The Mizar article:

Polynomial Reduction

Christoph Schwarzweller

Received December 20, 2002

Copyright (c) 2002 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: POLYRED
[ MML identifier index ]


 constructors ORDERS_2, WAYBEL_4, MONOID_0, REWRITE1, TRIANG_1, IDEAL_1,
 schemes BINOM, NAT_1, RELSET_1;

begin :: Preliminaries

let n be Ordinal,
    R be non trivial ZeroStr;
cluster non-zero Monomial of n,R;
 consider a being Element of (the carrier of R)\{0.R};
   the carrier of R is non trivial by REALSET1:def 13;
 then (the carrier of R)\{0.R} is non empty by REALSET1:32;
 then A1: a in the carrier of R & not(a in {0.R}) by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
 then reconsider a as Element of R;
 set q = a _(n,R);
 A2: a <> 0.R by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
 take q;
   now assume A3: q = 0_(n,R);
     0_(n,R) = 0.R _(n,R) by POLYNOM7:19;
   hence contradiction by A2,A3,POLYNOM7:21;
 hence thesis by POLYNOM7:def 2;

cluster non trivial Field;
 consider F being Field;
 take F;
 thus thesis;

cluster Field-like -> domRing-like
           (left_zeroed add-right-cancelable right-distributive
            left_unital commutative associative (non empty doubleLoopStr));
 let L be left_zeroed add-right-cancelable right-distributiveleft_unital
          commutative associative (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 assume A1: L is Field-like;
   now let x,y be Element of L;
   assume A2: x * y = 0.L;
   thus x = 0.L or y = 0.L
     assume x <> 0.L;
     then consider z being Element of L such that
     A3: x * z = 1_ L by A1,VECTSP_1:def 20;
       z * 0.L = 1_ L * y by A2,A3,VECTSP_1:def 16
            .= y by VECTSP_1:def 19;
     hence y = 0.L by BINOM:2;
 hence thesis by VECTSP_2:def 5;

for X being set,
    S being Subset of X,
    R being Order of X st R is_linear-order
holds R linearly_orders S
  let X be set, S be Subset of X, R be Order of X;
  assume R is_linear-order;
then A1: R linearly_orders field R by ORDERS_2:35;
    S c= X;
  then S c= field R by ORDERS_2:2;
  hence thesis by A1,ORDERS_2:36;

for n being Ordinal,
    b1,b2,b3 being bag of n
holds b1 <=' b2 implies b1 + b3 <=' b2 + b3
let n be Ordinal,
    b1,b2,b3 be bag of n;
assume A1: b1 <=' b2;
per cases;
suppose b1 = b2;
hence thesis;
suppose b1 <> b2;
then b1 < b2 by A1,POLYNOM1:def 12;
then consider k being Ordinal such that
A2: b1.k < b2.k &
   for l being Ordinal st l in k holds b1.l = b2.l by POLYNOM1:def 11;
A3: (b1 + b3).k = b1.k + b3.k by POLYNOM1:def 5;
  (b2 + b3).k = b2.k + b3.k by POLYNOM1:def 5;
then A4: (b1 + b3).k < (b2 + b3).k by A2,A3,REAL_1:67;
  now let l be Ordinal;
  assume A5: l in k;
  thus (b1 + b3).l = b1.l + b3.l by POLYNOM1:def 5
                  .= b2.l + b3.l by A2,A5
                  .= (b2 + b3).l by POLYNOM1:def 5;
then (b1 + b3) < (b2 + b3) by A4,POLYNOM1:def 11;
hence thesis by POLYNOM1:def 12;

for n being Ordinal,
    b1,b2 being bag of n
holds (b1 <=' b2 & b2 <=' b1) implies b1 = b2
let n be Ordinal,
    b1,b2 be bag of n;
assume A1: b1 <=' b2 & b2 <=' b1;
  now assume b1 <> b2;
  then b1 < b2 & b2 < b1 by A1,POLYNOM1:def 12;
  hence contradiction;
hence thesis;

for n being Ordinal,
    b1,b2 being bag of n
holds not(b1 < b2) iff b2 <=' b1
let n be Ordinal,
    b1,b2 be bag of n;
A1: now assume A2: not(b1 < b2);
     now per cases;
   case b1 = b2;
   hence b2 <=' b1;
   case b1 <> b2;
   then not(b1 <=' b2) by A2,POLYNOM1:def 12;
   hence b2 <=' b1 by POLYNOM1:49;
   hence b2 <=' b1;
  now assume A3: b2 <=' b1;
     now per cases;
   case b2 <> b1;
     hence not(b1 < b2) by A3,POLYNOM1:def 12;
   case b1 = b2;
     hence not(ex k being Ordinal st b1.k < b2.k &
        for l being Ordinal st l in k holds b1.l = b2.l);
   hence not(b1 < b2);
hence thesis by A1;

for n being Ordinal,
    L being non trivial ZeroStr,
    p being non-zero finite-Support Series of n,L
holds ex b being bag of n st
      p.b <> 0.L &
      for b' being bag of n st b < b' holds p.b' = 0.L
let n be Ordinal,
    L be non trivial ZeroStr,
    p be non-zero finite-Support Series of n,L;
  p <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:def 2;
then A1: Support p <> {} by POLYNOM7:1;
defpred P[Nat] means
  for B being finite Subset of Bags n st card B = $1 holds
  ex b being bag of n st
   b in B &
   for b' being bag of n st b' in B holds b' <=' b;
A2: P[1]
   proof let B be finite Subset of Bags n;
    assume A3: card B = 1;
    consider x being set;
      card {x} = card B by A3,CARD_1:79;
    then consider b being set such that
    A4: B = {b} by CARD_1:49;
    A5: b in B by A4,TARSKI:def 1;
    then reconsider b as Element of Bags n;
    reconsider b as bag of n;
      for b' being bag of n st b' in B holds b' <=' b by A4,TARSKI:def 1;
    hence ex b being bag of n st
       b in B &
       for b' being bag of n st b' in B holds b' <=' b by A5;
A6: for k being Nat st 1 <= k holds P[k] implies P[k+1]
    let k be Nat;
    assume A7: 1 <= k;
    thus P[k] implies P[k+1]
       assume A8: P[k];
       thus P[k+1]
         let B be finite Subset of Bags n;
         assume A9: Card B = k + 1;
         then reconsider B as non empty finite Subset of Bags n by CARD_1:47;
         consider x being Element of B;
           x in B & B c= Bags n;
         then reconsider x as Element of Bags n;
         reconsider x as bag of n;
         set X = B \ {x};
         A10: x in X iff x in B & not x in {x} by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
           now let u be set;
             assume u in {x};
             then u = x by TARSKI:def 1;
             hence u in B;
         then {x} c= B by TARSKI:def 3;
         then A11: B = {x} \/ B by XBOOLE_1:12 .= {x} \/ X by XBOOLE_1:39;
         then card(X) + 1 = k + 1 by A9,A10,CARD_2:54,TARSKI:def 1;
         then A12: card(X) = k by XCMPLX_1:2;
           now assume X = {};
             hence contradiction by A7,A12,CARD_1:47,51;
         then reconsider X as non empty set;
           now let u be set;
           assume u in X;
           then u in B by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
           hence u in Bags n;
         then reconsider X as non empty finite Subset of Bags n
           by TARSKI:def 3;
         consider b being bag of n such that
         A13: b in X &
             for b' being bag of n st b' in X holds b' <=' b by A8,A12;
         A14: now per cases by POLYNOM1:49;
             case A15: x <=' b;
                 now let b' be bag of n;
                 assume A16: b' in B;
                   now per cases;
                 case b' in X;
                   hence b' <=' b by A13;
                 case not(b' in X);
                   then b' in {x} by A11,A16,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                   hence b' <=' b by A15,TARSKI:def 1;
                 hence b' <=' b;
               hence for b' being bag of n st b' in B holds b' <=' b;
             case A17: b <=' x;
                 now let b' be bag of n;
                 assume A18: b' in B;
                   now per cases;
                 case b' in X;
                   then b' <=' b by A13;
                   hence b' <=' x by A17,POLYNOM1:46;
                 case not(b' in X);
                   then b' in {x} by A11,A18,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                   hence b' <=' x by TARSKI:def 1;
                 hence b' <=' x;
               hence for b' being bag of n st b' in B holds b' <=' x;
           b in B by A11,A13,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
         hence thesis by A14;
       thus thesis;
A19: for k being Nat st 1 <= k holds P[k] from Ind2(A2,A6);
reconsider sp = Support p as finite set by POLYNOM1:def 10;
  Card sp is finite;
then consider m being Nat such that
A20: Card(Support p) = Card m by CARD_1:86;
A21: Card(Support p) = m by A20,CARD_1:66;
  now assume m = 0;
  then card sp = 0 by A20,CARD_1:66;
  hence contradiction by A1,CARD_2:59;
then A22: 1 <= m by RLVECT_1:99;
  Support p is finite Subset of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 10;
then consider b being bag of n such that
A23: b in Support p &
   for b' being bag of n st b' in Support p holds b' <=' b by A19,A21,A22;
A24: p.b <> 0.L by A23,POLYNOM1:def 9;
  now let b' be bag of n;
  assume b < b';
  then not(b' <=' b) by Lm4;
  then A25: not(b' in Support p) by A23;
    b' is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
  hence p.b' = 0.L by A25,POLYNOM1:def 9;
hence thesis by A24;

for L being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed
            right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
    f,g being FinSequence of the carrier of L,
    n being Nat
      st len f = n + 1 & g = f|(Seg n)
holds Sum f = Sum g + f/.(len f)
let L be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed
         right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
    f,g be FinSequence of the carrier of L,
    n be Nat;
assume A1: len f = n + 1 & g = f|(Seg n);
set q = <*(f/.(len f))*>;
set p = g^q;
A2: n <= len f by A1,NAT_1:29;
A3: len q = 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
  len(g^q) = len g + len q by FINSEQ_1:35
          .= len g + 1 by FINSEQ_1:57
          .= len f by A1,A2,FINSEQ_1:21;
then A4: dom f = Seg(len(g^q)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3 .= dom(g^q) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
A5: dom f = Seg(n+1) by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
  now let u be set;
  assume A6: u in dom f;
  then u in { k where k is Nat : 1 <= k & k <= n+1 } by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 1;
  then consider i being Nat such that
  A7: u = i & 1 <= i & i <= n+1;
    now per cases;
  case A8: i = n+1;
    then A9: len g + 1 <= i by A1,A2,FINSEQ_1:21;
      i <= len g + len q by A1,A2,A3,A8,FINSEQ_1:21;
    hence p.i = q.(i-len g) by A9,FINSEQ_1:36
             .= q.(n+1-n) by A1,A2,A8,FINSEQ_1:21
             .= q.1 by XCMPLX_1:26
             .= f/.(n+1) by A1,FINSEQ_1:57
             .= f.i by A6,A7,A8,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
  case i <> n+1;
    then i < n+1 by A7,REAL_1:def 5;
    then i <= n by NAT_1:38;
    then i in { k where k is Nat : 1 <= k & k <= n } by A7;
    then i in Seg n by FINSEQ_1:def 1;
    then A10: i in dom g by A1,A2,FINSEQ_1:21;
    then p.i = g.i by FINSEQ_1:def 7;
    hence p.i = f.i by A1,A10,FUNCT_1:68;
  hence f.u = p.u by A7;
then f = g^<*(f/.(len f))*> by A4,FUNCT_1:9;
hence Sum f = Sum g + Sum <*(f/.(len f))*> by RLVECT_1:58
           .= Sum g + (f/.(len f)) by RLVECT_1:61;

let n be Ordinal,
    L be add-associative right_complementable left_zeroed right_zeroed
            unital distributive domRing-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p,q be non-zero finite-Support Series of n,L;
cluster p *' q -> non-zero;
consider b11 being bag of n such that
A1: p.b11 <> 0.L &
    for b' being bag of n st b11 < b' holds p.b' = 0.L by Lm5;
consider b22 being bag of n such that
A2: q.b22 <> 0.L &
    for b' being bag of n st b22 < b' holds q.b' = 0.L by Lm5;
set b = b11 + b22;
consider s being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
A3: (p*'q).b = Sum s &
   len s = len decomp b &
   for k being Nat st k in dom s
   ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                               s/.k = p.b1*q.b2 by POLYNOM1:def 26;
consider S being non empty finite Subset of Bags n such that
A4: divisors b = SgmX(BagOrder n, S) &
   for p being bag of n holds p in S iff p divides b by POLYNOM1:def 18;
  b11 divides b by POLYNOM1:54;
then A5: b11 in S by A4;
set sgm = SgmX(BagOrder n, S);
  BagOrder n linearly_orders S by Lm1;
then b11 in rng(sgm) by A5,TRIANG_1:def 2;
then consider i being set such that
A6: i in dom sgm & sgm.i = b11 by FUNCT_1:def 5;
A7: i in dom decomp b by A4,A6,POLYNOM1:def 19;
  (divisors b)/.i = b11 by A4,A6,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
then A8: (decomp b)/.i = <*b11, b-'b11*> by A7,POLYNOM1:def 19;
then A9: (decomp b)/.i = <*b11, b22*> by POLYNOM1:52;
A10: dom s = Seg(len decomp b) by A3,FINSEQ_1:def 3
         .= dom(decomp b) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
then A11: i in dom s by A4,A6,POLYNOM1:def 19;
reconsider i as Nat by A6;
A12:now let k be Nat;
  assume A13: k in dom s & k <> i;
  then consider b1', b2' being bag of n such that
  A14: (decomp b)/.k = <*b1', b2'*> & b = b1'+b2' by A10,POLYNOM1:72;
  consider b1,b2 being bag of n such that
  A15: (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> & s/.k = p.b1*q.b2 by A3,A13;
  A16: b1 = <*b1', b2'*>.1 by A14,A15,FINSEQ_1:61
        .= b1' by FINSEQ_1:61;
  A17: b2 = <*b1', b2'*>.2 by A14,A15,FINSEQ_1:61
        .= b2' by FINSEQ_1:61;
  A18: now assume p.b1 <> 0.L & q.b2 <> 0.L;
      then not(b11 < b1) & not(b22 < b2) by A1,A2;
      then A19: b1 <=' b11 & b2 <=' b22 by Lm4;
      A20: now assume b1 = b11 & b2 = b22;
          then (decomp b).k
              = <*b11,b22*> by A10,A13,A15,FINSEQ_4:def 4
              .= (decomp b)/.i by A8,POLYNOM1:52
              .= (decomp b).i by A7,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
          hence contradiction by A7,A10,A13,FUNCT_1:def 8;
        now per cases by A20;
      case A21: b1 <> b11;
        A22: now assume b1+b2 = b11+b2;
            then b1 = (b11+b2)-'b2 by POLYNOM1:52;
            hence contradiction by A21,POLYNOM1:52;
        A23: b11+b22 <=' b11+b2 by A14,A16,A17,A19,Lm2;
          b11+b2 <=' b11+b22 by A19,Lm2;
        hence contradiction by A14,A16,A17,A22,A23,Lm3;
      case A24: b2 <> b22;
        A25: now assume b2+b1 = b22+b1;
            then b2 = (b22+b1)-'b1 by POLYNOM1:52;
            hence contradiction by A24,POLYNOM1:52;
        A26: b11+b22 <=' b22+b1 by A14,A16,A17,A19,Lm2;
          b22+b1 <=' b11+b22 by A19,Lm2;
        hence contradiction by A14,A16,A17,A25,A26,Lm3;
      hence contradiction;
    now per cases by A18;
  case p.b1 = 0.L;
    hence p.b1*q.b2 = 0.L by BINOM:1;
  case q.b2 = 0.L;
    hence p.b1*q.b2 = 0.L by BINOM:2;
  hence s/.k = 0.L by A15;
consider b1,b2 being bag of n such that
A27: (decomp b)/.i = <*b1, b2*> & s/.i = p.b1*q.b2
   by A3,A11;
A28: b1 = <*b11,b22*>.1 by A9,A27,FINSEQ_1:61
     .= b11 by FINSEQ_1:61;
  b2 = <*b11,b22*>.2 by A9,A27,FINSEQ_1:61
  .= b22 by FINSEQ_1:61;
then A29: (p*'q).b = p.b11 * q.b22 by A3,A11,A12,A27,A28,POLYNOM2:5;
A30: b is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
  p.b11 * q.b22 <> 0.L by A1,A2,VECTSP_2:def 5;
then b in Support(p*'q) by A29,A30,POLYNOM1:def 9;
then p*'q <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
hence thesis by POLYNOM7:def 2;

begin :: More on Polynomials and Monomials

theorem Th1:
for X being set,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
            (non empty LoopStr),
    p,q being Series of X, L
holds -(p + q) = (-p) + (-q)
let n be set,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         (non empty LoopStr),
    p,q be Series of n,L;
A1: dom (-(p+q)) = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1
               .= dom ((-p) + (-q)) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let x be set;
  assume x in dom -(p+q);
  then reconsider b = x as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    ((-p) + (-q)).b = (-p).b + (-q).b by POLYNOM1:def 21
                 .= -(p.b) + (-q).b by POLYNOM1:def 22
                 .= -(p.b) + -(q.b) by POLYNOM1:def 22
                 .= -(q.b + p.b) by RLVECT_1:45
                 .= -((p+q).b) by POLYNOM1:def 21
                 .= (-(p+q)).b by POLYNOM1:def 22;
  hence (-(p+q)).x = ((-p) + (-q)).x;
hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th2:
for X being set,
    L being left_zeroed (non empty LoopStr),
    p being Series of X, L
holds 0_(X,L) + p = p
let n be set,
    L be left_zeroed (non empty LoopStr),
    p be Series of n, L;
reconsider ls = 0_(n,L) + p, p' = p
   as Function of (Bags n), the carrier of L;
  now let b be Element of Bags n;
  thus ls.b = 0_(n,L).b + p.b by POLYNOM1:def 21
           .= 0.L + p'.b by POLYNOM1:81
           .= p'.b by ALGSTR_1:def 5;
hence 0_(n,L) + p = p by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th3:
for X being set,
    L being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
            (non empty LoopStr),
    p being Series of X, L
holds -p + p = 0_(X,L) & p + -p = 0_(X,L)
let n be set,
    L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         (non empty LoopStr),
    p be Series of n, L;
set q = -p + p;
  now let b be Element of Bags n;
  thus q.b = (-p).b + p.b by POLYNOM1:def 21
          .= -(p.b) + p.b by POLYNOM1:def 22
          .= 0.L by RLVECT_1:16
          .= (0_(n,L)).b by POLYNOM1:81;
hence -p + p = 0_(n,L) by FUNCT_2:113;
set q = p + -p;
  now let b be Element of Bags n;
  thus q.b = p.b + (-p).b by POLYNOM1:def 21
          .= p.b + -p.b by POLYNOM1:def 22
          .= 0.L by RLVECT_1:16
          .= (0_(n,L)).b by POLYNOM1:81;
hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th4:
for n being set,
    L being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
            (non empty LoopStr),
    p be Series of n, L
holds p - 0_(n,L) = p
let n be set,
    L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         (non empty LoopStr),
    p be Series of n, L;
reconsider pp = p-0_(n,L) as Function of Bags n,the carrier of L;
  now let b be Element of Bags n;
  thus pp.b = (p+-0_(n,L)).b by POLYNOM1:def 23
           .= p.b + (-0_(n,L)).b by POLYNOM1:def 21
           .= p.b + -((0_(n,L)).b) by POLYNOM1:def 22
           .= p.b + -0.L by POLYNOM1:81
           .= p.b - 0.L by RLVECT_1:def 11
           .= p.b by RLVECT_1:26;
hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th5:
for n being Ordinal,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            add-left-cancelable left-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p being Series of n,L
holds 0_(n,L) *' p = 0_(n,L)
let n be Ordinal,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         add-left-cancelable left-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p be Series of n,L;
set Z = 0_(n,L);
  now let b be Element of Bags n;
  consider s being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
  A1: (Z*'p).b = Sum s and len s = len decomp b and
  A2: for k being Nat st k in dom s
      ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*>
           & s/.k = Z.b1*p.b2 by POLYNOM1:def 26;
    now let k be Nat; assume k in dom s;
      then consider b1,b2 being bag of n such that
        (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> and
      A3: s/.k = Z.b1*p.b2 by A2;
      thus s/.k = 0.L*p.b2 by A3,POLYNOM1:81 .= 0.L by BINOM:1;
  then Sum s = 0.L by MATRLIN:15;
  hence (Z*'p).b = Z.b by A1,POLYNOM1:81;
 hence 0_(n,L)*'p = 0_(n,L) by FUNCT_2:113;

for n being Ordinal,
    L being Abelian right_zeroed add-associative right_complementable
            unital distributive associative commutative
            (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p being Polynomial of n,L,
    q being Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L) st p = q
holds -p = -q
let n be Ordinal,
    L be Abelian right_zeroed add-associative right_complementable
         unital distributive associative commutative
         (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p be Polynomial of n,L,
    q be Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
assume A1: p = q;
set R = Polynom-Ring(n,L);
reconsider x = -p as Element of R by POLYNOM1:def 27;
reconsider x as Element of R;
  x + q = -p + p by A1,POLYNOM1:def 27
     .= 0_(n,L) by Th3
     .= 0.R by POLYNOM1:def 27;
hence -p = -q by RLVECT_1:19;

