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environ vocabulary CLASSES2, VECTSP_1, PRE_TOPC, INCSP_1, FUNCT_1, CAT_1, FUNCSDOM, GRCAT_1, RELAT_1, MIDSP_1, ARYTM_3, ENS_1, FUNCT_2, RLVECT_1, MOD_2, TARSKI, PARTFUN1, RINGCAT1; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, MCART_1, PARTFUN1, FUNCT_2, STRUCT_0, PRE_TOPC, RLVECT_1, VECTSP_1, GRCAT_1, FUNCSDOM, CAT_1, CLASSES2, MOD_2; constructors ALGSTR_1, MOD_2, GRCAT_1, TOPS_2, VECTSP_2, MEMBERED, PARTFUN1, XBOOLE_0; clusters VECTSP_2, MOD_2, RELSET_1, STRUCT_0, GRCAT_1, SUBSET_1, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0; requirements SUBSET, BOOLE; theorems CAT_1, FUNCT_2, GRCAT_1, MCART_1, MOD_2, PARTFUN1, TARSKI, RELAT_1, RELSET_1, ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0; schemes FUNCT_2, GRCAT_1, TARSKI; begin reserve x,y for set; reserve D for non empty set; reserve UN for Universe; :: :: 1a. Maps of the carriers of rings :: definition let G,H be non empty doubleLoopStr; let IT be map of G,H; canceled; attr IT is linear means :Def2: (for x,y being Scalar of G holds IT.(x+y) = IT.x+IT.y) & (for x,y being Scalar of G holds IT.(x*y) = IT.x*IT.y) & IT.(1_ G) = 1_ H; end; canceled 2; theorem Th3:for G1,G2,G3 being non empty doubleLoopStr, f being map of G1,G2, g being map of G2,G3 st f is linear & g is linear holds g*f is linear proof let G1,G2,G3 be non empty doubleLoopStr, f be map of G1,G2, g be map of G2,G3 such that A1: f is linear and A2: g is linear; set h = g*f; A3: now let x,y be Scalar of G1; A4: g.(f.x) = h.x & g.(f.y) = h.y by FUNCT_2:21; thus h.(x+y) = g.(f.(x+y)) by FUNCT_2:21 .= g.(f.x+f.y) by A1,Def2 .= h.x+h.y by A2,A4,Def2;end; A5: now let x,y be Scalar of G1; A6: g.(f.x) = h.x & g.(f.y) = h.y by FUNCT_2:21; thus h.(x*y) = g.(f.(x*y)) by FUNCT_2:21 .= g.(f.x*f.y) by A1,Def2 .= h.x*h.y by A2,A6,Def2;end; h.(1_ G1) = g.(f.(1_ G1)) by FUNCT_2:21 .= g.(1_ G2) by A1,Def2 .= 1_ G3 by A2,Def2; hence thesis by A3,A5,Def2; end; :: :: 1b. Morphisms of rings :: definition struct RingMorphismStr (# Dom,Cod -> Ring, Fun -> map of the Dom, the Cod #); end; reserve f for RingMorphismStr; definition let f; func dom(f) -> Ring equals :Def3: the Dom of f; coherence; func cod(f) -> Ring equals :Def4: the Cod of f; coherence; func fun(f) -> map of the Dom of f, the Cod of f equals :Def5: the Fun of f; coherence; end; reserve G,H,G1,G2,G3,G4 for Ring; Lm1: for G being non empty doubleLoopStr holds id G is linear proof let G be non empty doubleLoopStr; set f = id G; A1: now let x,y be Scalar of G; f.(x+y) = x+y & f.x = x & f.y = y by GRCAT_1:11; hence f.(x+y) = f.x+f.y;end; A2: now let x,y be Scalar of G; f.(x*y) = x*y & f.x = x & f.y = y by GRCAT_1:11; hence f.(x*y) = f.x*f.y;end; f.(1_ G) = 1_ G by GRCAT_1:11; hence thesis by A1,A2,Def2; end; definition let G be non empty doubleLoopStr; cluster id G -> linear; coherence by Lm1; end; definition let IT be RingMorphismStr; attr IT is RingMorphism-like means :Def6: fun(IT) is linear; end; definition cluster strict RingMorphism-like RingMorphismStr; existence proof consider G; set i = RingMorphismStr(# G,G,id G#); fun(i) = id G by Def5; then i is RingMorphism-like by Def6; hence thesis; end; end; definition mode RingMorphism is RingMorphism-like RingMorphismStr; end; definition let G; func ID G -> RingMorphism equals :Def7: RingMorphismStr(# G,G,id G#); coherence proof set i = RingMorphismStr(# G,G,id G#); dom(i) = G & cod(i) = G & fun(i) = id G by Def3,Def4,Def5; hence i is RingMorphism by Def6; end; end; definition let G; cluster ID G -> strict; coherence proof RingMorphismStr(# G,G,id G#) = ID G by Def7; hence thesis; end; end; reserve F for RingMorphism; definition let G,H; pred G <= H means :Def8: ex F being RingMorphism st dom(F) = G & cod(F) = H; reflexivity proof let G; set i = ID(G); A1: i = RingMorphismStr(# G,G,id G#) by Def7; take i; thus thesis by A1,Def3,Def4; end; end; Lm2: the RingMorphismStr of F is RingMorphism-like proof set S = the RingMorphismStr of F; A1: fun(S) = the Fun of F by Def5 .= fun F by Def5; A2: fun F is linear by Def6; hence for x,y being Scalar of the Dom of S holds (fun S).(x+y) = (fun S).x+(fun S).y by A1,Def2; thus for x,y being Scalar of the Dom of S holds (fun S).(x*y) = (fun S).x*(fun S).y by A1,A2,Def2; thus (fun S).