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environ vocabulary JORDAN8, PSCOMP_1, BOOLE, JORDAN1A, JORDAN9, GOBOARD1, GOBOARD5, JORDAN6, SPRECT_2, JORDAN2C, ABSVALUE, REALSET1, JORDAN1E, FINSEQ_4, TOPS_1, TOPREAL2, CONNSP_1, COMPTS_1, TOPREAL1, SPPOL_1, FINSEQ_1, TREES_1, EUCLID, RELAT_1, MCART_1, MATRIX_1, GOBOARD9, PRE_TOPC, RELAT_2, SEQM_3, SUBSET_1, FUNCT_1, ARYTM_1, FINSEQ_6, GOBOARD2, ARYTM_3, ORDINAL2, FUNCT_5, JORDAN5D; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, SUBSET_1, XREAL_0, REAL_1, NAT_1, ABSVALUE, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_4, MATRIX_1, FINSEQ_6, REALSET1, STRUCT_0, PRE_TOPC, TOPS_1, TOPREAL2, BINARITH, CONNSP_1, COMPTS_1, EUCLID, PSCOMP_1, SPRECT_2, GOBOARD1, TOPREAL1, GOBOARD2, GOBOARD5, GOBOARD9, GOBRD13, SPPOL_1, JORDAN8, JORDAN2C, JORDAN6, JORDAN9, JORDAN5D, JORDAN1A, JORDAN1E; constructors JORDAN8, REALSET1, GOBOARD9, JORDAN6, REAL_1, CARD_4, PSCOMP_1, BINARITH, JORDAN2C, CONNSP_1, JORDAN9, JORDAN1A, ABSVALUE, FINSEQ_4, GOBRD13, TOPREAL2, SPRECT_1, GOBOARD2, INT_1, TOPS_1, JORDAN1E, JORDAN5D; clusters SPRECT_1, TOPREAL6, JORDAN8, REVROT_1, INT_1, RELSET_1, SPRECT_3, GOBOARD2, JORDAN1A, MEMBERED; requirements NUMERALS, BOOLE, SUBSET, REAL, ARITHM; definitions TARSKI; theorems AXIOMS, BINARITH, EUCLID, JORDAN8, PSCOMP_1, JORDAN1A, NAT_1, TOPREAL6, REAL_1, GOBOARD5, JORDAN4, SPRECT_2, FINSEQ_4, FINSEQ_5, FINSEQ_6, GOBOARD7, GOBOARD9, SPPOL_2, REVROT_1, TOPREAL1, AMI_5, JORDAN3, GOBRD13, INT_1, JORDAN9, JORDAN2C, ABSVALUE, GOBOARD1, TARSKI, TOPREAL3, FINSEQ_3, UNIFORM1, FUNCT_1, JORDAN1B, SPRECT_5, SCMFSA_7, JORDAN5D, JORDAN1E, JORDAN1F, JORDAN1G, JORDAN1C, JORDAN1H, TOPREAL8, GOBRD14, JORDAN1D, GOBOARD6, SPRECT_1, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1, SQUARE_1, XCMPLX_1; begin :: Preliminaries reserve i,j,k,n for Nat; theorem Th1: for A,B being Subset of TOP-REAL n holds A is Bounded or B is Bounded implies A /\ B is Bounded proof let A,B be Subset of TOP-REAL n; assume A1: A is Bounded or B is Bounded; per cases by A1; suppose A2: A is Bounded; A /\ B c= A by XBOOLE_1:17; hence A /\ B is Bounded by A2,JORDAN2C:16; suppose A3: B is Bounded; A /\ B c= B by XBOOLE_1:17; hence A /\ B is Bounded by A3,JORDAN2C:16; end; theorem Th2: for A,B being Subset of TOP-REAL n holds A is not Bounded & B is Bounded implies A \ B is not Bounded proof let A,B be Subset of TOP-REAL n; assume that A1: A is not Bounded and A2: B is Bounded; A3: A /\ B is Bounded by A2,Th1; (A \ B) \/ A /\ B = A \ (B \ B) by XBOOLE_1:52 .= A \ {} by XBOOLE_1:37 .= A; hence A \ B is not Bounded by A1,A3,TOPREAL6:76; end; theorem Th3: for C being compact connected non vertical non horizontal Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds (W-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) > 1 proof let C be compact connected non vertical non horizontal Subset of TOP-REAL 2; A1: Cage(C,n)/.1 = N-min L~Cage(C,n) by JORDAN9:34; then A2: 1 < (N-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by SPRECT_2:73; (N-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) <= (E-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A1,SPRECT_2:74; then A3: 1 < (E-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A2,AXIOMS:22; (E-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) < (E-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A1,SPRECT_2:75; then A4: 1 < (E-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A3,AXIOMS:22; (E-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) <= (S-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A1,SPRECT_2:76; then A5: 1 < (S-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A4,AXIOMS:22; (S-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) < (S-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A1,SPRECT_2:77; then A6: 1 < (S-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A5,AXIOMS:22; (S-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) <= (W-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A1,SPRECT_2:78; hence (W-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) > 1 by A6,AXIOMS:22; end; theorem Th4: for C being compact connected non vertical non horizontal Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds (E-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) > 1 proof let C be compact connected non vertical non horizontal Subset of TOP-REAL 2; A1: Cage(C,n)/.1 = N-min L~Cage(C,n) by JORDAN9:34; then A2: 1 < (N-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by SPRECT_2:73; (N-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) <= (E-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A1,SPRECT_2:74; hence 1 < (E-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A2,AXIOMS:22; end; theorem Th5: for C being compact connected non vertical non horizontal Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds (S-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) > 1 proof let C be compact connected non vertical non horizontal Subset of TOP-REAL 2; A1: Cage(C,n)/.1 = N-min L~Cage(C,n) by JORDAN9:34; then A2: 1 < (N-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by SPRECT_2:73; (N-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) <= (E-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A1,SPRECT_2:74; then A3: 1 < (E-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A2,AXIOMS:22; (E-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) < (E-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A1,SPRECT_2:75; then A4: 1 < (E-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A3,AXIOMS:22; (E-min L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) <= (S-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A1,SPRECT_2:76; hence 1 < (S-max L~Cage(C,n))..Cage(C,n) by A4,AXIOMS:22; end; begin :: On bounding points of circular sequences theorem for f being non constant standard special_circular_sequence, p being Point of TOP-REAL 2 st p in rng f holds left_cell(f,p..f) = left_cell(Rotate(f,p),1) proof let f be non constant standard special_circular_sequence, p be Point of TOP-REAL 2 such that A1: p in rng f; set k = p..f; A2: 1 <= k by A1,FINSEQ_4:31; A3: 4 < len f by GOBOARD7:36; then len f > 1 by AXIOMS:22; then k < len f by A1,SPRECT_5:7; then A4: k+1 <= len f by NAT_1:38; set n = 1; n+1 <= len f by A3,AXIOMS:22; then A5: n+1 <= len Rotate(f,p) by REVROT_1:14; for i1,j1,i2,j2 being Nat st [i1,j1] in Indices GoB Rotate(f,p) & [i2,j2] in Indices GoB Rotate(f,p) & Rotate(f,p)/.n = (GoB Rotate(f,p))*(i1,j1) & Rotate(f,p)/.(n+1) = (GoB Rotate(f,p))*(i2,j2) holds i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1-'1,j1) or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1,j1) or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 & left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i2,j2-'1) or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 & left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1,j2) proof let i1,j1,i2,j2 be Nat such that A6: [i1,j1] in Indices GoB Rotate(f,p) and A7: [i2,j2] in Indices GoB Rotate(f,p) and A8: Rotate(f,p)/.n = (GoB Rotate(f,p))*(i1,j1) and A9: Rotate(f,p)/.(n+1) = (GoB Rotate(f,p))*(i2,j2); A10: GoB Rotate(f,p) = GoB f by REVROT_1:28; len Rotate(f,p) = len f by REVROT_1:14; then Rotate(f,p)/.(len f) = Rotate(f,p)/.1 by FINSEQ_6:def 1; then Rotate(f,p)/.(k + len f -' p..f) = Rotate(f,p)/.1 by BINARITH:39; then A11: f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1,j1) by A1,A2,A8,A10,REVROT_1:18; Rotate(f,p)/.(1 + 1 + k -' p..f) = Rotate(f,p)/.(n+1) by BINARITH:39; then A12: Rotate(f,p)/.(k+1 + 1 -' p..f) = Rotate(f,p)/.(n+1) by XCMPLX_1:1; k < k+1 by NAT_1:38; then A13: f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2,j2) by A1,A4,A9,A10,A12,REVROT_1:10; A14 : left_cell(f,k) = left_cell(f,k); :: potrzebne, bo kolekcjonowanie w dyzjunktach then A15: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j1) or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 & left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i2,j2-'1) or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 & left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i1,j2) by A2,A4,A6,A7,A10,A11,A13,GOBOARD5:def 7; A16: j1+1+1 = j1+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1; A17: i1+1+1 = i1+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1; per cases by A2,A4,A6,A7,A10,A11,A13,A14,GOBOARD5:def 7; case i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2; hence left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1-'1,j1) by A15,A16,REAL_1:69,REVROT_1:28; case i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2; hence left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1,j1) by A15,A17,REAL_1:69,REVROT_1:28; case i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2; hence left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i2,j2-'1) by A15,A17,REAL_1:69,REVROT_1:28; case i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1; hence left_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1,j2) by A15,A16,REAL_1:69,REVROT_1:28; end; hence left_cell(f,k) = left_cell(Rotate(f,p),1) by A5,GOBOARD5:def 7; end; theorem Th7: for f being non constant standard special_circular_sequence, p being Point of TOP-REAL 2 st p in rng f holds right_cell(f,p..f) = right_cell(Rotate(f,p),1) proof let f be non constant standard special_circular_sequence, p be Point of TOP-REAL 2 such that A1: p in rng f; set k = p..f; A2: 1 <= k & k <= len f by A1,FINSEQ_4:31; A3: 4 < len f by GOBOARD7:36; then len f > 1 by AXIOMS:22; then k < len f by A1,SPRECT_5:7; then A4: k+1 <= len f by NAT_1:38; set n = 1; n+1 <= len f by A3,AXIOMS:22; then A5: n+1 <= len Rotate(f,p) by REVROT_1:14; for i1,j1,i2,j2 being Nat st [i1,j1] in Indices GoB Rotate(f,p) & [i2,j2] in Indices GoB Rotate(f,p) & Rotate(f,p)/.n = (GoB Rotate(f,p))*(i1,j1) & Rotate(f,p)/.(n+1) = (GoB Rotate(f,p))*(i2,j2) holds i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1,j1) or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1,j1-'1) or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i2,j2) or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1-'1,j2) proof let i1,j1,i2,j2 be Nat such that A6: [i1,j1] in Indices GoB Rotate(f,p) and A7: [i2,j2] in Indices GoB Rotate(f,p) and A8: Rotate(f,p)/.n = (GoB Rotate(f,p))*(i1,j1) and A9: Rotate(f,p)/.(n+1) = (GoB Rotate(f,p))*(i2,j2); A10: GoB Rotate(f,p) = GoB f by REVROT_1:28; len Rotate(f,p) = len f by REVROT_1:14; then Rotate(f,p)/.(len f) = Rotate(f,p)/.1 by FINSEQ_6:def 1; then Rotate(f,p)/.(k + len f -' p..f) = Rotate(f,p)/.1 by BINARITH:39; then A11: f/.k = (GoB f)*(i1,j1) by A1,A2,A8,A10,REVROT_1:18; Rotate(f,p)/.(1 + 1 + k -' p..f) = Rotate(f,p)/.(n+1) by BINARITH:39; then A12: Rotate(f,p)/.(k+1 + 1 -' p..f) = Rotate(f,p)/.