theorem Th6:
for n being Ordinal,
    L being Abelian right_zeroed add-associative right_complementable
            unital distributive associative commutative
            (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p,q being Polynomial of n,L
holds -(p *' q) = (-p) *' q & -(p *' q) = p *' (-q)
let n be Ordinal,
    L be Abelian right_zeroed add-associative right_complementable
         unital distributive associative
         commutative (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p,q be Polynomial of n,L;
reconsider p' = p, q' = q as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L)
  by POLYNOM1:def 27;
reconsider p',q' as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
A1: -p = -p' by Lm7;
  -q = -q' by Lm7;
then A2: (-p') * q' = (-p) *' q & p' * (-q') = p *' (-q) by A1,POLYNOM1:def 27;
A3: -(p' * q') = (-p') * q' & -(p' * q') = p' * (-q') by VECTSP_1:41;
  p' * q' = p *' q by POLYNOM1:def 27;
hence thesis by A2,A3,Lm7;

for n being Ordinal,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non empty LoopStr),
    p being Polynomial of n,L,
    m being Monomial of n,L,
    b being bag of n st b <> term(m)
holds m.b = 0.L
let n be Ordinal,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non empty LoopStr),
    p be Polynomial of n,L,
    m be Monomial of n,L,
    b be bag of n;
assume A1: b <> term(m);
per cases by POLYNOM7:7;
suppose Support m = {};
  then m = 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
  hence thesis by POLYNOM1:81;
suppose Support(m) = {term(m)};
  then A2: not(b in Support m) by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
    b is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
  hence thesis by A2,POLYNOM1:def 9;

theorem Th7:
for n being Ordinal,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p being Polynomial of n,L,
    m being Monomial of n,L,
    b being bag of n
holds (m*'p).(term(m)+b) = m.term(m) * p.b
let n be Ordinal,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p be Polynomial of n,L,
    m be Monomial of n,L,
    b2 be bag of n;
set q = m*'p, b = term(m)+b2;
consider s being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
A1: q.b = Sum s &
    len s = len decomp b &
    for k being Nat st k in dom s
    ex b1,b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                               s/.k = m.b1*p.b2 by POLYNOM1:def 26;
A2: dom s = Seg(len s) by FINSEQ_1:def 3
         .= dom decomp(term(m)+b2) by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
consider k being Nat such that
A3: k in dom decomp b & (decomp(term(m)+b2))/.k = <*term(m),b2*>
    by POLYNOM1:73;
consider b1',b2' being bag of n such that
A4: (decomp(term(m)+b2))/.k = <*b1',b2'*> & s/.k = m.b1' * p.b2' by A1,A2,A3;
A5: term(m) = <*b1',b2'*>.1 by A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:61 .= b1' by FINSEQ_1:61;
A6: b2 = <*term(m),b2*>.2 by FINSEQ_1:61
       .= b2' by A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:61;
  for k' being Nat st k' in dom s & k' <> k holds s/.k' = 0.L
     let k' be Nat;
     assume A7: k' in dom s & k' <> k;
     then consider b1',b2' being bag of n such that
     A8: (decomp(term(m)+b2))/.k' = <*b1',b2'*> & s/.k' = m.b1' * p.b2' by A1;
     A9: b1' = (divisors b)/.k' by A2,A7,A8,POLYNOM1:74;
       k' in dom divisors b by A2,A7,POLYNOM1:def 19;
     then A10: b1' divides b by A9,POLYNOM1:68;
     A11: b-'b1' = <*b1',b-'b1'*>.2 by FINSEQ_1:61
                .= <*b1',b2'*>.2 by A2,A7,A8,A9,POLYNOM1:def 19
                .= b2' by FINSEQ_1:61;
     per cases;
     suppose A12: b1' = term(m) & b2' = b2;
            = (decomp(term(m)+b2))/.k' by A2,A7,FINSEQ_4:def 4
           .= (decomp(term(m)+b2)).k by A3,A8,A12,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
        hence thesis by A2,A3,A7,FUNCT_1:def 8;
     suppose b1' <> term(m);
        then m.b1' = 0.L by Lm8;
        hence thesis by A8,VECTSP_1:39;
     suppose A13: b2' <> b2;
          now assume b1' = term(m);
          then A14: term(m) + b2' = term(m) + b2 by A10,A11,POLYNOM1:51;
            b2' = b2' + term(m) -' term(m) by POLYNOM1:52
             .= b2 by A14,POLYNOM1:52;
          hence contradiction by A13;
        then m.b1' = 0.L by Lm8;
        hence thesis by A8,VECTSP_1:39;
hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,POLYNOM2:5;

theorem Th8:
for X being set,
    L being right_zeroed add-left-cancelable
            left-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p being Series of X,L
holds 0.L * p = 0_(X,L)
let n be set,
    L be right_zeroed add-left-cancelable
         left-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p be Series of n,L;
set op = 0.L * p;
A1: dom op = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom 0_(n,L) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in dom op;
  then reconsider u' = u as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    op.u' = 0.L * p.u' by POLYNOM7:def 10
       .= 0.L by BINOM:1;
  hence op.u = 0_(n,L).u by POLYNOM1:81;
hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th9:
for X being set,
    L being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
            distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p being Series of X,L,
    a being Element of L
holds -(a * p) = (-a) * p & -(a * p) = a * (-p)
let n be set,
    L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p be Series of n,L,
    a be Element of L;
set ap = a * p;
A1: dom -ap = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom((-a) * p) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in dom -ap;
  then reconsider u' = u as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    (-ap).u' = -(ap.u') by POLYNOM1:def 22
          .= -(a * p.u') by POLYNOM7:def 10
          .= (-a) * p.u' by VECTSP_1:41
          .= ((-a)*p).u' by POLYNOM7:def 10;
  hence (-ap).u = ((-a)*p).u;
hence -(a * p) = (-a) * p by A1,FUNCT_1:9;
A2: dom -ap = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom(a * (-p)) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in dom -ap;
  then reconsider u' = u as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    (-ap).u' = -(ap.u') by POLYNOM1:def 22
          .= -(a * p.u') by POLYNOM7:def 10
          .= a * (-p.u') by VECTSP_1:40
          .= a * (-p).u' by POLYNOM1:def 22
          .= (a*(-p)).u' by POLYNOM7:def 10;
  hence (-ap).u = (a*(-p)).u;
hence thesis by A2,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th10:
for X being set,
    L being left-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p being Series of X,L,
    a,a' being Element of L
holds a * p + a' * p = (a + a') * p
let n be set,
    L be left-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p be Series of n,L,
    a,a' be Element of L;
set p1 = a * p + a' * p, p2 = (a + a') * p;
A1: dom p1 = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom p2 by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in dom p1;
  then reconsider u' = u as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    p1.u' = (a*p).u' + (a'*p).u' by POLYNOM1:def 21
       .= a * p.u' + (a'*p).u' by POLYNOM7:def 10
       .= a * p.u' + a' * p.u' by POLYNOM7:def 10
       .= (a + a') * p.u' by VECTSP_1:def 12
       .= p2.u' by POLYNOM7:def 10;
  hence p1.u = p2.u;
hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th11:
for X being set,
    L being associative (non empty multLoopStr_0),
    p being Series of X,L,
    a,a' being Element of L
holds (a * a') * p = a * (a' * p)
let n be set,
    L be associative (non empty multLoopStr_0),
    p be Series of n,L,
    a,a' be Element of L;
set q = (a * a') * p, r = a * (a' * p);
A1: dom q = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom r by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in dom q;
  then reconsider b = u as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    q.b = (a * a') * p.b by POLYNOM7:def 10
     .= a * (a' * p.b) by VECTSP_1:def 16
     .= a * (a'*p).b by POLYNOM7:def 10
     .= r.b by POLYNOM7:def 10;
  hence q.u = r.u;
hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th12:
for n being Ordinal,
    L being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable unital
            associative commutative distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p,p' being Series of n,L,
    a being Element of L
holds a * (p *' p') = p *' (a * p')
let n be Ordinal,
    L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         unital commutative associative distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    p,p' be Series of n,L,
    a be Element of L;
set app = a * (p *' p'), pap = p *' (a * p'), pp = p *' p';
A1: dom app = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom pap by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in dom app;
  then reconsider b = u as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
  consider s being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
  A2: pap.b = Sum s &
     len s = len decomp b &
     for k being Nat st k in dom s
     ex b1,b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                               s/.k = p.b1*(a*p').b2 by POLYNOM1:def 26;
  consider t being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
  A3: pp.b = Sum t &
     len t = len decomp b &
     for k being Nat st k in dom t
     ex b1,b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                               t/.k = p.b1*(p').b2 by POLYNOM1:def 26;
  A4: dom t = Seg(len s) by A2,A3,FINSEQ_1:def 3 .= dom s by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    now let i be set;
    assume A5: i in dom t;
    then reconsider k = i as Nat;
    consider b1,b2 being bag of n such that
    A6: (decomp b)/.k = <*b1,b2*> & t/.k = p.b1*(p').b2 by A3,A5;
    consider a1,a2 being bag of n such that
    A7: (decomp b)/.k = <*a1,a2*> & s/.k = p.a1*(a*p').a2 by A2,A4,A5;
    A8: b1 = <*a1,a2*>.1 by A6,A7,FINSEQ_1:61 .= a1 by FINSEQ_1:61;
      b2 = <*a1,a2*>.2 by A6,A7,FINSEQ_1:61 .= a2 by FINSEQ_1:61;
    hence s/.i = p.b1 * (a*(p').b2) by A7,A8,POLYNOM7:def 10
             .= a*(t/.i) by A6,VECTSP_1:def 16;
  then s = a * t by A4,POLYNOM1:def 2;
  then pap.b = a * Sum t by A2,POLYNOM1:28 .= app.b by A3,POLYNOM7:def 10;
  hence app.u = pap.u;
hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9;

begin :: Multiplication of polynomials with bags

let n be Ordinal,
    b be bag of n,
    L be non empty ZeroStr,
    p be Series of n,L;
func b *' p -> Series of n,L means :Def1:
  for b' being bag of n st b divides b' holds it.b' = p.(b' -' b) &
  for b' being bag of n st not(b divides b') holds it.b' = 0.L;
 set M1 = {[b',p.(b'-'b)] where b' is Element of Bags n : b divides b'},
     M2 = {[b',0.L] where b' is Element of Bags n : not(b divides b')};
 set M = M1 \/ M2;
   now let u be set;
   assume A1: u in M;
     now per cases by A1,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   case u in M1;
     then consider b' being Element of Bags n such that
     A2: u = [b',p.(b'-'b)] & b divides b';
     thus u in [:Bags n,the carrier of L:] by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
   case u in M2;
     then consider b' being Element of Bags n such that
     A3: u = [b',0.L] & not(b divides b');
     thus u in [:Bags n,the carrier of L:] by A3,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
   hence u in [:Bags n,the carrier of L:];
 then M c= [:Bags n,the carrier of L:] by TARSKI:def 3;
 then reconsider M as Relation of Bags n,the carrier of L by RELSET_1:def 1;
 A4: now let x,y1,y2 be set;
     assume A5: [x,y1] in M & [x,y2] in M;
     A6: now assume A7: [x,y1] in M1 & [x,y2] in M2;
        then consider u being Element of Bags n such that
        A8: [u,p.(u-'b)] = [x,y1] & b divides u;
        consider v being Element of Bags n such that
        A9: [v,0.L] = [x,y2] & not(b divides v) by A7;
          u = [x,y1]`1 by A8,MCART_1:def 1
         .= x by MCART_1:def 1
         .= [v,0.L]`1 by A9,MCART_1:def 1
         .= v by MCART_1:def 1;
        hence contradiction by A8,A9;
     A10: now assume A11: [x,y1] in M2 & [x,y2] in M1;
        then consider u being Element of Bags n such that
        A12: [u,p.(u-'b)] = [x,y2] & b divides u;
        consider v being Element of Bags n such that
        A13: [v,0.L] = [x,y1] & not(b divides v) by A11;
          u = [x,y2]`1 by A12,MCART_1:def 1
         .= x by MCART_1:def 1
         .= [v,0.L]`1 by A13,MCART_1:def 1
         .= v by MCART_1:def 1;
        hence contradiction by A12,A13;
     thus ([x,y1] in M1 & [x,y2] in M1) or ([x,y1] in M2 & [x,y2] in M2)
       assume A14: not([x,y1] in M1 & [x,y2] in M1);
         now per cases by A14;
       case not([x,y1] in M1);
         hence thesis by A5,A10,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
       case not([x,y2] in M1);
         hence thesis by A5,A6,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
       hence thesis;
 A15: now let x,y1,y2 be set;
    assume A16: [x,y1] in M & [x,y2] in M;
      now per cases by A4,A16;
    case A17: [x,y1] in M1 & [x,y2] in M1;
      then consider u being Element of Bags n such that
      A18: [u,p.(u-'b)] = [x,y1] & b divides u;
      consider v being Element of Bags n such that
      A19: [v,p.(v-'b)] = [x,y2] & b divides v by A17;
        u = [x,y1]`1 by A18,MCART_1:def 1
           .= x by MCART_1:def 1
           .= [v,p.(v-'b)]`1 by A19,MCART_1:def 1
           .= v by MCART_1:def 1;
      hence y1 = [x,y2]`2 by A18,A19,MCART_1:def 2
             .= y2 by MCART_1:def 2;
    case A20: [x,y1] in M2 & [x,y2] in M2;
      then consider u being Element of Bags n such that
      A21: [u,0.L] = [x,y1] & not(b divides u);
      consider v being Element of Bags n such that
      A22: [v,0.L] = [x,y2] & not(b divides v) by A20;
      thus y1 = [x,y1]`2 by MCART_1:def 2
             .= 0.L by A21,MCART_1:def 2
             .= [x,y2]`2 by A22,MCART_1:def 2
             .= y2 by MCART_1:def 2;
    hence y1 = y2;
 A23: for u being set holds u in dom M implies u in Bags n;
   now let u be set;
   assume u in Bags n;
   then reconsider u' = u as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
   A24: u' is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
     now per cases;
   case not(b divides u');
     then [u',0.L] in
          {[b',0.L] where b' is Element of Bags n : not(b divides b')} by A24;
     then [u',0.L] in M by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     hence u in dom M by RELAT_1:def 4;
   case b divides u';
     then [u',p.(u'-'b)] in
          {[b',p.(b'-'b)] where b' is Element of Bags n : b divides b'} by A24;
     then [u',p.(u'-'b)] in M by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     hence u in dom M by RELAT_1:def 4;
   hence u in dom M;
 then dom M = Bags n by A23,TARSKI:2;
 then reconsider M as Function of Bags n,the carrier of L
      by A15,FUNCT_1:def 1,FUNCT_2:def 1;
 reconsider M as Function of Bags n,L;
 take M;
 A25: now let b' be bag of n;
    assume A26: b divides b';
      b' is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    then [b',p.(b'-'b)] in
        {[u,p.(u-'b)] where u is Element of Bags n : b divides u} by A26;
    then [b',p.(b'-'b)] in M by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    hence M.b' = p.(b'-'b) by FUNCT_1:8;
   now let b' be bag of n;
    assume A27: not(b divides b');
      b' is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    then [b',0.L] in {[u,0.L] where u is Element of Bags n : not(b divides u)}
       by A27;
    then [b',0.L] in M by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    hence M.b' = 0.L by FUNCT_1:8;
 hence thesis by A25;
 let p1,p2 be Series of n,L such that
 A28: (for b' being bag of n st b divides b' holds p1.b' = p.(b' -' b) &
      for b' being bag of n st not(b divides b') holds p1.b' = 0.L) and
 A29: (for b' being bag of n st b divides b' holds p2.b' = p.(b' -' b) &
      for b' being bag of n st not(b divides b') holds p2.b' = 0.L);
   now let x be Element of Bags n;
     now per cases;
   case A30: b divides x;
     hence p1.x = p.(x -' b) by A28
               .= p2.x by A29,A30;
   case A31: not(b divides x);
     hence p1.x = 0.L by A28
               .= p2.x by A29,A31;
   hence p1.x = p2.x;
 hence p1 = p2 by FUNCT_2:113;

for n being Ordinal,
    b,b' being bag of n,
    L being non empty ZeroStr,
    p being Series of n,L
holds (b*'p).(b'+b) = p.b'
let n be Ordinal,
    b,b' be bag of n,
    L be non empty ZeroStr,
    p be Series of n,L;
  b divides b' + b by POLYNOM1:54;
hence (b*'p).(b'+b) = p.(b' + b -' b) by Def1
                   .= p.b' by POLYNOM1:52;

for n being Ordinal,
    L being non empty ZeroStr,
    p being Polynomial of n,L,
    b being bag of n
holds Support(b*'p) c=
        {b + b' where b' is Element of Bags n : b' in Support p}
let n be Ordinal,
    L be non empty ZeroStr,
    p be Polynomial of n,L,
    b be bag of n;
  now let u be set;
  assume A1: u in Support(b*'p);
  then reconsider u' = u as Element of Bags n;
  A2: (b*'p).u' <> 0.L by A1,POLYNOM1:def 9;
  then b divides u' by Def1;
  then consider s being bag of n such that
  A3: u' = b + s by TERMORD:1;
  A4: s is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    p.s <> 0.L by A2,A3,Lm9;
  then s in Support p by A4,POLYNOM1:def 9;
  hence u in {b + b' where b' is Element of Bags n : b' in Support p}
    by A3;
hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

let n be Ordinal,
    b be bag of n,
    L be non empty ZeroStr,
    p be finite-Support Series of n,L;
cluster b *' p -> finite-Support;
 A1: Support(b*'p) c=
        {b + b' where b' is Element of Bags n : b' in Support p} by Lm10;
 set f = {[b',b + b'] where b' is Element of Bags n : b' in Support p};
 A2: now let u be set;
    assume u in f;
    then consider b' being Element of Bags n such that
    A3: u = [b',b+b'] & b' in Support p;
    thus ex y,z being set st u = [y,z] by A3;
   now let x,y1,y2 be set;
    assume A4: [x,y1] in f & [x,y2] in f;
    then consider b1 being Element of Bags n such that
    A5: [x,y1] = [b1,b+b1] & b1 in Support p;
    consider b2 being Element of Bags n such that
    A6: [x,y2] = [b2,b+b2] & b2 in Support p by A4;
      b1 = [x,y1]`1 by A5,MCART_1:def 1
          .= x by MCART_1:def 1
          .= [b2,b+b2]`1 by A6,MCART_1:def 1
          .= b2 by MCART_1:def 1;
    hence y1 = [x,y2]`2 by A5,A6,MCART_1:def 2
           .= y2 by MCART_1:def 2;
 then reconsider f as Function by A2,FUNCT_1:def 1,RELAT_1:def 1;
 A7: now let u be set;
    assume u in dom f;
    then consider v being set such that
    A8: [u,v] in f by RELAT_1:def 4;
    consider b' being Element of Bags n such that
    A9: [u,v] = [b',b+b'] & b' in Support p by A8;
      u = [b',b+b']`1 by A9,MCART_1:def 1
     .= b' by MCART_1:def 1;
    hence u in Support p by A9;
   now let u be set;
   assume A10: u in Support p;
   then reconsider u' = u as Element of Bags n;
     [u',b+u'] in {[b',b + b'] where b' is Element of Bags n : b' in Support p}
     by A10;
   hence u in dom f by RELAT_1:def 4;
 then dom f = Support p by A7,TARSKI:2;
 then dom f is finite by POLYNOM1:def 10;
 then A11: rng f is finite by FINSET_1:26;
   now let u be set;
   assume u in Support(b*'p);
   then u in {b + b' where b' is Element of Bags n : b' in Support p} by A1;
   then consider b' being Element of Bags n such that
   A12: u = b + b' & b' in Support p;
     [b',u] in f by A12;
   hence u in rng f by RELAT_1:def 5;
 then Support(b*'p) c= rng f by TARSKI:def 3;
 then Support(b*'p) is finite by A11,FINSET_1:13;
 hence thesis by POLYNOM1:def 10;

  for n being Ordinal,
    b,b' being bag of n,
    L being non empty ZeroStr,
    p being Series of n,L
holds (b*'p).(b'+b) = p.b' by Lm9;

  for n being Ordinal,
    L being non empty ZeroStr,
    p being Polynomial of n,L,
    b being bag of n
holds Support(b*'p) c=
        {b + b' where b' is Element of Bags n : b' in Support p}
by Lm10;

