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environ vocabulary ORDINAL1, VECTSP_1, QUOFIELD, FUNCT_1, RELAT_1, SUBSET_1, WELLORD1, ORDINAL2, BOOLE, ORDINAL3, POLYNOM1, PBOOLE, SEQM_3, ALGSEQ_1, FINSET_1, FUNCOP_1, RLVECT_1, LATTICES, BINOP_1, ARYTM_3, FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_4, FINSEQ_2, GROUP_1, REALSET1, TARSKI, DTCONSTR, MATRIX_2, ORDERS_2, CARD_1, ARYTM_1, TRIANG_1, VECTSP_2, PRE_TOPC, GRCAT_1, COHSP_1, PRALG_1, ENDALG, POLYNOM6; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, SUBSET_1, NUMBERS, XCMPLX_0, XREAL_0, VECTSP_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FUNCOP_1, STRUCT_0, NAT_1, TRIANG_1, ORDERS_2, PBOOLE, PRE_TOPC, PRALG_1, RLVECT_1, VECTSP_2, FINSET_1, FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_2, FINSEQ_4, SEQM_3, BINARITH, DTCONSTR, ORDINAL1, ORDINAL2, ORDINAL3, GROUP_1, REALSET1, QUOFIELD, GRCAT_1, ENDALG, WSIERP_1, MATRLIN, TOPREAL1, FVSUM_1, POLYNOM1, POLYNOM3; constructors POLYNOM1, ALGSTR_2, QUOFIELD, MONOID_0, GRCAT_1, ORDINAL3, REAL_1, FVSUM_1, SETWOP_2, ENDALG, BINARITH, WSIERP_1, ORDERS_2, TOPREAL1, TRIANG_1, FINSOP_1, POLYNOM3, MEMBERED; clusters XREAL_0, STRUCT_0, FUNCT_1, FINSET_1, RELSET_1, FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_2, PRALG_1, ARYTM_3, POLYNOM2, GOBRD13, POLYNOM1, QUOFIELD, WAYBEL10, VECTSP_1, MEMBERED, NUMBERS, ORDINAL2; requirements BOOLE, SUBSET, NUMERALS, REAL; definitions ANPROJ_1, VECTSP_1, QUOFIELD, GRCAT_1, ENDALG, FUNCT_1, SEQM_3, TARSKI, XBOOLE_0; theorems POLYNOM1, QUOFIELD, TOPGRP_1, PRE_TOPC, FUNCT_2, PBOOLE, FUNCT_1, ORDINAL3, ORDINAL1, ORDINAL2, FINSEQ_3, FINSEQ_2, FVSUM_1, GROUP_7, FINSEQ_1, RELAT_1, FUNCOP_1, POLYALG1, SCMFSA_7, DTCONSTR, FINSEQ_5, VECTSP_1, FINSEQ_4, SEQM_3, FINSET_1, TARSKI, ENDALG, POLYNOM2, PRALG_1, RELSET_1, MATRLIN, RLVECT_1, NAT_1, SUBSET_1, CARD_3, POLYNOM3, TRIANG_1, ORDERS_2, AXIOMS, JORDAN3, REAL_1, RVSUM_1, AMI_5, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1; schemes MSUALG_1, FUNCT_2, FRAENKEL, POLYNOM2, FUNCT_1; begin :: Preliminaries reserve o1,o2 for Ordinal; definition let L1,L2 be non empty doubleLoopStr; redefine pred L1 is_ringisomorph_to L2; reflexivity proof let L1 be non empty doubleLoopStr; take id L1; thus id L1 is RingHomomorphism; thus id L1 is one-to-one; thus id L1 is RingHomomorphism; thus rng id L1 = [#]L1 by TOPGRP_1:1 .= the carrier of L1 by PRE_TOPC:12; end; synonym L1,L2 are_isomorphic; end; theorem Th1: for B be set st for x be set holds x in B iff ex o be Ordinal st x=o1+^o & o in o2 holds o1+^o2 = o1 \/ B proof let B be set; assume A1: for x be set holds x in B iff ex o be Ordinal st x=o1+^o & o in o2; for x be set holds x in o1+^o2 iff x in o1 \/ B proof let x be set; A2: x in o1 \/ B implies x in o1+^o2 proof assume A3:x in o1 \/ B; per cases by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose A4: x in o1; o1 c= o1+^o2 by ORDINAL3:27; hence x in o1+^o2 by A4; suppose x in B; then consider o be Ordinal such that A5: x=o1+^o and A6: o in o2 by A1; thus x in o1+^o2 by A5,A6,ORDINAL2:49; end; per cases; suppose x in o1; hence x in o1+^o2 implies x in o1 \/ B by XBOOLE_0:def 2; thus x in o1 \/ B implies x in o1+^o2 by A2; suppose A7: not x in o1; thus x in o1+^o2 implies x in o1 \/ B proof assume A8: x in o1+^o2; per cases; suppose o2 = {}; hence thesis by A7,A8,ORDINAL2:44; suppose A9: o2 <> {}; reconsider o = x as Ordinal by A8,ORDINAL1:23; o1 c= o by A7,ORDINAL1:26; then A10: o = o1 +^ (o -^ o1) by ORDINAL3:def 6; o -^ o1 in o2 by A8,A9,ORDINAL3:73; then x in B by A1,A10; hence x in o1 \/ B by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; thus x in o1 \/ B implies x in o1+^o2 by A2; end; hence o1+^o2 = o1 \/ B by TARSKI:2; end; definition let o1 be Ordinal, o2 be non empty Ordinal; cluster o1 +^ o2 -> non empty; coherence by ORDINAL3:29; cluster o2 +^ o1 -> non empty; coherence by ORDINAL3:29; end; theorem Th2: for n being Ordinal, a,b being bag of n st a < b ex o being Ordinal st o in n & a.o < b.o & for l being Ordinal st l in o holds a.l = b.l proof let n be Ordinal, a,b be bag of n; assume a < b; then consider o being Ordinal such that A1: a.o < b.o and A2: for l being Ordinal st l in o holds a.l = b.l by POLYNOM1:def 11; take o; now assume A3: not o in n; n = dom a by PBOOLE:def 3; then A4: a.o = 0 by A3,FUNCT_1:def 4; not o in dom b by A3,PBOOLE:def 3; hence contradiction by A1,A4,FUNCT_1:def 4; end; hence o in n; thus a.o < b.o by A1; thus for l being Ordinal st l in o holds a.l = b.l by A2; end; begin ::About Bags definition let o1,o2 be Ordinal; let a be Element of Bags o1,b be Element of Bags o2; func a +^ b -> Element of Bags (o1+^o2) means :Def1: for o be Ordinal holds (o in o1 implies it.o = a.o) & (o in (o1+^o2) \ o1 implies it.o=b.(o-^o1)); existence proof per cases; suppose A1: o2 = {}; then A2: o1+^o2 = o1 by ORDINAL2:44; reconsider a'=a as Element of Bags (o1+^o2) by A1,ORDINAL2:44; take a'; let o be Ordinal; thus o in o1 implies a'.o = a.o; thus o in (o1+^o2) \ o1 implies a'.o=b.(o-^o1) by A2,XBOOLE_1:37; suppose o2 <> {}; then reconsider o2' = o2 as non empty Ordinal; defpred P[set,set] means ex o be Ordinal st o=$1 & (o in o1 implies $2 = a.o) & (o in (o1+^o2) \ o1 implies $2=b.(o-^o1)); A3: for i be set st i in o1+^o2 ex j be set st P[i,j] proof let i be set such that A4: i in o1+^o2; reconsider o = i as Ordinal by A4,ORDINAL1:23; A5: o in o1 iff not o in (o1+^ o2)\o1 by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4; per cases by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4; suppose A6: o in o1; take a.o,o; thus thesis by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 4; suppose A7: o in (o1 +^o2)\o1; take b.(o -^o1); thus thesis by A5,A7; end; consider f being ManySortedSet of o1+^o2 such that A8: for i be set st i in o1+^o2 holds P[i,f.i] from MSSEx(A3); A9: f is natural-yielding proof let s be set; assume s in rng f; then consider x be set such that A10: x in dom f and A11: s = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 5; A12: x in o1+^o2 by A10,PBOOLE:def 3; then reconsider o = x as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; consider o' be Ordinal such that A13: o'=x & (o' in o1 implies f.x = a.o') & (o' in (o1+^o2) \ o1 implies f.x=b.(o'-^o1)) by A8,A12; per cases by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 4; suppose o in o1; hence thesis by A11,A13; suppose o in (o1 +^o2)\o1; hence thesis by A11,A13; end; deffunc F(Element of o2') = o1 +^ $1; set B = {F(o) where o is Element of o2': o in support b}, C = {o1 +^ o where o is Element of o2': not contradiction}; A14: support f c= support a \/ B proof let x be set; assume x in support f; then A15: f.x <> 0 by POLYNOM1:def 7; then x in dom f by FUNCT_1:def 4; then A16: x in o1+^o2 by PBOOLE:def 3; for x be set holds x in C iff ex o be Ordinal st x=o1+^o & o in o2 proof let x be set; thus x in C implies ex o be Ordinal st x=o1+^o & o in o2 proof assume x in C; then ex o' be Element of o2' st x = o1 +^ o'; hence ex o be Ordinal st x=o1+^o & o in o2; end; thus thesis; end; then A17:x in o1 \/ C by A16,Th1; per cases by A17,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose A18: x in o1; P[x,f.x] by A8,A16; then x in support a by A15,A18,POLYNOM1:def 7; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose x in C; then ex o' be Element of o2' st x = o1 +^ o'; then consider o'' be Ordinal such that A19: x=o1+^o'' & o'' in o2; A20: x in o1+^o2 by A19,ORDINAL2:49; reconsider o=x as Ordinal by A19; A21: o1 c= o by A19,ORDINAL3:27; A22: o1 is epsilon-transitive set by ORDINAL1:def 4; A23: now per cases; suppose o = o1; hence not o in o1; suppose o <> o1; then o1 c< o by A21,XBOOLE_0:def 8; hence not o in o1 by A22,ORDINAL1:21; end; A24: P[x,f.x] by A8,A16; o'' = o-^o1 by A19,ORDINAL3:65; then o'' in support b by A15,A20,A23,A24,POLYNOM1:def 7,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then x in B by A19; hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 2; end; A25: support b is finite; B is finite from FraenkelFin(A25); then support a \/ B is finite by FINSET_1:14; then support f is finite by A14,FINSET_1:13; then f is finite-support by POLYNOM1:def 8; then reconsider f as Element of Bags (o1+^o2) by A9,POLYNOM1:def 14; take f; let o be Ordinal; thus o in o1 implies f.o = a.o proof assume A26: o in o1; o1 c= o1 +^ o2 by ORDINAL3:27; then ex p be Ordinal st p=o & (p in o1 implies f.o = a.p) & (p in (o1+^o2) \ o1 implies f.o=b.(p-^o1)) by A8,A26; hence f.o = a.o by A26; end; assume A27: o in (o1+^o2) \ o1; then o in o1 +^ o2 by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then ex p be Ordinal st p=o & (p in o1 implies f.o = a.p) & (p in (o1+^o2) \ o1 implies f.o=b.(p-^o1)) by A8; hence f.o=b.(o-^o1) by A27; end; uniqueness proof let a1,a2 be Element of Bags (o1+^o2) such that A28: for o be Ordinal holds (o in o1 implies a1.o = a.o) & (o in (o1+^o2) \ o1 implies a1.o=b.(o-^o1)) and A29: for o be Ordinal holds (o in o1 implies a2.o = a.o) & (o in (o1+^o2) \ o1 implies a2.o=b.(o-^o1)); A30: dom a1 = o1+^o2 by PBOOLE:def 3; then A31: dom a1 = dom a2 by PBOOLE:def 3; for c be set st c in dom a1 holds a1.c = a2.c proof let c be set such that A32: c in dom a1; reconsider o=c as Ordinal by A30,A32,ORDINAL1:23; A33: o1 c= o1+^o2 by ORDINAL3:27; A34: (o1+^o2)\o1 \/ o1 = (o1+^o2) \/ o1 by XBOOLE_1:39 .=o1+^o2 by A33,XBOOLE_1:12; per cases by A30,A32,A34,XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose A35: o in o1; hence a1.c =a.o by A28 .=a2.c by A29,A35; suppose A36: o in (o1+^o2) \o1; hence a1.c =b.(o-^o1) by A28 .=a2.c by A29,A36; end; hence a1 = a2 by A31,FUNCT_1:9; end; end; theorem Th3: for a be Element of Bags o1,b be Element of Bags o2 st o2 = {} holds a +^ b = a proof let a be Element of Bags o1,b be Element of Bags o2; assume o2={}; then reconsider ab = a +^ b as Element of Bags o1 by ORDINAL2:44; now let i be set; assume A1:i in o1; then reconsider i'=i as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; ab.i'=a.i' by A1,Def1; hence ab.i = a.i; end; hence a +^ b = a by PBOOLE:3; end; theorem for a be Element of Bags o1,b be Element of Bags o2 st o1 = {} holds a +^ b = b proof let a be Element of Bags o1,b be Element of Bags o2; assume A1:o1={}; then reconsider ab = a +^ b as Element of Bags o2 by ORDINAL2:47; now let i be set; assume A2:i in o2; then A3: i in (o1+^o2) \ o1 by A1,ORDINAL2:47; reconsider i'=i as Ordinal by A2,ORDINAL1:23; i'-^o1 = i' by A1,ORDINAL3:69; hence ab.i = b.i by A3,Def1; end; hence a +^ b = b by PBOOLE:3; end; theorem Th5: for b1 be Element of Bags o1 ,b2 be Element of Bags o2 holds b1+^b2 = EmptyBag(o1+^o2) iff b1 = EmptyBag o1 & b2 = EmptyBag o2 proof let b1 be Element of Bags o1 ,b2 be Element of Bags o2; hereby assume A1: b1+^b2 = EmptyBag (o1+^o2); A2: for z be set st z in dom b1 holds b1.z = 0 proof let z be set; assume A3: z in dom b1; A4: dom b1 = o1 by PBOOLE:def 3; then reconsider o=z as Ordinal by A3,ORDINAL1:23; b1.o = (b1+^b2).o by A3,A4,Def1 .