(n+1) by XCMPLX_1:1; k < k+1 by NAT_1:38; then A13: f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(i2,j2) by A1,A4,A9,A10,A12,REVROT_1:10; A14 : right_cell(f,k) = right_cell(f,k); :: potrzebne, bo kolekcjonowanie w dyzjunktach then A15: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i1,j1) or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i1,j1-'1) or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i2,j2) or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 & right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB f,i1-'1,j2) by A2,A4,A6,A7,A10,A11,A13,GOBOARD5:def 6; A16: j1+1+1 = j1+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1; A17: i1+1+1 = i1+(1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1; per cases by A2,A4,A6,A7,A10,A11,A13,A14,GOBOARD5:def 6; case i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2; hence right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1,j1) by A15,A16,REAL_1:69, REVROT_1:28; case i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2; hence right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1,j1-'1) by A15,A17,REAL_1:69, REVROT_1:28; case i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2; hence right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i2,j2) by A15,A17,REAL_1:69, REVROT_1:28; case i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1; hence right_cell(f,k) = cell(GoB Rotate(f,p),i1-'1,j2) by A15,A16,REAL_1:69, REVROT_1:28; end; hence right_cell(f,k) = right_cell(Rotate(f,p),n) by A5,GOBOARD5:def 6; end; theorem for C being compact connected non vertical non horizontal non empty Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds W-min C in right_cell(Rotate(Cage(C,n),W-min L~Cage(C,n)),1) proof let C be compact connected non vertical non horizontal non empty Subset of TOP-REAL 2; set f = Cage(C,n); set G = Gauge(C,n); consider j being Nat such that A1: 1 <= j & j <= width G & W-min L~f = G*(1,j) by JORDAN1D:34; set k = (W-min L~f)..f; set p = W-min C; A2: f is_sequence_on G by JORDAN9:def 1; A3: len f > 4 by GOBOARD7:36; A4: len G >= 4 by JORDAN8:13; then A5: 1 <= len G by AXIOMS:22; A6: 1 <= k by Th3; A7: W-min L~f in rng f by SPRECT_2:47; then A8: k <= len f by FINSEQ_4:31; A9: k in dom f by A7,FINSEQ_4:30; A10: f.k = W-min L~f by A7,FINSEQ_4:29; then A11: f/.k = W-min L~f by A9,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A12: f/.k = G*(1,j) by A1,A9,A10,FINSEQ_4:def 4; now assume k = len f; then A13: f/.1 = W-min L~f by A11,FINSEQ_6:def 1; A14: 1 in dom f by A7,FINSEQ_3:33; A15: 1 < (W-min L~f)..f by Th3; f.1 = W-min L~f by A13,A14,FINSEQ_4:def 4; hence contradiction by A14,A15,FINSEQ_4:34; end; then k < len f by A8,AXIOMS:21; then A16: k+1 <= len f by NAT_1:38; then A17: (f/.(k+1))`1 = W-bound L~Cage(C,n) by A6,A11,JORDAN1E:26; A18: 1 <= k+1 by NAT_1:29; then A19: k+1 in dom f by A16,FINSEQ_3:27; then consider ki,kj being Nat such that A20: [ki,kj] in Indices G & f/.(k+1) = G*(ki,kj) by A2,GOBOARD1:def 11; A21: [1,j] in Indices G by A1,A5,GOBOARD7:10; G*(1,j)`1 = G*(ki,kj)`1 by A1,A17,A20,PSCOMP_1:84; then A22: ki = 1 by A20,A21,JORDAN1G:7; 2 <= len f by A3,AXIOMS:22; then f/.(k+1) in L~f by A19,GOBOARD1:16; then f/.(k+1) in W-most L~f by A17,SPRECT_2:16; then A23: G*(1,j)`2 <= G*(ki,kj)`2 by A1,A20,PSCOMP_1:88; 1 <= kj & j <= width G & 1 <= ki & ki <= len G by A1,A20,GOBOARD5:1; then A24: j <= kj by A22,A23,GOBOARD5:5; k in dom f & k+1 in dom f & [1,j] in Indices GoB f & [ki,kj] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(1,j) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(ki,kj) by A7,A12,A16,A18,A20,A21,FINSEQ_3:27,FINSEQ_4:30,JORDAN1H:52; then abs(1-ki)+abs(j-kj) = 1 by GOBOARD5:13; then A25: 0+abs(j-kj) = 1 by A22,ABSVALUE:7; then A26: kj = j+1 by A24,GOBOARD1:1; A27: f/.(k+1) = G*(1,j+1) by A20,A22,A24,A25,GOBOARD1:1; 1 <= len G & 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A4,A20,A26,AXIOMS:22,GOBOARD5:1; then [1,j+1] in Indices G by GOBOARD7:10; then A28: right_cell(f,k,G) = cell(G,1,j) by A1,A2,A6,A11,A16,A21,A27,GOBRD13: 23; A29: GoB f = G by JORDAN1H:52; now assume A30: not p in right_cell(f,k,G); A31: 1 < len G by A4,AXIOMS:22; j+1 <= width G by A20,A26,GOBOARD5:1; then j < width G by NAT_1:38; then LSeg(G*(1+1,j),G*(1+1,j+1)) c= cell(G,1,j) by A1,A31,GOBOARD5:19; then A32: not p in LSeg(G*(2,j),G*(2,j+1)) by A28,A30; 1 <= j & j <= len G by A1,JORDAN8:def 1; then A33: G*(2,j)`1 = W-bound C by JORDAN8:14; len G = width G by JORDAN8:def 1; then 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= len G by A20,A26,GOBOARD5:1; then A34: G*(2,j+1)`1 = W-bound C by JORDAN8:14; p`1 = W-bound C by PSCOMP_1:84; then A35: p`2 > G*(2,j+1)`2 or p`2 < G*(2,j)`2 by A32,A33,A34,GOBOARD7:8; A36: 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G & 2 <= len G by A4,A20,A26,AXIOMS:22,GOBOARD5: 1; per cases by A1,A35,A36,GOBOARD5:2; suppose A37: p`2 > G*(1,j+1)`2; cell(G,1,j) meets C by A6,A16,A28,JORDAN9:33; then cell(G,1,j) /\ C <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7; then consider c being set such that A38: c in cell(G,1,j) /\ C by XBOOLE_0:def 1; reconsider c as Element of TOP-REAL 2 by A38; A39: c in cell(G,1,j) & c in C by A38,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A40: c`1 >= W-bound C by PSCOMP_1:71; 1+1 <= len G & 1 <= j & j+1 <= width G by A1,A4,A20,A26,AXIOMS:22,GOBOARD5 :1; then A41: G*(1,j)`1 <= c`1 & c`1 <= G*(1+1,j)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 <= c`2 & c`2 <= G*(1,j+1)`2 by A39,JORDAN9:19; then c`1 = W-bound C by A33,A40,AXIOMS:21; then c in W-most C by A39,SPRECT_2:16; then c`2 >= p`2 by PSCOMP_1:88; hence contradiction by A37,A41,AXIOMS:22; suppose A42: p`2 < G*(1,j)`2; p in C by SPRECT_1:15; then west_halfline p meets L~f by JORDAN1A:75; then consider r being set such that A43: r in west_halfline p & r in L~f by XBOOLE_0:3; reconsider r as Element of TOP-REAL 2 by A43; A44: p in W-most C by PSCOMP_1:91; r in west_halfline p /\ L~f by A43,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then r`1 = W-bound L~f by A44,JORDAN1A:106; then r in W-most L~f by A43,SPRECT_2:16; then (W-min L~f)`2 <= r`2 by PSCOMP_1:88; hence contradiction by A1,A42,A43,JORDAN1A:def 5; end; then p in right_cell(f,k) by A6,A16,A29,JORDAN1H:29; hence thesis by A7,Th7; end; theorem for C being compact connected non vertical non horizontal non empty Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds E-max C in right_cell(Rotate(Cage(C,n),E-max L~Cage(C,n)),1) proof let C be compact connected non vertical non horizontal non empty Subset of TOP-REAL 2; set f = Cage(C,n); set G = Gauge(C,n); consider j being Nat such that A1: 1 <= j & j <= width G & E-max L~f = G*(len G,j) by JORDAN1D:29; set k = (E-max L~f)..f; set p = E-max C; A2: f is_sequence_on G by JORDAN9:def 1; A3: len f > 4 by GOBOARD7:36; A4: len G >= 4 by JORDAN8:13; then A5: 1 <= len G by AXIOMS:22; A6: 1 <= k by Th4; A7: E-max L~f in rng f by SPRECT_2:50; then A8: k <= len f by FINSEQ_4:31; A9: k in dom f by A7,FINSEQ_4:30; A10: f.k = E-max L~f by A7,FINSEQ_4:29; then A11: f/.k = E-max L~f by A9,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A12: f/.k = G*(len G,j) by A1,A9,A10,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A13: f/.k = G*(len G,(j-'1)+1) by A1,A11,AMI_5:4; now assume k = len f; then A14: f/.1 = E-max L~f by A11,FINSEQ_6:def 1; A15: 1 in dom f by A7,FINSEQ_3:33; A16: 1 < (E-max L~f)..f by Th4; f.1 = E-max L~f by A14,A15,FINSEQ_4:def 4; hence contradiction by A15,A16,FINSEQ_4:34; end; then k < len f by A8,AXIOMS:21; then A17: k+1 <= len f by NAT_1:38; then A18: (f/.(k+1))`1 = E-bound L~Cage(C,n) by A6,A11,JORDAN1E:24; A19: 1 <= k+1 by NAT_1:29; then A20: k+1 in dom f by A17,FINSEQ_3:27; then consider ki,kj being Nat such that A21: [ki,kj] in Indices G & f/.(k+1) = G*(ki,kj) by A2,GOBOARD1:def 11; A22: [len G,j] in Indices G by A1,A5,GOBOARD7:10; G*(len G,j)`1 = G*(ki,kj)`1 by A1,A18,A21,PSCOMP_1:104; then A23: ki = len G by A21,A22,JORDAN1G:7; 2 <= len f by A3,AXIOMS:22; then f/.(k+1) in L~f by A20,GOBOARD1:16; then f/.(k+1) in E-most L~f by A18,SPRECT_2:17; then A24: G*(len G,j)`2 >= G*(ki,kj)`2 by A1,A21,PSCOMP_1:108; 1 <= j & kj <= width G & 1 <= ki & ki <= len G by A1,A21,GOBOARD5:1; then A25: j >= kj by A23,A24,GOBOARD5:5; k in dom f & k+1 in dom f & [len G,j] in Indices GoB f & [ki,kj] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(len G,j) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(ki,kj) by A7,A12,A17,A19,A21,A22,FINSEQ_3:27,FINSEQ_4:30,JORDAN1H:52; then abs(len G-ki)+abs(j-kj) = 1 by GOBOARD5:13; then abs(0)+abs(j-kj) = 1 by A23,XCMPLX_1:14; then 0+abs(j-kj) = 1 by ABSVALUE:7; then j=kj+1 by A25,GOBOARD1:1; then kj = j-1 by XCMPLX_1:26; then A26: kj = j-'1 by A1,SCMFSA_7:3; then A27: 1 <= len G & 1 <= j-'1 & j-'1 <= width G by A4,A21,AXIOMS:22,GOBOARD5 :1; 1 <= (j-'1)+1 & (j-'1)+1 <= width G by A1,AMI_5:4; then [len G,(j-'1)+1] in Indices G by A5,GOBOARD7:10; then A28: right_cell(f,k,G) = cell(G,len G-'1,j-'1) by A2,A6,A13,A17,A21,A23, A26,GOBRD13:29; A29: GoB f = G by JORDAN1H:52; now assume A30: not p in right_cell(f,k,G); A31: 1 < len G by A4,AXIOMS:22; then A32: 1<=len G-'1 by JORDAN3:12; A33: len G-'1 <= len G by JORDAN3:13; j-'1<j by A27,JORDAN3:14; then j-'1 < width G by A1,AXIOMS:22; then LSeg(G*(len G-'1,j-'1),G*(len G-'1,j-'1+1)) c= cell(G,len G-'1,j-'1) by A27,A32,A33,GOBOARD5:20; then not p in LSeg(G*(len G-'1,j-'1),G*(len G-'1,j-'1+1)) by A28,A30; then A34: not p in LSeg(G*(len G-'1,j-'1),G*(len G-'1,j)) by A1,AMI_5:4; 1 <= j-'1 & j-'1 <= len G by A27,JORDAN8:def 1; then A35: G*(len G-'1,j-'1)`1 = E-bound C by JORDAN8:15; 1 <= j & j <= len G by A1,JORDAN8:def 1; then A36: G*(len G-'1,j)`1 = E-bound C by JORDAN8:15; p`1 = E-bound C by PSCOMP_1:104; then A37: p`2 > G*(len G-'1,j)`2 or p`2 < G*(len G-'1,j-'1)`2 by A34,A35,A36 ,GOBOARD7:8; A38: G*(1,j)`2 = G*(len G-'1,j)`2 by A1,A32,A33,GOBOARD5:2; A39: G*(1,j-'1)`2 = G*(len G-'1,j-'1)`2 by A27,A32,A33,GOBOARD5:2; per cases by A1,A27,A37,A38,A39,GOBOARD5:2; suppose A40: p`2 < G*(len G,j-'1)`2; cell(G,len G-'1,j-'1) meets C by A6,A17,A28,JORDAN9:33; then cell(G,len G-'1,j-'1) /\ C <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7; then consider c being set such that A41: c in cell(G,len G-'1,j-'1) /\ C by XBOOLE_0:def 1; reconsider c as Element of TOP-REAL 2 by A41; A42: c in cell(G,len G-'1,j-'1) & c in C by A41,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A43: c`1 <= E-bound C by PSCOMP_1:71; 1<=len G-'1 & (len G-'1)+1 <= len G & 1 <= j-'1 & (j-'1)+1 <= width G by A1,A21,A26,A31,AMI_5:4,GOBOARD5:1,JORDAN3 :12; then A44: G*(len G-'1,j-'1)`1 <= c`1 & c`1 <= G*(len G-'1+1,j-'1)`1 & G*(len G-'1,j-'1)`2 <= c`2 & c`2 <= G*(len G-'1,j-'1+1)`2 by A42,JORDAN9:19; then G*(1,j-'1)`2 <= c`2 by A27,A32,A33,GOBOARD5:2; then A45: G*(len G,j-'1)`2 <= c`2 by A27,GOBOARD5:2; c`1 = E-bound C by A35,A43,A44,AXIOMS:21; then c in E-most C by A42,SPRECT_2:17; then c`2 <= p`2 by PSCOMP_1:108; hence contradiction by A40,A45,AXIOMS:22; suppose A46: p`2 > G*(len G,j)`2; p in C by SPRECT_1:16; then east_halfline p meets L~f by JORDAN1A:73; then consider r being set such that A47: r in east_halfline p & r in L~f by XBOOLE_0:3; reconsider r as Element of TOP-REAL 2 by A47; A48: p in E-most C by PSCOMP_1:111; r in east_halfline p /\ L~f by A47,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then r`1 = E-bound L~f by A48,JORDAN1A:104; then r in E-most L~f by A47,SPRECT_2:17; then (E-max L~f)`2 >= r`2 by PSCOMP_1:108; hence contradiction by A1,A46,A47,JORDAN1A:def 3; end; then p in right_cell(f,k) by A6,A17,A29,JORDAN1H:29; hence thesis by A7,Th7; end; theorem for C being compact connected non vertical non horizontal non empty Subset of TOP-REAL 2 holds S-max C in right_cell(Rotate(Cage(C,n),S-max L~Cage(C,n)),1) proof let C be compact connected non vertical non horizontal non empty Subset of TOP-REAL 2; set f = Cage(C,n); set G = Gauge(C,n); consider j being Nat such that A1: 1 <= j & j <= len G & S-max L~f = G*(j,1) by JORDAN1D:32; set k = (S-max L~f)..f; set p = S-max C; A2: f is_sequence_on G by JORDAN9:def 1; A3: len f > 4 by GOBOARD7:36; A4: len G >= 4 by JORDAN8:13; then A5: 1 <= len G by AXIOMS:22; A6: 1 <= k by Th5; A7: S-max L~f in rng f by SPRECT_2:46; then A8: k <= len f by FINSEQ_4:31; A9: k in dom f by A7,FINSEQ_4:30; A10: f.k = S-max L~f by A7,FINSEQ_4:29; then A11: f/.k = S-max L~f by A9,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A12: f/.k = G*(j,1) by A1,A9,A10,FINSEQ_4:def 4; now assume k = len f; then A13: f/.1 = S-max L~f by A11,FINSEQ_6:def 1; A14: 1 in dom f by A7,FINSEQ_3:33; A15: 1 < (S-max L~f)..f by Th5; f.1 = S-max L~f by A13,A14,FINSEQ_4:def 4; hence contradiction by A14,A15,FINSEQ_4:34; end; then k < len f by A8,AXIOMS:21; then A16: k+1 <= len f by NAT_1:38; then A17: (f/.