(1_ the Dom of S) = 1_ the Cod of S by A1,A2,Def2; end; definition let G,H; assume A1: G <= H; mode Morphism of G,H -> strict RingMorphism means :Def9: dom(it) = G & cod(it) = H; existence proof consider F being RingMorphism such that A2: dom(F) = G & cod(F) = H by A1,Def8; set S = the RingMorphismStr of F; dom F = the Dom of S & cod F = the Cod of S by Def3,Def4; then S is RingMorphism & dom S = G & cod S = H by A2,Def3,Def4,Lm2; hence thesis; end; end; definition let G,H; cluster strict Morphism of G,H; existence proof consider m being Morphism of G,H; m is RingMorphism; hence thesis; end; end; definition let G; redefine func ID G -> strict Morphism of G,G; coherence proof set i = ID(G); i = RingMorphismStr(# G,G,id G#) by Def7; then dom(i) = G & cod(i) = G by Def3,Def4; hence thesis by Def9; end; end; Lm3: the Fun of F is linear proof the Fun of F = fun(F) by Def5; hence thesis by Def6; end; Lm4: for f being strict RingMorphismStr holds dom(f) = G & cod(f) = H & fun(f) is linear implies f is Morphism of G,H proof let f be strict RingMorphismStr; assume A1: dom(f) = G & cod(f) = H & fun(f) is linear; then reconsider f' = f as RingMorphism by Def6; now dom(f') = G & cod(f') = H by A1; hence G <= H by Def8;end; then f' is Morphism of G,H by A1,Def9; hence thesis; end; Lm5:for f being map of G,H st f is linear holds RingMorphismStr (#G,H,f#) is Morphism of G,H proof let f be map of G,H such that A1: f is linear; set F = RingMorphismStr (#G,H,f#); dom(F) = G & cod(F) = H & fun(F) = f by Def3,Def4,Def5; hence thesis by A1,Lm4; end; Lm6: for F being RingMorphism ex G,H st G <= H & dom(F) = G & cod(F) = H & the RingMorphismStr of F is Morphism of G,H proof let F be RingMorphism; set G = the Dom of F, H = the Cod of F; dom(F) = G & cod(F) = H by Def3,Def4; then A1: G <= H by Def8; take G,H; reconsider S = the RingMorphismStr of F as RingMorphism by Lm2; dom S = G & cod S = H by Def3,Def4; hence thesis by A1,Def3,Def4,Def9; end; canceled; theorem Th5:for g,f being RingMorphism st dom(g) = cod(f) ex G1,G2,G3 st G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3 & the RingMorphismStr of g is Morphism of G2,G3 & the RingMorphismStr of f is Morphism of G1,G2 proof defpred P[RingMorphism,RingMorphism] means dom($1) = cod($2); let g,f be RingMorphism such that A1: P[g,f]; A2: ex G2,G3 st G2 <= G3 & dom(g) = G2 & cod(g) = G3 & the RingMorphismStr of g is Morphism of G2,G3 by Lm6; ex G1,G2' being Ring st G1 <= G2' & dom(f) = G1 & cod(f) = G2' & the RingMorphismStr of f is Morphism of G1,G2' by Lm6; hence thesis by A1,A2; end; theorem Th6: for F being strict RingMorphism holds F is Morphism of dom(F),cod(F) & dom(F) <= cod(F) proof let F be strict RingMorphism; ex G,H st G <= H & dom(F) = G & cod(F) = H & F is Morphism of G,H by Lm6; hence thesis; end; Lm7:for F being Morphism of G,H st G <= H holds ex f being map of G,H st F = RingMorphismStr(#G,H,f#) & f is linear proof let F be Morphism of G,H such that A1: G <= H; A2: the Dom of F = dom(F) by Def3 .= G by A1,Def9; A3: the Cod of F = cod(F) by Def4 .= H by A1,Def9; then reconsider f = the Fun of F as map of G,H by A2; take f; thus thesis by A2,A3,Lm3; end; Lm8:for F being Morphism of G,H st G <= H holds ex f being map of G,H st F = RingMorphismStr(#G,H,f#) proof let F be Morphism of G,H; assume G <= H; then consider f being map of G,H such that A1: F = RingMorphismStr(#G,H,f#) & f is linear by Lm7; take f; thus thesis by A1; end; theorem for F being strict RingMorphism ex G,H st ex f being map of G,H st F is Morphism of G,H & F = RingMorphismStr(#G,H,f#) & f is linear proof let F be strict RingMorphism; consider G,H such that A1: G <= H and dom(F) = G & cod(F) = H and A2: F is Morphism of G,H by Lm6; reconsider F' = F as Morphism of G,H by A2; consider f being map of G,H such that A3: F' = RingMorphismStr(#G,H,f#) & f is linear by A1,Lm7; take G,H,f; thus thesis by A3; end; definition let G,F be RingMorphism; assume A1: dom(G) = cod(F); func G*F -> strict RingMorphism means :Def10:for G1,G2,G3 for g being map of G2,G3, f being map of G1,G2 st the RingMorphismStr of G = RingMorphismStr(#G2,G3,g#) & the RingMorphismStr of F = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G2,f#) holds it = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G3,g*f#); existence proof consider G1',G2',G3' being Ring such that A2: G1' <= G2' & G2' <= G3' and A3: the RingMorphismStr of G is Morphism of G2',G3' and A4: the RingMorphismStr of F is Morphism of G1',G2' by A1,Th5; consider g' being map of G2',G3' such that A5: the RingMorphismStr of G = RingMorphismStr(#G2',G3',g'#) and A6: g' is linear by A2,A3,Lm7; consider f' being map of G1',G2' such that A7: the RingMorphismStr of F = RingMorphismStr(#G1',G2',f'#) and A8: f' is linear by A2,A4,Lm7; g'*f' is linear by A6,A8,Th3; then reconsider T' = (RingMorphismStr(#G1',G3',g'*f'#)) as strict RingMorphism by Lm5; take T'; thus thesis by A5,A7; end; uniqueness proof let S1,S2 be strict RingMorphism such that A9:for G1,G2,G3 for g being map of G2,G3, f being map of G1,G2 st the RingMorphismStr of G = RingMorphismStr(#G2,G3,g#) & the RingMorphismStr of F = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G2,f#) holds S1 = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G3,g*f#) and A10:for G1,G2,G3 for g being map of G2,G3, f being map of G1,G2 st the RingMorphismStr of G = RingMorphismStr(#G2,G3,g#) & the RingMorphismStr of F = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G2,f#) holds S2 = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G3,g*f#); consider G2',G3' being Ring such that A11: G2' <= G3' and A12: dom(G) = G2' & cod(G) = G3' and A13: the RingMorphismStr of G is Morphism of G2',G3' by Lm6; reconsider G' = the RingMorphismStr of G as Morphism of G2',G3' by A13; consider G1',G2'' being Ring such that A14: G1' <= G2'' and A15: dom(F) = G1' & cod(F) = G2'' and A16: the RingMorphismStr of F is Morphism of G1',G2'' by Lm6; reconsider F' = the RingMorphismStr of F as Morphism of G1',G2'' by A16; reconsider F' as Morphism of G1',G2' by A1,A12,A15; consider g' being map of G2',G3' such that A17: G' = RingMorphismStr(#G2',G3',g'#) by A11,Lm8; consider f' being map of G1',G2' such that A18: F' = RingMorphismStr(#G1',G2',f'#) by A1,A12,A14,A15,Lm8; thus S1 = (RingMorphismStr(#G1',G3',g'*f'#)) by A9,A17,A18 .