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environ vocabulary PRE_TOPC, EUCLID, MATRIX_1, FINSEQ_1, TREES_1, RELAT_1, MCART_1, GOBOARD1, SEQM_3, FUNCT_1, INCSP_1, ORDINAL2, BOOLE, TOPREAL1, GOBOARD2, FINSEQ_6, CARD_1, MATRIX_2, ABSVALUE, ARYTM_1, GOBOARD5, FINSEQ_4; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ENUMSET1, ZFMISC_1, NUMBERS, XREAL_0, REAL_1, NAT_1, BINARITH, ABSVALUE, CARD_1, FUNCT_1, FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_4, MATRIX_1, MATRIX_2, STRUCT_0, PRE_TOPC, EUCLID, TOPREAL1, GOBOARD1, GOBOARD2, FINSEQ_6; constructors DOMAIN_1, SEQM_3, REAL_1, BINARITH, ABSVALUE, MATRIX_2, TOPREAL1, GOBOARD2, FINSEQ_4, FINSEQ_6, MEMBERED, XBOOLE_0; clusters STRUCT_0, RELSET_1, GOBOARD1, GOBOARD2, MATRIX_1, EUCLID, FINSEQ_1, NAT_1, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0; requirements NUMERALS, REAL, BOOLE, SUBSET, ARITHM; definitions TARSKI, TOPREAL1, GOBOARD1, FINSEQ_6, XBOOLE_0; theorems GOBOARD1, AXIOMS, FINSEQ_1, TOPREAL3, FINSEQ_4, FINSEQ_3, TOPREAL1, REAL_1, CQC_THE1, EUCLID, NAT_1, RLVECT_1, ENUMSET1, CARD_2, TARSKI, GOBOARD2, MATRIX_2, MCART_1, ZFMISC_1, ABSVALUE, MATRIX_1, BINARITH, SPPOL_2, FUNCT_1, FINSEQ_2, GROUP_5, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1, XCMPLX_1; begin reserve p,q for Point of TOP-REAL 2, i,i1,i2,j,j1,j2,k for Nat, r,s for Real, G for Matrix of TOP-REAL 2; theorem Th1: for M being tabular FinSequence, i,j st [i,j] in Indices M holds 1 <= i & i <= len M & 1 <= j & j <= width M proof let M be tabular FinSequence, i,j; assume [i,j] in Indices M; then [i,j] in [:dom M,Seg width M:] by MATRIX_1:def 5; then i in dom M & j in Seg width M by ZFMISC_1:106; hence 1 <= i & i <= len M & 1 <= j & j <= width M by FINSEQ_1:3,FINSEQ_3:27; end; definition let G be Matrix of TOP-REAL 2; let i; func v_strip(G,i) -> Subset of TOP-REAL 2 equals :Def1: { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,1)`1 } if 1 <= i & i < len G, { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 <= r } if i >= len G otherwise { |[r,s]| : r <= G*(i+1,1)`1 }; coherence proof hereby assume 1 <= i & i < len G; set A = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,1)`1 }; A c= the carrier of TOP-REAL 2 proof let x be set; assume x in A; then ex r,s st x =|[r,s]| & G*(i,1)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,1)`1; hence x in the carrier of TOP-REAL 2; end; hence A is Subset of TOP-REAL 2; end; hereby assume i >= len G; set A = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 <= r }; A c= the carrier of TOP-REAL 2 proof let x be set; assume x in A; then ex r,s st x =|[r,s]| & G*(i,1)`1 <= r; hence x in the carrier of TOP-REAL 2; end; hence A is Subset of TOP-REAL 2; end; assume not(1 <= i & i < len G) & i < len G; set A = { |[r,s]| : r <= G*(i+1,1)`1 }; A c= the carrier of TOP-REAL 2 proof let x be set; assume x in A; then ex r,s st x =|[r,s]| & r <= G*(i+1,1)`1; hence x in the carrier of TOP-REAL 2; end; hence A is Subset of TOP-REAL 2; end; correctness; func h_strip(G,i) -> Subset of TOP-REAL 2 equals :Def2: { |[r,s]| : G*(1,i)`2 <= s & s <= G*(1,i+1)`2 } if 1 <= i & i < width G, { |[r,s]| : G*(1,i)`2 <= s } if i >= width G otherwise { |[r,s]| : s <= G*(1,i+1)`2 }; coherence proof hereby assume 1 <= i & i < width G; set A = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,i)`2 <= s & s <= G*(1,i+1)`2 }; A c= the carrier of TOP-REAL 2 proof let x be set; assume x in A; then ex r,s st x =|[r,s]| & G*(1,i)`2 <= s & s <= G*(1,i+1)`2; hence x in the carrier of TOP-REAL 2; end; hence A is Subset of TOP-REAL 2; end; hereby assume i >= width G; set A = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,i)`2 <= s }; A c= the carrier of TOP-REAL 2 proof let x be set; assume x in A; then ex r,s st x =|[r,s]| & G*(1,i)`2 <= s; hence x in the carrier of TOP-REAL 2; end; hence A is Subset of TOP-REAL 2; end; assume not(1 <= i & i < width G) & i < width G; set A = { |[r,s]| : s <= G*(1,i+1)`2 }; A c= the carrier of TOP-REAL 2 proof let x be set; assume x in A; then ex r,s st x =|[r,s]| & s <= G*(1,i+1)`2; hence x in the carrier of TOP-REAL 2; end; hence thesis; end; correctness; end; theorem Th2: G is Y_equal-in-column & 1 <= j & j <= width G & 1 <= i & i <= len G implies G*(i,j)`2 = G*(1,j)`2 proof assume that A1: G is Y_equal-in-column and A2: 1 <= j & j <= width G and A3: 1 <= i & i <= len G; j in Seg width G by A2,FINSEQ_1:3; then A4: Y_axis(Col(G,j)) is constant by A1,GOBOARD1:def 7; reconsider c = Col(G,j) as FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; A5: i in dom G by A3,FINSEQ_3:27; A6: 1 <= len G by A3,AXIOMS:22; then A7: 1 in dom G by FINSEQ_3:27; A8: len c = len G by MATRIX_1:def 9; then 1 in dom c by A6,FINSEQ_3:27; then A9: c/.1 = c.1 by FINSEQ_4:def 4; i in dom c by A3,A8,FINSEQ_3:27; then A10: c/.i = c.i by FINSEQ_4:def 4; A11: len(Y_axis Col(G,j)) = len c by GOBOARD1:def 4; then A12: 1 in dom(Y_axis Col(G,j)) by A6,A8,FINSEQ_3:27; A13: i in dom(Y_axis Col(G,j)) by A3,A8,A11,FINSEQ_3:27; thus G*(i,j)`2 = (c/.i)`2 by A5,A10,MATRIX_1:def 9 .= (Y_axis Col(G,j)).i by A13,GOBOARD1:def 4 .= (Y_axis Col(G,j)).1 by A4,A12,A13,GOBOARD1:def 2 .= (c/.1)`2 by A12,GOBOARD1:def 4 .= G*(1,j)`2 by A7,A9,MATRIX_1:def 9; end; theorem Th3: G is X_equal-in-line & 1 <= j & j <= width G & 1 <= i & i <= len G implies G*(i,j)`1 = G*(i,1)`1 proof assume that A1: G is X_equal-in-line and A2: 1 <= j & j <= width G and A3: 1 <= i & i <= len G; i in dom G by A3,FINSEQ_3:27; then A4: X_axis(Line(G,i)) is constant by A1,GOBOARD1:def 6; reconsider c = Line(G,i) as FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; A5: j in Seg width G by A2,FINSEQ_1:3; A6: 1 <= width G by A2,AXIOMS:22; then A7: 1 in Seg width G by FINSEQ_1:3; A8: len c = width G by MATRIX_1:def 8; then 1 in dom c by A6,FINSEQ_3:27; then A9: c/.1 = c.1 by FINSEQ_4:def 4; j in dom c by A2,A8,FINSEQ_3:27; then A10: c/.j = c.j by FINSEQ_4:def 4; A11: len(X_axis Line(G,i)) = len c by GOBOARD1:def 3; then A12: 1 in dom(X_axis Line(G,i)) by A6,A8,FINSEQ_3:27; A13: j in dom(X_axis Line(G,i)) by A2,A8,A11,FINSEQ_3:27; thus G*(i,j)`1 = (c/.j)`1 by A5,A10,MATRIX_1:def 8 .= (X_axis Line(G,i)).j by A13,GOBOARD1:def 3 .= (X_axis Line(G,i)).1 by A4,A12,A13,GOBOARD1:def 2 .= (c/.1)`1 by A12,GOBOARD1:def 3 .= G*(i,1)`1 by A7,A9,MATRIX_1:def 8; end; theorem Th4: G is X_increasing-in-column & 1 <= j & j <= width G & 1 <= i1 & i1 < i2 & i2 <= len G implies G*(i1,j)`1 < G*(i2,j)`1 proof assume that A1: G is X_increasing-in-column and A2: 1 <= j & j <= width G and A3: 1 <= i1 & i1 < i2 & i2 <= len G; j in Seg width G by A2,FINSEQ_1:3; then A4: X_axis(Col(G,j)) is increasing by A1,GOBOARD1:def 9; reconsider c = Col(G,j) as FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; A5: i1 <= len G by A3,AXIOMS:22; then A6: i1 in dom G by A3,FINSEQ_3:27; A7: 1 <= i2 by A3,AXIOMS:22; then A8: i2 in dom G by A3,FINSEQ_3:27; A9: len c = len G by MATRIX_1:def 9; then i1 in dom c by A3,A5,FINSEQ_3:27; then A10: c/.i1 = c.i1 by FINSEQ_4:def 4; i2 in dom c by A3,A7,A9,FINSEQ_3:27; then A11: c/.i2 = c.i2 by FINSEQ_4:def 4; A12: len(X_axis Col(G,j)) = len c by GOBOARD1:def 3; then A13: i1 in dom(X_axis Col(G,j)) by A3,A5,A9,FINSEQ_3:27; A14: G*(i1,j)`1 = (c/.i1)`1 by A6,A10,MATRIX_1:def 9 .= (X_axis Col(G,j)).i1 by A13,GOBOARD1:def 3; A15: i2 in dom(X_axis Col(G,j)) by A3,A7,A9,A12,FINSEQ_3:27; then (X_axis Col(G,j)).i2 = (c/.i2)`1 by GOBOARD1:def 3 .= G*(i2,j)`1 by A8,A11,MATRIX_1:def 9; hence thesis by A3,A4,A13,A14,A15,GOBOARD1:def 1; end; theorem Th5: G is Y_increasing-in-line & 1 <= j1 & j1 < j2 & j2 <= width G & 1 <= i & i <= len G implies G*(i,j1)`2 < G*(i,j2)`2 proof assume that A1: G is Y_increasing-in-line and A2: 1 <= j1 & j1 < j2 & j2 <= width G and A3: 1 <= i & i <= len G; i in dom G by A3,FINSEQ_3:27; then A4: Y_axis(Line(G,i)) is increasing by A1,GOBOARD1:def 8; reconsider c = Line(G,i) as FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; A5: j1 <= width G by A2,AXIOMS:22; then A6: j1 in Seg width G by A2,FINSEQ_1:3; A7: 1 <= j2 by A2,AXIOMS:22; then A8: j2 in Seg width G by A2,FINSEQ_1:3; A9: len c = width G by MATRIX_1:def 8; then j1 in dom c by A2,A5,FINSEQ_3:27; then A10: c/.j1 = c.j1 by FINSEQ_4:def 4; j2 in dom c by A2,A7,A9,FINSEQ_3:27; then A11: c/.j2 = c.j2 by FINSEQ_4:def 4; A12: len Y_axis Line(G,i) = len c by GOBOARD1:def 4; then A13: j1 in dom(Y_axis Line(G,i)) by A2,A5,A9,FINSEQ_3:27; A14: G*(i,j1)`2 = (c/.j1)`2 by A6,A10,MATRIX_1:def 8 .= (Y_axis Line(G,i)).j1 by A13,GOBOARD1:def 4; A15: j2 in dom(Y_axis Line(G,i)) by A2,A7,A9,A12,FINSEQ_3:27; then (Y_axis Line(G,i)).j2 = (c/.j2)`2 by GOBOARD1:def 4 .