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environ vocabulary VECTSP_1, FINSEQ_1, RLVECT_1, RELAT_1, BOOLE, FINSEQ_2, FUNCOP_1, CARD_1, TREES_1, FUNCT_1, QC_LANG1, INCSP_1, GROUP_1, ARYTM_1, BINOP_1, MATRIX_1; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, XREAL_0, NAT_1, STRUCT_0, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FINSEQ_1, FUNCOP_1, FINSEQ_2, BINOP_1, FINSEQOP, RLVECT_1, VECTSP_1, CARD_1; constructors BINOP_1, FINSEQOP, VECTSP_1, XREAL_0, XCMPLX_0, MEMBERED, XBOOLE_0; clusters FINSEQ_1, VECTSP_1, STRUCT_0, FINSEQ_2, RELSET_1, GROUP_1, ARYTM_3, RELAT_1, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0; requirements NUMERALS, SUBSET, BOOLE; definitions TARSKI, RLVECT_1; theorems FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_2, FINSEQ_3, TARSKI, FUNCOP_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, ZFMISC_1, NAT_1, BINOP_1, REAL_1, RLVECT_1; schemes FINSEQ_1, FUNCT_2, BINOP_1, FINSEQ_2; begin reserve x,y,z,y1,y2 for set, i,j,k,l,n,m for Nat, D for non empty set, K for non empty doubleLoopStr, s,t,v for FinSequence, a,a1,a2,b1,b2,d for Element of D, p,p1,p2,q,r for FinSequence of D, F for add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable Abelian (non empty doubleLoopStr); definition let f be FinSequence; attr f is tabular means :Def1: ex n being Nat st for x st x in rng f ex s st s=x & len s = n; end; definition cluster tabular FinSequence; existence proof take M={},0; let x; assume x in rng M; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th1: <*<*d*>*> is tabular proof A1: rng <*<*d*>*> = {<*d*>} by FINSEQ_1:55; take n = 1; let x; assume x in rng <*<*d*>*>; then x = <*d*> & len <*d*> = n by A1,FINSEQ_1:56,TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis; end; theorem Th2: m |-> (n |-> x) is tabular proof set s=m |-> (n |-> x); take n; let z; assume A1:z in rng s; s=Seg m --> (n |-> x) by FINSEQ_2:def 2; then A2: rng s c= {n |-> x} by FUNCOP_1:19; take t=n|->x; thus z=t & len t =n by A1,A2,FINSEQ_2:69,TARSKI:def 1; end; theorem Th3: for s holds <*s*> is tabular proof let s; take len s; let x; assume x in rng <*s*>; then A1:x in { s} by FINSEQ_1:55; then reconsider t=x as FinSequence by TARSKI:def 1; take t; thus thesis by A1,TARSKI:def 1; end; theorem Th4: for s1,s2 be FinSequence st len s1 =n & len s2 = n holds <*s1,s2*> is tabular proof let s1,s2 be FinSequence; assume that A1:len s1 =n and A2:len s2 =n; now take n; let x; assume x in rng (<*s1,s2*>); then A3: x in { s1,s2} by FINSEQ_2:147; then reconsider r=x as FinSequence by TARSKI:def 2; take r; thus x= r & len r=n by A1,A2,A3,TARSKI:def 2; end; hence thesis by Def1; end; theorem Th5: {} is tabular proof now take n=0; let x; assume x in rng ({}); hence ex t st t=x & len t=n; end; hence thesis by Def1; end; theorem <*{},{}*> is tabular proof len {} =0 by FINSEQ_1:25; hence thesis by Th4; end; theorem <*<*a1*>,<*a2*>*> is tabular proof len <*a1*>=1 & len <*a2*>=1 by FINSEQ_1:56; hence thesis by Th4; end; theorem <*<*a1,a2*>,<*b1,b2*>*> is tabular proof len <*a1,a2*>=2 & len <*b1,b2*>=2 by FINSEQ_1:61; hence thesis by Th4; end; definition let f be Relation; attr f is empty-yielding means for s being set st s in rng f holds Card s = 0; end; definition let D be set; cluster tabular FinSequence of D*; existence proof take <*>(D*),0; thus thesis; end; end; definition let D be set; mode Matrix of D is tabular FinSequence of D*; end; definition let D be non empty set; cluster non empty-yielding Matrix of D; existence proof consider d be Element of D; A1: rng <*<*d*>*>= {<*d*>} & <*d*> in D* by FINSEQ_1:55,def 11; then rng <*<*d*>*> c= D* by ZFMISC_1:37; then reconsider p = <*<*d*>*> as FinSequence of D* by FINSEQ_1:def 4; reconsider p as tabular FinSequence of D* by Th1; reconsider s = <*d*> as FinSequence; take p,s; thus s in rng p by A1,TARSKI:def 1; thus len s <> 0 by FINSEQ_1:56; end; end; theorem Th9: s is Matrix of D iff ex n st for x st x in rng s ex p st x = p & len p = n proof thus s is Matrix of D implies ex n st for x st x in rng s ex p st x=p & len p = n proof assume s is Matrix of D; then reconsider s as tabular FinSequence of D*; consider n being Nat such that A1:for x st x in rng s ex t st t=x & len t = n by Def1; take n; for x st x in rng s ex p st x=p & len p = n proof let x; assume A2:x in rng s; A3: rng s c= D* by FINSEQ_1:def 4; consider v such that A4:v=x & len v=n by A1,A2; reconsider p=v as FinSequence of D by A2,A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:def 11; take p; thus thesis by A4; end; hence thesis; end; given n such that A5: for x st x in rng s ex p st x = p & len p = n; A6:s is tabular proof consider n such that A7: for x st x in rng s ex p st x = p & len p = n by A5; take n; for x st x in rng s ex t st t= x & len t= n proof let x; assume x in rng s; then consider p such that A8:x = p & len p = n by A7; reconsider t=p as FinSequence; take t; thus thesis by A8; end; hence thesis; end; rng s c= D* proof let x; assume x in rng s; then ex p st x=p & len p = n by A5; then reconsider q=x as FinSequence of D; q in D* by FINSEQ_1:def 11; hence