= S2 by A10,A17,A18; end; end; theorem Th8: G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3 implies G1 <= G3 proof assume A1: G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3; then consider F0 being RingMorphism such that A2: dom(F0) = G1 & cod(F0) = G2 by Def8; reconsider F = the RingMorphismStr of F0 as RingMorphism by Lm2; A3: dom F = the Dom of F0 & cod F = the Cod of F0 by Def3,Def4; then dom(F) = G1 & cod(F) = G2 by A2,Def3,Def4; then reconsider F' = F as Morphism of G1,G2 by A1,Def9; consider G0 being RingMorphism such that A4: dom(G0) = G2 & cod(G0) = G3 by A1,Def8; reconsider G = the RingMorphismStr of G0 as RingMorphism by Lm2; A5: dom G = the Dom of G0 & cod G = the Cod of G0 by Def3,Def4; then dom(G) = G2 & cod(G) = G3 by A4,Def3,Def4; then reconsider G' = G as Morphism of G2,G3 by A1,Def9; consider g being map of G2,G3 such that A6: G' = RingMorphismStr(#G2,G3,g#) by A1,Lm8; consider f being map of G1,G2 such that A7: F' = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G2,f#) by A1,Lm8; dom(G) = G2 by A4,A5,Def3 .= cod(F) by A2,A3,Def4; then G*F = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G3,g*f#) by A6,A7,Def10; then dom(G*F) = G1 & cod(G*F) = G3 by Def3,Def4; hence thesis by Def8; end; theorem Th9:for G being Morphism of G2,G3, F being Morphism of G1,G2 st G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3 holds G*F is Morphism of G1,G3 proof let G be Morphism of G2,G3, F be Morphism of G1,G2; assume A1: G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3; then consider g being map of G2,G3 such that A2: G = RingMorphismStr(#G2,G3,g#) by Lm8; consider f being map of G1,G2 such that A3: F = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G2,f#) by A1,Lm8; dom(G) = G2 by A1,Def9 .= cod(F) by A1,Def9; then G*F = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G3,g*f#) by A2,A3,Def10; then A4: dom(G*F) = G1 & cod(G*F) = G3 by Def3,Def4; G1 <= G3 by A1,Th8; hence thesis by A4,Def9; end; definition let G1,G2,G3; let G be Morphism of G2,G3, F be Morphism of G1,G2; assume A1: G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3; func G*'F -> strict Morphism of G1,G3 equals :Def11: G*F; coherence by A1,Th9; end; theorem Th10:for f,g being strict RingMorphism st dom g = cod f holds ex G1,G2,G3 st ex f0 being map of G1,G2, g0 being map of G2,G3 st f = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G2,f0#) & g = RingMorphismStr(#G2,G3,g0#) & g*f = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G3,g0*f0#) proof let f,g be strict RingMorphism such that A1: dom g = cod f; set G1 = dom f,G2 = cod f, G3 = cod g; A2: G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3 by A1,Th6; reconsider f' = f as Morphism of G1,G2 by Th6; reconsider g' = g as Morphism of G2,G3 by A1,Th6; consider f0 being map of G1,G2 such that A3: f' = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G2,f0#) by A2,Lm8; consider g0 being map of G2,G3 such that A4: g' = RingMorphismStr(#G2,G3,g0#) by A2,Lm8; take G1,G2,G3,f0,g0; thus thesis by A1,A3,A4,Def10; end; theorem Th11:for f,g being strict RingMorphism st dom g = cod f holds dom(g*f) = dom f & cod (g*f) = cod g proof let f,g be strict RingMorphism; assume dom g = cod f; then consider G1,G2,G3 being Ring, f0 being map of G1,G2, g0 being map of G2,G3 such that A1: f = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G2,f0#) & g = RingMorphismStr(#G2,G3,g0#) & g*f = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G3,g0*f0#) by Th10; thus dom(g*f) = G1 by A1,Def3 .= dom f by A1,Def3; thus cod(g*f) = G3 by A1,Def4 .= cod g by A1,Def4; end; theorem Th12:for f being Morphism of G1,G2, g being Morphism of G2,G3, h being Morphism of G3,G4 st G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3 & G3 <= G4 holds h*(g*f) = (h*g)*f proof let f be Morphism of G1,G2, g be Morphism of G2,G3, h be Morphism of G3,G4; assume A1: G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3 & G3 <= G4; then consider f0 being map of G1,G2 such that A2: f = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G2,f0#) by Lm8; consider g0 being map of G2,G3 such that A3: g = RingMorphismStr(#G2,G3,g0#) by A1,Lm8; consider h0 being map of G3,G4 such that A4: h = RingMorphismStr(#G3,G4,h0#) by A1,Lm8; A5: cod(f) = G2 & dom(g) = G2 & cod(g) = G3 & dom(h) = G3 by A2,A3,A4,Def3,Def4; then A6: g*f = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G3,g0*f0#) by A2,A3,Def10; A7: h*g = RingMorphismStr(#G2,G4,h0*g0#) by A3,A4,A5,Def10; A8: cod(g*f) = G3 & dom(h*g) = G2 by A5,Th11; then h*(g*f) = RingMorphismStr(#G1,G4,h0*(g0*f0)#) by A4,A5,A6,Def10 .