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environ vocabulary ARYTM, ARYTM_1, ARYTM_3, SQUARE_1, FUNCT_1, PRE_FF, FILTER_0, FUNCT_3, RELAT_1, ORDINAL2, FIB_NUM, ABSVALUE, POWER, SEQ_1, SEQ_2, SEQM_3, LATTICES, GROUP_1; notation ORDINAL1, NUMBERS, XCMPLX_0, XREAL_0, SQUARE_1, SEQ_1, NAT_1, INT_2, PRE_FF, SEQ_2, SEQM_3, LIMFUNC1, QUIN_1, ABSVALUE, PREPOWER, POWER; constructors REAL_1, NAT_1, PREPOWER, INT_2, SEQ_2, SEQM_3, PRE_FF, LIMFUNC1, QUIN_1, POWER, PARTFUN1, MEMBERED; clusters XREAL_0, SQUARE_1, QUIN_1, NEWTON, SEQ_1, RELSET_1, MEMBERED, ORDINAL2; requirements SUBSET, NUMERALS, REAL, ARITHM; theorems NAT_1, PRE_FF, AXIOMS, INT_2, NAT_LAT, REAL_1, SQUARE_1, CQC_THE1, WSIERP_1, EULER_1, PYTHTRIP, QUIN_1, REAL_2, ABSVALUE, POWER, NEWTON, RLVECT_1, SEQM_3, SEQ_1, SEQ_2, SEQ_4, PREPOWER, XCMPLX_0, XCMPLX_1; schemes NAT_1, SEQ_1; begin :: Fibonacci commutes with gcd :: The proof we present is a slight adaptation of the one found in :: ``The Fibonacci Numbers'' by N. N. Vorobyov reserve a,k,m, n, p,r,s for Nat; :: Preliminary lemmas theorem Th1:for m, n being Nat holds m hcf n = m hcf (n + m) proof let m, n; set a = m hcf n; set b = m hcf (n + m); A1:a divides m & a divides n by NAT_1:def 5; then a divides n + m by NAT_1:55; then A2:a divides b by A1,NAT_1:def 5; A3:b divides m & b divides n + m by NAT_1:def 5; then b divides n by NAT_1:57; then b divides a by A3,NAT_1:def 5; hence thesis by A2,NAT_1:52; end; theorem Th2: for k, m, n being Nat st k hcf m = 1 holds k hcf m * n = k hcf n proof defpred P[Nat] means for m, n holds $1 hcf m = 1 implies $1 hcf m * n = $1 hcf n; A1:for k holds (for a st a < k holds P[a]) implies P[k] proof let k; assume A2: for a st a < k holds P[a]; per cases by CQC_THE1:2; suppose A3:k = 0; let m, n; assume k hcf m = 1; then 1 = m by A3,NAT_LAT:36; hence thesis; suppose A4:k = 1; let m, n; assume k hcf m = 1; k hcf m * n = 1 by A4,NAT_LAT:35; hence thesis by A4,NAT_LAT:35; suppose A5:k > 1; let m, n; assume A6: k hcf m = 1; set b = k hcf m * n; thus thesis proof per cases by CQC_THE1:2; suppose b = 0; then 0 divides k by NAT_1:def 5; then k = 0 by INT_2:3; hence thesis by A5; suppose A7:b = 1; set c = k hcf n; A8: c divides k by NAT_1:def 5; A9:c divides n by NAT_1:def 5; n divides m * n by NAT_1:def 3; then c divides m * n by A9,NAT_1:51; then c divides 1 by A7,A8,NAT_1:def 5; hence thesis by A7,WSIERP_1:20; suppose b > 1; then b >= 1 + 1 by NAT_1:38; then consider p such that A10: p is prime and A11: p divides b by INT_2:48; A12: p divides k proof b divides k by NAT_1:def 5; hence thesis by A11,NAT_1:51; end; then consider s such that A13:k = p * s by NAT_1:def 3; A14:s < k proof p > 1 by A10,INT_2:def 5; then p >= 1 + 1 by NAT_1:38; then s * p >= s * (1 + 1) by NAT_1:20; then A15:k >= s * 1 + s * 1 by A13,XCMPLX_1:8; s <> 0 by A5,A13; then s > 0 by NAT_1:19; then s + s > s by REAL_1:69; then s + s >= s + 1 by NAT_1:38; then A16:k >= s + 1 by A15,AXIOMS:22; s + 1 > s by REAL_1:69; hence thesis by A16,AXIOMS:22; end; A17: not p divides m proof assume p divides m; then p divides 1 by A6,A12,NAT_1:def 5; then p = 1 by WSIERP_1:20; hence thesis by A10,INT_2:def 5; end; p divides m * n proof b divides m * n by NAT_1:def 5; hence thesis by A11,NAT_1:51; end; then p divides n by A10,A17,NAT_LAT:95; then consider r such that A18: n = p * r by NAT_1:def 3; A19:s hcf m = 1 proof set c = s hcf m; A20:c divides s by NAT_1:def 5; s divides k by A13,NAT_1:def 3; then A21:c divides k by A20,NAT_1:51; c divides m by NAT_1:def 5; then c divides 1 by A6,A21,NAT_1:def 5; hence thesis by WSIERP_1:20; end; A22: k hcf m * n = p * s hcf p * (m * r) by A13,A18,XCMPLX_1:4 .