thesis; end; hence s is Matrix of D by A6,FINSEQ_1:def 4; end; definition let D,m,n; mode Matrix of m,n,D -> Matrix of D means: Def3: len it = m & for p st p in rng it holds len p = n; existence proof consider a; reconsider d= n |-> a as Element of D* by FINSEQ_1:def 11; reconsider M= m |-> d as FinSequence of (D)*; M is Matrix of D proof ex n st for x st x in rng M ex p st x =p & len p = n proof take n; let x; assume A1:x in rng M; M=Seg m --> (n |-> a) by FINSEQ_2:def 2; then A2: rng M c= {n |->a} by FUNCOP_1:19; reconsider p=n |-> a as FinSequence of D; take p; thus x=p & len p =n by A1,A2,FINSEQ_2:69,TARSKI:def 1; end; hence thesis by Th9; end; then reconsider M as Matrix of D; take M; thus len M = m by FINSEQ_2:69; let p; assume A3:p in rng M; M=Seg m --> (n |-> a) by FINSEQ_2:def 2; then rng M c= {n |-> a} by FUNCOP_1:19; then p = n |-> a by A3,TARSKI:def 1; hence len p =n by FINSEQ_2:69; end; end; definition let D,n; mode Matrix of n,D is Matrix of n,n,D; end; definition let K be non empty 1-sorted; mode Matrix of K is Matrix of the carrier of K; let n; mode Matrix of n,K is Matrix of n,n,the carrier of K; let m; mode Matrix of n,m,K is Matrix of n,m,the carrier of K; end; theorem Th10: m |-> (n |-> a) is Matrix of m,n,D proof reconsider d= n |-> a as Element of D* by FINSEQ_1:def 11; reconsider M= m |-> d as FinSequence of D*; reconsider M as Matrix of D by Th2; M is Matrix of m,n,D proof thus len M = m by FINSEQ_2:69; let p; assume A1:p in rng M; M=Seg m --> (n |-> a) by FINSEQ_2:def 2; then rng M c= {n |-> a} by FUNCOP_1:19; then p = n |-> a by A1,TARSKI:def 1; hence len p =n by FINSEQ_2:69; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th11: for p being FinSequence of D holds <*p*> is Matrix of 1,len p,D proof let p be FinSequence of D; reconsider p' = p as Element of (D)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11; (<*p'*>) is tabular by Th3; then reconsider M = <*p*> as Matrix of D; M is Matrix of 1,len p,D proof thus len M = 1 by FINSEQ_1:56; let q; assume q in rng M; then q in { p } by FINSEQ_1:55; hence len q = len p by TARSKI:def 1; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th12: for p1,p2 st len p1 =n & len p2 = n holds <*p1,p2*> is Matrix of 2,n,D proof let p1,p2; assume that A1:len p1 =n and A2:len p2 =n; reconsider q1 = p1,q2 = p2 as Element of (D)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11; reconsider M = <*q1,q2*> as FinSequence of (D)* by FINSEQ_2:15; reconsider M as Matrix of D by A1,A2,Th4; M is Matrix of 2,n,D proof thus len M = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61; let r; assume r in rng M; then r in { p1,p2 } by FINSEQ_2:147; hence len r = n by A1,A2,TARSKI:def 2; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th13: {} is Matrix of 0,m,D proof reconsider M ={} as FinSequence of D* by FINSEQ_1:29; M is tabular by Th5; then reconsider M = {} as Matrix of D; M is Matrix of 0,m,D proof thus len M =0 by FINSEQ_1:25; let p; assume p in rng M; hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:27; end; hence thesis; end; theorem <*{}*> is Matrix of 1,0,D proof A1: {} is FinSequence of D by FINSEQ_1:29; len {} =0 by FINSEQ_1:25; hence <*{}*> is Matrix of 1,0,D by A1,Th11; end; theorem <*<*a*>*> is Matrix of 1,D proof len <*a*> =1 by FINSEQ_1:56; hence thesis by Th11; end; theorem <*{},{}*> is Matrix of 2,0,D proof A1:{} is FinSequence of D by FINSEQ_1:29; len {}=0 by FINSEQ_1:25; hence thesis by A1,Th12; end; theorem <*<*a1,a2*>*> is Matrix of 1,2,D proof A1: <*a1,a2*> is FinSequence of D by FINSEQ_2:15; len <*a1,a2*> =2 by FINSEQ_1:61; hence thesis by A1,Th11; end; theorem <*<*a1*>,<*a2*>*> is Matrix of 2,1,D proof len <*a1*>=1 & len <*a2*>=1 by FINSEQ_1:56; hence thesis by Th12; end; theorem <*<*a1,a2*>,<*b1,b2*>*> is Matrix of 2,D proof A1:<*a1,a2*> is FinSequence of D & <*b1,b2*> is FinSequence of D by FINSEQ_2:15; len <*a1,a2*>=2 & len <*b1,b2*>=2 by FINSEQ_1:61; hence thesis by A1,Th12; end; reserve M,M1,M2 for Matrix of D; definition let M be tabular FinSequence; func width M -> Nat means: Def4: ex s st s in rng M & len s = it if len M > 0 otherwise it = 0; existence proof thus len M > 0 implies ex n,s st s in rng M & len s = n proof assume len M > 0; then M <> {} by FINSEQ_1:25; then A1:rng M <>{} by FINSEQ_1:27; consider n being Nat such that A2: for x st x in rng M ex s st s=x & len s = n by Def1; take n; consider x being Element of rng M; consider s such that A3:s=x & len s = n by A1,A2; take s; thus thesis by A1,A3; end; thus not len M > 0 implies ex n st n = 0; end; uniqueness proof let n1,n2 be Nat; thus len M > 0 implies ((ex s st s in rng M & len s = n1) & (ex s st s in rng M & len s = n2) implies n1 = n2) proof assume len M > 0; consider n such that A4:for x st x in rng M ex s st s=x & len s=n by Def1; given s such that A5:s in rng M and A6:len s = n1; given p be FinSequence such that A7:p in rng M and A8:len p=n2; A9: ex s1 be FinSequence st s1=s & len s1 =n by A4,A5; ex p1 be FinSequence st p1=p & len p1 = n by A4,A7; hence thesis by A6,A8,A9; end; thus not len M > 0 & n1 = 0 & n2 = 0 implies n1 = n2; end; consistency; end; theorem Th20: len M > 0 implies for n holds M is Matrix of len M, n, D iff n = width M proof assume A1: len M > 0; let n; thus M is Matrix of len M, n, D implies n = width M proof assume A2: M is Matrix of len M, n, D; consider s such that A3:s in rng M & len s=width M by A1,Def4; rng M c= D* by FINSEQ_1:def 4; then reconsider q=s as FinSequence of D by A3,FINSEQ_1:def 11; len q= n by A2,A3,Def3; hence n = width M by A3; end; assume n=width M; then for p st p in rng M holds len p=n by A1,Def4; hence M is Matrix of len M,n,D by Def3; end; definition let M be tabular FinSequence; func Indices M -> set equals :Def5: [:dom M,Seg width M:]; coherence; end; definition let D be set; let M be Matrix of D; let i,j; assume A1:[i,j] in Indices M; func M*(i,j) -> Element of D means :Def6: ex p being FinSequence of D st p= M.i & it =p.j; existence proof [i,j] in [:dom M,Seg width M:] by A1,Def5; then A2:i in dom M & j in Seg width M by ZFMISC_1:106; then A3: M.i in rng M by FUNCT_1:def 5; rng M c= D* by FINSEQ_1:def 4; then reconsider p=M.i as FinSequence of D by A3,FINSEQ_1:def 11; rng M <> {} by A2,FUNCT_1:12; then M<> {} by FINSEQ_1:27; then len M <> 0 & len M >= 0 by FINSEQ_1:25,NAT_1:18; then len M > 0 by REAL_1:def 5; then consider s such that A4: s in rng M and A5: len s = width M by Def4; consider n being Nat such that A6: for x st x in rng M ex t st t=x & len t = n by Def1; A7: ex t st s = t & len t = n by A4,A6; ex v st p = v & len v = n by A3,A6; then j in dom p by A2,A5,A7,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then p.j in rng p & rng p c=D by FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:def 5; then reconsider a=p.j as Element of D; take a,p; thus thesis; end; uniqueness; end; theorem Th21:len M1 =len M2 & width M1= width M2 & (for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M1 holds M1*(i,j) = M2*(i,j)) implies M1 = M2 proof assume that A1:len M1 =len M2 and A2:width M1= width M2 and A3:(for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M1 holds M1*(i,j) = M2*(i,j)); A4: dom M1= dom M2 by A1,FINSEQ_3:31; for k st k in dom M1 holds M1.k = M2.k proof let k; assume A5:k in dom M1; then A6:M1.k in rng M1 & M2.k in rng M2 by A4,FUNCT_1:def 5; A7: rng M1 c=(D)* & rng M2 c=(D)* by FINSEQ_1:def 4; then reconsider p = M1.k as FinSequence of D by A6,FINSEQ_1:def 11; rng M1 <> {} by A5,FUNCT_1:12; then M1 <> {} by FINSEQ_1:27; then len M1 <> 0 & len M1 >= 0 by FINSEQ_1:25,NAT_1:18; then A8:len M1 > 0 by REAL_1:def 5; then M1 is Matrix of len M1,width M1,D by Th20; then A9:len p = width M1 by A6,Def3; reconsider q = M2.k as FinSequence of D by A6,A7,FINSEQ_1:def 11; M2 is Matrix of len M1,width M1,D by A1,A2,A8,Th20; then A10:len q = width M1 by A6,Def3; for l st 1 <= l & l <= len p holds p.l = q.l proof let l; assume 1 <= l & l <= len p; then A11:l in Seg width M1 by A9,FINSEQ_1:3; then l in dom p & l in dom q by A9,A10,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A12: p.l in rng p & rng p c= D & q.l in rng q & rng q c= D by FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:def 5; then reconsider a = p.l as Element of D; reconsider b = q.l as Element of D by A12; [k,l] in [:dom M1,Seg width M1:] & [k,l] in [:dom M2,Seg width M2:] by A2,A4,A5,A11,ZFMISC_1:106; then A13:[k,l] in Indices M1 & [k,l] in Indices M2 by Def5; then M1*(k,l)=a & M2*(k,l)= b by Def6; hence thesis by A3,A13; end; hence M1.k =M2.k by A9,A10,FINSEQ_1:18; end; hence thesis by A4,FINSEQ_1:17; end; scheme MatrixLambda { D() -> non empty set, n() -> Nat, m() -> Nat, f(set,set) -> Element of D()} : ex M being Matrix of n(),m(),D() st for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M holds M*(i,j) = f(i,j) proof defpred P[set,set] means ex p being FinSequence st $2=p & len p = m() & for i st i in Seg m() holds p.i = f($1,i); A1: for k,y1,y2 st k in Seg n() & P[k,y1] & P[k,y2] holds y1=y2 proof let k,y1,y2; assume k in Seg n(); given p1 being FinSequence such that A2:y1 =p1 and A3:len p1 =m() and A4:for i st i in Seg m() holds p1.i =f(k,i); given p2 being FinSequence such that A5:y2 =p2 and A6:len p2 =m() and A7:for i st i in Seg m() holds p2.i =f(k,i); now let j; assume A8:j in Seg m(); then p1.j=f(k,j) by A4; hence p1.j=p2.j by A7,A8; end; hence y1=y2 by A2,A3,A5,A6,FINSEQ_2:10; end; A9:for k st k in Seg n() ex y st P[k,y] proof let k; assume k in Seg n(); deffunc F(Nat) = f(k,$1); consider p being FinSequence such that A10: len p =m() & for i st i in Seg m() holds p.i = F(i) from SeqLambda; reconsider y =p as set; take y,p; thus thesis by A10; end; consider M being FinSequence such that A11:dom M = Seg n() and A12:for k st k in Seg n() holds P[k,M.k] from SeqEx(A1,A9); A13:len M = n() by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 3; rng M c=D()* proof let x; assume x in rng M; then consider i such that A14: i in dom M & M.i=x by FINSEQ_2:11; consider p being FinSequence such that A15: M.i=p & len p = m() & for j st j in Seg m() holds p.j = f(i,j) by A11,A12,A14; rng p c= D() proof let z; assume z in rng p; then consider k such that A16:k in dom p and A17:p.k =z by