUNCT_2:def 3; end; definition let f be Function-yielding Function; cluster ~f -> Function-yielding; coherence; end; theorem Th6: for A,B being set, a being set holds ~([:A,B:] --> a) = [:B,A:] --> a proof let A,B be set, a be set; A1: now let x be set; hereby assume x in dom([:B,A:] --> a); then consider z,y being set such that A2: z in B & y in A and A3: x = [z,y] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; take y,z; thus x = [z,y] by A3; [y,z] in [:A,B:] by A2,ZFMISC_1:106; hence [y,z] in dom([:A,B:] --> a) by FUNCOP_1:19; end; given y,z being set such that A4: x = [z,y] and A5: [y,z] in dom([:A,B:] --> a); y in A & z in B by A5,ZFMISC_1:106; then x in [:B,A:] by A4,ZFMISC_1:106; hence x in dom([:B,A:] --> a) by FUNCOP_1:19; end; now let y,z be set; assume A6: [y,z] in dom([:A,B:] --> a); then y in A & z in B by ZFMISC_1:106; then [z,y] in [:B,A:] by ZFMISC_1:106; hence ([:B,A:] --> a).[z,y] = a by FUNCOP_1:13 .= ([:A,B:] --> a).[y,z] by A6,FUNCOP_1:13; end; hence ~([:A,B:] --> a) = [:B,A:] --> a by A1,FUNCT_4:def 2; end; theorem Th7: for f,g being Function st f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one holds [:f,g:]" = [:f",g":] proof let f,g be Function; assume A1: f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one; then A2: [:f,g:] is one-to-one by ISOCAT_1:1; A3: dom(f") = rng f & dom(g") = rng g by A1,FUNCT_1:55; A4: dom([:f,g:]") = rng[:f,g:] by A2,FUNCT_1:55 .= [:dom(f"), dom(g"):] by A3,FUNCT_3:88; for x,y being set st x in dom(f") & y in dom(g") holds [:f,g:]".[x,y] = [f".x,g".y] proof let x,y be set such that A5: x in dom(f") & y in dom(g"); A6: dom[:f,g:] = [:dom f, dom g:] by FUNCT_3:def 9; f".x in rng(f") & g".y in rng(g") by A5,FUNCT_1:def 5; then f".x in dom f & g".y in dom g by A1,FUNCT_1:55; then A7: [f".x,g".y] in dom[:f,g:] by A6,ZFMISC_1:106; A8: f" is one-to-one by A1,FUNCT_1:62; A9: f.(f".x) = (f*f").x by A5,FUNCT_1:23 .= ((f")"*f").x by A1,FUNCT_1:65 .= (id dom(f")).x by A8,FUNCT_1:61 .= x by A5,FUNCT_1:35; A10: g" is one-to-one by A1,FUNCT_1:62; g.(g".y) = (g*g").y by A5,FUNCT_1:23 .= ((g")"*g").y by A1,FUNCT_1:65 .= (id dom(g")).y by A10,FUNCT_1:61 .= y by A5,FUNCT_1:35; then [:f,g:].[f".x,g".y] = [x,y] by A6,A7,A9,FUNCT_3:86; hence [:f,g:]".[x,y] = [f".x,g".y] by A2,A7,FUNCT_1:54; end; hence [:f,g:]" = [:f",g":] by A4,FUNCT_3:def 9; end; theorem Th8: for f being Function st [:f,f:] is one-to-one holds f is one-to-one proof let f be Function such that A1: [:f,f:] is one-to-one; let x1,x2 be set such that A2: x1 in dom f & x2 in dom f and A3: f.x1 = f.x2; A4: dom[:f,f:] = [:dom f,dom f:] by FUNCT_3:def 9; then A5: [x1,x1] in dom[:f,f:] & [x2,x2] in dom[:f,f:] by A2,ZFMISC_1:106; then [:f,f:].[x1,x1] = [f.x2,f.x2] by A3,A4,FUNCT_3:86 .= [:f,f:].[x2,x2] by A4,A5,FUNCT_3:86; then [x1,x1] = [x2,x2] by A1,A5,FUNCT_1:def 8; hence x1 = x2 by ZFMISC_1:33; end; theorem Th9: for f being Function st f is one-to-one holds ~f is one-to-one proof let f be Function such that A1: f is one-to-one; let x1,x2 be set; consider X,Y being set such that A2: dom~f c= [:X,Y:] by FUNCT_4:45; assume A3: x1 in dom~f; then consider x11,x12 being set such that x11 in X & x12 in Y and A4: x1 = [x11,x12] by A2,ZFMISC_1:103; assume A5: x2 in dom~f; then consider x21,x22 being set such that x21 in X & x22 in Y and A6: x2 = [x21,x22] by A2,ZFMISC_1:103; assume A7: (~f).x1 = (~f).x2; A8: [x12,x11] in dom f by A3,A4,FUNCT_4:43; A9: [x22,x21] in dom f by A5,A6,FUNCT_4:43; f.[x12,x11] = (~f).x2 by A3,A4,A7,FUNCT_4:44 .= f.[x22,x21] by A5,A6,FUNCT_4:44; then [x12,x11] = [x22,x21] by A1,A8,A9,FUNCT_1:def 8; then x12 = x22 & x21 = x11 by ZFMISC_1:33; hence x1 = x2 by A4,A6; end; theorem Th10: for f,g being Function st ~[:f,g:] is one-to-one holds [:g,f:] is one-to-one proof let f,g be Function such that A1: ~[:f,g:] is one-to-one; let x1,x2 be set; A2: dom[:g,f:] = [:dom g, dom f:] by FUNCT_3:def 9; A3: dom[:f,g:] = [:dom f, dom g:] by FUNCT_3:def 9; assume x1 in dom[:g,f:]; then consider x11,x12 being set such that A4: x11 in dom g & x12 in dom f and A5: x1 = [x11,x12] by A2,ZFMISC_1:103; assume x2 in dom[:g,f:]; then consider x21,x22 being set such that A6: x21 in dom g & x22 in dom f and A7: x2 = [x21,x22] by A2,ZFMISC_1:103; x1 in dom[:g,f:] by A2,A4,A5,ZFMISC_1:106; then A8: x1 in dom~[:f,g:] by A2,A3,FUNCT_4:47; x2 in dom[:g,f:] by A2,A6,A7,ZFMISC_1:106; then A9: x2 in dom~[:f,g:] by A2,A3,FUNCT_4:47; assume A10: [:g,f:].x1 = [:g,f:].x2; [:g,f:].x1 = [g.x11,f.x12] & [:g,f:].x2 = [g.x21,f.x22] by A4,A5,A6,A7,FUNCT_3:def 9; then A11: f.x22 = f.x12 & g.x11 = g.x21 by A10,ZFMISC_1:33; (~[:f,g:]).x1 = [:f,g:].[x12,x11] by A5,A8,FUNCT_4:44 .= [f.x22,g.x21] by A4,A11,FUNCT_3:def 9 .= [:f,g:].[x22,x21] by A6,FUNCT_3:def 9 .= (~[:f,g:]).x2 by A7,A9,FUNCT_4:44; hence x1 = x2 by A1,A8,A9,FUNCT_1:def 8; end; theorem Th11: for f,g being Function st f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one holds ~[:f,g:]" = ~([:g,f:]") proof let f,g be Function such that A1: f is one-to-one and A2: g is one-to-one; A3: [:g,f:]" = [:g",f":] by A1,A2,Th7; then A4: dom([:g,f:]") = [:dom(g"), dom(f"):] by FUNCT_3:def 9; A5: dom[:f,g:] = [:dom f, dom g:] by FUNCT_3:def 9; A6: dom[:g,f:] = [:dom g, dom f:] by FUNCT_3:def 9; A7: [:g,f:] is one-to-one by A1,A2,ISOCAT_1:1; A8: [:f,g:] is one-to-one by A1,A2,ISOCAT_1:1; then A9: ~[:f,g:] is one-to-one by Th9; A10: [:f,g:]" = [:f",g":] by A1,A2,Th7; A11: dom~([:g,f:]") = [:dom(f"), dom(g"):] by A4,FUNCT_4:47 .= dom [:f", g":] by FUNCT_3:def 9 .= rng[:f,g:] by A8,A10,FUNCT_1:54 .= rng~[:f,g:] by A5,FUNCT_4:48; now let y,x be set; hereby assume that A12: y in rng~[:f,g:] and A13: x = (~([:g,f:]")).y; y in rng[:f,g:] by A5,A12,FUNCT_4:48; then y in [:rng f,rng g:] by FUNCT_3:88; then consider y1,y2 being set such that A14: y1 in rng f and A15: y2 in rng g and A16: y = [y1,y2] by ZFMISC_1:103; set x1 = f".y1, x2 = g".y2; A17: y2 in dom(g") & y1 in dom(f") by A1,A2,A14,A15,FUNCT_1:54; then [y2,y1] in dom([:g,f:]") by A4,ZFMISC_1:106; then A18: x = [:g",f":].[y2,y1] by A3,A13,A16,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= [x2,x1] by A17,FUNCT_3:def 9; y1 in dom(f") & y2 in dom(g") by A1,A2,A14,A15,FUNCT_1:54; then x1 in rng(f") & x2 in rng(g") by FUNCT_1:def 5; then A19: x1 in dom f & x2 in dom g by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:55; then A20: [x2,x1] in dom[:g,f:] by A6,ZFMISC_1:106; then A21: [x2,x1] in dom~[:f,g:] by A5,A6,FUNCT_4:47; thus x in dom~[:f,g:] by A5,A6,A18,A20,FUNCT_4:47; A22: f.x1 = y1 & g.x2 = y2 by A1,A2,A14,A15,FUNCT_1:54; thus (~[:f,g:]).x = [:f,g:].[x1,x2] by A18,A21,FUNCT_4:44 .= y by A16,A19,A22,FUNCT_3:def 9; end; assume that A23: x in dom~[:f,g:] and A24: (~[:f,g:]).x = y; thus y in rng~[:f,g:] by A23,A24,FUNCT_1:def 5; x in dom[:g,f:] by A5,A6,A23,FUNCT_4:47; then consider x1,x2 being set such that A25: x1 in dom g and A26: x2 in dom f and A27: x = [x1,x2] by A6,ZFMISC_1:103; A28: y = [:f,g:].[x2,x1] by A23,A24,A27,FUNCT_4:44 .= [f.x2,g.x1] by A25,A26,FUNCT_3:def 9; g.x1 in rng g & f.x2 in rng f by A25,A26,FUNCT_1:def 5; then [g.x1,f.x2] in [:rng g, rng f:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then [g.x1,f.x2] in rng[:g,f:] by FUNCT_3:88; then A29: [g.x1,f.x2] in dom([:g,f:]") by A7,FUNCT_1:55; [x1,x2] in dom[:g,f:] by A6,A25,A26,ZFMISC_1:106; hence x = ([:g,f:]").([:g,f:].[x1,x2]) by A7,A27,FUNCT_1:56 .= ([:g,f:]").[g.x1,f.x2] by A25,A26,FUNCT_3:def 9 .= (~([:g,f:]")).y by A28,A29,FUNCT_4:def 2; end; hence thesis by A9,A11,FUNCT_1:54; end; theorem Th12: for A,B be set, f being Function of A,B st f is onto holds id B c= [:f,f:].:id A proof let A,B be set, f be Function of A,B; assume f is onto; then A1: rng f = B by FUNCT_2:def 3; let xx be set; assume A2: xx in id B; then consider x,x' being set such that A3: xx = [x,x'] by RELAT_1:def 1; A4: x = x' by A2,A3,RELAT_1:def 10; A5: x in B by A2,A3,RELAT_1:def 10; then consider y being set such that A6: y in A and A7: f.y = x by A1,FUNCT_2:17; A8: dom f = A by A5,FUNCT_2:def 1; A9: [y,y] in id A by A6,RELAT_1:def 10; [:f,f:].[y,y] = xx by A3,A4,A6,A7,A8,FUNCT_3:def 9; hence xx in [:f,f:].:id A by A2,A9,FUNCT_2:43; end; theorem Th13: for F,G being Function-yielding Function, f be Function holds (G**F)*f = (G*f)**(F*f) proof let F,G be Function-yielding Function, f be Function; A1: dom((G**F)*f) = f"dom(G**F) by RELAT_1:182 .= f"(dom G /\ dom F) by MSUALG_3:def 4 .= (f"dom F) /\ (f"dom G) by FUNCT_1:137 .= (f"dom F) /\ dom(G*f) by RELAT_1:182 .= dom(F*f) /\ dom(G*f) by RELAT_1:182; now let i be set; assume A2: i in dom((G**F)*f); then A3: i in dom f & f.i in dom(G**F) by FUNCT_1:21; thus ((G**F)*f).i = (G**F).(f.i) by A2,FUNCT_1:22 .= (G.(f.i))*(F.(f.i)) by A3,MSUALG_3:def 4 .= ((G*f).i)*(F.(f.i)) by A3,FUNCT_1:23 .= ((G*f).i)*((F*f).i) by A3,FUNCT_1:23; end; hence (G**F)*f = (G*f)**(F*f) by A1,MSUALG_3:def 4; end; definition let A,B,C be set, f be Function of [:A,B:],C; redefine func ~f -> Function of [:B,A:],C; coherence proof per cases; suppose A1: C = {}; then reconsider f as empty set by PARTFUN1:64; ~f = {}; hence thesis by A1,Th1; suppose C <> {}; hence thesis by FUNCT_4:50; end; end; theorem Th14: for A,B,C being set, f being Function of [:A,B:],C st ~f is onto holds f is onto proof let A,B,C be set, f be Function of [:A,B:],C; A1: rng~f c= rng f by FUNCT_4:42; assume ~f is onto; then A2: rng~f = C by FUNCT_2:def 3; rng f c= C by RELSET_1:12; hence rng f = C by A1,A2,XBOOLE_0:def 10; end; theorem Th15: for A be set, B being non empty set, f being Function of A,B holds [:f,f:].:id A c= id B proof let A be set, B be non empty set, f be Function of A,B; let x be set; assume x in [:f,f:].:id A; then consider yy being set such that A1: yy in [:A,A:] and A2: yy in id A and A3: [:f,f:].yy = x by FUNCT_2:115; consider y,y' being set such that A4: y in A & y' in A and A5: yy = [y,y'] by A1,ZFMISC_1:103; A6: y = y' by A2,A5,RELAT_1:def 10; reconsider y as Element of A by A4; A7: f.y in B by A4,FUNCT_2:7; y in dom f by A4,FUNCT_2:def 1; then x = [f.y,f.y] by A3,A5,A6,FUNCT_3:def 9; hence x in id B by A7,RELAT_1:def 10; end; begin :: Functions bewteen Cartesian products definition let A,B be set; mode bifunction of A,B is Function of [:A,A:],[:B,B:]; canceled; end; definition let A,B be set, f be bifunction of A,B; attr f is Covariant means :Def2: ex g being Function of A,B st f = [:g,g:]; attr f is Contravariant means :Def3: ex g being Function of A,B st f = ~[:g,g:]; end; theorem Th16: for A be set, B be non empty set, b being Element of B, f being bifunction of A,B st f = [:A,A:] --> [b,b] holds f is Covariant Contravariant proof let A be set, B be non empty set, b be Element of B, f be bifunction of A,B such that A1: f = [:A,A:] --> [b,b]; reconsider g = A --> b as Function of A,B by FUNCOP_1:57; thus f is Covariant proof take g; thus thesis by A1,ALTCAT_2:1; end; take g; [:A,A:] --> [b,b] = ~([:A,A:] --> [b,b]) by Th6; hence thesis by A1,ALTCAT_2:1; end; definition let A,B be set; cluster Covariant Contravariant bifunction of A,B; existence proof per cases; suppose A1: B = {}; then [:B,B:] = {} by ZFMISC_1:113; then reconsider f = {} as bifunction of A,B by Th1; take f; reconsider g = {} as Function of A,B by A1,Th1; reconsider h = g as empty Function; thus f is Covariant proof take g; thus f = [:h,h:] .= [:g,g:]; end; take g; thus f = ~[:h,h:] .= ~[:g,g:]; suppose A2: B <> {}; consider b being Element of B; set f = [:A,A:] --> [b,b]; [b,b] in [:B,B:] by A2,ZFMISC_1:106; then reconsider f as bifunction of A,B by FUNCOP_1:57; take f; thus f is Covariant Contravariant by A2,Th16; end; end; theorem for A,B being non empty set for f being Covariant Contravariant bifunction of A,B ex b being Element of B st f = [:A,A:] --> [b,b] proof let A,B be non empty set; let f be Covariant Contravariant bifunction of A,B; consider g1 being Function of A,B such that A1: f = [:g1,g1:] by Def2; consider g2 being Function of A,B such that A2: f = ~[:g2,g2:] by Def3; consider a being Element of A; take b = g1.a; A3: dom f = [:A,A:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; now let z be set; assume z in dom f; then consider a1,a2 being Element of A such that A4: z = [a1,a2] by DOMAIN_1:9; A5: dom g2 = A by FUNCT_2:def 1; A6: dom g1 = A by FUNCT_2:def 1; A7: dom[:g2,g2:] = [:dom g2, dom g2:] by FUNCT_3:def 9; then A8: [a1,a] in dom[:g2,g2:] by A5,ZFMISC_1:106; A9: dom g2 = A by FUNCT_2:def 1; [b,g1.a1] = f.[a,a1] by A1,A6,FUNCT_3:def 9 .= [:g2,g2:].[a1,a] by A2,A8,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= [g2.a1,g2.a] by A9,FUNCT_3:def 9; then A10: g2.a1 = b by ZFMISC_1:33; A11: [a2,a] in dom[:g2,g2:] by A5,A7,ZFMISC_1:106; [b,g1.a2] = f.[a,a2] by A1,A6,FUNCT_3:def 9 .= [:g2,g2:].[a2,a] by A2,A11,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= [g2.a2,g2.a] by A9,FUNCT_3:def 9; then A12: g2.a2 = b by ZFMISC_1:33; [a2,a1] in dom[:g2,g2:] by A5,A7,ZFMISC_1:106; hence f.z = ([:g2,g2:]).[a2,a1] by A2,A4,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= [b,b] by A9,A10,A12,FUNCT_3:def 9; end; hence f = [:A,A:] --> [b,b] by A3,FUNCOP_1:17; end; begin :: Unary transformatiom definition let I1,I2 be set, f be Function of I1,I2; let A be ManySortedSet of I1, B be ManySortedSet of I2; mode MSUnTrans of f,A,B -> ManySortedSet of I1 means :Def4: ex I2' being non empty set, B' being ManySortedSet of I2', f' being Function of I1,I2' st f = f' & B = B' & it is ManySortedFunction of A,B'*f' if I2 <> {} otherwise it = [0]I1; existence proof hereby assume I2 <> {}; then reconsider I2' = I2 as non empty set; reconsider f' = f as Function of I1,I2'; reconsider B' = B as ManySortedSet of I2'; consider IT being ManySortedFunction of A,B'*f'; reconsider IT' = IT as ManySortedSet of I1; take IT',I2'; reconsider f' = f as Function of I1,I2'; reconsider B' = B as ManySortedSet of I2'; take B',f'; thus f = f' & B = B'; thus IT' is ManySortedFunction of A,B'*f'; end; thus thesis; end; consistency; end; definition let I1 be set, I2 be non empty set, f be Function of I1,I2; let A be ManySortedSet of I1, B be ManySortedSet of I2; redefine mode MSUnTrans of f,A,B means :Def5: it is ManySortedFunction of A,B*f; compatibility proof let M be ManySortedSet of I1; hereby assume M is MSUnTrans of f,A,B; then ex I2' being non empty set, B' being ManySortedSet of I2', f' being Function of I1,I2' st f = f' & B = B' & M is ManySortedFunction of A,B'*f' by Def4; hence M is ManySortedFunction of A,B*f; end; thus thesis by Def4; end; end; definition let I1,I2 be set; let f be Function of I1,I2; let A be ManySortedSet of I1, B be ManySortedSet of I2; cluster -> Function-yielding MSUnTrans of f,A,B; coherence proof let M be MSUnTrans of f,A,B; per cases; suppose I2 <> {}; then ex I2' being non empty set, B' being ManySortedSet of I2', f' being Function of I1,I2' st f = f' & B = B' & M is ManySortedFunction of A,B'*f' by Def4; hence thesis; suppose I2 = {}; then M = [0]I1 by Def4; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th18: for I1 being set, I2,I3 being non empty set, f being Function of I1,I2, g being Function of I2,I3, B being ManySortedSet of I2, C being ManySortedSet of I3, G being MSUnTrans of g,B,C holds G*f is MSUnTrans of g*f,B*f,C proof let I1 be set, I2,I3 be non empty set, f be Function of I1,I2, g be Function of I2,I3, B be ManySortedSet of I2, C be ManySortedSet of I3, G be MSUnTrans of g,B,C; A1: C*(g*f) = C*g*f by RELAT_1:55; G is ManySortedFunction of B,C*g by Def5; hence G*f is ManySortedFunction of B*f,C*(g*f) by A1,ALTCAT_2:5; end; definition let I1 be set, I2 be non empty set, f be Function of I1,I2, A be ManySortedSet of [:I1,I1:], B be ManySortedSet of [:I2,I2:], F be MSUnTrans of [:f,f:],A,B; redefine func ~F -> MSUnTrans of [:f,f:],~A,~B; coherence proof reconsider G = F as ManySortedFunction of A,B*[:f,f:] by Def5; ~G is ManySortedFunction of ~A,~B*[:f,f:] by ALTCAT_2:3; hence ~F is MSUnTrans of [:f,f:],~A,~B by Def5; end; end; theorem Th19: for I1,I2 being non empty set, A being ManySortedSet of I1, B being ManySortedSet of I2, o being Element of I2 st B.o <> {} for m being Element of B.o, f being Function of I1,I2 st f = I1 --> o holds { [o',A.o' --> m] where o' is Element of I1: not contradiction } is MSUnTrans of f,A,B proof let I1,I2 be non empty set, A be ManySortedSet of I1, B be ManySortedSet of I2, o be Element of I2 such that A1: B.o <> {}; let m be Element of B.o, f be Function of I1,I2 such that A2: f = I1 --> o; defpred P[set] means not contradiction; deffunc F(set) = A.