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environ vocabulary RLVECT_1, FUNCT_1, ARYTM, ARYTM_1, RELAT_1, ABSVALUE, ORDINAL2, BINOP_1, SQUARE_1, PROB_1, FUNCT_2, RLSUB_1, SEQ_1, SEQ_2, SERIES_1, BHSP_1, SUPINF_2, RSSPACE; notation TARSKI, SUBSET_1, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, ORDINAL1, NUMBERS, XREAL_0, STRUCT_0, REAL_1, NAT_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, PARTFUN1, FUNCT_2, RLVECT_1, ABSVALUE, RLSUB_1, BHSP_1, SQUARE_1, SEQ_1, SEQ_2, SEQM_3, SERIES_1, BINOP_1; constructors REAL_1, NAT_1, DOMAIN_1, SQUARE_1, SEQ_2, SERIES_1, PREPOWER, PARTFUN1, BINOP_1, RLSUB_1, BHSP_3, MEMBERED; clusters RELSET_1, STRUCT_0, RLVECT_1, SEQ_1, BHSP_1, XREAL_0, MEMBERED; requirements SUBSET, REAL, BOOLE, NUMERALS, ARITHM; definitions TARSKI, RLVECT_1; theorems XBOOLE_0, STRUCT_0, RELAT_1, SQUARE_1, TARSKI, ABSVALUE, ZFMISC_1, REAL_1, SEQ_1, SEQ_2, SEQM_3, SERIES_1, COMSEQ_3, INT_1, FUNCT_1, NAT_1, FUNCT_2, RLVECT_1, RLSUB_1, SEQ_4, BINOP_1, XCMPLX_0, XCMPLX_1; schemes NAT_1, BINOP_1, SEQ_1, XBOOLE_0, COMPLSP1, FUNCT_2; begin :: Sum of the result of operation with each element of a set Lm1: for seq being Real_Sequence holds seq in Funcs(NAT,REAL) proof let seq be Real_Sequence; A1:dom seq = NAT & for x being set st x in NAT holds seq.x is real by SEQ_1:3; for y being set st y in rng seq holds y in REAL proof let y being set; assume y in rng seq; then consider x being set such that A2: x in dom seq & y = seq.x by FUNCT_1:def 5; thus thesis by A2; end; then rng seq c= REAL by TARSKI:def 3; hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_2:def 2; end; definition func the_set_of_RealSequences -> non empty set means :Def1: for x being set holds x in it iff x is Real_Sequence; existence proof defpred P[set] means $1 is Real_Sequence; consider IT being set such that A1: for x being set holds x in IT iff x in Funcs(NAT,REAL) & P[x] from Separation; IT is non empty proof consider zeroseq be Real_Sequence; zeroseq in Funcs(NAT,REAL) by Lm1; hence thesis by A1; end; then reconsider IT as non empty set; take IT; for x being set holds x is Real_Sequence implies x in IT proof let x be set; assume A2: x is Real_Sequence; then x in Funcs(NAT,REAL) by Lm1; hence thesis by A1,A2; end; hence thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let X1,X2 be non empty set; assume that A3: for x being set holds x in X1 iff x is Real_Sequence and A4: for x being set holds x in X2 iff x is Real_Sequence; A5: X1 c= X2 proof let x be set; assume x in X1; then x is Real_Sequence by A3; hence thesis by A4; end; X2 c= X1 proof let x be set; assume x in X2; then x is Real_Sequence by A4; hence thesis by A3; end; hence thesis by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 10; end; end; definition let a be set such that A1:a in the_set_of_RealSequences; func seq_id(a) -> Real_Sequence equals :Def2: a; coherence by A1,Def1; end; definition let a be set such that A1:a in REAL; func R_id(a) -> Real equals :Def3: a; coherence by A1; end; theorem Th1: ex ADD be BinOp of the_set_of_RealSequences st (for a,b being Element of the_set_of_RealSequences holds ADD.(a,b) = seq_id(a)+seq_id(b)) & ADD is commutative associative proof defpred P[Element of the_set_of_RealSequences, Element of the_set_of_RealSequences,Element of the_set_of_RealSequences] means $3=seq_id($1)+seq_id($2); A1: for x,y being Element of the_set_of_RealSequences ex z being Element of the_set_of_RealSequences st P[x,y,z] proof let x,y be Element of the_set_of_RealSequences; seq_id(x)+seq_id(y) is Element of the_set_of_RealSequences by Def1; hence thesis; end; ex ADD be BinOp of the_set_of_RealSequences st for a,b being Element of the_set_of_RealSequences holds P[a,b,ADD.(a,b)] from BinOpEx(A1); then consider ADD be BinOp of the_set_of_RealSequences such that A2: for a,b being Element of the_set_of_RealSequences holds ADD.(a,b) = seq_id(a)+seq_id(b); A3: ADD is commutative proof now let a,b being Element of the_set_of_RealSequences; thus ADD.(a,b) = seq_id(a)+seq_id(b) by A2 .= ADD.(b,a) by A2; end; hence thesis by BINOP_1:def 2; end; ADD is associative proof now let a,b,c be Element of the_set_of_RealSequences; A4: seq_id(ADD.