= 0 by A1,POLYNOM1:56; hence b1.z = 0; end; dom b1 = o1 by PBOOLE:def 3; then b1 = o1 --> 0 by A2,FUNCOP_1:17; hence b1=EmptyBag o1 by POLYNOM1:def 15; A5:for z be set st z in dom b2 holds b2.z = 0 proof let z be set; assume A6: z in dom b2; A7: dom b2 = o2 by PBOOLE:def 3; then reconsider o=z as Ordinal by A6,ORDINAL1:23; A8: o1+^o in o1+^o2 by A6,A7,ORDINAL2:49; o1 c= o1+^o by ORDINAL3:27; then not o1+^o in o1 by ORDINAL1:7; then o1+^o in (o1+^o2) \ o1 by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then (b1+^b2).(o1+^o) = b2.(o1+^o-^o1) & (b1+^b2).(o1+^o) = b2.(o1+^o-^o1) by Def1; then b2.(o1+^o-^o1) = 0 by A1,POLYNOM1:56; hence b2.z = 0 by ORDINAL3:65; end; dom b2 = o2 by PBOOLE:def 3; then b2 = o2 --> 0 by A5,FUNCOP_1:17; hence b2=EmptyBag o2 by POLYNOM1:def 15; end; thus b1 = EmptyBag o1 & b2 = EmptyBag o2 implies b1+^b2 = EmptyBag(o1+^o2) proof assume A9: b1 = EmptyBag o1 & b2 = EmptyBag o2; A10: for z be set st z in dom (b1+^b2) holds (b1+^b2).z = 0 proof let z be set; assume A11:z in dom (b1+^b2); A12: dom (b1+^b2) = o1+^o2 by PBOOLE:def 3; then reconsider o=z as Ordinal by A11,ORDINAL1:23; (o in o1 implies b1.o = 0 & (b1+^b2).o=b1.o) & (o in (o1+^o2) \ o1 implies b2.(o-^o1) = 0 & (b1+^b2).o=b2.(o-^o1)) by A9,Def1,POLYNOM1:56; hence (b1+^b2).z = 0 by A11,A12,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; dom (b1+^b2) = o1+^o2 by PBOOLE:def 3; then b1+^b2 = (o1+^o2) --> 0 by A10,FUNCOP_1:17; hence b1+^b2 = EmptyBag(o1+^o2) by POLYNOM1:def 15; end; end; theorem Th6: for c be Element of Bags (o1+^o2) ex c1 be Element of Bags o1, c2 be Element of Bags o2 st c = c1+^c2 proof let c be Element of Bags (o1+^o2); per cases; suppose A1: o2 is empty; then reconsider c1=c as Element of Bags o1 by ORDINAL2:44; take c1; reconsider c2={} as Element of Bags o2 by A1,POLYNOM1:55,TARSKI:def 1; take c2; thus c = c1+^c2 by A1,Th3; suppose A2: o2 is non empty; then reconsider o2' = o2 as non empty Ordinal; A3: c|o1 is natural-yielding proof let y be set; assume A4: y in rng (c|o1); rng(c|o1) c= rng c by RELAT_1:99; then A5: y in rng c by A4; rng c c= NAT by SEQM_3:def 8; hence y in NAT by A5; end; support c|o1 c= support c proof let x be set; assume x in support c|o1; then A6: (c|o1).x <> 0 by POLYNOM1:def 7; then x in dom (c|o1) by FUNCT_1:def 4; then [x,(c|o1.x)] in c|o1 by FUNCT_1:8; then [x,(c|o1).x] in c by RELAT_1:def 11; then c|o1.x = c.x by FUNCT_1:8; hence x in support c by A6,POLYNOM1:def 7; end; then A7: support c|o1 is finite by FINSET_1:13; dom c = o1+^o2 by PBOOLE:def 3; then o1 c= dom c by ORDINAL3:27; then dom (c|o1) = o1 by RELAT_1:91; then c|o1 is bag of o1 by A3,A7,PBOOLE:def 3,POLYNOM1:def 8; then reconsider c1=c|o1 as Element of Bags o1 by POLYNOM1:def 14; take c1; defpred P[set,set] means for x1 be Element of o2 st x1=$1 holds $2=c.(o1+^x1); A8: for i be set st i in o2 ex j be set st P[i,j] proof let i be set; assume i in o2; then reconsider x1=i as Element of o2; take c.(o1+^x1); thus thesis; end; consider f being ManySortedSet of o2 such that A9: for i be set st i in o2 holds P[i,f.i] from MSSEx(A8); A10: f is natural-yielding proof let s be set; assume s in rng f; then consider x be set such that A11: x in dom f and A12: s = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 5; A13: x in o2 by A11,PBOOLE:def 3; reconsider o = x as Element of o2 by A11,PBOOLE:def 3; f.x = c.(o1+^o) by A9,A13; hence s in NAT by A12; end; deffunc F(Element of o1+^o2') = $1-^ o1; set B = { o'-^ o1 where o' is Element of o1+^o2':o1 c= o'& o' in support c}, C = {F(o') where o' is Element of o1+^o2':o' in support c}; A14: support c is finite; A15: B c= C proof let x be set; assume x in B; then ex o' being Element of o1+^o2' st x = o' -^ o1 & o1 c= o'& o' in support c; hence x in C; end; C is finite from FraenkelFin(A14); then A16: B is finite by A15,FINSET_1:13; support f = B proof thus support f c= B proof let x be set; assume x in support f; then A17: f.x <> 0 by POLYNOM1:def 7; then x in dom f by FUNCT_1:def 4; then reconsider o' = x as Element of o2' by PBOOLE:def 3; c.(o1+^o')<>0 by A9,A17; then A18: o1+^o' in support c by POLYNOM1:def 7; reconsider o'' = o1+^o' as Element of o1+^o2' by ORDINAL2:49; A19: o' = o''-^o1 by ORDINAL3:65; o1 c= o'' by ORDINAL3:27; hence x in B by A18,A19; end; thus B c= support f proof let x be set; assume x in B; then consider o' be Element of o1+^o2' such that A20: x = o'-^o1 and A21: o1 c= o' and A22: o' in support c; A23:c.o'<>0 by A22,POLYNOM1:def 7; o'-^o1 in o1+^o2'-^o1 by A21,ORDINAL3:66; then A24: o'-^o1 in o2' by ORDINAL3:65; c.(o1+^(o'-^o1))<>0 by A21,A23,ORDINAL3:def 6; then f.x <> 0 by A9,A20,A24; hence x in support f by POLYNOM1:def 7; end; end; then f is finite-support by A16,POLYNOM1:def 8; then reconsider c2 = f as Element of Bags o2 by A10,POLYNOM1:def 14; take c2; now let i be set; assume A25: i in o1+^o2; per cases by A25,XBOOLE_0:def 4; suppose A26:i in o1; then reconsider i'=i as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; dom c1 = o1 by PBOOLE:def 3; then c.i' = c1.i' by A26,FUNCT_1:70 .= (c1+^c2).i' by A26,Def1; hence c.i = (c1+^c2).i; suppose A27:i in (o1+^o2)\o1; then A28: i in o1+^o2 by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then reconsider i'=i as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; A29: i'-^o1 in o2 by A2,A28,ORDINAL3:73; not i' in o1 by A27,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then o1 c= i' by ORDINAL1:26; then c.i' = c.(o1+^(i'-^o1)) by ORDINAL3:def 6 .= c2.(i'-^o1) by A9,A29 .= (c1+^c2).i' by A27,Def1; hence c.i = (c1+^c2).i; end; hence c = c1+^c2 by PBOOLE:3; end; theorem Th7: for b1,c1 be Element of Bags o1 for b2,c2 be Element of Bags o2 st b1+^b2 = c1+^c2 holds b1=c1 & b2=c2 proof let b1,c1 be Element of Bags o1, b2,c2 be Element of Bags o2; assume A1:b1+^b2 = c1+^c2; now let i be set; assume A2: i in o1; then reconsider i' = i as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; (b1+^b2).i' = b1.i' & (b1+^b2).i'=c1.i' by A1,A2,Def1; hence b1.i=c1.i; end; hence b1 = c1 by PBOOLE:3; now let i be set; assume A3: i in o2; then reconsider i' = i as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; A4: o1+^i' in o1+^o2 by A3,ORDINAL2:49; o1 c= o1+^i' by ORDINAL3:27; then not o1+^i' in o1 by ORDINAL1:7; then o1+^i' in (o1+^o2) \ o1 by A4,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A5: (b1+^b2).(o1+^i') = b2.(o1+^i'-^o1) & (b1+^b2).(o1+^i') = c2.(o1+^i'-^o1) by A1,Def1; i'= o1+^i'-^o1 by ORDINAL3:65; hence b2.i = c2.i by A5; end; hence b2 = c2 by PBOOLE:3; end; theorem Th8: for n being Ordinal, L being Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable distributive associative (non empty doubleLoopStr), p, q, r being Series of n, L holds (p+q)*'r = p*'r+q*'r proof let n be Ordinal, L be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable distributive associative (non empty doubleLoopStr), p, q, r be Series of n, L; set cL = the carrier of L; now let b be Element of Bags n; consider s being FinSequence of cL such that A1: ((p+q)*'r).b = Sum s and A2: len s = len decomp b and A3: for k being Nat st k in dom s ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> & s/.k = (p+q).b1*r.b2 by POLYNOM1:def 26; consider t being FinSequence of cL such that A4: (p*'r).b = Sum t and A5: len t = len decomp b and A6: for k being Nat st k in dom t ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> & t/.k = p.b1*r.b2 by POLYNOM1:def 26; consider u being FinSequence of cL such that A7: (q*'r).b = Sum u and A8: len u = len decomp b and A9: for k being Nat st k in dom u ex b1, b2 being bag of n st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> & u/.k = q.b1*r.b2 by POLYNOM1:def 26; reconsider S = s, t, u as Element of (len s)-tuples_on cL by A2,A5,A8,FINSEQ_2:110; A10: dom t = dom s & dom u = dom s by A2,A5,A8,FINSEQ_3:31; then A11: dom (t+u) = dom s by POLYNOM1:5; then A12: len (t+u) = len s by FINSEQ_3:31; now let i be Nat; assume i in Seg len S; then 1 <= i & i <= len s by FINSEQ_1:3; then A13: i in dom s by FINSEQ_3:27; then consider sb1, sb2 being bag of n such that A14: (decomp b)/.i = <*sb1, sb2*> & s/.i = (p+q).sb1*r.sb2 by A3; consider tb1, tb2 being bag of n such that A15: (decomp b)/.i = <*tb1, tb2*> & t/.i = p.tb1*r.tb2 by A6,A10,A13; consider ub1, ub2 being bag of n such that A16: (decomp b)/.i = <*ub1, ub2*> & u/.i = q.ub1*r.ub2 by A9,A10,A13; A17: sb1 = tb1 & sb1 = ub1 & sb2 = tb2 & sb2 = ub2 by A14,A15,A16,GROUP_7:2; A18: s/.i = s.i & t/.i = t.i & u/.i = u.i by A10,A13,FINSEQ_4:def 4; hence s.i = (p.sb1+q.sb1)*r.sb2 by A14,POLYNOM1:def 21 .= p.sb1*r.sb2+q.sb1*r.sb2 by VECTSP_1:def 18 .= (t + u).i by A11,A13,A15,A16,A17,A18,FVSUM_1:21; end; then s = t + u by A12,FINSEQ_2:10; hence ((p+q)*'r).b = Sum t + Sum u by A1,FVSUM_1:95 .= (p*'r+q*'r).b by A4,A7,POLYNOM1:def 21; end; hence (p+q)*'r = p*'r+q*'r by FUNCT_2:113; end; begin :: Main results definition let n be Ordinal, L be right_zeroed Abelian add-associative right_complementable unital distributive associative non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr); cluster Polynom-Ring (n, L) -> non trivial distributive; coherence proof thus Polynom-Ring (n, L) is non trivial proof take u=1_ Polynom-Ring (n,L); A1: 0.L <> 1.L by POLYNOM1:27; A2: 0.Polynom-Ring (n,L) = 0_(n,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; A3: 1_ (Polynom-Ring (n,L)) = 1_(n,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; 0_(n,L).EmptyBag n = 0.L by POLYNOM1:81; hence u <> 0.Polynom-Ring (n,L) by A1,A2,A3,POLYNOM1:84; end; thus Polynom-Ring (n, L) is distributive proof let x,y,z be Element of Polynom-Ring (n,L); reconsider u=x,v=y,w=z as Polynomial of n,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; reconsider x'=x,y'=y,z'=z as Element of Polynom-Ring (n,L) ; A4: y'+z' = v+w by POLYNOM1:def 27; A5: u*'v=x'*y' by POLYNOM1:def 27; A6: u*'w=x'*z' by POLYNOM1:def 27; thus x*(y+z) = u*'(v+w) by A4,POLYNOM1:def 27 .=u*'v+u*'w by POLYNOM1:85 .= x*y+x*z by A5,A6,POLYNOM1:def 27; A7: y'+z' = v+w by POLYNOM1:def 27; A8: v*'u=y'*x' by POLYNOM1:def 27; A9: w*'u=z'*x' by POLYNOM1:def 27; thus (y+z)*x = (v+w)*'u by A7,POLYNOM1:def 27 .= v*'u+w*'u by Th8 .= y*x+z*x by A8,A9,POLYNOM1:def 27; end; end; end; definition let o1,o2 be non empty Ordinal, L be right_zeroed add-associative right_complementable unital distributive non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr); let P be Polynomial of o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L); func Compress P -> Polynomial of o1+^o2,L means :Def2: for b be Element of Bags (o1+^o2) ex b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L st Q1 = P.b1 & b = b1+^b2 & it.b = Q1.b2; existence proof defpred P[Element of Bags (o1+^o2),Element of L] means ex b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L st Q1=P.b1 & $1 = b1+^b2 & $2=Q1.b2; A1: for b being Element of Bags (o1+^o2) ex u being Element of L st P[b,u] proof let b be Element of Bags (o1+^o2); consider b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A2: b = b1+^b2 by Th6; reconsider Q1=P.b1 as Polynomial of o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; take Q1.b2,b1,b2,Q1; thus thesis by A2; end; consider f being Function of Bags (o1+^o2),the carrier of L such that A3: for b being Element of Bags (o1+^o2) holds P[b,f.b] from FuncExD(A1); reconsider f as Series of o1+^o2, L; deffunc F(Element of Bags o1) = { $1+^b2 where b2 is Element of Bags o2: ex Q be Polynomial of o2,L st Q=P.