The Mizar article:

Definable Functions

Grzegorz Bancerek

Received September 26, 1990

Copyright (c) 1990 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: ZFMODEL2
[ MML identifier index ]


      RELAT_1, ZFMODEL1;
 schemes NAT_1, PARTFUN1, ZF_LANG1;


 reserve x,y,z,x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,s for Variable,
         M for non empty set,
         a,b for set, i,j,k for Nat,
         m,m1,m2,m3,m4 for Element of M,
         H,H1,H2 for ZF-formula,
         v,v',v1,v2 for Function of VAR,M;

 Th1: Free (H/(x,y)) c= (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y}
  proof defpred P[ZF-formula] means Free ($1/(x,y)) c= (Free $1 \ {x}) \/ {y};
A1:  for x1,x2 holds P[x1 '=' x2] & P[x1 'in' x2]
     proof let x1,x2;
         (x1 = x or x1 <> x) & (x2 = x or x2 <> x);
      then consider y1,y2 such that
A2:    x1 <> x & x2 <> x & y1 = x1 & y2 = x2 or
       x1 = x & x2 <> x & y1 = y & y2 = x2 or
       x1 <> x & x2 = x & y1 = x1 & y2 = y or
       x1 = x & x2 = x & y1 = y & y2 = y;
         (x1 '=' x2)/(x,y) = y1 '=' y2 & (x1 'in' x2)/(x,y) = y1 'in' y2
        by A2,ZF_LANG1:166,168;
then A3:    Free ((x1 '=' x2)/(x,y)) = {y1,y2} & Free (x1 '=' x2) = {x1,x2} &
        Free ((x1 'in' x2)/(x,y)) = {y1,y2} & Free (x1 'in' x2) = {x1,x2}
         by ZF_LANG1:63,64;
         {y1,y2} c= ({x1,x2} \ {x}) \/ {y}
        proof let a; assume a in {y1,y2};
          then (a = x1 or a = x2) & a <> x or a = y by A2,TARSKI:def 2;
          then a in {x1,x2} & not a in {x} or a in {y} by TARSKI:def 1,def 2
          then a in {x1,x2} \ {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
         hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      hence thesis by A3;
A4:  for H st P[H] holds P['not' H]
     proof let H;
         Free 'not'(H/(x,y)) = Free (H/(x,y)) & Free 'not' H = Free H &
        ('not' H)/(x,y) = 'not'(H/(x,y)) by ZF_LANG1:65,170;
      hence thesis;
A5:  for H1,H2 st P[H1] & P[H2] holds P[H1 '&' H2]
     proof let H1,H2; assume P[H1] & P[H2];
then A6:    Free ((H1/(x,y)) '&' (H2/(x,y))) = Free (H1/(x,y)) \/ Free (H2/(x,y
)) &
        Free (H1 '&' H2) = Free H1 \/ Free H2 &
        (H1 '&' H2)/(x,y) = (H1/(x,y)) '&' (H2/(x,y)) &
        Free (H1/(x,y)) \/ Free (H2/(x,y)) c=
         ((Free H1 \ {x}) \/ {y}) \/ ((Free H2 \ {x}) \/ {y})
          by XBOOLE_1:13,ZF_LANG1:66,172;
         ((Free H1 \ {x}) \/ {y}) \/ ((Free H2 \ {x}) \/ {y}) c=
         ((Free H1 \/ Free H2) \ {x}) \/ {y}
        proof let a; assume
            a in ((Free H1 \ {x}) \/ {y}) \/ ((Free H2 \ {x}) \/ {y});
          then a in (Free H1 \ {x}) \/ {y} or a in (Free H2 \ {x}) \/ {y}
           by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
          then a in Free H1 \ {x} or a in Free H2 \ {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0
:def 2
          then (a in Free H1 or a in Free H2) & not a in {x} or a in {y}
           by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          then a in Free H1 \/ Free H2 & not a in {x} or a in
 {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
          then a in (Free H1 \/ Free H2) \ {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
         hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      hence thesis by A6,XBOOLE_1:1;
A7:  for H,z st P[H] holds P[All(z,H)]
     proof let H,z; z = x or z <> x;
      then consider s such that
A8:    z = x & s = y or z <> x & s = z;
      assume P[H];
then A9:    Free All(s,H/(x,y)) = Free (H/(x,y)) \ {s} &
        Free All(z,H) = Free H \ {z} & All(z,H)/(x,y) = All(s,H/(x,y)) &
        Free (H/(x,y)) \ {s} c= ((Free H \ {x}) \/ {y}) \ {s}
         by A8,XBOOLE_1:33,ZF_LANG1:67,173,174;
          ((Free H \ {x}) \/ {y}) \ {s} c= ((Free H \ {z}) \ {x}) \/ {y}
         proof let a; assume A10: a in ((Free H \ {x}) \/ {y}) \ {s};
        then a in (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y} & not a in {s} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
           then a in Free H \ {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
           then ((a in Free H & not a in {z}) & not a in {x}) or a in {y}
            by A8,A10,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
           then (a in Free H \ {z} & not a in {x}) or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def
           then a in (Free H \ {z}) \ {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      hence thesis by A9,XBOOLE_1:1;
      for H holds P[H] from ZF_Induction(A1,A4,A5,A7);
   hence thesis;

 Th2: not y in variables_in H implies
  (x in Free H implies Free (H/(x,y)) = (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y}) &
   (not x in Free H implies Free (H/(x,y)) = Free H)
  proof defpred P[ZF-formula] means
    not y in variables_in $1 implies
     (x in Free $1 implies Free ($1/(x,y)) = (Free $1 \ {x}) \/ {y}) &
      (not x in Free $1 implies Free ($1/(x,y)) = Free $1);
A1:  for x1,x2 holds P[x1 '=' x2] & P[x1 'in' x2]
     proof let x1,x2;
         (x1 = x or x1 <> x) & (x2 = x or x2 <> x);
      then consider y1,y2 such that
A2:    x1 <> x & x2 <> x & y1 = x1 & y2 = x2 or
       x1 = x & x2 <> x & y1 = y & y2 = x2 or
       x1 <> x & x2 = x & y1 = x1 & y2 = y or
       x1 = x & x2 = x & y1 = y & y2 = y;
         (x1 '=' x2)/(x,y) = y1 '=' y2 & (x1 'in' x2)/(x,y) = y1 'in' y2
        by A2,ZF_LANG1:166,168;
then A3:    Free ((x1 '=' x2)/(x,y)) = {y1,y2} & Free (x1 '=' x2) = {x1,x2} &
        Free ((x1 'in' x2)/(x,y)) = {y1,y2} & Free (x1 'in' x2) = {x1,x2}
         by ZF_LANG1:63,64;
A4:    variables_in (x1 '=' x2) = {x1,x2} & variables_in (x1 'in' x2) = {x1,x2}
        by ZF_LANG1:151,152;
      thus P[x1 '=' x2]
        proof assume
         not y in variables_in (x1 '=' x2);
         thus x in Free (x1 '=' x2) implies
            Free ((x1 '=' x2)/(x,y)) = (Free (x1 '=' x2) \ {x}) \/ {y}
           proof assume A5: x in Free (x1 '=' x2);
            thus Free ((x1 '=' x2)/(x,y)) c= (Free (x1 '=' x2) \ {x}) \/ {y}
              by Th1;
            let a; assume a in (Free (x1 '=' x2) \ {x}) \/ {y};
             then a in Free (x1 '=' x2) \ {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
             then a in Free (x1 '=' x2) & not a in {x} or a in
 {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
             then (a = x1 or a = x2) & a <> x or a = y by A3,TARSKI:def 1,def 2
            hence thesis by A2,A3,A5,TARSKI:def 2;
         assume not x in Free (x1 '=' x2);
         hence thesis by A3,A4,ZF_LANG1:196;
      not y in variables_in (x1 'in' x2);
      thus x in Free (x1 'in' x2) implies
         Free ((x1 'in' x2)/(x,y)) = (Free (x1 'in' x2) \ {x}) \/ {y}
        proof assume A6: x in Free (x1 'in' x2);
         thus Free ((x1 'in' x2)/(x,y)) c= (Free (x1 'in' x2) \ {x}) \/ {y}
           by Th1;
         let a; assume a in (Free (x1 'in' x2) \ {x}) \/ {y};
          then a in Free (x1 'in' x2) \ {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
          then a in Free (x1 'in'
 x2) & not a in {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          then (a = x1 or a = x2) & a <> x or a = y by A3,TARSKI:def 1,def 2;
         hence thesis by A2,A3,A6,TARSKI:def 2;
      assume not x in Free (x1 'in' x2);
      hence thesis by A3,A4,ZF_LANG1:196;
A7:  for H st P[H] holds P['not' H]
     proof let H;
         Free 'not'(H/(x,y)) = Free (H/(x,y)) & Free 'not' H = Free H &
        variables_in 'not' H = variables_in H &
        ('not' H)/(x,y) = 'not'(H/(x,y))
         by ZF_LANG1:65,153,170;
      hence thesis;
A8:  for H1,H2 st P[H1] & P[H2] holds P[H1 '&' H2]
     proof let H1,H2; assume that
A9:    P[H1] & P[H2] and
A10:    not y in variables_in (H1 '&' H2);
A11:    Free (H1 '&' H2) = Free H1 \/ Free H2 &
       Free ((H1/(x,y)) '&' (H2/(x,y))) = Free (H1/(x,y)) \/ Free (H2/(x,y)) &
       variables_in (H1 '&' H2) = variables_in H1 \/ variables_in H2
        by ZF_LANG1:66,154;
      set H = H1 '&' H2;
A12:    H/(x,y) = (H1/(x,y)) '&' (H2/(x,y)) by ZF_LANG1:172;
      thus x in Free H implies Free (H/(x,y)) = (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y}
        proof assume A13: x in Free H;
A14:       now assume not x in Free H1;
         then x in Free H2 & Free (H1/(x,y)) = Free H1 & Free H1 = Free H1 \ {
             by A9,A10,A11,A13,XBOOLE_0:def 2,ZFMISC_1:65;
              Free (H/(x,y)) = (Free H1 \ {x}) \/ (Free H2 \ {x}) \/ {y}
              by A9,A10,A11,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 2,XBOOLE_1:4
                          .= (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y} by A11,XBOOLE_1:42;
A15:       now assume not x in Free H2;
         then x in Free H1 & Free (H2/(x,y)) = Free H2 & Free H2 = Free H2 \ {
             by A9,A10,A11,A13,XBOOLE_0:def 2,ZFMISC_1:65;
              Free (H/(x,y)) = (Free H1 \ {x}) \/ (Free H2 \ {x}) \/ {y}
              by A9,A10,A11,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 2,XBOOLE_1:4
                          .= (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y} by A11,XBOOLE_1:42;
            now assume x in Free H1 & x in Free H2;
              Free (H/(x,y)) = {y} \/ (Free H1 \ {x}) \/ (Free H2 \ {x}) \/
 {y} by A9,A10,A11,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 2,XBOOLE_1:4
              .= {y} \/ ((Free H1 \ {x}) \/ (Free H2 \ {x})) \/ {y} by XBOOLE_1
              .= (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y} \/ {y} by A11,XBOOLE_1:42
              .= (Free H \ {x}) \/ ({y} \/ {y}) by XBOOLE_1:4
              .= (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y};
         hence Free (H/(x,y)) = (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y} by A14,A15;
      assume not x in Free (H1 '&' H2);
      hence thesis by A9,A10,A11,XBOOLE_0:def 2,ZF_LANG1:172;
A16:  for H,z st P[H] holds P[All(z,H)]
     proof let H,z; z = x or z <> x;
      then consider s such that
A17:    z = x & s = y or z <> x & s = z;
      assume that
A18:    P[H] and
A19:    not y in variables_in All(z,H);
      set G = All(z,H)/(x,y);
A20:    Free All(z,H) = Free H \ {z} &
        Free All(s,H/(x,y)) = Free (H/(x,y)) \ {s} &
        variables_in All(z,H) = variables_in H \/ {z}
         by ZF_LANG1:67,155;
    then not y in variables_in H & not y in {z} by A19,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
then A21:    y <> z & G = All(s,H/(x,y)) by A17,TARSKI:def 1,ZF_LANG1:173,174;
      thus x in Free All(z,H) implies Free G = (Free All(z,H) \ {x}) \/ {y}
        proof assume x in Free All(z,H);
then A22:          x in Free H & not x in {z} by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
         thus Free G c= (Free All(z,H) \ {x}) \/ {y}
           proof let a; assume a in Free G;
then A23:          a in (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y} & not a in
 {z} by A17,A18,A19,A20,A21,A22,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 2,def 4;
             then a in Free H \ {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
             then a in Free H & not a in {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
             then a in Free All(z,H) & not a in {x} or a in {y}
              by A20,A23,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
             then a in Free All(z,H) \ {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
            hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
         let a; assume a in (Free All(z,H) \ {x}) \/ {y};
          then a in Free All(z,H) \ {x} or a in {y} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
          then a in Free All(z,H) & not a in {x} or a in {y} & a = y
           by TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          then (a in Free H & not a in {x} or a in {y}) & not a in {z}
           by A19,A20,XBOOLE_0:def 2,def 4;
          then (a in Free H \ {x} or a in {y}) & not a in {z} by XBOOLE_0:def 4
          then a in (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y} & not a in {z} by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
         hence thesis by A17,A18,A19,A20,A21,A22,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 2,
def 4
      assume not x in Free All(z,H);
then A24:    not x in Free H or x in {z} by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
A25:    Free All(z,H) c= variables_in All(z,H) by ZF_LANG1:164;
A26:    now assume A27: x in Free H;
        thus Free G = Free All(z,H)
           thus Free G c= Free All(z,H)
             proof let a; assume a in Free G;
               then a in (Free H \ {z}) \/ {y} & not a in {y} by A17,A18,A19,
A20,A21,A24,A27,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 2,def 4;
              hence thesis by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
           let a; assume A28: a in Free All(z,H);
then A29:         a in (Free H \ {x}) \/ {y} & a in variables_in All(z,H)
             by A17,A20,A24,A25,A27,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
              a <> y by A19,A25,A28;
            then not a in {y} by TARSKI:def 1;
           hence thesis by A17,A18,A19,A20,A21,A24,A27,A29,TARSKI:def 1,
XBOOLE_0:def 2,def 4;
         now assume not x in Free H;
         then Free G = (Free H \ {z}) \ {y} & not y in Free All(z,H) or
          Free G = Free H \ {z} by A17,A18,A19,A20,A21,A25,XBOOLE_0:def 2,
        hence thesis by A20,ZFMISC_1:65;
      hence Free G = Free All(z,H) by A26;
      for H holds P[H] from ZF_Induction(A1,A7,A8,A16);
   hence thesis;

