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environ vocabulary BOOLE, ARYTM_3, SEQ_2, ARYTM, LATTICES, ORDINAL2, TARSKI, SUPINF_1; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, ORDINAL1, NUMBERS, XREAL_0, REAL_1; constructors REAL_1, XREAL_0, MEMBERED, XBOOLE_0; clusters XREAL_0, SUBSET_1, XBOOLE_0, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1; requirements SUBSET, BOOLE; definitions TARSKI, XBOOLE_0; theorems AXIOMS, TARSKI, ZFMISC_1, REAL_1, XREAL_0, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1; schemes XBOOLE_0; begin :: :: -infty , +infty and ExtREAL enlarged set of real numbers :: definition func +infty -> set equals :Def1: REAL; correctness; end; canceled; theorem Th2: not +infty in REAL by Def1; definition let IT be set; attr IT is +Inf-like means :Def2:IT = +infty; end; definition cluster +Inf-like set; existence proof take +infty; thus thesis by Def2; end; end; definition mode +Inf is +Inf-like set; end; canceled; theorem +infty is +Inf by Def2; definition func -infty -> set equals :Def3: {REAL}; correctness; end; canceled; theorem Th6: not -infty in REAL by Def3,TARSKI:def 1; definition let IT be set; attr IT is -Inf-like means :Def4:IT = -infty; end; definition cluster -Inf-like set; existence proof take -infty; thus thesis by Def4; end; end; definition mode -Inf is -Inf-like set; end; canceled; theorem -infty is -Inf by Def4; definition let IT be set; attr IT is ext-real means :Def5: IT in REAL \/ {-infty,+infty}; end; definition cluster ext-real set; existence proof set x = -infty; A1: x in {-infty,+infty} by TARSKI:def 2; take x; thus x in REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; end; definition func ExtREAL -> set equals :Def6: REAL \/ {-infty,+infty}; correctness; end; definition cluster -> ext-real Element of ExtREAL; coherence by Def5,Def6; end; definition mode R_eal is Element of ExtREAL; end; definition cluster -> ext-real Real; coherence proof let r be Real; r in REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence thesis by Def5; end; end; canceled; theorem for x being Real holds x is R_eal by Def5,Def6; theorem Th11: for x being set holds x = -infty or x = +infty implies x is R_eal proof let x be set; assume x = -infty or x = +infty; then x in {-infty,+infty} by TARSKI:def 2; hence thesis by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; definition redefine func +infty -> R_eal; coherence by Th11; redefine func -infty -> R_eal; coherence by Th11; end; canceled 2; theorem Th14: -infty <> +infty proof assume A1: -infty = +infty; consider x being Element of REAL; A2: x = REAL by A1,Def1,Def3,TARSKI:def 1; for X,Y be set holds not ( X in Y & Y in X); hence thesis by A2; end; :: :: Relations " <=' "," < " in the set of r_eal numbers :: Lm1: for x being R_eal holds x in REAL or x = +infty or x = -infty proof let x be R_eal; x in REAL or x in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence x in REAL or x = +infty or x = -infty by TARSKI:def 2; end; definition let x,y be R_eal; pred x <=' y means :Def7: ex p,q being Real st p = x & q = y & p <= q if x in REAL & y in REAL otherwise x = -infty or y = +infty; consistency; reflexivity by Lm1; connectedness proof let x,y be R_eal; assume A1: not(x in REAL & y in REAL implies ex p,q being Real st p = x & q = y & p <= q) or not (not(x in REAL & y in REAL) implies x = -infty or y = +infty); per cases by A1; suppose that A2: x in REAL & y in REAL and A3: not ex p,q being Real st p = x & q = y & p <= q; thus y in REAL & x in REAL implies ex p,q being Real st p = y & q = x & p <= q proof assume y in REAL & x in REAL; then reconsider a = x, b = y as Real; take b,a; thus thesis by A3; end; thus thesis by A2; suppose not(x in REAL & y in REAL) & not(x = -infty or y = +infty); hence thesis by Lm1; end; antonym y <' x; end; canceled; theorem for x,y being R_eal holds ((x is Real & y is Real) implies (x <=' y iff ex p,q being Real st (p = x & q = y & p <= q))) by Def7; theorem Th17: for x being R_eal holds (x in REAL implies not (x <=' -infty)) by Def7,Th6,Th14; theorem Th18: for x being R_eal holds x in REAL implies not +infty <=' x by Def7,Th2,Th14; theorem not +infty <=' -infty by Def7,Th2,Th14; theorem for x being R_eal holds x <=' +infty by Def7,Th2; theorem for x being R_eal holds -infty <=' x by Def7,Th6; theorem Th22: for x,y being R_eal holds x <=' y & y <=' x implies x = y proof let x,y be R_eal; assume that A1:x <=' y and A2:y <=' x; x in (REAL \/ {-infty,+infty}) & y in (REAL \/ {-infty,+infty}) by Def5; then (x in REAL or x in {-infty,+infty}) & (y in REAL or y in {-infty, +infty }) by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A3:(x in REAL & y in REAL) or (x in REAL & y = -infty) or (x in REAL & y = +infty ) or (x = -infty & y in REAL) or (x = -infty & y = -infty) or (x = -infty & y = +infty) or (x = +infty & y in REAL) or (x = +infty & y = -infty) or (x = +infty & y = +infty) by TARSKI:def 2; (x in REAL & y in REAL) implies x = y proof assume A4:x in REAL & y in REAL; then A5: ex p0,q0 being Real st x = p0 & y = q0 & p0 <= q0 by A1,Def7; ex p1,q1 being Real st y = p1 & x = q1 & p1 <= q1 by A2,A4,Def7; hence thesis by A5,AXIOMS:21; end; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,Def7,Th14; end; theorem for x being R_eal holds x <=' -infty implies x = -infty proof let x be R_eal; assume A1:x <=' -infty; -infty <=' x by Def7,Th6; hence thesis by A1,Th22; end; theorem Th24: for x being R_eal holds +infty <=' x implies x = +infty proof let x be R_eal; assume A1:+infty <=' x; x <=' +infty by Def7,Th2; hence thesis by A1,Th22; end; scheme SepR_eal { P[R_eal]}: ex X being Subset of REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} st for x being R_eal holds x in X iff P[x] proof defpred Q[set] means ex x being R_eal st x=$1 & P[x]; consider X being set such that A1:for r being set holds r in X iff r in REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} & Q[r] from Separation; X c= REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} proof let r be set; assume r in X; hence thesis by A1; end; then reconsider X as Subset of REAL \/ {-infty,+infty}; take X; let x be R_eal; hereby assume x in X; then ex y being R_eal st y = x & P[y] by A1; hence P[x]; end; assume A2: P[x]; x in REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} by Def5; hence thesis by A1,A2; end; canceled; theorem ExtREAL is non empty set by Def6; theorem for x being set holds x is R_eal iff x in ExtREAL by Def6; canceled; theorem Th29: for x,y,z being R_eal holds ((x <=' y & y <=' z) implies x <=' z) proof let x,y,z be R_eal; assume that A1:x <=' y and A2:y <=' z; A3:x in (REAL \/ {-infty,+infty}) & y in (REAL \/ {-infty,+infty}) & z in (REAL \/ { -infty,+infty}) by Def5; A4:(x in REAL & y in REAL & z in REAL) implies x <=' z proof assume A5: x in REAL & y in REAL & z in REAL; then consider p0,q0 being Real such that A6: x = p0 & y = q0 & p0 <= q0 by A1,Def7; consider p1,q1 being Real such that A7: y = p1 & z = q1 & p1 <= q1 by A2,A5,Def7; p0 <= q1 by A6,A7,AXIOMS:22; hence thesis by A6,A7,Def7; end; A8:(x in {-infty,+infty} & y in REAL & z in REAL) implies x <=' z proof assume x in {-infty,+infty} & y in REAL & z in REAL; then ((x = +infty) & y in REAL & z in REAL) or ((x = -infty) & y in