$1 --> m; reconsider Xm = { [o',F(o')] where o' is Element of I1: P[o'] } as Function from OnSingletons; A3: Xm = { [o',F(o')] where o' is Element of I1: P[o'] }; dom Xm = { o' where o' is Element of I1: P[o'] } from DomOnSingletons(A3) .= I1 by DOMAIN_1:48; then reconsider Xm as ManySortedSet of I1 by PBOOLE:def 3; deffunc F(set) = A.$1 --> m; A4: Xm = { [o',F(o')] where o' is Element of I1: P[o'] }; Xm is MSUnTrans of f,A,B proof now let i be set; assume A5: i in I1; then reconsider o' = i as Element of I1; A6: P[o']; A7: i in dom f by A2,A5,FUNCOP_1:19; f.i = o by A2,A5,FUNCOP_1:13; then m in B.(f.i) by A1; then A8: m in (B*f).i by A7,FUNCT_1:23; Xm.o' = F(o') from ValOnSingletons(A4,A6); hence Xm.i is Function of A.i, (B*f).i by A8,FUNCOP_1:57; end; hence Xm is ManySortedFunction of A,B*f by MSUALG_1:def 2; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th20: for I1 being set, I2,I3 being non empty set, f being Function of I1,I2, g being Function of I2,I3, A being ManySortedSet of I1, B being ManySortedSet of I2, C being ManySortedSet of I3, F being MSUnTrans of f,A,B, G being MSUnTrans of g*f,B*f,C st for ii being set st ii in I1 & (B*f).ii = {} holds A.ii = {} or (C*(g*f)).ii = {} holds G**(F qua Function-yielding Function) is MSUnTrans of g*f,A,C proof let I1 be set, I2,I3 be non empty set, f be Function of I1,I2, g be Function of I2,I3, A be ManySortedSet of I1, B be ManySortedSet of I2, C be ManySortedSet of I3, F be MSUnTrans of f,A,B, G be MSUnTrans of g*f,B*f,C such that A1: for ii being set st ii in I1 & (B*f).ii = {} holds A.ii = {} or (C*(g*f)).ii = {}; reconsider G as ManySortedFunction of B*f,C*(g*f) by Def5; reconsider F as ManySortedFunction of A,B*f by Def5; A2: dom G = I1 & dom F = I1 by PBOOLE:def 3; A3: dom(G**F) = dom G /\ dom F by MSUALG_3:def 4 .= I1 by A2; reconsider GF = G**F as ManySortedSet of I1; GF is ManySortedFunction of A,C*(g*f) proof let ii be set; assume A4: ii in I1; then reconsider Fi = F.ii as Function of A.ii, (B*f).ii by MSUALG_1:def 2; reconsider Gi = G.ii as Function of (B*f).ii, (C*(g*f)).ii by A4,MSUALG_1:def 2; (B*f).ii = {} implies A.ii = {} or (C*(g*f)).ii = {} by A1,A4; then Gi*Fi is Function of A.ii, (C*(g*f)).ii by FUNCT_2:19; hence GF.ii is Function of A.ii, (C*(g*f)).ii by A3,A4,MSUALG_3:def 4; end; hence thesis by Def5; end; begin :: Functors definition let C1,C2 be 1-sorted; struct BimapStr over C1,C2 (#ObjectMap -> bifunction of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 #); end; definition let C1,C2 be non empty AltGraph; let F be BimapStr over C1,C2; let o be object of C1; func F.o -> object of C2 equals :Def6: ((the ObjectMap of F).(o,o))`1; coherence by MCART_1:10; end; definition let A,B be 1-sorted, F be BimapStr over A,B; attr F is one-to-one means :Def7: the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one; attr F is onto means :Def8: the ObjectMap of F is onto; attr F is reflexive means :Def9: (the ObjectMap of F).:id the carrier of A c= id the carrier of B; attr F is coreflexive means :Def10: id the carrier of B c= (the ObjectMap of F).:id the carrier of A; end; definition let A,B be non empty AltGraph, F be BimapStr over A,B; redefine attr F is reflexive means :Def11: for o being object of A holds (the ObjectMap of F).(o,o) = [F.o,F.o]; compatibility proof hereby assume F is reflexive; then A1: (the ObjectMap of F).:id the carrier of A c= id the carrier of B by Def9; let o be object of A; A2: (the ObjectMap of F).(o,o) = (the ObjectMap of F).[o,o] by BINOP_1:def 1; [o,o] in id the carrier of A by RELAT_1:def 10; then A3: (the ObjectMap of F).(o,o) in (the ObjectMap of F).:id the carrier of A by A2,FUNCT_2:43; then consider p,p' being set such that A4: (the ObjectMap of F).(o,o) = [p,p'] by RELAT_1:def 1; F.o = ((the ObjectMap of F).(o,o))`1 by Def6 .= p by A4,MCART_1:7; hence (the ObjectMap of F).(o,o) = [F.o,F.o] by A1,A3,A4,RELAT_1:def 10; end; assume A5: for o being object of A holds (the ObjectMap of F).(o,o) = [F.o,F.o]; let x be set; assume x in (the ObjectMap of F).:id the carrier of A; then consider y being set such that A6: y in [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] and A7: y in id the carrier of A and A8: x = (the ObjectMap of F).y by FUNCT_2:115; consider o,o' being Element of A such that A9: y = [o,o'] by A6,DOMAIN_1:9; reconsider o as object of A; o = o' by A7,A9,RELAT_1:def 10; then x = (the ObjectMap of F).(o,o) by A8,A9,BINOP_1:def 1 .= [F.o,F.o] by A5; hence x in id the carrier of B by RELAT_1:def 10; end; end; theorem Th21: for A,B being reflexive non empty AltGraph, F being BimapStr over A,B st F is coreflexive for o being object of B ex o' being object of A st F.o' = o proof let A,B be reflexive non empty AltGraph, F be BimapStr over A,B; assume F is coreflexive; then A1: id the carrier of B c= (the ObjectMap of F).:id the carrier of A by Def10; let o be object of B; reconsider oo = [o,o] as Element of [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; [o,o] in id the carrier of B by RELAT_1:def 10; then consider pp being Element of [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] such that A2: pp in id the carrier of A and A3: (the ObjectMap of F).pp = oo by A1,FUNCT_2:116; consider p,p' being set such that A4: pp = [p,p'] by A2,RELAT_1:def 1; A5: p = p' by A2,A4,RELAT_1:def 10; reconsider p as object of A by A2,A4,RELAT_1:def 10; take p; thus F.p = ((the ObjectMap of F).(p,p'))`1 by A5,Def6 .= [o,o]`1 by A3,A4,BINOP_1:def 1 .= o by MCART_1:7; end; definition let C1, C2 be non empty AltGraph; let F be BimapStr over C1,C2; attr F is feasible means :Def12: for o1,o2 being object of C1 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} holds (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) <> {}; end; definition let C1,C2 be AltGraph; struct(BimapStr over C1,C2) FunctorStr over C1,C2 (#ObjectMap -> bifunction of the carrier of C1,the carrier of C2, MorphMap -> MSUnTrans of the ObjectMap, the Arrows of C1, the Arrows of C2 #); end; definition let C1,C2 be 1-sorted; let IT be BimapStr over C1,C2; attr IT is Covariant means :Def13: the ObjectMap of IT is Covariant; attr IT is Contravariant means :Def14: the ObjectMap of IT is Contravariant; end; definition let C1,C2 be AltGraph; cluster Covariant FunctorStr over C1,C2; existence proof consider f being Covariant bifunction of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2; consider M being MSUnTrans of f, the Arrows of C1, the Arrows of C2; take F = FunctorStr(#f,M#); thus the ObjectMap of F is Covariant; end; cluster Contravariant FunctorStr over C1,C2; existence proof consider f being Contravariant bifunction of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2; consider M being MSUnTrans of f, the Arrows of C1, the Arrows of C2; take F = FunctorStr(#f,M#); thus the ObjectMap of F is Contravariant; end; end; definition let C1,C2 be AltGraph; let F be FunctorStr over C1,C2; let o1,o2 be object of C1; func Morph-Map(F,o1,o2) equals :Def15: (the MorphMap of F).(o1,o2); correctness; end; definition let C1,C2 be AltGraph; let F be FunctorStr over C1,C2; let o1,o2 be object of C1; cluster Morph-Map(F,o1,o2) -> Relation-like Function-like; coherence proof Morph-Map(F,o1,o2) = (the MorphMap of F).(o1,o2) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of F).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1; hence Morph-Map(F,o1,o2) is Relation-like Function-like; end; end; definition let C1,C2 be non empty AltGraph; let F be Covariant FunctorStr over C1,C2; let o1,o2 be object of C1; redefine func Morph-Map(F,o1,o2) -> Function of <^o1,o2^>, <^F.o1,F.o2^>; coherence proof consider I2' being non empty set, B' being ManySortedSet of I2', f' being Function of [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:],I2' such that A1: the ObjectMap of F = f' and A2: the Arrows of C2 = B' and A3: the MorphMap of F is ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of C1,B'*f' by Def4; A4: (the Arrows of C1).[o1,o2] = (the Arrows of C1).(o1,o2) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o1,o2^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A5: [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of C1, the carrier of C1:] by ZFMISC_1:106; the ObjectMap of F is Covariant by Def13; then consider g being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 such that A6: the ObjectMap of F = [:g,g:] by Def2; A7: F.o1 = ((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o1))`1 by Def6 .= ([:g,g:].[o1,o1])`1 by A6,BINOP_1:def 1 .= [g.o1,g.o1]`1 by FUNCT_3:96 .= g.o1 by MCART_1:7; A8: F.o2 = ((the ObjectMap of F).(o2,o2))`1 by Def6 .= ([:g,g:].[o2,o2])`1 by A6,BINOP_1:def 1 .= [g.o2,g.o2]`1 by FUNCT_3:96 .= g.o2 by MCART_1:7; dom f' = [:the carrier of C1, the carrier of C1:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A9: (B'*f').[o1,o2] = B'.(f'.[o1,o2]) by A5,FUNCT_1:23 .= B'.[g.o1,g.o2] by A1,A6,FUNCT_3:96 .= (the Arrows of C2).(F.o1,F.o2) by A2,A7,A8,BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^F.o1,F.o2^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; (the MorphMap of F).[o1,o2] is Function of (the Arrows of C1).[o1,o2], (B'*f').[o1,o2] by A3,A5,MSUALG_1:def 2; then (the MorphMap of F).(o1,o2) is Function of <^o1,o2^>, <^F.o1,F.o2^> by A4,A9,BINOP_1:def 1; hence thesis by Def15; end; end; definition let C1,C2 be non empty AltGraph; let F be Covariant FunctorStr over C1,C2; let o1,o2 be object of C1 such that A1: <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^F.o1,F.o2^> <> {}; let m be Morphism of o1,o2; func F.m -> Morphism of F.o1, F.o2 equals :Def16: Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).m; coherence proof reconsider A = <^o1,o2^>, B = <^F.o1,F.o2^> as non empty set by A1; reconsider M = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2) as Function of A,B; reconsider m as Element of A; M.m is Element of B; hence thesis ; end; end; definition let C1,C2 be non empty AltGraph; let F be Contravariant FunctorStr over C1,C2; let o1,o2 be object of C1; redefine func Morph-Map(F,o1,o2) -> Function of <^o1,o2^>, <^F.o2,F.o1^>; coherence proof consider I2' being non empty set, B' being ManySortedSet of I2', f' being Function of [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:],I2' such that A1: the ObjectMap of F = f' and A2: the Arrows of C2 = B' and A3: the MorphMap of F is ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of C1,B'*f' by Def4; A4: (the Arrows of C1).[o1,o2] = (the Arrows of C1).(o1,o2) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o1,o2^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A5: [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of C1, the carrier of C1:] by ZFMISC_1:106; the ObjectMap of F is Contravariant by Def14; then consider g being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 such that A6: the ObjectMap of F = ~[:g,g:] by Def3; A7: dom f' = [:the carrier of C1, the carrier of C1:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; then [o1,o1] in dom~[:g,g:] by A1,A6,ZFMISC_1:106; then A8: [o1,o1] in dom[:g,g:] by FUNCT_4:43; A9: F.o1 = ((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o1))`1 by Def6 .= (~[:g,g:].[o1,o1])`1 by A6,BINOP_1:def 1 .= ([:g,g:].[o1,o1])`1 by A8,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= [g.o1,g.o1]`1 by FUNCT_3:96 .= g.o1 by MCART_1:7; [o2,o2] in dom~[:g,g:] by A1,A6,A7,ZFMISC_1:106; then A10: [o2,o2] in dom[:g,g:] by FUNCT_4:43; A11: F.o2 = ((the ObjectMap of F).(o2,o2))`1 by Def6 .= (~[:g,g:].[o2,o2])`1 by A6,BINOP_1:def 1 .= ([:g,g:].[o2,o2])`1 by A10,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= [g.o2,g.o2]`1 by FUNCT_3:96 .= g.o2 by MCART_1:7; [o1,o2] in dom~[:g,g:] by A1,A6,A7,ZFMISC_1:106; then A12: [o2,o1] in dom[:g,g:] by FUNCT_4:43; A13: (B'*f').[o1,o2] = B'.(f'.[o1,o2]) by A5,A7,FUNCT_1:23 .= B'.([:g,g:].[o2,o1]) by A1,A6,A12,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= (the Arrows of C2).[F.o2,F.o1] by A2,A9,A11,FUNCT_3:96 .= (the Arrows of C2).(F.o2,F.o1) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^F.o2,F.o1^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; (the MorphMap of F).[o1,o2] is Function of (the Arrows of C1).[o1,o2], (B'*f').[o1,o2] by A3,A5,MSUALG_1:def 2; then (the MorphMap of F).(o1,o2) is Function of <^o1,o2^>, <^F.o2,F.o1^> by A4,A13,BINOP_1:def 1; hence thesis by Def15; end; end; definition let C1,C2 be non empty AltGraph; let F be Contravariant FunctorStr over C1,C2; let o1,o2 be object of C1 such that A1: <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^F.o2,F.o1^> <> {}; let m be Morphism of o1,o2; func F.m -> Morphism of F.o2, F.o1 equals :Def17: Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).m; coherence proof reconsider A = <^o1,o2^>, B = <^F.o2,F.o1^> as non empty set by A1; reconsider M = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2) as Function of A,B; reconsider m as Element of A; M.m is Element of B; hence thesis ; end; end; definition let C1,C2 be non empty AltGraph; let o be object of C2 such that A1: <^o,o^> <> {}; let m be Morphism of o,o; func C1 --> m -> strict FunctorStr over C1,C2 means :Def18: the ObjectMap of it = [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] --> [o,o] & the MorphMap of it = { [[o1,o2],<^o1,o2^> --> m] where o1 is object of C1, o2 is object of C1: not contradiction }; existence proof set I1 = [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:], I2 = [:the carrier of C2,the carrier of C2:], A = the Arrows of C1, B = the Arrows of C2; reconsider oo = [o,o] as Element of I2 by ZFMISC_1:106; B.oo = B.(o,o) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o,o^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider m as Element of B.oo; reconsider f = I1 --> oo as Function of I1, I2 by FUNCOP_1:57; reconsider f as bifunction of the carrier of C1,the carrier of C2; set M = { [[o1,o2],<^o1,o2^> --> m] where o1 is object of C1, o2 is object of C1: not contradiction }; A2: M = { [o',A.o' --> m] where o' is Element of I1: not contradiction } proof thus M c= { [o',A.o' --> m] where o' is Element of I1: not contradiction } proof let x be set; assume x in M; then consider o3,o4 being object of C1 such that A3: x = [[o3,o4],<^o3,o4^> --> m]; reconsider oo = [o3,o4] as Element of I1 by ZFMISC_1:106; x = [oo,A.(o3,o4) --> m] by A3,ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= [oo,A.oo --> m] by BINOP_1:def 1; hence x in { [o',A.o' --> m] where o' is Element of I1: not contradiction }; end; let x be set; assume x in { [o',A.o' --> m] where o' is Element of I1: not contradiction }; then consider o' being Element of I1 such that A4: x = [o',A.o' --> m]; reconsider o1 = o'`1, o2 = o'`2 as Element of C1 by MCART_1:10; reconsider o1, o2 as object of C1; o' = [o1,o2] by MCART_1:23; then x = [[o1,o2],A.(o1,o2) --> m] by A4,BINOP_1:def 1 .= [[o1,o2],<^o1,o2^> --> m] by ALTCAT_1:def 2; hence x in M; end; B.