The Mizar article:

Metric Spaces as Topological Spaces --- Fundamental Concepts

Agata Darmochwal, and
Yatsuka Nakamura

Received November 21, 1991

Copyright (c) 1991 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: TOPMETR
[ MML identifier index ]


 constructors REAL_1, DOMAIN_1, TOPS_1, TOPS_2, COMPTS_1, RCOMP_1, ABSVALUE,
 definitions STRUCT_0, PRE_TOPC, TARSKI, TOPS_2, XREAL_0;
 schemes FUNCT_2;


reserve r for Real, n for Nat;
reserve a, b for real number;
reserve T for non empty TopSpace;

:: Topological spaces

theorem Th1:
 for T being TopStruct,
     F being Subset-Family of T holds
   F is_a_cover_of T iff the carrier of T c= union F
  let T be TopStruct,
      F be Subset-Family of T;
  thus F is_a_cover_of T implies the carrier of T c= union F
    assume F is_a_cover_of T;
    then [#]T = union F by PRE_TOPC:def 8;
    hence the carrier of T c= union F by PRE_TOPC:12;
   the carrier of T c= union F;
  then the carrier of T = union F by XBOOLE_0:def 10;
  then [#] T = union F by PRE_TOPC:12;
  hence F is_a_cover_of T by PRE_TOPC:def 8;

reserve A for non empty SubSpace of T;

theorem Th2: for p being Point of A holds p is Point of T
    [#] A c= [#] T by PRE_TOPC:def 9;
  then the carrier of A c= [#] T by PRE_TOPC:12;
  then the carrier of A c= the carrier of T by PRE_TOPC:12;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

theorem T is_T2 implies A is_T2
  assume A1: T is_T2;
     for p,q being Point of A st not p = q
    ex W,V being Subset of A st W is open & V is open &
     p in W & q in V & W misses V
     let p,q be Point of A such that A2: not p = q;
     reconsider p' = p, q' = q as Point of T by Th2;
     consider W,V  being Subset of T such that
     A3: W is open & V is open &
      p' in W & q' in V & W misses V by A1,A2,COMPTS_1:def 4;
A4:   W /\ V = {} by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 7;
       W /\ [#] A c= [#] A & V /\ [#] A c= [#] A by XBOOLE_1:17;
     then reconsider W' = W /\ [#] A, V' = V /\ [#] A as Subset of A
        by PRE_TOPC:16;
     take W', V';
       W in the topology of T & V in the topology of T by A3,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
     then W' in the topology of A & V' in the topology of A by PRE_TOPC:def 9;
     hence W' is open & V' is open by PRE_TOPC:def 5;
       the carrier of A = [#] A by PRE_TOPC:12;
     hence p in W' & q in V' by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       W' /\ V' = W /\ (V /\ [#] A) /\ [#] A by XBOOLE_1:16
            .= {} /\ [#] A by A4,XBOOLE_1:16
            .= {};
     hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
  hence A is_T2 by COMPTS_1:def 4;

theorem Th4: for A,B being SubSpace of T st
     the carrier of A c= the carrier of B holds A is SubSpace of B
  let A,B be SubSpace of T;
   assume the carrier of A c= the carrier of B;
   then the carrier of A c= [#] B by PRE_TOPC:12;
 then A1: [#] A c= [#] B by PRE_TOPC:12;
    for P being Subset of A holds P in the topology of A iff
   ex Q being Subset of B st Q in
 the topology of B & P = Q /\ [#] A
   let P be Subset of A;
   thus P in the topology of A implies ex Q being Subset of B
                            Q in the topology of B & P = Q /\ [#] A
     assume P in the topology of A;
     then consider Q' being Subset of T such that
   A2: Q' in the topology of T & P = Q' /\ [#] A by PRE_TOPC:def 9;
       Q' /\ [#] B c= [#] B by XBOOLE_1:17;
     then reconsider Q = Q' /\ [#]
 B as Subset of B by PRE_TOPC:12;
   A3: Q in the topology of B by A2,PRE_TOPC:def 9;
       P = Q' /\ ([#] B /\ [#] A) by A1,A2,XBOOLE_1:28 .= Q /\ [#] A by
     hence ex Q being Subset of B
       st Q in the topology of B & P = Q /\ [#] A
       by A3;
   given Q being Subset of B such that
 A4: Q in the topology of B & P = Q /\ [#] A;
   consider P' being Subset of T such that
 A5: P' in the topology of T & Q = P' /\ [#] B by A4,PRE_TOPC:def 9;
     P = P' /\ ([#] B /\ [#] A) by A4,A5,XBOOLE_1:16 .= P' /\ [#] A by A1,
   hence P in the topology of A by A5,PRE_TOPC:def 9;
  hence A is SubSpace of B by A1,PRE_TOPC:def 9;

reserve P,Q for Subset of T, p for Point of T;

theorem T|P is SubSpace of T|(P \/ Q) & T|Q is SubSpace of T|(P \/ Q)
   thus T|P is SubSpace of T|(P \/ Q)
       [#](T|P) = P by PRE_TOPC:def 10;
     then A1: the carrier of T|P = P by PRE_TOPC:12;
       [#](T|(P \/ Q)) = P \/ Q
     by PRE_TOPC:def 10;
     then the carrier of T|(P \/ Q) = P \/ Q &
     P c= P \/ Q
      by PRE_TOPC:12,XBOOLE_1:7;
     hence T|P is SubSpace of T|(P \/ Q) by A1,Th4;
     [#](T|Q) = Q by PRE_TOPC:def 10;
   then A2: the carrier of T|Q = Q by PRE_TOPC:12;
     [#](T|(P \/ Q)) = P \/ Q by PRE_TOPC:def 10;
   then the carrier of T|(P \/ Q) = P \/ Q & Q c= P \/ Q
    by PRE_TOPC:12,XBOOLE_1:7;
   hence T|Q is SubSpace of T|(P \/ Q) by A2,Th4;