FINSEQ_2:11; k in Seg len p by A16,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then z = f(i,k) by A15,A17; hence thesis; end; then p is FinSequence of D() by FINSEQ_1:def 4; hence x in D()* by A14,A15,FINSEQ_1:def 11; end; then reconsider M as FinSequence of D()* by FINSEQ_1:def 4; ex n st for x st x in rng M ex p being FinSequence of D() st x=p & len p = n proof take m(); let x; assume x in rng M; then consider i such that A18:i in dom M and A19:M.i =x by FINSEQ_2:11; consider p being FinSequence such that A20: x=p & len p = m() & for j st j in Seg m() holds p.j = f(i,j) by A11,A12,A18,A19; rng p c= D() proof let z; assume z in rng p; then consider k such that A21:k in dom p and A22:p.k =z by FINSEQ_2:11; k in Seg len p by A21,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then z = f(i,k) by A20,A22; hence thesis; end; then reconsider p as FinSequence of D() by FINSEQ_1:def 4; take p; thus thesis by A20; end; then reconsider M as Matrix of D() by Th9; for p being FinSequence of D() st p in rng M holds len p= m() proof let p be FinSequence of D(); assume p in rng M; then consider i such that A23:i in dom M and A24:M.i =p by FINSEQ_2:11; P[i,p] by A11,A12,A23,A24; hence thesis; end; then reconsider M as Matrix of n(),m(),D() by A13,Def3; take M; let i,j; assume A25:[i,j] in Indices M; then A26: ex p being FinSequence of D() st p=M.i & M*(i,j)=p.j by Def6; A27: Indices M = [:dom M, Seg width M:] by Def5; then A28: i in Seg n() & j in Seg width M by A11,A25,ZFMISC_1:106; then A29: ex q being FinSequence st M.i=q & len q = m() & for j st j in Seg m() holds q.j = f(i,j) by A12; n() <> 0 & n() >= 0 by A11,A25,A27,FINSEQ_1:4,NAT_1:18,ZFMISC_1:106; then n() > 0 by REAL_1:def 5; then j in Seg m() by A13,A28,Th20; hence thesis by A26,A29; end; scheme MatrixEx { D() -> non empty set, n() -> Nat, m() -> Nat, P[set,set,set] } : ex M being Matrix of n(),m(),D() st for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M holds P[i,j,M*(i,j)] provided for i,j st [i,j] in [:Seg n(), Seg m():] for x1,x2 being Element of D() st P[i,j,x1] & P[i,j,x2] holds x1 = x2 and A1: for i,j st [i,j] in [:Seg n(), Seg m():] ex x being Element of D() st P[i,j,x] proof defpred Q[set,set,set] means P[$1,$2,$3] & $3 in D(); A2:for x ,y st x in Seg n() & y in Seg m() ex z st z in D() & Q[x,y,z] proof let x,y; assume A3:x in Seg n() & y in Seg m(); then reconsider x'=x as Nat; reconsider y'=y as Nat by A3; [x',y'] in [:Seg n(),Seg m():] by A3,ZFMISC_1:106; then consider z' being Element of D() such that A4: P[x',y',z'] by A1; reconsider z'' = z' as set; take z''; thus thesis by A4; end; consider f being Function of [:Seg n(),Seg m():],D() such that A5:for x,y st x in Seg n() & y in Seg m() holds Q[x,y,f.[x,y]] from FuncEx2(A2); defpred R[set,set] means ex p being FinSequence st $2=p & len p = m() & for i st i in Seg m() holds p.i = f.[$1,i]; A6: for k,y1,y2 st k in Seg n() & R[k,y1] & R[k,y2] holds y1=y2 proof let k,y1,y2; assume k in Seg n(); given p1 being FinSequence such that A7:y1 =p1 and A8:len p1 =m() and A9:for i st i in Seg m() holds p1.i =f.[k,i]; given p2 being FinSequence such that A10:y2 =p2 and A11:len p2 =m() and A12:for i st i in Seg m() holds p2.i =f.[k,i]; now let j; assume A13:j in Seg m(); then p1.j=f.[k,j] by A9; hence p1.j=p2.j by A12,A13; end; hence y1=y2 by A7,A8,A10,A11,FINSEQ_2:10; end; A14:for k st k in Seg n() ex y st R[k,y] proof let k; assume k in Seg n(); deffunc F(Nat) = f.[k,$1]; consider p being FinSequence such that A15: len p =m() & for i st i in Seg m() holds p.i = F(i) from SeqLambda; reconsider y =p as set; take y,p; thus thesis by A15; end; consider M being FinSequence such that A16:dom M = Seg n() and A17:for k st k in Seg n() holds R[k,M.k] from SeqEx(A6,A14); A18:len M = n() by A16,FINSEQ_1:def 3; rng M c=D()* proof let x; assume x in rng M; then consider i such that A19:i in Seg n() & M.i=x by A16,FINSEQ_2:11; consider p being FinSequence such that A20:M.i=p & len p = m() & for j st j in Seg m() holds p.j = f.[i,j] by A17,A19; rng p c= D() proof let z; assume z in rng p; then consider k such that A21:k in dom p and A22:p.k =z by FINSEQ_2:11; A23: k in Seg len p by A21,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A24:z = f.[i,k] by A20,A22; [i,k] in [:Seg n(),Seg m():] by A19,A20,A23,ZFMISC_1:106; hence thesis by A24,FUNCT_2:7; end; then p is FinSequence of D() by FINSEQ_1:def 4; hence x in D()* by A19,A20,FINSEQ_1:def 11; end; then reconsider M as FinSequence of (D())* by FINSEQ_1:def 4; ex n st for x st x in rng M ex p being FinSequence of D() st x=p & len p = n proof take m(); let x; assume x in rng M; then consider i such that A25:i in dom M and A26:M.i =x by FINSEQ_2: 11; consider p being FinSequence such that A27:x=p & len p = m() & for j st j in Seg m() holds p.j =f.[i,j] by A16,A17,A25,A26; rng p c= D() proof let z; assume z in rng p; then consider k such that A28:k in dom p and A29:p.k =z by FINSEQ_2:11; A30: k in Seg len p by A28,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A31:z = f.