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environ vocabulary RELAT_2, ALTCAT_1, BOOLE, CAT_1, PBOOLE, FUNCT_1, RELAT_1, PRALG_1, BINOP_1, MCART_1, ALTCAT_2, FUNCTOR0, MSUALG_6, SGRAPH1, MSUALG_3, WELLORD1, ISOCAT_1, NATTRA_1, QC_LANG1, ALTCAT_3, OPPCAT_1, CAT_3, FUNCT_2, FUNCT_5, SEQ_1, COMMACAT, PROB_1, CARD_3, YELLOW18; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, NUMBERS, RELAT_1, RELSET_1, FUNCT_1, PARTFUN1, FUNCT_2, PROB_1, MCART_1, ZF_FUND1, BINOP_1, MULTOP_1, CARD_3, STRUCT_0, FUNCT_5, PBOOLE, PRALG_1, MSUALG_1, MSUALG_3, FUNCT_3, COMMACAT, ALTCAT_1, ALTCAT_2, FUNCTOR0, ALTCAT_3, FUNCTOR2, FUNCTOR3; constructors ZF_FUND1, WAYBEL_1, CAT_5, ALTCAT_3, FUNCTOR3, PROB_1, MEMBERED; clusters SUBSET_1, RELSET_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, PRALG_1, STRUCT_0, MSUALG_1, ALTCAT_1, ALTCAT_2, FUNCTOR0, FUNCTOR2, ALTCAT_4, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1, FUNCT_2, NUMBERS, ORDINAL2; requirements SUBSET, BOOLE; definitions TARSKI, FUNCT_1, MSUALG_3, ALTCAT_2, ALTCAT_1, ALTCAT_3, FUNCTOR0, FUNCTOR2, FUNCTOR3, FUNCT_2, XBOOLE_0; theorems ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, PBOOLE, RELSET_1, MSUALG_1, FUNCT_2, FUNCT_3, BINOP_1, MULTOP_1, ALTCAT_1, FUNCT_5, CARD_3, MCART_1, COMMACAT, TARSKI, YELLOW16, FUNCTOR0, FUNCT_4, FUNCTOR1, FUNCTOR2, FUNCTOR3, MSUALG_3, ALTCAT_2, PRALG_3, ALTCAT_3, XBOOLE_1; schemes FUNCT_1, CARD_3, ALTCAT_1, ZFREFLE1, PRALG_2, MSSUBFAM, COMPTS_1, XBOOLE_0; begin :: <section1>Definability of categories and functors</section1> scheme AltCatStrLambda { A() -> non empty set, B(set,set) -> set, C(set,set,set,set,set) -> set }: ex C being strict non empty transitive AltCatStr st the carrier of C = A() & (for a,b being object of C holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b)) & (for a,b,c being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g)) provided A1: for a,b,c being Element of A(), f,g being set st f in B(a,b) & g in B(b,c) holds C(a,b,c,f,g) in B(a,c) proof deffunc b(set,set) = B($1,$2); consider B being ManySortedSet of [:A(), A():] such that A2: for a,b being Element of A() holds B.(a,b) = b(a,b) from MSSLambda2D; defpred P[set,set] means ex a,b,c being Element of A(), F being Function of {|B,B|}.(a,b,c), {|B|}.(a,b,c) st $1 = [a,b,c] & $2 = F & for f,g being set st f in B(a,b) & g in B(b,c) holds F.[g,f] = C(a,b,c,f,g); A3: for i being set st i in [:A(), A(), A():] ex j being set st P[i,j] proof let i be set; assume i in [:A(), A(), A():]; then consider a,b,c being set such that A4: a in A() & b in A() & c in A() & i = [a,b,c] by MCART_1:72; reconsider a,b,c as Element of A() by A4; defpred P[set,set] means ex f,g being set st $1 = [g,f] & $2 = C(a,b,c,f,g); A5: for x being set st x in [:B(b,c), B(a,b):] ex y being set st y in B(a,c) & P[x, y] proof let x be set; assume x in [:B(b,c), B(a,b):]; then consider x1, x2 being set such that A6: x1 in B(b,c) & x2 in B(a,b) & x = [x1,x2] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; take y = C(a,b,c,x2,x1); thus y in B(a,c) by A1,A6; thus thesis by A6; end; consider F being Function such that A7: dom F = [:B(b,c), B(a,b):] & rng F c= B(a,c) and A8: for x being set st x in [:B(b,c), B(a,b):] holds P[x, F.x] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A5); B.(a,b) = B(a,b) & B.(b,c) = B(b,c) & B.(a,c) = B(a,c) by A2; then {|B,B|}.(a,b,c) = [:B(b,c), B(a,b):] & {|B|}.(a,b,c) = B(a,c) by ALTCAT_1:def 5,def 6; then reconsider F as Function of {|B,B|}.(a,b,c), {|B|}.(a,b,c) by A7,FUNCT_2:4; take j = F, a, b, c, F; thus i = [a,b,c] & j = F by A4; let f,g be set; assume f in B(a,b) & g in B(b,c); then [g,f] in [:B(b,c), B(a,b):] by ZFMISC_1:106; then consider f',g' being set such that A9: [g,f] = [g',f'] & F.[g,f] = C(a,b,c,f',g') by A8; g = g' & f = f' by A9,ZFMISC_1:33; hence thesis by A9; end; consider C being Function such that A10: dom C = [:A(), A(), A():] and A11: for i being set st i in [:A(), A(), A():] holds P[i, C.i] from NonUniqFuncEx(A3); reconsider C as ManySortedSet of [:A(), A(), A():] by A10,PBOOLE:def 3; now let i be set; assume i in [:A(), A(), A():]; then consider a,b,c being Element of A(), F being Function of {|B,B|}.(a,b,c), {|B|}.(a,b,c) such that A12: i = [a,b,c] & C.i = F and for f,g being set st f in B(a,b) & g in B(b,c) holds F.[g,f] = C(a,b,c,f,g) by A11; {|B|}.(a,b,c) = {|B|}.i & {|B,B|}.(a,b,c) = {|B,B|}.i by A12,MULTOP_1:def 1; hence C.i is Function of {|B,B|}.i, {|B|}.i by A12; end; then reconsider C as ManySortedFunction of {|B,B|}, {|B|} by MSUALG_1:def 2; set alt = AltCatStr (# A(), B, C #); A13: now let a,b be object of alt; thus <^a,b^> = B.(a,b) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= B(a,b) by A2; end; alt is transitive proof let o1,o2,o3 be object of alt; reconsider a = o1, b = o2, c = o3 as Element of A(); consider f being Element of <^o1,o2^>, g being Element of <^o2,o3^>; assume <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {}; then f in <^o1,o2^> & g in <^o2,o3^>; then f in B(a,b) & g in B(b,c) by A13; then C(a,b,c,f,g) in B(a,c) by A1; hence <^o1,o3^> <> {} by A13; end; then reconsider alt as strict transitive non empty AltCatStr; take alt; thus the carrier of alt = A(); thus for a,b being object of alt holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b) by A13; let a,b,c be object of alt such that A14: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {}; [a,b,c] in [:A(), A(), A():] by MCART_1:73; then consider a',b',c' being Element of A(), F being Function of {|B,B|}.(a',b',c'), {|B|}.(a',b',c') such that A15: [a,b,c] = [a',b',c'] & C.[a,b,c] = F and A16: for f,g being set st f in B(a',b') & g in B(b',c') holds F.[g,f] = C(a',b',c',f,g) by A11; A17: a = a' & b = b' & c = c' by A15,MCART_1:28; let f be Morphism of a,b, g be Morphism of b,c; <^a,b^> = B(a,b) & <^b,c^> = B(b,c) by A13; then A18: F.[g,f] = C(a,b,c,f,g) by A14,A16,A17; thus g*f = (the Comp of alt).(a,b,c).(g,f) by A14,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= F.(g,f) by A15,MULTOP_1:def 1 .= C(a,b,c,f,g) by A18,BINOP_1:def 1; end; scheme CatAssocSch { A() -> non empty transitive AltCatStr, C(set,set,set,set,set) -> set }: A() is associative provided A1: for a,b,c being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g) and A2: for a,b,c,d being object of A(), f,g,h being set st f in <^a,b^> & g in <^b,c^> & h in <^c,d^> holds C(a,c,d,C(a,b,c,f,g),h) = C(a,b,d,f,C(b,c,d,g,h)) proof let i,j,k,l be Element of A(); set alt = A(), IT = the Comp of alt; set B = the Arrows of alt; reconsider i' = i, j' = j, k' = k, l' = l as object of alt ; let f,g,h be set such that A3: f in B.(i,j) and A4: g in B.(j,k) and A5: h in B.(k,l); A6: B.(i,j) = <^i',j'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider f' = f as Morphism of i', j' by A3; A7: B.(j,k) = <^j',k'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider g' = g as Morphism of j', k' by A4; A8: B.(k,l) = <^k',l'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider h' = h as Morphism of k', l' by A5; A9: <^i',k'^> <> {} & <^j',l'^> <> {} by A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,ALTCAT_1:def 4; thus IT.(i,k,l).(h,IT.(i,j,k).(g,f)) = IT.(i,k,l).(h,g'*f') by A3,A4,A6,A7,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= h'*(g'*f') by A5,A8,A9,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= C(i,k,l,g'*f',h') by A1,A5,A8,A9 .= C(i,k,l,C(i,j,k,f,g),h) by A1,A3,A4,A6,A7 .= C(i',j',l',f,C(j',k',l',g,h)) by A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8 .= C(i',j',l',f,h'*g') by A1,A4,A5,A7,A8 .= (h'*g')*f' by A1,A3,A6,A9 .= IT.(i,j,l).(h'*g',f) by A3,A6,A9,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= IT.(i,j,l).(IT.(j,k,l).(h,g),f) by A4,A5,A7,A8,ALTCAT_1:def 10; end; scheme CatUnitsSch { A() -> non empty transitive AltCatStr, C(set,set,set,set,set) -> set }: A() is with_units provided A1: for a,b,c being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g) and A2: for a being object of A() ex f being set st f in <^a,a^> & for b being object of A(), g being set st g in <^a,b^> holds C(a,a,b,f,g) = g and A3: for a being object of A() ex f being set st f in <^a,a^> & for b being object of A(), g being set st g in <^b,a^> holds C(b,a,a,g,f) = g proof set alt = A(), IT = the Comp of alt, I = the carrier of alt; set G = the Arrows of alt; hereby let j be Element of I; reconsider j' = j as object of alt; consider f be set such that A4: f in <^j',j'^> and A5: for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in <^b,j'^> holds C(b,j',j',g,f) = g by A3; take f; thus f in G.(j,j) by A4,ALTCAT_1:def 2; let i be Element of I, g be set such that A6: g in G.(i,j); reconsider i' = i as object of alt; A7: G.(i,j) = <^i',j'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then A8: C(i,j,j,g,f) = g by A5,A6; reconsider f' = f as Morphism of j',j' by A4; reconsider g' = g as Morphism of i',j' by A6,A7; thus IT.(i,j,j).(f,g) = f'*g' by A4,A6,A7,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= g by A1,A4,A6,A7,A8; end; let i be Element of I; reconsider i' = i as object of alt; consider e being set such that A9: e in <^i',i'^> and A10: for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in <^i',b^> holds C(i,i,b,e,g) = g by A2; take e; thus e in G.(i,i) by A9,ALTCAT_1:def 2; reconsider e' = e as Morphism of i',i' by A9; let j be Element of I, f be set such that A11: f in G.(i,j); reconsider j' = j as object of alt; A12: G.(i,j) = <^i',j'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then A13: C(i,i,j,e,f) = f by A10,A11; reconsider f' = f as Morphism of i', j' by A11,A12; thus IT.(i,i,j).(f,e) = f'*e' by A9,A11,A12,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= f by A1,A9,A11,A12,A13; end; scheme CategoryLambda { A() -> non empty set, B(set,set) -> set, C(set,set,set,set,set) -> set }: ex C being strict category st the carrier of C = A() & (for a,b being object of C holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b)) & (for a,b,c being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g)) provided A1: for a,b,c being Element of A(), f,g being set st f in B(a,b) & g in B(b,c) holds C(a,b,c,f,g) in B(a,c) and A2: for a,b,c,d being Element of A(), f,g,h being set st f in B(a,b) & g in B(b,c) & h in B(c,d) holds C(a,c,d,C(a,b,c,f,g),h) = C(a,b,d,f,C(b,c,d,g,h)) and A3: for a being Element of A() ex f being set st f in B(a,a) & for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in B(a,b) holds C(a,a,b,f,g) = g and A4: for a being Element of A() ex f being set st f in B(a,a) & for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in B(b,a) holds C(b,a,a,g,f) = g proof deffunc b(set,set) = B($1,$2); deffunc c(set,set,set,set,set) = C($1,$2,$3,$4,$5); A5: for a,b,c being Element of A(), f,g being set st f in b(a,b) & g in b(b,c) holds c(a,b,c,f,g) in b(a,c) by A1; consider C being strict non empty transitive AltCatStr such that A6: the carrier of C = A() and A7: for a,b being object of C holds <^a,b^> = b(a,b) and A8: for a,b,c being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = c(a,b,c,f,g) from AltCatStrLambda(A5); A9: for a,b,c,d being object of C, f,g,h being set st f in <^a,b^> & g in <^b,c^> & h in <^c,d^> holds c(a,c,d,c(a,b,c,f,g),h) = c(a,b,d,f,c(b,c,d,g,h)) proof let a,b,c,d be object of C, f,g,h be set such that A10: f in <^a,b^> & g in <^b,c^> & h in <^c,d^>; <^a,b^> = B(a,b) & <^b,c^> = B(b,c) & <^c,d^> = B(c,d) by A7; hence C(a,c,d,C(a,b,c,f,g),h) = C(a,b,d,f,C(b,c,d,g,h)) by A2,A6,A10; end; A11: for a being object of C ex f being set st f in <^a,a^> & for b being object of C, g being set st g in <^a,b^> holds c(a,a,b,f,g) = g proof let a be object of C; consider f being set such that A12: f in B(a,a) and A13: for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in B(a,b) holds C(a,a,b,f,g) = g by A3,A6; take f; thus f in <^a,a^> by A7,A12; let b be object of C; <^a,b^> = B(a,b) by A7; hence thesis by A6,A13; end; A14: for a being object of C ex f being set st f in <^a,a^> & for b being object of C, g being set st g in <^b,a^> holds c(b,a,a,g,f) = g proof let a be object of C; consider f being set such that A15: f in B(a,a) and A16: for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in B(b,a) holds C(b,a,a,g,f) = g by A4,A6; take f; thus f in <^a,a^> by A7,A15; let b be object of C; <^b,a^> = B(b,a) by A7; hence thesis by A6,A16; end; A17: C is associative from CatAssocSch(A8,A9); C is with_units from CatUnitsSch(A8,A11,A14); hence thesis by A6,A7,A8,A17; end; scheme CategoryLambdaUniq { A() -> non empty set, B(set,set) -> set, C(set,set,set,set,set) -> set }: for C1,C2 being non empty transitive AltCatStr st the carrier of C1 = A() & (for a,b being object of C1 holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b)) & (for a,b,c being object of C1 st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g)) & the carrier of C2 = A() & (for a,b being object of C2 holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b)) & (for a,b,c being object of C2 st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g)) holds the AltCatStr of C1 = the AltCatStr of C2 proof let C1,C2 be non empty transitive AltCatStr such that A1: the carrier of C1 = A() and A2: for a,b being object of C1 holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b) and A3: for a,b,c being object of C1 st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g) and A4: the carrier of C2 = A() and A5: for a,b being object of C2 holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b) and A6: for a,b,c being object of C2 st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g); now let i be set; assume i in [:A(),A():]; then consider a,b being set such that A7: a in A() & b in A() & i = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b as object of C1 by A1,A7; reconsider a2 = a, b2 = b as object of C2 by A4,A7; thus (the Arrows of C1).i = (the Arrows of C1).(a1,b1) by A7,BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^a1,b1^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= B(a1,b1) by A2 .= <^a2,b2^>by A5 .= (the Arrows of C2).(a2,b2) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of C2).i by A7,BINOP_1:def 1; end; then A8: the Arrows of C1 = the Arrows of C2 by A1,A4,PBOOLE:3; now let i be set; assume i in [:A(), A(), A():]; then consider a,b,c being set such that A9: a in A() & b in A() & c in A() & i = [a,b,c] by MCART_1:72; reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b, c1 = c as object of C1 by A1,A9; reconsider a2 = a, b2 = b, c2 = c as object of C2 by A4,A9; A10: (the Comp of C1).i = (the Comp of C1).(a1,b1,c1) & (the Comp of C2).i = (the Comp of C2).(a2,b2,c2) by A9,MULTOP_1:def 1; A11: <^a1,b1^> = (the Arrows of C1).(a1,b1) & <^a2,b2^> = (the Arrows of C2).(a2,b2) by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A12: <^b1,c1^> = (the Arrows of C1).(b1,c1) & <^b2,c2^> = (the Arrows of C2).(b2,c2) by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A13: <^a1,c1^> = (the Arrows of C1).(a1,c1) & <^a2,c2^> = (the Arrows of C2).(a2,c2) by ALTCAT_1:def 2; now assume [:<^b1,c1^>, <^a1,b1^>:] <> {}; then <^b1,c1^> <> {} & <^a1,b1^> <> {} by ZFMISC_1:113; hence <^a1,c1^> <> {} by ALTCAT_1:def 4; end; then A14: dom ((the Comp of C1).(a1,b1,c1)) = [:<^b1,c1^>, <^a1,b1^>:] & dom ((the Comp of C2).(a2,b2,c2)) = [:<^b1,c1^>, <^a1,b1^>:] by A8,A11,A12,A13,FUNCT_2:def 1; now let j be set; assume j in [:<^b1,c1^>, <^a1,b1^>:]; then consider j1,j2 being set such that A15: j1 in <^b1,c1^> & j2 in <^a1,b1^> and A16: j = [j1,j2] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider j1 as Morphism of b1,c1 by A15; reconsider j2 as Morphism of a1,b1 by A15; reconsider f1 = j1 as Morphism of b2,c2 by A8,A12; reconsider f2 = j2 as Morphism of a2,b2 by A8,A11; thus (the Comp of C1).(a1,b1,c1).j = (the Comp of C1).(a1,b1,c1).(j1,j2) by A16,BINOP_1:def 1 .= j1*j2 by A15,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= C(a1,b1,c1,j2,j1) by A3,A15 .= f1*f2 by A6,A8,A11,A12,A15 .= (the Comp of C2).(a2,b2,c2).(f1,f2) by A8,A11,A12,A15,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= (the Comp of C2).(a2,b2,c2).j by A16,BINOP_1:def 1; end; hence (the Comp of C1).i = (the Comp of C2).i by A10,A14,FUNCT_1:9; end; hence thesis by A1,A4,A8,PBOOLE:3; end; scheme CategoryQuasiLambda { A() -> non empty set, P[set,set,set], B(set,set) -> set, C(set,set,set,set,set) -> set }: ex C being strict category st the carrier of C = A() & (for a,b being object of C for f being set holds f in <^a,b^> iff f in B(a,b) & P[a,b,f]) & (for a,b,c being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g)) provided A1: for a,b,c being Element of A(), f,g being set st f in B(a,b) & P[a,b,f] & g in B(b,c) & P[b,c,g] holds C(a,b,c,f,g) in B(a,c) & P[a,c, C(a,b,c,f,g)] and A2: for a,b,c,d being Element of A(), f,g,h being set st f in B(a,b) & P[a,b,f] & g in B(b,c) & P[b,c,g] & h in B(c,d) & P[c,d,h] holds C(a,c,d,C(a,b,c,f,g),h) = C(a,b,d,f,C(b,c,d,g,h)) and A3: for a being Element of A() ex f being set st f in B(a,a) & P[a,a,f] & for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in B(a,b) & P[a,b,g] holds C(a,a,b,f,g) = g and A4: for a being Element of A() ex f being set st f in B(a,a) & P[a,a,f] & for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in B(b,a) & P[b,a,g] holds C(b,a,a,g,f) = g proof deffunc F(set) = B($1`1,$1`2); defpred Q[set,set] means P[$1`1,$1`2,$2]; deffunc c(set,set,set,set,set) = C($1,$2,$3,$4,$5); consider P being Function such that dom P = [:A(),A():] and A5: for i being set st i in [:A(),A():] for x being set holds x in P.i iff x in F(i) & Q[i,x] from FuncSeparation; deffunc b(set,set) = P.($1,$2); A6: now let a,b be Element of A(); let x be set; [a,b]`1 = a & [a,b]`2 = b & P.[a,b] = P.(a,b) & [a,b] in [:A(),A():] by BINOP_1:def 1,MCART_1:7,ZFMISC_1:def 2; hence x in P.(a,b) iff x in B(a,b) & P[a,b,x] by A5; end; A7: now let a,b,c be Element of A(), f,g be set; assume f in b(a,b) & g in b(b,c); then f in B(a,b) & P[a,b,f] & g in B(b,c) & P[b,c,g] by A6; then C(a,b,c,f,g) in B(a,c) & P[a,c, C(a,b,c,f,g)] by A1; hence c(a,b,c,f,g) in b(a,c) by A6; end; A8: now let a,b,c,d be Element of A(), f,g,h be set; assume f in b(a,b) & g in b(b,c) & h in b(c,d); then f in B(a,b) & P[a,b,f] & g in B(b,c) & P[b,c,g] & h in B(c,d) & P[c,d,h] by A6; hence c(a,c,d,c(a,b,c,f,g),h) = c(a,b,d,f,c(b,c,d,g,h)) by A2; end; A9: now let a be Element of A(); consider f being set such that A10: f in B(a,a) & P[a,a,f] and A11: for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in B(a,b) & P[a,b,g] holds C(a,a,b,f,g) = g by A3; take f; thus f in b(a,a) by A6,A10; let b be Element of A(), g be set; assume g in b(a,b); then g in B(a,b) & P[a,b,g] by A6; hence c(a,a,b,f,g) = g by A11; end; A12: now let a be Element of A(); consider f being set such that A13: f in B(a,a) & P[a,a,f] and A14: for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in B(b,a) & P[b,a,g] holds C(b,a,a,g,f) = g by A4; take f; thus f in b(a,a) by A6,A13; let b be Element of A(), g be set; assume g in b(b,a); then g in B(b,a) & P[b,a,g] by A6; hence c(b,a,a,g,f) = g by A14; end; consider C being strict category such that A15: the carrier of C = A() and A16: for a,b being object of C holds <^a,b^> = b(a,b) and A17: for a,b,c being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = c(a,b,c,f,g) from CategoryLambda(A7,A8,A9,A12); take C; thus the carrier of C = A() by A15; hereby let a,b be object of C, f be set; <^a,b^> = P.