   for P being non empty Subset of T st p in P
 for Q being a_neighborhood of p holds
 for p' being Point of T|P, Q' being Subset of T|P
 st Q' = Q /\ P & p'= p
   holds Q' is a_neighborhood of p'
 proof let P be non empty Subset of T;
  assume A1: p in P; let Q be a_neighborhood of p;
     p in Int Q by CONNSP_2:def 1;
  then consider S being Subset of T such that
 A2: S is open & S c= Q & p in S by TOPS_1:54;
  let p' be Point of T|P, Q' be Subset of T|P such that
 A3: Q' = Q /\ P & p'= p;
  reconsider R = S /\ P as Subset of T|P by TOPS_2:38;
    S /\ [#](T|P) = S /\ P by PRE_TOPC:def 10;
  then A4: R is open by A2,TOPS_2:32;
    R c= Q' & p' in R by A1,A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3,XBOOLE_1:26;
  then p' in Int Q' by A4,TOPS_1:54;
  hence Q' is a_neighborhood of p' by CONNSP_2:def 1;

theorem for A,B,C being TopSpace
    for f being map of A,C holds
     f is continuous & C is SubSpace of B implies
    for h being map of A,B st h = f holds h is continuous
  let A,B,C be TopSpace, f be map of A,C; assume that
 A1: f is continuous and
 A2: C is SubSpace of B;
  let h be map of A,B such that
 A3: h = f;
    for P being Subset of B holds P is closed implies h"P is closed
    let P be Subset of B such that
 A4: P is closed;
      rng h c= the carrier of C by A3,RELSET_1:12;
 then A5: rng h c= [#] C by PRE_TOPC:12;
 A6: h"P = h"(rng h /\ P) by RELAT_1:168
       .= h"(rng h /\ [#] C /\ P) by A5,XBOOLE_1:28
       .= h"(rng h /\ ([#] C /\ P)) by XBOOLE_1:16
       .= h"(P /\ [#] C) by RELAT_1:168;
    reconsider C as SubSpace of B by A2;
      P /\ [#] C c= [#] C & [#] C = the carrier of C by PRE_TOPC:12,XBOOLE_1:17
    then reconsider Q = P /\ [#] C as Subset of C;
      Q is closed by A4,PRE_TOPC:43;
    hence h"P is closed by A1,A3,A6,PRE_TOPC:def 12;
  hence h is continuous by PRE_TOPC:def 12;

theorem for A being TopSpace, B being non empty TopSpace
 for f being map of A,B
  for C being SubSpace of B holds f is continuous
 implies for h being map of A,C st h = f holds h is continuous
  let A be TopSpace, B be non empty TopSpace, f be map of A,B,
      C be SubSpace of B;
  assume that
 A1: f is continuous;
  let h be map of A,C such that
 A2: h = f;
  rng f c= the carrier of C by A2,RELSET_1:12;
 then A3: rng f c= [#] C by PRE_TOPC:12;
    for P being Subset of C holds P is closed implies h"P is closed
    let P be Subset of C; assume P is closed;
    then consider Q being Subset of B such that
 A4:  Q is closed & Q /\ ([#] C) = P by PRE_TOPC:43;
A5:     f"Q c= dom f & the carrier of A = [#] A & dom f = the carrier of A
      by FUNCT_2:def 1,PRE_TOPC:12,RELAT_1:167;
       h"P = f"Q /\ f"([#] C) by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:137
        .= f"Q /\ f"(rng f /\ [#] C) by RELAT_1:168
        .= f"Q /\ f"(rng f) by A3,XBOOLE_1:28
        .= f"Q /\ dom f by RELAT_1:169
        .= f"Q by A5,XBOOLE_1:28;
    hence h"P is closed by A1,A4,PRE_TOPC:def 12;
  hence h is continuous by PRE_TOPC:def 12;

  for A,B being TopSpace for f being map of A,B
  for C being Subset of B holds f is continuous
  for h being map of A,B|C st h = f holds h is continuous
  let A,B be TopSpace, f be map of A,B,
      C be Subset of B;
  assume that
 A1: f is continuous;
  let h be map of A,B|C such that
 A2: h = f;
A3: the carrier of B|C = [#](B|C) by PRE_TOPC:12
       .= C by PRE_TOPC:def 10;
 A4: rng f c= the carrier of B|C by A2,RELSET_1:12;
    for P being Subset of B|C holds P is closed implies h"P is closed
    let P be Subset of B|C; assume P is closed;
    then consider Q being Subset of B such that
 A5:  Q is closed & Q /\ ([#](B|C)) = P by PRE_TOPC:43;
 A6:  f"Q c= dom f by RELAT_1:167;
       h"P = f"(Q /\ C) by A2,A5,PRE_TOPC:def 10
             .= f"Q /\ f"C by FUNCT_1:137
             .= f"Q /\ f"(rng f /\ C) by RELAT_1:168
             .= f"Q /\ f"(rng f) by A3,A4,XBOOLE_1:28
             .= f"Q /\ dom f by RELAT_1:169
             .= f"Q by A6,XBOOLE_1:28;
    hence h"P is closed by A1,A5,PRE_TOPC:def 12;
  hence h is continuous by PRE_TOPC:def 12;