[i,k] by A27,A29; [i,k] in [:Seg n(),Seg m():] by A16,A25,A27,A30,ZFMISC_1:106; hence thesis by A31,FUNCT_2:7; end; then reconsider p as FinSequence of D() by FINSEQ_1:def 4; take p; thus thesis by A27; end; then reconsider M as Matrix of D() by Th9; for p being FinSequence of D() st p in rng M holds len p= m() proof let p be FinSequence of D(); assume p in rng M; then consider i such that A32:i in dom M and A33:M.i =p by FINSEQ_2: 11; R[i,p] by A16,A17,A32,A33; hence thesis; end; then reconsider M as Matrix of n(),m(),D() by A18,Def3; take M; let i,j; assume A34:[i,j] in Indices M; then A35: ex p being FinSequence of D() st p=M.i & M* (i,j)=p.j by Def6 ; A36: Indices M = [:dom M, Seg width M:] by Def5; then A37: i in Seg n() & j in Seg width M by A16,A34,ZFMISC_1:106; then A38: ex q being FinSequence st M.i=q & len q = m() & for j st j in Seg m() holds q.j = f.[i,j] by A17; n() <> 0 & n() >= 0 by A16,A34,A36,FINSEQ_1:4,NAT_1:18,ZFMISC_1:106; then n() > 0 by REAL_1:def 5; then A39: j in Seg m() by A18,A37,Th20; then f.[i,j]=M*(i,j) by A35,A38; hence thesis by A5,A37,A39; end; canceled; theorem for M being Matrix of 0,m,D holds len M=0 & width M = 0 & Indices M = {} proof let M be Matrix of 0,m,D; A1: Seg len M = dom M by FINSEQ_1:def 3; A2:len M = 0 by Def3; then width M = 0 by Def4; then Indices M= [:Seg 0,Seg 0:] by A1,A2,Def5; hence thesis by A2,Def4,FINSEQ_1:4,ZFMISC_1:113; end; theorem Th24: n > 0 implies for M being Matrix of n,m,D holds len M=n & width M = m & Indices M = [:Seg n, Seg m:] proof assume A1:n > 0; let M be Matrix of n,m,D; A2: Seg len M = dom M by FINSEQ_1:def 3; A3:len M = n by Def3; then width M = m by A1,Th20; hence thesis by A2,A3,Def5; end; theorem Th25: for M being Matrix of n,D holds len M=n & width M =n & Indices M = [:Seg n, Seg n:] proof let M be Matrix of n,D; A1: Seg len M = dom M by FINSEQ_1:def 3; A2:len M =n by Def3; A3: 0 <= n by NAT_1:18; now per cases by A3,REAL_1:def 5; case n =0; hence width M = 0 by A2,Def4; case n > 0; hence width M= n by A2,Th20; end; hence thesis by A1,A2,Def5; end; theorem Th26:for M being Matrix of n,m,D holds len M = n & Indices M=[:Seg n,Seg width M:] proof let M be Matrix of n,m,D; len M = n by Def3; then dom M = Seg n by FINSEQ_1:def 3; hence thesis by Def3,Def5; end; theorem Th27:for M1,M2 being Matrix of n,m,D holds Indices M1=Indices M2 proof let M1,M2 be Matrix of n,m,D; A1:len M1 =n & len M2= n by Def3; then A2: dom M1 = Seg n & dom M2 = Seg n by FINSEQ_1:def 3; A3: 0 <= n by NAT_1:18; now per cases by A3,REAL_1:def 5; suppose n =0; then width M1 = 0 & width M2 =0 by A1,Def4; hence width M1= width M2; suppose n > 0; then width M1= m & width M2= m by A1,Th20; hence width M1 = width M2; end; then Indices M1 =[:Seg n,Seg width M1:] & Indices M2=[:Seg n,Seg width M1:] by A2,Def5; hence thesis; end; theorem Th28: for M1,M2 being Matrix of n,m,D st (for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M1 holds M1*(i,j) = M2*(i,j)) holds M1 = M2 proof let M1,M2 be Matrix of n,m,D; assume A1:(for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M1 holds M1*(i,j) = M2*(i,j)); A2:len M1=n & len M2=n by Th26; A3: 0 <= n by NAT_1:18; now per cases by A3,REAL_1:def 5; suppose n =0; then width M1 = 0 & width M2 =0 by A2,Def4; hence width M1= width M2; suppose n > 0; then width M1= m & width M2= m by A2,Th20; hence width M1 = width M2; end; hence thesis by A1,A2,Th21; end; theorem for M1 being Matrix of n,D holds for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M1 holds [j,i] in Indices M1 proof let M1 be Matrix of n,D; let i,j; assume A1:[i,j] in Indices M1; A2: Indices M1 =[:Seg n,Seg n:] by Th25; [i,j] in [:Seg n,Seg n:] by A1,Th25; then j in Seg n & i in Seg n by ZFMISC_1:106; hence thesis by A2,ZFMISC_1:106; end; definition let D; let M be Matrix of D; func M@ -> Matrix of D means len it = width M & (for i,j holds [i,j] in Indices it iff [j,i] in Indices M) & for i,j st [j,i] in Indices M holds it*(i,j) = M*(j,i); existence proof now per cases by NAT_1:19; suppose A1:width M > 0; A2: Seg len M = dom M by FINSEQ_1:def 3; deffunc F(Nat,Nat) = M*($2,$1); consider M1 being Matrix of width M,len M,D such that A3: for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M1 holds M1*(i,j) = F(i,j) from MatrixLambda; A4:Indices M1=[:Seg width M,dom M:] by A1,A2,Th24; A5:now let i,j; A6:now assume [i,j] in Indices M1; then [j,i] in [:dom M,Seg width M:] by A4,ZFMISC_1:107; hence [j,i] in Indices M by Def5; end; now assume [j,i] in Indices M; then [j,i] in [:dom M,Seg width M:] by Def5; then [i,j] in [:Seg width M,dom M:] by ZFMISC_1:107; hence [i,j] in Indices M1 by A1,A2,Th24; end; hence [i,j] in Indices M1 iff [j,i] in Indices M by A6; end; reconsider M' = M1 as Matrix of D; thus thesis proof take M'; thus len M' = width M by A1,Th24; thus for i,j holds [i,j] in Indices M' iff [j,i] in Indices M by A5 ; let i,j; assume [j,i] in Indices M; then [i,j] in Indices M' by A5; hence thesis by A3; end; suppose A7: width M =0; reconsider M1 = {} as Matrix of D by Th13; thus thesis proof take M1; A8: [:dom M,Seg width M:]={} by A7,FINSEQ_1:4,ZFMISC_1:113; len M1 = 0 by FINSEQ_1:25; then dom M1 = {} by FINSEQ_1:4,def 3; then