= RingMorphismStr(#G1,G4,(h0*g0)*f0#) by RELAT_1:55 .= (h*g)*f by A2,A5,A7,A8,Def10; hence thesis; end; theorem Th13:for f,g,h being strict RingMorphism st dom h = cod g & dom g = cod f holds h*(g*f) = (h*g)*f proof let f,g,h be strict RingMorphism such that A1: dom h = cod g & dom g = cod f; set G1 = dom f,G2 = cod f, G3 = cod g, G4 = cod h; A2: G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3 & G3 <= G4 by A1,Th6; reconsider f' = f as Morphism of G1,G2 by Th6; reconsider g' = g as Morphism of G2,G3 by A1,Th6; reconsider h' = h as Morphism of G3,G4 by A1,Th6; h'*(g'*f') = (h'*g')*f' by A2,Th12; hence thesis; end; theorem Th14: dom ID(G) = G & cod ID(G) = G & (for f being strict RingMorphism st cod f = G holds (ID G)*f = f) & (for g being strict RingMorphism st dom g = G holds g*(ID G) = g) proof set i = ID G; thus A1: dom i = G & cod i = G by Def9; thus for f being strict RingMorphism st cod f = G holds i*f = f proof let f be strict RingMorphism such that A2: cod f = G; set H = dom(f); A3: H <= G by A2,Th6; reconsider f' = f as Morphism of H,G by A2,Th6; A4: i = RingMorphismStr(# G,G,id G#) by Def7; consider m being map of H,G such that A5: f' = RingMorphismStr(#H,G,m#) by A3,Lm8; (id G)*m = m by GRCAT_1:12; hence i*f = f by A1,A2,A4,A5,Def10; end; thus for g being strict RingMorphism st dom g = G holds g*(ID G) = g proof let f be strict RingMorphism such that A6: dom f = G; set H = cod(f); A7: G <= H by A6,Th6; reconsider f' = f as Morphism of G,H by A6,Th6; A8: i = RingMorphismStr(# G,G,id G#) by Def7; consider m being map of G,H such that A9: f' = RingMorphismStr(#G,H,m#) by A7,Lm8; m*(id G) = m by GRCAT_1:12; hence f*i = f by A1,A6,A8,A9,Def10; end; end; :: :: 2. Domains of rings :: definition let IT be set; attr IT is Ring_DOMAIN-like means :Def12:for x being Element of IT holds x is strict Ring; end; definition cluster Ring_DOMAIN-like non empty set; existence proof consider X being strict Ring; set D = {X}; A1: for x be Element of D holds x is strict Ring by TARSKI:def 1; take D; thus thesis by A1,Def12; end; end; definition mode Ring_DOMAIN is Ring_DOMAIN-like non empty set; end; reserve V for Ring_DOMAIN; definition let V; redefine mode Element of V -> Ring; coherence by Def12; end; definition let V; cluster strict Element of V; existence proof consider e being Element of V; e is strict Ring by Def12; hence thesis; end; end; definition let IT be set; attr IT is RingMorphism_DOMAIN-like means :Def13:for x being set st x in IT holds x is strict RingMorphism; end; definition cluster RingMorphism_DOMAIN-like (non empty set); existence proof consider G; take {ID G}; for x being set st x in {ID G} holds x is strict RingMorphism by TARSKI:def 1 ; hence thesis by Def13; end; end; definition mode RingMorphism_DOMAIN is RingMorphism_DOMAIN-like non empty set; end; definition let M be RingMorphism_DOMAIN; redefine mode Element of M -> RingMorphism; coherence by Def13; end; definition let M be RingMorphism_DOMAIN; cluster strict Element of M; existence proof consider m being Element of M; m is strict RingMorphism by Def13; hence thesis; end; end; canceled 2; theorem Th17:for f being strict RingMorphism holds {f} is RingMorphism_DOMAIN proof let f be strict RingMorphism; for x being set st x in {f} holds x is strict RingMorphism by TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by Def13; end; definition let G,H; mode RingMorphism_DOMAIN of G,H -> RingMorphism_DOMAIN means :Def14:for x being Element of it holds x is Morphism of G,H; existence proof consider F being Morphism of G,H; reconsider D = {F} as RingMorphism_DOMAIN by Th17; take D; thus thesis by TARSKI:def 1; end; end; theorem Th18: D is RingMorphism_DOMAIN of G,H iff for x being Element of D holds x is Morphism of G,H proof thus D is RingMorphism_DOMAIN of G,H implies for x being Element of D holds x is Morphism of G,H by Def14; thus (for x being Element of D holds x is Morphism of G,H) implies D is RingMorphism_DOMAIN of G,H proof assume A1:for x being Element of D holds x is Morphism of G,H; then for x being set st x in D holds x is strict RingMorphism; then reconsider D' = D as RingMorphism_DOMAIN by Def13; for x being Element of D' holds x is Morphism of G,H by A1; hence thesis by Def14; end; end; theorem for f being Morphism of G,H holds {f} is RingMorphism_DOMAIN of G,H proof let f be Morphism of G,H; for x being Element of {f} holds x is Morphism of G,H by TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by Th18; end; definition let G,H; assume A1: G <= H; func Morphs(G,H) -> RingMorphism_DOMAIN of G,H means :Def15: x in it iff x is Morphism of G,H; existence proof set D = { RingMorphismStr(# G,H,f#) where f is Element of Maps(G,H) : f is linear }; consider F being Morphism of G,H; consider f being map of G,H such that F = RingMorphismStr(#G,H,f#) and A2: f