(a,b) by A16; hence f in <^a,b^> iff f in B(a,b) & P[a,b,f] by A6,A15; end; thus thesis by A17; end; definition let f be Function-yielding Function; let a,b,c be set; cluster f.(a,b,c) -> Relation-like Function-like; coherence proof f.(a,b,c) = f.[a,b,c] by MULTOP_1:def 1; hence thesis; end; end; scheme SubcategoryEx { A() -> category, P[set], Q[set,set,set]}: ex B being strict non empty subcategory of A() st (for a being object of A() holds a is object of B iff P[a]) & (for a,b being object of A(), a',b' being object of B st a' = a & b' = b & <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds f in <^a',b'^> iff Q[a,b,f]) provided A1: ex a being object of A() st P[a] and A2: for a,b,c being object of A() st P[a] & P[b] & P[c] & <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c st Q[a,b,f] & Q[b,c,g] holds Q[a,c,g*f] and A3: for a being object of A() st P[a] holds Q[a,a, idm a] proof defpred p[set] means P[$1]; defpred q[set,set,set] means Q[$1,$2,$3]; consider X being set such that A4: for x being set holds x in X iff x in the carrier of A() & p[x] from Separation; consider a0 being object of A() such that A5: P[a0] by A1; reconsider X as non empty set by A4,A5; A6: X c= the carrier of A() proof let x be set; thus thesis by A4; end; deffunc B(set,set) = (the Arrows of A()).($1,$2); deffunc C(set,set,set,set,set) = (the Comp of A()).($1,$2,$3).($5,$4); A7: now let a,b,c be Element of X, f,g be set such that A8: f in B(a,b) & q[a,b,f] and A9: g in B(b,c) & q[b,c,g]; a in the carrier of A() & b in the carrier of A() & c in the carrier of A() by A4; then reconsider a' = a, b' = b, c' = c as object of A(); A10: B(a,b) = <^a',b'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider f' = f as Morphism of a', b' by A8; A11: B(b,c) = <^b',c'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider g' = g as Morphism of b', c' by A9; A12: C(a,b,c,f,g) = g'*f' & B(a,c) = <^a',c'^> & <^a',c'^> <> {} by A8,A9,A10,A11,ALTCAT_1:def 2,def 4,def 10; hence C(a,b,c,f,g) in B(a,c); P[a'] & P[b'] & P[c'] by A4; hence q[a,c, C(a,b,c,f,g)] by A2,A8,A9,A10,A11,A12; end; A13: now let a,b,c,d be Element of X, f,g,h being set such that A14: f in B(a,b) & q[a,b,f] and A15: g in B(b,c) & q[b,c,g] and A16: h in B(c,d) & q[c,d,h]; a in the carrier of A() & b in the carrier of A() & c in the carrier of A() & d in the carrier of A() by A4; then reconsider a' = a, b' = b, c' = c, d' = d as object of A() ; A17: B(a,b) = <^a',b'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider f' = f as Morphism of a', b' by A14; A18: B(b,c) = <^b',c'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider g' = g as Morphism of b', c' by A15; A19: B(c,d) = <^c',d'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider h' = h as Morphism of c', d' by A16; A20: <^a',c'^> <> {} & <^b',d'^> <> {} by A14,A15,A16,A17,A18,A19,ALTCAT_1: def 4; thus C(a,c,d,C(a,b,c,f,g),h) = C(a',c',d',g'*f',h) by A14,A15,A17,A18,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= h'*(g'*f') by A16,A19,A20,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= h'*g'*f' by A14,A15,A16,A17,A18,A19,ALTCAT_1:25 .= C(a,b,d,f,h'*g') by A14,A17,A20,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= C(a,b,d,f,C(b,c,d,g,h)) by A15,A16,A18,A19,ALTCAT_1:def 10; end; A21: now let a be Element of X; a in the carrier of A() by A4; then reconsider b = a as object of A(); reconsider f = idm b as set; take f; B(a,a) = <^b,b^> & P[b] by A4,ALTCAT_1:def 2; hence f in B(a,a) & q[a,a,f] by A3; let c be Element of X, g be set such that A23: g in B(a,c) & q[a,c,g]; c in the carrier of A() by A4; then reconsider d = c as object of A(); A24: B(a,c) = <^b,d^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider g' = g as Morphism of b,d by A23; thus C(a,a,c,f,g) = g'* idm b by A23,A24,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= g by A23,A24,ALTCAT_1:def 19; end; A25: now let a be Element of X; a in the carrier of A() by A4; then reconsider b = a as object of A(); reconsider f = idm b as set; take f; B(a,a) = <^b,b^> & P[b] by A4,ALTCAT_1:def 2; hence f in B(a,a) & q[a,a,f] by A3; let c be Element of X, g be set such that A27: g in B(c,a) & q[c,a,g]; c in the carrier of A() by A4; then reconsider d = c as object of A(); A28: B(c,a) = <^d,b^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider g' = g as Morphism of d,b by A27; thus C(c,a,a,g,f) = (idm b)*g' by A27,A28,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= g by A27,A28,ALTCAT_1:24; end; consider C being strict category such that A29: the carrier of C = X and A30: for a,b being object of C for f being set holds f in <^a,b^> iff f in B(a,b) & q[a,b,f] and A31: for a,b,c being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g) from CategoryQuasiLambda(A7,A13,A21,A25); C is SubCatStr of A() proof thus the carrier of C c= the carrier of A() by A6,A29; thus [:the carrier of C, the carrier of C:] c= [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] by A6,A29,ZFMISC_1:119; hereby let i be set; assume i in [:the carrier of C, the carrier of C:]; then consider a,b being set such that A32: a in the carrier of C & b in the carrier of C & [a,b] = i by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a,b as object of C by A32; A33: (the Arrows of C).i = (the Arrows of C).(a,b) by A32,BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^a,b^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A34: (the Arrows of A()).i = (the Arrows of A()).(a,b) by A32,BINOP_1:def 1 ; thus (the Arrows of C).i c= (the Arrows of A()).i proof let f be set; thus thesis by A30,A33,A34; end; end; thus [:the carrier of C, the carrier of C, the carrier of C:] c= [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] by A6,A29,MCART_1:77; let i be set; assume i in [:the carrier of C, the carrier of C, the carrier of C:]; then consider a,b,c being set such that A35: a in the carrier of C & b in the carrier of C & c in the carrier of C & [a,b,c] = i by MCART_1:72; reconsider a,b,c as object of C by A35; a in the carrier of A() & b in the carrier of A() & c in the carrier of A() by A4,A29; then reconsider a' = a, b' = b, c' = c as object of A(); let x be set; assume x in (the Comp of C).i; then A36: x in (the Comp of C).(a,b,c) by A35,MULTOP_1:def 1; then consider gf, h being set such that A37: x = [gf,h] and A38: gf in [:(the Arrows of C).(b,c), (the Arrows of C).(a,b):] and A39: h in (the Arrows of C).(a,c) by RELSET_1:6; consider g,f being set such that A40: g in (the Arrows of C).(b,c) & f in (the Arrows of C).(a,b) & [g,f] = gf by A38,ZFMISC_1:def 2; A41: <^b,c^> = (the Arrows of C).(b,c) & <^a,b^> = (the Arrows of C).(a,b) & <^a,c^> = (the Arrows of C).(a,c) by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider f as Morphism of a,b by A40; reconsider g as Morphism of b,c by A40,A41; reconsider h as Morphism of a,c by A39,A41; A42: (the Comp of A()).(a',b',c') = (the Comp of A()).i by A35,MULTOP_1:def 1; A43: g in (the Arrows of A()).(b',c') & f in (the Arrows of A()).(a',b') by A30,A40,A41; A44: h = (the Comp of C).(a,b,c).gf by A36,A37,FUNCT_1:8 .= (the Comp of C).(a,b,c).(g,f) by A40,BINOP_1:def 1 .= g*f by A40,A41,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= (the Comp of A()).(a',b',c').(g,f) by A31,A40,A41; h in (the Arrows of A()).(a',c') by A30,A39,A41; then dom ((the Comp of A()).(a',b',c')) = [:(the Arrows of A()).(b',c'), (the Arrows of A()).(a',b'):] by FUNCT_2:def 1; then gf in dom ((the Comp of A()).(a',b',c')) & h = (the Comp of A()).(a',b',c').gf by A40,A43,A44,BINOP_1:def 1,ZFMISC_1:def 2; hence x in (the Comp of A()).i by A37,A42,FUNCT_1:def 4; end; then reconsider C as non empty SubCatStr of A(); for o being object of C, o' being object of A() st o = o' holds idm o' in <^o,o^> proof let a be object of C, b be object of A(); assume A45: a = b; then idm b in <^b,b^> & P[b] by A4,A29; then idm b in (the Arrows of A()).(b,b) & Q[b,b, idm b] by A3,ALTCAT_1: def 2; hence thesis by A30,A45; end; then reconsider C as strict non empty subcategory of A() by ALTCAT_2:def 14; take C; thus for a be object of A() holds a is object of C iff P[a] by A4,A29; let a,b be object of A(), a',b' be object of C such that A46: a' = a & b' = b & <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; <^a,b^> = (the Arrows of A()).(a,b) by ALTCAT_1:def 2; hence thesis by A30,A46; end; scheme CovariantFunctorLambda { A,B() -> category, O(set) -> set, F(set,set,set) -> set }: ex F being covariant strict Functor of A(),B() st (for a being object of A() holds F.a = O(a)) & for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = F(a,b,f) provided A1: for a being object of A() holds O(a) is object of B() and A2: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F(a,b,f) in (the Arrows of B()).(O(a), O(b)) and A3: for a,b,c being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c for a',b',c' being object of B() st a' = O(a) & b' = O(b) & c' = O(c) for f' being Morphism of a',b', g' being Morphism of b',c' st f' = F(a,b,f) & g' = F(b,c,g) holds F(a,c,g*f) = g'*f' and A4: for a being object of A(), a' being object of B() st a' = O(a) holds F(a,a,idm a) = idm a' proof deffunc o(set) = O($1); consider O being Function such that A5: dom O = the carrier of A() and A6: for x being set st x in the carrier of A() holds O.x = o(x) from Lambda; rng O c= the carrier of B() proof let y be set; assume y in rng O; then consider x being set such that A7: x in dom O & y = O.x by FUNCT_1:def 5; reconsider x as object of A() by A5,A7; y = O(x) & O(x) is object of B() by A1,A6,A7; hence thesis; end; then reconsider O as Function of the carrier of A(), the carrier of B() by A5,FUNCT_2:4; reconsider OM = [:O,O:] as bifunction of the carrier of A(), the carrier of B() ; defpred P[set,set,set] means $1 = F($3`1,$3`2,$2); A8: for i being set st i in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] for x being set st x in (the Arrows of A()).i ex y being set st y in ((the Arrows of B())*OM).i & P[y,x,i] proof let i be set; assume A9: i in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():]; then consider a,b being set such that A10: a in the carrier of A() & b in the carrier of A() & [a,b] = i by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a,b as object of A() by A10; let x be set; assume x in (the Arrows of A()).i; then x in (the Arrows of A()).(a,b) by A10,BINOP_1:def 1; then A11: x in <^a,b^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider f = x as Morphism of a,b ; take y = F(a,b,f); A12: y in (the Arrows of B()).(O(a), O(b)) & O(a) = O.a & O(b) = O.b by A2,A6,A11; i in dom OM by A5,A9,FUNCT_3:def 9; then ((the Arrows of B())*OM).i = (the Arrows of B()).(OM.i) by FUNCT_1: 23 .= (the Arrows of B()).[O.a,O.b] by A5,A10,FUNCT_3:def 9; hence y in ((the Arrows of B())*OM).i by A12,BINOP_1:def 1; i`1 = a & i`2 = b by A10,MCART_1:7; hence thesis; end; consider M being ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of A(), (the Arrows of B())*OM such that A13: for i be set st i in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] ex f be Function of (the Arrows of A()).i, ((the Arrows of B())*OM).i st f = M.i & for x be set st x in (the Arrows of A()).i holds P[f.x, x, i] from MSFExFunc(A8); reconsider M as MSUnTrans of OM, the Arrows of A(), the Arrows of B() by FUNCTOR0:def 5; FunctorStr(#OM, M#) is Covariant proof take O; thus thesis; end; then reconsider F = FunctorStr(#OM, M#) as Covariant FunctorStr over A(), B(); A14: now let a be object of A(); thus F.a = (OM.(a,a))`1 by FUNCTOR0:def 6 .= (OM.[a,a])`1 by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ([O.a,O.a])`1 by A5,FUNCT_3:def 9 .= O.a by MCART_1:7 .= O(a) by A6; end; A15: now let o1,o2 be object of A() such that A16: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; let g be Morphism of o1,o2; [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; then consider f being Function of (the Arrows of A()).[o1,o2], ((the Arrows of B())*OM).[o1,o2] such that A17: f = M.[o1,o2] and A18: for x being set st x in (the Arrows of A()).[o1,o2] holds f.x = F([o1,o2]`1,[o1,o2]`2,x) by A13; <^o1,o2^> = (the Arrows of A()).(o1,o2) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of A()).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1; then A19: f.g = F([o1,o2]`1,[o1,o2]`2,g) by A16,A18 .= F(o1,[o1,o2]`2,g) by MCART_1:7 .= F(o1,o2,g) by MCART_1:7; f = M.(o1,o2) by A17,BINOP_1:def 1; hence Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g = F(o1,o2,g) by A19,FUNCTOR0:def 15; end; A20: F is feasible proof let o1,o2 be object of A(); consider g being Morphism of o1,o2; assume A21: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; then Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g = F(o1,o2,g) by A15; then Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g in (the Arrows of B()).(O(o1), O(o2)) by A2, A21 ; then Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g in (the Arrows of B()).(F.o1, O(o2)) by A14; then Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g in (the Arrows of B()).(F.o1, F.o2) by A14; hence <^F.o1,F.o2^> <> {} by ALTCAT_1:def 2; end; A22: now let o1,o2 be object of A(); assume A23: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; let g be Morphism of o1,o2; Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g = F(o1,o2,g) & <^F.o1, F.o2^> <> {} by A15,A20,A23,FUNCTOR0:def 19; hence F.g = F(o1,o2,g) by A23,FUNCTOR0:def 16; end; A24: F is comp-preserving proof let o1,o2,o3 be object of A() such that A25: <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of o1,o2, g be Morphism of o2,o3; set a = O.o1, b = O.o2, c = O.o3; A26: a = O(o1) & b = O(o2) & c = O(o3) by A6; then (the Arrows of B()).(O(o1), O(o2)) = <^a, b^> & (the Arrows of B()).(O(o2), O(o3)) = <^b, c^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then A27: F(o1,o2,f) in <^a, b^> & F(o2,o3,g) in <^b,c^> by A2,A25; then reconsider f' = F(o1,o2,f) as Morphism of a,b ; reconsider g' = F(o2,o3,g) as Morphism of b,c by A27; A28: a = F.o1 & b = F.o2 & c = F.o3 by A14,A26; then reconsider ff = f' as Morphism of F.o1, F.o2; reconsider gg = g' as Morphism of F.o2, F.o3 by A28; take ff, gg; A29: <^o1, o3^> <> {} by A25,ALTCAT_1:def 4; F(o1,o3,g*f) = gg*ff by A3,A25,A26,A28; hence ff = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f & gg = Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g & Morph-Map(F,o1,o3).(g*f) = gg*ff by A15,A25,A29; end; F is Functor of A(), B() proof thus F is feasible by A20; hereby let o be object of A(); A30: F.o = O(o) by A14; thus Morph-Map(F,o,o).idm o = F(o,o,idm o) by A15 .= idm F.o by A4,A30; end; thus F is Covariant comp-preserving or F is Contravariant comp-reversing by A24; end; then reconsider F as covariant strict Functor of A(), B() by A24,FUNCTOR0:def 27; take F; thus thesis by A14,A22; end; theorem Th1: for A,B being category, F,G being covariant Functor of A,B st (for a being object of A holds F.a = G.a) & (for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = G.f) holds the FunctorStr of F = the FunctorStr of G proof let A,B be category, F,G be covariant Functor of A,B such that A1: for a being object of A holds F.a = G.a and A2: for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = G.f; the ObjectMap of F is Covariant by FUNCTOR0:def 13; then consider ff being Function of the carrier of A, the carrier of B such that A3: the ObjectMap of F = [:ff, ff:] by FUNCTOR0:def 2; the ObjectMap of G is Covariant by FUNCTOR0:def 13; then consider gg being Function of the carrier of A, the carrier of B such that A4: the ObjectMap of G = [:gg, gg:] by FUNCTOR0:def 2; now let a,b be Element of A; reconsider x = a, y = b as object of A; A5: dom ff = the carrier of A & dom gg = the carrier of A by FUNCT_2:def 1; (the ObjectMap of F).(x,x) = (the ObjectMap of F).[x,x] & (the ObjectMap of F).(y,y) = (the ObjectMap of F).[y,y] & (the ObjectMap of G).(x,x) = (the ObjectMap of G).[x,x] & (the ObjectMap of G).(y,y) = (the ObjectMap of G).[y,y] by BINOP_1:def 1; then (the ObjectMap of F).(x,x) = [ff.x, ff.x] & (the ObjectMap of F).(y,y) = [ff.y, ff.y] & (the ObjectMap of G).(x,x) = [gg.x, gg.x] & (the ObjectMap of G).(y,y) = [gg.y, gg.y] by A3,A4,A5,FUNCT_3:def 9; then F.x = [ff.x,ff.x]`1 & F.y = [ff.y,ff.y]`1 & G.x = [gg.x,gg.x]`1 & G.y = [gg.y,gg.y]`1 by FUNCTOR0:def 6; then A6: F.x = ff.x & F.y = ff.y & G.x = gg.x & G.y = gg.y by MCART_1:7; A7: F.x = G.x & F.y = G.y by A1; thus (the ObjectMap of F).(a,b) = (the ObjectMap of F).[a,b] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [ff.a,ff.b] by A3,A5,FUNCT_3:def 9 .= (the ObjectMap of G).[a,b] by A4,A5,A6,A7,FUNCT_3:def 9 .= (the ObjectMap of G).(a,b) by BINOP_1:def 1; end; then A8: the ObjectMap of F = the ObjectMap of G by BINOP_1:2; now let i be set; assume i in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:]; then consider a,b being set such that A9: a in the carrier of A & b in the carrier of A & i = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider x = a, y = b as object of A by A9; A10: (<^x,y^> <> {} implies <^F.x,F.y^> <> {}) & (<^x,y^> <> {} implies <^G.x,G.y^> <> {}) by FUNCTOR0:def 19; then A11: dom Morph-Map(F,x,y) = <^x,y^> & dom Morph-Map(G,x,y) = <^x,y^> by FUNCT_2:def 1; A12: now let z be set; assume A13: z in <^x,y^>; then reconsider f = z as Morphism of x,y ; thus Morph-Map(F,x,y).z = F.f by A10,A13,FUNCTOR0:def 16 .= G.f by A2,A13 .= Morph-Map(G,x,y).z by A10,A13,FUNCTOR0:def 16; end; thus (the MorphMap of F).i = (the MorphMap of F).(a,b) by A9,BINOP_1:def 1 .= Morph-Map(F,x,y) by FUNCTOR0:def 15 .= Morph-Map(G,x,y) by A11,A12,FUNCT_1:9 .= (the MorphMap of G).(a,b) by FUNCTOR0:def 15 .= (the MorphMap of G).i by A9,BINOP_1:def 1; end; hence thesis by A8,PBOOLE:3; end; scheme ContravariantFunctorLambda { A,B() -> category, O(set) -> set, F(set,set,set) -> set }: ex F being contravariant strict Functor of A(),B() st (for a being object of A() holds F.a = O(a)) & for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = F(a,b,f) provided A1: for a being object of A() holds O(a) is object of B() and A2: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F(a,b,f) in (the Arrows of B()).(O(b), O(a)) and A3: for a,b,c being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c for a',b',c' being object of B() st a' = O(a) & b' = O(b) & c' = O(c) for f' being Morphism of b',a', g' being Morphism of c',b' st f' = F(a,b,f) & g' = F(b,c,g) holds F(a,c,g*f) = f'*g' and A4: for a being object of A(), a' being object of B() st a' = O(a) holds F(a,a,idm a) = idm a' proof deffunc o(set) = O($1); consider O being Function such that A5: dom O = the carrier of A() and A6: for x being set st x in the carrier of A() holds O.x = o(x) from Lambda; rng O c= the carrier of B() proof let y be set; assume y in rng O; then consider x being set such that A7: x in dom O & y = O.x by FUNCT_1:def 5; reconsider x as object of A() by A5,A7; y = O(x) & O(x) is object of B() by A1,A6,A7; hence thesis; end; then reconsider O as Function of the carrier of A(), the carrier of B() by A5,FUNCT_2:4; reconsider OM = ~[:O,O:] as bifunction of the carrier of A(), the carrier of B() ; dom [:O,O:] = [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] by A5,FUNCT_3:def 9; then A8: dom OM = [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] by FUNCT_4:47; defpred P[set,set,set] means $1 = F($3`1,$3`2,$2); A9: for i being set st i in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] for x being set st x in (the Arrows of A()).i ex y being set st y in ((the Arrows of B())*OM).i & P[y,x,i] proof let i be set; assume A10: i in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():]; then consider a,b being set such that A11: a in the carrier of A() & b in the carrier of A() & [a,b] = i by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a,b as object of A() by A11; let x be set; assume x in (the Arrows of A()).i; then x in (the Arrows of A()).