Indices M1=[:{},Seg width M1:] by Def5; hence thesis by A7,A8,Def5,FINSEQ_1:25,ZFMISC_1:113; end; end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let M1,M2 be Matrix of D; assume that A9:len M1 = width M and A10:for i,j holds [i,j] in Indices M1 iff [j,i] in Indices M and A11:for i,j st [j,i] in Indices M holds M1*(i,j)=M* (j,i) and A12:len M2 = width M and A13:for i,j holds [i,j] in Indices M2 iff [j,i] in Indices M and A14:for i,j st [j,i] in Indices M holds M2*(i,j)=M*(j,i); now let x,y; thus [x,y] in [:dom M1,Seg width M1:] implies [x,y] in [:dom M2,Seg width M2:] proof assume A15:[x,y] in [:dom M1,Seg width M1:]; then A16:x in dom M1 & y in Seg width M1 by ZFMISC_1:106; then reconsider i=x as Nat; reconsider j=y as Nat by A16; [i,j] in Indices M1 by A15,Def5; then [j,i] in Indices M by A10; then [i,j] in Indices M2 by A13; hence thesis by Def5; end; thus [x,y] in [:dom M2,Seg width M2:] implies [x,y] in [:dom M1,Seg width M1:] proof assume A17:[x,y] in [:dom M2,Seg width M2:]; then A18:x in dom M2 & y in Seg width M2 by ZFMISC_1:106; then reconsider i=x as Nat; reconsider j=y as Nat by A18; [i,j] in Indices M2 by A17,Def5; then [j,i] in Indices M by A13; then [i,j] in Indices M1 by A10; hence thesis by Def5; end; end; then A19:[:dom M1,Seg width M1:] = [:dom M2,Seg width M2:] by ZFMISC_1:108; A20:len M1 = 0 implies len M2= 0 & width M1 = 0 & width M2 = 0 by A9,A12, Def4; A21:now assume A22:len M1 <> 0; then Seg len M2 <> {} by A9,A12,FINSEQ_1:5; then A23: dom M2 <> {} by FINSEQ_1:def 3; now per cases; suppose A24:Seg width M1 <> {}; Seg len M1 <> {} by A22,FINSEQ_1:5; then dom M1 <> {} by FINSEQ_1:def 3; then Seg width M1 = Seg width M2 by A19,A24,ZFMISC_1:134; hence width M1 = width M2 by FINSEQ_1:8; suppose A25: Seg width M1 = {}; then [:dom M2,Seg width M2:]= {} by A19,ZFMISC_1:113; then Seg width M2 = {} by A23,ZFMISC_1:113; hence width M1=width M2 by A25,FINSEQ_1:8; end; hence len M1=len M2 & width M1 =width M2 by A9,A12; end; now let i,j; assume [i,j] in Indices M1; then A26:[j,i] in Indices M by A10; then M1*(i,j)=M*(j,i) by A11; hence M1*(i,j)=M2*(i,j) by A14,A26; end; hence thesis by A20,A21,Th21; end; end; definition let D,M,i; func Line(M,i) -> FinSequence of D means: Def8: len it = width M & for j st j in Seg width M holds it.j = M*(i,j); existence proof deffunc F(Nat) = M*(i,$1); thus ex f being FinSequence of D st len f = width M & for j st j in Seg width M holds f.j = F(j) from SeqLambdaD; end; uniqueness proof let p1,p2 be FinSequence of D; assume that A1:len p1=width M and A2:for j st j in Seg width M holds p1.j = M*(i,j) and A3:len p2=width M and A4:for j st j in Seg width M holds p2.j = M*(i,j); for j st j in Seg width M holds p1.j=p2.j proof let j; assume j in Seg width M; then p1.j = M*(i,j) & p2.j = M*(i,j) by A2,A4; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by A1,A3,FINSEQ_2:10; end; func Col(M,i) -> FinSequence of D means: Def9: len it = len M & for j st j in dom M holds it.j = M*(j,i); existence proof deffunc F(Nat) = M*($1,i); A5: ex z being FinSequence of D st len z = len M & for j st j in Seg len M holds z.j = F(j) from SeqLambdaD; Seg len M = dom M by FINSEQ_1:def 3; hence thesis by A5; end; uniqueness proof let p1,p2 be FinSequence of D; assume that A6:len p1= len M and A7:for j st j in dom M holds p1.j = M*(j,i) and A8:len p2= len M and A9:for j st j in dom M holds p2.j = M*(j,i); for j st j in Seg len M holds p1.j=p2.j proof let j; assume j in Seg len M; then j in dom M by FINSEQ_1:def 3; then p1.j = M*(j,i) & p2.j = M*(j,i) by A7,A9; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by A6,A8,FINSEQ_2:10; end; end; definition let D; let M be Matrix of D; let i; redefine func Line(M,i) -> Element of (width M)-tuples_on D; coherence proof len Line(M,i) = width M & Line(M,i) is Element of D* by Def8,FINSEQ_1:def 11; then Line(M,i) in { p where p is Element of D*: len p = width M }; hence Line(M,i) is Element of (width M)-tuples_on D by FINSEQ_2:def 4; end; func Col(M,i) -> Element of (len M)-tuples_on D; coherence proof len Col(M,i) = len M & Col(M,i) is Element of D* by Def9,FINSEQ_1:def 11; then Col(M,i) in { p where p is Element of D*: len p = len M }; hence Col(M,i) is Element of (len M)-tuples_on D by FINSEQ_2:def 4; end; end; reserve A,B for Matrix of n,K; definition let K,n; func n-Matrices_over K -> set equals: Def10: n-tuples_on (n-tuples_on the carrier of K); coherence; func 0.(K,n) -> Matrix of n,K equals: Def11: n |-> (n |-> 0.K); coherence by Th10; func 1.