$1 & b2 in Support Q}; set A={ F(b1) where b1 is Element of Bags o1: b1 in Support P }; A4: Support P is finite by POLYNOM1:def 10; A5: A is finite from FraenkelFin(A4); for B be set st B in A holds B is finite proof let B be set; assume B in A; then consider b1 being Element of Bags o1 such that A6: B = {b1+^b2 where b2 is Element of Bags o2: ex Q be Polynomial of o2,L st Q=P.b1 & b2 in Support Q} and b1 in Support P; reconsider Q0 = P.b1 as Polynomial of o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; deffunc F(Element of Bags o2) = b1+^$1; set B0 = { F(b2) where b2 is Element of Bags o2: b2 in Support Q0}; A7: B = B0 proof thus B c= B0 proof let x be set; assume x in B; then consider b2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A8: x = b1+^b2 and A9: ex Q be Polynomial of o2,L st Q=P.b1 & b2 in Support Q by A6; consider Q be Polynomial of o2,L such that A10: Q=P.b1 and A11: b2 in Support Q by A9; thus x in B0 by A8,A10,A11; end; thus B0 c= B proof let x be set; assume x in B0; then consider b2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A12: x = b1+^b2 and A13: b2 in Support Q0; thus x in B by A6,A12,A13; end; end; A14: Support Q0 is finite; B0 is finite from FraenkelFin(A14); hence B is finite by A7; end; then A15: union A is finite by A5,FINSET_1:25; Support f = union A proof thus Support f c= union A proof let x be set; assume A16: x in Support f; then A17: f.x <> 0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9; consider b1 be Element of Bags o1,b2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A18: x = b1+^b2 by A16,Th6; consider Y be set such that A19: Y = {b1+^b2' where b2' is Element of Bags o2: ex Q be Polynomial of o2,L st Q=P.b1 & b2' in Support Q}; consider b1' be Element of Bags o1, b2' be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L such that A20: Q1=P.b1' and A21: b1+^b2 = b1'+^b2' and A22: f.(b1+^b2)=Q1.b2' by A3; A23: b1=b1' & b2=b2' by A21,Th7; then b2 in Support Q1 by A17,A18,A22,POLYNOM1:def 9; then A24: x in Y by A18,A19,A20,A23; now assume P.b1 = 0.Polynom-Ring(o2,L); then Q1=0_(o2,L) by A20,A23,POLYNOM1:def 27; hence contradiction by A17,A18,A22,POLYNOM1:81; end; then b1 in Support P by POLYNOM1:def 9; then Y in A by A19; hence x in union A by A24,TARSKI:def 4; end; let x be set; assume x in union A; then consider Y be set such that A25: x in Y and A26: Y in A by TARSKI:def 4; consider b1 be Element of Bags o1 such that A27: Y = {b1+^b2 where b2 is Element of Bags o2: ex Q be Polynomial of o2,L st Q=P.b1 & b2 in Support Q} and b1 in Support P by A26; consider b2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A28: x = b1+^b2 and A29: ex Q be Polynomial of o2,L st Q=P.b1 & b2 in Support Q by A25,A27; consider Q be Polynomial of o2,L such that A30: Q=P.b1 and A31: b2 in Support Q by A29; A32: Q .b2 <> 0.L by A31,POLYNOM1:def 9; consider b1' be Element of Bags o1, b2' be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L such that A33: Q1 =P.b1' and A34: b1+^b2 = b1'+^b2' and A35: f.(b1+^b2)=Q1.b2' by A3; A36: Q1=Q by A30,A33,A34,Th7; f.(b1+^b2) = Q1.b2 by A34,A35,Th7; hence x in Support f by A28,A32,A36,POLYNOM1:def 9; end; then reconsider f as Polynomial of o1+^o2,L by A15,POLYNOM1:def 10; take f; let b be Element of Bags (o1+^o2); consider b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A37: b = b1+^b2 by Th6; take b1,b2; reconsider Q1=P.b1 as Polynomial of o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; take Q1; thus Q1=P.b1; thus b = b1+^b2 by A37; consider b1' be Element of Bags o1, b2' be Element of Bags o2, Q1' be Polynomial of o2,L such that A38: Q1'=P.b1' and A39: b = b1'+^b2' and A40: f.b=Q1'.b2' by A3; b1 = b1' & b2 = b2' by A37,A39,Th7; hence f.b=Q1.b2 by A38,A40; end; uniqueness proof let w1,w2 be Polynomial of o1+^o2,L such that A41: for b be Element of Bags (o1+^o2) ex b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L st Q1= P.b1 & b = b1+^b2 & w1.b=Q1.b2 and A42: for b be Element of Bags (o1+^o2) ex b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L st Q1=P.b1 & b = b1+^b2 & w2.b=Q1.b2; for c be Element of Bags(o1+^o2) holds w1.c = w2.c proof let c be Element of Bags(o1+^o2); consider c1 be Element of Bags o1,c2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L such that A43: Q1= P.c1 and A44: c = c1+^c2 and A45: w1.c = Q1.c2 by A41; consider d1 be Element of Bags o1,d2 be Element of Bags o2, S1 be Polynomial of o2,L such that A46: S1= P.d1 and A47: c = d1+^d2 and A48: w2.c = S1.d2 by A42; c2 = d2 by A44,A47,Th7; hence w1.c = w2.c by A43,A44,A45,A46,A47,A48,Th7; end; hence w1=w2 by FUNCT_2:113; end; end; theorem Th9: for b1,c1 being Element of Bags o1, b2,c2 being Element of Bags o2 st b1 divides c1 & b2 divides c2 holds b1 +^ b2 divides c1 +^ c2 proof let b1,c1 be Element of Bags o1, b2,c2 be Element of Bags o2; assume A1: b1 divides c1 & b2 divides c2; now let k be set; assume A2: k in o1+^o2; reconsider b1' = b1,c1' = c1 as bag of o1; A3: b1'.k <= c1'.k by A1,POLYNOM1:def 13; per cases by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 4; suppose A4: k in o1; then reconsider k'=k as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; (b1 +^ b2).k' = b1.k' by A4,Def1; hence (b1 +^ b2).k <= (c1 +^ c2).k by A3,A4,Def1; suppose A5: k in (o1+^ o2)\o1; then k in (o1+^o2) by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then reconsider k'=k as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; A6: (b1 +^ b2).k' = b2.(k'-^o1) by A5,Def1; (c1 +^ c2).k' = c2.(k'-^o1) by A5,Def1; hence (b1 +^ b2).k <= (c1 +^ c2).k by A1,A6,POLYNOM1:def 13; end; hence b1 +^ b2 divides c1 +^ c2 by POLYNOM1:50; end; theorem Th10: for b being bag of (o1+^o2), b1 being Element of Bags o1, b2 being Element of Bags o2 st b divides b1 +^ b2 ex c1 being Element of Bags o1, c2 being Element of Bags o2 st c1 divides b1 & c2 divides b2 & b = c1 +^ c2 proof let b be bag of (o1+^o2), b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2; assume A1: b divides b1 +^ b2; reconsider b'=b as Element of Bags (o1+^o2) by POLYNOM1:def 14; consider c1 be Element of Bags o1, c2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A2: b' = c1+^c2 by Th6; reconsider c1'=c1,b1'=b1 as bag of o1; reconsider c2'=c2,b2'=b2 as bag of o2; A3: for k being set st k in o1 holds c1'.k <= b1'.k proof let k be set; assume A4: k in o1; A5: (c1+^c2).k <= (b1 +^ b2).k by A1,A2,POLYNOM1:def 13; reconsider k'=k as Ordinal by A4,ORDINAL1:23; (c1+^c2).k' = c1.k' by A4,Def1; hence c1'.k <= b1'.k by A4,A5,Def1; end; A6: for k being set st k in o2 holds c2'.k <= b2'.k proof let k be set; assume A7:k in o2; then reconsider k'=k as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; set x = o1+^k'; A8: (c1+^c2).x <= (b1 +^ b2).x by A1,A2,POLYNOM1:def 13; A9: o1+^k' in o1+^o2 by A7,ORDINAL2:49; o1 c= o1+^k' by ORDINAL3:27; then not o1+^k' in o1 by ORDINAL1:7; then A10: o1+^k' in (o1+^o2) \ o1 by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A11: (b1+^b2).(o1+^k') = b2.(o1+^k'-^o1) by Def1; k'= o1+^k'-^o1 by ORDINAL3:65; hence c2'.k <= b2'.k by A8,A10,A11,Def1; end; take c1,c2; thus c1 divides b1 & c2 divides b2 & b = c1 +^ c2 by A2,A3,A6,POLYNOM1:50; end; theorem Th11: for a1,b1 being Element of Bags o1, a2,b2 being Element of Bags o2 holds a1 +^ a2 < b1 +^ b2 iff a1 < b1 or a1 = b1 & a2 < b2 proof let a1,b1 be Element of Bags o1, a2,b2 be Element of Bags o2; thus a1 +^ a2 < b1 +^ b2 implies a1 < b1 or a1 = b1 & a2 < b2 proof assume a1 +^ a2 < b1 +^ b2; then consider k be Ordinal such that A1: (a1 +^ a2).k < (b1 +^ b2).k and A2: for l being Ordinal st l in k holds (a1 +^ a2).l = (b1 +^ b2).l by POLYNOM1:def 11; now assume not k in dom(b1+^b2); then (b1+^b2).k = 0 by FUNCT_1:def 4; hence contradiction by A1,NAT_1:18; end; then A3: k in o1+^o2 by PBOOLE:def 3; now per cases by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 4; case A4:k in o1; then (a1 +^ a2).k = a1.k by Def1; then A5: a1.k < b1.k by A1,A4,Def1; reconsider a1'=a1,b1'=b1 as bag of o1; for l being Ordinal st l in k holds a1'.l = b1'.l proof let l be Ordinal; assume A6: l in k; then A7: (a1 +^ a2).l = (b1 +^ b2).l by A2; l is epsilon-transitive by ORDINAL1:def 4; then A8: l in o1 by A4,A6,ORDINAL1:19; then (a1 +^ a2).l = a1.l by Def1; hence a1'.l = b1'.l by A7,A8,Def1; end; hence a1 < b1 by A5,POLYNOM1:def 11; case A9:k in (o1+^ o2)\o1; for i be set st i in o1 holds a1.i = b1.i proof let i be set; assume A10:i in o1; then reconsider i'=i as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; not k in o1 by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A11: o1 c= k by ORDINAL1:26; A12: (a1 +^ a2).i' = a1.i' by A10,Def1; (b1 +^ b2).i' = b1.i' by A10,Def1; hence a1.i = b1.i by A2,A10,A11,A12; end; hence a1 = b1 by PBOOLE:3; not k in o1 by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then o1 c= k by ORDINAL1:26; then A13: k = o1+^(k-^o1) by ORDINAL3:def 6; set k1 = k -^ o1; (a1+^a2).k = a2.(k-^o1) by A9,Def1; then A14: a2.k1 < b2.k1 by A1,A9,Def1; for l being Ordinal st l in k1 holds a2.l = b2.l proof let l be Ordinal; assume l in k1; then A15: o1 +^ l in o1 +^ k1 by ORDINAL2:49; A16: k in o1+^o2 by A9,XBOOLE_0:def 4; o1+^l is epsilon-transitive by ORDINAL1:def 4; then A17: o1 +^ l in o1 +^o2 by A13,A15,A16,ORDINAL1:19; o1 c= o1 +^l by ORDINAL3:27; then not o1 +^l in o1 by ORDINAL1:7; then A18: o1 +^ l in (o1+^ o2)\o1 by A17,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A19: (a1 +^ a2).(o1 +^ l) = a2.(o1+^l-^o1) by Def1 .= a2.l by ORDINAL3:65; (b1 +^ b2).(o1 +^ l) = b2.(o1+^l-^o1) by A18,Def1 .= b2.l by ORDINAL3:65; hence a2.l = b2.l by A2,A13,A15,A19; end; hence a2 < b2 by A14,POLYNOM1:def 11; end; hence thesis; end; thus a1 < b1 or a1 = b1 & a2 < b2 implies a1 +^ a2 < b1 +^ b2 proof assume A20: a1 < b1 or a1 = b1 & a2 < b2; now per cases; case a1 < b1; then consider k be Ordinal such that A21: k in o1 and A22: a1.k < b1.k and A23: for l being Ordinal st l in k holds a1.l = b1.l by Th2; A24: (a1 +^ a2).k = a1.k by A21,Def1; A25: (b1 +^ b2).k = b1.k by A21,Def1; for l being Ordinal st l in k holds (a1 +^ a2).l = (b1 +^ b2).l proof let l be Ordinal; assume A26:l in k; l is epsilon-transitive by ORDINAL1:def 4; then A27: l in o1 by A21,A26,ORDINAL1:19; then A28: (a1 +^ a2).l = a1.l by Def1; (b1 +^ b2).l = b1.l by A27,Def1; hence (a1 +^ a2).l = (b1 +^ b2).l by A23,A26,A28; end; hence a1 +^ a2 < b1 +^ b2 by A22,A24,A25,POLYNOM1:def 11; case A29: not a1 < b1; then consider k be Ordinal such that A30: k in o2 and A31: a2.k < b2.k and A32: for l being Ordinal st l in k holds a2.l = b2.l by A20,Th2; set x = o1+^k; A33: o1+^k in o1+^o2 by A30,ORDINAL2:49; o1 c= o1+^k by ORDINAL3:27; then not o1+^k in o1 by ORDINAL1:7; then A34: o1+^k in (o1+^o2) \ o1 by A33,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then A35: (b1+^b2).