The Mizar article:

Completeness of the Lattices of Domains of a Topological Space

Zbigniew Karno, and
Toshihiko Watanabe

Received July 16, 1992

Copyright (c) 1992 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: TDLAT_2
[ MML identifier index ]


      BHSP_3, TDLAT_2;
 constructors FINSEQ_1, NAT_1, TOPS_1, TOPS_2, PCOMPS_1, LATTICE3, TDLAT_1,
      ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0;
 definitions LATTICE3;
 schemes PRE_TOPC, NAT_1;

:: 1. Preliminary Theorems about Subsets of a Toplogical Space.
reserve T for non empty TopSpace;

theorem Th1:
 for A being Subset of T holds
  Int Cl Int A c= Int Cl A & Int Cl Int A c= Cl Int A
 proof let A be Subset of T;
     Int A c= A by TOPS_1:44;
  then Cl Int A c= Cl A by PRE_TOPC:49;
  hence Int Cl Int A c= Int Cl A by TOPS_1:48;
  thus Int Cl Int A c= Cl Int A by TOPS_1:44;

theorem Th2:
 for A being Subset of T holds
  Cl Int A c= Cl Int Cl A & Int Cl A c= Cl Int Cl A
 proof let A be Subset of T;
     A c= Cl A by PRE_TOPC:48;
  then Int A c= Int Cl A by TOPS_1:48;
  hence Cl Int A c= Cl Int Cl A by PRE_TOPC:49;
  thus Int Cl A c= Cl Int Cl A by PRE_TOPC:48;

   for A being Subset of T, B being Subset of T st B is closed
  holds Cl(Int(A /\ B)) = A implies A c= B
 proof let A be Subset of T, B be Subset of T;
  assume A1: B is closed;
  assume A2: Cl(Int(A /\ B)) = A;
      Int(A /\ B) c= A /\ B & A /\ B c= B by TOPS_1:44,XBOOLE_1:17;
   then Int(A /\ B) c= B by XBOOLE_1:1;
   then Cl Int(A /\ B) c= Cl B by PRE_TOPC:49;
  hence thesis by A1,A2,PRE_TOPC:52;

theorem Th4:
 for A being Subset of T, B being Subset of T st A is open holds
  Int(Cl(A \/ B)) = B implies A c= B
 proof let A be Subset of T, B be Subset of T;
  assume A1: A is open;
  assume A2: Int(Cl(A \/ B)) = B;
      A \/ B c= Cl(A \/ B) & A c= A \/ B by PRE_TOPC:48,XBOOLE_1:7;
   then A c= Cl(A \/ B) by XBOOLE_1:1;
   then Int A c= Int Cl(A \/ B) by TOPS_1:48;
  hence thesis by A1,A2,TOPS_1:55;

theorem Th5:
 for A being Subset of T holds
  A c= Cl Int A implies A \/ Int Cl A c= Cl Int(A \/ Int Cl A)
 proof let A be Subset of T;
  assume A1: A c= Cl Int A;
      Int Cl A = Int Int Cl A &
     (Int A) \/ (Int Int Cl A) c= Int (A \/ Int Cl A) by TOPS_1:45,49;
   then A2: Cl((Int A) \/ (Int Cl A)) c= Cl(Int (A \/
 Int Cl A)) by PRE_TOPC:49;
      A c= Cl A by PRE_TOPC:48;
   then Int A c= Int Cl A by TOPS_1:48;
   then A3: Cl(Int A) c= Cl(Int Cl A) by PRE_TOPC:49;
   then A4: Cl(Int A) \/ Cl(Int Cl A) = Cl(Int Cl A) by XBOOLE_1:12;
      Int Cl A c= Cl Int Cl A & A c= Cl(Int Cl A) by A1,A3,PRE_TOPC:48,XBOOLE_1
   then A \/ Int Cl A c= (Cl Int Cl A) \/ (Cl Int Cl A) by XBOOLE_1:13;
   then A \/ Int Cl A c= Cl((Int A) \/ (Int Cl A)) by A4,PRE_TOPC:50;
   hence thesis by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;

theorem Th6:
 for A being Subset of T holds
  Int Cl A c= A implies Int Cl(A /\ Cl Int A) c= A /\ Cl Int A
 proof let A be Subset of T;
  assume A1: Int Cl A c= A;
      Cl Int A = Cl Cl Int A &
     Cl (A /\ Cl Int A) c= (Cl A) /\ (Cl Cl Int A) by PRE_TOPC:51,TOPS_1:26;
   then A2: Int(Cl (A /\ Cl Int A)) c= Int((Cl A) /\ (Cl Int A)) by TOPS_1:48;
      Int A c= A by TOPS_1:44;
   then Cl Int A c= Cl A by PRE_TOPC:49;
   then A3: Int(Cl Int A) c= Int(Cl A) by TOPS_1:48;
   then A4: Int(Cl A) /\ Int(Cl Int A) = Int(Cl Int A) by XBOOLE_1:28;
      Int Cl Int A c= Cl Int A & Int Cl Int A c= A by A1,A3,TOPS_1:44,XBOOLE_1:
   then (Int Cl Int A) /\ (Int Cl Int A) c= A /\ Cl Int A by XBOOLE_1:27;
   then Int((Cl A) /\ (Cl Int A)) c= A /\ Cl Int A by A4,TOPS_1:46;
   hence thesis by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;

:: 2. The Closure and the Interior Operations for Families of Subsets of
::                                                    a Topological Space.
reserve T for non empty TopSpace;

::(for the definition of clf see PCOMPS_1:def 3)
definition let T; let F be Subset-Family of T;
 redefine func clf F;
  synonym Cl F;

::Properties of the Closure Operation Cl (see also PCOMPS_1).
theorem Th7:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds Cl F =
   {A where A is Subset of T :
     ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl B & B in F}
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  set P =
    {A where A is Subset of T :
     ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl B & B in F};
     P c= bool the carrier of T
       now let C be set;
       assume C in P;
      then ex A being Subset of T st C = A &
                ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl B & B in F;
      hence C in bool the carrier of T;
     hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;
   then reconsider P as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
   reconsider P as Subset-Family of T;
    for X being set holds X in Cl F iff X in P
   proof let X be set;
   A1: now assume A2: X in Cl F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
           ex B being Subset of T st C = Cl B & B in F
           by A2,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
        hence X in P;
       now assume A3: X in P;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
          ex D being Subset of T st
          D = C & ex B being Subset of T st D = Cl B & B in F
          by A3;
      hence X in Cl F by PCOMPS_1:def 3;
    hence thesis by A1;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

   for F being Subset-Family of T holds Cl F = Cl Cl F
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  A1: Cl F = {A where A is Subset of T :
                ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl B & B in F}
                by Th7;
  A2: Cl Cl F = {D where D is Subset of T :
              ex B being Subset of T st D = Cl B & B in Cl F}
              by Th7;
    for X being set holds X in Cl F iff X in Cl Cl F
   proof let X be set;
   A3: now assume A4: X in Cl F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
        consider B being Subset of T such that
          A5: C = Cl B and A6: B in F by A4,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
           C = Cl Cl B & Cl B in Cl F by A5,A6,PCOMPS_1:def 3,TOPS_1:26;
        hence X in Cl Cl F by A2;
       now assume A7: X in Cl Cl F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
          ex Q being Subset of T st
          Q = C & ex B being Subset of T
           st Q = Cl B & B in Cl F by A2,A7;
        then consider B being Subset of T such that
          A8: C = Cl B and A9: B in Cl F;
           ex Q being Subset of T st
          Q = B & ex R being Subset of T st Q = Cl R & R in F
          by A1,A9;
        then consider R being Subset of T such that
          A10: B = Cl R and A11: R in F;
           C = Cl R by A8,A10,TOPS_1:26;
      hence X in Cl F by A11,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
    hence thesis by A3;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

theorem Th9:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds F = {} iff Cl F = {}
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  thus F = {} implies Cl F = {} by PCOMPS_1:15;
  assume A1: Cl F = {};
   consider B being Element of F;
A2:  F <> {};
   then reconsider B as Subset of T by TARSKI:def 3;
     Cl B in Cl F by A2,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
  hence contradiction by A1;

   for F,G being Subset-Family of T holds Cl(F /\ G) c= (Cl F) /\ (Cl G)
 proof let F,G be Subset-Family of T;
    for X being set holds X in Cl(F /\ G) implies X in (Cl F) /\ (Cl G)
   proof let X be set;
     assume A1: X in Cl(F /\ G);
        then reconsider X0 = X as Subset of T;
        consider W being Subset of T such that
           A2: X0 = Cl W and A3: W in F /\ G by A1,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
         A4: W in F & W in G by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
           then A5: X0 in Cl F by A2,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
             X0 in Cl G by A2,A4,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
       hence X in (Cl F) /\ (Cl G) by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

   for F,G being Subset-Family of T holds (Cl F) \ (Cl G) c= Cl(F \ G)
 proof let F,G be Subset-Family of T;
    for X being set holds X in (Cl F) \ (Cl G) implies X in Cl(F \ G)
   proof let X be set;
    assume A1: X in (Cl F) \ (Cl G);
     then A2: X in Cl F & not X in Cl G by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     reconsider X0 = X as Subset of T by A1;
      consider W being Subset of T such that
         A3: X0 = Cl W and A4: W in F by A2,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
           not W in G by A2,A3,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
         then W in F \ G by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
       hence X in Cl (F \ G) by A3,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

   for F being Subset-Family of T, A being Subset of T holds
  A in F implies meet(Cl F) c= Cl A & Cl A c= union(Cl F)
   let F be Subset-Family of T, A be Subset of T;
  assume A in F;
  then Cl A in
   {P where P is Subset of T :
     ex B being Subset of T st P = Cl B & B in F};
  then A1: Cl A in Cl F by Th7;
  hence meet(Cl F) c= Cl A by SETFAM_1:4;
  thus Cl A c= union(Cl F) by A1,ZFMISC_1:92;

::for F being Subset-Family of T holds union F c= union(Cl F);
::(see PCOMPS_1:22)
theorem Th13:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds meet F c= meet(Cl F)
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
   A1: for A being set st A in Cl F holds meet F c= A
        proof let A be set;
         assume A2: A in Cl F;
          then reconsider A0 = A as Subset of T;
         consider B being Subset of T such that
           A3: A0 = Cl B and A4: B in F by A2,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
            meet F c= B & B c= A0 by A3,A4,PRE_TOPC:48,SETFAM_1:4;
         hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;
    now per cases;
   suppose Cl F = {};
    hence meet F c= meet(Cl F) by Th9;
   suppose Cl F <> {};
    hence meet F c= meet(Cl F) by A1,SETFAM_1:6;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th14:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds Cl(meet F) c= meet(Cl F)
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
     Cl F is closed by PCOMPS_1:14;
  then meet(Cl F) is closed & meet F c= meet(Cl F) by Th13,TOPS_2:29;
  then Cl meet(Cl F) = meet(Cl F) &
         Cl meet F c= Cl meet(Cl F) by PRE_TOPC:49,52;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th15:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds union(Cl F) c= Cl(union F)
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
     for A being set st A in Cl F holds A c= Cl(union F)
    proof let A be set;
     assume A1: A in Cl F;
      then reconsider A0 = A as Subset of T;
     consider B being Subset of T such that
       A2: A0 = Cl B and A3: B in F by A1,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
        B c= union F by A3,ZFMISC_1:92;
     hence thesis by A2,PRE_TOPC:49;
  hence thesis by ZFMISC_1:94;

definition let T; let F be Subset-Family of T;
 func Int F -> Subset-Family of T means
:Def1: for A being Subset of T holds
   A in it iff ex B being Subset of T st A = Int B & B in F;
   defpred X[Subset of T] means
      ex B being Subset of T st $1 = Int B & B in F;
   thus ex F being Subset-Family of T st
    for A being Subset of T holds A in F iff X[A]
     from SubFamExS;
  proof let H,G be Subset-Family of T;
   assume A1: for A being Subset of T holds
               A in H iff
               ex B being Subset of T st A = Int B & B in F;
   assume A2: for A being Subset of T holds
       A in G iff ex B being Subset of T st A = Int B & B in F;
       now let A be set;
      assume A3: A in H;
      then reconsider A0 = A as Subset of T;
         ex B being Subset of T st A0 = Int B & B in F by A1,A3;
      hence A in G by A2;
      then A4: H c= G by TARSKI:def 3;
       now let A be set;
      assume A5: A in G;
      then reconsider A0 = A as Subset of T;
         ex B being Subset of T st A0 = Int B & B in F by A2,A5;
      hence A in H by A1;
     then G c= H by TARSKI:def 3;
     hence H = G by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
   hence thesis;