(a,b) by A11,BINOP_1:def 1; then A12: x in <^a,b^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider f = x as Morphism of a,b ; take y = F(a,b,f); A13: y in (the Arrows of B()).(O(b), O(a)) & O(a) = O.a & O(b) = O.b by A2,A6,A12; ((the Arrows of B())*OM).i = (the Arrows of B()).(OM.i) by A8,A10,FUNCT_1:23 .= (the Arrows of B()).([:O,O:].[b,a]) by A8,A10,A11,FUNCT_4:44 .= (the Arrows of B()).[O.b,O.a] by A5,FUNCT_3:def 9; hence y in ((the Arrows of B())*OM).i by A13,BINOP_1:def 1; i`1 = a & i`2 = b by A11,MCART_1:7; hence thesis; end; consider M being ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of A(), (the Arrows of B())*OM such that A14: for i be set st i in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] ex f be Function of (the Arrows of A()).i, ((the Arrows of B())*OM).i st f = M.i & for x be set st x in (the Arrows of A()).i holds P[f.x,x,i] from MSFExFunc(A9); reconsider M as MSUnTrans of OM, the Arrows of A(), the Arrows of B() by FUNCTOR0:def 5; FunctorStr(#OM, M#) is Contravariant proof take O; thus thesis; end; then reconsider F = FunctorStr(#OM, M#) as Contravariant FunctorStr over A(), B(); A15: now let a be object of A(); A16: [a,a] in dom OM by A8,ZFMISC_1:def 2; thus F.a = (OM.(a,a))`1 by FUNCTOR0:def 6 .= (OM.[a,a])`1 by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ([:O,O:].[a,a])`1 by A16,FUNCT_4:44 .= ([O.a,O.a])`1 by A5,FUNCT_3:def 9 .= O.a by MCART_1:7 .= O(a) by A6; end; A17: now let o1,o2 be object of A() such that A18: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; let g be Morphism of o1,o2; [o1,o2] in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; then consider f being Function of (the Arrows of A()).[o1,o2], ((the Arrows of B())*OM).[o1,o2] such that A19: f = M.[o1,o2] and A20: for x being set st x in (the Arrows of A()).[o1,o2] holds f.x = F([o1,o2]`1,[o1,o2]`2,x) by A14; <^o1,o2^> = (the Arrows of A()).(o1,o2) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of A()).[o1,o2] by BINOP_1:def 1; then A21: f.g = F([o1,o2]`1,[o1,o2]`2,g) by A18,A20 .= F(o1,[o1,o2]`2,g) by MCART_1:7 .= F(o1,o2,g) by MCART_1:7; f = M.(o1,o2) by A19,BINOP_1:def 1; hence Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g = F(o1,o2,g) by A21,FUNCTOR0:def 15; end; A22: F is feasible proof let o1,o2 be object of A(); consider g being Morphism of o1,o2; assume A23: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; then Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g = F(o1,o2,g) by A17; then Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g in (the Arrows of B()).(O(o2), O(o1)) by A2, A23 ; then Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g in (the Arrows of B()).(F.o2, O(o1)) by A15; then Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g in (the Arrows of B()).(F.o2, F.o1) by A15; hence <^F.o2,F.o1^> <> {} by ALTCAT_1:def 2; end; A24: now let o1,o2 be object of A(); assume A25: <^o1,o2^> <> {}; let g be Morphism of o1,o2; Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).g = F(o1,o2,g) & <^F.o2, F.o1^> <> {} by A17,A22,A25,FUNCTOR0:def 20; hence F.g = F(o1,o2,g) by A25,FUNCTOR0:def 17; end; A26: F is comp-reversing proof let o1,o2,o3 be object of A() such that A27: <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of o1,o2, g be Morphism of o2,o3; set a = O.o1, b = O.o2, c = O.o3; A28: a = O(o1) & b = O(o2) & c = O(o3) by A6; then (the Arrows of B()).(O(o2), O(o1)) = <^b, a^> & (the Arrows of B()).(O(o3), O(o2)) = <^c, b^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then A29: F(o1,o2,f) in <^b, a^> & F(o2,o3,g) in <^c, b^> by A2,A27; then reconsider f' = F(o1,o2,f) as Morphism of b, a ; reconsider g' = F(o2,o3,g) as Morphism of c, b by A29; A30: a = F.o1 & b = F.o2 & c = F.o3 by A15,A28; then reconsider ff = f' as Morphism of F.o2, F.o1; reconsider gg = g' as Morphism of F.o3, F.o2 by A30; take ff, gg; A31: <^o1, o3^> <> {} by A27,ALTCAT_1:def 4; F(o1,o3,g*f) = ff*gg by A3,A27,A28,A30; hence ff = Morph-Map(F,o1,o2).f & gg = Morph-Map(F,o2,o3).g & Morph-Map(F,o1,o3).(g*f) = ff*gg by A17,A27,A31; end; F is Functor of A(), B() proof thus F is feasible by A22; hereby let o be object of A(); A32: F.o = O(o) by A15; thus Morph-Map(F,o,o).idm o = F(o,o,idm o) by A17 .= idm F.o by A4,A32; end; thus F is Covariant comp-preserving or F is Contravariant comp-reversing by A26; end; then reconsider F as contravariant strict Functor of A(), B() by A26,FUNCTOR0:def 28; take F; thus thesis by A15,A24; end; theorem Th2: for A,B being category, F,G being contravariant Functor of A,B st (for a being object of A holds F.a = G.a) & (for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = G.f) holds the FunctorStr of F = the FunctorStr of G proof let A,B be category, F,G be contravariant Functor of A,B such that A1: for a being object of A holds F.a = G.a and A2: for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = G.f; the ObjectMap of F is Contravariant by FUNCTOR0:def 14; then consider ff being Function of the carrier of A, the carrier of B such that A3: the ObjectMap of F = ~[:ff, ff:] by FUNCTOR0:def 3; the ObjectMap of G is Contravariant by FUNCTOR0:def 14; then consider gg being Function of the carrier of A, the carrier of B such that A4: the ObjectMap of G = ~[:gg, gg:] by FUNCTOR0:def 3; now let a,b be Element of A; reconsider x = a, y = b as object of A; A5: dom ff = the carrier of A & dom gg = the carrier of A by FUNCT_2:def 1; A6: dom [:ff,ff:] = [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A7: [b,a] in dom [:ff,ff:] & [a,a] in dom [:ff,ff:] & [b,b] in dom [:ff, ff:] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; dom [:gg,gg:] = [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A8: [b,a] in dom [:gg,gg:] & [a,a] in dom [:gg,gg:] & [b,b] in dom [:gg, gg:] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; (the ObjectMap of F).(x,x) = (the ObjectMap of F).[x,x] & (the ObjectMap of F).(y,y) = (the ObjectMap of F).[y,y] & (the ObjectMap of G).(x,x) = (the ObjectMap of G).[x,x] & (the ObjectMap of G).(y,y) = (the ObjectMap of G).[y,y] by BINOP_1:def 1; then (the ObjectMap of F).(x,x) = [:ff,ff:].[x,x] & (the ObjectMap of F).(y,y) = [:ff,ff:].[y,y] & (the ObjectMap of G).(x,x) = [:gg,gg:].[x,x] & (the ObjectMap of G).(y,y) = [:gg,gg:].[y,y] by A3,A4,A6,A8,FUNCT_4:def 2; then (the ObjectMap of F).(x,x) = [ff.x, ff.x] & (the ObjectMap of F).(y,y) = [ff.y, ff.y] & (the ObjectMap of G).(x,x) = [gg.x, gg.x] & (the ObjectMap of G).(y,y) = [gg.y, gg.y] by A5,FUNCT_3:def 9; then F.x = [ff.x,ff.x]`1 & F.y = [ff.y,ff.y]`1 & G.x = [gg.x,gg.x]`1 & G.y = [gg.y,gg.y]`1 by FUNCTOR0:def 6; then A9: F.x = ff.x & F.y = ff.y & G.x = gg.x & G.y = gg.y by MCART_1:7; A10: F.x = G.x & F.y = G.y by A1; thus (the ObjectMap of F).(a,b) = (the ObjectMap of F).[a,b] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [:ff,ff:].[b,a] by A3,A7,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= [ff.b,ff.a] by A5,FUNCT_3:def 9 .= [:gg,gg:].[b,a] by A5,A9,A10,FUNCT_3:def 9 .= (the ObjectMap of G).[a,b] by A4,A8,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= (the ObjectMap of G).(a,b) by BINOP_1:def 1; end; then A11: the ObjectMap of F = the ObjectMap of G by BINOP_1:2; now let i be set; assume i in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:]; then consider a,b being set such that A12: a in the carrier of A & b in the carrier of A & i = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider x = a, y = b as object of A by A12; A13: (<^x,y^> <> {} implies <^F.y,F.x^> <> {}) & (<^x,y^> <> {} implies <^G.y,G.x^> <> {}) by FUNCTOR0:def 20; then A14: dom Morph-Map(F,x,y) = <^x,y^> & dom Morph-Map(G,x,y) = <^x,y^> by FUNCT_2:def 1; A15: now let z be set; assume A16: z in <^x,y^>; then reconsider f = z as Morphism of x,y ; thus Morph-Map(F,x,y).z = F.f by A13,A16,FUNCTOR0:def 17 .= G.f by A2,A16 .= Morph-Map(G,x,y).z by A13,A16,FUNCTOR0:def 17; end; thus (the MorphMap of F).i = (the MorphMap of F).(a,b) by A12,BINOP_1:def 1 .= Morph-Map(F,x,y) by FUNCTOR0:def 15 .= Morph-Map(G,x,y) by A14,A15,FUNCT_1:9 .= (the MorphMap of G).(a,b) by FUNCTOR0:def 15 .= (the MorphMap of G).i by A12,BINOP_1:def 1; end; hence thesis by A11,PBOOLE:3; end; begin :: <section2>Isomorphism and equivalence of categories</section2> definition let A,B,C be non empty set; let f be Function of [:A,B:], C; redefine attr f is one-to-one means for a1,a2 being Element of A, b1,b2 being Element of B st f.(a1,b1) = f.(a2,b2) holds a1 = a2 & b1 = b2; compatibility proof A1: dom f = [:A,B:] by FUNCT_2:def 1; thus f is one-to-one implies for a1,a2 being Element of A, b1,b2 being Element of B st f.(a1,b1) = f.(a2,b2) holds a1 = a2 & b1 = b2 proof assume A2: for x,y being set st x in dom f & y in dom f & f.x = f.y holds x = y; let a1,a2 be Element of A, b1,b2 be Element of B; f.(a1,b1) = f.[a1,b1] & f.(a2,b2) = f.[a2,b2] & [a1,b1] in [:A,B:] & [a2,b2] in [:A,B:] by BINOP_1:def 1,ZFMISC_1:def 2; then f.(a1,b1) = f.(a2,b2) implies [a1,b1] = [a2,b2] by A1,A2; hence thesis by ZFMISC_1:33; end; assume A3: for a1,a2 being Element of A, b1,b2 being Element of B st f.(a1,b1) = f.(a2,b2) holds a1 = a2 & b1 = b2; let x,y be set; assume x in dom f; then consider a1,b1 being set such that A4: a1 in A & b1 in B & x = [a1,b1] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; assume y in dom f; then consider a2,b2 being set such that A5: a2 in A & b2 in B & y = [a2,b2] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a1, a2 as Element of A by A4,A5; reconsider b1, b2 as Element of B by A4,A5; assume f.x = f.y; then f.(a1,b1) = f.y by A4,BINOP_1:def 1 .= f.(a2,b2) by A5,BINOP_1:def 1 ; then a1 = a2 & b1 = b2 by A3; hence thesis by A4,A5; end; end; scheme CoBijectiveSch { A,B() -> category, F() -> covariant Functor of A(), B(), O(set) -> set, F(set,set,set) -> set }: F() is bijective provided A1: for a being object of A() holds F().a = O(a) and A2: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F().f = F(a,b,f) and A3: for a,b being object of A() st O(a) = O(b) holds a = b and A4: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f,g being Morphism of a,b st F(a,b,f) = F(a,b,g) holds f = g and A5: for a,b being object of B() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b ex c,d being object of A(), g being Morphism of c,d st a = O(c) & b = O(d) & <^c,d^> <> {} & f = F(c,d,g) proof set F = F(); thus the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one proof let x1,x2,y1,y2 be Element of A(); reconsider a1 = x1, a2 = x2, b1 = y1, b2 = y2 as object of A() ; assume (the ObjectMap of F).(x1,y1) = (the ObjectMap of F).(x2,y2); then [F.a1,F.b1] = (the ObjectMap of F).(x2,y2) by FUNCTOR0:23 .= [F.a2,F.b2] by FUNCTOR0:23; then F.a1 = F.a2 & F.b1 = F.b2 by ZFMISC_1:33; then O(a1) = F.a2 & O(b1) = F.b2 by A1; then O(a1) = O(a2) & O(b1) = O(b2) by A1; hence thesis by A3; end; now let i be set; assume i in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():]; then consider a,b being set such that A6: a in the carrier of A() & b in the carrier of A() & i = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a, b as object of A() by A6; A7: <^a,b^> <> {} implies <^F.a, F.b^> <> {} by FUNCTOR0:def 19; Morph-Map(F,a,b) is one-to-one proof let x,y be set; assume A8: x in dom Morph-Map(F,a,b) & y in dom Morph-Map(F,a,b); then reconsider f = x, g = y as Morphism of a,b ; F.f = Morph-Map(F,a,b).x & F.g = Morph-Map(F,a,b).y by A7,A8,FUNCTOR0:def 16; then F(a,b,f) = Morph-Map(F,a,b).x & F(a,b,g) = Morph-Map(F,a,b).y by A2,A8; hence thesis by A4,A8; end; then (the MorphMap of F).(a,b) is one-to-one Function by FUNCTOR0:def 15 ; hence (the MorphMap of F).i is one-to-one by A6,BINOP_1:def 1; end; hence the MorphMap of F is "1-1" by MSUALG_3:1; reconsider G = the MorphMap of F as ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of A(), (the Arrows of B())*the ObjectMap of F by FUNCTOR0:def 5; thus F is full proof take G; thus G = the MorphMap of F; let i be set; assume i in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():]; then reconsider ab = i as Element of [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():]; G.ab is Function of (the Arrows of A()).ab, ((the Arrows of B())*the ObjectMap of F).ab; hence rng(G.i) c= ((the Arrows of B())*the ObjectMap of F).i by RELSET_1:12; consider a,b being set such that A9: a in the carrier of A() & b in the carrier of A() & ab = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a, b as object of A() by A9; (the ObjectMap of F).ab = (the ObjectMap of F).(a,b) by A9,BINOP_1:def 1 .= [F.a, F.b] by FUNCTOR0:23; then A10: ((the Arrows of B())*the ObjectMap of F).ab = (the Arrows of B()).[F.a, F.b] by FUNCT_2:21 .= (the Arrows of B()).(F.a, F.b) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^F.a, F.b^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; let x be set; assume A11: x in ((the Arrows of B())*the ObjectMap of F).i; then reconsider f = x as Morphism of F.a, F.b by A10; consider c,d being object of A(), g being Morphism of c,d such that A12: F.a = O(c) & F.b = O(d) & <^c,d^> <> {} & f = F(c,d,g) by A5,A10,A11; O(a) = O(c) & O(b) = O(d) by A1,A12; then A13: a = c & b = d by A3; A14: f = F.g by A2,A12 .= Morph-Map(F,c,d).g by A10,A11,A12,A13,FUNCTOR0: def 16; G.ab = G.(a,b) by A9,BINOP_1:def 1; then dom Morph-Map(F,a,b) = <^a, b^> & G.ab = Morph-Map(F,a,b) by A10,A11,FUNCTOR0:def 15,FUNCT_2:def 1; hence x in rng(G.i) by A12,A13,A14,FUNCT_1:def 5; end; thus rng the ObjectMap of F c= [:the carrier of B(), the carrier of B():] by RELSET_1:12; let x be set; assume x in [:the carrier of B(), the carrier of B():]; then consider a, b being set such that A15: a in the carrier of B() & b in the carrier of B() & x = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a, b as object of B() by A15; consider c,c' being object of A(), g being Morphism of c,c' such that A16: a = O(c) & a = O(c') & <^c,c'^> <> {} & idm a = F(c,c',g) by A5; consider d,d' being object of A(), h being Morphism of d,d' such that A17: b = O(d) & b = O(d') & <^d,d'^> <> {} & idm b = F(d,d',h) by A5; [c,d] in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; then A18: [c,d] in dom the ObjectMap of F by FUNCT_2:def 1; (the ObjectMap of F).[c,d] = (the ObjectMap of F).(c,d) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [F.c, F.d] by FUNCTOR0:23 .= [a, F.d] by A1,A16 .= x by A1,A15,A17; hence thesis by A18,FUNCT_1:def 5; end; scheme CatIsomorphism { A,B() -> category, O(set) -> set, F(set,set,set) -> set }: A(), B() are_isomorphic provided A1: ex F being covariant Functor of A(),B() st (for a being object of A() holds F.a = O(a)) & for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = F(a,b,f) and A2: for a,b being object of A() st O(a) = O(b) holds a = b and A3: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f,g being Morphism of a,b st F(a,b,f) = F(a,b,g) holds f = g and A4: for a,b being object of B() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b ex c,d being object of A(), g being Morphism of c,d st a = O(c) & b = O(d) & <^c,d^> <> {} & f = F(c,d,g) proof deffunc f(set,set,set) = F($1,$2,$3); deffunc o(set) = O($1); A5: for a,b being object of A() st o(a) = o(b) holds a = b by A2; A6: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f,g being Morphism of a,b st f(a,b,f) = f(a,b,g) holds f = g by A3; A7: for a,b being object of B() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b ex c,d being object of A(), g being Morphism of c,d st a = o(c) & b = o(d) & <^c,d^> <> {} & f = f(c,d,g) by A4; consider F being covariant Functor of A(),B() such that A8: for a being object of A() holds F.a = o(a) and A9: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = f(a,b,f) by A1; take F; thus F is bijective from CoBijectiveSch(A8,A9,A5,A6,A7); thus thesis; end; scheme ContraBijectiveSch { A,B() -> category, F() -> contravariant Functor of A(), B(), O(set) -> set, F(set,set,set) -> set }: F() is bijective provided A1: for a being object of A() holds F().a = O(a) and A2: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F().f = F(a,b,f) and A3: for a,b being object of A() st O(a) = O(b) holds a = b and A4: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f,g being Morphism of a,b st F(a,b,f) = F(a,b,g) holds f = g and A5: for a,b being object of B() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b ex c,d being object of A(), g being Morphism of c,d st b = O(c) & a = O(d) & <^c,d^> <> {} & f = F(c,d,g) proof set F = F(); thus the ObjectMap of F is one-to-one proof let x1,x2,y1,y2 be Element of A(); reconsider a1 = x1, a2 = x2, b1 = y1, b2 = y2 as object of A() ; assume (the ObjectMap of F).(x1,y1) = (the ObjectMap of F).(x2,y2); then [F.b1,F.a1] = (the ObjectMap of F).(x2,y2) by FUNCTOR0:24 .= [F.b2,F.a2] by FUNCTOR0:24; then F.a1 = F.a2 & F.b1 = F.b2 by ZFMISC_1:33; then O(a1) = F.a2 & O(b1) = F.b2 by A1; then O(a1) = O(a2) & O(b1) = O(b2) by A1; hence thesis by A3; end; now let i be set; assume i in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():]; then consider a,b being set such that A6: a in the carrier of A() & b in the carrier of A() & i = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a, b as object of A() by A6; A7: <^a,b^> <> {} implies <^F.b, F.a^> <> {} by FUNCTOR0:def 20; Morph-Map(F,a,b) is one-to-one proof let x,y be set; assume A8: x in dom Morph-Map(F,a,b) & y in dom Morph-Map(F,a,b); then reconsider f = x, g = y as Morphism of a,b ; F.f = Morph-Map(F,a,b).x & F.g = Morph-Map(F,a,b).y by A7,A8,FUNCTOR0:def 17; then F(a,b,f) = Morph-Map(F,a,b).x & F(a,b,g) = Morph-Map(F,a,b).y by A2,A8; hence thesis by A4,A8; end; then (the MorphMap of F).(a,b) is one-to-one Function by FUNCTOR0:def 15 ; hence (the MorphMap of F).i is one-to-one by A6,BINOP_1:def 1; end; hence the MorphMap of F is "1-1" by MSUALG_3:1; reconsider G = the MorphMap of F as ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of A(), (the Arrows of B())*the ObjectMap of F by FUNCTOR0:def 5; thus F is full proof take G; thus G = the MorphMap of F; let i be set; assume i in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():]; then reconsider ab = i as Element of [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():]; G.ab is Function of (the Arrows of A()).ab, ((the Arrows of B())*the ObjectMap of F).ab; hence rng(G.i) c= ((the Arrows of B())*the ObjectMap of F).i by RELSET_1:12; consider a,b being set such that A9: a in the carrier of A() & b in the carrier of A() & ab = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a, b as object of A() by A9; (the ObjectMap of F).ab = (the ObjectMap of F).