   variables_in H is finite
  proof variables_in H = rng H \ {0,1,2,3,4} by ZF_LANG1:def 3;
   hence thesis;

 Th4: (ex i st for j st x.j in variables_in H holds j < i) &
   ex x st not x in variables_in H
  proof defpred P[ZF-formula] means
    ex i st for j st x.j in variables_in $1 holds j < i;
A1:  for x,y holds P[x '=' y] & P[x 'in' y]
     proof let x,y;
      consider i such that
A2:    x = x.i by ZF_LANG1:87;
      consider j such that
A3:    y = x.j by ZF_LANG1:87;
         i <= i+j & j <= j+i & i+j = j+i by NAT_1:29;
then A4:    i < i+j+1 & j < i+j+1 by NAT_1:38;
A5:    variables_in (x '=' y) = {x,y} & variables_in (x 'in' y) = {x,y}
        by ZF_LANG1:151,152;
      thus P[x '=' y]
        proof take i+j+1; let k be Nat; assume
            x.k in variables_in (x '=' y);
          then x.k = x.i or x.k = x.j by A2,A3,A5,TARSKI:def 2;
         hence thesis by A4,ZF_LANG1:86;
      take i+j+1; let k be Nat; assume x.k in variables_in (x 'in' y);
       then x.k = x.i or x.k = x.j by A2,A3,A5,TARSKI:def 2;
      hence thesis by A4,ZF_LANG1:86;
A6:  for H st P[H] holds P['not' H]
     proof let H; variables_in 'not' H = variables_in H by ZF_LANG1:153;
      hence thesis;
A7:  for H1,H2 st P[H1] & P[H2] holds P[H1 '&' H2]
     proof let H1,H2;
      given i1 being Nat such that
A8:    for j st x.j in variables_in H1 holds j < i1;
      given i2 being Nat such that
A9:    for j st x.j in variables_in H2 holds j < i2;
         i1 <= i2 or i1 > i2;
      then consider i such that
A10:    i1 <= i2 & i = i2 or i1 > i2 & i = i1;
      take i; let j; assume x.j in variables_in (H1 '&' H2);
       then x.j in variables_in H1 \/ variables_in H2 by ZF_LANG1:154;
       then x.j in variables_in H1 or x.j in variables_in H2 by XBOOLE_0:def 2
       then j < i1 or j < i2 by A8,A9;
      hence thesis by A10,AXIOMS:22;
A11:  for H,x st P[H] holds P[All(x,H)]
     proof let H,x;
      given i1 being Nat such that
A12:    for j st x.j in variables_in H holds j < i1;
      consider i2 be Nat such that
A13:    x = x.i2 by ZF_LANG1:87;
         i1 <= i2+1 or i1 > i2+1;
      then consider i such that
A14:    i1 <= i2+1 & i = i2+1 or i1 > i2+1 & i = i1;
      take i; let j; assume x.j in variables_in All(x,H);
       then x.j in variables_in H \/ {x} by ZF_LANG1:155;
       then x.j in variables_in H or x.j in {x} & i2+0 = i2 & 0 < 1
        by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
       then j < i1 or x.j = x.i2 & i2 < i2+1 by A12,A13,REAL_1:53,TARSKI:def 1
       then j < i1 or j < i2+1 by ZF_LANG1:86;
      hence thesis by A14,AXIOMS:22;
      for H holds P[H] from ZF_Induction(A1,A6,A7,A11);
   then consider i such that
A15:  for j st x.j in variables_in H holds j < i;
   thus ex i st for j st x.j in variables_in H holds j < i by A15;
   take x.i; thus thesis by A15;

 Th5: not x in variables_in H implies (M,v |= H iff M,v |= All(x,H))
  proof Free H c= variables_in H by ZF_LANG1:164;
    then (x in Free H implies x in variables_in H) & v/(x,v.x) = v
     by ZF_LANG1:78;
   hence thesis by ZFMODEL1:10,ZF_LANG1:80;

 Th6: not x in variables_in H implies (M,v |= H iff M,v/(x,m) |= H)
      (M,v |= All(x,H) implies M,v/(x,m) |= H) &
     (M,v/(x,m) |= All(x,H) implies M,(v/(x,m))/(x,v.x) |= H) &
      (v/(x,m))/(x,v.x) = v/(x,v.x) & v/(x,v.x) = v
     by ZF_LANG1:78,80;
   hence thesis by Th5;

 Th7: x <> y & y <> z & z <> x implies
  v/(x,m1)/(y,m2)/(z,m3) = v/(z,m3)/(y,m2)/(x,m1) &
   v/(x,m1)/(y,m2)/(z,m3) = v/(y,m2)/(z,m3)/(x,m1)
  proof assume x <> y & y <> z & z <> x;
    then v/(x,m1)/(y,m2) = v/(y,m2)/(x,m1) & v/(z,m3)/(y,m2) = v/(y,m2)/(z,m3)
    v/(y,m2)/(x,m1)/(z,m3) = v/(y,m2)/(z,m3)/(x,m1) by ZF_LANG1:79;
   hence thesis;

 Th8: x1 <> x2 & x1 <> x3 & x1 <> x4 & x2 <> x3 & x2 <> x4 & x3 <> x4 implies
  v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4) = v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m1) &
   v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4) = v/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2) &
    v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4) = v/(x4,m4)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m1)
  proof assume
      x1 <> x2 & x1 <> x3 & x1 <> x4 & x2 <> x3 & x2 <> x4 & x3 <> x4;
    then v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3) = v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m1) &
    v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m1)/(x4,m4) = v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m1) &
    v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4) = v/(x1,m1)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x2,m2) &
    v/(x1,m1)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x2,m2) = v/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2) &
    v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4) = v/(x4,m4)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3) by Th7,ZF_LANG1:79;
   hence thesis;

 Th9: v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x1,m) = v/(x2,m2)/(x1,m) &
  v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m) = v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m) &
  v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m) = v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m)
    A1: v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x1,m) = v/(x2,m2)/(x1,m1)/(x1,m) or x1 = x2
     by ZF_LANG1:79;
   v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x1,m) = v/(x2,m2)/(x1,m) by ZF_LANG1:78;
      x1 = x3 or x1 <> x3;
    then A2: v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m) = v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x1,m)/(x3,m3
) &
    v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m) = v/(x2,m2)/(x1,m)/(x3,m3) or
    v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m) = v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x1,m) &
    v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m) = v/(x2,m2)/(x1,m)
     by ZF_LANG1:78,79;
   v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m) = v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m) by A1,ZF_LANG1:
      x1 = x4 or x1 <> x4;
    then v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m) =
      v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m)/(x4,m4) &
    v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m)/(x4,m4) =
      v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m) or
    v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m) =
      v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m) &
    v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m) =
      v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x1,m) by ZF_LANG1:78,79;
   hence v/(x1,m1)/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m) =
          v/(x2,m2)/(x3,m3)/(x4,m4)/(x1,m) by A1,A2,ZF_LANG1:78;

 Th10: not x in Free H implies (M,v |= H iff M,v/(x,m) |= H)
  proof assume A1:not x in Free H;
    then (M,v |= H implies M,v |= All(x,H)) &
    (M,v |= All(x,H) implies M,v/(x,m) |= H) by ZFMODEL1:10,ZF_LANG1:80;
   hence M,v |= H implies M,v/(x,m) |= H;
   assume M,v/(x,m) |= H;
    then M,v/(x,m) |= All(x,H) & v/(x,m)/(x,v.x) = v/(x,v.x) & v/(x,v.x) = v
     by A1,ZFMODEL1:10,ZF_LANG1:78;
   hence thesis by ZF_LANG1:80;

theorem Th11:
 not x.0 in Free H & M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) implies
   for m1,m2 holds def_func'(H,v).m1 = m2 iff M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m2) |= H
  proof assume
A1:  not x.0 in Free H & M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0)));
   let m1,m2;
      x.3 <> x.4 by ZF_LANG1:86;
then A2:  v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m2).(x.4) = m2 & v/(x.3,m1).(x.3) = m1 &
     v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m2).(x.3) = v/(x.3,m1).(x.3) by ZF_LANG1:def 1;
      now let y; assume
A3:    v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m2).y <> v.y;
     assume x.0 <> y & x.3 <> y & x.4 <> y;
      then v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m2).y = v/(x.3,m1).y & v/(x.3,m1).y = v.y
       by ZF_LANG1:def 1;
     hence contradiction by A3;
   hence def_func'(H,v).m1 = m2 iff M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m2) |= H
     by A1,A2,ZFMODEL1:def 1;
 Lm1: x.0 <> x.3 & x.0 <> x.4 & x.3 <> x.4 by ZF_LANG1:86;