= G*(i,j2)`2 by A8,A11,MATRIX_1:def 8; hence thesis by A2,A4,A13,A14,A15,GOBOARD1:def 1; end; theorem Th6: G is Y_equal-in-column & 1 <= j & j < width G & 1 <= i & i <= len G implies h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,j)`2 <= s & s <= G*(i,j+1)`2 } proof assume that A1: G is Y_equal-in-column and A2: 1 <= j & j < width G and A3: 1 <= i & i <= len G; 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A2,NAT_1:38; then G*(i,j)`2 = G*(1,j)`2 & G*(i,j+1)`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 by A1,A2,A3,Th2; hence thesis by A2,Def2; end; theorem Th7: G is non empty-yielding Y_equal-in-column & 1 <= i & i <= len G implies h_strip(G,width G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,width G)`2 <= s } proof assume that A1: G is non empty-yielding Y_equal-in-column and A2: 1 <= i & i <= len G; width G <> 0 by A1,GOBOARD1:def 5; then 1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99; then G*(i,width G)`2 = G*(1,width G)`2 by A1,A2,Th2; hence h_strip(G,width G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,width G)`2 <= s } by Def2; end; theorem Th8: G is non empty-yielding Y_equal-in-column & 1 <= i & i <= len G implies h_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : s <= G*(i,1)`2 } proof assume that A1: G is non empty-yielding Y_equal-in-column and A2: 1 <= i & i <= len G; set A = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`2 >= s }; A3: 0 <> width G by A1,GOBOARD1:def 5; then A4: 0 < width G by NAT_1:19; 1 <= width G by A3,RLVECT_1:99; then G*(i,1)`2 = G*(1,1)`2 by A1,A2,Th2; then A = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,1+0)`2 >= s }; hence h_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`2 >= s } by A4,Def2; end; theorem Th9: G is X_equal-in-line & 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G implies v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,j)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,j)`1 } proof assume that A1: G is X_equal-in-line and A2: 1 <= i & i < len G and A3: 1 <= j & j <= width G; 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A2,NAT_1:38; then G*(i,j)`1 = G*(i,1)`1 & G*(i+1,j)`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 by A1,A2,A3,Th3; hence thesis by A2,Def1; end; theorem Th10: G is non empty-yielding X_equal-in-line & 1 <= j & j <= width G implies v_strip(G,len G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,j)`1 <= r } proof assume that A1: G is non empty-yielding X_equal-in-line and A2: 1 <= j & j <= width G; len G <> 0 by A1,GOBOARD1:def 5; then 1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99; then G*(len G,j)`1 = G*(len G,1)`1 by A1,A2,Th3; hence v_strip(G,len G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,j)`1 <= r } by Def1; end; theorem Th11: G is non empty-yielding X_equal-in-line & 1 <= j & j <= width G implies v_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : r <= G*(1,j)`1 } proof assume that A1: G is non empty-yielding X_equal-in-line and A2: 1 <= j & j <= width G; set A = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`1 >= r }; A3: 0 <> len G by A1,GOBOARD1:def 5; then A4: 0 < len G by NAT_1:19; 1 <= len G by A3,RLVECT_1:99; then G*(1,j)`1 = G*(1,1)`1 by A1,A2,Th3; then A = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,1+0)`1 >= r }; hence v_strip(G,0) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`1 >= r } by A4,Def1; end; definition let G be Matrix of TOP-REAL 2; let i,j; func cell(G,i,j) -> Subset of TOP-REAL 2 equals :Def3: v_strip(G,i) /\ h_strip(G,j); correctness; end; definition let IT be FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; attr IT is s.c.c. means for i,j st i+1 < j & (i > 1 & j < len IT or j+1 < len IT) holds LSeg(IT,i) misses LSeg(IT,j); end; definition let IT be non empty FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; attr IT is standard means :Def5: IT is_sequence_on GoB IT; end; definition cluster non constant special unfolded circular s.c.c. standard (non empty FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2); existence proof set f1 = <*|[ 0,0 ]|,|[ 0,1 ]|,|[ 1,1 ]|*>, f2 = <*|[ 1,0 ]|,|[ 0,0 ]|*>; A1:len f1 = 3 & len f2 = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61,62; then A2: len(f1^f2) = 3+2 by FINSEQ_1:35; then reconsider f = f1^f2 as non empty FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2 by FINSEQ_1:25; take f; A3: 1 in dom f1 by A1,FINSEQ_3:27; then A4: f/.1 = f1/.1 by GROUP_5:95 .= |[ 0,0 ]| by FINSEQ_4:27; A5: 2 in dom f1 by A1,FINSEQ_3:27; then A6: f/.2 = f1/.2 by GROUP_5:95 .= |[ 0,1 ]| by FINSEQ_4:27; A7: dom f1 c= dom f by FINSEQ_1:39; then f.1 = f/.1 & f.2 = f/.2 by A3,A5,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then f.1 <> f.2 by A4,A6,SPPOL_2:1; hence f is non constant by A3,A5,A7,GOBOARD1:def 2; 3 in dom f1 by A1,FINSEQ_3:27; then A8: f/.3 = f1/.3 by GROUP_5:95 .= |[ 1,1 ]| by FINSEQ_4:27; 1 in dom f2 by A1,FINSEQ_3:27; then A9: f/.(3+1) = f2/.1 by A1,GROUP_5:96 .= |[ 1,0 ]| by FINSEQ_4:26; 2 in dom f2 by A1,FINSEQ_3:27; then A10: f/.(3+2) = f2/.2 by A1,GROUP_5:96 .= |[ 0,0 ]| by FINSEQ_4:26; 1+1 = 2; then A11: LSeg(f,1) = LSeg(|[ 0,0 ]|,|[ 0,1 ]|) by A2,A4,A6,TOPREAL1:def 5; 2+1 = 3; then A12: LSeg(f,2) = LSeg(|[ 0,1 ]|,|[ 1,1 ]|) by A2,A6,A8,TOPREAL1:def 5; A13: LSeg(f,3) = LSeg(|[ 1,1 ]|,|[ 1,0 ]|) by A2,A8,A9,TOPREAL1:def 5; 4+1 = 5; then A14: LSeg(f,4) = LSeg(|[ 1,0 ]|,|[ 0,0 ]|) by A2,A9,A10,TOPREAL1:def 5; thus f is special proof let i; assume 1 <= i; then 1+1 <= i+1 by AXIOMS:24; then A15: 1 < i+1 & 0 < i+1 by AXIOMS:22; assume i+1 <= len f; then A16: i+1 = 1+1 or i+1 = 2+1 or i+1 = 3+1 or i+1 = 4+1 by A2,A15,CQC_THE1:6; per cases by A16,XCMPLX_1:2; suppose A17: i = 1; (f/.1)`1 = 0 by A4,EUCLID:56 .= (f/.(1+1))`1 by A6,EUCLID:56; hence thesis by A17; suppose A18: i = 2; (f/.2)`2 = 1 by A6,EUCLID:56 .= (f/.(2+1))`2 by A8,EUCLID:56; hence thesis by A18; suppose A19: i = 3; (f/.3)`1 = 1 by A8,EUCLID:56 .= (f/.(3+1))`1 by A9,EUCLID:56; hence thesis by A19; suppose A20: i = 4; (f/.4)`2 = 0 by A9,EUCLID:56 .= (f/.(4+1))`2 by A10,EUCLID:56; hence thesis by A20; end; thus f is unfolded proof let i; assume 1 <= i; then 1+2 <= i+2 by AXIOMS:24; then A21: 2 < i+2 & 1 < i+2 & 0 < i+2 by AXIOMS:22; assume i + 2 <= len f; then A22: i+2 = 1+2 or i+2 = 2+2 or i+2 = 3+2 by A2,A21,CQC_THE1:6; per cases by A22,XCMPLX_1:2; suppose i = 1; hence LSeg(f,i) /\ LSeg(f,i+1) = {f/.(i+1)} by A2,A4,A6,A12,TOPREAL1:21, def 5; suppose i = 2; hence LSeg(f,i) /\ LSeg(f,i+1) = {f/.(i+1)} by A2,A6,A8,A13,TOPREAL1:24, def 5; suppose i = 3; hence LSeg(f,i) /\ LSeg(f,i+1) = {f/.(i+1)} by A2,A8,A9,A14,TOPREAL1:22, def 5; end; thus f/.1 = f/.len f by A1,A4,A10,FINSEQ_1:35; thus f is s.c.c. proof let i,j; assume that A23: i+1 < j and A24: (i > 1 & j < len f or j+1 < len f); A25: i+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29; then A26: i+1 >= 0 by AXIOMS:22; A27: j+1 = 0+1 or j+1 = 1+1 or j+1 = 2+1 or j+1 = 3+1 or j+1 = 4+1 by A2,A24,CQC_THE1:6; A28: i+1+1 = i+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1; then A29: i+2 <= j by A23,NAT_1:38; A30: (i+2 = 2+2 implies i=2) & (i+2 = 1+2 implies i=1) & (i+2 = 0+2 implies i=0) by XCMPLX_1:2; A31: i+2 <> 0+1 by A28,XCMPLX_1:2; A32: now per cases by A23,A25,A26,A27,XCMPLX_1:2; case j = 2; hence i = 0 by A23,A28,A30,CQC_THE1:3; case j = 3; hence i = 0 or i = 1 by A23,A28,A30,CQC_THE1:4; case j = 4; hence i = 0 or i = 2 by A2,A24,A29,A30,A31,CQC_THE1:5; end; per cases by A32; suppose i = 0; then LSeg(f,i) = {} by TOPREAL1:def 5; hence LSeg(f,i) /\ LSeg(f,j) = {}; suppose i = 1 & j = 3; hence LSeg(f,i) /\ LSeg(f,j) = {} by A11,A13,TOPREAL1:26,XBOOLE_0:def 7; suppose i = 2 & j = 4; hence LSeg(f,i) /\ LSeg(f,j) = {} by A12,A14,TOPREAL1:25,XBOOLE_0:def 7; end; set Xf1 = <*0,0,1 qua Real *>, Xf2 = <* 1,0 qua Real *>; reconsider Xf = Xf1^Xf2 as FinSequence of REAL; A33:len Xf1 = 3 & len Xf2 = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61,62; then A34: len Xf = 3+2 by FINSEQ_1:35; 1 in dom Xf1 by A33,FINSEQ_3:27; then A35: Xf.1 = Xf1.1 by FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= 0 by FINSEQ_1:62; 2 in dom Xf1 by A33,FINSEQ_3:27; then A36: Xf.2 = Xf1.2 by FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= 0 by FINSEQ_1:62; 3 in dom Xf1 by A33,FINSEQ_3:27; then A37: Xf.3 = Xf1.3 by FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= 1 by FINSEQ_1:62; 1 in dom Xf2 by A33,FINSEQ_3:27; then A38: Xf.(3+1) = Xf2.1 by A33,FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= 1 by FINSEQ_1:61; 2 in dom Xf2 by A33,FINSEQ_3:27; then A39: Xf.