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environ vocabulary FINSUB_1, BINOP_1, FUNCT_1, FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_2, SETWISEO, BOOLE, RELAT_1, TARSKI, FINSEQOP, FUNCOP_1, SUBSET_1, FUNCT_4, FINSOP_1; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, SUBSET_1, NUMBERS, XREAL_0, NAT_1, RELAT_1, RELSET_1, FUNCT_1, FINSEQ_1, FINSUB_1, PARTFUN1, FUNCT_2, BINOP_1, FUNCOP_1, SETWISEO, FINSEQ_2, FINSEQOP, FINSOP_1; constructors NAT_1, BINOP_1, WELLORD2, SETWISEO, FINSEQOP, FINSOP_1, XREAL_0, MEMBERED, PARTFUN1, XBOOLE_0; clusters SUBSET_1, FUNCT_1, RELSET_1, FINSEQ_2, FINSUB_1, FINSEQ_1, ARYTM_3, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1, FUNCT_2, XBOOLE_0, ORDINAL2; requirements NUMERALS, REAL, BOOLE, SUBSET, ARITHM; definitions BINOP_1, XBOOLE_0; theorems TARSKI, ENUMSET1, ZFMISC_1, REAL_1, NAT_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FUNCOP_1, FINSEQ_1, FINSUB_1, BINOP_1, SETWISEO, FINSEQ_2, RLVECT_1, WELLORD2, CARD_1, FINSEQOP, RELAT_1, FUNCT_4, FINSOP_1, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1, XCMPLX_1; schemes NAT_1, SETWISEO, FINSEQ_2; begin reserve x,y for set; reserve C,C',D,E for non empty set; reserve c,c',c1,c2,c3 for Element of C; reserve B,B',B1,B2 for Element of Fin C; reserve A for Element of Fin C'; reserve d,d1,d2,d3,d4,e for Element of D; reserve F,G for BinOp of D; reserve u for UnOp of D; reserve f,f' for Function of C,D; reserve g for Function of C',D; reserve H for BinOp of E; reserve h for Function of D,E; reserve i,j for Nat; reserve s for Function; reserve p,q for FinSequence of D; reserve T1,T2 for Element of i-tuples_on D; Lm1: Seg i is Element of Fin NAT by FINSUB_1:def 5; Lm2: now let i; assume i+1 in Seg i; then i+1 <= i & i < i+1 by FINSEQ_1:3,REAL_1:69; hence contradiction; end; canceled 2; theorem Th3: F is commutative associative & c1 <> c2 implies F $$ ({c1,c2},f) = F.(f.c1, f.c2) proof assume that A1: F is commutative associative and A2: c1 <> c2; consider g being Function of Fin C, D such that A3: F $$ ({c1,c2},f) = g.{c1,c2} and for e st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds g.{} = e and A4: for c holds g.{c} = f.c and A5: for B st B c= { c1,c2 } & B <> {} for c st c in { c1,c2 } \ B holds g.(B \/ {c}) = F.(g.B,f.c) by A1,SETWISEO:def 3; c1 in {c1} & not c2 in {c1} by A2,TARSKI:def 1; then {c1,c2} \ {c1} = {c2} by ZFMISC_1:70; then A6: {c1} c= {c1,c2} & {c1} <> {} & c2 in {c1,c2} & c2 in {c1,c2} \ {c1} by TARSKI:def 1,def 2,ZFMISC_1:12; thus F $$ ({c1,c2},f) = g.({c1} \/ {c2}) by A3,ENUMSET1:41 .= F.(g.{c1}, f.c2) by A5,A6 .= F.(f.c1, f.c2) by A4; end; theorem Th4: F is commutative associative & (B <> {} or F has_a_unity) & not c in B implies F $$(B \/ {c}, f) = F.(F $$(B,f),f.c) proof assume that A1: F is commutative associative and A2: B <> {} or F has_a_unity and A3: not c in B; per cases; suppose A4: B = {}; then B = {}.C; then F $$(B,f) = the_unity_wrt F by A1,A2,SETWISEO:40; hence F.(F $$(B,f),f.c) = f.c by A2,A4,SETWISEO:23 .= F $$(B \/ {c}, f) by A1,A4,SETWISEO:26; suppose A5: B <> {}; consider g being Function of Fin C, D such that A6: F $$ (B \/ {c},f) = g.(B \/ {c}) and for e st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds g.{} = e and A7: for c' holds g.{c'} = f.c' and A8: for B' st B' c= B \/ {c} & B' <> {} for c' st c' in (B \/ {c}) \ B' holds g.(B' \/ {c'}) = F.(g.B',f.c') by A1,SETWISEO:def 3; consider g' being Function of Fin C, D such that A9: F $$ (B,f) = g'.B and for e st e is_a_unity_wrt F holds g'.{} = e and A10: for c' holds g'.{c'} = f.c' and A11: for B' st B' c= B & B' <> {} for c' st c' in B \ B' holds g'.(B' \/ {c'}) = F.(g'.B',f.c') by A1,A2,SETWISEO:def 3; defpred X[set] means $1 <> {} & $1 c= B implies g.($1) = g'.($1); A12: X[{}.C]; A13: for B' being Element of Fin C, b being Element of C holds X[B'] & not b in B' implies X[B' \/ {b}] proof let B', c' such that A14: B' <> {} & B' c= B implies g.B' = g'.B' and A15: not c' in B' and B' \/ {c'} <> {} and A16: B' \/ {c'} c= B; A17: c' in B by A16,SETWISEO:8; then A18: B' c= B & c' in B \ B' by A15,A16,XBOOLE_0:def 4,XBOOLE_1:11; B c= B \/ {c} by XBOOLE_1:7; then A19: B' c= B \/ {c} by A18,XBOOLE_1:1; c' in (B \/ {c}) by A17,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A20: c' in (B \/ {c}) \ B' by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4; per cases; suppose B' = {}; then g.(B' \/ {c'}) = f.c' & g'.(B' \/ {c'}) = f.c' by A7,A10; hence g.(B' \/ {c'}) = g'.(B' \/ {c'}); suppose A21: B' <> {}; hence g.(B' \/ {c'}) = F.(g'.B', f.c') by A8,A14,A16,A19,A20,XBOOLE_1:11 .= g'.(B' \/ {c'}) by A11,A18,A21; end; A22: for B' holds X[B'] from FinSubInd1(A12,A13); c in B \/ {c} by SETWISEO:6; then B c= B \/ {c} & c in (B \/ {c}) \ B by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4,XBOOLE_1:7; hence F $$(B \/ {c}, f) = F.