(k+1))`2 = S-bound L~Cage(C,n) by A6,A11,JORDAN1E:25; A18: 1 <= k+1 by NAT_1:29; then A19: k+1 in dom f by A16,FINSEQ_3:27; then consider kj,ki being Nat such that A20: [kj,ki] in Indices G & f/.(k+1) = G*(kj,ki) by A2,GOBOARD1:def 11; len G = width G by JORDAN8:def 1; then A21: [j,1] in Indices G by A1,A5,GOBOARD7:10; G*(j,1)`2 = G*(kj,ki)`2 by A1,A17,A20,PSCOMP_1:114; then A22: ki = 1 by A20,A21,JORDAN1G:6; 2 <= len f by A3,AXIOMS:22; then f/.(k+1) in L~f by A19,GOBOARD1:16; then f/.(k+1) in S-most L~f by A17,SPRECT_2:15; then A23: G*(j,1)`1 >= G*(kj,ki)`1 by A1,A20,PSCOMP_1:118; A24: 1 <= ki & ki <= width G & 1 <= j & 1 <= kj & kj <= len G by A1,A20,GOBOARD5:1; then A25: kj <= j by A22,A23,GOBOARD5:4; k in dom f & k+1 in dom f & [j,1] in Indices GoB f & [kj,ki] in Indices GoB f & f/.k = (GoB f)*(j,1) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB f)*(kj,ki) by A7,A12,A16,A18,A20,A21,FINSEQ_3:27,FINSEQ_4:30,JORDAN1H:52; then abs(1-ki)+abs(j-kj) = 1 by GOBOARD5:13; then 0+abs(j-kj) = 1 by A22,ABSVALUE:7; then kj+1 = j by A25,GOBOARD1:1; then A26: kj = j-1 by XCMPLX_1:26; then A27: kj = j-'1 by A24,JORDAN3:1; len G = width G by JORDAN8:def 1; then A28: [j-'1,1] in Indices G by A5,A24,A27,GOBOARD7:10; [j-'1+1,1] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(j-'1+1,1) & f/.(k+1) = G*(j-'1,1) by A1,A11,A20,A21,A22,A24,A26, AMI_5:4,JORDAN3:1; then A29: right_cell(f,k,G) = cell(G,j-'1,1) by A2,A6,A16,A28,GOBRD13:27; A30: GoB f = G by JORDAN1H:52; now assume A31: not p in right_cell(f,k,G); 1 < len G by A4,AXIOMS:22; then A32: 1 < width G by JORDAN8:def 1; A33: 1 <= j-'1 & j-'1 <= len G by A24,A26,JORDAN3:1; then j-'1 < j by JORDAN3:14; then j-'1 < len G by A1,AXIOMS:22; then LSeg(G*(j-'1,1+1),G*(j-'1+1,1+1)) c= cell(G,j-'1,1) by A32,A33,GOBOARD5 :22; then LSeg(G*(j-'1,2),G*(j,2)) c= cell(G,j-'1,1) by A1,AMI_5:4; then A34: not p in LSeg(G*(j-'1,2),G*(j,2)) by A29,A31; A35: G*(j-'1,2)`2 = S-bound C by A33,JORDAN8:16; A36: G*(j,2)`2 = S-bound C by A1,JORDAN8:16; p`2 = S-bound C by PSCOMP_1:114; then A37: p`1 > G*(j,2)`1 or p`1 < G*(j-'1,2)`1 by A34,A35,A36,GOBOARD7:9; len G = width G by JORDAN8:def 1; then A38: 2 <= width G by A4,AXIOMS:22; A39: len G = width G by JORDAN8:def 1; per cases by A1,A33,A37,A38,GOBOARD5:3; suppose A40: p`1 < G*(j-'1,1)`1; cell(G,j-'1,1) meets C by A6,A16,A29,JORDAN9:33; then cell(G,j-'1,1) /\ C <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7; then consider c being set such that A41: c in cell(G,j-'1,1) /\ C by XBOOLE_0:def 1; reconsider c as Element of TOP-REAL 2 by A41; A42: c in cell(G,j-'1,1) & c in C by A41,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then A43: c`2 >= S-bound C by PSCOMP_1:71; j-'1+1 <= len G & 1+1 <= width G by A1,A4,A39,AMI_5:4,AXIOMS:22; then A44: G*(j-'1,1)`1 <= c`1 & c`1 <= G*(j-'1+1,1)`1 & G*(j-'1,1)`2 <= c`2 & c`2 <= G*(j-'1,1+1)`2 by A33,A42,JORDAN9:19; then c`2 = S-bound C by A35,A43,AXIOMS:21; then c in S-most C by A42,SPRECT_2:15; then c`1 <= p`1 by PSCOMP_1:118; hence contradiction by A40,A44,AXIOMS:22; suppose A45: p`1 > G*(j,1)`1; p in C by SPRECT_1:14; then south_halfline p meets L~f by JORDAN1A:74; then consider r being set such that A46: r in south_halfline p & r in L~f by XBOOLE_0:3; reconsider r as Element of TOP-REAL 2 by A46; A47: p in S-most C by PSCOMP_1:121; r in south_halfline p /\ L~f by A46,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then r`2 = S-bound L~f by A47,JORDAN1A:105; then r in S-most L~f by A46,SPRECT_2:15; then (S-max L~f)`1 >= r`1 by PSCOMP_1:118; hence contradiction by A1,A45,A46,JORDAN1A:def 4; end; then p in right_cell(f,k) by A6,A16,A30,JORDAN1H:29; hence thesis by A7,Th7; end; begin :: On clockwise oriented sequences theorem Th11: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for p being Point of TOP-REAL 2 st p`1 < W-bound (L~f) holds p in LeftComp f proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let p be Point of TOP-REAL 2; set g = Rotate(f,N-min L~f); A1: L~f = L~g by REVROT_1:33; N-min L~f in rng f by SPRECT_2:43; then A2: g/.1 = N-min L~g by A1,FINSEQ_6:98; assume p`1 < W-bound (L~f); then p in LeftComp g by A1,A2,JORDAN2C:118; hence p in LeftComp f by REVROT_1:36; end; theorem Th12: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for p being Point of TOP-REAL 2 st p`1 > E-bound (L~f) holds p in LeftComp f proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let p be Point of TOP-REAL 2; set g = Rotate(f,N-min L~f); A1: L~f = L~g by REVROT_1:33; N-min L~f in rng f by SPRECT_2:43; then A2: g/.1 = N-min L~g by A1,FINSEQ_6:98; assume p`1 > E-bound (L~f); then p in LeftComp g by A1,A2,JORDAN2C:119; hence p in LeftComp f by REVROT_1:36; end; theorem Th13: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for p being Point of TOP-REAL 2 st p`2 < S-bound (L~f) holds p in LeftComp f proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let p be Point of TOP-REAL 2; set g = Rotate(f,N-min L~f); A1: L~f = L~g by REVROT_1:33; N-min L~f in rng f by SPRECT_2:43; then A2: g/.1 = N-min L~g by A1,FINSEQ_6:98; assume p`2 < S-bound (L~f); then p in LeftComp g by A1,A2,JORDAN2C:120; hence p in LeftComp f by REVROT_1:36; end; theorem Th14: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for p being Point of TOP-REAL 2 st p`2 > N-bound (L~f) holds p in LeftComp f proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let p be Point of TOP-REAL 2; set g = Rotate(f,N-min L~f); A1: L~f = L~g by REVROT_1:33; N-min L~f in rng f by SPRECT_2:43; then A2: g/.1 = N-min L~g by A1,FINSEQ_6:98; assume p`2 > N-bound (L~f); then p in LeftComp g by A1,A2,JORDAN2C:121; hence p in LeftComp f by REVROT_1:36; end; theorem Th15: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board st f is_sequence_on G for i,j,k being Nat st 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i,j] in Indices G & [i+1,j] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i+1,j) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j) holds j < width G proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; assume A1: f is_sequence_on G; let i,j,k be Nat; assume that A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: [i,j] in Indices G and A4: [i+1,j] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i+1,j) and A6: f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j); A7: 1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G by A3,GOBOARD5:1; assume j >= width G; then A8: j = width G by A7,REAL_1:def 5; right_cell(f,k,G) = cell(G,i,j) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,GOBRD13:27; then A9: right_cell(f,k,G) is not Bounded by A7,A8,JORDAN1A:48; A10: L~f is Bounded by JORDAN2C:73; then A11: right_cell(f,k,G)\L~f is not Bounded by A9,Th2; right_cell(f,k,G)\L~f c= RightComp f by A1,A2,JORDAN9:29; then RightComp f is not Bounded by A11,JORDAN2C:16; then BDD L~f is not Bounded by GOBRD14:47; hence contradiction by A10,JORDAN2C:114; end; theorem Th16: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board st f is_sequence_on G for i,j,k being Nat st 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i,j] in Indices G & [i,j+1] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i,j) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j+1) holds i < len G proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; assume A1: f is_sequence_on G; let i,j,k be Nat; assume that A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: [i,j] in Indices G and A4: [i,j+1] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i,j) and A6: f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j+1); A7: 1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G by A3,GOBOARD5:1; assume i >= len G; then A8: i = len G by A7,REAL_1:def 5; right_cell(f,k,G) = cell(G,i,j) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,GOBRD13:23; then A9: right_cell(f,k,G) is not Bounded by A7,A8,JORDAN1B:37; A10: L~f is Bounded by JORDAN2C:73; then A11: right_cell(f,k,G)\L~f is not Bounded by A9,Th2; right_cell(f,k,G)\L~f c= RightComp f by A1,A2,JORDAN9:29; then RightComp f is not Bounded by A11,JORDAN2C:16; then BDD L~f is not Bounded by GOBRD14:47; hence contradiction by A10,JORDAN2C:114; end; theorem Th17: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board st f is_sequence_on G for i,j,k being Nat st 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i,j] in Indices G & [i+1,j] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i,j) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i+1,j) holds j > 1 proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; assume A1: f is_sequence_on G; let i,j,k be Nat; assume that A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: [i,j] in Indices G and A4: [i+1,j] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i,j) and A6: f/.