(3+2) = Xf2.2 by A33,FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= 0 by FINSEQ_1:61; now let n be Nat; assume n in dom Xf; then A40: n <> 0 & n <= 5 by A34,FINSEQ_3:27; per cases by A40,CQC_THE1:6; suppose n = 1; hence Xf.n = (f/.n)`1 by A4,A35,EUCLID:56; suppose n = 2; hence Xf.n = (f/.n)`1 by A6,A36,EUCLID:56; suppose n = 3; hence Xf.n = (f/.n)`1 by A8,A37,EUCLID:56; suppose n = 4; hence Xf.n = (f/.n)`1 by A9,A38,EUCLID:56; suppose n = 5; hence Xf.n = (f/.n)`1 by A10,A39,EUCLID:56; end; then A41: Xf = X_axis f by A2,A34,GOBOARD1:def 3; A42: rng Xf1 = { 0,0,1 } by FINSEQ_2:148 .= { 0,1 } by ENUMSET1:70; rng Xf2 = { 0,1 } by FINSEQ_2:147; then A43: rng Xf = { 0,1 } \/ { 0,1 } by A42,FINSEQ_1:44 .= { 0,1 }; then A44: rng <*0,1 qua Real*> = rng Xf by FINSEQ_2:147; A45: len <*0,1 qua Real*> = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61 .= card rng Xf by A43,CARD_2:76; <*0,1 qua Real*> is increasing proof let n,m be Nat; len <*0,1 qua Real*> = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61; then A46: dom <*0,1 qua Real*> = { 1,2 } by FINSEQ_1:4,def 3; assume n in dom <*0,1 qua Real*> & m in dom <*0,1 qua Real*>; then A47: (n = 1 or n = 2) & (m = 1 or m = 2) by A46,TARSKI:def 2; assume n < m; then <*0,1 qua Real*>.n = 0 & <*0,1 qua Real*>.m = 1 by A47,FINSEQ_1: 61; hence <*0,1 qua Real*>.n < <*0,1 qua Real*>.m; end; then A48: <*0,1 qua Real*> = Incr X_axis f by A41,A44,A45,GOBOARD2:def 2; set Yf1 = <*0,1,1 qua Real *>, Yf2 = <* 0,0 qua Real *>; reconsider Yf = Yf1^Yf2 as FinSequence of REAL; A49:len Yf1 = 3 & len Yf2 = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61,62; then A50: len Yf = 3+2 by FINSEQ_1:35; 1 in dom Yf1 by A49,FINSEQ_3:27; then A51: Yf.1 = Yf1.1 by FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= 0 by FINSEQ_1:62; 2 in dom Yf1 by A49,FINSEQ_3:27; then A52: Yf.2 = Yf1.2 by FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= 1 by FINSEQ_1:62; 3 in dom Yf1 by A49,FINSEQ_3:27; then A53: Yf.3 = Yf1.3 by FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= 1 by FINSEQ_1:62; 1 in dom Yf2 by A49,FINSEQ_3:27; then A54: Yf.(3+1) = Yf2.1 by A49,FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= 0 by FINSEQ_1:61; 2 in dom Yf2 by A49,FINSEQ_3:27; then A55: Yf.(3+2) = Yf2.2 by A49,FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= 0 by FINSEQ_1:61; now let n be Nat; assume n in dom Yf; then A56: n <> 0 & n <= 5 by A50,FINSEQ_3:27; per cases by A56,CQC_THE1:6; suppose n = 1; hence Yf.n = (f/.n)`2 by A4,A51,EUCLID:56; suppose n = 2; hence Yf.n = (f/.n)`2 by A6,A52,EUCLID:56; suppose n = 3; hence Yf.n = (f/.n)`2 by A8,A53,EUCLID:56; suppose n = 4; hence Yf.n = (f/.n)`2 by A9,A54,EUCLID:56; suppose n = 5; hence Yf.n = (f/.n)`2 by A10,A55,EUCLID:56; end; then A57: Yf = Y_axis f by A2,A50,GOBOARD1:def 4; A58: rng Yf1 = { 0,1,1 } by FINSEQ_2:148 .= { 1,1,0 } by ENUMSET1:100 .= { 0,1 } by ENUMSET1:70; rng Yf2 = { 0,0 } by FINSEQ_2:147 .= { 0 } by ENUMSET1:69; then A59: rng Yf = { 0,1 } \/ { 0 } by A58,FINSEQ_1:44 .= { 0,0,1 } by ENUMSET1:42 .= { 0,1 } by ENUMSET1:70; then A60: rng <*0,1 qua Real*> = rng Yf by FINSEQ_2:147; A61: len <*0,1 qua Real*> = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61 .= card rng Yf by A59,CARD_2:76; <*0,1 qua Real*> is increasing proof let n,m be Nat; len <*0,1 qua Real*> = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61; then A62: dom <*0,1 qua Real*> = { 1,2 } by FINSEQ_1:4,def 3; assume n in dom <*0,1 qua Real*> & m in dom <*0,1 qua Real*>; then A63: (n = 1 or n = 2) & (m = 1 or m = 2) by A62,TARSKI:def 2; assume n < m; then <*0,1 qua Real*>.n = 0 & <*0,1 qua Real*>.m = 1 by A63,FINSEQ_1: 61; hence <*0,1 qua Real*>.n < <*0,1 qua Real*>.m; end; then A64: <*0,1 qua Real*> = Incr Y_axis f by A57,A60,A61,GOBOARD2:def 2 ; set M = (|[0,0]|,|[0,1]|)][(|[1,0]|,|[1,1]|); A65: len M = 2 by MATRIX_2:3 .= len Incr X_axis f by A48,FINSEQ_1:61; A66: width M = 2 by MATRIX_2:3 .= len Incr Y_axis f by A64,FINSEQ_1:61; for n,m being Nat st [n,m] in Indices M holds M*(n,m) = |[(Incr X_axis f).n,(Incr Y_axis f).m]| proof let n,m be Nat; assume [n,m] in Indices M; then [n,m] in [:{ 1,2 },{ 1,2 }:] by FINSEQ_1:4,MATRIX_2:3; then A67: [n,m] in {[1,1],[1,2],[2,1],[2,2]} by MCART_1:25; A68: <*0,1 qua Real*>.1 = 0 & <*0,1 qua Real*>.2 = 1 by FINSEQ_1:61; per cases by A67,ENUMSET1:18; suppose [n,m] = [1,1]; then n = 1 & m = 1 by ZFMISC_1:33; hence M*(n,m) = |[(Incr X_axis f).n,(Incr Y_axis f).m]| by A48,A64,A68, MATRIX_2:6; suppose [n,m] = [1,2]; then n = 1 & m = 2 by ZFMISC_1:33; hence M*(n,m) = |[(Incr X_axis f).n,(Incr Y_axis f).m]| by A48,A64,A68, MATRIX_2:6; suppose [n,m] = [2,1]; then n = 2 & m = 1 by ZFMISC_1:33; hence M*(n,m) = |[(Incr X_axis f).n,(Incr Y_axis f).m]| by A48,A64,A68, MATRIX_2:6; suppose [n,m] = [2,2]; then n = 2 & m = 2 by ZFMISC_1:33; hence M*(n,m) = |[(Incr X_axis f).n,(Incr Y_axis f).m]| by A48,A64,A68, MATRIX_2:6; end; then A69: (|[0,0]|,|[0,1]|)][(|[1,0]|,|[1,1]|) = GoB(Incr X_axis f, Incr Y_axis f) by A65,A66,GOBOARD2:def 1 .= GoB f by GOBOARD2:def 3; then A70: f/.1 = (GoB f)*(1,1) by A4,MATRIX_2:6; A71: f/.2 = (GoB f)*(1,2) by A6,A69,MATRIX_2:6; A72: f/.3 = (GoB f)*(2,2) by A8,A69,MATRIX_2:6; A73: f/.4 = (GoB f)*(2,1) by A9,A69,MATRIX_2:6; thus for k st k in dom f ex i,j st [i,j] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i,j) proof let k; assume A74: k in dom f; then A75: k >= 1 & k <= 5 by A2,FINSEQ_3:27; A76: k <> 0 by A74,FINSEQ_3:27; per cases by A75,A76,CQC_THE1:6; suppose A77: k = 1; take 1,1; thus [1,1] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; thus f/.k = (GoB f)*(1,1) by A4,A69,A77,MATRIX_2:6; suppose A78: k = 2; take 1,2; thus [1,2] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; thus f/.k = (GoB f)*(1,2) by A6,A69,A78,MATRIX_2:6; suppose A79: k = 3; take 2,2; thus [2,2] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; thus f/.k = (GoB f)*(2,2) by A8,A69,A79,MATRIX_2:6; suppose A80: k = 4; take 2,1; thus [2,1] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; thus f/.k = (GoB f)*(2,1) by A9,A69,A80,MATRIX_2:6; suppose A81: k = 5; take 1,1; thus [1,1] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; thus f/.k = (GoB f)*(1,1) by A10,A69,A81,MATRIX_2:6; end; let n be Nat such that A82: n in dom f and A83: n+1 in dom f; let m,k,i,j be Nat such that A84: [m,k] in Indices GoB f and A85: [i,j] in Indices GoB f and A86: f/.n = (GoB f)*(m,k) and A87: f/.(n+1) = (GoB f)*(i,j); A88: n <> 0 by A82,FINSEQ_3:27; n+1 <= 4+1 by A2,A83,FINSEQ_3:27; then A89: n <= 4 by REAL_1:53; per cases by A88,A89,CQC_THE1:5; suppose A90: n = 1; [1,1] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; then A91: m = 1 & k = 1 by A70,A84,A86,A90,GOBOARD1:21; [1,2] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; then A92: i = 1 & j = 1+1 by A71,A85,A87,A90,GOBOARD1:21; then abs(k-j) = 1 by A91,GOBOARD1:1; hence abs(m-i)+abs(k-j) = 1 by A91,A92,GOBOARD1:2; suppose A93: n = 2; [1,2] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; then A94: m = 1 & k = 2 by A71,A84,A86,A93,GOBOARD1:21; [2,2] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; then A95: i = 1+1 & j = 2 by A72,A85,A87,A93,GOBOARD1:21; then abs(m-i) = 1 by A94,GOBOARD1:1; hence abs(m-i)+abs(k-j) = 1 by A94,A95,GOBOARD1:2; suppose A96: n = 3; [2,2] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; then A97: m = 2 & k = 1+1 by A72,A84,A86,A96,GOBOARD1:21; [2,1] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; then A98: i = 2 & j = 1 by A73,A85,A87,A96,GOBOARD1:21; then abs(k-j) = 1 by A97,GOBOARD1:1; hence abs(m-i)+abs(k-j) = 1 by A97,A98,GOBOARD1:2; suppose A99: n = 4; [2,1] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; then A100: m = 1+1 & k = 1 by A73,A84,A86,A99,GOBOARD1:21; [1,1] in Indices GoB f by A69,MATRIX_2:4; then A101: i = 1 & j = 1 by A4,A10,A70,A85,A87,A99,GOBOARD1:21; then abs(m-i) = 1 by A100,GOBOARD1:1; hence abs(m-i)+abs(k-j) = 1 by A100,A101,GOBOARD1:2; end; end; Lm1: for f being FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2 holds dom X_axis f = dom f proof let f be FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; len X_axis f = len f by GOBOARD1:def 3; hence thesis by FINSEQ_3:31; end; Lm2: for f being FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2 holds dom Y_axis f = dom f proof let f be FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; len Y_axis f = len f by GOBOARD1:def 4; hence thesis by FINSEQ_3:31; end; theorem Th12: for f being non empty FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2 for n being Nat st n in dom f ex i,j st [i,j] in Indices GoB f & f/.n = (GoB f)*(i,j) proof let f be non empty FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; let n be Nat such that A1: n in dom f; A2: GoB f = GoB(Incr X_axis f,Incr Y_axis f) by GOBOARD2:def 3; set x = (f/.n)`1, y = (f/.n)`2; A3: n in dom X_axis f by A1,Lm1; then (X_axis f).n = x by GOBOARD1:def 3; then x in rng X_axis f by A3,FUNCT_1:def 5; then x in rng Incr X_axis f by GOBOARD2:def 2; then consider i such that A4: i in dom Incr X_axis f and A5: (Incr X_axis f).i = x by FINSEQ_2:11; A6: n in dom Y_axis f by A1,Lm2; then (Y_axis f).n = y by GOBOARD1:def 4; then y in rng Y_axis f by A6,FUNCT_1:def 5; then y in rng Incr Y_axis f by GOBOARD2:def 2; then consider j such that A7: j in dom Incr Y_axis f and A8: (Incr Y_axis f).j = y by FINSEQ_2:11; take i,j; i in Seg len Incr X_axis f by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then i in Seg len GoB(Incr X_axis f,Incr Y_axis f) by GOBOARD2:def 1; then A9: i in dom GoB f by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 3; j in Seg len Incr Y_axis f by A7,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then j in Seg width GoB(Incr X_axis f,Incr Y_axis f) by GOBOARD2:def 1; then [i,j] in [:dom GoB f, Seg width GoB f:] by A2,A9,ZFMISC_1:106; hence A10: [i,j] in Indices GoB f by MATRIX_1:def 5; thus f/.n = |[Incr(X_axis f).i,Incr(Y_axis f).j]| by A5,A8,EUCLID:57 .