theorem Th15:
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being non trivial ZeroStr,
    p being non-zero Polynomial of n,L,
    b being bag of n
holds HT(b*'p,T) = b + HT(p,T)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be non trivial ZeroStr,
    p be non-zero Polynomial of n,L,
    b be bag of n;
set htp = HT(p,T);
per cases;
suppose A1: Support(b*'p) = {};
    now assume Support p <> {};
    then reconsider sp = Support p as non empty set;
    consider u being Element of sp;
      u in Support p;
    then reconsider u' = u as Element of Bags n;
      b divides b+u' by POLYNOM1:54;
    then (b*'p).(b+u') = p.(b+u'-'b) by Def1
                      .= p.u' by POLYNOM1:52;
    then A2: (b*'p).(b+u') <> 0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9;
      b+u' is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    hence contradiction by A1,A2,POLYNOM1:def 9;
  then p = 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
  hence thesis by POLYNOM7:def 2;
suppose A3: Support(b*'p) <> {};
    now assume A4: Support p = {};
    reconsider sp = Support(b*'p) as non empty set by A3;
    consider u being Element of sp;
      u in Support(b*'p);
    then reconsider u' = u as Element of Bags n;
    A5: (b*'p).u' <> 0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9;
    then b divides u' by Def1;
    then A6: p.(u'-'b) <> 0.L by A5,Def1;
      u'-'b is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    hence contradiction by A4,A6,POLYNOM1:def 9;
  then htp in Support p by TERMORD:def 6;
  then A7: p.htp <> 0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9;
  A8: (b*'p).(b+htp) = p.htp by Lm9;
    b+htp is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
  then A9: b + htp in Support(b*'p) by A7,A8,POLYNOM1:def 9;
    now let b' be bag of n;
    assume b' in Support(b*'p);
    then A10: (b*'p).b' <> 0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9;
    then b divides b' by Def1;
    then consider b3 being bag of n such that
    A11: b + b3 = b' by TERMORD:1;
    A12: (b*'p).b' = p.b3 by A11,Lm9;
      b3 is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    then b3 in Support p by A10,A12,POLYNOM1:def 9;
    then b3 <= htp,T by TERMORD:def 6;
    then [b3,htp] in T by TERMORD:def 2;
    then [b',b+htp] in T by A11,BAGORDER:def 7;
    hence b' <= b+htp,T by TERMORD:def 2;
  hence thesis by A9,TERMORD:def 6;

theorem Th16:
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty ZeroStr,
    p being Polynomial of n,L,
    b,b' being bag of n
holds b' in Support(b*'p) implies b' <= b+HT(p,T),T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty ZeroStr,
    p be Polynomial of n,L,
    b,b' be bag of n;
assume A1: b' in Support(b*'p);
  Support(b*'p) c=
   {b + b2 where b2 is Element of Bags n : b2 in Support p} by Lm10;
then b' in {b + b2 where b2 is Element of Bags n : b2 in Support p} by A1;
then consider s being Element of Bags n such that
A2: b' = b + s & s in Support p;
  s <= HT(p,T),T by A2,TERMORD:def 6;
then [s,HT(p,T)] in T by TERMORD:def 2;
then [b+s,b+HT(p,T)] in T by BAGORDER:def 7;
hence thesis by A2,TERMORD:def 2;

  for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty ZeroStr,
    p being Series of n,L
holds (EmptyBag n) *' p = p
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty ZeroStr,
    p be Series of n,L;
set e = EmptyBag n;
A1: dom(e*'p) = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom p by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in dom p;
  then reconsider u' = u as Element of Bags n;
    EmptyBag n divides u' by POLYNOM1:63;
  then (e*'p).u' = p.(u'-'e) by Def1
                .= p.u' by POLYNOM1:58;
  hence (e*'p).u = p.u;
hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th18:
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty ZeroStr,
    p being Series of n,L,
    b1,b2 being bag of n
holds (b1 + b2) *' p = b1 *' (b2 *' p)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty ZeroStr,
    p be Series of n,L,
    b1,b2 be bag of n;
set q = (b1 + b2) *' p, r = b1 *' (b2 *' p);
A1: dom q = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom r by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in dom q;
  then reconsider b = u as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    now per cases;
  case A2: b1+b2 divides b;
    then consider b3 being bag of n such that
    A3: (b1+b2) + b3 = b by TERMORD:1;
    A4: b1 + (b2+b3) = b & b2 + (b1+b3) = b by A3,POLYNOM1:39;
    then b1 divides b & b2 divides b by TERMORD:1;
    then A5: r.b = (b2 *' p).(b-'b1) by Def1;
      b2 + b3 = b -' b1 by A4,POLYNOM1:52;
    then b2 divides b -' b1 by TERMORD:1;
    hence r.b = p.((b-'b1) -' b2) by A5,Def1
             .= p.(b-'(b1+b2)) by POLYNOM1:40
             .= q.b by A2,Def1;
  case A6: not(b1+b2 divides b);
    then A7: q.b = 0.L by Def1;
      now per cases;
    case A8: b1 divides b;
      then A9: r.b = (b2 *' p).(b-'b1) by Def1;
        now assume b2 divides b-'b1;
        then ((b -' b1) -' b2) + b2 = b-'b1 by POLYNOM1:51;
        then ((b -' b1) -' b2) + b2 + b1 = b by A8,POLYNOM1:51;
        then ((b -' b1) -' b2) + (b2 + b1) = b by POLYNOM1:39;
        hence contradiction by A6,TERMORD:1;
      hence q.b = r.b by A7,A9,Def1;
    case not(b1 divides b);
      hence q.b = r.b by A7,Def1;
    hence q.b = r.b;
  hence q.u = r.u;
hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9;

theorem Th19:
for n being Ordinal,
    L being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
            distributive (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p being Polynomial of n,L,
    a being Element of L
holds Support(a*p) c= Support(p)
let n be Ordinal,
    L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
             distributive (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p be Polynomial of n,L,
    a' be Element of L;
A1: dom(0_(n,L)) = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom(a'*p) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
per cases;
suppose A2: a' = 0.L;
  now let u be set;
   assume u in dom(a'*p);
   then reconsider u' = u as Element of Bags n;
     (a'*p).u' = a' * p.u' by POLYNOM7:def 10
            .= 0.L by A2,VECTSP_1:39
            .= (0_(n,L)).u' by POLYNOM1:81;
   hence (a'*p).u = (0_(n,L)).u;
then a'*p = 0_(n,L) by A1,FUNCT_1:9;
then for u being set holds u in Support(a'*p) implies u in Support(p)
  by POLYNOM7:1;
hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;
suppose a' <> 0.L;
then reconsider a = a' as non-zero Element of L by RLVECT_1:def 13;
  now let u be set;
   assume A3: u in Support(a*p);
   then reconsider u' = u as Element of Bags n;
   A4: (a*p).u' <> 0.L by A3,POLYNOM1:def 9;
     (a*p).u' = a * p.u' by POLYNOM7:def 10;
   then p.u' <> 0.L by A4,VECTSP_1:36;
   hence u in Support(p) by POLYNOM1:def 9;
hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

  for n being Ordinal,
    L being domRing-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p being Polynomial of n,L,
    a being non-zero Element of L
holds Support(p) c= Support(a*p)
let n be Ordinal,
    L be domRing-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p be Polynomial of n,L,
    a be non-zero Element of L;
  now let u be set;
   assume A1: u in Support p;
   then reconsider u' = u as Element of Bags n;
   A2: p.u' <> 0.L by A1,POLYNOM1:def 9;
   A3: (a*p).u' = a * p.u' by POLYNOM7:def 10;
     a <> 0.L by RLVECT_1:def 13;
   then (a*p).u' <> 0.L by A2,A3,VECTSP_2:def 5;
   hence u in Support(a*p) by POLYNOM1:def 9;
hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3;

theorem Th21:
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
            distributive domRing-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p being Polynomial of n,L,
    a being non-zero Element of L
holds HT(a*p,T) = HT(p,T)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         distributive domRing-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p be Polynomial of n,L,
    a be non-zero Element of L;
set ht = HT(a*p,T), htp = HT(p,T);
A1: a <> 0.L by RLVECT_1:def 13;
per cases;
suppose A2: Support(a*p) = {};
    now assume Support p <> {};
    then reconsider sp = Support p as non empty set;
    consider u being Element of sp;
      u in Support p;
    then reconsider u' = u as Element of Bags n;
    A3: p.u' <> 0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9;
    A4: a <> 0.L by RLVECT_1:def 13;
      (a*p).u' = a * p.u' by POLYNOM7:def 10;
    then (a*p).u' <> 0.L by A3,A4,VECTSP_2:def 5;
    hence contradiction by A2,POLYNOM1:def 9;
  hence htp = EmptyBag n by TERMORD:def 6 .= ht by A2,TERMORD:def 6;
suppose A5: Support(a*p) <> {};
    now assume A6: Support p = {};
    reconsider sp = Support(a*p) as non empty set by A5;
    consider u being Element of sp;
      u in Support(a*p);
    then reconsider u' = u as Element of Bags n;
    A7: (a*p).u' <> 0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9;
      (a*p).u' = a * p.u' by POLYNOM7:def 10;
    then p.u' <> 0.L by A7,VECTSP_1:36;
    hence contradiction by A6,POLYNOM1:def 9;
  then htp in Support p by TERMORD:def 6;
  then A8: p.htp <> 0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9;
    (a*p).htp = a * p.htp by POLYNOM7:def 10;
  then (a*p).htp <> 0.L by A1,A8,VECTSP_2:def 5;
  then A9: htp in Support(a*p) by POLYNOM1:def 9;
    now let b be bag of n;
    assume A10: b in Support(a*p);
      Support(a*p) c= Support(p) by Th19;
    hence b <= htp,T by A10,TERMORD:def 6;
  hence thesis by A9,TERMORD:def 6;

theorem Th22:
for n being Ordinal,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            distributive (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p being Series of n,L,
    b being bag of n,
    a being Element of L
holds a * (b *' p) = Monom(a,b) *' p
let n be Ordinal,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         distributive (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p be Series of n,L,
    b be bag of n,
    a be Element of L;
set q = a * (b *' p), q' = Monom(a,b) *' p, m = Monom(a,b);
per cases;
suppose a <> 0.L;
then reconsider a as non-zero Element of L by RLVECT_1:def 13;
A1: dom q = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom q' by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in dom q;
  then reconsider s = u as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
  consider t being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
  A2: q'.s = Sum t &
     len t = len decomp s &
     for k being Nat st k in dom t
     ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp s)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                               t/.k = m.b1*p.b2 by POLYNOM1:def 26;
  A3: term(Monom(a,b)) = b by POLYNOM7:10;
  A4: dom t = Seg(len(decomp s)) by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 3
          .= dom(decomp s) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    now per cases;
  case A5: b divides s;
    then consider s' being bag of n such that
    A6: b + s' = s by TERMORD:1;
    A7: q.s = a * (b*'p).s by POLYNOM7:def 10
           .= a * p.(s-'b) by A5,Def1;
    consider i being Nat such that
    A8: i in dom decomp s & (decomp s)/.i = <*b,s'*> by A6,POLYNOM1:73;
    A9: s -' b = s' by A6,POLYNOM1:52;
    consider b1,b2 being bag of n such that
    A10: (decomp s)/.i = <*b1, b2*> & t/.i = m.b1*p.b2 by A2,A4,A8;
    A11: b1 = <*b,s'*>.1 by A8,A10,FINSEQ_1:61 .= b by FINSEQ_1:61;
    A12: b2 = <*b,s'*>.2 by A8,A10,FINSEQ_1:61 .= s' by FINSEQ_1:61;
      now let i' be Nat;
      assume A13: i' in dom t & i' <> i;
      then consider b1',b2' being bag of n such that
      A14: (decomp s)/.i' = <*b1',b2'*> & t/.i' = m.b1'*p.b2' by A2;
      consider h1, h2 being bag of n such that
      A15: (decomp s)/.i' = <*h1, h2*> & s = h1 + h2 by A4,A13,POLYNOM1:72;
      A16: h1 = <*b1',b2'*>.1 by A14,A15,FINSEQ_1:61 .= b1' by FINSEQ_1:61;
      A17: s -' h1 = h2 by A15,POLYNOM1:52;
        now assume m.b1' <> 0.L;
        then b1' = b by A3,POLYNOM7:def 6;
        then (decomp s).i'
            = (decomp s)/.i by A4,A8,A9,A13,A15,A16,A17,FINSEQ_4:def 4
           .= (decomp s).i by A8,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
        hence contradiction by A4,A8,A13,FUNCT_1:def 8;
      hence t/.i' = 0.L by A14,BINOM:1;
    then Sum t = m.b * p.(s-'b) by A4,A8,A9,A10,A11,A12,POLYNOM2:5
              .= coefficient(m) * p.(s-'b) by A3,POLYNOM7:def 7
              .= a * p.(s-'b) by POLYNOM7:9;
    hence q.s = q'.s by A2,A7;
  case A18: not(b divides s);
    A19: q.s = a * (b*'p).s by POLYNOM7:def 10
          .= a * 0.L by A18,Def1
          .= 0.L by BINOM:2;
    consider t being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that
    A20: q'.s = Sum t &
       len t = len decomp s &
       for k being Nat st k in dom t
       ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp s)/.k = <*b1, b2*> &
                               t/.k = m.b1*p.b2 by POLYNOM1:def 26;
      now let k be Nat;
      assume A21: k in dom t;
      then consider b1',b2' being bag of n such that
      A22: (decomp s)/.k = <*b1',b2'*> & t/.k = m.b1'*p.b2' by A20;
      A23: dom t = Seg(len(decomp s)) by A20,FINSEQ_1:def 3
              .= dom(decomp s) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        now per cases;
      case A24: b1' = term(m);
        consider h1,h2 being bag of n such that
        A25: (decomp s)/.k = <*h1,h2*> & s = h1 + h2 by A21,A23,POLYNOM1:72;
          h1 = <*b1',b2'*>.1 by A22,A25,FINSEQ_1:61 .= b1' by FINSEQ_1:61;
        hence contradiction by A3,A18,A24,A25,TERMORD:1;
      case b1' <> term(m);
        hence m.b1' = 0.L by Lm8;
      hence t/.k = 0.L by A22,BINOM:1;
    hence q.u = q'.u by A19,A20,MATRLIN:15;
  hence q.u = q'.u;
hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9;
suppose A26: a = 0.L;
A27: dom q = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom 0_(n,L) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in dom q;
  then reconsider u' = u as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
    q.u' = 0.L * (b*'p).u' by A26,POLYNOM7:def 10
      .= 0.L by BINOM:1
      .= (0_(n,L)).u' by POLYNOM1:81;
  hence q.u = (0_(n,L)).u;
then A28: q = 0_(n,L) by A27,FUNCT_1:9;
A29: dom m = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom 0_(n,L) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in dom m;
  then reconsider u' = u as Element of Bags n;
    now per cases;
  case A30: u' = term(m);
    then u' = EmptyBag n &
         coefficient(m) = 0.L by A26,POLYNOM7:8;
    then m.u' = 0.L by A30,POLYNOM7:def 7;
    hence m.u = (0_(n,L)).u by POLYNOM1:81;
  case u' <> term(m);
    then m.u' = 0.L by Lm8
             .= (0_(n,L)).u' by POLYNOM1:81;
    hence m.u = (0_(n,L)).u;
  hence m.u = (0_(n,L)).u;
then m = 0_(n,L) by A29,FUNCT_1:9;
hence thesis by A28,Th5;

  for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            unital distributive domRing-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p being non-zero Polynomial of n,L,
    q being Polynomial of n,L,
    m being non-zero Monomial of n,L
holds HT(p,T) in Support q implies HT(m*'p,T) in Support(m*'q)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         unital distributive domRing-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p be non-zero Polynomial of n,L,
    q be Polynomial of n,L,
    m be non-zero Monomial of n,L;
assume HT(p,T) in Support q;
then A1: q.(HT(p,T)) <> 0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9;
set a = coefficient(m), b = term(m);
  m <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:def 2;
then A2: HC(m,T) <> 0.L by TERMORD:17;
then A3: m.(HT(m,T)) <> 0.L by TERMORD:def 7;
reconsider a as non-zero Element of L by A2,TERMORD:23;
  m = Monom(a,b) by POLYNOM7:11;
then m *' p = a * (b *' p) by Th22;
then HT(m*'p,T) = HT(b*'p,T) by Th21 .= b + HT(p,T) by Th15;
then A4: (m*'q).(HT(m*'p,T)) = m.term(m) * q.(HT(p,T)) by Th7;
  m.term(m) <> 0.L by A3,POLYNOM7:def 6;
then (m*'q).(HT(m*'p,T)) <> 0.L by A1,A4,VECTSP_2:def 5;
hence thesis by POLYNOM1:def 9;

begin :: Orders on Polynomials

let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n;
cluster RelStr(#Bags n, T#) -> connected;
 set L = RelStr(# Bags n, T #);
   now let x,y be Element of L;
   A1: T is_connected_in field T by RELAT_2:def 14;
   reconsider x' = x as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
     x' <= x',T by TERMORD:6;
   then [x',x'] in T by TERMORD:def 2;
   then A2: x in field T by RELAT_1:30;
   reconsider y' = y as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
     y' <= y',T by TERMORD:6;
   then [y',y'] in T by TERMORD:def 2;
   then A3: y in field T by RELAT_1:30;
     now per cases;
   case x <> y;
     then [x,y] in the InternalRel of L or [y,x] in the InternalRel of L
          by A1,A2,A3,RELAT_2:def 6;
     hence x <= y or y <= x by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   case x = y;
     then x' <= y',T by TERMORD:6;
     then [x',y'] in the InternalRel of L by TERMORD:def 2;
     hence x <= y or y <= x by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   hence x <= y or y <= x;
 hence thesis by WAYBEL_0:def 29;

let n be Nat,
    T be admissible TermOrder of n;
cluster RelStr (#Bags n, T#) -> well_founded;
 set R = RelStr(# Bags n, T #),
     X = the carrier of R;
   now let Y be set;
   assume A1: Y c= X & Y <> {};
     now let u be set;
     assume u in Y;
     then reconsider u' = u as bag of n by A1,POLYNOM1:def 14;
       u' <= u',T by TERMORD:6;
     then [u',u'] in T by TERMORD:def 2;
     hence u in field T by RELAT_1:30;
   then Y c= field T by TARSKI:def 3;
   hence ex a being set st a in Y & T-Seg a misses Y by A1,WELLORD1:def 2;
 then T is_well_founded_in the carrier of R
   by WELLORD1:def 3;
 hence thesis by WELLFND1:def 2;

for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty ZeroStr,
    p being Polynomial of n,L
holds Support p in Fin the carrier of RelStr(# Bags n, T#)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty ZeroStr,
    p be Polynomial of n,L;
set sp = Support p;
  sp is finite by POLYNOM1:def 10;
hence thesis by FINSUB_1:def 5;

definition :: according to p. 193
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty ZeroStr,
    p,q be Polynomial of n,L;
pred p <= q,T means :Def2:
  [Support p, Support q] in FinOrd RelStr(# Bags n, T#);

let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty ZeroStr,
    p,q be Polynomial of n,L;
pred p < q,T means :Def3:
  p <= q,T & Support p <> Support q;

let n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty ZeroStr,
    p being Polynomial of n,L;
func Support(p,T) ->
         Element of Fin the carrier of RelStr(#Bags n,T#) equals :Def4:
coherence by Lm11;

theorem Th24:
::: according to definition 5.15, p. 194
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non trivial ZeroStr,
    p being non-zero Polynomial of n,L
holds PosetMax(Support(p,T)) = HT(p,T)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be (non trivial ZeroStr),
    p be non-zero Polynomial of n,L;
set htp = HT(p,T), R = RelStr(#Bags n,T#), sp = Support(p,T);
  p <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:def 2;
then Support(p) <> {} by POLYNOM7:1;
then htp in Support(p) & for b being bag of n
        st b in Support p holds b <= htp,T by TERMORD:def 6;
then A1: htp in Support(p,T) by Def4;
  now assume ex y being set st y in sp &
           y <> htp & [htp,y] in the InternalRel of R;
    then consider y being set such that
    A2: y in sp & y <> htp & [htp,y] in the InternalRel of R;
      y in Support(p) by A2,Def4;
    then y is Element of Bags n;
    then reconsider y' = y as bag of n;
      y' in Support(p) by A2,Def4;
    then y' <= htp,T & htp <= y',T by A2,TERMORD:def 2,def 6;
    hence contradiction by A2,TERMORD:7;
then htp is_maximal_wrt Support(p,T),the InternalRel of R by A1,WAYBEL_4:def 24
hence thesis by A1,BAGORDER:def 15;

theorem Th25:
:: theorem 5.12, p. 193
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty LoopStr,
    p being Polynomial of n,L
holds p <= p,T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty LoopStr,
    p be Polynomial of n,L;
set O = FinOrd RelStr(# Bags n, T#);
  Support p in Fin the carrier of RelStr(# Bags n, T#) by Lm11;
then [Support p,Support p] in O by ORDERS_1:12;
hence thesis by Def2;

for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty ZeroStr,
    p being Polynomial of n,L
holds 0_(n,L) <= p,T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty ZeroStr,
    p be Polynomial of n,L;
set sp0 = Support 0_(n,L), sp = Support p, R = RelStr(#Bags n,T#);
A1: sp0 = {} by POLYNOM7:1;
  sp0 is Element of Fin the carrier of R &
sp is Element of Fin the carrier of R by Lm11;
then [sp0,sp] in {[x,y] where x, y is Element of Fin the carrier of R :
       x = {} or (x<>{} & y <> {} & PosetMax x <> PosetMax y &
                  [PosetMax x,PosetMax y] in the InternalRel of R)} by A1;
then A2: [sp0,sp] in (FinOrd-Approx R).0 by BAGORDER:def 16;
  dom (FinOrd-Approx R) = NAT by BAGORDER:def 16;
then (FinOrd-Approx R).0 in rng FinOrd-Approx R by FUNCT_1:12;
then [sp0,sp] in union rng FinOrd-Approx R by A2,TARSKI:def 4;
then [sp0,sp] in FinOrd R by BAGORDER:def 17;
hence 0_(n,L) <= p,T by Def2;