(a,b) by A9,BINOP_1:def 1 .= [F.b, F.a] by FUNCTOR0:24; then A10: ((the Arrows of B())*the ObjectMap of F).ab = (the Arrows of B()).[F.b, F.a] by FUNCT_2:21 .= (the Arrows of B()).(F.b, F.a) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^F.b, F.a^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; let x be set; assume A11: x in ((the Arrows of B())*the ObjectMap of F).i; then reconsider f = x as Morphism of F.b, F.a by A10; consider c,d being object of A(), g being Morphism of c,d such that A12: F.a = O(c) & F.b = O(d) & <^c,d^> <> {} & f = F(c,d,g) by A5,A10,A11; O(a) = O(c) & O(b) = O(d) by A1,A12; then A13: a = c & b = d by A3; A14: f = F.g by A2,A12 .= Morph-Map(F,c,d).g by A10,A11,A12,A13,FUNCTOR0: def 17; G.ab = G.(a,b) by A9,BINOP_1:def 1; then dom Morph-Map(F,a,b) = <^a, b^> & G.ab = Morph-Map(F,a,b) by A10,A11,FUNCTOR0:def 15,FUNCT_2:def 1; hence x in rng(G.i) by A12,A13,A14,FUNCT_1:def 5; end; thus rng the ObjectMap of F c= [:the carrier of B(), the carrier of B():] by RELSET_1:12; let x be set; assume x in [:the carrier of B(), the carrier of B():]; then consider a, b being set such that A15: a in the carrier of B() & b in the carrier of B() & x = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a, b as object of B() by A15; consider c,c' being object of A(), g being Morphism of c,c' such that A16: a = O(c) & a = O(c') & <^c,c'^> <> {} & idm a = F(c,c',g) by A5; consider d,d' being object of A(), h being Morphism of d,d' such that A17: b = O(d) & b = O(d') & <^d,d'^> <> {} & idm b = F(d,d',h) by A5; [d,c] in [:the carrier of A(), the carrier of A():] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; then A18: [d,c] in dom the ObjectMap of F by FUNCT_2:def 1; (the ObjectMap of F).[d,c] = (the ObjectMap of F).(d,c) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= [F.c, F.d] by FUNCTOR0:24 .= [a, F.d] by A1,A16 .= x by A1,A15,A17; hence thesis by A18,FUNCT_1:def 5; end; scheme CatAntiIsomorphism { A,B() -> category, O(set) -> set, F(set,set,set) -> set }: A(), B() are_anti-isomorphic provided A1: ex F being contravariant Functor of A(),B() st (for a being object of A() holds F.a = O(a)) & for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = F(a,b,f) and A2: for a,b being object of A() st O(a) = O(b) holds a = b and A3: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f,g being Morphism of a,b st F(a,b,f) = F(a,b,g) holds f = g and A4: for a,b being object of B() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b ex c,d being object of A(), g being Morphism of c,d st b = O(c) & a = O(d) & <^c,d^> <> {} & f = F(c,d,g) proof deffunc f(set,set,set) = F($1,$2,$3); deffunc o(set) = O($1); consider F being contravariant Functor of A(),B() such that A5: for a being object of A() holds F.a = o(a) and A6: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = f(a,b,f) by A1; A7: for a,b being object of A() st o(a) = o(b) holds a = b by A2; A8: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f,g being Morphism of a,b st f(a,b,f) = f(a,b,g) holds f = g by A3; A9: for a,b being object of B() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b ex c,d being object of A(), g being Morphism of c,d st b = o(c) & a = o(d) & <^c,d^> <> {} & f = f(c,d,g) by A4; take F; thus F is bijective from ContraBijectiveSch(A5,A6,A7,A8,A9); thus thesis; end; definition let A,B be category; pred A,B are_equivalent means ex F being covariant Functor of A,B, G being covariant Functor of B,A st G*F, id A are_naturally_equivalent & F*G, id B are_naturally_equivalent; reflexivity proof let A be category; take id A, id A; thus thesis by FUNCTOR3:4; end; symmetry; end; theorem Th3: for A,B,C being non empty reflexive AltGraph for F1,F2 being feasible FunctorStr over A,B for G1,G2 being FunctorStr over B,C st the FunctorStr of F1 = the FunctorStr of F2 & the FunctorStr of G1 = the FunctorStr of G2 holds G1*F1 = G2*F2 proof let A,B,C be non empty reflexive AltGraph; let F1,F2 be feasible FunctorStr over A,B; let G1,G2 be FunctorStr over B,C such that A1: the FunctorStr of F1 = the FunctorStr of F2 & the FunctorStr of G1 = the FunctorStr of G2; the ObjectMap of (G1*F1) = (the ObjectMap of G1)*the ObjectMap of F1 & the MorphMap of (G1*F1) = ((the MorphMap of G1)*the ObjectMap of F1)**the MorphMap of F1 by FUNCTOR0:def 37; hence thesis by A1,FUNCTOR0:def 37; end; theorem Th4: for A,B,C being category st A,B are_equivalent & B,C are_equivalent holds A,C are_equivalent proof let A,B,C be category; given F1 being covariant Functor of A,B, G1 being covariant Functor of B,A such that A1: G1*F1, id A are_naturally_equivalent and A2: F1*G1, id B are_naturally_equivalent; given F2 being covariant Functor of B,C, G2 being covariant Functor of C,B such that A3: G2*F2, id B are_naturally_equivalent and A4: F2*G2, id C are_naturally_equivalent; take F = F2*F1, G = G1*G2; the FunctorStr of F1 = the FunctorStr of F1; then A5: (the FunctorStr of G1)*F1 = G1*F1 by Th3; the FunctorStr of G2 = the FunctorStr of G2; then A6: (the FunctorStr of F2)*G2 = F2*G2 by Th3; A7: G1* id B = the FunctorStr of G1 & F2* id B = the FunctorStr of F2 by FUNCTOR3:5; A8: G*F2 = G1*(G2*F2) & F*G1 = F2*(F1*G1) & G*F2*F1 = G*F & F*G1*G2 = F*G by FUNCTOR0:33; then G*F2, G1* id B are_naturally_equivalent & F*G1, F2* id B are_naturally_equivalent by A2,A3,FUNCTOR3:35; then G*F, G1*F1 are_naturally_equivalent & F*G, F2*G2 are_naturally_equivalent by A5,A6,A7,A8,FUNCTOR3:36; hence G*F, id A are_naturally_equivalent & F*G, id C are_naturally_equivalent by A1,A4,FUNCTOR3:33; end; theorem Th5: for A,B being category st A,B are_isomorphic holds A,B are_equivalent proof let A,B be category such that A1: A,B are_isomorphic; consider F being Functor of A,B such that A2: F is bijective covariant by A1,FUNCTOR0:def 40; reconsider F as covariant Functor of A,B by A2; consider G being Functor of B,A such that A3: G = F" & G is bijective covariant by A2,FUNCTOR0:49; reconsider G as covariant Functor of B,A by A3; take F, G; thus thesis by A2,A3,FUNCTOR1:21,22; end; scheme NatTransLambda { A, B() -> category, F, G() -> covariant Functor of A(), B(), T(set) -> set }: ex t being natural_transformation of F(), G() st F() is_naturally_transformable_to G() & for a being object of A() holds t!a = T(a) provided A1: for a being object of A() holds T(a) in <^F().a, G().a^> and A2: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b for g1 being Morphism of F().a, G().a st g1 = T(a) for g2 being Morphism of F().b, G().b st g2 = T(b) holds g2*F().f = G().f*g1 proof deffunc t(set) =T($1); consider t being ManySortedSet of the carrier of A() such that A3: for a being Element of A() holds t.a = t(a) from LambdaDMS; A4: F() is_transformable_to G() proof let a be object of A(); thus thesis by A1; end; now let a be object of A(); t.a = T(a) by A3; then t.a in <^F().a, G().a^> by A1; hence t.a is Morphism of F().a, G().a ; end; then reconsider t as transformation of F(), G() by A4,FUNCTOR2:def 2; A5: now let a be object of A(); t.a = T(a) by A3; hence t!a = T(a) by A4,FUNCTOR2:def 4; end; A6: F() is_naturally_transformable_to G() proof thus F() is_transformable_to G() by A4; take t; let a,b be object of A(); t!a = T(a) & t!b = T(b) by A5; hence thesis by A2; end; now let a,b be object of A(); t!a = T(a) & t!b = T(b) by A5; hence <^a,b^> <> {} implies for f being Morphism of a,b holds t!b*F().f = G().f*(t!a) by A2; end; then t is natural_transformation of F(), G() by A6,FUNCTOR2:def 7; hence thesis by A5,A6; end; scheme NatEquivalenceLambda { A, B() -> category, F, G() -> covariant Functor of A(), B(), T(set) -> set }: ex t being natural_equivalence of F(), G() st F(), G() are_naturally_equivalent & for a being object of A() holds t!a = T(a) provided A1: for a being object of A() holds T(a) in <^F().a, G().a^> & <^G().a, F().a^> <> {} & for f being Morphism of F().a, G().a st f = T(a) holds f is iso and A2: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b for g1 being Morphism of F().a, G().a st g1 = T(a) for g2 being Morphism of F().b, G().b st g2 = T(b) holds g2*F().f = G().f*g1 proof deffunc t(set) = T($1); A3: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b for g1 being Morphism of F().a, G().a st g1 = t(a) for g2 being Morphism of F().b, G().b st g2 = t(b) holds g2*F().f = G().f*g1 by A2; A4: for a being object of A() holds t(a) in <^F().a, G().a^> by A1; consider t being natural_transformation of F(), G() such that A5: F() is_naturally_transformable_to G() and A6: for a being object of A() holds t!a = t(a) from NatTransLambda(A4,A3); A7: G() is_transformable_to F() proof let a be object of A(); thus thesis by A1; end; A8: F(), G() are_naturally_equivalent proof thus F() is_naturally_transformable_to G() by A5; thus G() is_transformable_to F() by A7; take t; let a be object of A(); t!a = T(a) by A6; hence thesis by A1; end; now let a be object of A(); t!a = T(a) by A6; hence t!a is iso by A1; end; then t is natural_equivalence of F(), G() by A8,FUNCTOR3:def 5; hence thesis by A6,A8; end; begin :: <section3>Dual categories</section3> definition let C1,C2 be non empty AltCatStr; pred C1, C2 are_opposite means: Def3: the carrier of C2 = the carrier of C1 & the Arrows of C2 = ~the Arrows of C1 & for a,b,c being object of C1 for a',b',c' being object of C2 st a' = a & b' = b & c' = c holds (the Comp of C2).(a',b',c') = ~((the Comp of C1).(c,b,a)); symmetry proof let C1,C2 be non empty AltCatStr; assume that A1: the carrier of C2 = the carrier of C1 and A2: the Arrows of C2 = ~the Arrows of C1 and A3: for a,b,c being object of C1 for a',b',c' being object of C2 st a' = a & b' = b & c' = c holds (the Comp of C2).(a',b',c') = ~((the Comp of C1).(c,b,a)); thus the carrier of C1 = the carrier of C2 by A1; dom the Arrows of C1 = [:the carrier of C1, the carrier of C1:] by PBOOLE:def 3; hence the Arrows of C1 = ~the Arrows of C2 by A2,FUNCT_4:53; let a,b,c be object of C2; let a',b',c' be object of C1; assume a' = a & b' = b & c' = c; then A4: (the Comp of C2).(c,b,a) = ~((the Comp of C1).(a',b',c')) by A3; dom ((the Comp of C1).(a',b',c')) c= [:(the Arrows of C1).(b',c'), (the Arrows of C1).(a',b'):]; hence (the Comp of C1).(a',b',c') = ~((the Comp of C2).(c,b,a)) by A4,FUNCT_4:53; end; end; theorem Th6: for A,B being non empty AltCatStr st A, B are_opposite for a being object of A holds a is object of B proof let A,B be non empty AltCatStr; assume the carrier of A = the carrier of B; hence thesis; end; theorem Th7: for A,B being non empty AltCatStr st A, B are_opposite for a,b being object of A, a',b' being object of B st a' = a & b' = b holds <^a,b^> = <^b',a'^> proof let A,B be non empty AltCatStr such that the carrier of B = the carrier of A and A1: the Arrows of B = ~the Arrows of A; assume for a,b,c being object of A for a',b',c' being object of B st a' = a & b' = b & c' = c holds (the Comp of B).(a',b',c') = ~((the Comp of A).(c,b,a)); let a,b be object of A, a',b' be object of B; <^a,b^> = (the Arrows of A).(a,b) & <^b',a'^> = (the Arrows of B).(b',a') by ALTCAT_1:def 2; hence thesis by A1,ALTCAT_2:6; end; theorem Th8: for A,B being non empty AltCatStr st A, B are_opposite for a,b being object of A, a',b' being object of B st a' = a & b' = b for f being Morphism of a,b holds f is Morphism of b', a' by Th7; theorem Th9: for C1,C2 being non empty transitive AltCatStr holds C1, C2 are_opposite iff the carrier of C2 = the carrier of C1 & for a,b,c being object of C1 for a',b',c' being object of C2 st a' = a & b' = b & c' = c holds <^a,b^> = <^b',a'^> & (<^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} implies for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c for f' being Morphism of b',a', g' being Morphism of c',b' st f' = f & g' = g holds f'*g' = g*f) proof let C1,C2 be non empty transitive AltCatStr; A1: dom the Arrows of C1 = [:the carrier of C1, the carrier of C1:] & dom the Arrows of C2 = [:the carrier of C2, the carrier of C2:] by PBOOLE:def 3; hereby assume A2: C1, C2 are_opposite; hence the carrier of C2 = the carrier of C1 by Def3; let a,b,c be object of C1; let a',b',c' be object of C2 such that A3: a' = a & b' = b & c' = c; A4: [a,b] in dom the Arrows of C1 & [b,c] in dom the Arrows of C1 & [a,c] in dom the Arrows of C1 by A1,ZFMISC_1:def 2; A5: <^a,b^> = (the Arrows of C1).(a,b) & <^b,c^> = (the Arrows of C1).(b,c) & <^a,c^> = (the Arrows of C1).(a,c) by ALTCAT_1:def 2; hence A6: <^a,b^> = (the Arrows of C1).[a,b] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= (~the Arrows of C1).[b,a] by A4,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= (the Arrows of C2).[b',a'] by A2,A3,Def3 .= (the Arrows of C2).(b',a') by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^b',a'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A7: <^b,c^> = (the Arrows of C1).[b,c] by A5,BINOP_1:def 1 .= (~the Arrows of C1).[c,b] by A4,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= (the Arrows of C2).[c',b'] by A2,A3,Def3 .= (the Arrows of C2).(c',b') by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^c',b'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A8: (the Comp of C2).(c',b',a') = ~((the Comp of C1).(a,b,c)) by A2,A3,Def3; assume A9: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b, g be Morphism of b,c; <^a,c^> <> {} by A9,ALTCAT_1:def 4; then dom ((the Comp of C1).(a,b,c)) = [:(the Arrows of C1).(b,c), (the Arrows of C1).(a,b):] by A5,FUNCT_2:def 1; then A10: [g,f] in dom ((the Comp of C1).(a,b,c)) by A5,A9,ZFMISC_1:def 2; let f' be Morphism of b',a', g' be Morphism of c',b'; assume f' = f & g' = g; hence f'*g' = (~((the Comp of C1).(a,b,c))).(f,g) by A6,A7,A8,A9,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= (~((the Comp of C1).(a,b,c))).[f,g] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= ((the Comp of C1).(a,b,c)).[g,f] by A10,FUNCT_4:def 2 .= ((the Comp of C1).(a,b,c)).(g,f) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= g*f by A9,ALTCAT_1:def 10; end; assume that A11: the carrier of C2 = the carrier of C1 and A12: for a,b,c being object of C1 for a',b',c' being object of C2 st a' = a & b' = b & c' = c holds <^a,b^> = <^b',a'^> & (<^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} implies for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c for f' being Morphism of b',a', g' being Morphism of c',b' st f' = f & g' = g holds f'*g' = g*f); thus the carrier of C2 = the carrier of C1 by A11; A13: now let x be set; hereby assume x in dom the Arrows of C2; then consider y,z being set such that A14: y in the carrier of C1 & z in the carrier of C1 & [y,z] = x by A1,A11,ZFMISC_1:def 2; take z,y; thus x = [y,z] & [z,y] in dom the Arrows of C1 by A1,A14,ZFMISC_1:def 2; end; given z,y being set such that A15: x = [y,z] & [z,y] in dom the Arrows of C1; z in the carrier of C1 & y in the carrier of C1 by A1,A15,ZFMISC_1:106; hence x in dom the Arrows of C2 by A1,A11,A15,ZFMISC_1:def 2; end; now let y,z be set; assume [y,z] in dom the Arrows of C1; then y in the carrier of C1 & z in the carrier of C1 by A1,ZFMISC_1:106; then reconsider a = y, b = z as object of C1; reconsider a' = a, b' = b as object of C2 by A11; thus (the Arrows of C2).[z,y] = (the Arrows of C2).(b',a') by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^b',a'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= <^a,b^> by A12 .= (the Arrows of C1).(a,b) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of C1).[y,z] by BINOP_1:def 1; end; hence the Arrows of C2 = ~the Arrows of C1 by A13,FUNCT_4:def 2; let a,b,c be object of C1, a',b',c' be object of C2 such that A16: a' = a & b' = b & c' = c; A17: (the Arrows of C2).(a',b') = <^a',b'^> & (the Arrows of C2).(b',c') = <^b',c'^> & (the Arrows of C2).(a',c') = <^a',c'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A18: (the Arrows of C1).(c,b) = <^c,b^> & (the Arrows of C1).(b,a) = <^b,a^> & (the Arrows of C1).(c,a) = <^c,a^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A19: <^a',b'^> = <^b,a^> & <^b',c'^> = <^c,b^> & <^a',c'^> = <^c,a^> by A12, A16; [:<^b,a^>,<^c,b^>:] <> {} implies <^b,a^> <> {} & <^c,b^> <> {} by ZFMISC_1:113; then [:<^b,a^>,<^c,b^>:] <> {} implies <^c,a^> <> {} by ALTCAT_1:def 4; then A20: dom ((the Comp of C1).(c,b,a)) = [:(the Arrows of C1).(b,a), (the Arrows of C1).(c,b):] by A18,FUNCT_2:def 1; [:<^c,b^>,<^b,a^>:] <> {} implies <^b,a^> <> {} & <^c,b^> <> {} by ZFMISC_1:113; then [:<^c,b^>,<^b,a^>:] <> {} implies <^c,a^> <> {} by ALTCAT_1:def 4; then A21: dom ((the Comp of C2).(a',b',c')) = [:(the Arrows of C2).(b',c'), (the Arrows of C2).(a',b'):] by A17,A19,FUNCT_2:def 1; A22: now let x be set; hereby assume x in dom ((the Comp of C2).(a',b',c')); then consider y,z being set such that A23: y in <^b',c'^> & z in <^a',b'^> & [y,z] = x by A17,ZFMISC_1:def 2; take z,y; thus x = [y,z] & [z,y] in dom ((the Comp of C1).(c,b,a)) by A18,A19,A20,A23,ZFMISC_1:def 2; end; given z,y being set such that A24: x = [y,z] & [z,y] in dom ((the Comp of C1).(c,b,a)); z in <^b,a^> & y in <^c,b^> by A18,A24,ZFMISC_1:106; hence x in dom ((the Comp of C2).(a',b',c')) by A17,A19,A21,A24,ZFMISC_1: def 2; end; now let y,z be set; assume [y,z] in dom ((the Comp of C1).(c,b,a)); then A25: y in <^b,a^> & z in <^c,b^> by A18,ZFMISC_1:106; then reconsider f = y as Morphism of b,a ; reconsider g = z as Morphism of c,b by A25; reconsider f' = y as Morphism of a',b' by A19,A25; reconsider g' = z as Morphism of b',c' by A19,A25; thus ((the Comp of C2).(a',b',c')).[z,y] = ((the Comp of C2).(a',b',c')).(g',f') by BINOP_1:def 1 .= g'*f' by A19,A25,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= f*g by A12,A16,A25 .= ((the Comp of C1).(c,b,a)).(f,g) by A25,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= ((the Comp of C1).(c,b,a)).[y,z] by BINOP_1:def 1; end; hence (the Comp of C2).(a',b',c') = ~((the Comp of C1).(c,b,a)) by A22,FUNCT_4:def 2; end; theorem Th10: for A,B being category st A, B are_opposite for a being object of A, b being object of B st a = b holds idm a = idm b proof let A,B be category such that A1: A, B are_opposite; let a be object of A, b be object of B such that A2: a = b; <^a,a^> = <^b,b^> by A1,A2,Th9; then reconsider i = idm b as Morphism of a,a ; now let c be object of A; assume A3: <^a,c^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,c; the carrier of A = the carrier of B by A1,Th9; then reconsider d = c as object of B; A4: <^a,c^> = <^d,b^> by A1,A2,Th9; then reconsider g = f as Morphism of d,b ; thus f*i = (idm b)*g by A1,A2,A3,Th9 .= f by A3,A4,ALTCAT_1:24; end; hence idm a = idm b by ALTCAT_1:def 19; end; theorem Th11: for C being transitive non empty AltCatStr ex C' being strict transitive non empty AltCatStr st C, C' are_opposite proof let C be transitive non empty AltCatStr; deffunc B(set,set) = (the Arrows of C).($2,$1); deffunc C(set,set,set,set,set) = ((the Comp of C).($3,$2,$1)).