(k+1) = G*(i+1,j); A7: 1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G by A3,GOBOARD5:1; assume j <= 1; then j = 1 by A7,REAL_1:def 5; then A8: j-'1 = 0 by GOBOARD9:1; right_cell(f,k,G) = cell(G,i,j-'1) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,GOBRD13:25; then A9: right_cell(f,k,G) is not Bounded by A7,A8,JORDAN1A:47; A10: L~f is Bounded by JORDAN2C:73; then A11: right_cell(f,k,G)\L~f is not Bounded by A9,Th2; right_cell(f,k,G)\L~f c= RightComp f by A1,A2,JORDAN9:29; then RightComp f is not Bounded by A11,JORDAN2C:16; then BDD L~f is not Bounded by GOBRD14:47; hence contradiction by A10,JORDAN2C:114; end; theorem Th18: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board st f is_sequence_on G for i,j,k being Nat st 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i,j] in Indices G & [i,j+1] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i,j+1) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j) holds i > 1 proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; assume A1: f is_sequence_on G; let i,j,k be Nat; assume that A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: [i,j] in Indices G and A4: [i,j+1] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i,j+1) and A6: f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j); A7: 1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G by A3,GOBOARD5:1; assume i <= 1; then i = 1 by A7,REAL_1:def 5; then A8: i-'1 = 0 by GOBOARD9:1; right_cell(f,k,G) = cell(G,i-'1,j) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,GOBRD13:29; then A9: right_cell(f,k,G) is not Bounded by A7,A8,JORDAN1B:36; A10: L~f is Bounded by JORDAN2C:73; then A11: right_cell(f,k,G)\L~f is not Bounded by A9,Th2; right_cell(f,k,G)\L~f c= RightComp f by A1,A2,JORDAN9:29; then RightComp f is not Bounded by A11,JORDAN2C:16; then BDD L~f is not Bounded by GOBRD14:47; hence contradiction by A10,JORDAN2C:114; end; theorem Th19: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board st f is_sequence_on G for i,j,k being Nat st 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i,j] in Indices G & [i+1,j] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i+1,j) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j) holds (f/.k)`2 <> N-bound L~f proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; assume A1: f is_sequence_on G; let i,j,k be Nat; assume that A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: [i,j] in Indices G and A4: [i+1,j] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i+1,j) and A6: f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j) and A7: (f/.k)`2 = N-bound L~f; A8: 0+1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G by A3,GOBOARD5:1; A9: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G by A4,GOBOARD5:1; A10: right_cell(f,k,G) = cell(G,i,j) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,GOBRD13:27; set p = 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)); per cases by A8,REAL_1:def 5; suppose j = width G; hence contradiction by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,Th15; suppose A11: j < width G; then j+1 <= width G by NAT_1:38; then A12: p in Int right_cell(f,k,G) by A8,A9,A10,GOBOARD6:34; i < len G by A9,NAT_1:38; then Int cell(G,i,j) = {|[r,s]| where r,s is Real : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 } by A8,A11,GOBOARD6:29; then consider r,s be Real such that A13: p = |[r,s]| and G*(i,1)`1 < r and r < G*(i+1,1)`1 and A14: G*(1,j)`2 < s and s < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A10,A12; p`2 = s by A13,EUCLID:56; then p`2 > N-bound L~f by A5,A7,A9,A14,GOBOARD5:2; then A15: p in LeftComp f by Th14; Int right_cell(f,k,G) c= RightComp f by A1,A2,JORDAN1H:31; then p in LeftComp f /\ RightComp f by A12,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then LeftComp f meets RightComp f by XBOOLE_0:def 7; hence contradiction by GOBRD14:24; end; theorem Th20: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board st f is_sequence_on G for i,j,k being Nat st 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i,j] in Indices G & [i,j+1] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i,j) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j+1) holds (f/.k)`1 <> E-bound L~f proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; assume A1: f is_sequence_on G; let i,j,k be Nat; assume that A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: [i,j] in Indices G and A4: [i,j+1] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i,j) and A6: f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j+1) and A7: (f/.k)`1 = E-bound L~f; A8: 0+1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G by A3,GOBOARD5:1; A9: 1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A4,GOBOARD5:1; A10: right_cell(f,k,G) = cell(G,i,j) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,GOBRD13:23; set p = 1/2*(G*(i,j)+G*(i+1,j+1)); per cases by A8,REAL_1:def 5; suppose i = len G; hence contradiction by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,Th16; suppose A11: i < len G; then i+1 <= len G by NAT_1:38; then A12: p in Int right_cell(f,k,G) by A8,A9,A10,GOBOARD6:34; j < width G by A9,NAT_1:38; then Int cell(G,i,j) = {|[r,s]| where r,s is Real : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 } by A8,A11,GOBOARD6:29; then consider r,s be Real such that A13: p = |[r,s]| and A14: G*(i,1)`1 < r and r < G*(i+1,1)`1 and G*(1,j)`2 < s and s < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A10,A12; p`1 = r by A13,EUCLID:56; then p`1 > E-bound L~f by A5,A7,A8,A14,GOBOARD5:3; then A15: p in LeftComp f by Th12; Int right_cell(f,k,G) c= RightComp f by A1,A2,JORDAN1H:31; then p in LeftComp f /\ RightComp f by A12,A15,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then LeftComp f meets RightComp f by XBOOLE_0:def 7; hence contradiction by GOBRD14:24; end; theorem Th21: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board st f is_sequence_on G for i,j,k being Nat st 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i,j] in Indices G & [i+1,j] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i,j) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i+1,j) holds (f/.k)`2 <> S-bound L~f proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; assume A1: f is_sequence_on G; let i,j,k be Nat; assume that A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: [i,j] in Indices G and A4: [i+1,j] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i,j) and A6: f/.(k+1) = G*(i+1,j) and A7: (f/.k)`2 = S-bound L~f; A8: 0+1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G by A3,GOBOARD5:1; A9: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G by A4,GOBOARD5:1; A10: right_cell(f,k,G) = cell(G,i,j-'1) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,GOBRD13:25; A11: j-'1+1 = j by A8,AMI_5:4; set p = 1/2*(G*(i,j-'1)+G*(i+1,j)); A12: j-1 >= 0 by A8,REAL_1:84; per cases by A8,REAL_1:def 5; suppose j = 1; hence contradiction by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,Th17; suppose j > 1; then j >= 1+1 by NAT_1:38; then j-1 >= 1+1-1 by REAL_1:49; then A13: j-'1 >= 1 by A12,BINARITH:def 3; then A14: p in Int right_cell(f,k,G) by A8,A9,A10,A11,GOBOARD6:34; j < width G + 1 by A8,NAT_1:38; then j-1 < width G+1-1 by REAL_1:54; then j-1 < width G by XCMPLX_1:26; then A15: j-'1 < width G by A12,BINARITH:def 3; i < len G by A9,NAT_1:38; then Int cell(G,i,j-'1) = {|[r,s]| where r,s is Real : G*(i,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i+1,1)`1 & G*(1,j-'1)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j)`2 } by A8,A11,A13,A15,GOBOARD6:29; then consider r,s be Real such that A16: p = |[r,s]| and G*(i,1)`1 < r and r < G*(i+1,1)`1 and G*(1,j-'1)`2 < s and A17: s < G*(1,j)`2 by A10,A14; p`2 = s by A16,EUCLID:56; then p`2 < S-bound L~f by A5,A7,A8,A17,GOBOARD5:2; then A18: p in LeftComp f by Th13; Int right_cell(f,k,G) c= RightComp f by A1,A2,JORDAN1H:31; then p in LeftComp f /\ RightComp f by A14,A18,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then LeftComp f meets RightComp f by XBOOLE_0:def 7; hence contradiction by GOBRD14:24; end; theorem Th22: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board st f is_sequence_on G for i,j,k being Nat st 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & [i,j] in Indices G & [i,j+1] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i,j+1) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j) holds (f/.k)`1 <> W-bound L~f proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; assume A1: f is_sequence_on G; let i,j,k be Nat; assume that A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: [i,j] in Indices G and A4: [i,j+1] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i,j+1) and A6: f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j) and A7: (f/.k)`1 = W-bound L~f; A8: 0+1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j & j <= width G by A3,GOBOARD5:1; A9: 1 <= i & i <= len G & 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width G by A4,GOBOARD5:1; A10: right_cell(f,k,G) = cell(G,i-'1,j) by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,GOBRD13:29; set p = 1/2*(G*(i-'1,j)+G*(i,j+1)); A11: i-'1+1 = i by A8,AMI_5:4; A12: i-1 >= 0 by A8,REAL_1:84; per cases by A8,REAL_1:def 5; suppose i = 1; hence contradiction by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,Th18; suppose i > 1; then i >= 1+1 by NAT_1:38; then i-1 >= 1+1-1 by REAL_1:49; then A13: i-'1 >= 1 by A12,BINARITH:def 3; then A14: p in Int right_cell(f,k,G) by A8,A9,A10,A11,GOBOARD6:34; i < len G + 1 by A8,NAT_1:38; then i-1 < len G+1-1 by REAL_1:54; then i-1 < len G by XCMPLX_1:26; then A15: i-'1 < len G by A12,BINARITH:def 3; j < width G by A9,NAT_1:38; then Int cell(G,i-'1,j) = {|[r,s]| where r,s is Real : G*(i-'1,1)`1 < r & r < G*(i,1)`1 & G*(1,j)`2 < s & s < G*(1,j+1)`2 } by A8,A11,A13,A15,GOBOARD6:29; then consider r,s be Real such that A16: p = |[r,s]| and G*(i-'1,1)`1 < r and A17: r < G*(i,1)`1 and G*(1,j)`2 < s and s < G*(1,j+1)`2 by A10,A14; p`1 = r by A16,EUCLID:56; then p`1 < W-bound L~f by A5,A7,A9,A17,GOBOARD5:3; then A18: p in LeftComp f by Th11; Int right_cell(f,k,G) c= RightComp f by A1,A2,JORDAN1H:31; then p in LeftComp f /\ RightComp f by A14,A18,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then LeftComp f meets RightComp f by XBOOLE_0:def 7; hence contradiction by GOBRD14:24; end; theorem Th23: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board for k being Nat st f is_sequence_on G & 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & f/.k = W-min L~f ex i,j be Nat st [i,j] in Indices G & [i,j+1] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i,j) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j+1) proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; let k be Nat; assume that A1: f is_sequence_on G and A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: f/.k = W-min L~f; consider i1,j1,i2,j2 be Nat such that A4: [i1,j1] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i1,j1) and A6: [i2,j2] in Indices G and A7: f/.(k+1) = G*(i2,j2) and A8: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 by A1,A2,JORDAN8:6; A9: 1 <= i1 & i1 <= len G & 1 <= j1 & j1 <= width G by A4,GOBOARD5:1; A10: 1 <= i2 & i2 <= len G & 1 <= j2 & j2 <= width G by A6,GOBOARD5:1; A11: G*(i1,j1)`1 = W-bound L~f by A3,A5,PSCOMP_1:84; k+1 >= 1+1 by A2,REAL_1:55; then A12: len f >= 2 by A2,AXIOMS:22; k+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29; then k+1 in dom f by A2,FINSEQ_3:27; then A13: f/.(k+1) in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A14: G*(i1,j1)`1 <= G*(i2,j2)`1 by A7,A11,PSCOMP_1:71; reconsider f1 = f as non trivial FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; take i1,j1; A15: k < len f by A2,NAT_1:38; then A16: k in dom f by A2,FINSEQ_3:27; per cases by A8; suppose A17: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2; thus [i1,j1] in Indices G by A4; thus [i1,j1+1] in Indices G by A6,A17; thus f/.k = G*(i1,j1) by A5; thus f/.(k+1) = G*(i1,j1+1) by A7,A17; suppose A18: i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & k <> 1; reconsider k'=k-1 as Nat by A16,FINSEQ_3:28; k > 1 by A2,A18,REAL_1:def 5; then k >= 1+1 by NAT_1:38; then A19: k' >= 1+1-1 by REAL_1:49; A20: k'+1 < len f by A15,XCMPLX_1:27; then consider i3,j3,i4,j4 be Nat such that A21: [i3,j3] in Indices G and A22: f/.k' = G*(i3,j3) and A23: [i4,j4] in Indices G and A24: f/.