The Mizar article:

Dickson's Lemma

Gilbert Lee, and
Piotr Rudnicki

Received March 12, 2002

Copyright (c) 2002 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: DICKSON
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 constructors ORDERS_2, WELLFND1, NAT_1, CQC_SIM1, PRE_CIRC, WAYBEL_4,
      DOMAIN_1, BHSP_3, TOLER_1;
 requirements BOOLE, SUBSET, NUMERALS;
 definitions TARSKI, RELAT_2, ORDERS_1, ORDERS_2;

begin :: Preliminaries

theorem Th1:
for g being Function, x being set st dom g = {x} holds g = x .--> g.x
proof let g be Function, x be set such that
A1: dom g = {x};
      now let a,b be set;
        A2: dom (x .-->g.x) = {x} by CQC_LANG:5;
        hereby assume A3: [a,b] in g;
        then A4: a in {x} by A1,FUNCT_1:8;
        then A5: a = x by TARSKI:def 1; then b = g.x by A3,FUNCT_1:8;
            then (x.-->g.x).a = b by A5,CQC_LANG:6;
            hence [a,b] in x.-->g.x by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:8;
        assume A6: [a,b] in x.-->g.x;
    then A7: a in {x} by A2,FUNCT_1:8;
    then A8: a = x by TARSKI:def 1;
          b = (x.-->g.x).a by A6,FUNCT_1:8 .= g.a by A8,CQC_LANG:6;
        hence [a,b] in g by A1,A7,FUNCT_1:8;
    hence g = x.-->g.x by RELAT_1:def 2;

theorem Th2:
for n being Nat holds n c= n+1
proof let n be Nat;
    n+1 = n \/ {n} by AFINSQ_1:4;
  hence thesis by XBOOLE_1:7;

scheme FinSegRng2{m, n() -> Nat, F(set)->set, P[Nat]}:
  {F(i) where i is Nat : m()<i & i<=n() & P[i]} is finite
    defpred p[Nat] means P[$1];
    deffunc f(set) = F($1);
    set F1 = {f(i) where i is Nat: m()<=i & i<=n() & p[i]};
    set F2 = {f(i) where i is Nat: m()< i & i<=n() & p[i]};
A1: F1 is finite from FinSegRng;
      F2 c= F1 proof let x be set; assume x in F2;
        then consider i being Nat such that
    A2: F(i) = x & m()< i & i<=n() & P[i];
      thus thesis by A2;
  hence F2 is finite by A1,FINSET_1:13;

theorem Th3:
for X being infinite set ex f being Function of NAT, X st f is one-to-one
proof let X be infinite set; not Card X is finite by CARD_4:1;
    then Card NAT c= Card X by CARD_1:38,CARD_4:11;
    then consider f being Function such that
A1: f is one-to-one & dom f = NAT & rng f c= X by CARD_1:26;
      now let x be set such that
    A2: x in NAT; f.x in rng f by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:12;
        hence f.x in X by A1;
    end; then reconsider f as Function of NAT, X by A1,FUNCT_2:5;
    take f; thus f is one-to-one by A1;

  let R be RelStr, f be sequence of R;
  attr f is ascending means
    for n being Nat
   holds f.(n+1) <> f.n & [f.n, f.(n+1)] in the InternalRel of R;

  let R be RelStr, f be sequence of R;
  attr f is weakly-ascending means :Def2:
  for n being Nat holds [f.n, f.(n+1)] in the InternalRel of R;

theorem Th4:
for R being non empty transitive RelStr, f being sequence of R
 st f is weakly-ascending
  holds for i,j being Nat st i < j holds f.i <= f.j
proof let R be non empty transitive RelStr, f be sequence of R such that
A1: f is weakly-ascending;
    let i be Nat;
    defpred P[Nat] means i < $1 implies f.i <= f.$1;
A2: P[0] by NAT_1:18;
A3: for j being Nat st P[j] holds P[j+1]
    proof let j be Nat such that
    A4: P[j] and
    A5: i < j+1; reconsider fj1 = f.(j+1) as Element of R;
    A6: [f.j, f.(j+1)] in the InternalRel of R by A1,Def2;
    then A7: f.j <= fj1 by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    A8: i <= j by A5,NAT_1:38;
        per cases by A8,REAL_1:def 5;
        suppose i < j; hence f.i <= f.(j+1) by A4,A7,ORDERS_1:26;
        suppose i = j; hence f.i <= f.(j+1) by A6,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    thus for j being Nat holds P[j] from Ind(A2,A3);

theorem Th5:
for R being non empty RelStr
 holds R is connected iff
       the InternalRel of R is_strongly_connected_in the carrier of R
proof let R be non empty RelStr;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    hereby assume A1: R is connected;
          now let x, y be set such that
        A2: x in CR & y in CR;
            reconsider x'=x, y'=y as Element of R by A2;
              x' <= y' or y' <= x' by A1,WAYBEL_0:def 29;
            hence [x,y] in IR or [y,x] in IR by ORDERS_1:def 9;
        hence IR is_strongly_connected_in CR by RELAT_2:def 7;
    assume A3: IR is_strongly_connected_in CR;
      now let x, y be Element of R;
          [x,y] in IR or [y,x] in IR by A3,RELAT_2:def 7;
        hence x <= y or y <= x by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    hence R is connected by WAYBEL_0:def 29;


theorem Th7:
for L being RelStr, Y being set, a being set
 holds ((the InternalRel of L)-Seg(a) misses Y & a in Y) iff
        a is_minimal_wrt Y, the InternalRel of L
proof let L be RelStr, Y be set, a be set;
    set IR = the InternalRel of L;
    hereby assume A1: IR-Seg(a) misses Y & a in Y;
                  then A2: IR-Seg(a) /\ Y = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
          now thus a in Y by A1;
               now assume ex y being set st y in Y & y<>a & [y,a] in IR;
                 then consider y being set such that
             A3: y in Y & y <> a & [y,a] in IR;
                   y in IR-Seg(a) by A3,WELLORD1:def 1;
                 hence contradiction by A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
             hence not ex y being set st y in Y & y<>a & [y,a] in IR;
        hence a is_minimal_wrt Y, IR by WAYBEL_4:def 26;
    assume A4: a is_minimal_wrt Y, IR;
      now assume not IR-Seg(a) misses Y;
               then IR-Seg(a) /\ Y <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
        then consider y being set such that
    A5: y in IR-Seg(a) /\ Y by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    A6: y in IR-Seg(a) & y in Y by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        then y <> a & [y,a] in IR by WELLORD1:def 1;
        hence contradiction by A4,A6,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
    hence IR-Seg(a) misses Y;
    thus a in Y by A4,WAYBEL_4:def 26;

theorem Th8:
for L being non empty transitive antisymmetric RelStr,
    x being Element of L, a, N being set
 st a is_minimal_wrt (the InternalRel of L)-Seg(x) /\ N,(the InternalRel of L)
  holds a is_minimal_wrt N, (the InternalRel of L)
proof let L be non empty transitive antisymmetric RelStr,
      x be Element of L, a,N be set such that
A1: a is_minimal_wrt (the InternalRel of L)-Seg(x) /\ N,(the InternalRel of L);
    set IR = the InternalRel of L, CR = the carrier of L;
A2: IR is_transitive_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 5;
    A3: a in IR-Seg(x) /\ N & not ex y being set
         st y in IR-Seg(x) /\ N & a <> y & [y,a] in IR by A1,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
           then a in IR-Seg(x) & a in N by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then A4: a <> x & [a,x] in IR by WELLORD1:def 1;
        then a in CR by ZFMISC_1:106;
        then reconsider a' = a as Element of L;
        thus a in N by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          now assume ex y being set st y in N & y <> a & [y,a] in IR;
            then consider y being set such that
        A5: y in N & y <> a & [y,a] in IR;
              a in CR & y in CR by A5,ZFMISC_1:106;
        then A6: [y,x] in IR by A2,A4,A5,RELAT_2:def 8;
            per cases;
            suppose x = y; then x <= a' & a' <= x by A4,A5,ORDERS_1:def 9;
                hence contradiction by A4,ORDERS_1:25;
            suppose x <> y; then y in IR-Seg(x) by A6,WELLORD1:def 1;
                then y in IR-Seg(x) /\ N by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                hence contradiction by A1,A5,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
        hence not ex y being set st y in N & y <> a & [y,a] in IR;
    hence a is_minimal_wrt N, IR by WAYBEL_4:def 26;

begin :: Chapter 4.2

definition let R be RelStr; :: Def 4.19 (ix)
  attr R is quasi_ordered means :Def3:
       R is reflexive transitive;

definition :: Lemma 4.24.i
   let R be RelStr such that
A1: R is quasi_ordered;
   func EqRel R -> Equivalence_Relation of the carrier of R equals :Def4:
        (the InternalRel of R) /\ (the InternalRel of R)~;
coherence proof set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
      R is reflexive by A1,Def3;
then A2: IR is_reflexive_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 4;
      R is transitive by A1,Def3;
then A3: IR is_transitive_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 5;
then A4: IR quasi_orders CR by A2,ORDERS_2:def 4;
      IR /\ IR~ is total symmetric transitive
        IR /\ IR~ is_reflexive_in CR
            let x be set such that
        A5: x in CR;
        A6: [x,x] in IR by A2,A5,RELAT_2:def 1;
            then [x,x] in IR~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
            hence [x,x] in IR /\ IR~ by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
A7:  dom(IR /\ IR~) = CR & field(IR /\ IR~) = CR by ORDERS_1:98;
     hence IR /\ IR~ is total by PARTFUN1:def 4;
       IR /\ IR~ is_symmetric_in CR proof
            let x,y be set such that
              x in CR & y in CR and
        A8: [x,y] in IR /\ IR~;
              [x,y] in IR & [x,y] in IR~ by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then [y,x] in IR~ & [y,x] in IR by RELAT_1:def 7;
            hence [y,x] in IR /\ IR~ by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        hence IR /\ IR~ is symmetric by A7,RELAT_2:def 11;
         IR /\ IR~ is_transitive_in CR proof
            let x, y, z be set such that
        A9: x in CR and A10: y in CR and
        A11: z in CR and A12: [x,y] in IR /\ IR~ and
        A13: [y,z] in IR /\ IR~;
        A14: [x,y] in IR & [x,y] in IR~ by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        A15: [y,z] in IR & [y,z] in IR~ by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        then A16: [x,z] in IR by A3,A9,A10,A11,A14,RELAT_2:def 8;
              IR~ quasi_orders CR by A4,ORDERS_2:38;
            then IR~ is_transitive_in CR by ORDERS_2:def 4;
            then [x,z] in IR~ by A9,A10,A11,A14,A15,RELAT_2:def 8;
            hence [x,z] in IR /\ IR~ by A16,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        hence IR /\ IR~ is transitive by A7,RELAT_2:def 16;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th9:
  for R being RelStr, x,y being Element of R
   st R is quasi_ordered holds x in Class(EqRel R, y) iff x <= y & y <= x
proof let R be RelStr, x,y be Element of R such that
A1: R is quasi_ordered;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R;
    hereby assume x in Class(EqRel R,y);
       then [x,y] in EqRel R by EQREL_1:27; then [x,y] in IR /\ IR~ by A1,Def4
    then A2: [x,y] in IR & [x,y] in IR~ by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        hence x <= y by ORDERS_1:def 9; [y,x] in IR by A2,RELAT_1:def 7;
        hence y <= x by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    assume x <= y & y <= x;
    then [x,y] in IR & [y,x] in IR by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then [x,y] in IR & [x,y] in IR~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
    then [x,y] in IR /\ IR~ by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then [x,y] in EqRel R by A1,Def4
    hence x in Class(EqRel R, y) by EQREL_1:27;

definition :: Lemma 4.24, (the InternalRel of R) / EqRel R
  let R be RelStr;
  func <=E R -> Relation of Class EqRel R means :Def5:
  for A, B being set holds [A,B] in it iff
    ex a, b being Element of R
      st A = Class(EqRel R, a) & B = Class(EqRel R, b) & a <= b;
existence proof
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    per cases;
    suppose A1: CR = {};
        reconsider IT = {} as Relation of Class(EqRel R) by RELSET_1:25;
        take IT; let A, B be set;
        thus [A,B] in IT implies
          ex a, b being Element of R
            st A = Class(EqRel R, a) & B = Class(EqRel R, b) & a <= b;
        given a, b being Element of R such that
          A = Class(EqRel R, a) & B = Class(EqRel R, b) and
    A2: a <= b; IR = {} by A1,RELSET_1:26;
        hence [A,B] in IT by A2,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    suppose CR is non empty;
        then reconsider R' = R as non empty RelStr by STRUCT_0:def 1;
        set IT = {[Class(EqRel R, a), Class(EqRel R, b)]
                  where a,b is Element of R' : a <= b};
        set Y = Class(EqRel R);
          IT c= [:Y,Y:] proof let x be set; assume x in IT;
            then consider a, b being Element of R' such that
        A3: x = [Class(EqRel R, a), Class(EqRel R, b)] and
              a <= b;
              Class(EqRel R, a) in Y & Class(EqRel R, b) in Y by EQREL_1:def 5;
            hence x in [:Y,Y:] by A3,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
        then reconsider IT as Relation of Class(EqRel R) by RELSET_1:def 1;
        take IT; let A, B be set;
        hereby assume [A,B] in IT;
            then consider a,b being Element of R such that
        A4: [A,B] = [Class(EqRel R, a), Class(EqRel R, b)] and
        A5: a <= b;
            reconsider a' = a, b' = b as Element of R;
            take a', b';
            thus A = Class(EqRel R, a') & B = Class(EqRel R, b') &
                 a' <= b' by A4,A5,ZFMISC_1:33;
        given a, b being Element of R such that
    A6: A = Class(EqRel R, a) and
    A7: B = Class(EqRel R, b) and
    A8: a <= b;
        thus [A,B] in IT by A6,A7,A8;
uniqueness proof let IT1, IT2 be Relation of Class(EqRel R) such that
A9: for A, B being set holds [A,B] in IT1 iff
     ex a, b being Element of R
     st A = Class(EqRel R, a) & B = Class(EqRel R, b) & a <= b and
A10: for A, B being set holds [A,B] in IT2 iff
     ex a, b being Element of R
     st A = Class(EqRel R, a) & B = Class(EqRel R, b) & a <= b;
      now let x be set;
        hereby assume
        A11: x in IT1; set Y = Class(EqRel R);
            consider A, B being set such that
              A in Y and B in Y and
        A12: x = [A,B] by A11,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
            consider a, b being Element of R such that
        A13: A = Class(EqRel R, a) & B = Class(EqRel R, b) & a <= b by A9,A11,
            thus x in IT2 by A10,A12,A13;
        assume A14: x in IT2; set Y = Class(EqRel R);
        consider A, B being set such that
          A in Y & B in Y and
    A15: x = [A,B] by A14,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
        consider a, b being Element of R such that
    A16: A = Class(EqRel R, a) & B = Class(EqRel R, b) & a <= b by A10,A14,A15;
        thus x in IT1 by A9,A15,A16;
    hence IT1 = IT2 by TARSKI:2;

theorem Th10: :: Lemma 4.24.ii
for R being RelStr
 st R is quasi_ordered holds <=E R partially_orders Class(EqRel R)
proof let R be RelStr;
    set CR = the carrier of R; set IR = the InternalRel of R;
A1: R is quasi_ordered; then R is transitive by Def3;
then A2: IR is_transitive_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 5;
    thus <=E R is_reflexive_in Class(EqRel R) proof
        let x be set; assume x in Class(EqRel R);
        then consider a being set such that
    A3: a in CR and
    A4: x = Class(EqRel R,a) by EQREL_1:def 5;
          R is reflexive by A1,Def3;
        then IR is_reflexive_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 4;
    then A5: [a,a] in IR by A3,RELAT_2:def 1;
        reconsider a'= a as Element of R by A3;
          a' <= a' by A5,ORDERS_1:def 9;
        hence [x,x] in <=E R by A4,Def5;
    thus <=E R is_transitive_in Class(EqRel R) proof let x,y,z be set such
    A6: x in Class(EqRel R) & y in Class(EqRel R) & z in Class(EqRel R) and
    A7: [x,y] in <=E R and
    A8: [y,z] in <=E R;
        consider a,b being Element of R such that
    A9: x = Class(EqRel R, a) & y = Class(EqRel R, b) & a <= b by A7,Def5;
        consider c,d being Element of R such that
    A10: y = Class(EqRel R,c) & z = Class(EqRel R,d) & c <= d by A8,Def5;
    A11: [a,b] in IR by A9,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    A12: [c,d] in IR by A10,ORDERS_1:def 9;
        consider x1 being set such that
    A13: x1 in CR & x = Class(EqRel R, x1) by A6,EQREL_1:def 5;
          b in Class(EqRel R, c) by A9,A10,A13,EQREL_1:31;
        then [b,c] in EqRel R by EQREL_1:27; then [b,c] in IR/\ IR~ by A1,Def4
        then [b,c] in IR by XBOOLE_0:def 3
; then [a,c] in IR by A2,A11,A13,RELAT_2:def 8;
       then [a,d] in IR by A2,A12,A13,RELAT_2:def 8; then a<=d by ORDERS_1:def
      hence [x,z] in <=E R by A9,A10,Def5;
    thus <=E R is_antisymmetric_in Class(EqRel R)proof let x,y be set such
    A14: x in Class(EqRel R) and y in Class(EqRel R) and
    A15: [x,y] in <=E R and
    A16: [y,x] in <=E R;
        consider a,b being Element of R such that
    A17: x = Class(EqRel R, a) & y = Class(EqRel R, b) & a <= b by A15,Def5;
        consider c,d being Element of R such that
    A18: y = Class(EqRel R, c) & x = Class(EqRel R, d) & c <= d by A16,Def5;
    A19: [a,b] in IR by A17,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    A20: [c,d] in IR by A18,ORDERS_1:def 9;
        consider x1 being set such that
    A21: x1 in CR & x = Class(EqRel R, x1) by A14,EQREL_1:def 5;
    A22: d in Class(EqRel R, a) by A17,A18,A21,EQREL_1:31;
          a in Class(EqRel R, a) by A21,EQREL_1:28;
    then A23: [a,d] in EqRel R by A22,EQREL_1:30;
    A24: c in Class(EqRel R, b) by A17,A18,A21,EQREL_1:31;
          b in Class(EqRel R, b) by A21,EQREL_1:28;
    then A25: [b,c] in EqRel R by A24,EQREL_1:30;
          [a,d] in IR /\ IR~ by A1,A23,Def4;
        then [a,d] in IR & [a,d] in IR~ by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then A26: [d,a] in IR by RELAT_1:def 7;
          [b,c] in IR /\ IR~ by A1,A25,Def4;
        then [b,c] in IR & [b,c] in IR~ by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        then [b,d] in IR by A2,A20,A21,RELAT_2:def 8;
    then A27: [b,a] in IR by A2,A21,A26,RELAT_2:def 8;
          [b,a] in IR~ by A19,RELAT_1:def 7;
        then [b,a] in IR /\ IR~ by A27,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        then [b,a] in EqRel R by A1,Def4;
        then b in Class(EqRel R, a) by EQREL_1:27;
        hence x = y by A17,EQREL_1:31;

theorem ::Lemma 4.24.iii
  for R being non empty RelStr st R is quasi_ordered & R is connected
  holds <=E R linearly_orders Class(EqRel R)
proof let R be non empty RelStr such that
A1: R is quasi_ordered and
A2: R is connected;
A3: <=E R partially_orders Class(EqRel R) by A1,Th10;
    hence <=E R is_reflexive_in Class(EqRel R) by ORDERS_2:def 5;
    thus <=E R is_transitive_in Class(EqRel R) by A3,ORDERS_2:def 5;
    thus <=E R is_antisymmetric_in Class(EqRel R) by A3,ORDERS_2:def 5;
    thus <=E R is_connected_in Class(EqRel R) proof
        set CR = the carrier of R;
        let x, y be set such that
    A4: x in Class(EqRel R) and
    A5: y in Class(EqRel R) and x <> y and
    A6: not [x,y] in <=E R;
        consider a being set such that
    A7: a in CR and
    A8: x = Class(EqRel R, a) by A4,EQREL_1:def 5;
        consider b being set such that
    A9: b in CR and
    A10: y = Class(EqRel R, b) by A5,EQREL_1:def 5;
        reconsider a'=a,b'=b as Element of R by A7,A9;
          not (a' <= b') by A6,A8,A10,Def5;
        then b' <= a' by A2,WAYBEL_0:def 29;
        hence [y,x] in <=E R by A8,A10,Def5;

definition :: "strict part" of a relation, p. 155
  let R be Relation;
  func R\~ -> Relation equals :Def6:
    R \ R~;

  let R be Relation;
  cluster R \~ -> asymmetric;
coherence proof
    now let x,y be set such that x in field (R\~) and y in field (R\~) and
  A1: [x,y] in R\~;
        [x,y] in R \ R~ by A1,Def6; then not [x,y] in R~ by XBOOLE_0:def 4
      then not [y,x] in R by RELAT_1:def 7; then not [y,x] in R\R~ by XBOOLE_0:
def 4
      hence not [y,x] in R\~ by Def6;
  end; then R \~ is_asymmetric_in field (R\~) by RELAT_2:def 5;
  hence R \~ is asymmetric by RELAT_2:def 13;