REAL & z in REAL) by TARSKI:def 2; hence thesis by A1,A2,Def7,Th6,Th24; end; A9:(x in REAL & y in {-infty,+infty} & z in REAL) implies x <=' z proof assume x in REAL & y in {-infty,+infty} & z in REAL; then A10: x in REAL & (y = -infty) & z in REAL or x in REAL & (y = +infty ) & z in REAL by TARSKI:def 2; x in REAL & (y = +infty) & z in REAL implies x <=' z by A2,Th2,Th24; hence thesis by A1,A10,Def7,Th6; end; A11:(x in {-infty,+infty} & y in {-infty,+infty} & z in REAL) implies x <=' z proof assume x in {-infty,+infty} & y in {-infty,+infty} & z in REAL; then (x = -infty) & (y = -infty) & z in REAL or (x = -infty) & (y = +infty) & z in REAL or (x = +infty) & (y = -infty) & z in REAL or (x = +infty) & (y = +infty) & z in REAL by TARSKI:def 2; hence thesis by A1,A2,Def7,Th2; end; A12:(x in REAL & y in REAL & z in {-infty,+infty}) implies x <=' z proof assume x in REAL & y in REAL & z in {-infty,+infty}; then x in REAL & y in REAL & z = -infty or x in REAL & y in REAL & z = +infty by TARSKI:def 2; hence thesis by A2,Def7,Th2,Th6,Th14; end; A13:(x in {-infty,+infty} & y in REAL & z in {-infty,+infty}) implies x <=' z proof assume x in {-infty,+infty} & y in REAL & z in {-infty,+infty}; then (x = -infty) & y in REAL & (z = -infty) or (x = -infty) & y in REAL & (z = +infty) or (x = +infty) & y in REAL & (z = -infty) or (x = +infty) & y in REAL & (z = +infty) by TARSKI:def 2; hence thesis by A2,Def7,Th6; end; A14:(x in REAL & y in {-infty,+infty} & z in {-infty,+infty}) implies x <=' z proof assume x in REAL & y in {-infty,+infty} & z in {-infty,+infty}; then x in REAL & (y = -infty) & (z = -infty) or x in REAL & (y = -infty) & (z = +infty) or x in REAL & (y = +infty) & (z = -infty) or x in REAL & (y = +infty) & (z = +infty) by TARSKI:def 2; hence thesis by A1,A2,Def7,Th2; end; (x in {-infty,+infty} & y in {-infty,+infty} & z in {-infty,+infty }) implies x <=' z proof assume x in {-infty,+infty} & y in {-infty,+infty} & z in {-infty,+infty}; then (x = +infty) & (y = -infty) & (z = -infty) or (x = +infty) & (y = -infty) & (z = +infty) or (x = +infty) & (y = +infty) & (z = -infty) or (x = +infty) & (y = +infty) & (z = +infty) or (x = -infty) & (y = -infty) & (z = -infty) or (x = -infty) & (y = -infty) & (z = +infty) or (x = -infty) & (y = +infty) & (z = -infty) or (x = -infty) & (y = +infty) & (z = +infty) by TARSKI:def 2; hence thesis by A1,A2; end; hence thesis by A3,A4,A8,A9,A11,A12,A13,A14,XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; definition cluster ExtREAL -> non empty; coherence by Def6; end; canceled; theorem for x being R_eal holds x in REAL implies -infty <' x & x <' +infty proof let x be R_eal; assume A1:x in REAL; -infty <=' x by Def7,Th6; hence -infty <' x by A1,Th6,Th22; x <=' +infty by Def7,Th2; hence thesis by A1,Th2,Th22; end; :: :: Majorant and minorant element of X being SUBDOMAIN of ExtREAL :: definition let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; canceled; mode majorant of X -> R_eal means :Def9:for x be R_eal holds x in X implies x <=' it; existence proof take +infty; thus thesis by Def7,Th2; end; end; canceled; theorem Th33: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds +infty is majorant of X proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; for x being R_eal holds x in X implies x <=' +infty by Def7,Th2; hence thesis by Def9; end; theorem Th34: for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X c= Y implies (for UB being R_eal holds UB is majorant of Y implies UB is majorant of X) proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X c= Y; let UB be R_eal; assume UB is majorant of Y; then for x be R_eal st x in X holds x <=' UB by A1,Def9; hence thesis by Def9; end; definition let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; mode minorant of X -> R_eal means :Def10:for x be R_eal holds x in X implies it <=' x; existence proof take -infty; thus thesis by Def7,Th6; end; end; canceled; theorem Th36: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds -infty is minorant of X proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; for x being R_eal st x in X holds -infty <=' x by Def7,Th6; hence thesis by Def10; end; canceled 2; theorem Th39: for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X c= Y implies (for LB being R_eal holds LB is minorant of Y implies LB is minorant of X) proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X c= Y; let LB be R_eal; assume LB is minorant of Y; then for x be R_eal st x in X holds LB <=' x by A1,Def10; hence thesis by Def10; end; definition redefine func REAL -> non empty Subset of ExtREAL; coherence by Def6,XBOOLE_1:7; end; canceled; theorem +infty is majorant of REAL by Th33; theorem -infty is minorant of REAL by Th36; :: :: Bounded above, bounded below and bounded sets of r_eal numbers :: definition let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; attr X is bounded_above means :Def11: ex UB being majorant of X st UB in REAL; end; canceled; theorem Th44: for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X c= Y implies (Y is bounded_above implies X is bounded_above) proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X c= Y; assume Y is bounded_above; then ex UB being majorant of Y st UB in REAL by Def11; then consider UB being R_eal such that A2:UB is majorant of Y & UB in REAL; UB is majorant of X & UB in REAL by A1,A2,Th34; hence thesis by Def11; end; theorem not REAL is bounded_above proof for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X = REAL implies not X is bounded_above proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X = REAL; assume X is bounded_above; then consider UB being majorant of X such that A2:UB in REAL by Def11; reconsider UB as Real by A2; consider x being real number such that A3:UB < x by REAL_1:76; reconsider x as Real by XREAL_0:def 1; reconsider x as R_eal by Def5,Def6; reconsider UB as R_eal; A4:x <=' UB by A1,Def9; consider a,b being R_eal such that A5:a = UB & b = x; a <=' b by A3,A5,Def7; hence thesis by A3,A4,A5,Th22; end; hence thesis; end; definition let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; attr X is bounded_below means :Def12: ex LB being minorant of X st LB in REAL; end; canceled; theorem Th47: for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X c= Y implies (Y is bounded_below implies X is bounded_below) proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X c= Y; assume Y is bounded_below; then ex LB being minorant of Y st LB in REAL by Def12; then consider LB being R_eal such that A2:LB is minorant of Y & LB in REAL; LB is minorant of X & LB in REAL by A1,A2,Th39; hence thesis by Def12; end; theorem not REAL is bounded_below proof for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X = REAL implies not X is bounded_below proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X = REAL; assume X is bounded_below; then consider LB being minorant of X such that A2:LB in REAL by Def12; reconsider LB as Real by A2; consider x being real number such that A3:x < LB by REAL_1:77; reconsider x as Real by XREAL_0:def 1; reconsider x as R_eal by Def5,Def6; reconsider LB as R_eal; A4:LB <=' x by A1,Def10; consider a,b being R_eal such that A5:a = x & b = LB; a <=' b by A3,A5,Def7; hence thesis by