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environ vocabulary BINOP_1, FUNCT_1, MULTOP_1, FUNCSDOM, VECTSP_1, VECTSP_2, RLVECT_2, FINSEQ_1, RMOD_3, ARYTM_1, RLVECT_1, REALSET1, RLVECT_3, BOOLE, MOD_3, RLSUB_1, RLSUB_2, INCSP_1, PARTFUN1, PRELAMB, SETWISEO, LATTICES, QC_LANG1, FINSEQ_4, ARYTM_3, LMOD_7; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, FUNCT_1, STRUCT_0, FUNCT_2, BINOP_1, FINSEQ_1, SETWISEO, SETWOP_2, LATTICES, MULTOP_1, RLVECT_1, ANPROJ_1, VECTSP_1, FUNCSDOM, VECTSP_2, VECTSP_4, VECTSP_5, VECTSP_6, LMOD_5, MOD_3, LMOD_6; constructors BINOP_1, DOMAIN_1, SETWISEO, MULTOP_1, ANPROJ_1, VECTSP_6, LMOD_5, MOD_3, LMOD_6, FINSOP_1, LATTICE2, MEMBERED, XBOOLE_0; clusters VECTSP_1, VECTSP_4, STRUCT_0, VECTSP_5, RELSET_1, SUBSET_1, LATTICES, LATTICE2, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0; requirements BOOLE, SUBSET; definitions RLVECT_1, STRUCT_0, XBOOLE_0; theorems BINOP_1, FUNCT_2, RLVECT_1, LMOD_5, LMOD_6, MOD_3, MULTOP_1, SETWISEO, SUBSET_1, TARSKI, VECTSP_1, VECTSP_4, VECTSP_5, VECTSP_6, ZFMISC_1, ANPROJ_1, LATTICE2, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1; schemes BINOP_1, COMPLSP1, FUNCT_2, XBOOLE_0; begin :: :: Schemes :: scheme ElementEq {A()->set,P[set]} : for X1,X2 being Element of A() st (for x being set holds x in X1 iff P[x]) & (for x being set holds x in X2 iff P[x]) holds X1 = X2 proof let X1,X2 be Element of A() such that A1: for x being set holds x in X1 iff P[x] and A2: for x being set holds x in X2 iff P[x]; now let x be set; x in X1 iff P[x] by A1; hence x in X1 iff x in X2 by A2;end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; scheme UnOpEq {A() -> non empty set, F(Element of A()) -> set}: for f1,f2 being UnOp of A() st (for a being Element of A() holds f1.(a) = F(a)) & (for a being Element of A() holds f2.(a) = F(a)) holds f1 = f2 proof let f1,f2 be UnOp of A() such that A1: for a being Element of A() holds f1.(a) = F(a) and A2: for a being Element of A() holds f2.(a) = F(a); now let a be Element of A(); thus f1.(a) = F(a) by A1 .= f2.(a) by A2;end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; scheme TriOpEq {A() -> non empty set, F(Element of A(),Element of A(),Element of A()) -> set}: for f1,f2 being TriOp of A() st (for a,b,c being Element of A() holds f1.(a,b,c) = F(a,b,c)) & (for a,b,c being Element of A() holds f2.(a,b,c) = F(a,b,c)) holds f1 = f2 proof let f1,f2 be TriOp of A() such that A1: for a,b,c being Element of A() holds f1.(a,b,c) = F(a,b,c) and A2: for a,b,c being Element of A() holds f2.(a,b,c) = F(a,b,c); now let a,b,c be Element of A(); thus f1.(a,b,c) = F(a,b,c) by A1 .= f2.(a,b,c) by A2;end; hence thesis by MULTOP_1:4; end; scheme QuaOpEq {A() -> non empty set, F(Element of A(),Element of A(),Element of A(),Element of A()) -> set}: for f1,f2 being QuaOp of A() st (for a,b,c,d being Element of A() holds f1.(a,b,c,d) = F(a,b,c,d)) & (for a,b,c,d being Element of A() holds f2.(a,b,c,d) = F(a,b,c,d)) holds f1 = f2 proof let f1,f2 be QuaOp of A() such that A1: for a,b,c,d being Element of A() holds f1.(a,b,c,d) = F(a,b,c,d) and A2: for a,b,c,d being Element of A() holds f2.(a,b,c,d) = F(a,b,c,d); now let a,b,c,d be Element of A(); thus f1.(a,b,c,d) = F(a,b,c,d) by A1 .= f2.