theorem Th26:
:: theorem 5.12, p. 193
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty LoopStr,
    p,q being Polynomial of n,L
holds (p <= q,T & q <= p,T) iff (Support p = Support q)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty LoopStr,
    p,q being Polynomial of n,L;
set O = FinOrd RelStr(# Bags n, T#);
A1: now assume p <= q,T & q <= p,T;
   then A2: [Support p, Support q] in O &
           [Support q, Support p] in O by Def2;
     Support p in Fin the carrier of RelStr(# Bags n, T#) &
   Support q in Fin the carrier of RelStr(# Bags n, T#) by Lm11;
   hence Support p = Support q by A2,ORDERS_1:13;
  now assume A3: Support p = Support q;
    Support p in Fin the carrier of RelStr(# Bags n, T#) &
  Support q in Fin the carrier of RelStr(# Bags n, T#) by Lm11;
  then [Support p, Support q] in O &
       [Support q, Support p] in O by A3,ORDERS_1:12;
  hence p <= q,T & q <= p,T by Def2;
hence thesis by A1;

theorem Th27:
:: theorem 5.12, p. 193
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty LoopStr,
    p,q,r being Polynomial of n,L
holds (p <= q,T & q <= r,T) implies p <= r,T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty LoopStr,
    p,q,r be Polynomial of n,L;
set O = FinOrd RelStr(# Bags n, T#);
assume p <= q,T & q <= r,T;
then A1: [Support p, Support q] in O &
        [Support q, Support r] in O by Def2;
  Support p in Fin the carrier of RelStr(# Bags n, T#) &
Support q in Fin the carrier of RelStr(# Bags n, T#) &
Support r in Fin the carrier of RelStr(# Bags n, T#) by Lm11;
then [Support p, Support r] in O by A1,ORDERS_1:14;
hence thesis by Def2;

theorem Th28:
::: theorem 5.12, p. 193
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty LoopStr,
    p,q being Polynomial of n,L
holds p <= q,T or q <= p,T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty LoopStr,
    p,q be Polynomial of n,L;
set R = RelStr(# Bags n, T#),
    O = RelStr (# Fin the carrier of R, FinOrd R #);
  FinPoset R is connected;
then A1: O is connected by BAGORDER:def 18;
  Support p in Fin the carrier of R &
Support q in Fin the carrier of R by Lm11;
then reconsider sp = Support p, sq = Support q as Element of O
  sp <= sq or sq <= sp by A1,WAYBEL_0:def 29;
then [Support p, Support q] in FinOrd R or
     [Support q, Support p] in FinOrd R by ORDERS_1:def 9;
hence p <= q,T or q <= p,T by Def2;

theorem Th29:
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty LoopStr,
    p,q being Polynomial of n,L
holds p <= q,T iff not(q < p,T)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be non empty LoopStr,
    p,q being Polynomial of n,L;
A1: p <= q,T implies not(q < p,T)
   assume A2: p <= q,T;
   assume A3: q < p,T;
   then q <= p,T by Def3;
   then Support q = Support p by A2,Th26;
   hence thesis by A3,Def3;
  not(q < p,T) implies p <= q,T
   assume A4: not(q < p,T);
     now per cases by A4,Def3;
   case not(Support q <> Support p);
     hence thesis by Th26;
   case not(q <= p,T);
     hence thesis by Th28;
   hence thesis;
hence thesis by A1;

for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non trivial LoopStr),
    p being Polynomial of n,L,
    b being bag of n
holds [HT(p,T),b] in T & b <> HT(p,T) implies p.b = 0.L
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         (non trivial LoopStr),
    p be Polynomial of n,L,
    b be bag of n;
assume A1: [HT(p,T),b] in T & b <> HT(p,T);
A2: b is Element of Bags n &
   HT(p,T) is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
  now assume b in Support p;
  then b <= HT(p,T),T by TERMORD:def 6;
  then [b,HT(p,T)] in T by TERMORD:def 2;
  hence contradiction by A1,A2,ORDERS_1:13;
hence thesis by A2,POLYNOM1:def 9;

for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non trivial LoopStr),
    p being Polynomial of n,L st HT(p,T) = EmptyBag n
holds Red(p,T) = 0_(n,L)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         (non trivial LoopStr),
    p be Polynomial of n,L;
assume A1: HT(p,T) = EmptyBag n;
A2: now let b be bag of n;
    assume A3: b <> EmptyBag n;
      [EmptyBag n,b] in T by BAGORDER:def 7;
    hence p.b = 0.L by A1,A3,Lm13;
set red = Red(p,T), e = 0_(n,L);
A4: dom red = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom e by FUNCT_2:def 1;
  now let b be set;
  assume b in dom red;
  then reconsider b' = b as Element of Bags n;
  A5: red.b' = (p-HM(p,T)).b' by TERMORD:def 9
        .= (p+(-(HM(p,T)))).b' by POLYNOM1:def 23
        .= p.b' + (-HM(p,T)).b' by POLYNOM1:def 21
        .= p.b' + -(HM(p,T).b') by POLYNOM1:def 22;
    now per cases;
  case b' = EmptyBag n;
    hence red.b' = p.(HT(p,T)) + -(p.(HT(p,T))) by A1,A5,TERMORD:18
                .= 0.L by RLVECT_1:16
                .= e.b' by POLYNOM1:81;
  case A6: b' <> EmptyBag n;
    hence red.b' = 0.L + -(HM(p,T).b') by A2,A5
                .= 0.L + -(0.L) by A1,A6,TERMORD:19
                .= 0.L by RLVECT_1:16
                .= e.b' by POLYNOM1:81;
  hence red.b = e.b;
hence thesis by A4,FUNCT_1:9;

::: according to p. 193
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non trivial LoopStr),
    p,q being Polynomial of n,L
holds p < q,T iff
      (p = 0_(n,L) & q <> 0_(n,L) or
       HT(p,T) < HT(q,T),T or
       HT(p,T) = HT(q,T) & Red(p,T) < Red(q,T),T)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non trivial LoopStr),
    p,q be Polynomial of n,L;
set R = RelStr(#Bags n,T#),
    sp = Support p, sq = Support q, x = Support(p,T), y = Support(q,T);
A1: now assume A2: p < q,T;
   then A3: p <= q,T & Support p <> Support q by Def3;
   then [sp,sq] in FinOrd R by Def2;
   then A4: [sp,sq] in union rng FinOrd-Approx R by BAGORDER:def 17;
   A5: sp = x & sq = y by Def4;
     now per cases by A4,A5,BAGORDER:36;
   case x = {};
     then sp = {} by Def4;
     hence p = 0_(n,L) & q <> 0_(n,L) by A3,POLYNOM7:1;
   case A6: x <> {} & y <> {} & PosetMax x <> PosetMax y &
             [PosetMax x,PosetMax y] in the InternalRel of R;
     then sp <> {} & sq <> {} by Def4;
     then p <> 0_(n,L) & q <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
     then p is non-zero & q is non-zero by POLYNOM7:def 2;
     then A7: PosetMax(Support(p,T)) = HT(p,T) &
             PosetMax(Support(q,T)) = HT(q,T) by Th24;
     then HT(p,T) <= HT(q,T),T by A6,TERMORD:def 2;
     hence HT(p,T) < HT(q,T),T by A6,A7,TERMORD:def 3;
   case A8: x <> {} & y <> {} & PosetMax x = PosetMax y &
             [x\{PosetMax x},y\{PosetMax y}]
                       in union rng FinOrd-Approx R;
     then A9: sp <> {} & sq <> {} by Def4;
     then p <> 0_(n,L) & q <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
     then A10: p is non-zero & q is non-zero by POLYNOM7:def 2;
     then A11: PosetMax(Support(p,T)) = HT(p,T) &
             PosetMax(Support(q,T)) = HT(q,T) by Th24;
     set rp = Red(p,T), rq = Red(q,T);
     A12: Support(rp,T) = Support rp by Def4
                     .= Support p \ {HT(p,T)} by TERMORD:36
                     .= Support p \ {PosetMax x} by A10,Th24
                     .= x\{PosetMax x} by Def4;
       Support(rq,T) = Support rq by Def4
                  .= Support q \ {HT(q,T)} by TERMORD:36
                  .= Support q \ {PosetMax y} by A10,Th24
                  .= y\{PosetMax y} by Def4;
     then A13: [Support(rp,T),Support(rq,T)] in FinOrd R
              by A8,A12,BAGORDER:def 17;
       Support(rp,T) = Support rp & Support(rq,T) = Support rq by Def4;
     then A14: Red(p,T) <= Red(q,T),T by A13,Def2;
       now assume A15: Support Red(p,T) = Support Red(q,T);
       A16: HT(p,T) in sp & HT(q,T) in sq by A9,TERMORD:def 6;
       then for u being set holds u in {HT(p,T)} implies u in sp
            by TARSKI:def 1;
       then A17: {HT(p,T)} c= sp by TARSKI:def 3;
         Support(rp) = sp \ {HT(p,T)} by TERMORD:36;
       then A18: Support(rp) \/ {HT(p,T)} = sp \/ {HT(p,T)} by XBOOLE_1:39
                                        .= sp by A17,XBOOLE_1:12;
         for u being set holds u in {HT(q,T)} implies u in sq by A16,TARSKI:def
       then A19: {HT(q,T)} c= sq by TARSKI:def 3;
         Support(rq) = sq \ {HT(q,T)} by TERMORD:36;
       then Support(rq) \/ {HT(q,T)} = sq \/ {HT(q,T)} by XBOOLE_1:39
                                    .= sq by A19,XBOOLE_1:12;
       hence contradiction by A2,A8,A11,A15,A18,Def3;
     hence HT(p,T) = HT(q,T) & Red(p,T) < Red(q,T),T by A8,A11,A14,Def3;
   hence (p = 0_(n,L) & q <> 0_(n,L)) or
       HT(p,T) < HT(q,T),T or
       (HT(p,T) = HT(q,T) & Red(p,T) < Red(q,T),T);
  now assume A20: (p = 0_(n,L) & q <> 0_(n,L)) or
       HT(p,T) < HT(q,T),T or
       (HT(p,T) = HT(q,T) & Red(p,T) < Red(q,T),T);
     now per cases by A20;
   case A21: p = 0_(n,L) & q <> 0_(n,L);
     then A22: p <= q,T by Lm12;
       Support p = {} by A21,POLYNOM7:1;
     then Support p <> Support q by A21,POLYNOM7:1;
     hence p < q,T by A22,Def3;
   case A23: HT(p,T) < HT(q,T),T;
     then A24: HT(p,T) <= HT(q,T),T & HT(p,T) <> HT(q,T) by TERMORD:def 3;
     then A25: [HT(p,T),HT(q,T)] in T by TERMORD:def 2;
       now per cases;
     case A26: sp = {};
       then A27: p = 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
       then A28: p <= q,T by Lm12;
         now assume sp = sq;
         then HT(p,T) = HT(q,T) by A26,A27,POLYNOM7:1;
         hence contradiction by A23,TERMORD:def 3;
       hence p < q,T by A28,Def3;
     case A29: sp <> {};
       A30: sp = x & sq = y by Def4;
       A31: now assume sq = {};
           then HT(q,T) = EmptyBag n by TERMORD:def 6;
           then [HT(q,T),HT(p,T)] in T by BAGORDER:def 7;
           then HT(q,T) <= HT(p,T),T by TERMORD:def 2;
           hence contradiction by A24,TERMORD:7;
       then p <> 0_(n,L) & q <> 0_(n,L) by A29,POLYNOM7:1;
       then p is non-zero & q is non-zero by POLYNOM7:def 2;
       then A32: PosetMax(Support(p,T)) = HT(p,T) &
               PosetMax(Support(q,T)) = HT(q,T) by Th24;
       A33: now assume A34: sp = sq;
           A35: HT(p,T) in sp &
                for b being bag of n st b in sp holds b <= HT(p,T),T
                by A29,TERMORD:def 6;
             HT(q,T) in sq &
           for b being bag of n st b in sq holds b <= HT(q,T),T
             by A31,TERMORD:def 6;
           then HT(p,T) <= HT(q,T),T & HT(q,T) <= HT(p,T),T by A34,A35;
           hence contradiction by A24,TERMORD:7;
         x <> {} & y <> {} by A29,A31,Def4;
       then [x,y] in union rng FinOrd-Approx R by A24,A25,A32,BAGORDER:36;
       then [sp,sq] in FinOrd R by A30,BAGORDER:def 17;
       then p <= q,T by Def2;
       hence p < q,T by A33,Def3;
     hence p < q,T;
   case A36: HT(p,T) = HT(q,T) & Red(p,T) < Red(q,T),T;
     then Red(p,T) <= Red(q,T),T & Support(Red(p,T)) <> Support(Red(q,T))
          by Def3;
     then A37: [Support(Red(p,T)),Support(Red(q,T))] in FinOrd R by Def2;
       now per cases;
     case sp = {};
       then A38: HT(p,T) = EmptyBag n by TERMORD:def 6;
       then Red(p,T) = 0_(n,L) by Lm14;
       then Support(Red(q,T)) = Support(Red(p,T)) by A36,A38,Lm14;
       hence contradiction by A36,Def3;
     case A39: sp <> {};
         now per cases;
       case sq = {};
         then A40: HT(q,T) = EmptyBag n by TERMORD:def 6;
         then Red(q,T) = 0_(n,L) by Lm14;
         then Support(Red(p,T)) = Support(Red(q,T)) by A36,A40,Lm14;
         hence contradiction by A36,Def3;
       case A41: sq <> {};
         A42: sp = x & sq = y by Def4;
           p <> 0_(n,L) & q <> 0_(n,L) by A39,A41,POLYNOM7:1;
         then A43: p is non-zero & q is non-zero by POLYNOM7:def 2;
         then A44: PosetMax(Support(p,T)) = HT(p,T) &
                 PosetMax(Support(q,T)) = HT(q,T) by Th24;
         A45: now assume sp = sq;
             then Support(Red(p,T)) = sq \ {HT(q,T)} by A36,TERMORD:36
                              .= Support(Red(q,T)) by TERMORD:36;
             hence contradiction by A36,Def3;
         A46: x <> {} & y <> {} by A39,A41,Def4;
         set rp = Red(p,T), rq = Red(q,T);
         A47: Support rp = Support p \ {HT(p,T)} by TERMORD:36
                       .= Support p \ {PosetMax x} by A43,Th24
                       .= x\{PosetMax x} by Def4;
           Support rq = Support q \ {HT(q,T)} by TERMORD:36
                   .= Support q \ {PosetMax y} by A43,Th24
                   .= y\{PosetMax y} by Def4;
         then [x\{PosetMax x},y\{PosetMax y}] in union rng FinOrd-Approx R
           by A37,A47,BAGORDER:def 17;
         then [x,y] in union rng FinOrd-Approx R by A36,A44,A46,BAGORDER:36;
         then [sp,sq] in FinOrd R by A42,BAGORDER:def 17;
         then p <= q,T by Def2;
         hence p < q,T by A45,Def3;
     hence p < q,T;
     hence p < q,T;
   hence p < q,T;
hence thesis by A1;

  for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being non empty ZeroStr,
    p being Polynomial of n,L
holds 0_(n,L) <= p,T by Lm12;

for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non trivial LoopStr),
    p,q being Polynomial of n,L st q <> 0_(n,L)
holds HT(p,T) = HT(q,T) & Red(p,T) <= Red(q,T),T
      implies p <= q,T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         (non trivial LoopStr),
    p,q be Polynomial of n,L;
assume A1: q <> 0_(n,L);
set R = RelStr(# Bags n, T#);
assume A2: HT(p,T) = HT(q,T) & Red(p,T) <= Red(q,T),T;
then [Support Red(p,T), Support Red(q,T)] in FinOrd R by Def2;
then A3: [Support Red(p,T), Support Red(q,T)] in union rng FinOrd-Approx R
        by BAGORDER:def 17;
set rp = Red(p,T), rq = Red(q,T);
set x = Support(p,T), y = Support(q,T);
A4: x = Support p & y = Support q by Def4;
  now per cases;
case p = 0_(n,L);
  hence thesis by Lm12;
case A5: p <> 0_(n,L);
  then A6: p is non-zero by POLYNOM7:def 2;
  A7: q is non-zero by A1,POLYNOM7:def 2;
  A8: x <> {} & y <> {} by A1,A4,A5,POLYNOM7:1;
  A9: PosetMax x = HT(q,T) by A2,A6,Th24 .= PosetMax y by A7,Th24;
  A10: Support rp = Support p \ {HT(p,T)} by TERMORD:36
               .= Support p \ {PosetMax x} by A6,Th24
               .= x\{PosetMax x} by Def4;
    Support rq = Support q \ {HT(q,T)} by TERMORD:36
            .= Support q \ {PosetMax y} by A7,Th24
            .= y\{PosetMax y} by Def4;
  then [x,y] in union rng FinOrd-Approx R by A3,A8,A9,A10,BAGORDER:36;
  then [x,y] in FinOrd R by BAGORDER:def 17;
  hence thesis by A4,Def2;
hence thesis;

theorem Th31:
for n being Nat,
    T being admissible connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            unital distributive (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P being non empty Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L)
holds ex p being Polynomial of n,L
      st p in P &
         for q being Polynomial of n,L st q in P holds p <= q,T
let n be Nat,
    T be admissible connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         unital distributive (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P be non empty Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
set R = RelStr(#Bags n, T#), FR = FinPoset R;
set P' = { Support(p,T) where p is Polynomial of n,L : p in P};
consider p being Element of P;
reconsider p as Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM1:def 27;
  Support(p,T) in P';
then reconsider P' as non empty set;
A1: FR = RelStr (# Fin the carrier of R, FinOrd R #) by BAGORDER:def 18;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in P';
  then consider p being Polynomial of n,L such that
  A2: u = Support(p,T) & p in P;
  thus u in the carrier of FR by A1,A2;
then A3: P' c= the carrier of FR by TARSKI:def 3;
set m = MinElement(P',FR);
  FR is well_founded by BAGORDER:42;
then A4: m in P' & m is_minimal_wrt P',the InternalRel of FR by A3,BAGORDER:def
then consider p being Polynomial of n,L such that
A5: Support(p,T) = m & p in P;
take p;
  now let q be Polynomial of n,L;
  assume A6: q in P;
  set sq = Support(q,T);
  A7: sq in P' by A6;
    now per cases;
  case Support p = Support q;
    hence p <= q,T by Th26;
  case A8: Support p <> Support q;
    A9: Support(p,T) = Support p & Support(q,T) = Support q by Def4;
    then not([Support(q,T),m]) in the InternalRel of FR
      by A4,A5,A7,A8,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
    then not(q <= p,T) by A1,A5,A9,Def2;
    hence p <= q,T by Th28;
  hence p <= q,T;
hence thesis by A5;