= (GoB f)*(i,j) by A2,A10,GOBOARD2:def 1; end; theorem Th13: for f being standard (non empty FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2), n being Nat st n in dom f & n+1 in dom f for m,k,i,j being Nat st [m,k] in Indices GoB f & [i,j] in Indices GoB f & f/.n = (GoB f)*(m,k) & f/.(n+1) = (GoB f)*(i,j) holds abs(m-i)+abs(k-j) = 1 proof let f be standard (non empty FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2), n be Nat such that A1: n in dom f & n+1 in dom f; f is_sequence_on GoB f by Def5; hence thesis by A1,GOBOARD1:def 11; end; definition mode special_circular_sequence is special unfolded circular s.c.c. non empty FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; end; reserve f for standard special_circular_sequence; definition let f,k; assume A1: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f; k <= k+1 by NAT_1:29; then k <= len f by A1,AXIOMS:22; then A2: k in dom f by A1,FINSEQ_3:27; then consider i1,j1 being Nat such that A3: [i1,j1] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1,j1) by Th12; k+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29; then A4: k+1 in dom f by A1,FINSEQ_3:27; then consider i2,j2 being Nat such that A5: [i2,j2] in Indices GoB f & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2,j2) by Th12; A6: abs(i1-i2)+abs(j1-j2) = 1 by A2,A3,A4,A5,Th13; A7: now per cases by A6,GOBOARD1:2; case that A8: abs(i1-i2) = 1 and A9: j1 = j2; A10: -(i1-i2) = i2-i1 by XCMPLX_1:143; i1-i2 >= 0 or i1-i2 < 0; then i1-i2 = 1 or -(i1-i2) = 1 by A8,ABSVALUE:def 1; hence i1 = i2+1 or i1+1 = i2 by A10,XCMPLX_1:27; thus j1 = j2 by A9; case that A11: i1 = i2 and A12: abs(j1-j2) = 1; A13: -(j1-j2) = j2-j1 by XCMPLX_1:143; j1-j2 >= 0 or j1-j2 < 0; then j1-j2 = 1 or -(j1-j2) = 1 by A12,ABSVALUE:def 1; hence j1 = j2+1 or j1+1 = j2 by A13,XCMPLX_1:27; thus i1 = i2 by A11; end; func right_cell(f,k) -> Subset of TOP-REAL 2 means :Def6: for i1,j1,i2,j2 being Nat st [i1,j1] in Indices GoB f & [i2,j2] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1,j1) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2,j2) holds i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & it = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & it = cell(GoB f,i1,j1-'1) or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 & it = cell(GoB f,i2,j2) or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 & it = cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j2); existence proof per cases by A7; suppose A14: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2; take cell(GoB f,i1,j1); let i1',j1',i2',j2' be Nat; assume [i1',j1'] in Indices GoB f & [i2',j2'] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1',j1') & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2',j2'); then i1 = i1' & i2 = i2' & j1 = j1' & j2 = j2' by A3,A5,GOBOARD1:21; hence thesis by A14; suppose A15: i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2; take cell(GoB f,i1,j1-'1); let i1',j1',i2',j2' be Nat; assume [i1',j1'] in Indices GoB f & [i2',j2'] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1',j1') & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2',j2'); then i1 = i1' & i2 = i2' & j1 = j1' & j2 = j2' by A3,A5,GOBOARD1:21; hence thesis by A15; suppose A16: i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2; take cell(GoB f,i2,j2); let i1',j1',i2',j2' be Nat; assume [i1',j1'] in Indices GoB f & [i2',j2'] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1',j1') & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2',j2'); then i1 = i1' & i2 = i2' & j1 = j1' & j2 = j2' by A3,A5,GOBOARD1:21; hence thesis by A16; suppose A17: i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1; take cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j2); let i1',j1',i2',j2' be Nat; assume [i1',j1'] in Indices GoB f & [i2',j2'] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1',j1') & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2',j2'); then i1 = i1' & i2 = i2' & j1 = j1' & j2 = j2' by A3,A5,GOBOARD1:21; hence thesis by A17; end; uniqueness proof let P1,P2 be Subset of TOP-REAL 2 such that A18: for i1,j1,i2,j2 being Nat st [i1,j1] in Indices GoB f & [i2,j2] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1,j1) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2,j2) holds i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & P1 = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & P1 = cell(GoB f,i1,j1-'1) or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 & P1 = cell(GoB f,i2,j2) or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 & P1 = cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j2) and A19: for i1,j1,i2,j2 being Nat st [i1,j1] in Indices GoB f & [i2,j2] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1,j1) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2,j2) holds i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & P2 = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & P2 = cell(GoB f,i1,j1-'1) or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 & P2 = cell(GoB f,i2,j2) or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 & P2 = cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j2); per cases by A7; suppose i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2; then A20: j1 < j2 by REAL_1:69; A21: j2 <= j2+1 by NAT_1:29; hence P1 = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) by A3,A5,A18,A20 .= P2 by A3,A5,A19,A20,A21; suppose i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2; then A22: i1 < i2 by REAL_1:69; A23: i2 <= i2+1 by NAT_1:29; hence P1 = cell(GoB f,i1,j1-'1) by A3,A5,A18,A22 .= P2 by A3,A5,A19,A22,A23 ; suppose i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2; then A24: i2 < i1 by REAL_1:69; A25: i1 <= i1+1 by NAT_1:29; hence P1 = cell(GoB f,i2,j2) by A3,A5,A18,A24 .= P2 by A3,A5,A19,A24,A25; suppose i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1; then A26: j2 < j1 by REAL_1:69; A27: j1 <= j1+1 by NAT_1:29; hence P1 = cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j2) by A3,A5,A18,A26 .= P2 by A3,A5,A19,A26,A27 ; end; func left_cell(f,k) -> Subset of TOP-REAL 2 means :Def7: for i1,j1,i2,j2 being Nat st [i1,j1] in Indices GoB f & [i2,j2] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1,j1) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2,j2) holds i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & it = cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j1) or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & it = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 & it = cell(GoB f,i2,j2-'1) or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 & it = cell(GoB f,i1,j2); existence proof per cases by A7; suppose A28: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2; take cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j1); let i1',j1',i2',j2' be Nat; assume [i1',j1'] in Indices GoB f & [i2',j2'] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1',j1') & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2',j2'); then i1 = i1' & i2 = i2' & j1 = j1' & j2 = j2' by A3,A5,GOBOARD1:21; hence thesis by A28; suppose A29: i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2; take cell(GoB f,i1,j1); let i1',j1',i2',j2' be Nat; assume [i1',j1'] in Indices GoB f & [i2',j2'] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1',j1') & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2',j2'); then i1 = i1' & i2 = i2' & j1 = j1' & j2 = j2' by A3,A5,GOBOARD1:21; hence thesis by A29; suppose A30: i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2; take cell(GoB f,i2,j2-'1); let i1',j1',i2',j2' be Nat; assume [i1',j1'] in