    for X being TopStruct, Y being non empty TopStruct,
      K0 being Subset of X,
      f being map of X,Y, g being map of X|K0,Y st
    f is continuous & g = f|K0 holds
  g is continuous
proof let X be TopStruct,Y be non empty TopStruct,
K0 be Subset of X,
f be map of X,Y,g be map of X|K0,Y;
assume A1:f is continuous & g=f|K0;
    for G being Subset of Y st G is open holds g"G is open
   proof let G be Subset of Y;
    assume G is open; then A2:f"G is open by A1,TOPS_2:55;
      [#](X|K0)=K0 by PRE_TOPC:def 10;
     then g"G= [#](X|K0) /\ f"G by A1,FUNCT_1:139;
    hence thesis by A2,TOPS_2:32;
  hence thesis by TOPS_2:55;

:: Some definitions & theorems about metrical spaces

reserve M for non empty MetrSpace, p for Point of M;

 Lm1: for r being real number st r > 0 holds p in Ball(p,r)
 proof let r be real number;
   reconsider r' = r as Element of REAL by XREAL_0:def 1;
  assume r > 0;
   then p in Ball(p,r') by TBSP_1:16;
  hence thesis;

 for M be MetrSpace holds
 MetrStruct (#the carrier of M, the distance of M#) is MetrSpace
   let M be MetrSpace;
     now let a,b,c be Element of
       the carrier of MetrStruct (#the carrier of M, the distance of M#);
        reconsider a'=a, b'=b, c'=c as Element of M;
A1:     dist(a,b) = (the distance of M).(a,b) by METRIC_1:def 1
                 .= dist(a',b') by METRIC_1:def 1;
       hence dist(a,b) = 0 iff a=b by METRIC_1:1,2;
          dist(b,a) = (the distance of M).(b,a) by METRIC_1:def 1
                 .= dist(b',a') by METRIC_1:def 1;
       hence dist(a,b) = dist(b,a) by A1;
A2:     dist(b,c) = (the distance of M).(b,c) by METRIC_1:def 1
                 .= dist(b',c') by METRIC_1:def 1;
          dist(a,c) = (the distance of M).(a,c) by METRIC_1:def 1
                 .= dist(a',c') by METRIC_1:def 1;
       hence dist(a,c)<=dist(a,b)+dist(b,c) by A1,A2,METRIC_1:4;
     hence thesis by METRIC_1:6;

definition let M be MetrSpace;
 mode SubSpace of M -> MetrSpace means
  :Def1: the carrier of it c= the carrier of M &
  for x,y being Point of it holds
   (the distance of it).(x,y) = (the distance of M).(x,y);
    reconsider MM = MetrStruct (#the carrier of M, the distance of M#)
      as MetrSpace by Lm2;
    take MM;
    thus the carrier of MM c= the carrier of M;
    let x,y be Point of MM;
    thus (the distance of MM).(x,y) = (the distance of M).(x,y);

definition let M be MetrSpace;
 cluster strict SubSpace of M;
     reconsider MM = MetrStruct (#the carrier of M, the distance of M#)
      as MetrSpace by Lm2;
       the carrier of MM c= the carrier of M &
     for x,y being Point of MM holds
     (the distance of MM).(x,y) = (the distance of M).(x,y);
    then MM is SubSpace of M by Def1;
   hence thesis;

definition let M be non empty MetrSpace;
 cluster strict non empty SubSpace of M;
     reconsider MM = MetrStruct (#the carrier of M, the distance of M#)
      as MetrSpace by Lm2;
       the carrier of MM c= the carrier of M &
     for x,y being Point of MM holds
     (the distance of MM).(x,y) = (the distance of M).(x,y);
    then MM is SubSpace of M by Def1;
   hence thesis;

reserve A for non empty SubSpace of M;


theorem Th12: for p being Point of A holds p is Point of M
  let p be Point of A;
     p in the carrier of A & the carrier of A c= the carrier of M by Def1;
   hence p is Point of M;

theorem Th13:
 for r being real number
 for M being MetrSpace, A being SubSpace of M
 for x being Point of M, x' being Point of A st x = x' holds
    Ball(x',r) = Ball(x,r) /\ the carrier of A
  let r be real number;
  let M be MetrSpace, A be SubSpace of M;
  let x be Point of M, x' be Point of A;
  assume A1: x = x';
    now let a be set; assume A2: a in Ball(x',r);
   then A3: a in the carrier of A;
   reconsider y' = a as Point of A by A2;
A4: A is non empty
      thus the carrier of A is non empty by A2;
A5: M is non empty
        the carrier of A c= the carrier of M by Def1;
      hence the carrier of M is non empty by A3;
   then reconsider y = y' as Point of M by A4,Th12;
     dist(x',y') < r by A2,METRIC_1:12;
   then (the distance of A).(x',y') < r by METRIC_1:def 1;
   then (the distance of M).(x,y) < r by A1,Def1;
   then dist(x,y) < r by METRIC_1:def 1;
   then a in Ball(x,r) by A5,METRIC_1:12;
   hence a in Ball(x,r) /\ the carrier of A by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
  then A6: Ball(x',r) c= Ball(x,r) /\ the carrier of A by TARSKI:def 3;
    now let a be set; assume A7: a in Ball(x,r) /\ the carrier of A;
   then A8: a in Ball(x,r) & a in the carrier of A by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
A9: A is non empty
      thus the carrier of A is non empty by A7;
A10: M is non empty
      thus the carrier of M is non empty by A8;
   reconsider y' = a as Point of A by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
   reconsider y = y' as Point of M by A9,A10,Th12;
     dist(x,y) < r by A8,METRIC_1:12;
   then (the distance of M).(x,y) < r by METRIC_1:def 1;
   then (the distance of A).(x',y') < r by A1,Def1;
   then dist(x',y') < r by METRIC_1:def 1;
   hence a in Ball(x',r) by A9,METRIC_1:12;
  then Ball(x,r) /\ the carrier of A c= Ball(x',r) by TARSKI:def 3;
  hence Ball(x',r) = Ball(x,r) /\ the carrier of A by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