(o1+^k) = b2.(o1+^k-^o1) by Def1; k= o1+^k-^o1 by ORDINAL3:65; then A36: (a1 +^ a2).x < (b1 +^ b2).x by A31,A34,A35,Def1; for l being Ordinal st l in x holds (a1 +^ a2).l = (b1 +^ b2).l proof let l be Ordinal; assume A37:l in x; per cases; suppose A38: l in o1; hence (a1 +^ a2).l = b1.l by A20,A29,Def1 .= (b1 +^ b2).l by A38,Def1; suppose A39: not l in o1; A40: o1 +^ k in o1+^o2 by A30,ORDINAL2:49; l is epsilon-transitive by ORDINAL1:def 4; then A41: l in o1+^o2 by A37,A40,ORDINAL1:19; o1 c= l by A39,ORDINAL1:26; then l-^o1 in o1+^k-^o1 by A37,ORDINAL3:66; then A42: l-^o1 in k by ORDINAL3:65; A43: l in (o1+^o2) \ o1 by A39,A41,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence (a1 +^ a2).l = a2.(l -^ o1) by Def1 .= b2.(l -^ o1) by A32,A42 .= (b1 +^ b2).l by A43,Def1; end; hence a1 +^ a2 < b1 +^ b2 by A36,POLYNOM1:def 11; end; hence a1 +^ a2 < b1 +^ b2; end; end; theorem Th12: for b1 being Element of Bags o1, b2 being Element of Bags o2 for G being FinSequence of (Bags(o1+^o2))* st dom G = dom divisors b1 & for i being Nat st i in dom divisors b1 holds ex a1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) st Fk = G/.i & (divisors b1)/.i = a1' & len Fk = len divisors b2 & for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.m = a1'' & Fk/.m = a1'+^a1'' holds divisors(b1+^b2) = FlattenSeq G proof let b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2; let G be FinSequence of (Bags(o1+^o2))* such that A1: dom G = dom divisors b1 and A2: for i being Nat st i in dom divisors b1 holds ex a1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) st Fk = G/.i & (divisors b1)/.i = a1' & len Fk = len divisors b2 & for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.m = a1'' & Fk/.m = a1'+^a1''; len divisors b1 <> 0 by FINSEQ_1:25; then len G <> 0 by A1,FINSEQ_3:31; then A3:G is non empty by FINSEQ_1:25; then A4: G = <*G.1*>^Del(G,1) by POLYALG1:4; reconsider D = Del(G,1) as FinSequence of (Bags(o1+^o2))*; A5:1 in dom G by A3,FINSEQ_5:6; then consider a1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) such that A6: Fk = G/.1 & (divisors b1)/.1 = a1' and A7: len Fk = len divisors b2 and for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.m = a1'' & Fk/.m = a1'+^a1'' by A1,A2; reconsider G1 = G.1 as Element of (Bags(o1+^o2))* by A5,A6,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A8: FlattenSeq G = (FlattenSeq <*G1*>)^FlattenSeq D by A4,SCMFSA_7:14 .= G1^FlattenSeq D by DTCONSTR:13; A9:Fk = G.1 by A5,A6,FINSEQ_4:def 4; len divisors b2 <> 0 by FINSEQ_1:25; then G.1 <> {} by A7,A9,FINSEQ_1:25; then FlattenSeq G <>{} by A8,FINSEQ_1:48; then reconsider S = rng FlattenSeq G as non empty finite Subset of Bags(o1+^o2) by FINSEQ_1:def 4,RELAT_1:64; set F = FlattenSeq G; field BagOrder(o1+^o2) = Bags(o1+^o2) by ORDERS_2:2; then BagOrder(o1+^o2) linearly_orders Bags(o1+^o2) by ORDERS_2:35; then A10: BagOrder(o1+^o2) linearly_orders S by ORDERS_2:36; for n,m be Nat st n in dom F & m in dom F & n < m holds F/.n <> F/.m & [F/.n,F/.m] in BagOrder(o1+^o2) proof let n,m be Nat such that A11: n in dom F & m in dom F and A12: n < m; now assume A13: F/.n = F/.m; A14: F/.n=F.n by A11,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A15: F/.m=F.m by A11,FINSEQ_4:def 4; consider i1, j1 being Nat such that A16: i1 in dom G and A17: j1 in dom (G.i1) and A18: n = (Sum Card (G|(i1-'1))) + j1 and A19: (G.i1).j1 = (FlattenSeq G).n by A11,POLYNOM1:32; consider i2, j2 being Nat such that A20: i2 in dom G and A21: j2 in dom (G.i2) and A22: m = (Sum Card (G|(i2-'1))) + j2 and A23: (G.i2).j2 = (FlattenSeq G).m by A11,POLYNOM1:32; consider a1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) such that A24: Fk = G/.i1 and A25: (divisors b1)/.i1 = a1' and A26: len Fk = len divisors b2 and A27: for r being Nat st r in dom Fk ex a1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.r = a1'' & Fk/.r = a1'+^a1'' by A1,A2,A16; A28: j1 in dom Fk by A16,A17,A24,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then consider a1'' being Element of Bags o2 such that A29: (divisors b2)/.j1 = a1'' and A30: Fk/.j1 = a1'+^a1'' by A27; consider a2' being Element of Bags o1, Fk' being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) such that A31: Fk' = G/.i2 and A32: (divisors b1)/.i2 = a2' and A33: len Fk' = len divisors b2 and A34: for r being Nat st r in dom Fk' ex a2'' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.r = a2'' & Fk'/.r = a2'+^a2'' by A1,A2,A20; A35: j2 in dom Fk' by A20,A21,A31,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then consider a2'' being Element of Bags o2 such that A36: (divisors b2)/.j2 = a2'' and A37: Fk'/.j2 = a2'+^a2'' by A34; Fk = G.i1 by A16,A24,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then A38: (FlattenSeq G).n = Fk/.j1 by A17,A19,FINSEQ_4:def 4; Fk' = G.i2 by A20,A31,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then (FlattenSeq G).m = Fk'/.j2 by A21,A23,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then A39: a1'=a2' & a1''=a2'' by A13,A14,A15,A30,A37,A38,Th7; A40: (divisors b1).i1 = a1' by A1,A16,A25,FINSEQ_4:def 4; (divisors b1).i2 = a2' by A1,A20,A32,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then A41: i1=i2 by A1,A16,A20,A39,A40,FUNCT_1:def 8; Seg len Fk = dom Fk by FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A42: j1 in dom divisors b2 by A26,A28,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A43: (divisors b2).j1 = a1'' by A29,FINSEQ_4:def 4; Seg len Fk' = dom Fk' by FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A44: j2 in dom divisors b2 by A33,A35,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then (divisors b2).j2 = a2'' by A36,FINSEQ_4:def 4; hence contradiction by A12,A18,A22,A39,A41,A42,A43,A44,FUNCT_1:def 8; end; hence F/.n <> F/.m; A45: F/.n = F.n by A11,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A46: F/.m = F.m by A11,FINSEQ_4:def 4; reconsider Fn=F/.n, Fm=F/.m as bag of (o1+^o2) by POLYNOM1:def 14; reconsider Fn'=Fn,Fm'=Fm as Element of Bags (o1+^o2); consider a1 be Element of Bags o1, a2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A47: Fn' = a1+^a2 by Th6; consider c1 be Element of Bags o1, c2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A48: Fm' = c1+^c2 by Th6; consider i1, j1 being Nat such that A49: i1 in dom G and A50: j1 in dom (G.i1) and A51: n = (Sum Card (G|(i1-'1))) + j1 and A52: (G.i1).j1 = (FlattenSeq G).n by A11,POLYNOM1:32; consider i2, j2 being Nat such that A53: i2 in dom G and A54: j2 in dom (G.i2) and A55: m = (Sum Card (G|(i2-'1))) + j2 and A56: (G.i2).j2 = (FlattenSeq G).m by A11,POLYNOM1:32; consider a1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) such that A57: Fk = G/.i1 and A58: (divisors b1)/.i1 = a1' and A59: len Fk = len divisors b2 and A60: for r being Nat st r in dom Fk ex a1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.r = a1'' & Fk/.r = a1'+^a1'' by A1,A2,A49; A61: j1 in dom Fk by A49,A50,A57,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then consider a1'' being Element of Bags o2 such that A62: (divisors b2)/.j1 = a1'' and A63: Fk/.j1 = a1'+^a1'' by A60; consider a2' being Element of Bags o1, Fk' being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) such that A64: Fk' = G/.i2 and A65: (divisors b1)/.i2 = a2' and A66: len Fk' = len divisors b2 and A67: for r being Nat st r in dom Fk' ex a2'' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.r = a2'' & Fk'/.r = a2'+^a2'' by A1,A2,A53; A68: j2 in dom Fk' by A53,A54,A64,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then consider a2'' being Element of Bags o2 such that A69: (divisors b2)/.j2 = a2'' and A70: Fk'/.j2 = a2'+^a2'' by A67; Fk = G.i1 by A49,A57,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then A71: Fn' = Fk/.j1 by A45,A50,A52,FINSEQ_4:def 4; Fk' = G.i2 by A53,A64,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then Fm' = Fk'/.j2 by A46,A54,A56,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then A72: a1'=a1 & a1''= a2 & a2'= c1 & a2''= c2 by A47,A48,A63,A70,A71,Th7; then A73: (divisors b1).i1 = a1 by A1,A49,A58,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A74: (divisors b1).i2 = c1 by A1,A53,A65,A72,FINSEQ_4:def 4; Seg len Fk = dom Fk by FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A75: j1 in dom divisors b2 by A59,A61,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A76: (divisors b2).j1 = a2 by A62,A72,FINSEQ_4:def 4; Seg len Fk' = dom Fk' by FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A77: j2 in dom divisors b2 by A66,A68,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A78: (divisors b2).j2 = c2 by A69,A72,FINSEQ_4:def 4; now consider S being non empty finite Subset of Bags o1 such that A79: divisors b1 = SgmX(BagOrder o1, S) and for p being bag of o1 holds p in S iff p divides b1 by POLYNOM1:def 18 ; field BagOrder o1 = Bags o1 by ORDERS_2:2; then BagOrder o1 linearly_orders Bags o1 by ORDERS_2:35; then A80: BagOrder o1 linearly_orders S by ORDERS_2:36; consider T being non empty finite Subset of Bags o2 such that A81: divisors b2 = SgmX(BagOrder o2, T) and for p being bag of o2 holds p in T iff p divides b2 by POLYNOM1:def 18 ; field BagOrder o2= Bags o2 by ORDERS_2:2; then BagOrder o2 linearly_orders Bags o2 by ORDERS_2:35; then A82: BagOrder o2 linearly_orders T by ORDERS_2:36; A83: now assume that A84: not i1 < i2 and A85: not (i1 = i2 & j1 < j2); per cases by A84,AXIOMS:21; suppose i1=i2; hence contradiction by A12,A51,A55,A85,AXIOMS:24; suppose A86: i1>i2; A87: j2<= Card (G.i2) by A54,FINSEQ_3:27; A88: Card(G|i2) = (Card G)|i2 by POLYNOM3:16; A89: Card (G|(i1-'1)) = (Card G)|(i1-'1) by POLYNOM3:16; i2 <= i1 -' 1 by A86,JORDAN3:12; then A90: (Sum Card (G|i2)) <= (Sum Card (G|(i1-'1))) by A88,A89,POLYNOM3: 18; i2>=1 by A53,FINSEQ_3:27; then A91: i2 -' 1 = i2 - 1 by SCMFSA_7:3; i2 < i2 + 1 by REAL_1:69; then A92: i2 - 1 < i2 by REAL_1:84; i2 <= len G by A53,FINSEQ_3:27; then A93: i2-'1 < len G by A91,A92,AXIOMS:22; i2>=1 by A53,FINSEQ_3:27; then A94: i2-'1+1 = i2 by AMI_5:4; reconsider G1 = G.i2 as Element of (Bags(o1+^o2))* by A53,A64,FINSEQ_4:def 4; reconsider GG1 = <*G1*> as FinSequence of (Bags(o1+^o2))*; G|i2 = G|(i2-'1) ^ GG1 by A93,A94,POLYNOM3:19; then Card (G|i2) = Card (G|(i2-'1))^Card(GG1) by POLYNOM1:13; then Card (G|i2) = (Card (G|(i2-'1)))^<*Card G1*> by POLYNOM1:12; then Sum Card (G|i2) = (Sum Card (G|(i2-'1))) + Card(G.i2) by RVSUM_1: 104; then (Sum Card (G|(i2-'1))) + j2 <= Sum Card (G|i2) by A87,AXIOMS:24; then A95: (Sum Card (G|(i2-'1))) + j2 <= (Sum Card (G|(i1-'1))) by A90,AXIOMS:22; (Sum Card (G|(i1-'1))) <= (Sum Card (G|(i1-'1))) +j1 by NAT_1:29; hence contradiction by A12,A51,A55,A95,AXIOMS:22; end; per cases by A83; case A96: i1 < i2; then A97: [(divisors b1)/.i1, (divisors b1)/.i2] in