::Properties of the Interior Operation Int.
theorem Th16:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds Int F =
   {A where A is Subset of T :
    ex B being Subset of T st A = Int B & B in F}
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
  set P =
    {A where A is Subset of T :
    ex B being Subset of T st A = Int B & B in F};
     P c= bool the carrier of T
       now let C be set;
       assume C in P;
      then ex A being Subset of T st C = A &
                ex B being Subset of T st A = Int B & B in F;
      hence C in bool the carrier of T;
     hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;
   then reconsider P as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
   reconsider P as Subset-Family of T;
    for X being set holds X in Int F iff X in P
   proof let X be set;
   A1: now assume A2: X in Int F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
           ex B being Subset of T st C = Int B & B in
 F by A2,Def1;
        hence X in P;
       now assume A3: X in P;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
          ex D being Subset of T st
          D = C & ex B being Subset of T st D = Int B & B in F
          by A3;
      hence X in Int F by Def1;
    hence thesis by A1;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

   for F being Subset-Family of T holds Int F = Int Int F
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
  A1: Int F = {A where A is Subset of T :
                ex B being Subset of T st A = Int B & B in F}
                by Th16;
  A2: Int Int F = {D where D is Subset of T :
           ex B being Subset of T st D = Int B & B in Int F}
           by Th16;
    for X being set holds X in Int F iff X in Int Int F
   proof let X be set;
   A3: now assume A4: X in Int F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
        consider B being Subset of T such that
          A5: C = Int B and A6: B in F by A4,Def1;
           C = Int Int B & Int B in Int F by A5,A6,Def1,TOPS_1:45;
        hence X in Int Int F by A2;
       now assume A7: X in Int Int F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
          ex Q being Subset of T st
          Q = C &
          ex B being Subset of T st Q = Int B & B in Int F
          by A2,A7;
        then consider B being Subset of T such that
          A8: C = Int B and A9: B in Int F;
           ex Q being Subset of T st
          Q = B & ex R being Subset of T st Q = Int R & R in F
          by A1,A9;
        then consider R being Subset of T such that
          A10: B = Int R and A11: R in F;
           C = Int R by A8,A10,TOPS_1:45;
      hence X in Int F by A11,Def1;
    hence thesis by A3;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

theorem Th18:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds Int F is open
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
    now let A be Subset of T;
   assume A in Int F;
   then ex B being Subset of T st A = Int B & B in F by Def1;
   hence A is open;
  hence Int F is open by TOPS_2:def 1;

theorem Th19:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds F = {} iff Int F = {}
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  thus F = {} implies Int F = {}
    assume A1: F = {};
     consider A being Element of Int F;
A2:  not thesis;
     then reconsider A as Subset of T by TARSKI:def 3;
       ex V being Subset of T st A = Int V & V in F by A2,Def1;
    hence contradiction by A1;
  thus Int F = {} implies F = {}
    assume A3: Int F = {};
     consider B being Element of F;
A4: not thesis;
       then reconsider B as Subset of T by TARSKI:def 3;
      reconsider A = Int B as set;
         ex A be set st A in Int F
         take A;
         thus A in Int F by A4,Def1;
      hence contradiction by A3;

theorem Th20:
 for A being Subset of T, F being Subset-Family of T
 st F = { A } holds
  Int F = { Int A }
 proof let A be Subset of T, F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F = { A };

  reconsider C = Int F as set;
     for B being set holds B in C iff B = Int A
    proof let B be set;
     A2: now
         assume A3: B in C;
          then reconsider B0 = B as Subset of T;
           ex M being Subset of T st B0 = Int M & M in F
         by A3,Def1;
         hence B = Int A by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
      assume A4: B = Int A;
         ex M being Subset of T st B = Int M & M in F
         take A;
         thus thesis by A1,A4,TARSKI:def 1;
       hence B in C by Def1;
     hence thesis by A2;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1;

   for F,G being Subset-Family of T holds F c= G implies Int F c= Int G
 proof let F,G be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F c= G;
  reconsider F0 = Int F, G0 = Int G as set;
     now let X be set;
    assume A2: X in F0;
    then reconsider X0 = X as Subset of T;
     consider V being Subset of T such that
      A3: X0 = Int V and A4: V in F by A2,Def1;
         thus X in G0 by A1,A3,A4,Def1;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

theorem Th22:
 for F,G being Subset-Family of T holds Int(F \/ G) = (Int F) \/ (Int G)
 proof let F,G be Subset-Family of T;
    for X being set holds X in Int(F \/ G) iff X in (Int F) \/ (Int G)
   proof let X be set;
   A1: now assume A2: X in Int(F \/ G);
        then reconsider X0 = X as Subset of T;
        consider W being Subset of T such that
           A3: X0 = Int W and A4: W in (F \/ G) by A2,Def1;
          now per cases by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
         suppose W in F;
          then X0 in Int F by A3,Def1;
          hence X0 in (Int F) \/ (Int G) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
         suppose W in G;
          then X0 in Int G by A3,Def1;
          hence X0 in (Int F) \/ (Int G) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
        hence X in (Int F) \/ (Int G);
       now assume A5: X in (Int F) \/ (Int G);

        now per cases by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
       suppose A6: X in Int F;
        then reconsider X0 = X as Subset of T;
          ex W being Subset of T st X0 = Int W & W in (F \/ G)
          consider Z being Subset of T such that
             A7: X0 = Int Z and A8: Z in F by A6,Def1;
          take Z;
          thus thesis by A7,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
        hence X in Int(F \/ G) by Def1;
       suppose A9: X in Int G;
        then reconsider X0 = X as Subset of T;
          ex W being Subset of T st X0 = Int W & W in (F \/ G)
          consider Z being Subset of T such that
            A10: X0 = Int Z and A11: Z in G by A9,Def1;
          take Z;
          thus thesis by A10,A11,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
        hence X in Int(F \/ G) by Def1;
      hence X in Int(F \/ G);
    hence thesis by A1;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

   for F,G being Subset-Family of T holds Int(F /\ G) c= (Int F) /\ (Int G)
 proof let F,G be Subset-Family of T;
    for X being set holds X in Int(F /\ G) implies X in (Int F) /\ (Int G)
   proof let X be set;
     assume A1: X in Int(F /\ G);
        then reconsider X0 = X as Subset of T;
        consider W being Subset of T such that
           A2: X0 = Int W and A3: W in (F /\ G) by A1,Def1;
         A4: W in F & W in G by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          then A5: X0 in Int F by A2,Def1;
             X0 in Int G by A2,A4,Def1;
       hence X in (Int F) /\ (Int G) by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

   for F,G being Subset-Family of T holds (Int F) \ (Int G) c= Int(F \ G)
 proof let F,G be Subset-Family of T;
    for X being set holds X in (Int F) \ (Int G) implies X in Int(F \ G)
   proof let X be set;
    assume A1: X in (Int F) \ (Int G);
     then A2: X in Int F & not X in Int G by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     reconsider X0 = X as Subset of T by A1;
      consider W being Subset of T such that
         A3: X0 = Int W and A4: W in F by A2,Def1;
           not W in G by A2,A3,Def1;
         then W in F \ G by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
       hence X in Int (F \ G) by A3,Def1;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

   for F being Subset-Family of T, A being Subset of T holds
  A in F implies Int A c= union(Int F) & meet(Int F) c= Int A
   let F be Subset-Family of T, A be Subset of T;
  assume A in F;
  then Int A in
   {P where P is Subset of T :
   ex B being Subset of T st P = Int B & B in F};
  then A1: Int A in Int F by Th16;
  hence Int A c= union(Int F) by ZFMISC_1:92;
  thus meet(Int F) c= Int A by A1,SETFAM_1:4;

theorem Th26:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds union(Int F) c= union F
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
    now let x be set;
   assume x in union(Int F);
   then consider A being set such that
      A1: x in A and A2: A in Int F by TARSKI:def 4;
   reconsider A as Subset of T by A2;
   consider B being Subset of T such that
      A3: A = Int B and A4: B in F by A2,Def1;
      ex B being set st x in B & B in F
      take B;
         Int B c= B by TOPS_1:44;
      hence thesis by A1,A3,A4;
   hence x in union F by TARSKI:def 4;
  hence union(Int F) c= union F by TARSKI:def 3;

   for F being Subset-Family of T holds meet(Int F) c= meet F
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
   A1: for A being set st A in F holds meet(Int F) c= A
        proof let A be set;
         assume A2: A in F;
          then reconsider A0 = A as Subset of T;
         set C = Int A0;
           C in {P where P is Subset of T :
                ex Q being Subset of T st P = Int Q & Q in F}
                            by A2
         then C in Int F by Th16;
         then meet(Int F) c= C & C c= A0 by SETFAM_1:4,TOPS_1:44;
         hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;
    now per cases;
   suppose F = {};
    hence meet(Int F) c= meet F by Th19;
   suppose F <> {};
    hence meet(Int F) c= meet F by A1,SETFAM_1:6;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th28:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds union(Int F) c= Int(union F)
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
     Int F is open by Th18;
  then union(Int F) is open & union(Int F) c= union F by Th26,TOPS_2:26;
  then Int union(Int F) = union(Int F) &
         Int union(Int F) c= Int(union F) by TOPS_1:48,55;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th29:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds Int(meet F) c= meet(Int F)
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
  A1: for A being set st A in Int F holds Int(meet F) c= A
       proof let A be set;
        assume A2: A in Int F;
         then reconsider A0 = A as Subset of T;
             A0 in {B where B is Subset of T :
                   ex C being Subset of T st B = Int C & C in F}
                     by A2,Th16;
         then consider P being Subset of T such that
             A3: P = A0 and
             A4: ex C being Subset of T st P = Int C & C in F;
        consider C being Subset of T such that
             A5: P = Int C and A6: C in F by A4;
           meet F c= C by A6,SETFAM_1:4;
        hence Int(meet F) c= A by A3,A5,TOPS_1:48;
    now per cases;
   suppose Int F = {};
     then meet F = {}T & meet(Int F) = {}T & Int {}T = {}T
                                by Th19,SETFAM_1:2,TOPS_1:47;
    hence Int(meet F) c= meet(Int F);
   suppose Int F <> {};
    hence Int(meet F) c= meet(Int F) by A1,SETFAM_1:6;
  hence thesis;

   for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is finite implies Int(meet F) = meet(Int F)
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is finite;
   A2:meet(Int F) c= Int(meet F)
       consider p being FinSequence such that
                 A3: rng p = F by A1,FINSEQ_1:73;
       consider n being Nat such that A4: dom p = Seg n by FINSEQ_1:def 2;
       defpred X[Nat] means for G being Subset-Family of T st
               G = p.:(Seg $1) & $1 <= n & 1 <= n holds
                 meet(Int G) c= Int(meet G);
        A5: X[0]
           let G be Subset-Family of T;
          assume that A6: G = p.:(Seg 0) and 0 <= n & 1 <= n;
             G = {} by A6,FINSEQ_1:4,RELAT_1:149;
           then Int meet G = {}T & meet Int G = {}T by Th19,SETFAM_1:2,TOPS_1:
          hence thesis;
        A7: for k being Nat st X[k] holds X[k+1]
           let k be Nat;
          assume A8: for G being Subset-Family of T
                       st G = p.:(Seg k) & k <= n & 1 <= n holds
                         meet(Int G) c= Int(meet G);
           let G be Subset-Family of T;
          assume A9: G = p.:(Seg(k + 1));
          assume A10: k + 1 <= n & 1 <= n;
          A11:now assume k = 0;
             then Seg(k + 1) = {1} & 1 in
 dom p by A4,A10,FINSEQ_1:3,4;
             then A12: p.:Seg(k + 1) = {p.1} by FUNCT_1:117;
             then union G = p.1 by A9,ZFMISC_1:31;
             then reconsider G1 = p.1 as Subset of T;
                Int(meet G) = Int G1 by A9,A12,SETFAM_1:11
                         .= meet {Int G1} by SETFAM_1:11
                         .= meet(Int G) by A9,A12,Th20;
             hence thesis;
            now assume A13: 0 < k;
           A14: p.:(Seg(k + 1)) = p.:(Seg k \/ {k + 1}) by FINSEQ_1:11
                             .= p.:(Seg k) \/ p.:{k + 1} by RELAT_1:153;
                 p.:(Seg k) c= F by A3,RELAT_1:144;
             then reconsider G1 = p.:(Seg k) as Subset-Family of T by TOPS_2:3;
                p.:{k + 1} c= F by A3,RELAT_1:144;
             then reconsider G2 = p.:{k + 1} as Subset-Family of T by TOPS_2:3;
                 0 <= k & 0 + 1 = 1 by NAT_1:18;
              then 1 <= k + 1 & k + 1 <= n by A10,REAL_1:55;
             then A15: k + 1 in dom p by A4,FINSEQ_1:3;
                  0 + 1 <= k & k <= k + 1 by A13,NAT_1:38;
              then 1 <= k & k <= n by A10,AXIOMS:22;
              then k in Seg k & k + 1 in {k + 1} &
                      k in dom p by A4,FINSEQ_1:3,TARSKI:def 1;
              then A16: p.k in G1 & p.(k + 1) in G2 by A15,FUNCT_1:def 12;
             then A17: Int G1 <> {} & Int G2 <> {} by Th19;
              A18: Int(meet G) = Int((meet G1) /\ (meet G2)) by A9,A14,A16,
                             .= Int(meet G1) /\ Int(meet G2) by TOPS_1:46;
               A19: G2 = {p.(k + 1)} by A15,FUNCT_1:117;
             then meet G2 = p.(k + 1) &
                       p.(k + 1) in F by A3,A15,FUNCT_1:def 5,SETFAM_1:11;
             then reconsider G3 = p.(k + 1) as Subset of T;
               A20:  meet(Int G2) = meet {Int G3} by A19,Th20
                                .= Int G3 by SETFAM_1:11
                                .= Int(meet G2) by A19,SETFAM_1:11;
                k + 1 <= n + 1 by A10,NAT_1:37;
             then k <= n by REAL_1:53;
             then meet(Int G1) c= Int(meet G1) by A8,A10;
             then meet(Int G1) /\ meet(Int G2) c= Int(meet G) by A18,A20,
             then meet((Int G1) \/ (Int G2)) c= Int(meet G)
                                                   by A17,SETFAM_1:10;
           hence thesis by A9,A14,Th22;
          hence thesis by A11,NAT_1:19;
        A21: for k being Nat holds X[k] from Ind(A5,A7);
        A22: now assume 1 <= n;
             then F = p.:(Seg n) & n <= n & 1 <= n by A3,A4,RELAT_1:146;
            hence meet(Int F) c= Int(meet F) by A21;
        A23: now assume n = 0;
             then F = p.:{} by A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:4,RELAT_1:146;
           then F = {} by RELAT_1:149;
           then Int meet F = {}T & meet Int F = {}T
            by Th19,SETFAM_1:2,TOPS_1:47;
          hence meet Int F c= Int meet F;
           now assume n <> 0;
           then 0 < n & 1 = 0 + 1 by NAT_1:19;
          hence 1 <= n by NAT_1:38;
       hence thesis by A22,A23;
     Int(meet F) c= meet(Int F) by Th29;
  hence thesis by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