= p * (s hcf m * r) by PYTHTRIP:8; k hcf n = p * (s hcf r) by A13,A18,PYTHTRIP:8; hence thesis by A2,A14,A19,A22; end; end; for k holds P[k] from Comp_Ind(A1); hence thesis; end; theorem Th3: for s being real number st s > 0 ex n being Nat st (n > 0 & 0 < 1/n & 1/n <= s) proof let s be real number; assume s > 0; then A1:1/s > 0 by REAL_2:127; consider n such that A2:n > 1/s by SEQ_4:10; A3: n > 0 by A1,A2,AXIOMS:22; A4: 1/(1/s) = 1/s" by XCMPLX_1:217 .= s by XCMPLX_1:218; take n; thus thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,REAL_2:127,152; end; scheme Fib_Ind {P[Nat] } : for k being Nat holds P[k] provided A1: P[0] and A2: P[1] and A3: for k being Nat st P[k] & P[k+1] holds P[k+2] proof defpred Q[Nat] means P[$1] & P[$1 + 1]; A4:Q[0] by A1,A2; A5:for k st Q[k] holds Q[k+1] proof let k; assume A6:Q[k]; k + 2 = k + (1 + 1) .= (k + 1) + 1 by XCMPLX_1:1; hence thesis by A3,A6; end; A7:for k holds Q[k] from Ind(A4,A5); let k; thus thesis by A7; end; scheme Bin_Ind { P[Nat,Nat] } : for m, n being Nat holds P[m, n] provided A1: for m, n being Nat st P[m,n] holds P[n,m] and A2: for k being Nat st (for m, n being Nat st (m < k & n < k) holds P[m,n]) holds (for m being Nat st m <= k holds P[k,m]) proof defpred Q[Nat] means for m, n st (m <= $1 & n <= $1) holds P[m,n]; A3: for k st (for r st r < k holds Q[r]) holds Q[k] proof let k; assume A4:for r st r < k holds Q[r]; let m, n; assume A5: m <= k & n <= k; set s = max(m,n); A6: s <= k by A5,SQUARE_1:50; per cases by A6,AXIOMS:21; suppose s < k; then (m <= s & n <= s) implies P[m,n] by A4; hence thesis by SQUARE_1:46; suppose A7:s = k; A8:for m, n holds (m < k & n < k) implies P[m,n] proof let m, n; assume A9: m < k & n < k; set s = max(m,n); A10:s < k by A9,SQUARE_1:49; A11:m <= s by SQUARE_1:46; n <= s by SQUARE_1:46; hence thesis by A4,A10,A11; end; thus thesis proof per cases by A7,SQUARE_1:49; suppose k = m; hence thesis by A2,A5,A8; suppose k = n; then P[n,m] by A2,A5,A8; hence thesis by A1; end; end; A12:for k holds Q[k] from Comp_Ind(A3); let m, n; set k = max(m,n); (m <= k & n <= k) implies P[m,n] by A12; hence thesis by SQUARE_1:50; end; 0 + 1 + 1 = 2; then Lm1: Fib(2) = 1 by PRE_FF:1; Lm2: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3; Lm3:for k being Nat holds Fib(k+1) >= k proof defpred P[Nat] means Fib($1 +1) >= $1; A1:P[0] by PRE_FF:1; 0 + 1 + 1 = 2; then A2:P[1] by PRE_FF:1; A3:for k being Nat st P[k] & P[k+1] holds P[k+2] proof let k; assume that A4: P[k] and A5: P[k+1]; per cases; suppose k = 0; hence thesis by Lm1,Lm2,PRE_FF:1; suppose k <> 0; then A6: 1 <= k by RLVECT_1:99; ((k + 1) + 1) + 1 = (k+ 1) + (1 + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= (k+2) + 1 by XCMPLX_1:1; then A7:Fib((k + 2) + 1) = Fib((k+1) + 1) + Fib(k+1) by PRE_FF:1; A8: Fib(k+1) + (k+1) <= Fib((k+1)+1) + Fib(k+1) by A5,AXIOMS:24; k + (k+1) <= Fib(k+1) + (k+1) by A4,AXIOMS:24; then A9:k + (k+1) <= Fib((k+2)+1) by A7,A8,AXIOMS:22; A10:1 + (k+1) <= k + (k+1) by A6,AXIOMS:24; 1 + (k+1) = k + (1 + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= k + 2; hence thesis by A9,A10,AXIOMS:22; end; thus for k being Nat holds P[k] from Fib_Ind(A1, A2, A3); end; Lm4: for m being Nat holds Fib(m+1) >= Fib(m) proof defpred P[Nat] means Fib($1 + 1) >= Fib($1); A1:P[0] by PRE_FF:1; A2:for k st P[k] holds P[k+1] proof let k; A3:Fib((k+1) + 1) = Fib(k+1) + Fib(k) by PRE_FF:1; Fib(k) >= 0 by NAT_1:18; then Fib((k+1) + 1) >= Fib(k+1) + 0 by A3,AXIOMS:24; hence thesis; end; thus for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A1,A2); end; Lm5: for m, n being Nat st m >= n holds Fib(m) >= Fib(n) proof let m, n; assume m >= n; then consider k such that A1:m = n +k by NAT_1:28; for k , n being Nat holds Fib(n+k) >= Fib(n) proof defpred P[Nat] means for n being Nat holds Fib(n+$1) >= Fib(n); A2:P[0]; A3: for k being Nat st P[k] holds P[k+1] proof let k; assume A4:P[k]; let n; n + (k+1) = (n+k) + 1 by XCMPLX_1:1; then A5: Fib(n + (k+1)) >= Fib(n+k) by Lm4; Fib(n+k) >= Fib(n) by A4; hence thesis by A5,AXIOMS:22; end; A6: for k holds P[k] from Ind(A2, A3); let k; let n; thus thesis by A6; end; hence thesis by A1; end; Lm6: for m being Nat holds Fib(m+1) <> 0 proof let m; per cases; suppose m = 0; hence thesis by PRE_FF:1; suppose m <> 0; then m > 0 by NAT_1:19; hence thesis by Lm3; end; theorem Th4: for m, n being Nat holds Fib(m + (n + 1)) = (Fib(n) * Fib (m)) + (Fib(n + 1) * Fib (m + 1)) proof defpred P[Nat] means for n holds Fib($1 + (n + 1)) = (Fib(n) * Fib($1)) + (Fib(n + 1) * Fib($1 + 1)); A1:P[0] by PRE_FF:1; A2:P[1] by Lm1,PRE_FF:1; A3:now let k; assume that A4: P[k] and A5: P[k+1]; A6: k + 1 + 1 = k + (1+1) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= k+2; thus P[k+2] proof let n; A7: Fib(((k+1) + 1) + (n+1)) = Fib((k + (1 + 1)) + (n+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= Fib((k + (n + 1)) + (1+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= Fib(((k + (n + 1)) + 1) + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= Fib(k + (n+1)) + Fib((k + (n+1)) + 1) by PRE_FF:1 .= Fib(k + (n+1)) + Fib((k+1) + (n+1)) by XCMPLX_1:1; A8: Fib(k + (n+1)) = Fib(n) * Fib(k) + Fib(n+1) * Fib(k+1) by A4; set a = Fib(n) * Fib(k), b = Fib(n+1) * Fib(k+1), c = Fib(n) * Fib(k+1), d = Fib(n+1) * Fib((k+1) + 1); A9: (a + b) + (c + d) = (a + (c + d)) + b by XCMPLX_1:1 .= ((a + c) + d) + b by XCMPLX_1:1 .= (a + c) + (b + d) by XCMPLX_1:1; A10: a + c = Fib(n) * (Fib(k) + Fib(k+1)) by XCMPLX_1:8 .= Fib(n) * Fib((k+1) + 1) by PRE_FF:1; b + d = Fib(n+1) * (Fib(k+1) + Fib ((k+1) + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:8 .= Fib(n+1) * Fib(((k + 1) + 1) + 1) by PRE_FF:1; hence thesis by A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10; end; end; thus for k holds P[k] from Fib_Ind(A1, A2, A3); end; Lm7: for n being Nat holds Fib(n) hcf Fib(n + 1) = 1 proof defpred P[Nat] means Fib($1) hcf Fib($1 + 1) = 1; A1:P[0] by NAT_LAT:36,PRE_FF:1; A2:now let k; assume A3: P[k]; thus P[k+1] proof thus Fib(k +1) hcf Fib((k + 1) + 1) = Fib(k +1) hcf (Fib(k + 1) + Fib(k)) by PRE_FF:1 .