BagOrder o1 by A1,A49, A53,A79,A80,TRIANG_1:def 2; A98: a1<>c1 by A1,A49,A53,A73,A74,A96,FUNCT_1:def 8; a1 <=' c1 by A58,A65,A72,A97,POLYNOM1:def 16; hence a1<c1 by A98,POLYNOM1:def 12; case that A99: i1 = i2 and A100: j1 < j2; A101: [(divisors b2)/.j1, (divisors b2)/.j2] in BagOrder o2 by A75,A77,A81, A82,A100,TRIANG_1:def 2; thus a1=c1 by A58,A65,A72,A99; A102: a2<>c2 by A75,A76,A77,A78,A100,FUNCT_1:def 8; a2 <=' c2 by A62,A69,A72,A101,POLYNOM1:def 16; hence a2<c2 by A102,POLYNOM1:def 12; end; then Fn < Fm or Fn = Fm by A47,A48,Th11; then Fn <=' Fm by POLYNOM1:def 12; hence [F/.n,F/.m] in BagOrder(o1+^o2) by POLYNOM1:def 16; end; then A103: FlattenSeq G = SgmX(BagOrder(o1+^o2), S) by A10,TRIANG_1:def 2; for p being bag of o1+^o2 holds p in S iff p divides b1+^b2 proof consider T being non empty finite Subset of Bags o1 such that A104: divisors b1 = SgmX(BagOrder o1, T) and A105: for q being bag of o1 holds q in T iff q divides b1 by POLYNOM1:def 18; consider W being non empty finite Subset of Bags o2 such that A106: divisors b2 = SgmX(BagOrder o2, W) and A107: for q being bag of o2 holds q in W iff q divides b2 by POLYNOM1:def 18; field BagOrder o1 = Bags o1 by ORDERS_2:2; then BagOrder o1 linearly_orders Bags o1 by ORDERS_2:35; then BagOrder o1 linearly_orders T by ORDERS_2:36; then A108: rng SgmX(BagOrder o1, T) = T by TRIANG_1:def 2; field BagOrder o2 = Bags o2 by ORDERS_2:2; then BagOrder o2 linearly_orders Bags o2 by ORDERS_2:35; then BagOrder o2 linearly_orders W by ORDERS_2:36; then A109: rng SgmX(BagOrder o2, W) = W by TRIANG_1:def 2; let p be bag of o1+^o2; thus p in S implies p divides b1+^b2 proof assume p in S; then consider x be set such that A110: x in dom FlattenSeq G and A111: p = (FlattenSeq G).x by FUNCT_1:def 5; consider i, j being Nat such that A112: i in dom G and A113: j in dom (G.i) and x = (Sum Card (G|(i-'1))) + j and A114: (G.i).j = (FlattenSeq G).x by A110,POLYNOM1:32; consider a1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) such that A115: Fk = G/.i and A116: (divisors b1)/.i = a1' and A117: len Fk = len divisors b2 and A118: for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.m = a1'' & Fk/.m = a1'+^a1'' by A1,A2,A112; A119: Fk=G.i by A112,A115,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then consider a1'' being Element of Bags o2 such that A120: (divisors b2)/.j = a1'' and A121: Fk/.j = a1'+^a1'' by A113,A118; A122: p = a1' +^ a1'' by A111,A113,A114,A119,A121,FINSEQ_4:def 4; (divisors b1).i = a1' by A1,A112,A116,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then A123:a1' in T by A1,A104,A108,A112,FUNCT_1:12; reconsider a11'= a1' as bag of o1; A124:a11' divides b1 by A105,A123; j in Seg len Fk by A113,A119,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A125:j in dom divisors b2 by A117,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then (divisors b2).j = a1'' by A120,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then A126:a1'' in W by A106,A109,A125,FUNCT_1:12; reconsider a11''= a1'' as bag of o2; a11'' divides b2 by A107,A126; hence p divides b1+^b2 by A122,A124,Th9; end; thus p divides b1+^b2 implies p in S proof assume p divides b1+^b2; then consider p1 being Element of Bags o1, p2 being Element of Bags o2 such that A127: p1 divides b1 and A128: p2 divides b2 and A129: p = p1 +^ p2 by Th10; p1 in T by A105,A127; then consider i be set such that A130: i in dom divisors b1 and A131: p1 = (divisors b1).i by A104,A108,FUNCT_1:def 5; p2 in rng divisors b2 by A106,A107,A109,A128; then consider j be set such that A132: j in dom divisors b2 and A133: p2 = (divisors b2).j by FUNCT_1:def 5; reconsider i as Nat by A130; consider a1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) such that A134: Fk = G/.i and A135: (divisors b1)/.i = a1' and A136: len Fk = len divisors b2 and A137: for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.m = a1'' & Fk/.m = a1'+^a1'' by A2,A130; A138: j in Seg len divisors b2 by A132,FINSEQ_1:def 3; Seg len (G.i) = Seg len divisors b2 by A1,A130,A134,A136,FINSEQ_4:def 4 ; then A139: j in dom (G.i) by A138,FINSEQ_1:def 3; reconsider j as Nat by A132; A140: (Sum Card (G|(i-'1))) + j in dom FlattenSeq G & (G.i).j = (FlattenSeq G).((Sum Card (G|(i-'1))) + j) by A1,A130,A139,POLYNOM1:33; A141: G/.i = G.i by A1,A130,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then consider a1'' being Element of Bags o2 such that A142: (divisors b2)/.j = a1'' and A143: Fk/.j = a1'+^a1'' by A134,A137,A139; A144: (G.i).j = a1'+^a1'' by A134,A139,A141,A143,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A145: a1' = p1 by A130,A131,A135,FINSEQ_4:def 4; a1'' = p2 by A132,A133,A142,FINSEQ_4:def 4; hence p in S by A129,A140,A144,A145,FUNCT_1:def 5; end; end; hence divisors(b1+^b2) = FlattenSeq G by A103,POLYNOM1:def 18; end; theorem Th13: for a1,b1,c1 being Element of Bags o1, a2,b2,c2 being Element of Bags o2 st c1 = b1 -' a1 & c2 = b2 -' a2 holds (b1 +^ b2) -' (a1 +^ a2) = c1 +^ c2 proof let a1,b1,c1 be Element of Bags o1, a2,b2,c2 be Element of Bags o2; assume A1: c1 = b1 -' a1 & c2 = b2 -' a2; reconsider w = (b1 +^ b2) -' (a1 +^ a2) as Element of Bags(o1+^o2) by POLYNOM1:def 14; for o be Ordinal holds (o in o1 implies w.o = c1.o) & (o in (o1+^o2) \ o1 implies w.o=c2.(o-^o1)) proof let o be Ordinal; hereby assume A2: o in o1; thus w.o = (b1 +^ b2).o -' (a1 +^ a2).o by POLYNOM1:def 6 .= b1.o -' (a1 +^ a2).o by A2,Def1 .= b1.o -' a1.o by A2,Def1 .= c1.o by A1,POLYNOM1:def 6; end; assume A3: o in (o1+^o2) \ o1; thus w.o = (b1 +^ b2).o -' (a1 +^ a2).o by POLYNOM1:def 6 .= b2.(o-^o1) -' (a1 +^ a2).o by A3,Def1 .= b2.(o-^o1) -' a2.(o-^o1) by A3,Def1 .= c2.(o-^o1) by A1,POLYNOM1:def 6; end; hence (b1 +^ b2) -' (a1 +^ a2) = c1 +^ c2 by Def1; end; theorem Th14: for b1 being Element of Bags o1, b2 being Element of Bags o2 for G being FinSequence of (2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2))* st dom G = dom decomp b1 & for i being Nat st i in dom decomp b1 holds ex a1', b1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2) st Fk = G/.i & (decomp b1)/.i = <*a1', b1'*> & len Fk = len decomp b2 & for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'',b1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (decomp b2)/.m = <*a1'', b1''*> & Fk/.m =<*a1'+^a1'',b1'+^b1''*> holds decomp(b1+^b2) = FlattenSeq G proof let b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2; let G be FinSequence of (2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2))* such that A1: dom G = dom decomp b1 and A2: for i being Nat st i in dom decomp b1 holds ex a1', b1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2) st Fk = G/.i & (decomp b1)/.i = <*a1', b1'*> & len Fk = len decomp b2 & for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'',b1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (decomp b2)/.m = <*a1'', b1''*> & Fk/.m =<*a1'+^a1'',b1'+^b1''*>; defpred P[set,Function] means dom $2 = dom(G.$1) & for j being Nat st j in dom $2 ex p being Element of (2-tuples_on (Bags(o1+^o2))) st p = G.$1.j & $2.j = p.1; A3: for k being Nat st k in Seg len G ex p being Element of (Bags(o1+^o2))* st P[k,p] proof let k be Nat such that A4: k in Seg len G; defpred Q[set,set] means ex q being Element of 2-tuples_on (Bags(o1+^o2)) st q = G.k.$1 & $2 = q.1; A5: for j being Nat st j in Seg len(G.k) ex x being Element of (Bags(o1+^o2)) st Q[j,x] proof let j be Nat such that A6: j in Seg len(G.k); k in dom G by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A7: G.k in rng G by FUNCT_1:12; rng G c= (2-tuples_on (Bags(o1+^o2)))* by FINSEQ_1:def 4; then G.k is Element of (2-tuples_on (Bags(o1+^o2)))* by A7; then reconsider Gk = G.k as FinSequence of 2-tuples_on (Bags(o1+^o2)); j in dom(G.k) by A6,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then G.k.j = (Gk)/.j by FINSEQ_4:def 4; then reconsider q = G.k.j as Element of 2-tuples_on (Bags(o1+^o2)); consider q1,q2 being Element of(Bags(o1+^o2)) such that A8: q = <*q1,q2*> by FINSEQ_2:120; reconsider x = q.1 as Element of (Bags(o1+^o2)) by A8,FINSEQ_1:61; take x; thus Q[j,x]; end; consider p being FinSequence of (Bags(o1+^o2)) such that A9: dom p = Seg len(G.k) and A10: for j being Nat st j in Seg len(G.k) holds Q[j,p/.j] from SeqExD(A5); reconsider p as Element of (Bags(o1+^o2))* by FINSEQ_1:def 11; take p; thus dom p = dom(G.k) by A9,FINSEQ_1:def 3; let j be Nat; assume A11: j in dom p; then consider q being Element of 2-tuples_on (Bags(o1+^o2)) such that A12: q = G.k.j and A13: p/.j = q.1 by A9,A10; take q; thus q = G.k.j by A12; thus p.j = q.1 by A11,A13,FINSEQ_4:def 4; end; consider F being FinSequence of (Bags(o1+^o2))* such that A14: dom F = Seg len G and A15: for i being Nat st i in Seg len G holds P[i,F/.i] from SeqExD(A3); dom decomp b1 = dom divisors b1 by POLYNOM1:def 19; then A16: dom F = dom divisors b1 by A1,A14,FINSEQ_1:def 3; A17: dom divisors b1 = dom decomp b1 by POLYNOM1:def 19; A18: for i being Nat st i in dom divisors b1 holds ex a1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) st Fk = F/.i & (divisors b1)/.i = a1' & len Fk = len divisors b2 & for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.m = a1'' & Fk/.m = a1'+^a1'' proof let i be Nat; assume A19: i in dom divisors b1; then consider a1', b1' being Element of Bags o1, Gi being FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2) such that A20: Gi = G/.i and A21: (decomp b1)/.i = <*a1', b1'*> and A22: len Gi = len decomp b2 and A23: for m being Nat st m in dom Gi ex a1'',b1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (decomp b2)/.m = <*a1'', b1''*> & Gi/.m =<*a1'+^a1'',b1'+^b1''*> by A2,A17; A24: i in Seg len G by A1,A17,A19,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A25: dom(F/.i) = dom(G.i) & for j being Nat st j in dom(F/.i) ex p being Element of (2-tuples_on (Bags(o1+^o2))) st p = G.i.j & (F/.i).j = p.1 by A15; reconsider Fk = F/.i as FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2); take a1',Fk; A26: dom decomp b2 = dom divisors b2 by POLYNOM1:def 19; thus Fk = F/.i; thus (divisors b1)/.i = a1' by A17,A19,A21,POLYNOM1:74; thus len Fk = len(G.i) by A25,FINSEQ_3:31 .= len decomp b2 by A1,A17,A19,A20,A22,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= len divisors b2 by A26,FINSEQ_3:31; let m be Nat; A27: G.i = G/.i by A1,A17,A19,FINSEQ_4:def 4; assume A28: m in dom Fk; then consider a1'',b1'' being Element of Bags o2 such that A29: (decomp b2)/.m = <*a1'', b1''*> and A30: Gi/.m =<*a1'+^a1'',b1'+^b1''*> by A20,A23,A25,A27; take a1''; m in dom decomp b2 by A20,A22,A25,A27,A28,FINSEQ_3:31; hence (divisors b2)/.m = a1'' by A29,POLYNOM1:74; consider p being Element of (2-tuples_on (Bags(o1+^o2))) such that A31: p = G.i.m and A32: (F/.i).m = p.1 by A15,A24,A28; A33: p = <*a1'+^a1'',b1'+^b1''*> by A20,A25,A27,A28,A30,A31,FINSEQ_4:def 4; thus Fk/.m = Fk.m by A28,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= a1'+^a1'' by A32,A33,FINSEQ_1:61; end; then A34: divisors(b1+^b2) = FlattenSeq F by A16,Th12; reconsider FG = FlattenSeq G as FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2); reconsider bb = b1+^b2 as bag of o1+^o2; dom decomp b2 = dom divisors b2 by POLYNOM1:def 19; then A35: len decomp b2 = len divisors b2 by FINSEQ_3:31; A36: dom decomp b1 = dom divisors b1 by POLYNOM1:def 19; A37: dom Card F = dom F by CARD_3:def 2 .