(K,n) -> Matrix of n,K means: Def12: (for i st [i,i] in Indices it holds it*(i,i) = 1_ K) & for i,j st [i,j] in Indices it & i <> j holds it*(i,j) = 0.K; existence proof defpred P[set,set,set] means ($1 = $2 implies $3 = 1_ K) & ($1 <> $2 implies $3 = 0.K); A1: for i,j st [i,j] in [:Seg n, Seg n:] for x1,x2 being Element of K st P[i,j,x1] & P[i,j,x2] holds x1 = x2; A2: for i,j st [i,j] in [:Seg n, Seg n:] ex x being Element of K st P[i,j,x] proof let i,j; assume [i,j] in [:Seg n, Seg n:]; (i = j implies P[i,j,1_ K]) & (i <> j implies P[i,j,0.K]); hence thesis; end; consider M being Matrix of n,K such that A3: for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M holds P[i,j,M*(i,j)] from MatrixEx(A1,A2); take M; thus thesis by A3; end; uniqueness proof let M1,M2 be Matrix of n,K; A4:Indices M1 =Indices M2 by Th27; assume that A5: (for i st [i,i] in Indices M1 holds M1*(i,i) = 1_ K) and A6:for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M1 & i <> j holds M1*(i,j) = 0.K and A7:for i st [i,i] in Indices M2 holds M2*(i,i) = 1_ K and A8:for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M2 & i <> j holds M2*(i,j) = 0.K; A9:now let i,j; assume A10:[i,j] in Indices M1; A11:now assume i=j; then M1*(i,j)=1_ K & M2*(i,j)=1_ K by A4,A5,A7,A10; hence M1*(i,j)=M2*(i,j); end; now assume i<>j; then M1*(i,j)=0.K & M2*(i,j)=0.K by A4,A6,A8,A10; hence M1*(i,j)=M2*(i,j); end; hence M1*(i,j)=M2*(i,j) by A11; end; len M1=n & width M1=n & len M2=n & width M2=n by Th25; hence thesis by A9,Th21; end; let A; func -A -> Matrix of n,K means: Def13: for i,j holds [i,j] in Indices A implies it*(i,j) = -(A*(i,j)); existence proof deffunc F(Nat,Nat) = -(A*($1,$2)); consider M being Matrix of n,K such that A12:for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M holds M*(i,j) = F(i,j) from MatrixLambda; Indices A=[:Seg n,Seg n:] by Th25; then A13:Indices A = Indices M by Th25; take M; thus thesis by A12,A13; end; uniqueness proof let M1,M2 be Matrix of n,K; assume that A14:for i,j st [i,j] in Indices A holds M1*(i,j) =-(A*(i,j)) and A15:for i,j st [i,j] in Indices A holds M2*(i,j) =-(A* (i,j)); Indices M1=[:Seg n,Seg n:] & Indices M2=[:Seg n,Seg n:] by Th25; then A16:Indices A = Indices M1 & Indices M1= Indices M2 by Th25; now let i,j; assume [i,j] in Indices A; then M1*(i,j) = -(A*(i,j)) & M2*(i,j) = -(A*(i,j)) by A14,A15; hence M1*(i,j)=M2*(i,j); end; hence thesis by A16,Th28; end; let B; func A+B -> Matrix of n,K means: Def14: for i,j holds [i,j] in Indices A implies it*(i,j) = A*(i,j) + B*(i,j); existence proof deffunc F(Nat,Nat) = A*($1,$2) + B*($1,$2); consider M being Matrix of n,K such that A17: for i,j st [i,j] in Indices M holds M*(i,j)= F(i,j) from MatrixLambda; Indices A=[:Seg n,Seg n:] by Th25; then A18:Indices A = Indices M by Th25; take M; thus thesis by A17,A18; end; uniqueness proof let M1,M2 be Matrix of n,K; assume that A19:for i,j st [i,j] in Indices A holds M1*(i,j)=A*(i,j) + B* (i,j) and A20: for i,j st [i,j] in Indices A holds M2*(i,j) = A*(i,j) + B*(i,j); Indices M1=[:Seg n,Seg n:] & Indices M2=[:Seg n,Seg n:] by Th25; then A21:Indices A = Indices M1 & Indices M1= Indices M2 by Th25; now let i,j; assume [i,j] in Indices A; then M1*(i,j)=(A*(i,j) + B*(i,j)) & M2*(i,j)=(A*(i,j) + B* (i,j)) by A19,A20; hence M1*(i,j)=M2*(i,j); end; hence thesis by A21,Th28; end; end; definition let K,n; cluster n-Matrices_over K -> non empty; coherence proof n-Matrices_over K= n-tuples_on (n-tuples_on the carrier of K) by Def10; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th30: [i,j] in Indices (0.(K,n)) implies (0.(K,n))*(i,j)= 0.K proof assume A1:[i,j] in Indices (0.(K,n)); then [i,j] in [:Seg n,Seg n:] by Th25; then A2:i in Seg n & j in Seg n by ZFMISC_1:106; (0.(K,n))=n |->(n |-> 0.K) by Def11; then A3:(0.(K,n)).i= n |-> 0.K by A2,FINSEQ_2:70; (n |-> 0.K).j= 0.K by A2,FINSEQ_2:70; hence (0.(K,n))*(i,j)=0.K by A1,A3,Def6; end; theorem Th31:x is Element of n-Matrices_over K iff x is Matrix of n,K proof A1:n-Matrices_over K=(n-tuples_on (n-tuples_on the carrier of K)) by Def10; thus x is Element of (n-Matrices_over K) implies x is Matrix of n,K proof assume x is Element of (n-Matrices_over K); then reconsider x as Element of n-tuples_on (n-tuples_on the carrier of K) by Def10; A2:len x=n by FINSEQ_2:109; ex m st for y st y in rng x ex q being FinSequence of the carrier of K st y=q & len q =m proof take n;let y; assume A3:y in rng x; rng x c= (n-tuples_on the carrier of K) by FINSEQ_1:def 4; then reconsider q=y as Element of n-tuples_on the carrier of K by A3; reconsider q as FinSequence of the carrier of K; take q; thus thesis by FINSEQ_2:109; end; then reconsider x as Matrix of the carrier of K by Th9; for q be FinSequence of the carrier of K st q in rng x holds len q= n proof let q be FinSequence of the carrier of K; assume A4:q in rng x; rng x c= n-tuples_on the carrier of K by FINSEQ_1:def 4; then reconsider q as Element of n-tuples_on the carrier of K by A4; len q=n by FINSEQ_2:109; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by A2,Def3; end; assume x is Matrix of n,K; then reconsider x as Matrix of n,K; A5:len x = n & for p be FinSequence of the carrier of K st p in rng x holds len p = n by Def3; reconsider x as FinSequence of (the carrier of K)*; reconsider x as Element of n-tuples_on ((the carrier of K)*) by A5,FINSEQ_2:110; rng x c= n-tuples_on (the carrier of K) proof let y; assume A6:y in rng x; rng x c= (the carrier of K)* by FINSEQ_1:def 4; then reconsider p=y as FinSequence of (the carrier of K) by A6,FINSEQ_1:def 11; len p =n by A6,Def3; then p is Element of n-tuples_on (the carrier of K) by FINSEQ_2:110; hence thesis; end; then x is FinSequence of (n-tuples_on the carrier of K) by FINSEQ_1:def 4; hence thesis by A1,A5,FINSEQ_2:110; end; definition let K,n; mode Diagonal of n,K -> Matrix of n,K means for i,j st [i,j] in Indices it & it*(i,j) <> 0.K holds i=j; existence proof take 1.