= 1 by A3,Th1; end; end; thus for m being Nat holds P[m] from Ind(A1,A2); end; theorem for m, n being Nat holds Fib(m) hcf Fib(n) = Fib(m hcf n) proof defpred P[Nat,Nat] means Fib($1) hcf Fib($2) = Fib($1 hcf $2); A1:for m, n holds P[m,n] implies P[n,m]; A2:for k st (for m, n st (m < k & n < k) holds P[m,n]) holds (for m st m <= k holds P[k,m]) proof let k; assume A3:for m, n st m < k & n < k holds P[m,n]; let m; assume A4:m <= k; per cases by A4,AXIOMS:21; suppose m = k; hence thesis; suppose A5:m < k; A6: not m < 0 by NAT_1:18; thus thesis proof per cases by A6,AXIOMS:21; suppose A7:m = 0; then Fib(k) hcf Fib(m) = Fib(k) by NAT_LAT:36,PRE_FF:1; hence thesis by A7,NAT_LAT:36; suppose A8:m > 0; thus thesis proof consider r such that A9:k = m + r by A4,NAT_1:28; r <> 0 by A5,A9; then consider rr being Nat such that A10: r = rr + 1 by NAT_1:22; Fib(k) = (Fib(rr+1) * Fib(m+1)) + (Fib (rr) * Fib(m)) by A9,A10,Th4; then A11:Fib(k) hcf Fib(m) = Fib(m) hcf (Fib(m+1) * Fib(r)) by A10,EULER_1:9; Fib(m) hcf Fib(m+1) = 1 by Lm7; then A12:Fib(k) hcf Fib(m) = Fib(m) hcf Fib(r) by A11,Th2; A13:r <= k by A9,NAT_1:29; now assume r = k; then m + r = 0 + r by A9; hence contradiction by A8,XCMPLX_1:2; end; then A14:r < k by A13,AXIOMS:21; k hcf m = m hcf r by A9,Th1; hence thesis by A3,A5,A12,A14; end; end; end; thus for m, n holds P[m,n] from Bin_Ind(A1,A2); end; begin :: The relationship between the Fibonacci numbers and the :: roots of the equation x^2 = x + 1 :: The formula for the roots of a quadratic equation reserve x, a, b, c for real number; theorem Th6: for x, a, b, c being real number st (a <> 0 & delta(a,b,c) >= 0) holds (a * x^2 + b * x + c = 0) iff (x = (- b - sqrt delta(a,b,c))/(2 * a) or x = (- b + sqrt delta(a,b,c))/(2 * a)) proof let x, a, b, c; set lh = a * x^2 + b * x + c; set r1 = (- b - sqrt delta(a,b,c))/(2 * a); set r2 = ( - b + sqrt delta(a,b,c))/(2 * a); assume that A1: a <> 0 and A2:delta(a,b,c) >= 0; A3:lh = a * (x - r1) * (x - r2) by A1,A2,QUIN_1:16; (x = r1 or x = r2) implies lh = 0 proof assume A4:(x = r1 or x = r2); per cases by A4; suppose x = r1; then x - r1 = 0 by XCMPLX_1:14; hence thesis by A3; suppose x = r2; then x - r2 = 0 by XCMPLX_1:14; hence thesis by A3; end; hence thesis by A1,A2,QUIN_1:15; end; :: The roots of x^2 - x - 1 = 0 :: The value of tau is approximately 1.618 definition func tau -> real number equals :Def1: (1 + sqrt 5)/2; correctness; end; :: The value of tau_bar is approximately -.618 definition func tau_bar -> real number equals :Def2: (1 - sqrt 5)/2; correctness; end; Lm8: (tau ^2 = tau + 1) & (tau_bar ^2 = tau_bar + 1) proof A1: delta(1, -1, -1) = (-1) ^2 - (4 * 1 * (-1)) by QUIN_1:def 1 .= 1 - (-4) by SQUARE_1:59,61 .= 5; then A2: (- (-1) - sqrt delta(1, -1, -1)) / (2 * 1) = tau_bar by Def2; A3:for x holds (1 * x ^2 + (-1) * x + (-1) = 0) implies (x^2 = x + 1) proof let x; A4:(1 * x^2 + (-1)* x + (-1)) = x^2 + ((-1) * x + (-1) * 1) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= x^2 + (-1) * (x + 1) by XCMPLX_1:8 .= x^2 + (- 1 *(x + 1)) by XCMPLX_1:175 .= x^2 - (x + 1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8; assume 1 * x ^2 + (-1) * x + (-1) = 0; hence thesis by A4,XCMPLX_1:15; end; A5: for x holds (x = tau or x = tau_bar) implies (x^2 = x + 1) proof let x; assume x = tau or x = tau_bar; then (1 * x^2 + (-1) * x + (-1) = 0) by A1,A2,Def1,Th6; hence thesis by A3; end; hence tau^2 = tau + 1; thus thesis by A5; end; Lm9: 2 < sqrt 5 by SQUARE_1:85,95; Lm10: sqrt 5 <> 0 by SQUARE_1:85,95; Lm11: sqrt 5 < 3 proof 3 ^2 = 3 * 3 by SQUARE_1:def 3 .