Indices GoB f & [i2',j2'] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1',j1') & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2',j2'); then i1 = i1' & i2 = i2' & j1 = j1' & j2 = j2' by A3,A5,GOBOARD1:21; hence thesis by A30; suppose A31: i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1; take cell(GoB f,i1,j2); let i1',j1',i2',j2' be Nat; assume [i1',j1'] in Indices GoB f & [i2',j2'] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1',j1') & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2',j2'); then i1 = i1' & i2 = i2' & j1 = j1' & j2 = j2' by A3,A5,GOBOARD1:21; hence thesis by A31; end; uniqueness proof let P1,P2 be Subset of TOP-REAL 2 such that A32: for i1,j1,i2,j2 being Nat st [i1,j1] in Indices GoB f & [i2,j2] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1,j1) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2,j2) holds i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & P1 = cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j1) or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & P1 = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 & P1 = cell(GoB f,i2,j2-'1) or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 & P1 = cell(GoB f,i1,j2) and A33: for i1,j1,i2,j2 being Nat st [i1,j1] in Indices GoB f & [i2,j2] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1,j1) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2,j2) holds i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & P2 = cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j1) or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & P2 = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 & P2 = cell(GoB f,i2,j2-'1) or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 & P2 = cell(GoB f,i1,j2); per cases by A7; suppose i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2; then A34: j1 < j2 by REAL_1:69; A35: j2 <= j2+1 by NAT_1:29; hence P1 = cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j1) by A3,A5,A32,A34 .= P2 by A3,A5,A33,A34,A35 ; suppose i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2; then A36: i1 < i2 by REAL_1:69; A37: i2 <= i2+1 by NAT_1:29; hence P1 = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) by A3,A5,A32,A36 .= P2 by A3,A5,A33,A36,A37; suppose i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2; then A38: i2 < i1 by REAL_1:69; A39: i1 <= i1+1 by NAT_1:29; hence P1 = cell(GoB f,i2,j2-'1) by A3,A5,A32,A38 .= P2 by A3,A5,A33,A38,A39 ; suppose i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1; then A40: j2 < j1 by REAL_1:69; A41: j1 <= j1+1 by NAT_1:29; hence P1 = cell(GoB f,i1,j2) by A3,A5,A32,A40 .= P2 by A3,A5,A33,A40,A41; end; end; theorem Th14: G is non empty-yielding X_equal-in-line X_increasing-in-column & i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G implies LSeg(G*(i+1,j),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= v_strip(G,i) proof assume that A1: G is non empty-yielding and A2: G is X_equal-in-line and A3: G is X_increasing-in-column and A4: i < len G and A5: 1 <= j & j < width G; A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A5,NAT_1:38; let x be set; assume A7: x in LSeg(G*(i+1,j),G*(i+1,j+1)); then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2; A8: p = |[p`1, p`2]| by EUCLID:57; A9: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A4,NAT_1:29,38; then A10: G*(i+1,j)`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 by A2,A5,Th3 .= G*(i+1,j+1)`1 by A2,A6,A9,Th3; now per cases by NAT_1:19; suppose A11: i = 0; then p`1 <= G*(1,j)`1 by A7,A10,TOPREAL1:9; then p in { |[r,s]| : r <= G*(1,j)`1 } by A8; hence x in v_strip(G,i) by A1,A2,A5,A11,Th11; suppose i > 0; then A12: 0+1 <= i by NAT_1:38; A13: G*(i+1,j)`1 <= p`1 & p`1 <= G*(i+1,j)`1 by A7,A10,TOPREAL1:9; then A14: p`1 = G*(i+1,j)`1 by AXIOMS:21; i < i+1 by REAL_1:69; then G*(i,j)`1 < p`1 by A3,A5,A9,A12,A14,Th4; then p in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,j)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,j)`1 } by A8,A13; hence x in v_strip(G,i) by A2,A4,A5,A12,Th9; end; hence x in v_strip(G,i); end; theorem Th15: G is non empty-yielding X_equal-in-line X_increasing-in-column & 1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j & j < width G implies LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i,j+1)) c= v_strip(G,i) proof assume that A1: G is non empty-yielding and A2: G is X_equal-in-line and A3: G is X_increasing-in-column and A4: 1 <= i & i <= len G and A5: 1 <= j & j < width G; A6: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A5,NAT_1:38; let x be set; assume A7: x in LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i,j+1)); then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2; A8: p = |[p`1, p`2]| by EUCLID:57; A9: G*(i,j)`1 = G*(i,1)`1 by A2,A4,A5,Th3 .= G*(i,j+1)`1 by A2,A4,A6,Th3; now per cases by A4,AXIOMS:21; suppose A10: i = len G; then G*(len G,j)`1 <= p`1 by A7,A9,TOPREAL1:9; then p in { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,j)`1 <= r } by A8; hence x in v_strip(G,i) by A1,A2,A5,A10,Th10; suppose A11: i < len G; then A12: i+1 <= len G by NAT_1:38; A13: G*(i,j)`1 <= p`1 & p`1 <= G*(i,j)`1 by A7,A9,TOPREAL1:9; then A14: p`1 = G*(i,j)`1 by AXIOMS:21; i < i+1 by REAL_1:69; then p`1 < G*(i+1,j)`1 by A3,A4,A5,A12,A14,Th4; then p in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,j)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,j)`1 } by A8,A13; hence x in v_strip(G,i) by A2,A4,A5,A11,Th9; end; hence x in v_strip(G,i); end; theorem Th16: G is non empty-yielding Y_equal-in-column Y_increasing-in-line & j < width G & 1 <= i & i < len G implies LSeg(G*(i,j+1),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= h_strip(G,j) proof assume that A1: G is non empty-yielding and A2: G is Y_equal-in-column and A3: G is Y_increasing-in-line and A4: j < width G and A5: 1 <= i & i < len G; A6: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A5,NAT_1:38; let x be set; assume A7: x in LSeg(G*(i,j+1),G*(i+1,j+1)); then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2; A8: p = |[p`1, p`2]| by EUCLID:57; A9: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A4,NAT_1:29,38; then A10: G*(i,j+1)`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 by A2,A5,Th2 .= G*(i+1,j+1)`2 by A2,A6,A9,Th2; now per cases by NAT_1:19; suppose A11: j = 0; then p`2 <= G*(i,1)`2 by A7,A10,TOPREAL1:10; then p in { |[r,s]| : s <= G*(i,1)`2 } by A8; hence x in h_strip(G,j) by A1,A2,A5,A11,Th8; suppose j > 0; then A12: 0+1 <= j by NAT_1:38; A13: G*(i,j+1)`2 <= p`2 & p`2 <= G*(i,j+1)`2 by A7,A10,TOPREAL1:10; then A14: p`2 = G*(i,j+1)`2 by AXIOMS:21; j < j+1 by REAL_1:69; then G*(i,j)`2 < p`2 by A3,A5,A9,A12,A14,Th5; then p in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,j)`2 <= s & s <= G*(i,j+1)`2 } by A8,A13; hence x in h_strip(G,j) by A2,A4,A5,A12,Th6; end; hence x in h_strip(G,j); end; theorem Th17: G is non empty-yielding Y_equal-in-column Y_increasing-in-line & 1 <= j & j <= width G & 1 <= i & i < len G implies LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i+1,j)) c= h_strip(G,j) proof assume that A1: G is non empty-yielding and A2: G is Y_equal-in-column and A3: G is Y_increasing-in-line and A4: 1 <= j & j <= width G and A5: 1 <= i & i < len G; A6: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A5,NAT_1:38; let x be set; assume A7: x in LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i+1,j)); then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2; A8: p = |[p`1, p`2]| by EUCLID:57; A9: G*(i,j)`2 = G*(1,j)`2 by A2,A4,A5,Th2 .