  let X be set, R be Relation of X;
  redefine func R\~ -> Relation of X;
      R\~ = R \ R~ by Def6;
    hence thesis;

   let R be RelStr;
   func R\~ -> strict RelStr equals :Def7:
     RelStr(# the carrier of R, (the InternalRel of R)\~ #);

  let R be non empty RelStr;
  cluster R\~ -> non empty;
coherence proof set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    R\~ = RelStr(# CR, IR\~ #) by Def7;
 hence R\~ is non empty;

  let R be transitive RelStr;
  cluster R\~ -> transitive;
coherence proof
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    set IR'= the InternalRel of R\~, CR' = the carrier of R\~;
A1: IR is_transitive_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 5;
 A2: R\~ = RelStr(# CR, IR\~ #) by Def7;
      now let x,y,z be set such that
    A3: x in CR' & y in CR' & z in CR' and
    A4: [x,y] in IR' & [y,z] in IR';
          [x,y] in IR \ IR~ & [y,z] in IR \ IR~ by A2,A4,Def6;
    then A5: [x,y] in IR & not [x,y] in IR~ & [y,z] in IR by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    then A6: [x,z] in IR by A1,A2,A3,RELAT_2:def 8;
          now assume [x,z] in IR~;
            then [z, x] in IR by RELAT_1:def 7;
            then [y, x] in IR by A1,A2,A3,A5,RELAT_2:def 8;
            hence contradiction by A5,RELAT_1:def 7;
        then [x,z] in IR \ IR~ by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
        hence [x,z] in IR' by A2,Def6;
    then IR' is_transitive_in CR' by RELAT_2:def 8;
    hence R\~ is transitive by ORDERS_1:def 5;

   let R be RelStr;
   cluster R\~ -> antisymmetric;
coherence proof
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    set IR'= the InternalRel of R\~, CR' = the carrier of R\~;
A1:  R\~ = RelStr(# CR, IR\~ #) by Def7;
      now let x, y be set such that
          x in CR' & y in CR' and
    A2: [x,y] in IR' & [y,x] in IR';
          [x,y] in IR\ IR~ & [y,x] in IR\IR~ by A1,A2,Def6;
        then not [x,y] in IR~ & [y,x] in IR by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
        hence x = y by RELAT_1:def 7;
    then IR' is_antisymmetric_in CR' by RELAT_2:def 4;
    hence R\~ is antisymmetric by ORDERS_1:def 6;

theorem ::Exercise 4.27:
  for R being non empty Poset, x being Element of R
 holds Class(EqRel R, x) = {x}
    let R be non empty Poset;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    let x be Element of CR;
A1: R is quasi_ordered by Def3;
A2: IR is_antisymmetric_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 6;
      now let z be set;
        hereby assume z in Class(EqRel R, x);
            then [z,x] in EqRel R by EQREL_1:27;
            then [z,x] in IR /\ IR~ by A1,Def4;
       then A3:  [z,x] in IR & [z,x] in IR~ by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       then A4:  [z,x] in IR & [x,z] in IR by RELAT_1:def 7;
          z in dom IR by A3,RELAT_1:def 4;
            then z = x by A2,A4,RELAT_2:def 4;
            hence z in {x} by TARSKI:def 1;
        assume z in {x};
        then z = x by TARSKI:def 1;
        hence z in Class(EqRel R, x) by EQREL_1:28;
    hence Class(EqRel R, x) = {x} by TARSKI:2;

theorem :: Exercise 4.29.i
  for R being Relation holds R = R\~ iff R is asymmetric
    let R be Relation; thus R = R\~ implies R is asymmetric;
    assume R is asymmetric;
then A1: R is_asymmetric_in field R by RELAT_2:def 13;
A2: R\~ = R \ R~ by Def6;
      now let a,b be set;
        hereby assume A3: [a,b] in R;
            then a in field R & b in field R by RELAT_1:30;
            then not [b,a] in R by A1,A3,RELAT_2:def 5;
            then not [a,b] in R~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
            hence [a,b] in R\~ by A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
        assume [a,b] in R\~;
        hence [a,b] in R by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    hence R = R\~ by RELAT_1:def 2;

theorem :: Exercise 4.29.ii
  for R being Relation st R is transitive holds R\~ is transitive
proof let R be Relation such that
A1: R is transitive;
A2: R\~ = R \ R~ by Def6;
A3: R is_transitive_in field R by A1,RELAT_2:def 16;
      now let x, y, z be set such that
          x in field (R\~) & y in field (R\~) & z in field (R\~) and
    A4: [x,y] in R\~ and
    A5: [y,z] in R\~;
    A6: [x,y] in R & [y,z] in R by A2,A4,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    then A7: x in field R & y in field R & z in field R by RELAT_1:30;
    then A8: [x,z] in R by A3,A6,RELAT_2:def 8;
          not [x,y] in R~ by A2,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    then not [y,x] in R by RELAT_1:def 7;
        then not [z,x] in R by A3,A6,A7,RELAT_2:def 8;
    then not [x,z] in R~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
        hence [x,z] in R\~ by A2,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
    then R\~ is_transitive_in field (R\~) by RELAT_2:def 8;
    hence R\~ is transitive by RELAT_2:def 16;

theorem :: Exercise 4.29.iii
  for R being Relation, a, b being set st R is antisymmetric
 holds [a,b] in R\~ iff [a,b] in R & a <> b
proof let R be Relation, a, b be set such that
A1: R is antisymmetric;
A2: R is_antisymmetric_in field R by A1,RELAT_2:def 12;
A3: R\~ = R \ R~ by Def6;
A4: R\~ is_asymmetric_in field (R\~) by RELAT_2:def 13;
    hereby assume A5: [a,b] in R\~;
       hence [a,b] in R by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
         now assume A6: a = b;
             a in field (R\~) & b in field (R\~) by A5,RELAT_1:30;
           hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6,RELAT_2:def 5;
       hence a <> b;
    assume A7: [a,b] in R & a <> b;
then a in field R & b in field R by RELAT_1:30;
    then not [b,a] in R by A2,A7,RELAT_2:def 4;
    then not [a,b] in R~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
    hence [a,b] in R\~ by A3,A7,XBOOLE_0:def 4;

theorem Th16: :: Exercise 4.29 (addition)
for R being RelStr st R is well_founded holds R\~ is well_founded
proof let R be RelStr such that
A1: R is well_founded;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    set IR' = the InternalRel of R\~, CR' = the carrier of R\~;
A2: IR is_well_founded_in CR by A1,WELLFND1:def 2;
A3:  R\~ = RelStr(# CR, IR\~ #) by Def7;
      now let Y be set such that
       A4: Y c= CR' and
       A5: Y <> {};
           consider a being set such that
       A6: a in Y and
       A7: IR-Seg(a) misses Y by A2,A3,A4,A5,WELLORD1:def 3;
       A8: IR-Seg(a) /\ Y = {} by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 7;
           take a;
           thus a in Y by A6;
             now assume ex z being set st z in IR'-Seg(a) /\ Y;
               then consider z being set such that
           A9: z in IR'-Seg(a) /\ Y;
           A10: z in IR'-Seg(a) & z in Y by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
           then A11: z <> a & [z,a] in IR' by WELLORD1:def 1;
               then [z,a] in IR \ IR~ by A3,Def6;
               then [z,a] in IR by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
               then z in IR-Seg(a) by A11,WELLORD1:def 1;
               hence contradiction by A8,A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
           end; then IR'-Seg(a) /\ Y = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
           hence IR'-Seg(a) misses Y by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
    then IR' is_well_founded_in CR' by WELLORD1:def 3;
    hence R\~ is well_founded by WELLFND1:def 2;

theorem Th17: :: Exercise 4.29 (addition)
for R being RelStr
 st R\~ is well_founded & R is antisymmetric holds R is well_founded
proof let R be RelStr such that
A1: R\~ is well_founded and
A2: R is antisymmetric;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    set IR' = the InternalRel of R\~;
A3: IR is_antisymmetric_in CR by A2,ORDERS_1:def 6;
A4: R\~ = RelStr(# CR, (IR)\~ #) by Def7;
then A5: IR' is_well_founded_in CR by A1,WELLFND1:def 2;
      now let Y be set such that
    A6: Y c= CR and
    A7: Y <> {};
        consider a being set such that
    A8: a in Y and
    A9: IR'-Seg(a) misses Y by A5,A6,A7,WELLORD1:def 3;
    A10: IR'-Seg(a) /\ Y = {} by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 7;
        take a;
        thus a in Y by A8;
          now assume IR-Seg(a) /\ Y <> {};
            then consider z being set such that
        A11: z in IR-Seg(a) /\ Y by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
        A12: z in IR-Seg(a) & z in Y by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        then A13: z <> a & [z,a] in IR by WELLORD1:def 1;
            then not [a,z] in IR by A3,A6,A8,A12,RELAT_2:def 4;
            then not [z,a] in IR~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
            then [z,a] in IR \ IR~ by A13,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
            then [z,a] in IR' by A4,Def6;
            then z in IR'-Seg(a) by A13,WELLORD1:def 1;
            hence contradiction by A10,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        hence IR-Seg(a) misses Y by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
    then IR is_well_founded_in CR by WELLORD1:def 3;
    hence R is well_founded by WELLFND1:def 2;

begin :: Chapter 4.3

theorem Th18: :: Def 4.30 (see WAYBEL_4:def 26)
for L being RelStr, N being set, x being Element of L\~
 holds x is_minimal_wrt N, the InternalRel of (L\~) iff (x in N &
        for y being Element of L st y in N & [y,x] in the InternalRel of L
         holds [x,y] in the InternalRel of L)
    let L be RelStr, N be set, x be Element of L\~;
    set IR = the InternalRel of L, CR = the carrier of L;
    set IR' = the InternalRel of L\~;
A1:  L\~ = RelStr(# CR, IR\~ #) by Def7;
    hereby assume A2: x is_minimal_wrt N, the InternalRel of (L\~);
        hence x in N by WAYBEL_4:def 26;
        let y be Element of L such that
    A3: y in N;
        assume A4: [y,x] in IR;
          now per cases;
            suppose x = y;
               hence [x,y] in IR by A4;
            suppose x <> y;
               then not [y,x] in IR' by A2,A3,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
               then not [y,x] in IR \ IR~ by A1,Def6;
               then [y,x] in IR~ by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
               hence [x,y] in IR by RELAT_1:def 7;
        hence [x,y] in the InternalRel of L;
    assume A5: x in N & for y being Element of L st y in N
        holds [y,x] in (the InternalRel of L) implies
              [x,y] in (the InternalRel of L);
        thus x in N by A5;
          now assume ex y being set st y in N & y <> x & [y,x] in IR';
            then consider y being set such that
        A6: y in N and
              y <> x and
        A7: [y,x] in IR';
              y in CR by A1,A7,ZFMISC_1:106;
            then reconsider y'=y as Element of L;
              [y,x] in IR \ IR~ by A1,A7,Def6;
        then A8: [y,x] in IR & not [y,x] in IR~ by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
              [y',x] in IR implies [x,y'] in IR by A5,A6;
            hence contradiction by A8,RELAT_1:def 7;
        hence not ex y being set st y in N & y <> x & [y,x] in IR';
    hence x is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by WAYBEL_4:def 26;

:: Proposition 4.31 - see WELLFND1:15

:: Omitting Example 4.32, Exercise 4.33, Exercise 4.34

theorem ::L_4_35: :: Lemma 4.35
  for R, S being non empty RelStr, m being map of R,S
 st R is quasi_ordered & S is antisymmetric & S\~ is well_founded &
    for a,b being Element of R holds
       (a <= b implies m.a <= m.b) & (m.a = m.b implies [a,b] in EqRel R)
  holds R\~ is well_founded
    let R, S be non empty RelStr, m be map of R, S such that
A1: R is quasi_ordered and
A2: S is antisymmetric and
A3: S\~ is well_founded and
A4: for a,b being Element of R holds
       ((a <= b implies m.a <= m.b) &
       (m.a = m.b implies [a,b] in EqRel R));
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, IS = the InternalRel of S;
A5: R\~ = RelStr(# the carrier of R, IR\~ #) by Def7;
A6: S\~ = RelStr(# the carrier of S, IS\~ #) by Def7;
A7: IS is_antisymmetric_in the carrier of S by A2,ORDERS_1:def 6;
      now assume ex f being sequence of R\~ st f is descending;
        then consider f being sequence of R\~ such that
        A8: f is descending;
        reconsider f'=f as sequence of R by A5,NORMSP_1:def 3;
        deffunc F(Nat) = m.(f'.$1);
        consider g' being Function of NAT, the carrier of S such that
    A9: for k being Element of NAT holds g'.k = F(k) from LambdaD;
        reconsider g=g' as sequence of S\~ by A6,NORMSP_1:def 3;
          now let n be Nat;
              [f.(n+1), f.n] in the InternalRel of R\~ by A8,WELLFND1:def 7;
            then [f.(n+1), f.n] in IR \ IR~ by A5,Def6;
        then A10: not [f.(n+1), f.n] in IR~ & [f.(n+1), f.n] in IR by XBOOLE_0:
def 4;
        A11: g.n = m.(f.n) by A9;
            A12: now assume g.(n+1) = g.n;
                then m.(f.(n+1)) = m.(f.n) by A9,A11;
                then [f'.(n+1), f'.n] in EqRel R by A4;
                then [f.(n+1), f.n] in (IR /\ IR~) by A1,Def4;
                hence contradiction by A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            hence g.(n+1) <> g.n;
            reconsider fn1 = f.(n+1) as Element of R by A5;
            reconsider fn = f.n as Element of R by A5;
        A13: fn1 <= fn by A10,ORDERS_1:def 9;
              g'.(n+1) = m.fn1 & g'.n = m.fn by A9;
            then g'.(n+1) <= g'.n by A4,A13;
        then A14: [g.(n+1), g.n] in IS by ORDERS_1:def 9;
            then not [g.n, g.(n+1)] in IS by A6,A7,A12,RELAT_2:def 4;
            then not [g.(n+1), g.n] in IS~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
            then [g.(n+1), g.n] in IS \ IS~ by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
            hence [g.(n+1), g.n] in the InternalRel of S\~ by A6,Def6;
        then g is descending by WELLFND1:def 7;
        hence contradiction by A3,WELLFND1:15;
    hence R\~ is well_founded by WELLFND1:15;

definition :: p. 158, restricted eq classes
  let R be non empty RelStr, N be Subset of R;
  func min-classes N -> Subset-Family of R means :Def8:
    for x being set holds x in it iff
      ex y being Element of R\~
       st y is_minimal_wrt N, the InternalRel of (R\~) &
          x = Class(EqRel R,y) /\ N;
existence proof
    set IR' = the InternalRel of R\~;
    set C = {x /\ N where x is Element of Class(EqRel R) :
              ex y being Element of R\~ st x = Class(EqRel R, y) &
              y is_minimal_wrt N, IR'};
      now let x be set;
        assume x in C;
        then consider xx being Element of Class(EqRel R) such that
    A1: x = xx /\ N and
          ex y being Element of R\~ st xx = Class(EqRel R, y) &
         y is_minimal_wrt N, IR';
        thus x in bool the carrier of R by A1;
    then C c= bool the carrier of R by TARSKI:def 3;
    then reconsider C as Subset-Family of R by SETFAM_1:def 7;
    take C;
    let x be set;
    hereby assume x in C;
        then consider xx being Element of Class(EqRel R) such that
    A2: x = xx /\ N and
    A3: ex y being Element of R\~ st xx = Class(EqRel R, y) &
         y is_minimal_wrt N, IR';
        consider y being Element of R\~ such that
    A4: xx = Class(EqRel R, y) and
    A5: y is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by A3;
        thus ex y being Element of R\~ st y is_minimal_wrt N, IR' &
        x = Class(EqRel R,y) /\ N by A2,A4,A5;
    given y being Element of R\~ such that
A6: y is_minimal_wrt N, IR' and
A7: x = Class(EqRel R,y) /\ N;
      R\~=RelStr(#the carrier of R,(the InternalRel of R)\~#) by Def7;
    then reconsider y' = y as Element of R;
      Class(EqRel R, y') in Class(EqRel R) by EQREL_1:def 5;
    hence x in C by A6,A7;
uniqueness proof
    set IR = the InternalRel of R\~;
    let IT1, IT2 be Subset-Family of R such that
A8: for x being set holds x in IT1 iff
     ex y being Element of R\~ st y is_minimal_wrt N, IR &
      x = Class(EqRel R,y) /\ N and
A9: for x being set holds x in IT2 iff
     ex y being Element of R\~ st y is_minimal_wrt N, IR &
      x = Class(EqRel R, y) /\ N;
      now let x be set;
    hereby assume x in IT1;
        then ex y being Element of R\~ st y is_minimal_wrt N, IR &
        x = Class(EqRel R,y) /\ N by A8;
        hence x in IT2 by A9;
    assume x in IT2;
        then ex y being Element of R\~ st y is_minimal_wrt N, IR &
        x = Class(EqRel R,y) /\ N by A9;
        hence x in IT1 by A8;
    hence IT1 = IT2 by TARSKI:2;

theorem Th20: :: Lemma 4.36
for R being non empty RelStr, N being Subset of R, x being set
 st R is quasi_ordered & x in min-classes N
  holds for y being Element of R\~ st y in x
          holds y is_minimal_wrt N, the InternalRel of R\~
    let R be non empty RelStr, N be Subset of R, x be set
    such that
A1: R is quasi_ordered and
A2: x in min-classes N;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    set IR' = the InternalRel of R\~;
    let c be Element of R\~ such that
A3: c in x;
    consider b being Element of R\~ such that
A4: b is_minimal_wrt N, IR' and
A5: x = Class(EqRel R, b) /\ N by A2,Def8;
A6: b in N by A4,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
      c in Class(EqRel R, b) & c in N by A3,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then [c,b] in EqRel R by EQREL_1:27;
    then [c,b] in IR /\ IR~ by A1,Def4;
then A7: [c,b] in IR & [c,b] in IR~ by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        thus c in N by A3,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          now assume ex d being set
                    st d in N & d <> c & [d,c] in IR';
            then consider d being set such that
        A8: d in N and
              d <> c and
        A9: [d,c] in IR';
        A10: R\~ = RelStr(# CR, IR\~ #) by Def7;
        A11: IR\~ = IR \ IR~ by Def6;
              [d,c] in IR \ IR~ by A9,A10,Def6;
        then A12: [d,c] in IR & not [d,c] in IR~ by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
              R is transitive by A1,Def3;
        then A13: IR is_transitive_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 5;
        then A14: [d,b] in IR by A3,A5,A6,A7,A8,A12,RELAT_2:def 8;
              now assume [d,b] in IR~;
                then [b,d] in IR by RELAT_1:def 7;
                then [c,d] in IR by A3,A5,A6,A7,A8,A13,RELAT_2:def 8;
                hence contradiction by A12,RELAT_1:def 7;
        then A15: [d,b] in IR' by A10,A11,A14,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
              b <> d by A7,A12,RELAT_1:def 7;
            hence contradiction by A4,A8,A15,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
        hence not ex d being set st d in N & d <> c & [d,c] in IR';
    hence c is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by WAYBEL_4:def 26;

theorem Th21:
for R being non empty RelStr
 holds R\~ is well_founded iff
       for N being Subset of R st N <> {}
         ex x being set st x in min-classes N
    let R be non empty RelStr;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    set IR'= the InternalRel of R\~, CR' = the carrier of R\~;
A1: R\~ = RelStr(# the carrier of R, IR\~ #) by Def7;
    hereby assume R\~ is well_founded;
    then A2: IR' is_well_founded_in CR' by WELLFND1:def 2;
        let N be Subset of CR such that
    A3: N <> {};
        reconsider N'=N as Subset of CR' by A1;
        consider y being set such that
    A4: y in N' and
    A5: IR'-Seg(y) misses N' by A2,A3,WELLORD1:def 3;
    A6: IR'-Seg(y) /\ N' = {} by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 7;
        reconsider y as Element of R\~ by A4;
        set x = Class(EqRel R, y) /\ N;
            thus y in N by A4;
              now assume ex z being set
                        st z in N & z <> y & [z,y] in IR';
                then consider z being set such that
            A7: z in N & z <> y and
            A8: [z,y] in IR';
                  z in IR'-Seg(y) by A7,A8,WELLORD1:def 1;
                hence contradiction by A6,A7,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            hence not ex z being set st z in N & z<>y &[z,y] in IR';
        then y is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by WAYBEL_4:def 26;
        then x in min-classes N by Def8;
        hence ex x being set st x in min-classes N;
    assume A9: for N being Subset of R st N <> {}
                ex x being set st x in min-classes N;
      now let N be set such that
    A10: N c= CR' and
    A11: N <> {};
        reconsider N'=N as Subset of R by A1,A10;
        consider x being set such that
    A12: x in min-classes N' by A9,A11;
        consider a being Element of R\~ such that
    A13: a is_minimal_wrt N', IR' and
          x = Class(EqRel R, a) /\ N' by A12,Def8;
        reconsider a'=a as set;
        take a';
        thus a' in N by A13,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
          now assume IR'-Seg(a') /\ N <> {};
            then consider z being set such that
        A14: z in IR'-Seg(a') /\ N by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
        A15: z in IR'-Seg(a') & z in N by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then reconsider z as Element of R\~ by A10;
              z <> a' & [z,a] in IR' by A15,WELLORD1:def 1;
            hence contradiction by A13,A15,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
        hence IR'-Seg(a') misses N by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
    then IR' is_well_founded_in CR' by WELLORD1:def 3;
    hence R\~ is well_founded by WELLFND1:def 2;