 Th12: Free H c= {x.3,x.4} & M |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
   implies def_func'(H,v) = def_func(H,M)
  proof assume
A1:  Free H c= {x.3,x.4} & M |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0)));
    then A2:  not x.0 in Free H & M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '='
     by Lm1,TARSKI:def 2,ZF_MODEL:def 5;
      now let a; assume a in M;
     then reconsider m = a as Element of M;
     set r = def_func'(H,v).m;
        M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,r) |= H & v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,r).(x.4) = r &
      v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,r).(x.3) = v/(x.3,m).(x.3) & v/(x.3,m).(x.3) = m
       by A2,Lm1,Th11,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
     hence def_func'(H,v).a = def_func(H,M).a by A1,ZFMODEL1:def 2;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_2:18;

 Th13: not x in variables_in H implies (M,v |= H/(y,x) iff M,v/(y,v.x) |= H)
   defpred V[ZF-formula] means not x in variables_in $1 implies
     for v holds M,v |= $1/(y,x) iff M,v/(y,v.x) |= $1;
A1:  for x1,x2 holds V[x1 '=' x2] & V[x1 'in' x2]
     proof let x1,x2;
A2:    (x1 = y or x1 <> y) & (x2 = y or x2 <> y);
      thus V[x1 '=' x2]
        proof assume
         not x in variables_in (x1 '=' x2);
         let v;
         consider y1,y2 such that
A3:       x1 <> y & x2 <> y & y1 = x1 & y2 = x2 or
          x1 = y & x2 <> y & y1 = x & y2 = x2 or
          x1 <> y & x2 = y & y1 = x1 & y2 = x or
          x1 = y & x2 = y & y1 = x & y2 = x by A2;
A4:       (x1 '=' x2)/(y,x) = y1 '=' y2 by A3,ZF_LANG1:166;
A5:       v/(y,v.x).x1 = v.y1 & v/(y,v.x).x2 = v.y2 by A3,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
         thus M,v |= (x1 '=' x2)/(y,x) implies M,v/(y,v.x) |= x1 '=' x2
           proof assume M,v |= (x1 '=' x2)/(y,x);
             then v.y1 = v.y2 by A4,ZF_MODEL:12;
            hence M,v/(y,v.x) |= x1 '=' x2 by A5,ZF_MODEL:12;
         assume M,v/(y,v.x) |= x1 '=' x2;
          then v/(y,v.x).x1 = v/(y,v.x).x2 by ZF_MODEL:12;
         hence M,v |= (x1 '=' x2)/(y,x) by A4,A5,ZF_MODEL:12;
      not x in variables_in (x1 'in' x2);
      let v;
      consider y1,y2 such that
A6:    x1 <> y & x2 <> y & y1 = x1 & y2 = x2 or
       x1 = y & x2 <> y & y1 = x & y2 = x2 or
       x1 <> y & x2 = y & y1 = x1 & y2 = x or
       x1 = y & x2 = y & y1 = x & y2 = x by A2;
A7:    (x1 'in' x2)/(y,x) = y1 'in' y2 by A6,ZF_LANG1:168;
A8:    v/(y,v.x).x1 = v.y1 & v/(y,v.x).x2 = v.y2 by A6,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
      thus M,v |= (x1 'in' x2)/(y,x) implies M,v/(y,v.x) |= x1 'in' x2
        proof assume M,v |= (x1 'in' x2)/(y,x);
          then v.y1 in v.y2 by A7,ZF_MODEL:13;
         hence M,v/(y,v.x) |= x1 'in' x2 by A8,ZF_MODEL:13;
      assume M,v/(y,v.x) |= x1 'in' x2;
       then v/(y,v.x).x1 in v/(y,v.x).x2 by ZF_MODEL:13;
      hence M,v |= (x1 'in' x2)/(y,x) by A7,A8,ZF_MODEL:13;
A9:  for H st V[H] holds V['not' H]
     proof let H such that
A10:    not x in variables_in H implies
        for v holds M,v |= H/(y,x) iff M,v/(y,v.x) |= H;
      assume A11: not x in variables_in 'not' H;
      let v;
      thus M,v |= ('not' H)/(y,x) implies M,v/(y,v.x) |= 'not' H
        proof assume M,v |= ('not' H)/(y,x);
          then M,v |= 'not'(H/(y,x)) by ZF_LANG1:170;
          then not M,v |= H/(y,x) by ZF_MODEL:14;
          then not M,v/(y,v.x) |= H by A10,A11,ZF_LANG1:153;
         hence M,v/(y,v.x) |= 'not' H by ZF_MODEL:14;
      assume M,v/(y,v.x) |= 'not' H;
       then not M,v/(y,v.x) |= H by ZF_MODEL:14;
       then not M,v |= H/(y,x) by A10,A11,ZF_LANG1:153;
       then M,v |= 'not'(H/(y,x)) by ZF_MODEL:14;
      hence M,v |= ('not' H)/(y,x) by ZF_LANG1:170;
A12:  for H1,H2 st V[H1] & V[H2] holds V[H1 '&' H2]
     proof let H1,H2 such that
A13:    not x in variables_in H1 implies
        for v holds M,v |= H1/(y,x) iff M,v/(y,v.x) |= H1 and
A14:    not x in variables_in H2 implies
        for v holds M,v |= H2/(y,x) iff M,v/(y,v.x) |= H2;
      assume not x in variables_in (H1 '&' H2);
then A15:       not x in variables_in H1 \/ variables_in H2 by ZF_LANG1:154;
      let v;
      thus M,v |= (H1 '&' H2)/(y,x) implies M,v/(y,v.x) |= H1 '&' H2
        proof assume M,v |= (H1 '&' H2)/(y,x);
          then M,v |= (H1/(y,x)) '&' (H2/(y,x)) by ZF_LANG1:172;
          then M,v |= H1/(y,x) & M,v |= H2/(y,x) by ZF_MODEL:15;
          then M,v/(y,v.x) |= H1 & M,v/(y,v.x) |= H2 by A13,A14,A15,XBOOLE_0:
def 2;
         hence M,v/(y,v.x) |= H1 '&' H2 by ZF_MODEL:15;
      assume M,v/(y,v.x) |= H1 '&' H2;
       then M,v/(y,v.x) |= H1 & M,v/(y,v.x) |= H2 by ZF_MODEL:15;
       then M,v |= H1/(y,x) & M,v |= H2/(y,x) by A13,A14,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
       then M,v |= (H1/(y,x)) '&' (H2/(y,x)) by ZF_MODEL:15;
      hence M,v |= (H1 '&' H2)/(y,x) by ZF_LANG1:172;
A16:  for H,z st V[H] holds V[All(z,H)]
     proof let H,z such that
A17:    not x in variables_in H implies
        for v holds M,v |= H/(y,x) iff M,v/(y,v.x) |= H;
A18:    not x in variables_in All(z,H);
         Free All(z,H) c= variables_in All(z,H) by ZF_LANG1:164;
then A19:    not x in Free All(z,H) by A18;
A20:       not x in variables_in H \/ {z} by A18,ZF_LANG1:155;
    then not x in variables_in H & not x in {z} & Free H c= variables_in H
        by XBOOLE_0:def 2,ZF_LANG1:164;
then A21:    x <> z & not x in Free H & for v holds
        M,v |= H/(y,x) iff M,v/(y,v.x) |= H by A17,TARSKI:def 1;
         z = y or z <> y;
      then consider s being Variable such that
A22:    z = y & s = x or z <> y & s = z;
      let v;
      thus M,v |= All(z,H)/(y,x) implies M,v/(y,v.x) |= All(z,H)
        proof assume M,v |= All(z,H)/(y,x);
then A23:          M,v |= All(s,H/(y,x)) by A22,ZF_LANG1:173,174;
A24:       now assume
A25:         z = y & s = x;
              now let m; M,v/(x,m) |= H/(y,x) by A23,A25,ZF_LANG1:80;
              then M,(v/(x,m))/(y,v/(x,m).x) |= H & v/(x,m).x = m &
              (v/(x,m))/(y,m) = (v/(y,m))/(x,m)
               by A21,A25,ZF_LANG1:79,def 1;
              then M,(v/(y,m))/(x,m) |= All(x,H) by A21,ZFMODEL1:10;
              then ((v/(y,m))/(x,m))/(x,v/(y,m).x) = (v/(y,m))/(x,v/(y,m).x) &
               M,((v/(y,m))/(x,m))/(x,v/(y,m).x) |= H
                by ZF_LANG1:78,80;
             hence M,v/(y,m) |= H by ZF_LANG1:78;
            then M,v |= All(y,H) by ZF_LANG1:80;
           hence thesis by A25,ZF_LANG1:81;
            now assume
A26:         z <> y & s = z;
              now let m; M,v/(z,m) |= H/(y,x) by A23,A26,ZF_LANG1:80;
              then M,(v/(z,m))/(y,v/(z,m).x) |= H & v/(z,m).x = v.x &
              (v/(z,m))/(y,v.x) = (v/(y,v.x))/(z,m)
               by A21,A26,ZF_LANG1:79,def 1;
             hence M,(v/(y,v.x))/(z,m) |= H;
           hence thesis by ZF_LANG1:80;
         hence M,v/(y,v.x) |= All(z,H) by A22,A24;
A27:     M,v/(y,v.x) |= All(z,H);
A28:    now assume
A29:      z = y & s = x;
         then M,v |= All(y,H) by A27,ZF_LANG1:81;
then A30:      M,v |= All(x,All(y,H)) by A19,A29,ZFMODEL1:10;
           now let m;
             M,v/(x,m) |= All(y,H) by A30,ZF_LANG1:80;
           then M,(v/(x,m))/(y,m) |= H & v/(x,m).x = m
            by ZF_LANG1:80,def 1;
          hence M,v/(x,m) |= H/(y,x) by A17,A20,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
         then M,v |= All(x,H/(y,x)) by ZF_LANG1:80;
        hence thesis by A29,ZF_LANG1:174;
         now assume
A31:      z <> y & s = z;
           now let m; M,(v/(y,v.x))/(z,m) |= H by A27,ZF_LANG1:80;
           then M,(v/(z,m))/(y,v.x) |= H by A31,ZF_LANG1:79;
           then M,(v/(z,m))/(y,v/(z,m).x) |= H by A21,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
          hence M,v/(z,m) |= H/(y,x) by A17,A20,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
         then M,v |= All(z,H/(y,x)) by ZF_LANG1:80;
        hence thesis by A31,ZF_LANG1:173;
      hence thesis by A22,A28;
      for H holds V[H] from ZF_Induction(A1,A9,A12,A16);
   hence thesis;

 Th14: not x in variables_in H & M,v |= H implies M,v/(x,v.y) |= H/(y,x)
  proof assume
A1:  not x in variables_in H & M,v |= H;
      x = y or x <> y;
    then v/(x,v.y)/(y,v.y) = v/(y,v.y)/(x,v.y) & v/(x,v.y).x = v.y &
    v/(y,v.y) = v & M,v/(x,v.y) |= H
     by A1,Th6,ZF_LANG1:78,79,def 1;
   hence thesis by A1,Th13;

theorem Th15:
 not x.0 in Free H & M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
  not x in variables_in H & y <> x.3 & y <> x.4 & not y in Free H &
   x <> x.0 & x <> x.3 & x <> x.4 implies not x.0 in Free (H/(y,x)) &
   M,v/(x,v.y) |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H/(y,x) <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
   def_func'(H,v) = def_func'(H/(y,x),v/(x,v.y))
  proof set F = H/(y,x), f = v/(x,v.y);
   assume that
A1:  not x.0 in Free H & M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) and
A2:  not x in variables_in H & y <> x.3 & y <> x.4 & not y in Free H &
     x <> x.0 & x <> x.3 & x <> x.4;