(o,o) <> {} by A1,ALTCAT_1:def 2; then B.oo <> {} by BINOP_1:def 1; then reconsider M as MSUnTrans of f, A, B by A2,Th19; take FunctorStr(#f,M#); thus thesis; end; uniqueness; end; theorem Th22: for C1,C2 being non empty AltGraph, o2 being object of C2 st <^o2,o2^> <> {} for m be Morphism of o2,o2, o1 being object of C1 holds (C1 --> m).o1 = o2 proof let C1,C2 be non empty AltGraph, o2 be object of C2 such that A1: <^o2,o2^> <> {}; let m be Morphism of o2,o2, o1 be object of C1; A2: [o1,o1] in [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] by ZFMISC_1:106; thus (C1 --> m).o1 = ((the ObjectMap of C1 --> m).(o1,o1))`1 by Def6 .= (([:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] --> [o2,o2]).(o1,o1))`1 by A1,Def18 .= (([:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] --> [o2,o2]).[o1,o1])`1 by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [o2,o2]`1 by A2,FUNCOP_1:13 .= o2 by MCART_1:7; end; definition let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2 be non empty reflexive AltGraph; let o be object of C2, m be Morphism of o,o; cluster C1 --> m -> Covariant Contravariant feasible; coherence proof <^o,o^> <> {} by ALTCAT_2:def 7; then A1: the ObjectMap of C1 --> m = [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] --> [o,o] by Def18; hence the ObjectMap of C1 --> m is Covariant Contravariant by Th16; let o1,o2 be object of C1 such that <^o1,o2^> <> {}; A2: [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] by ZFMISC_1:106; (the ObjectMap of C1 --> m).(o1,o2) = ([:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] --> [o,o]).[o1,o2] by A1,BINOP_1:def 1 .= [o,o] by A2,FUNCOP_1:13; then (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of C1 --> m).(o1,o2)) = (the Arrows of C2).(o,o) by BINOP_1:def 1; hence (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of C1 --> m).(o1,o2)) <> {} by ALTCAT_2:def 6; end; end; definition let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2 be non empty reflexive AltGraph; cluster feasible Covariant Contravariant FunctorStr over C1,C2; existence proof consider o being object of C2; consider m being Morphism of o,o; take C1 --> m; thus thesis; end; end; theorem Th23: for C1, C2 being non empty AltGraph, F being Covariant FunctorStr over C1,C2, o1,o2 being object of C1 holds (the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2) = [F.o1,F.o2] proof let C1, C2 be non empty AltGraph, F be Covariant FunctorStr over C1,C2, o1,o2 be object of C1; the ObjectMap of F is Covariant by Def13; then consider f being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 such that A1: the ObjectMap of F = [:f,f:] by Def2; A2: F.o1 = ((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o1))`1 by Def6 .= ([:f,f:].[o1,o1])`1 by A1,BINOP_1:def 1 .= ([f.o1,f.o1])`1 by FUNCT_3:96 .= f.o1 by MCART_1:7; A3: F.o2 = ((the ObjectMap of F).(o2,o2))`1 by Def6 .= ([:f,f:].[o2,o2])`1 by A1,BINOP_1:def 1 .= ([f.o2,f.o2])`1 by FUNCT_3:96 .= f.o2 by MCART_1:7; thus (the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2) = (the ObjectMap of F).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [F.o1,F.o2] by A1,A2,A3,FUNCT_3:96; end; definition let C1, C2 be non empty AltGraph; let F be Covariant FunctorStr over C1,C2; redefine attr F is feasible means :Def19: for o1,o2 being object of C1 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} holds <^F.o1,F.o2^> <> {}; compatibility proof hereby assume A1: F is feasible; let o1,o2 be object of C1; assume A2: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; <^F.o1,F.o2^> = (the Arrows of C2).(F.o1,F.o2) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of C2).[F.o1,F.o2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) by Th23; hence <^F.o1,F.o2^> <> {} by A1,A2,Def12; end; assume A3: for o1,o2 being object of C1 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} holds <^F.o1,F.o2^> <> {}; let o1,o2 be object of C1; assume A4: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; <^F.o1,F.o2^> = (the Arrows of C2).(F.o1,F.o2) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of C2).[F.o1,F.o2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) by Th23; hence (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) <> {} by A3,A4; end; end; theorem Th24: for C1, C2 being non empty AltGraph, F being Contravariant FunctorStr over C1,C2, o1,o2 being object of C1 holds (the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2) = [F.o2,F.o1] proof let C1, C2 be non empty AltGraph, F be Contravariant FunctorStr over C1,C2, o1,o2 be object of C1; the ObjectMap of F is Contravariant by Def14; then consider f being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 such that A1: the ObjectMap of F = ~[:f,f:] by Def3; A2: dom[:f,f:] = [:the carrier of C1, the carrier of C1:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A3: [o1,o1] in dom[:f,f:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A4: F.o1 = ((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o1))`1 by Def6 .= ((the ObjectMap of F).[o1,o1])`1 by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ([:f,f:].[o1,o1])`1 by A1,A3,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= ([f.o1,f.o1])`1 by FUNCT_3:96 .= f.o1 by MCART_1:7; A5: [o2,o2] in dom[:f,f:] by A2,ZFMISC_1:106; A6: F.o2 = ((the ObjectMap of F).(o2,o2))`1 by Def6 .= ((the ObjectMap of F).[o2,o2])`1 by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ([:f,f:].[o2,o2])`1 by A1,A5,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= ([f.o2,f.o2])`1 by FUNCT_3:96 .= f.o2 by MCART_1:7; A7: [o2,o1] in dom[:f,f:] by A2,ZFMISC_1:106; thus (the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2) = (the ObjectMap of F).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [:f,f:].[o2,o1] by A1,A7,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= [F.o2,F.o1] by A4,A6,FUNCT_3:96; end; definition let C1, C2 be non empty AltGraph; let F be Contravariant FunctorStr over C1,C2; redefine attr F is feasible means :Def20: for o1,o2 being object of C1 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} holds <^F.o2,F.o1^> <> {}; compatibility proof hereby assume A1: F is feasible; let o1,o2 be object of C1; assume A2: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; <^F.o2,F.o1^> = (the Arrows of C2).(F.o2,F.o1) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of C2).[F.o2,F.o1] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) by Th24; hence <^F.o2,F.o1^> <> {} by A1,A2,Def12; end; assume A3: for o1,o2 being object of C1 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} holds <^F.o2,F.o1^> <> {}; let o1,o2 be object of C1; assume A4: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; <^F.o2,F.o1^> = (the Arrows of C2).(F.o2,F.o1) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of C2).[F.o2,F.o1] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) by Th24; hence (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) <> {} by A3,A4; end; end; definition let C1,C2 be AltGraph; let F be FunctorStr over C1,C2; cluster the MorphMap of F -> Function-yielding; coherence; end; definition cluster non empty reflexive AltCatStr; existence proof consider C being category; take C; thus thesis; end; end; :: Wlasnosci funktorow, Semadeni-Wiweger str. 32 definition let C1,C2 be with_units (non empty AltCatStr); let F be FunctorStr over C1,C2; attr F is id-preserving means :Def21: for o being object of C1 holds Morph-Map(F,o,o).idm o = idm F.o; end; theorem Th25: for C1,C2 being non empty AltGraph, o2 being object of C2 st <^o2,o2^> <> {} for m be Morphism of o2,o2, o,o' being object of C1, f being Morphism of o,o' st <^o,o'^> <> {} holds Morph-Map(C1 --> m,o,o').f = m proof let C1,C2 be non empty AltGraph, o2 be object of C2 such that A1: <^o2,o2^> <> {}; let m be Morphism of o2,o2, o,o' be object of C1, f be Morphism of o,o' such that A2: <^o,o'^> <> {}; set X = { [[o1,o1'],<^o1,o1'^> --> m] where o1 is object of C1, o1' is object of C1: not contradiction }, Y = { [[o1,o1'],(the Arrows of C1).(o1,o1') --> m] where o1 is Element of C1, o1' is Element of C1: not contradiction }; A3: X c= Y proof let e be set; assume e in X; then consider o1,o1' being object of C1 such that A4: e = [[o1,o1'],<^o1,o1'^> --> m]; e = [[o1,o1'],(the Arrows of C1).(o1,o1') --> m] by A4,ALTCAT_1:def 2; hence e in Y; end; A5: Y c= X proof let e be set; assume e in Y; then consider o1,o1' being Element of C1 such that A6: e = [[o1,o1'],(the Arrows of C1).(o1,o1') --> m]; reconsider o1,o1' as object of C1; e = [[o1,o1'],<^o1,o1'^> --> m] by A6,ALTCAT_1:def 2; hence e in X; end; defpred P[set,set] means not contradiction; deffunc F(Element of C1,Element of C1) = (the Arrows of C1).($1,$2) --> m; the MorphMap of C1 --> m = X by A1,Def18; then A7: the MorphMap of C1 --> m = { [[o1,o1'],F(o1,o1')] where o1 is Element of C1, o1' is Element of C1: P[o1,o1'] } by A3,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 10; A8: P[o,o']; Morph-Map(C1 --> m,o,o') = (the MorphMap of C1 --> m).(o,o') by Def15 .= F(o,o') from ValOnPair(A7,A8); hence Morph-Map(C1 --> m,o,o').f = (<^o,o'^> --> m).f by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= m by A2,FUNCOP_1:13; end; definition cluster with_units -> reflexive (non empty AltCatStr); coherence proof let C be non empty AltCatStr; assume A1: C is with_units; let o be object of C; the Comp of C is with_left_units by A1,ALTCAT_1:def 18; then consider e being set such that A2: e in (the Arrows of C).(o,o) and for i being Element of C, f be set st f in (the Arrows of C).(i,o) holds (the Comp of C).(i,o,o).(e,f) = f by ALTCAT_1:def 9; thus <^o,o^> <> {} by A2,ALTCAT_1:def 2; end; end; definition let C1,C2 be with_units (non empty AltCatStr); let o2 be object of C2; cluster C1 --> idm o2 -> id-preserving; coherence proof let o1 be object of C1; A1: <^o2,o2^> <> {} by ALTCAT_2:def 7; <^o1,o1^> <> {} by ALTCAT_2:def 7; hence Morph-Map(C1 --> idm o2,o1,o1).idm o1 = idm o2 by A1,Th25 .= idm(C1 --> idm o2).o1 by A1,Th22; end; end; definition let C1 be non empty AltGraph; let C2 be non empty reflexive AltGraph; let o2 be object of C2; let m be Morphism of o2,o2; cluster C1 --> m -> reflexive; coherence proof let o be object of C1; A1: [o,o] in [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] by ZFMISC_1:106; <^o2,o2^> <> {} by ALTCAT_2:def 7; then A2: (the ObjectMap of C1 --> m).(o,o) = ([:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] --> [o2,o2]).(o,o) by Def18 .= ([:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] --> [o2,o2]).[o,o] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [o2,o2] by A1,FUNCOP_1:13; (C1 --> m).o = ((the ObjectMap of C1 --> m).(o,o))`1 by Def6 .= o2 by A2,MCART_1:7; hence (the ObjectMap of C1 --> m).(o,o) = [(C1 --> m).o,(C1 --> m).o] by A2 ; end; end; definition let C1 be non empty AltGraph; let C2 be non empty reflexive AltGraph; cluster feasible reflexive FunctorStr over C1,C2; existence proof consider o2 being object of C2, m being Morphism of o2,o2; take C1 --> m; thus thesis; end; end; definition let C1,C2 be with_units (non empty AltCatStr); cluster id-preserving feasible reflexive strict FunctorStr over C1,C2; existence proof consider o2 being object of C2; take C1 --> idm o2; thus thesis; end; end; definition let C1,C2 be non empty AltCatStr; let F be FunctorStr over C1,C2; attr F is comp-preserving means :Def22: for o1,o2,o3 being object of C1 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {} for f being Morphism of o1,o2, g being Morphism of o2,o3 ex f' being Morphism of F.o1,F.o2, g' being Morphism of F.o2,F.o3 st f' = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f & g' = Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g & Morph-Map(F,o1,o3).(g*f) = g'*f'; end; definition let C1,C2 be non empty AltCatStr; let F be FunctorStr over C1,C2; attr F is comp-reversing means :Def23: for o1,o2,o3 being object of C1 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {} for f being Morphism of o1,o2, g being Morphism of o2,o3 ex f' being Morphism of F.o2,F.o1, g' being Morphism of F.o3,F.o2 st f' = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f & g' = Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g & Morph-Map(F,o1,o3).(g*f) = f'*g'; end; definition let C1 be non empty transitive AltCatStr; let C2 be non empty reflexive AltCatStr; let F be Covariant feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2; redefine attr F is comp-preserving means for o1,o2,o3 being object of C1 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {} for f being Morphism of o1,o2, g being Morphism of o2,o3 holds F.(g*f) = (F.g)*(F.f); compatibility proof hereby assume A1: F is comp-preserving; let o1,o2,o3 be object of C1 such that A2: <^o1,o2^> <> {} and A3: <^o2,o3^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of o1,o2, g be Morphism of o2,o3; consider f' being Morphism of F.o1,F.o2, g' being Morphism of F.o2,F.o3 such that A4: f' = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f and A5: g' = Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g and A6: Morph-Map(F,o1,o3).(g*f) = g'*f' by A1,A2,A3,Def22; A7: <^F.o1,F.o2^> <> {} by A2,Def19; <^F.o2,F.o3^> <> {} by A3,Def19; then A8: f' = F.f & g' = F.g by A2,A3,A4,A5,A7,Def16; A9: <^o1,o3^> <> {} by A2,A3,ALTCAT_1:def 4; then <^F.o1,F.o3^> <> {} by Def19; hence F.(g*f) = (F.g)*(F.f) by A6,A8,A9,Def16; end; assume A10: for o1,o2,o3 being object of C1 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {} for f being Morphism of o1,o2, g being Morphism of o2,o3 holds F.(g*f) = (F.g)*(F.f); let o1,o2,o3 be object of C1 such that A11: <^o1,o2^> <> {} and A12: <^o2,o3^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of o1,o2, g be Morphism of o2,o3; A13: <^F.o1,F.o2^> <> {} by A11,Def19; then Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f in <^F.o1,F.o2^> by A11,FUNCT_2:7; then reconsider f' = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f as Morphism of F.o1,F.o2 ; A14: <^F.o2,F.o3^> <> {} by A12,Def19; then Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g in <^F.o2,F.o3^> by A12,FUNCT_2:7; then reconsider g' = Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g as Morphism of F.o2,F.o3 ; take f', g'; thus f' = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f & g' = Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g; A15: f' = F.f & g' = F.g by A11,A12,A13,A14,Def16; A16: <^o1,o3^> <> {} by A11,A12,ALTCAT_1:def 4; then <^F.o1,F.o3^> <> {} by Def19; hence Morph-Map(F,o1,o3).(g*f) = F.(g*f) by A16,Def16 .= g'*f' by A10,A11,A12,A15; end; end; definition let C1 be non empty transitive AltCatStr; let C2 be non empty reflexive AltCatStr; let F be Contravariant feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2; redefine attr F is comp-reversing means for o1,o2,o3 being object of C1 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {} for f being Morphism of o1,o2, g being Morphism of o2,o3 holds F.(g*f) = (F.f)*(F.g); compatibility proof hereby assume A1: F is comp-reversing; let o1,o2,o3 be object of C1 such that A2: <^o1,o2^> <> {} and A3: <^o2,o3^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of o1,o2, g be Morphism of o2,o3; consider f' being Morphism of F.o2,F.o1, g' being Morphism of F.o3,F.o2 such that A4: f' = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f and A5: g' = Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g and A6: Morph-Map(F,o1,o3).(g*f) = f'*g' by A1,A2,A3,Def23; A7: <^F.o2,F.o1^> <> {} by A2,Def20; <^F.o3,F.o2^> <> {} by A3,Def20; then A8: f' = F.f & g' = F.g by A2,A3,A4,A5,A7,Def17; A9: <^o1,o3^> <> {} by A2,A3,ALTCAT_1:def 4; then <^F.o3,F.o1^> <> {} by Def20; hence F.(g*f) = (F.f)*(F.g) by A6,A8,A9,Def17; end; assume A10: for o1,o2,o3 being object of C1 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {} for f being Morphism of o1,o2, g being Morphism of o2,o3 holds F.