= G*(i+1,j)`2 by A2,A4,A6,Th2; now per cases by A4,AXIOMS:21; suppose A10: j = width G; then G*(i,width G)`2 <= p`2 by A7,A9,TOPREAL1:10; then p in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,width G)`2 <= s } by A8; hence x in h_strip(G,j) by A1,A2,A5,A10,Th7; suppose A11: j < width G; then A12: j+1 <= width G by NAT_1:38; A13: G*(i,j)`2 <= p`2 & p`2 <= G*(i,j)`2 by A7,A9,TOPREAL1:10; then A14: p`2 = G*(i,j)`2 by AXIOMS:21; j < j+1 by REAL_1:69; then p`2 < G*(i,j+1)`2 by A3,A4,A5,A12,A14,Th5; then p in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,j)`2 <= s & s <= G*(i,j+1)`2 } by A8,A13; hence x in h_strip(G,j) by A2,A4,A5,A11,Th6; end; hence x in h_strip(G,j); end; theorem Th18: G is Y_equal-in-column Y_increasing-in-line & 1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G implies LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i,j+1)) c= h_strip(G,j) proof assume that A1: G is Y_equal-in-column and A2: G is Y_increasing-in-line and A3: 1 <= i & i <= len G and A4: 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G; let x be set; assume A5: x in LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i,j+1)); then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2; A6: p = |[p`1, p`2]| by EUCLID:57; A7: j < width G by A4,NAT_1:38; j < j+1 by REAL_1:69; then G*(i,j)`2 < G*(i,j+1)`2 by A2,A3,A4,Th5; then G*(i,j)`2 <= p`2 & p`2 <= G*(i,j+1)`2 by A5,TOPREAL1:10; then p in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,j)`2 <= s & s <= G*(i,j+1)`2 } by A6; hence x in h_strip(G,j) by A1,A3,A4,A7,Th6; end; theorem Th19: for G being Go-board holds i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G implies LSeg(G*(i+1,j),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= cell(G,i,j) proof let G be Go-board; assume that A1: i < len G and A2: 1 <= j & j < width G; A3: cell(G,i,j) = v_strip(G,i) /\ h_strip(G,j) by Def3; A4: LSeg(G*(i+1,j),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= v_strip(G,i) by A1,A2,Th14; 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G & j+1 <= width G by A1,A2,NAT_1:29,38; then LSeg(G*(i+1,j),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= h_strip(G,j) by A2,Th18; hence LSeg(G*(i+1,j),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= cell(G,i,j) by A3,A4,XBOOLE_1:19; end; theorem Th20: for G being Go-board holds 1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j & j < width G implies LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i,j+1)) c= cell(G,i,j) proof let G be Go-board; assume that A1: 1 <= i & i <= len G and A2: 1 <= j & j < width G; A3: cell(G,i,j) = v_strip(G,i) /\ h_strip(G,j) by Def3; A4: LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i,j+1)) c= v_strip(G,i) by A1,A2,Th15; j+1 <= width G by A2,NAT_1:38; then LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i,j+1)) c= h_strip(G,j) by A1,A2,Th18; hence LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i,j+1)) c= cell(G,i,j) by A3,A4,XBOOLE_1:19; end; theorem Th21: G is X_equal-in-line X_increasing-in-column & 1 <= j & j <= width G & 1 <= i & i+1 <= len G implies LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i+1,j)) c= v_strip(G,i) proof assume that A1: G is X_equal-in-line and A2: G is X_increasing-in-column and A3: 1 <= j & j <= width G and A4: 1 <= i & i+1 <= len G; let x be set; assume A5: x in LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i+1,j)); then reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2; A6: p = |[p`1, p`2]| by EUCLID:57; A7: i < len G by A4,NAT_1:38; i < i+1 by REAL_1:69; then G*(i,j)`1 < G*(i+1,j)`1 by A2,A3,A4,Th4; then G*(i,j)`1 <= p`1 & p`1 <= G*(i+1,j)`1 by A5,TOPREAL1:9; then p in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,j)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,j)`1 } by A6; hence x in v_strip(G,i) by A1,A3,A4,A7,Th9; end; theorem Th22: for G being Go-board holds j < width G & 1 <= i & i < len G implies LSeg(G*(i,j+1),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= cell(G,i,j) proof let G be Go-board; assume that A1: j < width G and A2: 1 <= i & i < len G; A3: cell(G,i,j) = v_strip(G,i) /\ h_strip(G,j) by Def3; A4: LSeg(G*(i,j+1),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= h_strip(G,j) by A1,A2,Th16; 1 <= j+1 & i+1 <= len G & j+1 <= width G by A1,A2,NAT_1:29,38; then LSeg(G*(i,j+1),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= v_strip(G,i) by A2,Th21; hence LSeg(G*(i,j+1),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= cell(G,i,j) by A3,A4,XBOOLE_1:19; end; theorem Th23: for G being Go-board holds 1 <= i & i < len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G implies LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i+1,j)) c= cell(G,i,j) proof let G be Go-board; assume that A1: 1 <= i & i < len G and A2: 1 <= j & j <= width G; A3: cell(G,i,j) = v_strip(G,i) /\ h_strip(G,j) by Def3; A4: LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i+1,j)) c= h_strip(G,j) by A1,A2,Th17; i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38; then LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i+1,j)) c= v_strip(G,i) by A1,A2,Th21; hence LSeg(G*(i,j),G*(i+1,j)) c= cell(G,i,j) by A3,A4,XBOOLE_1:19; end; theorem Th24: G is non empty-yielding X_equal-in-line X_increasing-in-column & i+1 <= len G implies v_strip(G,i) /\ v_strip(G,i+1) = { q : q`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 } proof assume that A1: G is non empty-yielding X_equal-in-line and A2: G is X_increasing-in-column and A3: i+1 <= len G; width G <> 0 by A1,GOBOARD1:def 5; then A4: 1 <= width G by RLVECT_1:99; A5: i < len G by A3,NAT_1:38; thus v_strip(G,i) /\ v_strip(G,i+1) c= { q : q`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 } proof let x be set; assume A6: x in v_strip(G,i) /\ v_strip(G,i+1); then A7: x in v_strip(G,i) & x in v_strip(G,i+1) by XBOOLE_0:def 3; reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by A6; per cases; suppose that A8: i = 0 and A9: i+1 = len G; v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : r <= G*(0+1,1)`1 } by A1,A4,A8,Th11; then consider r1,s1 being Real such that A10: x = |[r1,s1]| and A11: r1 <= G*(1,1)`1 by A7; v_strip(G,len G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 <= r } by A1,A4,Th10; then consider r2,s2 being Real such that A12: x = |[r2,s2]| and A13: G*(i+1,1)`1 <= r2 by A7,A9; r1 = |[r2,s2]|`1 by A10,A12,EUCLID:56 .= r2 by EUCLID:56; then G*(i+1,1)`1 = r1 by A8,A11,A13,AXIOMS:21; then G*(i+1,1)`1 = p`1 by A10,EUCLID:56; hence thesis; suppose that A14: i = 0 and A15: i+1 <> len G; v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : r <= G*(0+1,1)`1 } by A1,A4,A14,Th11; then consider r1,s1 being Real such that A16: x = |[r1,s1]| and A17: r1 <= G*(1,1)`1 by A7; 1 <= i+1 & i+1 < len G by A3,A15,NAT_1:29,REAL_1:def 5; then v_strip(G,i+1) = { |[r,s]| : G*(0+1,1)`1 <= r & r <= G* (0+1+1,1)`1 } by A1,A4,A14,Th9; then consider r2,s2 being Real such that A18: x = |[r2,s2]| and A19: G*(1,1)`1 <= r2 & r2 <= G*(1+1,1)`1 by A7; r1 = |[r2,s2]|`1 by A16,A18,EUCLID:56 .= r2 by EUCLID:56; then G*(1,1)`1 = r1 by A17,A19,AXIOMS:21; then G*(1,1)`1 = p`1 by A16,EUCLID:56; hence thesis by A14; suppose that A20: i <> 0 and A21: i+1 = len G; 1 <= i & i < len G by A3,A20,NAT_1:38,RLVECT_1:99; then v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,1)`1 } by A1,A4,Th9; then consider r1,s1 being Real such that A22: x = |[r1,s1]| and A23: G*(i,1)`1 <= r1 & r1 <= G*(i+1,1)`1 by A7; v_strip(G,len G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 <= r } by A1,A4,Th10; then consider r2,s2 being Real such that A24: x = |[r2,s2]| and A25: G*(i+1,1)`1 <= r2 by A7,A21; r1 = |[r2,s2]|`1 by A22,A24,EUCLID:56 .= r2 by EUCLID:56; then G*(i+1,1)`1 = r1 by A23,A25,AXIOMS:21; then G*(i+1,1)`1 = p`1 by A22,EUCLID:56; hence thesis; suppose that A26: i <> 0 and A27: i+1 <> len G; 1 <= i & i < len G by A3,A26,NAT_1:38,RLVECT_1:99; then v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,1)`1 } by A1,A4,Th9; then consider r1,s1 being Real such that A28: x = |[r1,s1]| and A29: G*(i,1)`1 <= r1 & r1 <= G*(i+1,1)`1 by A7; 1 <= i+1 & i+1 < len G by A3,A27,NAT_1:29,REAL_1:def 5; then v_strip(G,i+1) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i+1,1)`1 <= r & r <= G* (i+1+1,1)`1 } by A1,A4,Th9; then consider r2,s2 being Real such that A30: x = |[r2,s2]| and A31: G*(i+1,1)`1 <= r2 & r2 <= G*(i+1+1,1)`1 by A7; r1 = |[r2,s2]|`1 by A28,A30,EUCLID:56 .= r2 by EUCLID:56; then G*(i+1,1)`1 = r1 by A29,A31,AXIOMS:21; then G*(i+1,1)`1 = p`1 by A28,EUCLID:56; hence thesis; end; A32:{ q : q`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 } c= v_strip(G,i) proof let x be set; assume x in { q : q`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 }; then consider p such that A33: p = x and A34: p`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1; A35: p = |[p`1, p`2]| by EUCLID:57; per cases by RLVECT_1:99; suppose A36: i = 0; then v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : r <= G*(1,1)`1 } by A1,A4,Th11; hence x in v_strip(G,i) by A33,A34,A35,A36; suppose A37: i >= 1; then A38: v_strip(G,i) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i,1)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,1)`1 } by A1,A4,A5,Th9; i < i+1 by REAL_1:69; then G*(i,1)`1 < p`1 by A2,A3,A4,A34,A37,Th4; hence x in v_strip(G,i) by A33,A34,A35,A38; end; { q : q`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 } c= v_strip(G,i+1) proof let x be set; assume x in { q : q`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 }; then consider p such that A39: p = x and A40: p`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1; A41: p = |[p`1, p`2]| by EUCLID:57; A42: 1 <= i+1 by NAT_1:29; per cases by A3,REAL_1:def 5; suppose A43: i+1 = len G; then v_strip(G,i+1) = { |[r,s]| : G*(len G,1)`1 <= r } by A1,A4,Th10; hence x in v_strip(G,i+1) by