theorem Th22:
for R being non empty RelStr, N being Subset of R,
    y being Element of R\~
 st y is_minimal_wrt N, the InternalRel of (R\~)
  holds min-classes N is non empty
    let R be non empty RelStr, N be Subset of R,
        y be Element of R\~ such that
A1: y is_minimal_wrt N, the InternalRel of (R\~);
    consider x being set such that
A2: x = Class(EqRel R,y) /\ N;
    thus min-classes N is non empty by A1,A2,Def8;

theorem Th23:
for R being non empty RelStr, N being Subset of R, x being set
  st R is quasi_ordered & x in min-classes N holds x is non empty
    let R be non empty RelStr, N be Subset of R, x be set
    such that
      R is quasi_ordered and
A1: x in min-classes N;
    consider y being Element of R\~ such that
A2: y is_minimal_wrt N, the InternalRel of R\~ and
A3: x = Class(EqRel R, y) /\ N by A1,Def8;
A4: y in N by A2,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
    then y in Class(EqRel R, y) by EQREL_1:28;
    hence x is non empty by A3,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th24: :: Lemma 4.37
for R being non empty RelStr st R is quasi_ordered
 holds R is connected & R\~ is well_founded iff
       for N being non empty Subset of R
        holds Card min-classes N = 1
    let R be non empty RelStr such that
A1: R is quasi_ordered;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    set IR' = the InternalRel of R\~;
A2: R\~ = RelStr(# CR, IR\~ #) by Def7;
    hereby assume A3: R is connected & R\~ is well_founded;
        let N be non empty Subset of CR;
        consider x being set such that
    A4: x in min-classes N by A3,Th21;
        consider a being Element of R\~ such that
    A5: a is_minimal_wrt N, the InternalRel of (R\~) and
    A6: x = Class(EqRel R, a) /\ N by A4,Def8;
    A7: a in N & not ex b being Element of R\~ st b in N &
         b <> a & [b,a] in IR' by A5,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
          now let y be set;
            hereby assume y in min-classes N;
                then consider b being Element of R\~ such that
            A8: b is_minimal_wrt N, IR' and
            A9: y = Class(EqRel R, b) /\ N by Def8;
            A10: b in N & not ex a being Element of R\~ st a in N &
                 a <> b & [a,b] in IR' by A8,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
                reconsider a'=a as Element of R by A2;
                reconsider b'=b as Element of R by A2;
A11:             now per cases by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 29;
                    suppose A12: a' <= b';
                    then A13: [a, b] in IR by ORDERS_1:def 9;
                          now per cases;
                            suppose a = b;
                                hence [b,a] in IR by A12,ORDERS_1:def 9;
                            suppose A14: a <> b;
                                  now assume not [b,a] in IR;
                                    then not [a,b] in IR~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
                                    then [a,b] in IR \ IR~ by A13,XBOOLE_0:def
                                    then [a,b] in IR' by A2,Def6;
                                    hence contradiction
                                     by A7,A8,A14,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
                                hence [b,a] in IR;
                        hence [a,b] in IR & [b,a] in IR by A12,ORDERS_1:def 9;
                    suppose A15: b' <= a';
                    then A16: [b, a] in IR by ORDERS_1:def 9;
                          now per cases;
                            suppose a = b;
                                hence [a,b] in IR by A15,ORDERS_1:def 9;
                            suppose A17: a <> b;
                                  now assume not [a,b] in IR;
                                    then not [b,a] in IR~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
                                    then [b,a] in IR \ IR~ by A16,XBOOLE_0:def
                                    then [b,a] in IR' by A2,Def6;
                                    hence contradiction by A5,A10,A17,WAYBEL_4:
def 26;
                                hence [a,b] in IR;
                        hence [a,b] in IR & [b,a] in IR by A15,ORDERS_1:def 9;
                then [b,a] in IR~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
                then [b,a] in IR /\ IR~ by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                then [b,a] in EqRel R by A1,Def4;
                then b in Class(EqRel R, a) by EQREL_1:27;
                then Class(EqRel R, b) = Class(EqRel R, a) by A2,EQREL_1:31;
                hence y in {x} by A6,A9,TARSKI:def 1;
            assume y in {x};
              then y = Class(EqRel R, a) /\ N by A6,TARSKI:def 1;
            hence y in min-classes N by A5,Def8;
        then min-classes N = {x} by TARSKI:2;
        hence Card min-classes N = 1 by CARD_1:79;
A18: for N being non empty Subset of R holds
     Card min-classes N = 1;
      now let a,b be Element of R;
        assume A19: not a <= b & not a >= b;
    then A20: not [a,b] in IR by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then A21: not [b,a] in IR~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
    A22: not [b,a] in IR by A19,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then A23: not [a,b] in IR~ by RELAT_1:def 7;
        set N' = {a,b};
        set MCN = {{a},{b}};
          now let x be set;
            hereby assume x in min-classes N';
               then consider y being Element of R\~ such that
            A24: y is_minimal_wrt N', IR' and
            A25: x = Class(EqRel R, y) /\ N' by Def8;
            A26: y in N' &
                not ex z being Element of R\~ st z in N' & z<>y & [z,y] in IR'
                 by A24,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
                per cases by A26,TARSKI:def 2;
                suppose A27: y = a;
                      now let z be set;
                        hereby assume z in x;
                            then A28: z in Class(EqRel R,a) & z in N'
                                 by A25,A27,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                              now per cases by A28,TARSKI:def 2;
                                suppose z = a;
                                    hence z in {a} by TARSKI:def 1;
                                suppose z = b;
                                    then [b,a] in EqRel R by A28,EQREL_1:27;
                                    then [b,a] in IR /\ IR~ by A1,Def4;
                                    hence z in {a} by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                            hence z in {a};
                        assume z in {a};
                    then A29: z = a by TARSKI:def 1;
                    then A30: z in N' by TARSKI:def 2;
                          z in Class(EqRel R, a) by A29,EQREL_1:28;
                        hence z in x by A25,A27,A30,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                    then x = {a} by TARSKI:2;
                    hence x in MCN by TARSKI:def 2;
                suppose A31: y = b;
                      now let z be set;
                        hereby assume z in x;
                            then A32: z in Class(EqRel R,b) & z in N'
                                 by A25,A31,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                              now per cases by A32,TARSKI:def 2;
                                suppose z = b;
                                    hence z in {b} by TARSKI:def 1;
                                suppose z = a;
                                    then [a,b] in EqRel R by A32,EQREL_1:27;
                                    then [a,b] in IR /\ IR~ by A1,Def4;
                                    hence z in {b} by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                            hence z in {b};
                        assume z in {b};
                        then A33: z = b by TARSKI:def 1;
                        then A34: z in N' by TARSKI:def 2;
                              z in Class(EqRel R, b) by A33,EQREL_1:28;
                        hence z in x by A25,A31,A34,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                    then x = {b} by TARSKI:2;
                    hence x in MCN by TARSKI:def 2;
            assume A35: x in MCN;
            per cases by A35,TARSKI:def 2;
            suppose A36: x = {a};
                  now reconsider a'=a as Element of R\~ by A2;
                    take a';
                A37: a' in N' by TARSKI:def 2;
                      now assume ex y being set
                               st y in N' & y <> a' & [y,a'] in IR';
                        then consider y being set such that
                    A38: y in N' and
                    A39: y <> a' & [y,a'] in IR';
                          y = b by A38,A39,TARSKI:def 2;
                        then [b,a'] in IR \ IR~ by A2,A39,Def6;
                        hence contradiction by A22,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
                    hence a' is_minimal_wrt N', the InternalRel of (R\~)
                     by A37,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
                      now let z be set;
                        hereby assume z in x;
                        then A40: z = a by A36,TARSKI:def 1;
                            then z in Class(EqRel R, a) by EQREL_1:28;
                            hence z in Class(EqRel R, a) /\ N'
                             by A37,A40,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                        assume z in Class(EqRel R, a) /\ N';
                        then A41: z in Class(EqRel R, a) & z in N' by XBOOLE_0:
def 3;
                        per cases by A41,TARSKI:def 2;
                        suppose z = a;
                            hence z in x by A36,TARSKI:def 1;
                        suppose z = b;
                            then [b,a] in EqRel R by A41,EQREL_1:27;
                            then [b,a] in IR /\ IR~ by A1,Def4;
                            hence z in x by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                    hence x = Class(EqRel R, a') /\ N' by TARSKI:2;
                hence x in min-classes N' by Def8;
            suppose A42: x = {b};
              now reconsider b'=b as Element of R\~ by A2;
                    take b';
                A43: b' in N' by TARSKI:def 2;
                      now assume ex y being set
                               st y in N' & y <> b' & [y,b'] in IR';
                        then consider y being set such that
                    A44: y in N' and
                    A45: y <> b' & [y,b'] in IR';
                          y = a by A44,A45,TARSKI:def 2;
                        then [a,b'] in IR \ IR~ by A2,A45,Def6;
                        hence contradiction by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
                    hence b' is_minimal_wrt N', the InternalRel of (R\~)
                     by A43,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
                      now let z be set;
                        hereby assume z in x;
                        then A46: z = b by A42,TARSKI:def 1;
                            then z in Class(EqRel R, b) by EQREL_1:28;
                            hence z in Class(EqRel R, b) /\ N'
                             by A43,A46,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                        assume z in Class(EqRel R, b) /\ N';
                        then A47: z in Class(EqRel R, b) & z in N' by XBOOLE_0:
def 3;
                        per cases by A47,TARSKI:def 2;
                        suppose z = b;
                            hence z in x by A42,TARSKI:def 1;
                        suppose z = a;
                            then [a,b] in EqRel R by A47,EQREL_1:27;
                            then [a,b] in IR /\ IR~ by A1,Def4;
                            hence z in x by A23,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                    hence x = Class(EqRel R, b') /\ N' by TARSKI:2;
                hence x in min-classes N' by Def8;
    then min-classes N' = MCN by TARSKI:2;
    then A48: card MCN = 1 by A18;
          now assume {a} = {b};
        then A49: a = b by ZFMISC_1:6;
              R is reflexive by A1,Def3;
            then IR is_reflexive_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 4;
            hence contradiction by A20,A49,RELAT_2:def 1;
        hence contradiction by A48,CARD_2:76;
    hence R is connected by WAYBEL_0:def 29;
      now let N be Subset of R such that
    A50: N <> {};
          Card min-classes N = 1 by A18,A50;
        then min-classes N <> {} by CARD_4:17;
        hence ex x being set st x in min-classes N by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    hence R\~ is well_founded by Th21;

theorem :: Lemma 4.38
  for R being non empty Poset
 holds the InternalRel of R well_orders the carrier of R iff
       for N being non empty Subset of R
        holds Card min-classes N = 1
    let R be non empty Poset;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    A1: R is quasi_ordered by Def3;
    hereby assume IR well_orders CR;
    then A2: IR is_reflexive_in CR & IR is_transitive_in CR &
        IR is_antisymmetric_in CR & IR is_connected_in CR &
        IR is_well_founded_in CR by WELLORD1:def 5;
        then IR is_strongly_connected_in CR by ORDERS_1:92;
    then A3: R is connected by Th5;
          R is well_founded by A2,WELLFND1:def 2;
    then R\~ is well_founded by Th16;
        hence for N being non empty Subset of R holds
              Card min-classes N = 1 by A1,A3,Th24;
    assume for N being non empty Subset of R holds
              Card min-classes N = 1;
then A4: R is connected & R\~ is well_founded by A1,Th24;
      now thus IR is_reflexive_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 4;
        thus IR is_transitive_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 5;
        thus IR is_antisymmetric_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 6;
          IR is_strongly_connected_in CR by A4,Th5;
        hence IR is_connected_in CR by ORDERS_1:92;
          R is well_founded by A4,Th17;
        hence IR is_well_founded_in CR by WELLFND1:def 2;
    hence IR well_orders CR by WELLORD1:def 5;

definition :: Def 4.39
  let R be RelStr, N be Subset of R, B be set;
  pred B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R means :Def9:
       B c= N & for a being Element of R st a in N
                 ex b being Element of R st b in B & b <= a;

theorem Th26:
for R being RelStr holds {} is_Dickson-basis_of {} the carrier of R, R
proof let R be RelStr; set N = {} the carrier of R; thus {} c= N; thus thesis

theorem Th27:
for R being non empty RelStr, N being non empty Subset of R,
    B being set
 st B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R holds B is non empty
    let R be non empty RelStr, N be non empty Subset of R,
    B be set; assume
A1: B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R;
    consider a being Element of N;
    consider b being Element of R such that
A2: b in B & b <= a by A1,Def9;
    thus B is non empty by A2;

definition :: Def 4.39
  let R be RelStr;
  attr R is Dickson means :Def10:
  for N being Subset of R
   ex B being set st B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R & B is finite;

theorem Th28: :: Lemma 4:40
for R being non empty RelStr
 st R\~ is well_founded & R is connected holds R is Dickson
proof let R be non empty RelStr such that
A1: R\~ is well_founded and
A2: R is connected;
    set IR' = the InternalRel of R\~, CR' = the carrier of R\~;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    let N be Subset of CR;
    per cases;
    suppose A3: N = {} CR;
        take B = {};
        thus B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R by A3,Th26;
        thus B is finite;
    suppose A4: N <> {} CR;
    A5: IR' is_well_founded_in CR' by A1,WELLFND1:def 2;
    A6: R\~ = RelStr(# the carrier of R, (the InternalRel of R)\~ #)
         by Def7;
        then consider b being set such that
    A7: b in N and
    A8: IR'-Seg(b) misses N by A4,A5,WELLORD1:def 3; :: C3 => CX
    A9: IR'-Seg(b) /\ N = {} by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 7;
        take B = {b};
        reconsider b as Element of N by A7;
        thus B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R proof
              {b} is Subset of N by A4,SUBSET_1:55;
            hence B c= N;
            let a be Element of R such that
        A10: a in N;
            reconsider b as Element of R by A7;
            take b;
            thus b in B by TARSKI:def 1;
            per cases by A2,WAYBEL_0:def 29;
            suppose b <= a;
                hence b <= a;
            suppose A11: a <= b;
            then A12: [a,b] in IR by ORDERS_1:def 9;
                  now per cases;
                      suppose a = b;
                          hence b <= a by A11;
                      suppose A13: not a = b;
                            now per cases;
                              suppose [a,b] in IR';
                                  then a in IR'-Seg(b) by A13,WELLORD1:def 1;
                                  hence b <= a by A9,A10,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                              suppose A14: not [a,b] in IR';
                                    IR' = IR \ IR~ by A6,Def6;
                                  then [a,b] in IR~ by A12,A14,XBOOLE_0:def 4
                                  then [b,a] in IR by RELAT_1:def 7;
                                  hence b <= a by ORDERS_1:def 9;
                          hence b <= a;
                hence b <= a;
        thus B is finite;

theorem Th29: :: Exercise 4.41
for R, S being RelStr st (the InternalRel of R) c= (the InternalRel of S) &
    R is Dickson & (the carrier of R) = (the carrier of S)
  holds S is Dickson
proof let r, s be RelStr such that
A1: the InternalRel of r c= the InternalRel of s and
A2: r is Dickson and
A3: the carrier of r = the carrier of s;
    let N be Subset of s;
    reconsider N' = N as Subset of r by A3;
    consider B being set such that
A4: B is_Dickson-basis_of N',r & B is finite by A2,Def10;
    take B;
    thus B c= N by A4,Def9;
    hereby let a be Element of s such that
    A5: a in N;
        reconsider a' = a as Element of r by A3;
        consider b being Element of r such that
    A6: b in B & b <= a' by A4,A5,Def9;
        reconsider b' = b as Element of s by A3;
        take b';
          [b,a'] in the InternalRel of r by A6,ORDERS_1:def 9;
        hence b' in B & b' <= a by A1,A6,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    thus B is finite by A4;

   let f be Function, b be set such that
A1: dom f = NAT and
A2: b in rng f;
   func f mindex b -> Nat means :Def11: = b & for i being Nat st f.i = b holds it <= i;
existence proof
    set N = {i where i is Nat : f.i = b};
    consider x being set such that
A3: x in NAT and
A4: f.x = b by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    reconsider x as Nat by A3;
A5: x in N by A4;
      now let x be set; assume x in N; then consider i being Nat such that
    A6: x = i and f.i = b;
        thus x in NAT by A6;
    end; then reconsider N as non empty Subset of NAT by A5,TARSKI:def 3;
    take I = min N;
      I in N by CQC_SIM1:def 8;
    then consider II being Nat such that
A7: II = I and
A8: f.II = b;
    thus f.I = b by A7,A8; let i be Nat such that
A9: f.i = b;
      i in N by A9;
    hence I <= i by CQC_SIM1:def 8;
uniqueness proof
    let IT1, IT2 be Nat such that
A10: f.IT1 = b & for i being Nat st f.i = b holds IT1 <= i and
A11: f.IT2 = b & for i being Nat st f.i = b holds IT2 <= i;
    assume A12: IT1 <> IT2;
    per cases by A12,REAL_1:def 5;
    suppose IT1 < IT2;
        hence contradiction by A10,A11;
    suppose IT1 > IT2;
        hence contradiction by A10,A11;

   let R be non empty 1-sorted, f be sequence of R, b be set, m be Nat; assume
A1: ex j being Nat st m < j & f.j = b;
   func f mindex (b,m) -> Nat means : Def12: = b & m < it & for i being Nat st m < i & f.i = b holds it <= i;
existence proof
    set N = {i where i is Nat : m < i & f.i = b};
    consider j being Nat such that
A2: m < j & f.j = b by A1;
A3: j in N by A2;
      now let x be set;
        assume x in N;
        then consider i being Nat such that
    A4: x = i and m < i & f.i = b;
        thus x in NAT by A4;
    then reconsider N as non empty Subset of NAT by A3,TARSKI:def 3;
    take I = min N;
      I in N by CQC_SIM1:def 8;
    then consider II being Nat such that
A5: II = I & m < II & f.II = b;
    thus f.I = b & m < I by A5;
    let i be Nat such that
A6: m < i & f.i = b;
      i in N by A6;
    hence I <= i by CQC_SIM1:def 8;
uniqueness proof
    let IT1, IT2 be Nat such that
A7: f.IT1 = b & m < IT1 & for i being Nat st m < i & f.i = b holds IT1 <= i and
A8: f.IT2 = b & m < IT2 & for i being Nat st m < i & f.i = b holds IT2 <= i;
A9: IT1 <> IT2;
    per cases by A9,REAL_1:def 5;
    suppose IT1 < IT2;
        hence contradiction by A7,A8;
    suppose IT1 > IT2;
        hence contradiction by A7,A8;

theorem Th30: :: Prop 4.42 (i) -> (ii)
for R being non empty RelStr st R is quasi_ordered & R is Dickson
 holds for f being sequence of R ex i,j being Nat st i < j & f.i <= f.j
proof let R be non empty RelStr such that
      R is quasi_ordered and
A1: R is Dickson;
    let f be sequence of R;
    set N = rng f;
A2: dom f = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    consider B being set such that
A3: B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R and
A4: B is finite by A1,Def10;
    reconsider B as finite non empty set by A3,A4,Th27;
    defpred P[set] means not contradiction;
    deffunc F(set) = f mindex $1;
    set BI = { F(b) where b is Element of B : P[b] };
A5: BI is finite from FraenkelFinIm;
    consider b being Element of B;
A6: f mindex b in BI;
      now let x be set;
        assume x in BI;
        then consider b being Element of B such that
    A7: x = f mindex b;
        thus x in NAT by A7;
    then reconsider BI as finite non empty Subset of NAT by A5,A6,TARSKI:def 3;
    reconsider mB = max BI as Nat by ORDINAL2:def 21;
    set j = mB+1;
    reconsider fj = f.j as Element of R;
      fj in N by A2,FUNCT_1:12;
    then consider b being Element of R such that
A8: b in B and
A9: b <= fj by A3,Def9;
A10: B c= N by A3,Def9;
    take i = f mindex b;
    take j;
      i in BI by A8;
    then i <= max(BI) by FRECHET2:51;
    hence i < j by NAT_1:38;
      dom f = NAT by NORMSP_1:17;
    hence f.i <= f.j by A8,A9,A10,Def11;

theorem Th31:
for R being RelStr, N being Subset of R, x being Element of R\~
 st R is quasi_ordered & x in N &
    ((the InternalRel of R)-Seg(x)) /\ N c= Class(EqRel R,x)
  holds x is_minimal_wrt N, the InternalRel of R\~
    let R be RelStr, N be Subset of R, x be Element of R\~
    such that
A1: R is quasi_ordered and
A2: x in N and
A3: ((the InternalRel of R)-Seg(x)) /\ N c= Class(EqRel R,x);
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    set IR'= the InternalRel of R\~;
 A4: R\~ = RelStr(# CR, IR\~ #) by Def7;
      now assume ex y being set st y in N & y<>x & [y,x] in IR';
        then consider y being set such that
    A5: y in N and
    A6: y <> x and
    A7: [y,x] in IR';
          [y,x] in IR \ IR~ by A4,A7,Def6;
    then A8: [y,x] in IR & not [y,x] in IR~ by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
        then y in IR-Seg(x) by A6,WELLORD1:def 1;
        then y in IR-Seg(x) /\ N by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        then [y,x] in EqRel R by A3,EQREL_1:27;
        then [y,x] in IR /\ IR~ by A1,Def4;
        hence contradiction by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence x is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by A2,WAYBEL_4:def 26;