definition let M be non empty MetrSpace,
    A be non empty Subset of M;
 func M|A -> strict SubSpace of M means
:Def2: the carrier of it = A;
   set d = (the distance of M) | [:A,A:];
   reconsider B=A as non empty set;
  A1: dom d = dom (the distance of M) /\ [:A,A:] by FUNCT_1:68
        .= [:the carrier of M,the carrier of M:] /\ [:A,A:] by FUNCT_2:def 1
        .= [: (the carrier of M) /\ A, (the carrier of M) /\
 A:] by ZFMISC_1:123
        .= [: (the carrier of M) /\ A, A:] by XBOOLE_1:28
        .= [: A, A :] by XBOOLE_1:28;
     then dom d = [: A,A :] & rng d c= rng the distance of M &
       rng the distance of M c= REAL by FUNCT_1:76,RELSET_1:12;
     then dom d = [: A,A :] & rng d c= REAL by XBOOLE_1:1;
   then reconsider d as Function of [:B,B:],REAL by FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
   set MM = MetrStruct (# B, d #);
 A2: now let a,b be Element of MM;
     thus dist(a,b) = (the distance of MM).(a,b) by METRIC_1:def 1
                   .= (the distance of MM) . [a,b] by BINOP_1:def 1
                   .= (the distance of M) . [a,b] by A1,FUNCT_1:70
                   .= (the distance of M).(a,b) by BINOP_1:def 1;
      now let a,b,c be Element of MM;
      reconsider a'=a, b'=b, c'=c as Point of M by TARSKI:def 3;
         dist(a,b) = (the distance of M).(a,b) by A2
                .= dist(a',b') by METRIC_1:def 1;
      hence dist(a,b) = 0 iff a=b by METRIC_1:1,2;
      thus dist(a,b) = (the distance of M).(a',b') by A2
                    .= dist(b',a') by METRIC_1:def 1
                    .= (the distance of M).(b',a') by METRIC_1:def 1
                    .= dist(b,a) by A2;
      A3: dist(a,b) = (the distance of M).(a,b) by A2
                  .= dist(a',b') by METRIC_1:def 1;
      A4: dist(a,c) = (the distance of M).(a,c) by A2
                  .= dist(a',c') by METRIC_1:def 1;
           dist(b,c) = (the distance of M).(b,c) by A2
                  .= dist(b',c') by METRIC_1:def 1;
      hence dist(a,c)<=dist(a,b)+dist(b,c) by A3,A4,METRIC_1:4;
   then reconsider MM as MetrSpace by METRIC_1:6;
     now let x, y be Point of MM;
    thus (the distance of MM).(x,y) = dist(x,y) by METRIC_1:def 1
                     .= (the distance of M).(x,y) by A2;
   then reconsider MM as strict SubSpace of M by Def1;
   take MM;
   thus the carrier of MM = A;
   let S1,S2 be strict SubSpace of M;
    assume A5: the carrier of S1 = A & the carrier of S2 = A;

       now let a,b be Element of A;
      thus (the distance of S1).(a,b) = (the distance of M).(a,b)
             by A5,Def1 .= (the distance of S2).(a,b) by A5,Def1;
    hence S1 = S2 by A5,BINOP_1:2;

definition let M be non empty MetrSpace,
    A be non empty Subset of M;
 cluster M|A -> non empty;
   thus the carrier of (M|A) is non empty by Def2;

definition let a,b be real number;
assume A1: a <= b;
 func Closed-Interval-MSpace(a,b) -> strict non empty SubSpace of RealSpace
  :Def3: for P being non empty Subset of RealSpace st
    P = [. a,b .] holds it = RealSpace | P;
   reconsider P = [. a,b .] as Subset of RealSpace
   by METRIC_1:def 14;
   reconsider P as non empty Subset of RealSpace
   by A1,RCOMP_1:15;
   take RealSpace | P;
   thus thesis;
   let S1,S2 be strict non empty SubSpace of RealSpace; assume that
   A2: for P being non empty Subset of RealSpace st
       P = [. a,b .] holds S1 = RealSpace | P and
   A3: for P being non empty Subset of RealSpace st
       P = [. a,b .] holds S2 = RealSpace | P;
   reconsider P = [. a,b .] as Subset of RealSpace
   by METRIC_1:def 14;
   reconsider P as non empty Subset of RealSpace
   by A1,RCOMP_1:15;
   thus S1 = RealSpace | P by A2 .= S2 by A3;

