The Mizar article:

Binary Arithmetics, Addition and Subtraction of Integers

Yasuho Mizuhara, and
Takaya Nishiyama

Received March 18, 1994

Copyright (c) 1994 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: BINARI_2
[ MML identifier index ]


 schemes FINSEQ_2, BINARITH;


definition let X be non empty set; let D be non empty Subset of X;
 let x,y be set, a,b be Element of D;
 redefine func IFEQ(x,y,a,b) -> Element of D;
  proof x = y or x <> y;
   hence thesis by CQC_LANG:def 1;

 reserve i,j,n for Nat;
 reserve m for non empty Nat;
 reserve p,q for Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
 reserve d,d1,d2 for Element of BOOLEAN;

  len p = n & len q = n & (for i st i in Seg n holds p/.i = q/.i)
   implies p = q
  assume that
        A1: len p = n & len q = n and
        A2: for i st i in Seg n holds p/.i = q/.i;
   for i st i in Seg n holds p.i = q.i
    let i; assume
       A3: i in Seg n;
       then i in dom p & i in dom q by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       then p/.i=p.i & q/.i = q.i by FINSEQ_4:def 4;
           hence thesis by A2,A3;
  hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_2:10;

definition let n be Nat;
  func Bin1 (n) -> Tuple of n, BOOLEAN means :Def1:
  for i st i in Seg n holds it/.i = IFEQ(i,1,TRUE,FALSE);
   deffunc _F(set) = IFEQ($1,1,TRUE,FALSE);
   consider z being FinSequence of BOOLEAN such that
A1: len z = n and
A2: for j st j in Seg n holds z.j = _F(j) from SeqLambdaD;
   reconsider z as Tuple of n, BOOLEAN by A1,FINSEQ_2:110;
   take z;
   let i;
  assume A3: i in Seg n;
  then i in dom z by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
  hence z/.i = z.i by FINSEQ_4:def 4
            .= IFEQ(i,1,TRUE,FALSE) by A2,A3;
    let z1, z2 be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN such that
        A4: for i st i in Seg n holds z1/.i = IFEQ(i,1,TRUE,FALSE)
  and A5: for i st i in Seg n holds z2/.i = IFEQ(i,1,TRUE,FALSE);
        A6: len z1 = n & len z2 = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
      now let j;
    assume A7: j in Seg n;
    then A8: j in dom z1 & j in dom z2 by A6,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    hence z1.j = z1/.j by FINSEQ_4:def 4
               .= IFEQ(j,1,TRUE,FALSE) by A4,A7
               .= z2/.j by A5,A7
               .= z2.j by A8,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
    hence z1 = z2 by A6,FINSEQ_2:10;

definition let n be non empty Nat, x be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
  func Neg2 (x) -> Tuple of n,BOOLEAN equals :Def2:
   'not' x + Bin1 (n);

definition let n be Nat, x be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
  func Intval (x) -> Integer equals :Def3:
   Absval (x) if x/.n = FALSE
    otherwise Absval (x) - 2 to_power n;

definition let n be non empty Nat, z1,z2 be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
  func Int_add_ovfl(z1,z2) -> Element of BOOLEAN equals :Def4:
   'not' (z1/.n) '&' 'not' (z2/.n) '&' (carry(z1,z2)/.n);

definition let n be non empty Nat, z1,z2 be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
  func Int_add_udfl(z1,z2) -> Element of BOOLEAN equals :Def5:
   (z1/.n) '&' (z2/.n) '&' 'not' (carry(z1,z2)/.n);

canceled 2;

    for z1 being Tuple of 2, BOOLEAN holds
   z1=<*FALSE*>^<*FALSE*> implies Intval(z1) = 0
  let z1 be Tuple of 2,BOOLEAN;
  assume A1: z1 = <*FALSE*>^<*FALSE*>;
            consider k1,k2 being Nat such that
         A2: Binary (z1) = <* k1,k2 *> by FINSEQ_2:120;
              z1 = <*FALSE,FALSE*> by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 9;
  then A3: z1/.1 = FALSE & z1/.2 = FALSE by FINSEQ_4:26;
  A4: 1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
              Seg 1 c= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_1:7;
  then A5: (Binary(z1))/.1 = IFEQ(z1/.1,FALSE,0,2 to_power(1-'1))
 by A4,BINARITH:def 6
                           .= 0 by A3,CQC_LANG:def 1;
A6: (Binary(z1))/.1 = k1 by A2,FINSEQ_4:26;
    2 in Seg 2 by FINSEQ_1:5;
  then A7: (Binary(z1))/.2 = IFEQ(z1/.2,FALSE,0,2 to_power(2-'1))
 by BINARITH:def 6
                           .= 0 by A3,CQC_LANG:def 1;
           (Binary(z1))/.2 = k2 by A2,FINSEQ_4:26;
            then Absval(z1)
               = addnat $$ (<* 0,0 *>) by A2,A5,A6,A7,BINARITH:def 7
              .= addnat $$ (<* 0 *>^<* 0 *>) by FINSEQ_1:def 9
              .= addnat.(addnat$$<* 0 *>,addnat$$<* 0 *>)
 by FINSOP_1:6,MONOID_0:54
              .= addnat.(0,addnat$$<* 0 *>) by FINSOP_1:12
              .= addnat.(0,0) by FINSOP_1:12
              .= 0 + 0 by BINARITH:1
              .= 0;
  hence thesis by A3,Def3;

theorem Th4:
  for z1 being Tuple of 2, BOOLEAN holds
   z1=<*TRUE*>^<*FALSE*> implies Intval(z1) = 1
  let z1 be Tuple of 2,BOOLEAN;
  assume A1: z1 = <*TRUE*>^<*FALSE*>;
           consider k1,k2 being Nat such that
        A2: Binary (z1) = <* k1,k2 *> by FINSEQ_2:120;
             z1 = <*TRUE,FALSE*> by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 9;
  then A3: z1/.1 = TRUE & z1/.2 = FALSE by FINSEQ_4:26;
  A4: 1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
             Seg 1 c= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_1:7;
  then A5: (Binary(z1))/.1 = IFEQ(z1/.1,FALSE,0,2 to_power(1-'1))
 by A4,BINARITH:def 6
                          .= 2 to_power(1-'1) by A3,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;
             1 - 1 = 0;
  then 1 -' 1 = 0 by BINARITH:def 3;
       then A6: (Binary(z1))/.1 = 1 by A5,POWER:29;
        A7: (Binary(z1))/.1 = k1 by A2,FINSEQ_4:26;
    2 in Seg 2 by FINSEQ_1:5;
  then A8: (Binary(z1))/.2 = IFEQ(z1/.2,FALSE,0,2 to_power(2-'1))
 by BINARITH:def 6
                          .= 0 by A3,CQC_LANG:def 1;
          (Binary(z1))/.2 = k2 by A2,FINSEQ_4:26;
           then Absval(z1)
              = addnat $$ (<* 1,0 *>) by A2,A6,A7,A8,BINARITH:def 7
             .= addnat $$ (<* 1 *>^<* 0 *>) by FINSEQ_1:def 9
             .= addnat.(addnat$$<* 1 *>,addnat$$<* 0 *>) by FINSOP_1:6,MONOID_0
             .= addnat.(1,addnat$$<* 0 *>) by FINSOP_1:12
             .= addnat.(1,0) by FINSOP_1:12
             .= 1 + 0 by BINARITH:1
             .= 1;
  hence thesis by A3,Def3;

    for z1 being Tuple of 2, BOOLEAN holds
   z1=<*FALSE*>^<*TRUE*> implies Intval(z1) = -2
  let z1 be Tuple of 2,BOOLEAN;
  assume A1: z1 = <*FALSE*>^<*TRUE*>;
           consider k1,k2 being Nat such that
        A2: Binary (z1) = <* k1,k2 *> by FINSEQ_2:120;
             z1 = <*FALSE,TRUE*> by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 9;
  then A3: z1/.1 = FALSE & z1/.2 = TRUE by FINSEQ_4:26;
  then A4: Intval(z1)
              = Absval(z1) - 2 to_power (1 + 1) by Def3,MARGREL1:38
             .= Absval(z1) - (2 to_power 1 * 2 to_power 1) by POWER:32
             .= Absval(z1) - (2 * 2 to_power 1) by POWER:30
             .= Absval(z1) - (2 * 2) by POWER:30
             .= Absval(z1) - 4;
  A5: 1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
             Seg 1 c= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_1:7;
  then A6: (Binary(z1))/.1 = IFEQ(z1/.1,FALSE,0,2 to_power(1-'1))
 by A5,BINARITH:def 6
                          .= 0 by A3,CQC_LANG:def 1;
A7: (Binary(z1))/.1 = k1 by A2,FINSEQ_4:26;
    2 in Seg 2 by FINSEQ_1:5;
  then A8: (Binary(z1))/.2 = IFEQ(z1/.2,FALSE,0,2 to_power(2-'1))
 by BINARITH:def 6
                           .= 2 to_power(2-'1) by A3,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38
             2 - 1 = 1;
  then 2 -' 1 = 1 by BINARITH:def 3;
  then A9: (Binary(z1))/.2 = 2 by A8,POWER:30;
          (Binary(z1))/.2 = k2 by A2,FINSEQ_4:26;
           then Absval(z1)
              = addnat $$ (<* 0,2 *>) by A2,A6,A7,A9,BINARITH:def 7
             .= addnat $$ (<* 0 *>^<* 2 *>) by FINSEQ_1:def 9
             .= addnat.(addnat$$<* 0 *>,addnat$$<* 2 *>) by FINSOP_1:6,MONOID_0
             .= addnat.(0,addnat$$<* 2 *>) by FINSOP_1:12
             .= addnat.(0,2) by FINSOP_1:12
             .= 0 + 2 by BINARITH:1
             .= 2;
  hence Intval(z1) = -2 by A4;