= 9; then sqrt 9 = 3 by SQUARE_1:89; hence thesis by SQUARE_1:95; end; 1 < tau proof 2 < sqrt 5 by SQUARE_1:85,95; then 1 < sqrt 5 by AXIOMS:22; then 1 + 1 < (1 + sqrt 5) by REAL_1:67; then 2/2 < (1 + sqrt 5)/2 by REAL_1:73; hence thesis by Def1; end; then Lm12: 0 < tau by AXIOMS:22; Lm13: tau_bar < 0 proof 2 < sqrt 5 by SQUARE_1:85,95; then not ((0 + sqrt 5) <= 1) by AXIOMS:22; then 0 * 2 > (1 - sqrt 5)/1 by REAL_1:84; then (1 - sqrt 5)/2 < 0 * 1 by REAL_2:193; hence thesis by Def2; end; Lm14: abs(tau_bar) < 1 proof A1: abs(tau_bar) = -(1 - sqrt 5)/2 by Def2,Lm13,ABSVALUE:def 1 .= (- (1 - sqrt 5))/2 by XCMPLX_1:188 .= (sqrt 5 - 1)/2 by XCMPLX_1:143; sqrt 5 - 1 < 3 - 1 by Lm11,REAL_1:54; then (sqrt 5 - 1)/2 < 2/2 by REAL_1:73; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem Th7: for n being Nat holds Fib(n) = ((tau to_power n) - (tau_bar to_power n))/(sqrt 5) proof defpred P[Nat] means Fib($1) = ((tau to_power $1) - (tau_bar to_power $1))/(sqrt 5); A1: P[0] proof tau_bar to_power 0 = 1 by POWER:29; then ((tau to_power 0) - (tau_bar to_power 0))/(sqrt 5) = (1 - 1)/(sqrt 5) by POWER:29 .= 0; hence thesis by PRE_FF:1; end; set a = 1 + sqrt 5; set b = 1 - sqrt 5; A2: P[1] proof A3: tau - tau_bar = (a - b)/2 by Def1,Def2,XCMPLX_1:121 .= (a + (-b))/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8 .= ((1 + sqrt 5) + (sqrt 5 - 1))/2 by XCMPLX_1:143 .= ((sqrt 5 + 1) + (-1 + sqrt 5))/2 by XCMPLX_0:def 8 .= ((sqrt 5 + 1 + -1) + sqrt 5)/2 by XCMPLX_1:1 .= ((sqrt 5 + (1 + -1)) + sqrt 5)/2 by XCMPLX_1:1 .= sqrt 5 by XCMPLX_1:65; tau_bar to_power 1 = tau_bar by POWER:30; then ((tau to_power 1) - (tau_bar to_power 1))/(sqrt 5) = (sqrt 5)/(sqrt 5) by A3,POWER:30 .= Fib(1) by Lm10,PRE_FF:1,XCMPLX_1:60; hence thesis; end; A4: for k being Nat st P[k] & P[k+1] holds P[k+2] proof let k; assume that A5: P[k] and A6: P[k+1]; set a = tau to_power k, a1 = tau_bar to_power k, b = tau to_power (k+1), b1 = tau_bar to_power (k+1), c = tau to_power (k+2), c1 = tau_bar to_power (k+2); A7: c = (tau to_power 2) * (tau to_power k) by Lm12,POWER:32 .= (tau to_power k) * (tau + 1) by Lm8,POWER:53 .= (tau to_power k) * tau + (tau to_power k) * 1 by XCMPLX_1:8 .= (tau to_power k) * (tau to_power 1) + a by POWER:30 .= a + b by Lm12,POWER:32; A8: c1 = tau_bar |^ (k + 2) by Lm13,POWER:46 .= (tau_bar |^ k) * (tau_bar |^ (1 + 1)) by NEWTON:13 .= (tau_bar |^ k) * (tau_bar * (tau_bar |^ 1)) by NEWTON:11 .= (tau_bar |^ k) * (tau_bar * tau_bar) by NEWTON:10 .= (tau_bar |^ k) * (tau_bar + 1) by Lm8,SQUARE_1:def 3 .= (tau_bar |^ k * tau_bar) + (tau_bar |^ k) * 1 by XCMPLX_1:8 .= (tau_bar |^ (k+1)) + (tau_bar |^ k) * 1 by NEWTON:11 .= b1 + (tau_bar |^ k) by Lm13,POWER:46 .= a1 + b1 by Lm13,POWER:46; A9: (a - a1) + (b - b1) = (a + (-a1)) + (b - b1) by XCMPLX_0:def 8 .= (a + (-a1)) + (b + (-b1)) by XCMPLX_0:def 8 .= ((a + (-a1)) + b) + (-b1) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= c + (- a1) + (- b1) by A7,XCMPLX_1:1 .= c + ((- a1) + (- b1)) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= c + ((-1) * a1 + (- b1)) by XCMPLX_1:180 .= c + ((-1) * a1 + (-1) * b1) by XCMPLX_1:180 .= c + (-1) * c1 by A8,XCMPLX_1:8 .= c + (- c1) by XCMPLX_1:180 .= c - c1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8; Fib(k+2) = Fib((k + (1 + 1))) .= Fib((k + 1) + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1 .= (a - a1)/(sqrt 5) + (b - b1)/(sqrt 5) by A5,A6,PRE_FF:1 .