= dom G by A14,FINSEQ_1:def 3 .= dom Card G by CARD_3:def 2; then A38: len Card F = len Card G by FINSEQ_3:31; for j be Nat st j in Seg len Card F holds (Card F).j = (Card G).j proof let j be Nat; assume A39:j in Seg len Card F; then A40: j in dom Card F by FINSEQ_1:def 3; A41: j in dom Card G by A37,A39,FINSEQ_1:def 3; A42: dom Card F = dom F by CARD_3:def 2; A43: j in dom G by A41,CARD_3:def 2; A44: (Card F).j = Card(F.j) by A40,A42,CARD_3:def 2; A45: j in dom decomp b1 by A1,A14,A40,A42,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then consider a1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) such that A46: Fk = F/.j and (divisors b1)/.j = a1' and A47: len Fk = len divisors b2 and for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.m = a1'' & Fk/.m = a1'+^a1'' by A17,A18; consider a2', b2' being Element of Bags o1, Gk being FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2) such that A48: Gk = G/.j and (decomp b1)/.j = <*a2', b2'*> and A49: len Gk = len decomp b2 and for m being Nat st m in dom Gk ex a2'',b2'' being Element of Bags o2 st (decomp b2)/.m = <*a2'', b2''*> & Gk/.m =<*a2'+^a2'',b2'+^b2''*> by A2,A45; Card(F.j) = Card(F/.j) by A40,A42,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= Card(G.j) by A35,A43,A46,A47,A48,A49,FINSEQ_4:def 4; hence (Card F).j = (Card G).j by A43,A44,CARD_3:def 2; end; then A50: Card F = Card G by A38,FINSEQ_2:10; then A51: len FG = len FlattenSeq F by POLYNOM1:31; then A52: dom FG = dom divisors bb by A34,FINSEQ_3:31; for i being Nat, p being bag of o1+^o2 st i in dom FG & p = (divisors bb)/.i holds FG/.i = <*p, bb-'p*> proof let k be Nat, p be bag of o1+^o2 such that A53: k in dom FG and A54: p = (divisors bb)/.k; consider i, j being Nat such that A55: i in dom G and A56: j in dom (G.i) and A57: k = (Sum Card (G|(i-'1))) + j and A58: (G.i).j = FG.k by A53,POLYNOM1:32; k in dom FlattenSeq F by A51,A53,FINSEQ_3:31; then consider i', j' being Nat such that A59: i' in dom F and A60: j' in dom (F.i') and A61: k = (Sum Card (F|(i'-'1))) + j' and A62: (F.i').j' = (FlattenSeq F).k by POLYNOM1:32; Card (G|(i-'1)) = (Card G)|(i-'1) & Card (F|(i'-'1)) = (Card F)|(i'-'1) by POLYNOM3:16; then A63: i = i' & j = j' by A50,A55,A56,A57,A59,A60,A61,POLYNOM3:22; consider a1', b1' being Element of Bags o1, Gi being FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2) such that A64: Gi = G/.i and A65: (decomp b1)/.i = <*a1', b1'*> and A66: len Gi = len decomp b2 and A67: for m being Nat st m in dom Gi ex a1'',b1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (decomp b2)/.m = <*a1'', b1''*> & Gi/.m =<*a1'+^a1'',b1'+^b1''*> by A1,A2,A55; A68: j in dom Gi by A55,A56,A64,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then consider a1'',b1'' being Element of Bags o2 such that A69: (decomp b2)/.j = <*a1'', b1''*> and A70: Gi/.j =<*a1'+^a1'',b1'+^b1''*> by A67; consider fa1 being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of Bags(o1+^o2) such that A71: Fk = F/.i and A72: (divisors b1)/.i = fa1 and len Fk = len divisors b2 and A73: for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex fa1' being Element of Bags o2 st (divisors b2)/.m = fa1' & Fk/.m = fa1+^fa1' by A1,A18,A36,A55; A74: j in dom Fk by A59,A60,A63,A71,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then consider fa1' being Element of Bags o2 such that A75: (divisors b2)/.j = fa1' and A76: Fk/.j = fa1+^fa1' by A73; A77: a1' = fa1 by A1,A55,A65,A72,POLYNOM1:74; A78: j in dom decomp b2 by A66,A68,FINSEQ_3:31; then A79: a1'' = fa1' by A69,A75,POLYNOM1:74; reconsider b1a1 = b1-'a1' as Element of Bags o1 by POLYNOM1:def 14; reconsider b2a1 = b2-'a1'' as Element of Bags o2 by POLYNOM1:def 14; k in dom FlattenSeq F by A51,A53,FINSEQ_3:31; then A80: p = F.i.j by A34,A54,A62,A63,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= Fk.j by A59,A63,A71,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= a1'+^a1'' by A74,A76,A77,A79,FINSEQ_4:def 4; A81: <*a1', b1'*> = <*a1', b1-'a1'*> by A1,A55,A65,A72,A77,POLYNOM1:def 19; A82: <*a1'', b1''*> = <*a1'', b2-'a1''*> by A69,A75,A78,A79,POLYNOM1:def 19; A83: bb-'p = b1a1 +^ b2a1 by A80,Th13 .= b1'+^ b2a1 by A81,GROUP_7:2 .= b1'+^ b1'' by A82,GROUP_7:2; thus FG/.k = (G.i).j by A53,A58,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= Gi.j by A55,A64,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= <*p, bb-'p*> by A68,A70,A80,A83,FINSEQ_4:def 4; end; hence decomp(b1+^b2) = FlattenSeq G by A52,POLYNOM1:def 19; end; theorem for o1,o2 be non empty Ordinal, L be Abelian right_zeroed add-associative right_complementable unital distributive associative well-unital non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr) holds Polynom-Ring (o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L)),Polynom-Ring (o1+^o2,L) are_isomorphic proof let o1,o2 be non empty Ordinal, L be Abelian right_zeroed add-associative right_complementable unital distributive associative well-unital non trivial (non empty doubleLoopStr); set P2 = Polynom-Ring (o1+^o2,L), P1 = Polynom-Ring (o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L)); defpred R[set,set] means for P be Polynomial of o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L) st $1=P holds $2 = Compress P; A1: for x being Element of P1 ex u being Element of P2 st R[x,u] proof let x be Element of P1; reconsider Q=x as Polynomial of o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; reconsider u = Compress Q as Element of P2 by POLYNOM1:def 27; take u; let P be Polynomial of o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L); assume x=P; hence u = Compress P; end; consider f be Function of the carrier of P1, the carrier of P2 such that A2: for x be Element of P1 holds R[x,f.x] from FuncExD(A1); reconsider f as map of P1,P2; take f; thus A3: f is additive proof let x,y be Element of P1; reconsider x' =x, y'= y as Element of P1; reconsider p =x', q= y' as Polynomial of o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; reconsider fp =f.x, fq= f.y, fpq = f.(x+y) as Element of P2 ; reconsider fp, fq, fpq as Polynomial of o1+^o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; for x being bag of o1+^o2 holds fpq.x = fp.x+fq.x proof let b be bag of o1+^o2; reconsider b'= b as Element of Bags (o1+^o2) by POLYNOM1:def 14; consider b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L such that A4: Q1=p.b1 and A5: b' = b1+^b2 and A6: (Compress p).b'=Q1.b2 by Def2; consider b1' be Element of Bags o1, b2' be Element of Bags o2, Q1' be Polynomial of o2,L such that A7: Q1'=q.b1' and A8: b' = b1'+^b2' and A9: (Compress q).b'=Q1'.b2' by Def2; consider b1'' be Element of Bags o1, b2'' be Element of Bags o2, Q1'' be Polynomial of o2,L such that A10: Q1''=(p+q).b1'' and A11: b' = b1''+^b2'' and A12: (Compress (p + q)).b'=Q1''.b2'' by Def2; reconsider b1 as bag of o1; A13: b1=b1' & b1'=b1'' & b1 = b1'' & b2=b2' & b2'=b2'' & b2 = b2'' by A5,A8,A11,Th7; (p+q).b1 = p.b1+q.b1 by POLYNOM1:def 21; then Q1''= Q1+ Q1' by A4,A7,A10,A13,POLYNOM1:def 27; then A14: Q1''.b2 = Q1.b2 + Q1'.b2 by POLYNOM1:def 21; x + y = p + q by POLYNOM1:def 27; hence fpq.b = (Compress (p + q)).b' by A2 .= (Compress p).b'+fq.b by A2,A6,A9,A12,A13,A14 .= fp.b+fq.b by A2; end; hence f.(x+y) = (fp)+(fq) by POLYNOM1:def 21 .=(f.x)+(f.y) by POLYNOM1:def 27; end; thus A15: f is multiplicative proof let x,y be Element of P1; reconsider x' =x, y'= y as Element of P1; reconsider p =x', q= y' as Polynomial of o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; reconsider fp =f.x, fq= f.y as Element of P2; reconsider fp, fq as Polynomial of o1+^o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; f.(x*y)=f.(p*'q) by POLYNOM1:def 27; then reconsider fpq' = f.(p*'q) as Polynomial of o1+^o2, L by POLYNOM1:def 27 ; A16: for b being bag of o1+^o2 ex s being FinSequence of the carrier of L st fpq'.b = Sum s & len s = len decomp b & for k being Nat st k in dom s ex b1, b2 being bag of o1+^o2 st (decomp b)/.k = <*b1, b2*> & s/.k = fp.b1*fq.b2 proof let c be bag of (o1+^o2); reconsider b=c as Element of Bags (o1+^o2) by POLYNOM1:def 14; consider b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A17: b = b1+^b2 by Th6; reconsider b1 as bag of o1; consider r being FinSequence of the carrier of Polynom-Ring(o2,L) such that A18: (p*'q).b1 = Sum r and A19: len r = len decomp b1 and A20: for k being Nat st k in dom r ex a1', b1' being bag of o1 st (decomp b1)/.k = <*a1', b1'*> & r/.k = (p.a1')*(q.b1') by POLYNOM1:def 26; defpred P[set,set] means ex a1', b1' being bag of o1, Fk being FinSequence of the carrier of L, pa1', qb1' being Polynomial of o2,L st pa1' = p.a1' & qb1' = q.b1' & Fk = $2 & (decomp b1)/.$1 = <*a1', b1'*> & len Fk = len decomp b2 & for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'',b1'' being bag of o2 st (decomp b2)/.m = <*a1'', b1''*> & Fk/.m =pa1'.a1''*qb1'.b1''; A21: for k being Nat st k in Seg len r ex x being Element of (the carrier of L)* st P[k,x] proof let k be Nat; assume k in Seg len r; then k in dom decomp b1 by A19,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then consider a1',b1' being bag of o1 such that A22: (decomp b1)/.k = <*a1', b1'*> & b1 = a1' + b1' by POLYNOM1:72; reconsider pa1''=p.a1',qb1''=q.b1' as Element of Polynom-Ring(o2,L); reconsider pa1'=pa1'',qb1' = qb1'' as Polynomial of o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; defpred Q[set,set] means ex a1'',b1'' being bag of o2 st (decomp b2)/.$1 = <*a1'', b1''*> & $2 =pa1'.a1''*qb1'.b1''; A23: for k being Nat st k in Seg len decomp b2 ex x being Element of L st Q[k,x] proof let k be Nat; assume k in Seg len decomp b2; then k in dom decomp b2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3; then consider a1'',b1'' being bag of o2 such that A24: (decomp b2)/.k = <*a1'', b1''*> & b2 = a1'' + b1'' by POLYNOM1:72; reconsider x=pa1'.a1''*qb1'.b1'' as Element of L; take x,a1'',b1''; thus (decomp b2)/.k = <*a1'', b1''*> & x =pa1'.a1''*qb1'.b1'' by A24; end; consider Fk being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that A25: dom Fk = Seg len decomp b2 and A26: for k being Nat st k in Seg len decomp b2 holds Q[k,Fk/.k] from SeqExD(A23); reconsider x=Fk as Element of (the carrier of L)* by FINSEQ_1:def 11; take x,a1',b1',Fk,pa1',qb1'; thus pa1' = p.a1' & qb1' = q.b1' & Fk = x; thus (decomp b1)/.k = <*a1', b1'*> by A22; thus len Fk = len decomp b2 by A25,FINSEQ_1:def 3; let m be Nat; assume m in dom Fk; hence thesis by A25,A26; end; consider F being FinSequence of (the carrier of L)* such that A27: dom F = Seg len r and A28: for k being Nat st k in Seg len r holds P[k,F/.k] from SeqExD(A21); take s = FlattenSeq F; reconsider x = p*'q as Element of P1 by POLYNOM1:def 27; consider c1 be Element of Bags o1, c2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L such that A29: Q1=(p*'q).c1 and A30: b = c1+^c2 and A31: (Compress(p*'q)).b = Q1.c2 by Def2; A32: b1=c1 & b2=c2 by A17,A30,Th7; reconsider Sr = Sum r as Polynomial of o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; for x be set st x in dom r holds r.x is Function proof let x be set; assume x in dom r; then A33: r.x in rng r by FUNCT_1:12; rng r c= the carrier of Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by FINSEQ_1:def 4; hence r.x is Function by A33,POLYNOM1:def 27; end; then reconsider rFF = r as Function-yielding Function by PRALG_1:def 15; deffunc F(set) = (rFF.