    for z1 being Tuple of 2, BOOLEAN holds
   z1=<*TRUE*>^<*TRUE*> implies Intval(z1) = -1
  let z1 be Tuple of 2,BOOLEAN;
  assume A1: z1 = <*TRUE*>^<*TRUE*>;
           consider k1,k2 being Nat such that
        A2: Binary (z1) = <* k1,k2 *> by FINSEQ_2:120;
             z1 = <*TRUE,TRUE*> by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 9;
  then A3: z1/.1 <> FALSE & z1/.2 <> FALSE by FINSEQ_4:26,MARGREL1:38;
  then A4: Intval(z1)
              = Absval(z1) - 2 to_power (1 + 1) by Def3
             .= Absval(z1) - (2 to_power 1 * 2 to_power 1) by POWER:32
             .= Absval(z1) - (2 * 2 to_power 1) by POWER:30
             .= Absval(z1) - (2 * 2) by POWER:30
             .= Absval(z1) - 4;
  A5: 1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
             Seg 1 c= Seg 2 by FINSEQ_1:7;
  then A6: (Binary(z1))/.1 = IFEQ(z1/.1,FALSE,0,2 to_power(1-'1))
 by A5,BINARITH:def 6
                          .= 2 to_power(1-'1) by A3,CQC_LANG:def 1;
         1 - 1 = 0;
  then 1 -' 1 = 0 by BINARITH:def 3;
       then A7: (Binary(z1))/.1 = 1 by A6,POWER:29;
        A8: (Binary(z1))/.1 = k1 by A2,FINSEQ_4:26;
             2 in Seg 2 by FINSEQ_1:5;
  then A9: (Binary(z1))/.2 = IFEQ(z1/.2,FALSE,0,2 to_power(2-'1))
 by BINARITH:def 6
                          .= 2 to_power(2-'1) by A3,CQC_LANG:def 1;
         2 - 1 = 1;
  then 2 -' 1 = 1 by BINARITH:def 3;
  then A10: (Binary(z1))/.2 = 2 by A9,POWER:30;
          (Binary(z1))/.2 = k2 by A2,FINSEQ_4:26;
           then Absval(z1)
              = addnat $$ (<* 1,2 *>) by A2,A7,A8,A10,BINARITH:def 7
             .= addnat $$ (<* 1 *>^<* 2 *>) by FINSEQ_1:def 9
             .= addnat.(addnat$$<* 1 *>,addnat$$<* 2 *>)
 by FINSOP_1:6,MONOID_0:54
             .= addnat.(1,addnat$$<* 2 *>) by FINSOP_1:12
             .= addnat.(1,2) by FINSOP_1:12
             .= 1 + 2 by BINARITH:1
             .= 3;
  hence Intval(z1) = -1 by A4;

theorem Th7:
  for i st i in Seg n & i = 1 holds (Bin1(n))/.i = TRUE
  let i be Nat such that
        A1: i in Seg n
  and A2: i = 1;
  thus (Bin1(n))/.i = IFEQ(i,1,TRUE,FALSE) by A1,Def1
                       .= TRUE by A2,CQC_LANG:def 1;

theorem Th8:
  for i st i in Seg n & i <> 1 holds (Bin1(n))/.i = FALSE
  let i be Nat such that
        A1: i in Seg n and
        A2: i <> 1;
  thus (Bin1(n))/.i = IFEQ(i,1,TRUE,FALSE) by A1,Def1
                 .= FALSE by A2,CQC_LANG:def 1;

theorem Th9:
  Bin1 (m+1) = Bin1 (m)^<*FALSE*>
        A1: len(Bin1(m+1)) = m+1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
        A2: len(Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>) = m+1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
          for i st i in Seg (m+1) holds
           (Bin1(m+1))/.i = (Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.i
    let i such that
        A3: i in Seg (m+1);
      per cases by A3,FINSEQ_2:8;
      suppose A4: i in Seg m;
        thus (Bin1(m+1))/.i = (Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.i
          per cases;
          suppose A5: i = 1;
              = (Bin1(m))/.i by A4,BINARITH:2
             .= TRUE by A4,A5,Th7;
          hence thesis by A3,A5,Th7;
          suppose A6:i <> 1;
              = (Bin1(m))/.i by A4,BINARITH:2
             .= FALSE by A4,A6,Th8;
          hence thesis by A3,A6,Th8;
      suppose A7: i = m+1;
             1 <= m by RLVECT_1:99;
  then 1 <> m + 1 by NAT_1:38;
  then (Bin1(m+1))/.i = FALSE by A3,A7,Th8;
           hence thesis by A7,BINARITH:3;
  hence thesis by A1,A2,Lm1;

theorem Th10:
  for m holds Intval (Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>) = 1
  defpred _P[non empty Nat] means Intval (Bin1($1)^<*FALSE*>) = 1;
  A1: _P[1] proof
           consider k being Element of BOOLEAN such that
       A2: Bin1(1) = <* k *> by FINSEQ_2:117;
       A3: (Bin1(1))/.1 = k by A2,FINSEQ_4:25;
    1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
  then Bin1(1) = <*TRUE*> by A2,A3,Th7;
  hence thesis by Th4;
  A4: now let m be non empty Nat such that
       A5: _P[m];
             (Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.(m+1) = FALSE by BINARITH:3;
  then A6: Absval(Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>) = 1 by A5,Def3;
             (Bin1(m+1)^<*FALSE*>)/.(m+1+1) = FALSE by BINARITH:3;
  then Intval(Bin1(m+1)^<*FALSE*>)
              = Absval(Bin1(m+1)^<*FALSE*>) by Def3
             .= Absval(Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>^<*FALSE*>) by Th9
             .= Absval(Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)
               + IFEQ(FALSE,FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1)) by BINARITH:46
             .= 1 + 0 by A6,CQC_LANG:def 1
             .= 1;
       hence _P[m+1];
  thus for m holds _P[m] from Ind_from_1 (A1,A4);

theorem Th11:
  for z being Tuple of m, BOOLEAN
  for d being Element of BOOLEAN holds
  'not' (z^<* d *>) = 'not' z^<* 'not' d *>
  let z be Tuple of m,BOOLEAN;
  let d;
        A1: len('not' (z^<*d*>))= m+1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
        A2: len('not' z^<*'not' d*>) = m+1 by FINSEQ_2:109;
             for i st i in Seg (m+1) holds
           ('not' (z^<*d*>))/.i = ('not' z^<*'not' d*>)/.i
    let i such that
        A3: i in Seg (m+1);
      per cases by A3,FINSEQ_2:8;
      suppose A4: i in Seg m;
       A5: ('not' (z^<*d*>))/.i = 'not' ((z^<*d*>)/.i) by A3,BINARITH:def 4
                          .= 'not' (z/.i) by A4,BINARITH:2;
             ('not' z^<*'not' d*>)/.i = ('not' z)/.i by A4,BINARITH:2
                           .= 'not' (z/.i) by A4,BINARITH:def 4;
      hence thesis by A5;
      suppose A6: i = m + 1;
          ('not' (z^<*d*>))/.i = 'not' ((z^<*d*>)/.i) by A3,BINARITH:def 4
                          .= 'not' d by A6,BINARITH:3;
           hence thesis by A6,BINARITH:3;
  hence thesis by A1,A2,Lm1;

theorem Th12:
  for z being Tuple of m, BOOLEAN
  for d being Element of BOOLEAN holds
   Intval(z^<*d*>) = Absval(z)-(IFEQ(d,FALSE,0,2 to_power(m)) qua Nat)
   let z be Tuple of m, BOOLEAN;
   let d;
    per cases by MARGREL1:39;
    suppose A1: d = FALSE;
           then (z^<*d*>)/.(m+1) = FALSE by BINARITH:3;
  then A2: Intval(z^<*d*>) = Absval(z^<*d*>) by Def3
                          .= Absval(z)+IFEQ(d,FALSE,0,2 to_power(m))
                          .= Absval(z)+0 by A1,CQC_LANG:def 1
                          .= Absval(z);
             Absval(z)-(IFEQ(d,FALSE,0,2 to_power(m)) qua Nat)
              = Absval(z) - 0 by A1,CQC_LANG:def 1
             .= Absval(z);
    hence thesis by A2;
    suppose A3: d = TRUE;
           then (z^<*d*>)/.(m+1) <> FALSE by BINARITH:3,MARGREL1:38;
  then Intval(z^<*d*>)
              = Absval(z^<*d*>) - 2 to_power(m+1) by Def3
             .= Absval(z) + IFEQ(d,FALSE,0,2 to_power m)-2 to_power(m+1)
             .= Absval(z) + 2 to_power m - 2 to_power(m+1)
 by A3,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38
             .= Absval(z) + 2 to_power m - (2 to_power m * 2 to_power 1)
 by POWER:32
             .= Absval(z) + 2 to_power m - 2*2 to_power m by POWER:30
             .= Absval(z) + 2 to_power m - (2 to_power m + 2 to_power m)
 by XCMPLX_1:11
             .= Absval(z) + 2 to_power m - 2 to_power m - 2 to_power m
 by XCMPLX_1:36
             .= Absval(z) - 2 to_power m by XCMPLX_1:26;
           hence thesis by A3,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;