::Connections between the Operations Int and Cl.
reserve F for Subset-Family of T;

theorem Th31:
 Cl Int F =
  {A where A is Subset of T :
  ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl Int B & B in F}
  set P = {A where A is Subset of T :
            ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl Int B & B in F};
     P c= bool the carrier of T
       now let C be set;
       assume C in P;
      then ex A being Subset of T st C = A &
                ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl Int B & B in F;
      hence C in bool the carrier of T;
     hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;
   then reconsider P as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
   reconsider P as Subset-Family of T;
    for X being set holds X in Cl Int F iff X in P
   proof let X be set;
   A1: now assume A2: X in Cl Int F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
         consider B being Subset of T such that
          A3: C = Cl B and A4: B in Int F by A2,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
           ex D being Subset of T st B = Int D & D in
 F by A4,Def1;
        hence X in P by A3;
       now assume A5: X in P;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
          ex D being Subset of T st
          D = C &
          ex B being Subset of T st D = Cl Int B & B in F by A5;
        then consider B being Subset of T such that
               A6: C = Cl Int B and A7: B in F;
           Int B in Int F by A7,Def1;
      hence X in Cl Int F by A6,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
    hence thesis by A1;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

theorem Th32:
 Int Cl F =
  {A where A is Subset of T :
  ex B being Subset of T st A = Int Cl B & B in F}
  set P = {A where A is Subset of T :
            ex B being Subset of T st A = Int Cl B & B in F};
     P c= bool the carrier of T
       now let C be set;
       assume C in P;
      then ex A being Subset of T st C = A &
                ex B being Subset of T st A = Int Cl B & B in F;
      hence C in bool the carrier of T;
     hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;
   then reconsider P as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
   reconsider P as Subset-Family of T;
    for X being set holds X in Int Cl F iff X in P
   proof let X be set;
   A1: now assume A2: X in Int Cl F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
         consider B being Subset of T such that
          A3: C = Int B and A4: B in Cl F by A2,Def1;
           ex D being Subset of T st B = Cl D & D in F by A4,
PCOMPS_1:def 3;
        hence X in P by A3;
       now assume A5: X in P;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
          ex D being Subset of T st
          D = C &
          ex B being Subset of T st D = Int Cl B & B in F by A5;
        then consider B being Subset of T such that
               A6: C = Int Cl B and A7: B in F;
           Cl B in Cl F by A7,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
      hence X in Int Cl F by A6,Def1;
    hence thesis by A1;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

theorem Th33:
 Cl Int Cl F = {A where A is Subset of T :
     ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl Int Cl B & B in F}
  set P = {A where A is Subset of T :
            ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl Int Cl B & B in F};
     P c= bool the carrier of T
       now let C be set;
       assume C in P;
      then ex A being Subset of T st C = A &
         ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl Int Cl B & B in F;
      hence C in bool the carrier of T;
     hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;
   then reconsider P as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
   reconsider P as Subset-Family of T;
    for X being set holds X in Cl Int Cl F iff X in P
   proof let X be set;
   A1: now assume A2: X in Cl Int Cl F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
         consider B being Subset of T such that
          A3: C = Cl B and A4: B in Int Cl F by A2,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
         consider D being Subset of T such that
          A5: B = Int D and A6: D in Cl F by A4,Def1;
           ex E being Subset of T st D = Cl E & E in F
            by A6,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
        hence X in P by A3,A5;
       now assume A7: X in P;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
          ex D being Subset of T st
          D = C &
          ex B being Subset of T st D = Cl Int Cl B & B in F
          by A7;
        then consider B being Subset of T such that
               A8: C = Cl Int Cl B and A9: B in F;
           Cl B in Cl F by A9,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
        then Int Cl B in Int Cl F by Def1;
      hence X in Cl Int Cl F by A8,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
    hence thesis by A1;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

theorem Th34:
 Int Cl Int F = {A where A is Subset of T :
      ex B being Subset of T st A = Int Cl Int B & B in F}
  set P = {A where A is Subset of T :
         ex B being Subset of T st A = Int Cl Int B & B in F};
     P c= bool the carrier of T
       now let C be set;
       assume C in P;
      then ex A being Subset of T st C = A &
         ex B being Subset of T st A = Int Cl Int B & B in F;
      hence C in bool the carrier of T;
     hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;
   then reconsider P as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
   reconsider P as Subset-Family of T;
    for X being set holds X in Int Cl Int F iff X in P
   proof let X be set;
   A1: now assume A2: X in Int Cl Int F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
         consider B being Subset of T such that
          A3: C = Int B and A4: B in Cl Int F by A2,Def1;
         consider D being Subset of T such that
          A5: B = Cl D and A6: D in Int F by A4,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
           ex E being Subset of T st D = Int E & E in F
           by A6,Def1;
        hence X in P by A3,A5;
       now assume A7: X in P;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
          ex D being Subset of T st
          D = C &
          ex B being Subset of T st D = Int Cl Int B & B in F
          by A7;
        then consider B being Subset of T such that
               A8: C = Int Cl Int B and A9: B in F;
           Int B in Int F by A9,Def1;
        then Cl Int B in Cl Int F by PCOMPS_1:def 3;
      hence X in Int Cl Int F by A8,Def1;
    hence thesis by A1;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

   Cl Int Cl Int F = Cl Int F
   A1: Cl Int F = {A where A is Subset of T :
              ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl Int B & B in F}
              by Th31;

    set H = {A where A is Subset of T :
        ex B being Subset of T st A = Int Cl Int B & B in F};
       Int Cl Int F = H by Th34;
    then reconsider H as Subset-Family of T;
   A2: Cl Int Cl Int F = Cl H by Th34;
    for X being set holds X in Cl Int Cl Int F iff X in Cl Int F
   proof let X be set;
   A3: now assume A4: X in Cl Int Cl Int F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
         consider B being Subset of T such that
          A5: C = Cl B and
          A6: B in {A where A is Subset of T :
          ex B being Subset of T st A = Int Cl Int B & B in F}
                                              by A2,A4,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
            ex S being Subset of T st S = B &
          ex R being Subset of T st S = Int Cl Int R & R in F
            by A6;
        then consider D being Subset of T such that
          A7: B = Int Cl Int D and A8: D in F;
          A9: C = Cl Int D by A5,A7,TOPS_1:58;
           Int D in Int F by A8,Def1;
        hence X in Cl Int F by A9,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
       now assume A10: X in Cl Int F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
          ex D being Subset of T st
     D = C & ex B being Subset of T st D = Cl Int B & B in F
        by A1,A10;
        then consider B being Subset of T such that
                                       A11: C = Cl Int B and A12: B in F;
             A13: C = Cl Int Cl Int B by A11,TOPS_1:58;
           Int B in Int F by A12,Def1;
        then Cl Int B in Cl Int F by PCOMPS_1:def 3;
        then Int Cl Int B in Int Cl Int F by Def1;
      hence X in Cl Int Cl Int F by A13,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
    hence thesis by A3;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

   Int Cl Int Cl F = Int Cl F
   A1: Int Cl F = {A where A is Subset of T :
             ex B being Subset of T st A = Int Cl B & B in F}
             by Th32;
    set H = {A where A is Subset of T :
          ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl Int Cl B & B in F};
       Cl Int Cl F = H by Th33;
    then reconsider H as Subset-Family of T;
   A2: Int Cl Int Cl F = Int H by Th33;
    for X being set holds X in Int Cl Int Cl F iff X in Int Cl F
   proof let X be set;
   A3: now assume A4: X in Int Cl Int Cl F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
         consider B being Subset of T such that
          A5: C = Int B and
          A6: B in {A where A is Subset of T :
           ex B being Subset of T st A = Cl Int Cl B & B in F}
                                                        by A2,A4,Def1;
            ex S being Subset of T st S = B &
          ex R being Subset of T st S = Cl Int Cl R & R in F
          by A6;
        then consider D being Subset of T such that
          A7: B = Cl Int Cl D and A8: D in F;
          A9: C = Int Cl D by A5,A7,TDLAT_1:5;
           Cl D in Cl F by A8,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
        hence X in Int Cl F by A9,Def1;
       now assume A10: X in Int Cl F;
        then reconsider C = X as Subset of T;
          ex D being Subset of T st
         D = C & ex B being Subset of T st D = Int Cl B & B in F
         by A1,A10
        then consider B being Subset of T such that
                                       A11: C = Int Cl B and A12: B in F;
             A13: C = Int Cl Int Cl B by A11,TDLAT_1:5;
           Cl B in Cl F by A12,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
        then Int Cl B in Int Cl F by Def1;
        then Cl Int Cl B in Cl Int Cl F by PCOMPS_1:def 3;
      hence X in Int Cl Int Cl F by A13,Def1;
    hence thesis by A3;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

   union(Int Cl F) c= union(Cl Int Cl F)
    now let x be set;
   assume x in union(Int Cl F);
    then consider A being set such that
      A1: x in A and A2: A in Int Cl F by TARSKI:def 4;
   reconsider A as Subset of T by A2;
   consider B being Subset of T such that
      A3: A = Int B and A4: B in Cl F by A2,Def1;
   consider D being Subset of T such that
      A5: B = Cl D and A6: D in F by A4,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
      ex P being set st x in P & P in Cl Int Cl F
      take Cl Int Cl D;
A7:      A c= Cl Int Cl D by A3,A5,Th2;

         Cl D in Cl F by A6,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
      then Int Cl D in Int Cl F by Def1;
      hence thesis by A1,A7,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
   hence x in union(Cl Int Cl F) by TARSKI:def 4;
  hence union(Int Cl F) c= union(Cl Int Cl F) by TARSKI:def 3;

   meet(Int Cl F) c= meet(Cl Int Cl F)
    now per cases;
   suppose F = {};
    then Cl F = {} by Th9;
    then Int Cl F = {} by Th19;
    hence meet(Int Cl F) c= meet(Cl Int Cl F) by Th9;
   suppose F <> {};
    then Cl F <> {} by Th9;
    then Int Cl F <> {} by Th19;
     then A1: Cl Int Cl F <> {} by Th9;
      now let x be set;
     assume A2: x in meet(Int Cl F);

        for A being set st A in Cl Int Cl F holds x in A
         let A be set;
        assume A3: A in Cl Int Cl F;
         then reconsider A as Subset of T;
        consider B being Subset of T such that
           A4: A = Cl B and A5: B in Int Cl F by A3,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
           x in B & B c= Cl B by A2,A5,PRE_TOPC:48,SETFAM_1:def 1;
        hence thesis by A4;
     hence x in meet(Cl Int Cl F) by A1,SETFAM_1:def 1;
    hence meet(Int Cl F) c= meet(Cl Int Cl F) by TARSKI:def 3;
  hence thesis;

   union(Cl Int F) c= union(Cl Int Cl F)
    now let x be set;
   assume x in union(Cl Int F);
    then consider A being set such that
      A1: x in A and A2: A in Cl Int F by TARSKI:def 4;
   reconsider A as Subset of T by A2;
   consider B being Subset of T such that
      A3: A = Cl B and A4: B in Int F by A2,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
   consider D being Subset of T such that
      A5: B = Int D and A6: D in F by A4,Def1;
      ex P being set st x in P & P in Cl Int Cl F
      take Cl Int Cl D;
A7:      A c= Cl Int Cl D by A3,A5,Th2;

         Cl D in Cl F by A6,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
      then Int Cl D in Int Cl F by Def1;
      hence thesis by A1,A7,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
   hence x in union(Cl Int Cl F) by TARSKI:def 4;
  hence union(Cl Int F) c= union(Cl Int Cl F) by TARSKI:def 3;

   meet(Cl Int F) c= meet(Cl Int Cl F)
    now per cases;
   suppose F = {};
    hence meet(Cl Int F) c= meet(Cl Int Cl F) by Th9;
   suppose F <> {};
    then Cl F <> {} by Th9;
    then Int Cl F <> {} by Th19;
     then A1: Cl Int Cl F <> {} by Th9;
      now let x be set;
     assume A2: x in meet(Cl Int F);

        for A being set st A in Cl Int Cl F holds x in A
         let A be set;
        assume A3: A in Cl Int Cl F;
         then reconsider A as Subset of T;
        consider B being Subset of T such that
           A4: A = Cl B and A5: B in Int Cl F by A3,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
        consider D being Subset of T such that
           A6: B = Int D and A7: D in Cl F by A5,Def1;
        consider E being Subset of T such that
           A8: D = Cl E and A9: E in F by A7,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
            Int E in Int F by A9,Def1;
         then Cl Int E in Cl Int F by PCOMPS_1:def 3;
         then x in Cl Int E & Cl Int E c= Cl Int Cl E by A2,Th2,SETFAM_1:def 1
        hence thesis by A4,A6,A8;
     hence x in meet(Cl Int Cl F) by A1,SETFAM_1:def 1;
    hence meet(Cl Int F) c= meet(Cl Int Cl F) by TARSKI:def 3;
  hence thesis;

   union(Int Cl Int F) c= union(Int Cl F)
    now let x be set;
   assume x in union(Int Cl Int F);
    then consider A being set such that
      A1: x in A and A2: A in Int Cl Int F by TARSKI:def 4;
   reconsider A as Subset of T by A2;
   consider B being Subset of T such that
      A3: A = Int B and A4: B in Cl Int F by A2,Def1;
   consider D being Subset of T such that
      A5: B = Cl D and A6: D in Int F by A4,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
   consider E being Subset of T such that
      A7: D = Int E and A8: E in F by A6,Def1;
      ex P being set st x in P & P in Int Cl F
      take Int Cl E;
A9:      A c= Int Cl E by A3,A5,A7,Th1;