(b,c)) = ADD.(b,c) by Def2 .=seq_id(b)+seq_id(c) by A2; A5: seq_id(a)+seq_id(b) = ADD.(a,b) by A2 .=seq_id(ADD.(a,b)) by Def2; thus ADD.(a,ADD.(b,c)) = seq_id(a)+seq_id(ADD.(b,c)) by A2 .= (seq_id(a)+seq_id(b))+seq_id(c) by A4,SEQ_1:20 .= ADD.(ADD.(a,b),c) by A2,A5; end; hence thesis by BINOP_1:def 3; end; hence thesis by A2,A3; end; theorem Th2: ex f be Function of [: REAL, the_set_of_RealSequences :], the_set_of_RealSequences st for r,x be set st r in REAL & x in the_set_of_RealSequences holds f.[r,x] = R_id(r) (#) seq_id(x) proof deffunc F(set,set) = R_id($1) (#) seq_id($2); A1: for r,x be set st r in REAL & x in the_set_of_RealSequences holds F(r,x) in the_set_of_RealSequences by Def1; ex f be Function of [:REAL, the_set_of_RealSequences:], the_set_of_RealSequences st for r,x be set st r in REAL & x in the_set_of_RealSequences holds f.[r,x] = F(r,x) from Lambda2(A1); hence thesis; end; definition func l_add -> BinOp of the_set_of_RealSequences means :Def4: for a,b being Element of the_set_of_RealSequences holds it.(a,b) = seq_id(a)+seq_id(b); existence by Th1; uniqueness proof deffunc O(Element of the_set_of_RealSequences, Element of the_set_of_RealSequences)=seq_id($1)+seq_id($2); for o1,o2 being BinOp of the_set_of_RealSequences st (for a,b being Element of the_set_of_RealSequences holds o1.(a,b) = O(a,b)) & (for a,b being Element of the_set_of_RealSequences holds o2.(a,b) = O(a,b)) holds o1 = o2 from BinOpDefuniq; hence thesis; end; end; definition func l_mult -> Function of [: REAL, the_set_of_RealSequences :], the_set_of_RealSequences means :Def5: for r,x be set st r in REAL & x in the_set_of_RealSequences holds it.[r,x] = R_id(r)(#)seq_id(x); existence by Th2; uniqueness proof let mult1,mult2 be Function of [: REAL, the_set_of_RealSequences :], the_set_of_RealSequences such that A1:for r,x be set st r in REAL & x in the_set_of_RealSequences holds mult1.[r,x] = R_id(r)(#)seq_id(x) and A2: for r,x be set st r in REAL & x in the_set_of_RealSequences holds mult2.[r,x] = R_id(r)(#)seq_id(x); for r being Element of REAL for x being Element of the_set_of_RealSequences holds mult1.(r,x) = mult2.(r,x) proof let r being Element of REAL; let x being Element of the_set_of_RealSequences; thus mult1.(r,x) = mult1.[r,x] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= R_id(r)(#)seq_id(x) by A1 .= mult2.[r,x] by A2 .= mult2.(r,x) by BINOP_1:def 1; end; hence thesis by BINOP_1:2; end; end; definition func Zeroseq -> Element of the_set_of_RealSequences means :Def6: for n be Nat holds (seq_id it).n=0; existence proof deffunc F(set)= 0; consider zeroseq be Real_Sequence such that A1: for n be Nat holds zeroseq.n=F(n) from ExRealSeq; A2: zeroseq is Element of the_set_of_RealSequences by Def1; reconsider z1=zeroseq as set; z1 in the_set_of_RealSequences by Def1; then seq_id(zeroseq) = zeroseq by Def2; hence thesis by A1,A2; end; uniqueness proof let x,y be Element of the_set_of_RealSequences such that A3:for n be Nat holds (seq_id(x)).n=0 and A4:for n be Nat holds (seq_id(y)).n=0; A5:for s be set st s in NAT holds (seq_id(x)).s = (seq_id(y)).s proof let s be set; assume A6: s in NAT; then (seq_id y).s = 0 by A4; hence thesis by A3,A6; end; x=seq_id(x) by Def2 .=seq_id(y) by A5,SEQ_1:8; hence thesis by Def2; end; end; theorem Th3: for x be Real_Sequence holds seq_id x = x proof let x be Real_Sequence; reconsider x1=x as set; x1 in the_set_of_RealSequences by Def1; hence seq_id(x) = x by Def2; end; theorem Th4: for v,w being VECTOR of RLSStruct(#the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult#) holds v + w = seq_id(v)+seq_id(w) proof let v,w being VECTOR of RLSStruct (# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq, l_add,l_mult #); thus v + w = l_add.[v,w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .=l_add.(v,w) by BINOP_1:def 1 .=seq_id(v)+seq_id(w) by Def4; end; theorem Th5: for r being Real, v being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) holds r * v = r(#)seq_id(v) proof let r be Real; let v be VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq, l_add,l_mult #); thus r*v = l_mult.