theorem Th32: :: Prop 4.42 (ii) -> (iii)
for R being non empty RelStr
 st R is quasi_ordered &
    (for f being sequence of R ex i,j being Nat st i < j & f.i <= f.j)
  holds for N being non empty Subset of R
          holds min-classes N is finite & min-classes N is non empty
    let R be non empty RelStr such that
A1: R is quasi_ordered and
A2: for f being sequence of R
     ex i,j being Nat st i < j & f.i <= f.j;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    set IR'= the InternalRel of R\~;
 A3:  R\~ = RelStr(# CR, (IR)\~ #) by Def7;
A4: R is transitive by A1,Def3;
    let N be non empty Subset of R such that
A5: not (min-classes N is finite & min-classes N is non empty);
    per cases by A5;
    suppose A6: min-classes N is infinite;
        then reconsider MCN = min-classes N as infinite set;
        consider f being Function of NAT, min-classes N such that
    A7: f is one-to-one by A6,Th3;
    deffunc F(set) = choose(f.$1);
    A8:  now let x be set such that
        A9: x in NAT;
            reconsider x' = x as Nat by A9;
              f.x' is Element of min-classes N;
        then A10: f.x in MCN;
            then f.x is non empty by A1,Th23;
        then choose(f.x') in f.x;
            hence F(x) in the carrier of R by A10;
        consider g being Function of NAT,the carrier of R such that
    A11: for x being set st x in NAT holds g.x = F(x) from Lambda1(A8);
        reconsider g as sequence of R by NORMSP_1:def 3;
        consider i,j being Nat such that
    A12: i < j and
    A13: g.i <= g.j by A2;
        reconsider gi = g.i, gj= g.j as Element of R\~ by A3;
    A14: [gi, gj] in IR by A13,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    A15: f.i in MCN;
    then A16: f.i is non empty by A1,Th23;
    A17: f.j in MCN;
    then A18: f.j is non empty by A1,Th23;
    A19: g.j = choose f.j by A11;
    A20: g.i = choose f.i by A11;
    A21: gj is_minimal_wrt N, the InternalRel of R\~ by A1,A17,A18,A19,Th20;
          gi is_minimal_wrt N, the InternalRel of R\~ by A1,A15,A16,A20,Th20
    then A22: gi in N by WAYBEL_4:def 26;
    A23: now per cases;
            suppose gi = gj;
                hence [gi, gj] in IR~ by A14,RELAT_1:def 7;
            suppose A24: gi <> gj;
                  now assume not [gi, gj] in IR~;
                    then [gi, gj] in IR \ IR~ by A14,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
                    then [gi, gj] in IR' by A3,Def6;
                    hence contradiction by A21,A22,A24,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
                hence [gi, gj] in IR~;
          [gi,gj] in IR by A13,ORDERS_1:def 9;
        then [gi,gj] in IR /\ IR~ by A23,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        then [gi,gj] in EqRel R by A1,Def4;
        then gi in Class(EqRel R, gj) by EQREL_1:27;
    then A25: Class(EqRel R, gj) = Class(EqRel R, gi) by EQREL_1:31;
        consider mj being Element of R\~ such that
    A26: mj is_minimal_wrt N, IR' and
    A27: f.j = Class(EqRel R,mj) /\ N by A17,Def8;
    A28: mj in N by A26,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
        consider mi being Element of R\~ such that
    A29: mi is_minimal_wrt N, IR' and
    A30: f.i = Class(EqRel R,mi) /\ N by A15,Def8;
    A31: mi in N by A29,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
          gj in Class(EqRel R, mj) by A18,A19,A27,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    then A32: Class(EqRel R, gj) = Class(EqRel R, mj) by A28,EQREL_1:31;
          gi in Class(EqRel R, mi) by A16,A20,A30,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        then f.i = f.j by A25,A27,A30,A31,A32,EQREL_1:31;
        hence contradiction by A6,A7,A12,FUNCT_2:25;
    A33: min-classes N is empty;
        deffunc F(set,set) = choose (IR-Seg($2) /\ N\Class(EqRel R,$2));
        consider f being Function such that
    A34: dom f = NAT and
    A35: f.0 = choose N and
    A36: for n being Element of NAT holds f.(n+1) = F(n,f.n) from LambdaRecEx;
         defpred P[Nat] means f.$1 in N;
    A37: P[0] by A35;
    A38: now let i be Nat such that
        A39: P[i];
            reconsider fi = f.i as Element of R\~ by A3,A39;
            set IC = IR-Seg(fi) /\ N\Class(EqRel R,fi);
        A40: f.(i+1) = choose (IR-Seg(f.i) /\ N\Class(EqRel R,f.i)) by A36;
              now assume IC is empty;
                then IR-Seg(fi) /\ N c= Class(EqRel R,fi) by XBOOLE_1:37;
                then fi is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by A1,A39,Th31;
                hence contradiction by A33,Th22;
            then f.(i+1) in IR-Seg(f.i) /\ N by A40,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
            hence P[i+1] by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    A41: for i being Nat holds P[i] from Ind(A37,A38);
          now let x being set such that
        A42: x in NAT;
              f.x in N by A41,A42;
            hence f.x in the carrier of R;
        then f is Function of NAT, the carrier of R by A34,FUNCT_2:5;
        then reconsider f as sequence of R by NORMSP_1:def 3;
    A43: now let i be Nat;
        defpred P[Nat] means i < $1 implies f.i >= f.$1;
        A44: P[0] by NAT_1:18;
        A45: for j being Nat st P[j] holds P[j+1]
           proof let j be Nat such that
            A46: i < j implies f.i >= f.j and
            A47: i < j+1;
            A48: i <= j by A47,NAT_1:38;
                reconsider fj = f.j, fj1 = f.(j+1) as Element of R\~
                 by A3;
                set IC = IR-Seg(fj) /\ N\Class(EqRel R,fj);
            A49: fj in N by A41;
            A50: fj1 = choose IC by A36;
                  now assume IC is empty;
                    then IR-Seg(fj) /\ N c= Class(EqRel R,fj) by XBOOLE_1:37;
                    then fj is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by A1,A49,Th31;
                    hence contradiction by A33,Th22;
                then fj1 in IR-Seg(fj) /\ N by A50,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
                then fj1 in IR-Seg(fj) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then A51: [fj1, fj] in IR by WELLORD1:def 1;
            then A52: f.j >= f.(j+1) by ORDERS_1:def 9;
                per cases by A48,REAL_1:def 5;
                suppose i < j;
                    hence f.i >= f.(j+1) by A4,A46,A52,ORDERS_1:26;
                suppose i = j;
                    hence f.i >= f.(j+1) by A51,ORDERS_1:def 9;
            thus for j being Nat holds P[j] from Ind(A44,A45);
    A53: now let i be Nat;
      defpred P[Nat] means i < $1 implies not f.i <= f.$1;
        A54: P[0] by NAT_1:18;
        A55: for j being Nat st P[j] holds P[j+1]
           proof let j be Nat such that
                  i < j implies not f.i <= f.j and
            A56: i < j+1;
            A57: i <= j by A56,NAT_1:38;
                reconsider fj = f.j, fj1 = f.(j+1) as Element of R\~
                 by A3;
            A58: fj in N by A41;
                per cases by A57,REAL_1:def 5;
                suppose A59: i < j; assume
                A60: f.i <= f.(j+1);
                      j < j+1 by NAT_1:38;
                then A61: f.j >= f.(j+1) by A43;
                      f.i >= f.j by A43,A59;
                    then f.j <= f.(j+1) by A4,A60,ORDERS_1:26;
                then A62: fj1 in Class(EqRel R, fj) by A1,A61,Th9;
                    set IC = IR-Seg(fj) /\ N\Class(EqRel R,fj);
                A63: fj1 = choose IC by A36;
                      now assume IC is empty;
                      then IR-Seg(fj) /\ N c= Class(EqRel R,fj) by XBOOLE_1:37;
                       then fj is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by A1,A58,Th31;
                       hence contradiction by A33,Th22;
                    hence contradiction by A62,A63,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
                    suppose A64: i = j;
                        assume A65: f.i <= f.(j+1);
                          j < j+1 by NAT_1:38;
                        then f.(j+1) <= f.j by A43;
                    then A66: fj1 in Class(EqRel R, fj) by A1,A64,A65,Th9;
                        set IC = IR-Seg(fj) /\ N\Class(EqRel R,fj);
                    A67: fj1 = choose IC by A36;
                          now assume IC is empty;
                         then IR-Seg(fj) /\ N c= Class(EqRel R,fj) by XBOOLE_1:
                            then fj is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by A1,A58,Th31;
                            hence contradiction by A33,Th22;
                    hence contradiction by A66,A67,XBOOLE_0:def 4;
            thus for j being Nat holds P[j] from Ind(A54,A55);
        consider i,j being Nat such that
    A68: i < j & f.i <= f.j by A2;
    thus contradiction by A53,A68;

theorem Th33: :: Prop (iii) -> (i)
for R being non empty RelStr
  st R is quasi_ordered &
     (for N being non empty Subset of R
       holds min-classes N is finite & min-classes N is non empty)
   holds R is Dickson
    let R be non empty RelStr such that
A1: R is quasi_ordered and
A2: for N being non empty Subset of R
     holds min-classes N is finite & min-classes N is non empty;
A3: R is transitive by A1,Def3;
A4: R is reflexive by A1,Def3;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    set IR' = the InternalRel of R\~;
 A5: R\~ = RelStr(# CR, IR\~ #) by Def7;
    let N be Subset of CR;
    per cases;
    suppose A6: N = {} CR;
        take B = {};
        thus B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R by A6,Th26;
        thus B is finite;
    suppose not N is empty;
        then reconsider N'=N as non empty Subset of CR;
        reconsider MCN' = min-classes N' as finite non empty Subset of bool CR
        by A2;
        take B = {choose x where x is Element of MCN' : not contradiction };
        thus B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R proof
              now let x be set; assume x in B;
                then consider y being Element of MCN' such that
            A7: x = choose(y);
                consider z being Element of R\~ such that
                  z is_minimal_wrt N, IR' and
            A8: y = Class(EqRel R, z) /\ N by Def8;
                  y is non empty by A1,Th23;
                hence x in N by A7,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            hence B c= N by TARSKI:def 3;
            let a be Element of R such that
        A9: a in N;
            defpred P[Element of R] means $1 <= a;
            set NN' = {d where d is Element of N' : P[d]};
        A10: NN' is Subset of N' from SubsetD;
              a <= a by A4,ORDERS_1:24;
            then a in NN' by A9;
            then reconsider NN' as non empty Subset of CR by A10,XBOOLE_1:1;
            consider m being Element of min-classes NN';
        A11: min-classes NN' is non empty by A2;
            then reconsider m' = m as non empty set by A1,Th23;
            consider c being Element of m';
            consider y being Element of R\~ such that
              y is_minimal_wrt NN', IR' and
        A12: m' = Class(EqRel R, y) /\ NN' by A11,Def8;
        A13: c in Class(EqRel R, y) & c in NN' by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then reconsider c as Element of R\~ by A5;
            reconsider c'=c as Element of R by A5;
            consider d being Element of N' such that
        A14: c = d & d <= a by A13;
        A15: c is_minimal_wrt NN', IR' by A1,A11,Th20;
              now assume not c is_minimal_wrt N, IR';
                then consider w being set such that
            A16: w in N and
            A17: w <> c and
            A18: [w,c] in IR' by A14,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
                  w in CR by A5,A18,ZFMISC_1:106;
                then reconsider w' = w as Element of R;
                  [w,c] in IR \ IR~ by A5,A18,Def6;
                then [w,c] in IR by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
                then w' <= c' by ORDERS_1:def 9;
            then w' <= a by A3,A14,ORDERS_1:26;
                then w' in NN' by A16;
                hence contradiction by A15,A17,A18,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
        then A19: Class(EqRel R, c) /\ N in min-classes N by Def8;
        then A20: Class(EqRel R, c) /\ N is non empty by A1,Th23;
            set t = choose( Class(EqRel R, c) /\ N );
              t in N by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then reconsider t as Element of R;
            take t;
            thus t in B by A19;
              t in Class(EqRel R, c) by A20,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then [t,c] in EqRel R by EQREL_1:27;
            then [t,c] in IR /\ IR~ by A1,Def4;
            then [t,c] in IR by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then t <= c' by ORDERS_1:def 9;
            hence t <= a by A3,A14,ORDERS_1:26;
        deffunc F(set) = choose $1;
        defpred P[set] means not contradiction;
        {F(x) where x is Element of MCN' : P[x]} is finite from FraenkelFinIm;
        hence B is finite;

theorem Th34: :: Corollary 4.44
for R being non empty RelStr st R is quasi_ordered & R is Dickson
 holds R\~ is well_founded
    let R be non empty RelStr such that
A1: R is quasi_ordered and
A2: R is Dickson;
A3: for f being sequence of R ex i,j being Nat st i < j & f.i <= f.j
     by A1,A2,Th30;
       now let N be Subset of R such that
     A4: N <> {};
           min-classes N is non empty by A1,A3,A4,Th32;
         hence ex x being set st x in min-classes N by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
     hence R\~ is well_founded by Th21;

theorem :: Corollary 4.43
  for R being non empty Poset, N being non empty Subset of R
 st R is Dickson
  holds ex B being set st B is_Dickson-basis_of N, R &
              for C being set st C is_Dickson-basis_of N, R holds B c= C
    let R be non empty Poset, N be non empty Subset of R
    such that
A1: R is Dickson;
    set IR=the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;
    set IR'=the InternalRel of R\~;
    set B = {b where b is Element of R\~ : b is_minimal_wrt N, IR'};
 A2: R\~ = RelStr(# CR, IR\~ #) by Def7;
A3: R is quasi_ordered by Def3;
    then for f being sequence of R ex i,j being Nat st i < j & f.i <= f.j
     by A1,Th30;
    then min-classes N is finite & min-classes N is non empty
      by A3,Th32;
    then consider x being set such that
A4: x in min-classes N by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    consider y being Element of R\~ such that
A5: y is_minimal_wrt N, IR' & x = Class(EqRel R, y) /\ N by A4,Def8;
      y in B by A5;
    then reconsider B as non empty set;
    take B;
    A6: now let x be set such that
       A7: x in B;
       consider b being Element of R\~ such that
       A8: x = b and
       A9: b is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by A7;
       thus x in N by A8,A9,WAYBEL_4:def 26;
then A10: B c= N by TARSKI:def 3;
    thus B is_Dickson-basis_of N, R proof
        thus B c= N by A6,TARSKI:def 3;
        let a be Element of R such that
    A11: a in N;
        reconsider a'=a as Element of R\~ by A2;
          now assume A12: not ex b being Element of R st b in B & b <= a;
              IR'-Seg(a) /\ N c= N by XBOOLE_1:17;
        then A13: IR'-Seg(a) /\ N c= CR by XBOOLE_1:1;
            per cases;
            suppose IR'-Seg(a) /\ N = {};
                    then IR'-Seg(a) misses N by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
               then a' is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by A11,Th7;
               then a in B;
               hence contradiction by A12;
            suppose A14: IR'-Seg(a) /\ N <> {};
                 R\~ is well_founded by A1,A3,Th34;
               then IR' is_well_founded_in CR by A2,WELLFND1:def 2;
               then consider z being set such that
            A15: z in IR'-Seg(a) /\ N and
            A16: IR'-Seg(z) misses (IR'-Seg(a) /\ N) by A13,A14,WELLORD1:def 3;
                  z in IR'-Seg(a) by A15,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then A17: [z,a] in IR' by WELLORD1:def 1;
            then z in dom IR' by RELAT_1:def 4;
                then reconsider z as Element of R\~;
                reconsider z' = z as Element of R by A2;
                  z is_minimal_wrt IR'-Seg(a') /\ N, IR' by A15,A16,Th7;
                then z is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by Th8;
            then A18: z in B;
                  [z,a] in IR \ IR~ by A2,A17,Def6;
                then [z,a] in IR by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
                then z' <= a by ORDERS_1:def 9;
                hence contradiction by A12,A18;
        hence ex b being Element of R st b in B & b <= a;
    let C be set such that
A19: C is_Dickson-basis_of N, R;
A20: C c= N by A19,Def9;
      now let b be set such that
    A21: b in B;
      b in N by A6,A21;
        then reconsider b'=b as Element of R;
        consider c being Element of R such that
    A22: c in C & c <= b' by A10,A19,A21,Def9;
        consider b'' being Element of R\~ such that
    A23: b'' = b & b'' is_minimal_wrt N, IR' by A21;
    A24: [c,b] in IR by A22,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    A25: IR is_antisymmetric_in CR by ORDERS_1:def 6;
          [b,c] in IR by A20,A22,A23,A24,Th18;
        hence b in C by A22,A24,A25,RELAT_2:def 4;
    hence B c= C by TARSKI:def 3;

  let R be non empty RelStr, N be Subset of R such that
A1: R is Dickson;
  func Dickson-bases (N,R) -> non empty Subset-Family of R means
    for B being set holds B in it iff B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R;
existence proof
    set BB = {b where b is Element of bool N: b is_Dickson-basis_of N,R};
    set CR = the carrier of R;
    consider bp being set such that
A2: bp is_Dickson-basis_of N,R and
      bp is finite by A1,Def10;
      bp c= N by A2,Def9;
then A3: bp in BB by A2;
        let x be set;
        assume x in BB;
        then consider b being Element of bool N such that
    A4: x = b and
          b is_Dickson-basis_of N,R;
          b c= CR by XBOOLE_1:1;
        hence x in bool CR by A4;
    then BB c= bool CR by TARSKI:def 3;
    then reconsider BB as non empty Subset-Family of CR by A3,SETFAM_1:def 7;
    take BB;
    let B be set;
    hereby assume B in BB;
       then consider b being Element of bool N such that
       A5: b = B and
       A6: b is_Dickson-basis_of N,R;
       thus B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R by A5,A6;
   assume A7: B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R;
   then B c= N by Def9;
   hence B in BB by A7;
uniqueness proof
    let IT1, IT2 be non empty Subset-Family of R such that
A8: for B being set holds B in IT1 iff B is_Dickson-basis_of N, R and
A9: for B being set holds B in IT2 iff B is_Dickson-basis_of N, R;
      now let x be set;
        hereby assume x in IT1; then x is_Dickson-basis_of N, R by A8;
            hence x in IT2 by A9;
        assume x in IT2; then x is_Dickson-basis_of N, R by A9;
            hence x in IT1 by A8;
    hence IT1 = IT2 by TARSKI:2;

theorem Th36: :: Proposition 4.45
for R being non empty RelStr, s being sequence of R st R is Dickson
  ex t being sequence of R st t is_subsequence_of s & t is weakly-ascending
    let R be non empty RelStr, s be sequence of R such that
A1: R is Dickson;
    set CR = the carrier of R;
deffunc Bi(Element of rng s, Nat) = {n where n is Nat : $1 <= s.n & $2 < n};
deffunc Bi2(Element of rng s) = {n where n is Nat : $1 <= s.n};
defpred P[set,Nat,set] means
 ex N being Subset of CR, B being non empty Subset of CR
 st N = {s.w where w is Nat : s.$2 <= s.w & $2 < w} &
    { w where w is Nat : s.$2 <= s.w & $2 < w} is infinite &
    B = choose {BB where BB is Element of Dickson-bases(N,R): BB is finite} &
    $3 = s mindex ( choose {b where b is Element of B :
                            ex b' being Element of rng s
                            st b'=b & Bi(b',$2) is infinite}, $2);
defpred Q[set,Nat,set] means
 {w where w is Nat : s.$2 <= s.w & $2 < w} is infinite implies P[$1,$2,$3];