::: according to p. 193
  for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non trivial LoopStr),
    p,q being Polynomial of n,L
holds p < q,T iff
      (p = 0_(n,L) & q <> 0_(n,L) or
       HT(p,T) < HT(q,T),T or
       HT(p,T) = HT(q,T) & Red(p,T) < Red(q,T),T) by Lm15;

theorem Th33:
::: exercise 5.16, p. 194
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non trivial LoopStr),
    p being non-zero Polynomial of n,L
holds Red(p,T) < HM(p,T),T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         (non trivial LoopStr),
    p be non-zero Polynomial of n,L;
set red = Red(p,T), htp = HT(p,T);
set sred = Support red, sp = Support HM(p,T),
    R = RelStr(#Bags n, T#);
  p <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:def 2;
then A1: Support p <> {} by POLYNOM7:1;
per cases;
suppose red = 0_(n,L);
  then A2: sred = {} by POLYNOM7:1;
    sred is Element of Fin the carrier of R &
  sp is Element of Fin the carrier of R by Lm11;
  then [sred,sp] in {[x,y] where x, y is Element of Fin the carrier of R :
         x = {} or (x<>{} & y <> {} & PosetMax x <> PosetMax y &
                    [PosetMax x,PosetMax y] in the InternalRel of R)} by A2;
  then A3: [sred,sp] in (FinOrd-Approx R).0 by BAGORDER:def 16;
    dom (FinOrd-Approx R) = NAT by BAGORDER:def 16;
  then (FinOrd-Approx R).0 in rng FinOrd-Approx R by FUNCT_1:12;
  then [sred,sp] in union rng FinOrd-Approx R by A3,TARSKI:def 4;
  then [sred,sp] in FinOrd R by BAGORDER:def 17;
  then A4: red <= HM(p,T),T by Def2;
    htp in Support p by A1,TERMORD:def 6;
  then p.htp <> 0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9;
  then HM(p,T).htp <> 0.L by TERMORD:18;
  then htp in Support HM(p,T) by POLYNOM1:def 9;
  hence thesis by A2,A4,Def3;
suppose red <> 0_(n,L);
  then Support red <> {} by POLYNOM7:1;
  then A5: HT(red,T) in Support red by TERMORD:def 6;
    Support(red) c= Support(p) by TERMORD:35;
  then A6: HT(red,T) <= htp,T by A5,TERMORD:def 6;
    now assume HT(red,T) = htp;
    then red.(HT(red,T)) = 0.L by TERMORD:39;
    hence contradiction by A5,POLYNOM1:def 9;
  then HT(red,T) < htp,T by A6,TERMORD:def 3;
  then HT(red,T) < HT(HM(p,T),T),T by TERMORD:26;
  hence thesis by Lm15;

theorem Th34:
::: exercise 5.16, p. 194
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non trivial LoopStr),
    p being Polynomial of n,L
holds HM(p,T) <= p,T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non trivial LoopStr),
    p' be Polynomial of n,L;
per cases;
suppose A1: p' = 0_(n,L);
  now assume Support(HM(p',T)) <> {};
  then consider u being bag of n such that
  A2: Support(HM(p',T)) = {u} by POLYNOM7:6;
  A3: u in Support(HM(p',T)) by A2,TARSKI:def 1;
    now let v be bag of n;
    assume v in Support(HM(p',T));
    then u = v by A2,TARSKI:def 1;
    hence v <= u,T by TERMORD:6;
  then A4: HT(HM(p',T),T) = u by A3,TERMORD:def 6;
    0.L = p'.(HT(p',T)) by A1,POLYNOM1:81
     .= HC(p',T) by TERMORD:def 7
     .= HC(HM(p',T),T) by TERMORD:27
     .= HM(p',T).u by A4,TERMORD:def 7;
  hence contradiction by A3,POLYNOM1:def 9;
then HM(p',T) = 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
hence thesis by A1,Th25;
suppose p' <> 0_(n,L);
then reconsider p = p' as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
set hmp = HM(p,T), R = RelStr(#Bags n,T#);
set x = Support(hmp,T), y = Support(p,T);
A5: PosetMax(x) = HT(hmp,T) by Th24
               .= HT(p,T) by TERMORD:26;
then A6: PosetMax(x) = PosetMax(y) by Th24;
A7: p <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:def 2;
then Support p <> {} by POLYNOM7:1;
then A8: y <> {} by Def4;
  hmp.(HT(p,T)) = p.(HT(p,T)) by TERMORD:18
             .= HC(p,T) by TERMORD:def 7;
then hmp.(HT(p,T)) <> 0.L by A7,TERMORD:17;
then A9: HT(p,T) in Support(hmp) by POLYNOM1:def 9;
then A10: x <> {} by Def4;
A11: x\{PosetMax x} is Element of Fin the carrier of R &
   y\{PosetMax y} is Element of Fin the carrier of R by BAGORDER:38;
  Support hmp = {HT(p,T)} by A9,TERMORD:21;
then x\{PosetMax x} = {HT(p,T)} \ {HT(p,T)} by A5,Def4 .= {} by XBOOLE_1:37;
then [x\{PosetMax x},y\{PosetMax y}] in union rng FinOrd-Approx R
  by A11,BAGORDER:36;
then [x,y] in union rng FinOrd-Approx R by A6,A8,A10,BAGORDER:36;
then A12: [x,y] in FinOrd R by BAGORDER:def 17;
  x = Support hmp & y = Support p by Def4;
hence thesis by A12,Def2;

theorem Th35:
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non trivial LoopStr),
    p being non-zero Polynomial of n,L
holds Red(p,T) < p,T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            (non trivial LoopStr),
    p be non-zero Polynomial of n,L;
  Red(p,T) < HM(p,T),T by Th33;
then A1: Red(p,T) <= HM(p,T),T by Def3;
  HM(p,T) <= p,T by Th34;
then A2: Red(p,T) <= p,T by A1,Th27;
  p <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:def 2;
then Support p <> {} by POLYNOM7:1;
then A3: HT(p,T) in Support p by TERMORD:def 6;
  (Red(p,T)).(HT(p,T)) = 0.L by TERMORD:39;
then not(HT(p,T) in Support(Red(p,T))) by POLYNOM1:def 9;
hence thesis by A2,A3,Def3;

begin :: Polynomial Reduction

::: definition 5.18 (i), p. 195
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g be Polynomial of n,L,
    b be bag of n;
pred f reduces_to g,p,b,T means :Def5:
  f <> 0_(n,L) & p <> 0_(n,L) &
  b in Support f &
  ex s being bag of n
  st s + HT(p,T) = b & g = f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p);

::: definition 5.18 (ii), p. 195
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g be Polynomial of n,L;
pred f reduces_to g,p,T means :Def6:
  ex b being bag of n st f reduces_to g,p,b,T;

::: definition 5.18 (iii), p. 196
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,g be Polynomial of n,L,
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
pred f reduces_to g,P,T means :Def7:
  ex p being Polynomial of n,L st p in P & f reduces_to g,p,T;

::: definition 5.18 (iv), p. 196
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,p be Polynomial of n,L;
pred f is_reducible_wrt p,T means :Def8:
  ex g being Polynomial of n,L st f reduces_to g,p,T;
antonym f is_irreducible_wrt p,T;
antonym f is_in_normalform_wrt p,T;

::: definition 5.18 (v), p. 196
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f be Polynomial of n,L,
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
pred f is_reducible_wrt P,T means
    ex g being Polynomial of n,L st f reduces_to g,P,T;
antonym f is_irreducible_wrt P,T;
antonym f is_in_normalform_wrt P,T;

::: following definition 5.18, p. 196
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g be Polynomial of n,L;
pred f top_reduces_to g,p,T means
    f reduces_to g,p,HT(f,T),T;

::: following definition 5.18, p. 196
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,p be Polynomial of n,L;
pred f is_top_reducible_wrt p,T means
    ex g being Polynomial of n,L st f top_reduces_to g,p,T;

::: following definition 5.18, p. 196
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f be Polynomial of n,L,
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
pred f is_top_reducible_wrt P,T means
    ex p being Polynomial of n,L
  st p in P & f is_top_reducible_wrt p,T;

::: lemma 5.20 (i), p. 197
  for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f being Polynomial of n,L,
    p being non-zero Polynomial of n,L
holds f is_reducible_wrt p,T iff
      ex b being bag of n st b in Support f & HT(p,T) divides b
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f be Polynomial of n,L,
    p be non-zero Polynomial of n,L;
A1: now assume f is_reducible_wrt p,T;
   then consider g being Polynomial of n,L such that
   A2: f reduces_to g,p,T by Def8;
   consider b being bag of n such that
   A3: f reduces_to g,p,b,T by A2,Def6;
   A4: b in Support f &
       ex s being bag of n
       st s + HT(p,T) = b & g = f - (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p) by A3,Def5;
   then HT(p,T) divides b by TERMORD:1;
   hence ex b being bag of n st b in Support f & HT(p,T) divides b by A4;
  now assume ex b being bag of n st b in Support f & HT(p,T) divides b;
   then consider b being bag of n such that
   A5: b in Support f & HT(p,T) divides b;
   consider s being bag of n such that
   A6: b = HT(p,T) + s by A5,TERMORD:1;
   set g = f - ((f.b)/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p);
     f <> 0_(n,L) & p <> 0_(n,L) by A5,POLYNOM7:1,def 2;
   then f reduces_to g,p,b,T by A5,A6,Def5;
   then f reduces_to g,p,T by Def6;
   hence f is_reducible_wrt p,T by Def8;
hence thesis by A1;

for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g being Polynomial of n,L,
    b being bag of n
holds f reduces_to g,p,b,T implies not(b in Support g)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g be Polynomial of n,L,
    b be bag of n;
assume A1: f reduces_to g,p,b,T;
then b in Support f &
        ex s being bag of n
        st s + HT(p,T) = b & g = f - (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p) by Def5;
then consider s being bag of n such that
A2: b in Support f &
   s + HT(p,T) = b & g = f - (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p);
set q = (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p);
  p <> 0_(n,L) by A1,Def5;
then A3: HC(p,T) <> 0.L by TERMORD:17;
A4: q.b = (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p).b by POLYNOM7:def 10
      .= (f.b)/HC(p,T) * p.HT(p,T) by A2,Lm9
      .= ((f.b)/HC(p,T)) * HC(p,T) by TERMORD:def 7
      .= ((f.b) * HC(p,T)") * HC(p,T) by VECTSP_1:def 23
      .= (f.b) * (HC(p,T)" * HC(p,T)) by VECTSP_1:def 16
      .= f.b * 1_ L by A3,VECTSP_1:def 22
      .= f.b by VECTSP_1:def 13;
  g = f + (-q) by A2,POLYNOM1:def 23;
then g.b = f.b + (-q).b by POLYNOM1:def 21
        .= f.b + (-q.b) by POLYNOM1:def 22
        .= 0.L by A4,RLVECT_1:16;
hence thesis by POLYNOM1:def 9;

theorem Th37:
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p being Polynomial of n,L
holds 0_(n,L) is_irreducible_wrt p,T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    p be Polynomial of n,L;
assume 0_(n,L) is_reducible_wrt p,T;
then consider g being Polynomial of n,L such that
A1: 0_(n,L) reduces_to g,p,T by Def8;
consider b being bag of n such that
A2: 0_(n,L) reduces_to g,p,b,T by A1,Def6;
thus thesis by A2,Def5;

::: lemma 5.20 (ii), p. 197
  for n being Ordinal,
    T being admissible connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Abelian Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    f,p being Polynomial of n,L,
    m being non-zero Monomial of n,L
holds f reduces_to f-m*'p,p,T implies HT(m*'p,T) in Support f
let n be Ordinal,
    T be admissible connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Abelian Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    f,p be Polynomial of n,L,
    m be non-zero Monomial of n,L;
assume f reduces_to f-m*'p,p,T;
then consider b being bag of n such that
A1: f reduces_to f-m*'p,p,b,T by Def6;
consider s being bag of n such that
A2: s + HT(p,T) = b & f-m*'p = f-(((f.b)/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p))
   by A1,Def5;
  f = f + 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM1:82
    .= f + (m*'p - m*' p) by POLYNOM1:83
    .= f + (m*'p + -(m*'p)) by POLYNOM1:def 23
    .= (f + -(m*'p)) + m*'p by POLYNOM1:80
    .= m*'p + (f -(f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p)) by A2,POLYNOM1:def 23;
then A3: 0_(n,L) = f - (m*'p + (f -(f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p))) by POLYNOM1:83
          .= f + -((m*'p) + (f -(f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p))) by POLYNOM1:def 23
          .= f + (-(m*'p) + -(f -(f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p))) by Th1
          .= f + (-(m*'p) + -(f + -(f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p)))
             by POLYNOM1:def 23
          .= f + (-(m*'p) + (-f + -(-((f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p))))) by Th1
          .= f + (-f + (-(m*'p) + (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p))) by POLYNOM1:80
          .= (f + -f) + (-(m*'p) + (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p)) by POLYNOM1:80
          .= (f - f) + (-(m*'p) + (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p)) by POLYNOM1:def 23
          .= 0_(n,L) + (-(m*'p) + (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p)) by POLYNOM1:83
          .= -(m*'p) + (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p) by Th2;
  b in Support f by A1,Def5;
then A4: f.b <> 0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9;
A5: p <> 0_(n,L) by A1,Def5;
then A6: HC(p,T) <> 0.L by TERMORD:17;
  now assume (HC(p,T))" = 0.L;
  then 0.L = HC(p,T) * (HC(p,T))" by VECTSP_1:39 .= 1_ L by A6,VECTSP_1:def 22
  hence contradiction by VECTSP_1:def 21;
then f.b * (HC(p,T))" <> 0.L by A4,VECTSP_2:def 5;
then (f.b)/HC(p,T) <> 0.L by VECTSP_1:def 23;
then A7: (f.b)/HC(p,T) is non-zero by RLVECT_1:def 13;
A8: p is non-zero by A5,POLYNOM7:def 2;
  m*'p = m*'p + (- m*'p + (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p)) by A3,POLYNOM1:82
    .= (m*'p + - m*'p) + (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p) by POLYNOM1:80
    .= (m*'p - m*'p) + (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p) by POLYNOM1:def 23
    .= 0_(n,L) + (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p) by POLYNOM1:83
    .= (f.b)/HC(p,T) * (s *' p) by Th2;
then HT(m*'p,T) = HT(s*'p,T) by A7,Th21
               .= b by A2,A8,Th15;
hence thesis by A1,Def5;

::: lemma 5.20 (iii), p. 197
  for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g being Polynomial of n,L,
    b being bag of n
holds f reduces_to g,p,b,T implies not(b in Support g) by Lm17;

theorem Th40:
::: lemma 5.20 (iii), p. 197
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g being Polynomial of n,L,
    b,b' being bag of n st b < b',T
holds f reduces_to g,p,b,T implies
      (b' in Support g iff b' in Support f)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g be Polynomial of n,L,
    b,b' be bag of n;
assume A1: b < b',T;
assume f reduces_to g,p,b,T;
then consider s being bag of n such that
A2: s + HT(p,T) = b & g = f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by Def5;
A3: b' is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
A4: now assume b' in Support(s*'p);
   then A5: b' <= b,T by A2,Th16;
     b <= b',T by A1,TERMORD:def 3;
   then b = b' by A5,TERMORD:7;
   hence contradiction by A1,TERMORD:def 3;
A6: now assume A7: b' in Support g;
   A8: ((f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)).b'
        = (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p).b' by POLYNOM7:def 10
       .= (f.b/HC(p,T)) * 0.L by A3,A4,POLYNOM1:def 9
       .= 0.L by VECTSP_1:39;
     (f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)).b'
        = (f + -((f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p))).b' by POLYNOM1:def 23
       .= f.b' + (-(f.b/HC(p,T) * (s *' p))).b' by POLYNOM1:def 21
       .= f.b' + -0.L by A8,POLYNOM1:def 22
       .= f.b' + 0.L by RLVECT_1:25
       .= f.b' by RLVECT_1:def 7;
   then f.b' <> 0.L by A2,A7,POLYNOM1:def 9;
   hence b' in Support f by A3,POLYNOM1:def 9;
  now assume A9: b' in Support f;
   A10: ((f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)).b'
        = (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p).b' by POLYNOM7:def 10
       .= (f.b/HC(p,T)) * 0.L by A3,A4,POLYNOM1:def 9
       .= 0.L by VECTSP_1:39;
     (f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)).b'
        = (f + -((f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p))).b' by POLYNOM1:def 23
       .= f.b' + (-(f.b/HC(p,T) * (s *' p))).b' by POLYNOM1:def 21
       .= f.b' + -0.L by A10,POLYNOM1:def 22
       .= f.b' + 0.L by RLVECT_1:25
       .= f.b' by RLVECT_1:def 7;
   then g.b' <> 0.L by A2,A9,POLYNOM1:def 9;
   hence b' in Support g by A3,POLYNOM1:def 9;
hence thesis by A6;

theorem Th41:
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g being Polynomial of n,L,
    b,b' being bag of n st b < b',T
holds f reduces_to g,p,b,T implies f.b' = g.b'
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g be Polynomial of n,L,
    b,b' be bag of n;
assume A1: b < b',T;
assume f reduces_to g,p,b,T;
then consider s being bag of n such that
A2: s + HT(p,T) = b & g = f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by Def5;
A3: b' is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
A4: now assume b' in Support(s*'p);
   then A5: b' <= b,T by A2,Th16;
     b <= b',T by A1,TERMORD:def 3;
   then b = b' by A5,TERMORD:7;
   hence contradiction by A1,TERMORD:def 3;
A6: ((f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)).b'
        = (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p).b' by POLYNOM7:def 10
       .= (f.b/HC(p,T)) * 0.L by A3,A4,POLYNOM1:def 9
       .= 0.L by VECTSP_1:39;
  (f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)).b'
        = (f + -((f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p))).b' by POLYNOM1:def 23
       .= f.b' + (-(f.b/HC(p,T) * (s *' p))).b' by POLYNOM1:def 21
       .= f.b' + -0.L by A6,POLYNOM1:def 22
       .= f.b' + 0.L by RLVECT_1:25
       .= f.b' by RLVECT_1:def 7;
hence thesis by A2;

theorem Th42:
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g being Polynomial of n,L
holds f reduces_to g,p,T implies
      for b being bag of n st b in Support g holds b <= HT(f,T),T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g be Polynomial of n,L;
assume f reduces_to g,p,T;
then consider b being bag of n such that
A1: f reduces_to g,p,b,T by Def6;
  b in Support f &
   ex s being bag of n
   st s + HT(p,T) = b & g = f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by A1,Def5;
then A2: b <= HT(f,T),T by TERMORD:def 6;
A3: T is_connected_in field T by RELAT_2:def 14;
  now let u be bag of n;
  assume A4: u in Support g;
    now per cases;
  case u = b;
    hence contradiction by A1,A4,Lm17;
  case A5: u <> b;
      u <= u,T & b <= b,T by TERMORD:6;
    then [u,u] in T & [b,b] in T by TERMORD:def 2;
    then u in field T & b in field T by RELAT_1:30;
    then A6: [u,b] in T or [b,u] in T by A3,A5,RELAT_2:def 6;
      now per cases by A6,TERMORD:def 2;
    case u <= b,T;
      hence u <= HT(f,T),T by A2,TERMORD:8;
    case b <= u,T;
      then b < u,T by A5,TERMORD:def 3;
      then u in Support f iff u in Support g by A1,Th40;
      hence u <= HT(f,T),T by A4,TERMORD:def 6;
  hence u <= HT(f,T),T;
  hence u <= HT(f,T),T;
hence thesis;

theorem Th43:
::: lemma 5.20 (iv), p. 197
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g being Polynomial of n,L
holds f reduces_to g,p,T implies g < f,T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    f,p,g be Polynomial of n,L;
set R = RelStr(#Bags n, T#);
assume A1: f reduces_to g,p,T;
then consider b being bag of n such that
A2: f reduces_to g,p,b,T by Def6;
  b in Support f by A2,Def5;
then A3: Support f <> Support g by A2,Lm17;
defpred P[Nat] means for f,p,g being Polynomial of n,L holds
 Card(Support f) = $1 & f reduces_to g,p,T implies
  [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R;
A4: P[0]
    let f,p,g be Polynomial of n,L;
    assume A5: Card(Support f) = 0 & f reduces_to g,p,T;
    then Support f,{} are_equipotent by CARD_1:def 5;
    then Support f = {} by CARD_1:46;
    then f = 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
    then f is_irreducible_wrt p,T by Th37;
    hence [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R by A5,Def8;
A6: for k be Nat st P[k] holds P[k+1]
    let k be Nat;
    assume A7: for f,p,g being Polynomial of n,L
               holds Card(Support f) = k & f reduces_to g,p,T
                     implies [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R;
      now let f,p,g be Polynomial of n,L;
      assume A8: Card(Support f) = k+1 & f reduces_to g,p,T;
      then consider b being bag of n such that
      A9: f reduces_to g,p,b,T by Def6;
      consider s being bag of n such that
      A10: s + HT(p,T) = b & g = f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by A9,Def5;
      A11: b in Support f by A9,Def5;
      A12: T is_connected_in field T by RELAT_2:def 14;
      A13: f <> 0_(n,L) by A9,Def5;
        now per cases;
      case A14: HT(f,T) <> HT(g,T);
          HT(f,T) <= HT(f,T),T & HT(g,T) <= HT(g,T),T by TERMORD:6;
        then [HT(f,T),HT(f,T)] in T &
             [HT(g,T),HT(g,T)] in T by TERMORD:def 2;
        then HT(f,T) in field T & HT(g,T) in field T by RELAT_1:30;
        then A15: [HT(f,T),HT(g,T)] in T or [HT(g,T),HT(f,T)] in T
             by A12,A14,RELAT_2:def 6;
          now per cases by A15,TERMORD:def 2;
        case A16: HT(f,T) <= HT(g,T),T;
            now assume not(HT(g,T) in Support g);
            then HT(g,T) = EmptyBag n by TERMORD:def 6;
            then [HT(g,T),HT(f,T)] in T by BAGORDER:def 7;
            then HT(g,T) <= HT(f,T),T by TERMORD:def 2;
            hence contradiction by A14,A16,TERMORD:7;
          then HT(g,T) <= HT(f,T),T by A8,Th42;
          hence [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R by A14,A16,TERMORD:7;
        case HT(g,T) <= HT(f,T),T;
          then HT(g,T) < HT(f,T),T by A14,TERMORD:def 3;
          then g < f,T by Lm15;
          then g <= f,T by Def3;
          hence [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R by Def2;
        hence [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R;
      case A17: HT(g,T) = HT(f,T);
          now per cases;
        case b = HT(f,T);
          then not(HT(g,T) in Support g) by A9,A17,Lm17;
          then Support g = {} by TERMORD:def 6;
          then g = 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
          then g <= f,T by Lm12;
          hence [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R by Def2;
        case A18: b <> HT(f,T);
            b <= HT(f,T),T by A11,TERMORD:def 6;
          then b < HT(f,T),T by A18,TERMORD:def 3;
          then f.(HT(f,T)) = g.(HT(g,T)) by A9,A17,Th41;
          then HC(f,T) = g.(HT(g,T)) by TERMORD:def 7
                     .= HC(g,T) by TERMORD:def 7;
          then A19: HM(f,T) = Monom(HC(g,T),HT(g,T)) by A17,TERMORD:def 8
                      .= HM(g,T) by TERMORD:def 8;
          A20: not(b in {HT(f,T)}) by A18,TARSKI:def 1;
          A21: Support(Red(f,T)) = Support(f) \ {HT(f,T)} by TERMORD:36;
          then A22: b in Support Red(f,T) by A11,A20,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          then Red(f,T) <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
          then reconsider rf = Red(f,T) as non-zero Polynomial of n,L
             by POLYNOM7:def 2;
            HT(f,T) in Support f by A11,TERMORD:def 6;
          then for u being set holds u in {HT(f,T)}
               implies u in Support f by TARSKI:def 1;
          then A23: {HT(f,T)} c= Support f by TARSKI:def 3;
          A24: Support(Red(f,T)) \/ {HT(f,T)}
                 = Support f \/ {HT(f,T)} by A21,XBOOLE_1:39
                .= Support f by A23,XBOOLE_1:12;
            HT(f,T) in {HT(f,T)} by TARSKI:def 1;
          then not(HT(f,T) in Support Red(f,T)) by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          then card(Support(Red(f,T))) + 1 = k + 1 by A8,A24,CARD_2:54;
          then A25: card(Support(Red(f,T))) = k by XCMPLX_1:2;
          A26: rf <> 0_(n,L) & p <> 0_(n,L) by A9,Def5,POLYNOM7:def 2;
             = (f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) - HM(f,T) by A10,A19,TERMORD:def
            .= ((HM(f,T) + rf) - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) - HM(f,T)
               by TERMORD:38
            .= ((HM(f,T) + rf) - (rf.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) - HM(f,T)
               by A11,A18,TERMORD:40
            .= ((HM(f,T) + rf) + -((rf.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p))) - HM(f,T)
               by POLYNOM1:def 23
            .= (HM(f,T) + (rf + -(rf.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p))) - HM(f,T)
               by POLYNOM1:80
            .= (HM(f,T) + (rf + -(rf.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p))) + -HM(f,T)
               by POLYNOM1:def 23
            .= (rf + -(rf.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) + (HM(f,T) + - HM(f,T))
               by POLYNOM1:80
            .= (rf - (rf.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) + (HM(f,T) + - HM(f,T))
               by POLYNOM1:def 23
            .= (rf - (rf.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) + (HM(f,T) - HM(f,T))
               by POLYNOM1:def 23
            .= (rf - (rf.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) + 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM1:83
            .= rf - (rf.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by POLYNOM1:82;
          then rf reduces_to Red(g,T),p,b,T by A10,A22,A26,Def5;
          then rf reduces_to Red(g,T),p,T by Def6;
          then [Support Red(g,T),Support rf] in FinOrd R by A7,A25;
          then Red(g,T) <= Red(f,T),T by Def2;
          then g <= f,T by A13,A17,Lm16;
          hence [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R by Def2;
        hence [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R;
      hence [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R;
    hence for f,p,g being Polynomial of n,L
          holds Card(Support f) = k+1 & f reduces_to g,p,T
                implies [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R;
A27: for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A4,A6);
consider k being Nat such that
A28: Card(Support f) = k;
  [Support g,Support f] in FinOrd R by A1,A27,A28;
then g <= f,T by Def2;
hence thesis by A3,Def3;