(g*f) = (F.f)*(F.g); let o1,o2,o3 be object of C1 such that A11: <^o1,o2^> <> {} and A12: <^o2,o3^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of o1,o2, g be Morphism of o2,o3; A13: <^F.o2,F.o1^> <> {} by A11,Def20; then Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f in <^F.o2,F.o1^> by A11,FUNCT_2:7; then reconsider f' = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f as Morphism of F.o2,F.o1 ; A14: <^F.o3,F.o2^> <> {} by A12,Def20; then Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g in <^F.o3,F.o2^> by A12,FUNCT_2:7; then reconsider g' = Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g as Morphism of F.o3,F.o2 ; take f', g'; thus f' = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f & g' = Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g; A15: f' = F.f & g' = F.g by A11,A12,A13,A14,Def17; A16: <^o1,o3^> <> {} by A11,A12,ALTCAT_1:def 4; then <^F.o3,F.o1^> <> {} by Def20; hence Morph-Map(F,o1,o3).(g*f) = F.(g*f) by A16,Def17 .= f'*g' by A10,A11,A12,A15; end; end; theorem Th26: for C1 being non empty AltGraph, C2 being non empty reflexive AltGraph, o2 being object of C2, m be Morphism of o2,o2, F being Covariant feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2 st F = C1 --> m for o,o' being object of C1, f being Morphism of o,o' st <^o,o'^> <> {} holds F.f = m proof let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2 be non empty reflexive AltGraph, o2 be object of C2; A1: <^o2,o2^> <> {} by ALTCAT_2:def 7; let m be Morphism of o2,o2, F be Covariant feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2 such that A2: F = C1 --> m; let o,o' be object of C1, f be Morphism of o,o'; assume A3: <^o,o'^> <> {}; then <^F.o,F.o'^> <> {} by Def19; hence F.f = Morph-Map(F,o,o').f by A3,Def16 .= m by A1,A2,A3,Th25; end; theorem Th27: for C1 being non empty AltGraph, C2 being non empty reflexive AltGraph, o2 being object of C2, m be Morphism of o2,o2, o,o' being object of C1, f being Morphism of o,o' st <^o,o'^> <> {} holds (C1 --> m).f = m proof let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2 be non empty reflexive AltGraph, o2 be object of C2; A1: <^o2,o2^> <> {} by ALTCAT_2:def 7; let m be Morphism of o2,o2; set F = C1 --> m; let o,o' be object of C1, f be Morphism of o,o'; assume A2: <^o,o'^> <> {}; then <^F.o',F.o^> <> {} by Def20; hence F.f = Morph-Map(F,o,o').f by A2,Def17 .= m by A1,A2,Th25; end; definition let C1 be non empty transitive AltCatStr, C2 be with_units (non empty AltCatStr); let o be object of C2; cluster C1 --> idm o -> comp-preserving comp-reversing; coherence proof set F = C1 --> idm o; reconsider G = F as Covariant feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2; A1: <^o,o^> <> {} by ALTCAT_2:def 7; G is comp-preserving proof let o1,o2,o3 be object of C1; assume A2: <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {}; then A3: <^o1,o3^> <> {} by ALTCAT_1:def 4; let f be Morphism of o1,o2, g be Morphism of o2,o3; A4: G.g = idm o & G.f = idm o by A2,Th26; A5: G.o1 = o & G.o2 = o & G.o3 = o by A1,Th22; thus G.(g*f) = idm o by A3,Th26 .= (G.g)*(G.f) by A1,A4,A5,ALTCAT_1:24; end; hence F is comp-preserving; let o1,o2,o3 be object of C1; assume A6: <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {}; then A7: <^o1,o3^> <> {} by ALTCAT_1:def 4; let f be Morphism of o1,o2, g be Morphism of o2,o3; A8: F.g = idm o & F.f = idm o by A6,Th27; A9: F.o1 = o & F.o2 = o & F.o3 = o by A1,Th22; thus F.(g*f) = idm o by A7,Th27 .= (F.f)*(F.g) by A1,A8,A9,ALTCAT_1:24; end; end; definition let C1 be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), C2 be with_units (non empty AltCatStr); mode Functor of C1,C2 -> FunctorStr over C1,C2 means :Def26: it is feasible id-preserving & (it is Covariant comp-preserving or it is Contravariant comp-reversing); existence proof consider o being object of C2; take C1 --> idm o; thus thesis; end; end; definition let C1 be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), C2 be with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F be Functor of C1,C2; attr F is covariant means :Def27: F is Covariant comp-preserving; attr F is contravariant means :Def28: F is Contravariant comp-reversing; end; definition let A be AltCatStr, B be SubCatStr of A; func incl B -> strict FunctorStr over B,A means :Def29: the ObjectMap of it = id [:the carrier of B, the carrier of B:] & the MorphMap of it = id the Arrows of B; existence proof the carrier of B c= the carrier of A by ALTCAT_2:def 11; then reconsider CC = [:the carrier of B, the carrier of B:] as Subset of [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by ZFMISC_1:119; set OM = id [:the carrier of B, the carrier of B:]; OM = incl CC by FUNCT_3:def 4; then reconsider OM as bifunction of the carrier of B, the carrier of A; set MM = id the Arrows of B; MM is MSUnTrans of OM, the Arrows of B, the Arrows of A proof per cases; case [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] <> {}; then reconsider I2' = [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] as non empty set; reconsider B' = the Arrows of A as ManySortedSet of I2'; reconsider f' = OM as Function of [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:],I2'; take I2', B', f'; thus OM = f' & the Arrows of A = B'; thus MM is ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of B,B'*f' proof let i be set; A1: (the Arrows of B).i = {} implies (the Arrows of B).i = {}; assume A2: i in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:]; then A3: MM.i is Function of (the Arrows of B).i, (the Arrows of B).i by MSUALG_1:def 2; A4: the Arrows of B cc= the Arrows of A by ALTCAT_2:def 11; (B'*f').i = B'.(f'.i) by A2,FUNCT_2:21 .= (the Arrows of A).i by A2,FUNCT_1:35; then (the Arrows of B).i c= (B'*f').i by A2,A4,ALTCAT_2:def 2; hence MM.i is Function of (the Arrows of B).i, (B'*f').i by A1,A3,FUNCT_2:9; end; case [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] = {}; then A5: CC = {} by XBOOLE_1:3; then MM = {} by PBOOLE:134; hence MM = [0][:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by A5,PBOOLE:134; end; then reconsider MM as MSUnTrans of OM, the Arrows of B, the Arrows of A; take FunctorStr(#OM,MM#); thus thesis; end; correctness; end; definition let A be AltGraph; func id A -> strict FunctorStr over A,A means :Def30: the ObjectMap of it = id [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] & the MorphMap of it = id the Arrows of A; existence proof reconsider OM = id [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] as bifunction of the carrier of A, the carrier of A; set MM = id the Arrows of A; MM is MSUnTrans of OM, the Arrows of A, the Arrows of A proof per cases; case [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] <> {}; then reconsider I2' = [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] as non empty set; reconsider A' = the Arrows of A as ManySortedSet of I2'; reconsider f' = OM as Function of [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:],I2'; take I2', A', f'; thus OM = f' & the Arrows of A = A'; thus MM is ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of A,A'*f' proof let i be set; assume A1: i in [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:]; then (A'*f').i = A'.(f'.i) by FUNCT_2:21 .= (the Arrows of A).i by A1,FUNCT_1:35; hence MM.i is Function of (the Arrows of A).i, (A'*f').i by A1,MSUALG_1:def 2; end; case A2: [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] = {}; then MM = {} by PBOOLE:134; hence MM = [0][:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by A2,PBOOLE:134; end; then reconsider MM as MSUnTrans of OM, the Arrows of A, the Arrows of A; take FunctorStr(#OM,MM#); thus thesis; end; correctness; end; definition let A be AltCatStr, B be SubCatStr of A; cluster incl B -> Covariant; coherence proof reconsider b = the carrier of B as Subset of A by ALTCAT_2:def 11; incl b = id b by FUNCT_3:def 4; then reconsider f = id the carrier of B as Function of the carrier of B, the carrier of A; take f; thus the ObjectMap of incl B = id[:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by Def29 .= [:f,f:] by FUNCT_3:90; end; end; theorem Th28: for A being non empty AltCatStr, B being non empty SubCatStr of A, o being object of B holds (incl B).o = o proof let A be non empty AltCatStr, B be non empty SubCatStr of A, o be object of B; A1: [o,o] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; thus (incl B).o = ((the ObjectMap of incl B).(o,o))`1 by Def6 .= ((the ObjectMap of incl B).[o,o])`1 by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ((id[:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:]).[o,o])`1 by Def29 .= [o,o]`1 by A1,FUNCT_1:35 .= o by MCART_1:7; end; theorem Th29: for A being non empty AltCatStr, B being non empty SubCatStr of A, o1,o2 being object of B holds <^o1,o2^> c= <^(incl B).o1,(incl B).o2^> proof let A be non empty AltCatStr, B be non empty SubCatStr of A, o1,o2 be object of B; A1: [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A2: <^o1,o2^> = (the Arrows of B).(o1,o2) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of B).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1; A3: (incl B).o1 = o1 by Th28; (incl B).o2 = o2 by Th28; then A4: <^(incl B).o1,(incl B).o2^> = (the Arrows of A).(o1,o2) by A3, ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of A).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1; the Arrows of B cc= the Arrows of A by ALTCAT_2:def 11; hence <^o1,o2^> c= <^(incl B).o1,(incl B).o2^> by A1,A2,A4,ALTCAT_2:def 2; end; definition let A be non empty AltCatStr, B be non empty SubCatStr of A; cluster incl B -> feasible; coherence proof let o1,o2 be object of B; <^o1,o2^> c= <^(incl B).o1,(incl B).o2^> by Th29; hence <^o1,o2^> <> {} implies <^(incl B).o1,(incl B).o2^> <> {} by XBOOLE_1: 3; end; end; definition let A,B be AltGraph, F be FunctorStr over A,B; attr F is faithful means :Def31: the MorphMap of F is "1-1"; end; definition let A,B be AltGraph, F be FunctorStr over A,B; attr F is full means :Def32: ex B' being ManySortedSet of [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:], f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A),B' st B' = (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F & f = the MorphMap of F & f is "onto"; end; definition let A be AltGraph, B be non empty AltGraph, F be FunctorStr over A,B; redefine attr F is full means :Def33: ex f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F st f = the MorphMap of F & f is "onto"; compatibility proof hereby assume F is full; then consider B' being ManySortedSet of [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:], f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A),B' such that A1: B' = (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F and A2: f = the MorphMap of F and A3: f is "onto" by Def32; reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F by A1; take f; thus f = the MorphMap of F by A2; thus f is "onto" by A1,A3; end; given f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F such that A4: f = the MorphMap of F & f is "onto"; take (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F; thus thesis by A4; end; end; definition let A,B be AltGraph, F be FunctorStr over A,B; attr F is injective means :Def34: F is one-to-one faithful; attr F is surjective means :Def35: F is full onto; end; definition let A,B be AltGraph, F be FunctorStr over A,B; attr F is bijective means :Def36: F is injective surjective; end; definition let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr); cluster strict covariant contravariant feasible Functor of A,B; existence proof consider o being object of B; reconsider F = A --> idm o as Functor of A,B by Def26; take F; thus thesis by Def27,Def28; end; end; theorem Th30: for A being non empty AltGraph, o being object of A holds (id A).o = o proof let A be non empty AltGraph, o be object of A; A1: [o,o] in [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by ZFMISC_1:106; thus (id A).o = ((the ObjectMap of id A).(o,o))`1 by Def6 .= ((the ObjectMap of id A).[o,o])`1 by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ((id[:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:]).[o,o])`1 by Def30 .= ([o,o])`1 by A1,FUNCT_1:35 .= o by MCART_1:7; end; theorem Th31: for A being non empty AltGraph, o1,o2 being object of A st <^o1,o2^> <> {} for m being Morphism of o1,o2 holds Morph-Map(id A,o1,o2).m = m proof let A be non empty AltGraph, o1,o2 be object of A such that A1: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; let m be Morphism of o1,o2; A2: [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by ZFMISC_1:106; Morph-Map(id A,o1,o2) = (the MorphMap of id A).(o1,o2) by Def15 .= (id the Arrows of A).(o1,o2) by Def30 .= (id the Arrows of A).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1; hence Morph-Map(id A,o1,o2).m = (id((the Arrows of A).[o1,o2])).m by A2,MSUALG_3:def 1 .= (id((the Arrows of A).(o1,o2))).m by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (id<^o1,o2^>).m by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= m by A1,FUNCT_1:35; end; definition let A be non empty AltGraph; cluster id A -> feasible Covariant; coherence proof thus id A is feasible proof let o1,o2 be object of A; A1: [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by ZFMISC_1:106; (the ObjectMap of id A).(o1,o2) = (the ObjectMap of id A).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (id[:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:]).[o1,o2] by Def30 .= [o1,o2] by A1,FUNCT_1:35; then (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of id A).(o1,o2)) = (the Arrows of A).(o1,o2) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o1,o2^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; hence thesis; end; thus id A is Covariant proof take I = id the carrier of A; thus the ObjectMap of id A = id[:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by Def30 .= [:I,I:] by FUNCT_3:90; end; end; end; definition let A be non empty AltGraph; cluster Covariant feasible FunctorStr over A,A; existence proof take id A; thus thesis; end; end; theorem Th32: for A being non empty AltGraph, o1,o2 being object of A st <^o1,o2^> <> {} for F being Covariant feasible FunctorStr over A,A st F = id A for m being Morphism of o1,o2 holds F.m = m proof let A be non empty AltGraph, o1,o2 be object of A such that A1: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; let F be Covariant feasible FunctorStr over A,A such that A2: F = id A; let m be Morphism of o1,o2; <^F.o1,F.o2^> <> {} by A1,Def19; hence F.m = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).m by A1,Def16 .= m by A1,A2,Th31; end; definition let A be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr); cluster id A -> id-preserving comp-preserving; coherence proof thus id A is id-preserving proof let o be object of A; <^o,o^> <> {} by ALTCAT_2:def 7; hence Morph-Map(id A,o,o).idm o = idm o by Th31 .= idm (id A).o by Th30; end; set F = id A; F is comp-preserving proof let o1,o2,o3 be object of A such that A1: <^o1,o2^> <> {} and A2: <^o2,o3^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of o1,o2, g be Morphism of o2,o3; A3: <^o1,o3^> <> {} by A1,A2,ALTCAT_1:def 4; A4: F.o1 = o1 & F.o2 = o2 & F.o3 = o3 by Th30; F.g = g & F.f = f by A1,A2,Th32; hence F.(g*f) = (F.g)*(F.f) by A3,A4,Th32; end; hence thesis; end; end; definition let A be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr); redefine func id A -> strict covariant Functor of A,A; coherence by Def26,Def27; end; definition let A be AltGraph; cluster id A -> bijective; coherence proof set CC=[:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:]; A1: the ObjectMap of id A = id CC by Def30; thus id A is one-to-one proof thus the ObjectMap of id A is one-to-one by A1,FUNCT_1:52; end; thus id A is faithful proof per cases; suppose A2: the carrier of A <> {}; let i be set, f be Function such that A3: i in dom(the MorphMap of id A) and A4: (the MorphMap of id A).i = f; dom(the MorphMap of id A) = [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by PBOOLE:def 3; then consider o1,o2 being Element of A such that A5: i = [o1,o2] by A2,A3,DOMAIN_1:9; reconsider o1,o2 as object of A; A6: [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by A2,ZFMISC_1:106; f = (the MorphMap of id A).