(g.B, f.c) by A5,A6,A8 .= F.(F $$(B,f),f.c) by A5,A9,A22; end; theorem F is commutative associative & c1 <> c2 & c1 <> c3 & c2 <> c3 implies F $$ ({c1,c2,c3},f) = F.(F.(f.c1, f.c2),f.c3) proof assume that A1: F is commutative associative and A2: c1 <> c2; assume c1 <> c3 & c2 <> c3; then A3: not c3 in {c1,c2} & {c1,c2} <> {} by TARSKI:def 2; thus F $$ ({c1,c2,c3},f) = F $$ ({c1,c2} \/ {c3},f) by ENUMSET1:43 .= F.(F $$ ({c1,c2},f),f.c3) by A1,A3,Th4 .= F.(F.(f.c1, f.c2),f.c3) by A1,A2,Th3; end; theorem F is commutative associative & (B1 <> {} & B2 <> {} or F has_a_unity) & B1 misses B2 implies F $$(B1 \/ B2, f) = F.(F $$(B1,f),F $$(B2,f)) proof assume that A1: F is commutative associative and A2: B1 <> {} & B2 <> {} or F has_a_unity and A3: B1 /\ B2 = {}; now per cases; suppose A4: B1 = {} or B2 = {}; now per cases by A4; suppose A5: B1 = {}; hence F $$(B1 \/ B2, f) = F.(the_unity_wrt F,F $$(B2,f)) by A2,SETWISEO:23 .= F.(F $$({}.C,f),F $$(B2,f)) by A1,A2,A4,SETWISEO:40 .= F.(F $$(B1,f),F $$(B2,f)) by A5; suppose A6: B2 = {}; hence F $$(B1 \/ B2, f) = F.(F $$(B1,f),the_unity_wrt F) by A2,SETWISEO:23 .= F.(F $$(B1,f),F $$({}.C,f)) by A1,A2,A4,SETWISEO:40 .= F.(F $$(B1,f),F $$(B2,f)) by A6; end; hence F $$(B1 \/ B2, f) = F.(F $$(B1,f),F $$(B2,f)); suppose A7: B1 <> {} & B2 <> {}; defpred X[Element of Fin C] means $1 <> {} & B1 /\ $1 = {} implies F $$(B1 \/ $1,f) = F.(F $$(B1,f),F $$($1,f)); A8: X[{}.C]; A9: for B' being Element of Fin C, b being Element of C holds X[B'] & not b in B' implies X[B' \/ {b}] proof let B,c such that A10: B <> {} & B1 /\ B = {} implies F $$(B1 \/ B,f) = F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$(B,f)) and A11: not c in B and B \/ {c} <> {}; A12: B <> {} & B1 misses B implies F $$(B1 \/ B,f) = F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$(B,f)) by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 7; assume A13: B1 /\ (B \/ {c}) = {}; then A14: B1 misses (B \/ {c}) by XBOOLE_0:def 7; c in B \/ {c} & not c in B1 /\ (B \/ {c}) by A13,SETWISEO:6; then A15: not c in B1 by XBOOLE_0:def 3; now per cases; suppose A16: B = {}; hence F $$ (B1 \/ (B \/ {c}),f) = F.(F $$ (B1,f), f.c) by A1,A7,A15,Th4 .= F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$(B \/ {c},f)) by A1,A16,SETWISEO:26; suppose A17: B <> {}; then A18: B1 \/ B <> {} & not c in B1 \/ B by A11,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 2, XBOOLE_1:15; A19: B c= B \/ {c} & (B \/ {c}) /\ B1 = {} & B1 /\ B = B /\ B1 by A13,XBOOLE_1:7; thus F $$ (B1 \/ (B \/ {c}),f) = F $$ (B1 \/ B \/ {c},f) by XBOOLE_1:4 .= F.(F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$(B,f)), f.c) by A1,A12,A14,A17,A18,A19,Th4,XBOOLE_1:63 .= F.(F $$ (B1,f),F.(F $$(B,f), f.c)) by A1,BINOP_1:def 3 .= F.(F $$(B1,f),F $$(B \/ {c},f)) by A1,A11,A17,Th4; end; hence F $$ (B1 \/ (B \/ {c}),f) = F.(F $$ (B1,f),F $$ (B \/ {c},f)); end; for B2 holds X[B2] from FinSubInd1(A8,A9); hence F $$(B1 \/ B2, f) = F.(F $$(B1,f),F $$(B2,f)) by A3,A7; end; hence thesis; end; theorem Th7: F is commutative associative & (A <> {} or F has_a_unity) & (ex s st dom s = A & rng s = B & s is one-to-one & g|A = f*s) implies F $$(A,g) = F $$(B,f) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative; defpred X[Element of Fin C'] means $1 <> {} or F has_a_unity implies for B st ex s st dom s = $1 & rng s = B & s is one-to-one & g|$1 = f*s holds F $$($1,g) = F $$(B,f); A2: X[{}.C'] proof assume A3: {}.C' <> {} or F has_a_unity; let B; given s such that A4: dom s = {}.C' & rng s = B & s is one-to-one and g|({}.C') = f*s; B,{} are_equipotent & {} = {}.C by A4,WELLORD2:def 4; then B = {}.C & F $$({}.C',g) = the_unity_wrt F by A1,A3,CARD_1:46,SETWISEO:40; hence F $$({}.C',g) = F $$(B,f) by A1,A3,SETWISEO:40; end; A5: for B' being Element of Fin C', b being Element of C' holds X[B'] & not b in B' implies X[B' \/ {b}] proof let A' be Element of Fin C',a be Element of C' such that A6: A' <> {} or F has_a_unity implies for B st ex s st dom s = A' & rng s = B & s is one-to-one & g|A' = f*s holds F $$(A',g) = F $$(B,f) and A7: not a in A'; set A = A' \/ {a}; assume A' \/ {a} <> {} or F has_a_unity; let B; given s such that A8: dom s = A & rng s = B & s is one-to-one and A9: g|A = f*s; A10: a in A by SETWISEO:6; then A11: s.a in B by A8,FUNCT_1:def 5; B c= C by FINSUB_1:def 5; then reconsider c = s.a as Element of C by A11; a in C'; then a in dom g by FUNCT_2:def 1; then a in dom g /\ A by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then a in dom(f*s) & g.a = (f*s).a by A9,FUNCT_1:71,RELAT_1:90; then A12: g.a = f.c by FUNCT_1:22; set B' = B \ {c}; set s' = s|A'; A13: now let y; thus y in rng s' implies y in B' proof assume y in rng s'; then consider x such that A14: x in dom s' and A15: y = s'.x by FUNCT_1:def 5; A16: x in dom s /\ A' by A14,RELAT_1:90; then A17: x in dom s & x in A' by XBOOLE_0:def 3; x in dom s & x <> a by A7,A16,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then s'.x = s.x & s.x <> c by A8,A10,A14,FUNCT_1:70,def 8; then y in B & not y in {c} by A8,A15,A17,FUNCT_1:def 5,TARSKI:def 1; hence y in B' by XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; assume y in B'; then A18: y in B & not y in {c} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then consider x such that A19: x in dom s and A20: y = s.x by A8,FUNCT_1:def 5; x <> a & (x in A' or x in {a}) by A8,A18,A19,A20,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then x in dom s /\ A' by A19,TARSKI:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then x in dom s' & s'.x = s.x by FUNCT_1:71,RELAT_1:90; hence y in rng s' by A20,FUNCT_1:def 5; end; A' c= A by XBOOLE_1:7; then A21: s' is one-to-one & dom s' = A' & rng s' = B' by A8,A13,FUNCT_1:84,RELAT_1:91,TARSKI:2; now let x; thus x in dom(g|A') implies x in dom(f*s') proof assume x in dom(g|A'); then x in dom g /\ A' by RELAT_1:90; then A22: x in dom g & x in A' by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then x in dom g & x in A by SETWISEO:6; then x in dom g /\ A by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then x in dom(f*s) by A9,RELAT_1:90; then A23: x in dom s & s.x in dom f by FUNCT_1:21; then x in dom s /\ A' by A22,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A24: x in dom s' by RELAT_1:90; then s'.x = s.x by FUNCT_1:70; hence x in dom(f*s') by A23,A24,FUNCT_1:21; end; assume x in dom(f*s'); then x in dom s' & s'.x in dom f by FUNCT_1:21; then x in dom s /\ A' & s.x in dom f by FUNCT_1:70,RELAT_1:90; then x in dom s & x in A' & s.x in dom f by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then x in A' & x in dom(g|A) by A9,FUNCT_1:21; then x in A' & x in dom g /\ A by RELAT_1:90; then x in A' & x in dom g by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then x in dom g /\ A' by XBOOLE_0:def 3; hence x in dom(g|A') by RELAT_1:90; end; then A25: dom(g|A') = dom(f*s') by TARSKI:2; for x st x in dom(g|A') holds (g|A').x = (f*s').x proof let x; assume x in dom(g|A'); then x in dom g /\ A' by RELAT_1:90; then A26: x in dom g & x in A' by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A27: x in dom g & x in A by SETWISEO:6; then x in dom g /\ A by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then x in dom(f*s) by A9,RELAT_1:90; then A28: x in dom s & s.x in dom f by FUNCT_1:21; then x in dom s /\ A' by A26,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A29: x in dom s' by RELAT_1:90; then A30: s'.x = s.x by FUNCT_1:70; thus (g|A').x = g.x by A26,FUNCT_1:72 .= (f*s).x by A9,A27,FUNCT_1:72 .= f.(s.x) by A28,FUNCT_1:23 .= (f*s').x by A29,A30,FUNCT_1:23; end; then A31: g|A' = f*s' by A25,FUNCT_1:9; B' \/ {c} = B \/ {c} by XBOOLE_1:39; then A32: B = B' \/ {c} & not c in B' by A11,ZFMISC_1:46,64; now let y; thus y in g.:A' implies y in f.:B' proof assume y in g.:A'; then consider x such that A33: x in dom g and A34: x in A' and A35: y = g.x by FUNCT_1:def 12; x in dom g /\ A' by A33,A34,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then x in dom(g|A') & y = (f*s').x by A31,A34,A35,FUNCT_1:72,RELAT_1:90; then s'.x in dom f & y = f.(s'.x) & x in dom s' by A25,FUNCT_1:21,22; then s'.x in dom f & y = f.(s'.x) & s'.x in B' by A21,FUNCT_1:def 5; hence y in f.:B' by FUNCT_1:def 12; end; assume y in f.:B'; then consider x such that x in dom f and A36: x in B' and A37: y = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 12; set x' = s'".x; A38: x' in A' by A21,A36,FUNCT_1:54; A' c= C' by FINSUB_1:def 5; then x' in C' by A38; then A39: x' in dom g by FUNCT_2:def 1; s'.x' = x by A21,A36,FUNCT_1:57; then y = (f*s').x' by A21,A37,A38,FUNCT_1:23 .= g.x' by A31,A38,FUNCT_1:72; hence y in g.:A' by A38,A39,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; then A40: f.:B' = g.:A' by TARSKI:2; now per cases; suppose A41: A' = {}; B' c= C by FINSUB_1:def 5; then B' c= dom f & g.:A' = {} by A41,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELAT_1:149; then A42: B' = {} by A40,RELAT_1:152; thus F $$(A,g) = f.c by A1,A12,A41,SETWISEO:26 .= F $$(B,f) by A1,A32,A42,SETWISEO:26; suppose A43: A' <> {}; A' c= C' by FINSUB_1:def 5; then A' c= dom g by FUNCT_2:def 1; then f.:B' <> {} by A40,A43,RELAT_1:152; then A44: B' <> {} by RELAT_1:149; thus F $$(A,g) = F.(F $$(A',g),g.a) by A1,A7,A43,Th4 .= F.(F $$(B',f),f.c) by A6,A12,A21,A31,A43 .