($4,$5); A1: now let a,b,c be Element of C, f,g be set; reconsider a' = a, b' = b, c' = c as object of C; assume f in B(a,b); then A2: f in <^b',a'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider f' = f as Morphism of b',a' ; assume g in B(b,c); then A3: g in <^c',b'^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider g' = g as Morphism of c',b' ; A4: <^c',a'^> <> {} & B(a,c) = <^c',a'^> by A2,A3,ALTCAT_1:def 2,def 4; C(a,b,c,f,g) = f'*g' by A2,A3,ALTCAT_1:def 10; hence C(a,b,c,f,g) in B(a,c) by A4; end; ex C1 being strict non empty transitive AltCatStr st the carrier of C1 = the carrier of C & (for a,b being object of C1 holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b)) & (for a,b,c being object of C1 st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g)) from AltCatStrLambda(A1); then consider C1 being strict transitive non empty AltCatStr such that A5: the carrier of C1 = the carrier of C and A6: for a,b being object of C1 holds <^a,b^> = (the Arrows of C).(b,a) and A7: for a,b,c being object of C1 st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = ((the Comp of C).(c,b,a)).(f,g); take C1; now let a,b,c be object of C; let a',b',c' be object of C1; assume A8: a' = a & b' = b & c' = c; hence A9: <^a,b^> = (the Arrows of C).(a',b') by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= <^b',a'^> by A6; A10: <^b,c^> = (the Arrows of C).(b',c') by A8,ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= <^c',b'^> by A6; assume A11: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b, g be Morphism of b,c; let f' be Morphism of b',a', g' be Morphism of c',b'; assume f' = f & g' = g; hence f'*g' = ((the Comp of C).(a,b,c)).(g,f) by A7,A8,A9,A10,A11 .= g*f by A11,ALTCAT_1:def 10; end; hence thesis by A5,Th9; end; theorem Th12: for A,B being transitive non empty AltCatStr st A,B are_opposite holds A is associative implies B is associative proof let A,B be transitive non empty AltCatStr such that A1: A,B are_opposite and A2: A is associative; A3: the carrier of A = the carrier of B by A1,Def3; deffunc C(set,set,set,set,set) = ((the Comp of A).($3,$2,$1)).($4,$5); A4: now let a,b,c be object of B such that A5: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b, g be Morphism of b,c; reconsider a' = a, b' = b, c' = c as object of A by A1,Th6; A6: <^a,b^> = <^b',a'^> & <^b,c^> = <^c',b'^> by A1,Th7; reconsider f' = f as Morphism of b', a' by A1,Th8; reconsider g' = g as Morphism of c', b' by A1,Th8; thus g*f = f'*g' by A1,A5,Th9 .= C(a,b,c,f,g) by A5,A6,ALTCAT_1:def 10; end; A7: now let a,b,c,d be object of B, f,g,h be set; reconsider a' = a, b' = b, c' = c, d' = d as object of A by A3; assume f in <^a,b^>; then A8: f in <^b',a'^> by A1,Th9; then reconsider f' = f as Morphism of b',a' ; assume g in <^b,c^>; then A9: g in <^c',b'^> by A1,Th9; then reconsider g' = g as Morphism of c',b' ; assume h in <^c,d^>; then A10: h in <^d',c'^> by A1,Th9; then reconsider h' = h as Morphism of d',c' ; A11: <^c',a'^> <> {} & <^d',b'^> <> {} by A8,A9,A10,ALTCAT_1:def 4; thus C(a,c,d,C(a,b,c,f,g),h) = C(a,c,d,f'*g',h) by A8,A9,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= (f'*g')*h' by A10,A11,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= f'*(g'*h') by A2,A8,A9,A10,ALTCAT_1:25 .= C(a,b,d,f,g'*h') by A8,A11,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= C(a,b,d,f,C(b,c,d,g,h)) by A9,A10,ALTCAT_1:def 10; end; thus thesis from CatAssocSch(A4,A7); end; theorem Th13: for A,B being transitive non empty AltCatStr st A,B are_opposite holds A is with_units implies B is with_units proof let A,B be transitive non empty AltCatStr such that A1: A,B are_opposite; assume A is with_units; then reconsider A as with_units (transitive non empty AltCatStr); deffunc C(set,set,set,set,set) = ((the Comp of A).($3,$2,$1)).($4,$5); A2: now let a,b,c be object of B such that A3: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b, g be Morphism of b,c; reconsider a' = a, b' = b, c' = c as object of A by A1,Th6; A4: <^a,b^> = <^b',a'^> & <^b,c^> = <^c',b'^> by A1,Th7; reconsider f' = f as Morphism of b', a' by A1,Th8; reconsider g' = g as Morphism of c', b' by A1,Th8; thus g*f = f'*g' by A1,A3,Th9 .= C(a,b,c,f,g) by A3,A4,ALTCAT_1:def 10; end; A5: now let a be object of B; reconsider a' = a as object of A by A1,Th6; reconsider f = idm a' as set; take f; idm a' in <^a',a'^>; hence f in <^a,a^> by A1,Th7; let b be object of B, g be set; reconsider b' = b as object of A by A1,Th6; assume g in <^a,b^>; then A7: g in <^b',a'^> by A1,Th7; then reconsider g' = g as Morphism of b',a'; thus C(a,a,b,f,g) = (idm a')*g' by A7,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= g by A7,ALTCAT_1:24; end; A8: now let a be object of B; reconsider a' = a as object of A by A1,Th6; reconsider f = idm a' as set; take f; idm a' in <^a',a'^>; hence f in <^a,a^> by A1,Th7; let b be object of B, g be set; reconsider b' = b as object of A by A1,Th6; assume g in <^b,a^>; then A10: g in <^a',b'^> by A1,Th7; then reconsider g' = g as Morphism of a',b'; thus C(b,a,a,g,f) = g'*(idm a') by A10,ALTCAT_1:def 10 .= g by A10,ALTCAT_1:def 19; end; thus thesis from CatUnitsSch(A2,A5,A8); end; theorem Th14: for C,C1,C2 being non empty AltCatStr st C, C1 are_opposite holds C, C2 are_opposite iff the AltCatStr of C1 = the AltCatStr of C2 proof let C, C1, C2 be non empty AltCatStr such that A1: the carrier of C1 = the carrier of C and A2: the Arrows of C1 = ~the Arrows of C and A3: for a,b,c being object of C for a',b',c' being object of C1 st a' = a & b' = b & c' = c holds (the Comp of C1).(a',b',c') = ~((the Comp of C).(c,b,a)); thus C, C2 are_opposite implies the AltCatStr of C1 = the AltCatStr of C2 proof assume that A4: the carrier of C2 = the carrier of C and A5: the Arrows of C2 = ~the Arrows of C and A6: for a,b,c being object of C for a',b',c' being object of C2 st a' = a & b' = b & c' = c holds (the Comp of C2).(a',b',c') = ~((the Comp of C).(c,b,a)); A7: dom the Comp of C1 = [:the carrier of C1, the carrier of C1, the carrier of C1:] by PBOOLE:def 3; A8: dom the Comp of C2 = [:the carrier of C2, the carrier of C2, the carrier of C2:] by PBOOLE:def 3; now let x be set; assume x in [:the carrier of C, the carrier of C, the carrier of C:]; then consider a,b,c being set such that A9: a in the carrier of C & b in the carrier of C & c in the carrier of C & x = [a,b,c] by MCART_1:72; reconsider a, b, c as object of C by A9; reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b, c1 = c as object of C1 by A1; reconsider a2 = a, b2 = b, c2 = c as object of C2 by A4; (the Comp of C1).(a1,b1,c1) = ~((the Comp of C).(c,b,a)) & (the Comp of C2).(a2,b2,c2) = ~((the Comp of C).(c,b,a)) by A3,A6; hence (the Comp of C1).x = (the Comp of C2).(a2,b2,c2) by A9,MULTOP_1:def 1 .= (the Comp of C2).x by A9,MULTOP_1:def 1; end; hence thesis by A1,A2,A4,A5,A7,A8,FUNCT_1:9; end; assume A10: the AltCatStr of C1 = the AltCatStr of C2; hence the carrier of C2 = the carrier of C & the Arrows of C2 = ~the Arrows of C by A1,A2; let a,b,c be object of C, a',b',c' be object of C2; thus thesis by A3,A10; end; definition let C be transitive non empty AltCatStr; func C opp -> strict transitive non empty AltCatStr means: Def4: C, it are_opposite; uniqueness by Th14; existence by Th11; end; definition let C be associative (transitive non empty AltCatStr); cluster C opp -> associative; coherence proof C, C opp are_opposite by Def4; hence thesis by Th12; end; end; definition let C be with_units (transitive non empty AltCatStr); cluster C opp -> with_units; coherence proof C, C opp are_opposite by Def4; hence thesis by Th13; end; end; definition let A,B be category such that A1: A, B are_opposite; deffunc O(set) = $1; deffunc F(set,set,set) = $3; A2: the carrier of B = the carrier of A by A1,Def3;then A3: for a being object of A holds O(a) is object of B; A4: now let a,b be object of A such that A5: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; reconsider a' = a, b' = b as object of B by A2; <^a,b^> = <^b',a'^> by A1,Th9 .= (the Arrows of B).(b, a) by ALTCAT_1:def 2; hence F(a,b,f) in (the Arrows of B).(O(b), O(a)) by A5; end; A6: for a,b,c being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c for a',b',c' being object of B st a' = O(a) & b' = O(b) & c' = O(c) for f' being Morphism of b',a', g' being Morphism of c',b' st f' = F(a,b,f) & g' = F(b,c,g) holds F(a,c,g*f) = f'*g' by A1,Th9; A7: for a being object of A, a' being object of B st a' = O(a) holds F(a,a,idm a) = idm a' by A1,Th10; func dualizing-func(A,B) -> contravariant strict Functor of A,B means: Def5: (for a being object of A holds it.a = a) & for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds it.f = f; existence proof thus ex F being contravariant strict Functor of A,B st (for a being object of A holds F.a = O(a)) & for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = F(a,b,f) from ContravariantFunctorLambda(A3,A4,A6,A7); end; uniqueness proof let F,G be contravariant strict Functor of A,B such that A8: for a being object of A holds F.a = a and A9: for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = f and A10: for a being object of A holds G.a = a and A11: for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds G.f = f; A12: now let a be object of A; thus F.a = a by A8 .= G.a by A10; end; now let a,b be object of A such that A13: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; thus F.f = f by A9,A13 .= G.f by A11,A13; end; hence thesis by A12,Th2; end; end; theorem Th15: for A,B being category st A,B are_opposite holds dualizing-func(A,B)*dualizing-func(B,A) = id B proof let A,B be category such that A1: A, B are_opposite; A2: now let a be object of B; thus (dualizing-func(A,B)*dualizing-func(B,A)).a = dualizing-func(A,B).(dualizing-func(B,A).a) by FUNCTOR0:34 .= dualizing-func(B,A).a by A1,Def5 .= a by A1,Def5 .= (id B).a by FUNCTOR0:30; end; now let a,b be object of B; assume A3: <^a,b^> <> {}; then A4: <^dualizing-func(B,A).b,dualizing-func(B,A).a^> <> {} by FUNCTOR0: def 20; let f be Morphism of a,b; thus (dualizing-func(A,B)*dualizing-func(B,A)).f = dualizing-func(A,B).(dualizing-func(B,A).f) by A3,FUNCTOR3:7 .= dualizing-func(B,A).f by A1,A4,Def5 .= f by A1,A3,Def5 .= (id B).f by A3,FUNCTOR0:32; end; hence thesis by A2,Th1; end; theorem Th16: for A, B being category st A, B are_opposite holds dualizing-func(A,B) is bijective proof let A, B be category such that A1: A, B are_opposite; set F = dualizing-func(A,B); deffunc O(set) = $1; deffunc F(set,set,set) = $3; A2: for a being object of A holds F.a = O(a) by A1,Def5; A3: for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = F(a,b,f) by A1,Def5; A4: for a,b being object of A st O(a) = O(b) holds a = b; A5: for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f,g being Morphism of a,b st F(a,b,f) = F(a,b,g) holds f = g; A6: now let a,b be object of B; the carrier of A = the carrier of B by A1,Def3; then reconsider a' = a, b' = b as object of A; A7: <^a,b^> = <^b',a'^> by A1,Th9; assume A8: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; thus ex c,d being object of A, g being Morphism of c,d st b = O(c) & a = O(d) & <^c,d^> <> {} & f = F(c,d,g) by A7,A8; end; F is bijective from ContraBijectiveSch(A2,A3,A4,A5,A6); hence thesis; end; definition let A be category; cluster dualizing-func(A, A opp) -> bijective; coherence proof A, A opp are_opposite by Def4; hence thesis by Th16; end; cluster dualizing-func(A opp, A) -> bijective; coherence proof A, A opp are_opposite by Def4; hence thesis by Th16; end; end; theorem for A, B being category st A, B are_opposite holds A, B are_anti-isomorphic proof let A, B be category; assume A, B are_opposite; then dualizing-func(A,B) is bijective by Th16; hence thesis by FUNCTOR0:def 41; end; theorem Th18: for A, B, C being category st A, B are_opposite holds A, C are_isomorphic iff B, C are_anti-isomorphic proof let A,B,C be category; assume A, B are_opposite; then A1: dualizing-func(A,B) is bijective by Th16; hereby assume A, C are_isomorphic; then consider F being Functor of C,A such that A2: F is bijective covariant by FUNCTOR0:def 40; reconsider F as covariant Functor of C,A by A2; dualizing-func(A,B)*F is bijective contravariant by A1,A2,FUNCTOR1:13; hence B, C are_anti-isomorphic by FUNCTOR0:def 41; end; assume B, C are_anti-isomorphic; then consider F being Functor of B,C such that A3: F is bijective contravariant by FUNCTOR0:def 41; reconsider F as contravariant Functor of B,C by A3; F*dualizing-func(A,B) is bijective covariant by A1,A3,FUNCTOR1:13; hence A, C are_isomorphic by FUNCTOR0:def 40; end; theorem for A, B, C, D being category st A, B are_opposite & C, D are_opposite holds A, C are_isomorphic implies B, D are_isomorphic proof let A, B, C, D be category; assume A1: A, B are_opposite & C, D are_opposite; then A, C are_isomorphic implies B, C are_anti-isomorphic by Th18; hence thesis by A1,Th18; end; theorem for A, B, C, D being category st A, B are_opposite & C, D are_opposite holds A, C are_anti-isomorphic implies B, D are_anti-isomorphic proof let A, B, C, D be category; assume A1: A, B are_opposite & C, D are_opposite; then A, C are_anti-isomorphic implies B, C are_isomorphic by Th18; hence thesis by A1,Th18; end; Lm1: now let A, B be category such that A1: A, B are_opposite; let a, b be object of A such that A2: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {}; let a', b' be object of B such that A3: a' = a & b' = b; let f be Morphism of a,b, f' be Morphism of b',a' such that A4: f' = f; thus f is retraction implies f' is coretraction proof given g being Morphism of b,a such that A5: g is_right_inverse_of f; reconsider g' = g as Morphism of a', b' by A1,A3,Th8; take g'; f*g = idm b by A5,ALTCAT_3:def 1 .= idm b' by A1,A3,Th10; hence g'*f' = idm b' by A1,A2,A3,A4,Th9; end; thus f is coretraction implies f' is retraction proof given g being Morphism of b,a such that A6: g is_left_inverse_of f; reconsider g' = g as Morphism of a', b' by A1,A3,Th8; take g'; g*f = idm a by A6,ALTCAT_3:def 1 .= idm a' by A1,A3,Th10; hence f'*g' = idm a' by A1,A2,A3,A4,Th9; end; end; theorem for A, B being category st A, B are_opposite for a, b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {} for a', b' being object of B st a' = a & b' = b for f being Morphism of a,b, f' being Morphism of b',a' st f' = f holds f is retraction iff f' is coretraction proof let A, B be category such that A1: A, B are_opposite; let a, b be object of A such that A2: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {}; let a', b' be object of B such that A3: a' = a & b' = b; <^b',a'^> = <^a,b^> & <^a',b'^> = <^b,a^> by A1,A3,Th9; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,Lm1; end; theorem for A, B being category st A, B are_opposite for a, b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {} for a', b' being object of B st a' = a & b' = b for f being Morphism of a,b, f' being Morphism of b',a' st f' = f holds f is coretraction iff f' is retraction proof let A, B be category such that A1: A, B are_opposite; let a, b be object of A such that A2: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {}; let a', b' be object of B such that A3: a' = a & b' = b; <^b',a'^> = <^a,b^> & <^a',b'^> = <^b,a^> by A1,A3,Th9; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,Lm1; end; theorem Th23: for A, B being category st A, B are_opposite for a, b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {} for a', b' being object of B st a' = a & b' = b for f being Morphism of a,b, f' being Morphism of b',a' st f' = f & f is retraction coretraction holds f'" = f" proof let A, B be category such that A1: A, B are_opposite; let a, b be object of A such that A2: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {}; let a', b' be object of B such that A3: a' = a & b' = b; A4: <^b',a'^> = <^a,b^> & <^a',b'^> = <^b,a^> by A1,A3,Th9; let f be Morphism of a,b, f' be Morphism of b',a' such that A5: f' = f & f is retraction coretraction; reconsider g = f" as Morphism of a', b' by A1,A3,Th8; f"*f = idm a & f*f" = idm b by A2,A5,ALTCAT_3:2; then f'*g = idm a & g*f' = idm b by A1,A2,A3,A5,Th9; then f'*g = idm a' & g*f' = idm b' by A1,A3,Th10; then f' is retraction coretraction & g is_left_inverse_of f' & g is_right_inverse_of f' by A1,A2,A3,A5,Lm1,ALTCAT_3:def 1; hence thesis by A2,A4,ALTCAT_3:def 4; end; theorem Th24: for A, B being category st A, B are_opposite for a, b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {} for a', b' being object of B st a' = a & b' = b for f being Morphism of a,b, f' being Morphism of b',a' st f' = f holds f is iso iff f' is iso proof let A, B be category such that A1: A, B are_opposite; let a, b be object of A such that A2: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {}; let a', b' be object of B such that A3: a' = a & b' = b; A4: <^b',a'^> = <^a,b^> & <^a',b'^> = <^b,a^> by A1,A3,Th9; now let A, B be category such that A5: A, B are_opposite; let a, b be object of A such that A6: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {}; let a', b' be object of B such that A7: a' = a & b' = b; let f be Morphism of a,b, f' be Morphism of b',a' such that A8: f' = f; assume f is iso; then A9: f*f" = idm b & f"*f = idm a & f is retraction coretraction by ALTCAT_3:5,def 5; then f'" = f" & idm a = idm a' & idm b = idm b' by A5,A6,A7,A8,Th10,Th23; then f'*f'" = idm a' & f'"*f' = idm b' by A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,Th9; hence f' is iso by ALTCAT_3:def 5; end; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4; end; theorem Th25: for A, B, C, D being category st A, B are_opposite & C, D are_opposite for F, G being covariant Functor of B, C st F, G are_naturally_equivalent holds dualizing-func(C,D)*G*dualizing-func(A,B), dualizing-func(C,D)*F*dualizing-func(A,B) are_naturally_equivalent proof let A, B, C, D be category such that A1: A, B are_opposite & C, D are_opposite; let F, G be covariant Functor of B, C such that A2: F is_naturally_transformable_to G and A3: G is_transformable_to F; given t being natural_transformation of F, G such that A4: for a being object of B holds t!a is iso; set dAB = dualizing-func(A,B), dCD = dualizing-func(C,D), dF = dCD*F*dAB, dG = dCD*G*dAB; A5: F is_transformable_to G by A2,FUNCTOR2:def 6; A6: now let a be object of A; dG.a = (dCD*G).(dAB.a) & dF.a = (dCD*F).(dAB.a) by FUNCTOR0:34; hence dG.a = dCD.(G.(dAB.a)) & dF.a = dCD.(F.(dAB.a)) by FUNCTOR0:34; hence dG.a = G.(dAB.a) & dF.a = F.(dAB.a) by A1,Def5; hence <^dG.a, dF.a^> = <^F.(dAB.a), G.(dAB.a)^> by A1,Th9; end; A7: dG is_transformable_to dF proof let a be object of A; <^dG.a, dF.a^> = <^F.(dAB.a), G.(dAB.a)^> by A6; hence <^dG.a, dF.a^> <> {} by A5,FUNCTOR2:def 1; end; reconsider dt = t as ManySortedSet of the carrier of A by A1,Def3; dt is transformation of dG, dF proof thus dG is_transformable_to dF by A7; let a be object of A; set b = dAB.a; b = a & t.b = t!b & <^dG.a, dF.a^> = <^F.b, G.b^> by A1,A5,A6,Def5,FUNCTOR2:def 4; hence dt.a is Morphism of dG.a, dF.a ; end; then reconsider dt as transformation of dG, dF; A8: now let a,b be object of A such that A9: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; set b' = dAB.b, a' = dAB.a, f' = dAB.f; A10: a' = a & b' = b by A1,Def5; then A11: <^b', a'^> = <^a,b^> by A1,Th9; A12: t!a' = t.a & t!b' = t.b & dt!a = t.a & dt!b = t.b by A5,A7,A10,FUNCTOR2:def 4; A13: <^F.b', F.a'^> <> {} & <^G.b', G.a'^> <> {} by A9,A11,FUNCTOR0:def 19; dF.f = (dCD*F).f' & dG.f = (dCD*G).f' by A9,FUNCTOR3:7; then dF.f = dCD.(F.f') & dG.f = dCD.