      Free F c= variables_in F & not x.0 in variables_in F or
    not x.0 in {x} & not x.0 in Free H \ {y}
     by A1,A2,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    then not x.0 in Free F or Free F c= (Free H \ {y}) \/ {x} &
     not x.0 in (Free H \ {y}) \/ {x} by Th1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A3:  not x.0 in Free F;
A4:  x.0 <> x.3 & x.0 <> x.4 & x.3 <> x.4 by ZF_LANG1:86;
      now let m3;
        M,v/(x.3,m3) |= Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))
       by A1,ZF_LANG1:80;
     then consider m such that
A5:   M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m) |= All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0) by ZF_LANG1:82;
     set f1 = f/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m);
        now let m4;
A6:     M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m)/(x.4,m4) |= H <=> x.4 '=' x.0 by A5,ZF_LANG1:80;
A7:     v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m)/(x.4,m4).(x.4) = m4 &
        v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m)/(x.4,m4).(x.0) = v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m).(x.0) &
        v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m).(x.0) = m &
        f1/(x.4,m4).(x.4) = m4 & f1/(x.4,m4).(x.0) = f1.(x.0) &
        f1.(x.0) = m by A4,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
A8:      now assume M,f1/(x.4,m4) |= F;
          then M,f1/(x.4,m4)/(y,f1/(x.4,m4).x) |= H by A2,Th13;
          then M,f1/(x.4,m4) |= H by A2,Th10;
          then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m)/(x.4,m4)/(x,v.y) |= H
           by A2,A4,Th8;
          then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m)/(x.4,m4) |= H by A2,Th6;
          then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m)/(x.4,m4) |= x.4 '=' x.0
           by A6,ZF_MODEL:19;
          then m = m4 by A7,ZF_MODEL:12;
         hence M,f1/(x.4,m4) |= x.4 '=' x.0 by A7,ZF_MODEL:12;
          now assume M,f1/(x.4,m4) |= x.4 '=' x.0;
          then m = m4 by A7,ZF_MODEL:12;
          then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m)/(x.4,m4) |= x.4 '=' x.0
           by A7,ZF_MODEL:12;
          then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m)/(x.4,m4) |= H by A6,ZF_MODEL:19;
          then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m)/(x.4,m4)/(x,v.y) |= H
           by A2,Th6;
          then M,f1/(x.4,m4) |= H by A2,A4,Th8;
          then M,f1/(x.4,m4)/(y,f1/(x.4,m4).x) |= H by A2,Th10;
         hence M,f1/(x.4,m4) |= F by A2,Th13;
       hence M,f1/(x.4,m4) |= F <=> x.4 '=' x.0 by A8,ZF_MODEL:19;
      then M,f1 |= All(x.4,F <=> x.4 '=' x.0) by ZF_LANG1:80;
     hence M,f/(x.3,m3) |= Ex(x.0,All(x.4,F <=> x.4 '=' x.0))
       by ZF_LANG1:82;
   hence A9: M,f |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,F <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
      by ZF_LANG1:80;
      now let a; assume
     a in M;
     then reconsider m = a as Element of M;

     set m' = def_func'(H,v).m;
        M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m') |= H by A1,Th11;
      then M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m')/(x,v.y) |= H by A2,Th6;
      then M,f/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m') |= H by A2,A4,Th7;
then A10:    M,f/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m')/(x,f/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m').y) |= F by A2,Th14;
        Free F = Free H & Free H c= variables_in H by A2,Th2,ZF_LANG1:164;
      then not x in Free F by A2;
      then M,f/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m') |= F by A10,Th10;
     hence def_func'(H,v).a = def_func'(F,f).a by A3,A9,Th11;
   hence def_func'(H,v) = def_func'(F,f) by FUNCT_2:18;

    not x in variables_in H implies (M |= H/(y,x) iff M |= H)
  proof assume
A1:  not x in variables_in H;
   thus M |= H/(y,x) implies M |= H
     proof assume
A2:     M,v |= H/(y,x);
      let v;
         M,v/(x,v.y) |= H/(y,x) & v/(x,v.y).x = v.y by A2,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
       then M,(v/(x,v.y))/(y,v.y) |= H by A1,Th13;
       then M,((v/(x,v.y))/(y,v.y))/(x,v.x) |= H & (x = y or x <> y)
        by A1,Th6;
       then M,(v/(x,v.y))/(x,v.x) |= H or
       M,((v/(y,v.y))/(x,v.y))/(x,v.x) |= H by ZF_LANG1:79;
       then M,v/(x,v.x) |= H or M,(v/(y,v.y))/(x,v.x) |= H by ZF_LANG1:78;
       then M,v/(x,v.x) |= H by ZF_LANG1:78;
      hence M,v |= H by ZF_LANG1:78;
A3:  M,v |= H;
   let v; M,v/(y,v.x) |= H by A3;
   hence M,v |= H/(y,x) by A1,Th13;

theorem Th17:
 not x.0 in Free H1 & M,v1 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
   ex H2,v2 st (for j st j < i & x.j in variables_in H2 holds j = 3 or j = 4) &
    not x.0 in Free H2 & M,v2 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
     def_func'(H1,v1) = def_func'(H2,v2)
   defpred ZF[ZF-formula,Nat] means
    for v1 st not x.0 in Free $1 &
     M,v1 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,$1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
     ex H2,v2 st (for j st j < $2 & x.j in variables_in H2 holds
      j = 3 or j = 4) & not x.0 in Free H2 &
     M,v2 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
      def_func'($1,v1) = def_func'(H2,v2);
    defpred P[Nat] means for H holds ZF[H,$1];
A1:  P[0]
     proof let H;
      let v1 such that
A2:    not x.0 in Free H & M,v1 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0)));
      take H,v1;
      thus thesis by A2,NAT_1:18;
A3:  for i st P[i] holds P[i+1]
     proof let i such that
A4:    ZF[H,i];
      let H,v1 such that
A5:    not x.0 in Free H & M,v1 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0)));
A6:    i <> 0 & i <> 3 & i <> 4 implies thesis
        proof assume
A7:       i <> 0 & i <> 3 & i <> 4;
         consider H1,v' such that
A8:       for j st j < i & x.j in variables_in H1 holds j = 3 or j = 4 and
A9:       not x.0 in Free H1 &
           M,v' |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) and
A10:       def_func'(H,v1) = def_func'(H1,v') by A4,A5;
         consider k being Nat such that
A11:       for j st x.j in variables_in All(x.4,x.i,H1) holds j < k by Th4;
            not x.k in variables_in All(x.4,x.i,H1) & x.i in {x.4,x.i} &
           x.4 in {x.4,x.i} &
           variables_in All(x.4,x.i,H1) = variables_in H1 \/ {x.4,x.i}
            by A11,TARSKI:def 2,ZF_LANG1:160;
then A12:       not x.k in variables_in H1 & x.i in variables_in All(x.4,x.i,H1
) &
          x.4 in variables_in All(x.4,x.i,H1) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
then A13:      i < k & 4 < k by A11;
         take H2 = H1/(x.i,x.k),v2 = v'/(x.k,v'.(x.i));

            0 <> k & 3 <> k & 4 <> k & 0 <> i & 3 <> i & 4 <> i & i <> k
           by A7,A11,A12;
then A14:     x.0 <> x.k & x.3 <> x.k & x.4 <> x.k & x.i <> x.k &
          x.0 <> x.i & x.3 <> x.i & x.4 <> x.i by ZF_LANG1:86;
A15:       x.0 <> x.3 & x.0 <> x.4 & x.3 <> x.4 by ZF_LANG1:86;
            not x.0 in Free H1 \ {x.i} & not x.0 in {x.k}
           by A9,A14,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
then A16:          not x.0 in (Free H1 \ {x.i}) \/ {x.k} &
          Free H2 c= (Free H1 \ {x.i}) \/ {x.k} by Th1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
then A17:       not x.0 in Free H2;
         thus for j st j < i+1 & x.j in variables_in H2 holds j = 3 or j = 4
           proof let j; assume j < i+1;
             then A18: j <= i by NAT_1:38;
then A19:          j = i or j < i by REAL_1:def 5;
               x.i in {x.i} by TARSKI:def 1;
             then not x.i in variables_in H1 \ {x.i} & not x.i in {x.k}
              by A14,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
then A20:          not x.i in (variables_in H1 \ {x.i}) \/ {x.k} &
             variables_in H2 c= (variables_in H1 \ {x.i}) \/ {x.k}
              by XBOOLE_0:def 2,ZF_LANG1:201;
A21:          x.j in variables_in H2;
then x.j in (variables_in H1 \ {x.i}) \/ {x.k} & x.j <> x.i & j < k
              by A13,A18,A20,AXIOMS:22;
             then not x.j in {x.i} & (x.j in variables_in H1 \ {x.i} or x.j in
             x.j <> x.k by TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 2,ZF_LANG1:86;
             then x.j in variables_in H1 by TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
            hence thesis by A8,A19,A20,A21;
         thus not x.0 in Free H2 by A16;
A22:       All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))/(x.i,x.k)
            = All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))/(x.i,x.k))
               by A14,ZF_LANG1:173
           .= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)/(x.i,x.k)))
               by A14,ZF_LANG1:178
           .= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,(H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)/(x.i,x.k))))
               by A14,ZF_LANG1:173
           .= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> ((x.4 '=' x.0)/(x.i,x.k)))))
               by ZF_LANG1:177
           .= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
               by A14,ZF_LANG1:166;
A23:       variables_in All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
            = variables_in Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)) \/ {x.3}
               by ZF_LANG1:155
           .= variables_in All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0) \/ {x.0} \/ {x.3}
               by ZF_LANG1:159
           .= variables_in (H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0) \/ {x.4} \/ {x.0} \/ {x.3}
               by ZF_LANG1:155
           .= variables_in H1 \/ variables_in (x.4 '=' x.0) \/ {x.4} \/
               {x.0} \/ {x.3} by ZF_LANG1:158
           .= variables_in H1 \/ {x.4,x.0} \/ {x.4} \/ {x.0} \/ {x.3}
               by ZF_LANG1:151;
            not x.k in {x.4,x.0} by A14,TARSKI:def 2;
          then not x.k in variables_in H1 \/ {x.4,x.0} & not x.k in {x.4}
           by A12,A14,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
          then not x.k in variables_in H1 \/ {x.4,x.0} \/ {x.4} & not x.k in {
           by A14,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
          then not x.k in variables_in H1 \/ {x.4,x.0} \/ {x.4} \/ {x.0} &
           not x.k in {x.3} by A14,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
then A24:       not x.k in
 variables_in All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))&
          not x.i in variables_in All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
           by A14,A22,A23,XBOOLE_0:def 2,ZF_LANG1:198;
          then M,v2 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
           v2.(x.k) = v'.(x.i) & v'/(x.i,v'.(x.i)) = v' &
            v2/(x.i,v2.(x.k)) = v'/(x.i,v2.(x.k))/(x.k,v'.(x.i))
           by A9,A14,Th6,ZF_LANG1:78,79,def 1;
A25:       M,v2 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) by A22,A24,Th13
            now let e be set; assume e in M;
           then reconsider m = e as Element of M;
           M,v'/(x.3,m) |= Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))
             by A9,ZF_LANG1:80;
           then consider m' being Element of M such that
A26:         M,v'/(x.3,m)/(x.0,m') |= All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)
             by ZF_LANG1:82;
              v'/(x.3,m)/(x.0,m')/(x.4,m').(x.4) = m' &
            v'/(x.3,m)/(x.0,m')/(x.4,m').(x.0) = v'/(x.3,m)/(x.0,m').(x.0) &
            v'/(x.3,m)/(x.0,m').(x.0) = m' by A15,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
then A27:            M,v'/(x.3,m)/(x.0,m')/(x.4,m') |= H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0 &
            M,v'/(x.3,m)/(x.0,m')/(x.4,m') |= x.4 '=' x.0
             by A26,ZF_LANG1:80,ZF_MODEL:12;
then A28:         M,v'/(x.3,m)/(x.0,m')/(x.4,m') |= H1 by ZF_MODEL:19;
A29:         v'/(x.3,m)/(x.0,m')/(x.4,m') = v'/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m')/(x.0,m') &
            v2/(x.3,m)/(x.0,m')/(x.4,m') = v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m')/(x.0,m') &
            v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m')/(x.0,m') =
              by A14,A15,Th8,ZF_LANG1:79;
then A30:         M,v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m')/(x.0,m') |= H1 by A12,A28,Th6;
              v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m')/(x.0,m').(x.k) = v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m').(x.k) &
            v2/(x.3,m).(x.k) = v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m').(x.k) &
            v2/(x.3,m).(x.k) = v2.(x.k) &
            v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m')/(x.0,m')/(x.i,v2.(x.k)) =
             v2/(x.i,v2.(x.k))/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m')/(x.0,m') &
            v2/(x.i,v2.(x.k)) = v'/(x.i,v2.(x.k))/(x.k,v'.(x.i)) &
            v2.(x.k) = v'.(x.i) & v'/(x.i,v'.(x.i)) = v'
             by A14,A15,Th8,ZF_LANG1:78,79,def 1;
            then M,v'/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m')/(x.0,m') |= H1 &
            M,v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m')/(x.0,m') |= H2 by A12,A27,A29,A30,Th13,
            then M,v'/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m') |= H1 & M,v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m') |= H2
             by A9,A17,Th10;
            then def_func'(H2,v2).m = m' & def_func'(H1,v').m = m'
               by A9,A17,A25,Th11;
           hence def_func'(H2,v2).e = def_func'(H1,v').e;
         hence def_func'(H2,v2) = def_func'(H,v1) by A10,FUNCT_2:18;
A31:    now assume
A32:      i = 3 or i = 4;
        thus thesis
          proof consider H2,v2 such that
A33:         for j st j < i & x.j in variables_in H2 holds j = 3 or j = 4 and
A34:         not x.0 in Free H2 &
             M,v2 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) and
A35:         def_func'(H,v1) = def_func'(H2,v2) by A4,A5;
           take H2,v2;
           thus for j st j < i+1 & x.j in variables_in H2 holds j = 3 or j = 4
             proof let j; assume
A36:            j < i+1 & x.j in variables_in H2;
               then j <= i by NAT_1:38;
               then j < i or j = i by REAL_1:def 5;
              hence thesis by A32,A33,A36;
           thus thesis by A34,A35;
         i = 0 implies thesis
        proof assume
A37:       i = 0;
         consider k such that
A38:       for j st x.j in variables_in H holds j < k by Th4;
            k > 4 or not k > 4;
         then consider k1 being Nat such that
A39:       k > 4 & k1 = k or not k > 4 & k1 = 5;
         take F = H/(x.0,x.k1), v1/(x.k1,v1.(x.0));
            k1 <> 0 & k1 <> 3 & k1 <> 4 by A39;
then A40:       x.k1 <> x.0 & x.k1 <> x.3 & x.k1 <> x.4 by ZF_LANG1:86;
A41:      not x.k1 in variables_in H
           proof assume not thesis;
             then k1 < k by A38;
            hence contradiction by A39,AXIOMS:22;
         thus for j st j < i+1 & x.j in variables_in F holds j = 3 or j = 4
           proof let j; assume j < i+1;
             then j <= 0 & j >= 0 by A37,NAT_1:18,38;
             then j = 0;
            hence thesis by A40,ZF_LANG1:198;
            x.0 <> x.3 & x.0 <> x.4 by ZF_LANG1:86;
         hence thesis by A5,A40,A41,Th15;
      hence thesis by A6,A31;
      for i holds P[i] from Ind(A1,A3);
   hence thesis;