$1).b2; consider rFFb2 being Function such that A34: dom rFFb2 = dom r and A35: for i being set st i in dom r holds rFFb2.i = F(i) from Lambda; consider i be Nat such that A36: dom r = Seg i by FINSEQ_1:def 2; reconsider rFFb2 as FinSequence by A34,A36,FINSEQ_1:def 2; rng rFFb2 c= the carrier of L proof let u be set; assume u in rng rFFb2; then consider x be set such that A37: x in dom rFFb2 and A38: u = rFFb2.x by FUNCT_1:def 5; A39: rFFb2.x = (rFF.x).b2 by A34,A35,A37; A40: rFF.x in rng rFF by A34,A37,FUNCT_1:12; rng rFF c= the carrier of Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by FINSEQ_1:def 4; then A41: rFF.x is Function of Bags o2, the carrier of L by A40,POLYNOM1:def 27; then A42: rng (rFF.x) c= the carrier of L by RELSET_1:12; dom (rFF.x) = Bags o2 by A41,FUNCT_2:def 1; then (rFF.x).b2 in rng (rFF.x) by FUNCT_1:12; hence u in the carrier of L by A38,A39,A42; end; then reconsider rFFb2 as FinSequence of the carrier of L by FINSEQ_1:def 4; A43: len(Sum F) = len F by MATRLIN:def 8; A44: dom rFFb2 = dom F by A27,A34,FINSEQ_1:def 3 .= dom(Sum F) by A43,FINSEQ_3:31; for k being Nat st k in dom rFFb2 holds rFFb2.k = (Sum F).k proof let k be Nat such that A45: k in dom rFFb2; consider c1, d1 being bag of o1 such that A46: (decomp b1)/.k = <*c1, d1*> and A47: r/.k = (p.c1)*(q.d1) by A20,A34,A45; k in Seg len r by A34,A45,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then consider a1', b1' being bag of o1, Fk being FinSequence of the carrier of L, pa1', qb1' being Polynomial of o2,L such that A48: pa1' = p.a1' & qb1' = q.b1' and A49: Fk = F/.k and A50: (decomp b1)/.k = <*a1', b1'*> and A51: len Fk = len decomp b2 and A52: for ki being Nat st ki in dom Fk ex a1'',b1'' being bag of o2 st (decomp b2)/.ki = <*a1'', b1''*> & Fk/.ki =pa1'.a1''*qb1'.b1'' by A28; A53: c1=a1' & d1=b1' by A46,A50,GROUP_7:2; A54: rFF.k = r/.k by A34,A45,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= (pa1')*'(qb1') by A47,A48,A53,POLYNOM1:def 27; consider s1 being FinSequence of the carrier of L such that A55: (pa1')*'(qb1').b2 = Sum s1 and A56: len s1 = len decomp b2 and A57: for ki being Nat st ki in dom s1 ex x1, y2 being bag of o2 st (decomp b2)/.ki = <*x1, y2*> & s1/.ki = (pa1'.x1)*(qb1'.y2) by POLYNOM1:def 26; now let ki be Nat; assume A58:ki in Seg len s1; then A59: ki in dom s1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3; then consider x1, y2 being bag of o2 such that A60: (decomp b2)/.ki = <*x1, y2*> and A61: s1/.ki = (pa1'.x1)*(qb1'.y2) by A57; A62: ki in dom Fk by A51,A56,A58,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then consider a1'',b1'' being bag of o2 such that A63: (decomp b2)/.ki = <*a1'', b1''*> and A64: Fk/.ki =pa1'.a1''*qb1'.b1'' by A52; A65: x1=a1'' & y2=b1'' by A60,A63,GROUP_7:2; s1/.ki = by A59,FINSEQ_4:def 4; hence = by A61,A62,A64,A65,FINSEQ_4:def 4; end; then A66: s1=Fk by A51,A56,FINSEQ_2:10; thus rFFb2.k = (rFF.k).b2 by A34,A35,A45 .= (Sum F)/.k by A44,A45,A49,A54,A55,A66,MATRLIN:def 8 .= (Sum F).k by A44,A45,FINSEQ_4:def 4; end; then A67: rFFb2 = Sum F by A44,FINSEQ_1:17; consider gg being Function of NAT, the carrier of Polynom-Ring(o2,L) such that A68: Sum r = gg.(len r) and A69: gg.0 = 0.Polynom-Ring(o2,L) and A70: for j being Nat, v being Element of Polynom-Ring(o2,L) st j < len r & v = r.(j + 1) holds gg.(j + 1) = gg.j + v by RLVECT_1:def 12; defpred R[Nat,set] means for pp being Polynomial of o2,L st $1 <= len r & pp=gg.$1 holds $2 = pp.b2; A71: for x being Nat ex y being Element of L st R[x,y] proof let x be Nat; reconsider pp' = gg.x as Polynomial of o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; take y = pp'.b2; let pp be Polynomial of o2,L; assume x <= len r & pp=gg.x; hence y = pp.b2; end; consider ff being Function of NAT,the carrier of L such that A72: for j being Nat holds R[j,ff.j] from FuncExD(A71); len rFFb2 = len r by A34,FINSEQ_3:31; then A73: Sr.b2 = ff.(len rFFb2) by A68,A72; A74: gg.0 = 0_(o2,L) by A69,POLYNOM1:def 27; 0 <= len r by NAT_1:18; then A75: ff.0 = (0_(o2,L)).b2 by A72,A74 .= 0.L by POLYNOM1:81; for j being Nat,v being Element of L st j < len rFFb2 & v = rFFb2.(j + 1) holds ff.(j + 1) = ff.j + v proof let j being Nat,v being Element of L; assume A76: j < len rFFb2 & v = rFFb2.(j + 1); then A77: j < len r by A34,FINSEQ_3:31; reconsider w = r/.(j+1),pp = gg.j, pp' = gg.(j+1) as Polynomial of o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; reconsider w1 = w, pp1 = pp, pp1' = pp' as Element of Polynom-Ring(o2,L); reconsider w1, pp1, pp1' as Element of Polynom-Ring(o2,L); A78: 1 <= j+1 by NAT_1:29; A79: j+1 <= len r by A77,NAT_1:38; then A80: w = r.(j+1) by A78,FINSEQ_4:24; j + 1 in dom r by A78,A79,FINSEQ_3:27; then A81: w.b2 = v by A35,A76,A80; A82: j+1 <= len r by A77,NAT_1:38; A83: pp1' = pp1 + w1 by A70,A77,A80; thus ff.(j + 1) = pp'.b2 by A72,A82 .= (pp + w).b2 by A83,POLYNOM1:def 27 .= pp.b2 + w.b2 by POLYNOM1:def 21 .= ff.j + v by A72,A77,A81; end; then A84: Sr.b2 = Sum rFFb2 by A73,A75,RLVECT_1:def 12; f.x = Compress(p*'q) by A2; hence fpq'.c = Sum s by A18,A29,A31,A32,A67,A84,POLYNOM1:34; defpred VV[set,set] means ex a1', b1' being Element of Bags o1, Fk being FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2) st Fk = $2 & (decomp b1)/.$1 = <*a1', b1'*> & len Fk = len decomp b2 & for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'',b1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (decomp b2)/.m = <*a1'', b1''*> & Fk/.m =<*a1'+^a1'',b1'+^b1''*>; A85: for i being Nat st i in Seg len r ex x being Element of (2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2))* st VV[i,x] proof let k be Nat; assume k in Seg len r; then k in dom decomp b1 by A19,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then consider a1',b1' being bag of o1 such that A86: (decomp b1)/.k = <*a1', b1'*> & b1 = a1' + b1' by POLYNOM1:72; reconsider a1',b1' as Element of Bags o1 by POLYNOM1:def 14; defpred Q[set,set] means ex a1'',b1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (decomp b2)/.$1 = <*a1'', b1''*> & $2 =<*a1'+^a1'',b1'+^b1''*>; A87: for k being Nat st k in Seg len decomp b2 ex x being Element of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2) st Q[k,x] proof let k be Nat; assume k in Seg len decomp b2; then k in dom decomp b2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3; then consider a1'',b1'' being bag of o2 such that A88: (decomp b2)/.k = <*a1'', b1''*> & b2 = a1'' + b1'' by POLYNOM1:72; reconsider a1'',b1'' as Element of Bags o2 by POLYNOM1:def 14; reconsider x = <*a1'+^a1'',b1'+^b1''*> as Element of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2); take x; take a1'',b1''; thus (decomp b2)/.k = <*a1'', b1''*> & x =<*a1'+^a1'',b1'+^b1''*> by A88; end; consider Fk being FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2) such that A89: dom Fk = Seg len decomp b2 and A90: for k being Nat st k in Seg len decomp b2 holds Q[k,Fk/.k] from SeqExD(A87); reconsider x=Fk as Element of (2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2))* by FINSEQ_1:def 11; take x, a1', b1'; take Fk; thus Fk = x; thus (decomp b1)/.k = <*a1', b1'*> by A86; thus len Fk = len decomp b2 by A89,FINSEQ_1:def 3; let m be Nat; assume m in dom Fk; hence thesis by A89,A90; end; consider G being FinSequence of (2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2))* such that A91: dom G = Seg len r and A92: for i being Nat st i in Seg len r holds VV[i,G/.i] from SeqExD(A85); A93: dom Card G = dom G by CARD_3:def 2; A94: dom Card F = dom F by CARD_3:def 2; then A95: len Card F = len Card G by A27,A91,A93,FINSEQ_3:31; for j be Nat st j in Seg len Card F holds (Card F).j = (Card G).j proof let j be Nat; assume A96:j in Seg len Card F; then A97: j in dom Card F by FINSEQ_1:def 3; A98: j in dom Card G by A27,A91,A93,A94,A96,FINSEQ_1:def 3; A99: j in dom F by A97,CARD_3:def 2; A100: j in dom G by A27,A91,A94,A96,FINSEQ_1:def 3; A101: (Card F).j = Card(F.j) by A99,CARD_3:def 2; consider a1', b1' being bag of o1, Fk being FinSequence of the carrier of L, pa1', qb1' being Polynomial of o2,L such that pa1' = p.a1' & qb1' = q.b1' and A102: Fk = F/.j and (decomp b1)/.j = <*a1', b1'*> and A103: len Fk = len decomp b2 and for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'',b1'' being bag of o2 st (decomp b2)/.m = <*a1'', b1''*> & Fk/.m =pa1'.a1''*qb1'.b1'' by A27,A28,A99; consider a2', b2' being Element of Bags o1, Gk being FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2) such that A104: Gk = G/.j and (decomp b1)/.j = <*a2', b2'*> and A105: len Gk = len decomp b2 and for m being Nat st m in dom Gk ex a2'',b2'' being Element of Bags o2 st (decomp b2)/.m = <*a2'', b2''*> & Gk/.m =<*a2'+^a2'',b2'+^b2''*> by A27,A92,A99; Card(F.j) = Card(F/.j) by A99,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= Card(G.j) by A93,A98,A102,A103,A104,A105,FINSEQ_4:def 4; hence (Card F).j = (Card G).j by A100,A101,CARD_3:def 2; end; then A106: Card F = Card G by A95,FINSEQ_2:10; A107: c1 = b1 & c2 = b2 by A17,A30,Th7; then dom G = dom decomp c1 by A19,A91,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A108: decomp c = FlattenSeq G by A30,A91,A92,A107,Th14; hence A109: len s = len decomp c by A106,POLYNOM1:31; let k be Nat; assume A110: k in dom s; then A111: k in dom decomp c by A109,FINSEQ_3:31; then consider c1, c2 being bag of o1+^o2 such that A112: (decomp c)/.k = <*c1, c2*> and c = c1+c2 by POLYNOM1:72; take c1,c2; thus (decomp c)/.k = <*c1, c2*> by A112; consider i, j being Nat such that A113: i in dom F & j in dom (F.i) and A114: k = Sum (Card (F|(i-'1))) + j and A115: (F.i).j = (FlattenSeq F).k by A110,POLYNOM1:32; consider i', j' being Nat such that A116: i' in dom G & j' in dom (G.i') and A117: k = Sum (Card (G|(i'-'1))) + j' and A118: (G.i').j' = (decomp c).k by A108,A111,POLYNOM1:32; (Sum ((Card F)|(i-'1))) + j = Sum (Card(F|(i-'1))) + j by POLYNOM3:16 .