(o1,o2) by A4,A5,BINOP_1:def 1 .= (id the Arrows of A).(o1,o2) by Def30 .= (id the Arrows of A).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= id((the Arrows of A).[o1,o2]) by A6,MSUALG_3:def 1; hence f is one-to-one by FUNCT_1:52; suppose A7: the carrier of A = {}; let i be set, f be Function such that A8: i in dom(the MorphMap of id A) and (the MorphMap of id A).i = f; dom(the MorphMap of id A) = [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by PBOOLE:def 3 .= {} by A7,ZFMISC_1:113; hence thesis by A8; end; thus id A is full proof per cases; suppose A is non empty; then reconsider A as non empty AltGraph; id A is full proof reconsider f = the MorphMap of id A as ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of id A by Def5; take f; thus f = the MorphMap of id A; let i be set; assume A9: i in [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:]; then consider o1,o2 being Element of A such that A10: i = [o1,o2] by DOMAIN_1:9; reconsider o1,o2 as object of A; A11: [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A12: dom(the ObjectMap of id A) = CC by A1,RELAT_1:71; f.i = (the MorphMap of id A).(o1,o2) by A10,BINOP_1:def 1 .= (id the Arrows of A).(o1,o2) by Def30 .= (id the Arrows of A).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= id((the Arrows of A).[o1,o2]) by A11,MSUALG_3:def 1; hence rng(f.i) = (the Arrows of A).[o1,o2] by RELAT_1:71 .= (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of id A).i) by A1,A9,A10,FUNCT_1:35 .= ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of id A).i by A9,A12,FUNCT_1:23; end; hence thesis; suppose A is empty; then A13: the carrier of A = {} by STRUCT_0:def 1; the ObjectMap of id A = id [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by Def30 ; then reconsider B = (the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of id A as ManySortedSet of [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by Th3; reconsider f = the MorphMap of id A as ManySortedSet of [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:]; f is ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A),B proof let i be set; thus thesis by A13,ZFMISC_1:113; end; then reconsider f as ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A),B; take B,f; thus B = (the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of id A & f = the MorphMap of id A; let i be set; thus thesis by A13,ZFMISC_1:113; end; thus id A is onto proof rng id CC = CC by RELAT_1:71; hence the ObjectMap of id A is onto by A1,FUNCT_2:def 3; end; end; end; begin :: The composition of functors definition let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2,C3 be non empty reflexive AltGraph; let F be feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2, G be FunctorStr over C2,C3; func G*F -> strict FunctorStr over C1,C3 means :Def37: the ObjectMap of it = (the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F & the MorphMap of it = ((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F)**the MorphMap of F; existence proof reconsider O = (the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F as bifunction of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C3; set I1 = [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:]; reconsider H = (the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F as MSUnTrans of O,(the Arrows of C2)*the ObjectMap of F,the Arrows of C3 by Th18; for ii being set st ii in I1 & ((the Arrows of C2)*the ObjectMap of F).ii = {} holds (the Arrows of C1).ii = {} or ((the Arrows of C3)*O).ii = {} proof let ii be set such that A1: ii in I1 and A2: ((the Arrows of C2)*the ObjectMap of F).ii = {}; A3: dom the ObjectMap of F = I1 by FUNCT_2:def 1; reconsider o1 = ii`1, o2 = ii`2 as object of C1 by A1,MCART_1:10; A4: ii = [o1,o2] by A1,MCART_1:23; then A5: (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) =(the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).ii) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= {} by A1,A2,A3,FUNCT_1:23; (the Arrows of C1).ii = (the Arrows of C1).(o1,o2) by A4,BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o1,o2^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= {} by A5,Def12; hence thesis; end; then reconsider M = H**the MorphMap of F as MSUnTrans of O, the Arrows of C1, the Arrows of C3 by Th20; take FunctorStr(#O,M#); thus thesis; end; correctness; end; definition let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2,C3 be non empty reflexive AltGraph; let F be Covariant feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2, G be Covariant FunctorStr over C2,C3; cluster G*F -> Covariant; correctness proof the ObjectMap of F is Covariant by Def13; then consider f being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 such that A1: the ObjectMap of F = [:f,f:] by Def2; the ObjectMap of G is Covariant by Def13; then consider g being Function of the carrier of C2, the carrier of C3 such that A2: the ObjectMap of G = [:g,g:] by Def2; take g*f; thus the ObjectMap of G*F = (the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F by Def37 .= [:g*f,g*f:] by A1,A2,FUNCT_3:92; end; end; definition let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2,C3 be non empty reflexive AltGraph; let F be Contravariant feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2, G be Covariant FunctorStr over C2,C3; cluster G*F -> Contravariant; correctness proof the ObjectMap of F is Contravariant by Def14; then consider f being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 such that A1: the ObjectMap of F = ~[:f,f:] by Def3; the ObjectMap of G is Covariant by Def13; then consider g being Function of the carrier of C2, the carrier of C3 such that A2: the ObjectMap of G = [:g,g:] by Def2; take g*f; thus the ObjectMap of G*F = (the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F by Def37 .= ~([:g,g:]*[:f,f:]) by A1,A2,ALTCAT_2:2 .= ~[:g*f,g*f:] by FUNCT_3:92; end; end; definition let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2,C3 be non empty reflexive AltGraph; let F be Covariant feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2, G be Contravariant FunctorStr over C2,C3; cluster G*F -> Contravariant; correctness proof the ObjectMap of F is Covariant by Def13; then consider f being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 such that A1: the ObjectMap of F = [:f,f:] by Def2; the ObjectMap of G is Contravariant by Def14; then consider g being Function of the carrier of C2, the carrier of C3 such that A2: the ObjectMap of G = ~[:g,g:] by Def3; take g*f; thus the ObjectMap of G*F = (the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F by Def37 .= ~([:g,g:]*[:f,f:]) by A1,A2,ALTCAT_2:3 .= ~[:g*f,g*f:] by FUNCT_3:92; end; end; definition let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2,C3 be non empty reflexive AltGraph; let F be Contravariant feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2, G be Contravariant FunctorStr over C2,C3; cluster G*F -> Covariant; correctness proof the ObjectMap of F is Contravariant by Def14; then consider f being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 such that A1: the ObjectMap of F = ~[:f,f:] by Def3; the ObjectMap of G is Contravariant by Def14; then consider g being Function of the carrier of C2, the carrier of C3 such that A2: the ObjectMap of G = ~[:g,g:] by Def3; take g*f; thus the ObjectMap of G*F = (the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F by Def37 .= ~(~[:g,g:]*[:f,f:]) by A1,A2,ALTCAT_2:2 .= ~~([:g,g:]*[:f,f:]) by ALTCAT_2:3 .= [:g,g:]*[:f,f:] by FUNCT_4:55 .= [:g*f,g*f:] by FUNCT_3:92; end; end; definition let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2,C3 be non empty reflexive AltGraph; let F be feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2, G be feasible FunctorStr over C2,C3; cluster G*F -> feasible; coherence proof let o1,o2 be object of C1 such that A1: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; reconsider p1 = ((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2))`1, p2 = ((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2))`2 as Element of C2 by MCART_1:10; reconsider p1,p2 as object of C2; [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then A2: [o1,o2] in dom the ObjectMap of F by FUNCT_2:def 1; A3: ((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) = [p1,p2] by MCART_1:23; A4: ((the ObjectMap of(G*F)).(o1,o2)) = ((the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2) by Def37 .= ((the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the ObjectMap of G).((the ObjectMap of F).[o1,o2]) by A2,FUNCT_1:23 .= (the ObjectMap of G).((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the ObjectMap of G).(p1,p2) by A3,BINOP_1:def 1; <^p1,p2^> = (the Arrows of C2).(p1,p2) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) by A3,BINOP_1:def 1; then <^p1,p2^> <> {} by A1,Def12; hence (the Arrows of C3).((the ObjectMap of(G*F)).(o1,o2)) <> {} by A4,Def12; end; end; theorem for C1 being non empty AltGraph, C2,C3,C4 being non empty reflexive AltGraph, F being feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2, G being feasible FunctorStr over C2,C3, H being FunctorStr over C3,C4 holds H*G*F = H*(G*F) proof let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2,C3,C4 be non empty reflexive AltGraph, F be feasible FunctorStr over C1,C2, G be feasible FunctorStr over C2,C3, H be FunctorStr over C3,C4; A1: the ObjectMap of H*G*F = (the ObjectMap of H*G)*the ObjectMap of F by Def37 .= (the ObjectMap of H)*(the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F by Def37 .= (the ObjectMap of H)*((the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F) by RELAT_1:55 .= (the ObjectMap of H)*the ObjectMap of(G*F) by Def37 .= the ObjectMap of H*(G*F) by Def37; the MorphMap of H*G*F = ((the MorphMap of H*G)*the ObjectMap of F)**the MorphMap of F by Def37 .= ((the MorphMap of H)*(the ObjectMap of G)**the MorphMap of G) *(the ObjectMap of F)**the MorphMap of F by Def37 .= (the MorphMap of H)*(the ObjectMap of G)*(the ObjectMap of F) **((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F)**the MorphMap of F by Th13 .= (the MorphMap of H)*((the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F) **((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F)**the MorphMap of F by RELAT_1:55 .= ((the MorphMap of H)*the ObjectMap of G*F)** ((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F)**the MorphMap of F by Def37 .= ((the MorphMap of H)*the ObjectMap of G*F)** (((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F)**the MorphMap of F) by AUTALG_1:13 .= ((the MorphMap of H)*the ObjectMap of G*F)**the MorphMap of G*F by Def37 .= the MorphMap of H*(G*F) by Def37; hence H*G*F = H*(G*F) by A1; end; theorem Th34: for C1 being non empty AltCatStr, C2,C3 being non empty reflexive AltCatStr, F be feasible reflexive FunctorStr over C1,C2, G be FunctorStr over C2,C3, o be object of C1 holds (G*F).o = G.(F.o) proof let C1 be non empty AltCatStr, C2,C3 be non empty reflexive AltCatStr, F be feasible reflexive FunctorStr over C1,C2, G be FunctorStr over C2,C3, o be object of C1; dom the ObjectMap of F = [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A1: [o,o] in dom the ObjectMap of F by ZFMISC_1:106; thus (G*F).o = ((the ObjectMap of G*F).(o,o))`1 by Def6 .= (((the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F).(o,o))`1 by Def37 .= (((the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F).[o,o])`1 by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ((the ObjectMap of G).((the ObjectMap of F).[o,o]))`1 by A1,FUNCT_1:23 .= ((the ObjectMap of G).((the ObjectMap of F).(o,o)))`1 by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ((the ObjectMap of G).[F.o,F.o])`1 by Def11 .= ((the ObjectMap of G).(F.o,F.o))`1 by BINOP_1:def 1 .= G.(F.o) by Def6; end; theorem Th35: for C1 being non empty AltGraph, C2,C3 being non empty reflexive AltGraph, F be feasible reflexive FunctorStr over C1,C2, G be FunctorStr over C2,C3, o be object of C1 holds Morph-Map(G*F,o,o) = Morph-Map(G,F.o,F.o)*Morph-Map(F,o,o) proof let C1 be non empty AltGraph, C2,C3 be non empty reflexive AltGraph, F be feasible reflexive FunctorStr over C1,C2, G be FunctorStr over C2,C3, o be object of C1; A1: dom(the MorphMap of G) = [:the carrier of C2,the carrier of C2:] by PBOOLE:def 3; rng(the ObjectMap of F) c= [:the carrier of C2,the carrier of C2:]; then dom((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F) = dom(the ObjectMap of F) by A1,RELAT_1:46 .= [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A2: [o,o] in dom((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F) by ZFMISC_1:106; dom(the MorphMap of F) = [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] by PBOOLE:def 3; then [o,o] in dom(the MorphMap of F) by ZFMISC_1:106; then [o,o] in dom((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F) /\ dom(the MorphMap of F) by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A3: [o,o] in dom(((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F)**the MorphMap of F) by MSUALG_3:def 4; A4: ((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F).[o,o] = (the MorphMap of G).((the ObjectMap of F).[o,o]) by A2,FUNCT_1:22 .= (the MorphMap of G).((the ObjectMap of F).(o,o)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the MorphMap of G).[F.o,F.o] by Def11 .= (the MorphMap of G).(F.o,F.o) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= Morph-Map(G,F.o,F.o) by Def15; A5: (the MorphMap of F).[o,o] = (the MorphMap of F).(o,o) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= Morph-Map(F,o,o) by Def15; thus Morph-Map(G*F,o,o) = (the MorphMap of G*F).(o,o) by Def15 .= (((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F)**the MorphMap of F).(o,o) by Def37 .= (((the MorphMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F)**the MorphMap of F).[o,o] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= Morph-Map(G,F.o,F.o)*Morph-Map(F,o,o) by A3,A4,A5,MSUALG_3:def 4; end; definition let C1,C2,C3 be with_units (non empty AltCatStr); let F be id-preserving feasible reflexive FunctorStr over C1,C2; let G be id-preserving FunctorStr over C2,C3; cluster G*F -> id-preserving; coherence proof let o be object of C1; A1: [o,o] in [:the carrier of C1,the carrier of C1:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then [o,o] in dom the ObjectMap of F by FUNCT_2:def 1; then ((the Arrows of C2)*the ObjectMap of F).[o,o] = (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).[o,o]) by FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of C2).((the ObjectMap of F).(o,o)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of C2).[F.o,F.o] by Def11 .= (the Arrows of C2).(F.o,F.o) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^F.o,F.o^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then A2: ((the Arrows of C2)*the ObjectMap of F).[o,o] <> {} by ALTCAT_2:def 7 ; A3: Morph-Map(F,o,o) = (the MorphMap of F).(o,o) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of F).[o,o] by BINOP_1:def 1; the MorphMap of F is ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of C1, (the Arrows of C2)*the ObjectMap of F by Def5; then Morph-Map(F,o,o) is Function of (the Arrows of C1).[o,o], ((the Arrows of C2)*the ObjectMap of F).[o,o] by A1,A3,MSUALG_1:def 2; then dom Morph-Map(F,o,o) = (the Arrows of C1).