A39,A40,A41,A43; suppose A44: i+1 < len G; then A45: v_strip(G,i+1) = { |[r,s]| : G*(i+1,1)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1+1, 1)`1 } by A1,A4,A42,Th9; i+1 < i+1+1 & i+1+1 <= len G by A44,NAT_1:38; then p`1 < G*(i+1+1,1)`1 by A2,A4,A40,A42,Th4; hence x in v_strip(G,i+1) by A39,A40,A41,A45; end; hence { q : q`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 } c= v_strip(G,i) /\ v_strip(G,i+1) by A32,XBOOLE_1:19; end; theorem Th25: G is non empty-yielding Y_equal-in-column Y_increasing-in-line & j+1 <= width G implies h_strip(G,j) /\ h_strip(G,j+1) = { q : q`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 } proof assume that A1: G is non empty-yielding Y_equal-in-column and A2: G is Y_increasing-in-line and A3: j+1 <= width G; len G <> 0 by A1,GOBOARD1:def 5; then A4: 1 <= len G by RLVECT_1:99; A5: j < width G by A3,NAT_1:38; thus h_strip(G,j) /\ h_strip(G,j+1) c= { q : q`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 } proof let x be set; assume A6: x in h_strip(G,j) /\ h_strip(G,j+1); then A7: x in h_strip(G,j) & x in h_strip(G,j+1) by XBOOLE_0:def 3; reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by A6; per cases; suppose that A8: j = 0 and A9: j+1 = width G; h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : s <= G*(1,0+1)`2 } by A1,A4,A8,Th8; then consider r1,s1 being Real such that A10: x = |[r1,s1]| and A11: s1 <= G*(1,1)`2 by A7; h_strip(G,width G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,width G)`2 <= s } by A1,A4,Th7; then consider r2,s2 being Real such that A12: x = |[r2,s2]| and A13: G*(1,j+1)`2 <= s2 by A7,A9; s1 = |[r2,s2]|`2 by A10,A12,EUCLID:56 .= s2 by EUCLID:56; then G*(1,j+1)`2 = s1 by A8,A11,A13,AXIOMS:21; then G*(1,j+1)`2 = p`2 by A10,EUCLID:56; hence thesis; suppose that A14: j = 0 and A15: j+1 <> width G; h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : s <= G*(1,0+1)`2 } by A1,A4,A14,Th8; then consider r1,s1 being Real such that A16: x = |[r1,s1]| and A17: s1 <= G*(1,1)`2 by A7; 1 <= j+1 & j+1 < width G by A3,A15,NAT_1:29,REAL_1:def 5; then h_strip(G,j+1) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,0+1)`2 <= s & s <= G* (1,0+1+1)`2 } by A1,A4,A14,Th6; then consider r2,s2 being Real such that A18: x = |[r2,s2]| and A19: G*(1,1)`2 <= s2 & s2 <= G*(1,1+1)`2 by A7; s1 = |[r2,s2]|`2 by A16,A18,EUCLID:56 .= s2 by EUCLID:56; then G*(1,1)`2 = s1 by A17,A19,AXIOMS:21; then G*(1,1)`2 = p`2 by A16,EUCLID:56; hence thesis by A14; suppose that A20: j <> 0 and A21: j+1 = width G; 1 <= j & j < width G by A3,A20,NAT_1:38,RLVECT_1:99; then h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 <= s & s <= G*(1,j+1)`2 } by A1,A4,Th6; then consider r1,s1 being Real such that A22: x = |[r1,s1]| and A23: G*(1,j)`2 <= s1 & s1 <= G*(1,j+1)`2 by A7; h_strip(G,width G) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,width G)`2 <= s } by A1,A4,Th7; then consider r2,s2 being Real such that A24: x = |[r2,s2]| and A25: G*(1,j+1)`2 <= s2 by A7,A21; s1 = |[r2,s2]|`2 by A22,A24,EUCLID:56 .= s2 by EUCLID:56; then G*(1,j+1)`2 = s1 by A23,A25,AXIOMS:21; then G*(1,j+1)`2 = p`2 by A22,EUCLID:56; hence thesis; suppose that A26: j <> 0 and A27: j+1 <> width G; 1 <= j & j < width G by A3,A26,NAT_1:38,RLVECT_1:99; then h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 <= s & s <= G*(1,j+1)`2 } by A1,A4,Th6; then consider r1,s1 being Real such that A28: x = |[r1,s1]| and A29: G*(1,j)`2 <= s1 & s1 <= G*(1,j+1)`2 by A7; 1 <= j+1 & j+1 < width G by A3,A27,NAT_1:29,REAL_1:def 5; then h_strip(G,j+1) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j+1)`2 <= s & s <= G* (1,j+1+1)`2 } by A1,A4,Th6; then consider r2,s2 being Real such that A30: x = |[r2,s2]| and A31: G*(1,j+1)`2 <= s2 & s2 <= G*(1,j+1+1)`2 by A7; s1 = |[r2,s2]|`2 by A28,A30,EUCLID:56 .= s2 by EUCLID:56; then G*(1,j+1)`2 = s1 by A29,A31,AXIOMS:21; then G*(1,j+1)`2 = p`2 by A28,EUCLID:56; hence thesis; end; A32:{ q : q`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 } c= h_strip(G,j) proof let x be set; assume x in { q : q`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 }; then consider p such that A33: p = x and A34: p`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2; A35: p = |[p`1, p`2]| by EUCLID:57; per cases by RLVECT_1:99; suppose A36: j = 0; then h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : s <= G*(1,1)`2 } by A1,A4,Th8; hence x in h_strip(G,j) by A33,A34,A35,A36; suppose A37: j >= 1; then A38: h_strip(G,j) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j)`2 <= s & s <= G*(1,j+1)`2 } by A1,A4,A5,Th6; j < j+1 by REAL_1:69; then G*(1,j)`2 < p`2 by A2,A3,A4,A34,A37,Th5; hence x in h_strip(G,j) by A33,A34,A35,A38; end; { q : q`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 } c= h_strip(G,j+1) proof let x be set; assume x in { q : q`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 }; then consider p such that A39: p = x and A40: p`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2; A41: p = |[p`1, p`2]| by EUCLID:57; A42: 1 <= j+1 by NAT_1:29; per cases by A3,REAL_1:def 5; suppose A43: j+1 = width G; then h_strip(G,j+1) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,width G)`2 <= s } by A1,A4,Th7; hence x in h_strip(G,j+1) by A39,A40,A41,A43; suppose A44: j+1 < width G; then A45: h_strip(G,j+1) = { |[r,s]| : G*(1,j+1)`2 <= s & s <= G*(1,j+1+ 1)`2 } by A1,A4,A42,Th6; j+1 < j+1+1 & j+1+1 <= width G by A44,NAT_1:38; then p`2 < G*(1,j+1+1)`2 by A2,A4,A40,A42,Th5; hence x in h_strip(G,j+1) by A39,A40,A41,A45; end; hence { q : q`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 } c= h_strip(G,j) /\ h_strip(G,j+1) by A32,XBOOLE_1:19; end; theorem Th26: for G being Go-board holds i < len G & 1 <= j & j < width G implies cell(G,i,j) /\ cell(G,i+1,j) = LSeg(G*(i+1,j),G*(i+1,j+1)) proof let G be Go-board; assume that A1: i < len G and A2: 1 <= j & j < width G; 0 <= i by NAT_1:18; then A3: 0+1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A1,AXIOMS:24,NAT_1:38; thus cell(G,i,j) /\ cell(G,i+1,j) c= LSeg(G*(i+1,j),G*(i+1,j+1)) proof let x be set; cell(G,i,j) = v_strip(G,i) /\ h_strip(G,j) by Def3; then A4: cell(G,i,j) /\ cell(G,i+1,j) = v_strip(G,i) /\ h_strip(G,j) /\ (v_strip(G,i+1) /\ h_strip(G,j)) by Def3 .= v_strip(G,i) /\ (v_strip(G,i+1) /\ h_strip(G,j) /\ h_strip(G,j)) by XBOOLE_1:16 .= v_strip(G,i) /\ (v_strip(G,i+1) /\ (h_strip(G,j) /\ h_strip(G,j))) by XBOOLE_1:16 .= v_strip(G,i) /\ v_strip(G,i+1) /\ h_strip(G,j) by XBOOLE_1:16; assume A5: x in cell(G,i,j) /\ cell(G,i+1,j); then A6: x in v_strip(G,i) /\ v_strip(G,i+1) by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3; A7: x in h_strip(G,j) by A4,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3; A8: j < j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A2,NAT_1:38; then A9: G*(i+1,j)`2 < G*(i+1,j+1)`2 by A2,A3,Th5; A10: G*(i+1,j) = |[G*(i+1,j)`1,G*(i+1,j)`2]| by EUCLID:57; A11: j+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29; G*(i+1,j)`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 by A2,A3,Th3 .= G*(i+1,j+1)`1 by A3,A8,A11,Th3; then A12: G*(i+1,j+1) = |[G*(i+1,j)`1,G*(i+1,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57; reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by A5; i+1 <= len G by A1,NAT_1:38; then p in { q : q`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1 } by A6,Th24; then ex q st q = p & q`1 = G*(i+1,1)`1; then A13: p`1 = G*(i+1,j)`1 by A2,A3,Th3; p in { |[r,s]| : G*(i+1,j)`2 <= s & s <= G*(i+1,j+1)`2 } by A2,A3,A7,Th6; then consider r,s such that A14: p = |[r,s]| and A15: G*(i+1,j)`2 <= s & s <= G*(i+1,j+1)`2; G*(i+1,j)`2 <= p`2 & p`2 <= G*(i+1,j+1)`2 by A14,A15,EUCLID:56; then p in { q : q`1 = G*(i+1,j)`1 & G*(i+1,j)`2 <= q`2 & q`2 <= G*(i+1,j+1)`2 } by A13; hence x in LSeg(G*(i+1,j),G*(i+1,j+1)) by A9,A10,A12,TOPREAL3:15; end; A16: LSeg(G*(i+1,j),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= cell(G,i,j) by A1,A2,Th19; LSeg(G*(i+1,j),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= cell(G,i+1,j) by A2,A3,Th20; hence thesis by A16,XBOOLE_1:19; end; theorem Th27: for G being Go-board holds j < width G & 1 <= i & i < len G implies cell(G,i,j) /\ cell(G,i,j+1) = LSeg(G*(i,j+1),G*(i+1,j+1)) proof let G be Go-board; assume that A1: j < width G and A2: 1 <= i & i < len G; 0 <= j by NAT_1:18; then A3: 0+1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A1,AXIOMS:24,NAT_1:38; thus cell(G,i,j) /\ cell(G,i,j+1) c= LSeg(G*(i,j+1),G*(i+1,j+1)) proof let x be set; cell(G,i,j) = h_strip(G,j) /\ v_strip(G,i) by Def3; then A4: cell(G,i,j) /\ cell(G,i,j+1) = h_strip(G,j) /\ v_strip(G,i) /\ (h_strip(G,j+1) /\ v_strip(G,i)) by Def3 .= h_strip(G,j) /\ (h_strip(G,j+1) /\ v_strip(G,i) /\ v_strip(G,i)) by XBOOLE_1:16 .