[r,v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= R_id(r)(#)seq_id(v) by Def5 .= r(#)seq_id(v) by Def3; end; definition cluster RLSStruct (# the_set_of_RealSequences, Zeroseq, l_add, l_mult #) -> Abelian; coherence proof let v,w being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #); v + w = seq_id(v)+seq_id(w) by Th4; hence thesis by Th4; end; end; Lm2: for u,v being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) holds u + v = v + u; theorem Th6: for u,v,w being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) holds (u + v) + w = u + (v + w) proof let u,v,w be VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #); (u+v) + w = seq_id(u+v)+seq_id(w) by Th4 .= seq_id(seq_id(u)+seq_id(v))+seq_id(w) by Th4 .= (seq_id(u)+seq_id(v)) +seq_id(w) by Th3 .= seq_id(u)+(seq_id(v)+seq_id(w)) by SEQ_1:20 .= seq_id(u)+seq_id(seq_id(v)+seq_id(w)) by Th3 .= seq_id(u) + seq_id(v+w) by Th4; hence thesis by Th4; end; theorem Th7: for v being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) holds v + 0.RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) = v proof let v being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #); set V=RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #); A1:v + 0.V = seq_id(v)+seq_id(0.V) by Th4 .= seq_id(v)+seq_id(Zeroseq) by RLVECT_1:def 2; for s be set st s in NAT holds (seq_id(v)+seq_id(Zeroseq)).s=(seq_id(v)).s proof let s be set such that A2: s in NAT; (seq_id(v)+seq_id(Zeroseq)).s = (seq_id(v)).s+(seq_id(Zeroseq)).s by A2,SEQ_1:11 .= (seq_id(v)).s + 0 by A2,Def6; hence thesis; end; hence v + 0.V=seq_id(v) by A1,SEQ_1:8 .=v by Def2; end; theorem Th8: for v being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) ex w being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) st v + w = 0.RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) proof let v be VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #); set V = RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #); A1:0.V = Zeroseq by RLVECT_1:def 2; reconsider w=-seq_id(v) as VECTOR of V by Def1; v+w=Zeroseq proof A2: v+w = seq_id(v)+seq_id(w) by Th4 .= seq_id(v)+(-seq_id(v)) by Th3; for s be set st s in NAT holds (seq_id(v)+(-seq_id(v)) ).s=(seq_id(Zeroseq)).s proof let s be set such that A3: s in NAT; (seq_id(v)+(-seq_id(v))).s = (seq_id(v)).s+(-seq_id(v)).s by A3,SEQ_1:11 .= (seq_id(v)).s + (-((seq_id(v)).s)) by A3,SEQ_1:14 .= 0 by XCMPLX_0:def 6 .= (seq_id(Zeroseq)).s by A3,Def6; hence thesis; end; then seq_id(v)+(-seq_id(v)) = seq_id(Zeroseq) by SEQ_1:8 .=Zeroseq by Def2; hence thesis by A2; end; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem Th9: for a being Real, v,w being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) holds a * (v + w) = a * v + a * w proof let a be Real; let v,w being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #); A1:a * (v + w) =a(#)seq_id(v + w) by Th5 .=a(#)seq_id(seq_id(v) + seq_id(w)) by Th4 .=a(#)(seq_id(v) + seq_id(w)) by Th3 .=a(#)seq_id(v) + a(#)seq_id(w) by SEQ_1:30; a*v + a*w = seq_id(a*v)+seq_id(a*w) by Th4 .=seq_id(a(#)seq_id(v)) + seq_id(a*w) by Th5 .=seq_id(a(#)seq_id(v)) + seq_id(a(#)seq_id(w)) by Th5 .=a(#)seq_id(v) + seq_id(a(#)seq_id(w)) by Th3 .=a(#)seq_id(v) + a(#)seq_id(w) by Th3; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem Th10: for a,b being Real, v being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) holds (a + b) * v = a * v + b * v proof let a,b be Real; let v being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #); A1:(a+b)(#)seq_id(v) =a(#)seq_id(v)+b(#)seq_id(v) proof for s be set st s in NAT holds ((a+b)(#)seq_id(v)).s=(a(#)seq_id(v)+b(#)seq_id(v)).s proof let s be set such that A2: s in NAT; A3: for p,q,r be Real holds (p+q)*r=p*r+q*r proof let p,q,r be Real; (p+q)*r=(p+q+0)*r .=p*r+q*r+0*r by XCMPLX_1:9; hence thesis; end; ((a+b)(#)seq_id(v)).s = (a+b)*(seq_id(v)).s by A2,SEQ_1:13 .= a*((seq_id(v)).s)+b*((seq_id(v)).s) by A3 .= (a(#)seq_id(v)).s+b*(seq_id(v)).s by A2,SEQ_1:13 .= (a(#)seq_id(v)).s+(b(#)seq_id(v)).s by A2,SEQ_1:13; hence thesis by A2,SEQ_1:11; end; hence (a+b)(#)seq_id(v)=a(#)seq_id(v)+b(#)seq_id(v) by SEQ_1:8; end; a*v + b*v = seq_id(a*v)+seq_id(b*v) by Th4 .