= F $$(B,f) by A1,A32,A44,Th4; end; hence F $$(A,g) = F $$(B,f); end; for A holds X[A] from FinSubInd1(A2,A5); hence thesis; end; theorem H is commutative associative & (B <> {} or H has_a_unity) & f is one-to-one implies H $$(f.:B,h) = H $$(B,h*f) proof assume that A1: H is commutative associative & (B <> {} or H has_a_unity) and A2: f is one-to-one; set s = f|B; B c= C by FINSUB_1:def 5; then B c= dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1; then dom s = B & rng s = f.:B & s is one-to-one & (h*f)|B = h*s by A2,FUNCT_1:84,RELAT_1:91,112,148; hence thesis by A1,Th7; end; theorem F is commutative associative & (B <> {} or F has_a_unity) & f|B = f'|B implies F $$(B,f) = F $$(B,f') proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & (B <> {} or F has_a_unity); set s = id B; assume f|B = f'|B; then dom s = B & rng s = B & s is one-to-one & f|B = f'*s by FUNCT_1:52,RELAT_1:71,94; hence thesis by A1,Th7; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & e = the_unity_wrt F & f.:B = {e} implies F$$(B,f) = e proof assume that A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity and A2: e = the_unity_wrt F; defpred X[Element of Fin C] means f.:($1) = {e} implies F$$($1,f) = e; A3: X[{}.C] by RELAT_1:149; A4: for B' being Element of Fin C, b being Element of C holds X[B'] & not b in B' implies X[B' \/ {b}] proof let B',c such that A5: f.:(B') = {e} implies F$$(B',f) = e and A6: not c in B' and A7: f.:(B' \/ {c}) = {e}; {c} c= C by FINSUB_1:def 5; then {c} c= B' \/ {c} & {c} c= dom f & {c} <> {} by FUNCT_2:def 1,XBOOLE_1:7; then f.:{c} c= {e} & f.:{c} <> {} & c in dom f by A7,RELAT_1:152,156,ZFMISC_1:37; then f.:{c} = {e} & c in dom f by ZFMISC_1:39; then {e} = {f.c} by FUNCT_1:117; then A8: f.c = e by ZFMISC_1:6; now per cases; suppose B' = {}; then A9: B' = {}.C; thus F$$(B' \/ {c},f) = F.(F $$(B',f),f.c) by A1,A6,Th4 .= F.(e ,f.c) by A1,A2,A9,SETWISEO:40; suppose A10: B' <> {}; B' c= C by FINSUB_1:def 5; then B' c= B' \/ {c} & B' c= dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1,XBOOLE_1:7; then f.:B' c= {e} & f.:B' <> {} by A7,A10,RELAT_1:152,156; hence F$$(B' \/ {c},f) = F.(e ,f.c) by A1,A5,A6,Th4,ZFMISC_1:39; end; hence F$$(B' \/ {c},f) = e by A1,A2,A8,SETWISEO:23; end; for B holds X[B] from FinSubInd1(A3,A4); hence thesis; end; theorem Th11: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & e = the_unity_wrt F & G.(e,e) = e & (for d1,d2,d3,d4 holds F.(G.(d1,d2),G.(d3,d4))= G.(F.(d1,d3),F.(d2,d4))) implies G.(F$$(B,f),F$$(B,f')) = F $$(B,G.:(f,f')) proof assume that A1: F is commutative associative and A2: F has_a_unity and A3: e = the_unity_wrt F and A4: G.(e,e) = e and A5: for d1,d2,d3,d4 holds F.(G.(d1,d2),G.(d3,d4))= G.(F.(d1,d3),F.(d2,d4)); defpred X[Element of Fin C] means G.(F$$($1,f),F$$($1,f')) = F $$($1,G.:(f,f')); F$$({}.C,f) = e & F$$({}.C,f') = e by A1,A2,A3,SETWISEO:40; then A6: X[{}.C] by A1,A2,A3,A4,SETWISEO:40; A7: for B' being Element of Fin C, b being Element of C holds X[B'] & not b in B' implies X[B' \/ {b}] proof let B,c such that A8: G.(F$$(B,f),F$$(B,f')) = F $$(B,G.:(f,f')) and A9: not c in B; set s = F$$(B,f); set s' = F$$(B,f'); F$$(B \/ {c},f) = F.(s,f.c) & F$$(B \/ {c},f') = F.(s',f'.c) by A1,A2,A9,Th4; hence G.(F$$(B \/ {c},f),F$$(B \/ {c},f')) = F.(G.(s,s'),G.(f.c,f'.c)) by A5 .= F.(G.(s,s'),G.:(f,f').c) by FUNCOP_1:48 .= F $$(B \/ {c},G.:(f,f')) by A1,A2,A8,A9,Th4; end; for B holds X[B] from FinSubInd1(A6,A7); hence thesis; end; Lm3: F is commutative associative implies for d1,d2,d3,d4 holds F.(F.(d1,d2),F.(d3,d4))= F.(F.(d1,d3),F.(d2,d4)) proof assume that A1: F is commutative and A2: F is associative; let d1,d2,d3,d4; thus F.(F.(d1,d2),F.(d3,d4)) = F.(d1,F.(d2,F.(d3,d4))) by A2,BINOP_1:def 3 .= F.(d1,F.(F.(d2,d3),d4)) by A2,BINOP_1:def 3 .= F.(d1,F.(F.(d3,d2),d4)) by A1,BINOP_1:def 2 .= F.(d1,F.(d3,F.(d2,d4))) by A2,BINOP_1:def 3 .= F.(F.(d1,d3),F.(d2,d4)) by A2,BINOP_1:def 3; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity implies F.(F$$(B,f),F$$(B,f')) = F $$(B,F.:(f,f')) proof assume A1: F is commutative & F is associative & F has_a_unity; set e = the_unity_wrt F; F.(e,e) = e & for d1,d2,d3,d4 holds F.(F.(d1,d2),F.(d3,d4))= F.(F.(d1,d3),F.(d2,d4)) by A1,Lm3,SETWISEO:23; hence thesis by A1,Th11; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G = F*(id D,the_inverseOp_wrt F) implies G.(F$$(B,f),F$$(B,f')) = F $$(B,G.:(f,f')) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G = F*(id D,the_inverseOp_wrt F); set e = the_unity_wrt F; G.(e,e) = e & for d1,d2,d3,d4 holds F.(G.(d1,d2),G.(d3,d4))= G.(F.(d1,d3),F.(d2,d4)) by A1,FINSEQOP:91,94; hence thesis by A1,Th11; end; theorem Th14: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & e = the_unity_wrt F & G is_distributive_wrt F & G.(d,e) = e implies G.