= h_strip(G,j) /\ (h_strip(G,j+1) /\ (v_strip(G,i) /\ v_strip(G,i))) by XBOOLE_1:16 .= h_strip(G,j) /\ h_strip(G,j+1) /\ v_strip(G,i) by XBOOLE_1:16; assume A5: x in cell(G,i,j) /\ cell(G,i,j+1); then A6: x in h_strip(G,j) /\ h_strip(G,j+1) by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3; A7: x in v_strip(G,i) by A4,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3; A8: i < i+1 & i+1 <= len G by A2,NAT_1:38; then A9: G*(i,j+1)`1 < G*(i+1,j+1)`1 by A2,A3,Th4; A10: G*(i,j+1) = |[G*(i,j+1)`1,G*(i,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57; A11: i+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29; G*(i,j+1)`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 by A2,A3,Th2 .= G*(i+1,j+1)`2 by A3,A8,A11,Th2; then A12: G*(i+1,j+1) = |[G*(i+1,j+1)`1,G*(i,j+1)`2]| by EUCLID:57; reconsider p = x as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by A5; j+1 <= width G by A1,NAT_1:38; then p in { q : q`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2 } by A6,Th25; then ex q st q = p & q`2 = G*(1,j+1)`2; then A13: p`2 = G*(i,j+1)`2 by A2,A3,Th2; p in { |[r,s]| : G*(i,j+1)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,j+1)`1 } by A2,A3,A7,Th9; then consider r,s such that A14: p = |[r,s]| and A15: G*(i,j+1)`1 <= r & r <= G*(i+1,j+1)`1; G*(i,j+1)`1 <= p`1 & p`1 <= G*(i+1,j+1)`1 by A14,A15,EUCLID:56; then p in { q : q`2 = G*(i,j+1)`2 & G*(i,j+1)`1 <= q`1 & q`1 <= G*(i+1,j+1)`1 } by A13; hence x in LSeg(G*(i,j+1),G*(i+1,j+1)) by A9,A10,A12,TOPREAL3:16; end; A16: LSeg(G*(i,j+1),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= cell(G,i,j) by A1,A2,Th22; LSeg(G*(i,j+1),G*(i+1,j+1)) c= cell(G,i,j+1) by A2,A3,Th23; hence thesis by A16,XBOOLE_1:19; end; theorem Th28: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i+1,j] in Indices GoB f & [i+1,j+1] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i+1,j) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i+1,j+1) implies left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j) & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i+1,j) proof assume that A1: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A2: [i+1,j] in Indices GoB f & [i+1,j+1] in Indices GoB f and A3: f/.k = (GoB f)*(i+1,j) and A4: f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i+1,j+1); A5: j < j+1 by REAL_1:69; A6: j+1 <= j+1+1 by NAT_1:29; hence left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i+1-'1,j) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,Def7 .= cell(GoB f,i,j) by BINARITH:39; thus right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i+1,j) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,Def6; end; theorem Th29: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i,j+1] in Indices GoB f & [i+1,j+1] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i,j+1) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i+1,j+1) implies left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j+1) & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j) proof assume that A1: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A2: [i,j+1] in Indices GoB f & [i+1,j+1] in Indices GoB f and A3: f/.k = (GoB f)*(i,j+1) and A4: f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i+1,j+1); A5: i < i+1 by REAL_1:69; A6: i+1 <= i+1+1 by NAT_1:29; hence left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j+1) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,Def7; thus right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j+1-'1) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,Def6 .= cell(GoB f,i,j) by BINARITH:39; end; theorem Th30: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i,j+1] in Indices GoB f & [i+1,j+1] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i+1,j+1) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i,j+1) implies left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j) & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j+1) proof assume that A1: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A2: [i,j+1] in Indices GoB f & [i+1,j+1] in Indices GoB f and A3: f/.k = (GoB f)*(i+1,j+1) and A4: f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i,j+1); A5: i < i+1 by REAL_1:69; A6: i+1 <= i+1+1 by NAT_1:29; hence left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j+1-'1) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,Def7 .= cell(GoB f,i,j) by BINARITH:39; thus right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j+1) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,Def6; end; theorem Th31: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i+1,j+1] in Indices GoB f & [i+1,j] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i+1,j+1) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i+1,j) implies left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i+1,j) & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j) proof assume that A1: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A2: [i+1,j+1] in Indices GoB f & [i+1,j] in Indices GoB f and A3: f/.k = (GoB f)*(i+1,j+1) and A4: f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i+1,j); A5: j < j+1 by REAL_1:69; A6: j+1 <= j+1+1 by NAT_1:29; hence left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i+1,j) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,Def7; thus right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i+1-'1,j) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,Def6 .= cell(GoB f,i,j) by BINARITH:39; end; theorem 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f implies left_cell(f,k) /\ right_cell(f,k) = LSeg(f,k) proof assume A1: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f; k <= k+1 by NAT_1:29; then k <= len f by A1,AXIOMS:22; then A2: k in dom f by A1,FINSEQ_3:27; then consider i1,j1 being Nat such that A3: [i1,j1] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1,j1) by Th12; k+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29; then A4: k+1 in dom f by A1,FINSEQ_3:27; then consider i2,j2 being Nat such that A5: [i2,j2] in Indices GoB f & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2,j2) by Th12; A6: abs(i1-i2)+abs(j1-j2) = 1 by A2,A3,A4,A5,Th13; A7: now per cases by A6,GOBOARD1:2; case that A8: abs(i1-i2) = 1 and A9: j1 = j2; A10: -(i1-i2) = i2-i1 by XCMPLX_1:143; i1-i2 >= 0 or i1-i2 < 0; then i1-i2 = 1 or -(i1-i2) = 1 by A8,ABSVALUE:def 1; hence i1 = i2+1 or i1+1 = i2 by A10,XCMPLX_1:27; thus j1 = j2 by A9; case that A11: i1 = i2 and A12: abs(j1-j2) = 1; A13: -(j1-j2) = j2-j1 by XCMPLX_1:143; j1-j2 >= 0 or j1-j2 < 0; then j1-j2 = 1 or -(j1-j2) = 1 by A12,ABSVALUE:def 1; hence j1 = j2+1 or j1+1 = j2 by A13,XCMPLX_1:27; thus i1 = i2 by A11; end; A14: 0+1 <= j1 & j1 <= width GoB f by A3,Th1; A15: 1 <= j2 & j2 <= width GoB f by A5,Th1; A16: 0+1 <= i1 & i1 <= len GoB f by A3,Th1; A17: 1 <= i2 & i2 <= len GoB f by A5,Th1; i1 > 0 by A16,NAT_1:38; then consider i such that A18: i+1 = i1 by NAT_1:22; A19: i < len GoB f by A16,A18,NAT_1:38; j1 > 0 by A14,NAT_1:38; then consider j such that A20: j+1 = j1 by NAT_1:22; A21: j < width GoB f by A14,A20,NAT_1:38; per cases by A7; suppose A22: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2; then A23: j1 < width GoB f by A15,NAT_1:38; left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j1) & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) by A1,A3,A5,A18,A22,Th28; hence left_cell(f,k) /\ right_cell(f,k) = LSeg((GoB f)*(i1,j1),(GoB f)*(i1,j1+1)) by A14,A18,A19,A23,Th26 .= LSeg(f,k) by A1,A3,A5,A22,TOPREAL1:def 5; suppose A24: i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2; then A25: i1 < len GoB f by A17,NAT_1:38; left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i1,j) by A1,A3,A5,A20,A24,Th29; hence left_cell(f,k) /\ right_cell(f,k) = LSeg((GoB f)*(i1,j1),(GoB f)*(i1+1,j1)) by A16,A20,A21,A25,Th27 .= LSeg(f,k) by A1,A3,A5,A24,TOPREAL1:def 5; suppose A26: i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2; then A27: i2 < len GoB f by A16,NAT_1:38; left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i2,j) & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i2,j1) by A1,A3,A5,A20,A26,Th30; hence left_cell(f,k) /\ right_cell(f,k) = LSeg((GoB f)*(i2+1,j1),(GoB f)*(i2,j1)) by A17,A20,A21,A27,Th27 .= LSeg(f,k) by A1,A3,A5,A26,TOPREAL1:def 5; suppose A28: i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1; then A29: j2 < width GoB f by A14,NAT_1:38; left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i1,j2) & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i,j2) by A1,A3,A5,A18,A28,Th31; hence left_cell(f,k) /\ right_cell(f,k) = LSeg((GoB f)*(i1,j2+1),(GoB f)*(i1,j2)) by A15,A18,A19,A29,Th26 .= LSeg(f,k) by A1,A3,A5,A28,TOPREAL1:def 5; end;