(G.f') by A9,A11,FUNCTOR3:8; then A14: dF.f = F.f' & dG.f = G.f' by A1,A13,Def5; A15: <^F.b', G.b'^> <> {} & <^F.a', G.a'^> <> {} by A5,FUNCTOR2:def 1; A16: dG.a = G.a' & dF.a = F.a' & dG.b = G.b' & dF.b = F.b' by A6; hence dt!b*dG.f = G.f'*(t!b') by A1,A12,A13,A14,A15,Th9 .= t!a'*F.f' by A2,A9,A11,FUNCTOR2:def 7 .= dF.f*(dt!a) by A1,A12,A13,A14,A15,A16,Th9; end; thus A17: dG is_naturally_transformable_to dF proof thus dG is_transformable_to dF by A7; take dt; thus thesis by A8; end; dt is natural_transformation of dG, dF proof thus dG is_naturally_transformable_to dF by A17; thus thesis by A8; end; then reconsider dt as natural_transformation of dG, dF; thus dF is_transformable_to dG proof let a be object of A; dF.a = F.(dAB.a) & dG.a = G.(dAB.a) by A6; then <^dF.a, dG.a^> = <^G.(dAB.a), F.(dAB.a)^> by A1,Th9; hence <^dF.a, dG.a^> <> {} by A3,FUNCTOR2:def 1; end; take dt; let a be object of A; A18: dG.a = G.(dAB.a) & dF.a = F.(dAB.a) by A6; dAB.a = a by A1,Def5; then A19: dt!a = t.a & t!(dAB.a) = t.a by A5,A7,FUNCTOR2:def 4; A20: t!(dAB.a) is iso by A4; <^F.(dAB.a), G.(dAB.a)^> <> {} & <^G.(dAB.a), F.(dAB.a)^> <> {} by A3,A5,FUNCTOR2:def 1; hence dt!a is iso by A1,A18,A19,A20,Th24; end; theorem Th26: for A, B, C, D being category st A, B are_opposite & C, D are_opposite holds A, C are_equivalent implies B, D are_equivalent proof let A, B, C, D be category; assume A1: A, B are_opposite & C, D are_opposite; given F being covariant Functor of A,C, G being covariant Functor of C,A such that A2: G*F, id A are_naturally_equivalent and A3: F*G, id C are_naturally_equivalent; take dF = dualizing-func(C,D)*F*dualizing-func(B,A), dG = dualizing-func(A,B)*G*dualizing-func(D,C); A4: G* id C = the FunctorStr of G & dualizing-func(A,B)*(id A) = dualizing-func(A,B) by FUNCTOR3:5; A5: id C = dualizing-func(D,C)*dualizing-func(C,D) by A1,Th15; A6: dualizing-func(A,B)*(G*F)*dualizing-func(B,A) = dualizing-func(A,B)*G*F*dualizing-func(B,A) by FUNCTOR0:33 .= dualizing-func(A,B)*G*(F*dualizing-func(B,A)) by FUNCTOR0:33 .= dualizing-func(A,B)*(G*(id C))*(F*dualizing-func(B,A)) by A4,Th3 .= dualizing-func(A,B)*G*(id C)*(F*dualizing-func(B,A)) by FUNCTOR0:33 .= dG*dualizing-func(C,D)*(F*dualizing-func(B,A)) by A5,FUNCTOR0:33 .= dG*(dualizing-func(C,D)*(F*dualizing-func(B,A))) by FUNCTOR0:33 .= dG*dF by FUNCTOR0:33; dualizing-func(A,B)*(id A)*dualizing-func(B,A) = id B by A1,A4,Th15; hence dG*dF, id B are_naturally_equivalent by A1,A2,A6,Th25; A7: F* id A = the FunctorStr of F & dualizing-func(C,D)*(id C) = dualizing-func(C,D) by FUNCTOR3:5; A8: id A = dualizing-func(B,A)*dualizing-func(A,B) by A1,Th15; A9: dualizing-func(C,D)*(F*G)*dualizing-func(D,C) = dualizing-func(C,D)*F*G*dualizing-func(D,C) by FUNCTOR0:33 .= dualizing-func(C,D)*F*(G*dualizing-func(D,C)) by FUNCTOR0:33 .= dualizing-func(C,D)*(F*(id A))*(G*dualizing-func(D,C)) by A7,Th3 .= dualizing-func(C,D)*F*(id A)*(G*dualizing-func(D,C)) by FUNCTOR0:33 .= dF*dualizing-func(A,B)*(G*dualizing-func(D,C)) by A8,FUNCTOR0:33 .= dF*(dualizing-func(A,B)*(G*dualizing-func(D,C))) by FUNCTOR0:33 .= dF*dG by FUNCTOR0:33; dualizing-func(C,D)*(id C)*dualizing-func(D,C) = id D by A1,A7,Th15; hence dF*dG, id D are_naturally_equivalent by A1,A3,A9,Th25; end; definition let A,B be category; pred A,B are_dual means: Def6: A, B opp are_equivalent; symmetry proof let A,B be category; A, A opp are_opposite & B, B opp are_opposite by Def4; hence thesis by Th26; end; end; theorem for A, B being category st A, B are_anti-isomorphic holds A, B are_dual proof let A, B be category; A1: B, B opp are_opposite by Def4; assume A, B are_anti-isomorphic; then A, B opp are_isomorphic by A1,Th18; hence A, B opp are_equivalent by Th5; end; theorem for A, B, C being category st A, B are_opposite holds A, C are_equivalent iff B, C are_dual proof let A, B, C be category such that A1: A, B are_opposite; A2: B, C are_dual iff B, C opp are_equivalent by Def6; C, C opp are_opposite by Def4; hence thesis by A1,A2,Th26; end; theorem for A, B, C being category st A, B are_dual & B, C are_equivalent holds A, C are_dual proof let A, B, C be category such that A1: A, B opp are_equivalent and A2: B, C are_equivalent; B, B opp are_opposite & C, C opp are_opposite by Def4; then B opp, C opp are_equivalent by A2,Th26; hence A, C opp are_equivalent by A1,Th4; end; theorem for A, B, C being category st A, B are_dual & B, C are_dual holds A, C are_equivalent proof let A, B, C be category such that A1: A, B opp are_equivalent and A2: B, C are_dual; C, B opp are_equivalent by A2,Def6; hence thesis by A1,Th4; end; begin :: <section4>Concrete categories</section4> theorem Th31: for X,Y,x being set holds x in Funcs(X,Y) iff x is Function & proj1 x = X & proj2 x c= Y proof let X,Y,x be set; hereby assume x in Funcs(X,Y); then ex f being Function st x = f & dom f = X & rng f c= Y by FUNCT_2:def 2; hence x is Function & proj1 x = X & proj2 x c= Y by FUNCT_5:21; end; assume x is Function; then reconsider x as Function; dom x = proj1 x & rng x = proj2 x by FUNCT_5:21; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:def 2; end; definition let C be 1-sorted; mode ManySortedSet of C is ManySortedSet of the carrier of C; end; definition let C be category; attr C is para-functional means ex F being ManySortedSet of C st for a1,a2 being object of C holds <^a1,a2^> c= Funcs(F.a1,F.a2); end; definition cluster quasi-functional -> para-functional category; coherence proof let C be category such that A1: for a1,a2 being object of C holds <^a1,a2^> c= Funcs(a1,a2); dom id the carrier of C = the carrier of C by RELAT_1:71; then reconsider F = id the carrier of C as ManySortedSet of C by PBOOLE:def 3; take F; let a1,a2 be object of C; F.a1 = a1 & F.a2 = a2 by FUNCT_1:35; hence thesis by A1; end; end; definition let C be category; let a be set; func C-carrier_of a means: Def8: ex b being object of C st b = a & it = proj1 idm b if a is object of C otherwise it = {}; consistency; existence proof hereby assume a is object of C; then reconsider b = a as object of C; take x = proj1 idm b, b; thus b = a & x = proj1 idm b; end; thus thesis; end; uniqueness; end; definition let C be category; let a be object of C; redefine func C-carrier_of a equals: Def9: proj1 idm a; compatibility by Def8; synonym the_carrier_of a; end; theorem Th32: for A being non empty set, a being object of EnsCat A holds idm a = id a proof let A be non empty set, a be object of EnsCat A; <^a,a^> = Funcs(a, a) by ALTCAT_1:def 16; then id a in <^a, a^> by ALTCAT_1:2; then reconsider e = id a as Morphism of a,a ; now let b being object of EnsCat A such that A2: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; A3: <^a,b^> = Funcs(a, b) by ALTCAT_1:def 16; then reconsider g = f as Function by A2,Th31; A4: dom g = proj1 f by FUNCT_5:21 .= a by A2,A3,Th31; thus f*e = g* id a by A2,ALTCAT_1:def 14 .= f by A4,FUNCT_1:42; end; hence thesis by ALTCAT_1:def 19; end; theorem Th33: for A being non empty set for a being object of EnsCat A holds the_carrier_of a = a proof let A be non empty set; let a be object of EnsCat A; thus the_carrier_of a = proj1 (idm a) by Def9 .= proj1 id a by Th32 .= dom id a by FUNCT_5:21 .= a by RELAT_1:71; end; definition let C be category; attr C is set-id-inheriting means: Def10: for a being object of C holds idm a = id the_carrier_of a; end; definition let A be non empty set; cluster EnsCat A -> set-id-inheriting; coherence proof let a be object of EnsCat A; thus idm a = id a by Th32 .= id the_carrier_of a by Th33; end; end; definition let C be category; attr C is concrete means: Def11: C is para-functional semi-functional set-id-inheriting; end; definition cluster concrete -> para-functional semi-functional set-id-inheriting category; coherence by Def11; cluster para-functional semi-functional set-id-inheriting -> concrete category; coherence by Def11; end; definition cluster concrete quasi-functional strict category; existence proof take EnsCat NAT; thus thesis; end; end; theorem Th34: for C being category holds C is para-functional iff for a1,a2 being object of C holds <^a1,a2^> c= Funcs(the_carrier_of a1, the_carrier_of a2) proof let C be category; thus C is para-functional implies for a1,a2 being object of C holds <^a1,a2^> c= Funcs(the_carrier_of a1, the_carrier_of a2) proof given F being ManySortedSet of C such that A1: for a1,a2 being object of C holds <^a1,a2^> c= Funcs(F.a1,F.a2); let a1,a2 be object of C; A2: idm a1 in <^a1,a1^> & <^a1,a1^> c= Funcs(F.a1, F.a1) & <^a2,a2^> c= Funcs(F.a2, F.a2) & idm a2 in <^a2,a2^> by A1; then consider f1 being Function such that A3: idm a1 = f1 & dom f1 = F.a1 & rng f1 c= F.a1 by FUNCT_2:def 2; consider f2 being Function such that A4: idm a2 = f2 & dom f2 = F.a2 & rng f2 c= F.a2 by A2,FUNCT_2:def 2; the_carrier_of a1 = proj1 idm a1 & the_carrier_of a2 = proj1 idm a2 by Def8; then the_carrier_of a1 = F.a1 & the_carrier_of a2 = F.a2 by A3,A4, FUNCT_5:21; hence thesis by A1; end; assume A5: for a1,a2 being object of C holds <^a1,a2^> c= Funcs(the_carrier_of a1, the_carrier_of a2); deffunc O(set) = C-carrier_of $1; consider F being ManySortedSet of the carrier of C such that A6: for a being Element of C holds F.a = O(a) from LambdaDMS; take F; let a, b be object of C; F.a = the_carrier_of a & F.b = the_carrier_of b by A6; hence thesis by A5; end; theorem Th35: for C being para-functional category for a,b being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds f is Function of the_carrier_of a, the_carrier_of b proof let C be para-functional category; let a,b be object of C such that A1: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; <^a,b^> c= Funcs(the_carrier_of a, the_carrier_of b) & f in <^a,b^> by A1,Th34; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:121; end; definition let A be para-functional category; let a,b be object of A; cluster -> Function-like Relation-like Morphism of a,b; coherence proof let f be Morphism of a,b; per cases; suppose <^a,b^> <> {}; hence thesis by Th35; suppose <^a,b^> = {}; hence thesis by SUBSET_1:def 2; end; end; theorem Th36: for C being para-functional category for a,b being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds dom f = the_carrier_of a & rng f c= the_carrier_of b proof let C be para-functional category; let a,b be object of C such that A1: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; <^a,b^> c= Funcs(the_carrier_of a, the_carrier_of b) & f in <^a,b^> by A1,Th34; hence thesis by PRALG_3:4; end; theorem for C being para-functional semi-functional category for a being object of C holds the_carrier_of a = dom idm a proof let C be para-functional semi-functional category; let a be object of C; thus the_carrier_of a = proj1 idm a by Def9 .= dom idm a by FUNCT_5:21; end; theorem Th38: for C being para-functional semi-functional category for a,b,c being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = (g qua Function)*(f qua Function) proof let C be para-functional semi-functional category; let a,b,c be object of C such that A1: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b, g be Morphism of b,c; <^a,c^> <> {} by A1,ALTCAT_1:def 4; hence thesis by A1,ALTCAT_1:def 14; end; theorem Th39: for C being para-functional semi-functional category for a being object of C st id the_carrier_of a in <^a,a^> holds idm a = id the_carrier_of a proof let C be para-functional semi-functional category; let a be object of C; assume id the_carrier_of a in <^a,a^>; then reconsider f = id the_carrier_of a as Morphism of a,a; now let b be object of C such that A2: <^a,b^> <> {}; let g being Morphism of a,b; A3: dom g = the_carrier_of a by A2,Th36; thus g*f = g* id the_carrier_of a by A2,Th38 .= g by A3,FUNCT_1:42; end; hence thesis by ALTCAT_1:def 19; end; scheme ConcreteCategoryLambda { A() -> non empty set, B(set,set) -> set, D(set) -> set }: ex C being concrete strict category st the carrier of C = A() & (for a being object of C holds the_carrier_of a = D(a)) & for a,b being object of C holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b) provided A1: for a,b,c being Element of A(), f,g being Function st f in B(a,b) & g in B(b,c) holds g*f in B(a,c) and A2: for a,b being Element of A() holds B(a,b) c= Funcs(D(a), D(b)) and A3: for a being Element of A() holds id D(a) in B(a,a) proof deffunc b(set,set) = B($1,$2); deffunc O(set) = D($1); deffunc C(set,set,set,set,set) = $4(#)$5; A4: now let a,b be Element of A(), f be set such that A5: f in B(a,b); B(a,b) c= Funcs(D(a), D(b)) by A2; then ex f' being Function st f = f' & dom f' = D(a) & rng f' c= D(b) by A5,FUNCT_2:def 2; hence f is Function; end; A6: for a,b,c being Element of A(), f,g being set st f in b(a,b) & g in b(b,c) holds C(a,b,c,f,g) in b(a,c) proof let a,b,c be Element of A(), f,g be set; assume A7: f in B(a,b) & g in B(b,c); then reconsider f, g as Function by A4; g*f = f(#)g by YELLOW16:1; hence thesis by A1,A7; end; A8: for a,b,c,d being Element of A(), f,g,h being set st f in b(a,b) & g in b(b,c) & h in b(c,d) holds C(a,c,d,C(a,b,c,f,g),h) = C(a,b,d,f,C(b,c,d,g,h)) proof let a,b,c,d be Element of A(); let f,g,h be set; assume f in B(a,b) & g in B(b,c) & h in B(c,d); then reconsider f, g, h as Function by A4; (f(#)g)(#)h = (g*f)(#)h by YELLOW16:1 .= h*(g*f) by YELLOW16:1 .= (h*g)*f by RELAT_1:55 .= f(#)(h*g) by YELLOW16:1; hence thesis by YELLOW16:1; end; A9: for a being Element of A() ex f being set st f in b(a,a) & for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in b(a,b) holds C(a,a,b,f,g) = g proof let a be Element of A(); take f = id D(a); thus f in B(a,a) by A3; let b be Element of A(), g be set such that A10: g in B(a,b); B(a,b) c= Funcs(D(a), D(b)) by A2; then consider h being Function such that A11: g = h & dom h = D(a) & rng h c= D(b) by A10,FUNCT_2:def 2; thus f(#)g = h*f by A11,YELLOW16:1 .= g by A11,FUNCT_1:42; end; A12: for a being Element of A() ex f being set st f in b(a,a) & for b being Element of A(), g being set st g in b(b,a) holds C(b,a,a,g,f) = g proof let a be Element of A(); take f = id D(a); thus f in B(a,a) by A3; let b be Element of A(), g be set such that A13: g in B(b,a); B(b,a) c= Funcs(D(b), D(a)) by A2; then consider h being Function such that A14: g = h & dom h = D(b) & rng h c= D(a) by A13,FUNCT_2:def 2; thus g(#)f = f*h by A14,YELLOW16:1 .= g by A14,RELAT_1:79; end; consider C being strict category such that A15: the carrier of C = A() and A16: for a,b being object of C holds <^a,b^> = b(a,b) and A17: for a,b,c being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g) from CategoryLambda(A6,A8,A9,A12); consider D being ManySortedSet of C such that A18: for x being Element of C holds D.x = O(x) from LambdaDMS; A19: C is para-functional proof take D; let a1,a2 be object of C; <^a1,a2^> = B(a1,a2) & D(a1) = D.a1 & D(a2) = D.a2 by A16,A18; hence <^a1,a2^> c= Funcs(D.a1,D.a2) by A2,A15; end; A20: C is semi-functional proof let a1,a2,a3 be object of C such that A21: <^a1,a2^> <> {} & <^a2,a3^> <> {} & <^a1,a3^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a1,a2, g be Morphism of a2,a3, f',g' be Function; assume f = f' & g = g'; hence g*f = f'(#)g' by A17,A21 .= g'*f' by YELLOW16:1; end; A22: now let a be object of C; id D(a) in B(a,a) & <^a,a^> = B(a,a) by A3,A15,A16; then reconsider e = id D(a) as Morphism of a,a; now let b be object of C such that A24: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; A25: <^a,b^> = B(a,b) & B(a,b) c= Funcs(D(a), D(b)) by A2,A15,A16; f in <^a,b^> by A24; then consider h being Function such that A26: f = h & dom h = D(a) & rng h c= D(b) by A25,FUNCT_2:def 2; thus f*e = h* id D(a) by A20,A24,A26,ALTCAT_1:def 14 .= f by A26,FUNCT_1:42; end; hence idm a = id D(a) by ALTCAT_1:def 19; end; A27: now let i be set; assume i in the carrier of C; then reconsider a = i as object of C; thus C-carrier_of i = proj1 idm a by Def8 .= proj1 id D(a) by A22 .= dom id D(a) by FUNCT_5:21 .= D(a) by RELAT_1:71 .= D.i by A18; end; C is set-id-inheriting proof let a be object of C; thus idm a = id D(a) by A22 .= id (D.a) by A18 .= id (the_carrier_of a) by A27; end; then reconsider C as para-functional semi-functional set-id-inheriting strict category by A19,A20; take C; thus the carrier of C = A() by A15; hereby let a be object of C; thus the_carrier_of a = D.a by A27 .= D(a) by A18; end; thus thesis by A16; end; scheme ConcreteCategoryQuasiLambda { A() -> non empty set, P[set,set,set], D(set) -> set }: ex C being concrete strict category st the carrier of C = A() & (for a being object of C holds the_carrier_of a = D(a)) & for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & P[a,b,f] provided A1: for a,b,c being Element of A(), f,g being Function st P[a,b,f] & P[b,c,g] holds P[a,c,g*f] and A2: for a being Element of A() holds P[a,a,id D(a)] proof set A = A(); defpred P[set,set] means ex a,b being set st $1 = [a,b] & for f being set holds f in $2 iff f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & P[a,b,f]; A3: now let x be set; assume x in [:A,A:]; then consider a,b being set such that A4: a in A & b in A & x = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; defpred Q[set] means P[a,b,$1]; consider y being set such that A5: for f being set holds f in y iff f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & Q[f] from Separation; take y; thus P[x,y] by A4,A5; end; consider F being Function such that dom F = [:A,A:] and A6: for x being set st x in [:A,A:] holds P[x, F.x] from NonUniqFuncEx(A3); A7: now let a,b be set; assume a in A & b in A; then [a,b] in [:A,A:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then consider a',b' being set such that A8: [a,b] = [a',b'] and A9: for f being set holds f in F.[a,b] iff f in Funcs(D(a'), D(b')) & P[a',b',f] by A6; A10: a = a' & b = b' by A8,ZFMISC_1:33; let f be set; thus f in F.[a,b] iff P[a,b,f] & f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) by A9,A10; end; deffunc B(set,set) = F.[$1,$2]; deffunc O(set) = D($1); A11: now let a,b,c be Element of A, f,g be Function; assume f in B(a,b) & g in B(b,c); then A12: P[a,b,f] & f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & P[b,c,g] & g in Funcs(D(b), D(c)) by A7; then proj1 f = D(a) & proj2 f c= D(b) & proj1 g = D(b) & proj2 g c= D(c) by Th31; then dom f = D(a) & rng f c= D(b) & dom g = D(b) & rng g c= D(c) & rng (g*f) c= rng g by FUNCT_5:21,RELAT_1:45; then dom (g*f) = D(a) & rng (g*f) c= D(c) by RELAT_1:46,XBOOLE_1:1; then g*f in Funcs(D(a), D(c)) & P[a,c,g*f] by A1,A12,FUNCT_2:def 2; hence g*f in B(a,c) by A7; end; A13: now let a,b be Element of A; thus B(a,b) c= Funcs(O(a), O(b)) proof let x be set; thus thesis by A7; end; end; A14: for a being Element of A() holds id O(a) in B(a,a) proof let a be Element of A(); dom id D(a) = D(a) & rng id D(a) = D(a) by RELAT_1:71; then P[a,a, id D(a)] & id D(a) in Funcs(D(a), D(a)) by A2,FUNCT_2:def 2 ; hence thesis by A7; end; consider C being para-functional semi-functional set-id-inheriting strict category such that A15: the carrier of C = A() and A16: for a being object of C holds the_carrier_of a = O(a) and A17: for a,b being object of C holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b) from ConcreteCategoryLambda(A11,A13,A14); take C; thus the carrier of C = A() by A15; thus for a being object of C holds the_carrier_of a = D(a) by A16; let a,b be Element of A(), f being Function; reconsider a,b as object of C by A15; (the Arrows of C).