theorem Th13:
  for z1,z2 being Tuple of m, BOOLEAN
  for d1,d2 being Element of BOOLEAN holds
            + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
            - IFEQ(Int_add_udfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
    = Intval(z1^<*d1*>) + Intval(z2^<*d2*>)
  let z1,z2 be Tuple of m,BOOLEAN;
  let d1,d2 be Element of BOOLEAN;
  set f = FALSE,
      t = TRUE;
       A1: Absval(z1+z2)
              = Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)
                   - IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
    set siki1 = Absval(z1+z2),
        siki2 = IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,2 to_power m);
             siki1 + siki2 - siki2
              = siki1 + (siki2 - siki2) by XCMPLX_1:29
             .= siki1 + 0 by XCMPLX_1:14
             .= siki1;
    hence thesis by BINARITH:47;
        A2: Intval(z1^<*d1*> + z2^<*d2*>)
              = Intval((z1+z2)^<*d1 'xor' d2 'xor' add_ovfl(z1,z2)*>)
             .= Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)
                   - IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
                   - IFEQ(d1 'xor' d2 'xor' add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,
                                                 2 to_power m) by A1,Th12;
           A3: Int_add_ovfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>)
              = 'not' ((z1^<*d1*>)/.(m+1)) '&' 'not' ((z2^<*d2*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
                   ((carry(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>))/.(m+1)) by Def4
             .= 'not' d1 '&' 'not' ((z2^<*d2*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
                   ((carry(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>))/.(m+1)) by BINARITH:3
 .= 'not' d1 '&' 'not' d2 '&' ((carry(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>))/.(m+1))
   by BINARITH:3
 .= 'not' d1 '&' 'not' d2 '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by BINARITH:44;
           A4: Int_add_udfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>)
              = ((z1^<*d1*>)/.(m+1)) '&' ((z2^<*d2*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
                   'not' ((carry(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>))/.(m+1)) by Def5
             .= d1 '&' ((z2^<*d2*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
                   'not' ((carry(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>))/.(m+1)) by BINARITH:3
             .= d1 '&' d2 '&' 'not' ((carry(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>))/.(m+1))
             .= d1 '&' d2 '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by BINARITH:44;
        A5: Intval(z1^<*d1*>)
              = Absval(z1)-IFEQ(d1,FALSE,0,2 to_power m) by Th12;
        A6: Intval(z2^<*d2*>)
              = Absval(z2)-IFEQ(d2,FALSE,0,2 to_power m) by Th12;
    per cases by MARGREL1:39;
    suppose A7: d1 = f & d2 = f;
       then A8: Absval(z1) - IFEQ(d1,FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = Absval(z1) - 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1
             .= Absval(z1);
           A9: Absval(z2) - IFEQ(d2,FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = Absval(z2) - 0 by A7,CQC_LANG:def 1
             .= Absval(z2);
           A10: d1 'xor' d2 'xor' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = f 'xor' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by A7,BINARITH:14
             .= add_ovfl(z1,z2) by BINARITH:14;
           A11: 'not' d1 '&' 'not' d2 '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = t '&' 'not' f '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by A7,MARGREL1:def 16
             .= t '&' t '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by MARGREL1:def 16
             .= t '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by MARGREL1:50
             .= add_ovfl(z1,z2) by MARGREL1:50;
             d1 '&' d2 '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = f '&' (f '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2)) by A7,MARGREL1:52
             .= f by MARGREL1:49;
  then A12: IFEQ((d1 '&' d2 '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2)),f,0,2 to_power(m+1))
              = 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1;
    thus thesis
      per cases by MARGREL1:39;
      suppose A13: add_ovfl(z1,z2) = f;
       then A14: IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1;
             IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),f,0,2 to_power(m+1))
              = 0 by A13,CQC_LANG:def 1;
      hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,A6,A8,A9,A10,A11,A12,A14,Th12;
      suppose A15: add_ovfl(z1,z2) = t;
  then A16: IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = 2 to_power m by CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;
             IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),f,0,2 to_power(m+1))
              = 2 to_power(m+1) by A15,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;
  then Intval(z1^<*d1*>+z2^<*d2*>)
              + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
              - IFEQ(Int_add_udfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
              = (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2))
                   - (2 to_power m + 2 to_power m) + 2 to_power(m+1)
 by A2,A3,A4,A10,A11,A12,A16,XCMPLX_1:36
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2))
                   - (2*2 to_power m) + 2 to_power(m+1)
 by XCMPLX_1:11
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2))
                   - (2 to_power 1*2 to_power m) + 2 to_power(m+1)
 by POWER:30
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2))
                   - 2 to_power (m+1) + 2 to_power(m+1) by POWER:32
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2))
                   - (2 to_power (m+1) - 2 to_power(m+1)) by XCMPLX_1:37
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)) - 0 by XCMPLX_1:14
             .= Absval(z1) + Absval(z2);
      hence thesis by A6,A8,A9,Th12;
    suppose A17: d1 = t & d2 = f;
       then A18: Absval(z1) - IFEQ(d1,FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = Absval(z1) - 2 to_power m by CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;
             Absval(z2) - IFEQ(d2,FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = Absval(z2) - 0 by A17,CQC_LANG:def 1
             .= Absval(z2);
  then A19: Intval(z1^<*d1*>) + Intval(z2^<*d2*>)
            = Absval(z1) - (2 to_power m - Absval(z2)) by A5,A6,A18,XCMPLX_1:37
             .= Absval(z1) + (Absval(z2) - 2 to_power m) by XCMPLX_1:38
             .= Absval(z1) + Absval(z2) - 2 to_power m by XCMPLX_1:29;
           A20: d1 'xor' d2 'xor' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = t 'xor' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by A17,BINARITH:14
             .= 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by BINARITH:13;
             'not' d1 '&' 'not' d2 '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = f '&' 'not' f '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by A17,MARGREL1:def 16
             .= f '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by MARGREL1:49
             .= f by MARGREL1:49;
  then A21:
  IFEQ(('not' d1 '&' 'not' d2 '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2)),f,0,2 to_power(m+1))
              = 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1;
           A22: d1 '&' d2 '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = f '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by A17,MARGREL1:49
             .= f by MARGREL1:49;
  then A23: IFEQ((d1 '&' d2 '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2)),f,0,2 to_power(m+1))
              = 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1;
    thus thesis
      per cases by MARGREL1:39;
      suppose A24: add_ovfl(z1,z2) = f;
           then A25: 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) <> f by MARGREL1:38,def 16;
         IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = 0 by A24,CQC_LANG:def 1;
      hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,A19,A20,A21,A23,A25,CQC_LANG:def 1;
      suppose A26: add_ovfl(z1,z2) = t;
       then A27: add_ovfl(z1,z2) <> f & 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) = f
          by MARGREL1:38,def 16;
  A28: IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = 2 to_power m by A26,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;
             IFEQ('not' add_ovfl(z1,z2),f,0,2 to_power m)
              = 0 by A27,CQC_LANG:def 1;
      hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,A19,A20,A21,A22,A28,CQC_LANG:def 1;
    suppose A29: d1 = f & d2 = t;
       then A30: Absval(z1) - IFEQ(d1,FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = Absval(z1) - 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1
             .= Absval(z1);
           A31: Absval(z2) - IFEQ(d2,FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = Absval(z2) - 2 to_power m by A29,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;
           A32: d1 'xor' d2 'xor' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = t 'xor' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by A29,BINARITH:14
             .= 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by BINARITH:13;
             'not' d1 '&' 'not' d2 '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = 'not' f '&' f '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by A29,MARGREL1:def 16
             .= f '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by MARGREL1:49
             .= f by MARGREL1:49;
  then A33: IFEQ(('not' d1 '&' 'not' d2 '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2)),f,0,2 to_power(m+1
              = 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1;
             d1 '&' d2 '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = f '&' (t '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2)) by A29,MARGREL1:52
             .= f by MARGREL1:49;
  then A34: IFEQ((d1 '&' d2 '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2)),f,0,2 to_power(m+1))
              = 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1;
    thus thesis
      per cases by MARGREL1:39;
      suppose A35: add_ovfl(z1,z2) = f;
           then A36: 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) <> f by MARGREL1:38,def 16;
       A37: IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = 0 by A35,CQC_LANG:def 1;
             IFEQ('not' add_ovfl(z1,z2),f,0,2 to_power m)
              = 2 to_power m by A36,CQC_LANG:def 1;
      hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A30,A31,A32,A33,A34,A37,XCMPLX_1:29;
      suppose A38: add_ovfl(z1,z2) = t;
       then A39: add_ovfl(z1,z2) <> f & 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) = f
        by MARGREL1:38,def 16;
  A40: IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = 2 to_power m by A38,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;
             IFEQ('not' add_ovfl(z1,z2),f,0,2 to_power m)
              = 0 by A39,CQC_LANG:def 1;
      hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A30,A31,A32,A33,A34,A40,XCMPLX_1:29;
    suppose A41: d1 = t & d2 = t;
       then A42: Absval(z1) - IFEQ(d1,FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = Absval(z1) - 2 to_power m by CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;
             Absval(z2) - IFEQ(d2,FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = Absval(z2) - 2 to_power m by A41,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;
  then A43: Intval(z1^<*d1*>) + Intval(z2^<*d2*>)
              = Absval(z1) - 2 to_power m + Absval(z2) - 2 to_power m
 by A5,A6,A42,XCMPLX_1:29
             .= Absval(z1) - (2 to_power m - Absval(z2)) - 2 to_power m
 by XCMPLX_1:37
             .= Absval(z1) + (Absval(z2) - 2 to_power m) - 2 to_power m
 by XCMPLX_1:38
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)) - 2 to_power m - 2 to_power m by
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)) - (2 to_power m + 2 to_power m)
 by XCMPLX_1:36
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)) - (2*2 to_power m)
 by XCMPLX_1:11
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)) - (2 to_power 1*2 to_power m)
 by POWER:30
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)) - 2 to_power(m+1)
 by POWER:32;
           A44: d1 'xor' d2 'xor' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = f 'xor' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by A41,BINARITH:15
             .= add_ovfl(z1,z2) by BINARITH:14;
             'not' d1 '&' 'not' d2 '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = f '&' 'not' t '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by A41,MARGREL1:def 16
             .= f '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by MARGREL1:49
             .= f by MARGREL1:49;
  then A45: IFEQ(('not' d1 '&' 'not' d2 '&' add_ovfl(z1,z2)),f,0,2 to_power(m+1
              = 0 by CQC_LANG:def 1;
           A46: d1 '&' d2 '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2)
              = t '&' 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by A41,MARGREL1:50
             .= 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) by MARGREL1:50;
    thus thesis
      per cases by MARGREL1:39;
      suppose A47: add_ovfl(z1,z2) = f;
           then A48: 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) <> f by MARGREL1:38,def 16;
         IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = 0 by A47,CQC_LANG:def 1;
      hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,A43,A44,A45,A46,A48,CQC_LANG:def 1;
      suppose A49: add_ovfl(z1,z2) = t;
       then A50: add_ovfl(z1,z2) <> f & 'not' add_ovfl(z1,z2) = f
 by MARGREL1:38,def 16;
  A51: IFEQ(add_ovfl(z1,z2),FALSE,0,2 to_power m)
              = 2 to_power m by A49,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;
             IFEQ('not' add_ovfl(z1,z2),f,0,2 to_power(m+1))
              = 0 by A50,CQC_LANG:def 1;
  then Intval(z1^<*d1*>+z2^<*d2*>)
              + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
              - IFEQ(Int_add_udfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
              = (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)) - (2 to_power m + 2 to_power m)
 by A2,A3,A4,A44,A45,A46,A51,XCMPLX_1:36
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)) - (2*2 to_power m) by XCMPLX_1:11
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)) - (2 to_power 1*2 to_power m)
 by POWER:30
             .= (Absval(z1) + Absval(z2)) - 2 to_power(m+1) by POWER:32;
      hence thesis by A43;