is linear by A1,Lm7; f is Element of Funcs(the carrier of G, the carrier of H) by FUNCT_2:11; then reconsider f0 = f as Element of Maps(G,H) by GRCAT_1:def 26; RingMorphismStr(# G,H,f0#) in D by A2; then reconsider D as non empty set; A3: x in D implies x is Morphism of G,H proof assume x in D; then ex f being Element of Maps(G,H) st x = RingMorphismStr (#G,H,f#) & f is linear; hence thesis by Lm5; end; then A4:for x being Element of D holds x is Morphism of G,H; A5: x is Morphism of G,H implies x in D proof assume x is Morphism of G,H; then reconsider x as Morphism of G,H; dom(x) = G & cod(x) = H by A1,Def9; then A6: the Dom of x = G & the Cod of x = H by Def3,Def4; A7: (the Fun of x) is linear by Lm3; reconsider f = the Fun of x as map of G,H by A6; f is Element of Funcs(the carrier of G, the carrier of H) by FUNCT_2:11; then reconsider g = f as Element of Maps(G,H) by GRCAT_1:def 26; x = RingMorphismStr(# G,H,g #) by A6; hence thesis by A7; end; reconsider D as RingMorphism_DOMAIN of G,H by A4,Th18; take D; thus thesis by A3,A5; end; uniqueness proof let D1,D2 be RingMorphism_DOMAIN of G,H such that A8: x in D1 iff x is Morphism of G,H and A9: x in D2 iff x is Morphism of G,H; x in D1 iff x in D2 proof hereby assume x in D1; then x is Morphism of G,H by A8; hence x in D2 by A9; end; assume x in D2; then x is Morphism of G,H by A9; hence thesis by A8; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; end; definition let G,H; let M be RingMorphism_DOMAIN of G,H; redefine mode Element of M -> Morphism of G,H; coherence by Def14; end; definition let G,H; let M be RingMorphism_DOMAIN of G,H; cluster strict Element of M; existence proof consider e being Element of M; e is Morphism of G,H; hence thesis; end; end; :: :: 4a. Category of rings - objects :: definition let x,y; pred GO x,y means :Def16: ex x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6 being set st x = [[x1,x2,x3,x4],x5,x6] & ex G being strict Ring st y = G & x1 = the carrier of G & x2 = the add of G & x3 = comp G & x4 = the Zero of G & x5 = the mult of G & x6 = the unity of G; end; theorem Th20:for x,y1,y2 being set st GO x,y1 & GO x,y2 holds y1 = y2 proof let x,y1,y2 be set such that A1: GO x,y1 and A2: GO x,y2; consider a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6 being set such that A3: x = [[a1,a2,a3,a4],a5,a6] and A4: ex G being strict Ring st y1 = G & a1 = the carrier of G & a2 = the add of G & a3 = comp G & a4 = the Zero of G & a5 = the mult of G & a6 = the unity of G by A1,Def16; consider b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6 being set such that A5: x = [[b1,b2,b3,b4],b5,b6] and A6: ex G being strict Ring st y2 = G & b1 = the carrier of G & b2 = the add of G & b3 = comp G & b4 = the Zero of G & b5 = the mult of G & b6 = the unity of G by A2,Def16; consider G1 being strict Ring such that A7: y1 = G1 & a1 = the carrier of G1 & a2 = the add of G1 & a3 = comp G1 & a4 = the Zero of G1 & a5 = the mult of G1 & a6 = the unity of G1 by A4; consider G2 being strict Ring such that A8: y2 = G2 & b1 = the carrier of G2 & b2 = the add of G2 & b3 = comp G2 & b4 = the Zero of G2 & b5 = the mult of G2 & b6 = the unity of G2 by A6; [a1,a2,a3,a4] = [b1,b2,b3,b4] & a5 = b5 & a6 = b6 by A3,A5,MCART_1:28; then the carrier of G1 = the carrier of G2 & the add of G1 = the add of G2 & comp G1 = comp G2 & the Zero of G1 = the Zero of G2 & the mult of G1 = the mult of G2 & the unity of G1 = the unity of G2 by A7,A8,MCART_1:33; hence thesis by A7,A8; end; theorem Th21: ex x st x in UN & GO x,Z3 proof set G = Z3; reconsider x1 = the carrier of G, x2 = the add of G, x3 = comp G, x4 = the Zero of G, x5 = the mult of G, x6 = the unity of G as Element of UN by MOD_2:40; set x' = [x1,x2,x3,x4]; set x = [x',x5,x6]; x' is Element of UN by GRCAT_1:3; then A1: x is Element of UN by GRCAT_1:3; A2: GO x,G proof take x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6; thus thesis; end; take x; thus thesis by A1,A2; end; definition let UN; func RingObjects(UN) -> set means :Def17:for y holds y in it iff ex x st x in UN & GO x,y; existence proof defpred P[set,set] means GO $1,$2; A1: for x,y1,y2 being set st P[x,y1] & P[x,y2] holds y1 = y2 by Th20; consider Y being set such that A2:for y holds y in Y iff ex x st x in UN & P[x,y] from Fraenkel(A1); take Y; thus thesis by A2; end; uniqueness proof let Y1,Y2 be set such that A3:for y holds y in Y1 iff ex x st x in UN & GO x,y and A4:for y holds y in Y2 iff ex x st x in UN & GO x,y; now let y; y in Y1 iff ex x st x in UN & GO x,y by A3; hence y in Y1 iff y in Y2 by A4;end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; end; theorem Th22: Z3 in RingObjects(UN) proof ex x st x in UN & GO x,Z3 by Th21; hence thesis by Def17; end; definition let UN; cluster RingObjects(UN) -> non empty; coherence by Th22; end; theorem Th23:for x being Element of RingObjects(UN) holds x is strict Ring proof let x be Element of RingObjects(UN); consider u being set such that A1: u in UN & GO u,x by Def17; ex