(a,b) = <^a,b^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= F.[a,b] by A17; hence thesis by A7; end; scheme ConcreteCategoryEx { A() -> non empty set, B(set) -> set, D[set, set], P[set,set,set] }: ex C being concrete strict category st the carrier of C = A() & (for a being object of C for x being set holds x in the_carrier_of a iff x in B(a) & D[a,x]) & for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(C-carrier_of a, C-carrier_of b) & P[a,b,f] provided A1: for a,b,c being Element of A(), f,g being Function st P[a,b,f] & P[b,c,g] holds P[a,c,g*f] and A2: for a being Element of A(), X being set st for x being set holds x in X iff x in B(a) & D[a,x] holds P[a,a,id X] proof deffunc b(set) = B($1); defpred d[set,set] means D[$1,$2]; defpred p[set,set,set] means P[$1,$2,$3]; A3: for a,b,c being Element of A(), f,g being Function st p[a,b,f] & p[b,c,g] holds p[a,c,g*f] by A1; consider D being Function such that dom D = A() and A4: for a being set st a in A() for y being set holds y in D.a iff y in b(a) & d[a,y] from FuncSeparation; deffunc D(set) = D.$1; A5: now let a be Element of A(); for y being set holds y in D.a iff y in B(a) & D[a,y] by A4; hence p[a,a,id D(a)] by A2; end; consider C being para-functional semi-functional set-id-inheriting strict category such that A6: the carrier of C = A() and A7: for a being object of C holds the_carrier_of a = D(a) and A8: for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & p[a,b,f] from ConcreteCategoryQuasiLambda(A3, A5); take C; thus the carrier of C = A() by A6; hereby let a be object of C; the_carrier_of a = D.a by A7; hence for x being set holds x in the_carrier_of a iff x in B(a) & D[a,x] by A4,A6; end; let a,b be Element of A(); a is object of C & b is object of C by A6; then D.a = C-carrier_of a & D.b = C-carrier_of b by A7; hence thesis by A8; end; scheme ConcreteCategoryUniq1 { A() -> non empty set, B(set,set) -> set }: for C1, C2 being para-functional semi-functional category st the carrier of C1 = A() & (for a,b being object of C1 holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b)) & the carrier of C2 = A() & (for a,b being object of C2 holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b)) holds the AltCatStr of C1 = the AltCatStr of C2 proof deffunc b(set,set) = B($1,$2); deffunc C(set,set,set,set,set) = $4(#)$5; A1: for C1,C2 being non empty transitive AltCatStr st the carrier of C1 = A() & (for a,b being object of C1 holds <^a,b^> = b(a,b)) & (for a,b,c being object of C1 st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g)) & the carrier of C2 = A() & (for a,b being object of C2 holds <^a,b^> = b(a,b)) & (for a,b,c being object of C2 st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = C(a,b,c,f,g)) holds the AltCatStr of C1 = the AltCatStr of C2 from CategoryLambdaUniq; let C1,C2 be para-functional semi-functional category; now let C1 be para-functional semi-functional category; let a,b,c be object of C1 such that A2: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b, g be Morphism of b,c; thus g*f = g qua Function*f by A2,Th38 .= f(#)g by YELLOW16:1; end; then (for a,b,c being object of C1 st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = f(#)g) & (for a,b,c being object of C2 st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c holds g*f = f(#)g); hence thesis by A1; end; scheme ConcreteCategoryUniq2 { A() -> non empty set, P[set,set,set], D(set) -> set }: for C1,C2 being para-functional semi-functional category st the carrier of C1 = A() & (for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C1).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & P[a,b,f]) & the carrier of C2 = A() & (for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C2).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & P[a,b,f]) holds the AltCatStr of C1 = the AltCatStr of C2 proof let C1,C2 be para-functional semi-functional category such that A1: the carrier of C1 = A() and A2: for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C1).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & P[a,b,f] and A3: the carrier of C2 = A() and A4: for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C2).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & P[a,b,f]; deffunc B(set,set) = (the Arrows of C1).($1,$2); A5: for C1, C2 being para-functional semi-functional category st the carrier of C1 = A() & (for a,b being object of C1 holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b)) & the carrier of C2 = A() & (for a,b being object of C2 holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b)) holds the AltCatStr of C1 = the AltCatStr of C2 from ConcreteCategoryUniq1; A6: for a,b being object of C1 holds <^a,b^> = B(a,b) by ALTCAT_1:def 2; now let a,b be object of C2; reconsider x = a, y = b as Element of A() by A3; reconsider a' = x, b' = y as object of C1 by A1; A7: <^a,b^> = (the Arrows of C2).(a,b) by ALTCAT_1:def 2; A8: <^a',b'^> = (the Arrows of C1).(a',b') by ALTCAT_1:def 2; thus <^a,b^> = B(a,b) proof hereby let z be set; assume A9: z in <^a,b^>; then A10: z is Morphism of a,b ; then z in Funcs(D(x), D(y)) & P[x,y,z] by A4,A7,A9; hence z in B(a,b) by A2,A10; end; let z be set; assume A11: z in B(a,b); then A12: z is Morphism of a',b' by A8; then z in Funcs(D(x), D(y)) & P[x,y,z] by A2,A11; hence z in <^a,b^> by A4,A7,A12; end; end; hence thesis by A1,A3,A5,A6; end; scheme ConcreteCategoryUniq3 { A() -> non empty set, B(set) -> set, D[set, set], P[set,set,set] }: for C1,C2 being para-functional semi-functional category st the carrier of C1 = A() & (for a being object of C1 for x being set holds x in the_carrier_of a iff x in B(a) & D[a,x]) & (for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C1).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(C1-carrier_of a, C1-carrier_of b) & P[a,b,f]) & the carrier of C2 = A() & (for a being object of C2 for x being set holds x in the_carrier_of a iff x in B(a) & D[a,x]) & (for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C2).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(C2-carrier_of a, C2-carrier_of b) & P[a,b,f]) holds the AltCatStr of C1 = the AltCatStr of C2 proof let C1,C2 be para-functional semi-functional category such that A1: the carrier of C1 = A() and A2: for a being object of C1 for x being set holds x in the_carrier_of a iff x in B(a) & D[a,x] and A3: for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C1).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(C1-carrier_of a, C1-carrier_of b) & P[a,b,f] and A4: the carrier of C2 = A() and A5: for a being object of C2 for x being set holds x in the_carrier_of a iff x in B(a) & D[a,x] and A6: for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C2).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(C2-carrier_of a, C2-carrier_of b) & P[a,b,f]; deffunc D(set) = C1-carrier_of $1; defpred p[set,set,set] means P[$1,$2,$3]; A7: for C1,C2 being para-functional semi-functional category st the carrier of C1 = A() & (for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C1).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & p[a,b,f]) & the carrier of C2 = A() & (for a,b being Element of A(), f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C2).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & p[a,b,f]) holds the AltCatStr of C1 = the AltCatStr of C2 from ConcreteCategoryUniq2; A8: now let a be Element of A(); reconsider a1 = a as object of C1 by A1; reconsider a2 = a as object of C2 by A4; now let x be set; x in the_carrier_of a1 iff x in B(a) & D[a,x] by A2; hence x in the_carrier_of a1 iff x in the_carrier_of a2 by A5; end; hence C1-carrier_of a = C2-carrier_of a by TARSKI:2; end; now let a,b be Element of A(), f be Function; D(a) = C2-carrier_of a & D(b) = C2-carrier_of b by A8; hence f in (the Arrows of C2).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(D(a), D(b)) & P[a,b,f ] by A6; end; hence thesis by A1,A3,A4,A7; end; begin :: <section5>Equivalence between concrete categories</section5> theorem Th40: for C being concrete category for a,b being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b st f is retraction holds rng f = the_carrier_of b proof let C be concrete category; let a,b be object of C; assume A1: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; given g being Morphism of b,a such that A2: g is_right_inverse_of f; A3: f*g = idm b by A2,ALTCAT_3:def 1; A4: f qua Function*g = f*g by A1,Th38; A5: f is Function of the_carrier_of a, the_carrier_of b & g is Function of the_carrier_of b, the_carrier_of a by A1,Th35; idm b = id the_carrier_of b by Def10; hence thesis by A3,A4,A5,FUNCT_2:24; end; theorem Th41: for C being concrete category for a,b being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b st f is coretraction holds f is one-to-one proof let C be concrete category; let a,b be object of C; assume A1: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; given g being Morphism of b,a such that A2: g is_left_inverse_of f; A3: g*f = idm a by A2,ALTCAT_3:def 1; A4: g qua Function*f = g*f by A1,Th38; A5: dom f = the_carrier_of a by A1,Th36; idm a = id the_carrier_of a by Def10; hence thesis by A3,A4,A5,FUNCT_1:53; end; theorem Th42: for C being concrete category for a,b being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b st f is iso holds f is one-to-one & rng f = the_carrier_of b proof let C be concrete category; let a,b be object of C; assume A1: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; assume f is iso; then f is retraction coretraction by ALTCAT_3:5; hence thesis by A1,Th40,Th41; end; theorem Th43: for C being para-functional semi-functional category for a,b being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b st f is one-to-one & (f qua Function)" in <^b,a^> holds f is iso proof let C be para-functional semi-functional category; let a,b be object of C such that A1: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; assume A2: f is one-to-one; assume A3: f qua Function" in <^b,a^>; then reconsider g = f qua Function" as Morphism of b,a ; dom g = the_carrier_of b by A3,Th36; then A4: rng f = the_carrier_of b by A2,FUNCT_1:55; A5: f qua Function"*f = id dom f & f*(f qua Function") = id rng f by A2,FUNCT_1:61; dom f = the_carrier_of a by A1,Th36; then A6: f*g = id the_carrier_of b & g*f = id the_carrier_of a by A1,A3,A4,A5,Th38; A7: idm b = f*g & idm a = g*f by A6,Th39; then A8: g is_left_inverse_of f & g is_right_inverse_of f by ALTCAT_3:def 1; then f is retraction coretraction by ALTCAT_3:def 2,def 3; hence f*f" = idm b & f"*f = idm a by A1,A3,A7,A8,ALTCAT_3:def 4; end; theorem for C being concrete category for a,b being object of C st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b st f is iso holds f" = (f qua Function)" proof let C be concrete category; let a,b be object of C; assume A1: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,a^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; assume A2: f is iso; then A3: f"*f = idm a by ALTCAT_3:def 5; A4: f"*(f qua Function) = f"*f by A1,Th38; A5: dom (f") = the_carrier_of b & dom f = the_carrier_of a by A1,Th36; A6: f is one-to-one & rng f = the_carrier_of b by A1,A2,Th42; idm a = id the_carrier_of a by Def10; hence thesis by A3,A4,A5,A6,FUNCT_1:63; end; scheme ConcreteCatEquivalence { A,B() -> para-functional semi-functional category, O1, O2(set) -> set, F1, F2(set,set,set) -> Function, A, B(set) -> Function }: A(), B() are_equivalent provided A1: ex F being covariant Functor of A(),B() st (for a being object of A() holds F.a = O1(a)) & for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = F1(a,b,f) and A2: ex G being covariant Functor of B(),A() st (for a being object of B() holds G.a = O2(a)) & for a,b being object of B() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds G.f = F2(a,b,f) and A3: for a, b being object of A() st a = O2(O1(b)) holds A(b) in <^a, b^> & A(b)" in <^b,a^> & A(b) is one-to-one and A4: for a, b being object of B() st b = O1(O2(a)) holds B(a) in <^a, b^> & B(a)" in <^b,a^> & B(a) is one-to-one and A5: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds A(b)*F2(O1(a),O1(b),F1(a,b,f)) = f*A(a) and A6: for a,b being object of B() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F1(O2(a),O2(b),F2(a,b,f))*B(a) = B(b)*f proof consider F being covariant Functor of A(), B() such that A7: for a being object of A() holds F.a = O1(a) and A8: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f = F1(a,b,f) by A1; consider G being covariant Functor of B(),A() such that A9: for a being object of B() holds G.a = O2(a) and A10: for a,b being object of B() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds G.f = F2(a,b,f) by A2; take F, G; set GF = G*F, I = id A(); deffunc a(set) = A($1); A11: for a being object of A() holds a(a) in <^GF.a, I.a^> & <^I.a, GF.a^> <> {} & for f being Morphism of GF.a, I.a st f = a(a) holds f is iso proof let a be object of A(); A12: GF.a = G.(F.a) by FUNCTOR0:34 .= O2(F.a) by A9 .= O2(O1(a)) by A7; I.a = a by FUNCTOR0:30; then A(a) in <^GF.a, I.a^> & A(a)" in <^I.a, GF.a^> & A(a) is one-to-one by A3,A12; hence thesis by Th43; end; A13: for a,b being object of A() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b for g1 being Morphism of GF.a, I.a st g1 = a(a) for g2 being Morphism of GF.b, I.b st g2 = a(b) holds g2*GF.f = I.f*g1 proof let a,b be object of A() such that A14: <^a,b^> <> {}; A15: A(a) in <^GF.a, I.a^> by A11; A16: A(b) in <^GF.b, I.b^> by A11; then reconsider g2 = A(b) as Morphism of GF.b, I.b ; A17: <^GF.a, GF.b^> <> {} & <^I.a, I.b^> <> {} by A14,FUNCTOR0:def 19; let f be Morphism of a,b; A18: GF.f = G.(F.f) by A14,FUNCTOR3:6; O1(a) = F.a & O1(b) = F.b & F1(a,b,f) = F.f & <^F.a, F.b^> <> {} by A7,A8,A14,FUNCTOR0:def 19; then F2(O1(a),O1(b),F1(a,b,f)) = GF.f by A10,A18; then g2*GF.f = A(b)*F2(O1(a),O1(b),F1(a,b,f)) by A16,A17,Th38 .= f*A(a) by A5,A14 .= I.f*A(a) by A14,FUNCTOR0:32; hence thesis by A15,A17,Th38; end; ex t being natural_equivalence of G*F, id A() st G*F, id A() are_naturally_equivalent & for a being object of A() holds t!a = a(a) from NatEquivalenceLambda(A11,A13); hence G*F, id A() are_naturally_equivalent; set I = id B(), FG = F*G; deffunc b(set) = B($1); A19: for a being object of B() holds b(a) in <^I.a, FG.a^> & <^FG.a, I.a^> <> {} & for f being Morphism of I.a, FG.a st f = b(a) holds f is iso proof let a be object of B(); A20: FG.a = F.(G.a) by FUNCTOR0:34 .= O1(G.a) by A7 .= O1(O2(a)) by A9; I.a = a by FUNCTOR0:30; then B(a) in <^I.a, FG.a^> & B(a)" in <^FG.a, I.a^> & B(a) is one-to-one by A4,A20; hence thesis by Th43; end; A21: for a,b being object of B() st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b for g1 being Morphism of I.a, FG.a st g1 = b(a) for g2 being Morphism of I.b, FG.b st g2 = b(b) holds g2*I.f = FG.f*g1 proof let a,b be object of B() such that A22: <^a,b^> <> {}; A23: B(a) in <^I.a, FG.a^> by A19; then reconsider g1 = B(a) as Morphism of I.a, FG.a ; A24: B(b) in <^I.b, FG.b^> by A19; A25: <^FG.a, FG.b^> <> {} & <^I.a, I.b^> <> {} by A22,FUNCTOR0:def 19; let f be Morphism of a,b; A26: FG.f = F.(G.f) by A22,FUNCTOR3:6; O2(a) = G.a & O2(b) = G.b & F2(a,b,f) = G.f & <^G.a, G.b^> <> {} by A9,A10,A22,FUNCTOR0:def 19; then F1(O2(a),O2(b),F2(a,b,f)) = FG.f by A8,A26; then FG.f*g1 = F1(O2(a),O2(b),F2(a,b,f))*B(a) by A23,A25,Th38 .= B(b)*f by A6,A22 .= B(b)*I.f by A22,FUNCTOR0:32; hence thesis by A24,A25,Th38; end; ex t being natural_equivalence of I, FG st I, FG are_naturally_equivalent & for a being object of B() holds t!a = b(a) from NatEquivalenceLambda(A19,A21); hence thesis; end; begin :: <section6>Concretization of categories</section6> definition let C be category; defpred D[set, set] means $1 = $2`22; defpred P[set, set, Function] means ex fa,fb being object of C, g being Morphism of fa, fb st fa = $1 & fb = $2 & <^fa, fb^> <> {} & for o being object of C st <^o, fa^> <> {} for h being Morphism of o,fa holds $3.[h,[o,fa]] = [g*h,[o,fb]]; deffunc B(set) = Union disjoin the Arrows of C; A1: for a,b,c being Element of C, f,g being Function st P[a,b,f] & P[b,c,g] holds P[a,c,g*f] proof let a,b,c be Element of C, f,g be Function; given fa,fb being object of C, ff being Morphism of fa, fb such that A2: fa = a & fb = b & <^fa, fb^> <> {} and A3: for o being object of C st <^o, fa^> <> {} for h being Morphism of o,fa holds f.[h,[o,fa]] = [ff*h,[o,fb]]; given ga,gb being object of C, gf being Morphism of ga, gb such that A4: ga = b & gb = c & <^ga, gb^> <> {} and A5: for o being object of C st <^o, ga^> <> {} for h being Morphism of o,ga holds g.[h,[o,ga]] = [gf*h,[o,gb]]; reconsider gf as Morphism of fb,gb by A2,A4; take fa, gb, k = gf*ff; thus fa = a & gb = c & <^fa, gb^> <> {} by A2,A4,ALTCAT_1:def 4; let o be object of C such that A6: <^o, fa^> <> {}; A7: <^o, fb^> <> {} by A2,A6,ALTCAT_1:def 4; let h be Morphism of o,fa; A8: f.[h,[o,fa]] = [ff*h,[o,fb]] by A3,A6; then [h,[o,fa]] in dom f by FUNCT_1:def 4; hence (g*f).[h,[o,fa]] = g.[ff*h,[o,fb]] by A8,FUNCT_1:23 .= [gf*(ff*h),[o,gb]] by A2,A4,A5,A7 .= [k*h, [o,gb]] by A2,A4,A6,ALTCAT_1:25; end; A9: for a being Element of C, X being set st for x being set holds x in X iff x in B(a) & D[a,x] holds P[a,a,id X] proof let a be Element of C, X being set such that A10: for x being set holds x in X iff x in Union disjoin the Arrows of C & D[a,x]; reconsider fa = a as object of C; take fa, fa, g = idm fa; thus fa = a & fa = a & <^fa, fa^> <> {}; let o be object of C such that A11: <^o, fa^> <> {}; let h be Morphism of o,fa; A12: [h,[o,fa]]`1 = h & [h,[o,fa]]`2 = [o,fa] by MCART_1:7; A13: [h,[o,fa]]`22 = fa by COMMACAT:1; A14: dom the Arrows of C = [:the carrier of C, the carrier of C:] by PBOOLE:def 3; (the Arrows of C).[o,fa] = (the Arrows of C).(o,fa) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^o, fa^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then [o,fa] in dom the Arrows of C & h in (the Arrows of C).[o,fa] by A11,A14,ZFMISC_1:def 2; then [h,[o,fa]] in Union disjoin the Arrows of C by A12,CARD_3:33; then [h,[o,fa]] in X by A10,A13; hence (id X).[h,[o,fa]] = [h,[o,fa]] by FUNCT_1:35 .= [g*h,[o,fa]] by A11,ALTCAT_1:24; end; func Concretized C -> concrete strict category means: Def12: the carrier of it = the carrier of C & (for a being object of it for x being set holds x in the_carrier_of a iff x in Union disjoin the Arrows of C & a = x`22) & for a,b being Element of C, f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of it).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(it-carrier_of a, it-carrier_of b) & ex fa,fb being object of C, g being Morphism of fa, fb st fa = a & fb = b & <^fa, fb^> <> {} & for o being object of C st <^o, fa^> <> {} for h being Morphism of o,fa holds f.[h,[o,fa]] = [g*h,[o,fb]]; uniqueness proof for C1,C2 being para-functional semi-functional category st the carrier of C1 = the carrier of C & (for a being object of C1 for x being set holds x in the_carrier_of a iff x in B(a) & D[a,x]) & (for a,b being Element of C, f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C1).