theorem Th14:
  for z1,z2 being Tuple of m, BOOLEAN
  for d1,d2 being Element of BOOLEAN holds
  = Intval(z1^<*d1*>) + Intval(z2^<*d2*>)
       - IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
       + IFEQ(Int_add_udfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
  let z1,z2 be Tuple of m,BOOLEAN;
  let d1,d2;
  set A = Intval(z1^<*d1*>+z2^<*d2*>),
      B = IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1)),
      C = IFEQ(Int_add_udfl(z1^<*d1*>,z2^<*d2*>),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1)),
      D = Intval(z1^<*d1*>) + Intval(z2^<*d2*>);
          A + B - C = D by Th13;
           then A1: A + (B - C) - (B - C) = D - (B - C) by XCMPLX_1:29;
          A + (B - C) - (B - C)
              = A + ((B - C) - (B - C)) by XCMPLX_1:29
             .= A + 0 by XCMPLX_1:14
             .= A;
           hence thesis by A1,XCMPLX_1:37;

theorem Th15:
  for m for x being Tuple of m, BOOLEAN holds
   Absval('not' x) = - Absval(x) + 2 to_power m - 1
  defpred _P[Nat] means
  for x being Tuple of $1, BOOLEAN holds
   Absval('not' x) = - Absval(x) + 2 to_power $1 - 1;
  A1: _P[1] proof let x be Tuple of 1, BOOLEAN;
      per cases by BINARITH:40;
      suppose A2: x = <*FALSE*>;
       then A3: x/.1 = FALSE by FINSEQ_4:25;
       consider k being Element of BOOLEAN such that
       A4: 'not' x = <* k *> by FINSEQ_2:117;
       A5: ('not' x)/.1 = k by A4,FINSEQ_4:25;
    1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
  then A6: ('not' x)/.1 = 'not' FALSE by A3,BINARITH:def 4
                  .= TRUE by MARGREL1:def 16;
             - Absval(x) + 2 to_power 1 - 1
              = - 0 + 2 to_power 1 - 1 by A2,BINARITH:41
             .= 0 + 2 - 1 by POWER:30
             .= 1;
      hence thesis by A4,A5,A6,BINARITH:42;
      suppose A7: x = <*TRUE*>;
       then A8: x/.1 = TRUE by FINSEQ_4:25;
       consider k being Element of BOOLEAN such that
       A9: 'not' x = <* k *> by FINSEQ_2:117;
       A10: ('not' x)/.1 = k by A9,FINSEQ_4:25;
    1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
  then A11: ('not' x)/.1 = 'not' TRUE by A8,BINARITH:def 4
                  .= FALSE by MARGREL1:def 16;
             - Absval(x) + 2 to_power 1 - 1
              = - 1 + 2 to_power 1 - 1 by A7,BINARITH:42
             .= - 1 + 2 - 1 by POWER:30
             .= 0;
      hence thesis by A9,A10,A11,BINARITH:41;
  A12: now let m;
  assume A13: _P[m];
  let x be Tuple of m+1, BOOLEAN;
  consider t being (Element of m-tuples_on BOOLEAN),
           d being Element of BOOLEAN such that A14: x = t^<*d*>
 by FINSEQ_2:137;
        A15: Absval('not' x)
              = Absval('not' t^<*'not' d*>) by A14,Th11
             .= Absval('not' t) + IFEQ('not'
d,FALSE,0,2 to_power m) by BINARITH:46
             .= - Absval(t) + 2 to_power m - 1
                   + IFEQ('not' d,FALSE,0,2 to_power m) by A13;
        A16: - Absval(x) + 2 to_power(m+1) - 1
             = - (Absval(t) + IFEQ(d,FALSE,0,2 to_power m))
                  + 2 to_power(m+1) - 1 by A14,BINARITH:46;
  thus Absval('not' x) = - Absval(x) + 2 to_power (m+1) - 1
      per cases by MARGREL1:39;
      suppose A17: d = FALSE;
           then 'not' d <> FALSE by MARGREL1:38,def 16;
       then A18: Absval('not' x)
              = - Absval(t) + 2 to_power m - 1 + 2 to_power m
 by A15,CQC_LANG:def 1
             .= (- Absval(t) + 2 to_power m) - (1 - 2 to_power m)
 by XCMPLX_1:37
             .= (- Absval(t) + 2 to_power m) + (2 to_power m - 1)
 by XCMPLX_1:38
             .= - Absval(t) + 2 to_power m + 2 to_power m - 1 by XCMPLX_1:29
             .= - Absval(t) + (2 to_power m + 2 to_power m) - 1
 by XCMPLX_1:1
             .= - Absval(t) + 2*2 to_power m - 1 by XCMPLX_1:11
             .= - Absval(t) + 2 to_power 1*2 to_power m - 1
 by POWER:30
             .= - Absval(t) + 2 to_power(m+1) - 1 by POWER:32;
             - Absval(x) + 2 to_power(m+1) - 1
              = -(Absval(t) + 0) + 2 to_power(m+1) - 1
 by A16,A17,CQC_LANG:def 1
             .= - Absval(t) + 2 to_power(m+1) - 1;
      hence thesis by A18;
      suppose A19: d = TRUE;
       then 'not' d = FALSE by MARGREL1:def 16;
       then A20: Absval('not' x)
              = - Absval(t) + 2 to_power m - 1 + 0 by A15,CQC_LANG:def 1
             .= - Absval(t) + 2 to_power m - 1;
             - Absval(x) + 2 to_power(m+1) - 1
              = -(Absval(t) + 2 to_power m) + 2 to_power(m+1) - 1
 by A16,A19,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38
             .= - Absval(t) - 2 to_power m + 2 to_power(m+1) - 1 by XCMPLX_1:
             .= - Absval(t) - 2 to_power m + 2 to_power 1*2 to_power m - 1
 by POWER:32
             .= - Absval(t) - 2 to_power m + 2*2 to_power m - 1
 by POWER:30
             .= (- Absval(t) - 2 to_power m) + (2 to_power m + 2 to_power m)
                   - 1 by XCMPLX_1:11
             .= - Absval(t) - 2 to_power m + 2 to_power m + 2 to_power m - 1
 by XCMPLX_1:1
             .= - Absval(t) - (2 to_power m - 2 to_power m) + 2 to_power m - 1
 by XCMPLX_1:37
             .= - Absval(t) - 0 + 2 to_power m - 1 by XCMPLX_1:14
             .= - Absval(t) + 2 to_power m - 1;
      hence thesis by A20;
    end; hence _P[m+1];
  thus for m holds _P[m] from Ind_from_1 (A1,A12);

theorem Th16:
  for z being Tuple of m, BOOLEAN
   for d being Element of BOOLEAN holds
  Neg2(z^<*d*>) = Neg2(z)^<*'not' d 'xor' add_ovfl('not' z,Bin1(m))*>
  let z be Tuple of m, BOOLEAN;
  let d;
  thus Neg2(z^<*d*>)
              = 'not' (z^<*d*>) + Bin1(m+1) by Def2
             .= 'not' z^<*'not' d*> + Bin1(m+1) by Th11
             .= 'not' z^<*'not' d*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*> by Th9
             .= ('not' z + Bin1(m))^<*'not' d 'xor' FALSE 'xor' add_ovfl('not'
z,Bin1(m))*> by BINARITH:45
             .= ('not' z + Bin1(m))^<*'not' d 'xor' add_ovfl('not' z,Bin1(m))*>
              by BINARITH:14
             .= Neg2(z)^<*'not' d 'xor' add_ovfl('not' z,Bin1(m))*> by Def2;