begin :: Polynomial Reduction Relation

let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
func PolyRedRel(P,T) ->
        Relation of (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)},
                    the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L) means :Def13:
  for p,q being Polynomial of n,L
  holds [p,q] in it iff p reduces_to q,P,T;
 set A = (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)},
     B = the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
 defpred P[set,set] means
   ex p,q being Polynomial of n,L
      st p = $1 & q = $2 & p reduces_to q,P,T;
 consider R being Relation of A,B such that
 A1: for x,y being set holds [x,y] in R iff x in A & y in B & P[x,y]
    from Rel_On_Set_Ex;
 take R;
   now let p,q be Polynomial of n,L;
 A2: now assume [p,q] in R;
    then p in A & q in B & P[p,q] by A1;
    hence p reduces_to q,P,T;
   now assume A3: p reduces_to q,P,T;
    then consider pp being Polynomial of n,L such that
    A4: pp in P & p reduces_to q,pp,T by Def7;
    consider b being bag of n such that
    A5: p reduces_to q,pp,b,T by A4,Def6;
      p <> 0_(n,L) by A5,Def5;
    then A6: not(p in {0_(n,L)}) by TARSKI:def 1;
      p in the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27;
    then p in A & q in B by A6,POLYNOM1:def 27,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    hence [p,q] in R by A1,A3;
 hence [p,q] in R iff p reduces_to q,P,T by A2;
 hence thesis;
 let R1,R2 be Relation of (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)},
                          the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L) such that
 A7: for p,q being Polynomial of n,L
    holds [p,q] in R1 iff p reduces_to q,P,T and
 A8: for p,q being Polynomial of n,L
    holds [p,q] in R2 iff p reduces_to q,P,T;
 set A = (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)},
     B = the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
   for p,q being set holds [p,q] in R1 iff [p,q] in R2
   let p,q be set;
   A9: now assume A10: [p,q] in R1;
      then consider p',q' being set such that
      A11: [p,q] = [p',q'] & p' in A & q' in B by RELSET_1:6;
        p' in B by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      then reconsider p',q' as Polynomial of n,L by A11,POLYNOM1:def 27;
        not(p' in {0_(n,L)}) by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      then p' <> 0_(n,L) by TARSKI:def 1;
      then reconsider p' as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
      A12: p' reduces_to q',P,T by A7,A10,A11;
      A13: p = [p',q']`1 by A11,MCART_1:def 1 .= p' by MCART_1:def 1;
        q = [p',q']`2 by A11,MCART_1:def 2 .= q' by MCART_1:def 2;
      hence [p,q] in R2 by A8,A12,A13;
     now assume A14: [p,q] in R2;
      then consider p',q' being set such that
      A15: [p,q] = [p',q'] & p' in A & q' in B by RELSET_1:6;
        p' in B by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      then reconsider p',q' as Polynomial of n,L by A15,POLYNOM1:def 27;
        not(p' in {0_(n,L)}) by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      then p' <> 0_(n,L) by TARSKI:def 1;
      then reconsider p' as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
      A16: p' reduces_to q',P,T by A8,A14,A15;
      A17: p = [p',q']`1 by A15,MCART_1:def 1 .= p' by MCART_1:def 1;
        q = [p',q']`2 by A15,MCART_1:def 2 .= q' by MCART_1:def 2;
      hence [p,q] in R1 by A7,A16,A17;
   hence thesis by A9;
 hence thesis by RELAT_1:def 2;

for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,g,p being Polynomial of n,L
st f reduces_to g,p,T holds f <> 0_(n,L) & p <> 0_(n,L)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    f,g,p be Polynomial of n,L;
assume f reduces_to g,p,T;
then consider b being bag of n such that
A1: f reduces_to g,p,b,T by Def6;
thus thesis by A1,Def5;

::: lemma 5.20 (v), p. 197
  for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    f,g being Polynomial of n,L,
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L)
holds PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,g implies
      g <= f,T & (g = 0_(n,L) or HT(g,T) <= HT(f,T),T)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    f,g be Polynomial of n,L,
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
assume A1: PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,g;
set R = PolyRedRel(P,T);
defpred P[Nat] means
  for f,g being Polynomial of n,L st PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,g
  for p being RedSequence of R st p.1 = f & p.len p = g & len p = $1
  holds g <= f,T;
A2: P[1] by Th25;
A3: now let k be Nat;
    assume A4: 1 <= k;
    thus P[k] implies P[k+1]
      assume A5: P[k];
        now let f,g be Polynomial of n,L;
        assume PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,g;
        let p be RedSequence of R;
        assume A6: p.1 = f & p.len p = g & len p = k+1;
        then A7: dom p = Seg(k+1) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        A8: k <= k+1 by NAT_1:29;
        then A9: k in dom p by A4,A7,FINSEQ_1:3;
          k+1 in dom p by A7,FINSEQ_1:6;
        then A10: [p.k,p.(k+1)] in R by A9,REWRITE1:def 2;
        set q = p|(Seg k);
        reconsider q as FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:19;
        set h = q.len q;
        A11: len q = k by A6,A8,FINSEQ_1:21;
        A12: dom q = Seg k by A6,A8,FINSEQ_1:21;
        then k in dom q by A4,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A13: [h,g] in R by A6,A10,A11,FUNCT_1:68;
        then consider h',g' being set such that
        A14: [h,g] = [h',g'] &
            h' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)} &
            g' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) by RELSET_1:6;
        A15: h = [h',g']`1 by A14,MCART_1:def 1 .= h' by MCART_1:def 1;
        A16: h' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          not(h' in {0_(n,L)}) by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
        then h' <> 0_(n,L) by TARSKI:def 1;
        then reconsider h as non-zero Polynomial of n,L
          by A15,A16,POLYNOM1:def 27,POLYNOM7:def 2;
        A17: len q > 0 by A4,A11,NAT_1:19;
          now let i be Nat;
          assume A18: i in dom q & i+1 in dom q;
          then A19: 1 <= i & i <= k & 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= k by A12,FINSEQ_1:3;
          then A20: i <= k+1 & i+1 <= k+1 by A8,AXIOMS:22;
          then A21: i in dom p by A7,A19,FINSEQ_1:3;
            i+1 in dom p by A7,A19,A20,FINSEQ_1:3;
          then A22: [p.i, p.(i+1)] in R by A21,REWRITE1:def 2;
            p.i = q.i by A18,FUNCT_1:68;
          hence [q.i, q.(i+1)] in R by A18,A22,FUNCT_1:68;
        then reconsider q as RedSequence of R by A17,REWRITE1:def 2;
          1 in dom q by A4,A12,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A23: q.1 = f by A6,FUNCT_1:68;
        then PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,h by REWRITE1:def 3;
        then A24: h <= f,T by A5,A11,A23;
          h reduces_to g,P,T by A13,Def13;
        then consider r being Polynomial of n,L such that
        A25: r in P & h reduces_to g,r,T by Def7;
        reconsider h as non-zero Polynomial of n,L;
          g < h,T by A25,Th43;
        then g <= h,T by Def3;
        hence g <= f,T by A24,Th27;
      hence thesis;
A26: for k being Nat st 1 <= k holds P[k] from Ind2(A2,A3);
consider p being RedSequence of R such that
A27: p.1 = f & p.len p = g by A1,REWRITE1:def 3;
consider k being Nat such that
A28: len p = k;
  k > 0 by A28,REWRITE1:def 2;
then 1 <= k by RLVECT_1:99;
hence A29: g <= f,T by A1,A26,A27,A28;
  now assume g <> 0_(n,L);
  then Support g <> {} by POLYNOM7:1;
  then A30: HT(g,T) in Support g by TERMORD:def 6;
  assume A31: not(HT(g,T) <= HT(f,T),T);
    now per cases;
  case HT(f,T) = HT(g,T);
    hence contradiction by A31,TERMORD:6;
  case A32: HT(f,T) <> HT(g,T);
    A33: T is_connected_in field T by RELAT_2:def 14;
      HT(f,T) <= HT(f,T),T & HT(g,T) <= HT(g,T),T by TERMORD:6;
    then [HT(f,T),HT(f,T)] in T &
         [HT(g,T),HT(g,T)] in T by TERMORD:def 2;
    then HT(f,T) in field T & HT(g,T) in field T by RELAT_1:30;
    then [HT(f,T),HT(g,T)] in T or [HT(g,T),HT(f,T)] in T
         by A32,A33,RELAT_2:def 6;
    then HT(f,T) <= HT(g,T),T by A31,TERMORD:def 2;
    then A34: HT(f,T) < HT(g,T),T by A32,TERMORD:def 3;
    then f < g,T by Lm15;
    then f <= g,T by Def3;
    then Support f = Support g by A29,Th26;
    then HT(g,T) <= HT(f,T),T by A30,TERMORD:def 6;
    hence contradiction by A34,TERMORD:5;
  hence contradiction;
hence thesis;

::: theorem 5.21, p. 198
let n be Nat,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
cluster PolyRedRel(P,T) -> strongly-normalizing;
 set R = PolyRedRel(P,T);
 A1: for R being
    co-well_founded irreflexive Relation
    holds R is strongly-normalizing;
   now let x be set;
   assume x in field R;
   then A2: x in dom R \/ rng R by RELAT_1:def 6;
   set A = (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)},
       B = the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
     now per cases by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
   case x in dom R;
     then x in B by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     hence x is Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM1:def 27;
   case x in rng R;
     hence x is Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM1:def 27;
   then reconsider x' = x as Polynomial of n,L;
     now assume A3: [x,x] in R;
     then consider x1,y1 being set such that
     A4: [x,x] = [x1,y1] & x1 in A & y1 in B by RELSET_1:6;
       x = [x1,y1]`1 by A4,MCART_1:def 1 .= x1 by MCART_1:def 1;
     then not(x' in {0_(n,L)}) by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     then x' <> 0_(n,L) by TARSKI:def 1;
     then reconsider x' as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
       x' reduces_to x',P,T by A3,Def13;
     then ex p being Polynomial of n,L st
      p in P & x' reduces_to x',p,T by Def7;
     then x' < x',T by Th43;
     then Support x' <> Support x' by Def3;
     hence contradiction;
   hence not [x,x] in R;
 then R is_irreflexive_in field R by RELAT_2:def 2;
 then A5: R is irreflexive by RELAT_2:def 10;
 set BT = RelStr(#Bags n,T#),
     X = the InternalRel of (FinPoset BT);
   FinPoset BT is well_founded by BAGORDER:42;
 then A6: the InternalRel of (FinPoset BT) is_well_founded_in
         the carrier of (FinPoset BT) by WELLFND1:def 2;
   now let Y be set;
   assume A7: Y c= field (R~) & Y <> {};
   set M = { Support y' where y' is Polynomial of n,L :
                        ex y being set st y in Y & y' = y };
   consider z being Element of Y;
     z in Y by A7;
   then z in field(R~) by A7;
   then A8: z in dom(R~) \/ rng(R~) by RELAT_1:def 6;
     now per cases by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
     case z in dom(R~);
       hence z in the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
     case z in rng(R~);
       hence z in the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L) by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
   then reconsider z' = z as Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM1:def 27;
     Support z' in M by A7;
   then reconsider M as non empty set;
     now let u be set;
     assume u in M;
     then consider p being Polynomial of n,L such that
     A9: Support p = u & ex y being set st y in Y & p = y;
       FinPoset BT = RelStr(#Fin(the carrier of BT),FinOrd BT#)
         by BAGORDER:def 18;
     hence u in the carrier of (FinPoset BT) by A9,FINSUB_1:def 5;
   then M c= the carrier of (FinPoset BT) by TARSKI:def 3;
   then consider a being set such that
   A10: a in M & X-Seg a misses M by A6,WELLORD1:def 3;
   consider p being Polynomial of n,L such that
   A11: Support p = a & ex y being set st y in Y & p = y by A10;
   consider z being set such that A12: z in Y & p = z by A11;
     (R~)-Seg p /\ Y = {}
     assume A13: (R~)-Seg p /\ Y <> {};
     consider b being Element of (R~)-Seg p /\ Y;
     A14: b in (R~)-Seg p & b in Y by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     then b <> p & [b,p] in R~ by WELLORD1:def 1;
     then A15: [p,b] in R by RELAT_1:def 7;
     then consider h',g' being set such that
     A16: [p,b] = [h',g'] &
         h' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)} &
         g' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) by RELSET_1:6;
     A17: p = [h',g']`1 by A16,MCART_1:def 1 .= h' by MCART_1:def 1;
       not(h' in {0_(n,L)}) by A16,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
     then h' <> 0_(n,L) by TARSKI:def 1;
     then reconsider p as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by A17,POLYNOM7:def 2;
       b = [h',g']`2 by A16,MCART_1:def 2 .= g' by MCART_1:def 2;
     then reconsider b' = b as Polynomial of n,L by A16,POLYNOM1:def 27;
       p reduces_to b',P,T by A15,Def13;
     then consider u being Polynomial of n,L such that
     A18: u in P & p reduces_to b',u,T by Def7;
     reconsider p as non-zero Polynomial of n,L;
     A19: b' < p,T by A18,Th43;
     then A20: Support b' <> Support p by Def3;
     A21: b' <= p,T by A19,Def3;
       FinPoset BT = RelStr (# Fin(the carrier of BT),FinOrd BT #)
        by BAGORDER:def 18;
     then [Support b',Support p] in X by A21,Def2;
     then A22: (Support b') in X-Seg (Support p) by A20,WELLORD1:def 1;
       (Support b') in M by A14;
     then (Support b') in X-Seg a /\ M by A11,A22,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     hence contradiction by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 7;
   then (R~)-Seg p misses Y by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
   hence ex p being set st p in Y & (R~)-Seg p misses Y by A12;
 then R~ is well_founded by WELLORD1:def 2;
 then R is co-well_founded by REWRITE1:def 13;
 hence thesis by A1,A5;

theorem Th45:
::: lemma 5.24 (i), p. 200
for n being Nat,
    T being admissible connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable left_zeroed right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive Abelian
            Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,h being Polynomial of n,L
holds f in P implies PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces h*'f,0_(n,L)
let n be Nat,
    T be admissible connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed left_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive Abelian
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f',h' be Polynomial of n,L;
assume A1: f' in P;
per cases;
suppose h' = 0_(n,L);
then h'*'f' = 0_(n,L) by Th5;
hence thesis by REWRITE1:13;
suppose h' <> 0_(n,L);
then reconsider h = h' as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
set H = { g where g is Polynomial of n,L :
                 not(PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces g*'f',0_(n,L)) };
  now per cases;
case f' = 0_(n,L);
then h'*'f' = 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM1:87;
hence thesis by REWRITE1:13;
case f' <> 0_(n,L);
then reconsider f = f' as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
assume not(PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces h'*'f',0_(n,L));
then A2: h in H;
  now let u be set;
  assume u in H;
  then consider g' being Polynomial of n,L such that
  A3: u = g' & not(PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces g'*'f,0_(n,L));
  thus u in the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L) by A3,POLYNOM1:def 27;
then H c= the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L) by TARSKI:def 3;
then reconsider H as non empty Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L)
  by A2;
  now assume H <> {};
   reconsider H as non empty set;
   consider m being Polynomial of n,L such that
   A4: m in H &
      for m' being Polynomial of n,L
      st m' in H holds m <= m',T by Th31;
     m <> 0_(n,L)
      assume A5: m = 0_(n,L);
      consider g' being Polynomial of n,L such that
      A6: m = g' & not(PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces g'*'f,0_(n,L)) by A4;
        m*'f = 0_(n,L) by A5,Th5;
      hence contradiction by A6,REWRITE1:13;
   then reconsider m as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
   A7: HT(m*'f,T) = HT(m,T) + HT(f,T) by TERMORD:31;
     m*'f <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:def 2;
   then Support(m*'f) <> {} by POLYNOM7:1;
   then A8: HT(m*'f,T) in Support(m*'f) by TERMORD:def 6;
   set g = (m*'f) - ((m*'f).(HT(m*'f,T)))/HC(f,T) * (HT(m,T) *' f);
     f <> 0_(n,L) & m*'f <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:def 2;
   then A9: m*'f reduces_to g,f,HT(m*'f,T),T by A7,A8,Def5;
     f <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:def 2;
   then A10: HC(f,T) <> 0.L by TERMORD:17;
     (m*'f).(HT(m*'f,T))/HC(f,T) * (HT(m,T) *' f)
      = HC(m*'f,T)/HC(f,T) * (HT(m,T) *' f) by TERMORD:def 7
     .= (HC(m,T) * HC(f,T))/HC(f,T) * (HT(m,T) *' f) by TERMORD:32
     .= (HC(m,T) * HC(f,T))*(HC(f,T)") * (HT(m,T) *' f) by VECTSP_1:def 23
     .= HC(m,T) * (HC(f,T)*(HC(f,T)")) * (HT(m,T) *' f) by VECTSP_1:def 16
     .= (HC(m,T) * 1_ L) * (HT(m,T) *' f) by A10,VECTSP_1:def 22
     .= HC(m,T) * (HT(m,T) *' f) by VECTSP_1:def 13
     .= Monom(HC(m,T),HT(m,T)) *' f by Th22
     .= HM(m,T) *'f by TERMORD:def 8;
   then g = m *' f + -(HM(m,T) *' f) by POLYNOM1:def 23
         .= f *' m + (f *' -HM(m,T) ) by Th6
         .= (m + -HM(m,T)) *' f by POLYNOM1:85
         .= (m - HM(m,T)) *' f by POLYNOM1:def 23
         .= Red(m,T) *' f by TERMORD:def 9;
   then m*'f reduces_to Red(m,T)*'f,f,T by A9,Def6;
   then m*'f reduces_to Red(m,T)*'f,P,T by A1,Def7;
   then [m*'f,Red(m,T)*'f] in PolyRedRel(P,T) by Def13;
   then A11: PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces m*'f,Red(m,T)*'f by REWRITE1:16;
     Red(m,T) < m,T by Th35;
   then not(m <= Red(m,T),T) by Th29;
   then not(Red(m,T) in H) by A4;
   then A12: PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces Red(m,T)*'f,0_(n,L);
   consider u being Polynomial of n,L such that
   A13: m = u & not(PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces u*'f,0_(n,L)) by A4;
   thus contradiction by A11,A12,A13,REWRITE1:17;
hence thesis;
hence thesis;