(a,b,c,d) by A2;end; hence thesis by MULTOP_1:8; end; scheme Fraenkel1_Ex {A, D() -> non empty set, F(set) -> Element of D(), P[set]} : ex S being Subset of D() st S = {F(x) where x is Element of A() : P[x]} proof defpred X[set] means P[$1]; deffunc U(set) = F($1); reconsider S={U(x) where x is Element of A() : X[x]} as Subset of D() from SubsetFD; take S; thus thesis; end; scheme Fr_0 {A() -> non empty set, x() -> Element of A(), P[set]} : P[x()] provided A1: x() in {a where a is Element of A() : P[a]} proof ex a being Element of A() st x()=a & P[a] by A1; hence thesis; end; scheme Fr_1 {X() -> set, A() -> non empty set, a() -> Element of A(), P[set]} : a() in X() iff P[a()] provided A1: X() = {a where a is Element of A() : P[a]} proof defpred X[set] means P[$1]; A2: X() = {a where a is Element of A() : X[a]} by A1; thus a() in X() implies P[a()] proof assume a() in X(); then A3: a() in {a where a is Element of A() : X[a]} by A2; thus X[a()] from Fr_0(A3); end; assume P[a()]; hence thesis by A2; end; scheme Fr_2 {X() -> set, A() -> non empty set, a() -> Element of A(), P[set]}: P[a()] provided A1: a() in X() and A2: X() = {a where a is Element of A() : P[a]} proof defpred X[set] means P[$1]; A3: a() in {a where a is Element of A() : X[a]} by A1,A2; thus X[a()] from Fr_0(A3); end; scheme Fr_3 {x() -> set, X() -> set, A() -> non empty set, P[set]} : x() in X() iff ex a being Element of A() st x()=a & P[a] provided A1: X() = {a where a is Element of A() : P[a]} by A1; scheme Fr_4 {D1,D2() -> non empty set, B() -> set, a() -> Element of D1(), F(set) -> set, P[set,set], Q[set,set]} : a() in F(B()) iff for b being Element of D2() st b in B() holds P[a(),b] provided A1: F(B()) = {a where a is Element of D1() : Q[a,B()]} and A2: Q[a(),B()] iff for b being Element of D2() st b in B() holds P[a(),b] proof thus a() in F(B()) implies for b being Element of D2() st b in B() holds P[a(),b] proof defpred X[set] means Q[$1,B()]; assume a() in F(B()); then A3: a() in {a where a is Element of D1() : X[a]} by A1; X[a()] from Fr_0(A3); hence thesis by A2; end; assume for b being Element of D2() st b in B() holds P[a(),b]; hence thesis by A1,A2; end; begin :: Main Part reserve x for set, K for Ring, r for Scalar of K, V for LeftMod of K, a,b,a1,a2 for Vector of V, A,A1,A2 for Subset of V, l for Linear_Combination of A, W for Subspace of V, Li for FinSequence of Submodules(V); Lm1: for G being AbGroup, a,b,c being Element of G holds -(a-b) = -a-(-b) & a-b+c = a+c-b proof let G be AbGroup, a,b,c be Element of G; thus -(a-b) = -a+b by VECTSP_1:64 .= -a+-(-b) by RLVECT_1:30 .= -a-(-b) by RLVECT_1:def 11; thus a-b+c = a+-b+c by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= a+c+-b by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= a+c-b by RLVECT_1:def 11; end; :: :: 1. Auxiliary theorems about free-modules :: theorem Th1: K is non trivial & A is linearly-independent implies not 0.V in A proof assume A1: K is non trivial & A is linearly-independent; then 0.K <> 1_ K by LMOD_6:def 2; hence thesis by A1,LMOD_5:3; end; theorem Th2: not a in A implies l.a = 0.K proof assume A1: not a in A; Carrier l c= A by VECTSP_6:def 7; then not a in Carrier l by A1; hence thesis by VECTSP_6:20; end; theorem K is trivial implies (for l holds Carrier(l) = {}) & Lin A is trivial proof assume A1: K is trivial; thus A2: for l holds Carrier l = {} proof let l; assume A3: Carrier l <> {}; consider x being Element of Carrier l; consider a such that A4: x = a & l.a <> 0.K by A3,VECTSP_6:19; thus contradiction by A1,A4,LMOD_6:5; end; now let a be Vector of Lin A; a in Lin A by RLVECT_1:3; then consider l such that A5: a = Sum(l) by MOD_3:11; Carrier l = {} by A2; then a = 0.V by A5,VECTSP_6:45; hence a=0.(Lin A) by VECTSP_4:19; end; hence thesis by ANPROJ_1:def 8; end; theorem Th4: V is non trivial implies for A st A is base holds A <> {} proof assume A1: V is non trivial;let A such that A2: A is base and A3: A = {}; A4: A = {}(the carrier of V) by A3; the VectSpStr of V = Lin A by A2,MOD_3:def 2 .