(d,F$$(B,f)) = F $$(B,G[;](d,f)) proof assume that A1: F is commutative associative and A2: F has_a_unity and A3: e = the_unity_wrt F and A4: G is_distributive_wrt F; defpred X[Element of Fin C] means G.(d,F$$($1,f)) = F $$($1,G[;](d,f)); assume G.(d,e) = e; then G.(d,F$$({}.C,f)) = e by A1,A2,A3,SETWISEO:40 .= F $$({}.C,G[;](d,f)) by A1,A2,A3,SETWISEO:40; then A5: X[{}.C]; A6: for B' being Element of Fin C, b being Element of C holds X[B'] & not b in B' implies X[B' \/ {b}] proof let B',c such that A7: G.(d,F$$(B',f)) = F $$(B',G[;](d,f)) and A8: not c in B'; thus G.(d,F$$(B' \/ {c},f)) = G.(d,F.(F$$(B',f),f.c)) by A1,A2,A8,Th4 .= F.(G.(d,F$$(B',f)),G.(d,f.c)) by A4,BINOP_1:23 .= F.(F $$(B',G[;](d,f)),(G[;](d,f)).c) by A7,FUNCOP_1:66 .= F $$(B' \/ {c},G[;](d,f)) by A1,A2,A8,Th4; end; for B holds X[B] from FinSubInd1(A5,A6); hence thesis; end; theorem Th15: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & e = the_unity_wrt F & G is_distributive_wrt F & G.(e,d) = e implies G.(F$$(B,f),d) = F $$(B,G[:](f,d)) proof assume that A1: F is commutative associative and A2: F has_a_unity and A3: e = the_unity_wrt F and A4: G is_distributive_wrt F; defpred X[Element of Fin C] means G.(F$$($1,f),d) = F $$($1,G[:](f,d)); assume G.(e,d) = e; then G.(F$$({}.C,f),d) = e by A1,A2,A3,SETWISEO:40 .= F $$({}.C,G[:](f,d)) by A1,A2,A3,SETWISEO:40; then A5: X[{}.C]; A6: for B' being (Element of Fin C), b being Element of C holds X[B'] & not b in B' implies X[B' \/ {b}] proof let B',c such that A7: G.(F$$(B',f),d) = F $$(B',G[:](f,d)) and A8: not c in B'; thus G.(F$$(B' \/ {c},f),d) = G.(F.(F$$(B',f),f.c),d) by A1,A2,A8,Th4 .= F.(G.(F$$(B',f),d),G.(f.c,d)) by A4,BINOP_1:23 .= F.(F $$(B',G[:](f,d)),(G[:](f,d)).c) by A7,FUNCOP_1:60 .= F $$(B' \/ {c},G[:](f,d)) by A1,A2,A8,Th4; end; for B holds X[B] from FinSubInd1(A5,A6); hence thesis; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F implies G.(d,F$$(B,f)) = F $$(B,G[;](d,f)) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F; set e = the_unity_wrt F; G.(d,e) = e by A1,FINSEQOP:70; hence thesis by A1,Th14; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F implies G.(F$$(B,f),d) = F $$(B,G[:](f,d)) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F; set e = the_unity_wrt F; G.(e,d) = e by A1,FINSEQOP:70; hence thesis by A1,Th15; end; theorem Th18: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & H is commutative associative & H has_a_unity & h.the_unity_wrt F = the_unity_wrt H & (for d1,d2 holds h.(F.(d1,d2)) = H.(h.d1,h.d2)) implies h.(F$$(B,f)) = H $$(B,h*f) proof assume that A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity and A2: H is commutative associative & H has_a_unity and A3: h.the_unity_wrt F = the_unity_wrt H and A4: for d1,d2 holds h.(F.(d1,d2)) = H.(h.d1,h.d2); defpred X[Element of Fin C] means h.(F$$($1,f)) = H $$($1,h*f); h.(F$$({}.C,f)) = the_unity_wrt H by A1,A3,SETWISEO:40 .= H $$({}.C,h*f) by A2,SETWISEO:40; then A5: X[{}.C]; A6: for B' being (Element of Fin C), b being Element of C holds X[B'] & not b in B' implies X[B' \/ {b}] proof let B,c such that A7: h.(F$$(B,f)) = H $$(B,h*f) and A8: not c in B; thus h.(F$$(B \/ {c},f)) = h.(F.(F$$(B,f),f.c)) by A1,A8,Th4 .= H.(H $$(B,h*f),h.(f.c)) by A4,A7 .= H.(H $$(B,h*f),(h*f).c) by FUNCT_2:21 .= H $$(B \/ {c},h*f) by A2,A8,Th4; end; for B holds X[B] from FinSubInd1(A5,A6); hence thesis; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & u.the_unity_wrt F = the_unity_wrt F & u is_distributive_wrt F implies u.(F$$(B,f)) = F $$(B,u*f) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & u.the_unity_wrt F = the_unity_wrt F; assume for d1,d2 holds u.(F.(d1,d2)) = F.(u.d1,u.d2); hence thesis by A1,Th18; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F implies G[;](d,id D).(F$$(B,f)) = F $$(B,G[;](d,id D)*f) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F; set e = the_unity_wrt F; set u = G[;](d,id D); u is_distributive_wrt F by A1,FINSEQOP:55; then G[;](d,id D).e = e & for d1,d2 holds u.(F.(d1,d2)) = F.(u.d1,u.d2) by A1,BINOP_1:def 12,FINSEQOP:73; hence thesis by A1,Th18; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp implies (the_inverseOp_wrt F).(F$$(B,f)) = F $$(B,(the_inverseOp_wrt F)*f) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp; set e = the_unity_wrt F, u = the_inverseOp_wrt F; u is_distributive_wrt F by A1,FINSEQOP:67; then u.e = e & for d1,d2 holds u.(F.(d1,d2)) = F.(u.d1,u.d2) by A1,BINOP_1:def 12,FINSEQOP:65; hence thesis by A1,Th18; end; definition let D,p,d; func [#](p,d) -> Function of NAT,D equals :Def1: (NAT --> d) +* p; coherence; end; theorem Th22: (i in dom p implies [#](p,d).i = p.i) & (not i in dom p implies [#](p,d).i = d) proof A1: [#](p,d) = (NAT --> d) +* p by Def1; hence i in dom p implies [#](p,d).i = p.i by FUNCT_4:14; assume not i in dom p; hence [#](p,d).i = (NAT --> d).i by A1,FUNCT_4:12 .