         Cl E in Cl F by A8,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
      hence thesis by A1,A9,Def1;
   hence x in union(Int Cl F) by TARSKI:def 4;
  hence union(Int Cl Int F) c= union(Int Cl F) by TARSKI:def 3;

   meet(Int Cl Int F) c= meet(Int Cl F)
    now per cases;
   suppose F = {};
    hence meet(Int Cl Int F) c= meet(Int Cl F) by Th19;
   suppose F <> {};
      then Cl F <> {} by Th9;
     then A1: Int Cl F <> {} by Th19;
      now let x be set;
     assume A2: x in meet(Int Cl Int F);

        for A being set st A in Int Cl F holds x in A
         let A be set;
        assume A3: A in Int Cl F;
         then reconsider A as Subset of T;
        consider E being Subset of T such that
           A4: A = Int E and A5: E in Cl F by A3,Def1;
        consider B being Subset of T such that
           A6: E = Cl B and A7: B in F by A5,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
            Int B in Int F by A7,Def1;
         then Cl Int B in Cl Int F by PCOMPS_1:def 3;
         then Int Cl Int B in Int Cl Int F by Def1;
         then x in Int Cl Int B & Int Cl Int B c= Int Cl B by A2,Th1,SETFAM_1:
def 1;
        hence thesis by A4,A6;
     hence x in meet(Int Cl F) by A1,SETFAM_1:def 1;
    hence meet(Int Cl Int F) c= meet(Int Cl F) by TARSKI:def 3;
  hence thesis;

   union(Int Cl Int F) c= union(Cl Int F)
    now let x be set;
   assume x in union(Int Cl Int F);
    then consider A being set such that
      A1: x in A and A2: A in Int Cl Int F by TARSKI:def 4;
   reconsider A as Subset of T by A2;
   consider B being Subset of T such that
      A3: A = Int B and A4: B in Cl Int F by A2,Def1;
   consider D being Subset of T such that
      A5: B = Cl D and A6: D in Int F by A4,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
   consider E being Subset of T such that
      A7: D = Int E and A8: E in F by A6,Def1;
      ex P being set st x in P & P in Cl Int F
      take Cl Int E;
A9:      A c= Cl Int E by A3,A5,A7,Th1;

         Int E in Int F by A8,Def1;
      hence thesis by A1,A9,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
   hence x in union(Cl Int F) by TARSKI:def 4;
  hence union(Int Cl Int F) c= union(Cl Int F) by TARSKI:def 3;

   meet(Int Cl Int F) c= meet(Cl Int F)
    now per cases;
   suppose F = {};
    then Int F = {} by Th19;
    then Cl Int F = {} by Th9;
    hence meet(Int Cl Int F) c= meet(Cl Int F) by Th19;
   suppose F <> {};
    then Int F <> {} by Th19;
    then A1: Cl Int F <> {} by Th9;
      now let x be set;
     assume A2: x in meet(Int Cl Int F);

        for A being set st A in Cl Int F holds x in A
         let A be set;
        assume A3: A in Cl Int F;
         then reconsider A as Subset of T;
        consider E being Subset of T such that
           A4: A = Cl E and A5: E in Int F by A3,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
        consider B being Subset of T such that
           A6: E = Int B and A7: B in F by A5,Def1;
            Int B in Int F by A7,Def1;
         then Cl Int B in Cl Int F by PCOMPS_1:def 3;
         then Int Cl Int B in Int Cl Int F by Def1;
         then x in Int Cl Int B & Int Cl Int B c= Cl Int B by A2,Th1,SETFAM_1:
def 1;
        hence thesis by A4,A6;
     hence x in meet(Cl Int F) by A1,SETFAM_1:def 1;
    hence meet(Int Cl Int F) c= meet(Cl Int F) by TARSKI:def 3;
  hence thesis;

   union(Cl Int Cl F) c= union(Cl F)
    now let x be set;
   assume x in union(Cl Int Cl F);
    then consider A being set such that
      A1: x in A and A2: A in Cl Int Cl F by TARSKI:def 4;
   reconsider A as Subset of T by A2;
   consider B being Subset of T such that
      A3: A = Cl B and A4: B in Int Cl F by A2,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
   consider D being Subset of T such that
      A5: B = Int D and A6: D in Cl F by A4,Def1;
   consider E being Subset of T such that
      A7: D = Cl E and A8: E in F by A6,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
      ex P being set st x in P & P in Cl F
      take Cl E;
        A c= Cl E by A3,A5,A7,TDLAT_1:3;
      hence thesis by A1,A8,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
   hence x in union(Cl F) by TARSKI:def 4;
  hence union(Cl Int Cl F) c= union(Cl F) by TARSKI:def 3;

   meet(Cl Int Cl F) c= meet(Cl F)
    now per cases;
   suppose A1: F = {};
    then Cl F = {} by Th9;
    hence meet(Cl Int Cl F) c= meet(Cl F) by A1,Th19;
   suppose F <> {};
    then A2: Cl F <> {} by Th9;
      now let x be set;
     assume A3: x in meet(Cl Int Cl F);

        for A being set st A in Cl F holds x in A
         let A be set;
        assume A4: A in Cl F;
         then reconsider A as Subset of T;
        consider B being Subset of T such that
           A5: A = Cl B and A6: B in F by A4,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
            Cl B in Cl F by A6,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
         then Int Cl B in Int Cl F by Def1;
         then Cl Int Cl B in Cl Int Cl F by PCOMPS_1:def 3;
         then x in Cl Int Cl B & Cl Int Cl B c= Cl B by A3,SETFAM_1:def 1,
        hence thesis by A5;
     hence x in meet(Cl F) by A2,SETFAM_1:def 1;
    hence meet(Cl Int Cl F) c= meet(Cl F) by TARSKI:def 3;
  hence thesis;

   union(Int F) c= union(Int Cl Int F)
    now let x be set;
   assume x in union(Int F);
    then consider A being set such that
      A1: x in A and A2: A in Int F by TARSKI:def 4;
   reconsider A as Subset of T by A2;
   consider B being Subset of T such that
      A3: A = Int B and A4: B in F by A2,Def1;
      ex P being set st x in P & P in Int Cl Int F
      take Int Cl Int B;
A5:      A c= Int Cl Int B by A3,TDLAT_1:4;

         Int B in Int F by A4,Def1;
      then Cl Int B in Cl Int F by PCOMPS_1:def 3;
      hence thesis by A1,A5,Def1;
   hence x in union(Int Cl Int F) by TARSKI:def 4;
  hence union(Int F) c= union(Int Cl Int F) by TARSKI:def 3;

   meet(Int F) c= meet(Int Cl Int F)
    now per cases;
   suppose A1: F = {};
    then Int F = {} by Th19;
    hence meet(Int F) c= meet(Int Cl Int F) by A1,Th9;
   suppose F <> {};
    then Int F <> {} by Th19;
    then Cl Int F <> {} by Th9;
     then A2: Int Cl Int F <> {} by Th19;
      now let x be set;
     assume A3: x in meet(Int F);

        for A being set st A in Int Cl Int F holds x in A
         let A be set;
        assume A4: A in Int Cl Int F;
         then reconsider A as Subset of T;
        consider E being Subset of T such that
           A5: A = Int E and A6: E in Cl Int F by A4,Def1;
        consider B being Subset of T such that
           A7: E = Cl B and A8: B in Int F by A6,PCOMPS_1:def 3;
        consider D being Subset of T such that
           A9: B = Int D and A10: D in F by A8,Def1;
            Int D in Int F by A10,Def1;
         then x in
 Int D & Int D c= Int Cl Int D by A3,SETFAM_1:def 1,TDLAT_1:4;
        hence thesis by A5,A7,A9;
     hence x in meet(Int Cl Int F) by A2,SETFAM_1:def 1;
    hence meet(Int F) c= meet(Int Cl Int F) by TARSKI:def 3;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th49:
 union(Cl Int F) c= Cl Int(union F)
     union Int F c= Int union F by Th28;
  then union(Cl Int F) c= Cl(union Int F) &
         Cl(union Int F) c= Cl Int(union F) by Th15,PRE_TOPC:49;
  hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;

theorem Th50:
 Cl Int(meet F) c= meet(Cl Int F)
     Int(meet F) c= meet(Int F) by Th29;
  then Cl Int(meet F) c= Cl meet(Int F) &
          Cl (meet Int F) c= meet(Cl Int F) by Th14,PRE_TOPC:49;
  hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;

theorem Th51:
 union(Int Cl F) c= Int Cl(union F)
     union Cl F c= Cl union F by Th15;
  then union(Int Cl F) c= Int(union Cl F) &
         Int(union Cl F) c= Int Cl(union F) by Th28,TOPS_1:48;
  hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;

theorem Th52:
 Int Cl(meet F) c= meet(Int Cl F)
     Cl(meet F) c= meet(Cl F) by Th14;
  then Int Cl(meet F) c= Int meet(Cl F) &
          Int(meet Cl F) c= meet(Int Cl F) by Th29,TOPS_1:48;
  hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;

   union(Cl Int Cl F) c= Cl Int Cl(union F)
     union Int Cl F c= Int Cl union F by Th51;
  then union(Cl Int Cl F) c= Cl(union Int Cl F) &
         Cl(union Int Cl F) c= Cl Int Cl(union F) by Th15,PRE_TOPC:49;
  hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;

   Cl Int Cl(meet F) c= meet(Cl Int Cl F)
     Int Cl meet F c= meet Int Cl F by Th52;
  then Cl(meet Int Cl F) c= meet(Cl Int Cl F) &
         Cl Int Cl(meet F) c= Cl(meet Int Cl F) by Th14,PRE_TOPC:49;
  hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;

   union(Int Cl Int F) c= Int Cl Int(union F)
     union Cl Int F c= Cl Int union F by Th49;
  then union(Int Cl Int F) c= Int(union Cl Int F) &
         Int(union Cl Int F) c= Int Cl Int(union F) by Th28,TOPS_1:48;
  hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;

   Int Cl Int(meet F) c= meet(Int Cl Int F)
     Cl Int meet F c= meet Cl Int F by Th50;
  then Int(meet Cl Int F) c= meet(Int Cl Int F) &
         Int Cl Int(meet F) c= Int(meet Cl Int F) by Th29,TOPS_1:48;
  hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;

theorem Th57:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  (for A being Subset of T st A in
 F holds A c= Cl Int A) implies
    union F c= Cl Int(union F) & Cl(union F) = Cl Int Cl(union F)
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: for A being Subset of T st A in F
    holds A c= Cl Int A;
  thus A2: union F c= Cl Int(union F)
        now let A0 be set;
       assume A3: A0 in F;
        then reconsider A = A0 as Subset of T;
           A c= union F by A3,ZFMISC_1:92;
        then Int A c= Int(union F) by TOPS_1:48;
        then Cl Int A c= Cl Int(union F) & A c= Cl Int A by A1,A3,PRE_TOPC:49;
       hence A0 c= Cl Int(union F) by XBOOLE_1:1;
    hence thesis by ZFMISC_1:94;
  thus Cl(union F) = Cl Int Cl(union F)
        union F c= Cl Int(union F) & union F c= Cl(union F)
      by A2,PRE_TOPC:48;
     then Cl(union F) c= Cl Cl Int(union F) &
            Int(union F) c= Int Cl(union F) by PRE_TOPC:49,TOPS_1:48;
     then Cl(union F) c= Cl Int(union F) &
           Cl Int(union F) c= Cl Int Cl(union F) by PRE_TOPC:49,TOPS_1:26;
     then A4: Cl(union F) c= Cl Int Cl(union F) by XBOOLE_1:1;
        Int Cl(union F) c= Cl(union F) by TOPS_1:44;
     then Cl Int Cl(union F) c= Cl Cl(union F) by PRE_TOPC:49;
     then Cl Int Cl(union F) c= Cl(union F) by TOPS_1:26;
    hence thesis by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

theorem Th58:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  (for A being Subset of T st A in
 F holds Int Cl A c= A) implies
    Int Cl(meet F) c= meet F & Int Cl Int(meet F) = Int(meet F)
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: for A being Subset of T st A in F
   holds Int Cl A c= A;
  thus A2: Int Cl(meet F) c= meet F
      now per cases;
     suppose A3: F = {};
          Cl {}T = {}T by PRE_TOPC:52;
      hence Int Cl(meet F) c= meet F by A3,SETFAM_1:2,TOPS_1:47;
     suppose A4: F <> {};
          now let A0 be set;
         assume A5: A0 in F;
          then reconsider A = A0 as Subset of T;
             meet F c= A by A5,SETFAM_1:4;
          then Cl(meet F) c= Cl A by PRE_TOPC:49;
          then Int Cl(meet F) c= Int Cl A & Int Cl A c= A by A1,A5,TOPS_1:48;
         hence Int Cl(meet F) c= A0 by XBOOLE_1:1;
      hence Int Cl(meet F) c= meet F by A4,SETFAM_1:6;
    hence thesis;
  thus Int Cl Int(meet F) = Int(meet F)
        Int Cl(meet F) c= meet F & Int(meet F) c= meet F by A2,TOPS_1:44;
     then Int Int Cl(meet F) c= Int(meet F) &
            Cl Int(meet F) c= Cl(meet F) by PRE_TOPC:49,TOPS_1:48;
     then Int Cl(meet F) c= Int(meet F) &
           Int Cl Int(meet F) c= Int Cl(meet F) by TOPS_1:45,48;
     then A6: Int Cl Int(meet F) c= Int(meet F) by XBOOLE_1:1;
        Int(meet F) c= Cl Int(meet F) by PRE_TOPC:48;
     then Int Int (meet F) c= Int Cl Int(meet F) by TOPS_1:48;
     then Int(meet F) c= Int Cl Int(meet F) by TOPS_1:45;
    hence thesis by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