=seq_id(a(#)seq_id(v)) + seq_id(b*v) by Th5 .=seq_id(a(#)seq_id(v)) + seq_id(b(#)seq_id(v)) by Th5 .=a(#)seq_id(v) + seq_id(b(#)seq_id(v)) by Th3 .=a(#)seq_id(v) + b(#)seq_id(v) by Th3; hence thesis by A1,Th5; end; theorem Th11: for a,b be Real, v being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) holds (a * b) * v = a * (b * v) proof let a,b be Real; let v being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #); (a * b) * v =(a*b)(#)seq_id(v) by Th5 .=a(#)(b(#)seq_id(v)) by SEQ_1:31 .=a(#)seq_id(b(#)seq_id(v)) by Th3 .=a(#)seq_id(b*v) by Th5; hence thesis by Th5; end; theorem Th12: for v being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #) holds 1 * v = v proof let v being VECTOR of RLSStruct(# the_set_of_RealSequences,Zeroseq,l_add,l_mult #); 1 * v =1(#)seq_id(v) by Th5 .=seq_id(v) by SEQ_1:35; hence thesis by Def2; end; definition func Linear_Space_of_RealSequences -> RealLinearSpace equals :Def7: RLSStruct (# the_set_of_RealSequences, Zeroseq, l_add, l_mult #); correctness by Lm2,Th6,Th7,Th8,Th9,Th10,Th11,Th12,RLVECT_1:7; end; definition let X be RealLinearSpace; let X1 be Subset of X such that A1:X1 is lineary-closed & X1 is non empty; func Add_(X1,X) -> BinOp of X1 equals :Def8: (the add of X) | [:X1,X1:]; correctness proof A2:[:X1,X1:] c= [:the carrier of X,the carrier of X:] by ZFMISC_1:119; A3:dom (the add of X) = [:the carrier of X,the carrier of X:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A4: dom ((the add of X) | [:X1,X1:]) =[:X1,X1:] by A2,RELAT_1:91; for z be set st z in [:X1,X1:] holds ((the add of X) | [:X1,X1:]).z in X1 proof let z be set such that A5: z in [:X1,X1:]; consider r,x be set such that A6: r in X1 & x in X1 & z=[r,x] by A5,ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider y=x,r1=r as VECTOR of X by A6; [r,x] in dom ((the add of X) | [:X1,X1:]) by A2,A3,A5,A6,RELAT_1:91; then ((the add of X) | [:X1,X1:]).z = (the add of X).[r,x] by A6,FUNCT_1:70 .= r1+y by RLVECT_1:def 3; hence thesis by A1,A6,RLSUB_1:def 1; end; hence thesis by A4,FUNCT_2:5; end; end; definition let X be RealLinearSpace; let X1 be Subset of X such that A1: X1 is lineary-closed & X1 is non empty; func Mult_(X1,X) -> Function of [:REAL,X1:], X1 equals :Def9: (the Mult of X) | [:REAL,X1:]; correctness proof A2:[:REAL,X1:] c= [:REAL,the carrier of X:] by ZFMISC_1:118; A3: dom (the Mult of X) = [:REAL,the carrier of X:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A4: dom ((the Mult of X) | [:REAL,X1:]) =[:REAL,X1:] by A2,RELAT_1:91; for z be set st z in [:REAL,X1:] holds ((the Mult of X) | [:REAL,X1:]).z in X1 proof let z be set such that A5: z in [:REAL,X1:]; consider r,x be set such that A6: r in REAL & x in X1 & z=[r,x] by A5,ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider y=x as VECTOR of X by A6; reconsider r as Real by A6; [r,x] in dom ((the Mult of X) | [:REAL,X1:]) by A2,A3,A5,A6,RELAT_1:91; then ((the Mult of X) | [:REAL,X1:]).z = (the Mult of X).[r,x] by A6,FUNCT_1:70 .= r*y by RLVECT_1:def 4; hence thesis by A1,A6,RLSUB_1:def 1; end; hence thesis by A4,FUNCT_2:5; end; end; definition let X be RealLinearSpace, X1 be Subset of X such that A1: X1 is lineary-closed & X1 is non empty; func Zero_(X1,X) -> Element of X1 equals :Def10: 0.X; correctness proof consider v be Element of X1; v in X1 by A1; then reconsider v as Element of X; v-v=0.X by RLVECT_1:28; hence thesis by A1,RLSUB_1:6; end; end; theorem Th13: for V be RealLinearSpace, V1 be Subset of V st V1 is lineary-closed & V1 is non empty holds RLSStruct (# V1,Zero_(V1,V), Add_(V1,V),Mult_(V1,V) #) is Subspace of V proof let V be RealLinearSpace; let V1 be Subset of V such that A1:V1 is lineary-closed & V1 is non empty; A2:Zero_(V1,V) = 0.V by A1,Def10; A3:Add_(V1,V)= (the add of V) | [:V1,V1:] by A1,Def8; Mult_(V1,V) = (the Mult of V) | [:REAL,V1:] by A1,Def9; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,RLSUB_1:32; end; definition func the_set_of_l2RealSequences -> Subset of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences means :Def11: it is non empty & for x being set holds x in it iff (x in the_set_of_RealSequences & seq_id(x)(#)seq_id(x) is summable); existence proof defpred P[set] means seq_id($1)(#)seq_id($1) is summable; consider IT being set such that A1:for x being set holds x in IT iff x in the_set_of_RealSequences & P[x] from Separation; A2:IT is non empty proof seq_id(Zeroseq)(#)seq_id(Zeroseq) is summable proof reconsider rseq=(seq_id(Zeroseq)(#)seq_id(Zeroseq)) as Real_Sequence; now let n be Nat; thus rseq.n =((seq_id(Zeroseq)).n ) * ((seq_id(Zeroseq)).n ) by SEQ_1:12 .