= d by FUNCOP_1:13; end; theorem [#](p,d)|(dom p) = p proof set k = len p, f = [#](p,d); Seg k c= NAT; then Seg k c= dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A1: dom (f|Seg k) = Seg k & dom p = Seg k by FINSEQ_1:def 3,RELAT_1:91; now let x; assume A2: x in Seg k; then x is Nat & (f|Seg k).x = f.x by A1,FUNCT_1:70; hence (f|Seg k).x = p.x by A1,A2,Th22; end; hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9; end; theorem [#](p^q,d)|(dom p) = p proof set k = len p, f = [#](p^q,d); Seg k c= NAT; then Seg k c= dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A1: dom (f|Seg k) = Seg k & dom p = Seg k by FINSEQ_1:def 3,RELAT_1:91; now let x; assume A2: x in Seg k; A3: Seg(len(p^q)) = dom (p^q) by FINSEQ_1:def 3; k <= k + len q by NAT_1:37; then k <= len (p^q) by FINSEQ_1:35; then Seg k c= Seg len(p^q) by FINSEQ_1:7; then (f|Seg k).x = f.x & x in Seg(len(p^q)) by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:70; hence (f|Seg k).x = (p^q).x by A3,Th22 .= p.x by A1,A2,FINSEQ_1:def 7; end; hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9; end; theorem rng [#](p,d) = rng p \/ {d} proof now let y; thus y in rng [#](p,d) implies y in rng p \/ {d} proof assume y in rng [#](p,d); then consider x such that A1: x in dom [#](p,d) and A2: y = [#](p,d).x by FUNCT_1:def 5; reconsider i = x as Nat by A1; now per cases; case A3: i in dom p; then y = p.i by A2,Th22; hence y in rng p by A3,FUNCT_1:def 5; case not i in dom p; then y = d by A2,Th22; hence y in {d} by TARSKI:def 1; end; hence y in rng p \/ {d} by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; assume A4: y in rng p \/ {d}; now per cases by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose y in rng p; then consider i such that A5: i in dom p & y = p.i by FINSEQ_2:11; i in NAT & y = [#](p,d).i by A5,Th22; hence y in rng [#](p,d) by FUNCT_2:6; suppose A6: y in {d}; dom p = Seg len p by FINSEQ_1:def 3; then y = d & not len p + 1 in dom p & len p + 1 is Element of NAT by A6,Lm2,TARSKI:def 1; then y = [#](p,d).(len p + 1) & len p + 1 in NAT by Th22; hence y in rng [#](p,d) by FUNCT_2:6; end; hence y in rng [#](p,d); end; hence thesis by TARSKI:2; end; theorem h*[#](p,d) = [#](h*p,h.d) proof now let i be Element of NAT; A1: len(h*p) = len p by FINSEQ_2:37; A2: Seg len p = dom p & dom(h*p)=Seg len(h*p) by FINSEQ_1:def 3; now per cases; suppose A3: i in dom p; hence h.([#](p,d).i) = h.(p.i) by Th22 .= (h*p).i by A3,FUNCT_1:23 .= [#](h*p,h.d).i by A1,A2,A3,Th22; suppose A4: not i in dom p; hence h.([#](p,d).i) = h.d by Th22 .= [#](h*p,h.d).i by A1,A2,A4,Th22; end; hence (h*[#](p,d)).i = [#](h*p,h.d).i by FUNCT_2:21; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; Lm4: len p = len q & F.(e,e) = e implies F.:([#](p,e),[#](q,e)) = [#](F.:(p,q),e) proof assume that A1: len p = len q and A2: F.(e,e) = e; set r = F.:(p,q); A3: len r = len p by A1,FINSEQ_2:86; A4: dom p = Seg len p & dom r = Seg len r & dom q = Seg len q by FINSEQ_1:def 3; now let i be Element of NAT; now per cases; suppose A5: i in dom p; hence F.([#](p,e).i,[#](q,e).i) = F.(p.i,[#](q,e).i) by Th22 .= F.(p.i,q.i) by A1,A4,A5,Th22 .= r.i by A3,A4,A5,FUNCOP_1:28 .= [#](r,e).i by A3,A4,A5,Th22; suppose A6: not i in dom p; hence F.([#](p,e).i,[#](q,e).i) = F.(e,[#](q,e).i) by Th22 .= e by A1,A2,A4,A6,Th22 .= [#](r,e).i by A3,A4,A6,Th22; end; hence F.:([#](p,e),[#](q,e)).i = [#](r,e).i by FUNCOP_1:48; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; Lm5: F.(e,d) = e implies F[:]([#](p,e),d) = [#](F[:](p,d),e) proof assume A1: F.(e,d) = e; now let i be Element of NAT; A2: len(F[:](p,d)) = len p by FINSEQ_2:98; A3: dom(F[:](p,d)) = Seg len(F[:](p,d)) & dom p = Seg len p by FINSEQ_1:def 3; now per cases; suppose A4: i in dom p; hence F.([#](p,e).i,d) = F.(p.i,d) by Th22 .= (F[:](p,d)).i by A2,A3,A4,FUNCOP_1:35 .= ([#](F[:](p,d),e)).i by A2,A3,A4,Th22; suppose A5: not i in dom p; hence F.([#](p,e).i,d) = F.(e,d) by Th22 .= ([#](F[:](p,d),e)).i by A1,A2,A3,A5,Th22; end; hence (F[:]([#](p,e),d)).i = ([#](F[:](p,d),e)).i by FUNCOP_1:60; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; Lm6: F.(d,e) = e implies F[;](d,[#](p,e)) = [#](F[;](d,p),e) proof assume A1: F.(d,e) = e; now let i be Element of NAT; A2: len(F[;](d,p)) = len p by FINSEQ_2:92; A3: dom(F[;](d,p)) = Seg len(F[;](d,p)) & dom p = Seg len p by FINSEQ_1:def 3; now per cases; suppose A4: i in dom p; hence F.(d,[#](p,e).i) = F.(d,p.i) by Th22 .= (F[;](d,p)).i by A2,A3,A4,FUNCOP_1:42 .= ([#](F[;](d,p),e)).i by A2,A3,A4,Th22; suppose A5: not i in dom p; hence F.(d,[#](p,e).i) = F.(d,e) by Th22 .