theorem Th46:
::: lemma 5.24 (ii), p. 200
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g being Polynomial of n,L,
    m being non-zero Monomial of n,L
holds f reduces_to g,P,T implies m*'f reduces_to m*'g,P,T
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g be Polynomial of n,L,
    m be non-zero Monomial of n,L;
assume f reduces_to g,P,T;
then consider p being Polynomial of n,L such that
A1: p in P & f reduces_to g,p,T by Def7;
consider b being bag of n such that
A2: f reduces_to g,p,b,T by A1,Def6;
A3: b in Support f &
   ex s being bag of n
   st s + HT(p,T) = b & g = f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by A2,Def5;
consider s being bag of n such that
A4: s + HT(p,T) = b & g = f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by A2,Def5;
  p <> 0_(n,L) by A1,Lm18;
then reconsider p as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
set b' = b + HT(m,T);
A5: b' is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
  now assume A6: (m*'f).b' = 0.L;
  A7: (m*'f).b' = (m*'f).(term(m)+b) by TERMORD:23
              .= m.term(m) * f.b by Th7;
    m <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:def 2;
  then Support m <> {} by POLYNOM7:1;
  then m.term(m) <> 0.L by POLYNOM7:def 6;
  then f.b = 0.L by A6,A7,VECTSP_2:def 5;
  hence contradiction by A3,POLYNOM1:def 9;
then A8: b' in Support(m*'f) by A5,POLYNOM1:def 9;
A9: (s + HT(m,T)) + HT(p,T) = b' by A4,POLYNOM1:39;
set t = s + HT(m,T);
set h = (m*'f) - ((m*'f).b'/HC(p,T)) * (t *' p);
  f <> 0_(n,L) by A2,Def5;
then reconsider f as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
  m*'f <> 0_(n,L) & p <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:def 2;
then (m*'f) reduces_to h,p,b',T by A8,A9,Def5;
then A10: (m*'f) reduces_to h,p,T by Def6;
A11: (m*'f).b' = (m*'f).(term(m)+b) by TERMORD:23
         .= m.term(m) * f.b by Th7;
  m.term(m) * (f.b/HC(p,T)) = m.term(m) * (f.b * (HC(p,T)")) by VECTSP_1:def 23
                         .= (m.term(m) * f.b) * (HC(p,T)") by VECTSP_1:def 16
                         .= (m.term(m) * f.b)/HC(p,T) by VECTSP_1:def 23;
then h = (m*'f) - (m.term(m) * (f.b/HC(p,T))) * (HT(m,T) *'(s *' p))
         by A11,Th18
      .= (m*'f) - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (m.term(m) * (HT(m,T) *'(s *' p)))
         by Th11
      .= (m*'f) - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (Monom(m.(term(m)),HT(m,T)) *'(s *' p))
         by Th22
      .= (m*'f) - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (Monom(coefficient(m),HT(m,T)) *'(s *' p))
          by POLYNOM7:def 7
      .= (m*'f) - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (Monom(coefficient(m),term(m)) *'(s *' p))
          by TERMORD:23
      .= (m*'f) - (f.b/HC(p,T) * (m *'(s *' p))) by POLYNOM7:11
      .= (m*'f) - (m *' (f.b/HC(p,T) * (s *' p))) by Th12
      .= (m*'f) + -(m *' (f.b/HC(p,T) * (s *' p))) by POLYNOM1:def 23
      .= (m*'f) + (m *' -(f.b/HC(p,T) * (s *' p))) by Th6
      .= m *' (f + -(f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) by POLYNOM1:85
      .= m *' (f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) by POLYNOM1:def 23;
hence thesis by A1,A4,A10,Def7;

theorem Th47:
::: lemma 5.24 (iii), p. 200
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g being Polynomial of n,L,
    m being Monomial of n,L
holds PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,g implies PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces m*'f,m*'g
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g be Polynomial of n,L,
    m be Monomial of n,L;
assume A1: PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,g;
set R = PolyRedRel(P,T);
per cases;
suppose A2: m = 0_(n,L);
then m*'f = 0_(n,L) by Th5 .= m*'g by A2,Th5;
hence thesis by REWRITE1:13;
suppose m <> 0_(n,L);
then reconsider m as non-zero Monomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
defpred P[Nat] means
  for f,g being Polynomial of n,L st PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,g
  for p being RedSequence of R st p.1 = f & p.len p = g & len p = $1
  holds PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces m*'f,m*'g;
A3: P[1] by REWRITE1:13;
A4: now let k be Nat;
    assume A5: 1 <= k;
    thus P[k] implies P[k+1]
      assume A6: P[k];
        now let f,g be Polynomial of n,L;
        assume PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,g;
        let p be RedSequence of R;
        assume A7: p.1 = f & p.len p = g & len p = k+1;
        then A8: dom p = Seg(k+1) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        A9: k <= k+1 by NAT_1:29;
        then A10: k in dom p by A5,A8,FINSEQ_1:3;
          k+1 in dom p by A8,FINSEQ_1:6;
        then A11: [p.k,p.(k+1)] in R by A10,REWRITE1:def 2;
        set q = p|(Seg k);
        reconsider q as FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:19;
        set h = q.len q;
        A12: len q = k by A7,A9,FINSEQ_1:21;
        A13: dom q = Seg k by A7,A9,FINSEQ_1:21;
        then k in dom q by A5,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A14: [h,g] in R by A7,A11,A12,FUNCT_1:68;
        then consider h',g' being set such that
        A15: [h,g] = [h',g'] &
            h' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)} &
            g' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) by RELSET_1:6;
        A16: h = [h',g']`1 by A15,MCART_1:def 1 .= h' by MCART_1:def 1;
        A17: h' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          not(h' in {0_(n,L)}) by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
        then h' <> 0_(n,L) by TARSKI:def 1;
        then reconsider h as non-zero Polynomial of n,L
          by A16,A17,POLYNOM1:def 27,POLYNOM7:def 2;
        A18: len q > 0 by A5,A12,NAT_1:19;
          now let i be Nat;
          assume A19: i in dom q & i+1 in dom q;
          then A20: 1 <= i & i <= k & 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= k by A13,FINSEQ_1:3;
          then A21: i <= k+1 & i+1 <= k+1 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
          then A22: i in dom p by A8,A20,FINSEQ_1:3;
            i+1 in dom p by A8,A20,A21,FINSEQ_1:3;
          then A23: [p.i, p.(i+1)] in R by A22,REWRITE1:def 2;
            p.i = q.i by A19,FUNCT_1:68;
          hence [q.i, q.(i+1)] in R by A19,A23,FUNCT_1:68;
        then reconsider q as RedSequence of R by A18,REWRITE1:def 2;
          1 in dom q by A5,A13,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A24: q.1 = f by A7,FUNCT_1:68;
        then PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,h by REWRITE1:def 3;
        then A25: PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces m*'f,m*'h by A6,A12,A24;
          h reduces_to g,P,T by A14,Def13;
        then consider r being Polynomial of n,L such that
        A26: r in P & h reduces_to g,r,T by Def7;
          h reduces_to g,P,T by A26,Def7;
        then m*'h reduces_to m*'g,P,T by Th46;
        then [m*'h,m*'g] in PolyRedRel(P,T) by Def13;
        then PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces m*'h,m*'g by REWRITE1:16;
        hence PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces m*'f,m*'g by A25,REWRITE1:17;
      hence thesis;
A27: for k being Nat st 1 <= k holds P[k] from Ind2(A3,A4);
consider p being RedSequence of R such that
A28: p.1 = f & p.len p = g by A1,REWRITE1:def 3;
consider k being Nat such that
A29: len p = k;
  k > 0 by A29,REWRITE1:def 2;
then 1 <= k by RLVECT_1:99;
hence thesis by A1,A27,A28,A29;

::: lemma 5.24 (iii), p. 200
  for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f being Polynomial of n,L,
    m being Monomial of n,L
holds PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,0_(n,L) implies
      PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces m*'f,0_(n,L)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected admissible TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f be Polynomial of n,L,
    m be Monomial of n,L;
assume PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,0_(n,L);
then PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces m*'f,m*'0_(n,L) by Th47;
hence thesis by POLYNOM1:87;

theorem Th49:
::: lemma 5.25 (i), p. 200
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Abelian Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g,h,h1 being Polynomial of n,L
holds (f - g = h & PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces h,h1) implies
      ex f1,g1 being Polynomial of n,L
      st f1 - g1 = h1 &
         PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,f1 & PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces g,g1
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Abelian Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g,h,h1 be Polynomial of n,L;
assume A1: f - g = h & PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces h,h1;
defpred P[Nat] means
  for f,g,h being Polynomial of n,L st f - g = h
  for h1 being Polynomial of n,L
  for p being RedSequence of PolyRedRel(P,T)
    st p.1 = h & p.len p = h1 & len p = $1
  holds ex f1,g1 being Polynomial of n,L
        st f1 - g1 = h1 &
        PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,f1 & PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces g,g1;
A2: P[1]
    let f,g,h be Polynomial of n,L;
    assume A3: f - g = h;
    let h1 be Polynomial of n,L;
    let p being RedSequence of PolyRedRel(P,T);
    assume A4: p.1 = h & p.len p = h1 & len p = 1;
    take f,g;
    thus thesis by A3,A4,REWRITE1:13;
A5: now let k be Nat;
    assume A6: 1 <= k;
    assume A7: P[k];
    thus P[k+1]
      let f,g,h be Polynomial of n,L;
      assume A8: f - g = h;
      let h1 be Polynomial of n,L;
      let r be RedSequence of PolyRedRel(P,T);
      assume A9: r.1 = h & r.len r = h1 & len r = k+1;
      then A10: dom r = Seg(k+1) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      set h2 = r.k;
        1 <= k + 1 by NAT_1:29;
      then A11: k + 1 in dom r by A10,FINSEQ_1:3;
        k <= k+1 by NAT_1:29;
      then k in dom r by A6,A10,FINSEQ_1:3;
      then A12: [r.k,r.(k+1)] in PolyRedRel(P,T) by A11,REWRITE1:def 2;
      then consider x,y being set such that
      A13: x in ((the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)}) &
          y in the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L) &
          [r.k,r.(k+1)] = [x,y] by ZFMISC_1:def 2;
      A14: r.k = [x,y]`1 by A13,MCART_1:def 1 .= x by MCART_1:def 1;
      then r.k in the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L) by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      then reconsider h2 as Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM1:def 27;
        not(r.k in {0_(n,L)}) by A13,A14,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
      then r.k <> 0_(n,L) by TARSKI:def 1;
      then reconsider h2 as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
      set q = r|(Seg k);
      reconsider q as FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:19;
      A15: dom r = Seg(k+1) by A9,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      A16: k <= k+1 by NAT_1:29;
      then A17: len q = k by A9,FINSEQ_1:21;
      A18: dom q = Seg k by A9,A16,FINSEQ_1:21;
      A19: len q > 0 by A6,A17,NAT_1:19;
        now let i be Nat;
        assume A20: i in dom q & i+1 in dom q;
        then A21: 1 <= i & i <= k & 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= k by A18,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A22: i <= k+1 & i+1 <= k+1 by A16,AXIOMS:22;
        then A23: i in dom r by A15,A21,FINSEQ_1:3;
          i+1 in dom r by A15,A21,A22,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A24: [r.i, r.(i+1)] in PolyRedRel(P,T) by A23,REWRITE1:def 2;
          r.i = q.i by A20,FUNCT_1:68;
        hence [q.i, q.(i+1)] in PolyRedRel(P,T) by A20,A24,FUNCT_1:68;
      then reconsider q as RedSequence of PolyRedRel(P,T) by A19,REWRITE1:def 2
        1 in dom q by A6,A18,FINSEQ_1:3;
      then A25: q.1 = h by A9,FUNCT_1:70;
      A26: k in dom q by A6,A18,FINSEQ_1:3;
        q.(len q) = q.k by A9,A16,FINSEQ_1:21 .= h2 by A26,FUNCT_1:70;
      then consider f2,g2 being Polynomial of n,L such that
      A27: f2 - g2 = h2 &
          PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,f2 & PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces g,g2
        by A7,A8,A17,A25;
        h2 reduces_to h1,P,T by A9,A12,Def13;
      then consider p being Polynomial of n,L such that
      A28: p in P & h2 reduces_to h1,p,T by Def7;
      consider b being bag of n such that
      A29: h2 reduces_to h1,p,b,T by A28,Def6;
      consider s being bag of n such that
      A30: s + HT(p,T) = b & h1 = h2 - (h2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by A29,Def5;
      set f1 = f2 - (f2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p),
          g1 = g2 - (g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p);
      A31: (f2.b/HC(p,T)) + -g2.b/HC(p,T)
         = (f2.b * (HC(p,T))") + -g2.b/HC(p,T) by VECTSP_1:def 23
        .= (f2.b * (HC(p,T))") + -(g2.b * (HC(p,T)")) by VECTSP_1:def 23
        .= (f2.b * (HC(p,T))") + ((-g2.b) * (HC(p,T)")) by VECTSP_1:41
        .= (f2.b + (-g2.b)) * (HC(p,T)") by VECTSP_1:def 18
        .= (f2.b + (-g2).b) * (HC(p,T)") by POLYNOM1:def 22
        .= (f2 + (-g2)).b * (HC(p,T)") by POLYNOM1:def 21
        .= (f2-g2).b * (HC(p,T)") by POLYNOM1:def 23
        .= (f2-g2).b / HC(p,T) by VECTSP_1:def 23;
      A32: f1 - g1
         = (f2 - (f2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) +
           -(g2 - (g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) by POLYNOM1:def 23
        .= (f2 + -(f2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) +
           -(g2 - (g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) by POLYNOM1:def 23
        .= (f2 + -(f2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) +
           -(g2 + -((g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p))) by POLYNOM1:def 23
        .= (f2 + -(f2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) +
           (-g2 + --((g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p))) by Th1
        .= ((f2 + -(f2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) +
           -g2) + (g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by POLYNOM1:80
        .= (-(f2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) + (f2 +
           -g2)) + (g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by POLYNOM1:80
        .= (f2 + -g2) +
           (-(f2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)
               + (g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) by POLYNOM1:80
        .= (f2 - g2) +
           ((-(f2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p))
               + (g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) by POLYNOM1:def 23
        .= (f2 - g2) +
           ((-(f2.b/HC(p,T))) * (s *' p)
               + (g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) by Th9
        .= (f2 - g2) +
           --(-(f2.b/HC(p,T)) + g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by Th10
        .= (f2 - g2) +
           -(-(-(f2.b/HC(p,T)) + g2.b/HC(p,T))) * (s *' p) by Th9
        .= (f2 - g2) -
           (-(-(f2.b/HC(p,T)) + g2.b/HC(p,T))) * (s *' p) by POLYNOM1:def 23
        .= (f2 - g2) -
           (-(-(f2.b/HC(p,T))) + -g2.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by RLVECT_1:45
        .= h1 by A27,A30,A31,RLVECT_1:30;
      A33: now per cases;
          case A34: not(b in Support f2);
              b is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
            then f2.b = 0.L by A34,POLYNOM1:def 9;
            then f1 = f2 - (0.L*(HC(p,T)")) * (s *' p) by VECTSP_1:def 23
                   .= f2 - (0.L * (s *' p)) by BINOM:1
                   .= f2 - 0_(n,L) by Th8
                   .= f2 by Th4;
            hence PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,f1 by A27;
          case A35: b in Support f2;
            then f2 <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
            then reconsider f2 as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
              f2 <> 0_(n,L) & p <> 0_(n,L) by A28,Lm18,POLYNOM7:def 2;
            then f2 reduces_to f1,p,b,T by A30,A35,Def5;
            then f2 reduces_to f1,p,T by Def6;
            then f2 reduces_to f1,P,T by A28,Def7;
            then [f2,f1] in PolyRedRel(P,T) by Def13;
            then PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f2,f1 by REWRITE1:16;
            hence PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,f1 by A27,REWRITE1:17;
        now per cases;
      case A36: not(b in Support g2);
          b is Element of Bags n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
        then g2.b = 0.L by A36,POLYNOM1:def 9;
        then g1 = g2 - (0.L*(HC(p,T)")) * (s *' p) by VECTSP_1:def 23
               .= g2 - (0.L * (s *' p)) by BINOM:1
               .= g2 - 0_(n,L) by Th8
               .= g2 by Th4;
        hence PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces g,g1 by A27;
      case A37: b in Support g2;
        then g2 <> 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM7:1;
        then reconsider g2 as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
          g2 <> 0_(n,L) & p <> 0_(n,L) by A28,Lm18,POLYNOM7:def 2;
        then g2 reduces_to g1,p,b,T by A30,A37,Def5;
        then g2 reduces_to g1,p,T by Def6;
        then g2 reduces_to g1,P,T by A28,Def7;
        then [g2,g1] in PolyRedRel(P,T) by Def13;
        then PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces g2,g1 by REWRITE1:16;
        hence PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces g,g1 by A27,REWRITE1:17;
      hence ex f1,g1 being Polynomial of n,L
            st f1 - g1 = h1 &
               PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,f1 &
               PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces g,g1 by A32,A33;
A38: for k being Nat st 1 <= k holds P[k] from Ind2(A2,A5);
consider p being RedSequence of PolyRedRel(P,T) such that
A39: p.1 = h & p.len p = h1 by A1,REWRITE1:def 3;
consider k being Nat such that
A40: len p = k;
  k > 0 by A40,REWRITE1:def 2;
then 1 <= k by RLVECT_1:99;
hence thesis by A1,A38,A39,A40;

theorem Th50:
::: lemma 5.25 (ii), p. 200
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Abelian Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g being Polynomial of n,L
holds PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f-g,0_(n,L) implies
      f,g are_convergent_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Abelian Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g be Polynomial of n,L;
assume PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f-g,0_(n,L);
  then consider f1,g1 being Polynomial of n,L such that
  A1: f1 - g1 = 0_(n,L) &
     PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,f1 & PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces g,g1 by Th49;
    g1 = (f1 - g1) + g1 by A1,Th2
    .= (f1 + -g1) + g1 by POLYNOM1:def 23
    .= f1 + (-g1 + g1) by POLYNOM1:80
    .= f1 + 0_(n,L) by Th3
    .= f1 by POLYNOM1:82;
  hence thesis by A1,REWRITE1:def 7;

theorem Th51:
::: lemma 5.25 (ii), p. 200
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Abelian Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g being Polynomial of n,L
holds PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f-g,0_(n,L) implies
      f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T)
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Abelian Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g be Polynomial of n,L;
set R = PolyRedRel(P,T);
assume PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f-g,0_(n,L);
then f,g are_convergent_wrt R by Th50;
then consider h being set such that
A1: R reduces f,h & R reduces g,h by REWRITE1:def 7;
A2: R~ reduces h,g by A1,REWRITE1:25;
  R c= R \/ R~ & R~ c= R \/ R~ by XBOOLE_1:7;
then R \/ R~ reduces f,h & R \/ R~ reduces h,g by A1,A2,REWRITE1:23;
then R \/ R~ reduces f,g by REWRITE1:17;
hence thesis by REWRITE1:def 4;

let R be non empty LoopStr,
    I be Subset of R,
    a,b be Element of R;
pred a,b are_congruent_mod I means :Def14:
  a - b in I;

  for R being add-associative left_zeroed right_zeroed
            right_complementable right-distributive
            (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    I being right-ideal (non empty Subset of R),
    a being Element of R
holds a,a are_congruent_mod I
let R be add-associative left_zeroed right_zeroed
         right_complementable right-distributive
         (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    I be right-ideal (non empty Subset of R),
    a be Element of R;
A1: a - a = 0.R by RLVECT_1:28;
  0.R in I by IDEAL_1:3;
hence a,a are_congruent_mod I by A1,Def14;

theorem Th53:
for R being add-associative right_zeroed
            right_complementable right_unital
            right-distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    I being right-ideal (non empty Subset of R),
    a,b being Element of R
holds a,b are_congruent_mod I implies b,a are_congruent_mod I
let R be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         right-distributive right_unital (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    I be right-ideal (non empty Subset of R),
    a,b be Element of R;
assume a,b are_congruent_mod I;
then a - b in I by Def14;
then A1: -(a - b) in I by IDEAL_1:14;
  b - a - (-(a - b)) = b - a + -(-(a - b)) by RLVECT_1:def 11
                  .= b - a + (a - b) by RLVECT_1:30
                  .= b + -a + (a - b) by RLVECT_1:def 11
                  .= b + (-a + (a - b)) by RLVECT_1:def 6
                  .= b + (-a + (a + -b)) by RLVECT_1:def 11
                  .= b + ((-a + a) + -b) by RLVECT_1:def 6
                  .= b + (0.R + -b) by RLVECT_1:16
                  .= b + -b by ALGSTR_1:def 5
                  .= 0.R by RLVECT_1:16;
then b - a = -(a - b) by RLVECT_1:35;
hence thesis by A1,Def14;

theorem Th54:
for R being add-associative right_zeroed
            right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
    I being add-closed (non empty Subset of R),
    a,b,c being Element of R
holds a,b are_congruent_mod I & b,c are_congruent_mod I
      implies a,c are_congruent_mod I
let R be add-associative right_zeroed
         right_complementable (non empty LoopStr),
    I be add-closed (non empty Subset of R),
    a,b,c be Element of R;
assume a,b are_congruent_mod I & b,c are_congruent_mod I;
then a - b in I & b - c in I by Def14;
then A1: a - b + (b - c) in I by IDEAL_1:def 1;
  a - b + (b - c) = a + -b + (b - c) by RLVECT_1:def 11
               .= a + (-b + (b - c)) by RLVECT_1:def 6
               .= a + (-b + (b + -c)) by RLVECT_1:def 11
               .= a + ((-b + b) + -c) by RLVECT_1:def 6
               .= a + (0.R + -c) by RLVECT_1:16
               .= a + -c by ALGSTR_1:def 5
               .= a - c by RLVECT_1:def 11;
hence thesis by A1,Def14;