[o,o] by A2,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= (the Arrows of C1).(o,o) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o,o^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then A4: idm o in dom Morph-Map(F,o,o) by ALTCAT_1:23; thus Morph-Map(G*F,o,o).idm o = (Morph-Map(G,F.o,F.o)*Morph-Map(F,o,o)).idm o by Th35 .= Morph-Map(G,F.o,F.o).(Morph-Map(F,o,o).idm o) by A4,FUNCT_1:23 .= Morph-Map(G,F.o,F.o).idm F.o by Def21 .= idm G.(F.o) by Def21 .= idm (G*F).o by Th34; end; end; definition let A,C be non empty reflexive AltCatStr; let B be non empty SubCatStr of A; let F be FunctorStr over A,C; func F|B -> FunctorStr over B,C equals F*incl B; correctness; end; begin :: The inverse functor definition let A,B be non empty AltGraph, F be FunctorStr over A,B; assume A1: F is bijective; func F" -> strict FunctorStr over B,A means :Def39: the ObjectMap of it = (the ObjectMap of F)" & ex f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F st f = the MorphMap of F & the MorphMap of it = f""*(the ObjectMap of F)"; existence proof set OF = the ObjectMap of F; F is injective by A1,Def36; then F is one-to-one by Def34; then A2: OF is one-to-one by Def7; F is surjective by A1,Def36; then F is onto by Def35; then OF is onto by Def8; then A3: rng OF = [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by FUNCT_2:def 3; then reconsider OM = (the ObjectMap of F)" as bifunction of the carrier of B, the carrier of A by A2,FUNCT_2:31; reconsider f = the MorphMap of F as ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*OF by Def5; (the Arrows of B)*OF*OM = (the Arrows of B)*(OF*OM) by RELAT_1:55 .= (the Arrows of B)*id[:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by A2,A3,FUNCT_2:35 .= the Arrows of B by Th3; then f""*OM is ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of B, (the Arrows of A)*OM by ALTCAT_2:5; then reconsider MM = f""*OM as MSUnTrans of OM, the Arrows of B, the Arrows of A by Def5; take G = FunctorStr(#OM,MM#); thus the ObjectMap of G = OF"; take f; thus thesis; end; uniqueness; end; theorem Th36: for A,B being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being feasible FunctorStr over A,B st F is bijective holds F" is bijective feasible proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr); let F be feasible FunctorStr over A,B such that A1: F is bijective; set G = F"; A2: the ObjectMap of G = (the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; A3: F is injective by A1,Def36; then F is one-to-one by Def34; then A4: the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one by Def7; hence the ObjectMap of G is one-to-one by A2,FUNCT_1:62; F is faithful by A3,Def34; then A5: the MorphMap of F is "1-1" by Def31; A6: F is surjective by A1,Def36; then F is onto by Def35; then A7: the ObjectMap of F is onto by Def8; consider h being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F such that A8: h = the MorphMap of F and A9: the MorphMap of G = h""*(the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; F is full by A6,Def35; then A10: ex f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F st f = the MorphMap of F & f is "onto" by Def33; set AA = [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:], BB = [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:]; A11: rng the ObjectMap of F = BB by A7,FUNCT_2:def 3; reconsider f = the MorphMap of G as ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of B),(the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G by Def5; f is "1-1" proof let i be set, g be Function such that A12: i in dom f and A13: f.i = g; i in BB by A12,PBOOLE:def 3; then A14: i in dom((the ObjectMap of F)") by A4,A11,FUNCT_1:55; then (the ObjectMap of F)".i in rng((the ObjectMap of F)") by FUNCT_1:def 5 ; then A15: (the ObjectMap of F)".i in dom the ObjectMap of F by A4,FUNCT_1: 55; then (the ObjectMap of F)".i in AA; then (the ObjectMap of F)".i in dom h by PBOOLE:def 3; then A16: h.((the ObjectMap of F)".i) is one-to-one by A5,A8,MSUALG_3:def 2; g = h"".((the ObjectMap of F)".i) by A9,A13,A14,FUNCT_1:23 .= (h.((the ObjectMap of F)".i))" by A5,A8,A10,A15,MSUALG_3:def 5; hence g is one-to-one by A16,FUNCT_1:62; end; hence the MorphMap of G is "1-1"; thus G is full proof take f; thus f = the MorphMap of G; let i be set; assume A17: i in BB; then A18: i in dom the ObjectMap of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; A19: i in dom((the ObjectMap of F)") by A4,A11,A17,FUNCT_1:55; then (the ObjectMap of F)".i in rng((the ObjectMap of F)") by FUNCT_1:def 5 ; then A20: (the ObjectMap of F)".i in dom the ObjectMap of F by A4,FUNCT_1: 55; then (the ObjectMap of F)".i in AA; then ((the ObjectMap of G).i) in dom h by A2,PBOOLE:def 3; then A21: h.((the ObjectMap of G).i) is one-to-one by A5,A8,MSUALG_3:def 2; set j = (the ObjectMap of G).i; A22: h.j is Function of (the Arrows of A).j, ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).j by A2,A20,MSUALG_1:def 2; consider o1,o2 being Element of A such that A23: j = [o1,o2] by A2,A20,DOMAIN_1:9; reconsider o1,o2 as object of A; A24: now assume (the Arrows of A).j <> {}; then (the Arrows of A).(o1,o2) <> {} by A23,BINOP_1:def 1; then <^o1,o2^> <> {} by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then (the Arrows of B).((the ObjectMap of F).(o1,o2)) <> {} by Def12; then (the Arrows of B).((the ObjectMap of F).j) <> {} by A23,BINOP_1:def 1; hence ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).j <> {} by A2,A20,FUNCT_1:23 ; end; f.i = h"".((the ObjectMap of F)".i) by A9,A19,FUNCT_1:23 .= (h.((the ObjectMap of F)".i))" by A5,A8,A10,A20,MSUALG_3:def 5; hence rng(f.i) = dom(h.((the ObjectMap of G).i)) by A2,A21,FUNCT_1:55 .= (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of G).i) by A22,A24,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).i by A18,FUNCT_1:23; end; thus rng the ObjectMap of G = dom the ObjectMap of F by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:55 .= AA by FUNCT_2:def 1; let o1,o2 be object of B; assume <^o1,o2^> <> {}; then A25: (the Arrows of B).(o1,o2) <> {} by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A26: [o1,o2] in BB by ZFMISC_1:106; then (the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2] in AA by FUNCT_2:7; then consider p1,p2 being Element of A such that A27: (the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2] = [p1,p2] by DOMAIN_1:9; reconsider p1,p2 as object of A; A28: [o1,o2] in dom the ObjectMap of G by A26,FUNCT_2:def 1; A29: (the ObjectMap of F).(p1,p2) = (the ObjectMap of F).((the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2]) by A27,BINOP_1:def 1 .= ((the ObjectMap of F)*(the ObjectMap of G)).[o1,o2] by A28,FUNCT_1:23 .= (id BB).[o1,o2] by A2,A4,A11,FUNCT_1:61 .= [o1,o2] by A26,FUNCT_1:35; assume A30: (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of G).(o1,o2)) = {}; A31: [p1,p2] in AA by ZFMISC_1:106; then A32: [p1,p2] in dom the ObjectMap of F by FUNCT_2:def 1; A33: h.[p1,p2] is Function of (the Arrows of A).[p1,p2], ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).[p1,p2] by A31,MSUALG_1:def 2; ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).[p1,p2] = (the Arrows of B).((the ObjectMap of F).[p1,p2]) by A32,FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of B).[o1,o2] by A29,BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of B).(o1,o2) by BINOP_1:def 1; then dom(h.[p1,p2]) = (the Arrows of A).[p1,p2] by A25,A33,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= {} by A27,A30,BINOP_1:def 1; then {} = rng(h.[p1,p2]) by RELAT_1:65 .= ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).[p1,p2] by A8,A10,A31,MSUALG_3 :def 3 .= (the Arrows of B).((the ObjectMap of F).[p1,p2]) by A32,FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of B).[o1,o2] by A29,BINOP_1:def 1; hence contradiction by A25,BINOP_1:def 1; end; theorem Th37: for A,B being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being feasible reflexive FunctorStr over A,B st F is bijective coreflexive holds F" is reflexive proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F be feasible reflexive FunctorStr over A,B such that A1: F is bijective and A2: F is coreflexive; set G = F"; A3: the ObjectMap of G = (the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; let o be object of B; A4: dom the ObjectMap of F = [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; consider p being object of A such that A5: o = F.p by A2,Th21; F is injective by A1,Def36; then F is one-to-one by Def34; then A6: the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one by Def7; A7: [p,p] in dom the ObjectMap of F by A4,ZFMISC_1:106; A8: G.(F.p) = (G*F).p by Th34 .= ((the ObjectMap of G*F).(p,p))`1 by Def6 .= (((the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F).(p,p))`1 by Def37 .= (((the ObjectMap of G)*the ObjectMap of F).[p,p])`1 by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ((id dom the ObjectMap of F).[p,p])`1 by A3,A6,FUNCT_1:61 .= [p,p]`1 by A7,FUNCT_1:35 .= p by MCART_1:7; thus (the ObjectMap of G).(o,o) = (the ObjectMap of G).[F.p,F.p] by A5,BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the ObjectMap of G).((the ObjectMap of F).(p,p)) by Def11 .= (the ObjectMap of G).((the ObjectMap of F).[p,p]) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ((the ObjectMap of G)*(the ObjectMap of F)).[p,p] by A7,FUNCT_1:23 .= (id dom the ObjectMap of F).[p,p] by A3,A6,FUNCT_1:61 .= [G.o,G.o] by A5,A7,A8,FUNCT_1:35; end; theorem Th38: for A,B being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being feasible reflexive id-preserving FunctorStr over A,B st F is bijective coreflexive holds F" is id-preserving proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F be feasible reflexive id-preserving FunctorStr over A,B such that A1: F is bijective coreflexive; set G = F"; reconsider H = G as feasible reflexive FunctorStr over B,A by A1,Th36,Th37; A2: the ObjectMap of G = (the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; consider f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F such that A3: f = the MorphMap of F and A4: the MorphMap of G = f""*(the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; let o be object of B; A5: F is injective by A1,Def36; then F is one-to-one by Def34; then A6: the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one by Def7; F is faithful by A5,Def34; then A7: the MorphMap of F is "1-1" by Def31; F is surjective by A1,Def36; then F is full by Def35; then A8: ex f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F st f = the MorphMap of F & f is "onto" by Def33; A9: [G.o,G.o] in [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A10: [o,o] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then A11: [o,o] in dom the ObjectMap of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; A12: (the ObjectMap of F*H).(o,o) = (the ObjectMap of F*H).[o,o] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ((the ObjectMap of F)*the ObjectMap of H).[o,o] by Def37 .= ((the ObjectMap of F)*(the ObjectMap of F)").[o,o] by A1,Def39 .= (id rng the ObjectMap of F).[o,o] by A6,FUNCT_1:61 .= (id dom(the ObjectMap of G)).[o,o] by A2,A6,FUNCT_1:55 .= (id[:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:]).[o,o] by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= [o,o] by A10,FUNCT_1:35; A13: F.(G.o) = (F*H).o by Th34 .= ((the ObjectMap of F*H).(o,o))`1 by Def6 .= o by A12,MCART_1:7; A14: Morph-Map(G,o,o) = (the MorphMap of G).(o,o) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of G).[o,o] by BINOP_1:def 1; A15: Morph-Map(F,G.o,G.o) = (the MorphMap of F).(G.o,G.o) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of F).[G.o,G.o] by BINOP_1:def 1; dom the MorphMap of F = [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by PBOOLE:def 3; then [G.o,G.o] in dom the MorphMap of F by ZFMISC_1:106; then A16: Morph-Map(F,G.o,G.o) is one-to-one by A7,A15,MSUALG_3:def 2; [G.o,G.o] in dom the ObjectMap of F by A9,FUNCT_2:def 1; then ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).[G.o,G.o] = (the Arrows of B).((the ObjectMap of F).[G.o,G.o]) by FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of B).((the ObjectMap of F).(G.o,G.o)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of B).[F.(G.o),F.(G.o)] by Def11 .= (the Arrows of B).(F.(G.o),F.(G.o)) by BINOP_1:def 1; then A17: ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).[G.o,G.o] <> {} by ALTCAT_2: def 6; Morph-Map(F,G.o,G.o) is Function of (the Arrows of A).[G.o,G.o], ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).[G.o,G.o] by A3,A9,A15,MSUALG_1:def 2; then A18: dom Morph-Map(F,G.o,G.o) = (the Arrows of A).[G.o,G.o] by A17,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= (the Arrows of A).(G.o,G.o) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^G.o,G.o^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o,o] = (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of G).[o,o]) by A11,FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of H).(o,o)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of A).[G.o,G.o] by Def11 .= (the Arrows of A).(G.o,G.o) by BINOP_1:def 1; then A19: ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o,o] <> {} by ALTCAT_2:def 6; the MorphMap of G is ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of B,(the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G by Def5; then Morph-Map(G,o,o) is Function of (the Arrows of B).[o,o], ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o,o] by A10,A14,MSUALG_1:def 2; then dom Morph-Map(G,o,o) = (the Arrows of B).[o,o] by A19,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= (the Arrows of B).(o,o) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o,o^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then A20: idm o in dom Morph-Map(G,o,o) by ALTCAT_1:23; A21: Morph-Map(G,o,o) = f"".((the ObjectMap of G).[o,o]) by A2,A4,A11,A14,FUNCT_1:23 .= f"".((the ObjectMap of G).(o,o)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= f"".[H.o,H.o] by Def11 .= Morph-Map(F,G.o,G.o)" by A3,A7,A8,A9,A15,MSUALG_3:def 5; Morph-Map(G,o,o).idm o in rng Morph-Map(G,o,o) by A20,FUNCT_1:def 5; then A22: Morph-Map(G,o,o).idm o in dom Morph-Map(F,G.o,G.o) by A16,A21,FUNCT_1 :55; Morph-Map(F,G.o,G.o).(Morph-Map(G,o,o).idm o) = (Morph-Map(F,G.o,G.o)*Morph-Map(G,o,o)).idm o by A20,FUNCT_1:23 .= (id rng Morph-Map(F,G.o,G.o)).idm o by A16,A21,FUNCT_1:61 .= (id dom Morph-Map(G,o,o)).idm o by A16,A21,FUNCT_1:55 .= idm F.(G.o) by A13,A20,FUNCT_1:35 .