theorem Th17:
  for z being Tuple of m, BOOLEAN
   for d being Element of BOOLEAN holds
       + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl('not' (z^<*d*>),Bin1(m+1)),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
     = - Intval(z^<*d*>)
  let z be Tuple of m, BOOLEAN;
  let d;
  set OV = IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl('not' z^<*'not' d*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>),FALSE,0,
                                                           2 to_power(m+1)),
      UD = IFEQ(Int_add_udfl('not' z^<*'not' d*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>),FALSE,0,
                                                           2 to_power(m+1));
       A1: Int_add_udfl('not' z^<*'not' d*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)
     = (('not' z^<*'not' d*>)/.(m+1)) '&' ((Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
         'not' ((carry('not' z^<*'not' d*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by Def5
    .= (('not' z^<*'not' d*>)/.(m+1)) '&' FALSE '&' 'not' ((carry('not'
    z^<*'not' d*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by BINARITH:3
             .= FALSE '&' 'not' ((carry('not' z^<*'not'
d*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by MARGREL1:49
             .= FALSE by MARGREL1:49;
        A2: Intval(Neg2(z^<*d*>))
              + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl('not' (z^<*d*>),Bin1(m+1)),FALSE,0,
                                                           2 to_power(m+1))
              = Intval('not' (z^<*d*>) + Bin1(m+1))
                   + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl('not' (z^<*d*>),Bin1(m+1)),FALSE,0,
                                                  2 to_power(m+1)) by Def2
             .= Intval('not' z^<*'not' d*> + Bin1(m+1))
                   + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl('not' (z^<*d*>),Bin1(m+1)),FALSE,0,
                                                     2 to_power(m+1)) by Th11
             .= Intval('not' z^<*'not' d*> + Bin1(m+1))
                   + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl('not' z^<*'not' d*>,Bin1(m+1)),FALSE,0,
                                                  2 to_power(m+1)) by Th11
             .= Intval('not' z^<*'not' d*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)
                   + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl('not' z^<*'not' d*>,Bin1(m+1)),FALSE,0,
                                                   2 to_power(m+1)) by Th9
             .= Intval('not' z^<*'not' d*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>) + OV by Th9
             .= Intval('not' z^<*'not'
d*>) + Intval(Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>) - OV + UD + OV by Th14
             .= (Intval('not' z^<*'not' d*>) + 1) - OV + UD + OV by Th10
             .= (Intval('not' z^<*'not' d*>) + 1) - (OV - UD) + OV by XCMPLX_1:
             .= (Intval('not' z^<*'not' d*>) + 1) + (UD - OV) + OV by XCMPLX_1:
             .= (Intval('not' z^<*'not' d*>) + 1 + UD) - OV + OV by XCMPLX_1:29
             .= (Intval('not' z^<*'not' d*>) + 1 + UD) - (OV - OV) by XCMPLX_1:
             .= (Intval('not' z^<*'not' d*>) + 1 + UD) - 0 by XCMPLX_1:14
             .= Intval('not' z^<*'not' d*>) + 1 + 0 by A1,CQC_LANG:def 1
             .= Absval('not' z) - IFEQ('not' d,FALSE,0,2 to_power m) + 1
             by Th12
             .= (- Absval(z) + 2 to_power m) - 1
                   - IFEQ('not' d,FALSE,0,2 to_power m) + 1 by Th15
             .= (- Absval(z) + 2 to_power m - IFEQ('not'
d,FALSE,0,2 to_power m))
                   - 1 + 1 by XCMPLX_1:21
             .= (- Absval(z) + 2 to_power m - IFEQ('not'
d,FALSE,0,2 to_power m))
                   - (1 - 1) by XCMPLX_1:37
     .= - Absval(z) + 2 to_power m - IFEQ('not' d,FALSE,0,2 to_power m);
        A3: - Intval(z^<*d*>)
              = - (Absval(z) - IFEQ(d,FALSE,0,2 to_power m)) by Th12
             .= - Absval(z) + IFEQ(d,FALSE,0,2 to_power m) by XCMPLX_1:162;
    per cases by MARGREL1:39;
    suppose A4: d = FALSE;
  then 'not' d <> FALSE by MARGREL1:38,def 16;
  then Intval(Neg2(z^<*d*>))
              + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl('not' (z^<*d*>),Bin1(m+1)),FALSE,0,
                                                           2 to_power(m+1))
              = - Absval(z) + 2 to_power m - 2 to_power m
 by A2,CQC_LANG:def 1
   .= - Absval(z) + (2 to_power m - 2 to_power m) by XCMPLX_1:29
   .= - Absval(z) + 0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
    hence thesis by A3,A4,CQC_LANG:def 1;
    suppose A5: d = TRUE;
           then 'not' d = FALSE by MARGREL1:def 16;
  then Intval(Neg2(z^<*d*>))
   + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl('not' (z^<*d*>),Bin1(m+1)),FALSE,0, 2 to_power(m+1))
              = (- Absval(z) + 2 to_power m) - 0 by A2,CQC_LANG:def 1
             .= - Absval(z) + 2 to_power m;
           hence thesis by A3,A5,CQC_LANG:def 1,MARGREL1:38;

    for m for z being Tuple of m, BOOLEAN
        for d being Element of BOOLEAN holds
          Neg2(Neg2(z^<*d*>)) = z^<*d*>
    defpred _P[non empty Nat] means
     for z being Tuple of $1, BOOLEAN
        for d being Element of BOOLEAN holds Neg2(Neg2(z^<*d*>)) = z^<*d*>;