   not x.0 in Free H1 & M,v1 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
   ex H2,v2 st Free H1 /\ Free H2 c= {x.3,x.4} & not x.0 in Free H2 &
    M,v2 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
     def_func'(H1,v1) = def_func'(H2,v2)
  proof assume
A1:  not x.0 in Free H1 & M,v1 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)));
   consider i such that
A2:  for j st x.j in variables_in H1 holds j < i by Th4;
   consider H2,v2 such that
A3:  for j st j < i & x.j in variables_in H2 holds j=3 or j=4 and
A4:  not x.0 in Free H2 &
      M,v2 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
       def_func'(H1,v1) = def_func'(H2,v2) by A1,Th17;
   take H2,v2;
   thus Free H1 /\ Free H2 c= {x.3,x.4}
     proof let a; assume
    A5: a in Free H1 /\ Free H2;
then A6:    a in Free H1 & a in Free H2 & Free H1 c= VAR by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      reconsider x = a as Variable by A5;
      consider j such that
A7:    x = x.j by ZF_LANG1:87;
       A8: Free H1 c= variables_in H1 & Free H2 c= variables_in H2
        by ZF_LANG1:164;
       then j < i by A2,A6,A7;
       then j = 3 or j = 4 by A3,A6,A7,A8;
      hence thesis by A7,TARSKI:def 2;
   thus thesis by A4;

:: Definable functions

 reserve F,G for Function;

   F is_definable_in M & G is_definable_in M implies F*G is_definable_in M
  proof given H1 such that
A1: Free H1 c= { x.3,x.4 } and
A2: M |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) and
A3: F = def_func(H1,M);
   given H2 such that
A4: Free H2 c= { x.3,x.4 } and
A5: M |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) and
A6: G = def_func(H2,M);
   consider x such that
A7:  not x in variables_in All(x.0,x.3,x.4,H1 '&' H2) by Th4;
      variables_in All(x.0,x.3,x.4,H1 '&' H2) =
     variables_in (H1 '&' H2) \/ {x.0,x.3,x.4} &
    variables_in (H1 '&' H2) = variables_in H1 \/ variables_in H2
     by ZF_LANG1:154,162;
    then not x in variables_in H1 \/ variables_in H2 & not x in {x.0,x.3,x.4}
     by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
then A8:  not x in variables_in H1 & not x in
 variables_in H2 & x <> x.0 & x <> x.3 &
     x <> x.4 by ENUMSET1:14,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   take H = Ex(x,(H1/(x.3,x)) '&' (H2/(x.4,x)));
   set x0 = x.0, x3 = x.3, x4 = x.4;
A9: x0 <> x3 & x0 <> x4 & x3 <> x4 by ZF_LANG1:86;
then A10: not x0 in Free H1 & not x0 in Free H2 by A1,A4,TARSKI:def 2;
A11: Free H c= {x.3,x.4}
     proof let a; assume a in Free H;
       then a in Free ((H1/(x.3,x)) '&' (H2/(x.4,x))) \ {x} by ZF_LANG1:71;
then A12:    a in Free ((H1/(x.3,x)) '&' (H2/(x.4,x))) & not a in {x}
        by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
       then a in Free (H1/(x.3,x)) \/ Free (H2/(x.4,x)) by ZF_LANG1:66;
       then Free (H1/(x.3,x)) c= (Free H1 \ {x.3}) \/
 {x} & a in Free (H1/(x.3,x)) or
       Free (H2/(x.4,x)) c= (Free H2 \ {x.4}) \/ {x} & a in Free (H2/(x.4,x))
        by Th1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
       then Free H1 \ {x.3} c= Free H1 & a in (Free H1 \ {x.3}) \/ {x} or
       Free H2 \ {x.4} c= Free H2 & a in (Free H2 \ {x.4}) \/ {x}
        by XBOOLE_1:36;
       then Free H1 \ {x.3} c= {x.3,x.4} & a in Free H1 \ {x.3} or
       Free H2 \ {x.4} c= {x.3,x.4} & a in Free H2 \ {x.4}
        by A1,A4,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 2,XBOOLE_1:1;
      hence thesis;
A13: M |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
     proof let v;
         now let m3 be Element of M;
            M,v |= All(x3,Ex(x0,All(x4,H2 <=> x4 '=' x0)))
           by A5,ZF_MODEL:def 5;
          then M,v/(x3,m3) |= Ex(x0,All(x4,H2 <=> x4 '=' x0))
           by ZF_LANG1:80;
         then consider m0 being Element of M such that
A14:       M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0) |= All(x4,H2 <=> x4 '=' x0)
           by ZF_LANG1:82;
            M,v |= All(x3,Ex(x0,All(x4,H1 <=> x4 '=' x0)))
           by A2,ZF_MODEL:def 5;
          then M,v/(x3,m0) |= Ex(x0,All(x4,H1 <=> x4 '=' x0))
           by ZF_LANG1:80;
         then consider m being Element of M such that
A15:       M,v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m) |= All(x4,H1 <=> x4 '=' x0)
           by ZF_LANG1:82;
            now let m4 be Element of M;
A16:         now assume M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4) |= H;
             then consider m' being Element of M such that
A17:           M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4)/(x,m') |=
                (H1/(x3,x)) '&' (H2/(x4,x)) by ZF_LANG1:82;
              set v' = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4)/(x,m');
                M,v' |= H1/(x3,x) & M,v' |= H2/(x4,x) & v'.x = m'
               by A17,ZF_LANG1:def 1,ZF_MODEL:15;
then A18:           M,v'/(x3,m') |= H1 & M,v'/(x4,m') |= H2 by A8,Th13;
                v'/(x4,m') = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x,m')/(x4,m') by Th9
                        .= v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m')/(x,m')
                 by A8,ZF_LANG1:79;
              then v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m') = v/(x3,m3)/(x4,m')/(x0,m) &
              v/(x3,m3)/(x4,m')/(x0,m0) = v/(x3,m3)/(x4,m')/(x0,m)/(x0,m0) &
              v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m') = v/(x3,m3)/(x4,m')/(x0,m0) &
              M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m') |= H2
               by A8,A9,A18,Th6,ZF_LANG1:78,79;
              then M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m') |= H2 &
              M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m') |= H2 <=> x4 '=' x0
                by A10,A14,Th10,ZF_LANG1:80;
              then M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m') |= x4 '=' x0 by ZF_MODEL:19;
              then v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m').x4 = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m').x0
              v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m').x4 = m' & v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0).x0 = m0 &
              v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m').x0 = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0).x0
               by A9,ZF_LANG1:def 1,ZF_MODEL:12;
              then v'/(x3,m') = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4)/(x3,m0)/(x,m')
                by A8,ZF_LANG1:79
                        .= v/(x0,m)/(x4,m4)/(x3,m0)/(x,m') by Th9
                        .= v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4)/(x,m') by A9,Th7;
              then M,v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4) |= H1 &
              M,v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4) |= H1 <=> x4 '=' x0
               by A8,A15,A18,Th6,ZF_LANG1:80;
              then M,v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4) |= x4 '=' x0 by ZF_MODEL:19;
              then v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x4 = v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x0 &
              v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x4 = m4 & v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m).x0 = m &
              v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x4 = m4 & v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m).x0 = m &
              v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x0 = v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m).x0 &
              v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x0 = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m).x0
               by A9,ZF_LANG1:def 1,ZF_MODEL:12;
             hence M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4) |= x4 '=' x0 by ZF_MODEL:12;
              now assume M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4) |= x4 '=' x0;
              then v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x4 = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x0 &
              v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x4 = m4 & v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m).x0 = m &
              v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x4 = m4 & v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m).x0 = m &
              v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x0 = v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m).x0 &
              v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4).x0 = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m).x0
               by A9,ZF_LANG1:def 1,ZF_MODEL:12;
              then M,v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4) |= H1 <=> x4 '=' x0 &
              M,v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4) |= x4 '=' x0
               by A15,ZF_LANG1:80,ZF_MODEL:12;
              then M,v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4) |= H1 by ZF_MODEL:19;
then A19:           M,v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4)/(x,m0) |= H1 by A8,Th6;
              set v' = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4)/(x,m0);