A3,A4,A5,Th22; end; hence thesis; end; definition let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; attr X is bounded means :Def13:X is bounded_above bounded_below; end; canceled; theorem for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X c= Y implies (Y is bounded implies X is bounded) proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X c= Y; assume Y is bounded; then Y is bounded_above & Y is bounded_below by Def13; then X is bounded_above & X is bounded_below by A1,Th44,Th47; hence thesis by Def13; end; theorem Th51: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds ex Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st for x being R_eal holds x in Y iff x is majorant of X proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; defpred P[R_eal] means $1 is majorant of X; ex Y being Subset of REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} st for x being R_eal holds x in Y iff P[x] from SepR_eal; then consider Y being Subset of REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} such that A1:for x being R_eal holds x in Y iff x is majorant of X; +infty is majorant of X by Th33; then reconsider Y as non empty set by A1; reconsider Y as non empty Subset of ExtREAL by Def6; take Y; thus thesis by A1; end; :: :: Set of majorant and set of minorant of X being SUBDOMAIN of ExtREAL :: definition let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; func SetMajorant(X) -> Subset of ExtREAL means :Def14: for x being R_eal holds x in it iff x is majorant of X; existence proof consider Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL such that A1: for x being R_eal holds x in Y iff x is majorant of X by Th51; take Y; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let Y1,Y2 be Subset of ExtREAL such that A2:for x being R_eal holds x in Y1 iff x is majorant of X and A3:for x being R_eal holds x in Y2 iff x is majorant of X; A4:for x being R_eal holds x in Y1 iff x in Y2 proof let x be R_eal; x in Y1 iff x is majorant of X by A2; hence thesis by A3; end; thus Y1 c= Y2 proof for x being set holds x in Y1 implies x in Y2 by A4; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3; end; thus Y2 c= Y1 proof for x being set holds x in Y2 implies x in Y1 by A4; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3; end; end; end; definition let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; cluster SetMajorant(X) -> non empty; coherence proof consider x being majorant of X; x in SetMajorant(X) by Def14; hence thesis; end; end; canceled 2; theorem for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X c= Y implies for x being R_eal holds (x in SetMajorant(Y) implies x in SetMajorant(X)) proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X c= Y; let x be R_eal; assume x in SetMajorant(Y); then x is majorant of Y by Def14; then x is majorant of X by A1,Th34; hence thesis by Def14; end; theorem Th55: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds ex Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st for x being R_eal holds x in Y iff x is minorant of X proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; defpred P[R_eal] means $1 is minorant of X; ex Y being Subset of REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} st for x being R_eal holds x in Y iff P[x] from SepR_eal; then consider Y being Subset of REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} such that A1:for x being R_eal holds x in Y iff x is minorant of X; -infty is minorant of X by Th36; then reconsider Y as non empty set by A1; reconsider Y as non empty Subset of ExtREAL by Def6; take Y; thus thesis by A1; end; definition let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; func SetMinorant(X) -> Subset of ExtREAL means :Def15: for x being R_eal holds x in it iff x is minorant of X; existence proof consider Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL such that A1: for x being R_eal holds x in Y iff x is minorant of X by Th55; take Y; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let Y1,Y2 be Subset of ExtREAL such that A2:for x being R_eal holds x in Y1 iff x is minorant of X and A3:for x being R_eal holds x in Y2 iff x is minorant of X; A4:for x being R_eal holds x in Y1 iff x in Y2 proof let x be R_eal; x in Y1 iff x is minorant of X by A2; hence thesis by A3; end; thus Y1 c= Y2 proof for x being set holds x in Y1 implies x in Y2 by A4; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3; end; thus Y2 c= Y1 proof for x being set holds x in Y2 implies x in Y1 by A4; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3; end; end; end; definition let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; cluster SetMinorant(X) -> non empty; coherence proof consider x being minorant of X; x in SetMinorant(X) by Def15; hence thesis; end; end; canceled 2; theorem for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X c= Y implies for x being R_eal holds (x in SetMinorant(Y) implies x in SetMinorant(X)) proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X c= Y; let x be R_eal; assume x in SetMinorant(Y); then x is minorant of Y by Def15; then x is minorant of X by A1,Th39; hence thesis by Def15; end; theorem Th59: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X is bounded_above & not X = {-infty} implies ex x being Real st x in X & not x = -infty proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X is bounded_above & not X = {-infty}; ex x being set st x in X & not x = -infty proof assume A2: not ex x being set st x in X & not x = -infty; for x being set holds x in X implies x in {-infty} proof let x be set; assume x in X; then x = -infty by A2; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1; end; then X c= {-infty} by TARSKI:def 3; hence thesis by A1,ZFMISC_1:39; end; then consider x being set such that A3:x in X & not x = -infty; x in REAL proof A4:not x = +infty proof assume A5:x = +infty; then reconsider x as R_eal; consider UB0 being majorant of X such that A6:UB0 in REAL by A1,Def11; reconsider UB0 as Real by A6; reconsider UB0 as R_eal; x <=' UB0 by A3,Def9; hence thesis by A5,Th18; end; x in REAL or x in {-infty,+infty} by A3,Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence thesis by A3,A4,TARSKI:def 2; end; then reconsider x as Real; take x; thus thesis by A3; end; theorem Th60: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X is bounded_below & not X = {+infty} implies ex x being Real st x in X & not x = +infty proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X is bounded_below & not X = {+infty}; ex x being set st x in X & not x = +infty proof assume A2: not ex x being set st x in X & not x = +infty; for x being set holds x in X implies x in {+infty} proof let x be set; assume x in X; then x = +infty by A2; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1; end; then X c= {+infty} by TARSKI:def 3; hence thesis by A1,ZFMISC_1:39; end; then consider x being set such that A3:x in X & not x = +infty; x in REAL proof A4:not x = -infty proof assume A5:x = -infty; then reconsider x as R_eal; consider LB0 being minorant of X such that A6:LB0 in REAL by A1,Def12; reconsider LB0 as Real by A6; reconsider LB0 as R_eal; LB0 <=' x by A3,Def10; hence thesis by A5,Th17; end; x in REAL or x in {-infty,+infty} by