= (0).V by A4,MOD_3:13; hence contradiction by A1,LMOD_6:7; end; theorem Th5: A1 \/ A2 is linearly-independent & A1 misses A2 implies Lin A1 /\ Lin A2 = (0).V proof assume A1: A1 \/ A2 is linearly-independent & A1 /\ A2 = {}; reconsider P=Lin A1 /\ Lin A2 as strict Subspace of V; set Z=the carrier of P; A2: Z=(the carrier of Lin A1)/\ (the carrier of Lin A2) by VECTSP_5:def 2; A3: now let x; assume x in Z; then x in the carrier of Lin A1 & x in the carrier of Lin A2 by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A4: x in Lin A1 & x in Lin A2 by RLVECT_1:def 1; then consider l1 being Linear_Combination of A1 such that A5: x = Sum(l1) by MOD_3:11; consider l2 being Linear_Combination of A2 such that A6: x = Sum(l2) by A4,MOD_3:11; A7: Carrier l1 c= A1 & Carrier l2 c= A2 by VECTSP_6:def 7; then A8: Carrier l1 \/ Carrier l2 c= A1 \/ A2 by XBOOLE_1:13; Carrier(l1 - l2) c= Carrier l1 \/ Carrier l2 by VECTSP_6:74; then Carrier(l1 - l2) c= A1 \/ A2 by A8,XBOOLE_1:1; then reconsider l = l1 - l2 as Linear_Combination of A1 \/ A2 by VECTSP_6:def 7; Sum(l) = Sum(l1) - Sum(l2) by VECTSP_6:80 .= 0.V by A5,A6,VECTSP_1:66; then A9: Carrier l = {} by A1,LMOD_5:def 1; Carrier l1 = {} proof assume A10: Carrier l1 <> {}; consider x being Element of Carrier l1; consider b such that A11: x = b & l1.b <> 0.K by A10,VECTSP_6:19; b in A1 by A7,A10,A11,TARSKI:def 3; then A12: not b in A2 by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3; 0.K = l.b by A9,VECTSP_6:20 .= l1.b - l2.b by VECTSP_6:73; then l1.b = l2.b by RLVECT_1:35 .= 0.K by A12,Th2; hence contradiction by A11; end; hence x = 0.V by A5,VECTSP_6:45;end; 0.V in Lin A1 /\ Lin A2 by VECTSP_4:25; then x in Z iff x=0.V by A3,RLVECT_1:def 1; then Z = {0.V} by TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by VECTSP_4:def 3; end; theorem Th6: A is base & A = A1 \/ A2 & A1 misses A2 implies V is_the_direct_sum_of Lin A1,Lin A2 proof assume A1: A is base & A = A1 \/ A2 & A1 misses A2; set W=the VectSpStr of V; A2: A is linearly-independent & Lin A = W by A1,MOD_3:def 2; then A3: W = Lin A1 + Lin A2 by A1,MOD_3:19; Lin A1 /\ Lin A2 = (0).V by A1,A2,Th5; hence thesis by A3,VECTSP_5:def 4; end; begin :: :: 2. Domains of submodules :: definition let K,V; mode SUBMODULE_DOMAIN of V -> non empty set means :Def1: x in it implies x is strict Subspace of V; existence proof consider a being strict Subspace of V; set D = {a}; take D; thus thesis by TARSKI:def 1; end; end; definition let K,V; redefine func Submodules(V) -> SUBMODULE_DOMAIN of V; coherence proof now let x; assume x in Submodules(V); then consider W being strict Subspace of V such that A1: W = x by VECTSP_5:def 3; thus x is strict Subspace of V by A1;end; hence thesis by Def1; end; end; definition let K,V; let D be SUBMODULE_DOMAIN of V; redefine mode Element of D -> strict Subspace of V; coherence by Def1; end; definition let K,V; let D be SUBMODULE_DOMAIN of V; cluster strict Element of D; existence proof consider x being Element of D; take x; thus thesis; end; end; definition let K,V; assume A1: V is non trivial; mode LINE of V -> strict Subspace of V means ex a st a<>0.V & it = <:a:>; existence proof consider a such that A2: a<>0.V by A1,ANPROJ_1:def 8; take <:a:>; thus thesis by A2; end; end; definition let K,V; mode LINE_DOMAIN of V -> non empty set means :Def3: x in it implies x is LINE of V; existence proof consider a being LINE of V; set D = {a}; take D; thus thesis by TARSKI:def 1; end; end; definition let K,V; func lines(V) -> LINE_DOMAIN of V means x in it iff x is LINE of V; existence proof set D = {a where a is Element of Submodules(V): a is LINE of V}; consider a1 being LINE of V; reconsider