x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6 being set st u = [[x1,x2,x3,x4],x5,x6] & ex G being strict Ring st x = G & x1 = the carrier of G & x2 = the add of G & x3 = comp G & x4 = the Zero of G & x5 = the mult of G & x6 = the unity of G by A1,Def16; hence thesis; end; definition let UN; cluster RingObjects(UN) -> Ring_DOMAIN-like; coherence proof for x being Element of RingObjects(UN) holds x is strict Ring by Th23; hence thesis by Def12; end; end; :: :: 4b. Category of rings - morphisms :: definition let V; func Morphs(V) -> RingMorphism_DOMAIN means :Def18: x in it iff ex G,H being Element of V st G <= H & x is Morphism of G,H; existence proof consider G0 being Element of V; set M = Morphs(G0,G0), S = { Morphs(G,H) where G is Element of V, H is Element of V : G <= H }; A1: (ID(G0)) is Element of M by Def15; M in S; then reconsider T = union S as non empty set by A1,TARSKI:def 4; A2: x in T iff ex G,H being Element of V st G <= H & x is Morphism of G,H proof thus x in T implies ex G,H being Element of V st G <= H & x is Morphism of G,H proof assume x in T; then consider Y being set such that A3: x in Y and A4: Y in S by TARSKI:def 4; consider G,H being Element of V such that A5: Y = Morphs(G,H) and A6: G <= H by A4; A7: x is Element of Morphs(G,H) by A3,A5; take G,H; thus thesis by A6,A7; end; thus (ex G,H being Element of V st G <= H & x is Morphism of G,H) implies x in T proof given G,H being Element of V such that A8: G <= H and A9: x is Morphism of G,H; set M = Morphs(G,H); A10: x in M by A8,A9,Def15; M in S by A8; hence thesis by A10,TARSKI:def 4; end; end; now let x be set; assume x in T; then ex G,H being Element of V st G <= H & x is Morphism of G,H by A2; hence x is strict RingMorphism;end; then reconsider T' = T as RingMorphism_DOMAIN by Def13; take T'; thus thesis by A2; end; uniqueness proof let D1,D2 be RingMorphism_DOMAIN such that A11: x in D1 iff ex G,H being Element of V st G <= H & x is Morphism of G,H and A12: x in D2 iff ex G,H being Element of V st G <= H & x is Morphism of G,H; now let x; x in D1 iff ex G,H being Element of V st G <= H & x is Morphism of G,H by A11; hence x in D1 iff x in D2 by A12;end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; end; :: :: 4c. Category of rings - dom,cod,id :: definition let V; let F be Element of Morphs(V); redefine func dom(F) -> Element of V; coherence proof consider G,H being Element of V such that A1: G <= H and A2: F is Morphism of G,H by Def18; reconsider F' = F as Morphism of G,H by A2; dom(F') = G by A1,Def9; hence thesis; end; func cod(F) -> Element of V; coherence proof consider G,H being Element of V such that A3: G <= H and A4: F is Morphism of G,H by Def18; reconsider F' = F as Morphism of G,H by A4; cod(F') = H by A3,Def9; hence thesis; end; end; definition let V; let G be Element of V; func ID(G) -> strict Element of Morphs(V) equals :Def19: ID(G); coherence by Def18; end; definition let V; func dom(V) -> Function of Morphs(V),V means :Def20:for f being Element of Morphs(V) holds it.f = dom(f); existence proof deffunc G(Element of Morphs(V))= dom($1); consider F being Function of Morphs(V),V such that A1:for f being Element of Morphs(V) holds F.f = G(f) from LambdaD; take F; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let F1,F2 be Function of Morphs(V),V such that A2:for f being Element of Morphs(V) holds F1.f = dom(f) and A3:for f being Element of Morphs(V) holds F2.f = dom(f); now let f be Element of Morphs(V); F1.f = dom(f) by A2; hence F1.f = F2.f by A3;end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; func cod(V) -> Function of Morphs(V),V means :Def21:for f being Element of Morphs(V) holds it.f = cod(f); existence proof deffunc G(Element of Morphs(V))=cod($1); consider F being Function of Morphs(V),V such that A4:for f being Element of Morphs(V) holds F.f = G(f) from LambdaD; take F; thus thesis by A4; end; uniqueness proof let F1,F2 be Function of Morphs(V),V such that A5:for f being Element of Morphs(V) holds F1.f = cod(f) and A6:for f being Element of Morphs(V) holds F2.f = cod(f); now let f be Element of Morphs(V); F1.f = cod(f) by A5; hence F1.f = F2.f by A6;end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; func ID(V) -> Function of V,Morphs(V) means :Def22:for G being Element of V holds it.G = ID(G); existence proof deffunc H(Element of V)=ID($1); consider F being Function of V,Morphs(V) such that A7:for G being Element of V holds F.G = H(G) from LambdaD; take F; thus thesis by A7; end; uniqueness proof let F1,F2 be Function of V,Morphs(V) such that A8:for G being Element of V holds F1.G = ID(G) and A9:for G being Element of V holds F2.G = ID(G); now let G be Element of V; F1.G = ID(G) by A8; hence F1.G = F2.G by A9;end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; end; :: :: 4d. Category of rings - superposition :: theorem Th24:for g,f being Element of Morphs(V) st dom(g) = cod(f) ex G1,G2,G3 being Element of V st G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3 & g