:: 3. Selected Properties of Domains of a Topological Space.
reserve T for non empty TopSpace;

theorem Th59:
 for A, B being Subset of T st B is condensed holds
  Int(Cl(A \/ B)) \/ (A \/ B) = B iff A c= B
   let A, B be Subset of T;
  assume A1: B is condensed;
  thus Int(Cl(A \/ B)) \/ (A \/ B) = B implies A c= B
    assume Int(Cl(A \/ B)) \/ (A \/ B) = B;
     then A \/ B c= B & A c= A \/ B by XBOOLE_1:7;
    hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;
  thus A c= B implies Int(Cl(A \/ B)) \/ (A \/ B) = B
    assume A c= B;
     then A2: A \/ B = B by XBOOLE_1:12;
     then Int(Cl(A \/ B)) c= B by A1,TOPS_1:def 6;
    hence thesis by A2,XBOOLE_1:12;

   for A, B being Subset of T st A is condensed holds
  Cl(Int(A /\ B)) /\ (A /\ B) = A iff A c= B
   let A, B be Subset of T;
  assume A1: A is condensed;
  thus Cl(Int(A /\ B)) /\ (A /\ B) = A implies A c= B
    assume Cl(Int(A /\ B)) /\ (A /\ B) = A;
     then A c= A /\ B & A /\ B c= B by XBOOLE_1:17;
    hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;
  thus A c= B implies Cl(Int(A /\ B)) /\ (A /\ B) = A
    assume A c= B;
     then A2: A /\ B = A by XBOOLE_1:28;
     then A c= Cl(Int(A /\ B)) by A1,TOPS_1:def 6;
    hence thesis by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;

   for A, B being Subset of T st A is closed_condensed & B is closed_condensed
 holds Int A c= Int B iff A c= B
  let A, B be Subset of T;
   assume A1: A is closed_condensed & B is closed_condensed;
  thus Int A c= Int B implies A c= B
    assume Int A c= Int B;
     then Cl Int A c= Cl Int B & Cl Int A = A & Cl Int B = B
                                 by A1,PRE_TOPC:49,TOPS_1:def 7;
    hence thesis;
  thus A c= B implies Int A c= Int B by TOPS_1:48;

   for A, B being Subset of T st A is open_condensed & B is open_condensed
  Cl A c= Cl B iff A c= B
  let A, B be Subset of T;
   assume A1: A is open_condensed & B is open_condensed;
  thus Cl A c= Cl B implies A c= B
    assume Cl A c= Cl B;
     then Int Cl A c= Int Cl B & Int Cl A = A & Int Cl B = B
                                 by A1,TOPS_1:48,def 8;
    hence thesis;
  thus A c= B implies Cl A c= Cl B by PRE_TOPC:49;

   for A, B being Subset of T st A is closed_condensed holds
  A c= B implies Cl(Int(A /\ B)) = A
   let A, B be Subset of T;
  assume A1: A is closed_condensed;
  assume A c= B;
   then A /\ B = A by XBOOLE_1:28;
  hence A = Cl(Int(A /\ B)) by A1,TOPS_1:def 7;

theorem Th64:
 for A, B being Subset of T st B is open_condensed holds
  A c= B implies Int(Cl(A \/ B)) = B
   let A, B be Subset of T;
  assume A1: B is open_condensed;
  assume A c= B;
   then A \/ B = B by XBOOLE_1:12;
  hence B = Int(Cl(A \/ B)) by A1,TOPS_1:def 8;

definition let T;
  let IT be Subset-Family of T;
 attr IT is domains-family means
:Def2: for A being Subset of T holds A in IT implies A is condensed;

theorem Th65:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F c= Domains_of T iff F is domains-family
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
  thus F c= Domains_of T implies F is domains-family
    assume A1: F c= Domains_of T;
       now let A be Subset of T;
      assume A in F;
       then A in Domains_of T by A1;
       then A in {P where P is Subset of T : P is condensed} by TDLAT_1:def 1;
       then ex Q being Subset of T st Q = A & Q is condensed;
      hence A is condensed;
    hence F is domains-family by Def2;
  thus F is domains-family implies F c= Domains_of T
    assume A2: F is domains-family;
       for X being set holds X in F implies X in Domains_of T
      proof let X be set;
       assume A3: X in F;
        then reconsider X0 = X as Subset of T;
           X0 is condensed by A2,A3,Def2;
        then X0 in {P where P is Subset of T : P is condensed};
       hence thesis by TDLAT_1:def 1;
     hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

theorem Th66:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds F is domains-family implies
  union F c= Cl Int(union F) & Cl(union F) = Cl Int Cl(union F)
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is domains-family;
      now let A be Subset of T;
    reconsider B = A as Subset of T;
     assume A in F;
      then B is condensed by A1,Def2;
     hence A c= Cl Int A by TOPS_1:def 6;
  hence thesis by Th57;

theorem Th67:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds F is domains-family implies
  Int Cl(meet F) c= meet F & Int Cl Int(meet F) = Int(meet F)
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is domains-family;
      now let A be Subset of T;
    reconsider B = A as Subset of T;
     assume A in F;
      then B is condensed by A1,Def2;
     hence Int Cl A c= A by TOPS_1:def 6;
  hence thesis by Th58;

theorem Th68:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is domains-family implies (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F)) is condensed
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume F is domains-family;
   then A1: union F c= Cl Int(union F) by Th66;
      Int Cl(union F) c= Cl(union F) by TOPS_1:44;
  then Cl Int Cl(union F) c= Cl Cl(union F) by PRE_TOPC:49;
  then A2: Cl Int Cl(union F) c= Cl(union F) by TOPS_1:26;

   A3: Int Cl((union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F))) c= (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F))
             Int Cl((union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F))) =
                   Int(Cl(union F) \/ Cl(Int Cl(union F))) by PRE_TOPC:50
                .= Int(Cl(union F)) by A2,XBOOLE_1:12;
          hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:7;
     (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F)) c= Cl Int((union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F)))
                                                                 by A1,Th5;
  hence thesis by A3,TOPS_1:def 6;

theorem Th69:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  (for B being Subset of T st B in F
   holds B c= (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F)))
    & (for A being Subset of T st A is condensed holds
        (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= A) implies
          (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F)) c= A)
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
     for B being Subset of T st B in F
    holds B c= (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F))
     let B be Subset of T;
     assume B in F;
     then B c= union F & union F c= (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F))
          by XBOOLE_1:7,ZFMISC_1:92;
     hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;
   thus for A being Subset of T st A is condensed holds
        (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= A) implies
          (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F)) c= A
     let A be Subset of T;
     assume A1: A is condensed;
     assume for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= A;
      then for P be set st P in F holds P c= A;
     then A2: union F c= A by ZFMISC_1:94;
      then Cl(union F) c= Cl A by PRE_TOPC:49;
      then Int Cl(union F) c= Int Cl A & Int Cl A c= A by A1,TOPS_1:48,def 6;
      then Int Cl(union F) c= A by XBOOLE_1:1;
     hence (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F)) c= A by A2,XBOOLE_1:8;

theorem Th70:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is domains-family implies (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F)) is condensed
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume F is domains-family;
   then A1: Int Cl(meet F) c= meet F by Th67;
      Int(meet F) c= Cl Int(meet F) by PRE_TOPC:48;
  then Int Int (meet F) c= Int Cl Int(meet F) by TOPS_1:48;
  then A2: Int (meet F) c= Int Cl Int(meet F) by TOPS_1:45;

   A3: (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F)) c= Cl Int((meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F)))
               Cl Int((meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F))) =
                   Cl(Int(meet F) /\ Int(Cl Int(meet F))) by TOPS_1:46
                .= Cl(Int(meet F)) by A2,XBOOLE_1:28;
          hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:17;
     Int Cl((meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F))) c= (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F))
                                                                 by A1,Th6;
  hence thesis by A3,TOPS_1:def 6;

theorem Th71:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  (for B being Subset of T st B in F
  holds (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F)) c= B)
  & (F = {} or for A being Subset of T st A is condensed holds
      (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds A c= B) implies
         A c= (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F)))
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
     for B being Subset of T st B in F
   holds (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F)) c= B
     let B be Subset of T;
     assume B in F;
     then (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F)) c= meet F & meet F c= B
          by SETFAM_1:4,XBOOLE_1:17;
     hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;
   thus F = {} or for A being Subset of T st A is condensed holds
        (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds A c= B) implies
          A c= (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F))
     assume A1: F <> {};
     let A be Subset of T;
     assume A2: A is condensed;
     assume for B being Subset of T st B in F holds A c= B;
        then for P be set st P in F holds A c= P;
       then A3: A c= meet F by A1,SETFAM_1:6;
      then Int A c= Int(meet F) by TOPS_1:48;
      then A c= Cl Int A & Cl Int A c= Cl Int(meet F)
           by A2,PRE_TOPC:49,TOPS_1:def 6;
      then A c= Cl Int(meet F) by XBOOLE_1:1;
     hence A c= (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F)) by A3,XBOOLE_1:19;

definition let T;
 let IT be Subset-Family of T;
 attr IT is closed-domains-family means
:Def3: for A being Subset of T holds A in IT implies A is closed_condensed;

theorem Th72:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F c= Closed_Domains_of T iff F is closed-domains-family
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
  thus F c= Closed_Domains_of T implies F is closed-domains-family
    assume A1: F c= Closed_Domains_of T;
       now let A be Subset of T;
      assume A in F;
       then A in Closed_Domains_of T by A1;
       then A in
        {P where P is Subset of T : P is closed_condensed}
                 by TDLAT_1:def 5;
       then ex Q being Subset of T st Q = A & Q is closed_condensed;
      hence A is closed_condensed;
    hence F is closed-domains-family by Def3;
  thus F is closed-domains-family implies F c= Closed_Domains_of T
    assume A2: F is closed-domains-family;
       for X being set holds X in F implies X in Closed_Domains_of T
      proof let X be set;
       assume A3: X in F;
        then reconsider X0 = X as Subset of T;
           X0 is closed_condensed by A2,A3,Def3;
        then X0 in
         {P where P is Subset of T : P is closed_condensed};
       hence thesis by TDLAT_1:def 5;
     hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

theorem Th73:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is closed-domains-family implies F is domains-family
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
  thus F is closed-domains-family implies F is domains-family
   assume F is closed-domains-family;
   then F c= Closed_Domains_of T &
        Closed_Domains_of T c= Domains_of T by Th72,TDLAT_1:31;
   then F c= Domains_of T by XBOOLE_1:1;
   hence thesis by Th65;

theorem Th74:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is closed-domains-family implies F is closed
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
   assume A1: F is closed-domains-family;
     for A being Subset of T holds A in F implies A is closed
    let A be Subset of T;
    assume A in F;
    then A is closed_condensed by A1,Def3;
    hence thesis by TOPS_1:106;
   hence thesis by TOPS_2:def 2;

   for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is domains-family implies Cl F is closed-domains-family
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is domains-family;

    for A being Subset of T
    holds A in Cl F implies A is closed_condensed
   let A be Subset of T;
   assume A in Cl F;
   then consider P being Subset of T such that
                   A2: A = Cl P and A3: P in F by PCOMPS_1:def 3;
   reconsider P as Subset of T;
     P is condensed by A1,A3,Def2;
   hence A is closed_condensed by A2,TDLAT_1:24;
  hence Cl F is closed-domains-family by Def3;

theorem Th76:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is closed-domains-family implies
   Cl(union F) is closed_condensed & Cl Int(meet F) is closed_condensed
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume F is closed-domains-family;
   then F is domains-family by Th73;
   then Cl(union F) = Cl Int Cl(union F) by Th66;
  hence Cl(union F) is closed_condensed by TOPS_1:def 7;
  thus Cl Int(meet F) is closed_condensed by TDLAT_1:22;

theorem Th77:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= Cl(union F))
   & (for A being Subset of T st A is closed_condensed holds
    (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= A)
    implies Cl(union F) c= A)
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
  thus for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= Cl(union F)
     let B be Subset of T;
     assume B in F;
     then B c= union F & union F c= Cl(union F) by PRE_TOPC:48,ZFMISC_1:92;
     hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;
  thus for A being Subset of T st A is closed_condensed holds
    (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= A)
    implies Cl(union F) c= A
     let A be Subset of T;
     assume A1: A is closed_condensed;
     assume A2: for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= A;
     reconsider A1 = A as Subset of T;
        for P be set st P in F holds P c= A by A2;
     then union F c= A & A1 is closed by A1,TOPS_1:106,ZFMISC_1:94;
      then Cl(union F) c= Cl A & Cl A = A by PRE_TOPC:49,52;
     hence thesis;

theorem Th78:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  (F is closed implies
   for B being Subset of T st B in F holds Cl Int(meet F) c= B)
   & (F = {} or for A being Subset of T st A is closed_condensed
        (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds A c= B) implies
            A c= Cl Int(meet F))
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
  thus F is closed implies
   for B being Subset of T st B in F holds Cl Int(meet F) c= B
     assume A1: F is closed;
     let B be Subset of T;
     assume B in F;
     then A2: meet F c= B by SETFAM_1:4;
        Int(meet F) c= meet F & meet F is closed by A1,TOPS_1:44,TOPS_2:29;
     then Cl Int(meet F) c= Cl meet F & Cl meet F = meet F by PRE_TOPC:49,52;
     hence thesis by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
   thus F = {} or for A being Subset of T st A is closed_condensed holds
        (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds A c= B) implies
          A c= Cl Int(meet F)
     assume A3: F <> {};
     let A be Subset of T;
     assume A4: A is closed_condensed;
     assume for B being Subset of T st B in F holds A c= B;
        then for P be set st P in F holds A c= P;
       then A c= meet F by A3,SETFAM_1:6;
      then Int A c= Int(meet F) by TOPS_1:48;
      then A = Cl Int A & Cl Int A c= Cl Int(meet F)
           by A4,PRE_TOPC:49,TOPS_1:def 7;
     hence thesis;