theorem Th14:
 a <= b implies the carrier of Closed-Interval-MSpace(a,b) = [. a,b .]
   assume A1: a <= b;
   then reconsider P = [. a,b .] as
   non empty Subset of RealSpace
     by METRIC_1:def 14,RCOMP_1:15;
   thus the carrier of Closed-Interval-MSpace(a,b)
          = the carrier of RealSpace | P by A1,Def3
         .= [. a,b .] by Def2;

reserve F,G for Subset-Family of M;

definition let M be MetrStruct, F be Subset-Family of M;
 attr F is being_ball-family means
  :Def4: for P being set holds P in F implies
   ex p being Point of M, r st P = Ball(p,r);
  synonym F is_ball-family;
 pred F is_a_cover_of M means
  :Def5: the carrier of M c= union F;

theorem Th15: for p,q being Point of RealSpace, x,y being real number holds
  x=p & y=q implies dist(p,q) = abs(x-y)
  let p,q be Point of RealSpace, x,y be real number;
  assume A1: x=p & y=q;
A2: x is Real & y is Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
  thus dist(p,q) = real_dist.(x,y) by A1,METRIC_1:def 1,def 14
                .= abs(x-y) by A2,METRIC_1:def 13;

:: Metric spaces and topology

theorem Th16:
  for M being MetrStruct holds
   the carrier of M = the carrier of TopSpaceMetr M &
   the topology of TopSpaceMetr M = Family_open_set M
   let M be MetrStruct;
     TopSpaceMetr M = TopStruct (#the carrier of M, Family_open_set(M)#)
    by PCOMPS_1:def 6;
   hence thesis;

canceled 2;

theorem Th19: TopSpaceMetr(A) is SubSpace of TopSpaceMetr(M)
   set T = TopSpaceMetr M, R = TopSpaceMetr A;
     [#] R = the carrier of R & [#] T = the carrier of T by PRE_TOPC:12;
   then A1: [#] R = the carrier of A & [#] T = the carrier of M by Th16;
   hence [#](R) c= [#](T) by Def1;
    let P be Subset of R;
   thus P in the topology of R implies ex Q being Subset of T
         Q in the topology of T & P = Q /\ [#](R)
     assume P in the topology of R;
     then A2: P in Family_open_set A by Th16;
     set QQ = {Ball(x,r) where x is Point of M, r is Real : x in P & r > 0 &
      Ball(x,r) /\ the carrier of A c= P};
       for X being set st X in QQ holds X c= the carrier of M
       let X be set; assume X in QQ;
       then ex x being Point of M, r being Real st X = Ball(x,r) &
 x in P & r > 0 &
         Ball(x,r) /\ the carrier of A c= P;
       hence X c= the carrier of M;
     then reconsider Q = union QQ as Subset of M by ZFMISC_1:94;
       for x being Point of M st x in Q ex r st r > 0 & Ball(x,r) c= Q
       let x be Point of M;
       assume x in Q;
       then consider Y being set such that A3: x in Y & Y in
 QQ by TARSKI:def 4;
       consider x' being Point of M, r being Real such that
        A4: Y = Ball(x',r) and x' in P & r > 0 &
          Ball(x',r) /\ the carrier of A c= P by A3;
       consider p being Real such that A5: p > 0 & Ball(x,p) c= Ball(x',r)
        by A3,A4,PCOMPS_1:30;
       take p;
        thus p > 0 by A5;
          Y c= Q by A3,ZFMISC_1:92;
        hence thesis by A4,A5,XBOOLE_1:1;
     then A6: Q in Family_open_set M by PCOMPS_1:def 5;
     reconsider Q' = Q as Subset of T by Th16;
     take Q';
     thus Q' in the topology of T by A6,Th16;
     thus P = Q' /\ [#](R)
       A7: P c= Q' /\ [#](R)
         let a be set; assume A8: a in P;
         then a in the carrier of R;
       then A9: a in [#](R) by PRE_TOPC:12;
         reconsider x = a as Point of A by A8,Th16;
         reconsider P' = P as Subset of A by Th16;
         consider r such that
       A10: r > 0 & Ball(x,r) c= P' by A2,A8,PCOMPS_1:def 5;
         reconsider x' = x as Point of M by Th12;
           Ball(x,r) = Ball(x',r) /\ the carrier of A by Th13;
         then Ball(x',r) in QQ & x' in Ball(x',r) by A8,A10,Lm1;
         then a in Q' by TARSKI:def 4;
         hence thesis by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         Q' /\ [#](R) c= P
         let a be set; assume A11: a in Q' /\ [#](R);
         then a in Q' by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then consider Y being set such that
       A12: a in Y & Y in QQ by TARSKI:def 4;
         consider x being Point of M, r being Real such that
       A13: Y = Ball(x,r) and x in P and r > 0 and
       A14: Ball(x,r) /\ the carrier of A c= P by A12;
           a in the carrier of A by A1,A11,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         then a in Ball(x,r) /\ the carrier of A by A12,A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
         hence a in P by A14;
      hence thesis by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 10;
   given Q being Subset of T such that
  A15: Q in the topology of T & P = Q /\ [#](R);
   reconsider Q' = Q as Subset of M by Th16;
   reconsider P' = P as Subset of A by Th16;
     for p being Point of A st p in P' ex r st r>0 & Ball(p,r) c= P'
     let p be Point of A;
     reconsider p' = p as Point of M by Th12;
     assume p in P';
     then p' in Q' & Q' in Family_open_set M by A15,Th16,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then consider r such that A16: r>0 & Ball(p',r) c= Q' by PCOMPS_1:def 5;
       Ball(p,r) = Ball(p',r) /\ the carrier of A by Th13;
     then Ball(p,r) c= Q /\ the carrier of A by A16,XBOOLE_1:26;
     then Ball(p,r) c= Q /\ the carrier of R by Th16;
     then Ball(p,r) c= P' by A15,PRE_TOPC:12;
     hence thesis by A16;
   then P in Family_open_set A by PCOMPS_1:def 5;
   hence P in the topology of R by Th16;