is Morphism of G2,G3 & f is Morphism of G1,G2 proof set X = Morphs(V); defpred P[Element of X,Element of X] means dom($1) = cod($2); let g,f be Element of X such that A1: P[g,f]; consider G2,G3 being Element of V such that A2: G2 <= G3 and A3: g is Morphism of G2,G3 by Def18; A4: G2 = dom(g) by A2,A3,Def9; consider G1,G2' being Element of V such that A5: G1 <= G2' and A6: f is Morphism of G1,G2' by Def18; G2' = cod(f) by A5,A6,Def9; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6; end; theorem Th25:for g,f being Element of Morphs(V) st dom(g) = cod(f) holds g*f in Morphs(V) proof set X = Morphs(V); defpred P[Element of X,Element of X] means dom($1) = cod($2); let g,f be Element of X; assume P[g,f]; then consider G1,G2,G3 being Element of V such that A1: G1 <= G2 & G2 <= G3 & g is Morphism of G2,G3 & f is Morphism of G1,G2 by Th24; A2: G1 <= G3 by A1,Th8; reconsider g' = g as Morphism of G2,G3 by A1; reconsider f' = f as Morphism of G1,G2 by A1; g'*'f' = g'*f' by A1,Def11; hence thesis by A2,Def18; end; definition let V; func comp(V) -> PartFunc of [:Morphs(V),Morphs(V):],Morphs(V) means :Def23: (for g,f being Element of Morphs(V) holds [g,f] in dom it iff dom(g) = cod(f)) & (for g,f being Element of Morphs(V) st [g,f] in dom it holds it.[g,f] = g*f); existence proof set X = Morphs(V); defpred P[Element of X,Element of X] means dom($1) = cod($2); deffunc F(Element of X,Element of X)=$1*$2; A1:for g,f being Element of X st P[g,f] holds F(g,f) in X by Th25; consider c being PartFunc of [:X,X:],X such that A2:for g,f being Element of X holds [g,f] in dom c iff P[g,f] and A3:for g,f being Element of X st [g,f] in dom c holds c.[g,f] = F(g,f) from PartLambda2D(A1); take c; thus thesis by A2,A3; end; uniqueness proof set X = Morphs(V); defpred P[Element of X,Element of X] means dom($1) = cod($2); let c1,c2 be PartFunc of [:X,X:],X such that A4:for g,f being Element of X holds [g,f] in dom c1 iff P[g,f] and A5:for g,f being Element of X st [g,f] in dom c1 holds c1.[g,f] = g*f and A6:for g,f being Element of X holds [g,f] in dom c2 iff P[g,f] and A7:for g,f being Element of X st [g,f] in dom c2 holds c2.[g,f] = g*f; A8: dom c1 c= [:X,X:] & dom c2 c= [:X,X:] by RELSET_1:12; A9: dom c1 = dom c2 proof now let x; assume A10: x in dom c1; then consider g,f being Element of X such that A11: x = [g,f] by A8,GRCAT_1:2; P[g,f] by A4,A10,A11; hence x in dom c2 by A6,A11;end; then A12: dom c1 c= dom c2 by TARSKI:def 3; now let x; assume A13: x in dom c2; then consider g,f being Element of X such that A14: x = [g,f] by A8,GRCAT_1:2; P[g,f] by A6,A13,A14; hence x in dom c1 by A4,A14;end; then dom c2 c= dom c1 by TARSKI:def 3; hence thesis by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 10; end; set V0 = dom c1; for x,y st [x,y] in V0 holds c1.[x,y]=c2.[x,y] proof let x,y;assume A15: [x,y] in V0; then reconsider x,y as Element of X by A8,ZFMISC_1:106; c1.[x,y] = x*y by A5,A15; hence thesis by A7,A9,A15; end; hence thesis by A9,PARTFUN1:35; end; end; :: :: 4e. Definition of Category of rings :: definition let UN; func RingCat(UN) -> CatStr equals :Def24: CatStr(#RingObjects(UN),Morphs(RingObjects(UN)), dom(RingObjects(UN)),cod(RingObjects(UN)), comp(RingObjects(UN)),ID(RingObjects(UN))#); coherence; end; definition let UN; cluster RingCat(UN) -> strict; coherence proof RingCat(UN) = CatStr(#RingObjects(UN),Morphs(RingObjects(UN)), dom(RingObjects(UN)),cod(RingObjects(UN)), comp(RingObjects(UN)),ID(RingObjects(UN))#) by Def24; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th26:for f,g being Morphism of RingCat(UN) holds [g,f] in dom(the Comp of RingCat(UN)) iff dom g = cod f proof set C = RingCat(UN), V = RingObjects(UN); A1: C = CatStr(#V,Morphs(V),dom(V),cod(V),comp(V),ID(V)#) by Def24; let f,g be Morphism of C; reconsider f' = f as Element of Morphs(V) by A1; reconsider g' = g as Element of Morphs(V) by A1; A2: dom g = dom(V).g' by A1,CAT_1:def 2 .= dom(g') by Def20; cod f = cod(V).f' by A1,CAT_1:def 3 .= cod(f') by Def21; hence thesis by A1,A2,Def23; end; theorem Th27:for f being (Morphism of RingCat(UN)), f' being Element of Morphs(RingObjects(UN)), b being Object of RingCat(UN), b' being Element of RingObjects(UN) holds f is strict Element of Morphs(RingObjects(UN)) & f' is Morphism of RingCat(UN) & b is strict Element of RingObjects(UN) & b' is Object of RingCat(UN) proof set C = RingCat(UN), V = RingObjects(UN); set X = Morphs(V); A1: C = CatStr(#V,X,dom(V),cod(V),comp(V),ID(V)#) by Def24; let f be (Morphism of C), f' be Element of X, b be Object of C, b' be Element of V; ex G,H being Element of V st G <= H & f is Morphism of G,H by A1,Def18; hence f is strict Element of X by A1; thus f' is Morphism of C by A1; consider x such that A2: x in UN & GO x,b by A1,Def17; ex x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6 being set st x = [[x1,x2,x3,x4],x5,x6] & ex G being strict Ring st b = G & x1 = the carrier of G & x2 = the add of G & x3 = comp G & x4 = the Zero of G & x5 = the mult of G & x6 = the unity of G by A2,Def16; hence b is strict Element of V by A1; thus b' is Object of C by A1; end; theorem Th28:for b being Object of RingCat(UN), b' being Element of RingObjects(UN) st b = b' holds id b = ID(b') proof set C = RingCat(UN), V = RingObjects(UN); A1: C = CatStr(#V,(Morphs(V)),dom(V),cod(V),comp(V),ID(V)#) by Def24; let b be Object of C, b' be Element of V; assume b = b'; hence id b = (ID(V)).b' by A1,CAT_1:def 5 .