A2: for n being Nat for x being Element of NAT
     ex y being Element of NAT st Q[n,x,y] proof
        let n be Nat, x be Element of NAT;
        set N = {s.w where w is Nat : s.x <= s.w & x < w};
          now let y be set;
            assume y in N;
            then consider w being Nat such that
        A3: y = s.w & s.x <= s.w & x < w;
            thus y in CR by A3;
        then reconsider N as Subset of CR by TARSKI:def 3;
        set W = {w where w is Nat : s.x <= s.w & x < w};
        per cases;
        suppose A4: N is empty;
        take 1;
        assume W is infinite;
        then consider ww being set such that
    A5: ww in W by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
        consider www being Nat such that
          www = ww and
    A6: s.x <= s.www & x < www by A5;
          s.www in N by A6;
        hence thesis by A4;
        suppose A7: N is non empty;
        set BBX = {BB where BB is Element of Dickson-bases(N,R): BB is finite};
        set B = choose BBX;
        consider BD1 being set such that
    A8: BD1 is_Dickson-basis_of N,R and
    A9: BD1 is finite by A1,Def10;
          BD1 in Dickson-bases(N,R) by A1,A8,Def13;
        then BD1 in BBX by A9;
        then B in BBX;
        then consider BBB being Element of Dickson-bases(N,R) such that
    A10: B = BBB and
          BBB is finite;
    A11: B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R by A1,A10,Def13;
        then B c= N by Def9;
        then reconsider B as non empty Subset of CR by A7,A11,Th27,XBOOLE_1:1;
        set y = s mindex ( choose {b where b is Element of B :
                            ex b' being Element of rng s
                            st b'=b & Bi(b',x) is infinite}, x);
        take y;
        set W = {w where w is Nat : s.x <= s.w & x < w};
        assume A12: W is infinite;
        take N;
        reconsider B as non empty Subset of CR;
        take B;
        thus N = {s.w where w is Nat : s.x <= s.w & x < w};
        thus { w where w is Nat : s.x <= s.w & x < w} is infinite by A12;
        thus B = choose {BB where BB is Element of Dickson-bases(N,R):
                         BB is finite};
        thus thesis;
    consider B being set such that
A13: B is_Dickson-basis_of rng s, R and
A14: B is finite by A1,Def10;
    reconsider B as non empty set by A13,Th27;
    set BALL = {b where b is Element of B :
                ex b' being Element of rng s st b'=b & Bi2(b') is infinite};
    set b1 = choose BALL;
    consider f being Function of NAT,NAT such that
A15: f.0 = s mindex b1 and
A16: for n being Element of NAT holds Q[n, f.n, f.(n+1)] from RecExD(A2);
A17: dom f = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
A18: rng f c= NAT;
    A19: B is finite by A14;
    A20: for b being Element of rng s st b in B holds Bi2(b) is finite;
        set Ball = {Bi2(b) where b is Element of rng s: b in B};
    A21: Ball is finite from FraenkelFin(A19);
          now let X be set; assume X in Ball;
            then consider b being Element of rng s such that
        A22: X = Bi2(b) and
        A23: b in B;
            thus X is finite by A20,A22,A23;
    then A24: union Ball is finite by A21,FINSET_1:25;
          now let x be set;
            assume x in NAT;
            then reconsider x'= x as Nat;
              dom s = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
            then x' in dom s;
        then A25: s.x in rng s by FUNCT_1:12;
            then reconsider sx = s.x as Element of R;
            consider b being Element of R such that
        A26: b in B and
        A27: b <= sx by A13,A25,Def9;
              B c= rng s by A13,Def9;
            then reconsider b as Element of rng s by A26;
        A28: x' in Bi2(b) by A27;
              Bi2(b) in Ball by A26;
            hence x in union Ball by A28,TARSKI:def 4;
        then NAT c= union Ball by TARSKI:def 3;
        hence contradiction by A24,FINSET_1:13;
    then consider tb being Element of rng s such that
A29: tb in B & Bi2(tb) is infinite;
A30: tb in BALL by A29;
    then b1 in BALL;
    then consider bt being Element of B such that
A31: b1 = bt and
A32: ex b' being Element of rng s st b' = bt & Bi2(b') is infinite;
    consider b' being Element of rng s such that
A33: b' = bt and
      Bi2(b') is infinite by A32;
      dom s = NAT by NORMSP_1:17;
then A34: s.(f.0) = b1 by A15,A31,A33,Def11;
      b1 in BALL by A30;
    then consider eb being Element of B such that
A35: b1 = eb and
A36: ex eb' being Element of rng s st eb'=eb & Bi2(eb') is infinite;
    consider eb' being Element of rng s such that
A37: eb' = eb and
A38: Bi2(eb') is infinite by A36;
    deffunc F(set) = $1;
    defpred P[Nat] means s.(f.0) <= s.$1;
    set W1 = {w where w is Nat: s.(f.0) <= s.w};
    set W2 = {w where w is Nat: s.(f.0) <= s.w & f.0 < w};
    set W3 = {F(w) where w is Nat: 0 <= w & w <= f.0 & P[w]};
A39: W3 is finite from FinSegRng;
      now let x be set;
        hereby assume x in W1;
        then consider w being Nat such that
    A40: x = w and
    A41: s.(f.0) <= s.w;
    A42: 0 <= w by NAT_1:18;
          w <= f.0 or w > f.0;
        then x in W2 or x in W3 by A40,A41,A42;
        hence x in W2 \/ W3 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    assume A43: x in W2 \/ W3;
    per cases by A43,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
    suppose x in W2;
    then consider w being Nat such that
A44: x = w & s.(f.0) <= s.w & f.0 < w;
    thus x in W1 by A44;
    suppose x in W3;
    then consider w being Nat such that
A45: x = w & 0 <= w & w <= f.0 & s.(f.0) <= s.w;
    thus x in W1 by A45;
    then W1 = W2 \/ W3 by TARSKI:2;
A46:    W2 is infinite by A34,A35,A37,A38,A39,FINSET_1:14;
 defpred R[Nat] means P[$1, f.$1, f.($1+1)];
 A47: R[0] by A16,A46;
A48: now let k be Nat such that
    A49: R[k];
        consider N being Subset of CR, B being non empty Subset of CR
        such that
    A50: N = {s.w where w is Nat : s.(f.k) <= s.w & f.k < w} and
    A51: {w where w is Nat : s.(f.k) <= s.w & f.k < w} is infinite and
    A52: B = choose {BB where BB is Element of Dickson-bases(N, R) :
                    BB is finite} and
    A53: f.(k+1)=s mindex (choose {b where b is Element of B :
                                 ex b' being Element of rng s
                                 st b'=b & Bi(b',f.k) is infinite},f.k) by A49;
        set BALL={b where b is Element of B: ex b' being Element of rng s
                                             st b'=b & Bi(b',f.k) is infinite};
        set BBX ={BB where BB is Element of Dickson-bases(N, R): BB is finite};
        set iN = {w where w is Nat : s.(f.k) <= s.w & f.k < w};
        consider BD being set such that
    A54: BD is_Dickson-basis_of N,R & BD is finite by A1,Def10;
          BD in Dickson-bases(N,R) by A1,A54,Def13;
        then BD in BBX by A54;
        then B in BBX by A52;
        then consider BB being Element of Dickson-bases(N,R) such that
    A55: B = BB & BB is finite;
   A56: B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R by A1,A55,Def13;
            deffunc F(Element of rng s) = Bi($1, f.k);
        A57: B is finite by A55;
        A58: for b being Element of rng s st b in B holds Bi(b, f.k) is finite;
            set Ball = {F(b) where b is Element of rng s : b in B };
        A59: Ball is finite from FraenkelFin(A57);
              now let X be set; assume X in Ball;
                then consider b being Element of rng s such that
            A60: X = Bi(b, f.k) and
            A61: b in B;
                thus X is finite by A58,A60,A61;
        then A62: union Ball is finite by A59,FINSET_1:25;
              iN c= union Ball proof
                let x be set;
                assume x in iN;
                then consider w being Nat such that
            A63: x = w and
           A64: s.(f.k) <= s.w and
            A65: f.k < w;
            A66: s.w in N by A50,A64,A65;
                reconsider sw = s.w as Element of R;
                consider b being Element of R such that
            A67: b in B and
            A68: b <= sw by A56,A66,Def9;
            A69: B c= N by A56,Def9;
                  N c= rng s proof
                    let x be set;
                    assume x in N;
                    then consider u being Nat such that
                A70: x = s.u and
                      s.(f.k) <= s.u and
                      f.k < u by A50;
                      dom s = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
                    hence x in rng s by A70,FUNCT_1:12;
                then B c= rng s by A69,XBOOLE_1:1;
                then reconsider b as Element of rng s by A67;
            A71: w in Bi(b, f.k) by A65,A68;
                  Bi(b, f.k) in Ball by A67;
                hence x in union Ball by A63,A71,TARSKI:def 4;
            hence contradiction by A51,A62,FINSET_1:13;
        then consider b being Element of rng s such that
    A72: b in B & Bi(b, f.k) is infinite;
          b in BALL by A72;
        then choose BALL in BALL;
        then consider b being Element of B such that
    A73: b = choose BALL and
    A74: ex b' being Element of rng s st b'=b & Bi(b',f.k) is infinite;
        consider b' being Element of rng s such that
    A75: b' = b and
    A76: Bi(b',f.k) is infinite by A74;
    A77: b in B;
          B c= N by A56,Def9;
        then b in N by A77; then consider w being Nat such that
    A78: b = s.w and
          s.(f.k) <= s.w and
    A79: f.k < w by A50;
    A80: s.(f.(k+1)) = choose BALL by A53,A73,A78,A79,Def12;
    A81: f.k < f.(k+1) by A53,A73,A78,A79,Def12;
        deffunc F(set) = $1;
        defpred P[Nat] means s.(f.(k+1)) <= s.$1;
        set W1 = {w1 where w1 is Nat : s.(f.(k+1)) <= s.w1 & f.k < w1};
        set W2 = {w1 where w1 is Nat : s.(f.(k+1)) <= s.w1 & f.(k+1) < w1};
        set W3 = {F(w1) where w1 is Nat : f.k < w1 & w1 <= f.(k+1) & P[w1]};
    A82: W3 is finite from FinSegRng2;
          now let x be set;
            hereby assume x in W1;
            then consider w being Nat such that
        A83: x = w and
        A84: s.(f.(k+1)) <= s.w & f.k < w;
              w <= f.(k+1) or w > f.(k+1);
            then x in W2 or x in W3 by A83,A84;
            hence x in W2 \/ W3 by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
        assume A85: x in W2 \/ W3;
        per cases by A85,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
        suppose x in W2;
            then consider w being Nat such that
            A86: x = w & s.(f.(k+1)) <= s.w & f.(k+1) < w;
              f.k < w by A81,A86,AXIOMS:22;
            hence x in W1 by A86;
        suppose x in W3;
            then consider w being Nat such that
            A87: x = w & f.k < w & w <= f.(k+1) & s.(f.(k+1)) <= s.w;
            thus x in W1 by A87;
        then W1 = W2 \/ W3 by TARSKI:2;
        then W2 is infinite by A73,A75,A76,A80,A82,FINSET_1:14;
        hence R[k+1] by A16;
A88: for n being Element of NAT holds R[n] from Ind(A47,A48);
    set t = s * f;
    take t;
    reconsider f as Function of NAT, REAL by FUNCT_2:9;
          now let n be Nat;
              f.n in rng f by A17,FUNCT_1:def 5;
            then reconsider fn = f.n as Nat by A18;
            consider N being Subset of CR, B being non empty Subset of CR
            such that
        A89: N = {s.w where w is Nat : s.(fn) <= s.w & fn < w} and
        A90: {w where w is Nat : s.(fn) <= s.w & fn < w} is infinite and
        A91: B = choose {BB where BB is Element of Dickson-bases(N, R):
                        BB is finite} and
        A92: f.(n+1) = s mindex (choose {b where b is Element of B :
                                        ex b' being Element of rng s
                                        st b'=b & Bi(b',fn) is infinite}, fn)
                                        by A88;
            set BBX = {BB where BB is Element of Dickson-bases(N, R):
                       BB is finite};
            set BJ = {b where b is Element of B :
                      ex b' being Element of rng s
                      st b'=b & Bi(b',fn) is infinite};
            set BC = choose BJ;
            consider BD being set such that
        A93: BD is_Dickson-basis_of N,R & BD is finite by A1,Def10;
              BD in Dickson-bases(N,R) by A1,A93,Def13;
            then BD in BBX by A93;
            then B in BBX by A91;
            then consider BB being Element of Dickson-bases(N,R) such that
        A94: B = BB and
        A95: BB is finite;
       A96: B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R by A1,A94,Def13;
        then A97: B c= N by Def9;
            A98: B is finite by A94,A95;
            A99: for b being Element of rng s st b in B
                 holds Bi(b, fn) is finite;
                 deffunc F(Element of rng s) = Bi($1, fn);
                 set Ball = {F(b) where b is Element of rng s : b in B};
                 set iN = {w where w is Nat : s.(fn) <= s.w & fn < w};
            A100: Ball is finite from FraenkelFin(A98);
                  now let X be set; assume X in Ball;
                    then consider b being Element of rng s such that
                A101: X = Bi(b, fn) and
                A102: b in B;
                    thus X is finite by A99,A101,A102;
            then A103: union Ball is finite by A100,FINSET_1:25;
                  iN c= union Ball proof
                    let x be set;
                    assume x in iN;
                    then consider w being Nat such that
                A104: x = w and
               A105: s.(fn) <= s.w and
                A106: f.n < w;
                A107: s.w in N by A89,A105,A106;
                    reconsider sw = s.w as Element of R;
                    consider b being Element of R such that
                A108: b in B and
                A109: b <= sw by A96,A107,Def9;
                A110: B c= N by A96,Def9;
                      N c= rng s proof
                        let x be set;
                        assume x in N;
                        then consider u being Nat such that
                    A111: x = s.u and
                          s.(fn) <= s.u and
                          fn < u by A89;
                          dom s = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
                        hence x in rng s by A111,FUNCT_1:12;
                    then B c= rng s by A110,XBOOLE_1:1;
                    then reconsider b as Element of rng s by A108;
                A112: w in Bi(b, fn) by A106,A109;
                      Bi(b, fn) in Ball by A108;
                    hence x in union Ball by A104,A112,TARSKI:def 4;
                hence contradiction by A90,A103,FINSET_1:13;
           then consider b being Element of rng s such that
       A113: b in B & Bi(b, fn) is infinite;
             b in BJ by A113;
           then BC in BJ;
           then consider b being Element of B such that
       A114: BC = b and
             ex b' being Element of rng s st b'=b & Bi(b',fn) is infinite;
             BC in N by A97,A114,TARSKI:def 3;
           then consider j being Nat such that
       A115: BC = s.j & s.(fn) <= s.j & fn < j by A89;
           thus f.n < f.(n+1) by A92,A115,Def12;
       hence f is increasing by SEQM_3:def 11;
       let n be Nat;
         f.n in rng f by A17,FUNCT_1:def 5;
       hence f.n is Nat by A18;
    then reconsider f as increasing Seq_of_Nat by SEQM_3:29;
      t = s * f;
    hence t is_subsequence_of s by BHSP_3:def 4;
    let n be Nat;
A116: t.n = s.(f.n) by A17,FUNCT_1:23;
A117: t.(n+1) = s.(f.(n+1)) by A17,FUNCT_1:23;
    consider N being Subset of CR, B being non empty Subset of CR such that
A118: N = {s.w where w is Nat : s.(f.n) <= s.w & f.n < w} and
A119: {w where w is Nat: s.(f.n) <= s.w & f.n < w} is infinite and
A120: B = choose{BB where BB is Element of Dickson-bases(N, R):BB is finite}
A121: f.(n+1) = s mindex ( choose {b where b is Element of B :
    ex b' being Element of rng s st b'=b & Bi(b',f.n) is infinite}, f.n) by A88
    set BX = {b where b is Element of B : ex b' being Element of rng s
                                          st b'=b & Bi(b',f.n) is infinite};
    set sfn1 = choose BX;
    set BBX = {BB where BB is Element of Dickson-bases(N, R):BB is finite};
    consider BD being set such that
A122: BD is_Dickson-basis_of N,R & BD is finite by A1,Def10;
      BD in Dickson-bases(N,R) by A1,A122,Def13;
    then BD in BBX by A122;
    then B in BBX by A120;
    then consider BB being Element of Dickson-bases(N, R) such that
    A123: BB = B and
    A124: BB is finite;
A125: B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R by A1,A123,Def13;
    A126: B is finite by A123,A124;
    A127: for b being Element of rng s st b in B holds Bi(b, f.n) is finite;
        deffunc F(Element of rng s) = Bi($1, f.n);
        set Ball = {F(b) where b is Element of rng s : b in B };
        set iN = {w where w is Nat : s.(f.n) <= s.w & f.n < w};
    A128: Ball is finite from FraenkelFin(A126);
            let X be set; assume X in Ball;
            then consider b being Element of rng s such that
        A129: X = Bi(b, f.n) and
        A130: b in B;
            thus X is finite by A127,A129,A130;
    then A131: union Ball is finite by A128,FINSET_1:25;
          iN c= union Ball proof
            let x be set;
            assume x in iN;
            then consider w being Nat such that
        A132: x = w and
       A133: s.(f.n) <= s.w and
        A134: f.n < w;
        A135: s.w in N by A118,A133,A134;
            reconsider sw = s.w as Element of R;
            consider b being Element of R such that
        A136: b in B and
        A137: b <= sw by A125,A135,Def9;
        A138: B c= N by A125,Def9;
              N c= rng s proof
                let x be set;
                assume x in N;
                then consider u being Nat such that
            A139: x = s.u and
                  s.(f.n) <= s.u and
                  f.n < u by A118;
                  dom s = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
                hence x in rng s by A139,FUNCT_1:12;
            then B c= rng s by A138,XBOOLE_1:1;
            then reconsider b as Element of rng s by A136;
        A140: w in Bi(b, f.n) by A134,A137;
              Bi(b, f.n) in Ball by A136;
            hence x in union Ball by A132,A140,TARSKI:def 4;
        hence contradiction by A119,A131,FINSET_1:13;
    then consider b being Element of rng s such that
A141: b in B & Bi(b, f.n) is infinite;
      b in BX by A141;
    then sfn1 in BX;
    then consider b being Element of B such that
A142: b = sfn1 and
      ex b' being Element of rng s st b' = b & Bi(b',f.n) is infinite;
A143: sfn1 in B by A142;
      B c= N by A125,Def9;
    then sfn1 in N by A143; then consider w being Nat such that
A144: sfn1 = s.w and
A145: s.(f.n) <= s.w and
A146: f.n < w by A118;
      t.n <= t.(n+1) by A116,A117,A121,A144,A145,A146,Def12;
    hence [t.n, t.(n+1)] in the InternalRel of R by ORDERS_1:def 9;

theorem Th37:
for R being RelStr st R is empty holds R is Dickson
proof let R be RelStr such that
A1: R is empty;
A2: the carrier of R is empty by A1,STRUCT_0:def 1;
      now let N be Subset of R;
        take B = {};
          N = {} the carrier of R by A2,XBOOLE_1:3;
        hence B is_Dickson-basis_of N,R by Th26;
        thus B is finite;
    hence R is Dickson by Def10;

theorem Th38:  :: Theorem 4.46
for M, N be RelStr
 st M is Dickson & N is Dickson & M is quasi_ordered & N is quasi_ordered
  holds [:M,N:] is quasi_ordered & [:M,N:] is Dickson
proof let M,N be RelStr such that
A1: M is Dickson and
A2: N is Dickson and
A3: M is quasi_ordered and
A4: N is quasi_ordered;
    reconsider M' = M as reflexive transitive RelStr by A3,Def3;
    reconsider N' = N as reflexive transitive RelStr by A4,Def3;
      [:M',N':] is reflexive & [:M',N':] is transitive;
A5: [:M,N:] is quasi_ordered by Def3;
    per cases;
    suppose M is non empty & N is non empty;
    then reconsider Me=M,Ne=N as non empty RelStr;
    set CPMN = [:Me,Ne:];
      for f being sequence of [:Me,Ne:]
     ex i,j being Nat st i < j & f.i <= f.j proof
        let f be sequence of [:Me,Ne:];
        deffunc F(Element of NAT) = (f.$1)`1;
        consider a being Function of NAT, the carrier of Me such that
    A6: for x being Element of NAT holds a.x = F(x) from LambdaD;
        reconsider a as sequence of Me by NORMSP_1:def 3;
        consider sa being sequence of Me such that
    A7: sa is_subsequence_of a and
    A8: sa is weakly-ascending by A1,Th36;
        consider NS being increasing Seq_of_Nat such that
    A9: sa = a * NS by A7,BHSP_3:def 4;
        deffunc G(Element of NAT) = (f.(NS.$1))`2;
        consider b being Function of NAT, the carrier of Ne such that
    A10: for x being Element of NAT holds b.x = G(x) from LambdaD;
        reconsider b as sequence of Ne by NORMSP_1:def 3;
        consider i,j being Nat such that
    A11: i < j & b.i <= b.j by A2,A4,Th30;
        take NS.i, NS.j;
        thus NS.i < NS.j by A11,SEQM_3:7;
        reconsider x = f.(NS.i), y = f.(NS.j) as Element of [:Me,Ne:];
    A12: dom sa = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    then A13: sa.i = a.(NS.i) by A9,FUNCT_1:22
            .= (f.(NS.i))`1 by A6;
    A14: sa.j = a.(NS.j) by A9,A12,FUNCT_1:22
            .= (f.(NS.j))`1 by A6;
          M is transitive by A3,Def3;
    then A15: x`1 <= y`1 by A8,A11,A13,A14,Th4;
          b.i = x`2 & b.j =y`2 by A10;
        hence f.(NS.i) <= f.(NS.j) by A11,A15,YELLOW_3:12;
    then (for N being non empty Subset of CPMN
      holds min-classes N is finite & min-classes N is non empty)
      by A5,Th32;
    hence [:M,N:] is Dickson by A5,Th33;
    suppose A16: not (M is non empty & N is non empty);
          now per cases by A16;
            suppose M is empty;
               then reconsider M2 = the carrier of M as empty set by STRUCT_0:
def 1;
                  [: M2, the carrier of N:] is empty;
                hence [:the carrier of M, the carrier of N:] is empty;
            suppose N is empty;
               then reconsider N2 = the carrier of N as empty set by STRUCT_0:
def 1;
                  [:the carrier of M, N2 :] is empty;
                hence [:the carrier of M, the carrier of N:] is empty;
        then the carrier of [:M,N:] is empty by YELLOW_3:def 2;
        then [:M,N:] is empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
        hence [:M ,N:] is Dickson by Th37;