   for P being Subset of TOP-REAL n,
 Q being non empty Subset of Euclid n holds
  P = Q implies (TOP-REAL n)|P = TopSpaceMetr((Euclid n)|Q)
 let P be Subset of (TOP-REAL n),
 Q be non empty Subset of Euclid n;
   TOP-REAL n = TopSpaceMetr(Euclid n) by EUCLID:def 8;
 then reconsider M = TopSpaceMetr((Euclid n)|Q) as SubSpace of TOP-REAL n by
 assume A1: P = Q;
   the carrier of M = the carrier of (Euclid n)|Q & the carrier of (Euclid n)|Q
  = Q by Def2,Th16;
 then [#](M) = P & [#]((TOP-REAL n)|P) = P by A1,PRE_TOPC:12,def 10;
 hence thesis by PRE_TOPC:def 10;

theorem Th21:
 for r being real number
 for M being triangle MetrStruct, p being Point of M
 for P being Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M) st P = Ball(p,r) holds P is open
   let r be real number;
   let M be triangle MetrStruct, p be Point of M;
   let P be Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M);
   assume P = Ball(p,r);
   then P in Family_open_set(M) & Family_open_set M =
     the topology of TopSpaceMetr M by Th16,PCOMPS_1:33;
   hence P is open by PRE_TOPC:def 5;

theorem Th22: for P being Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M) holds
  P is open iff
  for p being Point of M st p in P
    ex r being real number st r>0 & Ball(p,r) c= P
   let P be Subset of TopSpaceMetr(M);
    reconsider P' = P as Subset of M by Th16;
   thus P is open implies
    for p being Point of M st p in P
     ex r being real number st r>0 & Ball(p,r) c= P
A1:   P is open;
     let p be Point of M such that
A2:   p in P;
        P in the topology of TopSpaceMetr M by A1,PRE_TOPC:def 5;
      then P' in Family_open_set M by Th16;
      then ex r being Real st r>0 & Ball(p,r) c= P by A2,PCOMPS_1:def 5;
      hence thesis;
A3: for p being Point of M st p in P
     ex r being real number st r>0 & Ball(p,r) c= P;
      for p being Point of M st p in P
     ex r being Real st r>0 & Ball(p,r) c= P
     proof let p be Point of M;
      assume p in P;
       then consider r being real number such that
A4:     r>0 & Ball(p,r) c= P by A3;
       reconsider r as Element of REAL by XREAL_0:def 1;
       take r;
      thus thesis by A4;
    then P' in Family_open_set M by PCOMPS_1:def 5;
    hence P in the topology of TopSpaceMetr M by Th16;

definition let M be MetrStruct;
 attr M is compact means
  :Def6: TopSpaceMetr(M) is compact;