= Morph-Map(F,G.o,G.o).idm G.o by Def21; hence Morph-Map(G,o,o).idm o = idm G.o by A16,A18,A22,FUNCT_1:def 8; end; theorem Th39: for A,B being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being feasible FunctorStr over A,B st F is bijective Covariant holds F" is Covariant proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F be feasible FunctorStr over A,B; assume A1: F is bijective Covariant; then F is injective by Def36; then F is one-to-one by Def34; then A2: the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one by Def7; F is surjective by A1,Def36; then F is onto by Def35; then A3: the ObjectMap of F is onto by Def8; the ObjectMap of F is Covariant by A1,Def13; then consider f being Function of the carrier of A, the carrier of B such that A4: the ObjectMap of F = [:f,f:] by Def2; A5: f is one-to-one by A2,A4,Th8; then A6: dom(f") = rng f & rng(f") = dom f by FUNCT_1:55; A7: rng[:f,f:] = [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by A3,A4,FUNCT_2:def 3; rng[:f,f:] = [:rng f,rng f:] by FUNCT_3:88; then rng f = the carrier of B by A7,ZFMISC_1:115; then reconsider g = f" as Function of the carrier of B, the carrier of A by A6,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11; take g; [:f,f:]" = [:g,g:] by A5,Th7; hence the ObjectMap of F" = [:g,g:] by A1,A4,Def39; end; theorem Th40: for A,B being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being feasible FunctorStr over A,B st F is bijective Contravariant holds F" is Contravariant proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F be feasible FunctorStr over A,B; assume A1: F is bijective Contravariant; then F is injective by Def36; then F is one-to-one by Def34; then A2: the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one by Def7; F is surjective by A1,Def36; then F is onto by Def35; then A3: the ObjectMap of F is onto by Def8; the ObjectMap of F is Contravariant by A1,Def14; then consider f being Function of the carrier of A, the carrier of B such that A4: the ObjectMap of F = ~[:f,f:] by Def3; [:f,f:] is one-to-one by A2,A4,Th10; then A5: f is one-to-one by Th8; then A6: dom(f") = rng f & rng(f") = dom f by FUNCT_1:55; [:f,f:] is onto by A3,A4,Th14; then A7: rng[:f,f:] = [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by FUNCT_2:def 3; rng[:f,f:] = [:rng f,rng f:] by FUNCT_3:88; then rng f = the carrier of B by A7,ZFMISC_1:115; then reconsider g = f" as Function of the carrier of B, the carrier of A by A6,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11; take g; A8: [:f,f:]" = [:g,g:] by A5,Th7; thus the ObjectMap of F" = (the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39 .= ~[:g,g:] by A4,A5,A8,Th11; end; theorem Th41: for A,B being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being feasible reflexive FunctorStr over A,B st F is bijective coreflexive Covariant for o1,o2 being object of B, m being Morphism of o1,o2 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} holds Morph-Map(F,F".o1,F".o2).(Morph-Map(F",o1,o2).m) = m proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F be feasible reflexive FunctorStr over A,B such that A1: F is bijective coreflexive Covariant; set G = F"; A2: G is Covariant by A1,Th39; reconsider H = G as feasible reflexive FunctorStr over B,A by A1,Th36,Th37; A3: the ObjectMap of G = (the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; consider f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F such that A4: f = the MorphMap of F and A5: the MorphMap of G = f""*(the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; F is injective by A1,Def36; then F is faithful by Def34; then A6: the MorphMap of F is "1-1" by Def31; F is surjective by A1,Def36; then F is full by Def35; then A7: ex f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F st f = the MorphMap of F & f is "onto" by Def33; let o1,o2 be object of B, m be Morphism of o1,o2 such that A8: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; A9: [G.o1,G.o2] in [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A10: [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then A11: [o1,o2] in dom the ObjectMap of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; A12: Morph-Map(G,o1,o2) = (the MorphMap of G).(o1,o2) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of G).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1; A13: Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o2) = (the MorphMap of F).(G.o1,G.o2) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of F).[G.o1,G.o2] by BINOP_1:def 1; dom the MorphMap of F = [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by PBOOLE:def 3; then [G.o1,G.o2] in dom the MorphMap of F by ZFMISC_1:106; then A14: Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o2) is one-to-one by A6,A13,MSUALG_3:def 2; ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2] = (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2]) by A11,FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of H).(o1,o2)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of A).[G.o1,G.o2] by A2,Th23 .= (the Arrows of A).(H.o1,H.o2) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^H.o1,H.o2^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then A15: ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2] <> {} by A2,A8,Def19; the MorphMap of G is ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of B,(the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G by Def5; then Morph-Map(G,o1,o2) is Function of (the Arrows of B).[o1,o2], ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2] by A10,A12,MSUALG_1:def 2; then A16: dom Morph-Map(G,o1,o2) = (the Arrows of B).[o1,o2] by A15,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= (the Arrows of B).(o1,o2) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o1,o2^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A17: Morph-Map(G,o1,o2) = f"".((the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2]) by A3,A5,A11,A12,FUNCT_1:23 .= f"".((the ObjectMap of G).(o1,o2)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= f"".[H.o1,H.o2] by A2,Th23 .= Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o2)" by A4,A6,A7,A9,A13,MSUALG_3:def 5; thus Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o2).(Morph-Map(G,o1,o2).m) = (Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o2)*Morph-Map(G,o1,o2)).m by A8,A16,FUNCT_1:23 .= (id rng Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o2)).m by A14,A17,FUNCT_1:61 .= (id dom Morph-Map(G,o1,o2)).m by A14,A17,FUNCT_1:55 .= m by A8,A16,FUNCT_1:35; end; theorem Th42: for A,B being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being feasible reflexive FunctorStr over A,B st F is bijective coreflexive Contravariant for o1,o2 being object of B, m being Morphism of o1,o2 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} holds Morph-Map(F,F".o2,F".o1).(Morph-Map(F",o1,o2).m) = m proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F be feasible reflexive FunctorStr over A,B such that A1: F is bijective coreflexive Contravariant; set G = F"; A2: G is Contravariant by A1,Th40; reconsider H = G as feasible reflexive FunctorStr over B,A by A1,Th36,Th37; A3: the ObjectMap of G = (the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; consider f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F such that A4: f = the MorphMap of F and A5: the MorphMap of G = f""*(the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; F is injective by A1,Def36; then F is faithful by Def34; then A6: the MorphMap of F is "1-1" by Def31; F is surjective by A1,Def36; then F is full by Def35; then A7: ex f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F st f = the MorphMap of F & f is "onto" by Def33; let o1,o2 be object of B, m be Morphism of o1,o2 such that A8: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; A9: [G.o2,G.o1] in [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A10: [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then A11: [o1,o2] in dom the ObjectMap of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; A12: Morph-Map(G,o1,o2) = (the MorphMap of G).(o1,o2) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of G).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1; A13: Morph-Map(F,G.o2,G.o1) = (the MorphMap of F).(G.o2,G.o1) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of F).[G.o2,G.o1] by BINOP_1:def 1; dom the MorphMap of F = [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by PBOOLE:def 3; then [G.o2,G.o1] in dom the MorphMap of F by ZFMISC_1:106; then A14: Morph-Map(F,G.o2,G.o1) is one-to-one by A6,A13,MSUALG_3:def 2; ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2] = (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2]) by A11,FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of H).(o1,o2)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of A).[G.o2,G.o1] by A2,Th24 .= (the Arrows of A).(H.o2,H.o1) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^H.o2,H.o1^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then A15: ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2] <> {} by A2,A8,Def20; the MorphMap of G is ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of B,(the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G by Def5; then Morph-Map(G,o1,o2) is Function of (the Arrows of B).[o1,o2], ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2] by A10,A12,MSUALG_1:def 2; then A16: dom Morph-Map(G,o1,o2) = (the Arrows of B).[o1,o2] by A15,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= (the Arrows of B).(o1,o2) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o1,o2^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A17: Morph-Map(G,o1,o2) = f"".((the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o2]) by A3,A5,A11,A12,FUNCT_1:23 .= f"".((the ObjectMap of G).(o1,o2)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= f"".[H.o2,H.o1] by A2,Th24 .= Morph-Map(F,G.o2,G.o1)" by A4,A6,A7,A9,A13,MSUALG_3:def 5; thus Morph-Map(F,F".o2,F".o1).(Morph-Map(F",o1,o2).m) = (Morph-Map(F,G.o2,G.o1)*Morph-Map(G,o1,o2)).m by A8,A16,FUNCT_1:23 .= (id rng Morph-Map(F,G.o2,G.o1)).m by A14,A17,FUNCT_1:61 .= (id dom Morph-Map(G,o1,o2)).m by A14,A17,FUNCT_1:55 .= m by A8,A16,FUNCT_1:35; end; theorem Th43: for A,B being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being feasible reflexive FunctorStr over A,B st F is bijective comp-preserving Covariant coreflexive holds F" is comp-preserving proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F be feasible reflexive FunctorStr over A,B such that A1: F is bijective comp-preserving Covariant coreflexive; set G = F"; A2: G is Covariant by A1,Th39; reconsider H = G as feasible reflexive FunctorStr over B,A by A1,Th36,Th37; A3: the ObjectMap of G = (the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; consider ff being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F such that A4: ff = the MorphMap of F and A5: the MorphMap of G = ff""*(the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; A6: F is injective by A1,Def36; then F is one-to-one by Def34; then A7: the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one by Def7; F is faithful by A6,Def34; then A8: the MorphMap of F is "1-1" by Def31; F is surjective by A1,Def36; then F is full by Def35; then A9: ex f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F st f = the MorphMap of F & f is "onto" by Def33; let o1,o2,o3 be object of B; assume A10: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; then A11: <^H.o1,H.o2^> <> {} by A2,Def19; assume A12: <^o2,o3^> <> {}; then A13: <^H.o2,H.o3^> <> {} by A2,Def19; A14: <^o1,o3^> <> {} by A10,A12,ALTCAT_1:def 4; then A15: <^H.o1,H.o3^> <> {} by A2,Def19; then A16: <^F.(G.o1),F.(G.o3)^> <> {} by A1,Def19; let f be Morphism of o1,o2, g be Morphism of o2,o3; reconsider K = G as Covariant FunctorStr over B,A by A1,Th39; K.f = Morph-Map(K,o1,o2).f by A10,A11,Def16; then reconsider f' = Morph-Map(K,o1,o2).f as Morphism of G.o1,G.o2; K.g = Morph-Map(K,o2,o3).g by A12,A13,Def16; then reconsider g' = Morph-Map(K,o2,o3).g as Morphism of G.o2,G.o3; take f',g'; thus f' = Morph-Map(G,o1,o2).f; thus g' = Morph-Map(G,o2,o3).g; consider f'' being Morphism of F.(G.o1),F.(G.o2), g'' being Morphism of F.(G.o2),F.(G.o3) such that A17: f'' = Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o2).f' and A18: g'' = Morph-Map(F,G.o2,G.o3).g' and A19: Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o3).(g'*f') = g''*f'' by A1,A11,A13,Def22; A20: g = g'' by A1,A12,A18,Th41; A21: f = f'' by A1,A10,A17,Th41; A22: Morph-Map(G,o1,o3) = (the MorphMap of G).(o1,o3) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of G).[o1,o3] by BINOP_1:def 1; A23: Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o3) = (the MorphMap of F).(G.o1,G.o3) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of F).[G.o1,G.o3] by BINOP_1:def 1; A24: [G.o1,G.o3] in [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A25: [o1,o3] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then A26: [o1,o3] in dom the ObjectMap of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; dom the MorphMap of F = [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by PBOOLE:def 3; then [G.o1,G.o3] in dom the MorphMap of F by ZFMISC_1:106; then A27: Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o3) is one-to-one by A8,A23,MSUALG_3:def 2; [G.o1,G.o3] in dom the ObjectMap of F by A24,FUNCT_2:def 1; then A28: ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).[G.o1,G.o3] = (the Arrows of B).((the ObjectMap of F).[G.o1,G.o3]) by FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of B).((the ObjectMap of F).(G.o1,G.o3)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of B).[F.(G.o1),F.(G.o3)] by A1,Th23 .= (the Arrows of B).(F.(G.o1),F.(G.o3)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^F.(G.o1),F.(G.o3)^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o3) is Function of (the Arrows of A).[G.o1,G.o3], ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).[G.o1,G.o3] by A4,A23,A24,MSUALG_1: def 2; then A29: dom Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o3) = (the Arrows of A).[G.o1,G.o3] by A16,A28,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= (the Arrows of A).(G.o1,G.o3) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^G.o1,G.o3^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A30: ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o3] = (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o3]) by A26,FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of H).(o1,o3)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of A).[G.o1,G.o3] by A2,Th23 .= (the Arrows of A).(G.o1,G.o3) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^G.o1,G.o3^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; the MorphMap of G is ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of B,(the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G by Def5; then Morph-Map(G,o1,o3) is Function of (the Arrows of B).[o1,o3], ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o3] by A22,A25,MSUALG_1:def 2; then A31: dom Morph-Map(G,o1,o3) = (the Arrows of B).[o1,o3] by A15,A30,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= (the Arrows of B).(o1,o3) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o1,o3^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A32: Morph-Map(G,o1,o3) = ff"".((the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o3]) by A3,A5,A22,A26,FUNCT_1:23 .= ff"".((the ObjectMap of G).(o1,o3)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ff"".[H.o1,H.o3] by A2,Th23 .= Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o3)" by A4,A8,A9,A23,A24,MSUALG_3:def 5; A33: the ObjectMap of F*H = (the ObjectMap of F)*the ObjectMap of H by Def37 .= (the ObjectMap of F)*(the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39 .= id rng the ObjectMap of F by A7,FUNCT_1:61 .= id dom the ObjectMap of G by A3,A7,FUNCT_1:55 .= id[:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; A34: [o1,o1] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A35: (the ObjectMap of F*H).(o1,o1) = (the ObjectMap of F*H).[o1,o1] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [o1,o1] by A33,A34,FUNCT_1:35; A36: F.(G.o1) = (F*H).o1 by Th34 .= ((the ObjectMap of F*H).(o1,o1))`1 by Def6 .= o1 by A35,MCART_1:7; A37: [o2,o2] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A38: (the ObjectMap of F*H).(o2,o2) = (the ObjectMap of F*H).[o2,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [o2,o2] by A33,A37,FUNCT_1:35; A39: F.(G.o2) = (F*H).o2 by Th34 .= ((the ObjectMap of F*H).(o2,o2))`1 by Def6 .= o2 by A38,MCART_1:7; A40: [o3,o3] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A41: (the ObjectMap of F*H).(o3,o3) = (the ObjectMap of F*H).[o3,o3] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [o3,o3] by A33,A40,FUNCT_1:35; A42: F.(G.o3) = (F*H).o3 by Th34 .= ((the ObjectMap of F*H).(o3,o3))`1 by Def6 .= o3 by A41,MCART_1:7; Morph-Map(G,o1,o3).