= ([#](F[;](d,p),e)).i by A1,A2,A3,A5,Th22; end; hence (F[;](d,[#](p,e))).i = ([#](F[;](d,p),e)).i by FUNCOP_1:66; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; definition let i; redefine func Seg i -> Element of Fin NAT; coherence by Lm1; end; definition let f be FinSequence; redefine func dom f -> Element of Fin NAT; coherence proof dom f = Seg len f by FINSEQ_1:def 3; hence thesis; end; end; definition let D,p,F; assume A1: (F has_a_unity or len p >= 1) & F is associative commutative; redefine func F "**" p equals :Def2: F $$(dom p,[#](p,the_unity_wrt F)); compatibility proof F "**" p = F $$(dom p,(NAT-->the_unity_wrt F)+*p) by A1,FINSOP_1:4 .= F $$(dom p,[#](p,the_unity_wrt F)) by Def1; hence thesis; end; synonym F $$ p; end; canceled 8; theorem Th35: F has_a_unity implies F"**"(i|->the_unity_wrt F) = the_unity_wrt F proof assume A1: F has_a_unity; set e = the_unity_wrt F; defpred X[Nat] means F"**"($1|->e) = e; F"**"(0|->e) = F"**" <*>D by FINSEQ_2:72 .= e by A1,FINSOP_1:11; then A2: X[0]; A3: for i st X[i] holds X[i+1] proof let i; assume A4: F"**"(i|->e) = e; thus F"**"((i+1)|->e) = F"**"((i|->e)^<*e*>) by FINSEQ_2:74 .= F.(F"**"(i|->e),e) by A1,FINSOP_1:5 .= e by A1,A4,SETWISEO:23; end; for i holds X[i] from Ind(A2,A3); hence thesis; end; canceled; theorem Th37: F is associative & (i>=1 & j>=1 or F has_a_unity) implies F"**"((i+j)|->d) = F.(F"**"(i|->d),F"**"(j|->d)) proof assume A1: F is associative; set p1 = (i|->d),p2 = (j|->d); assume i>=1 & j>=1 or F has_a_unity; then len p1 >= 1 & len p2 >= 1 or F has_a_unity by FINSEQ_2:69; then F "**"(p1^p2) = F.(F"**"p1,F"**"p2) by A1,FINSOP_1:6; hence thesis by FINSEQ_2:143; end; theorem F is commutative associative & (i>=1 & j>=1 or F has_a_unity) implies F"**"((i*j)|->d) = F"**"(j|->(F"**"(i|->d))) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & (i>=1 & j>=1 or F has_a_unity); per cases by NAT_1:19; suppose A2: i = 0 or j = 0; set e = the_unity_wrt F; A3: now per cases by A2; suppose i = 0; then i|->d = <*>D by FINSEQ_2:72; then F"**"(i|->d) = e by A1,A2,FINSOP_1:11; hence F"**"(j|->(F"**"(i|->d))) = e by A1,A2,Th35; suppose j = 0; then j|->(F"**"(i|->d)) = <*>D by FINSEQ_2:72; hence F"**"(j|->(F"**"(i|->d))) = e by A1,A2,FINSOP_1:11; end; (i*j)|->d = <*>D by A2,FINSEQ_2:72; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,FINSOP_1:11; suppose A4: i > 0 & j > 0; defpred X[Nat] means $1 <> 0 implies F"**"((i*$1)|->d) = F"**"($1|->(F"**"(i|->d))); A5: X[0]; A6: for j st X[j] holds X[j+1] proof let j such that A7: j <> 0 implies F"**"((i*j)|->d) = F"**"(j|->(F"**"(i|->d))); now per cases by RLVECT_1:99; suppose j = 0; then j+1 = 1 & 1|->(F"**"(i|->d)) = <*F"**"(i|->d)*> by FINSEQ_2:73; hence thesis by FINSOP_1:12; suppose A8: j >= 1+0; then j > 0 by NAT_1:38; then i*j > i*0 by A4,REAL_1:70; then A9: i*j >= 1+0 by NAT_1:38; F"**"((i*(j+1))|->d) = F"**"((i*j+i*1)|->d) by XCMPLX_1:8 .= F.(F"**"((i*j)|->d),F"**"(i|->d)) by A1,A9,Th37 .= F.(F"**"((i*j)|->d),F"**"(1|->(F"**"(i|->d)))) by FINSOP_1:17 .= F"**"((j+1)|->(F"**"(i|->d))) by A1,A7,A8,Th37; hence thesis; end; hence thesis; end; for j holds X[j] from Ind(A5,A6); hence thesis by A4; end; theorem Th39: F has_a_unity & H has_a_unity & h.the_unity_wrt F = the_unity_wrt H & (for d1,d2 holds h.(F.(d1,d2)) = H.(h.d1,h.d2)) implies h.(F"**"p) = H "**"(h*p) proof assume that A1: F has_a_unity and A2: H has_a_unity and A3: h.the_unity_wrt F = the_unity_wrt H and A4: for d1,d2 holds h.(F.(d1,d2)) = H.(h.d1,h.d2); defpred X[FinSequence of D] means h.(F"**"$1) = H "**"(h*$1); h.(F"**"<*>D) = h.(the_unity_wrt F) by A1,FINSOP_1:11 .= H "**"(<*>E) by A2,A3,FINSOP_1:11 .= H "**"(h*<*>D) by RELAT_1:62; then A5: X[<*>D]; A6: for q,d st X[q] holds X[q^<*d*>] proof let q,d such that A7: h.(F"**"q) = H "**"(h*q); thus h.(F"**"(q^<*d*>)) = h.(F.(F"**"q,d)) by A1,FINSOP_1:5 .= H.(H "**"(h*q),h.d) by A4,A7 .= H "**" ((h*q)^<*h.d*>) by A2,FINSOP_1:5 .= H "**"(h*(q^<*d*>)) by FINSEQOP:9; end; X[q] from IndSeqD(A5,A6); hence thesis; end; theorem F has_a_unity & u.the_unity_wrt F = the_unity_wrt F & u is_distributive_wrt F implies u.(F"**"p) = F "**"(u*p) proof assume A1: F has_a_unity & u.the_unity_wrt F = the_unity_wrt F; assume for d1,d2 holds u.(F.(d1,d2)) = F.(u.d1,u.d2); hence thesis by A1,Th39; end; theorem F is associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F implies G[;](d,id D).(F"**"p) = F "**"(G[;](d,id D)*p) proof assume A1: F is associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F; set e = the_unity_wrt F; set u = G[;](d,id D); u is_distributive_wrt F by A1,FINSEQOP:55; then G[;](d,id D).e = e & for d1,d2 holds u.(F.(d1,d2)) = F.(u.d1,u.d2) by A1,BINOP_1:def 12,FINSEQOP:73; hence thesis by A1,Th39; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp implies (the_inverseOp_wrt F).