(k'+1) = G*(i4,j4) and A25: i3 = i4 & j3+1 = j4 or i3+1 = i4 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4+1 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4 & j3 = j4+1 by A1,A19,JORDAN8:6; A26: k'+1 = k by XCMPLX_1:27; then A27: i1 = i4 & j1 = j4 by A4,A5,A23,A24,GOBOARD1:21; A28: 1 <= i3 & i3 <= len G & 1 <= j3 & j3 <= width G by A21,GOBOARD5:1; k' < len f by A20,NAT_1:38; then k' in dom f by A19,FINSEQ_3:27; then A29: f/.k' in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A30: G*(i1,j1)`1 <= G*(i3,j3)`1 by A11,A22,PSCOMP_1:71; A31: j3 = j4 proof assume A32: j3 <> j4; per cases by A25,A32; suppose A33: i3 = i4 & j3 = j4+1; then G*(i3,j3)`1 <> W-bound L~f by A1,A19,A20,A21,A22,A23,A24,Th22; then G*(i3,1)`1 <> W-bound L~f by A28,GOBOARD5:3; then (W-min L~f)`1 <> W-bound L~f by A3,A5,A9,A27,A33,GOBOARD5:3; hence contradiction by PSCOMP_1:84; suppose A34: i3 = i4 & j3+1 = j4; G*(i3,j3)`1 = G*(i3,1)`1 by A28,GOBOARD5:3 .= (W-min L~f)`1 by A3,A5,A9,A27,A34,GOBOARD5:3 .= W-bound L~f by PSCOMP_1:84; then G*(i3,j3) in W-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A22,A29,SPRECT_2:16; then G*(i4,j4)`2 <= G*(i3,j3)`2 by A3,A24,A26,PSCOMP_1:88; then j3 >= j3+1 by A9,A27,A28,A34,GOBOARD5:5; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; end; now per cases by A25,A31,NAT_1:38; suppose i3+1 = i4; then i3 >= i3+1 by A9,A27,A28,A30,A31,GOBOARD5:4; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; suppose A35: i3 = i4+1; k'+(1+1) <= len f by A2,A26,XCMPLX_1:1; then A36: LSeg(f,k') /\ LSeg(f,k) = {f/.k} by A19,A26,TOPREAL1:def 8; A37: i1 <> i2 by A18,NAT_1:38; f/.k' in LSeg(f,k') & f/.(k+1) in LSeg(f,k) by A2,A15,A19,A26,TOPREAL1:27; then f/.(k+1) in {f/.k} by A7,A18,A22,A27,A31,A35,A36,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then f/.(k+1) = f/.k by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6,A7,A37,GOBOARD1:21; end; hence thesis; suppose A38: i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 & k = 1; set k1 = len f; A39: f/.k1 = f/.1 by FINSEQ_6:def 1; k < len f by A2,NAT_1:38; then A40: len f > 1+0 by A2,AXIOMS:22; then len f in dom f by FINSEQ_3:27; then reconsider k'=len f-1 as Nat by FINSEQ_3:28; k+1 >= 1+1 by A2,REAL_1:55; then len f >= 1+1 by A2,AXIOMS:22; then A41: k' >= 1+1-1 by REAL_1:49; A42: k'+1 <= len f by XCMPLX_1:27; then consider i3,j3,i4,j4 be Nat such that A43: [i3,j3] in Indices G and A44: f/.k' = G*(i3,j3) and A45: [i4,j4] in Indices G and A46: f/.(k'+1) = G*(i4,j4) and A47: i3 = i4 & j3+1 = j4 or i3+1 = i4 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4+1 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4 & j3 = j4+1 by A1,A41,JORDAN8:6; A48: k'+1 = k1 by XCMPLX_1:27; then A49: i1 = i4 & j1 = j4 by A4,A5,A38,A39,A45,A46,GOBOARD1:21; A50: 1 <= i3 & i3 <= len G & 1 <= j3 & j3 <= width G by A43,GOBOARD5:1; k' < len f by A42,NAT_1:38; then k' in dom f by A41,FINSEQ_3:27; then A51: f/.k' in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A52: G*(i1,j1)`1 <= G*(i3,j3)`1 by A11,A44,PSCOMP_1:71; A53: j3 = j4 proof assume A54: j3 <> j4; per cases by A47,A54; suppose A55: i3 = i4 & j3 = j4+1; then G*(i3,j3)`1 <> W-bound L~f by A1,A41,A42,A43,A44,A45,A46,Th22; then G*(i3,1)`1 <> W-bound L~f by A50,GOBOARD5:3; then (W-min L~f)`1 <> W-bound L~f by A3,A5,A9,A49,A55,GOBOARD5:3; hence contradiction by PSCOMP_1:84; suppose A56: i3 = i4 & j3+1 = j4; G*(i3,j3)`1 = G*(i3,1)`1 by A50,GOBOARD5:3 .= (W-min L~f)`1 by A3,A5,A9,A49,A56,GOBOARD5:3 .= W-bound L~f by PSCOMP_1:84; then G*(i3,j3) in W-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A44,A51,SPRECT_2:16; then G*(i4,j4)`2 <= G*(i3,j3)`2 by A3,A38,A39,A46,A48,PSCOMP_1:88; then j3 >= j3+1 by A9,A49,A50,A56,GOBOARD5:5; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; end; now per cases by A47,A53,NAT_1:38; suppose i3+1 = i4; then i3 >= i3+1 by A9,A49,A50,A52,A53,GOBOARD5:4; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; suppose A57: i3 = i4+1; len f-1 >= 0 by A40,REAL_1:84; then len f-'1 = len f-1 by BINARITH:def 3; then A58: LSeg(f,k) /\ LSeg(f,k') = {f.k} by A38,JORDAN4:54 .= {f/.k} by A16,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A59: i1 <> i2 by A38,NAT_1:38; f/.k' in LSeg(f,k') & f/.(k+1) in LSeg(f,k) by A2,A41,A48,TOPREAL1:27; then f/.(k+1) in {f/.k} by A7,A38,A44,A49,A53,A57,A58,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then f/.(k+1) = f/.k by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6,A7,A59,GOBOARD1:21; end; hence thesis; suppose i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2; then i2 >= i2+1 by A9,A10,A14,GOBOARD5:4; hence thesis by NAT_1:38; suppose A60: i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1; G*(i2,j2)`1 = G*(i2,1)`1 by A10,GOBOARD5:3 .= W-bound L~f by A9,A11,A60,GOBOARD5:3; then G*(i2,j2) in W-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A7,A13,SPRECT_2:16; then G*(i1,j1)`2 <= G*(i2,j2)`2 by A3,A5,PSCOMP_1:88; then j2 >= j2+1 by A9,A10,A60,GOBOARD5:5; hence thesis by NAT_1:38; end; theorem for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board for k being Nat st f is_sequence_on G & 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & f/.k = N-min L~f ex i,j be Nat st [i,j] in Indices G & [i+1,j] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i,j) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i+1,j) proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; let k be Nat; assume that A1: f is_sequence_on G and A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: f/.k = N-min L~f; consider i1,j1,i2,j2 be Nat such that A4: [i1,j1] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i1,j1) and A6: [i2,j2] in Indices G and A7: f/.(k+1) = G*(i2,j2) and A8: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 by A1,A2,JORDAN8:6; A9: 1 <= i1 & i1 <= len G & 1 <= j1 & j1 <= width G by A4,GOBOARD5:1; A10: 1 <= i2 & i2 <= len G & 1 <= j2 & j2 <= width G by A6,GOBOARD5:1; A11: G*(i1,j1)`2 = N-bound L~f by A3,A5,PSCOMP_1:94; k+1 >= 1+1 by A2,REAL_1:55; then A12: len f >= 2 by A2,AXIOMS:22; k+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29; then k+1 in dom f by A2,FINSEQ_3:27; then A13: f/.(k+1) in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A14: G*(i1,j1)`2 >= G*(i2,j2)`2 by A7,A11,PSCOMP_1:71; reconsider f1 = f as non trivial FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; take i1,j1; A15: k < len f by A2,NAT_1:38; then A16:k in dom f by A2,FINSEQ_3:27; per cases by A8; suppose A17: i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2; thus [i1,j1] in Indices G by A4; thus [i1+1,j1] in Indices G by A6,A17; thus f/.k = G*(i1,j1) by A5; thus f/.(k+1) = G*(i1+1,j1) by A7,A17; suppose A18: i1 = i2 & j2+1 = j1 & k <> 1; reconsider k'=k-1 as Nat by A16,FINSEQ_3:28; k > 1 by A2,A18,REAL_1:def 5; then k >= 1+1 by NAT_1:38; then A19: k' >= 1+1-1 by REAL_1:49; A20: k'+1 < len f by A15,XCMPLX_1:27; then consider i3,j3,i4,j4 be Nat such that A21: [i3,j3] in Indices G and A22: f/.k' = G*(i3,j3) and A23: [i4,j4] in Indices G and A24: f/.(k'+1) = G*(i4,j4) and A25: i3 = i4 & j3+1 = j4 or i3+1 = i4 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4+1 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4 & j3 = j4+1 by A1,A19,JORDAN8:6; A26: k'+1 = k by XCMPLX_1:27; then A27: i1 = i4 & j1 = j4 by A4,A5,A23,A24,GOBOARD1:21; A28: 1 <= i3 & i3 <= len G & 1 <= j3 & j3 <= width G by A21,GOBOARD5:1; k' < len f by A20,NAT_1:38; then k' in dom f by A19,FINSEQ_3:27; then A29: f/.k' in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A30: G*(i1,j1)`2 >= G*(i3,j3)`2 by A11,A22,PSCOMP_1:71; A31: i3 = i4 proof assume A32: i3 <> i4; per cases by A25,A32; suppose A33: j3 = j4 & i3 = i4+1; then G*(i3,j3)`2 <> N-bound L~f by A1,A19,A20,A21,A22,A23,A24,Th19; then G*(1,j3)`2 <> N-bound L~f by A28,GOBOARD5:2; then (N-min L~f)`2 <> N-bound L~f by A3,A5,A9,A27,A33,GOBOARD5:2; hence contradiction by PSCOMP_1:94; suppose A34: j3 = j4 & i3+1 = i4; G*(i3,j3)`2 = G*(1,j3)`2 by A28,GOBOARD5:2 .= (N-min L~f)`2 by A3,A5,A9,A27,A34,GOBOARD5:2 .= N-bound L~f by PSCOMP_1:94; then G*(i3,j3) in N-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A22,A29,SPRECT_2:14; then G*(i4,j4)`1 <= G*(i3,j3)`1 by A3,A24,A26,PSCOMP_1:98; then i3 >= i3+1 by A9,A27,A28,A34,GOBOARD5:4; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; end; now per cases by A25,A31,NAT_1:38; suppose j4+1 = j3; then j4 >= j4+1 by A9,A27,A28,A30,A31,GOBOARD5:5; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; suppose A35: j4 = j3+1; k'+(1+1) <= len f by A2,A26,XCMPLX_1:1; then A36: LSeg(f,k') /\ LSeg(f,k) = {f/.k} by A19,A26,TOPREAL1:def 8; A37: j1 <> j2 by A18,NAT_1:38; A38: i2 = i3 & j2 = j3 by A18,A27,A31,A35,XCMPLX_1:2; f/.k' in LSeg(f,k') & f/.(k+1) in LSeg(f,k) by A2,A15,A19,A26,TOPREAL1:27; then f/.(k+1) in {f/.k} by A7,A22,A36,A38,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then f/.(k+1) = f/.k by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6,A7,A37,GOBOARD1:21; end; hence thesis; suppose A39: i1 = i2 & j2+1 = j1 & k = 1; set k1 = len f; A40: f/.k1 = f/.1 by FINSEQ_6:def 1; k < len f by A2,NAT_1:38; then A41: len f > 1+0 by A2,AXIOMS:22; then len f in dom f by FINSEQ_3:27; then reconsider k'=len f-1 as Nat by FINSEQ_3:28; k+1 >= 1+1 by A2,REAL_1:55; then len f >= 1+1 by A2,AXIOMS:22; then A42: k' >= 1+1-1 by REAL_1:49; A43: k'+1 <= len f by XCMPLX_1:27; then consider i3,j3,i4,j4 be Nat such that A44: [i3,j3] in Indices G and A45: f/.k' = G*(i3,j3) and A46: [i4,j4] in Indices G and A47: f/.(k'+1) = G*(i4,j4) and A48: i3 = i4 & j3+1 = j4 or i3+1 = i4 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4+1 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4 & j3 = j4+1 by A1,A42,JORDAN8:6; A49: k'+1 = k1 by XCMPLX_1:27; then A50: i1 = i4 & j1 = j4 by A4,A5,A39,A40,A46,A47,GOBOARD1:21; A51: 1 <= i3 & i3 <= len G & 1 <= j3 & j3 <= width G by A44,GOBOARD5:1; k' < len f by A43,NAT_1:38; then k' in dom f by A42,FINSEQ_3:27; then A52: f/.k' in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A53: G*(i1,j1)`2 >= G*(i3,j3)`2 by A11,A45,PSCOMP_1:71; A54: i3 = i4 proof assume A55: i3 <> i4; per cases by A48,A55; suppose A56: j3 = j4 & i3 = i4+1; then G*(i3,j3)`2 <> N-bound L~f by A1,A42,A43,A44,A45,A46,A47,Th19; then G*(1,j3)`2 <> N-bound L~f by A51,GOBOARD5:2; then (N-min L~f)`2 <> N-bound L~f by A3,A5,A9,A50,A56,GOBOARD5:2; hence contradiction by PSCOMP_1:94; suppose A57: j3 = j4 & i3+1 = i4; G*(i3,j3)`2 = G*(1,j3)`2 by A51,GOBOARD5:2 .= (N-min L~f)`2 by A3,A5,A9,A50,A57,GOBOARD5:2 .= N-bound L~f by PSCOMP_1:94; then G*(i3,j3) in N-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A45,A52,SPRECT_2:14; then G*(i4,j4)`1 <= G*(i3,j3)`1 by A3,A39,A40,A47,A49,PSCOMP_1:98; then i3 >= i3+1 by A9,A50,A51,A57,GOBOARD5:4; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; end; now per cases by A48,A54,NAT_1:38; suppose j4+1 = j3; then j4 >= j4+1 by A9,A50,A51,A53,A54,GOBOARD5:5; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; suppose A58: j4 = j3+1; len f-1 >= 0 by A41,REAL_1:84; then len f-'1 = len f-1 by BINARITH:def 3; then A59: LSeg(f,k) /\ LSeg(f,k') = {f.k} by A39,JORDAN4:54 .= {f/.k} by A16,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A60: j1 <> j2 by A39,NAT_1:38; A61: i2 = i3 & j2 = j3 by A39,A50,A54,A58,XCMPLX_1:2; f/.k' in LSeg(f,k') & f/.(k+1) in LSeg(f,k) by A2,A42,A49,TOPREAL1:27; then f/.(k+1) in {f/.k} by A7,A45,A59,A61,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then f/.