(g*f) in rng Morph-Map(G,o1,o3) by A14,A31,FUNCT_1:def 5 ; then A43: Morph-Map(G,o1,o3).(g*f) in dom Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o3) by A27,A32, FUNCT_1:55; Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o3).(Morph-Map(G,o1,o3).(g*f)) = Morph-Map(F,G.o1,G.o3).(g'*f') by A1,A14,A19,A20,A21,A36,A39,A42,Th41; hence Morph-Map(G,o1,o3).(g*f) = g'*f' by A27,A29,A43,FUNCT_1:def 8; end; theorem Th44: for A,B being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being feasible reflexive FunctorStr over A,B st F is bijective comp-reversing Contravariant coreflexive holds F" is comp-reversing proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F be feasible reflexive FunctorStr over A,B such that A1: F is bijective comp-reversing Contravariant coreflexive; set G = F"; A2: G is Contravariant by A1,Th40; reconsider H = G as feasible reflexive FunctorStr over B,A by A1,Th36,Th37; A3: the ObjectMap of G = (the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; consider ff being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F such that A4: ff = the MorphMap of F and A5: the MorphMap of G = ff""*(the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39; A6: F is injective by A1,Def36; then F is one-to-one by Def34; then A7: the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one by Def7; F is faithful by A6,Def34; then A8: the MorphMap of F is "1-1" by Def31; F is surjective by A1,Def36; then F is full by Def35; then A9: ex f being ManySortedFunction of (the Arrows of A), (the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F st f = the MorphMap of F & f is "onto" by Def33; let o1,o2,o3 be object of B; assume A10: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; then A11: <^H.o2,H.o1^> <> {} by A2,Def20; assume A12: <^o2,o3^> <> {}; then A13: <^H.o3,H.o2^> <> {} by A2,Def20; A14: <^o1,o3^> <> {} by A10,A12,ALTCAT_1:def 4; then A15: <^H.o3,H.o1^> <> {} by A2,Def20; then A16: <^F.(G.o1),F.(G.o3)^> <> {} by A1,Def20; let f be Morphism of o1,o2, g be Morphism of o2,o3; reconsider K = G as Contravariant FunctorStr over B,A by A1,Th40; K.f = Morph-Map(K,o1,o2).f by A10,A11,Def17; then reconsider f' = Morph-Map(K,o1,o2).f as Morphism of G.o2,G.o1; K.g = Morph-Map(K,o2,o3).g by A12,A13,Def17; then reconsider g' = Morph-Map(K,o2,o3).g as Morphism of G.o3,G.o2; take f',g'; thus f' = Morph-Map(G,o1,o2).f; thus g' = Morph-Map(G,o2,o3).g; consider g'' being Morphism of F.(G.o2),F.(G.o3), f'' being Morphism of F.(G.o1),F.(G.o2) such that A17: g'' = Morph-Map(F,G.o3,G.o2).g' and A18: f'' = Morph-Map(F,G.o2,G.o1).f' and A19: Morph-Map(F,G.o3,G.o1).(f'*g') = g''*f'' by A1,A11,A13,Def23; A20: g = g'' by A1,A12,A17,Th42; A21: f = f'' by A1,A10,A18,Th42; A22: Morph-Map(G,o1,o3) = (the MorphMap of G).(o1,o3) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of G).[o1,o3] by BINOP_1:def 1; A23: Morph-Map(F,G.o3,G.o1) = (the MorphMap of F).(G.o3,G.o1) by Def15 .= (the MorphMap of F).[G.o3,G.o1] by BINOP_1:def 1; A24: [G.o3,G.o1] in [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A25: [o1,o3] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then A26: [o1,o3] in dom the ObjectMap of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; dom the MorphMap of F = [:the carrier of A,the carrier of A:] by PBOOLE:def 3; then [G.o3,G.o1] in dom the MorphMap of F by ZFMISC_1:106; then A27: Morph-Map(F,G.o3,G.o1) is one-to-one by A8,A23,MSUALG_3:def 2; [G.o3,G.o1] in dom the ObjectMap of F by A24,FUNCT_2:def 1; then A28: ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).[G.o3,G.o1] = (the Arrows of B).((the ObjectMap of F).[G.o3,G.o1]) by FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of B).((the ObjectMap of F).(G.o3,G.o1)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of B).[F.(G.o1),F.(G.o3)] by A1,Th24 .= (the Arrows of B).(F.(G.o1),F.(G.o3)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^F.(G.o1),F.(G.o3)^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; Morph-Map(F,G.o3,G.o1) is Function of (the Arrows of A).[G.o3,G.o1], ((the Arrows of B)*the ObjectMap of F).[G.o3,G.o1] by A4,A23,A24,MSUALG_1: def 2; then A29: dom Morph-Map(F,G.o3,G.o1) = (the Arrows of A).[G.o3,G.o1] by A16,A28,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= (the Arrows of A).(G.o3,G.o1) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^G.o3,G.o1^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A30: ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o3] = (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o3]) by A26,FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of A).((the ObjectMap of H).(o1,o3)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (the Arrows of A).[G.o3,G.o1] by A2,Th24 .= (the Arrows of A).(G.o3,G.o1) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^G.o3,G.o1^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; the MorphMap of G is ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of B,(the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G by Def5; then Morph-Map(G,o1,o3) is Function of (the Arrows of B).[o1,o3], ((the Arrows of A)*the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o3] by A22,A25,MSUALG_1:def 2; then A31: dom Morph-Map(G,o1,o3) = (the Arrows of B).[o1,o3] by A15,A30,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= (the Arrows of B).(o1,o3) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o1,o3^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A32: Morph-Map(G,o1,o3) = ff"".((the ObjectMap of G).[o1,o3]) by A3,A5,A22,A26,FUNCT_1:23 .= ff"".((the ObjectMap of G).(o1,o3)) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ff"".[H.o3,H.o1] by A2,Th24 .= Morph-Map(F,G.o3,G.o1)" by A4,A8,A9,A23,A24,MSUALG_3:def 5; A33: the ObjectMap of F*H = (the ObjectMap of F)*the ObjectMap of H by Def37 .= (the ObjectMap of F)*(the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39 .= id rng the ObjectMap of F by A7,FUNCT_1:61 .= id dom the ObjectMap of G by A3,A7,FUNCT_1:55 .= id[:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; A34: [o1,o1] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A35: (the ObjectMap of F*H).(o1,o1) = (the ObjectMap of F*H).[o1,o1] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [o1,o1] by A33,A34,FUNCT_1:35; A36: F.(G.o1) = (F*H).o1 by Th34 .= ((the ObjectMap of F*H).(o1,o1))`1 by Def6 .= o1 by A35,MCART_1:7; A37: [o2,o2] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A38: (the ObjectMap of F*H).(o2,o2) = (the ObjectMap of F*H).[o2,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [o2,o2] by A33,A37,FUNCT_1:35; A39: F.(G.o2) = (F*H).o2 by Th34 .= ((the ObjectMap of F*H).(o2,o2))`1 by Def6 .= o2 by A38,MCART_1:7; A40: [o3,o3] in [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by ZFMISC_1:106; A41: (the ObjectMap of F*H).(o3,o3) = (the ObjectMap of F*H).[o3,o3] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [o3,o3] by A33,A40,FUNCT_1:35; A42: F.(G.o3) = (F*H).o3 by Th34 .= ((the ObjectMap of F*H).(o3,o3))`1 by Def6 .= o3 by A41,MCART_1:7; Morph-Map(G,o1,o3).(g*f) in rng Morph-Map(G,o1,o3) by A14,A31,FUNCT_1:def 5 ; then A43: Morph-Map(G,o1,o3).(g*f) in dom Morph-Map(F,G.o3,G.o1) by A27,A32, FUNCT_1:55; Morph-Map(F,G.o3,G.o1).(Morph-Map(G,o1,o3).(g*f)) = Morph-Map(F,G.o3,G.o1).(f'*g') by A1,A14,A19,A20,A21,A36,A39,A42,Th42; hence Morph-Map(G,o1,o3).(g*f) = f'*g' by A27,A29,A43,FUNCT_1:def 8; end; definition let C1 be 1-sorted, C2 be non empty 1-sorted; cluster Covariant -> reflexive BimapStr over C1,C2; coherence proof let M be BimapStr over C1,C2; assume M is Covariant; then the ObjectMap of M is Covariant by Def13; then ex f being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 st the ObjectMap of M = [:f,f:] by Def2; hence (the ObjectMap of M).:id the carrier of C1 c= id the carrier of C2 by Th15; end; end; definition let C1 be 1-sorted, C2 be non empty 1-sorted; cluster Contravariant -> reflexive BimapStr over C1,C2; coherence proof let M be BimapStr over C1,C2; assume M is Contravariant; then the ObjectMap of M is Contravariant by Def14; then consider f being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 such that A1: the ObjectMap of M = ~[:f,f:] by Def3; (~[:f,f:]).:id the carrier of C1 = [:f,f:].:id the carrier of C1 by Th4; hence (the ObjectMap of M).:id the carrier of C1 c= id the carrier of C2 by A1,Th15; end; end; theorem Th45: for C1,C2 being 1-sorted, M being BimapStr over C1,C2 st M is Covariant onto holds M is coreflexive proof let C1,C2 be 1-sorted; let M be BimapStr over C1,C2; assume A1: M is Covariant onto; then the ObjectMap of M is Covariant by Def13; then consider f being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 such that A2: the ObjectMap of M = [:f,f:] by Def2; the ObjectMap of M is onto by A1,Def8; then f is onto by A2,Th5; hence id the carrier of C2 c= (the ObjectMap of M).:id the carrier of C1 by A2,Th12; end; theorem Th46: for C1,C2 being 1-sorted, M being BimapStr over C1,C2 st M is Contravariant onto holds M is coreflexive proof let C1,C2 be 1-sorted; let M be BimapStr over C1,C2; assume A1: M is Contravariant onto; then the ObjectMap of M is Contravariant by Def14; then consider f being Function of the carrier of C1, the carrier of C2 such that A2: the ObjectMap of M = ~[:f,f:] by Def3; the ObjectMap of M is onto by A1,Def8; then [:f,f:] is onto by A2,Th14; then A3: f is onto by Th5; (the ObjectMap of M).:id the carrier of C1 = [:f,f:].:id the carrier of C1 by A2,Th4; hence id the carrier of C2 c= (the ObjectMap of M).:id the carrier of C1 by A3,Th12; end; definition let C1 be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), C2 be with_units (non empty AltCatStr); cluster covariant -> reflexive Functor of C1,C2; coherence proof let F be Functor of C1,C2; assume F is covariant; then reconsider F as Covariant FunctorStr over C1,C2 by Def27; F is reflexive; hence thesis; end; end; definition let C1 be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), C2 be with_units (non empty AltCatStr); cluster contravariant -> reflexive Functor of C1,C2; coherence proof let F be Functor of C1,C2; assume F is contravariant; then reconsider F as Contravariant FunctorStr over C1,C2 by Def28; F is reflexive; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th47: for C1 being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), C2 being with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being Functor of C1,C2 st F is covariant onto holds F is coreflexive proof let C1 be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), C2 be with_units (non empty AltCatStr); let F be Functor of C1,C2; assume A1: F is covariant onto; then F is Covariant by Def27; hence thesis by A1,Th45; end; theorem Th48: for C1 being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), C2 being with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being Functor of C1,C2 st F is contravariant onto holds F is coreflexive proof let C1 be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), C2 be with_units (non empty AltCatStr); let F be Functor of C1,C2; assume A1: F is contravariant onto; then F is Contravariant by Def28; hence thesis by A1,Th46; end; theorem Th49: for A,B being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being covariant Functor of A,B st F is bijective ex G being Functor of B,A st G = F" & G is bijective covariant proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F be covariant Functor of A,B; assume A1: F is bijective; then F is injective by Def36; then F is one-to-one by Def34; then A2: the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one by Def7; A3: F is feasible by Def26; then A4: F" is bijective feasible by A1,Th36; A5: F is id-preserving by Def26; A6: F is comp-preserving by Def27; F is surjective by A1,Def36; then A7: F is onto by Def35; then A8: the ObjectMap of F is onto by Def8; A9: F is Covariant by Def27; A10: F is coreflexive by A7,Th47; A11: F" is Covariant proof F is Covariant by Def27; then the ObjectMap of F is Covariant by Def13; then consider f being Function of the carrier of A, the carrier of B such that A12: the ObjectMap of F = [:f,f:] by Def2; A13: f is one-to-one by A2,A12,Th8; then A14: dom(f") = rng f & rng(f") = dom f by FUNCT_1:55; A15: rng[:f,f:] = [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by A8,A12,FUNCT_2:def 3; rng[:f,f:] = [:rng f,rng f:] by FUNCT_3:88; then rng f = the carrier of B by A15,ZFMISC_1:115; then reconsider g = f" as Function of the carrier of B, the carrier of A by A14,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11; take g; [:f,f:]" = [:g,g:] by A13,Th7; hence the ObjectMap of F" = [:g,g:] by A1,A12,Def39; end; A16: F" is id-preserving by A1,A3,A5,A10,Th38; F" is comp-preserving by A1,A3,A6,A9,A10,Th43; then reconsider G = F" as Functor of B,A by A4,A11,A16,Def26; take G; thus G = F"; thus G is bijective by A1,A3,Th36; thus G is Covariant by A11; thus G is comp-preserving by A1,A3,A6,A9,A10,Th43; end; theorem Th50: for A,B being transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F being contravariant Functor of A,B st F is bijective ex G being Functor of B,A st G = F" & G is bijective contravariant proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr), F be contravariant Functor of A,B; assume A1: F is bijective; then F is injective by Def36; then F is one-to-one by Def34; then A2: the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one by Def7; A3: F is feasible by Def26; then A4: F" is bijective feasible by A1,Th36; A5: F is id-preserving by Def26; A6: F is comp-reversing by Def28; F is surjective by A1,Def36; then A7: F is onto by Def35; then A8: the ObjectMap of F is onto by Def8; A9: F is Contravariant by Def28; A10: F is coreflexive by A7,Th48; A11: F" is Contravariant proof F is Contravariant by Def28; then the ObjectMap of F is Contravariant by Def14; then consider f being Function of the carrier of A, the carrier of B such that A12: the ObjectMap of F = ~[:f,f:] by Def3; [:f,f:] is one-to-one by A2,A12,Th10; then A13: f is one-to-one by Th8; then A14: dom(f") = rng f & rng(f") = dom f by FUNCT_1:55; [:f,f:] is onto by A8,A12,Th14; then A15: rng[:f,f:] = [:the carrier of B,the carrier of B:] by FUNCT_2:def 3; rng[:f,f:] = [:rng f,rng f:] by FUNCT_3:88; then rng f = the carrier of B by A15,ZFMISC_1:115; then reconsider g = f" as Function of the carrier of B, the carrier of A by A14,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11; take g; A16: [:f,f:]" = [:g,g:] by A13,Th7; thus the ObjectMap of F" = (the ObjectMap of F)" by A1,Def39 .= ~[:g,g:] by A12,A13,A16,Th11; end; A17: F" is id-preserving by A1,A3,A5,A10,Th38; F" is comp-reversing by A1,A3,A6,A9,A10,Th44; then reconsider G = F" as Functor of B,A by A4,A11,A17,Def26; take G; thus G = F"; thus G is bijective by A1,A3,Th36; thus G is Contravariant by A11; thus G is comp-reversing by A1,A3,A6,A9,A10,Th44; end; definition let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr); pred A,B are_isomorphic means ex F being Functor of A,B st F is bijective covariant; reflexivity proof let A be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr); take id A; thus thesis; end; symmetry proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr); given F being Functor of A,B such that A1: F is bijective covariant; consider G being Functor of B,A such that G = F" and A2: G is bijective covariant by A1,Th49; take G; thus thesis by A2; end; pred A,B are_anti-isomorphic means ex F being Functor of A,B st F is bijective contravariant; symmetry proof let A,B be transitive with_units (non empty AltCatStr); given F being Functor of A,B such that A3: F is bijective contravariant; consider G being Functor of B,A such that G = F" and A4: G is bijective contravariant by A3,Th50; take G; thus thesis by A4; end; end;