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(C1-carrier_of a, C1-carrier_of b) & P[a,b,f]) & the carrier of C2 = the carrier of C & (for a being object of C2 for x being set holds x in the_carrier_of a iff x in B(a) & D[a,x]) & (for a,b being Element of C, f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C2).(a,b) iff f in Funcs(C2-carrier_of a, C2-carrier_of b) & P[a,b,f]) holds the AltCatStr of C1 = the AltCatStr of C2 from ConcreteCategoryUniq3; hence thesis; end; existence proof thus ex C' being concrete strict category st the carrier of C' = the carrier of C & (for a being object of C' for x being set holds x in the_carrier_of a iff x in B(a) & D[a,x]) & for a,b being Element of C, f being Function holds f in (the Arrows of C').(a,b) iff f in Funcs(C'-carrier_of a, C'-carrier_of b) & P[a,b,f] from ConcreteCategoryEx(A1,A9); end; end; theorem Th45: for A being category, a being object of A, x being set holds x in (Concretized A)-carrier_of a iff ex b being object of A, f being Morphism of b,a st <^b,a^> <> {} & x = [f,[b,a]] proof let A be category, a be object of A, x be set; set B = Concretized A; the carrier of B = the carrier of A by Def12; then reconsider ac = a as object of B; A1: x in the_carrier_of ac iff x in Union disjoin the Arrows of A & ac = x`22 by Def12; A2: dom the Arrows of A = [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by PBOOLE:def 3; hereby assume A3: x in B-carrier_of a; then A4: x`2 in dom the Arrows of A & x`1 in (the Arrows of A).(x`2) & x = [x`1,x`2] by A1,CARD_3:33; then consider b,c being set such that A5: b in the carrier of A & c in the carrier of A & x`2 = [b,c] by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider b as object of A by A5; take b; a = c by A1,A3,A4,A5,COMMACAT:1; then A6: <^b,a^> = (the Arrows of A).(b,c) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of A).x`2 by A5,BINOP_1:def 1; then reconsider f = x`1 as Morphism of b,a by A4; take f; thus <^b,a^> <> {} & x = [f,[b,a]] by A1,A3,A4,A5,A6,COMMACAT:1; end; given b being object of A, f being Morphism of b,a such that A7: <^b,a^> <> {} & x = [f,[b,a]]; A8:x`1 = f & x`2 = [b,a] by A7,MCART_1:7; <^b,a^> = (the Arrows of A).(b,a) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of A).x`2 by A8,BINOP_1:def 1; then f in (the Arrows of A).x`2 & [b,a] in dom the Arrows of A by A2,A7,ZFMISC_1:def 2; hence thesis by A1,A7,A8,CARD_3:33,COMMACAT:1; end; definition let A be category; let a be object of A; cluster (Concretized A)-carrier_of a -> non empty; coherence proof [idm a, [a,a]] in (Concretized A)-carrier_of a by Th45; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th46: for A being category, a, b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b ex F being Function of (Concretized A)-carrier_of a, (Concretized A)-carrier_of b st F in (the Arrows of Concretized A).(a,b) & :: F.[idm a, [a,a]] = [f, [a,b]] & for c being object of A, g being Morphism of c,a st <^c,a^> <> {} holds F.[g, [c,a]] = [f*g, [c,b]] proof let A be category, a, b be object of A such that A1: <^a,b^> <> {}; set B = Concretized A; let f be Morphism of a,b; defpred P[set,set] means ex o being object of A, g being Morphism of o, a st <^o,a^> <> {} & $1 = [g,[o,a]] & $2 = [f*g, [o,b]]; A2: for x being set st x in B-carrier_of a ex y being set st y in B-carrier_of b & P[x, y] proof let x be set; assume x in B-carrier_of a; then consider o being object of A, g being Morphism of o,a such that A3: <^o,a^> <> {} & x = [g,[o,a]] by Th45; take [f*g, [o,b]]; <^o,b^> <> {} by A1,A3,ALTCAT_1:def 4; hence thesis by A3,Th45; end; consider F being Function such that A4: dom F = B-carrier_of a & rng F c= B-carrier_of b and A5: for x being set st x in B-carrier_of a holds P[x, F.x] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A2); A6: F in Funcs(B-carrier_of a, B-carrier_of b) by A4,FUNCT_2:def 2; then reconsider F as Function of B-carrier_of a, B-carrier_of b by FUNCT_2: 121; take F; ex fa,fb being object of A, g being Morphism of fa, fb st fa = a & fb = b & <^fa, fb^> <> {} & for o being object of A st <^o, fa^> <> {} for h being Morphism of o,fa holds F.[h,[o,fa]] = [g*h,[o,fb]] proof take fa = a, fb = b; reconsider g = f as Morphism of fa,fb; take g; thus fa = a & fb = b & <^fa, fb^> <> {} by A1; let o be object of A such that A7: <^o, fa^> <> {}; let h be Morphism of o,fa; [h,[o,fa]] in B-carrier_of fa by A7,Th45; then consider c being object of A, k being Morphism of c, fa such that A8: <^c,fa^> <> {} & [h,[o,fa]] = [k,[c,fa]] & F.[h,[o,fa]] = [g*k, [c,fb]] by A5; [o,fa] = [c,fa] by A8,ZFMISC_1:33; then o = c & h = k by A8,ZFMISC_1:33; hence thesis by A8; end; hence F in (the Arrows of B).(a,b) by A6,Def12; let c be object of A, g be Morphism of c,a such that A9: <^c,a^> <> {}; [g, [c,a]] in B-carrier_of a by A9,Th45; then consider o being object of A, h being Morphism of o, a such that A10: <^o,a^> <> {} & [g,[c,a]] = [h,[o,a]] & F.[g,[c,a]] = [f*h, [o,b]] by A5; [c,a] = [o,a] by A10,ZFMISC_1:33; then c = o & g = h by A10,ZFMISC_1:33; hence thesis by A10; end; theorem Th47: for A being category, a, b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for F1,F2 being Function st F1 in (the Arrows of Concretized A).(a,b) & F2 in (the Arrows of Concretized A).(a,b) & F1.[idm a, [a,a]] = F2.[idm a, [a,a]] holds F1 = F2 proof let A be category, a, b be object of A such that <^a,b^> <> {}; set B = Concretized A; let F1,F2 be Function such that A1: F1 in (the Arrows of Concretized A).(a,b) and A2: F2 in (the Arrows of Concretized A).(a,b) and A3: F1.[idm a, [a,a]] = F2.[idm a, [a,a]]; F1 in Funcs(B-carrier_of a, B-carrier_of b) & F2 in Funcs(B-carrier_of a, B-carrier_of b) by A1,A2,Def12; then A4: dom F1 = B-carrier_of a & dom F2 = B-carrier_of a by ALTCAT_1:6; consider fa,fb being object of A, f being Morphism of fa, fb such that A5: fa = a & fb = b & <^fa, fb^> <> {} and A6: for o being object of A st <^o, fa^> <> {} for h being Morphism of o,fa holds F1.[h,[o,fa]] = [f*h,[o,fb]] by A1,Def12; consider ga,gb being object of A, g being Morphism of ga, gb such that A7: ga = a & gb = b & <^ga, gb^> <> {} and A8: for o being object of A st <^o, ga^> <> {} for h being Morphism of o,ga holds F2.[h,[o,ga]] = [g*h,[o,gb]] by A2,Def12; reconsider f, g as Morphism of a, b by A5,A7; F1.[idm a, [a,a]] = [f* idm a, [a,b]] & f* idm a = f & g* idm a = g & F2.[idm a, [a,a]] = [g* idm a, [a,b]] by A5,A6,A7,A8,ALTCAT_1:def 19; then A9: f = g by A3,ZFMISC_1:33; now let x be set; assume x in B-carrier_of a; then consider bb being object of A, ff being Morphism of bb,a such that A10: <^bb,a^> <> {} & x = [ff,[bb,a]] by Th45; thus F1.x = [f*ff, [bb,b]] by A5,A6,A10 .= F2.x by A7,A8,A9,A10; end; hence F1 = F2 by A4,FUNCT_1:9; end; scheme NonUniqMSFunctionEx {I() -> set, A, B() -> ManySortedSet of I(), P[set,set,set]}: ex F being ManySortedFunction of A(), B() st for i,x being set st i in I() & x in A().i holds F.i.x in B().i & P[i,x,F.i.x] provided A1: for i,x being set st i in I() & x in A().i ex y being set st y in B().i & P[i,x,y] proof defpred P[set,set] means ex f being Function of A().$1, B().$1 st $2 = f & for x being set st x in A().$1 holds f.x in B().$1 & P[$1,x,f.x]; A2: for i being set st i in I() ex y being set st P[i,y] proof let i be set such that A3: i in I(); defpred Q[set,set] means $2 in B().i & P[i,$1,$2]; A4: now let x be set; assume x in A().i; then ex y being set st y in B().i & P[i,x,y] by A1,A3; hence ex y being set st y in B().i & Q[x,y]; end; consider f being Function such that A5: dom f = A().i & rng f c= B().i and A6: for x being set st x in A().i holds Q[x, f.x] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A4); reconsider f as Function of A().i, B().i by A5,FUNCT_2:4; take f, f; thus thesis by A6; end; consider F being Function such that A7: dom F = I() and A8: for i being set st i in I() holds P[i, F.i] from NonUniqFuncEx(A2); reconsider F as ManySortedSet of I() by A7,PBOOLE:def 3; now let i be set; assume i in I(); then ex f being Function of A().i, B().i st F.i = f & for x being set st x in A().i holds f.x in B().i & P[i,x,f.x] by A8; hence F.i is Function of A().i, B().i; end; then reconsider F as ManySortedFunction of A(), B() by MSUALG_1:def 2; take F; let i,x be set; assume i in I(); then ex f being Function of A().i, B().i st F.i = f & for x being set st x in A().i holds f.x in B().i & P[i,x,f.x] by A8; hence thesis; end; definition let A be category; set B = Concretized A; func Concretization A -> covariant strict Functor of A, Concretized A means: Def13: (for a being object of A holds it.a = a) & (for a, b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds it.f.[idm a, [a,a]] = [f, [a,b]]); uniqueness proof let F,G be covariant strict Functor of A,B such that A1: for a being object of A holds F.a = a and A2: for a, b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F.f.[idm a, [a,a]] = [f, [a,b]] and A3: for a being object of A holds G.a = a and A4: for a, b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds G.f.[idm a, [a,a]] = [f, [a,b]]; A5: now let a be object of A; thus F.a = a by A1 .= G.a by A3; end; now let a,b be object of A; assume A6: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; A7: F.f.[idm a, [a,a]] = [f, [a,b]] by A2,A6; A8: G.f.[idm a, [a,a]] = [f, [a,b]] by A4,A6; A9: <^F.a, F.b^> <> {} & F.a = a & F.b = b & G.a = a & G.b = b by A1,A3,A6,FUNCTOR0:def 19; then <^F.a, F.b^> = (the Arrows of B).(a,b) & F.f in <^F.a, F.b^> & G.f in <^G.a, G.b^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; hence F.f = G.f by A6,A7,A8,A9,Th47; end; hence thesis by A5,Th1; end; existence proof deffunc O(set) = $1; A10: the carrier of B = the carrier of A by Def12; then A11: for a being object of A holds O(a) is object of B; reconsider AA = the Arrows of B as ManySortedSet of [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by A10; defpred P[set,set,set] means ex a, b being object of A, f being Morphism of a,b, G being Function of B-carrier_of a, B-carrier_of b st $1 = [a,b] & $2 = f & $3 = G & for c being object of A, g being Morphism of c,a st <^c,a^> <> {} holds G.[g, [c,a]] = [f*g, [c,b]]; A12: for i,x being set st i in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] & x in (the Arrows of A).i ex y being set st y in AA.i & P[i,x,y] proof let i,x be set; assume i in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:]; then consider a,b being set such that A13: a in the carrier of A & b in the carrier of A & i = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a, b as object of A by A13; assume x in (the Arrows of A).i; then x in (the Arrows of A).(a,b) by A13,BINOP_1:def 1; then A14: x in <^a,b^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then reconsider f = x as Morphism of a,b ; consider G being Function of B-carrier_of a, B-carrier_of b such that A15: G in AA.(a,b) and A16: for c being object of A, g being Morphism of c,a st <^c,a^> <> {} holds G.[g, [c,a]] = [f*g, [c,b]] by A14,Th46; take G; thus thesis by A13,A15,A16,BINOP_1:def 1; end; consider F being ManySortedFunction of the Arrows of A, AA such that A17: for i,x being set st i in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] & x in (the Arrows of A).i holds F.i.x in AA.i & P[i,x,F.i.x] from NonUniqMSFunctionEx(A12); deffunc F(set,set,set) = F.[$1,$2].$3; A18: for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds F(a,b,f) in (the Arrows of B).(O(a), O(b)) proof let a,b be object of A such that A19: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; A20: [a,b] in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; A21: <^a,b^> = (the Arrows of A).(a,b) by ALTCAT_1:def 2; (the Arrows of A).(a,b) = (the Arrows of A).[a,b] & (the Arrows of B).(a,b) = (the Arrows of B).[a,b] by BINOP_1:def 1; hence thesis by A17,A19,A20,A21; end; A22: for a,b,c being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b, g being Morphism of b,c for a',b',c' being object of B st a' = O(a) & b' = O(b) & c' = O(c) for f' being Morphism of a',b', g' being Morphism of b',c' st f' = F(a,b,f) & g' = F(b,c,g) holds F(a,c,g*f) = g'*f' proof let a,b,c be object of A such that A23: <^a,b^> <> {} & <^b,c^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b, g be Morphism of b,c; let a',b',c' be object of B such that A24: a' = a & b' = b & c' = c; let f' be Morphism of a',b', g' be Morphism of b',c' such that A25: f' = F.[a,b].f & g' = F.[b,c].g; <^a,b^> = (the Arrows of A).(a,b) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of A).[a,b] by BINOP_1:def 1; then A26: f in (the Arrows of A).[a,b] & [a,b] in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by A23,ZFMISC_1:def 2; then consider a1, b1 being object of A, f1 being Morphism of a1,b1, G1 being Function of B-carrier_of a1, B-carrier_of b1 such that A27: [a,b] = [a1,b1] & f = f1 & F.[a,b].f = G1 and A28: for c being object of A, g being Morphism of c,a1 st <^c,a1^> <> {} holds G1.[g, [c,a1]] = [f1*g, [c,b1]] by A17; <^b,c^> = (the Arrows of A).(b,c) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of A).[b,c] by BINOP_1:def 1; then A29: g in (the Arrows of A).[b,c] & [b,c] in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by A23,ZFMISC_1:def 2; then consider b2, c2 being object of A, g2 being Morphism of b2,c2, G2 being Function of B-carrier_of b2, B-carrier_of c2 such that A30: [b,c] = [b2,c2] & g = g2 & F.[b,c].g = G2 and A31: for c being object of A, g being Morphism of c,b2 st <^c,b2^> <> {} holds G2.[g, [c,b2]] = [g2*g, [c,c2]] by A17; A32: <^a,c^> <> {} by A23,ALTCAT_1:def 4; <^a,c^> = (the Arrows of A).(a,c) by ALTCAT_1:def 2 .= (the Arrows of A).[a,c] by BINOP_1:def 1; then g*f in (the Arrows of A).[a,c] & [a,c] in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by A32,ZFMISC_1:def 2; then consider a3, c3 being object of A, h3 being Morphism of a3,c3, G3 being Function of B-carrier_of a3, B-carrier_of c3 such that A33: [a,c] = [a3,c3] & g*f = h3 & F.[a,c].(g*f) = G3 and A34: for c being object of A, g being Morphism of c,a3 st <^c,a3^> <> {} holds G3.[g, [c,a3]] = [h3*g, [c,c3]] by A17; <^a',b'^> = AA.(a',b') & <^b',c'^> = AA.(b',c') by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then <^a',b'^> = AA.[a',b'] & <^b',c'^> = AA.[b',c'] by BINOP_1:def 1; then A35: F.[a,b].f in <^a',b'^> & F.[b,c].g in <^b',c'^> by A17,A24,A26,A29; A36: a = a1 & b = b1 & b = b2 & c = c2 & a = a3 & c = c3 by A27,A30,A33,ZFMISC_1:33; then reconsider G1 as Function of B-carrier_of a, B-carrier_of b; reconsider G2 as Function of B-carrier_of b, B-carrier_of c by A36; reconsider G3 as Function of B-carrier_of a, B-carrier_of c by A36; now let x be Element of B-carrier_of a; consider bb being object of A, ff being Morphism of bb,a such that A37: <^bb,a^> <> {} & x = [ff,[bb,a]] by Th45; A38: <^bb,b^> <> {} by A23,A37,ALTCAT_1:def 4; thus G3.x = [g*f*ff, [bb,c]] by A33,A34,A36,A37 .= [g*(f*ff), [bb,c]] by A23,A37,ALTCAT_1:25 .= G2.[f*ff, [bb,b]] by A30,A31,A36,A38 .= G2.(G1.x) by A27,A28,A36,A37 .= (G2*G1).x by FUNCT_2:21; end; then G3 = G2*G1 by FUNCT_2:113; hence F.[a,c].(g*f) = g'*f' by A25,A27,A30,A33,A35,Th38; end; A39: for a being object of A, a' being object of B st a' = O(a) holds F(a,a,idm a) = idm a' proof let a be object of A, a' be object of B such that A40: a' = a; idm a in <^a,a^>; then idm a in (the Arrows of A).(a,a) by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then idm a in (the Arrows of A).[a,a] & [a,a] in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] by BINOP_1:def 1,ZFMISC_1:def 2; then consider c, b being object of A, f being Morphism of c,b, G being Function of B-carrier_of c, B-carrier_of b such that A41: [a,a] = [c,b] & idm a = f & F.[a,a].idm a = G and A42: for d being object of A, g being Morphism of d,c st <^d,c^> <> {} holds G.[g, [d,c]] = [f*g, [d,b]] by A17; A43: idm a' = id the_carrier_of a' by Def10; A44: a = c & a = b by A41,ZFMISC_1:33; now let x be Element of the_carrier_of a'; A45: the_carrier_of a' = B-carrier_of a by A40; then consider bb being object of A, ff being Morphism of bb,a such that A46: <^bb,a^> <> {} & x = [ff,[bb,a]] by Th45; thus G.x = [(idm a)*ff, [bb,a]] by A41,A42,A44,A46 .= x by A46,ALTCAT_1:24 .= (id the_carrier_of a').x by A45,FUNCT_1:35; end; hence thesis by A40,A41,A43,A44,FUNCT_2:113; end; consider FF being covariant strict Functor of A,B such that A47: for a being object of A holds FF.a = O(a) and A48: for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds FF.f = F(a,b,f) from CovariantFunctorLambda(A11,A18,A22,A39); take FF; thus for a being object of A holds FF.a = a by A47; let a, b be object of A such that A49: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f be Morphism of a,b; (the Arrows of A).[a,b] = (the Arrows of A).(a,b) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= <^a,b^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then [a,b] in [:the carrier of A, the carrier of A:] & f in (the Arrows of A).[a,b] by A49,ZFMISC_1:def 2; then consider a', b' being object of A, f' being Morphism of a',b', G being Function of B-carrier_of a', B-carrier_of b' such that A50: [a,b] = [a',b'] & f = f' & F.[a,b].f = G and A51: for c being object of A, g being Morphism of c,a' st <^c,a'^> <> {} holds G.[g, [c,a']] = [f'*g, [c,b']] by A17; A52: G = FF.f by A48,A49,A50; a = a' & b = b' & <^a,a^> <> {} by A50,ZFMISC_1:33; hence FF.f.[idm a, [a,a]] = [f* idm a, [a,b]] by A50,A51,A52 .= [f, [a,b]] by A49,ALTCAT_1:def 19; end; end; definition let A be category; cluster Concretization A -> bijective; coherence proof set B = Concretized A; set FF = Concretization A; A1: the carrier of B = the carrier of A by Def12; deffunc O(set) = $1; A2: for a being object of A holds FF.a = O(a) by Def13; deffunc F(object of A, object of A, Morphism of $1,$2) = FF.$3; A3: for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b holds FF.f = F(a,b,f); A4: for a,b being object of A st O(a) = O(b) holds a = b; A5: for a,b being object of A st <^a,b^> <> {} for f,g being Morphism of a,b st F(a,b,f) = F(a,b,g) holds f = g proof let a,b be object of A such that A6: <^a,b^> <> {}; let f,g be Morphism of a,b; FF.f.[idm a, [a,a]] = [f, [a,b]] & FF.g.[idm a, [a,a]] = [g, [a,b]] by A6,Def13; hence thesis by ZFMISC_1:33; end; A7: for a,b being object of B st <^a,b^> <> {} for f being Morphism of a,b ex c,d being object of A, g being Morphism of c,d st a = O(c) & b = O(d) & <^c,d^> <> {} & f = F(c,d,g) proof let a,b be object of B such that A8: <^a,b^> <> {}; reconsider c = a, d = b as object of A by A1; let f be Morphism of a,b; take c,d; A9: (the Arrows of B).(c,d) = <^a,b^> by ALTCAT_1:def 2; then consider fa,fb being object of A, g being Morphism of fa, fb such that A10: fa = c & fb = d & <^fa, fb^> <> {} and A11: for o being object of A st <^o, fa^> <> {} for h being Morphism of o,fa holds f.[h,[o,fa]] = [g*h,[o,fb]] by A8,Def12; reconsider g as Morphism of c,d by A10; take g; <^c,c^> <> {} & FF.g.[idm c, [c,c]] = [g, [c,d]] & g* idm c = g by A10,Def13,ALTCAT_1:def 19; then A12: FF.g.[idm c, [c,c]] = f.[idm c, [c,c]] by A10,A11; FF.c = a & FF.d = b by Def13; hence thesis by A8,A9,A10,A12,Th47; end; thus thesis from CoBijectiveSch(A2,A3,A4,A5,A7); end; end; theorem for A being category holds A, Concretized A are_isomorphic proof let A be category; take Concretization A; thus thesis; end;