                v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m0).x4 = m0 & v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0).x0 = m0 &
              v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m0).x0 = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0).x0
               by A9,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
              then M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m0) |= H2 <=> x4 '=' x0 &
              M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m0) |= x4 '=' x0
               by A14,ZF_LANG1:80,ZF_MODEL:12;
              then M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m0) |= H2 by ZF_MODEL:19;
              then M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m0)/(x0,m) |= H2 &
              v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m0)/(x4,m0)/(x0,m) = v/(x3,m3)/(x4,m0)/(x0,m) &
              v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m0) = v/(x3,m3)/(x4,m0)/(x0,m)
               by A9,A10,Th9,Th10,ZF_LANG1:79;
then A20:           M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m0)/(x,m0) |= H2 & v'.x = m0
               by A8,Th6,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
                v'/(x4,m0) = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x,m0)/(x4,m0) by Th9
                        .= v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m0)/(x,m0)
                 by A8,ZF_LANG1:79;
then A21:           M,v' |= H2/(x4,x) by A8,A20,Th13;
                v'/(x3,m0) = v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4)/(x3,m0)/(x,m0)
                 by A8,ZF_LANG1:79
                        .= v/(x0,m)/(x4,m4)/(x3,m0)/(x,m0) by Th9
                        .= v/(x3,m0)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4)/(x,m0) by A9,Th7;
              then M,v' |= H1/(x3,x) by A8,A19,A20,Th13;
              then M,v' |= (H1/(x3,x)) '&' (H2/(x4,x)) by A21,ZF_MODEL:15;
             hence M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4) |= H by ZF_LANG1:82;
           hence M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m)/(x4,m4) |= H <=> x4 '=' x0
             by A16,ZF_MODEL:19;
          then M,v/(x3,m3)/(x0,m) |= All(x4,H <=> x4 '=' x0) by ZF_LANG1:80;
         hence M,v/(x3,m3) |= Ex(x0,All(x4,H <=> x4 '=' x0))
           by ZF_LANG1:82;
      hence M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) by ZF_LANG1:80;
   reconsider F,G as Function of M,M by A3,A6;
      now let v;
     thus M,v |= H implies (F*G).(v.x3) = v.x4
       proof assume M,v |= H;
        then consider m such that
A22:       M,v/(x,m) |= (H1/(x3,x)) '&' (H2/(x4,x)) by ZF_LANG1:82;
           M,v/(x,m) |= (H1/(x3,x)) & M,v/(x,m) |= (H2/(x4,x)) &
          v/(x,m).x = m by A22,ZF_LANG1:def 1,ZF_MODEL:15;
         then M,v/(x,m)/(x3,m) |= H1 & M,v/(x,m)/(x4,m) |= H2 by A8,Th13;
         then F.(v/(x,m)/(x3,m).x3) = v/(x,m)/(x3,m).x4 & v/(x,m)/(x3,m).x3 =
m &
         G.(v/(x,m)/(x4,m).x3) = v/(x,m)/(x4,m).x4 & v/(x,m)/(x4,m).x4 = m &
         v/(x,m)/(x3,m).x4 = v/(x,m).x4 & v/(x,m)/(x4,m).x3 = v/(x,m).x3 &
         v.x4 = v/(x,m).x4 & v.x3 = v/(x,m).x3
          by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A8,A9,ZFMODEL1:def 2,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
        hence thesis by FUNCT_2:21;

     set m = G.(v.x3);
     assume (F*G).(v.x3) = v.x4;
      then F.m = v.x4 & v/(x3,m).x4 = v.x4 & v/(x4,m).x3 = v.x3 &
       v/(x4,m).x4 = m & v/(x3,m).x3 = m
        by A9,FUNCT_2:21,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
      then M,v/(x4,m) |= H2 & M,v/(x3,m) |= H1 &
       v/(x,m)/(x3,m) = v/(x3,m)/(x,m) & v/(x,m)/(x4,m) = v/(x4,m)/(x,m)
       by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A8,ZFMODEL1:def 2,ZF_LANG1:79;
      then M,v/(x,m)/(x3,m) |= H1 & M,v/(x,m)/(x4,m) |= H2 & v/(x,m).x = m
       by A8,Th6,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
      then M,v/(x,m) |= (H1/(x3,x)) & M,v/(x,m) |= (H2/(x4,x)) by A8,Th13;
      then M,v/(x,m) |= (H1/(x3,x)) '&' (H2/(x4,x)) by ZF_MODEL:15;
     hence M,v |= H by ZF_LANG1:82;
   hence thesis by A11,A13,ZFMODEL1:def 2;

theorem Th20:
 not x.0 in Free H implies
  (M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) iff
   for m1 ex m2 st for m3 holds M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H iff m3 = m2)
  proof assume
A1:  not x.0 in Free H;
   thus M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) implies
      for m1 ex m2 st for m3 holds M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H iff m3 = m2
     proof assume
A2:     M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0)));
      let m1;
         M,v/(x.3,m1) |= Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))
        by A2,ZF_LANG1:80;
      then consider m2 such that
A3:     M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2) |= All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0) by ZF_LANG1:82;
      take m2; let m3;
      thus M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H implies m3 = m2
        proof assume M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H;
          then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.0,m2) |= H by A1,Th10;
          then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3) |= H <=> x.4 '=' x.0 &
          M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3) |= H
           by A3,Lm1,ZF_LANG1:79,80;
          then v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3).(x.4) = m3 &
          m2 = v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2).(x.0) &
          v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3).(x.0) = v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2).(x.0) &
          M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3) |= x.4 '=' x.0
           by Lm1,ZF_LANG1:def 1,ZF_MODEL:19;
         hence m3 = m2 by ZF_MODEL:12;
         v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m3).(x.4) = m3 &
       v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m3).(x.0) = v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m3).(x.0) &
       v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m3).(x.0) = m3 by Lm1,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
then A4:     M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m3) |= x.4 '=' x.0 by ZF_MODEL:12;
      assume m3 = m2;
       then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m3) |= H <=> x.4 '=' x.0
        by A3,ZF_LANG1:80;
       then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m3) |= H by A4,ZF_MODEL:19;
       then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.0,m3) |= H by Lm1,ZF_LANG1:79;
      hence thesis by A1,Th10;
A5:  for m1 ex m2 st for m3 holds M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H iff m3 = m2;
      now let m1;
     consider m2 such that
A6:    M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H iff m3 = m2 by A5;
        now let m3;
A7:      v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3).(x.4) = m3 &
        v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3).(x.0) = v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2).(x.0) &
        v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2).(x.0) = m2 by Lm1,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
A8:      now assume M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3) |= H;
          then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.0,m2) |= H by Lm1,ZF_LANG1:79;
          then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H by A1,Th10;
          then m3 = m2 by A6;
         hence M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3) |= x.4 '=' x.0 by A7,ZF_MODEL:12
          now assume M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3) |= x.4 '=' x.0;
          then m3 = m2 by A7,ZF_MODEL:12;
          then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H by A6;
          then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.0,m2) |= H by A1,Th10;
         hence M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3) |= H by Lm1,ZF_LANG1:79;
       hence M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2)/(x.4,m3) |= H <=> x.4 '=' x.0
         by A8,ZF_MODEL:19;
      then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.0,m2) |= All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0) by ZF_LANG1:80;
     hence M,v/(x.3,m1) |= Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0)) by ZF_LANG1:82;
   hence thesis by ZF_LANG1:80;

   F is_definable_in M & G is_definable_in M & Free H c= {x.3} implies
  for FG be Function st dom FG = M & for v holds
   (M,v |= H implies FG.(v.x.3) = F.(v.x.3)) &
   (M,v |= 'not' H implies FG.(v.x.3) = G.(v.x.3)) holds FG is_definable_in M
  proof given H1 such that
A1: Free H1 c= {x.3,x.4} and
A2: M |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) and
A3: F = def_func(H1,M);
   given H2 such that
A4: Free H2 c= {x.3,x.4} and
A5: M |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) and
A6: G = def_func(H2,M);
A7:  Free H c= {x.3};
    then A8: not x.4 in Free H by Lm1,TARSKI:def 1;
   let FG be Function such that
A9: dom FG = M and
A10:  for v holds (M,v |= H implies FG.(v.x.3) = F.(v.x.3)) &
     (M,v |= 'not' H implies FG.(v.x.3) = G.(v.x.3));
   take I = H '&' H1 'or' 'not' H '&' H2;
A11:  Free ('not' H) = Free H by ZF_LANG1:65;
      Free (H '&' H1) = Free H \/ Free H1 &
    Free ('not' H '&' H2) = Free ('not' H) \/ Free H2 &
    {x.3} \/ {x.3,x.4} = {x.3,x.3,x.4} & {x.3,x.3,x.4} = {x.3,x.4}
     by ENUMSET1:42,70,ZF_LANG1:66;
    then Free I = Free (H '&' H1) \/ Free ('not' H '&' H2) &
    Free (H '&' H1) c= {x.3,x.4} & Free ('not' H '&' H2) c= {x.3,x.4}
     by A1,A4,A7,A11,XBOOLE_1:13,ZF_LANG1:68;
A12: Free I c= {x.3,x.4} by XBOOLE_1:8;
    then A13:  not x.0 in Free I & not x.0 in Free H1 & not x.0 in Free H2
     by A1,A4,Lm1,TARSKI:def 2;
      now let v;
        now let m3;
          M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
         by A2,ZF_MODEL:def 5;
       then consider m1 such that
A14:     M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H1 iff m4 = m1 by A13,Th20;
          M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
         by A5,ZF_MODEL:def 5;
       then consider m2 such that
A15:     M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H2 iff m4 = m2 by A13,Th20;

          not M,v/(x.3,m3) |= 'not' H & M,v/(x.3,m3) |= H or
        M,v/(x.3,m3) |= 'not' H & not M,v/(x.3,m3) |= H
         by ZF_MODEL:14;
       then consider m such that
A16:     not M,v/(x.3,m3) |= 'not' H & M,v/(x.3,m3) |= H & m = m1 or
        M,v/(x.3,m3) |= 'not' H & m = m2 & not M,v/(x.3,m3) |= H;
       take m; let m4;
       thus M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= I implies m4 = m
         proof assume M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= I;
           then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H '&' H1 or
           M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= 'not' H '&' H2 by ZF_MODEL:17;
           then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H & M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H1 or
           M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= 'not' H & M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H2
            by ZF_MODEL:15;
          hence m4 = m by A8,A11,A14,A15,A16,Th10;
       assume m4 = m;
        then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H & M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H1 or
        M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= 'not' H & M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H2
         by A8,A11,A14,A15,A16,Th10;
        then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H '&' H1 or
        M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= 'not' H '&' H2 by ZF_MODEL:15;
       hence M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= I by ZF_MODEL:17;
     hence M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,I <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) by A13,Th20;
A17: M |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,I <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) by ZF_MODEL:def 5;
      rng FG c= M
     proof let a; assume a in rng FG;
      then consider b such that
A18:    b in M & a = FG.b by A9,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider b as Element of M by A18;
      consider v;

         v/(x.3,b).(x.3) = b & (M,v/(x.3,b) |= H or M,v/(x.3,b) |= 'not' H)
        by ZF_LANG1:def 1,ZF_MODEL:14;
       then FG.b = def_func(H1,M).b or FG.b = def_func(H2,M).b by A3,A6,A10;
      hence a in M by A18;
   then reconsider f = FG as Function of M,M by A9,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
      now let a; assume a in M;
     then reconsider m3 = a as Element of M;
     set m4 = def_func(I,M).m3; consider v;
        M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,I <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
       def_func(I,M) = def_func'(I,v) by A12,A17,Th12,ZF_MODEL:def 5;
      then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= I by A13,Th11;
      then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H '&' H1 or
      M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= 'not' H '&' H2 by ZF_MODEL:17;
      then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H & M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H1 &
      M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
      def_func(H1,M) = def_func'(H1,v) or
      M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= 'not' H & M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H2 &
      M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
      def_func(H2,M) = def_func'(H2,v)
       by A1,A2,A4,A5,Th12,ZF_MODEL:15,def 5;
      then v/(x.3,m3).(x.3) = m3 & (M,v/(x.3,m3) |= H & m4 = F.m3 or
      M,v/(x.3,m3) |= 'not'
 H & m4 = G.m3) by A3,A6,A8,A11,A13,Th10,Th11,ZF_LANG1:def 1
     hence f.a = def_func(I,M).a by A10;
   hence FG = def_func(I,M) by FUNCT_2:18;