theorem Th39:
for R, S being RelStr st R,S are_isomorphic & R is Dickson & R is quasi_ordered
 holds S is quasi_ordered & S is Dickson
    let R, S be RelStr such that
A1: R,S are_isomorphic and
A2: R is Dickson and
A3: R is quasi_ordered;
    set CRS = the carrier of S, IRS = the InternalRel of S;
    per cases;
    suppose R is not empty & S is not empty;
        then reconsider Re = R, Se = S as non empty RelStr;
        consider f being map of Re,Se such that
    A4: f is isomorphic by A1,WAYBEL_1:def 8;
    A5: f is one-to-one & rng f = the carrier of Se &
        for x,y being Element of Re holds x <= y
         iff f.x <= f.y by A4,WAYBEL_0:66;
          now Re is reflexive by A3,Def3;
            hence Se is reflexive by A1,WAYBEL20:15;
              Re is transitive by A3,Def3;
            hence Se is transitive by A1,WAYBEL20:16;
        hence A6: S is quasi_ordered by Def3;
          now let t be sequence of Se;
            reconsider fi = f" as Function of the carrier of Se,
                            the carrier of Re by A5,FUNCT_2:31;
            deffunc F(Element of NAT) = fi.(t.$1);
            consider sr being Function of NAT, the carrier of Re such that
        A7: for x being Element of NAT holds sr.x = F(x) from LambdaD;
            reconsider sr as sequence of Re by NORMSP_1:def 3;
            consider i,j being Nat such that
        A8: i < j and
        A9: sr.i <= sr.j by A2,A3,Th30;
            take i,j;
            thus i < j by A8;
        A10: f.(sr.i) = f.(f".(t.i)) by A7
                    .= t.i by A5,FUNCT_1:57;
              f.(sr.j) = f.(f".(t.j)) by A7
                   .= t.j by A5,FUNCT_1:57;
            hence t.i <= t.j by A4,A9,A10,WAYBEL_0:66;
        then for N being non empty Subset of Se
         holds min-classes N is finite & min-classes N is non empty
           by A6,Th32;
        hence S is Dickson by A6,Th33;
    suppose A11: not(R is not empty & S is not empty);
    A12: now per cases by A11;
            suppose A13: R is empty;
                consider f being map of R,S such that
            A14: f is isomorphic by A1,WAYBEL_1:def 8;
                thus S is empty by A13,A14,WAYBEL_0:def 38;
            suppose S is empty;
                hence S is empty;
                 for x being set st x in CRS
                 holds [x,x] in IRS by A12,STRUCT_0:def 1;
            then IRS is_reflexive_in CRS by RELAT_2:def 1;
            hence S is reflexive by ORDERS_1:def 4;
                for x,y,z be set
               st x in CRS & y in CRS & z in CRS & [x,y] in IRS & [y,z] in IRS
                holds [x,z] in IRS by A12,STRUCT_0:def 1;
              then IRS is_transitive_in CRS by RELAT_2:def 8;
            hence S is transitive by ORDERS_1:def 5;
        hence S is quasi_ordered by Def3;
        thus S is Dickson by A12,Th37;

theorem Th40:
for p being RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of 1, z being Element of 1
 holds p.z, product p are_isomorphic
proof let p be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of 1, z be Element of 1;
    deffunc F(set) = 0 .--> $1;
    consider f being Function such that
A1: dom f = the carrier of p.z and
A2: for x being set st x in the carrier of p.z holds f.x = F(x) from Lambda;
A3: z = 0 by CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
A4: 0 in 1 by CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
      now let x be set;
        assume A5: x in the carrier of p.z;
    then A6: f.x = 0.-->x by A2;
        set g = 0 .--> x;
    A7: dom g = {0} by CQC_LANG:5
             .= dom Carrier p by CARD_5:1,PBOOLE:def 3;
          now let y be set; assume
              y in dom Carrier p;
        then A8: y in 1 by PBOOLE:def 3;
        then A9: y = 0 by CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
            consider R being 1-sorted such that
        A10: R = p.y & (Carrier p).y = the carrier of R
            by A8,PRALG_1:def 13;
            thus g.y in (Carrier p).y
             by A3,A5,A9,A10,CQC_LANG:6;
        then f.x in product Carrier p by A6,A7,CARD_3:def 5;
        hence f.x in the carrier of product p by YELLOW_1:def 4;
    then f is Function of the carrier of p.z, the carrier of product p
     by A1,FUNCT_2:5;
    then reconsider f as map of p.z, product p;
    per cases;
    suppose A11: p.z is empty;
          now assume
              the carrier of product p is not empty;
        then A12: product Carrier p is non empty by YELLOW_1:def 4;
            consider x being Element of product Carrier p;
            consider g being Function such that
              x = g and
              dom g = dom (Carrier p) and
        A13: for y being set st y in dom Carrier p holds g.y in (Carrier p).y
             by A12,CARD_3:def 5;
        A14: 0 in dom Carrier p by A4,PBOOLE:def 3;
            consider R being 1-sorted such that
        A15: R = p.0 and
        A16: (Carrier p).0 = the carrier of R
             by A4,PRALG_1:def 13;
        A17: g.0 in the carrier of R by A13,A14,A16;
              R is empty by A11,A15,CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
            hence contradiction by A17,STRUCT_0:def 1;
        then product p is empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
        hence f is isomorphic by A11,WAYBEL_0:def 38;
    suppose A18: p.z is non empty;
        then reconsider pz = p.z as non empty RelStr;
          now let i be set such that
        A19: i in rng p;
            consider x being set such that
        A20: x in dom p and
        A21: i = p.x by A19,FUNCT_1:def 5;
              x in 1 by A20,PBOOLE:def 3;
            then i = p.0 by A21,CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
            hence i is non empty 1-sorted by A18,CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
        then reconsider np = p as yielding_non-empty_carriers
                       (RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of 1) by YELLOW_6:def 4;
          product np is non empty;
        then reconsider pp = product p as non empty RelStr;
          now let x1, x2 be set such that
        A22: x1 in dom f and
        A23: x2 in dom f and
        A24: f.x1 = f.x2;
        A25: f.x1 = 0 .--> x1 by A2,A22
                .= {0} --> x1 by CQC_LANG:def 2
                .= [:{0}, {x1}:] by FUNCOP_1:def 2;
        A26: f.x2 = 0 .--> x2 by A2,A23
                .= {0} --> x2 by CQC_LANG:def 2
                .= [:{0}, {x2}:] by FUNCOP_1:def 2;
        A27: 0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1;
              x1 in {x1} by TARSKI:def 1;
            then [0, x1] in f.x2 by A24,A25,A27,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
            then consider xa,ya being set such that
              xa in {0} and
        A28: ya in {x2} and
        A29: [0,x1] = [xa,ya] by A26,ZFMISC_1:def 2;
              x1 in {x2} by A28,A29,ZFMISC_1:33;
            hence x1 = x2 by TARSKI:def 1;
        then A30: f is one-to-one by FUNCT_1:def 8;
          now let y be set;
            thus y in rng f implies y in the carrier of product p;
            assume y in the carrier of product p;
            then y in product Carrier p by YELLOW_1:def 4;
            then consider g being Function such that
        A31: y = g and
        A32: dom g = dom (Carrier p) and
        A33: for x being set st x in dom Carrier p holds g.x in (Carrier p).x
             by CARD_3:def 5;
        A34: dom g = {0} by A32,CARD_5:1,PBOOLE:def 3;
        A35: 0 in dom Carrier p by A4,PBOOLE:def 3;
            consider R being 1-sorted such that
        A36: R = p.0 and
        A37: (Carrier p).0 = the carrier of R by A4,PRALG_1:def 13;
        A38: g.0 in the carrier of R by A33,A35,A37;
        A39: g = 0 .--> g.0 by A34,Th1;
        A40: f.(g.0) = 0 .--> g.0 by A2,A3,A36,A38;
              g.0 in dom f by A1,A3,A33,A35,A36,A37;
            hence y in rng f by A31,A39,A40,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        then A41: rng f = the carrier of product p by TARSKI:2;
        reconsider f' = f as map of pz, pp;
          now let x, y be Element of pz;
                  product np is non empty;
                then the carrier of product p is non empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
            then A42: product Carrier p is non empty by YELLOW_1:def 4;
            A43: f'.x is Element of product Carrier p by YELLOW_1:def 4;
            hereby assume A44: x <= y;
              ex f1,g1 being Function st f1 = f'.x & g1 = f'.y &
                for i be set st i in 1
                ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
                st R = p.i & xi = f1.i & yi = g1.i & xi <= yi proof
                    set f1 = 0 .--> x;
                    set g1 = 0 .--> y;
                    reconsider f1 as Function;
                    reconsider g1 as Function;
                    take f1, g1;
                    thus f1 = f'.x by A2;
                    thus g1 = f'.y by A2;
                    let i be set such that
                A45: i in 1;
                A46: i = 0 by A45,CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
                      0 in dom p by A4,PBOOLE:def 3;
                    then p.0 in rng p by FUNCT_1:def 5;
                    then reconsider p0 = p.0 as RelStr by YELLOW_1:def 3;
                    set R = p0;
                    reconsider x'=x as Element of R by CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
                    reconsider y'=y as Element of R by CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
                    take R, x', y';
                    thus R = p.i by A45,CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
                    thus x' = f1.i by A46,CQC_LANG:6;
                    thus y' = g1.i by A46,CQC_LANG:6;
                    thus x' <= y' by A44,CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
                hence f'.x <= f'.y by A42,A43,YELLOW_1:def 4;
            assume f'.x <= f'.y;
            then consider f1, g1 being Function such that
        A47: f1 = f'.x and
        A48: g1 = f'.y and
        A49: for i being set st i in 1
             ex R being RelStr, xi, yi being Element of R
             st R = p.i & xi = f1.i & yi = g1.i & xi <= yi
              by A42,A43,YELLOW_1:def 4;
            consider R being RelStr, xi, yi being Element of R such that
        A50: R = p.0 and
        A51: xi = f1.0 and
        A52: yi = g1.0 and
        A53: xi <= yi by A4,A49;
              f1 = 0 .--> x by A2,A47;
        then A54: xi = x by A51,CQC_LANG:6;
        A55: g1 = 0 .--> y by A2,A48;
              R = pz by A50,CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
            hence x <= y by A52,A53,A54,A55,CQC_LANG:6;
         hence f is isomorphic by A30,A41,WAYBEL_0:66;
    hence p.z, product p are_isomorphic by WAYBEL_1:def 8;

  let X be set, p be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of X, Y be Subset of X;
  cluster p|Y -> RelStr-yielding;
coherence proof
     now let v be set such that
   A1: v in rng (p|Y);
       consider x being set such that
   A2: x in dom (p|Y) and
   A3: v = (p|Y).x by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5;
   A4: x in Y by A2,PBOOLE:def 3;
   then A5: (p|Y).x = p.x by FUNCT_1:72;
         x in X by A4; then x in dom p by PBOOLE:def 3;
       then p.x in rng p by FUNCT_1:12;
       hence v is RelStr by A3,A5,YELLOW_1:def 3;
   hence p|Y is RelStr-yielding by YELLOW_1:def 3;

theorem Th41:
for n being non empty Nat, p being RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of n
 holds product p is non empty iff p is non-Empty
    let n be non empty Nat, p be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of n;
    hereby assume
          product p is non empty;
        then the carrier of product p is non empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
        then product Carrier p is non empty by YELLOW_1:def 4;
        then consider z being set such that
    A1: z in product Carrier p by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
        consider g being Function such that
          z = g and
          dom g = dom (Carrier p) and
    A2: for i being set st i in dom (Carrier p) holds g.i in (Carrier p).i
         by A1,CARD_3:def 5;
          now let S be 1-sorted such that
        A3: S in rng p;
            consider x being set such that
        A4: x in dom p and
        A5: S = p.x by A3,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        A6: x in n by A4,PBOOLE:def 3;
        then A7: x in dom (Carrier p) by PBOOLE:def 3;
            consider R being 1-sorted such that
        A8: R = p.x and
        A9: (Carrier p).x = the carrier of R by A6,PRALG_1:def 13;
              the carrier of S is non empty by A2,A5,A7,A8,A9;
            hence S is non empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
        hence p is non-Empty by WAYBEL_3:def 7;
    assume A10: p is non-Empty;
A11: dom Carrier p = n by PBOOLE:def 3;
    deffunc F(set) = choose (Carrier p).$1;
    consider g being Function such that
A12: dom g = dom Carrier p and
A13: for i being set st i in dom Carrier p holds g.i = F(i) from Lambda;
    set x = g;
      now take g;
        thus x = g;
        thus dom g = dom Carrier p by A12;
        thus for i being set st i in dom Carrier p holds g.i in (Carrier p).i
            let i be set such that
        A14: i in dom Carrier p;
              i in dom p by A11,A14,PBOOLE:def 3;
        then A15: p.i in rng p by FUNCT_1:def 5;
            then reconsider p_i = p.i as RelStr by YELLOW_1:def 3;
              p_i is non empty by A10,A15,WAYBEL_3:def 7;
        then A16: the carrier of p_i is non empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
              i in n by A14,PBOOLE:def 3;
            then consider R being 1-sorted such that
        A17: R = p.i & (Carrier p).i = the carrier of R by PRALG_1:def 13;
              g.i = choose (Carrier p).i by A13,A14;
            hence g.i in (Carrier p).i by A16,A17;
    then product Carrier p is non empty by CARD_3:def 5;
    then the carrier of product p is non empty by YELLOW_1:def 4;
    hence product p is non empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;