  for R being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed
            right_complementable unital distributive associative
            (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    I being add-closed (non empty Subset of R),
    a,b,c,d being Element of R
holds a,b are_congruent_mod I & c,d are_congruent_mod I
      implies a+c,b+d are_congruent_mod I
let R be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed
         right_complementable unital distributive associative
         (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    I be add-closed (non empty Subset of R),
    a,b,c,d be Element of R;
assume a,b are_congruent_mod I & c,d are_congruent_mod I;
then a - b in I & c - d in I by Def14;
then A1: (a - b) + (c - d) in I by IDEAL_1:def 1;
  (a + c) - (b + d) = (a + c) + (-(b + d)) by RLVECT_1:def 11
                 .= (a + c) + (-d + -b) by RLVECT_1:45
                 .= a + (c + (-d + -b)) by RLVECT_1:def 6
                 .= a + ((c + -d) + -b) by RLVECT_1:def 6
                 .= (a + -b) + (c + -d) by RLVECT_1:def 6
                 .= (a - b) + (c + -d) by RLVECT_1:def 11
                 .= (a - b) + (c - d) by RLVECT_1:def 11;
hence thesis by A1,Def14;

  for R being add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
            commutative distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    I being add-closed right-ideal (non empty Subset of R),
    a,b,c,d being Element of R
holds a,b are_congruent_mod I & c,d are_congruent_mod I
      implies a*c,b*d are_congruent_mod I
let R be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         commutative distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    I be add-closed right-ideal (non empty Subset of R),
    a,b,c,d be Element of R;
assume a,b are_congruent_mod I & c,d are_congruent_mod I;
then a - b in I & c - d in I by Def14;
then (a - b) * c in I & (c - d) * b in I by IDEAL_1:def 3;
then A1: ((a - b) * c) + ((c - d) * b) in I by IDEAL_1:def 1;
A2: (a - b) * c = (a + -b) * c by RLVECT_1:def 11
              .= a * c + (-b) * c by VECTSP_1:def 12;
     (c - d) * b = (c + -d) * b by RLVECT_1:def 11
              .= c * b + (-d) * b by VECTSP_1:def 12;
then ((a - b) * c) + ((c - d) * b)
   = a * c + ((-b) * c + (c * b + (-d) * b)) by A2,RLVECT_1:def 6
  .= a * c + (((-b) * c + c * b) + (-d) * b) by RLVECT_1:def 6
  .= a * c + ((-(b * c) + c * b) + (-d) * b) by VECTSP_1:41
  .= a * c + (0.R + (-d) * b) by RLVECT_1:16
  .= a * c + (-d) * b by ALGSTR_1:def 5
  .= a * c + -(d * b) by VECTSP_1:41
  .= a * c - b * d by RLVECT_1:def 11;
hence thesis by A1,Def14;

for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f being non-zero Polynomial of n,L,
    g being Polynomial of n,L,
    f',g' being Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L) st f = f' & g = g'
holds f reduces_to g,P,T implies f',g' are_congruent_mod P-Ideal
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f be non-zero Polynomial of n,L,
    g be Polynomial of n,L,
    f',g' be Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
assume A1: f = f' & g = g';
assume f reduces_to g,P,T;
then consider p being Polynomial of n,L such that
A2: p in P & f reduces_to g,p,T by Def7;
reconsider P as non empty Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L) by A2;
consider b being bag of n such that
A3: f reduces_to g,p,b,T by A2,Def6;
consider s being bag of n such that
A4: s + HT(p,T) = b & g = f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by A3,Def5;
A5: f - g = f + -(f - (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) by A4,POLYNOM1:def 23
        .= f + -(f + -(f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p)) by POLYNOM1:def 23
        .= f + (-f + -(-(f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p))) by Th1
        .= (f + -f) + (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by POLYNOM1:80
        .= 0_(n,L) + (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by Th3
        .= (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p) by Th2;
set R = Polynom-Ring(n,L);
set q = (f.b/HC(p,T)) * (s *' p),
    q' = Monom((f.b/HC(p,T)),s) *' p;
set r = <* q' *>;
  now let u be set;
  assume A6: u in rng r;
    rng r = {q'} by FINSEQ_1:56;
  then u = q' by A6,TARSKI:def 1;
  hence u in the carrier of R by POLYNOM1:def 27;
then rng r c= the carrier of R by TARSKI:def 3;
then reconsider r as FinSequence of the carrier of R by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
  now let i be set;
  assume A7: i in dom r;
    dom r = Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:55;
  then i = 1 by A7,FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1;
  then r.i = q' by FINSEQ_1:57;
  then A8: r/.i = q' by A7,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
  reconsider m = Monom((f.b/HC(p,T)),s) as Element of R
     by POLYNOM1:def 27;
  reconsider m as Element of R;
  reconsider p' = p as Element of R by POLYNOM1:def 27;
  reconsider p' as Element of R;
    m * p' * 1_ R = m * p' by VECTSP_1:def 13 .= q' by POLYNOM1:def 27;
  hence ex u,v being Element of R, a being Element of P st r/.i = u*a*v
    by A2,A8;
then reconsider r as LinearCombination of P by IDEAL_1:def 9;
  q' is Element of R by POLYNOM1:def 27;
then q' is Element of R;
then A9: Sum r = q' by BINOM:3;
  q' = q by Th22;
then A10: q in P-Ideal by A9,IDEAL_1:60;
reconsider x = -g as Element of R by POLYNOM1:def 27;
reconsider x as Element of R;
  x + g' = -g + g by A1,POLYNOM1:def 27
      .= 0_(n,L) by Th3
      .= 0.R by POLYNOM1:def 27;
then A11: -g' = -g by RLVECT_1:19;
  f - g = f + (-g) by POLYNOM1:def 23
     .= f' + (-g') by A1,A11,POLYNOM1:def 27
     .= f' - g' by RLVECT_1:def 11;
hence thesis by A5,A10,Def14;

theorem Th57:
::: lemma 5.26, p. 202
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g being Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L)
holds f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T) implies
      f,g are_congruent_mod P-Ideal
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g be Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
set R = PolyRedRel(P,T),
    PR = Polynom-Ring(n,L);
assume A1: f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T);
   defpred P[Nat] means
   for f,g being Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L) st R \/ R~ reduces f,g
   for p being RedSequence of R \/ R~ st p.1 = f & p.len p = g & len p = $1
   holds f,g are_congruent_mod P-Ideal;
   A2: P[1]
      proof let f,g be Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
       assume R \/ R~ reduces f,g;
       let p be RedSequence of R \/ R~;
       assume p.1 = f & p.len p = g & len p = 1;
       then A3: f - g = 0.PR by RLVECT_1:28;
         0.PR in P-Ideal by IDEAL_1:3;
       hence f,g are_congruent_mod P-Ideal by A3,Def14;
   A4: now let k be Nat;
      assume A5: 1 <= k;
      thus P[k] implies P[k+1]
      assume A6: P[k];
        now let f,g be Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
        assume R \/ R~ reduces f,g;
        let p be RedSequence of R \/ R~;
        assume A7: p.1 = f & p.len p = g & len p = k+1;
        then A8: dom p = Seg(k+1) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        A9: k <= k+1 by NAT_1:29;
        then A10: k in dom p by A5,A8,FINSEQ_1:3;
          k+1 in dom p by A8,FINSEQ_1:6;
        then A11: [p.k,p.(k+1)] in R \/ R~ by A10,REWRITE1:def 2;
        set q = p|(Seg k);
        reconsider q as FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:19;
        set h = q.len q;
        A12: len q = k by A7,A9,FINSEQ_1:21;
        A13: dom q = Seg k by A7,A9,FINSEQ_1:21;
        then k in dom q by A5,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then [h,g] in R \/ R~ by A7,A11,A12,FUNCT_1:68;
        then A14: [h,g] in R or [h,g] in R~ by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
          now per cases by A14,RELAT_1:def 7;
        case [h,g] in R;
          then consider h',g' being set such that
          A15: [h,g] = [h',g'] &
              h' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)} &
              g' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) by RELSET_1:6;
            h = [h',g']`1 by A15,MCART_1:def 1 .= h' by MCART_1:def 1;
          hence h in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)} &
               h in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) &
               g in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
        case [g,h] in R;
          then consider h',g' being set such that
          A16: [g,h] = [h',g'] &
              h' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)} &
              g' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) by RELSET_1:6;
          A17: g = [h',g']`1 by A16,MCART_1:def 1 .= h' by MCART_1:def 1;
            h = [h',g']`2 by A16,MCART_1:def 2 .= g' by MCART_1:def 2;
          hence g in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)} &
                g in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) &
                h in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) by A16,A17;
        then reconsider h as Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM1:def 27;
        reconsider h' = h as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L)
           by POLYNOM1:def 27;
        reconsider h' as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
        A18: len q > 0 by A5,A12,NAT_1:19;
          now let i be Nat;
          assume A19: i in dom q & i+1 in dom q;
          then A20: 1 <= i & i <= k & 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= k by A13,FINSEQ_1:3;
          then A21: i <= k+1 & i+1 <= k+1 by A9,AXIOMS:22;
          then A22: i in dom p by A8,A20,FINSEQ_1:3;
            i+1 in dom p by A8,A20,A21,FINSEQ_1:3;
          then A23: [p.i, p.(i+1)] in R \/ R~ by A22,REWRITE1:def 2;
            p.i = q.i by A19,FUNCT_1:68;
          hence [q.i, q.(i+1)] in R \/ R~ by A19,A23,FUNCT_1:68;
        then reconsider q as RedSequence of R \/ R~ by A18,REWRITE1:def 2;
          1 in dom q by A5,A13,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A24: q.1 = f by A7,FUNCT_1:68;
        then R \/ R~ reduces f,h by REWRITE1:def 3;
        then A25: f,h' are_congruent_mod P-Ideal by A6,A12,A24;
          now per cases by A14,RELAT_1:def 7;
        case A26: [h,g] in R;
          then consider h',g' being set such that
          A27: [h,g] = [h',g'] &
              h' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)} &
              g' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) by RELSET_1:6;
          A28: h = [h',g']`1 by A27,MCART_1:def 1 .= h' by MCART_1:def 1;
          A29: g = [h',g']`2 by A27,MCART_1:def 2 .= g' by MCART_1:def 2;
            not(h' in {0_(n,L)}) by A27,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          then h' <> 0_(n,L) by TARSKI:def 1;
          then reconsider h as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by A28,POLYNOM7:def 2
          reconsider h' = h as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L)
             by POLYNOM1:def 27;
          reconsider h' as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
          reconsider g' as Polynomial of n,L by A27,POLYNOM1:def 27;
            h reduces_to g',P,T by A26,A29,Def13;
          then h',g are_congruent_mod P-Ideal by A29,Lm19;
          then f,g are_congruent_mod P-Ideal by A25,Th54;
          hence f-g in P-Ideal by Def14;
        case A30: [g,h] in R;
          then consider g',h' being set such that
          A31: [g,h] = [g',h'] &
              g' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) \ {0_(n,L)} &
              h' in (the carrier of Polynom-Ring(n,L)) by RELSET_1:6;
          A32: g = [g',h']`1 by A31,MCART_1:def 1 .= g' by MCART_1:def 1;
          A33: h = [g',h']`2 by A31,MCART_1:def 2 .= h' by MCART_1:def 2;
            not(g' in {0_(n,L)}) by A31,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
          then g' <> 0_(n,L) by TARSKI:def 1;
          then reconsider g' = g as non-zero Polynomial of n,L
              by A32,POLYNOM1:def 27,POLYNOM7:def 2;
          reconsider gg = g' as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
          reconsider gg as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
          reconsider h' as Polynomial of n,L by A33;
          reconsider h as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L) by A31,
          reconsider h as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
            g' reduces_to h',P,T by A30,A33,Def13;
          then gg,h are_congruent_mod P-Ideal by A33,Lm19;
          then h,gg are_congruent_mod P-Ideal by Th53;
          then f,gg are_congruent_mod P-Ideal by A25,Th54;
          hence f-g in P-Ideal by Def14;
        hence f,g are_congruent_mod P-Ideal by Def14;
      hence thesis;
   A34: for k being Nat st 1 <= k holds P[k] from Ind2(A2,A4);
   A35: R \/ R~ reduces f,g by A1,REWRITE1:def 4;
   then consider p being RedSequence of R \/ R~ such that
   A36: p.1 = f & p.len p = g by REWRITE1:def 3;
   consider k being Nat such that
   A37: len p = k;
     k > 0 by A37,REWRITE1:def 2;
   then 1 <= k by RLVECT_1:99;
   hence f,g are_congruent_mod P-Ideal by A34,A35,A36,A37;

for n being Nat,
    T being admissible connected TermOrder of n,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    P being non empty Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,p,h being Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L)
      st p in P & p <> 0_(n,L) & h <> 0_(n,L)
holds f,f+h*p are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T)
let n be Nat,
    T be admissible connected TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    P be non empty Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,p,h be Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
assume A1: p in P & p <> 0_(n,L) & h <> 0_(n,L);
set PR = Polynom-Ring(n,L);
reconsider f' = f, h' = h, p' = p as Element of PR;
reconsider f',p',h' as Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM1:def 27;
reconsider h',p' as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by A1,POLYNOM7:def 2;
A2: PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces h'*'p',0_(n,L) by A1,Th45;
  now per cases;
case f' = 0_(n,L);
  then PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f'+h'*'p',f' by A2,Th2;
  then A3: f',f'+h'*'p' are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T) by REWRITE1:26;
    h' *' p' = h * p by POLYNOM1:def 27;
  hence thesis by A3,POLYNOM1:def 27;
case f' <> 0_(n,L);
  then reconsider f' as non-zero Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM7:def 2;
    (f' + h'*'p') - f' = (f' + h'*'p') + -f' by POLYNOM1:def 23
                       .= h'*'p' + (f' + -f') by POLYNOM1:80
                       .= 0_(n,L) + h'*'p' by Th3
                       .= h'*'p' by Th2;
  then A4: PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces (f' + h'*'p') - f',0_(n,L) by A1,Th45;
    now per cases;
  case f' + h'*'p' <> 0_(n,L);
    then reconsider g' = f' + h'*'p' as non-zero Polynomial of n,L
      by POLYNOM7:def 2;
    A5: g',f' are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T) by A4,Th51;
      h' *' p' = h * p by POLYNOM1:def 27;
    then g' = f + h * p by POLYNOM1:def 27;
    hence thesis by A5,REWRITE1:32;
  case A6: f' + h'*'p' = 0_(n,L);
      h' *' p' = h * p by POLYNOM1:def 27;
    then A7: f + h * p = 0_(n,L) by A6,POLYNOM1:def 27 .= 0.PR
             by POLYNOM1:def 27;
    then A8: f = - h * p by RLVECT_1:19 .= (-h)*p by VECTSP_1:41;
      now assume A9: -(h') = 0_(n,L);
      A10: dom h' = Bags n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= dom 0_(n,L) by FUNCT_2:def 1;
        now let u be set;
        assume u in dom h';
        then reconsider u' = u as bag of n by POLYNOM1:def 14;
          -(h'.u') = (-h').u' by POLYNOM1:def 22 .= 0.L by A9,POLYNOM1:81;
        then h'.u' = - 0.L by RLVECT_1:30 .= 0.L by RLVECT_1:25
             .= (0_(n,L)).u' by POLYNOM1:81;
        hence h'.u = (0_(n,L)).u;
      hence contradiction by A1,A10,FUNCT_1:9;
    then reconsider mh' = -(h') as non-zero Polynomial of n,L
       by POLYNOM7:def 2;
    reconsider x = mh' as Element of PR by POLYNOM1:def 27;
    reconsider x as Element of PR;
      h + x = mh' + h' by POLYNOM1:def 27
          .= 0_(n,L) by Th3
          .= 0.PR by POLYNOM1:def 27;
    then A11: -h = mh' by RLVECT_1:19;
      PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces mh'*'p',0_(n,L) by A1,Th45;
    then A12: mh'*'p',0_(n,L) are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T) by REWRITE1:
      (-h) * p = mh' *' p' by A11,POLYNOM1:def 27;
    hence thesis by A7,A8,A12,POLYNOM1:def 27;
  hence thesis;
hence thesis;

::: lemma 5.26, p. 202
  for n being Nat,
    T being admissible connected TermOrder of n,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    P being non empty Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g being Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L)
holds f,g are_congruent_mod P-Ideal implies
      f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T)
let n be Nat,
    T be admissible connected TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    P be non empty Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g be Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
assume f,g are_congruent_mod P-Ideal;
then g,f are_congruent_mod P-Ideal by Th53;
then g - f in P-Ideal by Def14;
then A1: g - f in P-LeftIdeal by IDEAL_1:63;
set PR = Polynom-Ring(n,L);
defpred P[Nat] means
  for f,g being Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
      p being LeftLinearCombination of P
  st Sum p = g - f & len p = $1
  holds f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T);
A2: P[0]
    proof let f,g be Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
            p be LeftLinearCombination of P;
    assume A3: Sum p = g - f & len p = 0;
    then p = <*>(the carrier of PR) by FINSEQ_1:32;
    then Sum p = 0.PR by RLVECT_1:60;
    then f = g by A3,RLVECT_1:35;
    hence f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T) by REWRITE1:27;
  now let k be Nat;
    assume A4: P[k];
      now let f,g be Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
            p be LeftLinearCombination of P;
      assume A5: Sum p = g - f & len p = k + 1;
        set q = p|(Seg k);
        reconsider q as FinSequence by FINSEQ_1:19;
        A6: dom p = Seg(k+1) by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          k <= k+1 by NAT_1:29;
        then A7: len q = k by A5,FINSEQ_1:21;
        reconsider q as LeftLinearCombination of P by IDEAL_1:42;
        set h = f + p/.(k+1);
        A8: Sum p = Sum q + p/.(k+1) by A5,Lm6;
        then Sum p - p/.(k+1)
               = (Sum q + p/.(k+1)) + -(p/.(k+1)) by RLVECT_1:def 11
              .= Sum q + (p/.(k+1) + -(p/.(k+1))) by RLVECT_1:def 6
              .= Sum q + 0.PR by RLVECT_1:16
              .= Sum q by RLVECT_1:10;
        then Sum q = (g - f) + -(p/.(k+1)) by A5,RLVECT_1:def 11
                  .= (g + -f) + -(p/.(k+1)) by RLVECT_1:def 11
                  .= g + (-f + -(p/.(k+1))) by RLVECT_1:def 6
                  .= g + -h by RLVECT_1:45
                  .= g - h by RLVECT_1:def 11;
        then A9: h,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T) by A4,A7;
          k+1 in dom p by A6,FINSEQ_1:6;
        then consider u being Element of PR,a being Element of P such that
        A10: p/.(k+1) = u*a by IDEAL_1:def 10;
        reconsider u' = u, a' = a as Element of PR;
        reconsider u',a' as Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM1:def 27;
        A11: p/.(k+1) = u' *' a' by A10,POLYNOM1:def 27;
          now per cases;
        case a <> 0_(n,L) & u <> 0_(n,L);
          then f,h are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T) by A10,Lm20;
          hence f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T) by A9,REWRITE1:31;
        case A12: a = 0_(n,L) or u = 0_(n,L);
          reconsider sumq = Sum q as Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM1:def 27;
            now per cases by A12;
          case a = 0_(n,L);
            hence p/.(k+1) = 0_(n,L) by A11,POLYNOM1:87;
          case u = 0_(n,L);
            hence p/.(k+1) = 0_(n,L) by A11,Th5;
          then Sum p = sumq + 0_(n,L) by A8,POLYNOM1:def 27
                    .= Sum q by POLYNOM1:82;
          hence f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T) by A4,A5,A7;
        hence f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T);
      hence f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T);
    hence P[k+1];
then A13: for k being Nat holds P[k] implies P[k+1];
A14: for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A2,A13);
consider p being LeftLinearCombination of P such that
A15: Sum p = g - f by A1,IDEAL_1:61;
consider k being Nat such that
A16: len p = k;
thus f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T) by A14,A15,A16;

theorem Th59:
::: lemma 5.26, p. 202
for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g being Polynomial of n,L
holds PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,g implies f-g in P-Ideal
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f,g be Polynomial of n,L;
assume PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,g;
then A1: f,g are_convertible_wrt PolyRedRel(P,T) by REWRITE1:26;
reconsider f' = f, g' = g as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L)
  by POLYNOM1:def 27;
reconsider f',g' as Element of Polynom-Ring(n,L);
A2: f',g' are_congruent_mod P-Ideal by A1,Th57;
set R = Polynom-Ring(n,L);
reconsider x = -g as Element of R by POLYNOM1:def 27;
reconsider x as Element of R;
  x + g' = -g + g by POLYNOM1:def 27
      .= 0_(n,L) by Th3
      .= 0.R by POLYNOM1:def 27;
then A3: -g' = -g by RLVECT_1:19;
  f - g = f + (-g) by POLYNOM1:def 23
     .= f' + (-g') by A3,POLYNOM1:def 27
     .= f' - g' by RLVECT_1:def 11;
hence thesis by A2,Def14;

::: lemma 5.26, p. 202
  for n being Ordinal,
    T being connected TermOrder of n,
    L being Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
            commutative associative well-unital distributive
            Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P being Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f being Polynomial of n,L
holds PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,0_(n,L) implies f in P-Ideal
let n be Ordinal,
    T be connected TermOrder of n,
    L be Abelian add-associative right_complementable right_zeroed
         commutative associative well-unital distributive
         Field-like (non trivial doubleLoopStr),
    P be Subset of Polynom-Ring(n,L),
    f be Polynomial of n,L;
assume PolyRedRel(P,T) reduces f,0_(n,L);
then f-0_(n,L) in P-Ideal by Th59;
hence thesis by Th4;

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