(k+1) = f/.k by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6,A7,A60,GOBOARD1:21; end; hence thesis; suppose i1 = i2 & j2 = j1+1; then j1 >= j1+1 by A9,A10,A14,GOBOARD5:5; hence thesis by NAT_1:38; suppose A62: i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2; G*(i2,j2)`2 = G*(1,j2)`2 by A10,GOBOARD5:2 .= N-bound L~f by A9,A11,A62,GOBOARD5:2; then G*(i2,j2) in N-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A7,A13,SPRECT_2:14; then G*(i1,j1)`1 <= G*(i2,j2)`1 by A3,A5,PSCOMP_1:98; then i2 >= i2+1 by A9,A10,A62,GOBOARD5:4; hence thesis by NAT_1:38; end; theorem Th25: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board for k being Nat st f is_sequence_on G & 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & f/.k = E-max L~f ex i,j be Nat st [i,j+1] in Indices G & [i,j] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i,j+1) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j) proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; let k be Nat; assume that A1: f is_sequence_on G and A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: f/.k = E-max L~f; consider i1,j1,i2,j2 be Nat such that A4: [i1,j1] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i1,j1) and A6: [i2,j2] in Indices G and A7: f/.(k+1) = G*(i2,j2) and A8: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 by A1,A2,JORDAN8:6; A9: 1 <= i1 & i1 <= len G & 1 <= j1 & j1 <= width G by A4,GOBOARD5:1; A10: 1 <= i2 & i2 <= len G & 1 <= j2 & j2 <= width G by A6,GOBOARD5:1; A11: G*(i1,j1)`1 = E-bound L~f by A3,A5,PSCOMP_1:104; k+1 >= 1+1 by A2,REAL_1:55; then A12: len f >= 2 by A2,AXIOMS:22; k+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29; then k+1 in dom f by A2,FINSEQ_3:27; then A13: f/.(k+1) in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A14: G*(i1,j1)`1 >= G*(i2,j2)`1 by A7,A11,PSCOMP_1:71; reconsider f1 = f as non trivial FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; take i2,j2; A15: k < len f by A2,NAT_1:38; then A16: k in dom f by A2,FINSEQ_3:27; now per cases by A8; suppose i1 = i2 & j2+1 = j1; hence [i2,j2] in Indices G & [i2,j2+1] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2,j2+1) by A4,A5,A6; suppose A17: i2+1 = i1 & j2 = j1 & k <> 1; reconsider k'=k-1 as Nat by A16,FINSEQ_3:28; k > 1 by A2,A17,REAL_1:def 5; then k >= 1+1 by NAT_1:38; then A18: k' >= 1+1-1 by REAL_1:49; A19: k'+1 < len f by A15,XCMPLX_1:27; then consider i3,j3,i4,j4 be Nat such that A20: [i3,j3] in Indices G and A21: f/.k' = G*(i3,j3) and A22: [i4,j4] in Indices G and A23: f/.(k'+1) = G*(i4,j4) and A24: i3 = i4 & j3+1 = j4 or i3+1 = i4 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4+1 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4 & j3 = j4+1 by A1,A18,JORDAN8:6; A25: k'+1 = k by XCMPLX_1:27; then A26: i1 = i4 & j1 = j4 by A4,A5,A22,A23,GOBOARD1:21; A27: 1 <= i3 & i3 <= len G & 1 <= j3 & j3 <= width G by A20,GOBOARD5:1; k' < len f by A19,NAT_1:38; then k' in dom f by A18,FINSEQ_3:27; then A28: f/.k' in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A29: G*(i1,j1)`1 >= G*(i3,j3)`1 by A11,A21,PSCOMP_1:71; A30: j3 = j4 proof assume A31: j3 <> j4; per cases by A24,A31; suppose A32: i3 = i4 & j4 = j3+1; then G*(i3,j3)`1 <> E-bound L~f by A1,A18,A19,A20,A21,A22,A23,Th20; then G*(i3,1)`1 <> E-bound L~f by A27,GOBOARD5:3; then (E-max L~f)`1 <> E-bound L~f by A3,A5,A9,A26,A32,GOBOARD5:3; hence contradiction by PSCOMP_1:104; suppose A33: i3 = i4 & j4+1 = j3; G*(i3,j3)`1 = G*(i3,1)`1 by A27,GOBOARD5:3 .= (E-max L~f)`1 by A3,A5,A9,A26,A33,GOBOARD5:3 .= E-bound L~f by PSCOMP_1:104; then G*(i3,j3) in E-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A21,A28,SPRECT_2:17; then G*(i4,j4)`2 >= G*(i3,j3)`2 by A3,A23,A25,PSCOMP_1:108; then j4 >= j4+1 by A9,A26,A27,A33,GOBOARD5:5; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; end; now per cases by A24,A30,NAT_1:38; suppose i4+1 = i3; then i4 >= i4+1 by A9,A26,A27,A29,A30,GOBOARD5:4; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; suppose A34: i4 = i3+1; k'+(1+1) <= len f by A2,A25,XCMPLX_1:1; then A35: LSeg(f,k') /\ LSeg(f,k) = {f/.k} by A18,A25,TOPREAL1:def 8; A36: i1 <> i2 by A17,NAT_1:38; A37: i2 = i3 & j2 = j3 by A17,A26,A30,A34,XCMPLX_1:2; f/.k' in LSeg(f,k') & f/.(k+1) in LSeg(f,k) by A2,A15,A18,A25,TOPREAL1:27; then f/.(k+1) in {f/.k} by A7,A21,A35,A37,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then f/.(k+1) = f/.k by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6,A7,A36,GOBOARD1:21; end; hence [i2,j2] in Indices G & [i2,j2+1] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2,j2+1); suppose A38: i2+1 = i1 & j2 = j1 & k = 1; set k1 = len f; A39: f/.k1 = f/.1 by FINSEQ_6:def 1; k < len f by A2,NAT_1:38; then A40: len f > 1+0 by A2,AXIOMS:22; then len f in dom f by FINSEQ_3:27; then reconsider k'=len f-1 as Nat by FINSEQ_3:28; k+1 >= 1+1 by A2,REAL_1:55; then len f >= 1+1 by A2,AXIOMS:22; then A41: k' >= 1+1-1 by REAL_1:49; A42: k'+1 <= len f by XCMPLX_1:27; then consider i3,j3,i4,j4 be Nat such that A43: [i3,j3] in Indices G and A44: f/.k' = G*(i3,j3) and A45: [i4,j4] in Indices G and A46: f/.(k'+1) = G*(i4,j4) and A47: i3 = i4 & j3+1 = j4 or i3+1 = i4 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4+1 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4 & j3 = j4+1 by A1,A41,JORDAN8:6; A48: k'+1 = k1 by XCMPLX_1:27; then A49: i1 = i4 & j1 = j4 by A4,A5,A38,A39,A45,A46,GOBOARD1:21; A50: 1 <= i3 & i3 <= len G & 1 <= j3 & j3 <= width G by A43,GOBOARD5:1; k' < len f by A42,NAT_1:38; then k' in dom f by A41,FINSEQ_3:27; then A51: f/.k' in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A52: G*(i1,j1)`1 >= G*(i3,j3)`1 by A11,A44,PSCOMP_1:71; A53: j3 = j4 proof assume A54: j3 <> j4; per cases by A47,A54; suppose A55: i3 = i4 & j4 = j3+1; then G*(i3,j3)`1 <> E-bound L~f by A1,A41,A42,A43,A44,A45,A46,Th20; then G*(i3,1)`1 <> E-bound L~f by A50,GOBOARD5:3; then (E-max L~f)`1 <> E-bound L~f by A3,A5,A9,A49,A55,GOBOARD5:3; hence contradiction by PSCOMP_1:104; suppose A56: i3 = i4 & j4+1 = j3; G*(i3,j3)`1 = G*(i3,1)`1 by A50,GOBOARD5:3 .= (E-max L~f)`1 by A3,A5,A9,A49,A56,GOBOARD5:3 .= E-bound L~f by PSCOMP_1:104; then G*(i3,j3) in E-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A44,A51,SPRECT_2:17; then G*(i4,j4)`2 >= G*(i3,j3)`2 by A3,A38,A39,A46,A48,PSCOMP_1:108; then j4 >= j4+1 by A9,A49,A50,A56,GOBOARD5:5; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; end; now per cases by A47,A53,NAT_1:38; suppose i4+1 = i3; then i4 >= i4+1 by A9,A49,A50,A52,A53,GOBOARD5:4; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; suppose A57: i4 = i3+1; len f-1 >= 0 by A40,REAL_1:84; then len f-'1 = len f-1 by BINARITH:def 3; then A58: LSeg(f,k) /\ LSeg(f,k') = {f.k} by A38,JORDAN4:54 .= {f/.k} by A16,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A59: i1 <> i2 by A38,NAT_1:38; A60: i2 = i3 & j2 = j3 by A38,A49,A53,A57,XCMPLX_1:2; f/.k' in LSeg(f,k') & f/.(k+1) in LSeg(f,k) by A2,A41,A48,TOPREAL1:27; then f/.(k+1) in {f/.k} by A7,A44,A58,A60,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then f/.(k+1) = f/.k by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6,A7,A59,GOBOARD1:21; end; hence [i2,j2] in Indices G & [i2,j2+1] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2,j2+1); suppose i2 = i1+1 & j1 = j2; then i1 >= i1+1 by A9,A10,A14,GOBOARD5:4; hence [i2,j2] in Indices G & [i2,j2+1] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2,j2+1) by NAT_1:38; suppose A61: i1 = i2 & j2 = j1+1; G*(i2,j2)`1 = G*(i2,1)`1 by A10,GOBOARD5:3 .= E-bound L~f by A9,A11,A61,GOBOARD5:3; then G*(i2,j2) in E-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A7,A13,SPRECT_2:17; then G*(i1,j1)`2 >= G*(i2,j2)`2 by A3,A5,PSCOMP_1:108; then j1 >= j1+1 by A9,A10,A61,GOBOARD5:5; hence [i2,j2] in Indices G & [i2,j2+1] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2,j2+1) by NAT_1:38; end; hence [i2,j2+1] in Indices G & [i2,j2] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2,j2+1); thus f/.(k+1) = G*(i2,j2) by A7; end; theorem Th26: for f being clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence for G being Go-board for k being Nat st f is_sequence_on G & 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f & f/.k = S-max L~f ex i,j be Nat st [i+1,j] in Indices G & [i,j] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i+1,j) & f/.(k+1) = G*(i,j) proof let f be clockwise_oriented non constant standard special_circular_sequence; let G be Go-board; let k be Nat; assume that A1: f is_sequence_on G and A2: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f and A3: f/.k = S-max L~f; consider i1,j1,i2,j2 be Nat such that A4: [i1,j1] in Indices G and A5: f/.k = G*(i1,j1) and A6: [i2,j2] in Indices G and A7: f/.(k+1) = G*(i2,j2) and A8: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 or i1+1 = i2 & j1 = j2 or i1 = i2+1 & j1 = j2 or i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1 by A1,A2,JORDAN8:6; A9: 1 <= i1 & i1 <= len G & 1 <= j1 & j1 <= width G by A4,GOBOARD5:1; A10: 1 <= i2 & i2 <= len G & 1 <= j2 & j2 <= width G by A6,GOBOARD5:1; A11: G*(i1,j1)`2 = S-bound L~f by A3,A5,PSCOMP_1:114; k+1 >= 1+1 by A2,REAL_1:55; then A12: len f >= 2 by A2,AXIOMS:22; k+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29; then k+1 in dom f by A2,FINSEQ_3:27; then A13: f/.(k+1) in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A14: G*(i1,j1)`2 <= G*(i2,j2)`2 by A7,A11,PSCOMP_1:71; reconsider f1 = f as non trivial FinSequence of TOP-REAL 2; take i2,j2; A15: k < len f by A2,NAT_1:38; then A16:k in dom f by A2,FINSEQ_3:27; now per cases by A8; suppose i2+1 = i1 & j1 = j2; hence [i2+1,j2] in Indices G & [i2,j2] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2+1,j2) by A4,A5,A6; suppose A17: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & k <> 1; reconsider k'=k-1 as Nat by A16,FINSEQ_3:28; k > 1 by A2,A17,REAL_1:def 5; then k >= 1+1 by NAT_1:38; then A18: k' >= 1+1-1 by REAL_1:49; A19: k'+1 < len f by A15,XCMPLX_1:27; then consider i3,j3,i4,j4 be Nat such that A20: [i3,j3] in Indices G and A21: f/.k' = G*(i3,j3) and A22: [i4,j4] in Indices G and A23: f/.(k'+1) = G*(i4,j4) and A24: i3 = i4 & j3+1 = j4 or i3+1 = i4 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4+1 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4 & j3 = j4+1 by A1,A18,JORDAN8:6; A25: k'+1 = k by XCMPLX_1:27; then A26: i1 = i4 & j1 = j4 by A4,A5,A22,A23,GOBOARD1:21; A27: 1 <= i3 & i3 <= len G & 1 <= j3 & j3 <= width G by A20,GOBOARD5:1; k' < len f by A19,NAT_1:38; then k' in dom f by A18,FINSEQ_3:27; then A28: f/.k' in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A29: G*(i1,j1)`2 <= G*(i3,j3)`2 by A11,A21,PSCOMP_1:71; A30: i3 = i4 proof assume A31: i3 <> i4; per cases by A24,A31; suppose A32: j3 = j4 & i4 = i3+1; then G*(i3,j3)`2 <> S-bound L~f by A1,A18,A19,A20,A21,A22,A23,Th21; then G*(1,j3)`2 <> S-bound L~f by A27,GOBOARD5:2; then (S-max L~f)`2 <> S-bound L~f by A3,A5,A9,A26,A32,GOBOARD5:2; hence contradiction by PSCOMP_1:114; suppose A33: j3 = j4 & i4+1 = i3; G*(i3,j3)`2 = G*(1,j3)`2 by A27,GOBOARD5:2 .= (S-max L~f)`2 by A3,A5,A9,A26,A33,GOBOARD5:2 .