= (Sum ((Card G)|(i'-'1))) + j' by A114,A117,POLYNOM3:16; then A119: i = i' & j = j' by A106,A113,A116,POLYNOM3:22; consider a1', b1' being bag of o1, Fk being FinSequence of the carrier of L, pa1', qb1' being Polynomial of o2,L such that A120: pa1' = p.a1' and A121: qb1' = q.b1' and A122: Fk = F/.i and A123: (decomp b1)/.i = <*a1', b1'*> and len Fk = len decomp b2 and A124: for m being Nat st m in dom Fk ex a1'',b1'' being bag of o2 st (decomp b2)/.m = <*a1'', b1''*> & Fk/.m =pa1'.a1''*qb1'.b1'' by A27,A28,A113; consider ga1', gb1' being Element of Bags o1, Gk being FinSequence of 2-tuples_on Bags(o1+^o2) such that A125: Gk = G/.i and A126: (decomp b1)/.i = <*ga1', gb1'*> and len Gk = len decomp b2 and A127: for m being Nat st m in dom Gk ex ga1'',gb1'' being Element of Bags o2 st (decomp b2)/.m = <*ga1'', gb1''*> & Gk/.m =<*ga1'+^ga1'',gb1'+^gb1''*> by A27,A92,A113; A128: Gk = G.i by A27,A91,A113,A125,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then consider ga1'',gb1'' be Element of Bags o2 such that A129: (decomp b2)/.j = <*ga1'', gb1''*> and A130: Gk/.j =<*ga1'+^ga1'',gb1'+^gb1''*> by A116,A119,A127; A131: Fk = F.i by A113,A122,FINSEQ_4:def 4; j in dom Fk by A113,A122,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then consider a1'',b1'' be bag of o2 such that A132: (decomp b2)/.j = <*a1'', b1''*> and A133: Fk/.j =pa1'.a1''*qb1'.b1'' by A124; <*c1,c2*> = G.i.j by A111,A112,A118,A119,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= <*ga1'+^ga1'',gb1'+^gb1''*> by A116,A119,A128,A130,FINSEQ_4:def 4; then A134: c1 = ga1' +^ ga1'' & c2 = gb1' +^ gb1'' by GROUP_7:2; reconsider cc1=c1, cc2=c2 as Element of Bags(o1+^o2) by POLYNOM1:def 14; consider cb1 be Element of Bags o1, cb2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L such that A135: Q1=p.cb1 and A136: cc1 = cb1+^cb2 and A137: (Compress p).cc1=Q1.cb2 by Def2; A138: cb1 = ga1' & cb2 = ga1'' by A134,A136,Th7; A139: a1'' = ga1'' & b1'' = gb1'' by A129,A132,GROUP_7:2; A140: a1' = ga1' & b1' = gb1' by A123,A126,GROUP_7:2; then A141: pa1'.a1'' = fp.c1 by A2,A120,A135,A137,A138,A139; consider cb1 be Element of Bags o1, cb2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L such that A142: Q1=q.cb1 and A143: cc2 = cb1+^cb2 and A144: (Compress q).cc2=Q1.cb2 by Def2; cb1 = gb1' & cb2 = gb1'' by A134,A143,Th7; then A145: qb1'.b1'' = fq.c2 by A2,A121,A139,A140,A142,A144; thus s/.k = s.k by A110,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= fp.c1*fq.c2 by A113,A115,A131,A133,A141,A145,FINSEQ_4:def 4; end; thus f.(x*y) = f.(p*'q) by POLYNOM1:def 27 .= (fp)*'(fq) by A16,POLYNOM1:def 26 .=(f.x)*(f.y) by POLYNOM1:def 27; end; reconsider 1P1 = 1_ P1 as Polynomial of o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; reconsider 1P2 = 1_ P2 as Polynomial of o1+^o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; A146: for b being Element of Bags(o1+^o2) holds (Compress 1P1).b = (1P2).b proof let b be Element of Bags(o1+^o2); consider b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L such that A147: Q1=1P1.b1 and A148: b = b1+^b2 and A149: (Compress 1P1).b = Q1.b2 by Def2; A150: 1P2.b = (1_(o1+^o2,L)).b by POLYNOM1:def 27; per cases; suppose A151: b = EmptyBag(o1+^o2); then A152: b2 = EmptyBag o2 by A148,Th5; A153: b1 = EmptyBag o1 by A148,A151,Th5; Q1 = 1_(o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L)).b1 by A147,POLYNOM1:def 27 .=1.Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by A153,POLYNOM1:84 .=1_(Polynom-Ring(o2,L)) by POLYNOM2:3; then Q1.b2 = (1_(o2,L)).b2 by POLYNOM1:def 27 .= 1.L by A152,POLYNOM1:84 .=1P2.b by A150,A151,POLYNOM1:84; hence (Compress 1P1).b = (1P2).b by A149; suppose A154:b <> EmptyBag(o1+^o2); then A155: (b1 <> EmptyBag o1) or (b2 <> EmptyBag o2) by A148,Th5; now per cases; suppose A156: b1 = EmptyBag o1; Q1 = 1_(o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L)).b1 by A147,POLYNOM1:def 27 .=1.Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by A156,POLYNOM1:84 .=1_(Polynom-Ring(o2,L)) by POLYNOM2:3 .=1_(o2,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; then Q1.b2 = 0.L by A155,A156,POLYNOM1:84 .=1P2.b by A150,A154,POLYNOM1:84; hence (Compress 1P1).b = (1P2).b by A149; suppose A157:b1 <> EmptyBag o1; Q1 = 1_(o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L)).b1 by A147,POLYNOM1:def 27 .=0.Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by A157,POLYNOM1:84 .=0_(o2,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; then Q1.b2 = 0.L by POLYNOM1:81 .=1P2.b by A150,A154,POLYNOM1:84; hence (Compress 1P1).b = (1P2).b by A149; end; hence (Compress 1P1).b = (1P2).b; end; f.1_ P1 = Compress 1P1 by A2 .= 1_ P2 by A146,FUNCT_2:113; hence A158: f is unity-preserving by ENDALG:def 8; thus f is one-to-one proof let x1,x2 be set; assume A159: x1 in dom f; assume A160: x2 in dom f; assume A161: f.x1 = f.x2; reconsider x1'=x1 as Element of P1 by A159,FUNCT_2:def 1; reconsider x1''=x1' as Polynomial of o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; reconsider x2'=x2 as Element of P1 by A160,FUNCT_2:def 1; reconsider x2''=x2' as Polynomial of o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; A162: f.x2'=Compress x2'' by A2; A163: f.x1'=Compress x1'' by A2; then reconsider w1=f.x1' as Polynomial of o1+^o2,L; reconsider w2=f.x2' as Polynomial of o1+^o2,L by A162; now let b1 be Element of Bags o1; reconsider x1''b1 = x1''.b1, x2''b1 = x2''.b1 as Polynomial of o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; now let b2 be Element of Bags o2; set b = b1 +^b2; consider b1' be Element of Bags o1, b2' be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L such that A164: Q1=x1''.b1' and A165: b = b1'+^b2' and A166: w1.b=Q1.b2' by A163,Def2; consider c1 be Element of Bags o1, c2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1' be Polynomial of o2,L such that A167: Q1'=x2''.c1 and A168: b = c1+^c2 and A169: w2.b=Q1'.c2 by A162,Def2; b1=b1'& b1=c1 & b2=b2' & b2=c2 & b1'=c1 & b2'=c2 by A165,A168,Th7; hence x1''b1.b2 = x2''b1.b2 by A161,A164,A166,A167,A169; end; hence x1''.b1 = x2''.b1 by FUNCT_2:113; end; hence x1 = x2 by FUNCT_2:113; end; thus f is RingHomomorphism by A3,A15,A158,QUOFIELD:def 21; thus rng f c= the carrier of P2 by RELSET_1:12; thus the carrier of P2 c= rng f proof let y be set; assume y in the carrier of P2; then reconsider s = y as Polynomial of o1+^o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 27; defpred K[Element of Bags o1,Element of Polynom-Ring(o2,L)] means ex h be Function st h = $2 & for b2 be Element of Bags o2, b be Element of Bags (o1+^o2) st b = $1 +^b2 holds h.b2 = s.b; A170:for x being Element of Bags o1 ex y being Element of Polynom-Ring(o2,L) st K[x,y] proof let x being Element of Bags o1; reconsider b1 = x as Element of Bags o1; defpred L[Element of Bags o2,Element of L] means for b being Element of Bags (o1+^o2) st b = b1 +^$1 holds $2 = s.b; A171: for p being Element of Bags o2 ex q being Element of L st L[p,q] proof let p being Element of Bags o2; take q = s.(b1+^p); let b being Element of Bags (o1+^o2); assume b = b1 +^p; hence q = s.b; end; consider t being Function of Bags o2, the carrier of L such that A172: for b2 be Element of Bags o2 holds L[b2,t.b2] from FuncExD(A171); reconsider t as Function of Bags o2, L; defpred KK[set,set] means ex b1 being Element of Bags o1, b2 being Element of Bags o2 st $1 = b1 +^b2 & $2 = b2; A173: for x being Element of Bags(o1+^o2) ex y being Element of Bags o2 st KK[x,y] proof let x being Element of Bags(o1+^o2); consider b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A174: x = b1+^b2 by Th6; reconsider y = b2 as Element of Bags o2; take y,b1,b2; thus x = b1 +^b2 by A174; thus y = b2; end; consider kk being Function of Bags(o1+^o2), Bags o2 such that A175: for b being Element of Bags(o1+^o2) holds KK[b,kk.b] from FuncExD(A173); Support t c= kk.:Support s proof let x be set; assume A176: x in Support t; then A177: t.x<>0.L by POLYNOM1:def 9; reconsider b2 = x as Element of Bags o2 by A176; set b = b1+^b2; A178: dom kk = Bags (o1+^o2) by FUNCT_2:def 1; s.b<>0.L by A172,A177; then A179: b in Support s by POLYNOM1:def 9; consider b1' being Element of Bags o1, b2' being Element of Bags o2 such that A180: b = b1'+^b2' and A181: kk.b = b2' by A175; x = kk.b by A180,A181,Th7; hence x in kk.:Support s by A178,A179,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; then Support t is finite by FINSET_1:13; then t is Polynomial of o2,L by POLYNOM1:def 10; then reconsider t''=t as Element of Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; reconsider t' = t as Function; take t'',t'; thus t'' =t'; let b2 be Element of Bags o2, b be Element of Bags (o1+^o2); assume b = x +^b2; hence t'.b2 = s.b by A172; end; consider g be Function of Bags o1,the carrier of Polynom-Ring(o2,L) such that A182: for x being Element of Bags o1 holds K[x,g.x] from FuncExD(A170); reconsider g as Function of Bags o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L); defpred KK[set,set] means ex b1 being Element of Bags o1, b2 being Element of Bags o2 st $1 = b1 +^b2 & $2 = b1; A183: for x being Element of Bags(o1+^o2) ex y being Element of Bags o1 st KK[x,y] proof let x being Element of Bags(o1+^o2); consider b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A184: x = b1+^b2 by Th6; reconsider y = b1 as Element of Bags o1; take y,b1,b2; thus x = b1 +^b2 by A184; thus y = b1; end; consider kk being Function of Bags(o1+^o2), Bags o1 such that A185: for b being Element of Bags(o1+^o2) holds KK[b,kk.b] from FuncExD(A183); Support g c= kk.:Support s proof let x be set; assume A186:x in Support g; then reconsider b1 = x as Element of Bags o1; consider h be Function such that A187: h = g.b1 and A188: for b2 be Element of Bags o2, b be Element of Bags (o1+^o2) st b = b1 +^b2 holds h.b2 = s.b by A182; g.b1<>0.Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by A186,POLYNOM1:def 9; then A189: g.b1<>0_(o2,L) by POLYNOM1:def 27; reconsider h as Polynomial of o2,L by A187,POLYNOM1:def 27; Support h <> {} by A187,A189,POLYNOM2:19; then consider b2 be Element of Bags o2 such that A190: b2 in Support h by SUBSET_1:10; set b = b1+^b2; A191: dom kk = Bags (o1+^o2) by FUNCT_2:def 1; h.b2 <> 0.L by A190,POLYNOM1:def 9; then s.b <> 0.L by A188; then A192: b in Support s by POLYNOM1:def 9; consider b1' being Element of Bags o1, b2' being Element of Bags o2 such that A193: b = b1'+^b2' and A194: kk.b = b1' by A185; x = kk.b by A193,A194,Th7; hence x in kk.:Support s by A191,A192,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; then A195: Support g is finite by FINSET_1:13; then g is Polynomial of o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by POLYNOM1:def 10; then reconsider g as Element of P1 by POLYNOM1:def 27; reconsider g' = g as Polynomial of o1,Polynom-Ring(o2,L) by A195,POLYNOM1:def 10; A196:dom f = the carrier of P1 by FUNCT_2:def 1; now let b be Element of Bags (o1+^o2); consider b1 be Element of Bags o1, b2 be Element of Bags o2, Q1 be Polynomial of o2,L such that A197: Q1=g'.b1 and A198: b = b1+^b2 and A199: (Compress g').b=Q1.b2 by Def2; consider h be Function such that A200: h = g'.b1 and A201: for b2 be Element of Bags o2, b be Element of Bags (o1+^o2) st b = b1 +^b2 holds h.b2 = s.b by A182; thus s.b = (Compress g').b by A197,A198,A199,A200,A201; end; then y = Compress g' by FUNCT_2:113 .= f.g by A2; hence y in rng f by A196,FUNCT_1:12; end; end;