A3,Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence thesis by A3,A4,TARSKI:def 2; end; then reconsider x as Real; take x; thus thesis by A3; end; canceled; theorem Th62: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds (X is bounded_above & not X = {-infty}) implies ex UB being R_eal st ((UB is majorant of X) & (for y being R_eal holds (y is majorant of X ) implies (UB <=' y))) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X is bounded_above & not X = {-infty}; then consider UB0 being majorant of X such that A2:UB0 in REAL by Def11; A3:UB0 in SetMajorant(X) by Def14; consider x being Real such that A4:x in X & not x = -infty by A1,Th59; reconsider S = X /\ REAL as Subset of REAL by XBOOLE_1:17; reconsider Y = REAL /\ SetMajorant(X) as Subset of REAL by XBOOLE_1:17; reconsider UB0 as Real by A2; A5:x in S by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3; now let a,b be real number; assume A6:a in S & b in Y; then A7:a in X by XBOOLE_0:def 3; A8:b in SetMajorant(X) by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3; A9: a is Real & b is Real by XREAL_0:def 1; then reconsider d = b as R_eal by Def5,Def6; A10:d is majorant of X by A8,Def14; reconsider c = a as R_eal by A9,Def5,Def6; c <=' d by A7,A10,Def9; then ex p,q being Real st p = c & q = d & p <= q by A9,Def7; hence a <= b; end; then consider UB being real number such that A11:for a,b being real number st a in S & b in Y holds a <= UB & UB <= b by AXIOMS:26; set d = UB; reconsider UB as Real by XREAL_0:def 1; reconsider UB as R_eal by Def5,Def6; A12:now let a,b be R_eal; assume A13:a in X & b in SetMajorant(X); thus (a <=' UB & UB <=' b) proof A14:(not a = -infty & b = +infty) implies (a <=' UB & UB <=' b) proof assume A15:not a = -infty & b = +infty; a in REAL proof A16:a <> +infty proof assume A17:a = +infty; reconsider UB0 as R_eal; a <=' UB0 by A13,Def9; hence thesis by A17,Th18; end; a in REAL or a in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence thesis by A15,A16,TARSKI:def 2; end; then reconsider a as Real; A18:a in S by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3; a <= d & d <= UB0 proof UB0 in Y by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence thesis by A11,A18; end; hence thesis by A15,Def7,Th2; end; A19:(a = -infty & not b = +infty) implies (a <=' UB & UB <=' b) proof assume A20:a = -infty & b <> +infty; A21: b is majorant of X by A13,Def14; reconsider x as R_eal by Def5,Def6; x <=' b by A4,A21,Def9; then A22:not b = -infty by Th17; b in REAL or b in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then reconsider b as Real by A20,A22,TARSKI:def 2; A23:b in Y by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3; reconsider x as Real; x <= d & d <= b by A5,A11,A23; hence thesis by A20,Def7,Th6; end; (a <> -infty & b <> +infty) implies (a <=' UB & UB <=' b) proof assume A24:a <> -infty & b <> +infty; a in REAL proof A25:not a = +infty proof assume A26:a = +infty; reconsider UB0 as R_eal; a <=' UB0 by A13,Def9; hence thesis by A26,Th18; end; a in REAL or a in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence thesis by A24,A25,TARSKI:def 2; end; then reconsider a as Real; A27: b is majorant of X by A13,Def14; reconsider x as R_eal by Def5,Def6; x <=' b by A4,A27,Def9; then A28:not b = -infty by Th17; b in REAL or b in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then reconsider b as Real by A24,A28,TARSKI:def 2; A29:b in Y by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3; a in S by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then a <= d & d <= b by A11,A29; hence thesis by Def7; end; hence thesis by A14,A19,Def7,Th2,Th6; end; end; A30:UB is majorant of X proof for a being R_eal st a in X holds a <=' UB by A3,A12; hence thesis by Def9; end; A31:for y being R_eal holds (y is majorant of X ) implies (UB <=' y) proof let y be R_eal; assume y is majorant of X; then y in SetMajorant(X) by Def14; hence thesis by A4,A12; end; take UB; thus thesis by A30,A31; end; theorem Th63: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds (X is bounded_below & not X = {+infty}) implies ex LB being R_eal st ((LB is minorant of X) & (for y being R_eal holds (y is minorant of X ) implies (y <=' LB))) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X is bounded_below & not X = {+infty}; then consider LB0 being minorant of X such that A2:LB0 in REAL by Def12; A3:LB0 in SetMinorant(X) by Def15; consider x being Real such that A4:x in X & not x = +infty by A1,Th60; reconsider S = X /\ REAL as Subset of REAL by XBOOLE_1:17; reconsider Y = REAL /\ SetMinorant(X) as Subset of REAL by XBOOLE_1:17; reconsider LB0 as Real by A2; A5:x in S by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3; now let b,a be real number; assume A6:b in Y & a in S; then A7:a in X by XBOOLE_0:def 3; A8:b in SetMinorant(X) by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3; A9: a is Real & b is Real by XREAL_0:def 1; then reconsider d = b as R_eal by Def5,Def6; A10:d is minorant of X by A8,Def15; reconsider c = a as R_eal by A9,Def5,Def6; d <=' c by A7,A10,Def10; then ex p,q being Real st p = d & q = c & p <= q by A9,Def7; hence b <= a; end; then consider LB being real number such that A11:for b,a being real number st b in Y & a in S holds b <= LB & LB <= a by AXIOMS:26; reconsider LB as Real by XREAL_0:def 1; set d = LB; reconsider LB as R_eal by Def5,Def6; A12:for b,a being R_eal st b in SetMinorant(X) & a in X holds b <=' LB & LB <=' a proof let b,a be R_eal; assume A13:b in SetMinorant(X) & a in X; A14:(b = -infty & a <> +infty) implies (b <=' LB & LB <=' a) proof assume A15:b = -infty & not a = +infty; a in REAL proof A16:a <> -infty proof assume A17:a = -infty; reconsider LB0 as R_eal; LB0 <=' a by A13,Def10; hence thesis by A17,Th17; end; a in REAL or a in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence thesis by A15,A16,TARSKI:def 2; end; then reconsider a as Real; A18:a in S by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3; LB0 <= d & d <= a proof LB0 in Y by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence thesis by A11,A18; end; hence thesis by A15,Def7,Th6; end; A19:(not b = -infty & a = +infty) implies (b <=' LB & LB <=' a) proof assume A20:not b = -infty & a = +infty; A21: b is minorant of X by A13,Def15; reconsider x as R_eal by Def5,Def6; b <=' x by A4,A21,Def10; then A22:not b = +infty by Th18; b in REAL or b in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then reconsider b as Real by A20,A22,TARSKI:def 2; A23:b in Y by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3; reconsider x as Real; b <= d & d <= x by A5,A11,A23; hence thesis by A20,Def7,Th2; end; (not b = -infty & not a = +infty) implies (b <=' LB & LB <=' a) proof assume A24:not b = -infty & not a = +infty; a in REAL proof A25:not a = -infty proof assume A26:a = -infty; reconsider LB0 as R_eal; LB0 <=' a by A13,Def10; hence thesis by A26,Th17; end; a in REAL or a in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence thesis by A24,A25,TARSKI:def 2; end; then reconsider a as Real; A27: b is minorant of X by A13,Def15; reconsider x as R_eal by Def5,Def6; b <=' x by A4,A27,Def10; then A28:not b = +infty by Th18; b in REAL or b in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then reconsider b