theorem Th42:
for n being non empty Nat, p being RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of n+1,
    ns being Subset of n+1, ne being Element of n+1
 st ns = n & ne = n holds [:product (p|ns),], product p are_isomorphic
proof let n be non empty Nat, p be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of n+1,
          ns be Subset of n+1, ne be Element of n+1 such that
A1: ns = n and
A2: ne = n;
    set S = [: product (p|ns),];
    set T = product p;
    set CP = [: the carrier of product (p|ns), the carrier of];
    set CPP = the carrier of product p;
A3: dom Carrier (p|ns) = n by A1,PBOOLE:def 3;
    per cases;
    suppose the carrier of product p is empty;
    then A4: T is empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
        then not p is non-Empty by Th41;
        then consider r1 being 1-sorted such that
    A5: r1 in rng p and
    A6: r1 is empty by WAYBEL_3:def 7;
        consider x being set such that
    A7: x in dom p and
    A8: r1 = p.x by A5,FUNCT_1:def 5;
          x in n+1 by A7,PBOOLE:def 3;
    then A9: x in n \/ {n} by AFINSQ_1:4;
    A10: S is empty proof
            per cases by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
            suppose A11: x in n;
            then A12: (p|ns).x = p.x by A1,FUNCT_1:72;
                  x in dom(p|ns) by A1,A11,PBOOLE:def 3;
                then p.x in rng (p|ns) by A12,FUNCT_1:def 5;
                then not (p|ns) is non-Empty by A6,A8,WAYBEL_3:def 7;
                then product (p|ns) is empty by A1,Th41;
                then reconsider ptemp = the carrier of product (p|ns) as empty
                by STRUCT_0:def 1;
                  [: ptemp, the carrier of :] is empty;
                then the carrier of S is empty by YELLOW_3:def 2;
                hence S is empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
            suppose x in {n};
                then is empty by A2,A6,A8,TARSKI:def 1;
                then reconsider pne = the carrier of as empty set
                 by STRUCT_0:def 1;
                reconsider ptemp = the carrier of product (p|ns) as set;
                  [: ptemp, pne :] is empty;
                then the carrier of S is empty by YELLOW_3:def 2;
                hence S is empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
        consider f being empty Function;
    A13: dom f = the carrier of S by A10,STRUCT_0:def 1;
            for x being set st x in {} holds f.x in the carrier of T;
        then reconsider f as Function of the carrier of S, the carrier of T
         by A13,FUNCT_2:5;
        reconsider f as map of S, T;
          f is isomorphic by A4,A10,WAYBEL_0:def 38;
        hence thesis by WAYBEL_1:def 8;
    suppose A14: the carrier of product p is non empty;
        then reconsider CPP as non empty set;
        reconsider T as non empty RelStr by A14,STRUCT_0:def 1;
    A15: product p is non empty by A14,STRUCT_0:def 1;
    then A16: p is non-Empty by Th41;
        reconsider p'=p as RelStr-yielding non-Empty ManySortedSet of n+1
         by A15,Th41;
          p'.ne is non empty;
        then reconsider pne2 = the carrier of as non empty set
         by STRUCT_0:def 1;
          now let S be 1-sorted such that
        A17: S in rng (p|ns);
            consider x being set such that
        A18: x in dom (p|ns) and
        A19: S = (p|ns).x by A17,FUNCT_1:def 5;
              x in ns by A18,PBOOLE:def 3;
            then x in n+1;
        then A20: x in dom p by PBOOLE:def 3;
              S = p.x by A18,A19,FUNCT_1:70;
            then S in rng p by A20,FUNCT_1:def 5;
            hence S is non empty by A16,WAYBEL_3:def 7;
        then p|ns is non-Empty by WAYBEL_3:def 7;
    then A21: product (p|ns) is non empty by A1,Th41;
    then A22: the carrier of product (p|ns) is non empty by STRUCT_0:def 1;
        reconsider ppns2 = the carrier of product (p|ns) as non empty set
         by A21,STRUCT_0:def 1;
          CP = [: ppns2, pne2 :];
        then the carrier of [: product (p|ns),] is non empty
          by YELLOW_3:def 2;
        then reconsider S as non empty RelStr by STRUCT_0:def 1;
          CP = the carrier of S by YELLOW_3:def 2;
        then reconsider CP' = CP as non empty set;
        defpred P[set,set] means
         ex a being Function, b being Element of pne2
         st a in ppns2 & $1 = [a,b] & $2 = a +* (n.-->b);
         A23: for x being Element of CP' ex y being Element of CPP st P[x,y]
            let x be Element of CP';
            reconsider xx = x as Element of [: ppns2, pne2 :];
            set a = xx`1, b = xx`2;
            reconsider a as Element of ppns2 by MCART_1:10;
            reconsider b as Element of pne2 by MCART_1:10;
        A24: product Carrier (p|ns) is non empty by A22,YELLOW_1:def 4;
          a is Element of product Carrier (p|ns) by YELLOW_1:def 4;
            then consider g being Function such that
        A25: a = g & dom g = dom Carrier (p|ns) and
        A26: for i being set st i in dom Carrier (p|ns)
             holds g.i in (Carrier (p|ns)).i by A24,CARD_3:def 5;
            reconsider a as Function by A25;
            set y = a +* (n.-->b);
              now set g1 = y;
                reconsider g1 as Function;
                take g1;
                thus y = g1;
            A27: dom a = ns by A25,PBOOLE:def 3;
            A28: dom (n.-->b) = {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
                thus dom g1 = dom a \/ dom (n.-->b) by FUNCT_4:def 1
                           .= n \/ {n} by A1,A27,CQC_LANG:5
                           .= n+1 by AFINSQ_1:4
                           .= dom (Carrier p) by PBOOLE:def 3;
                let x be set such that
            A29: x in dom (Carrier p);
            A30: x in n+1 by A29,PBOOLE:def 3;
            then A31: x in n \/ {n} by AFINSQ_1:4;
                per cases by A31,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                suppose A32: x in n;
                    then x <> n;
                    then not x in dom(n.-->b) by A28,TARSKI:def 1;
                then A33: g1.x = a.x by FUNCT_4:12;
                A34: x in dom(Carrier (p|ns)) by A1,A32,PBOOLE:def 3;
                    consider R being 1-sorted such that
                A35: R = (p|ns).x and
                A36: (Carrier (p|ns)).x = the carrier of R
                     by A1,A32,PRALG_1:def 13;
                    consider R2 being 1-sorted such that
                A37: R2 = p.x and
                A38: (Carrier p).x = the carrier of R2 by A30,PRALG_1:def 13;
                      (Carrier (p|ns)).x = (Carrier p).x
                     by A1,A32,A35,A36,A37,A38,FUNCT_1:72;
                    hence g1.x in (Carrier p).x by A25,A26,A33,A34;
                suppose A39: x in {n};
                then A40: x = n by TARSKI:def 1;
                      x in dom (n.-->b) by A39,CQC_LANG:5;
                then A41: g1.x = (n.-->b).n by A40,FUNCT_4:14
                        .= b by CQC_LANG:6;
                    consider R being 1-sorted such that
                A42: R = & (Carrier p).ne = the carrier of R
                     by PRALG_1:def 13;
                    thus g1.x in (Carrier p).x by A2,A40,A41,A42;
            then y in product Carrier p by CARD_3:def 5;
            then reconsider y as Element of CPP by YELLOW_1:def 4;
            take y,a,b;
            thus a in ppns2;
            thus x = [a,b] by MCART_1:23;
            thus y = a +* (n.-->b);
        consider f being Function of CP', CPP such that
    A43: for x being Element of CP' holds P[x,f.x] from FuncExD(A23);
              the carrier of [:product(p|ns), :] =
            [:the carrier of product(p|ns),the carrier of]
             by YELLOW_3:def 2;
            then reconsider f as map of [:product (p|ns),], product p;
            reconsider f'=f as map of S, T;
            take f;
              now let x1,x2 be set such that
            A44: x1 in dom f and
            A45: x2 in dom f and
            A46: f.x1 = f.x2;
                  x1 is Element of [:the carrier of product (p|ns),
                      the carrier of :] by A44,YELLOW_3:def 2;
                then consider a1 being Function, b1 being Element of pne2 such
            A47: a1 in ppns2 and
            A48: x1 = [a1, b1] and
            A49: f.x1 = a1 +* (n.-->b1) by A43;
                  x2 is Element of [: the carrier of product (p|ns),
                             the carrier of :] by A45,YELLOW_3:def 2
                then consider a2 being Function, b2 being Element of pne2 such
            A50: a2 in ppns2 and
            A51: x2 = [a2, b2] and
            A52: f.x2 = a2 +* (n.-->b2) by A43;
                  a1 in product Carrier (p|ns) by A47,YELLOW_1:def 4;
                then consider g1 being Function such that
            A53: a1 = g1 & dom g1 = dom Carrier (p|ns) and
                  for x being set st x in dom Carrier (p|ns)
                 holds g1.x in (Carrier (p|ns)).x by CARD_3:def 5;
                  a2 in product Carrier (p|ns) by A50,YELLOW_1:def 4;
                then consider g2 being Function such that
            A54: a2 = g2 & dom g2 = dom Carrier (p|ns) and
                  for x being set st x in dom Carrier (p|ns)
                 holds g2.x in (Carrier (p|ns)).x by CARD_3:def 5;
            A55: dom (n .--> b1) = {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
            then A56: dom (n .--> b1) = dom (n.-->b2) by CQC_LANG:5;
            A57: dom a1 = n by A1,A53,PBOOLE:def 3;
            A58: now assume not n misses {n};
                    then n /\ {n} <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
                    then consider x being set such that
                A59: x in n /\ {n} by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
                A60: x in n & x in {n} by A59,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
                    then x = n by TARSKI:def 1;
                   hence contradiction by A60;
            then A61: dom a1 misses dom (n.-->b1) by A57,CQC_LANG:5;
            A62:dom a2 misses dom (n.-->b2) by A53,A54,A57,A58,CQC_LANG:5;
            A63: now let a, b be set;
                    hereby assume A64: [a,b] in a1;
                    then A65: a in dom a1 & b = a1.a by FUNCT_1:8;
                    then A66: a in dom a1 \/ dom (n.-->b1) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                        then not a in dom (n.-->b1) by A61,A65,XBOOLE_0:5;
                    then A67: (a2+*(n.-->b2)).a = a1.a by A46,A49,A52,A66,
FUNCT_4:def 1;
                    A68: a in dom a2 \/ dom (n.-->b2)
                         by A53,A54,A65,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                    A69: a in dom a2 by A53,A54,A64,FUNCT_1:8;
                        then not a in dom (n.-->b2) by A62,A68,XBOOLE_0:5;
                        then b = a2.a by A65,A67,A68,FUNCT_4:def 1;
                        hence [a,b] in a2 by A69,FUNCT_1:8;
                    assume A70: [a,b] in a2;
                then A71: a in dom a2 & b = a2.a by FUNCT_1:8;
                then A72: a in dom a2 \/ dom (n.-->b2) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                    then not a in dom (n.-->b2) by A62,A71,XBOOLE_0:5;
                then A73: (a1 +* (n.-->b1)).a = a2.a by A46,A49,A52,A72,FUNCT_4
:def 1;
                A74: a in dom a1 \/ dom (n.-->b1)
                     by A53,A54,A71,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                A75: a in dom a1 by A53,A54,A70,FUNCT_1:8;
                    then not a in dom (n.-->b1) by A61,A74,XBOOLE_0:5;
                    then b = a1.a by A71,A73,A74,FUNCT_4:def 1;
                    hence [a,b] in a1 by A75,FUNCT_1:8;
        A76: n in dom (n.-->b1) by A55,TARSKI:def 1;
        then A77: n in dom a1 \/ dom (n.-->b1) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
        A78: n in dom (n.-->b2) by A55,A56,TARSKI:def 1;
        then n in dom a2 \/ dom (n.-->b2) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
            then (a1 +* (n.-->b1)).n = (n.-->b2).n by A46,A49,A52,A78,FUNCT_4:
def 1
                               .= b2 by CQC_LANG:6;
        then b2 = (n.-->b1).n by A76,A77,FUNCT_4:def 1
              .= b1 by CQC_LANG:6;
            hence x1 = x2 by A48,A51,A63,RELAT_1:def 2;
    then A79: f is one-to-one by FUNCT_1:def 8;
          now let y be set;
            thus y in rng f implies y in the carrier of product p;
            assume y in the carrier of product p;
            then y in product Carrier p by YELLOW_1:def 4;
            then consider g being Function such that
        A80: y = g and
        A81: dom g = dom (Carrier p) and
        A82: for x being set st x in dom Carrier p holds g.x in (Carrier p).x
             by CARD_3:def 5;
        A83: dom Carrier p = n+1 by PBOOLE:def 3;
        A84: n+1 = {i where i is Nat : i < n+1} by AXIOMS:30;
              n < n+1 by NAT_1:38;
        then A85: n in n+1 by A84;
            set a = g|n, b = g.n;
            set x = [a,b];
        A86: dom (Carrier (p|ns)) = ns by PBOOLE:def 3;
        A87: dom a = dom g /\ n by FUNCT_1:68
                 .= (n+1) /\ n by A81,PBOOLE:def 3;
              n c= (n+1) by Th2;
        then A88: dom a = n by A87,XBOOLE_1:28;
        A89: dom a = dom (Carrier (p|ns)) by A1,A86,A87,XBOOLE_1:28;
          now let x be set;
                assume x in dom (Carrier (p|ns));
            then A90: x in n by A1,PBOOLE:def 3;
            A91: n c= n+1 by Th2;
            A92: a.x = g.x by A90,FUNCT_1:72;
            A93: g.x in (Carrier p).x by A82,A83,A90,A91;
                consider R1 being 1-sorted such that
            A94: R1 = p.x & (Carrier p).x = the carrier of R1
                 by A90,A91,PRALG_1:def 13;
                consider R2 being 1-sorted such that
            A95: R2 = (p|ns).x & (Carrier (p|ns)).x = the carrier of R2
                 by A1,A90,PRALG_1:def 13;
                thus a.x in (Carrier (p|ns)).x
                 by A1,A90,A92,A93,A94,A95,FUNCT_1:72;
            then a in product (Carrier (p|ns)) by A89,CARD_3:18;
        then A96: a in the carrier of product(p|ns) by YELLOW_1:def 4;
            consider R1 being 1-sorted such that
        A97: R1 = p.n & (Carrier p).n = the carrier of R1 by A85,PRALG_1:def 13
        A98: b in the carrier of by A2,A82,A83,A97;
            then [a,b] in [:the carrier of product(p|ns), the carrier of
             by A96,ZFMISC_1:106;
        then A99: x in dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
              x is Element of CP'
             by A96,A98,ZFMISC_1:106;
            then consider ta being Function, tb being Element of pne2 such that
              ta in ppns2 and
        A100: x = [ta, tb] and
        A101: f.x = ta +* (n.-->tb) by A43;
        A102: ta = a & tb = b by A100,ZFMISC_1:33;
              now let i, j be set;
                hereby assume A103: [i,j] in (a+*(n.-->b));
                    then i in dom (a +* (n.-->b)) by FUNCT_1:8;
                then A104: i in ((dom a) \/ dom ((n.-->b))) by FUNCT_4:def 1;
                then A105: i in n \/ {n} by A88,CQC_LANG:5;
                A106: (a+*(n.-->b)).i = j by A103,FUNCT_1:8;
                    per cases;
                    suppose A107: i in dom ((n.-->b));
                        then i in {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
                    then A108: i = n by TARSKI:def 1;
                          (a+*(n.-->b)).i = (n.-->b).i by A104,A107,FUNCT_4:def
                                       .= b by A108,CQC_LANG:6;
                    then A109: g.i = j by A103,A108,FUNCT_1:8;
                          i in dom g by A81,A83,A105,AFINSQ_1:4;
                        hence [i,j] in g by A109,FUNCT_1:8;
                    suppose A110: not i in dom ((n.-->b));
                        then not i in {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
                    then A111: i in n by A105,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                      (a +* (n.-->b)).i = a.i by A104,A110,FUNCT_4:def 1;
                    then A112: g.i = j by A106,A111,FUNCT_1:72;
                          i in dom g by A81,A83,A105,AFINSQ_1:4;
                        hence [i,j] in g by A112,FUNCT_1:8;
                assume A113: [i,j] in g;
                then A114: i in n+1 by A81,A83,FUNCT_1:8;
                then A115: i in n \/ {n} by AFINSQ_1:4;
                      dom (a+* (n.-->b)) = dom a \/ dom (n.-->b) by FUNCT_4:def
                                    .= n \/ {n} by A88,CQC_LANG:5;
                then A116: i in dom (a+*(n.-->b)) by A114,AFINSQ_1:4;
                then A117: i in dom a \/ dom (n.-->b) by FUNCT_4:def 1;
                per cases;
                suppose A118: i in dom (n.-->b);
                    then i in {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
                then A119: i = n by TARSKI:def 1;
                      (a+* (n.-->b)).i = (n.-->b).i by A117,A118,FUNCT_4:def 1
                                    .= b by A119,CQC_LANG:6
                                    .= j by A113,A119,FUNCT_1:8;
                    hence [i,j] in (a+*(n.-->b)) by A116,FUNCT_1:8;

                suppose A120: not i in dom (n.-->b);
                        then not i in {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
                    then A121: i in n by A115,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                          (a+*(n.-->b)).i = a.i by A117,A120,FUNCT_4:def 1
                                       .= g.i by A121,FUNCT_1:72
                                       .= j by A113,FUNCT_1:8;
                    hence [i,j] in (a+*(n.-->b)) by A116,FUNCT_1:8;
            then f.x = y by A80,A101,A102,RELAT_1:def 2;
            hence y in rng f by A99,FUNCT_1:def 5;
    then A122: rng f = the carrier of product p by TARSKI:2;

      now let x, y be Element of S;
        A123: x is Element of CP by YELLOW_3:def 2;
            then consider xa being Function, xb being Element of pne2 such that
        A124: xa in ppns2 and
        A125: x = [xa,xb] and
        A126: f.x = xa +* (n.-->xb) by A43;
              dom f = CP' by FUNCT_2:def 1;
            then f.x in the carrier of product p by A122,A123,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        then A127: f'.x in product Carrier p by YELLOW_1:def 4;
              y is Element of CP by YELLOW_3:def 2;
            then consider ya being Function, yb being Element of pne2 such that
        A128: ya in ppns2 and
        A129: y = [ya,yb] and
        A130: f.y = ya +* (n.-->yb) by A43;
        A131: [x,y]`1 = x by MCART_1:def 1;
        A132: [x,y]`2 = y by MCART_1:def 2;
        A133: x`1 = xa by A125,MCART_1:def 1;
        A134: x`2 = xb by A125,MCART_1:def 2;
        A135: xa in product Carrier (p|ns) by A124,YELLOW_1:def 4;
            then consider gx being Function such that
        A136: xa = gx & dom gx = dom Carrier (p|ns) and
        A137: for x being set st x in dom Carrier (p|ns)
             holds gx.x in (Carrier (p|ns)).x by CARD_3:def 5;
        A138: dom xa = n by A1,A136,PBOOLE:def 3;
        then A139: dom xa \/ dom (n.-->xb) = n \/ {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
              ya in product Carrier(p|ns) by A128,YELLOW_1:def 4;
            then consider gy being Function such that
        A140: ya = gy & dom gy = dom Carrier (p|ns) and
        A141: for x being set st x in dom Carrier (p|ns)
             holds gy.x in (Carrier (p|ns)).x by CARD_3:def 5;
        A142: dom ya = n by A1,A140,PBOOLE:def 3;
        then A143: dom ya \/ dom (n.-->yb) = n \/ {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
            reconsider xa'=xa as Element of product(p|ns) by
            reconsider ya'=ya as Element of product(p|ns) by
        hereby assume x <= y;
                then [x,y] in the InternalRel of S by ORDERS_1:def 9;
                then [x,y] in ["the InternalRel of product(p|ns),
                           the InternalRel of"] by YELLOW_3:def 2;
            then A144: [[x,y]`1`1,[x,y]`2`1] in the InternalRel of product(p|ns
) &
                [[x,y]`1`2,[x,y]`2`2] in the InternalRel of &
                (ex a, b being set st [x,y] = [a,b]) &
                (ex c, d being set st [x,y]`1 = [c,d]) &
                ex e, f being set st [x,y]`2 = [e,f] by YELLOW_3:10;
            then A145: [xa,ya] in the InternalRel of product(p|ns)
                by A129,A131,A132,A133,MCART_1:def 1;
            A146: xa in product Carrier(p|ns) by A124,YELLOW_1:def 4;
                  xa' <= ya' by A145,ORDERS_1:def 9;
                then consider ffx,ggx being Function such that
            A147: ffx = xa & ggx = ya and
            A148: for i being set st i in n
                 ex RR being RelStr, xxi, yyi being Element of RR
                  st RR = (p|ns).i & xxi = ffx.i & yyi = ggx.i & xxi <= yyi
                by A1,A146,YELLOW_1:def 4;
            A149: [xb,yb] in the InternalRel of
                by A129,A131,A132,A134,A144,MCART_1:def 2;
                reconsider xb'=xb as Element of;
                reconsider yb'=yb as Element of;
            A150: xb' <= yb' by A149,ORDERS_1:def 9;
                  ex f1,g1 being Function st f1 = f.x & g1 = f.y &
                for i being set st i in n+1
                 ex R being RelStr, xi, yi being Element of R
                 st R = p.i & xi = f1.i & yi = g1.i & xi <= yi
                   set f1 = xa +* (n.-->xb), g1 = ya +* (n.-->yb);
                   take f1, g1;
                   thus f1 = f.x by A126;
                   thus g1 = f.y by A130;
                   let i be set such that
               A151: i in n+1;
               A152: i in n \/ {n} by A151,AFINSQ_1:4;
                   set R = p.i;
                   set xi = f1.i;
                   set yi = g1.i;
                     i in dom p by A151,PBOOLE:def 3;
                   then p.i in rng p by FUNCT_1:def 5;
                   then reconsider R as RelStr by YELLOW_1:def 3;
               A153: i in dom xa \/ dom (n.-->xb) by A139,A151,AFINSQ_1:4;
                     now per cases;
                       suppose A154: i in dom(n.-->xb);
                           then i in {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
                       then A155: i = n by TARSKI:def 1;
                             f1.i = (n.-->xb).i by A153,A154,FUNCT_4:def 1;
                           then xi is Element of R
                            by A2,A155,CQC_LANG:6;
                           hence xi is Element of R;
                       suppose A156: not i in dom(n.-->xb);
                       then A157: not i in {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
                       then A158: i in n by A152,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                       A159: i in dom Carrier (p|ns)
                            by A3,A152,A157,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                             f1.i = xa.i by A153,A156,FUNCT_4:def 1;
                       then A160: xi in (Carrier (p|ns)).i by A136,A137,A159;
                           consider R2 being 1-sorted such that
                       A161: R2 = (p|ns).i & (Carrier(p|ns)).i =the carrier of
                            by A1,A158,PRALG_1:def 13;
                             i in dom p by A151,PBOOLE:def 3;
                           then p.i in rng p by FUNCT_1:def 5;
                           then reconsider p_i = p.i as RelStr by YELLOW_1:def
                             (Carrier(p|ns)).i = the carrier of p_i
                                                by A1,A158,A161,FUNCT_1:72;
                           hence xi is Element of R by A160;
                   then reconsider xi as Element of R;
               A162: i in dom ya \/ dom (n.-->yb) by A143,A151,AFINSQ_1:4;
                     now per cases;
                       suppose A163: i in dom(n.-->yb);
                           then i in {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
                       then A164: i = n by TARSKI:def 1;
                             g1.i = (n.-->yb).i by A162,A163,FUNCT_4:def 1;
                           then yi is Element of R
                            by A2,A164,CQC_LANG:6;
                           hence yi is Element of R;
                       suppose A165: not i in dom(n.-->yb);
                       then A166: not i in {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
                       then A167: i in n by A152,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                       A168: i in dom Carrier (p|ns) by A3,A152,A166,XBOOLE_0:
def 2;
                             g1.i = ya.i by A162,A165,FUNCT_4:def 1;
                       then A169: yi in (Carrier (p|ns)).i by A140,A141,A168;
                           consider R2 being 1-sorted such that
                       A170: R2 = (p|ns).i & (Carrier(p|ns)).i=the carrier of
                            by A1,A167,PRALG_1:def 13;
                             i in dom p by A151,PBOOLE:def 3;
                           then p.i in rng p by FUNCT_1:def 5;
                           then reconsider p_i = p.i as RelStr by YELLOW_1:def
                             (Carrier(p|ns)).i = the carrier of p_i
                                                by A1,A167,A170,FUNCT_1:72;
                           hence yi is Element of R by A169;
                   then reconsider yi as Element of R;
                   take R,xi,yi;
                   thus R = p.i;
                   thus xi = f1.i;
                   thus yi = g1.i;
                   per cases by A152,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
                   suppose A171: i in n;
                   A172: not i in {n} proof
                          assume i in {n};
                          then n in n by A171,TARSKI:def 1;
                          hence contradiction;
                   then A173: not i in dom (n.-->xb) by CQC_LANG:5;
                         not i in dom (n.-->yb) by A172,CQC_LANG:5;
                   then A174: yi = ya.i by A162,FUNCT_4:def 1;
                       consider RR being RelStr, xxi, yyi being Element of RR
                       such that
                   A175: RR = (p|ns).i and
                   A176: xxi = ffx.i & yyi = ggx.i and
                   A177: xxi <= yyi by A148,A171;
                         RR = R by A1,A171,A175,FUNCT_1:72;
                       hence xi <= yi by A147,A153,A173,A174,A176,A177,FUNCT_4:
def 1;
                   suppose A178: i in {n};
                   then A179: i = n by TARSKI:def 1;
                   A180: i in dom (n.-->xb) by A178,CQC_LANG:5;
                   A181: i in dom (n.-->yb) by A178,CQC_LANG:5;
                   A182: xi = (n.-->xb).i by A153,A180,FUNCT_4:def 1
                         .= xb by A179,CQC_LANG:6;
                     yi = (n.-->yb).i by A162,A181,FUNCT_4:def 1
                         .= yb by A179,CQC_LANG:6;
                   hence xi <= yi by A2,A150,A178,A182,TARSKI:def 1;
                hence f'.x <= f'.y by A127,YELLOW_1:def 4;
            assume f'.x <= f'.y;
            then consider f1, g1 being Function such that
        A183: f1 = f.x and
        A184: g1 = f.y and
        A185: for i be set st i in n+1
             ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
             st R = p.i & xi = f1.i & yi = g1.i & xi <= yi
              by A127,YELLOW_1:def 4;
              now set f2 = xa', g2 = ya';
                reconsider f2, g2 as Function;
                take f2, g2;
                thus f2 = xa' & g2 = ya';
                let i be set such that
            A186: i in ns;
            A187: not i in {n} proof
                  assume i in {n};
                  then i = n by TARSKI:def 1;
                  hence contradiction by A1,A186;
            then A188: not i in dom (n.-->yb) by CQC_LANG:5;
            A189: not i in dom (n.-->xb) by A187,CQC_LANG:5;
                set R = (p|ns).i;
                  i in dom (p|ns) by A186,PBOOLE:def 3;
                then (p|ns).i in rng (p|ns) by FUNCT_1:def 5;
                then reconsider R as RelStr by YELLOW_1:def 3;
                take R;
                set xi = xa.i, yi = ya.i;
            A190: i in dom xa \/ dom (n.-->xb) by A1,A138,A186,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
            A191: i in dom Carrier(p|ns)
                 by A186,PBOOLE:def 3;
                consider R2 being 1-sorted such that
            A192: R2 = (p|ns).i & (Carrier(p|ns)).i = the carrier of R2
                 by A186,PRALG_1:def 13;
                  xi is Element of R by A136,A137,A191,A192;
                then reconsider xi as Element of R;
            A193: i in dom ya \/ dom (n.-->yb) by A1,A142,A186,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
            A194: yi in (Carrier (p|ns)).i by A140,A141,A191;
                consider R2 being 1-sorted such that
            A195: R2 = (p|ns).i & (Carrier(p|ns)).i = the carrier of R2
                 by A186,PRALG_1:def 13;
                reconsider yi as Element of R by A194,A195;
                take xi, yi;
                thus R = (p|ns).i & xi = f2.i & yi = g2.i;
                consider R2 being RelStr, xi2, yi2 being Element of R2
                such that
            A196: R2 = p.i and
            A197: xi2 = f1.i and
            A198:yi2 = g1.i and
            A199: xi2 <= yi2 by A185,A186;
            A200: R2 = R by A186,A196,FUNCT_1:72;
                  (xa +* (n.-->xb)).i = xi by A189,A190,FUNCT_4:def 1;
                hence xi <= yi by A126,A130,A183,A184,A188,A193,A197,A198,A199,
A200,FUNCT_4:def 1;
            then xa' <= ya' by A135,YELLOW_1:def 4;
            then [xa,ya] in the InternalRel of product(p|ns) by ORDERS_1:def 9;
        then A201: [[x,y]`1`1, [x,y]`2`1] in the InternalRel of product(p|ns)
             by A129,A131,A132,A133,MCART_1:def 1;
            consider Rn being RelStr, xni, yni being Element of Rn such that
        A202: Rn = and
        A203: xni = f1.n and
        A204: yni = g1.n and
        A205: xni <= yni by A2,A185;
        A206:[xni, yni] in the InternalRel of by A202,A205,ORDERS_1:def 9;
              dom (n.-->xb) = {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
        then A207: n in dom (n.-->xb) by TARSKI:def 1;
            then n in dom xa \/ dom (n.-->xb) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
        then A208: (xa +* (n.-->xb)).n = (n.-->xb).n by A207,FUNCT_4:def 1
                               .= xb by CQC_LANG:6;
              dom (n.-->yb) = {n} by CQC_LANG:5;
        then A209: n in dom (n.-->yb) by TARSKI:def 1;
            then n in dom ya \/ dom (n.-->yb) by XBOOLE_0:def 2;
            then (ya +* (n.-->yb)).n = (n.-->yb).n by A209,FUNCT_4:def 1
                               .= yb by CQC_LANG:6;
        then A210: [[x,y]`1`2, [x,y]`2`2] in the InternalRel of
             by A126,A129,A130,A131,A132,A134,A183,A184,A203,A204,A206,A208,
MCART_1:def 2;
              now set a = x, b = y, c = xa, d = xb, e = ya, f = yb;
                thus [x,y] = [a,b];
                thus [x,y]`1 = [c,d] by A125,MCART_1:def 1;
                thus [x,y]`2 = [e,f] by A129,MCART_1:def 2;
            then [x,y] in ["the InternalRel of product (p|ns),
                       the InternalRel of"] by A201,A210,YELLOW_3:10;
            then [x,y] in the InternalRel of S by YELLOW_3:def 2;
            hence x <= y by ORDERS_1:def 9;
        hence f is isomorphic by A79,A122,WAYBEL_0:66;
    hence [:product (p|ns),], product p are_isomorphic by WAYBEL_1:def 8;