= (c - c1)/(sqrt 5) by A9,XCMPLX_1:63; hence thesis; end; thus for n being Nat holds P[n] from Fib_Ind(A1, A2, A4); end; Lm15: for x being real number st abs(x) <= 1 holds abs(x |^ n) <= 1 proof let x; assume A1: abs(x) <= 1; defpred P[Nat] means abs(x |^ $1) <= 1; for k holds P[k] proof A2:P[0] proof abs(x |^ 0) = abs(1) by NEWTON:9 .= 1 by ABSVALUE:def 1; hence thesis; end; A3: for k being Nat st P[k] holds P[k+1] proof let k; assume A4: P[k]; A5:abs(x |^ (k+1)) = abs ((x |^ k) * x) by NEWTON:11 .= abs(x |^ k) * abs(x) by ABSVALUE:10; A6: 0 <= abs(x) by ABSVALUE:5; 0 <= abs(x |^ k) by ABSVALUE:5; hence thesis by A1,A4,A5,A6,REAL_2:140; end; thus thesis from Ind(A2, A3); end; hence thesis; end; Lm16:for n holds abs((tau_bar to_power n)/(sqrt 5)) < 1 proof let n; set y = (tau_bar to_power n), z = sqrt 5; abs(y) = abs(tau_bar |^ n) by Lm13,POWER:46; then A1:abs(y) <=1 by Lm14,Lm15; A2:abs(y) >= 0 by ABSVALUE:5; A3:abs(y/z) = abs(y * z") by XCMPLX_0:def 9 .= abs(y) * abs(z") by ABSVALUE:10; z > 0 by Lm9,AXIOMS:22; then A4: z" > 0 by REAL_1:72; then A5:abs(z") = z" by ABSVALUE:def 1; 1/z < 1/2 by Lm9,REAL_2:151; then 1/z < 1 by AXIOMS:22; then A6:abs(z") < 1 by A5,XCMPLX_1:217; abs(z") >= 0 by A4,ABSVALUE:def 1; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,A6,REAL_2:139; end; theorem for n being Nat holds abs(Fib(n) - (tau to_power n)/(sqrt 5)) < 1 proof let n; set k = Fib(n), x = (tau to_power n), y = (tau_bar to_power n), z = sqrt 5; k = (x - y)/z by Th7 .= x/z - y/z by XCMPLX_1:121; then x/z - k = y/z by XCMPLX_1:18; then abs(x/z - k) < 1 by Lm16; then abs(-(k - x/z)) < 1 by XCMPLX_1:143; hence thesis by ABSVALUE:17; end; reserve F, G, f, g, h for Real_Sequence; :: Preliminary facts on real sequences theorem Th9: for F, G being Real_Sequence st (for n being Nat holds F.n = G.n) holds F = G proof let F, G; assume for n being Nat holds F.n = G.n; then for x being set st x in NAT holds F.x = G.x; hence thesis by SEQ_1:8; end; theorem Th10: for f, g, h being Real_Sequence st g is_not_0 holds (f /" g) (#) (g /" h) = (f /" h) proof let f, g, h be Real_Sequence; set f3 = (f /" g), g3 = (g /" h), h3 = (f /" h); assume A1: g is_not_0; for n holds (f3 (#) g3).n = h3.n proof let n; set a = f.n, b = (g.n)", c = g.n, d = (h.n)"; A2: g.n <> 0 by A1,SEQ_1:7; A3:f3.n = (f (#) g").n by SEQ_1:def 9 .= a * (g".n) by SEQ_1:12 .= a * b by SEQ_1:def 8; A4:g3.n = (g (#) h").n by SEQ_1:def 9 .= c * (h".n) by SEQ_1:12 .= c * d by SEQ_1:def 8; A5: h3.n = (f (#) h").n by SEQ_1:def 9 .= a * (h".n) by SEQ_1:12 .= a * d by SEQ_1:def 8; A6: b * c = (1/c) * c by XCMPLX_1:217 .= 1 by A2,XCMPLX_1:107; (f3 (#) g3).n = (a * b) * (c * d) by A3,A4,SEQ_1:12 .= ((a * b) * c) * d by XCMPLX_1:4 .= ((b * c) * a) * d by XCMPLX_1:4 .= h3.n by A5,A6; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by Th9; end; theorem Th11: for f, g being Real_Sequence for n being Nat holds (f /" g) . n = (f .n) / (g.n) & (f /" g) . n = (f.n) * (g.n)" proof let f, g; let n; A1:(f /" g). n = (f (#) g").n by SEQ_1:def 9 .= (f.n) * (g".n) by SEQ_1:12 .= (f.n) * (g.n)" by SEQ_1:def 8; hence (f /" g). n = (f.n) / (g.n) by XCMPLX_0:def 9; thus thesis by A1; end; theorem for F being Real_Sequence st (for n being Nat holds F.n = Fib(n+1)/Fib(n)) holds F is convergent & lim F = tau proof let F; assume A1: for n being Nat holds F.n = Fib(n+1)/Fib(n); deffunc ff(Nat) = Fib($1); ex f st for n holds f. n = ff(n) from ExRealSeq; then consider f such that A2:for n holds f.n = ff(n); set f1 = (f ^\ 1); A3: for n holds f1.n = Fib(n+1) proof let n; f1.n = f.