(F"**"p) = F "**"((the_inverseOp_wrt F)*p) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp; set e = the_unity_wrt F, u = the_inverseOp_wrt F; u is_distributive_wrt F by A1,FINSEQOP:67; then u.e = e & for d1,d2 holds u.(F.(d1,d2)) = F.(u.d1,u.d2) by A1,BINOP_1:def 12,FINSEQOP:65; hence thesis by A1,Th39; end; theorem Th43: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & e = the_unity_wrt F & G.(e,e) = e & (for d1,d2,d3,d4 holds F.(G.(d1,d2),G.(d3,d4))= G.(F.(d1,d3),F.(d2,d4))) & len p = len q implies G.(F"**"p,F"**"q) = F "**"(G.:(p,q)) proof assume that A1: F is commutative & F is associative and A2: F has_a_unity and A3: e = the_unity_wrt F and A4: G.(e,e) = e and A5: F.(G.(d1,d2),G.(d3,d4))= G.(F.(d1,d3),F.(d2,d4)) and A6: len p = len q; A7: len p = len(G.:(p,q)) by A6,FINSEQ_2:86; A8: dom p = Seg len p & dom q = Seg len q by FINSEQ_1:def 3; A9: dom(G.:(p,q)) = Seg len(G.:(p,q)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3; thus G.(F "**"p,F "**"q) = G.(F $$(dom p,[#](p,e)),F "**"q) by A1,A2,A3,Def2 .= G.(F $$(dom p,[#](p,e)),F $$(dom q,[#](q,e))) by A1,A2,A3,Def2 .= F $$(dom p,G.:([#](p,e),[#](q,e))) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A8,Th11 .= F $$(dom(G.:(p,q)),[#](G.:(p,q),e)) by A4,A6,A7,A8,A9,Lm4 .= F "**"(G.:(p,q)) by A1,A2,A3,Def2; end; theorem Th44: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & e = the_unity_wrt F & G.(e,e) = e & (for d1,d2,d3,d4 holds F.(G.(d1,d2),G.(d3,d4))= G.(F.(d1,d3),F.(d2,d4))) implies G.(F"**"T1,F"**"T2) = F "**"(G.:(T1,T2)) proof len T1 = i & len T2 = i by FINSEQ_2:109; hence thesis by Th43; end; theorem Th45: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & len p = len q implies F.(F"**"p,F"**"q) = F "**"(F.:(p,q)) proof assume A1: F is commutative & F is associative & F has_a_unity; set e = the_unity_wrt F; F.(e,e) = e & for d1,d2,d3,d4 holds F.(F.(d1,d2),F.(d3,d4))= F.(F.(d1,d3),F.(d2,d4)) by A1,Lm3,SETWISEO:23; hence thesis by A1,Th43; end; theorem Th46: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity implies F.(F"**"T1,F"**"T2) = F "**"(F.:(T1,T2)) proof len T1 = i & len T2 = i by FINSEQ_2:109; hence thesis by Th45; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity implies F"**"(i|->(F.(d1,d2))) = F.(F"**"(i|->d1),F"**"(i|->d2)) proof reconsider T1 = i|->d1, T2 = i|->d2 as Element of i-tuples_on D by FINSEQ_2:132; i|->(F.(d1,d2)) = F.:(T1,T2) by FINSEQOP:18; hence thesis by Th46; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G = F*(id D,the_inverseOp_wrt F) implies G.(F"**"T1,F"**"T2) = F "**"(G.:(T1,T2)) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G = F*(id D,the_inverseOp_wrt F); set e = the_unity_wrt F; G.(e,e) = e & for d1,d2,d3,d4 holds F.(G.(d1,d2),G.(d3,d4))= G.(F.(d1,d3),F.(d2,d4)) by A1,FINSEQOP:91,94; hence thesis by A1,Th44; end; theorem Th49: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & e = the_unity_wrt F & G is_distributive_wrt F & G.(d,e) = e implies G.(d,F"**"p) = F "**"(G[;](d,p)) proof assume that A1: F is commutative & F is associative & F has_a_unity and A2: e = the_unity_wrt F and A3: G is_distributive_wrt F and A4: G.(d,e) = e; A5: len p = len(G[;](d,p)) by FINSEQ_2:92; A6: Seg len p = dom p & Seg len(G[;](d,p)) = dom(G[;](d,p)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3; thus G.(d,F"**"p) = G.(d,F$$(dom p,[#](p,e))) by A1,A2,Def2 .= F $$(dom p,G[;](d,[#](p,e))) by A1,A2,A3,A4,Th14 .= F $$(dom p,[#](G[;](d,p),e)) by A4,Lm6 .= F "**"(G[;](d,p)) by A1,A2,A5,A6,Def2; end; theorem Th50: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & e = the_unity_wrt F & G is_distributive_wrt F & G.(e,d) = e implies G.(F"**"p,d) = F "**"(G[:](p,d)) proof assume that A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity and A2: e = the_unity_wrt F and A3: G is_distributive_wrt F and A4: G.(e,d) = e; A5: len p = len(G[:](p,d)) by FINSEQ_2:98; A6: Seg len p = dom p & Seg len(G[:](p,d)) = dom(G[:](p,d)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3; thus G.(F"**"p,d) = G.(F$$(dom p,[#](p,e)),d) by A1,A2,Def2 .= F $$(dom p,G[:]([#](p,e),d)) by A1,A2,A3,A4,Th15 .= F $$(dom p,[#](G[:](p,d),e)) by A4,Lm5 .= F "**"(G[:](p,d)) by A1,A2,A5,A6,Def2; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F implies G.(d,F"**"p) = F "**"(G[;](d,p)) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F; set e = the_unity_wrt F; G.(d,e) = e by A1,FINSEQOP:70; hence thesis by A1,Th49; end; theorem F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F implies G.(F"**"p,d) = F "**"(G[:](p,d)) proof assume A1: F is commutative associative & F has_a_unity & F has_an_inverseOp & G is_distributive_wrt F; set e = the_unity_wrt F; G.(e,d) = e by A1,FINSEQOP:70; hence thesis by A1,Th50; end;