as Real by A24,A28,TARSKI:def 2; A29:b in Y by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3; a in S by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then b <= d & d <= a by A11,A29; hence thesis by Def7; end; hence thesis by A14,A19,Def7,Th2,Th6; end; take LB; for a being R_eal st a in X holds LB <=' a by A3,A12; hence LB is minorant of X by Def10; let y be R_eal; assume y is minorant of X; then y in SetMinorant(X) by Def15; hence thesis by A4,A12; end; theorem Th64: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X = {-infty} implies X is bounded_above proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X = {-infty}; consider x being Element of REAL; reconsider x as R_eal; now let a be R_eal; assume a in X; then a = -infty by A1,TARSKI:def 1; hence a <=' x by Def7,Th6; end; then x is majorant of X by Def9; hence thesis by Def11; end; theorem Th65: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X = {+infty} implies X is bounded_below proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X = {+infty}; consider x being Element of REAL; reconsider x as R_eal; now let a be R_eal; assume a in X; then a = +infty by A1,TARSKI:def 1; hence x <=' a by Def7,Th2; end; then x is minorant of X by Def10; hence thesis by Def12; end; theorem Th66: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X = {-infty} implies ex UB being R_eal st ((UB is majorant of X) & (for y being R_eal holds (y is majorant of X ) implies (UB <=' y))) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X = {-infty}; set UB = -infty; A2:for a being R_eal holds a in X implies a <=' UB by A1,TARSKI:def 1; take UB; thus thesis by A2,Def7,Def9,Th6; end; theorem Th67: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X = {+infty} implies ex LB being R_eal st ((LB is minorant of X) & (for y being R_eal holds (y is minorant of X ) implies (y <=' LB))) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X = {+infty}; set LB = +infty; A2: for a being R_eal holds a in X implies LB <=' a by A1,TARSKI:def 1; take LB; thus thesis by A2,Def7,Def10,Th2; end; theorem Th68: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X is bounded_above implies ex UB being R_eal st ((UB is majorant of X) & (for y being R_eal holds y is majorant of X implies UB <=' y)) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume X is bounded_above; then (X is bounded_above & not X = {-infty}) or (X is bounded_above & X = { -infty}); hence thesis by Th62,Th66; end; theorem Th69: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X is bounded_below implies ex LB being R_eal st ((LB is minorant of X) & (for y being R_eal holds (y is minorant of X ) implies (y <=' LB))) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume X is bounded_below; then (X is bounded_below & not X = {+infty}) or (X is bounded_below & X = { +infty}); hence thesis by Th63,Th67; end; theorem Th70: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds not X is bounded_above implies (for y being R_eal holds (y is majorant of X implies y = +infty)) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:not X is bounded_above; for y being R_eal holds (y is majorant of X implies y = +infty) proof let y be R_eal; assume A2:y is majorant of X; then not y in REAL by A1,Def11; then A3: y in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; not y = -infty proof assume A4:y = -infty; for a being set holds a in X implies a in {-infty} proof let a be set; assume A5:a in X; then a in REAL or a in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A6:a in REAL or a = -infty or a = +infty by TARSKI:def 2; reconsider a as R_eal by A5; a <=' -infty by A2,A4,A5,Def9; hence thesis by A6,Def7,Th6,Th14,TARSKI:def 1; end; then X c= {-infty} by TARSKI:def 3; then X = {} or X = {-infty} by ZFMISC_1:39; hence thesis by A1,Th64; end; hence thesis by A3,TARSKI:def 2; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th71: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds not X is bounded_below implies (for y being R_eal holds (y is minorant of X implies y = -infty)) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:not X is bounded_below; for y being R_eal holds (y is minorant of X implies y = -infty) proof let y be R_eal; assume A2:y is minorant of X; then not y in REAL by A1,Def12; then A3: y in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; not y = +infty proof assume A4:y = +infty; for a being set holds a in X implies a in {+infty} proof let a be set; assume A5:a in X; then a in REAL or a in {-infty,+infty} by Def6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A6:a in REAL or a = -infty or a = +infty by TARSKI:def 2; reconsider a as R_eal by A5; +infty <=' a by A2,A4,A5,Def10; hence thesis by A6,Def7,Th2,Th14,TARSKI:def 1; end; then X c= {+infty} by TARSKI:def 3; then X = {} or X = {+infty} by ZFMISC_1:39; hence thesis by A1,Th65; end; hence thesis by A3,TARSKI:def 2; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th72: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds ex UB being R_eal st ((UB is majorant of X) & (for y being R_eal holds (y is majorant of X ) implies (UB <=' y))) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; not X is bounded_above implies ex UB being R_eal st ((UB is majorant of X) & (for y being R_eal holds (y is majorant of X ) implies (UB <=' y))) proof assume A1: not X is bounded_above; set UB = +infty; take UB; thus thesis by A1,Th33,Th70; end; hence thesis by Th68; end; theorem Th73: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds ex LB being R_eal st ((LB is minorant of X) & (for y being R_eal holds (y is minorant of X) implies (y <=' LB))) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; not X is bounded_below implies ex LB being R_eal st ((LB is minorant of X) & (for y being R_eal holds (y is minorant of X ) implies (y <=' LB))) proof assume A1: not X is bounded_below; set LB = -infty; take LB; thus thesis by A1,Th36,Th71; end; hence thesis by Th69; end; :: :: sup X, inf X least upper bound and greatest lower bound of set X :: definition let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; func sup X -> R_eal means :Def16: it is majorant of X & for y being R_eal holds y is majorant of X implies it <=' y; existence by Th72; uniqueness proof let S1,S2 be R_eal such that A1:S1 is majorant of X & for y being R_eal holds (y is majorant of X ) implies (S1 <=' y) and A2:S2 is majorant of X & for y being R_eal holds (y is majorant of X ) implies (S2 <=' y); S1 <=' S2 & S2 <=' S1 by A1,A2; hence thesis by Th22; end; end; canceled 2; theorem Th76: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds for x being R_eal holds x in X implies x <=' sup X proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; let x be R_eal; assume A1:x in X; sup X is majorant of X by Def16; hence thesis by A1,Def9; end; definition let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; func inf X -> R_eal means :Def17: it is minorant of X & for y being R_eal holds y is minorant of X implies y <=' it; existence by Th73; uniqueness proof let S1,S2 be R_eal such that A1:S1 is minorant of X & for y being R_eal holds (y is minorant of X ) implies (y <=' S1) and A2:S2 is minorant of X & for y being R_eal holds (y is minorant of X ) implies (y <=' S2); S1 <=' S2 & S2 <=' S1 by A1,A2; hence thesis by Th22; end; end; canceled 2; theorem Th79: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds for x being R_eal holds x in X implies inf X <=' x proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; let x be R_eal; assume A1:x in X; inf X is minorant of X by Def17; hence thesis by A1,Def10; end; theorem Th80: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds for x being majorant of X holds x in X implies x = sup X proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; let x be majorant of X; assume x in X; then for y being R_eal holds (y is majorant of X) implies (x <=' y) by Def9; hence thesis by Def16; end; theorem Th81: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds for x being minorant of X holds x in X implies x = inf X proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; let x be minorant of X; assume x in X; then for y being R_eal holds (y is minorant of X) implies (y <=' x) by Def10; hence thesis by Def17; end; theorem for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds sup X = inf SetMajorant(X) & inf X = sup SetMinorant(X) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; sup X is majorant of X by Def16; then A1:sup X in SetMajorant(X) by Def14; for y being R_eal holds (y in SetMajorant(X)) implies sup X <=' y proof let y be R_eal; assume y in SetMajorant(X); then y is majorant of X by Def14; hence thesis by Def16; end; then A2: sup X is minorant of SetMajorant(X) by Def10; inf X is minorant of X by Def17; then A3:inf X in SetMinorant(X) by Def15; for y being R_eal holds (y in SetMinorant(X)) implies (y <=' inf X) proof let y be R_eal; assume y in SetMinorant(X); then y is minorant of X by Def15; hence thesis by Def17; end; then inf X is majorant of SetMinorant(X) by Def9; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,Th80,Th81; end; theorem for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X is bounded_above & not X = {-infty} implies sup X in REAL proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X is bounded_above & not X = {-infty}; then consider UB0 being majorant of X such that A2:UB0 in REAL by Def11; A3:sup X <=' UB0 by Def16; consider x being Real such that A4:x in X & not x = -infty by A1,Th59; reconsider x as R_eal by Def5,Def6; sup X is majorant of X by Def16; then x <=' sup X by A4,Def9; then not sup X = -infty by Th17; hence thesis by A2,A3,Def7,Th2; end; theorem for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X is bounded_below & not X = {+infty} implies inf X in REAL proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X is bounded_below & not X = {+infty}; then consider LB0 being minorant of X such that A2:LB0 in REAL by Def12; A3:LB0 <=' inf X by Def17; consider x being Real such that A4:x in X & not x = +infty by A1,Th60; reconsider x as R_eal by Def5,Def6; inf X is minorant of X by Def17; then inf X <=' x by A4,Def10; then not inf X = +infty by Th18; hence thesis by A2,A3,Def7,Th6; end; definition let x be R_eal; redefine func {x} -> Subset of ExtREAL; coherence by ZFMISC_1:37; end; definition let x,y be R_eal; redefine func {x,y} -> Subset of ExtREAL; coherence by ZFMISC_1:38; end; theorem Th85: for x being R_eal holds sup{x} = x proof let x be R_eal; A1:sup{x} is majorant of {x} by Def16; x is majorant of {x} proof for a being R_eal holds a in {x} implies a <=' x by TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by Def9; end; then A2:sup{x} <=' x by Def16; x in {x} by TARSKI:def 1; then x <=' sup{x} by A1,Def9; hence thesis by A2,Th22; end; theorem Th86: for x being R_eal holds inf{x} = x proof let x be R_eal; A1:inf{x} is minorant of {x} by Def17; x is minorant of {x} proof for a being R_eal holds a in {x} implies x <=' a by TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by Def10; end; then A2:x <=' inf{x} by Def17; x in {x} by TARSKI:def 1; then inf{x} <=' x by A1,Def10; hence thesis by A2,Th22; end; theorem sup {-infty} = -infty by Th85; theorem sup {+infty} = +infty by Th85; theorem inf {-infty} = -infty by Th86; theorem inf {+infty} = +infty by Th86; theorem Th91: for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X c= Y implies sup X <=' sup Y proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X c= Y; set S2 = sup Y; S2 is majorant of Y & for y being R_eal holds (y is majorant of Y implies (S2 <=' y)) by Def16; then S2 is majorant of X by A1,Th34; hence thesis by Def16; end; theorem Th92: for x,y being R_eal holds for a being R_eal holds (x <=' a & y <=' a implies sup{x,y} <=' a) proof let x,y be R_eal; let a be R_eal; assume x <=' a & y <=' a; then for c being R_eal holds c in {x,y} implies c <=' a by TARSKI:def 2; then a is majorant of {x,y} by Def9; hence thesis by Def16; end; theorem for x,y being R_eal holds (x <=' y implies sup{x,y} = y) & (y <=' x implies sup{x,y} = x) proof let x,y be R_eal; thus x <=' y implies sup{x,y} = y proof assume x <=' y; then A1:sup{x,y} <=' y by Th92; A2:y in {x,y} by TARSKI:def 2; sup{x,y} is majorant of {x,y} by Def16; then y <=' sup{x,y} by A2,Def9; hence thesis by A1,Th22; end; assume y <=' x; then A3:sup{x,y} <=' x by Th92; A4:x in {x,y} by TARSKI:def 2; sup{x,y} is majorant of {x,y} by Def16; then x <=' sup{x,y} by A4,Def9; hence thesis by A3,Th22; end; theorem Th94: for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds X c= Y implies inf Y <=' inf X proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:X c= Y; inf Y <=' inf X proof set S2 = inf Y; S2 is minorant of Y & for y being R_eal holds (y is minorant of Y implies (y <=' S2)) by Def17; then S2 is minorant of X by A1,Th39; hence thesis by Def17; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th95: for x,y being R_eal holds for a being R_eal holds (a <=' x & a <=' y implies a <=' inf{x,y}) proof let x,y be R_eal; let a be R_eal; assume a <=' x & a <=' y; then for c being R_eal holds c in {x,y} implies a <=' c by TARSKI:def 2; then a is minorant of {x,y} by Def10; hence thesis by Def17; end; theorem for x,y being R_eal holds (x <=' y implies inf{x,y} = x) & (y <=' x implies inf{x,y} = y) proof let x,y be R_eal; thus x <=' y implies inf{x,y} = x proof assume x <='y; then A1:x <=' inf{x,y} by Th95; A2:x in {x,y} by TARSKI:def 2; inf{x,y} is minorant of {x,y} by Def17; then inf{x,y} <=' x by A2,Def10; hence thesis by A1,Th22; end; assume y <='x; then A3:y <=' inf{x,y} by Th95; A4:y in {x,y} by TARSKI:def 2; inf{x,y} is minorant of {x,y} by Def17; then inf{x,y} <=' y by A4,Def10; hence thesis by A3,Th22; end; theorem Th97: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds for x being R_eal holds ((ex y being R_eal st (y in X & x <=' y)) implies x <=' sup X) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; let x be R_eal; given y being R_eal such that A1:y in X & x <=' y; sup X is majorant of X by Def16; then y <=' sup X by A1,Def9; hence thesis by A1,Th29; end; theorem Th98: for X being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds for x being R_eal holds ((ex y being R_eal st (y in X & y <=' x)) implies inf X <=' x) proof let X be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; let x be R_eal; given y being R_eal such that A1:y in X & y <=' x; inf X is minorant of X by Def17; then inf X <=' y by A1,Def10; hence thesis by