(n+1) by SEQM_3:def 9 .= Fib(n+1) by A2; hence thesis; end; A4: F = f1 /" f proof for n holds F.n = (f1 /" f). n proof let n; (f1 /" f). n = (f1 . n) / (f . n) by Th11 .= Fib(n+1)/ (f.n) by A3 .= Fib(n+1)/Fib(n) by A2; hence thesis by A1; end; hence thesis by Th9; end; deffunc ff(Nat) = (tau to_power $1)/(sqrt 5); ex g st for n holds g . n = ff(n) from ExRealSeq; then consider g such that A5: for n holds g.n = ff(n); deffunc ff(Nat) = (tau_bar to_power $1)/(sqrt 5); ex h st for n holds h . n = ff(n) from ExRealSeq; then consider h such that A6: for n holds h.n = ff(n); A7: g = f + h proof A8: for n holds f.n = g.n - h.n proof let n; f.n = Fib(n) by A2 .= ((tau to_power n) - (tau_bar to_power n))/(sqrt 5) by Th7 .= (tau to_power n)/(sqrt 5) - (tau_bar to_power n)/(sqrt 5) by XCMPLX_1:121 .= g.n - (tau_bar to_power n)/(sqrt 5) by A5 .= g.n - h.n by A6; hence thesis; end; for n holds g.n = f.n + h.n proof let n; f.n = g.n - h.n by A8; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:27; end; hence thesis by SEQ_1:11; end; A9: h /" f is convergent & lim (h /" f) = 0 proof A10: h is bounded proof for n holds abs(h.n) < 1 proof let n; h.n = (tau_bar to_power n)/(sqrt 5) by A6; hence thesis by Lm16; end; hence thesis by SEQ_2:15; end; A11: f" is convergent & lim f" = 0 proof A12:for x st 0 < x ex n st for m st n <= m holds abs ((f".m) - 0) < x proof let x; assume 0 < x; then consider k such that A13: k > 0 and 0 < 1/k and A14: 1/k <= x by Th3; for m st (k+2) <= m holds abs((f" . m) - 0) < x proof let m; assume (k+2) <= m; then A15: Fib(k+2) <= Fib(m) by Lm5; k + 2 = k + (1 + 1) .= (k + 1) + 1 by XCMPLX_1:1; then Fib(k+2) >= k+1 by Lm3; then k + 1 <= Fib(m) by A15,AXIOMS:22; then A16: k + 1 <= f.m by A2; 0 <> k+1 by NAT_1:21; then A17: 0 < k+1 by NAT_1:19; then A18: 1/(f.m) <= 1/(k+1) by A16,REAL_2:152; k + 0 < (k+1) by REAL_1:53; then A19: 1/(k+1) < 1/k by A13,REAL_2:151; 0 < f.m by A16,A17,AXIOMS:22; then A20: 0 <= (f.m)" by REAL_1:72; A21:abs((f".m) - 0) = abs ((f.m)") by SEQ_1:def 8 .= (f.m)" by A20,ABSVALUE:def 1 .= 1/(f.m) by XCMPLX_1:217; 1/(f.m) < 1/k by A18,A19,AXIOMS:22; hence thesis by A14,A21,AXIOMS:22; end; hence thesis; end; hence f" is convergent by SEQ_2:def 6; hence thesis by A12,SEQ_2:def 7; end; A22: h /" f = h (#) f" by SEQ_1:def 9; hence h /" f is convergent by A10,A11,SEQ_2:39; thus thesis by A10,A11,A22,SEQ_2:40; end; set f2 = f ^\ 2; A23: f /" f is convergent & lim (f /" f) = 1 proof A24: for n holds f2.n <> 0 proof let n; A25:f2.n = f.(n+2) by SEQM_3:def 9 .= Fib(n + (1+1)) by A2 .= Fib((n+1) + 1) by XCMPLX_1:1; (n+1) <> 0 by NAT_1:21; then (n+1) > 0 by NAT_1:19; hence thesis by A25,Lm3; end; A26: for n holds (f2 /" f2) . n = 1 proof let n; A27: f2.n <> 0 by A24; (f2 /" f2).n = (f2.n) * (f2.n)" by Th11 .= (f2.n) * ( 1/ (f2.n)) by XCMPLX_1:217 .= 1 by A27,XCMPLX_1:107; hence thesis; end; then A28: (f2 /" f2) is constant by SEQM_3:def 6; then A29: (f2 /" f2) is convergent by SEQ_4:39; (f2 /" f2) . 0 = 1 by A26; then A30: lim (f2 /" f2) = 1 by A28,SEQ_4:40; A31: (f /" f) ^\ 2 = (f2 /" f2) by SEQM_3:43; hence f /" f is convergent by A29,SEQ_4:35; thus thesis by A29,A30,A31,SEQ_4:36; end; A32: (g /" f) = (f /" f) + (h /" f) by A7,SEQ_1:57; then A33: (g /" f) is convergent by A9,A23,SEQ_2:19; A34: lim (g /" f) = 1 + 0 by A9,A23,A32,SEQ_2:20 .