  A1: _P[1] proof
    let z be Tuple of 1, BOOLEAN;
    let d be Element of BOOLEAN;
    set NZD = 'not' d 'xor' 'not' (z/.1);
    set DPI = d '&' (z/.1), NZ1 = ('not' z)/.1;
    set B1 = (Bin1(1))/.1;
A2: 1 in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:5;
A3: 'not' d 'xor' FALSE 'xor' add_ovfl('not' z,Bin1(1))
              = 'not' d 'xor' add_ovfl('not' z,Bin1(1)) by BINARITH:14
             .= 'not' d 'xor' ((NZ1 '&' B1) 'or'
       (NZ1 '&' ((carry('not' z,Bin1(1)))/.1)) 'or'
    (B1 '&' ((carry('not' z,Bin1(1)))/.1))) by BINARITH:def 9
  .= 'not' d 'xor' ((NZ1 '&' B1) 'or' (NZ1 '&' FALSE) 'or'
     (B1 '&' ((carry('not' z,Bin1(1)))/.1))) by BINARITH:def 5
             .= 'not' d 'xor' ((NZ1 '&' B1) 'or'
     (NZ1 '&' FALSE) 'or' (B1 '&' FALSE)) by BINARITH:def 5
             .= 'not' d 'xor' ((NZ1 '&' B1) 'or'
     FALSE 'or' (B1 '&' FALSE)) by MARGREL1:49
  .= 'not' d 'xor' ((NZ1 '&' B1) 'or' FALSE 'or' FALSE) by MARGREL1:49
  .= 'not' d 'xor' ((NZ1 '&' B1) 'or' FALSE) by BINARITH:7
  .= 'not' d 'xor' (NZ1 '&' B1) by BINARITH:7
  .= 'not' d 'xor' (TRUE '&' NZ1) by A2,Th7
  .= 'not' d 'xor' NZ1 by MARGREL1:50
  .= 'not' d 'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by A2,BINARITH:def 4;
A4: 'not' NZD 'xor' FALSE 'xor'
              add_ovfl('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)),Bin1(1))
   = 'not' NZD 'xor' add_ovfl('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)),Bin1(1)) by BINARITH:14
  .= 'not' NZD 'xor'
          (((('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) '&' B1) 'or'
                   ((('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) '&'
          ((carry('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)),Bin1(1)))/.1)) 'or'
   (B1 '&' ((carry('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)),Bin1(1)))/.1))) by BINARITH:def 9
  .= 'not' NZD 'xor'
              (((('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) '&' ((Bin1(1))/.1)) 'or'
                   ((('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) '&' FALSE) 'or'
 (((Bin1(1))/.1) '&' ((carry('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)),Bin1(1)))/.1)))
 by BINARITH:def 5
   .= 'not' NZD 'xor'
            (((('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) '&' ((Bin1(1))/.1)) 'or'
                   ((('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) '&' FALSE) 'or'
                   (((Bin1(1))/.1) '&' FALSE)) by BINARITH:def 5
   .= 'not' NZD 'xor'
            (((('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) '&' ((Bin1(1))/.1)) 'or'
                   FALSE 'or' (B1 '&' FALSE)) by MARGREL1:49
             .= 'not' NZD 'xor'
             (((('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) '&' B1) 'or'
                   FALSE 'or' FALSE) by MARGREL1:49
             .= 'not' NZD 'xor'
     (((('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) '&' B1) 'or' FALSE) by BINARITH:7
  .= 'not' NZD 'xor'
    ((('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) '&' B1) by BINARITH:7
 .= 'not' NZD 'xor' (TRUE '&' (('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1)) by A2,Th7
 .= 'not' ('not' d 'xor' 'not' (z/.1)) 'xor' (('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1)
   by MARGREL1:50
 .= 'not' NZD 'xor' 'not' ((('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) by A2,BINARITH:def 4
             .= 'not' NZD 'xor' 'not' ((('not' z)/.1) 'xor' ((Bin1(1))/.1)
                   'xor' ((carry('not' z,Bin1(1)))/.1)) by A2,BINARITH:def 8
             .= 'not' NZD 'xor' 'not' ((('not' z)/.1) 'xor' ((Bin1(1))/.1)
                   'xor' FALSE) by BINARITH:def 5
             .= 'not' NZD 'xor' 'not' (NZ1 'xor' TRUE 'xor' FALSE) by A2,Th7
         .= 'not' NZD 'xor' 'not' (NZ1 'xor' TRUE) by BINARITH:33,34
             .= 'not' NZD 'xor' 'not' 'not' NZ1 by BINARITH:13
             .= 'not' NZD 'xor' NZ1 by MARGREL1:40
             .= 'not' NZD 'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by A2,BINARITH:def 4;
        A5: Neg2(Neg2(z^<*d*>))
   = Neg2('not' (z^<*d*>) + Bin1(1 + 1)) by Def2
  .= 'not' ('not' (z^<*d*>) + Bin1(1 + 1)) + Bin1(1 + 1) by Def2
  .= 'not' ('not' z^<*'not' d*> + Bin1(1 + 1)) + Bin1(1 + 1) by Th11
  .= 'not' ('not' z^<*'not' d*> + Bin1(1)^<*FALSE*>) + Bin1(1 + 1) by Th9
             .= 'not' (('not' z + Bin1(1))
                   ^<*'not' d 'xor' FALSE 'xor' add_ovfl('not' z,Bin1(1))*>)
                   + Bin1(1 + 1) by BINARITH:45
  .= 'not' ('not' z + Bin1(1))^<*'not' NZD*> + Bin1(1 + 1) by A3,Th11
  .= 'not' ('not' z + Bin1(1))^<*'not' NZD*> + Bin1(1)^<*FALSE*> by Th9
  .= ('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1))+ Bin1(1)) ^<*'not' NZD 'xor' 'not' (z/.1)*>
 by A4,BINARITH:45;
  then A6: (Neg2(Neg2(z^<*d*>)))/.1
              = ('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1))+ Bin1(1))/.1 by A2,BINARITH:2
             .= (('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) 'xor' ((Bin1(1))/.1) 'xor'
                   ((carry('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)),Bin1(1)))/.1)
 by A2,BINARITH:def 8
   .= (('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) 'xor' ((Bin1(1))/.1) 'xor' FALSE
         by BINARITH:def 5
   .= (('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) 'xor' TRUE 'xor' FALSE by A2,Th7
   .= (('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) 'xor' TRUE by BINARITH:33,34
   .= 'not' (('not' ('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) by BINARITH:13
   .= 'not' 'not' ((('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1) by A2,BINARITH:def 4
   .= (('not' z + Bin1(1)))/.1 by MARGREL1:40
   .= (('not' z)/.1) 'xor' ((Bin1(1))/.1) 'xor' ((carry('not'
             z,Bin1(1)))/.1) by A2,BINARITH:def 8
             .= NZ1 'xor' ((Bin1(1))/.1) 'xor' FALSE by BINARITH:def 5
             .= NZ1 'xor' TRUE 'xor' FALSE by A2,Th7
             .= NZ1 'xor' TRUE by BINARITH:33,34
             .= 'not' NZ1 by BINARITH:13
             .= 'not' 'not' (z/.1) by A2,BINARITH:def 4
             .= z/.1 by MARGREL1:40;
A7: (Neg2(Neg2(z^<*d*>)))/.2 = 'not' NZD 'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by A5,BINARITH:3
  .= 'not' (('not' 'not' d '&' 'not' (z/.1)) 'or' ('not' d '&' 'not' 'not'
(z/.1))) 'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by BINARITH:def 2
             .= 'not' ((d '&' 'not' (z/.1)) 'or' ('not' d '&' 'not' 'not'
(z/.1))) 'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by MARGREL1:40
    .= 'not' ((d '&' 'not' (z/.1)) 'or' ('not' d '&' (z/.1))) 'xor' 'not'
       (z/.1) by MARGREL1:40
    .= ('not' (d '&' 'not' (z/.1)) '&' 'not' ('not' d '&' (z/.1))) 'xor'
'not' (z/.1) by BINARITH:10
    .= ('not' d 'or' 'not' 'not' (z/.1)) '&' 'not' ('not'
d '&' (z/.1)) 'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by BINARITH:9
             .= ('not' d 'or' 'not' 'not' (z/.1)) '&' ('not' 'not' d
             'or' 'not' (z/.1)) 'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by BINARITH:9
  .= ('not' d 'or' (z/.1)) '&' ('not' 'not' d 'or' 'not' (z/.1)) 'xor'
            'not' (z/.1) by MARGREL1:40
  .= ('not' d 'or' (z/.1)) '&' (d 'or' 'not' (z/.1)) 'xor' 'not' (z/.1)
 by MARGREL1:40
  .= d '&' ('not' d 'or' (z/.1)) 'or' ('not' d 'or' (z/.1)) '&' 'not'
  (z/.1) 'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by BINARITH:22
             .= (d '&' 'not' d) 'or' DPI 'or'
                   ('not' (z/.1) '&' ('not' d 'or' (z/.1)))
                   'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by BINARITH:22
             .= (d '&' 'not' d) 'or' (d '&' (z/.1)) 'or'
                   (('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d) 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&'
                   (z/.1))) 'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by BINARITH:22
             .= FALSE 'or' (d '&' (z/.1)) 'or'
                   (('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d) 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&'
                   (z/.1))) 'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by MARGREL1:46
             .= FALSE 'or' (d '&' (z/.1)) 'or' (('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not'
             d) 'or' FALSE) 'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by MARGREL1:46
             .= DPI 'or' (('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d) 'or' FALSE)
                   'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by BINARITH:7
             .= (DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d))
                   'xor' 'not' (z/.1) by BINARITH:7
     .= ('not' (DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&' 'not'
        'or' ((DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by BINARITH:def 2
    .= (('not' DPI '&' 'not' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' (z/.1))
     'or' ((DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by BINARITH:10
             .= ((('not' d 'or' 'not' (z/.1)) '&' 'not' ('not'
(z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&' 'not' (z/.1))
               'or' (((d '&' (z/.1)) 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by BINARITH:9
 .= ((('not' d 'or' 'not' (z/.1)) '&' ('not' 'not' (z/.1) 'or' 'not'
'not' d)) '&' 'not' (z/.1))
                   'or' (((d '&' (z/.1)) 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by BINARITH:9
  .= ((('not' d 'or' 'not' (z/.1)) '&' ((z/.1) 'or' 'not' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' (z/.1)) 'or' (((d '&' (z/.1)) 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by MARGREL1:40
  .= ((('not' d 'or' 'not' (z/.1)) '&' ((z/.1) 'or' d)) '&' 'not' (z/.1))
     'or' (((d '&' (z/.1)) 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by MARGREL1:40
  .= (('not' d 'or' 'not' (z/.1)) '&' ('not' (z/.1) '&' ((z/.1) 'or' d)))
     'or' ((DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&' 'not' 'not' (z/.1))
       by MARGREL1:52
  .= (('not' d 'or' 'not' (z/.1)) '&' (('not' (z/.1) '&' (z/.1)) 'or'
    ('not' (z/.1) '&' d)))
                   'or' ((DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by BINARITH:22
             .= (('not' d 'or' 'not' (z/.1)) '&' (FALSE 'or' ('not'
(z/.1) '&' d))) 'or' (((d '&' (z/.1)) 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by MARGREL1:46
             .= (('not' (z/.1) '&' d) '&' ('not' d 'or' 'not' (z/.1)))
                   'or' (((d '&' (z/.1)) 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by BINARITH:7
             .= ((('not' (z/.1) '&' d) '&' 'not' d) 'or' (('not'
(z/.1) '&' d) '&' 'not' (z/.1)))
                   'or' ((DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by BINARITH:22
             .= (('not' (z/.1) '&' (d '&' 'not' d)) 'or' (('not'
(z/.1) '&' d) '&' 'not' (z/.1)))
                   'or' ((DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by MARGREL1:52
             .= (('not' (z/.1) '&' FALSE) 'or' (('not'
(z/.1) '&' d) '&' 'not' (z/.1)))
                   'or' ((DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by MARGREL1:46
             .= (FALSE 'or' (('not' (z/.1) '&' d) '&' 'not' (z/.1)))
                   'or' ((DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by MARGREL1:49
             .= ((d '&' 'not' (z/.1)) '&' 'not' (z/.1))
                   'or' ((DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by BINARITH:7
             .= (d '&' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' (z/.1)))
                   'or' ((DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by MARGREL1:52
             .= (d '&' 'not' (z/.1))
                   'or' ((DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)) '&'
'not' 'not' (z/.1)) by BINARITH:16
             .= (d '&' 'not' (z/.1))
  'or' ((z/.1) '&' (DPI 'or' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d))) by MARGREL1:40
             .= (d '&' 'not' (z/.1))
                   'or' (((z/.1) '&' ((z/.1) '&' d)) 'or'
                   ((z/.1) '&' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d))) by BINARITH:22
             .= (d '&' 'not' (z/.1))
                   'or' (((z/.1) '&' (z/.1) '&' d) 'or'
                   ((z/.1) '&' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d))) by MARGREL1:52
             .= (d '&' 'not' (z/.1))
  'or' (((z/.1) '&' d) 'or' ((z/.1) '&' ('not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d)))
    by BINARITH:16
             .= (d '&' 'not' (z/.1))
   'or' (((z/.1) '&' d) 'or' ((z/.1) '&' 'not' (z/.1) '&' 'not' d))
 by MARGREL1:52
   .= (d '&' 'not' (z/.1)) 'or' (((z/.1) '&' d) 'or' (FALSE '&' 'not' d))
 by MARGREL1:46
   .= (d '&' 'not' (z/.1)) 'or' (((z/.1) '&' d) 'or' FALSE)
 by MARGREL1:49
             .= (d '&' 'not' (z/.1)) 'or' DPI by BINARITH:7
             .= d '&' ('not' (z/.1) 'or' (z/.1)) by BINARITH:22
             .= TRUE '&' d by BINARITH:18
             .= d by MARGREL1:50;
            consider k1,k2 being Element of BOOLEAN such that
         A8: Neg2(Neg2(z^<*d*>)) = <* k1,k2 *> by FINSEQ_2:120;
         A9: (Neg2(Neg2(z^<*d*>)))/.1 = k1 &
             (Neg2(Neg2(z^<*d*>)))/.2 = k2 by A8,FINSEQ_4:26;
            consider k being Element of BOOLEAN such that
         A10: z = <*k*> by FINSEQ_2:117;
  Neg2(Neg2(z^<*d*>)) = <* k,d *> by A6,A7,A8,A9,A10,FINSEQ_4:25;
    hence thesis by A10,FINSEQ_1:def 9;
  A11: now let m;
  assume A12: _P[m];
  let z be Tuple of m+1, BOOLEAN;
  let d be Element of BOOLEAN;
  consider t being (Element of m-tuples_on BOOLEAN),
           k being Element of BOOLEAN such that A13: z = t^<*k*>
 by FINSEQ_2:137;
  set A = add_ovfl('not' t,Bin1(m)),
       B = add_ovfl('not' Neg2(t),Bin1(m));
              = Neg2(Neg2(t)^<*'not' k 'xor' add_ovfl('not' t,Bin1(m))*>)
 by Th16
             .= Neg2(Neg2(t))^<*'not' ('not' k 'xor' add_ovfl('not'
t,Bin1(m))) 'xor' add_ovfl('not' Neg2(t),Bin1(m))*> by Th16;
  then A14: (Neg2(Neg2(t^<*k*>)))/.(m+1)
              = 'not' ('not' k 'xor' add_ovfl('not' t,Bin1(m))) 'xor'
                   add_ovfl('not' Neg2(t),Bin1(m)) by BINARITH:3;
       A15: (t^<*k*>)/.(m+1) = k by BINARITH:3;
             'not' ('not' k 'xor' A) 'xor' B
  = 'not' (('not' 'not' k '&' A) 'or' ('not' k '&' 'not' A)) 'xor' B
 by BINARITH:def 2
 .= ('not' ('not' 'not' k '&' A) '&' 'not' ('not' k '&' 'not' A)) 'xor' B
 .= (('not' 'not' 'not' k 'or' 'not' A) '&' 'not' ('not' k '&' 'not'
 A)) 'xor' B by BINARITH:9
 .= (('not' 'not' 'not' k 'or' 'not' A) '&' ('not' 'not' k 'or' 'not'
'not' A)) 'xor' B by BINARITH:9
 .= (('not' k 'or' 'not' A) '&' ('not' 'not' k 'or' 'not' 'not'
A)) 'xor' B by MARGREL1:40
 .= (('not' k 'or' 'not' A) '&' (k 'or' 'not' 'not' A)) 'xor' B
 by MARGREL1:40
 .= (('not' k 'or' 'not' A) '&' (k 'or' A)) 'xor' B by MARGREL1:40
 .= (k '&' ('not' k 'or' 'not' A) 'or' ('not' k 'or' 'not'
A) '&' A) 'xor' B by BINARITH:22
             .= (k '&' 'not' A 'or' A '&' ('not' k 'or' 'not'
A)) 'xor' B by BINARITH:27
             .= (k '&' 'not' A 'or' A '&' 'not' k) 'xor' B by BINARITH:27
             .= (A 'xor' k) 'xor' B by BINARITH:def 2
             .= k 'xor' (A 'xor' B) by BINARITH:34;
  then A16: k 'xor' (A 'xor' B) = k by A12,A14,A15
                              .= k 'xor' FALSE by BINARITH:14;
       A17: k 'xor' (k 'xor' (A 'xor' B))
              = (k 'xor' k) 'xor' (A 'xor' B) by BINARITH:34
             .= FALSE 'xor' (A 'xor' B) by BINARITH:15
             .= A 'xor' B by BINARITH:14;
             k 'xor' (k 'xor' FALSE)
              = (k 'xor' k) 'xor' FALSE by BINARITH:34
             .= FALSE 'xor' FALSE by BINARITH:15
             .= FALSE by BINARITH:14;
  then A18: A 'xor' (A 'xor' B) = A 'xor' (A 'xor' A) by A16,A17,BINARITH:15;
       A19: A 'xor' (A 'xor' B)
              = (A 'xor' A) 'xor' B by BINARITH:34
             .= FALSE 'xor' B by BINARITH:15
             .= B by BINARITH:14;
           A20: A 'xor' (A 'xor' A)
              = A 'xor' FALSE by BINARITH:15
             .= A by BINARITH:14;
           A21: m + 1 in Seg(m+1) by FINSEQ_1:5;
       A22: add_ovfl('not' z,Bin1(m+1))
              = add_ovfl('not' t^<*'not' k*>,Bin1(m+1)) by A13,Th11
             .= add_ovfl('not' t^<*'not' k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>) by Th9
             .= ((('not' t^<*'not' k*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
((Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.(m+1))) 'or'
                   ((('not' t^<*'not' k*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
                            ((carry('not' t^<*'not'
k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or'
                   (((Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
  ((carry('not' t^<*'not' k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) by BINARITH:def 9
             .= ((('not' t^<*'not' k*>)/.(m+1)) '&' FALSE) 'or'
                   ((('not' t^<*'not' k*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
             ((carry('not' t^<*'not' k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or'
                   (((Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
  ((carry('not' t^<*'not' k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) by BINARITH:3
             .= ((('not' t^<*'not' k*>)/.(m+1)) '&' FALSE) 'or'
   ((('not' t^<*'not' k*>)/.(m+1)) '&' ((carry('not' t^<*'not'
k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or'
   (FALSE '&' ((carry('not' t^<*'not' k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)))
     by BINARITH:3
 .= FALSE 'or' ((('not' t^<*'not' k*>)/.(m+1)) '&' ((carry('not' t^<*'not'
k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or'
                   (FALSE '&' ((carry('not' t^<*'not'
k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) by MARGREL1:49
             .= FALSE 'or' ((('not' t^<*'not' k*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
                   ((carry('not' t^<*'not'
k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or' FALSE by MARGREL1:49
             .= ((('not' t^<*'not' k*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
                   ((carry('not' t^<*'not'
k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or' FALSE by BINARITH:7
             .= (('not' t^<*'not' k*>)/.(m+1)) '&' ((carry('not' t^<*'not'
k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by BINARITH:7
             .= 'not' k '&'
((carry('not' t^<*'not' k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by BINARITH:3
             .= 'not' k '&' A by BINARITH:44;
       A23: add_ovfl('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m+1))
             = add_ovfl('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>) by Th9
     .= ((('not' (Neg2(z)))/.(m+1)) '&' ((Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.(m+1))) 'or'
                  ((('not' (Neg2(z)))/.(m+1)) '&'
                 ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or'
                  (((Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
    ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) by BINARITH:def 9
            .= ((('not' (Neg2(z)))/.(m+1)) '&' FALSE) 'or'
                  ((('not' (Neg2(z)))/.(m+1)) '&'
                  ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or'
                  (((Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.(m+1)) '&'
    ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) by BINARITH:3
            .= ((('not' (Neg2(z)))/.(m+1)) '&' FALSE) 'or'
                  ((('not' (Neg2(z)))/.(m+1)) '&'
              ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or'
           (FALSE '&' ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)))
            .= FALSE 'or' ((('not' (Neg2(z)))/.(m+1)) '&'
                    ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or'
            (FALSE '&' ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)))
 by MARGREL1:49
            .= FALSE 'or' ((('not' (Neg2(z)))/.(m+1)) '&'
              ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or' FALSE
 by MARGREL1:49
            .= ((('not' (Neg2(z)))/.(m+1)) '&'
               ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) 'or' FALSE
  .= (('not' (Neg2(z)))/.(m+1)) '&'
                  ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))
   .= (('not' ('not' (t^<*k*>) + Bin1(m+1)))/.(m+1)) '&'
      ((carry('not' (Neg2(z)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by A13,Def2
   .= (('not' ('not' (t^<*k*>) + Bin1(m+1)))/.(m+1)) '&'
                  ((carry('not' ('not'
(t^<*k*>) + Bin1(m+1)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by A13,Def2
   .= (('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m+1)))/.(m+1)) '&'
   ((carry('not' ('not' (t^<*k*>) + Bin1(m+1)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))
     by Th11
   .= (('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m+1)))/.(m+1)) '&'
  ((carry('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m+1)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))
      by Th11
 .= (('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) '&'
      ((carry('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m+1)),Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.
      (m+1)) by Th9
   .= (('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) '&'
      ((carry('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>),
                                   Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by Th9
   .= 'not' ((('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) '&'
      ((carry('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>),
                            Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by A21,BINARITH:def 4
   .= 'not' ((('not' t^<*'not' k*>)/.(m+1)) 'xor' ((Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.(m+1))
     'xor' ((carry('not' t^<*'not' k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) '&'
      ((carry('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>),
                            Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by A21,BINARITH:def 8
            .= 'not' ('not' k 'xor' ((Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>)/.(m+1)) 'xor'
                ((carry('not' t^<*'not' k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) '&'
                ((carry('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>),
                            Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by BINARITH:3
            .= 'not' ('not' k 'xor' FALSE 'xor'
                  ((carry('not' t^<*'not' k*>,Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1))) '&'
                  ((carry('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>),
                               Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by BINARITH:3
            .= 'not' ('not' k 'xor' FALSE 'xor' add_ovfl('not' t,Bin1(m))) '&'
                  ((carry('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>),
                               Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by BINARITH:44
            .= 'not' ('not' k 'xor' add_ovfl('not' t,Bin1(m))) '&'
                  ((carry('not' ('not' t^<*'not' k*> + Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>),
                               Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by BINARITH:14
            .= 'not' ('not' k 'xor' add_ovfl('not' t,Bin1(m))) '&'
                  ((carry('not' (('not' t + Bin1(m))
            ^<*'not' k 'xor' FALSE 'xor' add_ovfl('not' t,Bin1(m))*>),
                               Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by BINARITH:45
            .= 'not' ('not' k 'xor' add_ovfl('not' t,Bin1(m))) '&'
                  ((carry(('not' ('not' t + Bin1(m))
      ^<*'not' ('not' k 'xor' FALSE 'xor' add_ovfl('not' t,Bin1(m)))*>),
                               Bin1(m)^<*FALSE*>))/.(m+1)) by Th11
            .= 'not' ('not' k 'xor' A) '&' add_ovfl('not' ('not'
t+Bin1(m)),Bin1(m)) by BINARITH:44
            .= 'not' ('not' k 'xor' A) '&' A by A18,A19,A20,Def2
            .= 'not' (('not' 'not' k '&' A) 'or' ('not' k '&' 'not'
A)) '&' A by BINARITH:def 2
            .= ('not' ('not' 'not' k '&' A) '&' 'not' ('not' k '&' 'not'
A)) '&' A by BINARITH:10
            .= (('not' 'not' 'not' k 'or' 'not' A) '&' 'not' ('not' k '&' 'not'
A)) '&' A by BINARITH:9
.= (('not' 'not' 'not' k 'or' 'not' A) '&' ('not' 'not' k 'or' 'not' 'not'
A)) '&' A by BINARITH:9
 .= (('not' k 'or' 'not' A) '&' ('not' 'not' k 'or' 'not' 'not' A)) '&' A
 by MARGREL1:40
            .= (('not' k 'or' 'not' A) '&' (k 'or' 'not' 'not'
A)) '&' A by MARGREL1:40
            .= (('not' k 'or' 'not' A) '&' (k 'or' A)) '&' A by MARGREL1:40
            .= ('not' k 'or' 'not' A) '&' (A '&' (k 'or' A)) by MARGREL1:52
            .= A '&' ('not' A 'or' 'not' k) by BINARITH:25
            .= A '&' 'not' k by BINARITH:27;
set C = 'not' k '&' A;
A24: 'not' ('not' d 'xor' C) 'xor' C
       = 'not' (('not' 'not' d '&' C) 'or' ('not' d '&' 'not' C)) 'xor' C
 by BINARITH:def 2
      .= ('not' ('not' 'not' d '&' C) '&' 'not' ('not' d '&' 'not' C)) 'xor' C
      .= (('not' 'not' 'not' d 'or' 'not' C) '&' 'not' ('not' d '&' 'not'
C)) 'xor' C by BINARITH:9
      .= (('not' 'not' 'not' d 'or' 'not' C) '&' ('not' 'not' d 'or' 'not'
'not' C)) 'xor' C by BINARITH:9
             .= (('not' d 'or' 'not' C) '&' ('not' 'not' d 'or' 'not' 'not'
C)) 'xor' C by MARGREL1:40
             .= (('not' d 'or' 'not' C) '&' (d 'or' 'not' 'not' C)) 'xor' C
 by MARGREL1:40
             .= (('not' d 'or' 'not' C) '&' (d 'or' C)) 'xor' C by MARGREL1:40
             .= ((d '&' ('not' d 'or' 'not' C)) 'or' (('not' d 'or' 'not'
C) '&' C)) 'xor' C by BINARITH:22
             .= ((d '&' 'not' C) 'or' (C '&' ('not' d 'or' 'not'
C))) 'xor' C by BINARITH:27
             .= ((d '&' 'not' C) 'or' (C '&' 'not' d)) 'xor' C by BINARITH:27
             .= C 'xor' d 'xor' C by BINARITH:def 2
             .= d 'xor' (C 'xor' C) by BINARITH:34
             .= d 'xor' FALSE by BINARITH:15
             .= d by BINARITH:14;
  thus Neg2(Neg2(z^<*d*>))
     = Neg2(Neg2(z)^<*'not' d 'xor' add_ovfl('not' z,Bin1(m+1))*>) by Th16
    .= Neg2(Neg2(z))^<*'not' ('not' d 'xor' add_ovfl('not'
z,Bin1(m+1))) 'xor' add_ovfl('not' Neg2(z),Bin1(m+1))*> by Th16
    .= z^<*d*> by A12,A13,A22,A23,A24;
  end; hence _P[m+1];
  thus for m holds _P[m] from Ind_from_1 (A1,A11);