A1,Th29; end; theorem for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds (for x being R_eal st x in X holds (ex y being R_eal st y in Y & x <=' y)) implies sup X <=' sup Y proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:for x being R_eal st x in X holds (ex y being R_eal st y in Y & x <=' y); for x being R_eal st x in X holds x <=' sup Y proof let x be R_eal; assume x in X; then consider y being R_eal such that A2:y in Y & x <=' y by A1; y <=' sup Y by A2,Th76; hence thesis by A2,Th29; end; then sup Y is majorant of X by Def9; hence thesis by Def16; end; theorem for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds (for y being R_eal st y in Y holds (ex x being R_eal st x in X & x <=' y)) implies inf X <=' inf Y proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:for y being R_eal st y in Y holds (ex x being R_eal st x in X & x <=' y); for y being R_eal st y in Y holds inf X <=' y proof let y be R_eal; assume y in Y; then consider x being R_eal such that A2:x in X & x <=' y by A1; inf X <=' x by A2,Th79; hence thesis by A2,Th29; end; then inf X is minorant of Y by Def10; hence thesis by Def17; end; theorem Th101: for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds for UB1 being majorant of X holds for UB2 being majorant of Y holds sup{UB1,UB2} is majorant of X \/ Y proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; let UB1 be majorant of X; let UB2 be majorant of Y; for a being R_eal holds a in X \/ Y implies a <=' sup{UB1,UB2} proof let a be R_eal; assume A1: a in X \/ Y; A2:a in X implies a <=' sup{UB1,UB2} proof assume a in X; then A3:a <=' UB1 by Def9; A4:UB1 in {UB1,UB2} by TARSKI:def 2; sup{UB1,UB2} is majorant of {UB1,UB2} by Def16; then UB1 <=' sup{UB1,UB2}by A4,Def9; hence thesis by A3,Th29; end; a in Y implies a <=' sup{UB1,UB2} proof assume a in Y; then A5:a <=' UB2 by Def9; A6:UB2 in {UB1,UB2} by TARSKI:def 2; sup{UB1,UB2} is majorant of {UB1,UB2} by Def16; then UB2 <=' sup{UB1,UB2}by A6,Def9; hence thesis by A5,Th29; end; hence thesis by A1,A2,XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; hence thesis by Def9; end; theorem Th102: for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds for LB1 being minorant of X holds for LB2 being minorant of Y holds inf{LB1,LB2} is minorant of X \/ Y proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; let LB1 be minorant of X; let LB2 be minorant of Y; for a being R_eal holds a in X \/ Y implies inf{LB1,LB2} <=' a proof let a be R_eal; assume A1: a in X \/ Y; A2:a in X implies inf{LB1,LB2} <=' a proof assume a in X; then A3:LB1 <=' a by Def10; A4:LB1 in {LB1,LB2} by TARSKI:def 2; inf{LB1,LB2} is minorant of {LB1,LB2} by Def17; then inf{LB1,LB2} <=' LB1 by A4,Def10; hence thesis by A3,Th29; end; a in Y implies inf{LB1,LB2} <=' a proof assume a in Y; then A5:LB2 <=' a by Def10; A6:LB2 in {LB1,LB2} by TARSKI:def 2; inf{LB1,LB2} is minorant of {LB1,LB2} by Def17; then inf{LB1,LB2} <=' LB2 by A6,Def10; hence thesis by A5,Th29; end; hence thesis by A1,A2,XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; hence thesis by Def10; end; theorem Th103: for X,Y,S being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds for UB1 being majorant of X holds for UB2 being majorant of Y holds S = X /\ Y implies inf{UB1,UB2} is majorant of S proof let X,Y,S be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; let UB1 be majorant of X; let UB2 be majorant of Y; assume A1:S = X /\ Y; now let a be R_eal; assume a in S; then a in X & a in Y by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then a <=' UB1 & a <=' UB2 by Def9; hence a <=' inf{UB1,UB2} by Th95; end; hence thesis by Def9; end; theorem Th104: for X,Y,S being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds for LB1 being minorant of X holds for LB2 being minorant of Y holds S = X /\ Y implies sup{LB1,LB2} is minorant of S proof let X,Y,S be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; let LB1 be minorant of X; let LB2 be minorant of Y; assume A1:S = X /\ Y; now let a be R_eal; assume a in S; then a in X & a in Y by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then LB1 <=' a & LB2 <=' a by Def10; hence sup{LB1,LB2} <=' a by Th92; end; hence thesis by Def10; end; theorem for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds sup(X \/ Y) = sup{sup X,sup Y} proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; set a = sup(X \/ Y); A1:sup X is majorant of X by Def16; sup Y is majorant of Y by Def16; then sup{sup X,sup Y} is majorant of X \/ Y by A1,Th101; then A2:a <=' sup{sup X,sup Y} by Def16; X c= X \/ Y by XBOOLE_1:7; then A3:sup X <=' a by Th91; Y c= X \/ Y by XBOOLE_1:7; then sup Y <=' a by Th91; then sup{sup X,sup Y} <=' a by A3,Th92; hence thesis by A2,Th22; end; theorem for X,Y being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds inf(X \/ Y) = inf{inf X,inf Y} proof let X,Y be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; set a = inf(X \/ Y); A1:inf X is minorant of X by Def17; inf Y is minorant of Y by Def17; then inf{inf X,inf Y} is minorant of X \/ Y by A1,Th102; then A2:inf{inf X,inf Y} <=' a by Def17; X c= X \/ Y by XBOOLE_1:7; then A3:a <=' inf X by Th94; Y c= X \/ Y by XBOOLE_1:7; then a <=' inf Y by Th94; then a <=' inf{inf X,inf Y} by A3,Th95; hence thesis by A2,Th22; end; theorem for X,Y,S being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds S = X /\ Y implies sup(S) <=' inf{sup X,sup Y} proof let X,Y,S be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:S = X /\ Y; sup(S) <=' inf{sup X,sup Y} proof A2:sup X is majorant of X by Def16; sup Y is majorant of Y by Def16; then inf{sup X,sup Y} is majorant of S by A1,A2,Th103; hence thesis by Def16; end; hence thesis; end; theorem for X,Y,S being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds S = X /\ Y implies sup{inf X,inf Y} <=' inf(S) proof let X,Y,S be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:S = X /\ Y; sup{inf X,inf Y} <=' inf(S) proof A2:inf X is minorant of X by Def17; inf Y is minorant of Y by Def17; then sup{inf X,inf Y} is minorant of S by A1,A2,Th104; hence thesis by Def17; end; hence thesis; end; definition let X be non empty set; mode bool_DOMAIN of X -> set means :Def18: it is non empty Subset of bool X & for A being set holds A in it implies A is non empty set; existence proof set F = {X}; A1: for x being set holds x in F implies x in bool X proof let x be set; assume A2:x in F; X in bool X by ZFMISC_1:def 1; hence thesis by A2,TARSKI:def 1; end; take F; thus thesis by A1,TARSKI:def 1,def 3; end; end; definition let F be bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL; func SUP(F) -> Subset of ExtREAL means :Def19:for a being R_eal holds a in it iff ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st A in F & a = sup A; existence proof defpred P[R_eal] means ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st A in F & $1 = sup A; ex S being Subset of REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} st for a being R_eal holds a in S iff P[a] from SepR_eal; then consider S being Subset of ExtREAL such that A1:for a being R_eal holds a in S iff ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st (A in F & a = sup A) by Def6; reconsider S as Subset of ExtREAL; take S; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let