a2 = a1 as Element of Submodules(V) by VECTSP_5:def 3; a2 in D; then reconsider D as non empty set; A1: now let x; assume x in D; then consider a being Element of Submodules(V) such that A2: x = a & a is LINE of V; thus x is LINE of V by A2;end; then reconsider D' = D as LINE_DOMAIN of V by Def3; take D'; now let x; thus x in D' implies x is LINE of V by A1; thus x is LINE of V implies x in D' proof assume A3: x is LINE of V; then reconsider x1 = x as Element of Submodules(V) by VECTSP_5:def 3; x1 in D by A3; hence thesis; end;end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let D1,D2 be LINE_DOMAIN of V such that A4: x in D1 iff x is LINE of V and A5: x in D2 iff x is LINE of V; now let x; x in D1 iff x is LINE of V by A4; hence x in D1 iff x in D2 by A5;end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; end; definition let K,V; let D be LINE_DOMAIN of V; redefine mode Element of D -> LINE of V; coherence by Def3; end; definition let K,V; assume that A1: V is non trivial and A2: V is free; mode HIPERPLANE of V -> strict Subspace of V means ex a st a<>0.V & V is_the_direct_sum_of <:a:>,it; existence proof consider A being Subset of V such that A3: A is base by A2,MOD_3:def 3; reconsider A as Subset of V; A4: A is linearly-independent by A3,MOD_3:def 2; A5: A <> {} by A1,A3,Th4; consider x being Element of A; A6: K is non trivial by A1,LMOD_6:6; reconsider a = x as Vector of V by A5,TARSKI:def 3; reconsider A1 = {a} as Subset of V; set A2 = A\A1; set H = Lin(A2); A1 c= A by A5,ZFMISC_1:37; then A7: A = A1 \/ A2 by XBOOLE_1:45; A1 misses A2 by XBOOLE_1:79; then A8: V is_the_direct_sum_of Lin(A1),H by A3,A7,Th6; A9: ex a st a<>0.V & V is_the_direct_sum_of <:a:>,H proof take a; thus thesis by A4,A5,A6,A8,Th1,LMOD_6:def 6; end; take H; thus thesis by A9; end; end; definition let K,V; mode HIPERPLANE_DOMAIN of V -> non empty set means :Def6: x in it implies x is HIPERPLANE of V; existence proof consider a being HIPERPLANE of V; set D = {a}; take D; thus thesis by TARSKI:def 1; end; end; definition let K,V; func hiperplanes(V) -> HIPERPLANE_DOMAIN of V means x in it iff x is HIPERPLANE of V; existence proof set D = {a where a is Element of Submodules(V): a is HIPERPLANE of V}; consider a1 being HIPERPLANE of V; reconsider a2 = a1 as Element of Submodules(V) by VECTSP_5:def 3; a2 in D; then reconsider D as non empty set; A1: now let x; assume x in D; then consider a being Element of Submodules(V) such that A2: x = a & a is HIPERPLANE of V; thus x is HIPERPLANE of V by A2;end; then reconsider D' = D as HIPERPLANE_DOMAIN of V by Def6; take D'; now let x; thus x in D' implies x is HIPERPLANE of V by A1; thus x is HIPERPLANE of V implies x in D' proof assume x is HIPERPLANE of V; then reconsider W=x as HIPERPLANE of V; reconsider x1 = W as Element of Submodules(V) by VECTSP_5:def 3; x1 in D; hence thesis; end;end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let D1,D2 be HIPERPLANE_DOMAIN of V such that A3: x in D1 iff x is HIPERPLANE of V and A4: x in D2 iff x is HIPERPLANE of V; now let x; x in D1 iff x is HIPERPLANE of V by A3; hence x in D1 iff x in D2 by A4;end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; end; definition let K,V; let D be HIPERPLANE_DOMAIN of V; redefine mode Element of D -> HIPERPLANE of V; coherence by Def6; end; begin :: :: 3. Join and meet of finite sequences of submodules :: definition let K,V,Li; func Sum Li -> Element of Submodules(V) equals SubJoin(V) $$ Li; coherence; func /\ Li -> Element of Submodules(V) equals SubMeet(V) $$ Li; coherence; end; canceled 5; theorem for G being Lattice holds the L_join of G is commutative associative & the L_meet of G is commutative associative by LATTICE2:27,29,31,32; canceled; theorem SubJoin(V) is commutative associative & SubJoin(V) has_a_unity & (0).V = the_unity_wrt SubJoin(V) proof set S0=Submodules(V), S1=SubJoin(V); reconsider L=LattStr(#(S0 qua non empty set),(S1 qua BinOp of S0), (SubMeet(V) qua BinOp of S0)#) as Lattice by VECTSP_5:75; S1=the L_join of L; hence S1 is commutative associative; set e=(0).V; reconsider e'=@e as Element of (S0 qua non empty set); A1: e'=e by LMOD_6:def 3; now let a' be Element of (S0 qua non empty set); reconsider b=a' as Element of S0; reconsider a=b as strict Subspace of V; thus S1.(e',a') = e+a by A1,VECTSP_5:def 7 .= a' by VECTSP_5:13; thus S1.(a',e') = a+e by A1,VECTSP_5:def 7 .= a' by VECTSP_5:13;end; then A2: e' is_a_unity_wrt (S1 qua BinOp of S0) by BINOP_1:11; hence S1 has_a_unity by SETWISEO:def 2; thus thesis by A1,A2,BINOP_1:def 8; end; theorem SubMeet(V) is commutative associative & SubMeet(V) has_a_unity & (Omega).V = the_unity_wrt SubMeet(V) proof set S0=Submodules(V), S2=SubMeet(V); reconsider L=LattStr(#(S0 qua non empty set),(SubJoin(V) qua BinOp of S0), (S2 qua BinOp of S0)#) as Lattice by VECTSP_5:75; S2=the L_meet of L; hence S2 is commutative associative; set e=(Omega).V; reconsider e'=@e as Element of (S0 qua non empty set); A1: e'=e by LMOD_6:def 3; now let a' be Element of (S0 qua non empty set); reconsider b=a' as Element of S0; reconsider a=b as strict Subspace of V; thus (S2 qua BinOp of S0).(e',a') = e/\a by A1,VECTSP_5:def 8 .= a' by VECTSP_5:27; thus (S2 qua BinOp of S0).(a',e') = a/\e by A1,VECTSP_5:def 8 .= a' by VECTSP_5:27;end; then A2: e' is_a_unity_wrt (S2 qua BinOp of S0) by BINOP_1:11; hence S2 has_a_unity by SETWISEO:def 2; thus thesis by A1,A2,BINOP_1:def 8; end; begin :: :: 4. Sum of subsets of module :: definition let K,V,A1,A2; func A1 + A2 -> Subset of V means x in it iff ex a1,a2 st a1 in A1 & a2 in A2 & x = a1+a2; existence proof set S = {a1+a2 : a1 in A1 & a2 in A2}; A1: now let x; assume x in S; then consider a1,a2 such that A2: x = a1+a2 & a1 in A1 & a2 in A2; thus ex a1,a2 st a1 in A1 & a2 in A2 & x = a1+a2 by A2;end; now let x; assume x in S; then consider a1,a2 such that A3: x = a1+a2 & a1 in A1 & a2 in A2; thus x in the carrier of V by A3;end; then S is Subset of V by TARSKI:def 3; then reconsider S' = S as Subset of V; take S'; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let D1,D2 be Subset of V such that A4: x in D1 iff ex a1,a2 st a1 in A1 & a2 in A2 & x = a1+a2 and A5: x in D2 iff ex a1,a2 st a1 in A1 & a2 in A2 & x = a1+a2; now let x; x in D1 iff ex a1,a2 st a1 in A1 & a2 in A2 & x = a1+a2 by A4; hence x in D1 iff x in D2 by A5;end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; end; begin :: :: 5. Vector of subset :: definition let K,V,A; assume A1: A <> {}; mode Vector of A -> Vector of V means :Def11: it is Element of A; existence proof consider x being Element of V such that A2: x in A by A1,SUBSET_1:10; take x; thus thesis by A2; end; end; theorem A1 <> {} & A1 c= A2 implies for x st x is Vector of A1 holds x is Vector of A2 proof assume A1: A1 <> {} & A1 c= A2; let x; assume x is Vector of A1; then reconsider a=x as Vector of A1; a is Element of A1 by A1,Def11; then a in A2 by A1,TARSKI:def 3; hence thesis by Def11; end; :: :: 6. Quotient modules :: theorem Th17: a2 in a1 + W iff a1 - a2 in W proof a1 - (a1 - a2) = a1 - a1 + a2 by RLVECT_1:43 .= 0.V + a2 by VECTSP_1:66 .