   F is_parametrically_definable_in M & G is_parametrically_definable_in M
   implies G*F is_parametrically_definable_in M
  proof given H1 being ZF-formula, v1 being Function of VAR,M such that
A1: {x.0,x.1,x.2} misses Free H1 and
A2: M,v1 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) and
A3: F = def_func'(H1,v1);
   given H2 being ZF-formula, v2 being Function of VAR,M such that
A4: {x.0,x.1,x.2} misses Free H2 and
A5: M,v2 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) and
A6: G = def_func'(H2,v2);
   consider i such that
A7:  for j st x.j in variables_in H2 holds j < i by Th4;
      i > 4 or not i > 4;
   then consider i3 being Nat such that
A8: i > 4 & i3 = i or not i > 4 & i3 = 5;
A9: i <= i3 by A8,AXIOMS:22;
      x.0 in {x.0,x.1,x.2} by ENUMSET1:14;
then A10: not x.0 in Free H1 & not x.0 in Free H2 by A1,A4,XBOOLE_0:3;
   then consider H3 being ZF-formula, v3 being Function of VAR,M such that
A11: for j st j < i3 & x.j in variables_in H3 holds j = 3 or j = 4 and
A12: not x.0 in Free H3 & M,v3 |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H3 <=> x.4 '=' x.0)))
A13:def_func'(H1,v1) = def_func'(H3,v3) by A2,Th17;
A14: {x.0,x.1,x.2} misses Free H3
A15:  i3 > 0 & i3 > 1 & i3 > 2 by A8,AXIOMS:22;
      assume {x.0,x.1,x.2} meets Free H3;
      then consider a such that A16: a in {x.0,x.1,x.2} & a in Free H3 by
   (a = x.0 or a = x.1 or a = x.2) & Free H3 c= variables_in H3
        by A16,ENUMSET1:13,ZF_LANG1:164;
      hence contradiction by A11,A15,A16;
   consider k1 being Nat such that
A17:  for j st x.j in variables_in H3 holds j < k1 by Th4;
      k1 > i3 or k1 <= i3;
   then consider k being Nat such that
A18: k1 > i3 & k = k1 or k1 <= i3 & k = i3+1;
A19: not x.k in variables_in H2
     proof assume not thesis; then k < i by A7;
      hence contradiction by A9,A18,AXIOMS:22,NAT_1:38;
A20: not x.k in variables_in H3
     proof assume not thesis; then k < k1 by A17;
      hence contradiction by A18,NAT_1:38;
      k <> 4 & k <> 3 & k <> 0 by A8,A18,AXIOMS:22,NAT_1:38;
then A21: x.k <> x.0 & x.k <> x.3 & x.k <> x.4 by ZF_LANG1:86;
   take H = Ex(x.k,(H3/(x.4,x.k)) '&' (H2/(x.3,x.k)));
   defpred C[set] means $1 in Free H3;
   deffunc F(set) = v3.$1;
   deffunc G(set) = v2.$1;
   consider v being Function such that
A22:  dom v = VAR & for a st a in VAR holds (C[a] implies v.a = F(a)) &
      (not C[a] implies v.a = G(a)) from LambdaC;
      rng v c= M
     proof let b; assume b in rng v;
      then consider a such that
A23:    a in dom v & b = v.a by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider a as Variable by A22,A23;
         a in Free H3 or not a in Free H3;
       then b = v3.a or b = v2.a by A22,A23;
      hence thesis;
   then reconsider v as Function of VAR,M by A22,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
   take v;
     A24: now let a; assume
A25:    a in {x.0,x.1,x.2};
      assume a in Free H;
       then a in Free ((H3/(x.4,x.k)) '&' (H2/(x.3,x.k))) \ {x.k}
        by ZF_LANG1:71;
then A26:    a in Free ((H3/(x.4,x.k)) '&' (H2/(x.3,x.k))) & not a in {x.k} &
        Free ((H3/(x.4,x.k)) '&' (H2/(x.3,x.k))) = Free (H3/(x.4,x.k)) \/
         Free (H2/(x.3,x.k)) by XBOOLE_0:def 4,ZF_LANG1:66;
       then Free (H3/(x.4,x.k)) c= (Free H3 \ {x.4}) \/ {x.k} &
       a in Free (H3/(x.4,x.k)) or a in Free (H2/(x.3,x.k)) &
       Free (H2/(x.3,x.k)) c= (Free H2 \ {x.3}) \/ {x.k}
        by Th1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
       then a in Free H3 \ {x.4} or a in Free H2 \ {x.3} by A26,XBOOLE_0:def 2
       then a in Free H3 or a in Free H2 by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      hence contradiction by A4,A14,A25,XBOOLE_0:3;
   {x.0,x.1,x.2} misses Free H by XBOOLE_0:3;
      x.0 in {x.0,x.1,x.2} by ENUMSET1:14;
then A27: not x.0 in Free H by A24;
A28: x in Free H2 implies not x in Free H3 or x = x.3 or x = x.4
A29:    Free H2 c= variables_in H2 & Free H3 c= variables_in H3
        by ZF_LANG1:164;
      consider j such that
A30:    x = x.j by ZF_LANG1:87;
      assume A31: x in Free H2 & x in Free H3;
       then j < i by A7,A29,A30; then j < i3 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
      hence thesis by A11,A29,A30,A31;
      now let m1;
     consider m such that
A32:   M,v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m4) |= H3 iff m4 = m by A12,Th20;
     consider r being Element of M such that
A33:   M,v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m4) |= H2 iff m4 = r by A5,A10,Th20;
     take r; let m3;
     thus M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H implies m3 = r
       proof assume M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H;
        then consider n being Element of M such that
A34:      M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n) |= (H3/(x.4,x.k)) '&' (H2/(x.3,x.k))
          by ZF_LANG1:82;
A35:      M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n) |= H3/(x.4,x.k) &
         v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n).(x.k) = n &
         M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n) |= H2/(x.3,x.k)
          by A34,ZF_LANG1:def 1,ZF_MODEL:15;
         then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n)/(x.4,n) |= H3 by A20,Th13;
         then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,n)/(x.4,n) |= H3 by Th9;
         then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n)/(x.k,n) |= H3 by A21,ZF_LANG1:79;
then A36:      M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n) |= H3 by A20,Th6;
           now let x;
          assume A37: x in Free H3;
             (x = x.3 or x = x.4 or x <> x.3 & x <> x.4) &
           v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).(x.4) = n & v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).(x.4) = n &
           v/(x.3,m1).(x.3) = m1 & v3/(x.3,m1).(x.3) = m1 &
           v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).(x.3) = v/(x.3,m1).(x.3) &
           v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).(x.3) = v3/(x.3,m1).(x.3)
            by Lm1,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
           then v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x = v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x or
           v/(x.3,m1).x = v.x & v3/(x.3,m1).x = v3.x &
           v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x = v/(x.3,m1).x &
           v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x = v3/(x.3,m1).x by ZF_LANG1:def 1;
          hence v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x = v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x by A22,A37;
         then M,v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n) |= H3 by A36,ZF_LANG1:84;
         then n = m by A32;
         then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m)/(x.3,m) |= H2 by A19,A35,Th13;
         then M,v/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m)/(x.3,m) |= H2 by Th9;
         then M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m) |= H2 by A21,Lm1,Th7;
then A38:      M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3) |= H2 by A19,Th6;
           now let x;
          assume x in Free H2;
           then not x in Free H3 & x <> x.3 & x <> x.4 or x = x.3 or x = x.4
            by A28;
           then v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3).x = v/(x.3,m).x & v/(x.3,m).x = v.x &
           v.x = v2.x & v2.x = v2/(x.3,m).x &
           v2/(x.3,m).x = v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3).x or
           v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3).x = v/(x.3,m).x & v/(x.3,m).x = m &
           v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3).x = v2/(x.3,m).x & v2/(x.3,m).x = m or
           v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3).x = m3 & v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3).x = m3
            by A22,Lm1,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
          hence v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3).x = v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3).x;
         then M,v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3) |= H2 by A38,ZF_LANG1:84;
        hence thesis by A33;
     assume m3 = r;
      then v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3).(x.3) = v2/(x.3,m).(x.3) & v2/(x.3,m).(x.3) = m
      M,v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3) |= H2 by A33,Lm1,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
      then M,v2/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m) |= H2/(x.3,x.k) by A19,Th14;
then A39:   M,v2/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m)/(x.3,m) |= H2/(x.3,x.k) &
      not x.3 in variables_in (H2/(x.3,x.k)) by A21,Lm1,Th7,ZF_LANG1:198;
then A40:   M,v2/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m) |= H2/(x.3,x.k) by Th6;
        v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m).(x.4) = m & M,v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m) |= H3
       by A32,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
      then M,v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m)/(x.k,m) |= H3/(x.4,x.k) by A20,Th14;
then A41:   not x.4 in variables_in (H3/(x.4,x.k)) &
      M,v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m)/(x.4,m) |= H3/(x.4,x.k)
       by A21,ZF_LANG1:79,198;
then A42:   M,v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m) |= H3/(x.4,x.k) by Th6;
        now let x;
A43:     Free (H2/(x.3,x.k)) c= (Free H2 \ {x.3}) \/ {x.k} by Th1;
       assume x in Free (H2/(x.3,x.k));
        then x in Free H2 \ {x.3} or x in {x.k} by A43,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
        then x in Free H2 & not x in {x.3} or x = x.k by TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:
def 4
        then (not x in Free H3 & x.4 <> x & x <> x.k or x = x.3 or x = x.4) &
        x <> x.3 or v/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m).x = m & v2/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m).x = m
         by A28,TARSKI:def 1,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
        then v/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m).x = v/(x.4,m3).x & v/(x.4,m3).x = v.x &
        v.x = v2.x & v2.x = v2/(x.4,m3).x &
        v2/(x.4,m3).x = v2/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m).x or
        v/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m).x = v/(x.4,m3).x & v/(x.4,m3).x = m3 &
        m3 = v2/(x.4,m3).x & v2/(x.4,m3).x = v2/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m).x or
        v/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m).x = v2/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m).x
         by A21,A22,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
       hence v/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m).x = v2/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m).x;
      then M,v/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m) |= H2/(x.3,x.k) by A40,ZF_LANG1:84;
      then M,v/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m)/(x.3,m1) |= H2/(x.3,x.k) by A39,Th6;
then A44:   M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m) |= H2/(x.3,x.k) by A21,Lm1,Th7;
        now let x;
A45:     Free (H3/(x.4,x.k)) c= (Free H3 \ {x.4}) \/ {x.k} by Th1;
       assume x in Free (H3/(x.4,x.k));
        then x in Free H3 \ {x.4} or x in {x.k} by A45,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
        then x in Free H3 & not x in {x.4} or x = x.k by TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:
def 4
        then (x in Free H3 & x.3 <> x & x <> x.k or x = x.4 or x = x.3) &
        x <> x.4 or v/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m).x = m & v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m).x = m
         by TARSKI:def 1,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
        then v/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m).x = v/(x.3,m1).x & v/(x.3,m1).x = v.x &
        v.x = v3.x & v3.x = v3/(x.3,m1).x &
        v3/(x.3,m1).x = v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m).x or
        v/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m).x = v/(x.3,m1).x & v/(x.3,m1).x = m1 &
        m1 = v3/(x.3,m1).x & v3/(x.3,m1).x = v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m).x or
        v/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m).x = v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m).x
         by A21,A22,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
       hence v/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m).x = v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m).x;
      then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m) |= H3/(x.4,x.k) by A42,ZF_LANG1:84;
      then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,m)/(x.4,m3) |= H3/(x.4,x.k) by A41,Th6;
      then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m) |= H3/(x.4,x.k)
       by A21,ZF_LANG1:79;
      then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,m) |= (H3/(x.4,x.k)) '&' (H2/(x.3,x.k))
       by A44,ZF_MODEL:15;
     hence M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H by ZF_LANG1:82;
A46:  M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) by A27,Th20;
   reconsider F' = F, G' = G as Function of M,M by A3,A6;
      now let a; assume
     a in M;
     then reconsider m1 = a as Element of M;
     set m3 = def_func'(H,v).m1;
        M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3) |= H by A27,A46,Th11;
     then consider n being Element of M such that
A47:   M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n) |= (H3/(x.4,x.k)) '&' (H2/(x.3,x.k))
       by ZF_LANG1:82;
A48:   M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n) |= H3/(x.4,x.k) &
      v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n).(x.k) = n &
      M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n) |= H2/(x.3,x.k)
       by A47,ZF_LANG1:def 1,ZF_MODEL:15;
      then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n)/(x.4,n) |= H3 by A20,Th13;
      then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.k,n)/(x.4,n) |= H3 by Th9;
      then M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n)/(x.k,n) |= H3 by A21,ZF_LANG1:79;
then A49:   M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n) |= H3 by A20,Th6;
        now let x;
       assume A50: x in Free H3;
          (x = x.3 or x = x.4 or x <> x.3 & x <> x.4) &
        v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).(x.4) = n & v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).(x.4) = n &
        v/(x.3,m1).(x.3) = m1 & v3/(x.3,m1).(x.3) = m1 &
        v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).(x.3) = v/(x.3,m1).(x.3) &
        v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).(x.3) = v3/(x.3,m1).(x.3)
         by Lm1,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
        then v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x = v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x or
        v/(x.3,m1).x = v.x & v3/(x.3,m1).x = v3.x &
        v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x = v/(x.3,m1).x &
        v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x = v3/(x.3,m1).x by ZF_LANG1:def 1;
       hence v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x = v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n).x by A22,A50;
then A51:      M,v3/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,n) |= H3 by A49,ZF_LANG1:84;
        M,v/(x.3,m1)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n)/(x.3,n) |= H2 by A19,A48,Th13;
      then M,v/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n)/(x.3,n) |= H2 by Th9;
      then M,v/(x.3,n)/(x.4,m3)/(x.k,n) |= H2 by A21,Lm1,Th7;
then A52:   M,v/(x.3,n)/(x.4,m3) |= H2 by A19,Th6;
        now let x;
       assume x in Free H2;
        then not x in Free H3 & x <> x.3 & x <> x.4 or x = x.3 or x = x.4
         by A28;
        then v/(x.3,n)/(x.4,m3).x = v/(x.3,n).x & v/(x.3,n).x = v.x &
        v.x = v2.x & v2.x = v2/(x.3,n).x &
        v2/(x.3,n).x = v2/(x.3,n)/(x.4,m3).x or
        v/(x.3,n)/(x.4,m3).x = v/(x.3,n).x & v/(x.3,n).x = n &
        v2/(x.3,n)/(x.4,m3).x = v2/(x.3,n).x & v2/(x.3,n).x = n or
        v/(x.3,n)/(x.4,m3).x = m3 & v2/(x.3,n)/(x.4,m3).x = m3
         by A22,Lm1,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
       hence v/(x.3,n)/(x.4,m3).x = v2/(x.3,n)/(x.4,m3).x;
      then M,v2/(x.3,n)/(x.4,m3) |= H2 by A52,ZF_LANG1:84;
      then G'.n = m3 & (G'*F').m1 = G'.(F'.m1) by A5,A6,A10,Th11,FUNCT_2:21;
     hence (G'*F').a = def_func'(H,v).a by A3,A12,A13,A51,Th11;
   hence G*F = def_func'(H,v) by FUNCT_2:18;