(K,n); thus thesis by Def12; end; end; reserve A,A',B,B',C for Matrix of n,F; theorem Th32: A + B = B + A proof A1:Indices A= Indices B & Indices A = Indices (A + B) by Th27; now let i,j; assume A2:[i,j] in Indices (A + B); hence (A + B)*(i,j)=A*(i,j) + B*(i,j) by A1,Def14 .=(B + A)*(i,j) by A1,A2,Def14; end; hence thesis by Th28; end; theorem Th33: (A + B) + C = A + (B + C) proof A1:Indices A= Indices B & Indices A= Indices C by Th27; A2:Indices A= Indices ((A + B) +C) & Indices A =Indices (A +(B + C)) by Th27; A3:Indices A= Indices (A + B) & Indices A = Indices (B + C) by Th27; now let i,j; assume A4:[i,j] in Indices ((A + B) + C); hence ((A + B)+C)*(i,j)=(A+B)*(i,j) + C*(i,j) by A2,A3,Def14 .=(A*(i,j) + B*(i,j)) + C*(i,j) by A2,A4,Def14 .=A*(i,j) + (B*(i,j) + C*(i,j)) by RLVECT_1:def 6 .=A*(i,j) + ( B + C)*(i,j) by A1,A2,A4,Def14 .=(A + ( B + C))*(i,j) by A2,A4,Def14; end; hence thesis by Th28; end; theorem Th34: A + 0.(F,n)= A proof A1:Indices A= Indices (A+0.(F,n)) by Th27; A2:Indices A= Indices (0.(F,n)) by Th27; now let i,j; assume A3:[i,j] in Indices (A+ 0.(F,n)); hence (A+ 0.(F,n)) *(i,j)=A*(i,j) + 0.(F,n)*(i,j) by A1,Def14 .=A*(i,j) +0.F by A1,A2,A3,Th30 .=A*(i,j) by RLVECT_1:10; end; hence thesis by Th28; end; theorem Th35: A + (-A) = 0.(F,n) proof A1:Indices A= Indices (-A) & Indices A= Indices 0.(F,n) by Th27; A2:Indices A= Indices (A + (-A)) by Th27; now let i,j; assume A3:[i,j] in Indices (A + (-A)); hence (A + (-A))*(i,j)=A*(i,j)+ (-A)*(i,j) by A2,Def14 .=A*(i,j)+ (-A*(i,j)) by A2,A3,Def13 .=0.F by RLVECT_1:def 10 .=(0.(F,n))*(i,j) by A1,A2,A3,Th30; end; hence thesis by Th28; end; definition let F,n; func n-G_Matrix_over F -> strict AbGroup means the carrier of it = n-Matrices_over F & (for A,B holds (the add of it).(A,B) = A+B) & the Zero of it = 0.(F,n); existence proof defpred P[Element of n-Matrices_over F, Element of n-Matrices_over F, Element of n-Matrices_over F] means ex A,B st $1=A & $2=B & $3 = A + B; A1:for a,b being Element of n-Matrices_over F ex c being Element of n-Matrices_over F st P[a,b,c] proof let a,b be Element of (n-Matrices_over F); reconsider A=a as Matrix of n,F by Th31; reconsider B=b as Matrix of n,F by Th31; reconsider c = A+B as Element of n-Matrices_over F by Th31; take c; thus thesis; end; consider h being BinOp of n-Matrices_over F such that A2:for a,b being Element of n-Matrices_over F holds P[a,b,h.(a,b)] from BinOpEx(A1); A3:h.(A,B)=A+B proof A is Element of (n-Matrices_over F) & B is Element of (n-Matrices_over F) by Th31; then ex A',B' st A=A' & B=B' & h.(A,B)= A' + B' by A2; hence thesis; end; A4:for a being Element of n-Matrices_over F ex b being Element of n-Matrices_over F st ex A st a=A & b= -A proof let a be Element of n-Matrices_over F; reconsider A=a as Matrix of n,F by Th31; reconsider b=-A as Element of n-Matrices_over F by Th31; take b; thus thesis; end; reconsider A0=0.(F,n) as Element of n-Matrices_over F by Th31; set G=LoopStr (# n-Matrices_over F,h,A0 #); G is Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable proof thus G is Abelian proof let a,b be Element of G; reconsider A=a,B=b as Matrix of n,F by Th31; thus a+b=h.(A,B) by RLVECT_1:5 .=A+B by A3 .=B+A by Th32 .=h.(B,A) by A3 .=b+a by RLVECT_1:5; end; hereby let a,b,c be Element of G; reconsider A=a,B=b,C=c as Matrix of n,F by Th31; thus (a+b)+c =h.(a+b,c) by RLVECT_1:5 .=h.(h.(a,b),c) by RLVECT_1:5 .=h.(A+B,C) by A3 .=(A+B)+C by A3 .=A+(B+C) by Th33 .=h.(A,B+C) by A3 .=h.(a,h.(b,c)) by A3 .=h.(a,b+c) by RLVECT_1:5 .=a+(b+c) by RLVECT_1:5; end; hereby let a be Element of G; reconsider A=a as Matrix of n,F by Th31; thus a+ 0.G=h.(a,0.G) by RLVECT_1:5 .=h.(A,A0) by RLVECT_1:def 2 .=A + 0.(F,n) by A3 .=a by Th34; end; let a be Element of G; consider b being Element of n-Matrices_over F such that A5: ex A st a=A & b= -A by A4; consider A such that A6:a=A & b= -A by A5; reconsider b = -A as Element of G by A6; take b; thus a+b=h.(A,-A) by A6,RLVECT_1:5 .=A+-A by A3 .=A0 by Th35 .=0.G by RLVECT_1:def 2; end; then reconsider G as strict AbGroup; take G; thus thesis by A3; end; uniqueness proof thus for G1,G2 being strict AbGroup st (the carrier of G1 = n-Matrices_over F & (for A,B holds (the add of G1).(A,B) = A+B) & the Zero of G1 = 0.(F,n)) & (the carrier of G2 = n-Matrices_over F & (for A,B holds (the add of G2).(A,B) = A+B) & the Zero of G2 = 0.(F,n)) holds G1=G2 proof let G1,G2 be strict AbGroup; assume that A7:the carrier of G1 = n-Matrices_over F and A8:(for A,B holds (the add of G1).(A,B) = A+B) and A9:the Zero of G1 = 0.(F,n) and A10:the carrier of G2 = n-Matrices_over F and A11:(for A,B holds (the add of G2).(A,B) = A+B) and A12:the Zero of G2 = 0.(F,n); now let a,b be Element of G1; reconsider A = a, B = b as Matrix of n,F by A7,Th31; thus (the add of G1).(a,b)= A+B by A8 .= (the add of G2).(a,b) by A11; end; hence G1 = G2 by A7,A9,A10,A12,BINOP_1:2; end; end; end;