= a2 by VECTSP_1:7; hence thesis by VECTSP_4:76; end; theorem Th18: a1 + W = a2 + W iff a1 - a2 in W proof a2 in a1 + W iff a1 + W = a2 + W by VECTSP_4:70; hence thesis by Th17; end; definition let K,V,W; func V..W -> set means :Def12: x in it iff ex a st x = a + W; existence proof take {a + W : not contradiction}; thus thesis; end; uniqueness proof defpred X[set] means ex a st $1 = a + W; thus for S1,S2 being set st (for x holds x in S1 iff X[x]) & (for x holds x in S2 iff X[x]) holds S1 = S2 from SetEq; end; end; definition let K,V,W; cluster V..W -> non empty; coherence proof a + W in V..W by Def12; hence thesis; end; end; definition let K,V,W,a; func a..W -> Element of V..W equals :Def13: a + W; coherence by Def12; end; theorem Th19: for x being Element of V..W ex a st x = a..W proof let x be Element of V..W; consider a such that A1: x = a + W by Def12; take a; thus thesis by A1,Def13; end; theorem Th20: a1..W = a2..W iff a1 - a2 in W proof a1..W = a1 + W & a2..W = a2 + W by Def13; hence thesis by Th18; end; reserve S1,S2 for Element of V..W; definition let K,V,W,S1; func -S1 -> Element of V..W means S1 = a..W implies it = (-a)..W; existence proof consider a1 such that A1: S1 = a1..W by Th19; A2: now let a be Vector of V; assume S1 = a..W; then a1 - a in W by A1,Th20; then -(a1 -a) in W by VECTSP_4:30; then -a1 - (-a) in W by Lm1; hence (-a1)..W = (-a)..W by Th20;end; take (-a1)..W; thus thesis by A2; end; uniqueness proof let S,T be Element of V..W such that A3: S1 = a..W implies S = (-a)..W and A4: S1 = a..W implies T = (-a)..W; consider a1 such that A5: S1 = a1..W by Th19; thus S = (-a1)..W by A3,A5 .= T by A4,A5; end; let S2; func S1 + S2 -> Element of V..W means :Def15: S1 = a1..W & S2 = a2..W implies it = (a1+a2)..W; existence proof consider a1 such that A6: S1 = a1..W by Th19; consider a2 such that A7: S2 = a2..W by Th19; A8: now let b1,b2 be Vector of V such that A9: S1 = b1..W and A10: S2 = b2..W; A11: a1 - b1 in W by A6,A9,Th20; a2 - b2 in W by A7,A10,Th20; then A12: (a1 - b1) + (a2 - b2) in W by A11,VECTSP_4:28; (a1-b1) + (a2-b2) = a1-b1+a2-b2 by RLVECT_1:42 .= a1+a2-b1-b2 by Lm1 .= (a1+a2) - (b1 + b2) by VECTSP_1:64; hence (a1 + a2)..W = (b1 + b2)..W by A12,Th20;end; take (a1 + a2)..W; thus thesis by A8; end; uniqueness proof let S,T be Element of V..W such that A13: S1 = a1..W & S2 = a2..W implies S = (a1+a2)..W and A14: S1 = a1..W & S2 = a2..W implies T = (a1+a2)..W; consider a1 such that A15: S1 = a1..W by Th19; consider a2 such that A16: S2 = a2..W by Th19; thus S = (a1+a2)..W by A13,A15,A16 .= T by A14,A15,A16; end; end; definition let K,V,W; deffunc U(Element of V..W) = -$1; func COMPL W -> UnOp of V..W means it.S1 = -S1; existence proof thus ex U being UnOp of V..W st for S1 holds U.S1 = U(S1) from LambdaD; end; uniqueness proof thus for U1,U2 being UnOp of V..W st (for S1 holds U1.S1 = U(S1)) & (for S1 holds U2.S1 = U(S1)) holds U1 = U2 from UnOpEq; end; deffunc U(Element of V..W,Element of V..W) = $1 + $2; func ADD W -> BinOp of V..W means :Def17: it.(S1,S2) = S1 + S2; existence proof thus ex B being BinOp of V..W st for S1,S2 holds B.(S1,S2) = U(S1,S2) from BinOpLambda; end; uniqueness proof thus for B1,B2 being BinOp of V..W st (for S1,S2 holds B1.(S1,S2) = U(S1,S2)) & (for S1,S2 holds B2.(S1,S2) = U(S1,S2)) holds B1 = B2 from BinOpDefuniq; end; end; definition let K,V,W; func V.W -> strict LoopStr equals :Def18: LoopStr(#V..W,ADD W,(0.V)..W#); coherence; end; definition let K,V,W; cluster V.W -> non empty; coherence proof V.W = LoopStr(#V..W,ADD W,(0.V)..W#) by Def18; hence the carrier of V.W is non empty; end; end; theorem Th21: a..W is Element of V.W proof V.W = LoopStr(#V..W,ADD W,(0.V)..W#) by Def18; hence thesis; end; definition let K,V,W,a; func a.W -> Element of V.W equals :Def19: a..W; coherence by Th21; end; theorem Th22: for x being Element of V.W ex a st x = a.W proof let x be Element of V.W; V.W = LoopStr(#V..W,ADD W,(0.V)..W#) by Def18; then consider a such that A1: x = a..W by Th19; take a; thus thesis by A1,Def19; end; theorem Th23: a1.W = a2.W iff a1 - a2 in W proof a1.W = a1..W & a2.W = a2..W by Def19; hence thesis by Th20; end; theorem Th24: a.W + b.W = (a+b).W & 0.