= 1; set g1 = g ^\ 1; A35: g is being_not_0 proof for n holds g.n <> 0 proof let n; A36: g.n = (tau to_power n) / (sqrt 5) by A5 .= (tau to_power n) * (sqrt 5)" by XCMPLX_0:def 9 .= (tau |^ n) * (sqrt 5)" by Lm12,POWER:46; A37: (tau |^ n) <> 0 by Lm12,PREPOWER:12; (sqrt 5) " <> 0 by Lm10,XCMPLX_1:203; hence thesis by A36,A37,XCMPLX_1:6; end; hence thesis by SEQ_1:7; end; A38: (g1 /" g) is convergent & lim (g1 /" g) = tau proof A39: for n holds (g1 /" g) . n = tau proof let n; A40: g.n = (tau to_power n) / (sqrt 5) by A5 .= (tau to_power n) * (sqrt 5)" by XCMPLX_0:def 9 .= (tau |^ n) * (sqrt 5)" by Lm12,POWER:46; A41: g1.n = g.(n+1) by SEQM_3:def 9 .= (tau to_power (n + 1)) / (sqrt 5) by A5 .= (tau to_power (n+1)) * (sqrt 5)" by XCMPLX_0:def 9 .= (tau |^ (n+1)) * (sqrt 5)" by Lm12,POWER:46 .= (tau * (tau |^ n)) * (sqrt 5)" by NEWTON:11 .= tau * (g.n) by A40,XCMPLX_1:4; A42: g.n <> 0 by A35,SEQ_1:7; (g1 /" g).n = (tau * (g.n)) * ((g.n)") by A41,Th11 .= tau * ((g.n) * (g.n)") by XCMPLX_1:4 .= tau * 1 by A42,XCMPLX_0:def 7 .= tau; hence thesis; end; then A43: (g1 /" g) is constant by SEQM_3:def 6; hence (g1 /" g) is convergent by SEQ_4:39; (g1 /" g) . 0 = tau by A39; hence thesis by A43,SEQ_4:40; end; A44: f1 is being_not_0 proof for n holds f1.n <> 0 proof let n; f1.n = f.(n+1) by SEQM_3:def 9 .= Fib(n+1) by A2; hence thesis by Lm6; end; hence thesis by SEQ_1:7; end; A45: f2 = f1 ^\ 1 proof f1 ^\ 1 = f ^\ (1 + 1) by SEQM_3:36 .= f2; hence thesis; end; set g2 = g1 ^\ 1; A46: g1 is_not_0 & g2 is_not_0 proof thus g1 is_not_0 by A35,SEQM_3:40; hence thesis by SEQM_3:40; end; A47: f2 is_not_0 by A44,A45,SEQM_3:40; A48: f2 /" g1 is convergent & lim (f2 /" g1 ) = tau proof A49: f2 /" g1 = (f2 /" g2) (#) (g2 /" g1) by A46,Th10; A50: g2 = g ^\2 proof g2 = g ^\ (1 + 1) by SEQM_3:36 .= g ^\ 2; hence thesis; end; A51: (f2 /" g2) is convergent & lim (f2 /" g2) = 1 proof A52: (g2 /" f2) = (g /" f) ^\ 2 by A50,SEQM_3:43; then A53: (g2 /" f2) is convergent by A33,SEQ_4:33; A54: lim (g2 /" f2) = 1 by A33,A34,A52,SEQ_4:33; for n holds (g2 /" f2).n <> 0 proof let n; A55:(g2.n) <> 0 by A46,SEQ_1:7; (f2.n) <> 0 by A47,SEQ_1:7; then A56:(f2.n)" <> 0 by XCMPLX_1:203; (g2 /" f2).n = (g2.n) * (f2.n)" by Th11; hence thesis by A55,A56,XCMPLX_1:6; end; then A57: (g2 /" f2) is_not_0 by SEQ_1:7; then (g2 /" f2)" is convergent by A53,A54,SEQ_2:35; hence (f2 /" g2) is convergent by SEQ_1:48; lim (g2 /" f2)" = 1" by A53,A54,A57,SEQ_2:36 .= 1; hence thesis by SEQ_1:48; end; A58: (g2 /" g1) is convergent & lim (g2 /" g1) = tau proof (g2 /" g1) = (g1 /" g) ^\ 1 by SEQM_3:43; hence thesis by A38,SEQ_4:33; end; hence f2 /" g1 is convergent by A49,A51,SEQ_2:28; lim (f2 /" g1) = 1 * tau by A49,A51,A58,SEQ_2:29 .= tau; hence thesis; end; A59: (g1 /" f1) is convergent & lim (g1 /" f1) = 1 proof (g1 /" f1) = (g /" f) ^\ 1 by SEQM_3:43; hence thesis by A33,A34,SEQ_4:33; end; A60: (f2 /" f1) is convergent & lim (f2 /" f1) = tau proof A61: (f2 /" f1) = (f2 /" g1) (#) (g1 /" f1) by A46,Th10; hence (f2 /" f1) is convergent by A48,A59,SEQ_2:28; lim (f2 /" f1) = tau * 1 by A48,A59,A61,SEQ_2:29; hence thesis; end; A62: (f2 /" f1) = F ^\ 1 by A4,A45,SEQM_3:43; hence F is convergent by A60,SEQ_4:35; thus thesis by A60,A62,SEQ_4:36; end;