definition let n be non empty Nat, x, y be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
  func x - y -> Tuple of n, BOOLEAN means :Def6:
  for i st i in Seg n holds
    it/.i = (x/.i) 'xor' ((Neg2(y))/.i) 'xor' ((carry(x,Neg2(y)))/.i);
   deffunc _F(Nat) = (x/.$1) 'xor' ((Neg2(y))/.$1)
                     'xor' ((carry(x,Neg2(y)))/.$1);
   consider z being FinSequence of BOOLEAN such that
A1: len z = n and
A2: for j st j in Seg n holds z.j = _F(j) from SeqLambdaD;
   reconsider z as Tuple of n, BOOLEAN by A1,FINSEQ_2:110;
   take z;
   let i;
  assume A3: i in Seg n;
  then i in dom z by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
  hence z/.i = z.i by FINSEQ_4:def 4
      .= (x/.i) 'xor' ((Neg2(y))/.i) 'xor' ((carry(x,Neg2(y)))/.i) by A2,A3;
        let z1, z2 be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN such that
        A4: for i st i in Seg n holds
          z1/.i = (x/.i) 'xor' ((Neg2(y))/.i) 'xor' ((carry(x,Neg2(y)))/.i)
  and A5: for i st i in Seg n holds
          z2/.i = (x/.i) 'xor' ((Neg2(y))/.i) 'xor' ((carry(x,Neg2(y)))/.i);
        A6: len z1 = n & len z2 = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
             now let j; assume A7: j in Seg n;
          Seg n = Seg len z1 & Seg n = Seg len z2 by FINSEQ_2:109;
  then A8: j in dom z1 & j in dom z2 by A7,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
  hence z1.j = z1/.j by FINSEQ_4:def 4
            .= (x/.j) 'xor' ((Neg2(y))/.j) 'xor' ((carry(x,Neg2(y)))/.j)
              by A4,A7
            .= z2/.j by A5,A7
            .= z2.j by A8,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
        hence z1 = z2 by A6,FINSEQ_2:10;