theorem M is compact iff
 for F st F is_ball-family & F is_a_cover_of M
  ex G st G c= F & G is_a_cover_of M & G is finite
  thus M is compact implies
   for F st F is_ball-family & F is_a_cover_of M
    ex G st G c= F & G is_a_cover_of M & G is finite
      assume M is compact;
      then A1: TopSpaceMetr(M) is compact by Def6;
      let F; assume that
     A2: F is_ball-family and
     A3: F is_a_cover_of M;
      set TM = TopSpaceMetr(M);
        F is Subset-Family of TM by Th16;
      then reconsider TF = F as Subset-Family of TM;
        the carrier of M c= union F by A3,Def5;
      then the carrier of TM c= union TF by Th16;
     then A4: TF is_a_cover_of TM by Th1;
       TF is open
       let P be Subset of TM;
        assume A5: P in TF;
        reconsider P' = P as Subset of M by Th16;
          ex p,r st P' = Ball(p,r) by A2,A5,Def4;
       hence P is open by Th21;
      then consider TG being Subset-Family of TM such that
     A6: TG c= TF & TG is_a_cover_of TM & TG is finite
       by A1,A4,COMPTS_1:def 3;
        TG is Subset-Family of M by Th16;
      then reconsider G = TG as Subset-Family of M;
      take G;
        the carrier of TM c= union TG by A6,Th1;
      then the carrier of M c= union G by Th16;
      hence G c= F & G is_a_cover_of M & G is finite by A6,Def5;
    thus (for F st F is_ball-family & F is_a_cover_of M
          ex G st G c= F & G is_a_cover_of M & G is finite) implies
     M is compact
      assume A7: for F st F is_ball-family & F is_a_cover_of M
                 ex G st G c= F & G is_a_cover_of M & G is finite;
      set TM = TopSpaceMetr(M);
        now let F be Subset-Family of TM; assume that
     A8: F is_a_cover_of TM and
     A9: F is open;
      set Z = { Ball(p,r) where p is Point of M, r is Real:
        ex P being Subset of TM st P in F & Ball(p,r) c= P};
        Z c= bool the carrier of M
        let a be set;
        assume a in Z;
        then ex p being Point of M, r being Real st a = Ball(p,r) &
          ex P being Subset of TM st P in F & Ball(p,r) c= P;
        hence a in bool the carrier of M;
      then Z is Subset-Family of M by SETFAM_1:def 7;
      then reconsider Z as Subset-Family of M;
     A10: Z is_ball-family
        let P be set; assume P in Z;
          then ex p being Point of M, r being Real st P = Ball(p,r) &
            ex P being Subset of TM st P in F & Ball(p,r) c= P;
         hence thesis;
        the carrier of M c= union Z
        let a be set; assume a in the carrier of M;
        then reconsider p = a as Point of M;
          the carrier of TM c= union F & the carrier of TM = the carrier of M
         by A8,Th1,Th16;
        then p in union F by TARSKI:def 3;
        then consider P being set such that
       A11: p in P and
       A12: P in F by TARSKI:def 4;
        reconsider P as Subset of TM by A12;
          P is open by A9,A12,TOPS_2:def 1;
        then consider r being real number such that
A13:     r>0 & Ball(p,r) c= P by A11,Th22;
        reconsider r' = r as Element of REAL by XREAL_0:def 1;
A14:      a in Ball(p,r) by A13,Lm1;
          Ball(p,r') in Z by A12,A13;
       hence a in union Z by A14,TARSKI:def 4;
     then Z is_a_cover_of M by Def5;
      then consider G being Subset-Family of M such that
     A15: G c= Z and
     A16: G is_a_cover_of M and
     A17: G is finite by A7,A10;
         reconsider F' = F as non empty Subset-Family of TM
           by A8,TOPS_2:5;
     defpred X[set,set] means $1 c= $2;
     A18: for a being set st a in G ex u being set st u in F' & X[a,u]
           let a be set; assume a in G;
           then a in Z by A15;
           then consider p being Point of M, r being Real such that
            A19: Ball(p,r) = a and
            A20: ex P being Subset of TM
            st P in F & Ball(p,r) c= P;
           consider P being Subset of TM such that
           A21: P in F & Ball(p,r) c= P
            by A20;
           take P; thus P in F' & a c= P by A19,A21;
      consider f being Function of G,F' such that
     A22: for a being set st a in G holds X[a,f.a] from FuncEx1(A18);
        rng f c= F by RELSET_1:12;
       then reconsider GG = rng f as Subset-Family of TM by TOPS_2:3;
       take GG;
       thus GG c= F by RELSET_1:12;
         the carrier of TM c= union GG
         let a be set such that A23: a in the carrier of TM;
           the carrier of TM = the carrier of M & the carrier of M c= union G
          by A16,Def5,Th16;
         then consider P being set such that
        A24: a in P & P in G by A23,TARSKI:def 4;
           dom f = G by FUNCT_2:def 1;
         then f.P in GG & P c= f.P by A22,A24,FUNCT_1:def 5;
         hence a in union GG by A24,TARSKI:def 4;
       hence GG is_a_cover_of TM by Th1;
         dom f = G by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       hence GG is finite by A17,FINSET_1:26;
     then TM is compact by COMPTS_1:def 3;
     hence thesis by Def6;

:: REAL as topological space

 func R^1 -> strict TopSpace equals
  :Def7: TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace);

 cluster R^1 -> non empty;
 coherence by Def7;

theorem Th24: the carrier of R^1 = REAL
    the carrier of R^1 = the carrier of
   TopStruct (# the carrier of RealSpace, Family_open_set(RealSpace) #)
   & the carrier of RealSpace = the carrier of MetrStruct(# REAL,real_dist #)
    by Def7,METRIC_1:def 14,PCOMPS_1:def 6;
  hence thesis;

definition let C be set, f be PartFunc of C, the carrier of R^1, x be set;
 cluster f.x -> real;
 proof per cases;
  suppose x in dom f;
   hence f.x in REAL by Th24,PARTFUN1:27;
  suppose not x in dom f;
   hence thesis by CARD_1:51,FUNCT_1:def 4;

definition let a,b be real number;
 func Closed-Interval-TSpace(a,b) -> strict non empty SubSpace of R^1 equals
  :Def8:  TopSpaceMetr(Closed-Interval-MSpace(a,b));
 coherence by Def7,Th19;

theorem Th25:
 a <= b implies the carrier of Closed-Interval-TSpace(a,b) = [. a,b .]
  assume A1: a <= b;
  thus the carrier of Closed-Interval-TSpace(a,b)
      = the carrier of TopSpaceMetr(Closed-Interval-MSpace(a,b))
          by Def8
     .= the carrier of Closed-Interval-MSpace(a,b) by Th16
     .= [. a,b .] by A1,Th14;

theorem Th26:
 a <= b implies
  for P being Subset of R^1 st P = [. a,b .]
         holds Closed-Interval-TSpace(a,b) = R^1|P
  assume A1: a <= b;
  let P be Subset of R^1; assume P = [. a,b .];
  then the carrier of Closed-Interval-TSpace(a,b) = P by A1,Th25;
  then [#](Closed-Interval-TSpace(a,b)) = P & [#](R^1|P) = P
     by PRE_TOPC:12,def 10;
  hence Closed-Interval-TSpace(a,b) = R^1|P by PRE_TOPC:def 10;

theorem Th27: Closed-Interval-TSpace(0,1) = I[01]
  set TR = TopSpaceMetr(RealSpace);
  reconsider P = [.0,1.] as Subset of R^1 by Th24;
  reconsider P' = P as Subset of TR by Th16,METRIC_1:def 14;
  thus Closed-Interval-TSpace(0,1) = TR|P' by Def7,Th26 .= I[01] by BORSUK_1:
def 16;

 redefine func I[01] -> strict SubSpace of R^1;
 coherence by Th27;