=((seq_id(Zeroseq)).n ) * (0) by Def6 .=0; end; then rseq is absolutely_summable by COMSEQ_3:3; hence thesis by SERIES_1:40; end; hence thesis by A1; end; IT is Subset of the_set_of_RealSequences proof for x be set st x in IT holds x in the_set_of_RealSequences by A1; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3; end; hence thesis by A1,A2,Def7; end; uniqueness proof let X1,X2 be Subset of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences; assume that A3:X1 is non empty & for x being set holds x in X1 iff (x in the_set_of_RealSequences & seq_id(x)(#)seq_id(x) is summable) and A4:X2 is non empty & for x being set holds x in X2 iff (x in the_set_of_RealSequences & seq_id(x)(#)seq_id(x) is summable); A5: X1 c= X2 proof let x be set; assume x in X1; then x in the_set_of_RealSequences & seq_id(x)(#)seq_id(x) is summable by A3; hence thesis by A4; end; X2 c= X1 proof let x be set; assume x in X2; then x in the_set_of_RealSequences & seq_id(x)(#)seq_id(x) is summable by A4; hence thesis by A3; end; hence thesis by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 10; end; end; theorem Th14: the_set_of_l2RealSequences is lineary-closed & the_set_of_l2RealSequences is non empty proof set W = the_set_of_l2RealSequences; A1:for v,u be VECTOR of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences st v in the_set_of_l2RealSequences & u in the_set_of_l2RealSequences holds v + u in the_set_of_l2RealSequences proof let v,u be VECTOR of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences such that A2: v in W & u in W; (seq_id(v+u))(#)(seq_id(v+u)) is summable proof A3: (seq_id(v))(#)(seq_id(v)) is summable by A2,Def11; A4: (seq_id(u))(#)(seq_id(u)) is summable by A2,Def11; set p = (seq_id(v))(#)(seq_id(v)); set q = (seq_id(u))(#)(seq_id(u)); set r = (seq_id(v+u))(#)(seq_id(v+u)); A5: 2(#)p is summable by A3,SERIES_1:13; 2(#)q is summable by A4,SERIES_1:13; then A6: 2(#)p+2(#)q is summable by A5,SERIES_1:10; A7: for n be Nat holds 0<=r.n proof let n be Nat; r.n=(seq_id(v+u)).n * (seq_id(v+u)).n by SEQ_1:12; hence thesis by REAL_1:93; end; for n be Nat holds r.n <=(2(#)p+2(#)q).n proof let n be Nat; set s = seq_id(v); set t = seq_id(u); reconsider sn=s.n, tn=t.n as Real; A8: seq_id(v+u)=seq_id(seq_id(v)+seq_id(u)) by Def7,Th4 .=seq_id(v)+seq_id(u) by Th3; A9: r.n=(seq_id(v+u)).n * (seq_id(v+u)).n by SEQ_1:12 .=(s.n+t.n) * (seq_id(v)+seq_id(u)).n by A8,SEQ_1:11 .=(s.n+t.n) * (s.n+t.n) by SEQ_1:11 .=((s.n)+(t.n))^2 by SQUARE_1:def 3 .= sn^2 + 2*sn*tn + tn^2 by SQUARE_1:63; (2(#)p+2(#)q).n=(2(#)p).n +(2(#)q).n by SEQ_1:11 .= 2*p.n + (2(#)q).n by SEQ_1:13 .= 2*p.n + 2*q.n by SEQ_1:13 .= 2*(s.n*s.n) + 2*q.n by SEQ_1:12 .= 2*(s.n*s.n) + 2*(t.n*t.n) by SEQ_1:12 .= 2*sn^2 + 2*(t.n*t.n) by SQUARE_1:def 3 .= 2*sn^2 + 2*tn^2 by SQUARE_1:def 3; then A10: (2(#)p+2(#)q).n - r.n = 2*sn^2 + 2*tn^2 - (sn^2 + 2*sn*tn) - tn^2 by A9,XCMPLX_1:36 .= 2*sn^2 + 2*tn^2 - sn^2 - 2*sn*tn - tn^2 by XCMPLX_1:36 .= 2*sn^2 - sn^2 + 2*tn^2 - 2*sn*tn - tn^2 by XCMPLX_1:29 .= sn^2 + sn^2 - sn^2 + 2*tn^2 - 2*sn*tn - tn^2 by XCMPLX_1:11 .= sn^2 + 2*tn^2 - 2*sn*tn - tn^2 by XCMPLX_1:26 .= sn^2 - 2*sn*tn + 2*tn^2 - tn^2 by XCMPLX_1:29 .= sn^2 - 2*sn*tn + (2*tn^2 - tn^2) by XCMPLX_1:29 .= sn^2 - 2*sn*tn + (tn^2 + tn^2 - tn^2) by XCMPLX_1:11 .= sn^2 - 2 * sn * tn + tn^2 by XCMPLX_1:26 .= (sn-tn)^2 by SQUARE_1:64; 0 <= (sn-tn)^2 by SQUARE_1:72; then 0 + r.n <= (2(#)p+2(#)q).n - r.n + r.n by A10,REAL_1:55; then r.n <= (2(#)p+2(#)q).n - (r.n - r.n) by XCMPLX_1:37; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:17; end; hence thesis by A6,A7,SERIES_1:24; end; hence v+u in W by Def7,Def11; end; for a be Real for v be VECTOR of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences st v in W holds a * v in W proof let a be Real; let v be VECTOR of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences such that A11: v in W; (seq_id(a*v))(#)(seq_id(a*v)) is summable proof A12: (seq_id(v))(#)(seq_id(v)) is summable by A11,Def11; seq_id(a*v)=seq_id(a(#)seq_id(v)) by Def7,Th5 .