S1,S2 be Subset of ExtREAL such that A2:for a being R_eal holds a in S1 iff ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st (A in F & a = sup A) and A3:for a being R_eal holds a in S2 iff ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st (A in F & a = sup A); for a being set holds (a in S1 iff a in S2) proof let a be set; hereby assume a in S1; then ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st A in F & a = sup A by A2; hence a in S2 by A3; end; assume A4:a in S2; then reconsider a as R_eal; ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st A in F & a = sup A by A3,A4; hence thesis by A2; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; end; definition let F be bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL; cluster SUP(F) -> non empty; coherence proof A1:F is non empty Subset of bool ExtREAL & for A being set holds A in F implies A is non empty set by Def18; consider A being Element of F; reconsider A as non empty Subset of ExtREAL by A1,TARSKI:def 3; sup A = sup A; hence thesis by A1,Def19; end; end; canceled 3; theorem Th112: for F being bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL holds for S being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds S = union F implies sup S is majorant of SUP(F) proof let F be bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL; let S be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:S = union F; for x being R_eal holds x in SUP(F) implies x <=' sup S proof let x be R_eal; assume x in SUP(F); then consider A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL such that A2:A in F & x = sup A by Def19; A c= S proof let a be set; assume a in A; hence thesis by A1,A2,TARSKI:def 4; end; hence thesis by A2,Th91; end; hence thesis by Def9; end; theorem Th113: for F being bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL holds for S being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds S = union F implies sup SUP(F) is majorant of S proof let F be bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL; let S be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:S = union F; for x being R_eal holds x in S implies x <=' sup SUP(F) proof let x be R_eal; assume x in S; then consider Z being set such that A2:x in Z & Z in F by A1,TARSKI:def 4; F is non empty Subset of bool ExtREAL by Def18; then reconsider Z as non empty Subset of ExtREAL by A2; consider a being set such that A3:a = sup Z; reconsider a as R_eal by A3; sup Z is majorant of Z by Def16; then A4:x <=' sup Z by A2,Def9; a in SUP(F) by A2,A3,Def19; hence thesis by A3,A4,Th97; end; hence thesis by Def9; end; theorem for F being bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL holds for S being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds S = union F implies sup S = sup SUP(F) proof let F be bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL; let S be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:S = union F; set a = sup S; set b = sup SUP(F); A2:sup SUP(F) is majorant of S by A1,Th113; sup S is majorant of SUP(F) by A1,Th112; then a <=' b & b <=' a by A2,Def16; hence thesis by Th22; end; definition let F be bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL; func INF(F) -> Subset of ExtREAL means :Def20:for a being R_eal holds a in it iff ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st A in F & a = inf A; existence proof defpred P[R_eal] means ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st A in F & $1 = inf A; A1:ex S being Subset of REAL \/ {-infty,+infty} st for a being R_eal holds a in S iff P[a] from SepR_eal; A2:F is non empty Subset of bool ExtREAL & for A being set holds A in F implies A is non empty set by Def18; consider A being Element of F; reconsider A as non empty Subset of ExtREAL by A2,TARSKI:def 3; A3:inf A = inf A; consider S being Subset of ExtREAL such that A4:for a being R_eal holds a in S iff ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st (A in F & a = inf A) by A1,Def6; reconsider S as non empty set by A2,A3,A4; reconsider S as non empty Subset of ExtREAL; take S; thus thesis by A4; end; uniqueness proof let S1,S2 be Subset of ExtREAL such that A5:for a being R_eal holds a in S1 iff ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st (A in F & a = inf A) and A6:for a being R_eal holds a in S2 iff ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st (A in F & a = inf A); for a being set holds a in S1 iff a in S2 proof let a be set; hereby assume A7:a in S1; then reconsider a' = a as R_eal; ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st A in F & a' = inf A by A5,A7; hence a in S2 by A6; end; assume A8:a in S2; then reconsider a as R_eal; ex A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL st A in F & a = inf A by A6, A8 ; hence thesis by A5; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; end; definition let F be bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL; cluster INF(F) -> non empty; coherence proof A1:F is non empty Subset of bool ExtREAL & for A being set holds A in F implies A is non empty set by Def18; consider A being Element of F; reconsider A as non empty Subset of ExtREAL by A1,TARSKI:def 3; inf A = inf A; hence thesis by A1,Def20; end; end; canceled 2; theorem Th117: for F being bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL holds for S being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds S = union F implies inf S is minorant of INF(F) proof let F be bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL; let S be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:S = union F; for x being R_eal holds x in INF(F) implies inf S <=' x proof let x be R_eal; assume x in INF(F); then consider A being non empty Subset of ExtREAL such that A2:A in F & x = inf A by Def20; A c= S proof let a be set; assume a in A; hence thesis by A1,A2,TARSKI:def 4; end; hence thesis by A2,Th94; end; hence thesis by Def10; end; theorem Th118: for F being bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL holds for S being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds S = union F implies inf INF(F) is minorant of S proof let F be bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL; let S be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:S = union F; for x being R_eal holds x in S implies inf INF(F) <=' x proof let x be R_eal; assume x in S; then consider Z being set such that A2:x in Z & Z in F by A1,TARSKI:def 4; F is non empty Subset of bool ExtREAL by Def18; then reconsider Z as non empty Subset of ExtREAL by A2; consider a being set such that A3:a = inf Z; reconsider a as R_eal by A3; inf Z is minorant of Z by Def17; then A4:inf Z <=' x by A2,Def10; a in INF(F) by A2,A3,Def20; hence thesis by A3,A4,Th98; end; hence thesis by Def10; end; theorem for F being bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL holds for S being non empty Subset of ExtREAL holds S = union F implies inf S = inf INF(F) proof let F be bool_DOMAIN of ExtREAL; let S be non empty Subset of ExtREAL; assume A1:S = union F; set a = inf S; set b = inf INF(F); A2: inf INF(F) is minorant of S by A1,Th118; inf S is minorant of INF(F) by A1,Th117; then a <=' b & b <=' a by A2,Def17; hence thesis by Th22; end;