definition let T;
  let IT be Subset-Family of T;
 attr IT is open-domains-family means
:Def4: for A being Subset of T holds A in IT implies A is open_condensed;

theorem Th79:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F c= Open_Domains_of T iff F is open-domains-family
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
  thus F c= Open_Domains_of T implies F is open-domains-family
    assume A1: F c= Open_Domains_of T;
       now let A be Subset of T;
      assume A in F;
       then A in Open_Domains_of T by A1;
       then A in {P where P is Subset of T : P is open_condensed}
         by TDLAT_1:def 9;
       then ex Q being Subset of T st Q = A & Q is open_condensed;
      hence A is open_condensed;
    hence F is open-domains-family by Def4;
  thus F is open-domains-family implies F c= Open_Domains_of T
    assume A2: F is open-domains-family;
       for X being set holds X in F implies X in Open_Domains_of T
      proof let X be set;
       assume A3: X in F;
        then reconsider X0 = X as Subset of T;
           X0 is open_condensed by A2,A3,Def4;
        then X0 in
         {P where P is Subset of T : P is open_condensed};
       hence thesis by TDLAT_1:def 9;
     hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

theorem Th80:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is open-domains-family implies F is domains-family
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
  thus F is open-domains-family implies F is domains-family
    assume F is open-domains-family;
     then F c= Open_Domains_of T &
            Open_Domains_of T c= Domains_of T by Th79,TDLAT_1:35;
     then F c= Domains_of T by XBOOLE_1:1;
    hence thesis by Th65;

theorem Th81:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is open-domains-family implies F is open
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
   assume A1: F is open-domains-family;
     for A being Subset of T holds A in F implies A is open
      let A be Subset of T;
     assume A in F;
      then A is open_condensed by A1,Def4;
     hence thesis by TOPS_1:107;
   hence thesis by TOPS_2:def 1;

   for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is domains-family implies Int F is open-domains-family
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
   assume A1: F is domains-family;

    for A being Subset of T
   holds A in Int F implies A is open_condensed
     let A be Subset of T;
    assume A in Int F;
     then consider P being Subset of T such that
       A2: A = Int P and A3: P in F by Def1;
     reconsider P as Subset of T;
       P is condensed by A1,A3,Def2;
    hence A is open_condensed by A2,TDLAT_1:25;
  hence Int F is open-domains-family by Def4;

theorem Th83:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is open-domains-family implies
   Int(meet F) is open_condensed & Int Cl(union F) is open_condensed
 proof let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume F is open-domains-family;
   then F is domains-family by Th80;
   then Int Cl Int(meet F) = Int(meet F) by Th67;
  hence Int(meet F) is open_condensed by TOPS_1:def 8;
  thus Int Cl(union F) is open_condensed by TDLAT_1:23;

theorem Th84:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  (F is open implies
   for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= Int Cl(union F))
   & (for A being Subset of T st A is open_condensed holds
          (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= A)
          implies Int Cl(union F) c= A)
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
  thus F is open implies
   for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= Int Cl(union F)
    assume A1: F is open;
     let B be Subset of T;
     assume B in F;
     then A2: B c= union F by ZFMISC_1:92;
        union F c= Cl(union F) & union F is open by A1,PRE_TOPC:48,TOPS_2:26;
     then Int(union F) c= Int Cl(union F) & Int(union F) = union F
          by TOPS_1:48,55;
     hence thesis by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
  thus for A being Subset of T st A is open_condensed holds
          (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= A)
          implies Int Cl(union F) c= A
     let A be Subset of T;
     assume A3: A is open_condensed;
     assume for B being Subset of T st B in F holds B c= A;
        then for P be set st P in F holds P c= A;
       then union F c= A by ZFMISC_1:94;
      then Cl(union F) c= Cl A by PRE_TOPC:49;
      then A = Int Cl A & Int Cl(union F) c= Int Cl A
           by A3,TOPS_1:48,def 8;
     hence thesis;

theorem Th85:
 for F being Subset-Family of T holds
  (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds Int(meet F) c= B)
   & (F = {} or for A being Subset of T st A is open_condensed
   (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds A c= B)
    implies A c= Int(meet F))
  let F be Subset-Family of T;
     for B being Subset of T st B in F holds Int(meet F) c= B
     let B be Subset of T;
     assume B in F;
     then Int(meet F) c= meet F & meet F c= B
          by SETFAM_1:4,TOPS_1:44;
     hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:1;
   thus F = {} or for A being Subset of T st A is open_condensed
        (for B being Subset of T st B in F holds A c= B) implies
          A c= Int(meet F)
     assume A1: F <> {};
     let A be Subset of T;
     assume A is open_condensed;
     then A is open by TOPS_1:107;
     then A2: Int A = A by TOPS_1:55;
     assume for B being Subset of T st B in F holds A c= B;
        then for P be set st P in F holds A c= P;
      then A c= meet F by A1,SETFAM_1:6;
     hence A c= Int(meet F) by A2,TOPS_1:48;

:: 4. Completeness of the Lattice of Domains.

reserve T for non empty TopSpace;

theorem Th86:
 the carrier of Domains_Lattice T = Domains_of T
     Domains_Lattice T =
    LattStr(#Domains_of T,D-Union T,D-Meet T#) by TDLAT_1:def 4;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th87:
 for a, b being Element of Domains_Lattice T
  for A, B being Element of Domains_of T st a = A & b = B holds
   a "\/" b = Int(Cl(A \/ B)) \/ (A \/ B) & a "/\" b = Cl(Int(A /\ B)) /\ (A /\
   let a, b be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
   let A, B be Element of Domains_of T;
    A1: Domains_Lattice T =
            LattStr(#Domains_of T,D-Union T,D-Meet T#) by TDLAT_1:def 4;
  assume A2: a = A & b = B;
  hence a "\/" b = (D-Union T).(A,B) by A1,LATTICES:def 1
             .= Int(Cl(A \/ B)) \/ (A \/ B) by TDLAT_1:def 2;
  thus a "/\" b = (D-Meet T).(A,B) by A1,A2,LATTICES:def 2
             .= Cl(Int(A /\ B)) /\ (A /\ B) by TDLAT_1:def 3;

   Bottom (Domains_Lattice T) = {}T & Top (Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T
  thus Bottom (Domains_Lattice T) = {}T
       {}T is condensed by TDLAT_1:14;
    then A1: {}T in {A where A is Subset of T : A is condensed};
    then {}T in Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 1;
    then reconsider e = {}T as Element of Domains_Lattice T
     by Th86;
         reconsider E = {}T as Element of Domains_of T by A1,TDLAT_1:def 1;
       for a being Element of Domains_Lattice T holds e "\/" a =
      proof let a be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
       reconsider A = a as Element of Domains_of T by Th86;
          A in Domains_of T;
       then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is condensed}
       by TDLAT_1:def 1;
       then ex D being Subset of T st D = A & D is condensed;
       then A2: Int(Cl A) c= A by TOPS_1:def 6;
       thus e "\/" a = Int(Cl(E \/ A)) \/ (E \/ A) by Th87
                  .= a by A2,XBOOLE_1:12;
    hence thesis by LATTICE2:21;
  thus Top (Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T
       [#]T is condensed by TDLAT_1:15;
    then A3: [#]T in {A where A is Subset of T : A is condensed};
    then [#]T in Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 1;
    then reconsider e = [#]T as Element of Domains_Lattice T
         by Th86;
         reconsider E = [#]T as Element of Domains_of T by A3,TDLAT_1:def 1;
       for a being Element of Domains_Lattice T holds e "/\" a =
      proof let a be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
       reconsider A = a as Element of Domains_of T by Th86;
          A in Domains_of T;
       then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is condensed}
       by TDLAT_1:def 1;
       then ex D being Subset of T st D = A & D is condensed;
       then A4: A c= Cl(Int A) by TOPS_1:def 6;
A5:        A c= [#]T by PRE_TOPC:14;

       thus e "/\" a = Cl(Int(E /\ A)) /\ (E /\ A) by Th87
                  .= Cl(Int(A)) /\ ([#]T /\ A) by A5,XBOOLE_1:28
                  .= Cl(Int(A)) /\ A by A5,XBOOLE_1:28
                  .= a by A4,XBOOLE_1:28;
    hence thesis by LATTICE2:24;

theorem Th89:
 for a, b being Element of Domains_Lattice T
  for A, B being Element of Domains_of T st a = A & b = B holds
   a [= b iff A c= B
   let a, b be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
   let A, B be Element of Domains_of T;
      B in Domains_of T;
   then B in {C where C is Subset of T : C is condensed}
   by TDLAT_1:def 1;
   then A1: ex Q being Subset of T st Q = B & Q is condensed;
  assume A2: a = A & b = B;
  thus a [= b implies A c= B
    assume a [= b;
     then a "\/" b = b by LATTICES:def 3;
     then Int(Cl(A \/ B)) \/ (A \/ B) = B by A2,Th87;
    hence thesis by A1,Th59;
    assume A c= B;
     then Int(Cl(A \/ B)) \/ (A \/ B) = B by A1,Th59;
     then a "\/" b = b by A2,Th87;
    hence thesis by LATTICES:def 3;

theorem Th90:
 for X being Subset of Domains_Lattice T
  ex a being Element of Domains_Lattice T
     st X is_less_than a &
   for b being Element of Domains_Lattice T
     st X is_less_than b holds a [= b
  let X be Subset of Domains_Lattice T;
      X c= the carrier of Domains_Lattice T;
   then A1: X c= Domains_of T by Th86;
   then reconsider F = X as Subset-Family of T by TOPS_2:3;
  set A = (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F));
    A2: F is domains-family by A1,Th65;
   then A is condensed by Th68;
   then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is condensed};
   then A3: A in Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 1;
   then reconsider a = A as Element of Domains_Lattice T
    by Th86;
  take a;
    A4: X is_less_than a
          let b be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
           reconsider B = b as Element of Domains_of T by Th86;
          assume b in X;
            then B c= A by Th69;
          hence b [= a by A3,Th89;
      for b being Element of Domains_Lattice T
       st X is_less_than b holds a [= b
       let b be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
        reconsider B = b as Element of Domains_of T by Th86;
           B in Domains_of T;
        then B in {C where C is Subset of T : C is condensed}
        by TDLAT_1:def 1;
        then A5: ex C being Subset of T st C = B & C is condensed;
      assume A6: X is_less_than b;
         for C being Subset of T st C in F holds C c= B
          let C be Subset of T;
          reconsider C1 = C as Subset of T;
          assume A7: C in F;
          then C1 is condensed by A2,Def2;
          then C in {P where P is Subset of T : P is condensed};
          then A8: C in Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 1;
          then reconsider c = C as Element of Domains_Lattice T
           by Th86;
            c [= b by A6,A7,LATTICE3:def 17;
         hence C c= B by A8,Th89;
       then A c= B by A5,Th69;
      hence a [= b by A3,Th89;
  hence thesis by A4;

theorem Th91:
 Domains_Lattice T is complete
  thus for X being set
        ex a being Element of Domains_Lattice T st
         X is_less_than a &
          for b being Element of Domains_Lattice T st
            X is_less_than b
           holds a [= b
    let X be set;
     Y = { c where c is Element of Domains_Lattice T : c in X};
     A1: for d being Element of Domains_Lattice T holds
          Y is_less_than d implies X is_less_than d
           let d be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
           assume A2: Y is_less_than d;

           thus for e being Element of Domains_Lattice T
              st e in X holds e [= d
            proof let e be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
             assume e in X;
             then e in Y;
             hence thesis by A2,LATTICE3:def 17;
     A3: for d being Element of Domains_Lattice T holds
          X is_less_than d implies Y is_less_than d
           let d be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
           assume A4: X is_less_than d;

           thus for e being Element of Domains_Lattice T
             st e in Y holds e [= d
            proof let e be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
             assume e in Y;
             then ex e0 being Element of Domains_Lattice T
              st e0 = e & e0 in X;
             hence thesis by A4,LATTICE3:def 17;
       Y c= the carrier of Domains_Lattice T
         now let x be set;
        assume x in Y;
        then ex y being Element of Domains_Lattice T
         st y = x & y in X;
        hence x in the carrier of Domains_Lattice T;
       hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;
     then reconsider Y as Subset of Domains_Lattice T;
    consider a being Element of Domains_Lattice T such that
     A5: Y is_less_than a and
     A6: for b being Element of Domains_Lattice T st
           Y is_less_than b holds a [= b by Th90;
    take a;
       for b being Element of Domains_Lattice T
       st X is_less_than b holds a [= b
       let b be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
       assume X is_less_than b;
       then Y is_less_than b by A3;
       hence thesis by A6;
    hence thesis by A1,A5;

theorem Th92:
 for F being Subset-Family of T st F is domains-family
  for X being Subset of Domains_Lattice T st X = F holds
   "\/"(X,Domains_Lattice T) = (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F))
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is domains-family;
   let X be Subset of Domains_Lattice T;
  assume A2: X = F;
  thus "\/"(X,Domains_Lattice T) = (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F))
    set A = (union F) \/ (Int Cl(union F));
        A is condensed by A1,Th68;
     then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is condensed};
     then A3: A in Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 1;
     then reconsider a = A as Element of Domains_Lattice T
     by Th86;
    A4: X is_less_than a
          let b be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
           reconsider B = b as Element of Domains_of T by Th86;
          assume b in X;
           then B c= A by A2,Th69;
          hence b [= a by A3,Th89;
    A5: for b being Element of Domains_Lattice T st
                                      X is_less_than b holds a [= b
           let b be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Domains_of T by Th86;
                B in Domains_of T;
            then B in {C where C is Subset of T : C is condensed }
            by TDLAT_1:def 1;
then A6:    ex C being Subset of T st C = B & C is condensed;

          assume A7: X is_less_than b;