Lm3: for r be real number holds r >= 0 & a + r <= b implies a <= b
  let r be real number;
  assume A1: r >= 0 & a + r <= b;
  then a + r - r <= b - r by REAL_1:49;
  then a <= b - r & b - r <= b by A1,REAL_2:173,XCMPLX_1:26;
  hence thesis by AXIOMS:22;

   for f being map of R^1,R^1 st
  ex a,b being Real st for x being Real holds f.x = a*x + b holds
   f is continuous
 let f be map of R^1,R^1;
  given a,b being Real such that
   A1: for x being Real holds f.x = a*x + b;
    for W being Point of R^1, G being a_neighborhood of f.W
   ex H being a_neighborhood of W st f.:H c= G
    let W be Point of R^1, G be a_neighborhood of f.W;
   A2: f.W in Int G by CONNSP_2:def 1;
    then consider Q being Subset of R^1 such that
   A3: Q is open & Q c= G & f.W in Q by TOPS_1:54;
    reconsider Y = f.W as Point of RealSpace by Th24,METRIC_1:def 14;
    consider r being real number such that
   A4: r>0 & Ball(Y,r) c= Q by A3,Def7,Th22;
      now per cases;
     suppose A5: a = 0;

      set H = [#](R^1);
        the carrier of R^1 = [#](R^1) by PRE_TOPC:12;
      then H is open & W in H;
      then W in Int H by TOPS_1:55;
      then reconsider H as a_neighborhood of W by CONNSP_2:def 1;
        for y being set holds y in {b} iff
       ex x being set st x in dom f & x in H & y = f.x
       let y be set;
        thus y in {b} implies
         ex x being set st x in dom f & x in H & y = f.x
          assume A6: y in {b};
          take 0;
            dom f = the carrier of R^1 & the carrier of R^1 = [#](R^1) &
           the carrier of R^1 = REAL by Th24,FUNCT_2:def 1,PRE_TOPC:12;
          hence 0 in dom f & 0 in H;
          thus f.0 = 0 * 0 + b by A1,A5 .= y by A6,TARSKI:def 1;
        given x being set such that
      A7: x in dom f & x in H & y = f.x;
        reconsider x as Real by A7,Th24;
           y = 0 * x + b by A1,A5,A7 .= b;
        hence y in {b} by TARSKI:def 1;
      then A8: f.:H = {b} by FUNCT_1:def 12;
      A9: Int G c= G by TOPS_1:44;
      reconsider W' = W as Real by Th24;
        f.W = 0 * W' + b by A1,A5 .= b;
      then f.:H c= G by A2,A8,A9,ZFMISC_1:37;
     hence ex H being a_neighborhood of W st f.:H c= G;
     suppose A10: a <> 0;
      set d = r/(2* abs(a));
        abs(a) > 0 & 2 > 0 by A10,ABSVALUE:6;
      then 2*abs(a) > 0 by REAL_2:122;
      then A11: d > 0 by A4,REAL_2:127;
      reconsider W' = W as Point of RealSpace by Th24,METRIC_1:def 14;
      reconsider H = Ball(W',d) as Subset of R^1 by Th24,METRIC_1:def 14
        H is open by Def7,Th21;
      then Int H = H by TOPS_1:55;
      then W in Int H by A11,Lm1;
      then reconsider H as a_neighborhood of W by CONNSP_2:def 1;
    A12: f.:H c= Ball(Y,r)
        let y be set; assume y in f.:H;
        then consider x being set such that A13: x in dom f & x in H & y = f.x
         by FUNCT_1:def 12;
        reconsider y'=y as Real by A13,Th24,FUNCT_2:7;
        reconsider x'=x as Point of RealSpace by A13;
        reconsider Y' = Y as Real by METRIC_1:def 14;
        reconsider W'' = W' as Real by Th24;
        reconsider x'' = x' as Real by METRIC_1:def 14;
          dist(W',x') < d by A13,METRIC_1:12;
        then abs( W'' - x'' ) < d & abs(a) > 0 by A10,Th15,ABSVALUE:6;
        then abs(a)*abs( W'' - x'' ) < abs(a)*d by REAL_1:70;
        then abs(a*(W'' - x'')) < abs(a)*d by ABSVALUE:10;
        then abs(a*W'' - a*x'') < abs(a)*d by XCMPLX_1:40;
        then abs((a*W''+b) - (a*x''+b)) < abs(a)*d by XCMPLX_1:32;
        then abs(Y' - (a*x''+b)) < abs(a)*d by A1;
        then A14: abs(Y' - y') < abs(a)*d by A1,A13;
          abs(a) <> 0 & 2 <> 0 by A10,ABSVALUE:7;
        then A15: abs(a)*d = r/2 by XCMPLX_1:93;
        reconsider yy=y' as Point of RealSpace by METRIC_1:def 14;
          r/2+r/2 = r & r/2>=0 by A4,REAL_2:125,XCMPLX_1:66;
        then abs(Y'-y') < r by A14,A15,Lm3;
        then dist(Y,yy) < r by Th15;
        hence y in Ball(Y,r) by METRIC_1:12;
       Ball(Y,r) c= G by A3,A4,XBOOLE_1:1;
     then f.:H c= G by A12,XBOOLE_1:1;
     hence ex H being a_neighborhood of W st f.:H c= G;
   hence thesis;
  hence f is continuous by BORSUK_1:def 2;

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