   {x.0,x.1,x.2} misses Free H1 &
 M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
 {x.0,x.1,x.2} misses Free H2 &
 M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) &
 {x.0,x.1,x.2} misses Free H & not x.4 in Free H
  implies for FG be Function st dom FG = M & for m holds
   (M,v/(x.3,m) |= H implies FG.m = def_func'(H1,v).m) &
   (M,v/(x.3,m) |= 'not' H implies FG.m = def_func'(H2,v).m) holds
     FG is_parametrically_definable_in M
  proof assume that
A1: {x.0,x.1,x.2} misses Free H1 &
    M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H1 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) and
A2: {x.0,x.1,x.2} misses Free H2 &
    M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H2 <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) and
A3: {x.0,x.1,x.2} misses Free H & not x.4 in Free H;
   let FG be Function such that
A4: dom FG = M and
A5: (M,v/(x.3,m) |= H implies FG.m = def_func'(H1,v).m) &
    (M,v/(x.3,m) |= 'not' H implies FG.m = def_func'(H2,v).m);
   take p = H '&' H1 'or' 'not' H '&' H2, v;
A6:  Free 'not' H = Free H by ZF_LANG1:65;
A7: now
     let x be set; assume x in Free p;
      then x in Free (H '&' H1) \/ Free ('not' H '&' H2) by ZF_LANG1:68;
      then (x in Free (H '&' H1) or x in Free ('not' H '&' H2)) &
      Free (H '&' H1) = Free H \/ Free H1 &
      Free ('not' H '&' H2) = Free 'not' H \/ Free H2
       by XBOOLE_0:def 2,ZF_LANG1:66;
     hence x in Free H or x in Free H1 or x in Free H2 by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      x.0 in {x.0,x.1,x.2} by ENUMSET1:14;
then A8: not x.0 in Free H & not x.0 in Free H1 & not x.0 in Free H2
     by A1,A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:3;
then A9: not x.0 in Free p by A7;
       now let a; assume
A10:    a in {x.0,x.1,x.2} & a in Free p;
       then a in Free H or a in Free H1 or a in Free H2 by A7;
      hence contradiction by A1,A2,A3,A10,XBOOLE_0:3;
   hence {x.0,x.1,x.2} misses Free p by XBOOLE_0:3;
      now let m3;
     consider r1 being Element of M such that
A11:   M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H1 iff m4 = r1 by A1,A8,Th20;
     consider r2 being Element of M such that
A12:   M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H2 iff m4 = r2 by A2,A8,Th20;

        M,v/(x.3,m3) |= H & not M,v/(x.3,m3) |= 'not' H or
      not M,v/(x.3,m3) |= H & M,v/(x.3,m3) |= 'not' H
       by ZF_MODEL:14;
     then consider r being Element of M such that
A13:   M,v/(x.3,m3) |= H & not M,v/(x.3,m3) |= 'not' H & r = r1 or
      not M,v/(x.3,m3) |= H & M,v/(x.3,m3) |= 'not' H & r = r2;
     take r; let m4;
     thus M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= p implies m4 = r
       proof assume M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= p;
         then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H '&' H1 or
         M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= 'not' H '&' H2 by ZF_MODEL:17;
         then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H & M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H1 or
         M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= 'not' H & M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H2
          by ZF_MODEL:15;
        hence thesis by A3,A6,A11,A12,A13,Th10;
     assume m4 = r;
      then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H & M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H1 or
      M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= 'not' H & M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H2
       by A3,A6,A11,A12,A13,Th10;
      then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H '&' H1 or
      M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= 'not' H '&' H2 by ZF_MODEL:15;
     hence M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= p by ZF_MODEL:17;
A14: M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,p <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) by A9,Th20;
      rng FG c= M
     proof let a; assume a in rng FG;
      then consider b such that
A15:    b in M & a = FG.b by A4,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      reconsider b as Element of M by A15;

         M,v/(x.3,b) |= H or M,v/(x.3,b) |= 'not' H by ZF_MODEL:14;
       then a = def_func'(H1,v).b or a = def_func'(H2,v).b by A5,A15;
      hence thesis;
   then reconsider f = FG as Function of M,M by A4,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
      now let a; assume a in M;
     then reconsider m = a as Element of M;
     set r = def_func'(p,v).m;
        M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,r) |= p by A9,A14,Th11;
      then M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,r) |= H '&' H1 or
      M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,r) |= 'not' H '&' H2 by ZF_MODEL:17;
      then M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,r) |= H & M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,r) |= H1 or
      M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,r) |= 'not' H & M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,r) |= H2
       by ZF_MODEL:15;
      then M,v/(x.3,m) |= H & r = def_func'(H1,v).m or
      M,v/(x.3,m) |= 'not'
 H & r = def_func'(H2,v).m by A1,A2,A3,A6,A8,Th10,Th11;
     hence f.a = def_func'(p,v).a by A5;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_2:18;

 Th24: id M is_definable_in M
   take H = x.3 '=' x.4;
   thus A1: Free H c= {x.3,x.4} by ZF_LANG1:63;
      now let v;
        now let m3;
          now let m4;
A2:        v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m4).(x.3) = v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3).(x.3) &
          m3 = v/(x.3,m3).(x.3) &
          v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3).(x.3) = v/(x.3,m3).(x.3) &
          v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m4).(x.0) = v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3).(x.0) &
          v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3).(x.0) = m3 &
          v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m4).(x.4) = m4 by Lm1,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
A3:        now assume M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H;
            then v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m4).(x.3) =
              v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m4).(x.4) by ZF_MODEL:12;
           hence M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= x.4 '=' x.0
             by A2,ZF_MODEL:12;
            now assume M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= x.4 '=' x.0;
            then m4 = m3 by A2,ZF_MODEL:12;
           hence M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H by A2,ZF_MODEL:12;
         hence M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3)/(x.4,m4) |= H <=> x.4 '=' x.0
           by A3,ZF_MODEL:19;
        then M,v/(x.3,m3)/(x.0,m3) |= All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0) by ZF_LANG1:80
       hence M,v/(x.3,m3) |= Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))
         by ZF_LANG1:82;
     hence M,v |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) by ZF_LANG1:80;
A4: M |= All(x.3,Ex(x.0,All(x.4,H <=> x.4 '=' x.0))) by ZF_MODEL:def 5;
   reconsider i = id M as Function of M,M;
      now let a; assume
      a in M;
     then reconsider m = a as Element of M;
     consider v;
A5:    v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m).(x.3) = v/(x.3,m).(x.3) & m = v/(x.3,m).(x.3) &
      v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m).(x.4) = m by Lm1,ZF_LANG1:def 1;
      then M,v/(x.3,m)/(x.4,m) |= H by ZF_MODEL:12;
      then def_func(H,M).m = m by A1,A4,A5,ZFMODEL1:def 2;
     hence i.a = def_func(H,M).a by FUNCT_1:35;
   hence id M = def_func(H,M) by FUNCT_2:18;

   id M is_parametrically_definable_in M
  proof id M is_definable_in M by Th24;
   hence thesis by ZFMODEL1:18;

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