(V.W) = (0.V).W proof A1: V.W = LoopStr(#V..W,ADD W,(0.V)..W#) by Def18; A2: a.W = a..W & b.W = b..W & (-a).W = (-a)..W & (0.V).W = (0.V)..W by Def19; hence a.W + b.W = (ADD W).(a..W,b..W) by A1,RLVECT_1:5 .= a..W + b..W by Def17 .= (a+b)..W by Def15 .= (a+b).W by Def19; thus 0.(V.W) = (0.V).W by A1,A2,RLVECT_1:def 2; end; definition let K,V,W; cluster V.W -> Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable; coherence proof set G = V.W; hereby let x,y be Element of G; consider a being Vector of V such that A1: x = a.W by Th22; consider b being Vector of V such that A2: y = b.W by Th22; x+y = (a+b).W & y+x = (b+a).W by A1,A2,Th24; hence x+y = y+x; end; hereby let x,y,z be Element of G; consider a being Vector of V such that A3: x = a.W by Th22; consider b being Vector of V such that A4: y = b.W by Th22; consider c being Vector of V such that A5: z = c.W by Th22; A6: x+y = (a+b).W & y+x = (b+a).W & y+z = (b+c).W by A3,A4,A5,Th24; hence (x+y)+z = (a+b+c).W by A5,Th24 .= (a+(b+c)).W by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= x+(y+z) by A3,A6,Th24; end; hereby let x be Element of G; consider a being Vector of V such that A7: x = a.W by Th22; 0.G = (0.V).W by Th24; hence x+(0.G) = (a+0.V).W by A7,Th24 .= x by A7,RLVECT_1:10; end; let x be Element of G; consider a being Vector of V such that A8: x = a.W by Th22; consider b being Vector of V such that A9: a + b = 0.V by RLVECT_1:def 8; reconsider b' = b.W as Element of G; take b'; thus x+b' = (0.V).W by A8,A9,Th24 .= 0.G by Th24; end; end; reserve S for Element of V.W; definition let K,V,W,r,S; func r*S -> Element of V.W means :Def20: S = a.W implies it = (r*a).W; existence proof consider a1 such that A1: S = a1.W by Th22; A2: now let a; assume S = a.W; then a - a1 in W by A1,Th23; then r*(a-a1) in W by VECTSP_4:29; then r*a - r*a1 in W by VECTSP_1:70; hence (r*a).W = (r*a1).W by Th23;end; take (r*a1).W; thus thesis by A2; end; uniqueness proof let S1,S2 be Element of V.W such that A3: S = a.W implies S1 = (r*a).W and A4: S = a.W implies S2 = (r*a).W; consider a1 such that A5: S = a1.W by Th22; thus S1 = (r*a1).W by A3,A5 .= S2 by A4,A5; end; end; definition let K,V,W; func LMULT W -> Function of [:the carrier of K,the carrier of V.W:], the carrier of V.W means :Def21: it.(r,S) = r*S; existence proof deffunc U(Scalar of K,Element of V.W) = $1 * $2; consider F being Function of [:the carrier of K,the carrier of V.W:], the carrier of V.W such that A1: F.[r,S] = U(r,S) from Lambda2D; take F; now let r,S; thus F.(r,S) = F.[r,S] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= r*S by A1;end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let F,G be Function of [:the carrier of K,the carrier of V.W:], the carrier of V.W such that A2: F.(r,S) = r*S and A3: G.(r,S) = r*S; now let r,S; thus F.(r,S) = r*S by A2 .= G.