=a(#)seq_id(v) by Th3; then (seq_id(a*v))(#)(seq_id(a*v)) =a(#)((a(#)seq_id(v))(#) seq_id(v)) by SEQ_1:27 .=a(#)(a(#)( seq_id(v)(#)seq_id(v))) by SEQ_1:26 .=(a*a)(#)(seq_id(v)(#)seq_id(v)) by SEQ_1:31; hence thesis by A12,SERIES_1:13; end; hence a*v in W by Def7,Def11; end; hence thesis by A1,Def11,RLSUB_1:def 1; end; theorem RLSStruct(# the_set_of_l2RealSequences, Zero_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences), Add_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences), Mult_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences) #) is Subspace of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences by Th13,Th14; theorem Th16: RLSStruct (# the_set_of_l2RealSequences, Zero_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences), Add_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences), Mult_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences) #) is RealLinearSpace by Th13,Th14; theorem the carrier of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences = the_set_of_RealSequences & (for x be set holds x is Element of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences iff x is Real_Sequence ) & (for x be set holds x is VECTOR of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences iff x is Real_Sequence ) &(for u be VECTOR of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences holds u =seq_id(u) ) &(for u,v be VECTOR of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences holds u+v =seq_id(u)+seq_id(v) ) &( for r be Real for u be VECTOR of Linear_Space_of_RealSequences holds r*u =r(#)seq_id(u) ) by Def1,Def2,Def7,Th4,Th5; theorem Th18: ex f be Function of [: the_set_of_l2RealSequences, the_set_of_l2RealSequences :], REAL st ( for x,y be set st x in the_set_of_l2RealSequences & y in the_set_of_l2RealSequences holds f.[x,y] = Sum(seq_id(x)(#)seq_id(y)) ) proof set X = the_set_of_l2RealSequences; deffunc F(set,set) = Sum(seq_id($1)(#)seq_id($2)); A1: for x,y being set st x in X & y in X holds F(x,y) in REAL; ex f being Function of [:X,X:],REAL st for x,y being set st x in X & y in X holds f.[x,y] = F(x,y) from Lambda2(A1); hence thesis; end; definition func l_scalar -> Function of [:the_set_of_l2RealSequences, the_set_of_l2RealSequences:], REAL means (for x,y be set st x in the_set_of_l2RealSequences & y in the_set_of_l2RealSequences holds it.[x,y] = Sum(seq_id(x)(#)seq_id(y))); existence by Th18; uniqueness proof set X = the_set_of_l2RealSequences; let scalar1, scalar2 be Function of [: X, X :], REAL such that A1:(for x,y be set st x in X & y in X holds scalar1.[x,y] = Sum(seq_id(x)(#)seq_id(y))) and A2:(for x,y be set st x in X & y in X holds scalar2.[x,y] = Sum(seq_id(x)(#)seq_id(y))); for x, y be set st x in X & y in X holds scalar1.[x,y] = scalar2.[x,y] proof let x,y be set such that A3: x in X & y in X; thus scalar1.[x,y] = Sum(seq_id(x)(#)seq_id(y)) by A1,A3 .= scalar2.[x,y] by A2,A3; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:118; end; end; definition cluster UNITSTR (# the_set_of_l2RealSequences, Zero_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences), Add_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences), Mult_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences), l_scalar #) -> non empty; coherence proof the_set_of_l2RealSequences is non empty by Def11; hence thesis by STRUCT_0:def 1; end; end; definition func l2_Space -> non empty UNITSTR equals :Def13: UNITSTR (# the_set_of_l2RealSequences, Zero_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences), Add_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences), Mult_(the_set_of_l2RealSequences,Linear_Space_of_RealSequences), l_scalar #); correctness; end; theorem Th19: for l be UNITSTR st RLSStruct (# the carrier of l, the Zero of l, the add of l, the Mult of l #) is RealLinearSpace holds l is RealLinearSpace proof let l be UNITSTR such that A1: RLSStruct (# the carrier of l, the Zero of l, the add of l, the Mult of l #) is RealLinearSpace; the carrier of l is non empty by A1,STRUCT_0:def 1; then reconsider l as non empty RLSStruct by STRUCT_0:def 1; reconsider l0=RLSStruct (# the carrier of l, the Zero of l, the add of l, the Mult of l #) as RealLinearSpace by A1; A2: for v,w being VECTOR of l holds v + w = w + v proof let v,w be VECTOR of l; reconsider v1=v as VECTOR of l0; reconsider w1=w as VECTOR of l0; thus v+w = (the add of l).