= ID(b') by Def22; end; theorem Th29:for f being Morphism of RingCat(UN) for f' being Element of Morphs(RingObjects(UN)) st f = f' holds dom f = dom f' & cod f = cod f' proof set C = RingCat(UN), V = RingObjects(UN); set X = Morphs(V); A1: C = CatStr(#V,X,dom(V),cod(V),comp(V),ID(V)#) by Def24; let f be (Morphism of C), f' be Element of X; assume A2: f = f'; hence dom f = dom(V).f' by A1,CAT_1:def 2 .= dom f' by Def20; thus cod f = cod(V).f' by A1,A2,CAT_1:def 3 .= cod f' by Def21; end; theorem Th30:for f,g being (Morphism of RingCat(UN)), f',g' being Element of Morphs(RingObjects(UN)) st f = f' & g = g' holds (dom g = cod f iff dom g' = cod f') & (dom g = cod f iff [g',f'] in dom comp(RingObjects(UN))) & (dom g = cod f implies g*f = g'*f') & (dom f = dom g iff dom f' = dom g') & (cod f = cod g iff cod f' = cod g') proof set C = RingCat(UN), V = RingObjects(UN); set X = Morphs(V); A1: C = CatStr(#V,X,dom(V),cod(V),comp(V),ID(V)#) by Def24; let f,g be Morphism of C; let f',g' be Element of X; assume A2: f = f' & g = g'; then A3: dom g = dom g' by Th29; A4: cod f = cod f' by A2,Th29; A5: dom f = dom f' by A2,Th29; A6: cod g = cod g' by A2,Th29; thus dom g = cod f iff dom g' = cod f' by A2,A4,Th29; thus A7: dom g = cod f iff [g',f'] in dom comp(V) by A3,A4,Def23; thus dom g = cod f implies g*f = g'*f' proof assume A8: dom g = cod f; then [g,f] in dom (the Comp of C) by Th26; hence g*f = (comp(V)).[g',f'] by A1,A2,CAT_1:def 4 .= g'*f' by A7,A8,Def23; end; thus dom f = dom g iff dom f' = dom g' by A2,A5,Th29; thus cod f = cod g iff cod f' = cod g' by A2,A6,Th29; end; Lm9:for f,g being Morphism of RingCat(UN) st dom g = cod f holds dom(g*f) = dom f & cod (g*f) = cod g proof set X = Morphs((RingObjects(UN))); let f,g be Morphism of (RingCat(UN)) such that A1: dom g = cod f; reconsider f' = f as strict Element of X by Th27; reconsider g' = g as strict Element of X by Th27; A2: dom g' = cod f' by A1,Th30; then A3: dom(g'*f') = dom f' & cod (g'*f') = cod g' by Th11; reconsider gf = g'*f' as Element of X by A2,Th25; gf = g*f by A1,Th30; hence thesis by A3,Th30; end; Lm10:for f,g,h being Morphism of RingCat(UN) st dom h = cod g & dom g = cod f holds h*(g*f) = (h*g)*f proof set X = Morphs((RingObjects(UN))); let f,g,h be Morphism of (RingCat(UN)) such that A1: dom h = cod g & dom g = cod f; reconsider f'=f, g'=g, h'=h as strict Element of X by Th27; A2: dom h' = cod g' & dom g' = cod f' by A1,Th30; A3: g'*f' = g*f & h'*g' = h*g by A1,Th30; reconsider gf = g'*f', hg = h'*g' as strict Element of X by A2,Th25; A4: dom(h) = cod(g*f) by A1,Lm9; A5: dom(h*g) = cod(f) by A1,Lm9; h*(g*f) = h'*gf by A3,A4,Th30 .= hg*f' by A2,Th13 .= (h*g)*f by A3,A5,Th30; hence thesis; end; Lm11:for b being Object of RingCat(UN) holds dom id b = b & cod id b = b & (for f being Morphism of RingCat(UN) st cod f = b holds (id b)*f = f) & (for g being Morphism of RingCat(UN) st dom g = b holds g*(id b) = g) proof set C = RingCat(UN), V = RingObjects(UN); set X = Morphs(V); let b be Object of C; reconsider b' = b as Element of V by Th27; reconsider b'' = b' as Ring; A1: id b = ID(b') by Th28; hence A2: dom id b = dom ID(b') by Th29 .= dom ID(b'') by Def19 .= b by Th14; thus A3: cod id b = cod ID(b') by A1,Th29 .= cod ID(b'') by Def19 .= b by Th14; thus for f being Morphism of C st cod f = b holds (id b)*f = f proof let f be Morphism of C such that A4: cod f = b; reconsider f1 = f as strict Element of X by Th27; reconsider f' = f1 as strict RingMorphism; A5: cod f' = b'' by A4,Th29; thus (id b)*f = ID(b')*f' by A1,A2,A4,Th30 .= ID(b'')*f' by Def19 .= f by A5,Th14; end; thus for g being Morphism of C st dom g = b holds g*(id b) = g proof let f be Morphism of C such that A6: dom f = b; reconsider f1 = f as strict Element of X by Th27; reconsider f' = f1 as strict RingMorphism; A7: dom f' = b'' by A6,Th29; thus f*(id b) = f'*ID(b') by A1,A3,A6,Th30 .= f'*ID(b'') by Def19 .= f by A7,Th14; end; end; definition let UN; cluster RingCat(UN) -> Category-like; coherence proof (for f,g being Morphism of RingCat(UN) holds [g,f] in dom(the Comp of RingCat(UN)) iff dom g = cod f ) & (for f,g being Morphism of RingCat(UN) st dom g = cod f holds dom(g*f) = dom f & cod (g*f) = cod g ) & (for f,g,h being Morphism of RingCat(UN) st dom h = cod g & dom g = cod f holds h*(g*f) = (h*g)*f ) & (for b being Object of RingCat(UN) holds dom id b = b & cod id b = b & (for f being Morphism of RingCat(UN) st cod f = b holds (id b)*f = f) & (for g being Morphism of RingCat(UN) st dom g = b holds g*(id b) = g) ) by Lm9,Lm10,Lm11,Th26; hence thesis by CAT_1:29; end; end;