             for C being Subset of T st C in F holds C c= B
              let C be Subset of T;
              reconsider C1 = C as Subset of T;
             assume A8: C in F;
              then C1 is condensed by A1,Def2;
               then C in {P where P is Subset of T : P is condensed};
              then A9: C in Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 1;
              then reconsider c = C as Element of
Domains_Lattice T
              by Th86;
                c [= b by A2,A7,A8,LATTICE3:def 17;
             hence C c= B by A9,Th89;
           then A c= B by A6,Th69;
          hence a [= b by A3,Th89;
       Domains_Lattice T is complete by Th91;
    hence thesis by A4,A5,LATTICE3:def 21;

theorem Th93:
 for F being Subset-Family of T st F is domains-family
  for X being Subset of Domains_Lattice T st X = F holds
   (X <> {} implies "/\"(X,Domains_Lattice T) = (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F))) &
     (X = {} implies "/\"(X,Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T)
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is domains-family;
   let X be Subset of Domains_Lattice T;
  assume A2: X = F;
  thus X <> {} implies "/\"(X,Domains_Lattice T) = (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F)
    assume A3: X <> {};

    set A = (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F));
        A is condensed by A1,Th70;
     then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is condensed};
     then A4: A in Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 1;
     then reconsider a = A as Element of Domains_Lattice T
     by Th86;
     A5: a is_less_than X
           let b be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Domains_of T by Th86;
           assume b in X;
            then A c= B by A2,Th71;
           hence a [= b by A4,Th89;
     A6: for b being Element of Domains_Lattice T st
                                       b is_less_than X holds b [= a
           let b be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Domains_of T by Th86;
                B in Domains_of T;
            then B in {C where C is Subset of T : C is condensed}
             by TDLAT_1:def 1;
then A7:          ex C being Subset of T st C = B & C is condensed;

           assume A8: b is_less_than X;

             for C being Subset of T st C in F holds B c= C
              let C be Subset of T;
             reconsider C1 = C as Subset of T;
             assume A9: C in F;
              then C1 is condensed by A1,Def2;
              then C in {P where P is Subset of T : P is condensed};
              then A10: C in Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 1;
              then reconsider c = C as Element of
Domains_Lattice T
              by Th86;
                b [= c by A2,A8,A9,LATTICE3:def 16;
             hence B c= C by A10,Th89;
           then B c= A by A2,A3,A7,Th71;
           hence b [= a by A4,Th89;
        Domains_Lattice T is complete by Th91;
     hence thesis by A5,A6,LATTICE3:34;
  thus X = {} implies "/\"(X,Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T
    assume A11: X = {};

    set A = [#]T;
        A is condensed by TDLAT_1:15;
     then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is condensed};
     then A12: A in Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 1;
     then reconsider a = A as Element of Domains_Lattice T
      by Th86;
     A13: a is_less_than X
           let b be Element of Domains_Lattice T;

           assume b in X;
           hence a [= b by A11;
     A14: for b being Element of Domains_Lattice T st
                                       b is_less_than X holds b [= a
           let b be Element of Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Domains_of T by Th86;
           assume b is_less_than X;
              B c= A by PRE_TOPC:14;
           hence b [= a by A12,Th89;
        Domains_Lattice T is complete by Th91;
     hence thesis by A13,A14,LATTICE3:34;

:: 5. Completeness of the Lattices of Closed Domains and Open Domains.
reserve T for non empty TopSpace;

::The Lattice of Closed Domains.
theorem Th94:
 the carrier of Closed_Domains_Lattice T = Closed_Domains_of T
     Closed_Domains_Lattice T =
    LattStr(#Closed_Domains_of T,CLD-Union T,CLD-Meet T#) by TDLAT_1:def 8;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th95:
 for a, b being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
  for A, B being Element of Closed_Domains_of T st a = A & b = B holds
   a "\/" b = A \/ B & a "/\" b = Cl(Int(A /\ B))
   let a, b be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
   let A, B be Element of Closed_Domains_of T;
    A1: Closed_Domains_Lattice T =
            LattStr(#Closed_Domains_of T,CLD-Union T,CLD-Meet T#)
                 by TDLAT_1:def 8;
  assume A2: a = A & b = B;
  hence a "\/" b = (CLD-Union T).(A,B) by A1,LATTICES:def 1
             .= A \/ B by TDLAT_1:def 6;
  thus a "/\" b = (CLD-Meet T).(A,B) by A1,A2,LATTICES:def 2
             .= Cl(Int(A /\ B)) by TDLAT_1:def 7;

   Bottom (Closed_Domains_Lattice T) = {}T & Top (Closed_Domains_Lattice T) =
  thus Bottom (Closed_Domains_Lattice T) = {}T
       {}T is closed_condensed by TDLAT_1:18;
    then A1: {}T in
     {A where A is Subset of T : A is closed_condensed};
    then {}T in Closed_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 5;
    then reconsider e = {}T as Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice
      by Th94;
         reconsider E = {}T as Element of Closed_Domains_of T by A1,TDLAT_1:def
       for a being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
       holds e "\/" a = a
      proof let a be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
       reconsider A = a as Element of Closed_Domains_of T
        by Th94;
       thus e "\/" a = E \/ A by Th95
                  .= a;
    hence thesis by LATTICE2:21;
  thus Top (Closed_Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T
       [#]T is closed_condensed by TDLAT_1:19;
     then A2: [#]T in {A where A is Subset of T : A is closed_condensed};
    then [#]T in Closed_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 5;
    then reconsider e = [#]T as Element of
Closed_Domains_Lattice T
    by Th94;
         reconsider E = [#]T as Element of Closed_Domains_of T by A2,TDLAT_1:
def 5;
       for a being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
        holds e "/\" a = a
      proof let a be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
       reconsider A = a as Element of Closed_Domains_of T by Th94;
          A in Closed_Domains_of T;
        then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is closed_condensed}
                                                     by TDLAT_1:def 5;
       then A3:     ex D being Subset of T st D = A & D is closed_condensed;
A4:        A c= [#]T by PRE_TOPC:14;
       thus e "/\" a = Cl(Int(E /\ A)) by Th95
                  .= Cl(Int(A)) by A4,XBOOLE_1:28
                  .= a by A3,TOPS_1:def 7;
    hence thesis by LATTICE2:24;

theorem Th97:
 for a, b being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
  for A, B being Element of Closed_Domains_of T st a = A & b = B holds
   a [= b iff A c= B
   let a, b be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
   let A, B be Element of Closed_Domains_of T;
  assume A1: a = A & b = B;
  thus a [= b implies A c= B
    assume a [= b;
     then a "\/" b = b by LATTICES:def 3;
     then A \/ B = B by A1,Th95;
    hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:7;
  thus A c= B implies a [= b
    assume A c= B;
     then A \/ B = B by XBOOLE_1:12;
     then a "\/" b = b by A1,Th95;
    hence thesis by LATTICES:def 3;

theorem Th98:
 for X being Subset of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
  ex a being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T st
   X is_less_than a &
    for b being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T st
     X is_less_than b holds a [= b
  let X be Subset of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
      X c= the carrier of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
   then A1: X c= Closed_Domains_of T by Th94;
   then reconsider F = X as Subset-Family of T by TOPS_2:3;
  set A = Cl(union F);
    A2: F is closed-domains-family by A1,Th72;
   then A is closed_condensed by Th76;
   then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is closed_condensed};
   then A3: A in Closed_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 5;
   then reconsider a = A as Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
    by Th94;
  take a;
    A4: X is_less_than a
          let b be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
           reconsider B = b as Element of Closed_Domains_of T
           by Th94;
          assume b in X;
           then B c= A by Th77;
          hence b [= a by A3,Th97;
      for b being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
       st X is_less_than b
       holds a [= b
       let b be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
        reconsider B = b as Element of Closed_Domains_of T by Th94;
            B in Closed_Domains_of T;
         then B in {C where C is Subset of T : C is closed_condensed}
                                                    by TDLAT_1:def 5;
        then A5:      ex C being Subset of T
           st C = B & C is closed_condensed;

      assume A6: X is_less_than b;

         for C being Subset of T st C in F holds C c= B
          let C be Subset of T;
          reconsider C1 = C as Subset of T;
         assume A7: C in F;
          then C1 is closed_condensed by A2,Def3;
          then C in
           {P where P is Subset of T : P is closed_condensed};
          then A8: C in Closed_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 5;
          then reconsider c = C
           as Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T by Th94;
            c [= b by A6,A7,LATTICE3:def 17;
         hence C c= B by A8,Th97;
       then A c= B by A5,Th77;
      hence a [= b by A3,Th97;
  hence thesis by A4;

theorem Th99:
 Closed_Domains_Lattice T is complete
  thus for X being set
        ex a being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T st
         X is_less_than a &
          for b being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
            st X is_less_than b
           holds a [= b
    let X be set;
    set Y =
    { c where c is Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T : c in
     A1: for d being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T holds
          Y is_less_than d implies X is_less_than d
           let d be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
           assume A2: Y is_less_than d;

           thus for e being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
              st e in X
               holds e [= d
            proof let e be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
             assume e in X;
             then e in Y;
             hence thesis by A2,LATTICE3:def 17;
     A3: for d being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T holds
          X is_less_than d implies Y is_less_than d
           let d be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
           assume A4: X is_less_than d;

           thus for e being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
             st e in Y
               holds e [= d
            proof let e be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
             assume e in Y;
             then ex e0 being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice
                     st e0 = e & e0 in X;
             hence thesis by A4,LATTICE3:def 17;
       Y c= the carrier of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
         now let x be set;
        assume x in Y;
        then ex y being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
           st y = x & y in X;
        hence x in the carrier of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
       hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;
     then reconsider Y as Subset of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
    consider a being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
    such that
     A5: Y is_less_than a and
     A6: for b being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T st
           Y is_less_than b holds a [= b by Th98;
    take a;
       for b being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T
       st X is_less_than b
         holds a [= b
       let b be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
       assume X is_less_than b;
       then Y is_less_than b by A3;
       hence thesis by A6;
    hence thesis by A1,A5;

   for F being Subset-Family of T st F is closed-domains-family
  for X being Subset of Closed_Domains_Lattice T st X = F holds
   "\/"(X,Closed_Domains_Lattice T) = Cl(union F)
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is closed-domains-family;
   let X be Subset of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
  assume A2: X = F;
  thus "\/"(X,Closed_Domains_Lattice T) = Cl(union F)
    set A = Cl(union F);
        A is closed_condensed by A1,Th76;
     then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is closed_condensed};
     then A3: A in Closed_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider a = A as Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice
      by Th94;
    A4: X is_less_than a
          let b be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
           reconsider B = b as Element of Closed_Domains_of T by Th94;
          assume b in X;
            then B c= A by A2,Th77;
          hence b [= a by A3,Th97;
    A5: for b being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T st
                                      X is_less_than b holds a [= b
           let b be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Closed_Domains_of T by Th94;
                 B in Closed_Domains_of T;
            then B in {C where C is Subset of T :
                     C is closed_condensed} by TDLAT_1:def 5;
            then A6:     ex C being Subset of T st C = B & C is
          assume A7: X is_less_than b;

             for C being Subset of T st C in F holds C c= B
              let C be Subset of T;
              reconsider C1 = C as Subset of T;
             assume A8: C in F;
              then C1 is closed_condensed by A1,Def3;
              then C in {P where P is Subset of T : P is closed_condensed};
              then A9:            C in Closed_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 5;
              then reconsider c = C
                as Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T by Th94;
                c [= b by A2,A7,A8,LATTICE3:def 17;
             hence C c= B by A9,Th97;
           then A c= B by A6,Th77;
          hence a [= b by A3,Th97;
       Closed_Domains_Lattice T is complete by Th99;
    hence thesis by A4,A5,LATTICE3:def 21;

   for F being Subset-Family of T st F is closed-domains-family
  for X being Subset of Closed_Domains_Lattice T st X = F holds
   (X <> {} implies "/\"(X,Closed_Domains_Lattice T) = Cl(Int(meet F))) &
     (X = {} implies "/\"(X,Closed_Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T)
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is closed-domains-family;
   let X be Subset of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
  assume A2: X = F;
  thus X <> {} implies "/\"(X,Closed_Domains_Lattice T) = Cl Int(meet F)
    assume A3: X <> {};

    set A = Cl Int(meet F);
        A is closed_condensed by A1,Th76;
     then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is closed_condensed};
     then A4: A in Closed_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider a = A
     as Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T by Th94;
     A5: a is_less_than X
           let b be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Closed_Domains_of T by Th94;
           assume A6: b in X;