[v1,w1] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .=v1+w1 by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of l).[w1,v1] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= w +v by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; A3:for u,v,w being VECTOR of l holds (u + v) + w = u + (v + w) proof let u,v,w be VECTOR of l; reconsider u1=u as VECTOR of l0; reconsider v1=v as VECTOR of l0; reconsider w1=w as VECTOR of l0; thus (u + v) + w = (the add of l).[(u+v),w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of l).[(the add of l).[u,v],w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of l).[(u1+v1),w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (u1+v1)+w1 by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= u1+(v1+w1) by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= (the add of l).[u1,(v1+w1)] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of l).[u1,(the add of l).[v1,w1]] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the add of l).[u,(v+w)] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= u+(v+w) by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; A4: for v being VECTOR of l holds v + 0.l = v proof let v be VECTOR of l; reconsider v1=v as VECTOR of l0; A5:0.l=the Zero of l by RLVECT_1:def 2 .=0.l0 by RLVECT_1:def 2; thus v+0.l=(the add of l).[v,0.l] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= v1 + 0.l0 by A5,RLVECT_1:def 3 .= v by RLVECT_1:def 7; end; A6:for v being VECTOR of l ex w being VECTOR of l st v + w = 0.l proof let v be VECTOR of l; reconsider v1=v as VECTOR of l0; A7:0.l=the Zero of l by RLVECT_1:def 2 .=0.l0 by RLVECT_1:def 2; consider w1 being VECTOR of l0 such that A8: v1 + w1 = 0.l0 by RLVECT_1:def 8; reconsider w = w1 as VECTOR of l; A9:v+w = (the add of l).[v,w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .=0.l by A7,A8,RLVECT_1:def 3; take w; thus thesis by A9; end; A10:for a be Real for v,w being VECTOR of l holds a * (v + w) = a * v + a * w proof let a be Real; let v,w be VECTOR of l; reconsider v1=v, w1=w as VECTOR of l0; thus a*(v+w) = (the Mult of l).[a,(v+w)] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (the Mult of l).[a,(the add of l).[v1,w1]] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= (the Mult of l).[a,(v1+w1)] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .=a*(v1+w1) by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=a*v1+a*w1 by RLVECT_1:def 9 .=(the add of l).[a*v1,a*w1] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .=(the add of l).[(the Mult of l).[a,v1],a*w1] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=(the add of l).[(the Mult of l).[a,v1], (the Mult of l).[a,w1]] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=(the add of l).[a*v, (the Mult of l).[a,w]] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=(the add of l).[a*v, a*w] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= a*v +a*w by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; A11:for a,b be Real for v being VECTOR of l holds (a + b) * v = a * v + b * v proof let a,b be Real; let v be VECTOR of l; reconsider v1=v as VECTOR of l0; thus (a+b)*v = (the Mult of l).[(a+b),v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=(a+b)*v1 by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=a*v1+b*v1 by RLVECT_1:def 9 .=(the add of l).[a*v1,b*v1] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .=(the add of l).[(the Mult of l).[a,v1],b*v1] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=(the add of l).[(the Mult of l).[a,v1], (the Mult of l).