= S-bound L~f by PSCOMP_1:114; then G*(i3,j3) in S-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A21,A28,SPRECT_2:15; then G*(i4,j4)`1 >= G*(i3,j3)`1 by A3,A23,A25,PSCOMP_1:118; then i4 >= i4+1 by A9,A26,A27,A33,GOBOARD5:4; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; end; now per cases by A24,A30,NAT_1:38; suppose j3+1 = j4; then j3 >= j3+1 by A9,A26,A27,A29,A30,GOBOARD5:5; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; suppose A34: j3 = j4+1; k'+(1+1) <= len f by A2,A25,XCMPLX_1:1; then A35: LSeg(f,k') /\ LSeg(f,k) = {f/.k} by A18,A25,TOPREAL1:def 8; A36: j1 <> j2 by A17,NAT_1:38; f/.k' in LSeg(f,k') & f/.(k+1) in LSeg(f,k) by A2,A15,A18,A25,TOPREAL1:27; then f/.(k+1) in {f/.k} by A7,A17,A21,A26,A30,A34,A35,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then f/.(k+1) = f/.k by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6,A7,A36,GOBOARD1:21; end; hence [i2+1,j2] in Indices G & [i2,j2] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2+1,j2); suppose A37: i1 = i2 & j1+1 = j2 & k = 1; set k1 = len f; A38: f/.k1 = f/.1 by FINSEQ_6:def 1; k < len f by A2,NAT_1:38; then A39: len f > 1+0 by A2,AXIOMS:22; then len f in dom f by FINSEQ_3:27; then reconsider k'=len f-1 as Nat by FINSEQ_3:28; k+1 >= 1+1 by A2,REAL_1:55; then len f >= 1+1 by A2,AXIOMS:22; then A40: k' >= 1+1-1 by REAL_1:49; A41: k'+1 <= len f by XCMPLX_1:27; then consider i3,j3,i4,j4 be Nat such that A42: [i3,j3] in Indices G and A43: f/.k' = G*(i3,j3) and A44: [i4,j4] in Indices G and A45: f/.(k'+1) = G*(i4,j4) and A46: i3 = i4 & j3+1 = j4 or i3+1 = i4 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4+1 & j3 = j4 or i3 = i4 & j3 = j4+1 by A1,A40,JORDAN8:6; A47: k'+1 = k1 by XCMPLX_1:27; then A48: i1 = i4 & j1 = j4 by A4,A5,A37,A38,A44,A45,GOBOARD1:21; A49: 1 <= i3 & i3 <= len G & 1 <= j3 & j3 <= width G by A42,GOBOARD5:1; k' < len f by A41,NAT_1:38; then k' in dom f by A40,FINSEQ_3:27; then A50: f/.k' in L~f by A12,GOBOARD1:16; then A51: G*(i1,j1)`2 <= G*(i3,j3)`2 by A11,A43,PSCOMP_1:71; A52: i3 = i4 proof assume A53: i3 <> i4; per cases by A46,A53; suppose A54: j3 = j4 & i4 = i3+1; then G*(i3,j3)`2 <> S-bound L~f by A1,A40,A41,A42,A43,A44,A45,Th21; then G*(1,j3)`2 <> S-bound L~f by A49,GOBOARD5:2; then (S-max L~f)`2 <> S-bound L~f by A3,A5,A9,A48,A54,GOBOARD5:2; hence contradiction by PSCOMP_1:114; suppose A55: j3 = j4 & i4+1 = i3; G*(i3,j3)`2 = G*(1,j3)`2 by A49,GOBOARD5:2 .= (S-max L~f)`2 by A3,A5,A9,A48,A55,GOBOARD5:2 .= S-bound L~f by PSCOMP_1:114; then G*(i3,j3) in S-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A43,A50,SPRECT_2:15; then G*(i4,j4)`1 >= G*(i3,j3)`1 by A3,A37,A38,A45,A47,PSCOMP_1:118; then i4 >= i4+1 by A9,A48,A49,A55,GOBOARD5:4; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; end; now per cases by A46,A52,NAT_1:38; suppose j3+1 = j4; then j3 >= j3+1 by A9,A48,A49,A51,A52,GOBOARD5:5; hence contradiction by NAT_1:38; suppose A56: j3 = j4+1; len f-1 >= 0 by A39,REAL_1:84; then len f-'1 = len f-1 by BINARITH:def 3; then A57: LSeg(f,k) /\ LSeg(f,k') = {f.k} by A37,JORDAN4:54 .= {f/.k} by A16,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A58: j1 <> j2 by A37,NAT_1:38; f/.k' in LSeg(f,k') & f/.(k+1) in LSeg(f,k) by A2,A40,A47,TOPREAL1:27; then f/.(k+1) in {f/.k} by A7,A37,A43,A48,A52,A56,A57,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then f/.(k+1) = f/.k by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6,A7,A58,GOBOARD1:21; end; hence [i2+1,j2] in Indices G & [i2,j2] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2+1,j2); suppose i1 = i2 & j1 = j2+1; then j2 >= j2+1 by A9,A10,A14,GOBOARD5:5; hence [i2+1,j2] in Indices G & [i2,j2] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2+1,j2) by NAT_1:38; suppose A59: i2 = i1+1 & j1 = j2; G*(i2,j2)`2 = G*(1,j2)`2 by A10,GOBOARD5:2 .= S-bound L~f by A9,A11,A59,GOBOARD5:2; then G*(i2,j2) in S-most L~f & L~f = L~f1 by A7,A13,SPRECT_2:15; then G*(i1,j1)`1 >= G*(i2,j2)`1 by A3,A5,PSCOMP_1:118; then i1 >= i1+1 by A9,A10,A59,GOBOARD5:4; hence [i2+1,j2] in Indices G & [i2,j2] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2+1,j2) by NAT_1:38; end; hence [i2+1,j2] in Indices G & [i2,j2] in Indices G & f/.k = G*(i2+1,j2); thus f/.(k+1) = G*(i2,j2) by A7; end; theorem for f being non constant standard special_circular_sequence holds f is clockwise_oriented iff Rotate(f,W-min L~f)/.2 in W-most L~f proof let f be non constant standard special_circular_sequence; set r = Rotate(f,W-min L~f); A1: L~r = L~f by REVROT_1:33; A2: W-min L~f in rng f by SPRECT_2:47; then A3: r/.1 = W-min L~f by FINSEQ_6:98; A4: 1+1 <= len r by TOPREAL8:3; A5: 2 <= len f by TOPREAL8:3; rng r = rng f by A2,FINSEQ_6:96; then A6: 1 in dom r by A2,FINSEQ_3:33; A7: r is_sequence_on GoB r by GOBOARD5:def 5; set j = i_s_w r; set i = 1; A8: [i,j] in Indices GoB r & (GoB r)*(i,j) = r/.1 by A1,A3,JORDAN5D:def 1; then A9: 1 <= i & i <= len GoB r & 1 <= j & j <= width GoB r by GOBOARD5:1; A10: i-'1 = 1-1 by SCMFSA_7:3; thus f is clockwise_oriented implies r/.2 in W-most L~f proof assume A11: f is clockwise_oriented; set k = (W-min L~f)..f; k < len f by SPRECT_5:21; then A12: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f by A2,FINSEQ_4:31,NAT_1:38; A13: f/.k = W-min L~f by A2,FINSEQ_5:41; f is_sequence_on GoB f by GOBOARD5:def 5; then f is_sequence_on GoB r by REVROT_1:28; then consider i,j being Nat such that A14: [i,j] in Indices GoB r & [i,j+1] in Indices GoB r & f/.k = (GoB r)*(i,j) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB r)*(i,j+1) by A11,A12,A13,Th23; A15: 1 <= i & i <= len GoB r & 1 <= j & j <= width GoB r by A14,GOBOARD5:1; A16: 1 <= i & i <= len GoB r & 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width GoB r by A14,GOBOARD5:1; k <= k+1 by NAT_1:38; then A17: f/.(k+1) = r/.(k+1+1 -' k) by A2,A12,REVROT_1:10 .= r/.(k+(1+1) -' k) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= r/.2 by BINARITH:39; 1 <= k+1 by NAT_1:29; then k+1 in dom f by A12,FINSEQ_3:27; then k+1 in dom f & f/.(k+1) = f.(k+1) by FINSEQ_4:def 4; then A18: f/.(k+1) in rng f by FUNCT_1:12; A19: rng f c= L~f by A5,SPPOL_2:18; (f/.(k+1))`1 = (GoB r)*(i,1)`1 by A14,A16,GOBOARD5:3 .= (f/.k)`1 by A14,A15,GOBOARD5:3 .= W-bound L~f by A13,PSCOMP_1:84; hence r/.2 in W-most L~f by A17,A18,A19,SPRECT_2:16; end; assume A20: r/.2 in W-most L~f; len r > 2 by TOPREAL8:3; then A21: 1+1 in dom r by FINSEQ_3:27; then consider i2,j2 being Nat such that A22: [i2,j2] in Indices GoB r & r/.(1+1) = (GoB r)*(i2,j2) by A7,GOBOARD1:def 11; A23: (GoB r)*(i2,j2)`1 = (GoB r)*(1,j)`1 & (GoB r)*(1,j)`2 <= (GoB r)*(i2,j2)`2 by A3,A8,A20,A22,PSCOMP_1:88; then A24: i2 = 1 by A8,A22,JORDAN1G:7; then abs(1-1)+abs(j-j2) = 1 by A6,A7,A8,A21,A22,GOBOARD1:def 11; then 0+abs(j-j2) = 1 by ABSVALUE:7; then A25: abs(j2-j)=1 by UNIFORM1:13; 1 <= j2 by A22,GOBOARD5:1; then j <= j2 by A9,A23,A24,GOBOARD5:5; then j2 - j >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12; then j2 - j = 1 by A25,ABSVALUE:def 1; then A26: j2 = j+1 by XCMPLX_1:27; then j+1 <= width GoB r by A22,GOBOARD5:1; then A27: j < width GoB r by NAT_1:38; left_cell(r,1,GoB r) = cell(GoB r,i-'1,j) by A4,A7,A8,A22,A24,A26,GOBRD13: 22; then left_cell(r,1) = cell(GoB r,0,j) by A4,A10,JORDAN1H:27; then A28: Int left_cell(r,1) = { |[t,s]| where t,s is Real : t < (GoB r)*(1,1)`1 & (GoB r)*(1,j)`2 < s & s < (GoB r)*(1,j+1)`2 } by A9,A27,GOBOARD6:23; A29: Int left_cell(r,1) c= LeftComp r by A4,GOBOARD9:24; Int left_cell(r,1) <> {} by A4,GOBOARD9:18; then consider p being set such that A30: p in Int left_cell(r,1) by XBOOLE_0:def 1; reconsider p as Point of TOP-REAL2 by A30; consider t,s being Real such that A31: p = |[t,s]| & t < (GoB r)*(1,1)`1 & (GoB r)*(1,j)`2 < s & s < (GoB r)*(1,j+1)`2 by A28,A30; now assume west_halfline p meets L~r; then (west_halfline p) /\ L~r <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7; then consider a being set such that A32: a in (west_halfline p) /\ L~r by XBOOLE_0:def 1; A33: a in (west_halfline p) & a in L~r by A32,XBOOLE_0:def 3; reconsider a as Point of TOP-REAL2 by A32; A34: (GoB r)*(1,j)`1 = (GoB r)*(1,1)`1 by A9,GOBOARD5:3; a`1 <= p`1 by A33,JORDAN1A:def 5; then a`1 <= t by A31,EUCLID:56; then a`1 < (GoB r)*(i,j)`1 by A31,A34,AXIOMS:22; then a`1 < W-bound L~r by A1,A3,A8,PSCOMP_1:84; hence contradiction by A33,PSCOMP_1:71; end; then A35: west_halfline p c= UBD L~r by JORDAN1C:14; p in west_halfline p by JORDAN1C:7; then A36: LeftComp r meets UBD L~r by A29,A30,A35,XBOOLE_0:3; A37: LeftComp r is_a_component_of (L~r)` by GOBOARD9:def 1; UBD L~r is_a_component_of (L~r)` by JORDAN1C:12; then UBD L~r = LeftComp r by A36,A37,GOBOARD9:3; then r is clockwise_oriented by JORDAN1H:49; hence f is clockwise_oriented by JORDAN1H:48; end; theorem for f being non constant standard special_circular_sequence holds f is clockwise_oriented iff Rotate(f,E-max L~f)/.2 in E-most L~f proof let f be non constant standard special_circular_sequence; set r = Rotate(f,E-max L~f); A1: L~r = L~f by REVROT_1:33; A2: E-max L~f in rng f by SPRECT_2:50; then A3: r/.1 = E-max L~f by FINSEQ_6:98; A4: 1+1 <= len r by TOPREAL8:3; A5: 2 <= len f by TOPREAL8:3; rng r = rng f by A2,FINSEQ_6:96; then A6: 1 in dom r by A2,FINSEQ_3:33; A7: r is_sequence_on GoB r by GOBOARD5:def 5; set j = i_n_e r; set i = len GoB r; A8: [i,j] in Indices GoB r & (GoB r)*(i,j) = r/.1 by A1,A3,JORDAN5D:def 4; then A9: 1 <= i & i <= len GoB r & 1 <= j & j <= width GoB r by GOBOARD5:1; thus f is clockwise_oriented implies r/.2 in E-most L~f proof assume A10: f is clockwise_oriented; set k = (E-max L~f)..f; k < len f by SPRECT_5:17; then A11: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f by A2,FINSEQ_4:31,NAT_1:38; A12: f/.k = E-max L~f by A2,FINSEQ_5:41; f is_sequence_on GoB f by GOBOARD5:def 5; then f is_sequence_on GoB r by REVROT_1:28; then consider i,j being Nat such that A13: [i,j+1] in Indices GoB r & [i,j] in Indices GoB r & f/.k = (GoB r)*(i,j+1) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB r)*(i,j) by A10,A11,A12,Th25; A14: 1 <= i & i <= len GoB r & 1 <= j & j <= width GoB r by A13,GOBOARD5:1; A15: 1 <= i & i <= len GoB r & 1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= width GoB r by A13,GOBOARD5:1; k <= k+1 by NAT_1:38; then A16: f/.(k+1) = r/.(k+1+1 -' k) by A2,A11,REVROT_1:10 .= r/.(k+(1+1) -' k) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= r/.2 by BINARITH:39; 1 <= k+1 by NAT_1:29; then k+1 in dom f by A11,FINSEQ_3:27; then k+1 in dom f & f/.(k+1) = f.(k+1) by FINSEQ_4:def 4; then A17: f/.(k+1) in rng f by FUNCT_1:12; A18: rng f c= L~f by A5,SPPOL_2:18; (f/.(k+1))`1 = (GoB r)*(i,1)`1 by A13,A14,GOBOARD5:3 .= (f/.k)`1 by A13,A15,GOBOARD5:3 .= E-bound L~f by A12,PSCOMP_1:104; hence r/.2 in E-most L~f by A16,A17,A18,SPRECT_2:17; end; assume A19: r/.2 in E-most L~f; len r > 2 by TOPREAL8:3; then A20: 1+1 in dom r by FINSEQ_3:27; then consider i2,j2 being Nat such that A21: [i2,j2] in Indices GoB r & r/.(1+1) = (GoB r)*(i2,j2) by A7,GOBOARD1:def 11; (GoB r)*(i,j) in E-most L~r by A1,A3,A8,PSCOMP_1:111; then (GoB r)*(i,j)`1 = (E-min L~r)`1 by PSCOMP_1:108; then A22: (GoB r)*(i2,j2)`1 = (GoB r)*(i,j)`1 & (GoB r)*(i,j)`2 >= (GoB r)*(i2,j2)`2 by A1,A3,A8,A19,A21,PSCOMP_1:108; then A23: i2 = i by A8,A21,JORDAN1G:7; then abs(i2-i2)+abs(j-j2) = 1 by A6,A7,A8,A20,A21,GOBOARD1:def 11; then abs(0)+abs(j-j2) = 1 by XCMPLX_1:14; then A24: 0+abs(j-j2) = 1 by ABSVALUE:7; A25: 1 <= j2 & j2 <= width GoB r by A21,GOBOARD5:1; then j >= j2 by A9,A22,A23,GOBOARD5:5; then j - j2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12; then j - j2 = 1 by A24,ABSVALUE:def 1; then A26: j2 = j-1 by XCMPLX_1:18; then A27: j2 = j-'1 by A9,SCMFSA_7:3; j-1 < j-0 by REAL_1:92; then A28: j-'1 < width GoB r by A9,A26,A27,AXIOMS:22; 1+1 <= len r & r is_sequence_on GoB r & [i,j-'1+1] in Indices GoB r & [i,j-'1] in Indices GoB r & r/.1 = (GoB r)*(i,j-'1+1) & r/.