theorem Th19:
  for x,y being Tuple of m, BOOLEAN holds x - y = x + Neg2(y)
   let x,y be Tuple of m, BOOLEAN;
     for i st i in Seg m holds
   (x - y)/.i
      = (x/.i) 'xor' ((Neg2(y))/.i) 'xor' ((carry(x,Neg2(y)))/.i) by Def6;
   hence thesis by BINARITH:def 8;

    for z1,z2 being Tuple of m, BOOLEAN
   for d1,d2 being Element of BOOLEAN holds
     z1^<*d1*> - z2^<*d2*>
          = (z1 + Neg2(z2))^<*d1 'xor' 'not' d2 'xor' add_ovfl('not'
          z2,Bin1(m)) 'xor' add_ovfl(z1,Neg2(z2))*>
  let z1,z2 be Tuple of m, BOOLEAN;
  let d1,d2;
  thus z1^<*d1*> - z2^<*d2*>
              = z1^<*d1*> + Neg2(z2^<*d2*>) by Th19
             .= z1^<*d1*> + Neg2(z2)^<*'not' d2 'xor' add_ovfl('not'
z2,Bin1(m))*> by Th16
             .= (z1 + Neg2(z2))
      ^<*d1 'xor' ('not' d2 'xor' add_ovfl('not' z2,Bin1(m))) 'xor'
          add_ovfl(z1,Neg2(z2))*> by BINARITH:45
             .= (z1 + Neg2(z2))
          ^<*d1 'xor' 'not' d2 'xor' add_ovfl('not' z2,Bin1(m)) 'xor'
                   add_ovfl(z1,Neg2(z2))*> by BINARITH:34;

    for z1,z2 being Tuple of m, BOOLEAN
        for d1,d2 being Element of BOOLEAN holds
  + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl(z1^<*d1*>,Neg2(z2^<*d2*>)),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
  - IFEQ(Int_add_udfl(z1^<*d1*>,Neg2(z2^<*d2*>)),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
  + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl('not' (z2^<*d2*>),Bin1(m+1)),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
    = Intval(z1^<*d1*>) - Intval(z2^<*d2*>)
  let z1,z2 be Tuple of m, BOOLEAN;
  let d1,d2;
  set OV1 = IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl(z1^<*d1*>,Neg2(z2^<*d2*>)),FALSE,0,
                                                          2 to_power(m+1)),
      UD1 = IFEQ(Int_add_udfl(z1^<*d1*>,Neg2(z2^<*d2*>)),FALSE,0,
                                                          2 to_power(m+1)),
      OV2 = IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl('not' (z2^<*d2*>),Bin1(m+1)),FALSE,0,
                                                          2 to_power(m+1)),
      NEG = Neg2(z2)^<*'not' d2 'xor' add_ovfl('not' z2,Bin1(m))*>;
  thus Intval(z1^<*d1*>-z2^<*d2*>) + OV1 - UD1 + OV2
      = Intval(z1^<*d1*>+Neg2(z2^<*d2*>)) + OV1 - UD1 + OV2 by Th19
     .= Intval(z1^<*d1*>+NEG) + OV1 - UD1 + OV2 by Th16
     .= Intval(z1^<*d1*>+NEG)
           + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl(z1^<*d1*>,NEG),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
           - UD1 + OV2 by Th16
     .= Intval(z1^<*d1*>+NEG)
           + IFEQ(Int_add_ovfl(z1^<*d1*>,NEG),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
           - IFEQ(Int_add_udfl(z1^<*d1*>,NEG),FALSE,0,2 to_power(m+1))
           + OV2 by Th16
     .= Intval(z1^<*d1*>) + Intval(NEG) + OV2 by Th13
     .= Intval(z1^<*d1*>) + (Intval(NEG) + OV2) by XCMPLX_1:1
     .= Intval(z1^<*d1*>) + (Intval(Neg2(z2^<*d2*>)) + OV2) by Th16
     .= Intval(z1^<*d1*>) + (- Intval(z2^<*d2*>)) by Th17
     .= Intval(z1^<*d1*>) - Intval(z2^<*d2*>) by XCMPLX_0:def 8;

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