[b,v1]] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=(the add of l).[a*v, (the Mult of l).[b,v]] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=(the add of l).[a*v, b*v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= a*v +b*v by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; A12:for a,b be Real for v being VECTOR of l holds (a * b) * v = a * (b * v) proof let a,b be Real; let v be VECTOR of l; reconsider v1=v as VECTOR of l0; thus (a*b)*v = (the Mult of l).[a*b,v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=(a*b)*v1 by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=a*(b*v1) by RLVECT_1:def 9 .=(the Mult of l).[a,b*v1] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=(the Mult of l).[a,(the Mult of l).[b,v1]] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .=(the Mult of l).[a,b*v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= a*(b*v) by RLVECT_1:def 4; end; for v being VECTOR of l holds 1 * v = v proof let v be VECTOR of l; reconsider v1=v as VECTOR of l0; thus 1*v= (the Mult of l).[1,v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= 1*v1 by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= v by RLVECT_1:def 9; end; hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,A6,A10,A11,A12,RLVECT_1:7; end; theorem for rseq be Real_Sequence st (for n be Nat holds rseq.n=0) holds rseq is summable & Sum rseq = 0 proof let rseq be Real_Sequence such that A1: for n be Nat holds rseq.n=0; A2: for m be Nat holds Partial_Sums (rseq).m = 0 proof let m be Nat; defpred P[Nat] means rseq.$1 = (Partial_Sums rseq).$1; A3: P[0] by SERIES_1:def 1; A4: for k be Nat st P[k] holds P[k+1] proof let k be Nat such that A5: rseq.k = (Partial_Sums (rseq)).k; thus rseq.(k+1) = 0 + (rseq).(k+1) .= rseq.k + rseq.(k+1) by A1 .= (Partial_Sums rseq).(k+1) by A5,SERIES_1:def 1; end; for n be Nat holds P[n] from Ind(A3,A4); hence (Partial_Sums (rseq)).m = rseq.m .= 0 by A1; end; Sum rseq = 0 & rseq is summable proof A6: for p be real number st 0<p ex n be Nat st for m be Nat st n<=m holds abs((Partial_Sums rseq).m-0)<p proof let p be real number such that A7: 0<p; take 0; let m be Nat such that 0<=m; abs((Partial_Sums rseq).m-0) = abs(0-0) by A2 .= 0 by ABSVALUE:def 1; hence abs((Partial_Sums (rseq)).m-0)<p by A7; end; then A8:Partial_Sums (rseq) is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6; then lim (Partial_Sums (rseq)) = 0 by A6,SEQ_2:def 7; hence thesis by A8,SERIES_1:def 2,def 3; end; hence thesis; end; theorem for rseq be Real_Sequence st ( (for n be Nat holds 0 <= rseq.n) & rseq is summable & Sum rseq=0) holds for n be Nat holds rseq.n =0 proof let rseq be Real_Sequence such that A1: for n be Nat holds 0 <= rseq.n and A2: rseq is summable and A3: Sum rseq=0; A4: Partial_Sums rseq is non-decreasing by A1,SERIES_1:19; A5: Partial_Sums rseq is bounded_above by A1,A2,SERIES_1:20; A6: for n be Nat holds (Partial_Sums rseq).n <= Sum rseq proof let n be Nat; (Partial_Sums(rseq)).n <= lim Partial_Sums rseq by A4,A5,SEQ_4:54; hence (Partial_Sums(rseq)).n <=Sum rseq by SERIES_1:def 3; end; now assume ex n be Nat st rseq.n <> 0; then consider n1 be Nat such that A7: rseq.n1 <> 0; A8: for n be Nat holds 0 <= Partial_Sums(rseq).n proof let n be Nat; A9: n=n+0; A10:Partial_Sums(rseq).0 = rseq.0 by SERIES_1:def 1; 0 <=rseq.0 by A1; hence 0 <=Partial_Sums(rseq).n by A4,A9,A10,SEQM_3:11; end; Partial_Sums(rseq).n1 >0 proof now per cases; case A11: n1=0; then Partial_Sums(rseq).(n1)=rseq.0 by SERIES_1:def 1; hence Partial_Sums(rseq).(n1) > 0 by A1,A7,A11; case A12: n1<>0; 0 <= n1 by NAT_1:18; then A13: 0 + 1 <= n1 by A12,INT_1:20; set nn=n1-1; A14: nn is Nat by A13,INT_1:18; A15: nn+1 = n1-(1-1) by XCMPLX_1:37 .=n1; A16: 0 <= rseq.n1 by A1; 0 <= Partial_Sums(rseq).nn by A8,A14; then rseq.(n1)+0 <= rseq.(n1)+Partial_Sums(rseq).nn by REAL_1:55; hence Partial_Sums(rseq).n1 > 0 by A7,A14,A15,A16,SERIES_1:def 1; end; hence Partial_Sums(rseq).n1 > 0; end; hence contradiction by A3,A6; end; hence thesis; end; definition cluster l2_Space -> Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable RealLinearSpace-like; coherence by Def13,Th16,Th19; end;