theorem Th43: :: Corollary 4.47
for n being non empty Nat, p being RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of n
  st for i being Element of n holds p.i is Dickson & p.i is quasi_ordered
    holds product p is quasi_ordered & product p is Dickson
  defpred P[non empty Nat] means
  for p being RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of $1
     st for i being Element of $1 holds p.i is Dickson & p.i is quasi_ordered
     holds product p is quasi_ordered & product p is Dickson;
A1:  P[1]
        let p be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of 1 such that
    A2: for i being Element of 1 holds p.i is Dickson & p.i is quasi_ordered;
        reconsider z = 0 as Element of 1 by CARD_5:1,TARSKI:def 1;
    A3: p.z is Dickson by A2;
    A4: p.z is quasi_ordered by A2;
          p.z,product p are_isomorphic by Th40;
    hence product p is quasi_ordered & product p is Dickson by A3,A4,Th39;
A5: now
    let n be non empty Nat; assume
    A6: P[n];
    thus P[n+1]
    let p be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of n+1; assume
   A7:for i being Element of (n+1) holds p.i is Dickson & p.i is quasi_ordered;
         n <= n+1 by NAT_1:29;
       then reconsider ns = n as Subset of n+1 by CARD_1:56;
   A8: n+1 = {k where k is Nat : k < n+1} by AXIOMS:30;
         n < n+1 by NAT_1:38;
       then n in n+1 by A8;
       then reconsider ne = n as Element of n+1;
      reconsider pns = p|ns as RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of n;
        for i being Element of n
       holds pns.i is Dickson & pns.i is quasi_ordered proof
         let i be Element of n;
      A9: (pns.i) = p.i by FUNCT_1:72;
      A10: n = {k where k is Nat : k < n} by AXIOMS:30;
            i in n;
          then consider k being Nat such that
      A11: k = i & k < n by A10;
            k < n+1 by A11,NAT_1:38;
          then i in n+1 by A8,A11;
          then reconsider i'=i as Element of n+1;
           i' = i;
         hence pns.i is Dickson & pns.i is quasi_ordered by A7,A9;
  then A12: product(pns) is Dickson & product(pns) is quasi_ordered by A6; is Dickson & is quasi_ordered by A7;
  then A13: [:product(p|ns),] is Dickson &
      [:product(p|ns),] is quasi_ordered by A12,Th38;
     [:product(p|ns),], product p are_isomorphic by Th42;
   hence product p is quasi_ordered & product p is Dickson by A13,Th39;
 thus for n being non empty Nat holds P[n] from Ind_from_1(A1, A5);

Lm1: :: Corollary 4.47
for p being RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of {}
  holds product p is non empty &
        product p is quasi_ordered & product p is Dickson &
        product p is antisymmetric
proof let p be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of {};
A1: product p = RelStr (# {{}}, id {{}} #) by YELLOW_1:26;
   set pp = product p, cpp = the carrier of pp, ipp = the InternalRel of pp;
A2: ipp = id {{}} by YELLOW_1:26;
  thus pp is non empty by YELLOW_1:26;
  thus pp is quasi_ordered proof
   thus pp is reflexive by A1;
   let x, y, z be set; assume
      x in cpp & y in cpp & z in cpp & [x,y] in ipp & [y,z] in ipp;
    hence [x,z] in ipp by A2,RELAT_1:def 10;
  thus pp is Dickson proof let N be Subset of cpp;
   per cases by A1,ZFMISC_1:39;
   suppose A3: N = {};
    take B = {}; N = {} cpp by A3;
    hence B is_Dickson-basis_of N,pp by Th26; thus B is finite;
   suppose A4: N = {{}};
    take B = {{}};
    thus B is_Dickson-basis_of N,pp proof
       thus B c= N by A4;
       let a be Element of pp; assume A5: a in N;
       take b = a;
       thus b in B by A4,A5;
           [b,a] in id {{}} by A4,A5,RELAT_1:def 10;
       hence b <= a by A2,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    thus B is finite;
  thus pp is antisymmetric by A1;

 let p be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of {};
 cluster product p -> non empty;
 coherence by Lm1;
 cluster product p -> antisymmetric;
 coherence by Lm1;
 cluster product p -> quasi_ordered;
 coherence by Lm1;
 cluster product p -> Dickson;
 coherence by Lm1;

  func NATOrd -> Relation of NAT equals :Def14:
    {[x,y] where x, y is Element of NAT : x <= y};
   set NO = {[x,y] where x, y is Element of NAT : x <= y};
     now let z be set such that
   A1: z in NO;
       consider x, y being Element of NAT such that
   A2: z = [x,y] and
         x <= y by A1;
    thus z in [:NAT, NAT:] by A2;
   then NO c= [:NAT, NAT:] by TARSKI:def 3;
   hence NO is Relation of NAT by RELSET_1:def 1;

theorem Th44:
NATOrd is_reflexive_in NAT
proof let x be set such that
A1: x in NAT; reconsider x' = x as Nat by A1; x' <= x';
    hence [x,x] in NATOrd by Def14;

theorem Th45:
NATOrd is_antisymmetric_in NAT
proof let x, y be set such that x in NAT & y in NAT and
A1: [x,y] in NATOrd and
A2: [y,x] in NATOrd;
    consider x', y' being Element of NAT such that
A3: [x,y] = [x',y'] and
A4: x' <= y' by A1,Def14;
A5: x = x' & y = y' by A3,ZFMISC_1:33;
    consider y2, x2 being Element of NAT such that
A6: [y,x] = [y2,x2] and
A7: y2 <= x2 by A2,Def14; y2 = y' & x2 = x' by A5,A6,ZFMISC_1:33;
    hence x = y by A4,A5,A7,AXIOMS:21;

theorem Th46:
NATOrd is_strongly_connected_in NAT
      now let x, y be set such that
    A1: x in NAT and
    A2: y in NAT;
        thus [x,y] in NATOrd or [y,x] in NATOrd proof
            assume A3: not [x,y] in NATOrd & not [y,x] in NATOrd;
            reconsider x,y as Nat by A1,A2;
            per cases;
            suppose x <= y;
               hence contradiction by A3,Def14;
            suppose y <= x;
               hence contradiction by A3,Def14;
    hence NATOrd is_strongly_connected_in NAT by RELAT_2:def 7;

theorem Th47:
NATOrd is_transitive_in NAT
proof let x, y, z be set such that x in NAT & y in NAT & z in NAT and
A1: [x,y] in NATOrd and
A2: [y,z] in NATOrd;
    consider x1,y1 being Element of NAT such that
A3: [x,y] = [x1,y1] and
A4: x1 <= y1 by A1,Def14;
A5: x = x1 & y = y1 by A3,ZFMISC_1:33;
    consider y2, z2 being Element of NAT such that
A6: [y,z] = [y2,z2] and
A7: y2 <= z2 by A2,Def14;
A8: y = y2 & z = z2 by A6,ZFMISC_1:33; then x1 <= z2 by A4,A5,A7,AXIOMS:22;
    hence [x,z] in NATOrd by A5,A8,Def14;

  func OrderedNAT -> non empty RelStr equals :Def15:
    RelStr(# NAT, NATOrd #);

Lm2: now now let x, y be Element of OrderedNAT;
        assume not (x <= y);
        then not [x,y] in NATOrd by Def15,ORDERS_1:def 9;
        then [y,x] in NATOrd by Def15,Th46,RELAT_2:def 7;
        hence (y <= x) by Def15,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    hence OrderedNAT is connected by WAYBEL_0:def 29;

  cluster OrderedNAT -> connected;
coherence by Lm2;
  cluster OrderedNAT -> Dickson;
coherence proof
    set IR' = the InternalRel of OrderedNAT\~,CR' =the carrier of OrderedNAT\~;
A1:  OrderedNAT\~ = RelStr(# NAT, NATOrd\~ #) by Def7,Def15;
      now let N be set such that
    A2: N c= CR' and
    A3: N <> {};
         consider k being set such that
    A4: k in N by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 1;
        defpred P[Nat] means $1 in N;
    A5: ex k being Nat st P[k] by A1,A2,A4;
        consider m being Nat such that
    A6: P[m] and
    A7: for n being Nat st P[n] holds m <= n from Min(A5);
        reconsider m as Element of OrderedNAT by Def15;
        thus ex m being set st m in N & IR'-Seg(m) misses N proof
            take m;
            thus m in N by A6;
              now assume IR'-Seg(m) /\ N <> {};
                then consider z being set such that
            A8: z in IR'-Seg(m) /\ N by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
            A9: z in IR'-Seg(m) & z in N by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
            then A10: z <> m & [z,m] in IR' by WELLORD1:def 1;
                then [z,m] in NATOrd \ NATOrd~ by A1,Def6;
                then [z,m] in NATOrd by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
                then consider x,y being Element of NAT such that
            A11: [z,m] = [x,y] and
            A12: x <= y by Def14;
            A13: [x,y] in NATOrd by A12,Def14;
            A14: z = x & m = y by A11,ZFMISC_1:33;
                then y <= x by A7,A9;
                then [y,x] in NATOrd by Def14;
                hence contradiction by A10,A13,A14,Th45,RELAT_2:def 4;
            hence IR'-Seg(m) misses N by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
    then IR' is_well_founded_in CR' by WELLORD1:def 3;
    then OrderedNAT\~ is well_founded by WELLFND1:def 2;
    hence OrderedNAT is Dickson by Lm2,Th28;
  cluster OrderedNAT -> quasi_ordered;
coherence proof
A15: OrderedNAT is reflexive by Def15,Th44,ORDERS_1:def 4;
      OrderedNAT is transitive by Def15,Th47,ORDERS_1:def 5;
    hence OrderedNAT is quasi_ordered by A15,Def3;
  cluster OrderedNAT -> antisymmetric;
coherence by Def15,Th45,ORDERS_1:def 6;
  cluster OrderedNAT -> transitive;
coherence by Def15,Th47,ORDERS_1:def 5;
  cluster OrderedNAT -> well_founded;
coherence proof
   set ir = the InternalRel of OrderedNAT;
     now given f being sequence of OrderedNAT such that
   A16: f is descending;
   A17: dom f = NAT by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       reconsider rf = rng f as non empty Subset of NAT by Def15;
       set m = min rf;
         m in rng f by CQC_SIM1:def 8; then consider d being set such that
   A18: d in dom f & m = f.d by FUNCT_1:def 5;
       reconsider d as Nat by A18;
   A19: f.(d+1) <> f.d & [f.(d+1),f.d] in ir by A16,WELLFND1:def 7;
        then consider x, y being Element of NAT such that
   A20:  [f.(d+1),f.d] = [x,y] and
   A21:  x <= y by Def14,Def15;
        reconsider fd1 = f.(d+1), fd = f.d as Nat by Def15;
          f.(d+1) = x & f.d = y by A20,ZFMISC_1:33;
   then A22:  fd1 < fd by A19,A21,REAL_1:def 5;
          f.(d+1) in rf by A17,FUNCT_1:12;
    hence contradiction by A18,A22,CQC_SIM1:def 8;
 hence thesis by WELLFND1:15;

Lm3: now
  let n be Nat; set pp = product (n --> OrderedNAT);
  per cases;
  suppose n is empty;
   hence pp is non empty & pp is Dickson & pp is quasi_ordered &
          pp is antisymmetric by Lm1;
  suppose n is non empty; then reconsider n' = n as non empty Nat;
      set p = (n' --> OrderedNAT);
        product p is non empty;
    hence product (n --> OrderedNAT) is non empty;
    for i being Element of n'
      holds p.i is Dickson & p.i is quasi_ordered by FUNCOP_1:13;
    hence product (n --> OrderedNAT) is Dickson &
          product (n --> OrderedNAT) is quasi_ordered by Th43;
           product p is antisymmetric;
    hence product (n --> OrderedNAT) is antisymmetric;

definition :: 4.48 Dickson's Lemma
 let n be Nat;
 cluster product (n --> OrderedNAT) -> non empty;
 coherence by Lm3;
 cluster product (n --> OrderedNAT) -> Dickson;
 coherence by Lm3;
 cluster product (n --> OrderedNAT) -> quasi_ordered;
 coherence by Lm3;
 cluster product (n --> OrderedNAT) -> antisymmetric;
 coherence by Lm3;

theorem :: Proposition 4.49, in B&W proven without axiom of choice (4.46)
  for M be RelStr
 st M is Dickson & M is quasi_ordered
  holds [:M,OrderedNAT:] is quasi_ordered & [:M,OrderedNAT:] is Dickson
    by Th38;

:: Omitting Exercise 4.50

theorem Th49: :: Lemma 4.51
for R, S being non empty RelStr
 st R is Dickson & R is quasi_ordered & S is quasi_ordered &
    the InternalRel of R c= the InternalRel of S &
    (the carrier of R) = (the carrier of S)
  holds S\~ is well_founded
    let R, S be non empty RelStr such that
A1: R is Dickson & R is quasi_ordered and
A2: S is quasi_ordered and
A3: the InternalRel of R c= the InternalRel of S and
A4: the carrier of R = the carrier of S;
      S is Dickson by A1,A3,A4,Th29;
    hence S\~ is well_founded by A2,Th34;

theorem :: Lemma 4.52
  for R being non empty RelStr st R is quasi_ordered
 holds R is Dickson iff
       for S being non empty RelStr
        st S is quasi_ordered & the InternalRel of R c= the InternalRel of S &
           the carrier of R = the carrier of S
         holds S\~ is well_founded
    let R be non empty RelStr such that
A1: R is quasi_ordered;
A2: R is reflexive & R is transitive by A1,Def3;
    set IR = the InternalRel of R, CR = the carrier of R;

    thus R is Dickson implies
        for S being non empty RelStr st
          S is quasi_ordered & IR c= the InternalRel of S &
          CR = the carrier of S
         holds S\~ is well_founded by A1,Th49;
    assume A3: for S being non empty RelStr
                st S is quasi_ordered &
                     IR c= the InternalRel of S &
                     CR = the carrier of S
                holds S\~ is well_founded;
      now assume not R is Dickson;
        then not (for N being non empty Subset of R
        holds min-classes N is finite & min-classes N is non empty)
         by A1,Th33;
        then consider f being sequence of R such that
    A4: for i,j being Nat st i < j holds not f.i <= f.j by A1,Th32;
        defpred P[set,set] means
         [$1,$2] in IR or ex i,j being Element of NAT st i < j &
          [$1, f.j] in IR & [f.i, $2] in IR;
        consider QOE being Relation of CR,CR such that
    A5: for x,y being set holds [x,y] in QOE iff x in CR & y in CR & P[x,y]
        from Rel_On_Set_Ex;
        set S = RelStr(# CR, QOE #);
          now let x,y be set such that
        A6: [x,y] in IR;
        A7: x in dom IR by A6,RELAT_1:def 4;
              y in rng IR by A6,RELAT_1:def 5;
            hence [x,y] in QOE by A5,A6,A7;
    then A8: IR c= the InternalRel of S by RELAT_1:def 3;
    A9: IR is_reflexive_in CR by A2,ORDERS_1:def 4;
          now let x be set such that
        A10: x in CR;
              [x,x] in IR by A9,A10,RELAT_2:def 1;
            hence [x,x] in QOE by A5,A10;
        then QOE is_reflexive_in CR by RELAT_2:def 1;
    then A11: S is reflexive by ORDERS_1:def 4;
    A12: IR is_transitive_in CR by A2,ORDERS_1:def 5;
          now let x,y,z be set such that
        A13: x in CR & y in CR & z in CR and
        A14: [x,y] in QOE & [y,z] in QOE;
              now per cases by A5,A14;
                suppose A15: [x,y] in IR;
                      now per cases by A5,A14;
                        suppose [y,z] in IR;
                            then [x,z] in IR by A12,A13,A15,RELAT_2:def 8;
                            hence [x,z] in QOE by A5,A13;
                        suppose (ex i,j being Element of NAT
                                 st i<j & [y,f.j] in IR & [f.i, z] in IR);
                            then consider i,j being Element of NAT such that
                        A16: i < j & [y,f.j] in IR & [f.i, z] in IR;
                              [x,f.j] in IR by A12,A13,A15,A16,RELAT_2:def 8;
                            hence [x,z] in QOE by A5,A13,A16;
                    hence [x,z] in QOE;
                suppose (ex i,j being Element of NAT
                         st i < j & [x, f.j] in IR & [f.i, y] in IR);
                         then consider i, j being Element of NAT such that
                    A17: i < j & [x, f.j] in IR & [f.i, y] in IR;
                      now per cases by A5,A14;
                        suppose [y,z] in IR;
                            then [f.i, z] in IR by A12,A13,A17,RELAT_2:def 8;
                            hence [x,z] in QOE by A5,A13,A17;
                        suppose (ex a,b being Element of NAT
                                  st a<b & [y,f.b] in IR & [f.a,z] in IR);
                            then consider a,b being Element of NAT such that
                        A18: a < b & [y,f.b] in IR & [f.a, z] in IR;
                              [f.i, f.b] in IR by A12,A13,A17,A18,RELAT_2:def 8
                            then f.i <= f.b by ORDERS_1:def 9;
                            then not i < b by A4;
                            then a <= i by A18,AXIOMS:22;
                            then a < j by A17,AXIOMS:22;
                            hence [x,z] in QOE by A5,A13,A17,A18;
                    hence [x,z] in QOE;
            hence [x,z] in QOE;
        then QOE is_transitive_in CR by RELAT_2:def 8;
        then S is transitive by ORDERS_1:def 5;
        then S is quasi_ordered by A11,Def3;
        then A19: S\~ is well_founded by A3,A8;
    A20: S\~ = RelStr(# CR, QOE\~ #) by Def7;
        then reconsider f'=f as sequence of S\~ by NORMSP_1:def 3;
          now let n be Nat;
        A21: n < n+1 by NAT_1:38;
            then not f.n <= f.(n+1) by A4;
        then A22: not [f.n, f.(n+1)] in IR by ORDERS_1:def 9;
            hence f'.(n+1) <> f'.n by A9,RELAT_2:def 1;
        A23: f'.(n+1) in CR & f'.n in CR by FUNCT_2:7;
            then A24: [f'.(n+1), f'.(n+1)] in IR & [f'.n, f'.n] in IR
             by A9,RELAT_2:def 1;
              now assume [f'.n, f'.(n+1)] in QOE;
                then ex i,j being Element of NAT st i < j &
                [f'.n, f.j] in IR & [f.i, f'.(n+1)] in IR by A5,A22;
                then consider l,k being Element of NAT such that
            A25: k < l and
            A26: [f'.n, f.l] in IR & [f.k, f'.(n+1)] in IR;
                  f.n <= f.l & f.k <= f.(n+1) by A26,ORDERS_1:def 9;
            then A27: l <= n & n+1 <= k by A4;
                then l < n+1 by NAT_1:38;
                hence contradiction by A25,A27,AXIOMS:22;
            then [f'.(n+1),f'.n] in QOE & not [f'.(n+1),f'.n] in QOE~
             by A5,A21,A23,A24,RELAT_1:def 7;
            then [f'.(n+1), f'.n] in QOE \ QOE~ by XBOOLE_0:def 4;
            hence [f'.(n+1), f'.n] in the InternalRel of S\~
              by A20,Def6;
        then f' is descending by WELLFND1:def 7;
        hence contradiction by A19,WELLFND1:15;
    hence R is Dickson;

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