(r,S) by A3;end; hence thesis by BINOP_1:2; end; end; begin definition let K,V,W; func V/W -> strict VectSpStr over K equals :Def22: VectSpStr(#the carrier of V.W,the add of V.W, the Zero of V.W,LMULT W#); coherence; end; definition let K,V,W; cluster V/W -> non empty; coherence proof V/W = VectSpStr(#the carrier of V.W,the add of V.W, the Zero of V.W,LMULT W#) by Def22; hence the carrier of V/W is non empty; end; end; canceled; theorem Th26: a.W is Vector of V/W proof V/W = VectSpStr(#the carrier of V.W,the add of V.W, the Zero of V.W,LMULT W#) by Def22; hence thesis; end; theorem Th27: for x being Vector of V/W holds x is Element of V.W proof let x be Vector of V/W; V/W = VectSpStr(#the carrier of V.W,the add of V.W, the Zero of V.W,LMULT W#) by Def22; hence thesis; end; definition let K,V,W,a; func a/W -> Vector of V/W equals :Def23: a.W; coherence by Th26; end; theorem Th28: for x being Vector of V/W ex a st x = a/W proof let x be Vector of V/W; V/W = VectSpStr(#the carrier of V.W,the add of V.W, the Zero of V.W,LMULT W#) by Def22; then consider a such that A1: x = a.W by Th22; take a; thus thesis by A1,Def23; end; theorem a1/W = a2/W iff a1 - a2 in W proof a1.W = a1/W & a2.W = a2/W by Def23; hence thesis by Th23; end; Lm2: for x,y being Element of V.W, a,b being Vector of V/W st a=x & b=y holds a+b=x+y proof A1: V/W = VectSpStr(#the carrier of V.W,the add of V.W, the Zero of V.W,LMULT W#) by Def22; let x,y be Element of V.W; let x',y' be Vector of V/W; assume A2: x = x' & y = y'; thus x + y = (the add of V.W).(x,y) by RLVECT_1:5 .= x'+ y' by A1,A2,RLVECT_1:5; end; theorem Th30: a/W + b/W = (a+b)/W & r*(a/W) = (r*a)/W proof A1: a/W = a.W & b/W = b.W & (a+b)/W = (a+b).W & (r*a)/W = (r*a).W by Def23; A2: V/W = VectSpStr(#the carrier of V.W,the add of V.W, the Zero of V.W,LMULT W#) by Def22; thus a/W + b/W = a.W + b.W by A1,Lm2 .= (a+b)/W by A1,Th24; thus r*(a/W) = (LMULT W).(r,a.W) by A1,A2,VECTSP_1:def 24 .= r*(a.W qua Element of V.W) by Def21 .= (r*a)/W by A1,Def20; end; Lm3: V/W is Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable proof A1: V/W = VectSpStr(#the carrier of V.W,the add of V.W, the Zero of V.W,LMULT W#) by Def22; A2:now let x,y,z be Element of V.W; let x',y',z' be Vector of V/W; assume A3: x = x' & y = y' & z = z'; thus x + y = (the add of V.W).(x,y) by RLVECT_1:5 .= x'+ y' by A1,A3,RLVECT_1:5; end; thus V/W is Abelian proof let x,y be Vector of V/W; reconsider x'= x, y'= y as Element of V.W by Th27; thus x+y = x'+ y' by A2 .= y + x by A2; end; hereby let x,y,z be Vector of V/W; reconsider x'= x, y'= y, z'= z as Element of V.W by Th27; A4: x + y = x'+ y' by A2; A5: y + z = y'+ z' by A2; thus (x+y)+z = (x'+ y') + z' by A2,A4 .= x'+ (y'+ z') by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= x + (y + z) by A2,A5; end; A6: 0.(V/W) = the Zero of V.W by A1,RLVECT_1:def 2 .= 0.(V.W) by RLVECT_1:def 2; hereby let x be Vector of V/W; reconsider x'= x as Element of V.W by Th27; thus x+(0.(V/W)) = x'+ (0.(V.W)) by A2,A6 .= x by RLVECT_1:10; end; let x be Vector of V/W; reconsider x'= x as Element of V.W by Th27; consider b being Element of V.W such that A7: x' + b = 0.(V.W) by RLVECT_1:def 8; reconsider b' = b as Vector of V/W by A1; take b'; thus x+b' = 0.(V/W) by A2,A6,A7; end; theorem Th31: V/W is strict LeftMod of K proof now let x,y be Scalar of K, v,w be Vector of V/W; consider a such that A1: v = a/W by Th28; consider b such that A2: w = b/W by Th28; A3: (x*a)/W = x*v & (x*b)/W = x*w & (y*a)/W = y*v & (y*b)/W = y*w by A1,A2,Th30; thus x*(v+w) = x*((a+b)/W) by A1,A2,Th30 .= (x*(a+b))/W by Th30 .= (x*a+x*b)/W by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= x*v+x*w by A3,Th30; thus (x+y)*v = ((x+y)*a)/W by A1,Th30 .= (x*a+y*a)/W by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= x*v+y*v by A3,Th30; thus (x*y)*v = ((x*y)*a)/W by A1,Th30 .= (x*(y*a))/W by VECTSP_1:def 26 .= x*((y*a)/W) by Th30 .= x*(y*v) by A1,Th30; thus 1_ K*v = (1_ K*a)/W by A1,Th30 .= v by A1,VECTSP_1:def 26;end; hence thesis by Lm3,VECTSP_1:def 26; end; definition let K,V,W; cluster V/W -> VectSp-like; coherence by Th31; end;