(1+1) = (GoB r)*(i,j-'1) by A8,A9,A21,A22,A27,AMI_5:4,GOBOARD5:def 5,JORDAN1G:7,TOPREAL8:3; then left_cell(r,1,GoB r) = cell(GoB r,i,j-'1) by GOBRD13:28; then left_cell(r,1) = cell(GoB r,i,j-'1) by A4,JORDAN1H:27; then A29: Int left_cell(r,1) = { |[t,s]| where t,s is Real : (GoB r)*(i,1)`1 < t & (GoB r)*(1,j-'1)`2 < s & s < (GoB r)*(1,j-'1+1)`2 } by A25,A27,A28,GOBOARD6:26; A30: Int left_cell(r,1) c= LeftComp r by A4,GOBOARD9:24; Int left_cell(r,1) <> {} by A4,GOBOARD9:18; then consider p being set such that A31: p in Int left_cell(r,1) by XBOOLE_0:def 1; reconsider p as Point of TOP-REAL2 by A31; consider t,s being Real such that A32: p = |[t,s]| & (GoB r)*(i,1)`1 < t & (GoB r)*(1,j-'1)`2 < s & s < (GoB r)*(1,j-'1+1)`2 by A29,A31; now assume east_halfline p meets L~r; then (east_halfline p) /\ L~r <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7; then consider a being set such that A33: a in (east_halfline p) /\ L~r by XBOOLE_0:def 1; A34: a in (east_halfline p) & a in L~r by A33,XBOOLE_0:def 3; reconsider a as Point of TOP-REAL2 by A33; A35: (GoB r)*(i,1)`1 = (GoB r)*(i,j)`1 by A9,GOBOARD5:3; a`1 >= p`1 by A34,JORDAN1A:def 3; then a`1 >= t by A32,EUCLID:56; then a`1 > (GoB r)*(i,j)`1 by A32,A35,AXIOMS:22; then a`1 > E-bound L~r by A1,A3,A8,PSCOMP_1:104; hence contradiction by A34,PSCOMP_1:71; end; then A36: east_halfline p c= UBD L~r by JORDAN1C:15; p in east_halfline p by JORDAN1C:7; then A37: LeftComp r meets UBD L~r by A30,A31,A36,XBOOLE_0:3; A38: LeftComp r is_a_component_of (L~r)` by GOBOARD9:def 1; UBD L~r is_a_component_of (L~r)` by JORDAN1C:12; then UBD L~r = LeftComp r by A37,A38,GOBOARD9:3; then r is clockwise_oriented by JORDAN1H:49; hence f is clockwise_oriented by JORDAN1H:48; end; theorem for f being non constant standard special_circular_sequence holds f is clockwise_oriented iff Rotate(f,S-max L~f)/.2 in S-most L~f proof let f be non constant standard special_circular_sequence; set r = Rotate(f,S-max L~f); A1: L~r = L~f by REVROT_1:33; A2: S-max L~f in rng f by SPRECT_2:46; then A3: r/.1 = S-max L~f by FINSEQ_6:98; A4: 1+1 <= len r by TOPREAL8:3; A5: 2 <= len f by TOPREAL8:3; rng r = rng f by A2,FINSEQ_6:96; then A6: 1 in dom r by A2,FINSEQ_3:33; A7: r is_sequence_on GoB r by GOBOARD5:def 5; set i = i_e_s r; set j = 1; A8: [i,j] in Indices GoB r & (GoB r)*(i,j) = r/.1 by A1,A3,JORDAN5D:def 6; then A9: 1 <= i & i <= len GoB r & 1 <= j & j <= width GoB r by GOBOARD5:1; A10: j-'1 = 1-1 by SCMFSA_7:3; thus f is clockwise_oriented implies r/.2 in S-most L~f proof assume A11: f is clockwise_oriented; set k = (S-max L~f)..f; k < len f by SPRECT_5:15; then A12: 1 <= k & k+1 <= len f by A2,FINSEQ_4:31,NAT_1:38; A13: f/.k = S-max L~f by A2,FINSEQ_5:41; f is_sequence_on GoB f by GOBOARD5:def 5; then f is_sequence_on GoB r by REVROT_1:28; then consider i,j being Nat such that A14: [i+1,j] in Indices GoB r & [i,j] in Indices GoB r & f/.k = (GoB r)*(i+1,j) & f/.(k+1) = (GoB r)*(i,j) by A11,A12,A13,Th26; A15: 1 <= i+1 & i+1 <= len GoB r & 1 <= j & j <= width GoB r by A14,GOBOARD5:1; A16: 1 <= i & i <= len GoB r & 1 <= j & j <= width GoB r by A14,GOBOARD5:1; k <= k+1 by NAT_1:38; then A17: f/.(k+1) = r/.(k+1+1 -' k) by A2,A12,REVROT_1:10 .= r/.(k+(1+1) -' k) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= r/.2 by BINARITH:39; 1 <= k+1 by NAT_1:29; then k+1 in dom f by A12,FINSEQ_3:27; then k+1 in dom f & f/.(k+1) = f.(k+1) by FINSEQ_4:def 4; then A18: f/.(k+1) in rng f by FUNCT_1:12; A19: rng f c= L~f by A5,SPPOL_2:18; (f/.(k+1))`2 = (GoB r)*(1,j)`2 by A14,A16,GOBOARD5:2 .= (f/.k)`2 by A14,A15,GOBOARD5:2 .= S-bound L~f by A13,PSCOMP_1:114; hence r/.2 in S-most L~f by A17,A18,A19,SPRECT_2:15; end; assume A20: r/.2 in S-most L~f; len r > 2 by TOPREAL8:3; then A21: 1+1 in dom r by FINSEQ_3:27; then consider i2,j2 being Nat such that A22: [i2,j2] in Indices GoB r & r/.(1+1) = (GoB r)*(i2,j2) by A7,GOBOARD1:def 11; (GoB r)*(i,1)`2 = S-bound L~f by A3,A8,PSCOMP_1:114 .= (S-min L~f)`2 by PSCOMP_1:114; then A23: (GoB r)*(i2,j2)`2 = (GoB r)*(i,1)`2 & (GoB r)*(i2,j2)`1 <= (GoB r)*(i,1)`1 by A3,A8,A20,A22,PSCOMP_1:118; then A24: j2 = 1 by A8,A22,JORDAN1G:6; then abs(1-1)+abs(i-i2) = 1 by A6,A7,A8,A21,A22,GOBOARD1:def 11; then A25: 0+abs(i-i2) = 1 by ABSVALUE:7; 1 <= i2 & i2 <= len GoB r by A22,GOBOARD5:1; then i >= i2 by A9,A23,A24,GOBOARD5:4; then i - i2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12; then i - i2 = 1 by A25,ABSVALUE:def 1; then A26: i2 = i-1 by XCMPLX_1:18; then A27: i2 = i-'1 by A9,SCMFSA_7:3; i - 1 < i by INT_1:26; then A28: i-'1 < len GoB r & 1 <= i-'1 by A9,A22,A26,A27,AXIOMS:22,GOBOARD5:1; [i-'1+1,j] in Indices GoB r & [i-'1,j] in Indices GoB r & i-'1+1=i by A8,A9,A22,A23,A27,AMI_5:4,JORDAN1G:6; then left_cell(r,1,GoB r) = cell(GoB r,i-'1,j-'1) by A4,A7,A8,A22,A24,A27, GOBRD13:26 ; then left_cell(r,1) = cell(GoB r,i-'1,0) by A4,A10,JORDAN1H:27; then A29: Int left_cell(r,1) = { |[t,s]| where t,s is Real : (GoB r)*(i-'1,1)`1 < t & t < (GoB r)*(i-'1+1,1)`1 & s < (GoB r)*(1,1)`2} by A28,GOBOARD6:27; A30: Int left_cell(r,1) c= LeftComp r by A4,GOBOARD9:24; Int left_cell(r,1) <> {} by A4,GOBOARD9:18; then consider p being set such that A31: p in Int left_cell(r,1) by XBOOLE_0:def 1; reconsider p as Point of TOP-REAL2 by A31; consider t,s being Real such that A32: p = |[t,s]| & (GoB r)*(i-'1,1)`1 < t & t < (GoB r)*(i-'1+1,1)`1 & s < (GoB r)*(1,1)`2 by A29,A31; now assume south_halfline p meets L~r; then (south_halfline p) /\ L~r <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7; then consider a being set such that A33: a in (south_halfline p) /\ L~r by XBOOLE_0:def 1; A34: a in (south_halfline p) & a in L~r by A33,XBOOLE_0:def 3; reconsider a as Point of TOP-REAL2 by A33; A35: (GoB r)*(i,1)`2 = (GoB r)*(1,1)`2 by A9,GOBOARD5:2; a`2 <= p`2 by A34,JORDAN1A:def 4; then a`2 <= s by A32,EUCLID:56; then a`2 < (GoB r)*(1,1)`2 by A32,AXIOMS:22; then a`2 < S-bound L~r by A1,A3,A8,A35,PSCOMP_1:114; hence contradiction by A34,PSCOMP_1:71; end; then A36: south_halfline p c= UBD L~r by JORDAN1C:16; p in south_halfline p by JORDAN1C:7; then A37: LeftComp r meets UBD L~r by A30,A31,A36,XBOOLE_0:3; A38: LeftComp r is_a_component_of (L~r)` by GOBOARD9:def 1; UBD L~r is_a_component_of (L~r)` by JORDAN1C:12; then UBD L~r = LeftComp r by A37,A38,GOBOARD9:3; then r is clockwise_oriented by JORDAN1H:49; hence f is clockwise_oriented by JORDAN1H:48; end; theorem for C being compact non vertical non horizontal non empty being_simple_closed_curve Subset of TOP-REAL 2 for p being Point of TOP-REAL 2 holds p`1 = (W-bound C + E-bound C)/2 & i > 0 & 1 <= k & k <= width Gauge(C,i) & Gauge(C,i)*(Center Gauge(C,i),k) in Upper_Arc L~Cage(C,i) & p`2 = sup(proj2.:(LSeg(Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1), Gauge(C,i)*(Center Gauge(C,i),k)) /\ Lower_Arc L~Cage(C,i))) implies ex j st 1 <= j & j <= width Gauge(C,i) & p = Gauge(C,i)*(Center Gauge(C,i),j) proof let C be compact non vertical non horizontal non empty being_simple_closed_curve Subset of TOP-REAL 2; let p be Point of TOP-REAL 2; assume that A1: p`1 = (W-bound C + E-bound C)/2 and A2: i > 0 and A3: 1 <= k & k <= width Gauge(C,i) and A4: Gauge(C,i)*(Center Gauge(C,i),k) in Upper_Arc L~Cage(C,i) and A5: p`2 = sup(proj2.:(LSeg(Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1), Gauge(C,i)*(Center Gauge(C,i),k)) /\ Lower_Arc L~Cage(C,i))); set G=Gauge(C,i); set f=Lower_Seq(C,i); A6: f is_sequence_on G by JORDAN1F:12; A7: 1 <= Center Gauge(C,i) & Center Gauge(C,i) <= len G by JORDAN1B:12,14; A8: 1 <= Center Gauge(C,1) & Center Gauge(C,1) <= len Gauge(C,1) by JORDAN1B:12,14; len G >= 4 by JORDAN8:13; then width G >= 4 by JORDAN8:def 1; then 1 <= width G by AXIOMS:22; then A9: [Center Gauge(C,i),1] in Indices G by A7,GOBOARD7:10; A10: [Center Gauge(C,i),k] in Indices G by A3,A7,GOBOARD7:10; Upper_Arc L~Cage(C,i) c= L~Cage(C,i) by JORDAN1A:16; then LSeg(G*(Center Gauge(C,i),1),G*(Center Gauge(C,i),k)) meets L~f by A3,A4,A7,JORDAN1G:54; then consider n such that A11: 1 <= n & n <= k & G*(Center Gauge(C,i),n)`2 = sup(proj2.:(LSeg(G*(Center Gauge(C,i),1),G*(Center Gauge(C,i),k)) /\ L~f)) by A3,A6,A9,A10,JORDAN1F:2; 4 <= len Gauge(C,1) by JORDAN8:13; then A12: 1 <= len Gauge(C,1) by AXIOMS:22; 4 <= len G by JORDAN8:13; then 1 <= len G by AXIOMS:22; then A13: Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1)`1 = G*(Center G,1)`1 by A2,A12,JORDAN1A:57; A14: G*(Center G,k)`1 = G*(Center G,1)`1 by A3,A7,GOBOARD5:3; 0+1 <= i by A2,NAT_1:38; then A15: Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1)`2 <= G*(Center G,1)`2 by A7,A8, JORDAN1A:64; G*(Center G,1)`2 <= G*(Center G,k)`2 by A3,A7,JORDAN1A:40; then A16: G*(Center G,1) in LSeg(Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1),G*(Center G,k )) by A13,A14,A15,GOBOARD7:8; G*(Center G,k) in LSeg(Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1),G*(Center G,k)) by TOPREAL1:6; then LSeg(G*(Center G,1),G*(Center G,k)) c= LSeg(Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1),G*(Center G,k)) by A16,TOPREAL1:12; then A17: LSeg(G*(Center G,1),G*(Center G,k)) /\ L~f c= LSeg(Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1),G*(Center G,k)) /\ L~f by XBOOLE_1:27; LSeg(Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1),G*(Center G,k)) /\ L~f c= LSeg(G*(Center G,1),G*(Center G,k)) /\ L~f proof let a be set; assume A18: a in LSeg(Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1),G*(Center G,k)) /\ L~f; then A19: a in LSeg(Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1),G*(Center G,k)) & a in L~f by XBOOLE_0:def 3; reconsider q=a as Point of TOP-REAL 2 by A18; G*(Center G,1)`2 <= G*(Center G,k)`2 by A3,A7,JORDAN1A:40; then Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1)`2 <= G*(Center G,k)`2 by A15,AXIOMS:22; then A20: Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1)`2 <= q`2 & q`2 <= G*(Center G,k)`2 by A19,TOPREAL1:10; A21: q`1 = G*(Center G,1)`1 by A13,A14,A19,GOBOARD7:5; q in L~f \/ L~Upper_Seq(C,i) by A19,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then q in L~Cage(C,i) by JORDAN1E:17; then S-bound L~Cage(C,i) <= q`2 by PSCOMP_1:71; then G*(Center G,1)`2 <= q`2 by A7,JORDAN1A:93; then q in LSeg(G*(Center G,1),G*(Center G,k)) by A14,A20,A21,GOBOARD7:8; hence thesis by A19,XBOOLE_0:def 3; end; then LSeg(G*(Center G,1),G*(Center G,k)) /\ L~f = LSeg(Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1),G*(Center G,k))/\L~f by A17,XBOOLE_0: def 10; then A22: sup(proj2.:(LSeg(G*(Center Gauge(C,i),1),G*(Center Gauge(C,i),k)) /\ L~f)) = sup(proj2.:(LSeg(Gauge(C,1)*(Center Gauge(C,1),1), Gauge(C,i)*(Center Gauge(C,i),k)) /\ Lower_Arc L~Cage(C,i))) by A2,JORDAN1G:64; take n; thus 1 <= n by A11; thus n <= width Gauge(C,i) by A3,A11,AXIOMS:22; then p`1 = (Gauge(C,i)*(Center Gauge(C,i),n))`1 by A1,A2,A11,JORDAN1G:43; hence p = Gauge(C,i)*(Center Gauge(C,i),n) by A5,A11,A22,TOPREAL3:11; end;