               F is closed by A1,Th74;
            then A c= B by A2,A6,Th78;
           hence a [= b by A4,Th97;
     A7: for b being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T st
                                       b is_less_than X holds b [= a
           let b be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Closed_Domains_of T by Th94;
                 B in Closed_Domains_of T;
             then B in {C where C is Subset of T :
                   C is closed_condensed} by TDLAT_1:def 5;
            then A8:     ex C being Subset of T st C = B & C is

           assume A9: b is_less_than X;

             for C being Subset of T st C in F holds B c= C
              let C be Subset of T;
              reconsider C1 = C as Subset of T;
             assume A10: C in F;
              then C1 is closed_condensed by A1,Def3;
               then C in {P where P is Subset of T : P is closed_condensed};
              then A11: C in Closed_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 5;
              then reconsider c = C
               as Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T by Th94;
                b [= c by A2,A9,A10,LATTICE3:def 16;
             hence B c= C by A11,Th97;
           then B c= A by A2,A3,A8,Th78;
           hence b [= a by A4,Th97;
        Closed_Domains_Lattice T is complete by Th99;
     hence thesis by A5,A7,LATTICE3:34;
  thus X = {} implies "/\"(X,Closed_Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T
    assume A12: X = {};

    set A = [#]T;
        A is closed_condensed by TDLAT_1:19;
      then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is closed_condensed};
     then A13: A in Closed_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 5;
     then reconsider a = A
      as Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T by Th94;
     A14: a is_less_than X
           let b be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;

           assume b in X;
           hence a [= b by A12;
     A15: for b being Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T st
                                       b is_less_than X holds b [= a
           let b be Element of Closed_Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Closed_Domains_of T by Th94;
           assume b is_less_than X;
              B c= A by PRE_TOPC:14;
           hence b [= a by A13,Th97;
        Closed_Domains_Lattice T is complete by Th99;
     hence thesis by A14,A15,LATTICE3:34;

   for F being Subset-Family of T st F is closed-domains-family
  for X being Subset of Domains_Lattice T st X = F holds
   (X <> {} implies "/\"(X,Domains_Lattice T) = Cl(Int(meet F))) &
     (X = {} implies "/\"(X,Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T)
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is closed-domains-family;
   then A2: F is domains-family by Th73;
       F is closed by A1,Th74;
    then A3: meet F is closed by TOPS_2:29;
       Int(meet F) c= meet F by TOPS_1:44;
    then Cl Int(meet F) c= Cl(meet F) by PRE_TOPC:49;
    then Cl Int(meet F) c= meet F by A3,PRE_TOPC:52;
    then A4: (meet F) /\ (Cl Int(meet F)) = Cl Int(meet F) by XBOOLE_1:28;
   let X be Subset of Domains_Lattice T;
  assume A5: X = F;
  hence X <> {} implies "/\"(X,Domains_Lattice T) = Cl Int(meet F)
                                                  by A2,A4,Th93;
  thus X = {} implies "/\"(X,Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T by A2,A5,Th93;

::The Lattice of Open Domains.
theorem Th103:
 the carrier of Open_Domains_Lattice T = Open_Domains_of T
     Open_Domains_Lattice T =
    LattStr(#Open_Domains_of T,OPD-Union T,OPD-Meet T#) by TDLAT_1:def 12;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th104:
 for a, b being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T
  for A, B being Element of Open_Domains_of T st a = A & b = B holds
   a "\/" b = Int(Cl(A \/ B)) & a "/\" b = A /\ B
   let a, b be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
   let A, B be Element of Open_Domains_of T;
    A1: Open_Domains_Lattice T =
           LattStr(#Open_Domains_of T,OPD-Union T,OPD-Meet T#)
 by TDLAT_1:def 12;
  assume A2: a = A & b = B;
  hence a "\/" b = (OPD-Union T).(A,B) by A1,LATTICES:def 1
             .= Int(Cl(A \/ B)) by TDLAT_1:def 10;
  thus a "/\" b = (OPD-Meet T).(A,B) by A1,A2,LATTICES:def 2
             .= A /\ B by TDLAT_1:def 11;

   Bottom (Open_Domains_Lattice T) = {}T & Top (Open_Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T
  thus Bottom (Open_Domains_Lattice T) = {}T
       {}T is open_condensed by TDLAT_1:20;
    then A1: {}T in {A where A is Subset of T : A is open_condensed};
    then {}T in Open_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 9;
    then reconsider e = {}T
     as Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T by Th103;
         reconsider E = {}T as Element of Open_Domains_of T by A1,TDLAT_1:def 9
       for a being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T
        holds e "\/" a = a
      proof let a be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
       reconsider A = a as Element of Open_Domains_of T by Th103;
          A in Open_Domains_of T;
       then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is open_condensed}
        by TDLAT_1:def 9;
then A2:     ex D being Subset of T st D = A & D is open_condensed;
       thus e "\/" a = Int(Cl(E \/ A)) by Th104
                  .= a by A2,TOPS_1:def 8;
    hence thesis by LATTICE2:21;
  thus Top (Open_Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T
       [#]T is open_condensed by TDLAT_1:21;
    then A3: [#]T in {A where A is Subset of T : A is open_condensed};
    then [#]T in Open_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 9;
    then reconsider e = [#]T
     as Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T by Th103;
         reconsider E = [#]T as Element of Open_Domains_of T by A3,TDLAT_1:def
       for a being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T
        holds e "/\" a = a
      proof let a be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
       reconsider A = a as Element of Open_Domains_of T by Th103;
A4:        A c= [#]T by PRE_TOPC:14;

       thus e "/\" a = E /\ A by Th104
                  .= a by A4,XBOOLE_1:28;
    hence thesis by LATTICE2:24;

theorem Th106:
 for a, b being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T
  for A, B being Element of Open_Domains_of T st a = A & b = B holds
   a [= b iff A c= B
   let a, b be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
   let A, B be Element of Open_Domains_of T;
    reconsider A1 = A as Subset of T;
      A in Open_Domains_of T & B in Open_Domains_of T;
   then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is open_condensed} &
        B in {C where C is Subset of T : C is open_condensed}
        by TDLAT_1:def 9;
   then A1: (ex Q being Subset of T st Q = A & Q is open_condensed) &
        (ex P being Subset of T st P = B & P is open_condensed);

   then A2: A1 is open by TOPS_1:107;
  assume A3: a = A & b = B;
  thus a [= b implies A c= B
    assume a [= b;
     then a "\/" b = b by LATTICES:def 3;
     then Int(Cl(A \/ B)) = B by A3,Th104;
    hence thesis by A2,Th4;
  thus A c= B implies a [= b
    assume A c= B;
     then Int(Cl(A \/ B)) = B by A1,Th64;
     then a "\/" b = b by A3,Th104;
    hence thesis by LATTICES:def 3;

theorem Th107:
 for X being Subset of Open_Domains_Lattice T
  ex a being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T st
   X is_less_than a &
    for b being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T st
     X is_less_than b holds a [= b
  let X be Subset of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
      X c= the carrier of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
   then A1: X c= Open_Domains_of T by Th103;
   then reconsider F = X as Subset-Family of T by TOPS_2:3;
  set A = Int Cl(union F);
    A2: F is open-domains-family by A1,Th79;
   then A3: F is open by Th81;
     A is open_condensed by A2,Th83;
   then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is open_condensed};
   then A4: A in Open_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 9;
   then reconsider a = A
    as Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T by Th103;
  take a;
    A5: X is_less_than a
          let b be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
           reconsider B = b as Element of Open_Domains_of T by Th103;
          assume b in X;
            then B c= A by A3,Th84;
          hence b [= a by A4,Th106;
      for b being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T
      st X is_less_than b holds a [= b
       let b be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
        reconsider B = b as Element of Open_Domains_of T by Th103;
                 B in Open_Domains_of T;
        then B in {C where C is Subset of T : C is open_condensed}
          by TDLAT_1:def 9;
then A6:      ex C being Subset of T st C = B & C is open_condensed;

      assume A7: X is_less_than b;

         for C being Subset of T st C in F holds C c= B
          let C be Subset of T;
          reconsider C1 = C as Subset of T;
         assume A8: C in F;
          then C1 is open_condensed by A2,Def4;
           then C in {P where P is Subset of T : P is open_condensed};
          then A9: C in Open_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 9;
          then reconsider c = C
           as Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T by Th103;
            c [= b by A7,A8,LATTICE3:def 17;
         hence C c= B by A9,Th106;
       then A c= B by A6,Th84;
      hence a [= b by A4,Th106;
  hence thesis by A5;

theorem Th108:
 Open_Domains_Lattice T is complete
  thus for X being set
        ex a being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T st
         X is_less_than a &
          for b being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T
            st X is_less_than b
           holds a [= b
    let X be set;
    set Y =
     { c where c is Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T : c in X};
     A1: for d being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T holds
          Y is_less_than d implies X is_less_than d
           let d be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
           assume A2: Y is_less_than d;

           thus for e being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T
              st e in X
               holds e [= d
            proof let e be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
             assume e in X;
             then e in Y;
             hence thesis by A2,LATTICE3:def 17;
     A3: for d being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T holds
          X is_less_than d implies Y is_less_than d
           let d be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
           assume A4: X is_less_than d;

           thus for e being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T
              st e in Y
               holds e [= d
            proof let e be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
             assume e in Y;
             then ex e0 being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T
                     st e0 = e & e0 in X;
             hence thesis by A4,LATTICE3:def 17;
       Y c= the carrier of Open_Domains_Lattice T
         now let x be set;
        assume x in Y;
        then ex y being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T
         st y = x & y in X;
        hence x in the carrier of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
       hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;
     then reconsider Y as Subset of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
    consider a being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T such that
     A5: Y is_less_than a and
     A6: for b being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T st
           Y is_less_than b holds a [= b by Th107;
    take a;
       for b being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T
      st X is_less_than b
         holds a [= b
       let b be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
       assume X is_less_than b;
       then Y is_less_than b by A3;
       hence thesis by A6;
    hence thesis by A1,A5;

   for F being Subset-Family of T st F is open-domains-family
  for X being Subset of Open_Domains_Lattice T st X = F holds
   "\/"(X,Open_Domains_Lattice T) = Int Cl(union F)
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is open-domains-family;
   let X be Subset of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
  assume A2: X = F;
  thus "\/"(X,Open_Domains_Lattice T) = Int Cl(union F)
    set A = Int Cl(union F);
        A is open_condensed by A1,Th83;
     then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is open_condensed};
     then A3: A in Open_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 9;
     then reconsider a = A
      as Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T by Th103;
    A4: X is_less_than a
          let b be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
           reconsider B = b as Element of Open_Domains_of T by Th103;
          assume A5: b in X;

              F is open by A1,Th81;
           then B c= A by A2,A5,Th84;
          hence b [= a by A3,Th106;
    A6: for b being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T st
                                      X is_less_than b holds a [= b
           let b be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Open_Domains_of T by Th103;
                 B in Open_Domains_of T;
             then B in {C where C is Subset of T : C is open_condensed}
              by TDLAT_1:def 9;
            then A7:      ex C being Subset of T st C = B & C is open_condensed

          assume A8: X is_less_than b;

             for C being Subset of T st C in F holds C c= B
              let C be Subset of T;
              reconsider C1 = C as Subset of T;
             assume A9: C in F;
              then C1 is open_condensed by A1,Def4;
              then C in {P where P is Subset of T : P is open_condensed};
              then A10: C in Open_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 9;
              then reconsider c = C
               as Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T by Th103;
                c [= b by A2,A8,A9,LATTICE3:def 17;
             hence C c= B by A10,Th106;
           then A c= B by A7,Th84;
          hence a [= b by A3,Th106;
       Open_Domains_Lattice T is complete by Th108;
    hence thesis by A4,A6,LATTICE3:def 21;

   for F being Subset-Family of T st F is open-domains-family
  for X being Subset of Open_Domains_Lattice T st X = F holds
   (X <> {} implies "/\"(X,Open_Domains_Lattice T) = Int(meet F)) &
     (X = {} implies "/\"(X,Open_Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T)
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is open-domains-family;
   let X be Subset of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
  assume A2: X = F;
  thus X <> {} implies "/\"(X,Open_Domains_Lattice T) = Int(meet F)
    assume A3: X <> {};

    set A = Int(meet F);
        A is open_condensed by A1,Th83;
     then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is open_condensed};
     then A4: A in Open_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 9;
     then reconsider a = A
      as Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T by Th103;
     A5: a is_less_than X
           let b be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Open_Domains_of T by Th103;
           assume b in X;
            then A c= B by A2,Th85;
           hence a [= b by A4,Th106;
     A6: for b being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T st
                                       b is_less_than X holds b [= a
           let b be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Open_Domains_of T by Th103;
                 B in Open_Domains_of T;
            then B in {C where C is Subset of T : C is open_condensed}
                   by TDLAT_1:def 9;
then A7:          ex C being Subset of T st C = B & C is open_condensed;

           assume A8: b is_less_than X;

             for C being Subset of T st C in F holds B c= C
              let C be Subset of T;
              reconsider C1 = C as Subset of T;
             assume A9: C in F;
              then C1 is open_condensed by A1,Def4;
              then C in {P where P is Subset of T : P is open_condensed};
              then A10: C in Open_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 9;
              then reconsider c = C
               as Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T by Th103;
                b [= c by A2,A8,A9,LATTICE3:def 16;
             hence B c= C by A10,Th106;
           then B c= A by A2,A3,A7,Th85;
           hence b [= a by A4,Th106;
        Open_Domains_Lattice T is complete by Th108;
     hence thesis by A5,A6,LATTICE3:34;
  thus X = {} implies "/\"(X,Open_Domains_Lattice T) = [#]T
    assume A11: X = {};

    set A = [#]T;
        A is open_condensed by TDLAT_1:21;
     then A in {C where C is Subset of T : C is open_condensed};
     then A12: A in Open_Domains_of T by TDLAT_1:def 9;
     then reconsider a = A
      as Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T by Th103;
     A13: a is_less_than X
           let b be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;

           assume b in X;
           hence a [= b by A11;
     A14: for b being Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T st
                                       b is_less_than X holds b [= a
           let b be Element of Open_Domains_Lattice T;
            reconsider B = b as Element of Open_Domains_of T by Th103;
           assume b is_less_than X;
              B c= A by PRE_TOPC:14;
           hence b [= a by A12,Th106;
        Open_Domains_Lattice T is complete by Th108;
     hence thesis by A13,A14,LATTICE3:34;

   for F being Subset-Family of T st F is open-domains-family
  for X being Subset of Domains_Lattice T st X = F holds
   "\/"(X,Domains_Lattice T) = Int Cl(union F)
   let F be Subset-Family of T;
  assume A1: F is open-domains-family;
   then A2: F is domains-family by Th80;
       F is open by A1,Th81;
    then A3: union F is open by TOPS_2:26;
       union F c= Cl(union F) by PRE_TOPC:48;
    then Int(union F) c= Int Cl(union F) by TOPS_1:48;
    then union F c= Int Cl(union F) by A3,TOPS_1:55;
    then A4: (union F) \/ Int Cl(union F) = Int Cl(union F) by XBOOLE_1:12;
   let X be Subset of Domains_Lattice T;
  assume X = F;
  hence thesis by A2,A4,Th92;

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